2007-04-10 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 5/8/07 CITY OF SOUTIILAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION April 10, 2007 Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Chair; David Baltimore, Vice Chair; Jean Boland, (Alternate 2), Charles Boyd, Dorothy Cosgrove, Bill Kyle, Margie Kyle, Cleta Pierce (Alternate 1), and Nancy Sporn MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: None EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Mary King, MMOW chairman, Darla Fowler, MMOW coordinator, and Josh Weiser, CARS representative STAFF PRESENT: Chris Tribble Deputy Director of Community Services Department, and Amanda Troum, Senior Center Activities Coordinator Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order Chairman Alexander called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments A. Amanda Troum reported that on Thursday, April 5, the Senior Center staff and ten of its senior participants successfully completed the C.P.R. training class offered at D.P.S. West. She also reported that Elizabeth Lowery had resigned from her position at the Senior Center and that Amanda Waddell would be filling this position during the interim. B. Chris Tribble reported that the construction repairs to the Senior Center parking lot would begin within the next few weeks and that this construction would not interfere with the day-to-day operations of the Senior Center. Agenda Item No 3 Approval of the April 10, 2007, Senior Advisory Commission meetina_ minutes with the correction that Jean Boland was not in attendance on March 13, 2007 A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. Motion: David Baltimore Second: Nancy Sporn Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, Boland (Alternate 2), Boyd, Cosgrove, B. Kyle, M. Kyle, Pierce and Sporn Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 9-0 Minutes of the April 10, 2007 Senior Advisory Commission Page 1 of 2 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 5/8/07 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum Chairman Alexander opened Public Forum. Agenda Item No. 5. Report: CARS (Josh Weiser) CARS representative Josh Weiser presented the CARS report for March 2007. Mr. Weiser introduced Donna Fry as the new chairman of the CARS board and Jean Boland as a new board member. Agenda Item No. 6. Report: Southlake Senior Activities (Dorothy Cosgrove) This item is a standing item in order for the Commission members to receive information about monthly events and activities from Dorothy Cosgrove. Agenda Item No. 7. Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels (Marv King/Darla Fowler) This standing item is placed to allow monthly and quarterly reports to the Commission from MMOW representatives and to discuss present and future issues with the program. Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 1:40 p.m. Motion: Pierce Second: Boyd Ayes: Alexander, Boland (Alternate 2), Boyd, Cosgrove, B. Kyle, M. Kyle, Pierce and Sporn Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 Motion carried. eane Alexander, Chair i teve Polasek, Director of Community Services A CASSETTE TAPE RECORDING OF THE MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY. Minutes of the April 10, 2007 Senior Advisory Commission Page 2 of 2 Please sign in to have an accurate record of your attendance. Senior Advisory Commission Meeting Tuesday, April 10, 2007 Name (please print) Address (if changed) Phone or Email if changed) I" f ~ ~ u;,~ `l da A a.~a , Call A Ride of Southlake, Inc. "gfe (827) 416-17SS Monthly Summary of Service Provided to Seniors and Handicapped 2007 of ~or~thlaJfre January February March April May June July Au st Totals Newly Qualified Users 1 0 0 1 Total Qualified Users 187 186 187 188 Total Volunteer Drivers 20 20 20 20 .vr Unduplicated Users Served this Month 13 14 12 12 Volunteer Drivers Used this Month 17 18 12 14 Driver Personal Vehicle Miles 734 643 641 663 2681 Driver Hours 33 31 30 27 121 Van Miles 28 80 0 0 108 Office Volunteer Hours 7 3 7 2 19 Trip Requests Not Filled 0 0 0 0 0 Pickup More than Ten Minutes Late 0 0 0 0 0 Driver failed to make pickup 0 0 0 0 0 One Way Trips Medical/Dental 18 12 19 22 71 Southlake Senior Center 45 58 38 40 181 Personal Needs 39 32 28 26 125 Shopping 0 0 0 0 0 Business 0 0 0 0 0 Other Senior Centers 4 4 6 4 * 18 Other 0 0 0 0 0 Total One Way Trips 106 106 91 92 0 0 0 0 395 Rider Groups Seniors >55 105 102 91 91 389 Handicapped - >17 & <55 1 4 0 1 6 Handicapped - < 18 0 Total 106 106 91 92 0 0 0 0 395