Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 10/11105
September 13, 2005
Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Chair; David Baltimore,
Vice Chair; Jean Boland (Alternate 2), Connie Montague, Gerald Montague and Cleta
Pierce (Alternate 1)
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Bill Kyle, Margie Kyle and Linda Moore
Seniors; Mary King, MMOW chairman; Lynn Reed, MMOW Coordinator; and Josh
Weiser, CARS representative; Fran Weiser
STAFF PRESENT: Ben Thatcher, Assistant to the City Manager, and Kim Edmonds,
Senior Activities Center Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1: Call To Order - Chair Jeane Alexander called the meeting to order at
1:00 P.M.
Agenda Item No. 2: Approval of the Senior Advisory Commission meeting minutes of
August 9, 2005.
A motion was made to accept the August 16, 2005 meeting minutes as presented.
Motion: Baltimore
Second: Pierce
Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, Boland, C. Montague, G. Montague and Pierce
(Alternate 1)
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 6-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 3. Report: CARS (Josh Weiser)
CARS representative Josh Weiser presented the CARS statistical report for August 2005.
Total trip rides of 126 are about average for this time of year. The report indicates a drop
in the number of volunteer drivers from 35 to 22, which is a more accurate account since
some of the drivers carried on the report are no longer active drivers. Volunteer drivers
are now being solicited. Mr. Weiser thanked the City for the second installment of funds
($5,000) per the 2005 Community Services Agreement.
CARS officers have decided not to hold a CARS fundraiser in September as originally
planned, but instead to join with the senior fundraiser that is planned for November 5,
2005. A suggestion was offered to contact the two local chapters of the National Charity
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League, which involves approximately 150 women at each chapter, to request assistance
and to also contact the Southlake Women's Club and Greater Southlake Women's
Mr. Weiser was questioned about the impact rising gasoline prices have had on the
transportation program. Due to the gradual rise in gasoline prices, participants have been
able to absorb the price increase and CARS has not experienced any adverse affect at this
Agenda Item No. 4. Report: Southlake Senior Activities (Dorothy Cosgrove)
The Steering Committee did not hold its monthly meeting.
The Senior Center will hold a fundraiser, the Senior Center Fall Festival, November 5,
2005, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. with food, activities, games, bounce house, Red Hats
drawing, with proceeds to benefit CARS and senior holiday trip to the Gaylord Resort.
Agenda Item No. 6. Administrative Comments: Senior Center Interior Painting
The Commission was asked to consider hosting a senior center improvement work day in
late October to paint the interior of the center. The Southlake Rotary Club has offered
their assistance with the painting project. Materials and refreshments would be provided
by the City with Metroport Meals on Wheels handling the actual cooking.
Three or four paint color samples will be presented to the Commission for selection at the
October 11th meeting. Staff will work with the Southlake Rotary Club to select a Friday
in late October for the work day.
Commission members asked if soundproofing materials would be installed in conjunction
with the interior paint project. The sound proof issue will be researched by staff.
Agenda Item No. 5. Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels (M Kin Lynn Reed)
Mary King and Lynn Reed distributed the August MMOW statistical report. The report
indicates that Southlake participant level is increasing and is up 45% over last year's
Lynn Reed was commended for her success in recruiting volunteers and seeking support
for the MMOW programs. Ms. Reed was featured in the recent issue of the MMOW
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion: Presentation of Proposed Senior Living Facility on West
FM 1709
The developer is proposing a senior housing project at the site of the former Remington,
located on the south side of Southlake Boulevard. The preliminary design concept and
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information on amenity features were presented. The developer spoke about the proposed
facility and its management and asked the Commission for their feedback and
Rick Simmons, developer, 3110 West Southlake Boulevard. Mr. Simmons and his
partners, Scott Simmons, Craig Spaulding and Steve McCracken related their background
experience in managing healthcare facilities and other management properties and
presented details in response to questions from the Commission. Generally, the proposal
is an integrated, full-service project with a focus on independent living units rather than
assisted living/skilled nursing units. 340 living units are proposed on a larger site than
what was proposed for the Remington. It includes segregated units of assisted
living/skilled nursing and independent living units with a density of approximately ten
and a half units per acre with the additional property. A distinctive feature of this
proposal is that the living units (condominium or house) will be owned by its citizens.
The project will have a "resort" atmosphere and concept.
Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion: Senior Activity Center Improvements
David Baltimore made a presentation about organizing senior citizens in support of
improvements to the Senior Center and expediting those improvements which are
currently proposed in the 2008-09 budget year. Part of that process would be to form an
ad-hoc committee of interested citizens to work on formulating a vision/plan, to identify
the needed improvements and then to work on having the projects expedited within the
City's budget system.
There was a consensus of the Commission to proceed with forming a special committee
to consider expediting improvements to the Center. Members of the Senior Advisory
Commission and Southlake seniors, as an ad-hoc committee, will organize themselves to
bring forward a proposal.
This item will be considered again at the October Senior Advisory Commission meeting.
Agenda Item No. 9: Open Forum
Chairman Alexander opened the Public Forum. Public Forum was closed.
Agenda Item No. 10: Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:12 p.m.
Motion: Montague
Second: Baltimore
Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, Boland, C. Montague, G. Montague and Pierce
(Alternate 1)
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 6-0
Minutes of the September 13, 2005 Senior Advisory Commission
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 10/11105
Motion carried.
eane Alexander, Chair
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Senior Advisory Commission Meeting
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
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