Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 3/14/06
February 14, 2006
Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Chair; David Baltimore,
Vice Chair; Jean Boland (Alternate 2), Bill Kyle, Margie Kyle, Connie Montague, Gerald
Montague and Cleta Pierce (Alternate 1)
Seniors; Mary King, MMOW chairman; and Josh Weiser, CARS representative; Fran
Weiser, senior advocate
STAFF PRESENT: Steve Polasek, Director of Community Services; Chris Tribble,
Deputy Director of Community Services; and Kim Edmonds, Senior Activities Center
Agenda Item No. 1: Call To Order - Chair Jeane Alexander called the meeting to order at
1:15 p.m.
Chris Tribble, Deputy Director of Community Services was introduced to the
A letter of appreciation to Eagle Scout candidate Justin Moose for his and the troop's
contribution of the sidewalk work at the Senior Center was read to the group.
Agenda Item No 2• Approval of the Senior Advisory Commission meeting minutes of
January 10, 2006.
A motion was made to accept the January 10, 2006 meeting minutes as presented.
Motion: Baltimore
Second: C. Montague
Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, B. Kyle, M. Kyle, G. Montague, C. Montague, and
Pierce (Alternate 1)
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 3 Report: CARS
CARS representative Josh Weiser presented the CARS statistical report for January 2006.
Ridership was down slightly from December with only 128 trips, the majority of those
trips being to the Senior Center. Volunteers drivers are needed for the CARS program.
Minutes of the February 14, 2006 Senior Advisory Commission
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 3/14/06
A copy of the CARS Sixth Annual Report was distributed and the summary and
statistical information reviewed. 2004 was a peak year for riders with 1,808 total; 2005
had 1,737. The average cost of a trip was $13. Mr. Weiser expressed gratitude for all the
support CARS has received from the City and its patrons.
Agenda Item No 4 Report: Southlake Senior Activities (Dorothy Cosgrove)
Dorothy Cosgrove reported the following:
• Proceeds from the Fall Festival of $400 were presented to CARS
by the Steering Committee
• New Bingo cards Ma Jon decks were purchased
• A suggestion box will be placed in the center
• Seniors enjoyed the recent trip to the Dallas World Aquarium; next
trip will be to Chocktow Casino
• Art, exercise classes and book reviews are offered weekly and the
refreshments is wonderful
• A reminder that David Baltimore and assistants are available to
assist in filing income tax forms
• David Baltimore is also drafting a petition to Tarrant County to
have senior taxes frozen
• 40 participants are expected for bridge games on Wednesday; last
week's attendance was 44, plus beginner players
Agenda Item No 5 Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels (Lynn Reed)
Lynn Reed announced she and Kim Edmonds are working to recruit guest speakers or
entertainers for the fifth Tuesday luncheon.
Mary King distributed the January MMOW statistical report for January 2006. Over
55,500 meals were served by MMOW last year, 30,000 were home delivered, 25,000
were at senior centers.
Agenda Item No 6 Rgport• Senior Activities Center Improvement Exploration
Committee Update
Committee chairman Clete Pierce presented a brief update and introduced Amanda
Troum, the proposed new member to the Exploration group. The kick-off meeting for the
Exploration committee is set for February 21, 1:30 p.m. at Bicentennial Park Community
Center. Topics will include: meeting schedule, establishing scope of work, establishing
timeframe for completion and appointing co-chair. The committee consists of Cleta
Pierce, chairman, David Baltimore, Gerald Montague, Connie Montague, Virginia
Muzyka in an advisory capacity, Kim Edmonds and Chris Tribble as staff liaisons. Ms.
Troum's appointment will be considered next on the agenda.
Minutes of the February 14, 2006 Senior Advisory Commission
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 3/14/06
Agenda Item No 7 Consider: Appointment of Amanda Troum to the Senior Activity
Center Improvement Exploration Committee
Ms. Troum, a citizen of Southlake, expressed an interest to serve the community in a
volunteer capacity through involvement with the Senior Advisory Commission.
A motion was made to appoint Amanda Troum to the Senior Activity Center
Improvement Exploration Committee
Motion: B. Kyle
Second: Pierce
Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, B. Kyle, M. Kyle, C. Montague, G. Montague, and
Pierce (Alternate 1)
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No 8A Administration Comments: Tarrant County Transportation Services
Ms. Carla Forman, Tarrant County Transportation Services (TCTS) representative,
presented ridership information about their services and how it benefits the senior center
as she reviewed the FY 2006 Status Report. The American Red Cross operates the
transportation service in conjunction with TCTS. Southlake is guaranteed service by
TCTS on Fridays at a cost of $2.50 per person each way for any purpose on that day.
Opportunities exist for greater use of the service for group trips in Tarrant County. The
service will be more heavily promoted and advertised during 2006.
