2004-08-10 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 9/14/04 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADMISORY COMMISSION August 10, 2004 Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Chair; David Baltimore, Vice-Chair; Bill Kyle, Marge Kyle, and Cleta Pierce MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Jean Boland, Linda Moore, Connie and Gerald Montague EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Dorothy Cosgrove, Southlake Seniors; Mary King, Executive Director, MMOW; Lynn Reed, MMOW Coordinator; and Josh Weiser, CARS Representative STAFF PRESENT: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services; Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Steve Moore, Recreation Superintendent; and Kim Edmonds, Interim Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item No. 1: Call To Order - Chair Jeane Alexander called the meeting to order at 1:14 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2: Approval of the Senior Advisory Commission meeting minutes of July 13, 2004. A motion was made to approve the July 12, 2004 meeting minutes as corrected. Motion: Kyle Second: Pierce Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, Kyle, Kyle and Pierce Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 5-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 3 Work Session: Maintenance and Repairs of Senior Center Director Jackson facilitated this session and briefly updated the Commission on each of the items on the "Status of Items for Senior Center as of 7-28-04" list supplied in the packet. Garbage Collection: Staff will investigate the possibility of moving the trash pick up day to another day other than Friday. The Commission will pool their ideas and make recommendations for a solution at the next meeting. Minutes of the August 10, 2004 Senior Advisory Commission Page 1 of 4 , OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 9/14/04 Landscaping Maintenance: Staff is looking into various options to address the on-going maintenance concerns at the Senior Center in conjunction with other City maintenance issues and will report progress at future meeting. Agenda Item No. 4 Consider: Proposed Fiscal Year 2004-05 Community Services Annual Budget Director Jackson presented the proposed budget for the Community Services Division (161) for FY 2004-05. The budget highlights were covered in the presentation. Discussion: Other than brief explanations about how to read and understand the line items and comments on how individual line items were applicable to activities of the Senior Activities Center, there was no major discussion of the item. There was no motion or action by the Commission on this item at this time. However, the Commission did decide later to vote on this item at the conclusion of consideration of Agenda Item No. 5. Agenda Item No. 5 Consider: Proposed FY 2004-05 to FY 2008-09 SPDC Capital Improvement Plan and FY 04-05 Capital Budget. Director Jackson presented the SPDC Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Budget. Discussion: Vice-Chair Baltimore suggested adding additional funds for increased coverage for the sprinkler system to a future budget. The Commission was concerned about not spending more money than is allocated for the operation of the center and inquired as to what the Center's actual budget was. The Senior Activities Center does not have a budget exclusively for itself, but rather is included in the collective "community services" budget line items. Staff will delineate the specific senior activities center budget amounts during future budget discussions. Details about all the City general operations and capital budgets was offered and how funding from each of these umbrella budgets could provide funds for specific senior center items. Commission members were encouraged to make known to the center director any items or expenditures that may need to be acquired for their programs. The CIP Matching Funds line item in the SPDC budget may be a source of alternative funding for some senior center programs and or projects. Minutes of the August 10, 2004 Senior Advisory Commission Page 2 of 4 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 9/14/04 A motion was made that the Commission support the Community Services Budget presentation that the Commission did not vote on earlier on the agenda [Proposed Fiscal Year 2004-05 Community Services Annual Budget]. Motion: Kyle Second: Pierce Ayes: Alexander, Baltimore, Kyle, Kyle and Pierce Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 5-0 Motion carried. There was no formal action taken by the Senior Advisory Commission on the Proposed FY 2004-05 to FY 2008-09 SPDC Capital Improvement Plan and FY 04-05 Capital Budget. Ms. King expressed appreciation for the continued budget of $10,000 for Metroport Meals on Wheels (MMOW). Agenda Item No. 6, Report: CARS CARS statistics for July were distributed. Mr. Weiser reported that the profit for the coke booth at Stars and Stripes event was $1,600. Agenda Item No. 7 Report: Southlake Seniors Activities Ms. Cosgrove reported a "Potluck and Beach Party" will be held August 21 and a luncheon is scheduled for August 25. The Steering Committee now has a hospitality committee that will greet guests at each senior