2005-08-17 z 1 SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL & PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD MEETING Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:00 p.m. MINUTES LOCATION: Southlake East DPS Facility, 667 North Carroll Ave. REGULAR SESSION: Board Members Present: President Martin Schelling, Stuart Spencer, Craig Sturtevant, Lou Ann Heath, Bob Mundlin, and Pam McCain. Board Member Absent: Frank Pitman. Staff Present: Director of Public Safety Rick Smith, Chief of Police Wade Goolsby, City Manager Shana Yelverton, Director of Finance Sharen Elam and Administration Secretary Deborah Hardin. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by President Martin Schelling at 7 00 p m. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. No Executive session was held. Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments. Martin Schelling welcomed Virginia Muzyka to the meeting. Former Police Chief Marlin Price announced he is no longer with the city and introduced the new Police Chief Wade Goolsby Director Rick Smith thanked Former Chief Price for his hard work with the department and community. The director also welcomed Police Chief Wade Goolsby and he briefed the board on the expertise he brought to the department Deborah I would move this to administrative comments It was the Board's consensus that the board packets by emailed instead of having an officer deliver them. There will still be hard copies of minutes and agendas available at the meetings Agenda Item No. 4. Discussion. Matrix Study Presentation The order listed on the agenda was changed to allow the presentation of the study prepared by Matrix Consulting Group to go first. City Manager Shana Yelverton stated that the study was initiated in order to know the most efficient and best use of personnel and building space, including that pertaining to public safety. Travis Miller with Matrix discussed the study and explained the findings. The study made three recommendations; 1) Move all police to the West Station and building services to Town Hall and leaving the fire stations as they are. 2) Move all law enforcement operations and administration to West Station leave the fire marshal, fire personnel and fire administration at the east station. 3) Move all operations of the police to the West Station and leave the administration at the east station. The North Station as previously conceived would not need to be built. The study confirms the need to build new space but suggests looking for ways to minimize the cost. In response to board questions, Travis Miller advised if the North facility is not built, 1) that the training room at West Station could be used as a control center 2) police response times should not change since the police units are distributed throughout the city and not from a station; and 3) the fire response would remain the same since there would still be two stations. Shana Yelverton stated there are no pressing timing issues for making a decision on the study results. There was a contract in place for the North Station architects and their services have been placed on hold. There is also a City desire to upgrade the East Station working conditions Rick Smith advised that the DPS staff has already made plans to make better use of the West Station. A detailed discussion followed as to the future use of the East Station and its 3 acres. Travis Miller advised that the whole picture is very complex regarding the East Station. Travis Miller discussed the Keller public safety facilities and noted that Keller designed and built their new facility with the objective of selling out space in dispatch and their jail services Board members expressed their disappointment in the possible change of direction as to the North Station, since the concept of building a North Station has been worked on for several years. There was much discussion about how the current plans were developed and how the Board now has the opportunity to be creative and take the time to evaluate the City public safety facility needs. Shana Yelverton stated that the administration is not against a North Station but wants to use what is available first SHOULD THIS BE A NEW AGENDA ITEM? Sales Tax Report Finance Director Sharen Elam gave the Sales Tax Report and presented the board members a handout. (see attachment) Collected to date is $2,276,217 balance is $284,831 balance percent 11.12%. Director Elam advised that the increase is because she was conservative in budgeting when Wal Mart left. Sharen Elam said a further increase of 15% to 18% could be expected for next month. 2003-04 Annual Report Former Chief Price advised the changes have been completed on the annual report that were recommended and approved last meeting. The report has been filed at the City Secretary's Office. The City Manager's Office advised a presentation to the City Council would probably not be necessary. Agenda Item No. 5. Consider: Minutes from last meeting Martin Schelling advised the board will delay taking actions on last meeting's minutes because of the delay in receiving them and the board needs time to review them. SHOULD THIS BE A NEW AGENDA ITEM? 2005-06 Crime Control & Prevention District Budget Director Smith advised that the SRO program is still in the budget and DPS is in a discussion with CISD for a cost sharing agreement with them. Chief Goolsby, Former Chief Price and Director Smith met with the Joint Use Committee earlier this month about joint funding the SRO program with the schools. They do not believe joint funding will happen this year but there is interest in the school board to start the process for next year. The $70,000 optical fiber that was approved for this year's budget but not spent has been moved to next year's budget because of timing along with the $170,000 for the in-car video camera system that will allow an upgrade and the GPS tracking of the PSO vehicles. Martin Schelling stated that the Matrix Study has a lot of `what ifs' for the future and there should be money for planning consultant design fees. Finance Director Elam stated a new line item for professional services could be added to the 2005/2006 proposed budget and moved to the operating side for that specific purpose Martin Schelling made the suggestion (which received Board consensus) to place a line item for $25,000 into the proposed budget to that effect. When adopted the budget would include the amendment. Director Elam wanted to stress that the Crime Control Budget would fund only 75% of the SRO program. Director Elam went over the ending balance of the fund. She advised the ending balance for the year 2004 is $3,600,000. This will roll over to the current year 2004-05. Total revenues on amending proposed revenues up $370,000. Anticipating the current year to collect total revenues of $3,000,000 with total expenditures of $483,000. The expenditures were amended down for one of the vacant SRO position in the current year. Under capital, Former Chief Price stated we reduced it because of the fiber optics for the current year. Revenue over expenses is $2.5 million. Proposing $5.6million as the balance for the current year. The 2005-06 proposes sales tax revenues of $3,400,000 reflecting 33% increase above last year's adopted budget. The proposal really is 16% over estimated collections for the current year, with the majority being from Grand Avenue development in Town Square area. Interest is estimated as $70,000 bringing total revenue for 2005-06 to $3,475,000. Martin Schelling requested an update on the 15 year life of the district projection. Director Elam advised that could be done. Director Elam stated that district allocated funds are in low risk investments with low interest. Stuart Spencer made a motion to accept the budget as presented with $25,000 amended in Professional Services and Craig Sturtevant seconded the motion. A] I present voted to accept the budget. 2005-06 Crime Control & Prevention District Capital Improvement Plan Director Elam advised there is not a plan at the current time The Board recognized that there may be a "surplus" of money and the Boards' goals and objectives may need to be re-examined depending on the outcome of the North Facility decision. Agenda Item No. 6: Craig Sturtevant made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Pam McCain seconded the motion and all approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:20pm. President Martin Schelling ATTEST. Deborah Hardin