Wednesday, December 15, 2005
7:00 p.m.
Location: Southlake East DPS, DPS Training/Community Room, 667 N. Carroll Ave.,
Southlake, TX 76092
Board Members Present: President Martin Schelling, Lou Ann Heath, Richard
Sandow, Frank Pittman
Board Members Absent: Bob Mundlin, Stuart Spencer and Craig Sturtevant.
Staff Present: Director of Public Safety Rick Smith, Chief of Police Wade Goolsby,
Chief of Fire Services Robert Finn, Attorney Wayne Olsen, and Secretary Diana Green.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by President Martin Schelling at 7:10 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 1. Executive Session
President Schelling announced that the Executive Session would, be moved to a later time
in the meeting.
Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene
Will be determined later in the meeting
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum
There was no public present who wished to speak.
Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments
A. Oath of office for new members.
Four new members, Martin Schelling, Lou
Heath, Richard Sandow and Frank Pitman were sworn into office.
B. Fiscal Year 2005 - 2006 CCPD Budget Update_
Director Smith advised that Finance Director, Sharen Jackson, could not
attend tonight's meeting but did send an e-mail to Director Smith with
Financial updates for the CCPD budget. The e-mail stated that as of
November 30, 2005 the CCPD fund had approximately $5.5 million in
reserves. For Fiscal Year 2004 - 2005 a total of $2,931,048 was collected in
sales tax which is approximately $94,459 over the amount budgeted. Director
Smith advised that Ms Jackson will attend the next scheduled CCPD meeting
to discuss the fund balance and projected sales taxes.
C. Update of Matrix recommendations related to DPS facilities.
Director Smith reported that DPS is continuing to work through Matrix
recommendations. There were a total of 35 recommendations in the whole
report that were accepted by the City. Approximately 66% of those
recommendations have been completed with all of the recommendations
projected to be completed by early next year, January or February 2006. The
recommendations of special interest to the Board would be the ones which
referred to the DPS facilities. The faculties recommendations fell into three
categories: one was to move all of the operations of DPS from the East
Facility to the West Facility with the other two recommendations having
fewer operations or units moved to the West Facility. Director Smith
informed the Board that the City approached the move to the West Facility as
an interim solution. Units moved to the West Facility - CID, the Professional
Standard's Officer, Director Smith and his administrative assistant. As a
result of these moves the West Facility is being better utilized and personnel
at the East Facility have been moved around to facility better working areas.
Significant progress has been made to aid in better use of each facility until a
decision can be reached on a new location and new facility.
Agenda Item No. 2. Return to Executive Session
Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section
551.071, consultation with attorney, Section 551.072, deliberation regarding real
property, and/or Section 551.073, deliberation regarding prospective gift. Executive
Sessions may be held, under these exceptions at the end of the Regular Session or any
time during the meeting that a need arises.
A. Section 551.072, Deliberation Regarding Real Property
1. Discussion acquisition of land for DPS facility
Board and Staff Members went into Executive Session at this time.
Reconvene of Regular Session
No action items at this time.
Agenda Item No. 6. Consent
Approval of minutes from three previous meeting is needed: July 6, 2005, August 17,
2005 and November 2, 2005.
A motion was made to approve all three sets of minutes: July 6, 2005, August 17, 2005
and November 2, 2005.
Motion: Heath
Schelling, Sandow, Heath, Pittman
Agenda Item No. Consider
A. Election of new officers
The Board Members were agreeable with allowing the current Members serving
in current positions to continue. A motion was made to accept Martin Schelling
as President of the CCPD Board.
Motion: Pittman
Second: Sandow
Ayes: Heath, Pittman, Sandow, Schelling
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
A motion was made to accept Bob Mundlin as Vice-president, Sharen Jackson as
Treasure and Diana Green as Secretary.
Schelling, Sandow, Heath, Pittman
B. Recommend the termination of contracts with architect and construction
Director Smith informed the Board that it the City's recommendation that the
contracts with RPGA, architect, and Lee Lewis, construction manager, be
terminated for reasons concerning facility location. Director Smith advised that
City Attorney Wayne Olsen was present to address any questions that the Board
Members might have. For the record it was expressed that the terminations would
only entail paying for services rendered to date.
No questions were asked.
A motion was made to terminate the current contracts with RPGA and Lee Lewis.
Motion: Pittman
Sandow, Schelling, Pittman, Heath
C. Initiate contract negotiations with architect
Director Smith reported that the City has had and still has a good working
relationship with Robert Garza's firm and also expressed appreciation for their
patience and understanding. Staff recommends that the Board approve
negotiation of a contract with RPGA to begin work on a new facility at a location
to be determined.
A motion was made to give staff authority to enter into negotiation with RPGA as
the architect for the new facility.
Schelling, Heath, Pittman, Sandow
D. Initiate contract negotiations with construction manager.
Director Smith reported that the same comments as above apply to Gary Frazier's
firm as being an excellent firm to work with and also expressed appreciation for
their patience and understanding. Staff recommends that the Board approve
negotiation of a contract with Lee Lewis as the construction manager to begin
work on a new facility at a location to be determined. Martin Schelling requested
that Gary Frazier provide a history of litigation disclosure statement and an
updated financial statement for the Lee Lewis firm. An oral confirmation from
Gary Frazier was given stating that there is no existing litigation to date and no
financial changes. A written statement will be provided to Staff and Board.
A motion was made based on staff recommendation, oral confirmation and
pending written confirmation statement from Mr. Frazier, to give staff authority to
enter into negotiation with Lee Lewis as the construction manager for the new
Schelling, Heath, Pittman, Sandow
Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion
The question of excused absents was brought to the attention of the Board; there
is some concern form Board Members because they could not attend the last
meeting which was rescheduled due to bad weather conditions. Diana was
requested to circulate a form so that the Board Members' information could be
No other discussion.
Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the December 15, 2005 CCPD Board meeting.
Schelling, Sandow, Pittman, Heath
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
Have a Happy Holiday. Meeting adjourned.
Martin Schelling, President
Diana Green, Secretary