Item 6E - MemoCase No.
June 13, 2023
CASE NO: ZA23-0028
PROJECT: Site Plan for 671 State Street Commercial Building
SUMMARY: Cooper and Company, LP is requesting approval of a site plan for a new
commercial building to be located on a property described as Lot 4, Block 16,
Southlake Town Square Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant
County, Texas and located at 671 State Street, Southlake, Texas Current Zoning:
“DT” Downtown District. SPIN Neighborhood #8.
DETAILS: The applicant is requesting approval of a site plan to develop a one-story
commercial building totaling approximately 5,301 square feet. The proposed
building is adjacent to the newly constructed Granite Place Two building to the
south. The applicant is proposing a modern architectural style for the building
with a covered patio area and outdoor plaza on the south side of the structure.
The building is proposed to be a bank.
The design of the structure generally conforms to the Downtown Design
Guidelines which are included with this report. The development was presented
to the 2035 Corridor Planning Committee at their May 22, 2023 meeting. With
feedback from that meeting, some minor revisions to the north façade are
included in this packet.
At their June 8, 2023 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission
recommended approval (6-0), subject to Staff Report Dated June 2, 2023, and
Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated June 2, 2023, with the recommendation
that the applicant provide more assurances that the dumpster will be screened
from view, more specifically from SH 114.
Case No.
ACTION NEEDED: 1) Conduct a Public Hearing
2) Consider approval of a Site Plan
ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information
(B) Vicinity Map
(C) Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated June 2, 2023
(D) Surrounding Property Owners Map & Responses
Plans (for Commission and Council members only)
Site Plan
Architectural Site Plan and Elevations
Narrative and Plans
SPIN Report
2035 Corridor Planning Committee Report
STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough (817) 748-8072
Reagan Rothenberger (817) 748-8269
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OWNER: Cooper and Company, LP
APPLICANT: Cooper and Company, LP
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 16, Southlake Town Square, Phase IV
CURRENT ZONING: “DT” Downtown District
HISTORY: - A Zoning Change and Concept Plan under Planning Case ZA96-145 for
Southlake Town Square was approved by City Council January 7, 1997.
- A Development Plan under Planning Case ZA97-099 for Southlake
Town Square was approved by City Council on August 19, 1997.
- A Zoning Change from “NR-PUD” to “DT” under Planning Case ZA02-
104 for Southlake Town Square was approved by City Council March 4,
- A Revised Preliminary Plat under Planning Case ZA04-070 for Blocks
3R2, 4R1, 12-14, 17 & 18, of Southlake Town Square was approved by
City Council October 5, 2004.
- A Site Plan under Planning Case ZA04-067 for Southlake Town Square
Grand Avenue District was approved by City Council on October 5, 2004.
A portion of this development is within the existing parking lot approved
under this case.
- A Plat Revision under Planning Case ZA06-004 for Blocks 3R2, 4R1,
12-14, 17 & 18, Southlake Town Square was approved by City Council
February 7, 2006.
- A Zoning Change and Concept Plan under Planning Case ZA07-050 for
Southlake Town Square was approved by City Council July 17, 2007.
- A Concept/Development Plan (ZA15-035) for Lots 1-3, Block 16, and
Lot 9, Block 12 Southlake Town Square, Phase IV, was approved June
16, 2015.
- A Site Plan (ZA15-036) for Granite Place One on Lot 1, Block 16
Southlake Town Square, Phase IV, was approved June 16, 2015.
- A Preliminary Plat (ZA15-0048) for Lot 9, Block 12, Lots 1-3, Block, 16,
Lot 1R, Block 17 of Southlake Town Square, Phase IV was approved
June 16, 2015.
- A Plat Revision (ZA15-0043) for Lot 9, Block 12 and Lots 1-3, Block 16,
Southlake Town Square, Phase IV, being a revision of Lot 2, Greenway -
Carroll Addition, was approved June 16, 2015 and recorded March 31,
- A Specific Use Permit (ZA15-0049) for the development of a four (4)
story parking garage structure with 485 parking spaces for Granite Place
One was approved June 16, 2015.