Agenda Item No 8B. Administrative Comments: Southlake's 50th Anniversary Time
Ca sule
The 50th Anniversary Planning Committee is seeking suggestions from the Senior
Activities Commission for ideas of items to be placed in the time capsule at the
September 16, 2006 celebration. One suggestion was a large group picture, signed by the
seniors. Other suggestions included a copy of the monthly Senior Scene newsletter, a
copy of an agenda packet, collage of the inside of the Senior Center, a senior center
scrapbook, and a video and audio recording.
The commission agreed that a scrapbook depicting senior center history would be the
best entry for the time capsule. Margie Kyle and Jeane Alexander volunteered to assist
staff in creating the scrapbook. The scrapbook will be presented to the Senior Advisory
Commission at a future meeting for their approval.
Agenda Item No. 9: Public Forum
Chairman Alexander opened the Public Forum.
Minutes of the February 14, 2006 Senior Advisory Commission
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 3/14/06
Julie Flores, representative from the American Red Cross, was introduced to the
commission and responded to comments that phone calls were not being answered by the
American Red Cross. Ms. Flores said four phone lines are available and that she was not
aware of any problems with callers not getting through. She suggested that inquiries be
made at least 3-5 days prior to the date requested for transportation service. Medical trips
take priority over non-medical related trip requests on non-guaranteed days. On
guaranteed days, all trips are honored.
Public Forum was closed.
Agenda Item No. 9: Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
Motion: Pierce
Second: G. Montague
Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, B. Kyle, M. Kyle, C. Montague, G. Montague, and
Pierce (Alternate 1)
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 7-0
Motion carried.
eane Alexander, hair
At es .
Minutes of the February 14, 2006 Senior Advisory Commission
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Mar 14 06 09:25a Metroport Meals On Wheels 817-491-0661 p.2
Metroport Meals On Wheels Monthly Report
P O Box 204 Month of Feb 2006
Detail Report on Congregate Luncheon
428 N Hwy 377 Division: Southlake
Roanoke, TX 76262
Week Date 02/07/06 02114/ 02/21/ 02/28/ Is
# Southlake Seniors 28 26 27 27
# of Other Seniors 48 34 36 30 148
# Volunteers 7 4 5 6
Staff 1 1 1 1
Others 2 6
5 2 15
Bonus Meals Leff for
Bridge 25 15 20, 15
ATTENDANCE 111 861 - 94 81 011 372
Volunteer Hours 24 16 19 20
The Cotton Boston
Restaurant Used Feedstore Patch Snooty Pig Market
# Meals ordered from
Restaurant 70 65 60 65 r369.38
$ Cost of Food
Ordered $ 279 75 $ 211.25 $ 243.75 $ 185.80
Supplemental Food $ 110.09 $ 136.07 $ 112.21 $ 11.01
Non-food items $ 91.93 $ 116.57 $ - $ 166.89
$ 375,39
$ Collected for Food
Served $ 165.00 $ 145.00 $ 153.10 $ 136.05
$ 599 15
$ Collected for Other
Free w/potluck dish 7 4 4 4 19
Not eating 2 3 3 3 11
No Pay 0 0 0 0
Comp (Bingo Caller) 0
2 0 0 0 2
SLCong2006.xls 817/491-1141- office
817/491-0661 - fax
Mar 14 06 09:26a Metroport Meals On Wheels 917-491-0661 p.3
*10etroport MeaJs On Wheels FEB 2006
428 N. Hwy 377 Date:3/13/06
P O Box 204 Income/Expense Report Month Ending: 2/28/06
Roanoke, 1X 76262 SouthJake Congregate Luncheon
City of Southlake $ 1,050.00
Collected for Craft Project
Collected at Cong, Lunch $ 599.15
Uonated/ln Kind $ 1,649 15
$ 1,649.15
Meal Expense (Restaurant)
02/07/06 $ 279 75
02/14/06 $ 21125
02121/06 $ 243.75
02/28/06 $ 185.80
Supplemental Food $ 920.55
02107/06 $ 110.09
02114/06 $ 136.07
02121/06 S 112.21
02/28/06 $ 11.01
$ 369.38
02107/06 $ _
02/14/06 $
02/21/06 $
0212&06 $ 32.45
S -
Craft/Activities $ 32.45
02/07/06 $
02/14/06 $ 80.53
02/21/06 $ _
02128/06 $
Supplies - Luncheon $ 80.53
02/07/06 $ 91.93
02114/06 $ 36.04
02/21/06 $
02128/06 $ 134 44
Administrative $ 75 00 $ 262.41
Newsletter/Film/Misc. $ 75.00
02/07/D6 $ _
02/14/06 $
02/21/06 $
02/28/06 $
Sr Director
Salary $ 250.00
Salary $ 278.65
Payroll taxes $ 40.44
$ 56909
$ 2,309.41
February Expense
03/13/06 3 02 PM 817/431-1141 - Office
811/491-0661 - Fax
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Senior Advisory Commission Meeting
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
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