WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas ("City") is a home rule city acting under its
Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the
Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City has previously enacted ordinances creating
various boards, commissions, and committees; and
WHEREAS, these boards, commissions, and committees advise the City Council on
matters related to City policies, planning and programming, and/or fulfill
statutory responsibilities of the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has previously enacted an ordinance regulating the
operation of the boards, commissions, and committees by establishing
term limits and procedures for appointing the chair of all boards,
commissions, and committees; and
WHEREAS, the City Council now deems it advisable and necessary to update and the
ordinances for individual boards, commissions, and committees for
consistency with that ordinance.
WHEREAS, previously adopted board, commission or committee ordinances or
resolutions, except for the Airport Compatible Land Use Ordinance No. 479
and the Southlake Zoning Ordinance 480, as amended shall be repealed
with the adoption of this ordinance.
Section 1.
Article V "Boards, Commissions and Committees," of Chapter 2, "Administration,"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
1 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Sec. 2-152. —Terms and conditions of office.
(a) City Council shall appoint all members to each board, commission, or
committee per the provisions in Sec. 2-152(b) unless appointments are
specifically specified in the provisions provided for that board, commission, or
(b) Each member of a city board, commission, or committee appointed after May
19, 2020, unless otherwise provided by subsection (e) hereof or state law, the
City Charter, or the Code of Ordinances, shall serve for a term of office to
commence upon the date of appointment by the City Council and to continue
for a term of two (2) years, and until the board, commission or committee
member's successor is appointed and qualified. A simple majority of the board,
commission, or committee members (not including alternate members) shall
be appointed in the odd years and the remaining members in even years.
Boards, commissions, or committees with an even number of members will
appoint 50% of the members in an odd year and 50% of the members in an
even year. Alternate member appointments occur in accordance with the
applicable general sections and subsections for that specific board,
commission, or committee and will serve for a term of two (2) years.
(1) With the exception of the Planning and Zoning Commission, no board,
commission, or committee member may serve on the same board,
commission, or committee for more than three (3) consecutive two (2)-
year terms.
(2) After completion of their term, a board, commission, or committee
member may be immediately appointed to serve on a different board,
commission, or committee. A board, commission, or committee
member may serve on more than one (1) board, commission, or
committee at the same time. Also, a board, commission or committee
member may serve on multiple task forces as appointed by City
(3) Any alternate member of a city board, commission, or committee's
term, for the purpose of term limits, does not begin until appointed as a
full member of the board, commission, or committee.
(c) A board, commission, or committee with member terms of more or less than
two (2) years shall be appointed in accordance with the subsection provided
for that specific board, commission, or committee. Alternate member(s) or
replacement member(s) appointments may occur at any time as required.
2 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(d) Unless otherwise provided by state law, the City Charter, or the Code of
Ordinances, the City Council shall appoint a member to fill a vacancy on a
board, commission, or committee. A member appointed to fill a vacated place
on a board, commission, or committee shall serve for the length of the
unexpired term and this time does not constitute a full term. The term limit
does not begin until appointed as a full member of the board, commission, or
committee. Members of any City board, commission, or committee shall serve
without compensation and until their successors are appointed.
(e) Places on all boards, commissions, or committees, except for the Southlake
Youth Action Commission, Metroport Teen Court Board, and Corridor
Planning Committee, shall be sequentially numbered and correspond with the
number of regular members appointed (e.g., Places 1 — 7).
(f) Alternate members assigned to a board, commission, or committee, except for
the Southlake Youth Action Commission, will be assigned a corresponding
number (e.g., Alternate #1, Alternate #2). Alternate members shall attend all
meetings and may participate in discussions related to agenda items or
matters, but will not vote on these items or matters.
(g) An alternate member in the event of an absence or disqualification of a regular
member at a meeting shall act in the place of such member and perform the
duties of a regular member, including voting on agenda items or matters. In
the absence of one or more regular members, the alternate member assigned
with the highest numerical position (e.g., Alternate#1) and who is present shall
be seated as a regular member. In the event of the resignation of a regular
member, the alternate member assigned with the highest alternate numerical
position will act in the place of such member until the City Council has
appointed a new regular member for that place for the remainder of the term.
(h) Terms for members on the following boards, commissions, or committees shall
expire in June on the date on which new appointments are made by the City
Council or until a successor is appointed. New terms for board, commission,
or committee members will begin on the day following the City Council's
appointment unless a commencement date for the term to begin is specifically
noted by the City Council during the appointment.
• Building Board of Appeals
• Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (CIAC)
• Parks and Recreation Board
• Planning and Zoning Commission
• Southlake Parks and Development Corporation
• Southlake Youth Action Commission*
• Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board
• Zoning Board of Adjustment
Appointments of members to the CIAC by the City Council will only occur if the
3 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Planning and Zoning Commission membership does not meet the qualification
requirements to serve as the City's CIAC as outlined in Sec. 395.058 of the
Texas Local Government Code, as amended. The Planning and Zoning
Commission will serve as the City's Sign Board and the CIAC and terms of
office for the Sign Board and CIAC members shall coincide with appointment
terms for the Planning and Zoning Commission members. The Zoning Board
of Adjustment will serve as the City's Tree Board and Airport Zoning Board of
Adjustment and terms of office for the Tree Board and Airport Zoning Board of
Adjustment members shall coincide with appointment terms for the Zoning
Board of Adjustment members. Terms for the Corridor Planning Committee
members coincide with the members' corresponding City Council or board,
commission, or committee appointments. *City Council does not appoint
members to the Southlake Youth Action Commission (SYAC); however, the
term for members of SYAC will expire in June at such time the City Council
makes appointments for the other boards, commissions, and committees listed
in this section.
(i) Terms for members of the following boards, commissions, or committees shall
expire in October on the date on which appointments are made by the City
Council or until a successor is appointed. New terms for board, commission,
and committee members will begin on the day following the City Council's
appointment unless a commencement date for the term to begin is specifically
noted by the City Council during the appointment.
• Alliance for Community Engagement Committee
• Library Board
• Metroport Teen Court Board
• Southlake Arts Council
• Senior Advisory Committee
(j) Terms for members of the following board, commission, or committee
members shall expire on the specific date listed.
• Community Enhancement Development Corporation (September 30th).
• Crime Control and Prevention District (September 1st)
(k) Within 30 days after the appointment of a new member to any board,
commission, or committee, or prior to the first time that a new member
participates in a meeting (except for the Southlake Youth Action Commission
members), the new member shall complete the orientation and training
requirements outlined in the City's Board and Commission Manual.
(I) All members of all boards, commissions, or committees shall serve in
accordance with the provisions of the approved Board and Commission
4 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(m)All notices, meetings, and deliberations of a board, commission, or committee
shall be called, convened, held, and conducted in accordance with the Texas
Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
(n) Minutes of each board, commission, or committee meeting shall be filed with
the City Secretary.
(o) Conflict of interest. Any board, commission, or committee member having a
conflict of interest on an agenda item, as provided for in the Code of
Ordinances or Texas Local Government Code, shall disclose the conflict of
interest as required by the City Code of Ethics, and shall not participate or be
eligible to vote on the item, unless permitted by Section 2-265(b) of the Code
of Ordinances, as amended.
(p) A staff liaison shall be designated by the City Manager to work with each City
board, commission, or committee in accordance with Board and Commission
Manual. The staff liaison will be responsible for posting a public notice in
accordance with the Texas Government Code, preparing and distributing
reports and reference meetings, ensuring the meetings and deliberations are
conducted per State law and established bylaws, and following up on actions
or directions.
(q) Members not planning to attend a regular meeting or special meeting shall
notify the staff liaison or the Chair of the board, commission, or committee by
12:00 pm (noon) of the meeting day.
Sec. 2. 153. — Removal of members/Reporting member absences.
(a) Members of boards, commissions, or committees, unless specifically provided
otherwise by State law, the City Charter, or the Code of Ordinances, shall
serve at the will and pleasure of the City Council, and may be removed from
office in accordance with City Charter, State law or another applicable
(b) Any member or alternate of a board, commission, or committee with absences
from two (2) consecutive regular meetings, except for the Southlake Youth
Action Commission or the Corridor Planning Committee, shall be reported to
the City Council. The City Council may, at its discretion, remove a board,
commission, or committee member and appoint a replacement.
(c) Removal of a Zoning Board of Adjustment member by the City Council must
adhere to the removal procedure outlined in the Texas Local Government
Code Section 211.008(b), as amended, which allows City Council to remove
a member, for cause, as found by City Council, on a written charge after a
public hearing.
