2024-02-27 CEDC Minutes SOUTHLAKE
BOARD MEETING MINUTES: February 27, 2024
LOCATION: The Marq Southlake
Legends Hall — Boardroom
285 Shady Oaks Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Board Secretary Craig Sturtevant, Eric Wang, Jennifer Kolb, and
Jeff Wang
MEMBERS ABSENT: Board President Martin Schelling, Board Vice President Mike
Pazera, Bob Mundlin
STAFF PRESENT: Chief Financial Officer & Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson, Deputy
Director of Economic Development & Tourism Robert Briggs, Deputy Director of
Community Services Ryan McGrail, Assistant to the City Manager Major Youngblood,
Director of Economic Development & Tourism Daniel Cortez
1. Call to order
Board Secretary Craig Sturtevant called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m.
2. Consider approving the minutes from the November 28, 2023 Community
Enhancement and Development Corporation meeting
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the November 28, 2023 meeting.
Motion: Kolb
Second: J. Wang
Ayes: Sturtevant, Kolb, E. Wang, J. Wang
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 4-0-0
Motion Carried — APPROVED
February 27, 2024 CEDC Minutes
3. Review 2023 Citizen Satisfaction Survey Results
Assistant to the City Manager Major Youngblood provided the Board with a high-level
overview of the 2023 Citizen Satisfaction Survey Results. Some of the information
presented included:
• A sample size of 1,187 respondents, representing a statistically valid survey.
• A majority (98%) of respondents shared favorable opinions of the overall quality
of life in Southlake, with 52% reporting it as excellent, 37% reporting it as very
good, and 9% reporting it as good.
• Roughly 8 out of 10 respondents indicated that they feel they receive at least a
good value for their tax money.
• Top services with the highest satisfaction are fire services, ambulance services,
and water services.
• The survey revealed one gap issue which is Pedestrian Pathways, Sidewalks,
and Trails.
• Outside of maintaining the high-quality of services the top candidates for
improvement are providing pedestrian pathways, sidewalks, and trails,
providing code-enforcement services, providing senior services, and providing
animal control services. City staff will be strategizing to find opportunities to
improve service delivery in these areas.
4. Economic Development:
a. Consider a recommendation to the City Council to reauthorize the City's tax
abatement policy
Director of Economic Development & Tourism Daniel Cortez provided the Board
a brief overview of the need to reauthorize the City's tax abatement policy, he
made the following observations:
• No changes are being made to the proposed policy renewal.
• There are currently two active agreements with tax abatements: TD
Ameritrade and Varispace. Each year the tax abatement amount is
dependent on their performance, and the business can receive no
abatement. As part of their agreements, they are required to meet specific
performance measures. The City works with the businesses to ensure
these measures are met.
A motion was made to approve the recommendation that the City Council
reauthorize the tax abatement policy.
Motion: J. Wang
Second: E. Wang
Ayes: Sturtevant, Kolb, E. Wang, J. Wang
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 4-0-0
February 27, 2024 CEDC Minutes
Motion Carried —APPROVED
5. Staff reports:
a. Financial Reports
i. The Marq Southlake financial highlights and membership sales report
Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson provided the final numbers regarding
Champions Club and Legends Hall membership trends and revenue for FY
2024. Director Jackson informed the Board that the Marq overall is exceeded
target cost recovery at 74% with a target of 66% for the year. Legends Hall
has exceeded the target cost recovery as well at just under 41% with a target
of 38% for the year. Director Jackson also informed the Board that Champions
Club is doing well and exceeded target cost recovery of 73% at just under
83%. She noted Champions Club membership is trending in the right direction
with just over 3,700 memberships.
ii. Sales tax report
Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson presented the Board with the most recent
sales tax data. She stated that in the most recent sales tax collections for Q1
of FY 2024, taking audit adjustments aside, we saw a true reduction in sales
tax. The most recent month of December for which we have data for,
December of FY 2024, showed a 6.7% reduction from FY 2023 and slightly
above 0.04% for FY 2022.
b. Economic and development activity report
Director of Economic Development and Tourism Daniel Cortez provided the Board
with an update regarding the Southlake Open Rewards Program and the current
trends staff is seeing in addition to introducing Robert Briggs as the new Deputy
Director of Economic Development & Tourism.
6. Adjourn
Board Secretary Craig Sturtevant adjourned the meeting at 6:59 p.m.
Martin Schelling, Board President
Community Enhancement and Development Corporation Board
Craig u evant, Board Secretary
Community Enhancement and Development Corporation Board