November 12, 1996
Commission Members Present: Aloha Payne, Jim Goggin, Frances Weiser, John Kelly, Wanda
Buschman and Crawford Hall.
Member Absent: Dick Johnston
Ex Officio Members Present: Rose Hamp` and Virginia Muzyka
City Staff Present: Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager, Kathy Schaeffer, Recreation
Supervisor, and Coy Gray, Administrative Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 1:04 p.m. by Vice Chair Frances Weiser.
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of Minutes for 10/8/96 Commission Meeting,
Motion was made to approve the minutes with the following change. On agenda item No. 5 change
the sentences to read: "...support the concept of a Senior Care Assisted Facility..." not a specific
Motion: Goggin
Second: Hall
Ayes: Kelly, Payne, Weiser, Hall, Bu6hman, Goggin
Nayes: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments.
Agenda Item No 4 Consider: Approval of Metroport Meals on Wheels contract
Motion was made to approve the contract with minor changes.
Motion: Kelly
Second: Payne
Ayes: Goggin, Kelly, Weiser, Hall, Bucshman, Payne
Nayes: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion of Northeast Transportation Service Report. The Commission discussed the purpose and functions of the N.E.T.S. The N.E.T.S. provides
transportation services for seniors in Tarrant County for a minimal charge. As of September, 1996
154 trips have been taken by Seniors in Southlake.
Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion of Assisted Care Facility
The Commission discussed their support of the concept of such a facility. They stated that they did
not support a particular facility, but the concept of such a facility.
Agenda Item No. 7, Discussion of Senior Survey
The Commission discussed the survey. Thirty-two of 850 surveys have been returned.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Bi~ls~n, Chairman
ATTEST: e f e>~ i~
Jim Goggin, Secretary
November 7, 1996
TO: Senior Advisory Commission Members
FROM: Coy Gray, Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: Meeting - - November 12, 1996
The meeting starts at 1:00 pm and will be held at The Community Center at Bicentennial Park
immediately following the Senior Luncheon.
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments - Your packet contains the attendance record. Please
review for accuracy. Staff installed the bulletin board the Commission requested in the Community
Agenda Item No. 4, Consider: Contract with Metroport Meals on Wheels - I have included the
revised contract from MMOW. The contract has been reviewed by City Staff and MMOW has met
some of the staff's desired changes. City staff feels: Delivery of meals and the Senior Luncheon are
separate issues. There should be separate contracts for each, Section 1; Operations should be defined
by Southlake Parks & Recreation Department and MMOW, Section 2; Craft items should not be
purchased by the city, Section 3. Kathy Schaeffer, Recreation Supervisor will attend the meeting
to further discuss the contract.
Agenda Item No. 5, Discuss: N.E.T.S. Report - This report is for your information.
Agenda Item No. 6, Discuss: Assisted Care Facility - I have included a memo acknowledging the
Commission's support of the assisted care facility, which I sent to city staff.
Agenda Item No. 7. Discuss: Senior Survey - We have received some of the Senior Surveys. I will
have them at the meeting so the Commission can review the comments made by Southlake Seniors.
Please call the Parks & Recreation Office 481-5581 ext 806, if you cannot make Tuesday's
meeting. We need four members for a quorum.
As always, we appreciate all your work on behalf the City of Southlake.
c: memo 11 12
Mtg. Date Goggin Payne Johnston Weiser Hall Wood Kelly Buschman Muzyka Bradley Hampshire
7/9/96 P P P P P P P A P P P
8/13/96 P P P P P A P P P P P
9/10/96 P A P A P resigned P P P P P
10/8/96 A P P P P P P P P P
11/12/96 P P A P P P P P A P
C. \\ATTEND2. CHT\cg