1997-02-11 City of Southlake, Texas SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION February 11, 1997 MINUTES Members Present: Aloha Payne, Dick Johnston, Frances Weiser, John Kelly, Wanda Buschman and Jim Goggin Member Absent: Crawford Hall Ex Officio Members Present: Rose Hampton and Virginia Muzyka City Staff Present: Director of Parks and Recreation Kim Lenoir The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by Chairman Dick Johnston Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of Minutes for 1/21/97 Meeting Wanda Buschman added under her report that the visits were "planned." A typo was also corrected. Motion was made to approve the minutes with the corrections. Motion: Payne Second: Weiser Ayes: Goggin, Payne, Johnston, Weiser, Kelly, Buschman Nays: none Approved: 6-0 Aizenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments Kim Lenoir reported that interviews had begun for the Community Services Supervisor who is the staff liaison to the Senior Advisory Commission. Aloha Payne has letters ready to mail to the 34 respondents of the Senior Advisory Commission Survey (sample letter attached). Dick Johnston asked that the Parks and Recreation Department staff work with the Senior Advisory Commission when planning any Senior functions. Kim Lenoir explained that the Senior Valentine Dance was originally planned in September before there was a Senior Advisory Commission. Staff will work with the Senior Advisory Commission in planning future activities. Aizenda Item No. 4, Senior Reception - March 16 Fran Weiser reported that she was working with Kathy Schaeffer, Recreation Supervisor, on several details of the reception. The invitees need to call in reservations for transportation and the Parks and Recreation Department will arrange for transportation with the contractor that is used for the after school program. The Parks and Recreation Department will set-up the room, order the food, and provide the sound system. All of the details need to go to Kathy Schaeffer by March 10. Aloha Payne is doing all of the publicity in the local newspapers, flyers, cable television, SPIN newsletter and will invite all Boards, Commissions, City Council and City department heads. Rose Hampshire is preparing a booklet of opportunities and needs for the Seniors. Kathy Schaeffer volunteered to Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on February 11, 1997 Page 1 of 3 City of Southlake, Texas have a handout of what the City has to offer Seniors. The Board decided not to do t-shirts for the event. Once the Senior Organization is established and named the officers may look at getting shirts. Fran Weiser read the draft of the invitation to be mailed to the seniors one week prior to the reception. Aloha Payne and Fran Weiser will take care of the punch bowl. The Board recommended a sign-up sheet be passed out at the next luncheon to be hosts. Kathy Schaeffer will contact the National Charities League for four volunteers to assist with serving punch and cookies. The program for the reception will be from 3:00pm to 4:00 pm with the Mayor welcoming, Rose Hampshire talking about MMOW, Dick Johnston talking about the Senior Center and Kathy Schaeffer talking about volunteer needs. Fran Weiser will contact the Mayor. Rose Hampshire will provide the music (Glen Miller) and decorations (Easter theme). Rose Hampshire will assist Fran Weiser with developing the table / room lay-out. Agenda Item No. 5, Reports Senior Center: Dick Johnston presented the idea of converting the "Eubanks House" on the City property near Timarron and off of FM 1709 to a Senior/Adult Meeting Facility at the February 11 Senior Luncheon. The Seniors present were interested in having a place to meet more often for other activities besides just luncheons. Motion was made to recommend to City Council to convert the "Eubanks House" (on the City property near Timarron and off of FM 1709) to a Senior/Adult Meeting Facility. Motion: Goggin Second: Payne Ayes: Goggin, Payne, Johnston, Weiser, Kelly, Buschman Nays: none Approved: 6-0 MMOW: Rose Hampshire distributed the report for January 1997 for Senior Luncheons (attached). Rose Hampshire explained that she was working on fund raisers to build a separate bank account for the Southlake Senior Organization from P&R and MMOW, or example the recycling card project. She also explained that MMOW applied for and received $1000 in funding from the Southlake Newcomers Club for the Southlake Seniors that is being used for crafts and other senior projects. Dick Johnston asked that Rose Hampshire report to the Board the plans MMOW has for the upcoming monthly luncheons (i.e., speakers, programs). Aloha Payne said she envisioned the Southlake Senior Organization separate from MMOW due to the image she said many active seniors have that MMOW is not for them. Several members agreed. Fran Weiser said the range of ages are from 55 to 100 and the younger ones are looking for active things to do. Dick Johnston explained Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on February 11, 1997 Page 2 of 3 City of Southlake, Texas that the SAC is working to establish a Senior Organization with its own officers separate from SAC. Agenda Item No. 5, Other Items. Jim Goggin reported that he went before City Council to thank them for the MMOW funding and cautioned the to do something for an assisted living facility because our local seniors need the help and do not want to move away from Southlake. Wanda Buschman reported that she and Dick Johnston had visited one assisted care facility and two retirement centers with assisted care and one retirement center. On March 11, she has invited Mary Talbot from Cleburne, who is an expert on assisted care facilities to talk to the SAC and answer the many questions. Wanda Buschman explained that Assisted Living Care Centers are a bridge between the Retirement Centers to the Nursing Homes. She said most cities zone retirement centers as multi-family and Assisted Care Facilities as multi-family with a special use permit. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m. Dick o ston, Chairman ATTEST: Jim,.-Goggin, Secretary Senior Advisory Commission Meeting on February 11, 1997 Page 3 of 3