2005-04-12 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 5/10/05 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION April 12, 2005 Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Chair; Jean Boland (Alternate 2), Bill Kyle, Connie Montague, Gerald Montague, Linda Moore and Cleta Pierce (Alternate 1) MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: David Baltimore, Margie Kyle EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Dorothy Cosgrove, Southlake Seniors; Mary King, MMOW chairman; Lynn Reed, MMOW Coordinator; and Josh and Fran Weiser, CARS representative; Fran Weiser STAFF PRESENT: Steve Moore, Community Services Recreation Superintendent; and Kim Edmonds, Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item No. 1: Call To Order - Chair Jeane Alexander called the meeting to order at 1:17 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2: Approval of the Senior Advisory Commission meeting minutes of February 8, 2005. A motion was made to accept the March 8, 2005 meeting minutes as written. Motion: Montague Second: Kyle Ayes: Alexander, Boland (Alternate 2), Kyle, Montague, Montague, Moore and Pierce (Alternate 1) Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 7-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 3 Report: CARS (Josh Weiser) CARS representative Josh Weiser presented the monthly CARS statistical report for March 2005. Total trip rides were 174 during March, a good increase from the previous month. The CARS board met on March 30 and discussed fundraising opportunities. CARS will participate in fundraisers during 2005 during the Art in the Square, 4th of July, and Octoberfest events. CARS will also work on soliciting business sponsorships. The CARS brochure will be updated and redesigned. The CARS Emergency Contact Card was also Minutes of the April 12, 2005 Senior Advisory Commission Page 1 of 4 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 5/10/05 updated and distributed. CARS will host a "Family Get Together" September 25 at the Senior Activities Center for CARS drivers and riders. Agenda Item No. 4 Report: Southlake Senior Activities (Dorothy Cosgrove) Ms. Cosgrove presented the following: • The Steering Committee would like suggestions on the medical topics that Baylor Medical Center can present at the Center. • The Steering Committee annual meeting was held March 15 to elect officers. • An additional Steering Committee meeting was held also on March 15 with Senior Coordinator Kim Edmonds to discuss possible new future programming activities Ms. Cosgrove announced that Margie Kyle is re-cooperating at home and encouraged members to call her or send a card. Mr. Kyle gave an update on Ms. Kyle's recovery and expressed Ms. Kyle's gratitude for all the calls and cards from SAC members. Agenda Item No. 5. Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels (Mary King/Lynn Reed) Mary King distributed the March MMOW statistical report and highlighted information in the report pertaining to supplies, luncheons, total attendance, the "Bonus Meals" and apparent inconsistency in funds collected with the number of meals. MMOW will be working on the annual budget and will evaluate expenses for next year. Walmart is now making weekly donations of their discarded items from their Claims Department to MMOW which will help replenish pantry items. Some of the items may be used for the Bingo table gifts, such as toiletries, baby items, etc. Agenda Item No. 6. Administrative Comments: A. Senior Advisory Commission Term Expirations - Terms for Senior Advisory Commission members David Baltimore, Gerald Montague, Margie Kyle, Cleta Pierce and Jean Boland will expire May 2005. Members were encouraged to re-apply for the Commission or other boards. Agenda Item No. 7: Consider - Recommendation regarding provision of parkin lot entry off of proposed Parkwood Drive expansion The property west of the Senior Activity Center is being proposed for future development which may include expansion of Parkwood Drive south from FM 1709 to a turnaround near the Senior Center. The expansion is not anticipated to connect to the existing section of drive that serves the Senior Center and an entry to the parking lot is not currently represented on the proposed paving plan. The expansion could cause the parking lot to be Minutes of the April 12, 2005 Senior Advisory Commission Page 2 of 4 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 5/10/05 reduced by several parking spaces. The item was presented to the Commission to receive their recommendation on whether an entry should be installed from the proposed new section of Parkwood Drive to the Senior Center parking lot. Commission members had concerns about the potential traffic hazards and the loss of several parking spaces. The general consensus of the Commission was that the road not connect to the Senior Activity Center parking lot. A motion was made to reject the proposal to connect FM 1709 to Parkwood Drive at the Senior Center. Motion: Kyle Second: Montague Ayes: Alexander, Boland (Alternate 2), Kyle, Montague, Montague, Moore and Pierce (Alternate 1) Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 7-0 Motion carried. Commission members were encouraged to contact Steve Polasek or other Public Works staff regarding questions about the need for the Parkwood Drive extension. Agenda Item No. 8: Open Forum Chairman Alexander opened the Public Forum. No one addressed public forum. Public Forum was closed. Other Items: A. Jean O'Connor has resigned as official greeter and money collector: The commission agreed that the greeter/collector position is MMOW's responsibility. MMOW asked if anyone was interested in handling position. The Commission will recognize Ms. O'Connor's service as greeter/collector at the next luncheon. Ms. O'Connor had been handling the securing and distribution of greeting cards. The Steering Committee will work with Ms. O'Connor on the card sales. B. Housing Information about the new Retirement Center in Colleyville: Ms. Montague provided cost and other information about a new center opening in Colleyville. Representatives from area retirement centers may present information pamphlets in the lobby of the Center during the senior luncheons. Minutes of the April 12, 2005 Senior Advisory Commission Page 3 of 4 r OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 5110105 Agenda Item No. 8: Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m. )eane Alexander, hair k - 14 >lWest: Minutes of the April 12, 2005 Senior Advisory Commission Page 4 of 4