480-570 'AAL RECOPM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-570 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF TRACT 4G, OBEDIAH W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 899, BEING APPROXIMATELY 10.363 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "S-P-2" GENERALIZED SITE PLAN DISTRICT WITH "C-2" LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL USES, AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and, Page 1 WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further Page 2 considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the Page 3 public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Being legally described as a portion of Tract 4G, Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899, being approximately 10.363 acres, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" from "AG" Agricultural District to "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "C- 2" Local Retail Commercial uses as depicted on the approved Site Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B," and subject to the following conditions: Page 4 S-P-2 Generalized Site Plan District for The Plaza on Southlake Boulevard July 31, 2008 This site (defined by the attached metes and bounds description) shall comply with all conditions of the City of Southlake Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480 - UU, as amended, as it pertains to Section 21, C-2 Local Retail Commercial District uses and regulations with the following exceptions: Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted: 1. Commercial art ,galleries; 2. Music or record shops; 3. Piano stores, musical instruments and supplies; 4. Hobby shops; 5. Taverns, clubs, and other comparable establishments under which the on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted subject to issuance of a special use permit as required in Section 45 of this ordinance; 6, Toy stores- Development Regulations 1. A parking ratio of 1 spaces per two hundred (200) square feet of floor area, regardless of use, shall be provided; 2_ Building height shall be limited to two stories and shall not exceed 50' in height; 3. Buildings B, C, and D shall be allowed to have outdoor seating for restaurant related uses in the areas notes on the approved site plan, subject to compliance with city codes and ordinances for outdoor seating, 4 Buildings less than 6,000 square feet are not required to have a pitched roof. Page 5 5. Front, side and rear yards: With the following exceptions, no front, side or rear yard setback is required; a. Buildings along Southlake Boulevard shall maintain a fifty (50') foot setback b. Buildings along Plaza Boulevard shall maintain a fifteen (15') foot setback} c. Buildings along the east property line shall maintain a fifteen (15') foot setback; d_ Buildings along Zena Rucker Road shall maintain a twenty five (25') foot setback. 6. Front, side and rear bufferyard: With the following exceptions, no front, side or rear bufferyard is required: a. A twenty (20') foot bufferyard shall be provided along. Southlake Boulevard; b. No bufferyard shall be provided along the west property line; c. A ten (10') foot bufferyard shall be provided along the east property line; d. A fen (10') foot bufferyard shall be provided along the south property line. 7. Impervious coverage for the overall concept plan shall not exceed 75%. There shall be no maximum impervious coverage for individually platted lots within the overall concept plan, Design Guidelines for The Plaza on Southlake Boulevard Building Massing & Seale; A building's massing is its exterior volume and its scale is the relationship of its overall size and its component parts with its adjoining buildings, spaces, and people. • A building's massing shall relate to its site, use, and to the massing of adjacent buildings. • A building's amassing shall serve to define entry points and help orient pedestrians. • The scale of individual building, facade components shall relate to one another and the human scale, particularly at the street level. • Buildings andlor facades shall emphasize and frame or terminate important vistas. Building Rkythnrr A building's rhythm is (are) the pattern(s) created by the regular recurrence or alteration of its constituent architectural components. • Variations in the rhythms within individual building facades shall be achieved within any block of building facades. • Breaks in the predominant rhythm may also be used to reinforce changes in massing and important elements such as building