2007-04-10 City of Southlake Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting Minutes -1.10;'200 SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL & PREVENTION DSTRICT BOARD MEETING Tuesday, April 10, 2007 MINUTES Location: Southlake East DPS, DPS Training/Community Room, 667 N Carroll Ave., Southlake, TX 76092 REGULAR SESSION: Board Members Present: Martin Schelling, Bob Mundlin, Lou Ann Heath, Biff McGuire, Craig Sturtevant. Board Members Absent: Frank Pittman, Richard Sandow Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Jim Blagg, Police Chief Wade Goolsby, Fire Chief Robert Finn, Finance Director Sharen Jackson, Community Service Director Steve Polasek, Architect Robert Garza, Secretary Diana Green. Agenda Item No. 1. Call To Order. The April 10, 2007 CCPD meeting was called to order by President Martin Schelling at 7:05 p m. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. No executive session. Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene. No actions. Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum. No public forum. Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments. A. CCPD Sales Tax update. It was reported that the current CCPD budget is above budget. Announcements: Southlake Executive Forum is scheduled to meet on April 17, 2007, 7:30 a.m. at Mi Cocina Restaurant. A presentation will be made concerning the Central Facility The City Wide SPIN meeting is scheduled for April 23, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. to inform the public of the Central facility 1 City ofSouthlake Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting Minutes 4l10/i'200- The environmental assessment on the East DPS site was discussed. Records were located which indicate the site was given a clean bill of health. Agenda Item No. 6. Consent. A. Approve minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board meeting held March 7, 2007. A motion was made to approve the minutes from the CCPD meeting held March 7, 2007 Motion. Sturtevant Second: Mundlin Ayes: Heath, McGuire, Mundlin, Schelling, Sturtevant Nays None Approved- 5-0 Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion. C. North DPS facility site A Power Point presentation on the North site layout was presented as a follow up to the Board's request for additional information. A conceptual design plan of the 32 acre DPS North property was presented outlining potential space requirements for future DPS facilities and what additional land might be available for purchase by the Parks Department. The conceptual plan provides for a fire station, training area, a firing range area, a training tower, a parking structure and a potential animal shelter leaving a considerable amount of land available (7 to 8 acres). It was presented that the site is large enough to meet the needs of the DPS facilities and still have land available to accommodate some park facilities The Board asked the conceptual square footage of the different DPS facilities. The response was. fire station 12,000 firing range 10,000 animal shelter 6,500 Direction from the Board was requested to peruse a property appraisal and to develop a more detailed schematic park design to include cost estimates. The Board asked if the Parks Department had funds readily available for the acquisition of the land which was confirmed by Steve Polasek. The Board advised that they are in favor of the land purchase by the Parks Department, however, the Board is concerned about the placement of the property lines. The Board expressed concern over whether it has any fiduciary obligation to put the land acquisition up for bids. The response was that the City owns the land therefore no bid process is required. The Board advised the Parks Department to move forward with the appraisal of the North site and to go ahead and map out potential property lines for the Board's consideration. A. Central facility update A presentation was given by staff outlining the scope, addition of the Municipal Court, the cost, and the financing of the project. The needs assessment of the original 48,909 square footage was discussed. Some areas were not included in the original needs assessment to include the jail, computer service room, maintenance room, rest rooms and 2 l City of Southlake Carne Control R Prevention District Meeting Minutes 41101i200- storage which adds an additional 15,316 square feet. There are other areas for expansion which were not considered such as the future Criminal Investigation area, potential storage area expansion for property and evidence which adds another 15,191 square feet to the building, The addition of the Municipal Courts would add another 7,451 square feet for a total building space of 86,867 square feet. Discussion took place concerning whether the courts addition to the facility is an appropriate expenditure for Crime Control funds. Legal counsel was sought and the opinion returned stating that a court facility is something that crime district funds may be used to finance. A copy of the statute was provided to each Board Member present. Bond funding for a Police facility was discussed The presentation outlined preliminary project cost, cost comparisons, Central DPS facility funding, and funding philosophy. The projected construction cost is to include the infrastructure, street construction on Division St. and State St, as well as all of the water and sewer lines which would also include the storm sewer line Construction Cost $23,420,534 A & E $ 1,873,642 (based on 8%) FF&E $ 1,560,000 Site land acquisition $ 1,500,000 (hased on appraisal) Interim station cost undetermined at this time (will show up in the PT07-08 budget) Preliminary $28,354,176 Discussion took place concerning the City's commitment to Keller for the jail partnership. The Board was advised that infrastructure for a jail and a communications /dispatch area was included in the design plans for the new facility. B. Interim facility update Staff advised the Board that discussions with the CISD have taken place for the use of Carroll Intermediate School as an interim DPS location. A preliminary inter-local agreement has been drafted. Configuration of the school building was discussed. Temporary shelters will be constructed to house the fire apparatus and will be used as fire bays Costs are unknown at this time but will include replacement or repair of the existing cooling and heating units on the school building with the City paying as much as 50% of that cost. The condition of the school building was discussed. Agenda Item No. 8. Consider. A. Recommendation regarding central facility A motion was made to approve the advancement of design documents as presented by staff and the architect for the central facility Motion: Mundlin Second: McGuire Ayes. Heath, McGuire, Mundlin, Schelling, Sturtevant 3 Cityof Southlake Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting Minutes 4,,101 200- NaysO None Approved: 5-0 B. Recommendation regarding North DPS facility site. A motion was made to direct staff to peruse appraisal of the North site property and to create a more detailed schematic design to include property lines and a tentative budget for the Board's further consideration. Motion. Mundlin Second- Sturtevant Ayes: Heath, McGuire, Mundlin, Schelling, Sturtevant Nays None Approved- 5-0 Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment. A motion was made to adjourn the April 10, 2007 CCPD meeting. Motion. Mundlin Second: McGuire Ayes: Heath, McGuire, Mundlin, Schelling, Sturtevant Nays None Approved. 5-0 The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. Z 00, Martin Schilling, President c ~ p ^ Diana Green, Secretary 4