July 9, 1996
Commission Members Present: Jim Goggin, Aloha Payne, Dick Johnston, Frances Weiser, Crawford
Hall, and James Wood.
Alternate Member Present: John Kelly
Alternate Member Absent: Wanda Bushman
City Staff Present: Recreation Supervisor Kathy Schaffer and Administrative Assistant Coy Gray.
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by Administrative Assistant Coy Gray.
Agenda Item No. 2. Introduction of Commission Members and staff.
Commission Members and staff introduced themselves.
Ay-enda Item No. 3. Discussion: City ordinance that created the commission
Commission Members were provided with the ordinance prior to the meeting. Administrative
Assistant Coy Gray reviewed the ordinance with the members.
After the review Commission members decided to create two ad hoc member positions. One each
from the Metroport Meals on Wheels and National Charities League so these organizations may be
involved in senior citizen issues. The members also decided to have one meeting a month. Both
of these decisions will be incorporated into the Bylaws.
Agenda Item No. 4. Election of Officers
The following Commission Members were elected to offices unanimously. The offices will be held
for one year and until their successors are elected. Chair - Dick Johnston, Vice Chair - Frances
Weiser, Secretary - Jim Goggin.
Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion: Future commission issues
Chairman Dick Johnston stated he believes the Commission should be used as an avenue for
"Seniors Helping Seniors." He pointed out that seniors have many talents and can volunteer their
time to help senior citizens and the community at large.
National Charity League volunteers Gale and Ashley Farhat volunteered to develop a database
comprised of senior citizens addresses in Southlake. This database will be used to receive input from
senior citizens.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:09 p.m.
Dic o ston, Chairman
Ai ~Gggin, Secret cAseniors\minutes7.9\cg
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DIVISION 3. YOUTH ADVISORY tered by the school principal, will recommend to
COMMISSION the council representatives from their school. These
representatives will form a diverse group, and
Sec. 2-216. Creation; purpose; advisory func- selection will be based upon the committee's knowl-
tion. edge of the student as well as the student's
willingness to serve. In addition, the mayor shall
A youth advisory commission is created in this appoint two at-large representatives who are high
section to generate broad-based public awareness school or middle school students and reside in the
of and support for youth. The commission, under city, but do not attend school in the Carroll
the direction of the mayor, will be advisory in Independent School District. Each commission
nature, evaluating current issues affecting youth member will be eligible to serve from one to three
in the city and bringing them to the attention of years on the commission, depending upon an
the council and other boards and commissions as annual review by their school committee.
necessary. The commission shall not have respon- (Ord. No. 610, § IV, 6-21-94)
sibility or authority over public officials or em-
ployees of the city.
(Ord. No. 610, § I, 6-21-94) Sec. 2-220. Appointment of officers; records
of meetings.
Sec. 2-217. Projects for discussion; use by
council. A chair shall be appointed by the city council
from the membership for a one-year term. The
The mayor will assign and prioritize, as neces- commission shall also have a vice-chair and sec-
sary, projects for discussion and reporting as well retary elected by its members for a one-year term.
as the commission generating its own discussion The secretary shall keep a record of all meetings
projects. The mayor and city council will use the of the commission, and minutes of the meetings
commission as a formal voice of youth on various shall be kept on file in the office of the city
items concerning youth in the city. secretary.
Ord. No. 610, § lI, 6-21-94) (Ord. No. 610, § V, 6-21-94)
Sec. 2-218. Vehicle of youth education on
matters of governance. Sec. 2-221. Meetings; quorum; majority vote
for actions.
The commission will serve as a vehicle to famil-
iarize the youth of the city with the governance Regular meetings will be held each month of
process in municipal government. To this end, as the school year. However, special meetings may
scheduled, key elected or appointed staff of the be called by the chair or the vice-chair of the
city will educate the commission members on commission at any other time after notice has
different facets of municipal government and will been given to the commission. A simple majority
make themselves available to answer questions of the members shall constitute a quorum. A vote
from the commission on an as needed basis. Also, of the simple majority of the quorum shall be
the city will host a youth and government day for required for any action taken by the commission.
commission members at the end of each school (Ord. No. 610, § VI, 6-21-94)
(Ord. No. 610, § 111, 6-21-94)
Sec. 2-222. Removal of members.
Sec. 2-219. Composition; terms. All members of the commission are subject to
The youth advisory commission shall consist of removal in accordance to the city council's current
three representatives from each grade level at policy. In addition, the members of the commis-
each high school and middle school in the city. To sion may be removed at any time by the city
ensure a broad spectrum of students from the council with or without cause.
community, an individual school committee, char- (Ord. No. 610, § VII, 6-21-94)
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Sec. 2-223. Annual report. the same manner provided for regular appoint-
An annual report shall be presented by the ments. In making the initial appointments, the
commission to inform the mayor and city council city council shall appoint three members of the
of the commission's interaction, activities, and senior commission for two-year terms and three
progress as related to its established purpose no members for one-year terms.
later than June 30 of each year. Additional re- (d) The city council may appoint persons to
ports shall be submitted as requested by either serve as ad hoc members of the senior commis-
the mayor or the commission. sion. Such members shall serve for a term of one
(Ord. No. 610, § VIII, 6-21-94) year from the date of appointment and shall not
be entitled to vote.
