1986-03-04 . NAME OF COUNCILPERSON . Westerholm McCombs Eubanks eterholm McCombs Eubanks :.s:: >- t::l t11 ~ ::I:: t11 :.s:: o ~ ~ o z x x C/) t11 n o z t::l t11 t::l :.s:: o ~ ~ o z x x >- tx:l C/) ~ >- ~ Z t11 t::l <:: o ~ t11 t::l >- G:l >- ~ z C/) ~ I March 4,1986 7:30 p.m. I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. I <: o ~ t11 t::l 'Tj o :;0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: THE Regular CITY COUNCIL PAGE: 1 COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd O. Latta Jr. Mayor Pro Tem; Johnny Westerholm. Bruce McCombs and Loyd Eubanks. COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Marion Bone and Davis Bradley. PLANNING AND ZONING CO~WISSIONERS PRESENT: Rick Stacy. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Police Chief; Jerry Crowder, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand. City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Loyd Eubanks The Minutes of the February 18, City Council meeting were approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT. Mayor Latta announced that we have two City Council members out of town on business. x x x Also that the City Council members are to come un with a list of priority streets to be repaired during FY86. Resolution 86-18. Appointing a new member and an alternate member to the Zoning Board of Adjustments was approved. Mr. Jim Wooll, new member, and Aloha Payne, alternate member, took the Oath of Office. x x x Resolution 86-19 was approved, authorizing Mayor Latta to sign the plan for the Tarrant County Red Cross Disaster Service. INDEX I I I I I I I I I I RESOLUTI1 86-18 I I RESOLUTION 86-19 I I I Ie lAME OF OUNCILPERSON I I I I I I' I I I I I I I. I I Westerholm McCombs Eubanks Westerholm McCombs Eubanks Westerholm McCombs Eubanks Westerholm McCombs Eubanks ;s::: > t=' tTl ~ ::c tTl ;s::: o ~ H o Z x x x x C/) tTl n o Z t=' tTl t=' 3::: o ~ H o Z x x x x > 0:1 C/) ~ > H Z tTl t=' <: o ~ tTl t:::l > G':l > H Z C/) ~ < o ~ tTl t:::l 'TJ o :;0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Regular MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: THE CITY COUNCIL March 4,1986 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 INDEX x x x Resolution 86-20 was approved acceptin~RESOLUTION the low bid for three Chevrolet Police 86-20 Cars. The cars, including extended warrenty, were $ 11,758.40 each. x x x Resolution 86-21, was approved, appoin RESOLUTION ing the newly formed South1ake Aircraf 86-21 Noise Awareness Committee. x x x Resolution 86-22 was approved, adding an addendum to the contract for lighting Baseball Field #3. The additional cost will be $6,200, which will still be within the Budgeted amount. The change order from HEC Electric is hereby attached to the minutes. x x x Resolution 86-23 was approved, authorizing Mayor Latta to sign a contract and award the bid for the construction of restrooms/concession stand at the cities Bicentennial Park. All bids include, handicap requirements and using vandalism proof equipment. The apparent low bid is $37,000. and the high bid is $67,000. ZA 86-8. The final plat for the Stacy Office/Warehouse Addition Lots 1,2,3, was discussed. Owner, Rick Stacy stated he is attempting to work with Snap Inc. for a tie-on to Bank Place Sewer Treatment Plant, but only if the City blesses this plan. He added, that in an attempt to not delay the final plat, he will install a septic system for the time being. Mayor Latta stated the city is in the process of working with Snap Inc. but he feels Stacy should proceed with the septic system. The Mayor and Council set May 1 as a target date.to have RESOLUTION 86-22 RESOLUTION 86-23 . NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Westerholm McCombs Eubanks , Westerho1m McCombs Eubanks Westerho1m McCombs Eubanks Westerholm McCombs _banks ~ )> t:::l tT:l t--03 ::r: tT:l ~ o t--03 H o Z x x x x (J) tT:l n o Z t:::l tT:l t:::l 3:: o t--03 H o Z x x x x )> I:C (J) t--03 )> H Z tT:l t:::l <:: o t--03 tT:l t:::l )> C) )> H Z (J) t--03 <: o t--03 tT:l t:::l 'TJ o ::0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Regular CITY COUNCIL I March 4,1986 I 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. I MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: THE PAGE: 3 INDEX . . a solution resolved on this matter. Stacy stated he is willing and waiting to annex the remaining 40 plus acres. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mayor Latta recommended approval and immediate annexation of the remaining land. x x x Motion was made and approved to approve the final plat. The Developers Agreement for Stacy Office/Warehouse Addition was approved with amendment as follows: 1. Concrete street 36' wide be installed all the way out to the existing asphalt on E. Southlake Blvd. 2. A 12" water line be installed on E. Southlake Blvd. across the property and a 10" water line be installed on Commerce Street. 3. Sewer is to be an addendum to the Developers Agreement when the issu is resolved. 4. Street lights be installed. 5. Drainage be addressed as per city ordinances. x x x The final site plan for Stacy Office/ Warehouse Addition was approved as presented. x x x x x x Approval was given for the change order in the 36" and 30" water line project. Mayor Latta, in the motion, was authorized to sign the change order in the amount of $6,764. City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham stated, that is less than one/halfof one per cent increase and is basically a clean-up change order. :3:: en ~ <: <::: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS I ~ tTl b:l 0 0 t::l n en ~ ~ MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL tTl 0 ~ tTl tTl Z ~ t::l t::l MEETING. ~ t::l 1-1 March 4,1986 ::I:: tTl Z ~ 'T:l DATE: II tTl t::l tTl G::l 0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. t::l ~ ~ :3:: :3:: 1-1 PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 z 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTH LAKE ~ ~ en 1-1 1-1 ~ TEXAS. lAME OF 0 0 OUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX ,I I. I. I I ,.' I Westerho1m McCombs Eubanks I I I I I Ie I . The proposed ordinance on Alcoholic Beverages was discussed. City Attorne , Bill Smith explained his proposed Ordinance to the City Council. The following persons spoke during the public hearing: Charles Curry, Steven Ginsberg, Jim Woo11, Phillip Bressinck, Randy Stacy, Joe Bently, Charles Fetche1, and Gary McGrath. Council is also to further review the proposed ordinance and discuss at the next city council meeting. A discussion was held on the proposed ordinance for Set Backs on Highway 114 Cheatham is to look into a formula for heights and spacing of buildings. x During the public forum, Doris Martin spoke. x The bills presented were approved x for payment. x x The meeting Latta. CITY OF SOUTH LAKE . 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SUPPLEMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MARCH 4,1986 7:30 p.m. AGENDA NOTE: Item #2 has been deleted from the agenda 6. Consider: Resolution 86-19. Authorizing Mayor to sign the plan for Tarrant County Red Cross Disaster Service. 7. Consider: Resolution 86-20. Acceptance of low bid for three Police Patrol Cars. 8. Consider: Resolution 86-21. Appointment of Southlake Aircraft Noise Awareness Committee. 9. Consider: Resolution 86-22. Addendum to contract for lighting Baseball Field #3. 10. Consider: Resolution 86-23. Authorizing Mayor to sign contract and award bid for construction of restrooms and concession stand at Bicentennial Park. . 11. Consider: Final plat of Stacy Office/Warehouse Site. Owner: J.R. Stacy. Location: East Southlake Blvd. Approval of Developers Agreement. 12. Consider: Final Site Plan for Stacy Office/Warehouse Site. 13. Consider: Change order for 30" & 36" water main project. 14. Discussion: Ordinance pertaining to Resourse Fees. 15. Discussion: Ordinance pertaining to Alcoholic Beverages. 16. Discussion: Ordinance pertaining to Set Backs on Highway 114. CLOSED SESSION: (Closed Session as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17). 1. Police Personnel. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, February 28'1986~S p.m. ~ *;(t ~ lty Secretary . ~ ~ ~ ~ [ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .