2023-04-18 CC Minutes 1 g,' CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES APRIL 18, 2023 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas 76092 Council Chambers in Town Hall CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor John Huffman, Mayor Pro Tern Randy Williamson, Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Shawn McCaskill, and Councilmembers Kathy Talley, Randy Robbins, Ronell Smith, and Amy Torres-Lepp STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager Alison Ortowski, Assistant to the City Manager Major Youngblood, Management Assistant Bora Sulollari, Deputy Director of Communications Pilar Schank, Chief Financial Officer Sharen Jackson, Fire Chief Mike Starr, Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Assistant to the Director of Community Services Milenka Lopez, Operations Manager of Special Projects Robert Briggs, Operations Manager of Customer Service Melody Anderson, Director of Economic Development and Tourism Daniel Cortez, Director of Planning and Development Services Dennis Killough, Director of Public Works Rob Cohen, City Attorney Allen Taylor, and City Secretary Amy Shelley WORK SESSION: 1. CALL TO ORDER Work Session was called to order by Mayor John Huffman at 5:30 p.m. 2. INVOCATION: CLAYTON REED Mr. Clayton Reed provided the invocation. Mayor John Huffman led the pledges of allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags. 3. HONORS & RECOGNITION: PROCLAMATION FOR ALLIANCE FOR CHILDREN — CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH Mr. Barell Morgan from Alliance for Children provided information about the Alliance and accepted the proclamation. 4. HONORS & RECOGNITION: PROCLAMATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS DAY Management Assistant Bora Sulollari provided a presentation about Southlake's administrative assistants and Mayor Huffman read the proclamation. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, APRIL 18, 2023 Page 1 of 7 5. ANNUAL SOUTHLAKE YOUTH ACTION COMMISSION (SYAC) UPDATE Assistant to the Director of Community Services Milenka Lopez was joined by the students of the Southlake Youth Action Commission who provided a brief update on their activities and accomplishments over the last year. 6. DISCUSS ALL ITEMS ON TONIGHT'S AGENDA. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AND EACH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED DURING THE REGULAR SESSION. Mayor Huffman reviewed the items on the consent agenda. REGULAR SESSION: Immediately following the work session 1. CALL TO ORDER Regular Session was called to order by Mayor Huffman at 5:58 p.m. 2A. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Huffman announced the City Council would go into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Section 551.071 consultation with city attorney. City Council adjourned for Executive Session at 5:58 p.m. Executive Session began at 6:10 p.m., and concluded at 6:30 p.m. 2B. RECONVENE Mayor Huffman reconvened the meeting at 6:43 p.m. 3. REPORTS: 3A. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Huffman provided information about the management of government. Councilmember Talley provided information about the upcoming Art in the Square event, the weekend of April 28-30. 3B. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT 3B1. FINANCE DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHTS City Manager Shana Yelverton introduced the Finance Department Management Assistant Nick Cornelius who share the Finance Department highlights. 3B2. MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT (WRITTEN) REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, APRIL 18, 2023 Page 2 of 7 CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. 4. CONSENT: 4A. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 4, 2023, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING. 4B. APPROVE CONTRACT AWARDS FOR DISASTER DEBRIS MONITORING SERVICES FOR TETRA TECH INC., PRIMARY AWARD, AND DEBRIS TECH LLC, SECONDARY AWARD. 4C. EXCUSE THE ABSENCE OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN DANIEL KUBIAK FROM THE REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 20, 2023. APPROVED Motion was made to approve Consent Items 4A-4C, as written, including moving Items 7A and 7B from the Regular Agenda to the Consent Agenda for approval. Motion: Williamson Second: McCaskill Ayes: Talley, Robbins, McCaskill, Huffman, Smith, Torres-Lepp, Williamson Nays: None Approved: 7-0 REGULAR AGENDA: 5. PUBLIC FORUM Mayor Huffman opened the public forum at 7:07 p.m. Collen Golestan, 708 Bryson Way, spoke about social media posts. Tom and Donna Palmersheim, 1735 Weeping Willow Way, spoke about water damage in their home. There being no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Huffman closed the public forum at 7:13 p.m. 6. ORDINANCES, SECOND READINGS, PUBLIC HEARINGS, AND RELATED ITEMS: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, APRIL 18, 2023 Page 3 of 7 6A. ZA23-0003, DEVELOPMENT PLAN & SITE PLAN FOR KIRKWOOD EAST, LOCATED ON A PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 4R1, BLOCK 1, SABRE GROUP CAMPUS ADDITION, AND LOCATED AT 1400 W. KIRKWOOD BLVD., SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "NRPUD" NON-RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. SPIN NEIGHBORHOOD #1. (TABLED FROM THE APRIL 4, 2023, CITY COUNCIL MEETING.) PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED Director of Planning and Development Services Dennis Killough presented Item 6A and answered questions from Council. Mayor Huffman opened the public hearing at 6:53 p.m. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Huffman closed the public hearing at 6:53 p.m. Motion was made to approve Item 6A, ZA23-0003, Development Plan & Site Plan for Kirkwood East, located on a property described as Lot 4R1, Block 1, Sabre Group Campus Addition, and located at 1400 W. Kirkwood Blvd., subject to Staff Report dated April 18, 2023, and Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 18, 2023, also noting the following: - Granting the requested variances to the Driveway Ordinance No. 634, allowing o a stacking depth of approximately 30 feet, as shown on the site plan, where a minimum of 75 feet of stacking is required; o and allowing the minimum driveway separation of approximately 150 feet between one pair of driveways and 215 between a second pair, as shown on the site plan, where a minimum of 250 feet of separation is required; - and approving construction within the 50' natural as shown on site plan. Motion: Williamson Second: McCaskill Ayes: Talley, Robbins, McCaskill, Huffman, Smith, Torres-Lepp, Williamson Nays: None Approved: 7-0 6B. ORDINANCE NO. 480-799 (ZA23-0005), 2ND READING, ZONING CHANGE AND SITE PLAN FOR GREEN ACRES NURSERY LOCATED ON A PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS TRACT 3D, W.R. EAVES SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 500, SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AND LOCATED AT 1963 W. SOUTHLAKE BLVD., SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. CURRENT ZONING: "C-2" GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. REQUESTED ZONING: "S-P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT. SPIN NEIGHBORHOOD #10. PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, APRIL 18, 2023 Page 4 of 7 Director of Planning and Development Services Dennis Killough presented Item 6B and answered questions from Council. Mayor Huffman opened the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Huffman closed the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. Motion was made to approve Item 6B, Ordinance No. 480-799 (ZA23-0005), 2nd Reading, Zoning Change and Site Plan for Green Acres Nursery located on a property described as Tract 3D, W.R. Eaves Survey Abstract No. 500, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and located at 1963 W. Southlake Blvd., subject to Staff Report dated April 11, 2023, and Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated April 11, 2023, and noting the following: - Approving as presented this evening; - However, noting no signs are being approved this evening, including the water tower feature, and are subject to approval under a separate sign permit in compliance with the Sign Ordinance No. 704, as amended; - And agreeing with finding of the Planning and Zoning Commission, that while the site has retail commercial designation on the northern end of the site and the medium density residential land use designation on the southern end of the site, that the proposed use is consistent with the land use plan given the entire site is currently zoned "C-2" retail district as well as the proposed zoning is further aligned with the land use plan, as the area with medium density residential designation will primarily be used for the cultivation of plants, storage of landscape supplies as well as open space. Motion: Williamson Second: McCaskill Ayes: Talley, Robbins, McCaskill, Huffman, Smith, Torres-Lepp, Williamson Nays: None Approved: 7-0 ORDINANCE NO. 480-799 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS ALL OF AS TRACT 3D, W.R. EAVES SUREVY ABSTRACT NO. 500, SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING APPROXIMATELY 12.99 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "C-2" LOCAL RETAIL DISTRICT TO "S-P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT, AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, APRIL 18, 2023 Page5of7 CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 7. ORDINANCES, FIRST READINGS, AND RELATED ITEMS: 7A. ORDINANCE NO. 1271, 1ST READING, APPOINTING LINDSAY KINZIE AS AN ASSOCIATE JUDGE OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF RECORD AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE ASSOCIATE MUNICIPAL JUDGE. APPROVED UNDER CONSENT 7B. ORDINANCE NO. 1272, 1ST READING, APPOINTING KARA CARRERAS AS AN ASSOCIATE JUDGE OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF RECORD AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE ASSOCIATE MUNICIPAL JUDGE. APPROVED UNDER CONSENT 8. RESOLUTIONS: (THERE ARE NO ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA.) 9. OTHER ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION: 9A. SV23-0004, SIGN VARIANCE FOR XO MARRIAGE, LOCATED AT 1021 GRACE LANE, SOUTHLAKE, TX. APPROVED Director of Planning and Development Services Dennis Killough presented Item 9A and answered questions from Council. Motion was made to approve Item 9A, SV23-0004, Sign Variance for XO Marriage, located at 1021 Grace Lane, subject to Staff Report dated April 11, 2023, and noting the following: - Approving the sculpture sign, as presented, with the LED lighting, not allowed to operate during the hours of midnight to 6am; - Approving a 36-inch letter height (XO) and 18-inch (Marriage) on the south and east elevations, as presented; - Approving Option B for the east elevation (XO); - NOT approving Option A for the east elevation; - NOT approving the two monument signs along Grace Lane and Kirkwood Boulevard, as presented. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, APRIL 18, 2023 Page 6 of 7 Motion: McCaskill Second: Robbins Ayes: Robbins, McCaskill, Smith, Torres-Lepp Nays: Talley, Huffman, Williamson Approved: 4-3 9B. SV23-0006, SIGN VARIANCE FOR FLEXESERVE, LOCATED AT 415 S. KIMBALL AVENUE, SUITE 160 (SUITE B), SOUTHLAKE, TX. APPROVED Director of Planning and Development Services Dennis Killough presented Item 9B and answered questions from Council. Motion was made to approve Item 9B, SV23-0006, Sign Variance for Flexeserve, located at 415 S. Kimball Avenue, Suite 160 (Suite B), subject to Staff Report dated April 11, 2023, and noting the following: - Approving the letter height variance for the attached building sign, as presented. - Denying the window sign area variance, as presented, on the east and north elevation window areas, rather approving the 10% allowable area in the east and north elevation windows. Motion: Williamson Second: McCaskill Ayes: Talley, Robbins, McCaskill, Huffman, Smith, Torres-Lepp, Williamson Nays: None Approved: 7-0 10. OTHER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: (THERE ARE NO ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA.) 11. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Huffman adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. *An audio recording of this meeting will be permanently retained in the City Secretary's Office. MINUTES APPROVED ON THIS, THE 2ND OF MAY 2023. NO. -cHLAKF , Ff 'or 1. �� TEST: _ Ab ` Am�� L�ley, TRMc.," City ecretary "I, �/�' *'*. `‘‘`• REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, APRIL 18, 2023 Page 7 of 7