event. Agenda Item No. 8, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels Ms. King distributed the monthly and quarterly statistics. Due to technical difficulties, there has not been a breakdown between Southlake seniors and non-Southlake seniors on this report. The "Supplies and Lunches" item on 7/20/04 was an expense that included the quarterly replenishment of staples at the Center, an arrangement that was started when former senior coordinator Nona Whitehead was with the City. Ms. King also shared information about the minimal requirements and simple application process for seniors to participate in the MMOW home delivery program. MMOW delivers approximately 120 meals a day within fifteen cities. Ms. King said results of the recent satisfaction survey to determine some of the reasons for the decline in attendance at the Tuesday MMOW luncheon are still not available at this time. The survey will provide feedback to aid in selecting appropriate programming Minutes of the August 10, 2004 Senior Advisory Commission Page 3 of 4 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 9/14/04 for the seniors. It was noted there has been an across the board decline in the participation in arts and crafts in the participating cities and an increased interest in game activities. Agenda Item No. 9: Administrative Comments The Commission was reminded about the Joint SPDC, Parks and Recreation and Senior Advisory Commission orientation meeting to be held Monday, August 16 at the DPS West Facility, 6:00-9:00 p.m. and encouraged all to attend in order to meet members of the other boards. Vice-Chair Baltimore extended an offer to assist with transportation to the meeting. Agenda Item No. 10: Open Forum Chairman Alexander opened the Public Forum. Josh Weiser, CARS representative, requested staff contact Texas Department of Transportation to receive a report on the number of service trips supplied to Southlake citizens during the past year and number of service trips requested, but not furnished. Cleta Pierce, SAC Alternate 1, requested clarification on the purchase process for senior activities center purchases. The director may address acquisitions up to $250. The supervisor would be consulted for amounts exceeding $250 with the director's approval necessary for larger or unusual amounts. David Baltimore, SAC Vice-Chair and Place 4 member, requested naming a committee to review the Senior Advisory Commission by-laws. David Baltimore and Cleta Pierce volunteered to serve on the committee. Public Forum was closed. Agenda Item No. 11: Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m. Alexa Cha' ttest: Attachment: Item 3 - Repairs/Maintenance Items at SAC list Minutes of the August 10, 2004 Senior Advisory Commission Page 4 of 4 Status of Items for Senior Center as of 7-28-04 Following tasks were assigned to coordinator: Carpet in Parlor: • Get 3 bids and meet with SM to confirm authorization to purchase. Work with seniors regarding color, etc. Building painting outside: • Get 3 bids and meet with SM prior to authorizing work. Volunteer Desk: • Purchase a small desk up to $150 if needed. Telephone line for parlor: • Sent an e-mail to Technical Services to request installation of an additional line (make sure long distance calls are restricted). Cost will be in excess of $1,500 for city phone line. Seeking other options. Home for antique piano: • Contact moving company to get bids for transport of piano to upstairs section of Continental storage area for Historical Society. • Meet with SM regarding cost estimates prior to authorizing work. Examine roof: • Contact roofing company to come out and examine roof for any damage or maintenance needs. • If it is determined a new roof is needed, obtain 3 bids and then consult with SM to determine appropriate action. Garbage Collection: • Purchase additional garbage carts with wheels as needed and place on curb for collection. Front bench replaced: • Purchase bench and seek volunteer to assemble. (Submit work order for Parks to remove existing bench). • If no volunteers, you may use Teen Court participants or contact SM for assistance. Storage: • Provide more specific details as to what is requested and we will address details at that time. Toilet Paper Dispenser • Work order submitted July 14, 2004 - Completed Folding Door between parlor and dining area Work order submitted July 15, 2004 Vending Machine removed Placed call to Dr. Pepper on July 13, 2004 Tree Trimming • Recreation Superintendent forwarded request to Landscape Administrator on July 16, 2004 who will be purchasing equipment to trim trees. Trees trimmed and completed. Sprinkler System • Public works checked on Monday, July 19, 2004. Kyle Dickerson reported that sprinklers are working fine. Landscaping Maintenance • On-going maintenance will be coordinated by Senior Community Services Coordinator and Recreation Superintendent. Checking on possibility of contracting or volunteers. Building Expansion • Staff will work with Seniors and obtain more information and details on this item. _7t) - 9, Please sign in. Senior Advisory Commission Meeting Tueday, August 10, 2004 Name lease rint) Address Phone or Email Vim -S-~? ilk -3 X08 C--~---- 8,7 Vzl 8i 7- ~z f - sZ V- 6 4el r r~ P~ S -15-50 M:\WP-FILES\FORMS\Sign In Sheet.doc