2023-05-24 Library MinutesCITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING: May 24, 2023 LOCATION: 307 Parkwood Dr, Southlake, Texas Southlake Training Center TIME: 6:30 p.m. SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD PRESENT: Will Doby, Lori Burr, Guy Midkiff, Natan Ton -That and Tracy Patton SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD ABSENT: Virginia Hinkle and Christina Taggart STAFF PRESENT: Cynthia Pfledderer, Deputy Director of Library, Maria Cameron, Adult Services Librarian and Bora Sulollari, Management Assistant for the City Manager's Office OTHERS PRESENT: Greta Yeager and Lucy Yeager 1. CALL TO ORDER Will Doby called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. 2. CONSENT A. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING HELD April 26, 2023 APPROVED A motion was made to approve the minutes from the April 26, 2023, Southlake Library Board meeting. Motion: Midkiff Second: Patton Ayes: Ton -That, Doby, Midkiff, Taggart, Hinkle & Patton Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0 Motion Carried. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the May 24, 2023, Southlake Library Board Meeting Page 2 of 3 3. DISCUSSION A. Ethics Pledge Bora Sulollari, Management Assistant for the City Manager's Office, highlighted the City's new ethic's pledge and how it complies with the Texas Government Code. Mayor John Huffman had pronounced March as National Ethics Month for the City of Southlake. Ms. Sulollari stated the ethics program ties to the city's strategy map which promotes learning and growth through an environment that fosters positive employee engagement and attracts, develops and retains talented and motivated staff. B. Summer Reading Program Board member Midkiff introduced Greta and Lucy Yeager who spoke about the impact the summer reading program had on them when they were young. They highlighted a summer writing program in association with a library's summer reading program for kids going into 2"d grade through 5th grade and is designed to facilitate creative writing in elementary age kids. C. Library Volunteer Program Adult Services Librarian Maria Cameron spoke to the board about the positive impact the volunteer program has on the library and their 4,000 hours of service each year. She stressed the importance of making each one feel important and give them the tools to be successful and define the expectations we have of them while they are volunteering. There are different levels of volunteers, with the Summer Reading Ambassador being an invitation only position, with at least 10 hours of previous library experience. D. Future Board Meetings After discussing the possibility of moving the monthly library board meetings to Town Square, it was decided to keep the meeting place at the Southlake Training Center. 4. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT City Librarian Pfledderer gave a performance update for April 2023. Total circulation was 40,472, an increase of 14% from April 2022. Programming saw a 20% increase from April 2022 while library traffic saw no change from April of last year. The CISD Art exhibit along with Art -in -the -Square had a great turnout. However, there was a 12% decrease in traffic to our digital services. Youth programs, cloudLibrary, AtoZ, Ebsco and World Book had the strongest performances for the month. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the May 24, 2023, Southlake Library Board Meeting Page 3 of 3 5. LIBRARY FOUNDATION NEWS There was no new Library Foundation news presented to the board. 6. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business presented to the board. 7. PUBLIC FORUM The public forum opened at 7:23 p.m. asking anyone wishing to speak to come forward. There being no public comments, the forum was closed at 7:23 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting will be scheduled for July 26, 2023. The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m. Motion: Midkiff Second: Ton -That Ayes: Doby, Ton -That, Midkiff & Patton Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 4-0 Motion Carried. Will Doby, 1t U'uf7C `�� aeb C' nthia Pfledderer, City Librarian City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork