1997-07-01 CC Packet * City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 27. 1997 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting July 1, 1997 I. Agenda Item No. 5A. Award of bid for traffic signal at Byron Nelson Parkway and F.M. 1709. As noted in the memo from City Engineer Ron Harper. we agreed to share the cost of the traffic signal, 50% up to a maximum of $40,000. Bids were received from two contractors for the installation of this traffic signal. We recommend City Council award the bid to Sharrock Electrical, the low bidder ($68, 975.00), resulting in a cost to the City • of$34,478.55. 2. Agenda Item No. 5B. Resolution No. 97-45. extending the service station moratorium for ninety days to October 13. The amendment to the zoning ordinance is on the P&Z's continuation meeting scheduled for July 10. The moratorium expires July 16. The "Service Station Workgroup," consisting of Councilpersons Pamela Muller and Scott Martin, Commissioners Joe Wright and Debra Edmondson, Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy, and myself have met four times to review this issue and formulate recommendations. Although not everyone attended all four meetings due to scheduling 411 conflicts, the workgroup established the following review objectives: -determine the appropriate locations for these facilities, -determine the appropriate approval process and zoning district(s), -establish architectural design standards/development regulations to address. !. • Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • June 27, 1997 Page 2 The general consensus on these items has been incorporated into an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, which will be forwarded to the Planning & Zoning Commission on July 3. However, it is not expected that it will be reviewed by P&Z on that date. The Maguire Thomas Partners zoning case is consuming most of the points allocated for the meeting, thus, there will be a rollover meeting the next week, July 10. 3. Agenda Item No. 5C. Authorize the Mayor to execute Change Order No. 1 to the Engineering and Land Acquisition Services Agreement between Espey, Huston and Associates. Inc., and the City of Southlake. As noted in Bob Whitehead's memo, this change order is necessary because the number of easements, parcels, permits, etc. which Espey Huston had to acquire. on our behalf, significantly exceeded the number provided for in the contract. There are several reasons for the underestimate, but this is primarily • due to the TRA procedure used to estimate easements on their normal type of pipeline construction projects. Although this project is a TRA construction project, this item is placed on your agenda since the City of Southlake contracted with Espey Huston. There is no funding implication on the City's budget, however, since the funds to cover this change order will actually come from the Trinity River Authority out of bonds they have sold for this project. Bob has discussed this issue with the TRA. They have stated it meets all of their requirements and the cost will be reimbursed to the City if the change order is approved by the Council. 4. Agenda Item No. 5D. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County and the City of Grapevine for the reclaiming of Lonesome Dove Avenue, from Dove Street to Meadowmere Park. We recently shared with you that Tarrant County • has agreed to assist us with the reconstruction of two roads, Brumlow and North White Chapel. There is more good news. The County has agreed to assist the City of Grapevine with the reconstruction of Lonesome Dove Avenue, a portion of which is in the City of C • Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • June 27, 1997 Page 3 Southlake. As such, the County has requested that the cities enter into an interlocal agreement. You will note that the City of Grapevine has obligated itself to pay for this project. The City of Southlake will incur no expense for the road improvements. Note that "reclaiming" is a term used to refer to the process of pulverizing and mixing the existing asphalt and base material, thus to utilize the existing material for the base of the road. Essentially, this project will involve "reclaiming" the existing material. This is similar to the process used for the reconstruction of Dove Street. It is my understanding that the County will reclaim the road, then the City of Grapevine will overlay it. We plan to take this opportunity to make drainage improvements on Lonesome Dove Avenue just north of Dove Street. Water currently runs across the road when it rains due • to the inadequate drainage ditches. We plan to install a couple of culverts prior to roadway construction. We understand that Grapevine plans to begin this project as soon as possible, thus we may begin the culvert work quickly. Note that there are funds in the budget for culvert work, and we will most likely be able to use our own crews for the project. 5. Agenda Item No. 7A. 2nd Reading, Ordinance No. 480-Y, Establishing regulations for personal care facilities. We have had a number of meetings since this past Tuesday's (June 24) City Council meeting, trying to put together an ordinance that meets the direction staff was given. I believe the changes in your packet. as pointed out in the memo from Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy, reflect this. As Karen so aptly puts it, we've just about exhausted our creative juices. I think the changes noted by use of highlight and strikeout will give you the ability to control these • uses on a case-by-case basis. Please read through the changes, and call Karen if you have any questions. r • Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • June 27, 1997 Page 4 Note that a recommendation from the Senior Advisory Commission regarding personal care facilities is included in your packet following the ordinance. 6. Agenda Item No. 7B. 2nd Reading, Ordinance No. 483-F. amending Ordinance No. 483, the Subdivision Ordinance, revising the entirety of Article VII. Park and Recreation Dedication Requirements. The draft attached to your memo reflects the changes recommended in the motion for approval on the first reading. Staff has also attempted to provide the data and related graphic representations that were requested during the first reading. (The graphics show two alternative ratios for dedication in residential developments, i.e. 1:25 and 1:50 ratios). During the last meeting (June 24), you mentioned that you wanted to hold off until we • have the opportunity to receive input from several major developers as to potential adverse impacts. We believe we will have this sometime Monday. There are still some issues related to this ordinance which we would like to have the city attorney discuss in executive session. Feel free to contact Chris Carpenter (ext. 866) if you have questions regarding the graphics and research, or Kim Lenoir if you have questions related to the desires of the Park Board. 7. Agenda Item No. 7C. Ordinance No. 679, 2nd Reading. street name change from South Kimball Avenue to Crooked Lane: and a street name change for E. Continental Boulevard to S. Kimball Avenue in Heritage Industrial Park. We have contacted all three property owners affected by the name change from S. Kimball Avenue to Crooked Lane. As noted when this item was on the agenda for 1st reading, one property owner proposed that the "Boulevard" be dropped from the name. This makes sense, and we have made the • changes as appropriate for you to include this in your motion for approval. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • June 27, 1997 Page 5 8. Agenda Item No. 7D. ZA 97-061. Site Plan of Southlake Church of Christ Education Building. This submittal is for the construction of an education building and additional parking on the site. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval 7-0 subject to the Site Plan Review Summary. Upon further review prior to Council packet, staff added some comments and further defined others so the comments are not exactly worded as they were at the P&Z review. Staff will be prepared at the work session to describe the additions since P&Z review. The most significant comment on the review, which was not on the first review, is the necessity for removal of the existing drive upon adding the additional drives into the site. The existing drive was to be removed, per the approval on the concept plan. Feel free to contact Dennis Killough should you have any questions. • 9. Agenda Item No. 8A. 1st Reading. Ordinance No. 480-246, ZA 97-055. Rezoning of approximately 5.63 acres, owner/applicant is Ken Smith. There are no unresolved issues regarding this request although there is a supermajority vote requirement for approval due to the opposition from property owners to the west. Note that during the Commission's deliberation on the case, they suggested. and the applicant's representative agreed to, increase the required 10' bufferyard along the common property line on the west to 20' due to the adjacency of the residences on the west. They further agreed that a 6' wooden fence and a mixture of pines and cedars would meet the intent of the residential screening requirement. Feel free to contact Greg Last or Karen Gandy if you have any questions regarding this request. 10. Agenda Item No. 8B. ZA 97-067. Preliminary Plat for Stonecrest Business Park. There are no unresolved issues regarding this request. The plat before you proposes two road stubs to the south. Staff has had preliminary discussions with the City of Grapevine staff • and the developer to the south and there is some receptivity to the street continuation into Grapevine, but there are also details that need to be worked out in the next few weeks. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval 5-2 with a preference for ( • Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • June 27, 1997 Page 6 the stub into Grapevine but allowing the southwesterly stub in case the Grapevine stub did not ultimately get approved. Feel free to contact Greg Last if you have any questions regarding this request. 11. Agenda Item No. 10A. Requested variance to the Sign Ordinance No. 506 B. Section 17- A. for Don T. Durham Elementary and Intermediate School located at 801 North Shady Oaks Drive. The request is for placement of a readerboard sign on the Durham property. As you know, all of the schools in Southlake have these signs, which are typically used to advertise school activities, recognize students and teachers. etc. A variance is needed since signs of this type are not specifically permitted in the sign ordinance. 12. Agenda Item No. 11A. Commercial/Construction Waste Ordinance. This item was on 110 the Council Prioritization Schedule dated November 1, 1996. (See attached). The ordinance in your packet is a rough draft, but provides us with a starting point to discuss this issue. We have long been concerned (or more accurately. annoyed) by the curbside placement of garbage by commercial entities. We have also received numerous complaints about garbage at construction sites. This ordinance addresses both of these issues. We know there are several issues which still need to be discussed and resolved for the final iteration of the ordinance, for example, do we need to require that all construction sites use our city contractor for the service? If not, who else would be permitted to collect the garbage? What mechanism would we use to ensure that their operations meet our requirements? How would we collect franchise fees? However, this has been placed on your agenda is so that you can give us some direction on the provisions of the ordinance. 13. Agenda Item No. 11B. Visioning and Strategic Planning Process. Your packet contains • a proposal submitted by Glass and Associates for the development of a strategic plan. We have discussed this process for two years, recognizing that the exercise would be beneficial as we prepare budgets and goals for the coming fiscal year. Unfortunately, time has not ( s Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • June 27, 1997 Page 7 been available to work on the project. This item has been placed on your agenda so that we can confirm your desire to participate, schedule time to work on it, and discuss the particulars of the process. 14. Agenda Item No. 11C. After School Program Procedure. This is a procedure which was initiated by the Parks and Recreation Board (specifically Robin Jones) last year. Ms. Jones, who owned day care centers, advocated the procedure as a means of articulating safety standards. Staff had concerns about this approach and sought counsel from our legal staff. While we wanted to impose standards to ensure that the program was operated appropriately, we did not wish to "voluntarily" take on any additional liability. The result is the procedure which has been placed in your packet, which has been forwarded to you with the recommendation of the Parks Board. • When approved, this procedure will guide our staff in the administration of the after school program. The after school program has been offered at Durham Elementary, and provides a structured atmosphere in which participants take part in games, athletics, and quiet time for homework. This item has been placed on your agenda for discussion rather than consideration, due to views expressed at the retreat regarding the types of recreation programs offered by the