entrances or pedestrian pass- throughs. Architectural Elements: Architectural elements are the individual components of a building, including walls, doors, windows, cornices, parapets, roofs, pediments, and other features. Architectural composition is the relationship between the architectural elements in an individual building. • Architectural elements shall be designed to the appropriate scale and proportions of the selected architectural style. For example, building designs based on an Art Deco style shall utilize architectural elements of a scale and proportion characteristic of that style. Building Entrances. The design and location of building entrances are important to help define the pedestrian environment and create retail-friendly environments. • Entrances shall be easily identifiable as primary points of access to buildings. Building entrances may be defined and articulated by architectural elements such as lintels, pediments, pilasters, columns, porticos, porches, overhangs, railings, balustrades, and others as appropriate- All building elements should be compatible with the architectural style, materials, colors, and details of the building as a whole. • Entrances to upper level uses may be defined and integrated into the design of the overall building facade. Facade Treatments: • All sides of a building shall be consistent with respect to style, colors, and details only to the extent that they establish continuity with the main street-fiont facade • Display windows are encouraged along the main facades of buildings. Buildings should avoid long, monotonous, uninterrupted walls. Building wall offsets, including projections, recesses, niches, fenestration, or changes of materials or color shall be used to add architectural variety and interest, and to relieve the visual impact of a blank wall. • Parapet and roof-line offsets between facades may be provided in order to break down the scale of the block and create architectural interest and variety. • Architectural elements, such as canopies, awnings, roof and fluor overhangs, and colonnades shall be provided as appropriate to protect pedestrians, help unify pails of a building or block, provide human scale, or provide a backdrop for signage and graphics. Building Materials: Exterior finish building materials shall consist of: • Masonry, which is defined as brick, cast stone, glass fiber reinforced concrete, glass fiber reinforced gypsum Page 7 • Stucco, • Synthetic stucco (exterior insulation finishing system - EFIS) for trim details only, • Glared ceramic and porcelain file • Finer reinforced plastic (with the exception of plastic or vinyl siding) - used for exterior building components, including but not limited to: conuce and entablature elements, decorative columns and pilasters, storefront trim, railings, and balustrades, spandrel panels, and similar elements. • Painted steel and aluminum, cast iron, bronze, brass, capper (including tcrne coated) • Roofing materials (visible from any public right-of-way): copper, factory finished painted metal, slate, synthetic slate, terra cotta, cement tile, glass fiber shingles. • Materials other than those listed above may be used for architectural trim and accent applications including, but not limited to, cornices and decorative brackets, frieze panels, decorative lintels, shutters, and porch or balcony railings. 1. Specifically granting the variances requested; 2. Subject to Council's comments on first reading: a) Subject to the applicant's representations. b) Subject to the applicant's willingness to put 80% brick on all buildings. 3. Specifically noting that there is no signage being approved or being looked at and signage approval will come at a later date; 4. Subject to the applicant's representations made this evening including the color schemes and all other elements including the reflecting pool to be constructed as presented; 5. Subject to a separate developer's agreement being entered into to commit applicant to reimburse city costs if city builds in advance of Phase 2 the balance of Plaza Boulevard, the roundabout and the portion of Zena Rucker Road on the property; 6. Accepting the applicant's agreement to place 18- to 24-inch knee walls under all of the windows; 7. Accepting the applicant's agreement there will be glass on all sides of the buildings and there will be no false windows; 8. Requiring there to be a "no left turn" sign installed on the right-in/right-out driveway; 9. Requiring the applicant to add details to small island at the right-in/right- out driveway to