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RESOLUTION NO. -t- �/ - MEAS, under,date of august i0, 19570 at a regular meeting of the City Council of Southlaki, Taxes* Councilman W, Lee Yantis tendered his resignation an Councilman which was duly accepted by action of the Council; and tf RMAS. ,pursuant, to the provisions of Article 989 of the 192 Revised Olvil Statute$ of Texas, it become necessary that an, eisation be held to fill• such vacancy for the unexpired term of said Councilman. hole., THitRE ORS. 88 IT RRSOLVED BY IMIB, TWX CWNCI1', U8 THE TOWN Op ,SOUTHLAK]3. TEXAS: 1. THAT, the. Town Council of the Town of -Southlake, Texas, at a regular meeting held this date does hereby order an election for the purpose of fiilIng the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of W. 'Lee 'Yantis' 'se ,Clouneilman for his unesglred- terra ending on or about April 1. 1958,•or'unti1 his,suecessor to duly erected and qualified. Such election to be held on September 21, 1957• Tho candidate receiving the highest number of votes for the office of Couneilman,at such election shall be declared elected to such office and,foe the unoapired terra aforementioned. 2. POR the pulse of said electidn thelentire Town is tareby constituted one voting precinct; voting place for maid election shall•be et the Carroll School within sold torn and said election shall be held betwoen the hours of 700 o4clock A. M. and 7:00 o'clock P, ", on the aforementioned date and the following officers are hereby appointed to net as election officers: L. T. Cathcart" Judge Mrs. Irene Deleon Asst. Judge Mrs. Cleo Howard - Clerk 3. NO person shall be eligible for the office aforementioned unlerle he ' le a qualified sioctor. of the Town and' has resided in the Stet'* of Texas for the period of one-.yoar and in the Town for sir months,neat preceding the date on whi©h election is held. 4. ANY eligible and qualified person may have his name printed upon the official ballot as an independent candidate for the office heroin provided for by filing his sworn application with the Town Secretory not later than,aidnight. August 31, 1957. The application ORDER AND NOTICE Of TOWN ELECTION THE: STATR OF TEXAS # TIDE TOWN Of SOUTAL.AXI£, TEXAS COUNTY 0? TARRAY7T � XLECTION ORDRR I, A. Gail Eubanks, Mayor of the Town,�of,Southleke, Texas, by virtue of the power rested in we by lar do hereby ordor an election to be held in the Town of Southlake,'Teans, on Sopt. 21, 1957. being for the purpose of olooting one Councilman to fill the unexpired term of the vacancy caused by the resignation of W. Lee Yantis; and THAT sold election shell be -hold in the Carroll School within the sold Town and the following named persons aro hereby appointed managers thereof: L. G. Cathcart Judge Mrs. Irene Volson - Assistant Judge Mrs, Cleo Howard - Clerk The marshal ia'heroby directed and instructed to poet e proporly executed copy of this order and notice of election at the Carroll School, the place where this election will be hold and at twh other public places within the Torn. SAID notice shall be posted ton dors before the date of sold election. SIdt1RD and executed this the 10th day of August, A. D. 1937. ' AiAYtDt, Ti'oen of Southintc©, Te:ns ATTEST: TOWN SECRETARY