Item 15 City of Southlake Department of Planning MEMORANDUM April 29, 2005 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Ken Baker, AICP, Planning Director SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 480-AAA – Amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, as it pertains to kennels, requested by Anita Kelly, owner of 2400 Ridgecrest Drive, Southlake, Texas. _____________________________________________________________________________________ REQUESTED ACTION: 1) Conduct a public hearing on Ordinance No. 480-AAA 2) Consider approval of Ordinance No. 480-AAA BACKGROUND: IInn MMaarrcchh ooff 22000044 tthhee CCiittyy rreecceeiivveedd aa ccoommppllaaiinntt tthhaatt aa ccoommmmeerrcciiaall ddoogg bbrreeeeddiinngg bbuussiinneessss oorr kkeennnneell wwaass bbeeiinngg ooppeerraatteedd aatt tthhee 22440000 RRiiddggeeccrreesstt DDrriivvee.. TThhee CCiittyy ssttaaffff iinnvveessttiiggaatteedd tthhee ccoommppllaaiinntt aanndd rreesseeaarrcchheedd tthhee zzoonniinngg hhiissttoorryy ooff tthhee pprrooppeerrttyy ttoo ddeetteerrmmiinnee iiff tthhee kkeennnneell wwaass lleeggaallllyy ppeerrmmiitttteedd.. AAnn ooppiinniioonn wwaass iissssuueedd bbyy tthhee AAddmmiinniissttrraattiivvee OOffffiicciiaall tthhaatt tthhee uussee wwaass nnoott ppeerrmmiitttteedd aanndd ddiidd nnoott hhoolldd aa ““nnoonn--ccoonnffoorrmmiinngg”” ssttaattuuss wwhhiicchh wwoouulldd aallllooww tthhee uussee ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee uunnddeerr tthhee pprroovviissiioonnss ffoorr ““nnoonn--ccoonnffoorrmmiinngg uusseess””.. TThhee pprrooppeerrttyy oowwnneerr aappppeeaalleedd tthhee AAddmmiinniissttrraattiivvee OOffffiicciiaall’’ss ooppiinniioonn ttoo tthhee ZZoonniinngg BBooaarrdd ooff AAddjjuussttmmeennttss.. TThhee BBooaarrdd ooff AAddjjuussttmmeenntt uupphheelldd tthhee AAddmmiinniissttrraattiivvee OOffffiicciiaall’’ss ooppiinniioonn iinn AAuugguusstt ooff 22000044.. Following the boards decision, the property owner discussed their options with staff and decided to request an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as currently amended, to allow a kennel use by specific use permit on property zoned “SF-1A”. A kennel is defined by the Zoning Ordinance as follows: KENNEL - A commercial establishment (with indoor and/or outdoor pens and runs) in which dogs, cats, or domesticated animals are housed, boarded, groomed, bred, trained, or sold all for Attachment A Page 1 2 a fee or compensation. The proposal amends Section 45.1 (15) to include property zoned “SF- 1A” as a permitted district for which a specific use permit can be applied for to allow a kennel use as defined by the zoning ordinance. In addition, the Planning and Zoning Commission can include any other regulatory provisions deemed necessary to preserve the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City on properties in this category. This may include but not be limited to: 1) Limitation of the type of activity (i.e. breeding and sale only) on properties in this category; 2) Limitation on the number animals permitted; 3) Design criteria - holding/living areas to include covering and enclosure standards, minimum size per animal, minimum setbacks from property lines, minimum distance from other residential property lines. If approved, staff would recommend inclusion of properties zoned “SF- 1B” single family residential, “RE” residential estate and “AG” agricultural since these properties have equal or greater land area requirements and generally allow farming and ranching uses in some form. Also, if approved, the applicant must then submit an application for Specific Use Permit along with all necessary plans and receive approval in order to continue the kennel use. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: None LEGAL REVIEW: Currently under review by the City Attorney. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Attachment A-Draft Ordinance No. 480-AAA. P&Z ACTION: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Attachment A Page 1 Attachment A Proposed Changes in Ordinance 480-AAA SECTION 45 SPECIFIC USE PERMITS Red/Underlined text indicates additions, strikethrough text indicates deletions, and normal text indicates text that is unchanged. Amend the Specific Use Permit table under Section 45.1 (15) as follows: SPECIFIC USE DISTRICT WHERE PERMITTED 15. Kennels C-3, C-4, B-2, I-1, SF- 1A, SF-1B, RE, AG