City. Other Items of Interest 15. Tree Preservation Workgroup Progress Report. The next meeting of this group is scheduled for July 9. • 16. Smith Property Acquisition and the Next Steps. As you know, we closed on the Smith property last Friday. The next step in our development process will be to schedule a t • Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • June 27, 1997 Page 8 meeting with city staff, Suzanne Petit (principal of Florence Elementary), and the Wilders (SPIN representatives for Neighborhood #16) to discuss general concepts for the development of the property. We will need to work out a joint use agreement with Keller ISD, based on these ideas, and then begin to work on "master planning" the property. Note that we plan to work closely with the neighborhood throughout the process, although we are not yet ready to do so at this time. There are currently no funds allocated to develop this property; however, the master plan which results from this process will allow us to put together a budget and consider this development once funds are available. 17. Rockfest Weekend Report. As you are probably well aware, the Blockbuster Rockfest held at the Texas Motor Speedway was a significant event, generating much more traffic than any event held at the speedway to date. During the weekend, DPS responded to 59 • calls for service, wrote 115 tickets, and made 18 arrests. These statistics refer only to event-related activity. Motor patrol monitored the signalized intersections on S.H. 114, but we did not "work" the lights. We believe that altering the stop light sequence would have had a detrimental impact on the flow of traffic, and since there was no place for the traffic to go, would have been pointless. Cars were still leaving the speedway at 4:30 a.m. when our officers discontinued event traffic control. Note that Fort Worth did not contraflow one of the lanes of traffic on S.H. 114 in Roanoke heading into the speedway as had been the plan for events of this size. If they had, we probably would not have had the back up of traffic through Southlake (to Wall Street bridge at its peak). DPS reports that the city had significant back ups beginning at 6:00 a.m. until about 8:30 p.m. There were no significant traffic problems on FM 1709. probably due to the congestion • at the Wall Street bridge. In addition. signage placed at the intersection of Kimball Avenue and SH 114 probably also deterred those drivers who were unfamiliar with the city from crossing over to FM 1709. { • Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • June 27, 1997 Page 9 18. CIP Update. The CIP Status Report is included with my memo. You will notice that we have included a narrative for each major project, as well as the project schedule in a timeline format. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ron Harper or Shawn Poe, capital projects coordinator. 19. Bankruptcy Hearing. We were scheduled for a hearing in Judge McGuire's court on Thursday, June 26 for our motion for relief from automatic stay in the bankruptcy proceedings filed by Westlake. As you may be aware, Westlake agreed that our passing of the first reading of the annexation ordinance for Solana, nor adoption of the scheduled second reading, violate the automatic stay. Judge McGuire granted the relief based on the cities' agreement. The Judge's order also states that nothing in the order determines any other issue related to annexation, disannexation, loss or gain of territorial jurisdiction, or • any other matter between Southlake and Westlake other than any alleged violation of the automatic stay. The hearing on the bankruptcy proceedings is set for July 11 in Judge McGuire's court. We will brief you on this topic and the proceedings in Judge McGrath's state district court in executive session on Tuesday. 20. SPIN Update. Advertising for the SPIN #13 vacancy (Jim Goggin's neighborhood) is underway. SPIN will sponsor two public information meetings on the creation of a Reinvestment Zone. It is hoped that these meetings will serve to inform and educate people about the Reinvestment Zone before the public hearing scheduled for August 26. The SPIN- sponsored meetings are scheduled for 6:30 p.m.. July 28 and 7:00 p.m., July 30, both at • the White Chapel Room. ( s Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest • June 27, 1997 Page 10 21. Please note the following attachments: - TU Electric request for temporary poles at new substation - Response to letter from Ms. Reder concerning her arrest - The DRC schedule of new submittals Please note that I have not completed the letter to Ms. McKean. I will finish it over the weekend and get it to her Monday. I have spent the better part of today and yesterday dealing with those things you have been reading about in the paper. CEH • 6-27-1 997 1 :a6Pr_1 FROM SOUTHLAKE COM DE v 81 741889370 P_ 2 sr S Priority COUNCIL PRIORITIZATION SCHEDULE -November 1, 1996 r - Highest------ Lowest 1 2 3 4 s Dept. Item Rank Score t 4 CD Update of the Master Thoroughfare Plan 1 1.00 5 CD Update of the Master Land Use Plan 1 1.00 4 1 PW Drainage Master Plan 2 1.20 4 1 PW UtiIity Placement Ordinance 2 1.20 3 1 PR Update of the Parks Recreation and Open Space Master Plan 3 1.25 4 2 CD Zoning Ordinance-Telecommunication Towers&Antennas 4 1.67 3 2 1 PW Street Standards Ordinance(Ord.217) 4 1.67 2 1 1 PR Master Plan for Bob Jones Park 5 1.75 2 1 1 PS 800 MHZ System 5 1.75 2 1 1 CMO Citywide Strategic Plan 5 1.75 2 2 1 PW Utility Policies and Standards Ordinance(Revise Ord.No. 170) 6 1.80 4 1 I CD Zoning Ordinance-Address Outside Storage Issues 7 1.83 ill2 2 2 CD Amortization of Certain Non-Conforming Uses 8 2.00 2 2 2 PR/CD Revisions to Park Dedication Section of Subdivision Ordinance 8 2.00 2 2 PR Master Plan for Bicentennial Park 8 2.00 3 2 1 CD Lighting Standards 8 2.00 3 1 1 1 CD Zoning Ordinance-Address Impervious Coverage 9 2.17 3 2 1 CD Tree Preservation Ordinance Revisions 10 2.33 2 1 1 1 CD Ordinance 480-V(Miscellaneous Revisions) 11 2,40 2 1 2 1 PR Sidewalk&Trails Ordinance 12 2.50 2 1 I PW Adoption of Electrical Code Regional Update(Ord.No.620) 12 2.50 2 1 2 1 PW Sign Ordinance Revisions 12 2.50 2 1 1 PS Emergency Preparedness Plan 12 2.50 3 1 2 CD Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance 12 2.50 2 2 1 PW Adopt 1994 Uniform Housing Code(Ordinance 214) 13 2.60 1 1 1 CD Subdivision Ordinance Revision-Update Thoroughfare References 14 2.67 2 1 1 1 I PW Commercial Dumpster Ordinance 14 2.67 S 1 1 2 1 PW Substandard Building Code(Ordinance 615) 15 2.80 1 2 3 PS Update Noise Control Ordinance No.484 16 2.83 Page 1 of 2 Revised November 1,1996 6 City of Southlake,Texas • MEMORANDUM June 25, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, City Engineer SUBJECT: CIP Status Report Attached are the status reports currently included in the City's Capital Improvement Program for 1996-1998. Discussions with the City Council members have resulted in changing the format of these monthly updates. These monthly reports will be in a narrative format which will describe the ongoing progress of each project. A graphical schedule of each project is also included which shows the current schedule with it's corresponding baseline schedule. These narrative updates will include the following: 1996-1998 Water and Sewer CIP Projects 1996-1997 Roadway CIP Projects 97-19 8 Road and Drainage CIP Projects sp Attachments t City of Southlake, Texas t I S MONTHLY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS UPDATE July 1996 1996-98 Water and Sewer CIP Project Description: Shady Lane/Raintree Addition Sewer, Water and Road Improvements Discussion: The design of the sanitary sewer, water line and road improvements are complete and the construction plans have been reviewed and approved. The city is currently in the process of obtaining the necessary easements for the construction of the sewer. The city anticipates that these easements will be acquired by the end of July. The bid advertisement and finalization of the contract for the sewer should be complete by mid-October with construction beginning shortly thereafter. The construction of the sanitary sewer should take up to three months. Once the sanitary sewer is installed, construction of the water lines will begin. The construction of the streets will proceed following the completion of the water lines. Project Description: Huntwick Sanitary Sewer/Abandonment of Lift Station at Carroll and Dove Discussion: The design of the sanitary sewer has been complete. The plans have been • reviewed but not yet approved. The city is currently negotiating with four homeowners in order to obtain utility easements. The preliminary discussions with three of the four homeowners has been positive and therefore the city hopes to have these easements by the end of July. Yet, talks with the fourth homeowner have been contrary at best, and the city's only option may be condemnation as the only means of obtaining this utility easement. Once the easement issue has been resolved, the city anticipates that the advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take 40 days. Construction of these improvements will last approximately 90 days. Project Description: Diamond Circle Estates Sanitary Sewer/Road Improvements Discussion: The construction plans have been completed and approved. This project has been severely delayed due to the negotiation with a homeowner for obtaining an easement. The city anticipates acquiring this easement before the first week of July. If so, the advertising and bidding process should be complete by the end of July with construction commencing in mid-August. Construction is anticipated to last for at least 180 days, which will place the completion date at mid-April, 1998. Project Description: Mission Hill Estates Sanitary Sewer Improvements Discussion: The construction plans have been completed and reviewed. Due to discussions S with seven homeowners regarding utility easements, the project has been extremely delayed. The city council was briefed in executive session on June 17 regarding this issue and discussed 3 City of Southlake, Texas t i • possible alternatives solution to relinquish the utility easements. The city hopes to resolve this issue by the beginning of August. The advertising, bidding, and award of a contract will take around 40 days. Construction is anticipated to last for at least 120 days. This will place the anticipated construction date at the end of March, 1998. Project Description: Dove Road Sanitary Sewer Improvements Discussion: The design of this project is around 60% complete. Review and approval of these plans will take 30 days. Negotiations have been under way with TU Electric in order for the proposed force main along Dove Road being located within their existing easement along the north side of Dove Road. Once the easements have been acquired, the advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 40 days. Construction is anticipated to take 120 days. The expected completion date is August, 1998. Project Description: Dove to Kirkwood Blvd. 12" Water Line Discussion: The design of this water line has been complete. The plans have been reviewed and approved by the city. The easement description for which this water line will be placed is being reviewed by the Engineer which represents Maguire Thomas Partners. This easement is Slocated in what will eventually be the right-of-way of the future Kirkwood Blvd. extension. The city anticipates that this easement will be acquired by the first of July. Advertising, bidding, and award of contract is estimated to take around 40 days. Construction will take at least 120 days. The completion date is expected to be at the end of February, 1998. Project Description: Continental/Kimball 12" Water Line Discussion: The design has been completed for this project. The plans are currently being reviewed by the city. The city is in the process of obtaining the required easements for the construction of this water line. The city foresees these easements being acquired by the end of September. Once the easements have been acquired, the advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 40 days. Construction is anticipated to take 180 days. By the end of October, 1998, the water line should be constructed. Project Description: Miron Elevated Tank Discussion: The design of this project is 50% complete. Once the design is complete, the city will require at least 50 days to review and approve the construction plans. The advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 45 days. Construction is anticipated to take at least 270 days. IP 4 City of Southlake, Texas Project Description: Crossroads Square Sanitary Sewer • Discussion: Due to the developer of the Shady Oaks Retail Center participating with the city, 75% of this line will be constructed in the next few months. The design for the remainder of this line that collects the sewer from the existing lift station has not yet begun. The design is scheduled to start in mid-August. The design will take at least 30 days with the city needing an additional 10 days to review the plans. The advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 45 days. Construction is anticipated to take at least 15 days, which places the completion date at the end of December. Project Description: 20" Water Line from Ground Storage Tank No. 2 to Dove Road Discussion: The design