5 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(d) Any Planning and Zoning Commission member forfeits their office if they fail
to attend two (2) consecutive regular meetings of the Commission without
being excused by the City Council at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Sec. 2. 154. —Appointment of officers.
(a) Unless otherwise provided by state law or the City Charter, in making
appointments, the City Council will appoint annually the Chair or President for
each board, commission, or committee listed in Sec. 2.155(a) - Boards. The
City Council shall also name one appointee as the Vice-Chair for the Zoning
Board of Adjustment. This provision shall supersede any ordinance or
resolution previously adopted by the City pertaining to the listed boards,
commissions, and committees.
(b) A board, commission, or committee member who serves any term as the Chair
may be appointed to serve a fourth consecutive two-year term on the same
board, commission, or committee.
(c) With the exception of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, unless specifically
provided otherwise by state law, ordinance, or City Charter, boards,
commissions, or committees shall elect a Vice-Chair and any other required
officers (except for the Chair) by majority vote at the first available meeting
following the appointment of a Chair by City Council. The Planning and Zoning
Commission shall appoint the Chair and Vice Chair, at the same meeting. Also,
the appointment of a Vice-Chair or any other officer (except for the Chair) may
occur when a vacancy exists.
Sec. 2.155. - Boards.
(a) The City Council will appoint a Chair to the following boards, commissions,
and committees. The City Council shall also name one appointee as the Vice-
Chair for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. This provision shall supersede any
ordinance or resolution previously adopted by the City pertaining to the listed
boards, commissions, and committees.
(1) Building Board of Appeals;
(2) Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (Appointments only
made by City Council for the Capital Improvements Advisory
Committee if the Planning and Zoning Commission is not serving as
this Committee as permitted by Sec. 395.058 of the Texas Local
Government Code);
(3) Library Board;
(4) Parks and Recreation Board;
(5) Alliance for Community Engagement;
(6) Senior Advisory Commission;
6 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(7) Southlake Arts Council;
(8) Southlake Parks Development Corporation (President);
(9) Zoning Board of Adjustment (officers and members of the Zoning
Board of Adjustment will hold the same position on the Tree Board
and the Airport Board of Adjustment as the Zoning Board of
Adjustment constitutes these two boards); and
(10) Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board.
(b) The boards, commissions, or committees listed in Sec 2.155(a) shall appoint
all other officers other than the Chair in accordance with the subsection
provided specifically for appointments for that particular board, commission, or
(c) Boards, commissions, or committees listed below in this section shall appoint
all officers in accordance with their specific appointment subsection.
(1) Planning and Zoning Commission (officers and members will hold
the same position on the Sign Board and the Capital Improvements
Advisory Committee as the Planning and Zoning Commission
constitutes these two boards);
(2) Southlake Youth Action Commission;
(3) Crime Control and Prevention Board;
(4) Metroport Teen Court;
(5) Corridor Planning Committee; and
(6) Community Enhancement Development Corporation.
(d) Specific duties and responsibilities of the boards, commissions, or committees
listed in Sec. 2.155 (a) and (c) above are provided in each specific board,
commission, or committee subsection in Division 2. The City Council may
assign additional responsibilities or duties as needed to any board,
commission, or committee in a manner consistent with the State law or City
Sec. 2- 156. Creation of Alliance for Community Engagement.
There is hereby established the Alliance for Community Engagement for the City,
hereinafter referred to as the "Committee," created to foster meaningful communication
and engagement between the community and the City of Southlake to strengthen
municipal transparency, public involvement and collaboration, and to enhance
community spirit.
Sec. 2- 157. Number of members, qualifications, and terms.
7 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(a) The Committee shall consist of twelve (12) citizens of the City, who shall be
appointed by a majority vote of the City Council for two-year terms.
(b) Places on the Committee shall be numbered one (1) through twelve (12).
Members appointed to odd-numbered places shall be appointed in odd-
numbered years and members appointed to even-numbered places shall be
appointed in even-numbered years. Members shall serve until their
successors are appointed and without compensation.
(c) Members serve at the pleasure of the City Council.
(d) Vacancies on the Committee are to be filled by appointment by the City
Council for the length of the unexpired term.
Sec. 2- 158. Meetings and bylaws.
(a) The Committee shall select from the members a Vice-Chair and Secretary, for
one-year terms, and thereafter until their successor is appointed. Selections
shall occur at the first regular meeting following the annual appointment of the
chair by the City Council.
(b) The Committee shall establish bylaws, which shall be kept on file in the City
Secretary's office and shall govern the meetings of the Committee. The
Committee shall operate per approved bylaws. The Committee may amend
such bylaws, or adopt new bylaws, as the Committee determines is
appropriate to best govern holding its meetings, provided that any bylaw
amendments shall be effective only after being approved by resolution of the
City Council. The Committee's bylaws shall be consistent with state law, the
City Charter, the City Code of Ordinances, and the Board and Commission
Manual, and shall, at a minimum, encompass the following matters:
(1) Regular meetings shall be held, at a minimum, once each quarter.
(2) Specify the manner of holding and calling of special meetings.
(3) Majority of members shall constitute a quorum.
Sec. 2- 159. Duties and Responsibilities.
The duties and responsibilities of the Committee are advisory in nature. The
Committee shall:
(a) Provide the City Council with recommendations on methods to improve the
City's communication programs that provide the public with balanced and
objective information related to City issues and policies.
8 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(b) Provide the City Council with recommendations on opportunities to engage
with and consult community members on matters of public policy and City
(c) Serve as a focus group for City Staff to provide recommendations and
feedback on communication initiative proposals.
(d) Provide the City Council with recommendations on methods to enhance public
involvement in the City's decision-making process, City events, and other
opportunities designed to enhance the sense of community.
(e) Provide the City Council with recommended improvements on the City's use
of citizen groups that assist in the decision-making process.
(f) Provide the City Council with recommendations to support grassroots
neighborhood engagement, community events, and community spirit.
(g) Provide the City Council with recommendations to enhance public involvement
with information dissemination regarding election propositions, such as bond
elections and Charter amendments.
(h) Provide the City Council with an annual report on the Committee's
(i) Perform such other advisory tasks as are delegated to it by the City Council.
Secs. 2- 160 — 2. 167. Reserved.
Sec. 2-168. — Creation of the Youth Action Commission.
The Youth Action Commission ("Commission") is herein created to generate
broad-based public awareness of and support for youth.
(Ord. No. 610, § I, 6-21-94; Ord. No. 723, § 1, 10-20-98; Ord. No. 969, § 1, 4-6-2010)
Sec. 2-169 - Projects for discussion; use by Council.
The City Manager or designated staff will assign, and prioritize as necessary,
projects for discussion and reporting. The Commission may also generate its own
discussion projects. The Mayor and City Council will use the commission as a formal
9 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
"voice of youth" on various items concerning youth in the City. Activities will also entail
service projects throughout the community.
(Ord. No. 610, § II, 6-21-94; Ord. No. 723, § 1, 10-20-98; Ord. No. 969, § 1, 4-6-2010)
Sec. 2-170. -Vehicle of youth education on matters of governance.
The Commission will serve as a vehicle to familiarize the youth of Southlake with
the governance process in municipal government. To this end, key elected or appointed
staff of the City will work to educate the Commission members on different facets of
municipal government and will make themselves available to answer questions from the
Commission on an as-needed basis. The City will host a "Youth in Government Day" for
commission members at the end of each school year.
(Ord. No. 610, § III, 6-21-94; Ord. No. 723, § 1, 10-20-98; Ord. No. 969, § 1, 4-6-2010)
Sec. 2-171. -Composition; terms.
(a) The Commission shall consist of seven (7) students enrolled in ninth (9)
through twelfth (12) grade who reside in the City of Southlake or attend Carroll
Independent School District (CISD). The Commission may also have an
unlimited number of alternate members. Alternates must also be enrolled in
ninth (9) through twelfth (12) grade and reside in the City of Southlake or
attend CISD.
(b) To ensure a broad spectrum of students from the community, students who
reside in the City but do not attend school in CISD will be eligible for
participation. The City shall publicize all Commission meetings and work with
representatives of the schools to ensure youth are aware of the opportunity to
participate on the Commission. Efforts will be made to recruit members, paying
particular attention to balancing the number of members throughout all grade
levels. Interested persons meeting the qualifications for membership shall
apply to the commission by submitting an application to the Community
Service Department.
(c) Members and alternates are appointed to the Commission by the Community
Services Director or appointee following the submission of an application to
the City at the beginning of each school year as advertised. Members and
alternates are appointed for a one-year term.
