2006-12-06 City of Southlake Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting Minutes 12/06/06 SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL & PREVENTION DSTRICT BOARD MEETING Wednesday, December 6, 2006 MINUTES Location: Southlake East DPS, DPS Training/Community Room, 667 N Carroll Ave., Southlake, TX 76092 REGULAR SESSION: Board Members Present: Martin Schelling, Frank Pittman, Lou Ann Heath, Craig Sturtevant. Board Members Absent: Richard Sandow, Biff McGuire, and Bob Mundlin. Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Jim Blagg, Director Rick Smith, Police Chief Wade Goolsby, Fire Chief Robert Finn, Assistant Finance Director Sharon Guess, Community Service Director Steve Polasek, City Attorney Fritz Quast, and Secretary Diana Green. Contractors Present: Robert Garza and Javier Lucio with RPGA Design Group Public Present: Stuart Spencer, past Board Member. Agenda Item No. 1. Call To Order. The December 6, 2006 CCPD meeting was called to order by President Martin Schelling at 7:08 p.m. Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments. A. Present plaques to past CCPD Board Members. Martin Schelling presented a commitment award to past board member Stuart Spencer for the time he served (six years) on the Crime Control and Prevention District Board. Mr. Spencer expressed his appreciation and left the meeting. B. CCPD Sales Tax update. Sharon Guess informed the Board that sales tax collected for 2006 was currently over and above that which was collected the previous year, an increase of 27% on average. The final half cent sales tax for 2006 collected to date is 13% over budget. C. Central facility update Staff met with City Council on 12/5/06 and discussed issues presented in the CCPD work session held 11/27/06. Council indicated to staff that they would like the DPS central facility fagade to be uniform with Town Square. Issues of space between the building and the street were discussed. Council would like to see the distance more compatible 1 City of Southlake Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting Minutes 12/06/06 with the building set backs of the Town square buildings. Council advised that they would like to see parking spaces on Division St. and they would like to see parking closer to the main entrance. The real estate appraisal was conducted and should be completed by the next CCPD meeting. Alternative security between the building and the street was discussed. Ballards, which can be hidden in the landscaping, was suggested as an alternative security measure. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. A. Section 221.072: Deliberation regarding real property. 1. Discuss purchase of property for the DPS central facility. 2. Discuss security issues - parking. No executive session needed. Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene. No action to be taken. Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum. No public forum. Agenda Item No. 6. Consent. A. Approve minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board meeting held October 11, 2006. A motion was made to approve the minutes from the CCPD October 11, 2006 meeting. Motion: Pittman Second: Heath Ayes: Schelling, Sturtevant, Pittman, Heath Nays: None Approved: 4-0 Agenda Item No. 7. Consider. A. Election of CCPD officers. A motion was made to retain the current structure of officers: Martin Schelling, President; Bob Mundlin, Vice-president; Sharon Elam, Treasurer; and Diana Green, Secretary. Motion: Heath Second: Pittman Ayes: Sturtevant, Pittman, Heath, Schelling Nays: None Approved: 4-0 Agenda Item No 8. Discussion. 2 City of Southlake Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting Minutes 12/06/06 A. Development options for the North site. A Power Point presentation was given showing possible joint use of the North site for DPS and Community Service parks. Site maps were shown illustrating the current site and potential layout of athletic fields. A few of the combined opportunities presented were parking, exercise stations and trails. Site challenges were pointed out to be grade changes, residential concerns and lighting issues for the athletic fields. The property is about 32 acres purchased in 1999 by the Crime Control and Prevention District Board for $1.4 million at $43,750 an acre. The 2006 TAD appraised value of the property is $945,600. It was presented that the athletic fields would probably be used for lacrosse matches. Safety issues and safety measures of a park facility near a DPS facility were discussed. Traffic issues were discussed. The Board was informed that the north site is being considered for a DPS joint training facility and fire station with the possibility of an animal shelter located on site. Staff is researching the possibility of the animal shelter serving as a district facility. The Board would like to find out how much land is needed for the DPS facilities before making any decision; they want to make sure that the Crime Control & Prevention needs are met before releasing any land to park use. Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment. A motion was made to adjourn the December 6, 2006 CCPD meeting. Motion: Heath Second: Pittman Ayes: Sturtevant, Schelling, Pittman, Heath Nays: None Approved: 4-0 The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. Martin Schelling, President Diana Green, Secretary 3