has been completed for this project. The plans have been reviewed but not yet approved. The city is in the process of obtaining the required easements for the construction of this water line. The city foresees these easements being acquired by the end of July. Once the easements have been acquired, the advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 40 days. Construction is anticipated to take 180 days. The expected completion date is the end of July, 1998. Project Description: Ground Storage Tank No. 2 • Discussion: The design of this project is currently 65% complete. Once the design is complete, the city will require at least 50 days to review and approve the construction plans. The advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 45 days. Construction is anticipated to take at least 210 days. Project Description: Sutton Place Sanitary Sewer (CDBG) Discussion: The construction plans have been designed and approved by the city. All the necessary easements have been obtained as well. The city anticipates bidding this project by the end of July. At least 60 days will be required to install the sewer line. Project Description: 24" Transmission Water Line from Trophy Club to Ground Storage Tank No. 2 Discussion: The design of this project is 50% complete. Discussions with the property owners in which an easement is required have taken place with a positive outlook. The city hopes to have obtained these easements by the end of August. An interlocal agreement between the City of • Southlake and Trophy Club is currently being drafted. Once the design is complete, the city will require at least 50 days to review and approve the construction plans. The advertising, bidding, 5 I I City of South lake, Texas and award of contract will take up to 45 days. Construction is anticipated to take at least 240 • days. The expected completion date is the beginning ing of January of 1999. Project Description: Dove Estates Lift Station &Sanitary Sewer Improvements Discussion: This project will require at least 90 days to be designed. No improvements to this project can occur until the lift station at Carroll and Dove is abandoned and improvements to the lift station at Lonesome Dove and Dove occur. The review and approval of the construction plans will take up to 30 days. The necessary easements required for the construction will take at least 120 days to acquire. Construction of this project will take 90 days to complete. Project Description: Sanitary Sewer/Water Line Improvements for the Miron Addition Discussion: The design is complete and the construction plans have been approved. The job has been bid and the contracts have been signed. All the necessary easements have been obtained for construction of these improvements. Construction should begin within the next couple of weeks and is anticipated to last at least 90 days. The anticipated completion date is the beginning of November. Project Description: Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Jellico Estates, Dove Estates, & III Hiliwood Estates Discussion: The design of these projects is 30% complete. Once the design is complete, the city will require at least 50 days to review and approve the construction plans. The advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 45 days. Construction is anticipated to take at least 210 days. Project Description: Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Cross Timbers Discussion: This project will require at least 120 days to be designed. The design is scheduled to begin at the beginning of September. Once the design is complete, the city will require at least 40 days to review and approve the construction plans. Obtaining the required easements is anticipated to take 120 days. The advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 45 days. Construction is anticipated to take at least 240 days. Project Description: Sanitary Sewer Line Improvements along N. Peytonville Discussion: The design is complete and the construction plans have been approved. The job • has been bid and the contracts have been signed. All the necessary easements have been obtained 6 1 , City of Southlake,Texas • for construction of these improvements. Construction should begin within the next couple of weeks and is anticipated to last at least 30 days. • • 7 ID WATER AND All, PROJECTS 1997 1998 1999 _ ID Task Name Duration Se OctNoN,OecJan e MarAprMa Jun Jul AugSe OctNovIDecJani e MarAprMa Jun Jul AugSe OctNovIDecJan e MarlAprMa Jun Jul Aug 1 Shady Lane Water/SewerfRoads 489d 2 Design 75d Ave 'Ce% 3 Review Plans 21d lir .nnoz, MI`-^""' -- AM 4 Obtain Right of Way 129d MEMStigei:3 ..s... Vg, _ 5 Finalize Plans 10d III . I 6 Advertise 26d m'm ' 7 Council Bid Award 1d .-10/9 8 Obtain Contract Documents 15d lOrr 9 Preconstruction Conference 1d 1 0/31 10 Construction 210d ::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....,..::.::,...:::::::::::::::::::::.::::::-:::::::::::•::::::::::::::::,::::::::::::::::::::0% 6 i ma akm m.•4&w".\'•.‘.,.N i=I a%men a a 11 12 Huntwick Sewer 253d 13 Design 60d \ . ozo 14 Review Plans 15d 1 -1 •.00% 15 Obtain Right of Way 60d *i:i*:i:x:K:::Mi:Mi:ni:i:::10001#i* ,,A, 1 16 Finalize Plans 10d SM. L1 i 17 Advertise 28d bgei. 18 Council Bid Award 1d /13 19 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ISTI k 20 Preconstruction Conference 1d ,1 ...._./fein, 21 Construction 90d 22 Page 1 6/25/97 0 WATER AND SE•R PROJECTS 1111V- - 1997 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration Se Oct o ecJan e arApr a un Jul ug a Oct o ecJan e Mar pr a un Jul u e Oct o ecJan e ar pr a Jun Jul ug 23 Diamond Sewer/Roads 402d 24 Design 75d 0096 25 Review Plans 21d 0096 • 26 Obtain Right of Way 45d 27 Finalize Plans 10d 28 Advertise 10d 29 Council Bid Award 1 d > 30 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 31 Preconstruction Conference 1d N., :/13 32 Construction 180d fR mw:::^:m4 <:: 34 Mission Hills Sewer 382d 35 Design 75d :<:::::::>::::>:<:;;:;?s: a k - 36 Review Plans 21d 00% INN 37 Obtain Right of Way 60d :;3&.lC.c aCc ,,% ihIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 38 Finalize Plans 10d % — -- 39 Advertise 28d EMI r 40 Council Bid Award 1 d /16 41 Obtain Contract Documents 15d iM 42 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 0/8 i43 Construction 120d 0% 44 Page 2 6I 5/<97 • WATER AND SE•R PROJECTS i 1997 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration Se jOctNoec Jan e MarAprrVla Jun Jul AugSe OctNovpecJan e MarjAprMa Jun Jul Aud.Se-OctNovOecJan e MarAprillla Jun Jul Aug 45 Dove Road Sewer 435d 46 Design 180d .................................. :•;{, T 47 Review Plans 21 d I," C_._J 48 Obtain Right of Way 90d ' <•»zs::E:::#:;C:a ?:. 