ensure that someone cannot take a left from west bound F.M. 1709; 10. Stating that staff will also be working with TxDOT to ensure any alterations of the median to be put in place if the median is not in place at the time of construction of Phase 1; 11. Subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 6, dated November 24, 2008: Page 8 a) All curb cuts into Southlake Boulevard are subject to approval by TXDOT. Deceleration lane(s) along with appropriate ROW dedications to maintain parkway widths will be required with the construction of the driveway/street cuts along E. Southlake Boulevard. This will affect the bufferyard and setbacks. A provision needs to be provided in the "S-P-2" zoning regulations and plan to address this possibility. b) An 8' trail multi-use trail is proposed along the south side of Zena Rucker. The applicant has indicated that the 8' multi-use trail will be constructed when the property (Lot 3) to the south of Zena Rucker is developed. c) A proposed storm drain is proposed to be placed thru the critical root zone area of an existing 24" Post Oak shown to be preserved close to the northeast corner of Plaza Boulevard and Southlake Boulevard. On the Grading and Drainage Plan the storm drain is shown to go below parking lot instead of through the trees critical root zone. Please make sure that both plans match. Page 9 SECTION 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. SECTION 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable 'consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the Page 10 most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all Page 11 pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least fifteen (15) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Page 12 SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the 18th day of November, 2008. MAYOR ATTEST: \\••y/Tltll/P•t,J,,,, CITY SECRETA = v PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the 2nd day of Decemb&,'08. MAYOR ATTEST: 16 00. 0 t v ,,q,.1t!! .r by v ••1" ~ . CITY SECRETA - ' i,,'PI" 1 X1111\\•\\\\\• APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: I Uy ADOPTED: a O8 EFFECTIVE: !a 5'OS Page 13 EXHIBIT "A" Being legally described as a portion of Tract 4G, Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract 899, being approximately 10.363 acres, and more fully and completely described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION 10.363 ACRES OBEDIAH KNIGHT SURVEY A-899 TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS BEING a 10.363 acre tract of land situated in the Obediah Knight Survey, Abstract Number 899, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of a called 19.299 acre tract of land described in a deed to RCP Southlake Boulevard #2, Ltd., recorded in Document Number D203471724, Official Public Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said 10.363 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an X cut found in the South right-of-way line of F.M. 1709 (a variable width public right-of-way) (A.K.A. Southlake Boulevard) for the Northwest corner of said 19.299 acre tract; THENCE North 89°29'44" East, with said South right-of-way line and the North line of said 19.299 acre tract, a distance of 446.71 feet to a 112 inch capped iron rod (stamped "RLG INC.") found for the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 11394.16 feet, a central angle of 00°41'40" and a long chord which bears North 8955'09° East, 138.12 feet; THENCE with said curve to the right an arc distance of 138.12 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for the Northeast corner of said 19.299 acre tract; THENCE South 0017'09" East, with the East line of said 19.299 acre tract, a distance of 874.09 feet to a point for the Southeast corner hereof, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the most Easterly Southeast corner of said 19.299 acre tract bears South 00°17'09" East, a distance of 130 84 feet; THENCE South 89°48'13" West, over and across said 19.299 acre tract, a distance of 488.88 feet to a point in the West line of said 19 299 acre tract, from which a 314 inch iron rod found for an angle point in the West line of said 19.299 acre tract bears South 00°11'47" East, a distance of 335.24 feet; THENCE North 00°11'47" West, with the West line of said 19.299 acre tract, a distance of 361.43 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for an ell corner; THENCE North 10°59'18" West, with said West line, a distance of 519.73 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 10.363 