2006-12-12 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 1/9/07 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION December 12, 2006 Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Chair; David Baltimore, Vice-Chair; Jean Boland (Alternate 2), Charles Boyd, Dorothy Cosgrove, Bill Kyle, Margie Kyle, Cleta Pierce (Alternate 1), Nancy Sporn MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: None EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Lynn Reed, MMOW representative, and Josh Weiser, CARS representative STAFF PRESENT: Steve Polasek, Director of Community Services Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order Chairman Jeane Alexander called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments: Director Polasek presented the Administrative Comments. A. Southlake 50th Anniversary Time Capsule Ceremony January 2, 2007 - Senior Advisory Commission members were invited to attend a brief ceremony of the unveiling of the marker for the time capsule during the City Council meeting on January 2, 2007. Agenda Item No. 3. Approval of the Minutes from the November 14, 2006 Senior Advisory Commission Meeting A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. Motion: Kyle Second: Pierce Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, Boland (Alternate 2), Boyd, Cosgrove, B. Kyle, M. Kyle, Pierce and Sporn Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 9-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum Chairman Alexander opened Public Forum. Minutes of the December 12 2006 Senior Advisory Commission Page 1 of 3 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 1/9/07 Senior Activities Center Branch Library Service - SAC members praised the new branch library service. Usage of the library branch at the Senior Center will be tracked to gauge the success of the program; however, those figures are not available since the program just started. Preliminary participation information for the Sabre Group branch shows the program is doing quite well. A grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony is being planned in the near future for the Senior Center branch. A recommendation was made to label the book drop baskets to distinguish the City's Public Library basket from the Senior Center basket. Volunteer Opportunities - Vice Chair Baltimore shared information about the Community Hospice of Texas, a national non-profit organization that provides end-of-life care and services. Community Hospice of Texas is now seeking volunteers and members were encouraged to volunteer. Tarrant County United Way - Director Polasek recently attended a coalition meeting of area senior center directors to discuss senior issues such as transportation, integration of differing needs and roles of "baby boomer" seniors with other seniors, isolation, and how senior populations may be identified and encouraged to participate in senior centers. Seniors expressed the need to address communication issues as well. Advocacy ~Program - The Senior Advisory Commission was informed about the newly formed Parks Board Advocacy Program and agreed to put an item on the January SAC meeting agenda for consideration and to brainstorm SAC opportunities for the same type of program. Tee-shirts and name badges will be ordered for each member. Public Forum was closed. Agenda Item No. 5. Report: CARS CARS representative Josh Weiser presented the CARS summary report for November 2006. Total one-way trips drastically dropped to 81 trips during November due to the holidays and out-of-town vacations. Eighty-one trips is the lowest ridership to-date for the CARS program. A representative from Trophy Club recently approached CARS about the program and inquired into how the program operates in hopes to imitate it in Trophy Club. CARS will host a driver appreciation luncheon on December 19, 2006 at the Senior Center. The CARS board of directors is seeking more drivers through contact with other civic and church organizations. Media releases, web page information and cable ads may also be used to help recruit volunteer drivers. Minutes of the December 12 2006 Senior Advisory Commission Page 2 of 3 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 1/9/07 On December 5, the City Council approved the 2007 Community Services Agreement with CARS with the financial increase that was recommended by the commission. Agenda Item No. 6. Report: Southlake Senior Activities Dorothy Cosgrove briefly reported on senior functions and events during December. The Steering Committee continues to work on updating the bylaws and on the gifts for the fundraiser for CARS. $400 was recently donated to CARS by the Committee. Agenda Item No. 7. Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels Lynn Reed reported there was not a monthly MMOW report at this time due a death in Mary King's family however, two MMOW reports will be provided at the next meeting. Ctx\a CEO_ will QC Ms. Red/ V coordinate with Elizabeth Lowery to obtain gifts for the volunteers that will be honored at the senior luncheon. MMOW will host a pot-luck dinner on the fifth Tuesday in December and will feature Jessie Ephraim, a story-teller from the Southlake Public Library. Commission members were asked to provide Ms. Reed any suggestions they may have to improve the MMOW luncheons. Agenda Item No. 8. Report: TCTS Ridership Report At the December 5, 2006 City Council meeting, the council voted not to renew the community services agreement with TCTS. The current agreement will expire December 31, 2006. Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m. without a vote. 1 z/ eChair teve Pol ek, Director of Community Services A CASSETTE TAPE RECORDING OF THE MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY. Minutes of the December 12 2006 Senior Advisory Commission Page 3 of 3