(Ord. No. 610, § IV, 6-21-94; Ord. No. 723, § 1, 10-20-98; Ord. No. 969, § 1, 4-6-2010,
Ord. No. 1228A)
10 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Sec. 2-172. -Appointment of officers.
The officers of the Commission shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. At
the second meeting of the year, the standing members of the Commission shall elect the
listed officers by majority vote. The officers shall serve a one-year term, until their
successor is elected.
(Ord. No. 610, § V, 6-21-94; Ord. No. 723, § 1, 10-20-98; Ord. No. 969, § 1, 4-6-2010)
Sec. 2-173. - Meetings.
(a) The Commission shall meet at least once each month of the school year
(October-May). Meetings shall be held and conducted as indicated in the
adopted bylaws of the Commission.
(b) Special meetings will be called by the Chair or the Vice-Chair of the
Commission at any time after notice has been given to the Commission
(c) A simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. A vote of the
simple majority of the quorum shall be required for any action taken by the
(d) The Commission shall operate per approved bylaws. The Commission may
amend such bylaws, or adopt new bylaws, as the Commission determines is
appropriate to best govern holding its meetings, provided that any bylaw
amendments shall be effective only after being approved by resolution of the
City Council. The Commission's bylaws shall adhere to state law, the City
Charter, the City Code of Ordinances, and the Board and Commission Manual.
(Ord. No. 610, § VI, 6-21-94; Ord. No. 723, § 1, 10-20-98; Ord. No. 969, § 1, 4-6-2010)
Sec. 2-174. - Duties of commission.
(a) The duties and responsibilities of the Commission are advisory in nature. The
Commission shall:
(1) Evaluate the current issues affecting youth in the City and bring
those issues to the attention of the City Council and other boards,
commissions, or committees, as necessary.
(2) Participate in community service projects to encourage youth to
make a difference in the community through volunteerism.
11 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(3) Prepare and submit to the City Council an annual report of youth-
related programs and services.
(b) The Commission shall not have responsibility or authority over public officials
or employees of the City.
Secs. 2-175—2-180. — Reserved.
Sec. 2-181. — Creation of the Senior Advisory Commission.
There is hereby established the Senior Advisory Commission for the City is
referred to in this division as the "Senior Advisory Commission." The Senior Advisory
Commission advises the City Council on issues important to Southlake's senior citizen
population, including Senior Activity Center programs, policies, and operations. The
Senior Advisory Commission is also responsible for preparing and submitting an annual
review of senior-related programs, services, and needs to the City Council.
(Ord. No. 653, § 1, 1-2-96; Ord. No. 653-A, § 1, 5-5-98; Ord. No. 969, § 1, 4-6-2010,
Ord. No. 1228A)
Sec. 2- 182. — Number, qualifications, and terms.
(a) The Senior Advisory Commission shall consist of seven (7) citizens of the City,
who must be at least 55 years of age. An exception may be made at the
discretion of the City Council to appoint no more than two (2) members under
the age of 55 who have either education and/ or experience that is deemed
beneficial to the Senior Advisory Commission.
(1) Interested residents of the City who meet the above requirements
shall submit an application to the City Secretary.
(2) The appointment process shall be consistent with the City Council
appointment procedure for other boards, commissions, and
(b) The City Council shall appoint the members of the Senior Advisory
(c) The City Council shall also appoint two (2) persons to serve as alternate
members. Such alternate members shall meet the qualifications for the Senior
Advisory Commission.
12 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Sec. 2- 183. —Senior Advisory Commission meetings and bylaws.
(a) At the first regular session following the appointment of new board members
by the City Council, the Senior Advisory Commission shall select from the
members a Vice-Chair and Secretary for a one (1)-year term and shall serve
until their successors are appointed.
(b) The Senior Advisory Commission shall adopt bylaws to govern the holding of
its meetings that, at a minimum, shall encompass the following:
(1) Regular meetings shall be held once per month;
(2) Manner of holding and calling special meetings; and
(3) Majority of members shall constitute a quorum (4 members present)
(c) The Senior Advisory Commission shall operate per approved bylaws. The
Senior Advisory Commission may amend such bylaws, or adopt new bylaws,
as the Senior Advisory Commission determines is appropriate to best govern
holding its meetings, provided that any bylaw amendments shall be effective
only after being approved by resolution of the City Council. The Senior
Advisory Commission bylaws shall be consistent with state law, the City
Charter, the City Code of Ordinances, and the Board and Commission Manual.
Sec. 2-184. - Duties and responsibilities.
The duties and responsibilities of the Senior Advisory Commission shall be to:
(1) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters
pertaining to senior programs and issues, including development of
long-range capital improvement programs that impact senior
(2) Recommend changes in policies that impact senior citizens.
(3) Annually prepare and submit to City Council a review of senior-
related programs, services, and needs.
(Ord. No. 653, § 4, 1-2-96; Ord. No. 653-A, § 4, 5-5-98; Ord. No. 969, § 1, 4-6-2010)
Secs. 2-185-190. - Reserved.
Sec. 2-191. -Creation of the Library Board.
13 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
There is hereby established the Library Board for the City, hereinafter referred to as
the "Board." The Board is to act as an advisory board to the City Council relating to the
nature of library facility planning and programming.
(Ord. No. 716, § 1, 10-20-98)
Sec. 2- 192. — Number of board members and qualifications.
(a) The Board shall consist of seven (7) citizens of the City, who shall serve
without compensation.
(b) The City Council, if it deems it desirable, may appoint ex-officio members to
the Board. Such ex-officio members shall be appointed on an annual basis
and the term of such ex-officio members shall be one (1) year from the date of
appointment. Such ex-officio members shall have no voting authority.
Sec. 2- 193. — Board meetings and bylaws.
(a) The Board shall select from the members a Vice-Chair who shall serve for a
one-year term and until their successor is elected.
(b) The Board shall adopt bylaws to govern the holding of its meetings, which, at
a minimum, shall encompass the following:
(1) Manner of holding and calling of regular meetings;
(2) Manner of holding and calling of special meetings;
(3) A minimum of four (4) members of the Board must be present to
constitute a meeting quorum.
(c) The Board shall operate per approved bylaws. The Board may amend such
bylaws, or adopt new bylaws, as the Board determines is appropriate to best
govern holding its meetings, provided that any bylaw amendments shall be
effective only after being approved by resolution of the City Council. The
Board's bylaws shall be consistent with state law, the City Charter, the City
Code of Ordinances, and the Board and Commission Manual.
Sec. 2-194. - Board duties and responsibilities.
The duties and responsibilities of the Board shall be to:
(a) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to
library facility planning and programming, including the development of
long-range capital improvement programs.
14 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(b) Cooperate with other City boards, commissions, and committees, or other
governmental agencies, civic groups, and all citizens of the City in the
advancement of sound library planning and programming.
(c) Recommend policies for library services.
(d) Recommend the adoption of standards for public library facilities and their
financial support.
(e) Receive requests for public funding for educational purposes of any public
or private person, persons, associations, or business entities, and forward
such requests with a recommendation to the City Council.
(f) Review the annual operating budget and capital improvement requests
relating to library programs prior to submission by the City Manager to the
City Council and submit a recommendation on the budget and capital
improvement request.
(Ord. No. 716, § 4, 10-20-98)
Sec. 2-195. — Creation of the Southlake Arts Council.
There is established an advisory board to be known as the Southlake Arts Council
(hereinafter referred to as the "Arts Council"). The Arts Council advises the City Council
on all matters related to public art in Southlake. The Arts Council seeks to align all public
art initiatives in Southlake with resident and City Council priorities and heads several
arts-related programs throughout the year.
(Ord. No. 908, § I, 5-15-07)
Sec. 2-196. — Number of members and qualifications; alternate and ex-officio
(a) The Arts Council shall consist of seven (7) regular members appointed by the
City Council. Each member shall be a citizen of the City at all times while
serving on the Arts Council. Members shall serve without compensation.
(b) In addition to the regular members, the City Council may appoint up to three
(3) citizens of the City as alternate members, who shall serve in the absence
of one or more regular members.
15 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(c) The City Council may also appoint ex-officio members to serve as non-voting
advisors to the Arts Council. Such ex-officio members may include but are not
limited to the design architect and/or engineer, or the City's project manager.
Ex-officio members are not required to be citizens of the City.
Sec. 2-197. — Meetings and bylaws.
(a) At the meeting following the appointment of new members by the City Council,
the Arts Council shall elect from its members a Vice-Chair and secretary to
serve a one-year term until the next annual appointment of new Arts Council
(b) The Arts Council shall adopt bylaws to govern the holding of its meetings,
which, at a minimum, shall include the following:
(1) Schedule for holding of regular meetings;
(2) Manner of holding and calling special meetings; and
(3) Majority of members shall constitute a quorum.
