1962-019RESOLUTION NO. 19
UNEREAS, pursuant to the -provisions of Title 28, Chapter 11,
of the ]Revised Civil Statutes of'Texas, it is provided that, there
shall be held in each Municipality in'the State of Texas, on the
first Tuesday in April of each year. a general election for the
purpose of electing officers of said municipality.
THAT THE town Council of,the Town of Southlake. Teas, at a
regular meeting held this date, does hereby order an election of
officers for the Town of Southlnke. Texas, to be held'on Tuesday
April 3, 1962, to elect Three Councilmen' for pinees 3. 4 and 5
for a term of two years. and one Councilman for place 1 to fill
the unexpired term of Wade C. Cummings. resigned. Candidates for
the offices`of such places receiving the highest number of votes
shall be elected to such offices and,nlaces for the terms,herein
set out from April 3, 1962.
FOR the present purpose of said election, the entire`Town is
hereby constituted one voting preeinctz the polling place for said
election shall be the City Hall, within said Town and said election
shall be hold between the hours of 7:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. on the
aforementioned date. and the following persons are hereby appointed
to not as election officers:
Presiding Judge
Asst. PreslOing Judge
(a( No person shall be eligible for the offices aforementioned
unless he is elector of the Town and has resided in the State of
Texas for period of one year. and in the Town for six months next
preceding the election at which he is elected.
ANY eligible and qualified person may have his name printed
upon the official bn1lot as an indenendent Catidi.date for the offices
herein provided for by'fi.ling his,sworn.applicstion with the Mayor
not later than'Midnight, March 1, 1962. The application shall state
the specific office being sought by the applicant and that,the
applicant is eligible and qualified under the laws of the State of
Tbxas, to become'a candidate for ,and hold the office being sought
if elected. I .
(A) The form of,,the sworn application shall be substantially
as follows*
To the Mayor of the Town of Southlake. Texas, Greetings:
-I, Hereby fi•ake application- toy have; my ,name printed
�on, the _official .bellot as an indepe'ndenf candidate for the
,office of to be voted upon at the Town 'Election
:to be, held April 3.: 1962; and I hereby, certify that I have.,
rQsided in the State. of Texas; for ati<-least. -;ane year and in
the Town of S'authlakei ,Texas, -for -at, lenstF si*' months prior
to the, date of such eilectionj and 'am qunitiried to make 'this
application and that.; I am legally qualified to hold such
office, if elected.
,.being duly•sworn, depose and say thst the state-
ment!j-•contained in the foregoing npplienti.on rare true. ,
SIMSCRIBED •ANI) SWORN to befo'r'e �+o this day of. . 1'962,
Notary Public in.•and, for
Tarr-nn't-,,,County# Texas
( ) ' Such 'sworA. ni pplicatign may be accompanied with n petition
signed by qualified electors. Rlthouph such petition is not -,.required.
(C) Such nworn n, iplication, sh; ll be accompanied with a,ri executed
copy of the "Loynity Affieinvit" ns Xeres.;li.r.ed' by Ar'tic'le 641.2 1951
1t1•�ectioii Code , i'n. Rernon" s TetR9. Civil Stntuteffi, 'in 'suseanttiAll'y the
fnjjnwing 'form: u
of the 'Town of Southlake, Texas, County of Tarrant,
Stnt,e of Texas, boine; 4 candidate for the office of , do solemnly
swear that I believe in and approve of our present representative form
of. gibVennmant, .and 'if elected,, I will, `support and 'defend our renresen-
tativo fdri7 nf•pirernment •end bhalf ,rc+ro'i.s•t ahy e•ffnc`t t4 ;�eovcar�ent from
any 'part th6reof, 'and - T will support and Anfend- the Constitution of the
United States afid the 'lows of the State of Texas
Sworn to and subscribed before me nt SouthlEike,.•Tarrant; County,
Texas, this.the day of , 1962. ,.
Notary Public in and for
-Tarrntit County,,. Texa's
Any candidate for either of the offices herein provided for may
have his name printed upon the, ballot ,on,, application to the. Mayor,
such application to be, furnished, by, the. Town ,of .Southlakets Town
Secretary,,and that same shall. contain •the sighptures of fivo percent
of the'qualified voter's of the Town' of the..entiro ,votes, cast in the
Town°'at the lost; geheral election, which..,appl�cat'ionr •shall, be a000mpan-
ind�"�sy"'aha' lei'yalty'Afifday.i as','herei.nabove' 96t eu't;
The names of all those who have filed their sworn applications
to have.,their names printed on the official ballot as well as those
that are:nominited by petition, as candidates shall be posted by the
Town Secretary in a conspicuous place at the office of''ttho said Sec-
retary for inspection of the Public for, at least thirty '(30) days
before the date of said Election. The Town Secretary shall preserve
for a- 'period 'of two years all, -,applications,' petitions and.. -'other re-
lated' papers. r ,t
• t.
Any, person'eligible to the offices' 'tiorei:ri' pro'vid'ed •fd•r who has
filed his sworn application in accordance with the provisions of this
resolution, or who is nominated to any office by potiti.on; shall have
his name printed on the official ballot. Any such Person may cause
hit name to be=withdrawn at any time before the official ballots are
printed, by filing in writing wi�th'the Town SeerAtary a request to
that effect over 'his signature,; Vtay, At,tvs, ted"-io�,by. `a._ ?rotary Public.
r -No name so withdrawn., shall., -be printed on the bol,16f.'
,l 9.. .
The bn1.'1W-ts` to be,'useri' in said elect'ibn. shall the ,nrepir c to
the man-ner a'nd''form as provided in than election code .of the; :atA o of
Texas, enacted by the.1951 Legislature.
' = All qualified voters ' Otthin, the, manning ,:of- the � Constitu tion and
Laws 'of the State of Texas,. who have reeidjrd in; •tho State 'gf;Texart
for a poriod ojt"one year, and the Town'of ,Soutt ake. for a period of
dix months prior to, 'the, date 'of ,the eledtionj herein, provided for
shall be entitled to vote at such elections.
Yoting,by absentee ballot in said election shall commence on
March -13, 1962, at the office of the Town Secretary, Southlake, Texas,
and shall close at five" P. Pel.' on April ,1, 1962.
The election officers above named shall make and deliver the re-
turns of said election in triplicate, one bEing retained by the pre-
siding Judge, one delivered td the Mayor of the Town, and one deliver-
ed to the Town Secretary. The ballot box containing, the signature
stubs from ballots used in said election shall be delivered to the
District Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas, and other ballot boxes and
P1Actinn records and suppltes shall be preserved by the Town Secretary
in the proper ,office as ,by law provided. The Town Courfcil will meet
not. less than five•and not more than seven days following said elec-
tion for the purpose of canvassing the returns of said election.
The Mayor is hereby directed to give notice of said eloction
which shall be signed by the Mayor under the attest of the Town Se-
cretary, and shall state the purpgsa,of the expected election, the
Officers to be clacted, anal the Ma'rsha►l l'shall. post a properly ex-
ecuted copy of the election vrocla+mation at this polling place here-
in provided and two copies at two other public places within the
Town. Such notices shall have attached thereto a certified copy of
,this resolution. '
Said election shall be held and cnndueted in accordnnoe with
the laws of the stato of Texas for the holding of general elections
for State and County Offices except as otherwise provided by Chapter
11, Title 28, and the 1951 Election Code of tho Revised Civil,
Stattjtes of Texas.
j0OPTF3l this day of February, 1962.