2004-03-09 CITY OF SOUT LAIKE SENIOR ADMISORY COMMISSION March 9, 2004 - Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNA'T'ES PRESENT: Cleta Pierce, Jean Boland, Linda Moore, Jerry and Connie Montague. MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Jeane Alexander, Bill Kyle, Marge Kyle, and David Baltimore, EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Malcolm Jackson, Director, Community Services Mary King, Executive Director, MMOW Josh Weiser, CARS Representative Fran Weiser, senior STAFF PRESENT,; Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM by Secretary Connie Montague. Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of the 2/10/04 Minutes Cleta Pierce moved and Linda Moore seconded the motion. They were approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3. Report: CARS Monthly statistics were distributed. Rides have picked up in February and the number of rides to the Senior Center doubled. There were several large activities at the Center in February, including the Valentine Luncheon and the Valentine Dinner/Dance. Josh reported that the new category has been added to the report per the City Scope of Services Agreement - Handicapped under age 18. The statistics are reported in one-way trips because a round trip may involve 2 drivers. Agenda Item No. 4. Report: Southlake Seniors Activities Dorothy was absent. Some activities for February were discussed. Agenda Item No. 5, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels Mary King was welcomed back after her accident. She distributed the MMOW report for February noting that the number of Southlake Seniors compared to "other Seniors" has diminished. It was noted that several of our former Southlake Seniors have changed their living arrangements or sold their property and moved to other areas locally and still come to the Center. Mary also reported that currently there are no active home deliveries in Southlake. She requested that we forward information to MMOW if we hear or know of anyone who needs MMOW services. Jerry discussed that with the expected number of seniors increasing over the next several years that futures planning would be helpful especially in Southlake. May discussed the addition of Snooty Pig to the Tuesday lunch program. She also mentioned that there is a new Snooty Pig in the spot where Cactus Flower had been in the Alliance area. Agenda Item No. 6= Administrative Comments The Valentine Luncheon was well attended 86 seniors enjoyed this wonderful tradition. The Southlake Women's Club hosted the affair complete with door prizes. The Valentine Dinner/Dance was hosted by the Grapevine Rotary Club and it was held at the Ranch of Lonesome Dove in Southlake. Forty-two seniors attended that event. Joanne reported that the CARS van has been used on many occasions to transport the seniors and it has worked out very well. There will be a clean up on Saturday, March 27`s from 9-12. Joanne reported that she would like 6 volunteers to help coordinate the event. The workers are volunteers from ASTRA and there will be about 10 young folks coming to clean up inside and help plant flowers outside. A survey was passed out regarding services and programs for seniors from Area Agency on Aging. The upcoming trips were discussed. Agenda Itgm No. 7: Open Foram Malcolm talked about the 5-year plan for Parks and asked that the seniors participate in helping to gather information. Chris Carpenter is designing the questionnaire and it will be ready soon. Adopt a project was discussed and the need for getting that information disseminated to the public. Malcolm offered that projects that need to be done at the Senior Center cbuld be listed as well. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM. eane Alexander, Chair )t~~ - Attest: Agenda Item No. 5, &port: Metroport Meals on Wheels Mary King was welcomed back after her accident. She distributed the MMOW report for February noting that the number of Southlake Seniors compared to "other Seniors" has diminished. It was noted that several of our former Southlake Seniors have changed their living arrangements or sold their property and moved to other areas locally and still come to the Center. Mary also reported that currently there are no active home deliveries in Southlake. She requested that we forward information to MMOW if we hear or know of anyone who needs MMOW services. Jerry discussed that with the expected number of seniors increasing over the next several years that futures planning would be helpful especially in Southlake. Mary discussed the addition of Snooty Pig to the Tuesday lunch program. She also mentioned that there is a new Snooty Pig in the spot where Cactus Flower had been in the Alliance area. Agenda Item No. 63 Administrative Comments The Valentine Luncheon was well attended 86 seniors enjoyed this wonderful tradition. The Southlake Women's Club hosted the affair complete with door prizes. The Valentine Dinner/Dance was hosted by the Grapevine Rotary Club and it was held at the Ranch of Lonesome Dove in Southlake. Forty-two seniors attended that event. Joanne reported that the CARS van has been used on many occasions to transport the seniors and it has worked out very well. There will be a clean up on Saturday, March 27d' from 9-12. Joanne reported that she would like 6 volunteers to help coordinate the event. The workers are volunteers from ASTRA and there will be about 10 young folks coming to clean up inside and help plant flowers outside. A survey was passed out regarding services and programs for seniors from Area Agency on Aging. The upcoming trips were discussed. Agenda Item No. 7• Open Foram Malcolm talked about the 5-year plan for Parks and asked that the seniors participate in helping to gather information. Chris Carpenter is designing the questionnaire and it will be ready soon. Adopt a project was discussed and the need for getting that information disseminated to the public. Malcolm offered that projects that need to be done at the Senior Center c6uld be listed as well. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM. eane Alexander, Chair Attest: