Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 8/13/05
August 16, 2005
Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander (arrived approximately
2:00 p.m.), Chair; David Baltimore, Vice Chair; Bill Kyle, Margie Kyle, and Cleta Pierce
(Alternate 1)
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Jean Boland (Alternate 2), Connie
Montague, Gerald Montague and Linda Moore
STAFF PRESENT: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, and Kim
Edmonds, Senior Activities Center Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1: Call To Order - Vice Chair David Baltimore called the meeting to
order at 1:00 p.m. in the absence of Chairman Jeane Alexander.
Agenda Item No. 2: Approval of the Senior Advisory Commission meeting minutes of
August 9, 2005.
A motion was made to accept the August 9, 2005 meeting minutes as presented.
Motion: B. Kyle
Second: Pierce
Ayes: Baltimore, Kyle, Kyle, and Pierce (Alternate 1)
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 4-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 3. Consider: Proposed Fiscal Year 2005-06 Community Services
Annual Budget
An overview of the proposed FY 2005-06 Community Services Division budget was
presented. Focus was given to the following items of the budget that directly relate to the
senior activities center:
• Additional overtime budget for Senior Center Coordinator ($2,500).
During the upcoming fiscal year, some of the Therapeutic Recreation programming
responsibilities will be transition from the senior center coordinator to the Parks and
Minutes of the August 16, 2005 Senior Advisory Commission
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 8/13/05
Recreation staff to free up the senior center coordinator to focus on more senior
The proposed budget will also reinstate the Community Services Coordinator position
to work with the various community-related organizations, groups and volunteers.
Operations -
• Increase in funding for Metroport Meals on Wheels ($2,600) in Community
Services line item
• Continuation of senior transportation funding (CARS - $10,000, The "T" -
$2,000) in the Community Services line item
• Increase of Office Supplies related to addition of Community Services
Coordinator position ($1,200)
• Increase of Paper Goods ($700) to provide for expanded use of senior facility and
increase in MMOW meals
• Increase in Building Maintenance to repair the loose brick on the senior activities
center building ($1,200), front entry hand rail ($1,200) and sound-proofing panels
for the main room ($2,750). In addition, the railing for the back porch patio will
be installed.
• Addition of funds in Landscape Maintenance for contract service for landscape
maintenance of the senior center grounds ($2,800)
• $500 in Publications for periodicals and books to supplement the Center's library
Capital Outlay - There were no capital outlay requests within the Community Services
General Fund budget.
Staff responded to questions about expenses for furniture, computer non-capital items,
landscape/irrigation/mowing, building maintenance, kitchen equipment, and plant
Other Items for Attention:
1. Bi-fold door from the lobby area into the kitchen - needs repair or
2. Interior painting of the Center - funds may be available in Building
Maintenance other line items and staff. Staff will seek cost estimates. Seniors
volunteered to do the painting if the City provides the paint.
3. Ice Machine - It was suggested to incorporate the addition of an ice machine
in any future plans for a media room
A motion was made that the Senior Advisory Commission make a recommendation
to the City Manager that the Commission has read and reviewed this budget and
with the understanding that monies for the computers and things that are going to
be expended this year and that staff will look into the interior painting, this budget
is accepted as presented.
Minutes of the August 16, 2005 Senior Advisory Commission
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 8/13/05
Concerns were expressed about timing of the installation of the railing in the front of the
building. The railing is proposed in the upcoming budget and may be installed when the
fence is installed on the back porch or before.
Motion: Baltimore
Second: Pierce
Ayes: Baltimore, Kyle, Kyle, and Pierce (Alternate 1)
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 4-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 4 Consider: Proposed Fiscal Year 2005-06 to FY 2009-10 Capital
Improvements Plan Budget
An overview of the Capital Improvement Plan spreadsheet and budget process were
Improvements to the Senior Activities Center included in the Capital Improvement Plan
budget include:
• Addition to the activity room ($50,000)
• Front entry awning extension ($20,000)
These improvements are proposed for funding in the 2008-09 CIP budget.
Commission members expressed anticipation that funding of these projects would be in
the current fiscal year budget rather than 2008-09 budget. Members felt the dollar amount
was not such a large expenditure that it could not be funded within the proposed budget.
There is a need for these items now.
A motion was made that the Commission recommend that $70,000 be included in
the upcoming fiscal year budget and that $70,000 is a fair number and would like to
see that in the CIP.
Concern was expressed that $70,000 would not be an adequate amount to do the activity
room addition and awning extension over the front entry now or by the year 2008-09. The
addition to the activity room is critical and the Commission would like it moved up into
the upcoming budget year funding.
Motion: Baltimore
Second: Kyle
Ayes: Baltimore, Kyle, Kyle, and Pierce (Alternate 1)
Nays: None
Abstention: None
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 8/13/05
Vote: 4-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 5: Open Forum
Vice Chairman Baltimore opened the Public Forum.
Mr. Baltimore shared information from the meeting he attended August 15, 2005 about
the proposed Sunrise Senior Assisted Living Center to be constructed on North Carroll
Avenue across from Southlake Town Square. Many residents from adjacent
neighborhoods were present. Senior citizens are encouraged to express to City Council
members whether they are in favor of or against the construction of the Center.
Representatives from Southbay Partners were also present at the meeting. The developers
are interested in taking possession of the former Remington site and constructing
something similar to The Remington proposal, but on a larger scale. Representatives from
Southbay Partners will make a presentation at the next Senior Advisory Commission on
September 8.
Jeane Alexander arrived at this time.
Mr. Baltimore commented on a meeting he recently attended regarding senior
opportunities at the Baylor Hospital and a meeting presented by Northeast Senior
Leadership who worked on the tax freeze issue. Mr. Baltimore will pursue the seat
vacated by the resignation of the local representative to Texas Silver Hair Legislature and
said he would appreciate the Commission members endorsement.
Public Forum was closed.
Agenda Item No. 6: Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:12 p.m.
Motion: Pierce
Second: -???-~jr1-~-Va-tvi- I--
Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, Kyle, Kyle, and Pierce (Alternate 1)
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 5-0
d altimore, Vice Chair
Minutes of the August 16, 2005 Senior Advisory Commission
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