City of South lake, Texas
April 8, 1997
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Jim Goggin, Aloha Payne, Dick Johnston, Frances Weiser, Crawford Hall,
Wanda Buschman, John Kelly
Members Absent: None
Ex Officio Members Present: Kelly Bradley, Rose Hampshire, and Virginia Muzyka
City Staff Present: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks & Recreation; Kevin Hugman, Community
Services Manager; Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator
Aizenda Item No. 1: Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. by Chairman Dick Johnston.
Aizenda Item No. 2: Approval of Minutes for 3/11/97 Meeting
Motion was made to approve the minutes as presented.
Motion: Buschman
Second: Goggin
Ayes: Payne, Johnston, Weiser, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 3: Administrative Comments
Dick Johnston discussed Commission vacancies and requested Commissioners to recruit new
members. Currently, they have received two applications for the Senior Advisory Commission
positions which will become vacant in June. There is some confusion regarding which
Commission positions need to be filled. Dick Johnston asked the current members to let him
know whether they plan to continue as Commissioners. The Commission discussed the difficulty
in recruiting members for the Senior Advisory Commission and who to recruit for the
Agenda Item No. 4: Senior Care Facility
Jim Goggin reported that the Planning & Zoning Board is currently discussing new criteria for
Assisted Care Living Facilities. Jim Goggin distributed copies of the draft ordinance and urged
the Senior Advisory Commissioners to call Planning & Zoning members and attend their meeting
on Thursday, April 10, 1997. Jim Goggin stated the needs of the senior citizens are not being
addressed to the Planning & Zoning Board. This lack of representation results in a stronger voice
of the younger citizens of Southlake speaking out against an Assisted Living Care Facility.
Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on April 8, 1997 Page 1
City of Southlake, Texas
Frances Weiser expressed the importance for the Senior Advisory Commission to represent the
needs of seniors to the public. She indicated the need to build stronger levels of support to go in
force to the Planning & Zoning and City Council meetings. John Kelly stated he currently lives
in an Assisted Care Facility and indicated the Director of the facility is willing to speak to
Seniors during a weekly program. John Kelly gave the information to Rose Hampshire to set up
a program. Members stated the presentation should be made to Planning & Zoning members
because they are unaware of the benefits from locating an Assisted Care Facility in the City of
Southlake. Dick Johnston stated a forum should be developed for Planning & Zoning and City
Council members to become knowledgeable about the issues affecting senior citizens.
Agenda Item No. 5, Report: Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center
Dick Johnston reported there is a $50,000 budget to renovate the Eubank's house for the Senior
Center. Dick Johnston and Virginia Muzyka are on a committee to study the house and
recommend changes to the property. Kevin Hugman reported the need to obtain bids on the
property and determine a time frame for the project prior to giving the tenant the required 30 days
notice. Jim Goggin and Dick Johnston believed there is a need for the city to give notice to the
tenant before bids are obtained. Dick Johnston stated the need for the committee to meet with
Paul Ward, Kevin Hugman and Shelli Siemer regarding the renovation. Crawford Hall stated the
need for specifications to be developed and for the Commission to define what the seniors want
for the Senior Center. Aloha Payne suggested they visit the Grapevine Mitchell house, operated
by the Historic Society, because it was recently renovated.
Agenda Item No. 6, Report: Senior Reception
Frances Weiser reported on the success of the Senior Reception. Approximately 68 people
attended the luncheon, including 4 city officials. The goal to bring new members to the group
was achieved by introducing the Senior Advisory Commission and programs to the seniors of
Southlake. The success of the program is greatly attributed to the cooperation between the
Southlake Advisory Commission, MMOW, and the Southlake Parks & Recreation Department.
Frances is documenting the steps she took to coordinate the program to assist in planning for
future receptions.
The Commission discussed the need to better inform the seniors about the various programs
available. Dick Johnston discussed the need for an avenue to inform senior citizens of activities
through either a column in the paper or an editorial by a senior citizen.