acres or 451,403 sq. ft. of land more or less. Page 14 EXHIBIT "B" Site Plan a -p„7 M ae w zr,z 1 . x ras ~ , I wP.PCt ~ ~ F r - ex uea os ~m ,ara px ^ I ~ 4a s.,, ~t z~ *s z . YIR PM Mph ~ F` w ~ ~`T sea, a ns d a r~. K a SDUTKZAK£-BDUt£s'w ffP- F- W-, 1709 ITR y r t f w Y~ II } w° ei a r t1n Z- OVA RUCK6R R6 P .,.t 6 " a Page 15 Elevated Rendering unit, ' i f Ar'°' T' y u x r , N t~ r I R 1 i R r i .y a rz _ s ~,i kv 00 q'i W a y r S~y1 'n ~ ~ Pjt ' * s d Page 16 Elevations a ~ a U ~ xT ~ m cn rs r a V,uj vs uj i~ CJI E a 1 _ r M '37 i B rn 25 71 - m L m 77 La ~4OL) E a KK fl C7 r T € 9~ g out s 5 UFO 25 a- m . ' L1.1 Page 17 Elevations f - b, ~ ~ qR n m m. _ O cc wx¢ 0`^ 55 e W {yet tSSUa 1• 4 ® 1 iiF{:7 f37 f w ~yy ; O _ s ! 711" r t fi £ U- v~ c 3 us u5 ~ z k !`Y~ m~ a i - Po _ LL. F- rn o m V2 i C, °z p z t= Q mmUj Page 18 Landscape Plan Phase 1 zi } a i --m mM Um 7, a 3 , v T~ 3 C 3 2~~$ "~a7 i s . ¢f ~ ~2d_ E 3r ~ ; s s,• s ~ z ~ i x C~T3 Jai v" T f T. 3~ c e a ~ ~ c a a i i a m . s~##3~ia83~ K AAm r ¢ np, by. THE R.AZA ON SOUTHLAK~ BLVD, 5?-E 3N45cA✓f ic eAmm~ M 1,70' (SOIUTN ELYN Gram cram trr VJTHAKE, TEXAS Page 19 Landscape Plan Phase 2 .4 ,,....I f I f yY ` f ! ' [ 1 l O v' ~ 1 } S= -aT c n I E gal b r J & s s e i @ gP p a a s 6 ro 4 a X ; x s€€€€ d € E* 14 P THE PLAZA ON SOUTHLAKE BLVD. S17E ADSU,7 w F.M. 1709(SSOUTHWEYsb'D. ®TKil Car r ~ re d xn r. 53JTt Lam; TElG#5 dam Yrt-1. B Page 20 Tree Conservation Plan 3 v - 3 gip- k i •I I y J , Ir ✓ ~sf I ~ E t rm M FK X X 4^j ti 4 3~,5 C RN >u AABAA?kARA z z gg ~ ~ ' :512'2 'Y R ~1 y24 S YY°.S 3 Y Y i S ZYt Y'd `Y Y 1'i •0~i~ sap's a sM~'°!'A8AA88A3AA?3A3A$3 Fr+ n m 4 ay Y ~fL date ti7 T1 ~x `~fi err U f 4 si i c +c 4 g THE PLAZA ON SOUTHIAKE" BLVD. DMIC TRH r-+ FA I'(4 SJUTHt Bfltfp,) 3 Gm p x R drawn to SLUTHLAKE, TEXAS « « u~° CaM; is 0 Page 21 Variance Letter Q t~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. 0 Engineering & Surveying October 10, 2£x18 City of Southlake Planning and Development Services 1400 Main Street, Suite I10 Snuthlake, Texas 76092 RE: Variance Request for Minimum Driveway Stacking Depth (Ordinance 634, Section Sd) & Driveway Spacing on F.M. 1789 (Ordinance 634, Section 5.2a) for Ilse Plaza on Southlake Boulevard. (Zoning Case No. ZA884)59) Planning and Development Services. We request a variance to Ordinance 634. Section 5d, which requires a minimum stacking depth of l(X)' tv allow for an 90 foot minimum driveway stacking depth based on a site traffic study which stipulates this stacking distance will adequately accommodate vehicles exiting the site during peak hour traffic tlow°s. We also tequest a variance to Ordinance 634, Table One, which requires 500' driveway spacing from an intersecting roadway on F.M. t709. The distance from proposed Plata Blvd. to S. Carroll Ave on F.M. 1709 is apptuxintately 400' This development requests a driveway to he constructed on F.M. 1709 between these two roadway intersections on F.M. 1709 with spacings of approximately 475' to Plaza Blvd, and approximately 425' to S. Carroll Ave. Proposed spacing exceeds the minimum 360' TxDOT roquiremcnt for a roadway with a posted speed of 45 mph. Furthermore, the proposed driveway will tx a right-in right-out facility in order to minimize impact to F.M. 1709 traffic Thank You for your consideration. Baird, Hampton and Brown, Inc. -l- Gene C ps. ET, CC Term Wouters - R.C.C Konstantine Bakintas. RE_ BHB V.P- 1-rte I )I I 1 i )"IV; i* h.t ON \1 1\ t 1)1 tt,` "N{ )l t 1 It 4550 S.1 f. 160, Suite 180, Grapevine, 'l StJ51 i Tcl 817-251-8550 Fax: 81-1 251 $5111 ww•w=.hhbinc.corn Page 22 �0 ' INVOICE Preview Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 400 W.7TH STREET Invoice Number: 301800011 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 12/7/2008 Federal Tax ID 26-2674582 Pk.C,V° E Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 12/31/2008 Bill To: ( ii gtAv- E0�/ PO Number: PO#20900115-000 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE \FiCE. / 1400 MAIN ST \ /, Order Number: 30180001 STE 440 �-- Sales Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: CITY OF SOUTHLA Attn Attn: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Publication Dates: 12/5/2008 - 12/7/2008 1 Description Loca „Col Depth Linage MU Rate Amount CITY OF SOU" OSRDINANCE Legal Notices 1 1 1 1 12 LINE $0.43 $95.72 ORDINANCE 7 NO. 480-570 HEREIN MADE; AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT AMENDING ORDI- THIS ORDINANCE t • Sales Discount NMEND AMENDED, 480,THE SHALL BE CUMU- I :L',, • I �a t I a� ($8.50) ANCE NO. �{ COMPREHENSIVE LATIVE OF ALL �� I.:✓ ORDI- ORDINANCES; PRO- ZONINGNANCE OF THE CITY BILITY AIDING A SEVER; Misc Fee OF SOUTHLAKE, PROVIDINGC FOR SA $5.00 TEXAS; GRANTING PENALTY FOR VIO- A ZONING CHANGE LATIONS HEREOF; DEC 2 6 L'.,,, ON A CERTAIN PROVIDING A SAV- TRACT OR TRACTS INGS CLAUSE; OF LAND WITHIN PROVIDING FOR THE C TITY OF PUBLICATION IN T OFETRACT GALLY NEWSPAPER;FFIAND OFFICE Of C ;'i sFti, ;t I unt: $92.22 AS BEING DESCRIBED AS A PROVIDING AN EF- PORTION i M I-� 4G, OBEDIAH W. FECTIVE SECTION 7. DATE. KNIGHT - SURVEY, person, it ABSTRACT NO.899, Any ration firm vi- BEING - APPROXI-. corporation who MATELY 10.362 omits, disobeysr , ACRES, AND MORE omits, neglectsocomply FULLY AND COM- refuses to cempls with on who resent of ts PLETELY DE- the enforcement of SCRIBED IN EXHIBIT any of the provisions "A" FROM "AG" of this ordinance AGRICULTURAL shall be fined not ,�00A; DISTRICT TO 'S-P- more than Two /\�, CHRISTY L.HOLLAND 2" GENERALIZED Thousand Dollars �� SITE PLAN DISTRICT ($2,000.00) for each Jy�i� My Commission Expires WITH "C-2" LOCAL offense. Each day -4�F'-?/' July 31,2012 RETAIL COMMER- that a violation is aI THE STATE CIAL USES, AS DE- permitted to exist PICTED ON THE shall constitute a County of Tarp APPROVED SITE separate offense. PLAN ATTACHED PASSED AND AP- HERETO AND IN- PROVED THIS THE Before me,a 1 HEREIN AS EXHIBIT CORPORATED 2nd DAY OF DE-.e,this daypersonallyappeared Deborah Baylor, Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star- " " SUBJECT CEMBER, 2008, PP Y Telegram,put TT-E SPECIFIC O RE- DURING THE REG- ULAR rth,in Tarrant County,Texas;and who,after being duly sworn,did depose and say that the MEETING. COUNCIL above named paper on the listed dates:BIDS&LEGAL DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM attached CIIPP TAINED NED INS THIS MAYOR: Andy P P (817)390-750 ORDINANCE; COR- Wambsganss RECTING THE OFFI-I ATTEST: Lori Payne, IP CIAL ZONING MAP; city secretary ! , I' PRESERVING ALL, \ `4`�� 6 S OTHER PORTIONS .iiyiIGU OF THE ZONING . ORDINANCE; DE- SUBSCRIBEI TERMINING THAT FORE ME,THIS Wednesda ,De b:r: I,2008. i THE PUBLIC INTER-- EST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZON- Notary Public / /i.. / ate L�/ / ING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS Thank You For Your Payment Remit To: Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 P.O. BOX 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 301800011 Invoice Amount: $92.22 PO Number: PO#20900115-000 Amount Enclosed: $ INVOICE Preview Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 400 W.7TH STREET D E C F IV c D Invoice Number: 300894101 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 [t (817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 10/19/2008 Federal Tax ID 22-3148254 Terms: Net due in 21 days NOV 1 �' Due Date: 10/31/2008 Bill To: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE :iECRETARY PO Number: no po 1400 MAIN ST ��F�CE �� Li Order Number: 30089410 STE 440 Sales Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: CITY OF SOUTHLA Attn Attn:ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Publication Dates:10/18/2008 - 10/19/200 Description Location gi s + rage 111Va Rate Amount CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Notice is he I3580 1 126 126 LINE $0.42 $107.06 Sales Discount ($5.00) Misc Fee $5.00 RECEIVED N O V 0 3 2008 et Amount: $107.06 BY: 4DAir------__ES7TT77 nil THE STATE OF TEXAS L"J County of Tarrant Before me,a Notary Public in and for said County Telegram,published by the Star-Telegram, Inc.at Fort ate this day Ta antrso ally appeared Deborah Baylor, Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star- Telegram, of an advertisement was published in the a ove named a (817)390-7501 tY,Texas;and who,after being duly sworn,did depose and say that the attachp per on the listed dates:BIDS 8 LEGAL DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM Signed SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME,THIS Wednesday, Octob 22,2008. 