1958-009Ra3*i€?LUTi0N NO. 9 DR XT R,F.SOLVSD Til" THR TOWN COUNCIL OF 71TE TOWN 01P SCUTID AKrs. TEXAS: THAT AST the Town Council of 5outhlsake. Texas* recogni ain8 tho urgent hood of Hi.Chway 121A as planned by the Stoto ftii;hwny Uopa'rtmelnt. 'from its boainning point in Fort iJorth to its Juncthro with the present Atehway 121 noor birapovine, do hereby request the County Commissioners Court to allocate its portion of the right-of-way cont for the purohnse of sold Highway. and do also rectuost the Strata 111ghway Caom.3ssion td devig n to this talghctay at ttm onrilost possible time. and to prodrame it: for work during tho prosont fiscal year. U9 also by this resolution do authorise the Ya,yor of Southlaku or his QpOoint;ao to cooperate and work with the North Cast Tarrant County Progress Association to bring nbout, an early scoomplishment of this project. PASSED ANDAPPROVED ttio 8 day of !Torch. A. D. 1958. ATTEST: tiAfYfiFt r