Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 11/9/04
October 12, 2004
Senior Activity Center
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Chair; David Baltimore,
Vice-Chair; Jean Boland, Bill Kyle, Margie Kyle and Linda Moore
MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Connie Montague, Gerald Montague,
Cleta Pierce
Seniors; Lynn Reed, MMOW Coordinator; and Josh Weiser, CARS Representative
STAFF PRESENT: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; and Kim
Edmonds, Community Services Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1: Call To Order - Chair Jeane Alexander called the meeting to order at
1:15 p.m.
Agenda Item No 2• Approval of the Senior Advisory Commission meeting minutes of
August 10, 2004.
A motion was made to accept the September 14, 2004 meeting minutes as presented.
Motion: Baltimore
Second: Boland
Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, Boland, Kyle, and Kyle
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 5-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No 3 Work Session: Maintenance and Repairs of Senior Center
Deputy Director Polasek and Community Center Coordinator Edmonds reviewed the
progress of the items shown on the "Status of Items for Senior Center as of 9-28-04" list
supplied in the packet.
In addition to the itemized list, staff will coordinate with landscape administrator Keith
Martin to produce a list of landscape and/or maintenance tasks needed at the Center that
may be performed by volunteers.
The Senior Activities Center has new phone numbers: 817.748.8315 for the lobby/open
area phone and 817.748.8398 for coordinator's office.
Minutes of the October 12, 2004 Senior Advisory Commission
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 11/9/04
Agenda Item No. 4 Report: CARS (Josh Weiser)
CARS statistics for September were distributed. The report contained no significant items
to highlight.
CARS is currently working on a volunteer appreciation luncheon; tentatively set for the
fifth Tuesday in November. Details will be provided at a future meeting.
Agenda Item No. 4 Report: Southlake Senior Activities (Dorothy Cosgrove)
Ms. Cosgrove gave a brief report. Highlights of the report include:
a. Suggestion was made to have a MMOW meal with games on Thursday and have
the Center open on Friday for open activities.
b. Staff is working on putting together a hand-work, knitting, quilting, toe painting
and craft day.
c. The "Hanging of the Greens" will kick off the holiday season celebrations on
November 30th with a potluck luncheon. Carroll High School seniors from the
"Seniors for Seniors Program" will participate in the event by providing food,
entertainment and assistance with the decorating of the center. City recreation
staff will provide meat for the meal. The senior center will have items for sale as
a fundraiser for CARS during the event.
Senior concerns related to the operation of the center and areas of responsibility,
especially relating to the 55 Alive and Wednesday bridge classes, were shared.
Staff clarified that Kim Edmonds will continue oversight of the thereapuetic recreations
programming in addition to responsibilities at the senior center and that she will be
assisted by Nikki Buckreis as needed at the center.
Agenda Item No. 8, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels
Ms. Reed distributed the monthly and quarterly statistics report which showed a slight
increase in attendance in September.
MMOW asked the Senior Advisory Commission to consider whether they would like to
add a second day of MMOW lunches - perhaps on Thursday, accompanied by some sort
of different activity than now offered.
Agenda Item No. 7 Consider: Proposed changes to the Senior Advisory Commission
Minutes of the October 12, 2004 Senior Advisory Commission
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 11/9/04
Vice-Chair David Baltimore presented the proposed changes to the by-laws. The
language changes and revisions proposed at the last Senior Advisory Commission
meeting have been incorporated into the document under consideration.
A motion was made to adopt the changes to the by-laws as presented
Motion: Baltimore
Second: Kyle
Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, Boland, Kyle, Kyle and Moore
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 6-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No 8 Consider: Appointment of members to serve on Committee to review
policies and ordinances
Deputy Director Polasek asked the Commission to make a recommendation to appoint
two members to serve on the policies and ordinances review committee.
A motion was made to appoint Senior Advisory Commission members Jean Boland
and Bill Kyle to serve on the committee to review policies and ordinances
Motion: Baltimore
Second: Moore
Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, Boland, Kyle, Kyle and Moore
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Vote: 6-0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 9. Administrative Comments:
A. Budget Update - A detailed listing the approved FY 2004-05 Community
Services budget line items and dollar amounts relating to the operations of
the senior center was presented.
Staff has been working to update the Senior Scene newsletter mailing list
to exclude those who have moved from Southlake or do not wish to
receive the newsletters. To help reduce postage costs, it was suggested that
the newsletters no longer be mailed, but be made available at the center,
except to those persons that are not able to come to the center. Instead of
making that change, an annual notice will be sent to the existing
newsletter patrons to determine if they wish to continue receiving the
newsletters. Staff will investigate including the newsletters in the new
resident packets.
Minutes of the October 12, 2004 Senior Advisory Commission
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Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 11/9/04
B. Memorandum of Understanding with David Baltimore - The City recently
entered into an arrangement with David Baltimore for his use of a laptop
computer for senior programs.
Agenda Item No. 10: Open Forum
Chairman Alexander opened the Public Forum.
Public Forum was closed.
Agenda Item No. 11: Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
eAlexander, Chair
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Minutes of the October 12, 2004 Senior Advisory Commission
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Senior Advisory Commission Meeting
Tuesday, November 9, 2004
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