2004-07-07 Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting July 7, 2004 MINUTES Board Members Present: President Martin Schelling, Members: Bob Mundlin, Lou Ann Heath, Stuart Spencer, Pam McCain and Craig Sturtevant. Board Members Absent: Frank Pittman Staff Present: Director of Public Safety Rick Black, Finance Director Sharen Elam, Chief of Police Services Marlin Price, Chief of Fire Services Robert Finn, Professional Standards Coordinator Lt. Ashleigh Douglas, Technical Services Manager Gary Gregg and Administrative Secretary Bobbye Shire. Public Present: Virginia Muzyka, City Council Member Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by President Martin Schelling at 7:01 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2 and 3, Executive Session. No Executive Session was held. Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments. Director Rick Black informed Board Members that terms would be expiring for three Board positions, with appointments taking place on September 1, 2004. Completed applications are to be provided to the City Secretary before August 6, 2004 for Council Action on August 17, 2004. Director Black also advised Board Members that Southlake Fire Services had just completed the re-accreditation process and in February 2005, Assessors will make the recommendation to CFAI to continue Southlake Fire Service's current accredited status. Timeline schedules for construction of the North DPS project were provided to Board Members. Agenda Item No 5A Approval of the Minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting held April 7, 2004. Motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. Motion: Mundlin Second: McCain Ayes: Heath, Sturtevant, Schelling, Spencer Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item 7A. was discussed out of sequence to allow a member of Staff to make their presentation and then depart the meeting in order to attend a personal commitment. SCCPD Meeting July 7, 2004 - Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item No. 7A. Consider - Approve Funding for Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. as Construction Manager Agent of the North DPS Facility. Board Members were reminded of their recommendation at the June CCPD Meeting for Staff to enter into negotiations with Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. as Construction Manager Agent for the North DPS facility. The Standard AIA agreements for Construction Manager Agent with modifications recommended by RPGA Design Group, City Attorney and Staff were provided to Board Members for their review and comments. Chief Price explained that Lee Lewis Construction would not be making a bid as constructor of the North site. He said Lee Lewis Construction would work with the architect to develop bid specs and that the City would hold all bids and contracts. Chief Price also informed Board Members that the Industry Standard for these services range from 3% to 6%, and the contract with Lee Lewis Construction stipulates a base cost of $520,000 with a 4% increase to costs over the estimated cost of $13,000,000. Additionally, Chief Price stated Lee Lewis Construction will not receive payment until commencement of construction, and by getting them on board in the early stages of the process, savings can be realized. Board Members should contact Staff with any input to the Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. agreements. Staff will incorporate appropriate changes before the agreements are forwarded to Council for approval. Motion was made to approve funding for Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. as Construction Manger Agent for the North DPS Facility. Motion: Mundlin Second: Heath Ayes: Sturtevant, Schelling, Spencer, McCain Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Chief Marlin Price departed the meeting at 7:21 p.m. Agenda Item No. 6A. Discussion - Sales Tax Report. Finance Director Sharen Elam stated revenue is 7.8% above collections recorded for the same time period of 2003. Agenda Item No. 6B. Discussion - First Reading of Crime Control FY 2004-05 Operating Budget and Multiyear CIP Budget. Director Black recapped the District Strategic Goals consisting of: 1) the development and construction of modern efficient facilities; 2) the use of modern technology and equipment; 3) the promotion of professional development; and 4) the funding of special police initiatives. He stated that throughout the history of the District, the Board and Staff have worked hard to address each strategy in a fiscally responsible manner and prudent management of District funds has allowed the District to successfully address each goal, without compromising the District's financial integrity. Director Black presented graphs which demonstrated how this year's proposed budget continues the articulated financial goals of the District and how each budget category compares to last year's approved budget. At the conclusion of the presentation Director Black commented that the total budget is a 50% reduction of last year's budget, at $1,032,570.00. Director Black stated the North DPS Facility construction is scheduled throughout the CIP through FY 06-07; the East DPS Facility land purchase is included in FY 04-05, and the East DPS site Design and Construction is scheduled for FY 06-07 through FY 07-08 with a reserve of an anticipated minimum of $1,336,269. In summary, he stated the proposed budget is consistent with articulated District Strategies, the proposed budget is fiscally responsible, and the budget SCCPD Meeting July 7, 2004 - Page 2 of 3 allows Southlake DPS to move forward with important initiatives utilizing a dedicated funding source, which does not impact Southlake's property tax rate. Director Black also clarified Board Member questions that the excess North land sale remains scheduled for 06/07, which is after the North construction is complete and the East land site may be purchased next fiscal year. President Schelling advised Board Members to contact Director Black and Director Elam with any additional comments or questions regarding the budget, and action on the FY 2004-05 Operating Budget and Multiyear CIP Budget will be taken at the August 4, 2004 CCPD Board Meeting. There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. President Martin Schelling ATTEST: 64 ' Bobbye Shi e, Secretary SCCPD Meeting July 7, 2004 - Page 3 of 3