(c) The Arts Council shall operate per approved bylaws. The Arts Council may
amend such bylaws, or adopt new bylaws, as the it determines is appropriate
to best govern holding its meetings, provided that any bylaw amendments shall
be effective only after being approved by resolution of the City Council. The
Arts Council's bylaws shall be consistent with state law, the City Charter, the
City Code of Ordinances, and the Board and Commission Manual.
Sec. 2-198. - Duties and responsibilities.
(a) The purpose of the Arts Council is to act as an advisory board to provide input
and advice to the City Council on all matters pertaining to public art including
visual art and performing art programs and facilities, the incorporation of art
into the design of selected City projects, the commissioning of art pieces for
public spaces and facilities, and the use of City funds for art projects and
(b) The Arts Council shall make recommendations to the City Council concerning
the following matters related to the City's arts policy:
(1) Overall policies for implementing the arts policy and public art
projects, taking into consideration the policy's purposes and goals
and established general criteria, with a focus on the development,
promotion, and preservation of aesthetic excellence in City public
16 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(2) Any proposed changes that the Arts Council thinks are necessary
to previously established policies in order to maintain consistency of
review and implementation.
(c) The Arts Council shall make recommendations to the City Council concerning
the following matters related to the budget and financing for the arts:
(1) Establishment of a public art budget for inclusion in the annual
budget of City funds, including a budget for visual art, the performing
arts, and capital projects (facilities) related to the arts.
(2) Grants for the arts or art facilities that may be available to the City.
(d) The Arts Council shall make recommendations to the City Council concerning
the following matters regarding public art project management:
(1) Appropriate elements to be included in specific proposals for public
art projects, including, without limitation, the design, execution,
placement, maintenance, and ownership of selected artwork. The
Arts Council may employ the public art project guidelines
established to assist in this process.
(2) Appropriate methods of artist selection for public art projects; public
art project proposal review, selection, and oversight; artwork
acquisition, display, use, maintenance, storage, and its return, sale
or other deaccession, when and if applicable.
(3) Elements to be selected for public art projects including design,
execution, placement, maintenance, and ownership thereof.
(4) Proposals for public art projects; changes, additions, or deletions to
such proposals; and recommendations to the City Council on the
final acceptance or rejection of such proposals.
(5) Community services agreements that the City may make with
outside art groups.
(e) The Arts Council shall consult with the Department of Community Services
and the City Council as appropriate throughout each public art project proposal
and implementation process to ensure that the policy is implemented
(f) The Arts Council shall make recommendations to the City Council on the
following matters regarding the acceptance and placement of art-related gifts
of state and loans or donations for the arts:
17 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(1) Acceptance of donations valued over $1,000 or loans of artwork to
be placed for more than 60 days.
(2) Placement of art-related gifts of state.
(g) The Arts Council shall have the authority to accept or reject proposed art
donations to the City valued up to $1,000. At the discretion of the Arts Council,
proposed art donations valued up to $1,000 may be forwarded to the City
Council for a decision concerning whether to accept or reject the proposed
(h) The Arts Council shall accept and fund from the budget, if any, provided to the
Arts Council by the City Council public arts projects as deemed appropriate by
the Arts Council, provided such public arts projects are consistent with this
Division and the policies regarding public art established by the City Council.
(Ord. No. 908, § I, 5-15-07)
Sec. 2-199. — Creation of the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment, hereby called Board of Adjustment is a quasi-
judicial board that shall have all powers and duties granted by the Southlake Zoning
Ordinance 480, as amended, and by Sections 211.008-211.011, Texas Local
Government Code, as amended, and shall be governed by same.
Sec. 2-200. —Appointment, Terms, and Proceedings.
(a) The Board of Adjustment shall consist of five (5) members and four (4)
alternates to be appointed by the City Council. The term of office of said
members and alternates shall be two (2) years. Three (3) members and two
(2) alternates shall be appointed to serve terms beginning in odd-numbered
years and two (2) members and two (2) alternates shall be appointed to serve
terms beginning in even-numbered years. In making such appointments, the
City Council shall name one (1) appointee as Chair and one (1) as Vice-Chair,
In accordance with Zoning Ordinance 480, Section 44.1, as amended. The
City Manager shall designate a representative to serve the Board as Secretary.
(b) Members and alternates of the Board of Adjustment may be removed from
office by the City Council for cause upon written charges and after a public
hearing. Vacancies shall be filled by resolution of the City Council for the
unexpired term of the member or alternate affected.
18 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(c) The Board of Adjustment shall adopt rules (Rules of Procedure) to govern its
proceedings provided that such rules are not inconsistent with this Ordinance,
Zoning Ordinance 480, as amended (Section 44), the City Charter, or statutes
of the State of Texas.
(d) Meetings shall be held at the call of the Chair and at such other time as the
Board of Adjustment may determine. The Chair, or in his/her absence the
Acting Chair, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses.
All meetings shall be open to the public and comply with the Texas Open
Meetings Act.
(e) All cases to be heard by the Board of Adjustment shall always be heard by a
minimum of four (4) members. The Board of Adjustment shall keep minutes of
its proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon each question, or if
absent or failing to vote, indicating such fact, and shall keep records of its
examinations and other official actions, all of which shall be a public record
and be immediately filed in the office of the City and maintained by the City
(f) The Board of Adjustment shall operate per approved Rules of Procedure.
Rules of Procedure shall be consistent with state law, City Code of
Ordinances, and City Zoning Ordinance. Amendments to these Rules of
Procedure may be made by the Board of Adjustment at any meeting upon the
affirmative vote of four (4) members, provided any such amendment is
proposed at a preceding meeting, recorded in the minutes of such meeting,
and placed on the Board of Adjustment agenda. By unanimous consent of five
(5) members present, amendments may be adopted at the meeting at which
they are introduced, but such amendments shall not become effective until the
next regular meeting.
Sec. 2-201 — Creation of the Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The Airport Zoning Board was created to hear and decide appeals of decisions of
administrative officials, to hear and consider special exceptions, and to hear and
consider variances related to the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No.
Sec. 2-202. —Appointment and terms.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Southlake is hereby designated to
serve as the Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment. Terms of office for the Airport Zoning
Board shall coincide with appointment terms for the Zoning Board of Adjustment
members. The Zoning Board of Adjustment Chair and Vice-Chair shall retain the same
positions on the Airport Board.
19 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Sec. 2-203. — Duties, Responsibilities and Proceedings:
All duties, responsibilities, proceedings, and powers of the Airport Zoning Board of
Adjustment shall be prescribed and in accordance with The Airport Compatible Land Use
Zoning Ordinance No. 479, as amended.
Sec. 2-204. — Creation of the Tree Board.
The Tree Board is created by the City Council to carry out specific duties and
responsibilities as set forth in Section 9.5-385 of the City Code of Ordinances (Ordinance
585, as amended). The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall constitute the Tree Board
unless the City Council appoints a different Tree Board.
Sec. 2-205. —Appointment and terms.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment Chair and Vice-Chair shall retain the same
positions on the Tree Board.
Sec. 2-206. —Duties, Responsibilities and Proceedings:
The Board shall adhere to the provisions outlined in Section 9.5-385 of the City Code
of Ordinances (Ordinance 585, as amended).
Sec. 2-207. — Creation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The Planning and Zoning Commission is to act as an advisory board to the City
Council in matters designated by City Charter, Code of Ordinances, and state law. The
Commission shall advise the City Council on matters relating to zoning, site plans, plats,
master planning, public improvements, civic improvements, and other matters relating to
City planning and zoning as directed by the City Council. The Planning and Zoning
Commission will also serve as the City's Sign Board and Capital Improvements Advisory
Sec. 2-208. — Appointment and Terms.
(a) Per the City Charter, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of
seven (7) citizens of the City. The members of the Commission shall be
appointed by the City Council for a term of two (2) years. Three (3) members
of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be appointed each odd
numbered year. The remaining four (4) members of the Planning and Zoning
Commission will be appointed each even numbered year.
20 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(b) The Commission shall annually elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from its
membership. Members selected as Chair and Vice-Chair of the Planning and
Zoning Commission will serve in the same office for the Sign Board and the
Capital Improvements Advisory Committee.
(c) A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.
(d) The Commission's regular meetings are to be held on the Thursday following
the first and third Tuesday, if there are matters to be brought before the
Commission and provided that the Thursday does not fall on a city holiday.
