2005-07-06 SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL & PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD MEETING Wednesday, July 6, 2005 7:00 p.m. MINUTES LOCATION: Southlake East DPS Facility, 667 North Carroll Ave. REGULAR SESSION: Board Member Present: Martin Schelling, President; Frank Pittman, Stuart Spencer, Craig Sturtevant, Lou Ann Heath, Bob Mundlin, and Pam McCain_ Staff Present: Rick Smith, Director of Public Safety; Marlin Price, Chief of Police, and Diana Green, Secretary. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by President Martin Schelling at 7.00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. No Executive session was held Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments. Chief Price informed the Board of the status of the North DPS facility The proposed plans came in extremely over budget. The RPGA and Lee Lewis Company have been instructed to stop all work. Progress on the North facility will be on hold until after the Matrix Study results have been evaluated Chief Price expressed to the Board that the City Man ger wants to assure everyone that the City is working to make everything better It was the City Manager's intention to request that a management study be conducted in all city departments over the next two years but due to recent issues she requested the study take place sooner. The Matrix Study was discussed. The question of how long before the Matrix Study results would be evaluated was put to Chief Price. The Board was informed that a draft of the report would be presented to the city leadership next week. The Board expressed concerns about the time frame and when the North facility planning could or would get underway again. The Board also expressed concerns over the budget for the North facility. Options were discussed for eliminating and adjusting the plans There are four members who need to reapply for positions to serve on the Crime Control & Prevention District Board- Pam McCain, Frank Pittman, Lou Ann Heath, and Martin Schelling. Agenda Item No. 4. Approval of Minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board meeting held January 13, 2005 and approval of the 2003 - 04 Annual Report. Chief Price informed the Board that two changes had been made; one change in spelling and the other in the amount of the consultant funding for the North facility. A motion was made to approve the minutes and report. Motion. Sturtevant Second: McCain Ayes: Spencer, Schelling, Pittman, Heath Nays None Abstains- Mundlin f Approved 7-0 Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion - Sales Tax Report. Discussion of the 2005-06 Crime Control and Prevention District Budget draft and the draft plan of the 2005-06 Crime Control and Prevention District Capital Improvement Plan. Chief Price reported that revenue collected thus far is above collections recorded for the same time period of 2004. The amount collected to date was approximately $275,000 over the projected amount. Power Point Presentation. A Power Point presentation was given by Chief Price on the proposed 2005-06 budget. Topic: SRO Program Operations Budget Community Service Budget Equipment Replacement The draft of the budget proposed was discussed. The Board Members expressed concerns in reference to whether some of the items meet the criteria of the Crime Control & Prevention District Board funds Board Members were concerned about approving the proposed budget before the results of the Matrix Study, particularly in regards to the North facility. Some budgetary alternatives were proposed and staff was directed to communicate the Boards concerns to city leadership. The question of when the budget needs to be approved was asked. The Board Members were informed that the budget needs to be approved before the end of September, 2005 because it will be presented to the City Council at the end of September The Board Members requested that Sharen Elam, Finance Manager, attend the next Board meeting. The Members have questions about the budget they wish to ask her. The Board Members would like to have more time to study the proposed budget and would like to discuss the budget in detail at the next meeting. The next meeting for the Crime Control Board is set for August 3, 2005. A request to change the date from August 3, 2005 to August 17, 2005 was made. The date was discussed. The proposed date of August 17, 2005 was agreed on for the next meeting unless Sharen Elam, Finance Director, is unable to attend. Chief Price will contact Ms. Elam to request her presence and will email the Board Members to confirm the date of August 17'h Lou Ann Heath informed the Board that the Mayor has asked that a representative of each volunteer board request/appoint a volunteer for the City of Southlake's 50`h anniversary celebration planning board. Pam McCain has volunteered. Meeting Adjourned. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motion. Pittman Second Mundlin Ayes Schelling, Spencer, Sturtevant, Heath, McCain Nays: None Approved. 7-0 Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p in. Note: No recording of this meeting. The tape recorder in the East facility training room was not operational. r President Martin Schelling ATTEST Diana I GA n