49 Finalize Plans 10d x: ., El 50 Advertise 28d ; MO :-,-.i 51 Council Bid Award 1d • l. 52 Obtain Contract Documents 15d • 53 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 54 Construction 120d 1--- _ 55 56 Dove to Kirkwood Water 355d 57 Design 60d :.:>::.;:.;:.::.:<.:;;::::: 00% iiiiiiiiiiiii 58 Review Plans 21d mg 00% 59 Obtain Right of Way 130d ;. :;::::::.<::;::::..: , v. —� '� 60 Finalize Plans 10d li is" 61 Advertise 28d s:;a i% 62 Council Bid Award 1 d /14 63 Obtain Contract Documents 15d El 64 Preconstruction Conference 1 d /5 65 Construction 120d :<> C„A 66 ----- 1. _--.-.---- --- ----_-- _ ----------- -_ -------- Page 3 6/25/97 • WATER AND SE PROJECTS ID Task Name 1997 1998 1999 Duration Se lOctNovOecJan e IMarlApr Ma Jun Jul AugSe OctNovOecJan e MarAprMa Jun Jul AugSe Oct NovOecJan e MarAprMa Jun Jul Aug ... 67 Continental/Kimball Water 475d 68 Design 130d •:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: wok 1-- 69 Review Plans 21d im lir 70 Obtain Right of VVay 120d 71 Finalize Plans 10d *'.'0% - E3 72 Advertise 28d L=I 73 Council Bid Award 1 d (> r21 74 Obtain Contract Documents 15d [M] k 75 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 12 76 Construction 180d SititkiMMK:KeiVOMMONSEMEM 056 77 78 Miron Elevated Tank 516d Ik 4 f 79 Design 150d ssaaastsss ....7)./... .„. [,, 80 Review Plans 30d 81 Obtain Right of Way Od 82 Finalize Plans 21d \ \... 83 Advertise 28d ki & -- r , 84 Council Bid Award 1 d 85 Obtain Contract Documents 15d t. 215 EI 86 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 87 Construction 270d 40%77----1 88 i Page 4 6/25/97 4110 -AD WATER AND SE. PROJECTS - • 1997 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration Se f ctk'JovpecJan e IMarIAprwla 1luniJulIA rgiSe lOctkviDecJan! e lMar(Apri1a{JunjJul lAuglSe lOct'lovpecJanl e kvlar(AprMv1a jJun1JullAug 89 Crossroads Square Sewer 100d .11111111111111111111111. 90 Design 30d ® 91 Review Plans 7d ® r, 92 Obtain Right of Way Od 93 Finalize Plans 3d 9 i% 94 Advertise 28d ® :< ,. 95 Council Bid Award 1d /?> 1/20 96 Obtain Contract Documents 15d — --- -- — ® -- — - - — 97 Preconstruction Conference 1 d '0 2112 98 Construction 15d ® 0% 99 100 20"Ground Storage 2 to Dove 405d 101 Design 120d 00%\ 102 Review Plans 30d lid Cy= 103 Obtain Right of Way 60d v;:\ti\`t /U 104 Finalize Plans 21d :sv 105 Advertise 28d ,6 106 Council Bid Award 1 d 1/6` 107 Obtain Contract Documents 15d I 108 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 1 mi 1/28 109 Construction 180d & NV;:...::::::>\:::::.:»i<\\>•::,.:\ ,,,k 110 Page 5 6/25/97 0 WATER AND SE. PROJECTS0 ... , 1997 1998 1999 ID Task Name I Duration Se IOct o ecJanf e IMa1Aprivla JuniJul AL,ig __ OctNovOecJan e MarAprMa Jun_Jul AugSe OcthlovOecJan e MarAprMa Jun Jul Aug 1 I I Ground Storage 2 455d 112 Design 150d s::::::s:::>s::>:<:;:;::::>:::::,�..;;>:.:...iWok 113 Review Plans 30d *MIK r 114 Obtain Right of Way Od — —— Nir. — — — 115 Finalize Plans 20d 116 Advertise 28d \ r. 117 Council Bid Award 1 d I T 118 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 119 Preconstruction Conference 1d 120 Construction 210d 0% Page 6 6/25/97 WATER & SEAVROJECTS 1997 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration DecJant e IMadApr)Ma urliJul lAugSe Oct NovOecJan e MarApr Ma Jun Jul AugiSe Oct NovOecJan e MarAprMayJun Jul AugSeplOctNov 1 Sutton Place Sewer(CDBG) 225d IP 2 Design 60d Ntan11118 . 3 Review Plans 21d 4 Obtain Right of Way 60d . mviliiiii W% 5 Finalize Plans 10d 6 Advertise 28d myx, •. MEM ' 7 Council Bid Award 1d 8 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 577A) 9 Preconstruction Conference ld e/5 .__.i. 10 Construction 60d tromokame ook 81111111111111111 11 12 24"Transmission Water Line 494d .IIINIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMII=NINIMIIIIIIIIIIMINIIIIIIIIIIIIMMI. .__ 13 Design 120d 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 •. 14 Review Plans 21d V" 15 Obtain Right of Way 90d iststaoiiiiiti ook 16 Finalize Plans 10d --- it 17 Advertise 28d . A, 18 Council Bid Award 1d .427 19 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ok 20 Preconstruction Conference 1d .- /18 i 21 Construction 240d iii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiii7:%:*7iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim:i7iii:iK:::!::0:,:iii:iiiiiiiiilifi-i7:7::::::iiiiiiiiiti 00/0 i . . _ 22 I 1 i Page 1 6/25/97 0 WATER & SE ROJECTS • 1997 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration DecJan e MarAprMa Jun Jul AugSe Octilo4JecJan e MarApriMa Jun Jul Aug3Se OctNovOecJan•_e MarAprMayJun Jul AugSepOctNov 23 Miron Sewer&Water 213d 1.111111. 41, 24 Design 45d 0096 25 Review Plans -- --- - 21d — - ----- $41 0096 — — — 26 Obtain Right of Way 30d 27 Finalize Plans 10d 28 Advertise 14d 29 Council Bid Award 1d 30 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 31 Preconstruction Conference 1d 32 Construction 90d 33 34 Hillwood, Dove Acres,Jellico 376d 35 Design 30d ._,, 36 Review Plans 21d \\ r,• 37 Obtain Right of Way 90d 38 Finalize Plans 10d :> 7. 39 Advertise 28d — — — • • 40 Council Bid Award 1d ♦-4127 41 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 42 Preconstruction Conference 1d ,19 43 Construction 210d .:••••:.:.;>..,:::•:•••:;,..,::.,:> ::,.,.:.,.,,,:>.,,:.:::..::::..., 44 Page 2 6/2 /97 • WATER & SEVV#PROJECTS i 1997 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration �e Janj e !Mar1Aprtuta I.Jun1JulJAugiSe IOctNovOecJan e Mar1ApriMa IJunj Jul lAuglSe 1Octh1ovp INI ecJan, a arlApri/Iay�Juni Jul lAuglSeplOct)lov 45 Cross Timbers Sewer 46 Design 120d r 'ill/W(/ --''/- 47 Review Plans 30d 48 Obtain Right of Way 150d `% s ?{: poi 49 Finalize Plans 45d r 50 Advertise 28d iaai ' 1. , 51 Council Bid Award 1d /10 52 Obtain Contract Documents 15d r% 53 Preconstruction Conference 1d •/1 54 Construction 240d 0% 55 56 Dove Estates Sewer 293d 57 Design 45d *::i:i:.; ::.:, ., 58 Review Plans 21d _ - '!ii 59 Obtain Right of Way 90d "' e I., A. 60 Finalize Plans lad �•, 61 Advertise 21d Oa 1 k 62 Council Bid Award 1d ♦ /y 63 — Obtain Contract Documents 15d % 64 Preconstruction Conference 1 1d ./29 65 Construction 120d 0% I Page 3 6/25/97 • WATER & SE PROJECTS 0 - - 1997 1998 1999 ID _ Task Name -__ Duration DeeJan e MarAprMa Jun_Jul AugSe OctNovOecJan e MarAprMa Jun Jul AuglSe OctNovOecJan e MarAprMayJun Jul AugSepOct Nov - 67 N.Peytonville Sewer 116d 68 Design I 30d CCPk 69 Review Plans 10d a 00% 70 Obtain Right of Way Od ♦ /14 • • 71 Finalize Plans Sd 0096 it 72 Advertise ------J--- 9d _ - 00% i 73 Council Bid Award 1d 74 Obtain Contract Documents 15d Ito WS 75 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 4 76 Construction 30d Page 4 6/25/997 • City of Southiake, Texas 11 MONTHLY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS UPDATE July 1996 1996-97 Roadway C1P Projects Project Description: Dove Road from Shady Lane to Kirkwood Branch Creek Discussion: The initial design of the project has been complete and the construction plans have been reviewed and approved. An addendum has recently been added to the construction plans. This addendum is an alternate bid for the reconstruction of the culvert which crosses W. Dove Road just west of Shady Oaks. The completion of this addendum has delayed the advertising for bids a couple of weeks. The city anticipates advertising for bids by mid-July. The bid advertisement and finalization of the contract should be complete by the end of August with construction beginning shortly thereafter. The construction of these road improvements should take up to three months. Project Description: Highland Road from Shady Lane to White Chapel Discussion: The design of this project has been complete. The plans have been reviewed and approved by the city. The city is currently negotiating with two residents to acquire right-of-way Sin order to align W. Highland with E. Highland at White Chapel. These discussions with these residents have taken longer than anticipated. The city hopes to have acquired this right-of-way by the end of September. Once the required right-of-way has been obtained, the advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take approximately 45 days. Construction is anticipated to last for 180 days. Project Description: Timarron Street Rehab Discussion: The design of this project has been complete. The plans have been reviewed and approved by the city. Due to a lack of potential bidders at the pre-bid conference last month. the project was re-advertised to attract more bidders. Because of the re-advertising, this project was delayed three weeks. This project has since been bided on and the city hopes to award the contract by the second week of July. Construction is expected to begin by the end of July with completion hopefully occurring by mid-January, 1998. Project Description: Ridgecrest Road Discussion: The design of this project is 75% complete. The city will need 30 days to review and approve these construction plans. The advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up 0 to 45 days. Construction is anticipated to take at least 90 days, which will place the completion date at the beginning of February, 1998. i 8 City of Southlake, Texas • Project Description: Continental Blvd from Davis to White Chapel Discussion: The design is in its beginning stages and should be complete in 90 days. The city will need 30 days to review and approve these construction plans. Obtaining the required easements will take approximately 45 days. The advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 45 days. Construction is anticipated to take at least 180 days. This will place the expected completion date at mid-October, 1998. Project Description: Burney to Cul-de-sac Discussion: The design of this project will begin by the end of July and should be complete within 30 days. The city will require 20 days to review and approve the plans. The advertising, bidding, and award of contract will take up to 45 days. Construction is anticipated to take at least 90 days. The anticipated completion date is the end of March, 1998. 111 9 • 1996 - 1997 R PROJECTS • -1997 1998 ID Task Name - Duration Sep]Oct Nov_Dec- Jan Feb[Mar-Apr May Jun_Jul Aug_Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb[Mar Apr May]Jun Jul Ault Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Dove(Shady to Creek) 312d 2 Design 65d : 6 6. 3 Review Plans 21d 0096 4 Obtain Right of Way Od 5 Finalize Plans 6d 6 Advertise 13d MEM 7 Council Bid Award 1 d 8 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 16 , 9 Preconstruction Conference 1d c/13 10 Construction 90d ... 11 12 Highland(Shady-WC) 481d ' , 13 Design 66d :zz:>:::::a:::<:::>::>:z:>: <:s< es., il l— J 14 Review Plans 21 d IV, 15 Obtain Right of Way 150d ;,., i \,1 16 Finalize Plans 6d es., 17 Advertise 28d �� r 18 Council Bid Award 1 d -------- �---- ------ 1/10 19 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 0 20 Preconstruction Conference 1d 212 21 Construction 180d l ��i`�� :=a�� ������ �' 0% 22 Page 1 6/25/97 0 1996 - 1997 ROOPROJECTS - . 1997 1998 ID Task Name Duration Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr IMay Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug I Sep Oct Nov Dec 23 Street Rehab-Timarron etal 350d 24 Design 93d CO% 25 Review Plans 10d 26 Obtain Right of Way Od 27 Finalize Plans 45d ® 00% 28 Advertise 36d 29 Council Bid Award 1d — /8 30 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 31 Preconstruction Conference 1d 32 Construction 120d •*•i�;:�ie�•>:\;':�� A.:�.as��ook El_- :::ate;.:: .:..,„ 33 34 Ridgecrest Road 219d Irmiummoimmimaimiqp 35 Design 60d -- s 5% 36 Review Plans 21 d t k 37 Obtain Right of Way Od 38 Finalize Plans 10d I/O 39 Advertise 21d iSie i 1.A 40 Council Bid Award 1d /8 41 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 42 Preconstruction Conference 1d 43 Construction ---90d : tia *iM :wv N 0% 44 Page 2 6/25/97 0 _ ___._______ 1996 - 1997 ROOPROJECTS • - 1997 1998 ID Task Name Duration Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Novi Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec _ 45 Continental Blvd 353d 46 Design 90d iia. orb k�����������������oN N NI 0°� 47 Review Plans 21d 48 Obtain Right of Way 45d MItaC.% A'7 r, 49 Finalize Plans 10d IM 50 Advertise 21d MIas , 51 Council Bid Award 1 d \/ n 52 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ii ,, 53 Preconstruction Conference 1d n /29 54 Construction 180d 0°,6 lxv i -- ---------- 55 -- - - 56 Burney to Cul-de-sac 178d 57 Design 30d I 1 58 Review Plans 15d ::;„ I% 59 Obtain Right of Way Od .