11111111g1..JqC�1., Notary Public \�����PM••�. ''''' • • '• eo >q� Thank You For Your Payment a, 91I2010��`��•�\`\\\\ Remit To: Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 P.O. BOX 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 300894101 Invoice Amount: $107.06 PO Number: no po Amount Enclosed: $ I ,'1 1 i Legal Notices AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEX- AS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF TRACT 4G, OBEDIAH W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 899, BEING APPROXI- MATELY 10.362 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COM- PLETELY DE- SCRIBED IN EXHIBIT CITY "A" FROM "AG" OF SOUTHLAKE AGRICULTURAL Notice is hereby given DISTRICT TO Z by the City Council SITE GENERALIZED of the City of PLAN DISTRICT Southlake, Texas, RETWITH "C-2" LOCAL COMMER- that a public hearing CIAL USES,L DE- will be held on No- PICTED AS vember 4, 2008, at APPROVED ON SITE 5:00 p.m. or imme- PLANOV ED ATTACHEDSITE diately following the PLAN NDIN- Work Session, dur- CHERETO AND ing the Regular City HEREIN O R P A R XHI T Council meeting to "B", B EXHIBIT be held in the City TTH" SUBJECT RE- Council Chambers of QUIREMENTS SPECIFIC CON- Town Hall, 1400 TAINEDINMain Street, South- RDININ THIS lake,Texas. Purpose ORDINANCE; OFFI- of the public hearing CIALZ RECTING THE MAP is to consider the P ZONING MAP; second reading of PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS the following ordi- OF THE ZONING nance: ORDINANCE; DE- ORDINANCE TERMINING THAT NO. DIN.NCE THE PUBLIC INTER- AN EST, MORALS AND _ GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZON- ING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMU- LATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PRO- VIDING A SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSE- PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIO- LATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAV- INGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or. corporation who vi- olates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. City of Southlake Lori Payne City Secretary INVOICE Preview Star-Telegram Y.r. Customer ID: CIT57 400 W.7TH STREET R i-+•._ E.NI-- Invoice Number: 301459621 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 11/23/2008 Federal Tax ID 26-2674582 DEC 1 2 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 11/30/2008 Bill To: ,.•'., r !"•;CT RY CITY OF SOUTHLAKE r�FF\C L,; ', PO Number: PO#20900 1 1 5-000 1400 MAIN ST Order Number: 30145962 STE 440 Sales Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: CITY OF SOUTHLA Attn Attn:ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Publication Dates:11/17/2008 - 11/23/200 Description Location Col Depth Linage MU Rate Amount CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Notice is he I3580 1 126 126 LINE $0.42 $107.06 Sales Discount ($8.50) Misc Fee $5.00 G �F��� Net Amount: $103.56 F THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Tarrant Before me,a Notary Public in and for said County and State,this day personally appeared Deborah Baylor,Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star- Telegram,published by the Star-Telegram,Inc.at Fort Worth,in Tarrant County,Texas;and who,after being duly sworn,did depose and say that the attached clipping of an advertisement was published in th ove named paper on the listed dates:BIDS&LEGAL DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM (817)390-7501 OA.0011111111Ip& Signed q. ;P�v Gi1��;SQ1, 1. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME,THIS Tuesday, November ,2008. Notary Public 4.r\t V�� • , :-....- • �\ Qco �q�OF� • •.EXPIRE: •'• . i 8-1940\ \‘���� //ifi11111111 oo Thank You For Your Payment Remit To: Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 P.O. BOX 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 301459621 Invoice Amount: $103.56 PO Number: PO#20900115-000 Amount Enclosed: $ I c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Notice is hereby given by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, that a public hearing will be held on De- cember 2, 2008, at 5:00 p.m. or imme- diately following the Work Session, dur- ing the Regular City Council meeting to be held in the City Council Chambers of Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, South- lake, Texas. Purpose of the public hearing is to consider the second reading of the following ordi- nance: ORDINANCE NO. 480-570 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEX- AS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF TRACT 4G, OBEDIAH W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 899, BEING APPROXI- MATELY 10.362 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COM- PLETELY DE- SCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "S-P- 2" GENERALIZED SITE PLAN DISTRICT WITH "C-2" LOCAL RETAIL COMMER- CIAL USES, AS DE- PICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND IN- CORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC RE- QUIREMENTS