(e) Planning and Zoning Commission members forfeit their office if they fail to
attend two (2) consecutive regular meetings of the Commission without being
excused by the Council.
Sec. 2-209. — Duties, responsibilities, and proceedings.
The duties and responsibilities of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall include the
(a) Make recommendations to City Council on matters concerning zoning, site
plans, public improvements, civic improvements, street changes, the routing
of public utilities, and strategic planning.
(b) Make recommendations to City Council regarding updates or amendments to
the City's Master Plan, which guides growth, development, beautification, and
infrastructure for its citizens. The Commission's responsibility for the Master
Plan is to have a planning horizon addressing at least ten (10) years in the
(c) Review and make recommendations to City Council on development of
(d) Review and make recommendations to City Council on platting of property.
(e) Consider and hold public hearings when required on development and land
use and zoning issues.
(f) Serve as the City's Sign Board.
(g) Serve as the City's Capital Improvements Advisory Committee ("CIAC") when
the Commission's membership meets the qualification requirements to serve
as the City's CIAC as outlined in Sec. 395.058 of the Texas Local Government
Code, as amended. The Planning and Zoning Commission may act as the
CIAC if the commission includes at least one representative of the real estate,
21 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
development, or building industry who is not an employee or official of a
political subdivision or governmental entity. If no such representative is a
member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Commission may still
act as the CIAC if at least one such representative is appointed by the political
subdivision as an ad hoc voting member of the Planning and Zoning
Commission when it acts as the CIAC.
Sec. 2-210. — Creation of the Sign Board.
The Sign Board is created to act as an advisory board to the City Council in matters
regarding Sign Ordinance 704, as amended, including making recommendations to City
Council on sign variance requests, master sign plan requests, and ordinance
amendments. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall serve as the Sign Board.
Sec. 2-211. — Members and Terms.
The Sign Board shall consist of the (7) citizen members of the Planning and Zoning
Commission of the City. Terms of office for the Sign Board members shall coincide with
appointment terms for the Planning and Zoning Commission members. The Planning
and Zoning Commission Chair and Vice-Chair shall retain the same positions on the Sign
Sec. 2-212. — Duties, Responsibilities and Proceedings.
(a) The duties and responsibilities of the Sign Board shall be to act in an advisory
capacity to the City Council on the following matters:
(1) Review and make recommendations on sign variance and master
sign plan applications and other duties as applicable to the current
Sign Ordinance 704, as amended.
(2) Review and make recommendations on amendments to the Sign
Ordinance 704, as amended.
(3) Perform such other sign-related tasks as are delegated to it by the
City Council.
(b) The Sign Board meeting is to be held immediately following the regular
Planning and Zoning Commission if there are matters to be brought before the
board. A majority of the Sign Board (four members) must be present to
constitute a quorum.
22 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Sec. 2-213. — Creation of the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee.
The Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (the "CIAC") shall serve in an
advisory capacity to the City Council related to impact fee matters. This includes advising
and assisting the City Council in adopting a land use assumptions report, reviewing the
impact fee Capital Improvements Plan, and filing written comments in accordance with
Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. The CIAC monitors and evaluates
the implementation of the Capital Improvements Plan; files semi-annual reports with
respect to the progress of the Capital Improvements Plan; reports any perceived
inequities in implementing the plan or imposing the impact fee to City Council semi-
annually; and advises the City Council of the need to update or revise the land use
assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan, or impact fees.
Sec. 2-214. — Members and Terms:
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City shall serve as the CIAC when the
membership of the Planning and Zoning Commission meets the requirements to serve
as the CIAC as outlined in Sec. 395.058 of the Texas Local Government Code, as
amended. The terms of Office for the CIAC members shall coincide with appointment
terms for the Planning and Zoning Commission members. The Planning and Zoning
Commission Chair and Vice-Chair shall retain the same office on the Capital
Improvements Advisory Committee.
If the Planning and Zoning Commission membership does not meet the
requirements to serve as the CIAC as provided in Sec. 395.058, as amended, of the
Texas Local Government Code, a CIAC shall be appointed by the City Council.
Appointments shall be in accordance with Sec 395.058(b) of the Texas Local
Government Code, as amended.
Sec. 2-215. — Duties, Responsibilities and Proceedings.
The CIAC serves in an advisory capacity to City Council and is established to:
(a) Advise and assist in adopting land use assumptions;
(b) Review the impact fee Capital Improvements Plan and file written comments;
(c) Monitor and evaluate implementation of the impact fee Capital Improvements
(d) File semi-annual reports with the City Council with respect to the progress of
the impact fee Capital Improvements Plan and report any perceived inequities
in implementing the plan or imposing the impact fee; and
23 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(e) Advise of the need to update or revise the land use assumptions, Capital
Improvements Plan, and impact fees.
(f) Four members of the CIAC must be present to constitute a quorum.
The City Council shall adopt procedural rules for the CIAC to follow in carrying out
its duties.
Sec. 2-216. — Creation of the Corridor Planning Committee.
The Corridor Planning Committee's ("Committee") purpose is to meet, as needed,
with potential developers or owners of properties on possible development projects,
typically prior to the submission of a zoning and/or site plan application to the City, to
provide guidance for the development of the property that is consistent with the goals,
recommendations, and framework of the adopted Southlake Comprehensive Plan. The
committee may also provide input and assistance on zoning, land use, or other
development-related matters as assigned by the City Council. The Corridor Planning
Committee does not vote on matters that appear on its agenda.
Sec. 2-217. —Appointment and terms.
(a) The Committee shall be composed of at least four (4) members to be
appointed by the City Council. However, the City Council can appoint as many
members to the Committee as it desires.
(b) The Committee will consist of members from the City Council and other City
boards, commissions, and committees. In addition, the City Council may
appoint City ex-officio or citizen representatives to the Committee.
(c) Terms for Committee members coincide with the members' corresponding
City Council or board, commission, or committee appointments. Terms for ex-
officio or citizen appointments will be for a two-year period, but there are no
term limits associated with their appointment.
(d) There are no officers appointed for this Committee. The Chair for a meeting
can be any of the appointed members.
Sec. 2-218. —Duties, Responsibilities and Proceedings.
The Corridor Planning Committee serves in an advisory capacity to City Council and is
established to:
(a) Meet with potential developers or owners of properties generally located
adjacent or near major roadway corridors and/or near established residential
areas and by the nature of its location, the property may present planning
24 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
issues that are either numerous or complex, with the goal to provide the
potential developer or owner with clearer direction of a development pattern
consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan.
(b) Committee comments and guidance shall be consistent with the City's
Comprehensive Plan and should be made following a review of:
(1) Background information for the property.
(2) Current development constraints and issues;
(3) Infrastructure availability; and
(4) Resource features to be protected or enhanced.
(c) The Committee will produce a report of its discussion to be utilized by the
Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council during entitlement
(zoning/site plan/specific use permit) consideration.
(d) Four (4) members of the Committee must be present to constitute a quorum.
Sec. 2-219. — Creation of the Metroport Teen Court Advisory Board.
The purpose of the Metroport Teen Court Advisory Board ("Advisory Board") is to
advise the city council and their staff on the operation of the Teen Court Program and to
assist in the development of community resources for the purposes of advancing the
Teen Court Program.
Sec. 2-220. — Members and Terms.
(a) The Advisory Board consists of three (3) members from each participating city,
comprised of one (1) City Council member and two (2) at-large members.
Members are appointed to a two-year term unless appointed to fulfill an existing
vacancy. A City Council member can be appointed for a one-year term if that
member only has one year remaining in their three-year term.
(b) Members serve at the will of the City Council and shall continue to serve until
their successors are duly appointed and sworn into office. The board elects a
chair annually.
Sec. 2-221. — Power, Duties, and Responsibilities.
The Advisory Board serves an advisory role and makes recommendations to the
City Council and City staff on the operation of the Teen Court program and assists in the
development of community resources for the purposes of advancing the Teen Court
Program. The role and duties of the Advisory Board shall be established by the Municipal
25 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Court Judges in the participating cities. A quorum of the Advisory Board will be two thirds
of the Advisory Board members and at least one (1) member of each participating city.
Sec. 2-222. — Creation of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board.
The Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) was established
pursuant to the authority granted by Section 363 of the Texas Local Government Code
(the "Act"), following voter approval of a local option sales tax. In accordance with the
Act, the Crime Control Prevention District Board of Directors (CCPD Board) is appointed
by the City Council and serves at the pleasure of the City Council for the expressed
purpose of administering the crime control sales tax. The CCPD works jointly with the
City Council to ensure that funds raised through the sales tax are spent on programs and
capital purchases that will reduce crime, increase public safety, and maintain a high
quality of life in the City.