- An Amended Plat (ZA17-012) for Lots 1R and 3R, Block 16, Southlake
Town Square , Phase IV was approved January 25, 2017 and recorded
February 8, 2017.
- December 7, 2021; Approved (7-0) subject to Staff Report dated
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November 30, 2021, and Revised Development/Site Plan Review
Summary No. 3, dated November 29, 2021, and noting the following:
Driveway Stacking Depth: Driveway Ordinance No. 634 requires there
to be 150’ of stacking depth for any driveway onto Block 16 of the
development. A stacking depth of approximately 16’ is approved for
the driveway on State Street; Loading Spaces: Ordinance 480, Section
37.4.k requires 2 regular (10’ x 25’) loading spaces for office buildings
150,000 – 249,999 square feet; and a variance to allow one 10’ x 50’
loading space in lieu of 2 regular (10’ x 25’) loading spaces being
provided is approved. (ZA21-0087)
SOUTHLAKE 2035 PLAN: Consolidated Future Land Use Plan
The 2035 future land use designation is Town Center. The Town Center
land use designation is defined within Southlake 2035 as the following:
“The Town Center land use designation is intended to enhance and
promote the development of the community’s downtown. The goal is to
create an attractive, pedestrian-oriented environment that becomes the
center of community life in Southlake. It may include compatibly designed
retail, office, cultural, civic, recreational, hotel and residential uses. All
uses shall be developed with a great attention to design detail and will be
integrated into one cohesive district or into distinct sub-districts, each with
its own unique characteristics. A mix of different uses is encouraged to
create a vibrant, lively, and unique environment.”
Mobility & Master Thoroughfare Plan
The development is bound by the E. S.H. 114 frontage road, State St.,
Division St. and Reserve St.
Pathways Master Plan & Sidewalk Plan
There are existing sidewalks on the lot along Reserve Street and Division
ASSESSMENT: Existing Area Road Network and Conditions
The development is bound by the E. S.H. 114 frontage road, and State
St., Division St. and Reserve St. Driveway access into the proposed
parking and existing parking garage will be from State Street.
Traffic Impact
A Traffic Impact Study was not required for this site plan.
PARKING: Calculation of Parking
Parking for the building will be provided through 15 new off-street parking
spaces, as well as street parking. The proposed use for the building is a
banking institution. Such a use is calculated at 1 space per 300 square
feet, thereby only 18 spaces would be required, however 24 are provided.
The applicant has calculated parking at 1 per 200 square feet which would
require 26 spaces; this calculation is reduced by 10% per Zoning
Ordinance Section 37.4(j)(5) which permits such a reduction when
adjacent similar commercial uses share parking.
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LANDSCAPING: No trees are planned to removed for this development.
The proposed landscaping is consistent with the landscaping across the
Town Square development.
There is an existing 12-inch water line located on the west lot line.
There is an 8-inch sanitary sewer line located on the west lot line.
CITIZEN INPUT: A SPIN meeting was held on May 24, 2023.
A 2035 Corridor Planning Committee meeting was held on May 22, 2023.
COMMISSION ACTION: June 8, 2023; APPROVED (6-0), subject to Staff Report Dated June 2,
2023, and Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated June 2, 2023, with the
recommendation that the applicant provide more assurances that the
dumpster will be screened from view, more specifically from SH 114.
STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated June 2, 2023.
The City has adopted Downtown District design guidelines that should be
considered when reviewing new developments within Town Square such
as the one being proposed and are as follows:
Site Design and Parking
Site Design: In order to create attractive, pedestrian friendly streets and
provide street-level activity and interest, buildings shall:
• be built to or close to the sidewalk
• have entrances oriented to the sidewalk for ease of pedestrian access
• be located in such a manner as to minimize conflicts between
pedestrians and automobiles
Building Orientation: Buildings shall be oriented toward the major street
front with the primary entrance located on that street
Corner Lots: At key intersections, buildings located on corner lots shall
utilize variations in building massing to emphasize street intersections as
points of interest in the district.