CON- TAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; COR- RECTING THE OFFI- CIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DE- TERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTER- EST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZON- ING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMU- LATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PRO- VIDING A SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIO- LATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAV- INGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who vi- olates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. City of Southlake Lori Payne City Secretary 1 e , A INVOICE i Preview Star-Telegram • \ Customer ID: CIT57 400 W.7TH STREET ,,� 1 Y Invoice Number: 300610681 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 `' J'v �` (817)390-7761 ✓ Invoice Date: 10/12/2008 Federal Tax ID 22-3148254 )14'Pr Ir_' Terms: Net due in 21 days S�b le I b Due Date: 10/31/2008 Bill To: 0 11 PO Number: NO PO CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1 1400 MAIN ST Order Number: 30061068 STE 440 Sales Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: CITY OF SOUTHLA Attn Attn:ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Publication Dates: 10/6/2008 - 10/12/200 Description s :;y ,. : Dept 1, , , U e Amount CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Notice is he I3580 1 126 126 LINE $0.42 $107.06 Sales Discount R E C E '/E D ($8.50) RECEIVED Misc Fee $5.00 NOV .1 NOV 0 3 2008 V(J�r'F�CE OF ��� SECRETARYBY• Net Amount: $103.56 /0'q . tA _ 0( 9 o,,"QY`t,� CHRISTY L.HOLLAND Tres r _ i, My Commission Exp _1L� C.�- July 31,2012 THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Tarrant Before me,a Notary Public in and for said County and State,this day personally appeared Deborah Baylor,Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star- Telegram,published by the Star-Telegram, Inc.at Fort Worth,in Tarrant County,Texas;and who,after being duly sworn,did depose and say that the attached clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the listed dates: BIDS&LEGAL DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM (817)390-7501 Signed p SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME,THIS Tuesday, cto r 1 2008. ir Notary Public tli Thank You For Your Payment Remit To: Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 P.O. BOX 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 300610681 Invoice Amount: $103.56 PO Number: NO PO Amount Enclosed: $ A rl\ Legal Notices A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEX- AS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF TRACT 4G, OBEDIAH W. KNIGHT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 899, BEING APPROXI- MATELY 10.362 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COM- PLETELY DE- SCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "S-P- 2" GENERALIZED SITE PLAN DISTRICT WITH "C-2" LOCAL RETAIL COMMER- CIAL USES, AS DE- PICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND IN- CORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC RE- QUIREMENTS CON- TAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; COR- RECTING THE OFFI- CIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DE- TERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTER- EST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZON- ING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMU- LATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PRO- VIDING A SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIO- LATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAV- INGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or CITY OF SUUTH_ corporation who vi- olates, disobeys, LAKE Notice is hereby given omits, neglects or by the City Council with or to comply ts ' of the City of theh nwho entres of Southlake, Texas, anyof thecement of that a public hearing provisions will be held on Oc- of this ordinane tober 21, 2008, at shall be tfhan noto 5:00 p.m. or imme- more han Two diately following the Thousand($2,000 Dollars Work Session, dur- offens0.00) for each ing the Regular City offense. Each day Council meeting to that a violation is be held in the City permittedallconstituteto exist se Council Chambers of a Town Hall, 1400 separate offense. City of Southlake Main Street, South- lake, Texas. Purpose Lori Payne of the public hearing City Secretary is to consider the second reading of the following ordi- nance: ORDINANCE NO. 480-570 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING