April 13, 2004 - Senior Activity Center
MF:,2=RS AND ALTER A S PRESENT: Jeane Alexander, Bill Kyle, Marge Kyle, Cleta
Pierce, Jean Boland, Linda Moore, David Baltimore, Jerry and Connie Montague.
Van Williams, Candidate for City Council
Greg Jones, Candidate for City Council
Steve Moore, Parks and Recreation
Dorothy Cosgrove - Southlake Seniors
Mary King, Executive Director, MMOW
Josh Weiser, CARS Representative
Fran Weiser, senior
STAFF FRESENT: Joanne Leek, Community Services Coordinator
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:1 S PM
Agenda UM No. 2. Approval of the 3-09-04 Minutes
Cleta Pierce moved and Connie Montague seconded the motion. They were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3, Report: CARS
Josh reported on the statistics for CARS. Everything looks good. The van miles have increased due
to the Center trips in which the CARS van was used. A discussion was opened regarding other
transportation services for Southlake. It is not clear if NETS is still operating at all. The TxDot
program will only take people to destinations in Tarrant County.
Agenda Item No. 4, Report: Southlake Seniors Activities
Dorothy reported on the increasing numbers in the Bridge program. Josh mentioned the plants and
the need to continue working on the bed with the ferns.
Agada 11gml No. 5, Rewrt: Metroport Meals on Wheels
Mary reported that the numbers were up slightly and the financials were at a break even point for
the month. Susan has tendered her resignation from MMOW as she will need to find full time
employment. She plans on staying through a training period for the new coordinator so that it will
be a seamless transition.
eada Item No. 6., , Administrative Comments
Joanne thanked all volunteers for helping with the Center cleaning and planting day. A lot of work
was accomplished inside and outside. She mentioned the Volunteer Luncheon will be coming up
and asked everyone's participation. Joanne also asked for help at the Center while she will be away
attending the Texas State Conference on Aging in Corpus Christi at the end of the month. Several
trips are being planned and our Seniors will be going to Senior Saturday Nights at Town Square -
each Saturday in May.
Agendil Item No. 7: Open Forum
A discussion regarding the Park Board members was held. It was decided to have a joint meeting
and have the opportunity to meet and get to know each other in order to facilitate working together
on issues regarding the Senior Center. Jeane will speak with Malcolm to set the date. It was decided
not to meet on our next Commission meeting date due to the elections and new selections of Board
and Commission members.
We were privileged to have two visitors who are running for Places on the City Council. Van
Williams and Greg Jones visited with the Commission and discussions began regarding seniors and
senior needs in Southlake including transportation. Also discussed was the need to have the grounds
at the Senior Center cared for and mowed on a regular basis. In addition, David mentioned that there
will be a candidate forum on April I Oh at Johnson Elementary School at 7 PM.
A discussion regarding voting places brought up the fact that some sights were difficult to access.
There was very little parking at the High School, makint it necessary to walk quite a distance.
David announced that early voting would begin on April 28 at Town Hall.
David discussed the Southlake Spring Garden Tour, which will be held on April le. Also
mentioned was Art in the Square on April 23-25.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:10 PM.
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eane Alexander, Chair
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