The MMOW representatives brought up the issue of creating a seniors organization and is
searching for officers for the "Southlake Seniors." There is confusion among the Senior
Advisory Commissioners regarding the function and authority of this group called Southlake
Seniors. The group has identified the need for officers to assist in planning and running
programs and activities for seniors. Kevin Hugman clarified the role of the two groups by stating
the Senior Advisory Commission is responsible for broader issues and advising the council
regarding the issues which affect senior citizens, while the Southlake Seniors can be responsible
for planning programs and activities for senior citizens. The two groups should work very
Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on April 8, 1997 Page 2
City of Southlake, Texas
closely together. Dick Johnston stated that one of the Senior Advisory Commissioners should
hold an officer position on the Southlake Seniors group. The Commissioners also discussed the
roles of the Senior Advisory Commission and the MMOW. The group discussed whether or not
MMOW answers to the City Council or the Senior Advisory Commission.
Agenda Item No. 7, Report: MMOW-March Statistics
Rose Hampshire distributed the report for the March 1997 Senior Luncheons and the Quarterly
Financial Statistics (see attached). Attendance has been consistent with approximately 33 or 34
seniors attending the weekly luncheons. During the month of March, 10 new seniors attended
the luncheons and 12 new seniors attended the reception. Rose Hampshire sent follow-up letters
and monthly news letters to the new seniors.
Dick Johnston requested MMOW to provide information regarding how many Southlake Seniors
volunteer by delivering lunches for MMOW. Dick Johnston also asked MMOW how many
home delivered meals are distributed to residents of the City of Southlake. MMOW reported
there are two residents in Southlake who receive home delivered meals.
Agenda Item No. 8, Report: May Activities Planned
Rose Hampshire asked the Senior Advisory Commission for ideas for May activities. Frances
Weiser suggested offering BINGO more frequently since it is so popular. Rose is scheduling the
Keller Band or Dancers for one of the Tuesday meetings. One May program will include a
Tarantula Train trip to the Fort Worth Stockyards for lunch. Kelly Bradley invited the Southlake
Seniors to her home to join the Roanoke Seniors for a barbeque on April 30, 1997 from 10:00
a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 9, Report: Parks & Recreation
Kim Lenoir reported that Kathy Shaeffer, Recreation Supervisor, would like to assist in planning
another party for the senior citizens. Rose Hampshire suggested there should be a social
chairman elected to the Southlake Seniors group to assist Kathy in coordinating the event.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
,,~~bick Johnston, Chairman
Goggin, Secreta
Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on April 8, 1997 Page 3
City of Southlake, Texas
April 2, 1997
TO: Senior Advisory Commission Members
FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation
SUBJECT: Meeting - - April 8, 1997
The meeting starts at 1:00 pm and will be held at The Community Center at Bicentennial Park.
Aizenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments - Your packet contains the attendance record. Please
review for accuracy. Shelli Siemer, the Community Services Coordinator, begins work Monday and
will be your staff liaison and will attend your meeting Tuesday. She will office in the City
Administration Building, 1725 E. Southlake Blvd., upstairs with Kevin Hugman in the new
Community Services Division of the City Manager's Office. Call me if you have any questions.
Agenda Item No 4 Discussion: Senior Care Facilities - Wanda Buschman and Dick Johnston will
! discuss the latest information now available.
I Agenda Item No 5 Report: Eubank's House Renovation for Senior Center - Dick Johnston will
report the status and the next steps in planning.
Agenda Item No. 6. Report: Senior Reception - Frances Weiser will report on the very successful
Aizenda Item No. 7 Report: MMOW - March Statistics - Rose Hampshire will have the report
Ay-enda Item No. 8. Report: MMOW - May Activities Planned - This is the opportunity for you to
give Rose Hampshire feedback and ideas for May programs planned.
Agenda Item No. 9. Report: Parks & Recreation - This is the opportunity for you to give the City
staff feedback and ideas for programs planned.
Please call Geri McGrail at the Parks & Recreation Office 481-5581 ext 756, if you can not
make Tuesday's meeting. We need four members for a quorum.
As always, we appreciate all your work on behalf the City of Southlake.
Mtg. Date Goggin Payne Johnston Weiser Hall Wood Kelly Buschman Muzyka Bradley Hampshire
Ex Officio Members
7/9/96 P P P P P P P A P P P
8/13/96 P P P P P A P P P P P
9/10/96 P A P A P resigned P P P P P
10/8/96 A P P P P P P P P P
11/12/96 P P A P P P P P A P
12/10/96 P P P P P A P P P P
1/21/97 P P P P A A P P A P
2/11/97 P P P P A P P P A P
3/11/97 A P P P A A P P A P
4/8/97 P P P P P P P P P P
Metroport Meals On Wheels, Inc.
Southlake Meals On Wheels
Statistics for Senior Luncheon and Home Delivered Meal Programs
January - March, 1997
January Februarv March Total
Senior Luncheon Program:
# Attended 72 123 156 351
Volunteer Hours 112 / C~; - 15-0
Total Collected $ 113.50 $ 166.50 $ 209.00 S 489.00
Expenses $ 545.81 $ 324.39 $ 267.03 $ 1137.23
Subsidized $432.31 $ 157.89 S 58.03 S 648.23
Home Delivered Meal Program:
Meals Served 152 118 87 357
Volunteer Hours 46 'j.2 'L 3 1.3/
Total Collected $ 193.80 S 156.35 S 125.00 S 475.15
Expenses $ 326.80 $ 253.70 $ 187.05 $ 767.55
Subsidized $ 133.00 $ 97.35 $ 62.05 $ 292.40
7 0 8
'71u~v G Q, ~ qv*, 78'
C "J
NOTE: Expenses include Senior Coordinator's salary, craft. food and other miscellaneous costs.
~nQ o e1/L ~Lx C ~L -t-) pa- k, '&lJ "7 7V11i Gl 7) t tf Z'. Sor8hr r
3/i// r 3/19
♦ Number of Seniors in attendance 30- 31 ♦ Seniors from Southlake
♦ #volunteers S°_ 0
. Me 14
for sensors
Agencies studygrowing
social service needs
BY KAREN BROOKS churches, hospi-
Sur•Telegr9rftlitdfwriter tals, government
ICHLAND HILLS - Pauline Foster agencies, advoca- Y
remembers how the retired gentleman cy groups and
in the next building used to enjoy her local schools - is
company studying census j
"Every time I'd pass, he'd be sitting estimates on the
in front of his apartment, and I just felt growing popula- `
the need to stop and visit with him for tion of aging resi- r
a while," the 81-year-old Foster said. dents in Northeast
"lie would look like a different person Tarrant. The com-
I' would just smile and be so glad to see mittee hopes to
t use that informa-
To Foster. the neighbor symbolizes the tion in a major
lonQhness and depression that can fall on study on the
senior citizens when they have no family to -,octal service
lean on, no substantial needs of senior
income, and no way to citizens.
leave home, run errands The group,
or socialize. And it formed in Janu-
reflects how arv. will look at -
important trans- the census projec-
portation and tions, will con-
companion- duct surveys and Star Te1e,_,r,iw/1 \N 10( Vi
^ 1r snip are to will interview Pauline Foster has concerns about the services offered to seniors.
senior citizens churches, social
in Northeast service and health next 50 years, said Marilyn Callerman, execu-
Tarrant County. care agencies during the study, which is tive director for the United Way in Hurst.
Foster, who lives in expected to last through the year. The Census Bureau projects that the senior
Sunset Garden retirement community housing Senior issues are important to almost population nationally will increase by almost
complex in Richland Hills, considers herself everybody, committee members said. 33 percent by 2010 By 2050, the number of
lucky She has strong family support. She dri- "My mother's 94, and I wonder, `What if seniors is expected to have increased 137 per-
ves a car and loves her affordable housing she didn't have a good, large number of fami- cent from the number in 1990.
complex. 1 members - what would she do'g'" said In Northeast Tarrant County, where the
So Foster was glad to hear of an effort by member Larry Cunningham. ham, ass's-
several social service and government agen- o y g population has already shown staggering
cies to pinpoint the needs of a growing hum- cant mmittee city manager for North Richland Hills. growth in recent years, that ~tiuuld mean an
ber of senior citizens in Northeast Tarrant which has the area's second-largest senior increase from 27,240 to almost 65.0(X) senior
County. population, behind Haltom City citizens
The Senior Issues Committee - spear- Part of what is driving the effort are U.S "rare the services we have here adequate to
F '~d by the United Way and comprising census estimates that protect vast increases in scr,,c those nunihers later mi Callernian
r. _sentatives from 20 service providers, the number of residents older than 60 in the said "INly guess is that it would he no "