Item 4G - MemoItem 4G
(June 6, 2023)
To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager
From: Rob Cohen, Director of Public Works
Subject: Ordinance No. 1273, 1st Reading, adopt an ordinance to dedicate an
electrical easement to Oncor Electric at Bicentennial Park for the
Southlake Pickleball Complex.
Requested: Ordinance No. 1273, 1st Reading, adopt an ordinance to dedicate an
electrical easement to Oncor Electric at Bicentennial Park for the
Southlake Pickleball Complex.
Information: The purpose of this item is to seek City Council consideration of an
ordinance for an easement granted to Oncor. The easement is a
prerequisite to obtaining a primary electrical power supply to the new
pickleball facility in Bicentennial Park.
On March 21, 2023, City Council awarded North Rock Construction
the construction contract for the new pickleball facility in Bicentennial
Park, in an amount not to exceed $3,665,000. The primary electric
supply to the new facility will be delivered by Oncor, from an existing
transformer located adjacent to the Tennis Center to a new
transformer located at the pickleball facility. As part of the primary
electrical service extension, the City will provide Oncor with a 0.152
acre easement to cover the area of new transformer and its concrete
foundation, as well as the electrical conductor between the new and
existing transformers. The purpose for this easement is to enable
Oncor to construct, maintain and repair its facilities if the need arises.
The electricity delivered by Oncor will power all the lighting,
audio/visual equipment, IT equipment, and security systems to be
installed as part of the new pickleball facility.
Considerations: The dedication of this easement will be at no expense to the City.
Strategic Link: This item links to the City’s Strategy Map strategic focus area of
Infrastructure and Development and Objective F2: Investing to
provide & maintain high quality public assets.
Item 4G
Citizen Input/
Board Review: The Parks & Recreation Board considered this easement at their
May 8, 2023 meeting, and moved to the recommendation of the
easement for approval, noting the path to be adjusted to minimize
the negative impacts to existing concrete and landscape. The
alignment of the easement was adjusted accordingly.
Legal Review: The proposed easement agreement is Oncor’s standard agreement
recently reviewed and approved by the City Attorney.
Alternatives: The Council may approve the dedication of this easement or deny it.
Documents: Ordinance No. 1273
Easement Agreement and Exhibit
Recommendation: Ordinance No. 1273, 1st Reading, adopt an ordinance to dedicate an
electrical easement to Oncor Electric at Bicentennial Park for the
Southlake Pickleball Complex.
Staff Contact: Rob Cohen, Director of Public Works
Lauren LaNeave, Deputy Director of Public Works – Administration
Mamerto Estepa Jr., PE, Project Manager