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>37 THE STATE OF "=AS + COUNTY Or TARRANT TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE � ORDF.R ASD NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION ELECTION 0RDER I# A. Gail Eubanks* Mayor of the Town of Southlako g Texas, by virtue of the power vested in mo by law* du hereby order than an eloction be held in the 'town of Southlake s Texas* on April 19 1958# being the first Tuesday thereof* for the Purpose of electing the following offices of said Towns `Ibroe Councilmen for places 4* 5 and 6 for a term of two years* from April 1* 1958* or until their successors are duly elected and qualified* Candidates for the officos of such places receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to such offices and places for a term of two years* from April 1. 1958. And* that said election shall be bold at the Carroll School in said Town* and the following named ,persona aro hereby appointed Managers thereof; to -wit: Mrs. L. D. Cathcart Presiding Judge Mr's. Ha -1 Nels_ori Asst, Presiding Judge Mps. Cleo Hoti-rard Clerk Clerk F.. tCTXON NOTICE The Marshal is hereby directed and instructed to post a properly executed copy of this order and notice of election at the Carroll School* the place where this election will be held, and at two other public places within the Town. Said notice shall be posted thirty days before the dato. of said ele+c ti on. SIGNED and executed this the day of A. D. 1958. 4 CR%yoi`t Town of Southla o Texas z � ATTESTt TON SECRETARY 03 I RESOLUTION N0, 6 WH£REAS9 pursuant to the provisions of Title 289 Chapter 119 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Toxass t it is provided that there skull be hold in each Municipality in tho State of Texas on the first 'Tuesday in April of each yearp a general election for the purpose of electing officers of said municipality. NOW9 TUI.' nFORSt BE IT RUSOLVED 133 THE TOWU COUNCIL pF THE TOWN OF SOUTki AAE! TEXAS5 s I. THAT the 'Town Council of the loam of Southlake , Toxasa , at a regular me etina held this dawte> p does hereby order an election of officers for the Town of ,Shuthlakot Texas, to be hold on Tuesday # April 1* 1938# for the purpose of electing Threes Councilmen for places 4; 3 and 6 for a term of two years; candidates for the offices of such places receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to such offices and placers for a term of taio years* fftm 'April 1. 1938. Xi. FOR the purpose of said election, the entire Town is hereby constituted one, voting precinct; the polling place for said election shall be Carroll ,Schools within said Town and said election shall be hold botween the hours of 7:00 A. 14, and said 7*00 P. M. on the afore- mentioned dates, and the following parsons are hereby appointtad to act An election officea<rst Mrs. L. D.. Catcart Presiding Judae Mrs. Hal. Nelson Asst. Presiding; Judas► Mrs. Cleo Howard Clerk Clerk I22. (A) No person shall be eligible for the offices aforementioned unless he is qualified elector of the Town and has resided in the State of Texas for a period of one ye:sa►r f and in the Town for six (6) roonth:s nest preceding the eloction at which ho Is eslactead. IV . ANY eliaible and qual:.fied person may have bis name printed upon the official ballot as an Iiidepondeent Candidate for they offices heroin provided for by filini, Itis awe rn_ a pplication with they Mayor not later than Midniahtg March 1t 1938. The application shall state the specific offico being sought by the applicant and that they applicant Is eligible and qualified under the Laws of tho 'Sjafio of Texas $ to become a candidate for and bold the office being sought* if elected. V. (A) They form of the sworn application shall be substantially as follows': To tho Mayor of the Town of Southlake, Texa ss GreettinCs: i, . hereby make appli- cation to have my name printed,on the official ballot as an independent candidate for the office of 9 to be voted upon at the Town Election to ,be held on the lot day of April, 1938; and .I hereby certify that I have resided lu the State of Texas for at least -one year and iri the 'Town of Southlake o Toxas v for at least sic months prior to the date of such election $ and am qualified to make this application and that I am locally qualified to hold such offico, if elected. CANDIDATRIS SIGNATURE STATE OF TLUS � COUNTY OF TARRANT � it , beim; duly sworny deposes and sa►yd that the statements contained in they foregoing application aro trod. Sinned Subscribed and sworn to before we this day of w A. D. 1958. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR TAMINI' COLINTYt TEXAS -'2 - I+, (B) Such sworn supplication may be accompanied with a petition signed by qualified electors, althouUh such petition is not required. (C) Such aworn application shall be accompanied with an executed caapy of the "14yalty Affidavit" as required by Article 601.2 1951 Election Code in Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, in substantially the following fozm t "I, , of the Torn of Southluko, Texas, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, being a candidates for the office of , do solemnly swear- that 'l beliefe in and approve of our present repr©sonta.tive form of government, and if elected, I will support and defend our representative form of Government and shall razist' any effort to movement from any partthereoft and I will support and defend the+ -Constitution of the 'United States and the Laws of the State of Toxa.s. CANDIDATE'S SIGNATURE Sworn to and subscribed before me at Southlake, Tarrant County, Toxus, this the day of , A. D. 1958. Notary Public, Tarrant County, Texas. VI. Any Candidate for either of•the offices herein provided for may have his name printed upon the ballot on application to the !Iayor, such application to be furnished by tho Town Secretary and that same shall contain the aisnaturea of five (5) percent of the gtialifiesd voters of the Town of the entire votes cast in the Town at the lest general election, which application shall be accompanied by the Loyalty Affidavit as horeinabov© set out. 4 VIX . The names of all those who have filed thoir sworn applications to have their names printed an the official ballot as well as those that are nominated by potition, an candidates shall be posted by the 'Town Secretary in a conspicuous pl4ce at the office of the said,S-ecretary for inspection of the Public for at least thirty (30) days before the elate of said Election.. The Town Secretary shall preserve for a period of two years all applications, petitions and otho r related papors. - 3 - Ht VIll. ANY person oligible to the officos horein provided- for wbo hes filed his sworn application in accordance with the provisions of this rosaolutions or who is nominated to any office by petition* shall have his nacho printed on the official ballots. Any such porsson may cause his name to be withdrawn at any tirav before thea official ballots are printods by filing in writing with the Town Sociretary :a request to that effect over -his signature, duly attested to by a Notary Public. No name so withdrawn shall be printed on the ballots. XX. THE ballots to bo usod in said election shall be prepared in the manner and form aw provideed in the election code of. -the State of Texas enacted by the 1931 Legislature, X. ALL qualified voters within tho moaning of the con:stituthon and Laws of the State of Texas $ who have rosided in the State of Texas for a period of one year, and the Town of Southlake for a period of six months prior to then date of the elactidn herein provided for shall be entitled to vote at such elections. X1. VOTING by absentee ballot in said election shall commence on March 12, 19580 at the office of tho Town Secretary, Southlake, Texas. Voting by absentee.bwl,lot shall close at five P. M. March 29s 1938• X11. US election officers above named shall make and deliver the returns of said oloction In trip.licata, one being ratainod by the prosidina Judge3, one delivered- td, t. b Mayor of the Towns and one deslivereAd to tiro Mown Socrotary. . The baliot box containing. tho signatures :stubs from ballots used in said election shall be dolivoread to the District Clerk of Tarrant Countyt Texas, and othor ballot boxes and election records and supplies shall be preserved by the Town Secretary in the, propor office as by law provided. 'the Town Council will meet not loss thaes five and not more thsai seven days following said election for the purpose of canvassing they returns of said olaetion. XIII. The liayor is hereby diroctod to give notieo of said election which shall be signed by the Mayor under,the attest of they Town Socrotary, and shall state the.purpose of the election, the Officers to be eelocted, and the Xarshea shAll post a -properly efocutod copy of tho election ,proclamation. a►t •theE pilin; place herein provided and two copies at two other public -places within thea Town. Such notices shall have attached thereto a cortifieed copy of this resolution. 4 XIV. Said election fhall be held and conducted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas for tho holding of genaral eloctions for State and County Offices oxcept as othorwise provided by Chapter 119 Title 28, and the 1951 Taction Code of the Revived Civil Statutes of Texas. ADOPTED this day of , A. D. 1918. ATTEST: TOWn SECRETARY X 9 �APPRQii �:D f5 - (/ ,MAYOR