Sec. 2-223. —Appointment and terms.
(a) The CCPD is governed by a board of seven (7) directors appointed in the same
manner as provided for the selection of temporary directors under Section
363.052 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended.
(b) Board members serve staggered two (2)year terms that expire September 1st:
(1) Three (3) directors, Places 1, 2, and 3, shall serve terms that expire
on September 1st of the first year following the creation of the CCPD
(odd year); and
(2) Four(4) directors, Places 4, 5, 6, and 7, shall serve terms that expire
on September 1st of the second year following the creation of the
CCPD (even year).
(c) A vacancy in the office of director shall be filled for the unexpired term in the
same manner that the vacant position was originally filled.
(d) A director of the CCPD Board is not liable for civil damages or criminal
prosecution for any act performed in good faith in the execution of duties as a
board member or for an action taken by the CCPD Board.
Sec. 2-224. — Officers.
(a) The CCPD Board shall elect from among its members a President and Vice-
President. The CCPD Board shall appoint a Secretary. The Secretary need
not be a director. The person who performs the duties of auditor for the political
subdivision shall serve as Treasurer for the CCPD. The election, terms
26 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
and filling of officer vacancies shall be governed by Section 363.103 of the
Texas Local Government Code, as amended.
(b) Each officer of the CCPD Board serves for a one (1) year term.
(c) A vacancy in a CCPD Board office shall be filled for the unexpired term by the
CCPD Board.
Sec. 2-225. — Meetings, Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities.
(a) The CCPD Board's powers, duties, and responsibilities are provided in Sec.
363.151 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended.
(b) Four (4) directors must be present to constitute a meeting quorum.
(c) A concurrence of a majority of the members of the Board is necessary in
matters relating to the business of the CCPD. A two thirds majority vote of the
CCPD Board (5 of 7 members) is required to reject any application for funding
available under section 363 of the Local Government Code.
(d) Meetings shall occur on a quarterly basis, as necessary.
Sec. 2- 226. Creation of Community Enhancement Development Corporation.
The Community Enhancement Corporation is a "Type A" non-profit corporation
established to fund the development of a community entertainment and recreation center
and other economic development purposes (the "Corporation"). The Corporation is
organized under the Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, Title 12,
Subtitle C1 of the Texas Local Government Code (the "Act) and is governed by Chapter
504 of the Texas Local Government Code.
Sec. 2-227. —Appointment and terms.
The Corporation has no members and is a nonstock Corporation. The affairs of the
Corporation shall be managed by a board of directors (the Board), which shall be
composed of seven (7) persons appointed by the City Council for two (2) year terms of
office. Places 1, 3, 5, and 7 shall be appointed in odd numbered years and Places 2, 4,
and 6 shall be appointed in even numbered years. Terms begin October 1st of each year.
27 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Sec. 2-228. —Duties and Responsibilities.
(a) The purpose of the Corporation is to promote economic development within
the City of Southlake, Texas (the "City") and the State of Texas in order to
eliminate unemployment and underemployment and to promote and
encourage employment and the public welfare of the City by developing,
implementing, providing, and financing projects as defined in the Act. Projects
may additionally include a community entertainment and recreational center
and land, buildings, or improvements that provide new or expanded business
enterprises that create or retain primary jobs as authorized by Section 505.
155 of the Act.
(b) In the fulfillment of its corporate purpose, the Corporation shall have the power
to provide financing to pay the costs of projects through the issuance or
execution of bonds, notes, and other forms of debt instruments, and to acquire,
maintain, lease, and sell property and interests of property on behalf of and for
the benefit of the City to accomplish its public purposes under the Act and
within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and
any applicable federal income tax regulations promulgated thereunder.
(c) In fulfillment of its corporate purpose, the Corporation shall have all the powers
granted by its Certificate of Formation, the Act, and any other applicable law
of the State of Texas.
(d) The Corporation shall not exercise the powers of sovereignty of the City,
including the power to levy taxes, except for the power to receive and use the
sales and use taxes specified in the Act, and except for the power of eminent
domain when authorized by the City Council of the City. However, the
Corporation shall be deemed a governmental unit and its functions
governmental for purposes of the Texas Tort Claims Act, Chapter 101, Texas
Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
(e) No bonds may be issued by the Corporation and no project may be financed
with bond proceeds or other revenue of the Corporation unless the bonds or
projects are first approved by the City Council.
(f) No bonds, notes, or other debt instruments or obligations, contracts, or
agreements of the Corporation shall be deemed to be or constitute the
contracts, agreements, bonds, notes, or other debt instruments or the lending
of credit or grant of public money or thing of value of, belonging to, or by the
State of Texas, the City, or any other governmental entity or a pledge of the
faith and credit of any of them. All such obligations shall be payable solely and
exclusively from the revenues and funds received by the Corporation from the
sources authorized by the Act and any other lawfully available source.
28 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Sec. 2- 229. — Board meetings, officers, and bylaws.
(a) Regular meetings shall be held from time to time as determined by resolution
of the Board or the City Council. The directors may hold their meetings at such
place or places in the City as the Board may from time to time determine,
provided, however, in the absence of any such determination by the Board,
the meeting shall be held at the principal office of the Corporation.
(b) A majority of the entire membership of the Corporation, including any
vacancies, is a quorum. Each director shall be eligible for reappointment as
authorized by Sec. 2.152—Terms and Conditions of Office of the Corporation's
Certificate of Formation.
(c) The officers of the Corporation shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary,
and Treasurer, and such other officers as the Board may from time to time
elect or appoint. One person may hold more than one office, except the
President shall not hold the office of Secretary. Officers shall be elected for a
one (1) year term, with the right of an officer to be reelected for successive
terms. All officers shall be subject to removal from the office at any time by a
vote of a majority of the Board. A vacancy in the office of any officer shall be
filled by a vote of a majority of the Board.
(d) The Corporation shall operate per approved bylaws. The Corporation may
amend such bylaws, or adopt new bylaws, as it determines is appropriate to
best govern holding its meetings, provided that any bylaw amendments shall
be effective only after being approved by resolution of the City Council. The
Corporation's bylaws shall be consistent with state law, the City Charter, the
City Code of Ordinances, and the Board and Commission Manual.
Sec. 2-230. —Creation of the Building Board of Appeals.
The Building Board of Appeals makes building code recommendations to the City
Council and makes official decisions regarding the appeals from citizens to reverse
decisions made by the City's Building Official regarding the interpretation of building
codes. The Building Board of Appeals, referred to in this Division as "the Board," is
hereby created to accomplish the purposes and perform functions set forth in this
Division. Unless stated otherwise in this Division, the Board shall be organized and
governed in accordance with Division 1, "Generally," of Chapter 2, "Administration," of
the City Code of Ordinances, as amended.
Sec. 2-231. —Appointment and terms.
(a) The Board shall be composed of five (5) members to be appointed by the City
Council to places numbered one (1) through five (5).
29 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(b) The City Council shall appoint two (2) alternate members numbered Alternate
1 and Alternate 2, who shall serve in the absence of one or more regular
members. Alternate members must meet the same qualifications as regular
board members.-Alternate 1 is appointed in an odd year and Alternate 2 is
appointed in an even year.
(c) The Board shall select from the members a Vice-Chair for a one (1) year term,
and thereafter until their successor is appointed. Newly appointed members
shall be installed at the first regular Board meeting after their appointment.
Selection of the Vice-Chair shall occur at the first regular meeting following the
annual appointment of the Chair by the City Council.
(d) The Building Official shall be an ex-officio member of the Board and shall act
as Secretary to the Board, but shall have no vote on any matter before the
Sec. 2-232. -Qualifications of members.
It is the intent of the City Council that the Board members shall, by reason of the
diversity of their individual areas of expertise, constitute a board that is broadly
representative of various fields of building construction and building standards. In making
appointments to the Board, the City Council will consider persons who are qualified by
experience and training to pass on matters pertaining to building construction,
mechanical design, plumbing systems, or electrical systems, or who have practical
experience in matters relating to building construction or value such as a mortgage
banker or licensed real estate agent. Members, except for the Building Official, may not
be employees of the City.
(Ord. No. 622, § 3, 9-6-94)
Sec. 2-233. — Organization.
The Board shall meet when required to carry out the duties established by this
Division. The Board shall adopt its own rules and procedures and shall keep records of
its proceedings consistent with the provisions of this Division and the requirements of
law. The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member
upon each question, or if absent or failing to vote, indicating that fact, and shall keep
records of its decisions and other official actions. All minutes shall be filed in the office of
the City Secretary and kept as public records.
Sec. 2-234. - Duties and powers.
The Board is hereby charged with the duty and invested with the authority to:
30 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(a) Inspect property and premises at reasonable hours where required in the
discharge of its responsibilities under the laws of the State of Texas and
the City.
(b) Hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by
the Building Official or Fire Marshal when applicable, (check Ord. 699)
relative to the application and interpretation of the technical provisions of
the following Codes adopted by the City:
(1) The International Building Code;
(2) The International Existing Building Code;
(3) The International Energy Conservation Code;
(4) The International Fuel Gas Code;
(5) The International Mechanical Code;
(6) The International Plumbing Code;
(7) The International Residential Code;
(8) The International Property Maintenance Code;
(9) The International Swimming Pool and Spa Code; and
(10)The International Fire Code.
(c) Enforce the provisions of the substandard and dangerous building
ordinance and carry out the functions established in Article IX, "Property
Maintenance Code," Chapter 4.5, "Buildings and Building Regulations," of
the City's Code of Ordinances, as amended; the International Property
Maintenance Code; and Section 214 of the Texas Local Government Code
to abate substandard buildings.
(d) Hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by
the Director of Public Works to terminate a user's water supply for specified
violations of the City's cross connection control policy.
(e) The Board shall have no authority relative to the interpretation of the
administrative provisions of the Codes listed in subsection (b) of this Section
or the ordinance referenced in subsection (c) of this Section, nor may the
Board waive requirements of any of the Codes listed in subsection (b) or the
ordinance referenced in subsection (c) of this Section.
(Ord. No. 622, § 5, 9-6-94; Ord. No. 622-A, § 1, 2, 2-17-98; Ord. No. 622-B, § 1, 5-5-98)
Sec. 2-235. - Meetings and quorums.
A quorum for the conduct of business shall consist of four (4) members of the Board.
Each member is entitled to one (1) vote and action of the Board shall require a majority
of those members present. The members shall comply with all time limits and public
notice requirements and all meetings of the Board shall be held in compliance with the
31 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Texas Open Meetings Act. The Board shall hold, at a minimum, two (2) meetings
annually with an organizational meeting held each October.
(Ord. No. 622, § 6, 9-6-94)
Sec. 2-236. — Creation of the Park and Recreation Board.
There is hereby established the Park and Recreation Board for the City, hereinafter
referred to in this Division as "the Board." Unless stated otherwise in this Division, the
Board shall be organized and governed in accordance with Division 1, "Generally," of
Chapter 2, "Administration," of the City Code of Ordinances, as amended.
Sec. 2-237. — Number of Board members and qualifications.
The Board shall consist of seven (7) citizens of the City who shall be appointed by
the City Council. Places on the Board shall be numbered one (1) through seven (7).
Sec. 2-238. — Meetings and bylaws.
(a) As soon as practicable after the annual appointment of new board members
by the City Council, the Board shall select from the members a Vice-Chair and
Secretary to serve until their successor is elected.
(b) The Board shall adopt bylaws to govern the holding of its meetings, which, at
a minimum, shall encompass the following:
(1) Regular meetings shall be held on the second Monday of each
(2) Manner of holding and calling of special meetings; and
(3) Majority of members shall constitute a quorum.
(c) The Board shall operate per approved bylaws. The Board may amend such
bylaws, or adopt new bylaws, as it determines is appropriate to best govern
holding its meetings, provided that any bylaw amendments shall be effective
only after being approved by resolution of the City Council. The Board's bylaws
shall be consistent with state law, the City Charter, the City Code of
Ordinances, and the Board and Commission Manual.
Sec. 2-239. - Duties and responsibilities.
The duties and responsibilities of the Board shall be to:
32 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
(a) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to Parks
and Recreation, including development of long-range capital improvements
(b) Cooperate with other City boards, commissions, and committees, or other
governmental agencies, civic groups, and all citizens of the City in the
advancement of sound park and recreation planning and programming.
(c) Recommend policies for recreation services and park improvements.
(d) Recommend programs for the development of recreational areas, facilities,
and improved recreation services.
(e) Recommend the adoption of standards for recreational areas, facilities, and
their financial support.
(f) Review an annual report of existing park and recreation programs and
(g) Review the Capital Improvements Program budget of the Department of
Community Services, prior to submission to the City Council, and submit a
recommendation on the budget.
(Ord. No. 646, § 4, 8-15-95; Ord. No. 646-A, § 4, 9-1-98; Ord. No. 646-B, § 4, 6-20-00;
Ord. No. 970, § 2, 4-6-2010)
Secs. 2-240 2-245 - Reserved.
Sec. 2-246. -Creation of the Southlake Parks and Development Corporation
The Southlake Parks Development Corporation is hereby established to administer
the City's half-cent sales tax and apply the sales tax toward parks-related capital projects.
The Corporation shall review the annual operating budget and all proposals for new parks
and recreation programs in the City and report their findings and make recommendations
to the City Council.
Sec. 2-247. - Definitions.
The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this Division, shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a
different meaning:
33 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Act means the Development Corporation Act of 1979 (Vernon's Ann. Civ. St. art.
Articles means the Articles of Incorporation for the Corporation.
Corporation means the Southlake Parks Development Corporation.
(Ord. No. 597, 11-16-93)
Cross reference— Definitions generally, § 1-2.
Sec. 2-248. - Finding and determination of Council.
The City Council hereby finds and determines that cooperative action with the
Corporation will provide a means of financing needed public improvements within the
City, consistent with the Act.
(Ord. No. 597, § 2, 11-16-93)
Sec. 2-249. -Approval and authorization of Articles of Incorporation.
The City Council hereby approves the Articles of Incorporation for the Corporation
in substantially the form attached to Ordinance No. 597, as Exhibit A, and authorizes the
filing of the articles with the Secretary of State in accordance with the Act.
(Ord. No. 597, § 3, 11-16-93)
Sec. 2-250. -Corporation to be subject to powers of City Council.
The service of the members of the board of directors of the Corporation shall be at
all times subject to the powers of the City Council under the articles.
(Ord. No. 597, § 4, 11-16-93)
Sec. 2-251. - Instrumentality to act on City's behalf under authority of IRS
It is intended that the Corporation be a duly constituted authority and instrumentality
of the City, with the power to act on its behalf and to accomplish the public purposes of
the City within the meaning of regulations and revenue rulings of the Treasury
Department of the Internal Revenue Service of the United States promulgated under
Sections 103 and 115 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
(Ord. No. 597, § 5, 11-16-93)
Sec. 2-252. — Board of Directors - Powers, Number, and Term of Office.
34 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
The property and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed and controlled by a
Board of Directors (the "Board") under the guidance and direction of the City Council
and, subject to the restrictions imposed by law, the Articles of Incorporation, and Bylaws,
the Board shall exercise all the powers of the Corporation.
(a) The Board shall consist of seven (7) directors, each of whom shall be
appointed by the City Council (the " City Council") of the City. Each director
shall occupy a place individually, " Place" and collectively, the " Places") as
designated herein. Places 1 through 4 are designated for Councilmember
directors and Places 5 through 7 are designated for the Park Board member
director and two citizen directors. These appointments will be classified as
citizen member directors. Appointments of members to the Corporation by the
City Council are on an as needed basis.
(b) Directors shall have the qualifications, shall be of the classes of directors, and
shall be appointed to the terms set forth in the Articles of Incorporation.
(c) Director's terms on the Corporation are for two (2) years, but a member can
be assigned a one (1) year term to match the member's term on the City
Council or Parks and Recreation Board. Any director who is a member of the
City Council or the Parks and Recreation Board shall cease to be a director at
the time that they cease to be a member of the City Council or Parks and
Recreation Board.
Sec. 2-253. —Titles of Office.
(a) The officers of the Corporation shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary,
and Treasurer, and such other officers as the Corporation may from time to
time elect or appoint. Terms of office shall be one (1) year. Upon the expiration
of the terms, each officer shall have the right to be reappointed or reelected.
(b) Excluding the President, a vacancy in the office of any elected officer shall be
filled by a vote of a majority of the directors.
(c) The Corporation shall select among its membership a Vice-President and
Secretary. The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer or Director of
Finance for the City.
Sec. 2-254. — Duties of Office.
(a) Powers and Duties of the President. The President shall be the chief operating
executive officer of the Corporation and, subject to the authority of the Board,
the President shall be in general charge of the properties and affairs of the
Corporation and shall execute all contracts, conveyances, franchises, bonds,
deeds, assignments, mortgages, notes, and other instruments in the name of
35 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
the Corporation. The President shall preside over the meetings of the
(b) Vice-President. The Vice-President shall have such powers and duties as may
be prescribed by the Board and shall exercise the powers of the President
during that officer's absence or inability to act, in their respective order. Any
action taken by the Vice-President in the performance of the duties of the
President shall be conclusive evidence of the absence or inability to act of the
President at the time such action was taken.
(c) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the
Corporation and shall have the responsibility to see to the handling, custody,
and security of all funds and securities of the Corporation in accordance with
the Corporation bylaws. When necessary or proper, the Treasurer may
endorse and sign, on behalf of the Corporation, for collection or issuance,
checks, notes, and other obligations in or drawn upon such bank, banks, or
depositories as shall be designated by the Board consistent with the
Corporation bylaws. The Treasurer shall see to the entry in the books of the
Corporation full and accurate accounts of all monies received and paid out on
account of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall, at the expense of the
Corporation, give such bond for the faithful discharge of his/her duties in such
form and amount as the Board or the City Council may require. All check-
writing authority will follow all applicable City policies concerning
authorizations, signatures, and disbursements.
(d) Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the
Corporation and books provided for that purpose; shall give and serve all
notices; may sign with the President in the name of the Corporation, and/or
attest the signature thereto, all contracts, conveyances, franchises, bonds,
deeds, assignments, mortgages, notes, and other instruments of the
Corporation; shall have charge of the corporate books, records, documents,
and instruments, except the books of account and financial records and
securities, and such other books and papers as the Corporation may direct, all
of which shall at all reasonable times be open to public inspection upon
application at the office of the Corporation during business hours; and shall, in
general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary subject to the
control of the Board.
(e) Executive Director. The City Manager of the City of Southlake will serve as the
Executive Director of the Corporation to provide administrative support
services for the Corporation, and perform duties as prescribed by the Board
and City Council.
(f) The President, Vice-President, and the Secretary shall be named from among
the members of the Board. Any Assistant Secretary may, at the option of the
36 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Board, be an employee of the City. The legal counsel shall be the attorney for
the City and shall designate any other attorney needed by the Corporation.
(g) A majority of the directors holding current appointments shall constitute a
Sec. 2-255. — Creation of the Southlake Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1
The Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Board (the "Board") oversees the
project and implements the financing plan for Southlake's Tax Increment Financing
District known as the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1, as set forth in the
ordinance creating the Zone, Ordinance No. 682, dated, September 23, 1997, and 682-
A, dated, December 2, 1997, and Ordinance 1197 extending the term of the Tax
Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1, dated September 4, 2018 (the "Zone"). The Board
may issue obligations to finance all or part of the cost of implementing the "project plan"
for the Zone as defined in the Tax Increment Financing Act of the Tax Code, Chapter
311, Vernon' s Texas Codes Annotated (the "Act").
Sec. 2-256. — Powers, Number, and Term of Office.
(a) The property and affairs of the Zone shall be managed and controlled by the
City Council, subject to the restrictions imposed by law, the ordinance creating
the Zone, and Bylaws. It is the intention of the City Council that the Board shall
function only in an advisory or study capacity with respect to the Zone and
shall exercise only those powers, advisory in nature, which are either granted
to the Board pursuant to the Act or delegated to the Board by the City Council.
(b) As set forth in the ordinance creating the Zone, the Board shall consist of no
less than seven (7) and no greater than twelve (12) members. The City Council
shall appoint a total of eight (8) members, with one member being nominated
by Carroll Independent School District (the "CISD"), and the remaining seven
(7) members at all times being the Mayor and Places 1 through 6 of the City
Council. The positions occupied by the Mayor and Places 1 through 6 may
sometimes hereafter be referred to as the " Council Directors."
(c) CISD shall appoint one (1) member; provided, however, that if CISD waives
its right to appoint a member to the Board, as evidenced by written resolution
duly adopted by the governing body of CISD, the City Council may appoint a
member instead.
(d) Each member shall serve for a term of three (3) years, or until the member's
successor is duly appointed and qualified, or in the case of the Council
37 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Directors, when the member's successor becomes qualified to serve on City
(e) Any member appointed by the City may be removed from office by the City
Council in accordance with the City Charter and applicable ordinances. In the
event of a vacancy caused by the resignation, death, or removal for any
reason, of a member, the governing body of the respective taxing unit which
made such appointment shall be responsible for filling the vacancy in
accordance with these bylaws, the Act, and the ordinance creating the Zone.
(f) Appointments of members by City Council occur as needed.
Sec. 2-257. — Titles and Terms of Office.
(a) The officers of the Zone shall consist of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and
such other officers as the Board may from time to time elect or appoint;
provided, however, that the City Council shall, on an annual basis and in
accordance with the Act, appoint the Chair for a term of one year with the term
beginning on January 1st of the following year.
(b) Terms of office for officers shall be one (1) year. All officers, other than the
Chair, shall be subject to removal from office, with or without cause, at any
time by a vote of a majority of the entire Board. A vacancy in the office of any
officer, other than the Chair, shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the
(c) Powers and Duties of the Chair. The Chair shall be the Chief Executive Officer
of the Board, and subject to the approval of the City Council, shall be in general
charge of the properties and affairs of the Zone and shall preside at all
meetings of the Board.
(d) Powers and Duties of the Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall be a member of the
Board, shall have such powers and duties as may be assigned to them by the
Board , and shall exercise those powers and duties. The Vice-Chair shall also
exercise the powers of the Chair during that officer's absence or inability to
act. Any action taken by the Vice-Chair in the performance of the duties of the
Chair shall be conclusive evidence of the absence or inability to act of the
Chair at the time that such action was taken.
(e) Powers and Duties of the Secretary. The City Secretary shall serve as the
Secretary of the Board. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings
of the Board in books provided for the purpose; shall have charge of such
books, records, documents, and instruments as the Board may direct, all of
which shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection; and shall in general
38 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
perform all duties incident to the office of the Secretary subject to the control
of the City Council and the Board.
(f) Staff. Additional staff functions for the Board shall be performed by the City
Manager and City staff as designated by the City Manager.
Sec. 2-258. — Meetings.
(a) The Board shall hold regular meetings at such times and places as shall be
designated. There shall be at least one regular meeting held in the fourth
quarter of each calendar year. The Secretary shall give notice to each director
of each meeting by email.
(b) Special or emergency meetings of the Board shall be held whenever called by
the Chair, the Secretary, by a majority of the directors then in office or upon
advice or request by City Council. The Secretary shall give notice to each
director of each special meeting by email. Notice of all special or emergency
meetings shall state the meeting purpose, which shall be the only business
(c) A majority of the directors holding current appointments shall constitute a
quorum for the consideration of matters pertaining to the purposes of the Zone.
(d) The Board shall operate per approved bylaws. The Board may amend such
bylaws, or adopt new bylaws, as it determines is appropriate to best govern
holding its meetings, provided that any bylaw amendments shall be effective
only after being approved by resolution of the City Council. The Board's bylaws
shall be consistent with state law, the City Charter, the City Code of
Ordinances, and the Board and Commission Manual.
Secs. 2- 259 — 2. 260. Reserved."
Section 2.
Article XII, "Building Board of Appeals," of Chapter 4.5, "Buildings and Building
Regulations," of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows:
Secs. 4.5-236—4.5.255. Reserved."
Section 3.
Article III, "Boards," of Chapter 12, "Parks and Recreation," of the Code of
Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows:
39 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
Secs. 12-61 — 12-115. Reserved."
Section 4.
Article IV, "Parks Development Corporation," of Chapter 12, "Parks and
Recreation," of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows:
Secs. 12-116— 12-145. Reserved."
Section 5.
It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases,
clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and section of this Ordinance are severable, and if any
phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared
unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction,
such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses,
sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been
enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such
unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section.
Section 6.
Cumulative Clause
This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances and of the Code
of Ordinances of the City, as amended, except where the provisions of this Ordinance
are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances and such Code, in which
event the conflicting provision of such ordinances and such Code are hereby repealed.
Section 7.
Savings Clause
All rights and remedies of the City are expressly saved as to any and all violation
of the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City, as amended, relating to boards,
commissions, and committees that have accrued at the time of the effective date of this
Ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and
criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be
affected by this Ordinance, but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts.
Section 8.
40 Board, Commission, and Committee Ordinance— 11.9.23
The City Secretary of the City is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance to the
extent required by law.
Section 9.
Effective Date
This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and
approval, and it is so ordained.
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