Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 6/14/05
May 10, 2005
Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Chair; David Baltimore,
Jean Boland (Alternate 2), Bill Kyle, Margie Kyle, Connie Montague, Gerald Montague,
Linda Moore and Cleta Pierce (Alternate 1)
Seniors; Mary King, MMOW chairman; Lynn Reed, MMOW Coordinator; and Josh
Weiser, CARS representative; Fran Weiser
STAFF PRESENT: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; and Kim
Edmonds, Community Services Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1: Call To Order - Chair Jeane Alexander called the meeting to order at
1:15 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2: Approval of the Senior Advisory Commission meeting minutes of
April 12, 2005.
A motion was made to accept the April 12, 2005 meeting minutes as amended.
Motion: Montague
Second: Montague
Ayes: Alexander, Boland (Alternate 2), Kyle, Montague, Montague, Moore and
Pierce (Alternate 1)
Nays: None
Abstention: Baltimore (absent)
Vote: 7-0-1
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 3 Report: CARS (Josh Weiser)
CARS representative Josh Weiser presented the CARS statistical report for April 2005.
Total trip rides were down a little from March, but about average for this time of year. A
special ramp-equipped van is used to transport handicapped riders.
The CARS board participated in the 2005 Art in the Square event at Town Square and
expressed appreciation to the Southlake Women's Club for their contributions to CARS.
CARS is looking into fundraising projects in order to raise $4,000 to cover the deficit
from last year general operational expenditures. Some of those projects include: a letter
soliciting contributions from people served by CARS; business sponsorships;
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 6/14/05
participation in the 4th of July and Octoberfest events. CARS will also host a "Family Get
Together" September 25 at the Senior Activities Center for CARS drivers and riders.
Agenda Item No. 4 Report: Southlake Senior Activities (Fran Weiser substituted for
Dorothy Cosgrove)
Ms. Weiser presented a report in Ms. Cosgrove's absence.
• The annual meeting of the Steering Committee was held April 26. Two new
members were elected to the Committee - Charlie Boyd and John Metzler. Lynn
Reed, Kim Edmonds and Josh Weiser were guest speakers at the meeting. Jean
O'Connor, the previous Registrar, Beverly Bickerstein, librarian, Lynn Reed and
Kim Edmonds were honored at the event.
Agenda Item No. 5. Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels (Marv King/Lynn Reed)
Lynn Reed and Mary King distributed the April MMOW statistical report and spoke
about the dilemma in trying to order enough food for luncheons. Due to inconsistency in
attendance there may occasionally be left-overs remaining after a luncheon. One solution
to the problem would be to have a pre-registration requirement; however, it is believed
that might cause the luncheon attendance to drop off considerably which would not be
The Distinctive Flair Beauty Salon graciously donated the Meals On Wheels luncheon
today. Lynn Reed will provide contact information to staff to send a thank you card. This
donation may be used to inform other businesses about MMOW and donation
Ms. King emphasized MMOW commitment to its mission to be a grassroots volunteer
advocate for seniors and those in need through the delivery of meals, through senior
center luncheon activities programs and other support services. A recent audit revealed
that 79.6% of MMOW resources are put back into direct program services; 75% is the
standard in the industry. Ms. King elaborated on the operations and costs of MMOW.
Agenda Item No. 6. Administrative Comments:
A. Volunteer Day at Bob Jones Park - Over 300 volunteers from the Church
of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints worked at Bob Jones Park on April
16. The cleanup was an outstanding success and their volunteer service
was greatly appreciated. The group has indicated they would like to
provide their services on an annual basis.
B. Southlake 50th Anniversary - Southlake will be celebrating its 50th
anniversary during 2006. The mayor as asked for volunteers from the
city's boards and commissions to assist in planning events. An agenda
item to appoint a Senior Advisory Commission representative to the 50th
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Anniversary committee will appear on the next Senior Advisory
Commission meeting agenda.
Agenda Item No. 7: Consider - No item this agenda
Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion: Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2005-06
Staff was seeking input from the Senior Advisory Commission as it relates to appropriate
Community Services Department line items. Staff briefly reviewed the budget
information during the meeting.
Recommendations from the Senior Advisory Commission included:
The Board would like to see prior to its next meeting, utilization data (number of
trips) on the senior transportation service provided by Tarrant County
Transportation Services to determine the effectiveness of the service and
feasibility of that budget expense. Staff has utilized the service earlier in the year.
The service was acceptable although some seniors felt the condition of the van
was not good. Some seniors have expressed to staff disappointment in scheduling
trips with the Tarrant County program. Information will be brought back to the
SAC along with staff's recommendation to continue or discontinue the service.
The budget should contain a line item to start considering the necessity of having
retirement and/or assisted living facilities in Southlake. Staff will forward this
recommendation to the City's Economic Development Department. Economic
Development Director Greg Last may be invited to speak at a future meeting on
issues that impact Southlake seniors.
Landscape Maintenance - $500 is a supplement to the overall landscape
maintenance budget in Parks for additional flowers and plantings.
Building Maintenance - There should be some funds allocated specifically for
outsourcing of the masonry repairs to the Senior Activities Center structure and
for the fence construction.
Personnel - Additional staff may be needed to accommodate more programming.
Seniors also commented on the need for exclusive staffing for senior activities
rather than having dual senior/TR responsibilities.
Programming - Additional funding for programming including hiring monthly or
quarterly speakers for senior luncheons, instruction classes (ie. Ti Chi) may be
looked at. There are many complicated issues involved in funding instructors that
would have to be resolved if it was the desire of the Steering Committee to fund
some "test" classes.
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 6/14/05
Commission members were encouraged to contact Kim Edmonds regarding budget items.
A draft Community Services budget will be brought back to the Senior Advisory
Commission for review and recommendation at a future meeting.
Agenda Item No. 8: Open Forum
Chairman Alexander opened the Public Forum.
Senior Advisory Commission meeting packets - Packets are currently hand delivered.
Staff will investigate alternative delivery methods such as email. Packets will be mailed
to Commission members.
Kim Edmonds was commended on the design and content of the Senior Scene.
Public Forum was closed.
Agenda Item No. 8: Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
?ean~eAlexander, Chair
nutes of the May 10, 2005 Senior Advisory Commission
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Senior Advisory Commission Meeting
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
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