Parking: On-street parking (parallel or angled) shall be permitted in the
Downtown district. Off-street surface parking shall be predominantly
located behind buildings and accessed by alleys or rear drives whenever
Building Massing, Scale & Rhythm
Building Massing & Scale: A building’s massing is its exterior volume
and its scale is the relationship of its overall size and its component parts
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with its adjoining buildings, spaces, and people.
• A building’s massing shall relate to its site, use, and to the massing of
adjacent buildings.
• A building’s massing shall serve to define entry points and help orient
• The scale of individual building facade components shall relate to one
another and the human scale, particularly at the street level.
• Buildings and/or facades shall emphasize and frame or terminate
important vistas.
Building Rhythm: A building’s rhythm is the pattern created by the
regular recurrence or alteration of its constituent architectural
• Non-residential and mixed use buildings in Downtown, to the extent
practicable, shall maintain a 25’ or multiples of 25’ building facade
• Variations in the rhythms within individual building facades shall be
achieved within any block of building facades.
• Breaks in the predominant rhythm may also be used to reinforce
changes in massing and important elements such as building
entrances or pedestrian pass-throughs.
Retailers located at the street level primarily use storefronts to orient and
advertise merchandise to customers.
• Retail buildings shall provide street-level pedestrian-oriented uses at
the ground floor level.
• Storefronts on facade treatments that span multiple tenants shall use
architecturally compatible materials, colors, details, awnings, signage,
and lighting fixtures.
The design and location of building entrances in the Downtown district
are important to help define the pedestrian environment and create retail-
friendly environments.
• Entrances shall be easily identifiable as primary points of access to
• Building entrances may be defined and articulated by architectural
elements such as lintels, pediments, pilasters, columns, porticos,
porches, overhangs, railings, balustrades, and others as appropriate.
All building elements should be compatible with the architectural style,
materials, colors, and details of the building as a whole.
• Entrances to upper level uses may be defined and integrated into the
design of the overall building facade.
Building Materials
Exterior finish building materials shall consist of:
• Masonry, which is defined as brick, cast stone, glass fiber reinforced
concrete, glass fiber reinforced gypsum, and split face concrete
masonry units
• Stucco, including synthetic stucco (exterior insulation finishing system
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• Glazed ceramic and porcelain tile
• Fiber reinforced plastic (with the exception of plastic or vinyl siding) -
used for exterior building components, including but not limited to:
cornice and entablature elements, decorative columns and pilasters,
storefront trim, railings, and balustrades, spandrel panels, and similar
• Painted steel and aluminum, cast iron, bronze, brass, copper
(including terne coated)
• Roofing materials (visible from any public right-of-way): copper,
factory finished painted metal, slate, synthetic slate, terra cotta,
cement tile, glass fiber shingles.
• Materials other than those listed above may be used for architectural
trim and accent applications including, but not limited to, cornices and
decorative brackets, frieze panels, decorative lintels, shutters, and
porch or balcony railings.
Pedestrian Network & Streetscape
Pedestrian Network: Sidewalks are a critical part of pedestrian
connectivity in the Downtown district. In order to enhance the safety of
the pedestrian environment, all development in the Downtown district
shall be subject to the following:
• The street network, with its adjoining sidewalks, shall function as the
primary pedestrian network. Mid-block pedestrian connections from
the street to parking lots at the rear of the building(s) may be provided
at key points.
• Pedestrian crosswalks shall be clearly designated and provided at all
key street intersections.
• Sidewalks shall be constructed from the back of curb to the building
front or property line.
• Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 6’-0” measured from the face of the
curb to the building facade. That portion of the sidewalk that is free of
any obstructions to allow for the passage of pedestrians shall be a
minimum of 4’-0”.
Streetscape Treatment: The following guidelines for streetscape
standards are provided in order to create an attractive and animated
sidewalk environment. The developer shall propose a well-designed and
unified streetscape plan for key streets in the Downtown district.
• Street trees - shall be selected and placed with the approval of the
City’s Landscape Administrator.
• Street trees shall be planted in accordance with a unified landscaping
plan proposed by the developer and approved by City Council.
• Street Furnishings - shall be installed in accordance with a
streetscape plan proposed by the developer and approved by City
Council. Street furnishings may include planting strips, raised
planters, trash receptacles, street light standards, street signs,
wayfinding signs, media boxes, seating, public art, water features, fire
hydrants, etc.
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Case No. Attachment C
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Case No.: ZA23-0028 Review No.: Two Date of Review: 06/02/23
Project Name: Site Plan – Southlake Town Square Block 16, Lot 4
Cooper and Company Same
Frank Bliss
550 Reserve St. Unit 190 Southlake, Tx 76092
Phone: 817-291-6148 Phone:
Fax: N/A Fax:
1. All comments addressed.
* Though not shown on the landscape plan, the applicant has discussed providing landscaping
along SH 114 frontage to further screen the dumpster from view as the doors open toward SH
114 frontage. The Landscape Administrator and the Developer shall agree to what plant
material would be best suited for such.
Tree Conservation/Landscape Review
1. Please provide shrubs, ground cover, ornamental grasses, seasonal color, or a combination of
these plant material within the parking landscape islands at the ends of rows of parking. All
parking planter islands in parking areas shall contain a minimum of one (1) canopy tree with
the remaining area in shrubs, ground cover, ornamental grasses or seasonal color. Planter
islands which have light poles for lighting the parking areas may substitute two (2)
understory/accent trees for the required canopy tree.
2. At the time of planting the hedgerow proposed in front of the parking spaces facing E. State
Hwy 114 is required to a minimum of two feet (2’) in height and planted no further than thirty
inches on center.
* The proposed landscaping conforms to the Southlake Town Square development landscaping.
* Indicates informational comment.
# Indicates required items comment.
Keith Martin
Landscape Administrator
Phone: (817) 748-8229
Public Works/Engineering Review
Case No. Attachment C
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No further comments.
Sandra Endy, P.E.
Development Engineer
Phone: (817) 748-8033
Fire Department Review
No comments based on submitted information.
Kelly Clements
Deputy Fire Chief/Fire Marshal
Phone: (817) 748-8233
General Informational Comments
* The Development Review Committee (DRC) has determined this pre-submittal is sufficient for
formal submittal to the Planning and Zoning Commission subject to completing the changes
noted above .
* No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required
prior to construction of any signs.
* All mechanical equipment must be screened of view from right-of-ways and residential
properties in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended.
* All lighting must comply with the Lighting Ordinance No. 693, as amended.
* All development must comply with the Drainage Ordinance No. 605 and the Erosion and
Sediment Control Ordinance No. 946, as amended.
* It appears that this property lies within the 65 LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone and will
require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use
Zoning Ordinance No. 479.
* Development must comply with all requirements in Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43,
Overlay Zones.
* In addition to the City of Southlake impact fees, please be aware that through the wholesale
water customer contract with the City of Fort Worth, all new water connections are required to
pay the City of Fort Worth impact fee. The City of Fort Worth impact fee assessment is based
on the final plat recordation date and building permit issuance. The applicant is encouraged to
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review the City of Fort Worth's assessment and collection of Impact Fees Guide to determine
the fee amount.
* Denotes Informational Comment
Case No. Attachment D
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Owner Zoning Physical Address Acreage Response
1 SL/OR LLC C3 1281 E SH 114 0.959849254 NR
2 GPI-MT LP DT 550 RESERVE ST 0.851742838 NR
PARTNERS C3 1201 E SH 114 0.179623319 NR
4 SOUTHLAKE, CITY OF SP1 600 STATE ST 0.377937736 NR
1000 SLTS LAND LP DT 671 STATE ST 0.811046487 U
Responses: F: In Favor O: Opposed To U: Undecided NR: No Response
Notices Sent within 300’: Six (6)
Responses Received: In Favor: 0 Opposed: 0 Undecided: 0 No Response: 9
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Surrounding Property Owner Responses
No Responses received as of 6/2/2023.