2004-01-13 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADMISORY COMMISSION January 13, 2004 - Senior Activity Center MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Bill Kyle, Marge Kyle, Cleta Pierce, Jean Boland, Jerry and Connie Montague. MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: David Baltimore, Linda Moore EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Dorothy Cosgrove - Southlake Seniors Mary King, Executive Director, MMOW Susan Horn, MMOW Coordinator Josh Weiser, CARS Representative Fran Weiser, senior STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator Agenda Item No. L. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM Agendg Item No. 2, Approval of the 12/9/03/03 Minutes Bill Kyle moved and Jerry Montague seconded the motion. They were approved unanimously, Agenda Item No. 3, Report: CARS Josh gave an update on CARS. The monthly statistics were distributed and discussed. The number of participants is up but the number of rides is down. Most of the rides are to the Senior Center. Mary asked about the registration process as she would like a mechanism is get information regarding the NB40W Horne Delivery Program to seniors/handicapped who might need this service. Currently no mail-outs are done following registration for the CARS program. Agenda Item No. 4, Report: Southlake Seniors Activities Dorothy reported that nothing unusual had happened. The Bridge group on Wednesdays is growing, currently up to 10 tables. Agenda Item No. 5, Report: Metroport Meals on Wheels Bill Kyle noted that the lunch today (1-13-04) was super. The food was plentiful and great tasting. The food was from Olive Garden. Mary reported that no home deliveries were made in Southlake for the quarter. She asked that if anyone heard of someone who needed home delivery services to please contact her. Dorothy remarked that it was good that Susan passed out a list for potluck dishes for next week. That way people will know what to bring. Susan talked about the lack of interest in potluck as seniors do not seem to like to bring food to the potluck dinner. Agenda Item No. 6: Administrative Comments Joanne discussed some of the upcoming activities and trips. She reminded everyone to please sign up ASAP for the Valentine Luncheon on Feb. 13"'. The Southlake Women's Club will again be hosting this event. Some maintenance issues at the Center were discussed. Agenda Item No. 7, Open Forum The Tax Freeze was approved by the Council. The location of where to pick up the form was discussed. Further evaluation will be done regarding when and how to secure the form for the Tax Freeze. A brief discussion was held regarding the status of the Remington. We will try to find out more information for the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:20 PM. At st: