1997-01-21 A City of Southlake, Texas SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION January 21, 1997 MINUTES Commission Members Present: Aloha Payne, Dick Johnston, Frances Weiser, Wanda Buschman Jim Goggin Member Absent: John Kelly Ex Officio Members Present: Rose Hampshire and Virginia Muzyka City Staff Present: Administrative Assistant Coy Gray The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dick Johnston Agenda Item No. 2. of Minutes for 12/10/96 Commission Meeting. Motion was made to approve the minutes with no changes. Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments. Attendance record was approved as drafted. Agenda Item No. 4, Discuss: Senior reception and dance - Decided not to combine reception date with dance date since there is a $5.00 charge for the Senior Dance and the reception will be free. Kathy Schaeffer who scheduled the dance did not attend the meeting due to a conflict. The Sr. dance is scheduled for Sunday, February 9, 1997 from 4:00pm- 7:00 pm at Durham Elementary School Cafeteria. The Senior reception is scheduled for March 16, 1997 in Community Center White Chapel Room. Fran Weiser and her committee are planning the reception. City dignitaries will be invited. Notices will be posted inviting all senior citizens (55+) to the reception. Agenda Item No. 5, Reports Aloha Payne was given the responses from the mailout to Southlake Seniors. She will acknowledge receipt of their responses and will send applications for the Southlake Advisory Commission to all who indicated an interest in serving on the commission. Also Aloha will inform them off the reception that has been scheduled for March 16 and encourage all to attend as well as encourage-all to attend the Senior Dance February 9, 1997. Wanda Buschman informed the Senior Advisory Commission of visits planned to two senior living facilities and plans to visit others. She and Dick Johnson are visiting various Metroplex Retirement City of Southlake, Texas Centers and Assisted Living Centers gaining background knowledge for an advisory paper to City Council as Senior Living needs might impact Southlake. Metroport Meals on Wheels reported through Rose Hampshire that 178 meals were served to seniors and guests during the last quarter of 1996. At the January 7, 1997 luncheon 18 lunches were served including 14 seniors (8 Southlake seniors). The possibility of converting the Eubanks house on the Richards/Timmarron property into a Senior Center was discussed by the Board. Some felt nothing should be done (dollars spent by the City) until the decision on building the City/CISD complex is resolved. Dick Johnson informed the Commission of his walk though with Kim McAdams Lenoir, Paul Ward and Mayor Stacy. It was estimated that $50,000 minimum would be required to make the place "right" for the seniors. There will be more information at the next meeting. Meeting adjourned. c ohnson, Chairman ATTEST: _ t j crU Jiro Goggin, Secretary