Secs. 2-224-2-240. Reserved. (Ord. No. 653, § 2, 1-2-96)
Sec. 2-243. Meetings and bylaws.
DIVISION 4. SENIOR ADVISORY The senior commission shall meet in the first
COMMISSION regular session of each year and shall select from
the members a chairman, vice-chairman, and
Sec. 2-241. Creation. secretary for one-year terms and until their suc-
There is hereby established the senior advisory cessors are elected. The senior commission shall
commission for the city referred to in this division adopt bylaws to govern the holding of its meetings
as the "senior advisory commission." which, at a minimum, shall encompass the follow-
(Ord. No. 653, § 1, 1-2-96) ing:
(1) Regular meetings shall be held once
Sec. 2-242. Number, qualifications and terms. each month.
(a) The senior commission shall consist of six (2) Manner of holding and calling of spe-
citizens of the city, who must be at least 55 years cial meetings.
)f age. The city council shall appoint members for (3) Majority of members shall constitute a
two-year terms. The council shall appoint the quorum.
members using the following procedure:
(4) Members not planning to attend a reg-
(1) Interested persons meeting the qualifi- ular meeting or special meeting shall notify the
cations shall submit an application to the city city secretary or the chairman of the senior com-
secretary. mission by 12:00 noon of the meeting day.
(2) An interview committee, comprised of (5) Any member with unexcused absences
four members, one city council member, one park from two consecutive regular meetings or not
and recreation board member, one member of city exhibiting interest in the work of the senior
staff, as appointed by the city manager, and one commission shall be reported to the city council
board member of the Southlake Park Develop- which may, at its discretion, remove the commis-
ment Corporation shall review the applications sion member and appoint a replacement.
and conduct interviews if appropriate. (6) Minutes of each senior commission meet-
(3) The committee shall make recommen- ing shall be filed with the city secretary.
dations for members to the city council, giving (Ord. No. 653, § 3, 1-2-96)
consideration to ensuring an even distribution Sec. 2-244. Duties of commission.
among the age and gender of the applicants.
The duties and responsibilities of the senior
(b) The council shall appoint members who advisory commission shall be to:
shall serve, without compensation, until their
successors are appointed. (1) Act in an advisory capacity to the city
council in all matters pertaining to senior pro-
(c) Places on the commission shall be num- grams and issues, including development of long
bered one through six. Vacancies shall be filled in range capital improvement programs.
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(2) Recommend policies in senior services established by ordinance, charter or state law
and improvements. that has final approval authority over any appli-
(3) Recommend senior-related programs for cation, permit, license or other city approvals;
development of recreational facilities, areas and provided, however, that no member of an advisory
improved recreation services. board shall be deemed an officer of the city.
(4) Prepare and submit to the city council Substantial interest.
an annual review of senior-related programs and (1) A person has a substantial interest in a
services. business entity if:
(Ord. No. 653, § 4, 1-2-96) a. The interest is ownership of ten
Secs. 2-245-2-260. Reserved. percent or more of the voting stock or shares of
the business entity or ownership of either ten
percent or more or $5,000.00 or more of the fair
ARTICLE VI. CODE OF ETHICS AND market value of the business entity (see V.T.C.A.,
CONDUCT* Local Government Code § 171.002);
h. Funds received by the person from
Sec. 2-261. Definitions. the business entity exceed ten percent of the
The following words, terms and phrases, when person's gross income for the previous year (see
V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 171.002);
used in this article, shall have the meanings
ascribed to them in this section, except where the c. The person holds a position of mem-
context clearly indicates a different meaning: ber of the board of directors or other governing
board of the business entity;
Advisory board means a board, commission or
committee of the city that functions only in an d. The person serves as an elected
advisory or study capacity. officer of the business entity;
Business entity means a sole proprietorship, e. The person is an employee of the
partnership, firm, corporation, association, hold- business entity;
ing company, jointstock company, receivership, f. The person is a creditor, debtor or
trust, or any other entity recognized by law. guarantor of the business entity in the amount of
$5,000.00 or more; or
Employee means any person employed by the g. Property of the person has been
city, including those individuals on a part-time pledged to the business entity or is subject to a
basis, but such term shall not be extended to lien in favor of the business entity in the amount
apply to any independent contractor.
of $5,000.00 or more.
Knowingly means a person acts knowingly, or
with knowledge, with respect to the nature of his (2) A person does not have a substantial
interest in a business entity if-
conduct or to circumstances surrounding his con-
duct when he is aware of the nature of his conduct a. The person holds a position as a
or that the circumstances exist. A person acts member of the board of directors or other govern-
knowingly, or with knowledge, with respect to a ing board of a business entity;
result of his conduct when he is aware that his b. The person has been designated by
conduct is reasonably certain to cause the result. the city council to serve on such board;
Officer means any member of the city council, c. The person receives no remunera-
the planning and zoning commission, the board of tion, either directly or indirectly, for his service on
adjustment, the building board of appeals and such board; and
any member of a board, commission or committee d. The primary nature of the business
*State law reference-Conflicts of interest, V.T.C.A., Lo- entity is either charitable, nonprofit or govern-
cal Government Code ch. 171. mental.