-8/I 60 Finalize Plans 5d El VI,0/o 61 Advertise 21d 3 g; ,yo l:: 1 62 Council Bid Award 1 d \.; O/28 63 Obtain Contract Documents 15d :,/0 -- --- --------- 64 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 11/19 65 Construction 90d 1 ^� 0% Page 3 6/25/97 1996 - 1997 RCO PROJECTS • • • "k* Critical Baseline Milestone Rolled Up Task Critical Progress Milestone Rolled Up Task Progress Project: summary Task 1.11.11MMI. Rolled Up Baseline Date:6/25/97 Rolled up Critical Task Progress Rolled Up Baseline Milestone Baseline I -J Rolled Up Critical Progress Rolled Up Milestone Page 4 6/25/97 City of Southlake,Texas • MONTHLY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS UPDATE July 1996 1997-98 Road and Drainage CEP Projects The following projects have been authorized by council, but initiation of these projects is awaiting the next bond issuance: Road Projects Burney from Carroll to Lonesome Dove Love Henry Court Lake Drive Lilac/Pine Johnson Road and Water Line Improvements W. Dove from S.H. 114 to White Chapel Drainage Projects Chapel Downs Channel Improvements Mission Hill Estates Channel Improvements Continental Park Channel Improvements S 10 • 1997 - 1998 ROA Y PROJECTS • - 1997 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration Jun Jul Aug_SeplOct!Nov]Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May-Jun Jul Aug_Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May1Jun Jul Aug Sep 1 Burney(Carroll to Lonesome D 226d 2 Design 60d mosel , 3 Review Plans 21 d 4 Obtain Right of Way Od 5 Finalize Plans 10d ,,k 6 Advertise 28d ; 7 Council Bid Award 1 d 17 8 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 9 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 10 Construction 90d .;..:-:,.;;.;:: 11 12 Love Henry Court 166d lip 13 Design 45d >::::» ,. 14 Review Plans 21d ::: ,, 15 Obtain Right of Way Od 16 Finalize Plans 10d \ _,� 17 Advertise 28d :.>:..: 18 Council Bid Award 1 d --- - - 4 _--- -- - -_- — _-- 19 Obtain Contract Documents 15d I. 20 Preconstruction Conference 1d 18 21 Construction 45d o�������������� 22 Page 1 6/25/97 • - 1997 - 1998 ROA1Y PROJECTS • - 1997 - 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration Jun l Jul_Aug Sep I Oct I Novi Dec Jan_Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Au. Sep Oct NoviDec Jan Feb Mar Apr 1MayIJun Jul Aug Sep 23 Lake Drive 226d 24 Design 60d 25 Review Plans 21d D°6 26 Obtain Right of Way Od 27 Finalize Plans 10d s 28 Advertise - 28d ::: >< —_ 29 Council Bid Award 1d --__--- ----_ 17 — - - 30 Obtain Contract Documents 15d o� 31 Preconstruction Conference 1d 32 Construction 90d ::<:::> ::>::: 1 Doi 33 34 Lilac/Pine 271d II. MillIIIMIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMI. 35 Design 75d ;.:....:::.::;: ., 36 Review Plans 21d 37 Obtain Right of Way Od 38 Finalize Plans 10d T 39 Advertise 28d .\::::>::>::>\ r, 40 Council Bid Award 1d 41 Obtain Contract Documents 15dZ56I8 42 Preconstruction Conference 1d /30 43 Construction 120d . .>::� 44 Page 2 6/25/97 11/ 1997 - 1998 ROA Y PROJECTS • - 1997 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct I Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr I Mayj Jun Jul Aug Sep 45 Chapel Downs-Channel 241d — 46 Design 45d — — & v 47 Review Plans 21 d 48 Obtain Right of Way 30d >>::>Ni_k 49 Finalize Plans 10d 50 Advertise 28d :•:•;:•;;:.;:\ �������� 41 51 Council Bid Award 1 d . 7 52 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 53 Preconstruction Conference 1d 54 Construction 120d :.;:.;>;:.;:.:::,,..:......:;.;:.:::.::.;:.;:...:::.::::.::::.: W. �uo����������������5�����������'0% 55 56 Mission Hills-Channel 241d 57 Design 45d >::..•.. \„" , s:\\ 58 Review Plans 21 d la 59 Obtain Right of Way 30d r',6 60 Finalize Plans 10d \ 61 Advertise 28d 62 Council Bid Award 1d . 7 63 Obtain Contract Documents 15d �. 64 Preconstruction Conference 1d , •' 65 Construction 120d ;::•::•:::•:•:•::::::;:::.;.: ;:.;:.::;.;:.:. :.::.;.::0 66 Page 3 6/25/97 • 1997 - 1998 ROAI\Y PROJECTS 1997 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration Jun Jul Aug'Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 67 Continental Park-Channel 315d 68 Design 90d •>:•>::<.:•::•:::•;:•>:•:•>::•::•::•;;>:•::•:;•:>:•: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 69 Review Plans 21d ark 70 Obtain Right of Way 60d <.:> vk 71 Finalize Plans 10dria 72 Advertise 2$d ;;:;.;;:<- \,. ••` 73 Council Bid Award 1 d 1 o/8 74 Obtain Contract Documents 15d ,6 75 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 10/30 76 Construction 120d •:;•,::.:,:•::•::•::•:•:>::•>::•:;;:•::•::.;.;.,•.•:: 77 78 Johnson Road Water/Paving 375d 79 Design 120d w� zmavil r. 80 Review Plans 21d -:- 81 Obtain Right of Way 00d re AY iaaoii 82 Finalize Plans 10d 83 Advertise 28d \\\\\�u\ r,, 84 Council Bid Award 1 d 1/19 85 Obtain Contract Documents 15d r A r,, 86 Preconstruction Conference 1d 21 87 Construction 150d r�i,�aaaioivaoi�aa�oiaiiaiaoaiimaamii .\-.N.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 0% 88 Page 4 6/25/97 0 1997 - 1998 ROA\Y PROJECTS a 1997 1998 1999 ID Task Name Duration Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec,Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May_Jun Jul Aug Sep • 89 W.Dove 114 to White Chapel 315d 90 Design 90d ei ::x.SK:i:i:i: r% 91 Review Plans 21 d ,:z 92 Obtain Right of Way 60d .•iPd ..w< iiiIIIIiiil,k 93 Finalize Plans 10d M e,o - -- 94 Advertise 28d k+ fiMIMI r Yo 95 Council Bid Award 1d 0/8 96 Obtain Contract Documents 15d 97 Preconstruction Conference 1 d 0/30 98 Construction 120d Page 5 6/25/97 • 1997 - 1998 ROA AY PROJECTS - '_____Av _ Critical I I Baseline Milestone Rolled Up Task :;:>i:>•;4 : kiz>:>z:<;: ::?: Critical Progress Milestone ♦ Rolled Up Task Progress Project: 3vc:E; .C43>:t`ii::# Date:6/ZS/97 Task Summary Rolled Up Baseline ,� �,��` ei:i�a ..> Task Progress Rolled Up Critical I I Rolled Up Baseline Milestone Baseline I ';` I Rolled Up Critical Progress Rolled Up Milestone ♦ Page 6 6/25/97 a � T T City of Southlake,Texas • MEMORANDUM June 25, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: TU Electric Request for Temporary Poles at their N. Kimball Ave. Substation On June 25, 1997, TU Electric requested that they be allowed to construct temporary poles and overhead lines from the substation to the distribution network. The installation of their underground conduct will be in mid-July. They are attempting to energize the substation as soon as possible. They have proposed, which I have reviewed and gave my approval, for the installation of six temporary poles on the north side of the substation. Mr. Rhodes of TU Electric assures me that they have talked to Mrs. Rogers, the immediate homeowner to the north of the substation, and she has no problems with the temporary poles. They will install the • poles this week either on Thursday, June 26, or Friday, June 27. They plan to remove them the first week of August. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact my office. BW/Is Attachment: TU Electric Construction Print I:\pubworks\wd-file\util ity\tu-elect\kimbal l 1.doc 1111 w JUN-24-97 TUE 09:55 AM TU ELECI•K 1 U W REci ENcr r Hx Nu. 01 ! c I o Doi u L . VL _,_ CONSTRUCTION PRINT wR ND, 1035854 sa.... u.meme SIIEE' 1 CF 1 r KIMBALL - TEMPORARY ON FOR EXITS OATS 06 24 97 WR NAME - SCALE 100 CUSTOMER KIMBALL - TEMPORARY OH FDR EXITS GLECTRIC KIMBALL RO SERVICE CENTER FNE LOCATION OFFICE 162 MAPSCO N DESIGNER BREZEALE,OnRIN USERID FDTJ STA W ICSR E P ONE _ PHONE I/317)215-6214 S ,- 2Z/ 1 1--!Q -t----- 6103 -w,'esa _��, Co _6 f e l 25/9' . — 3 '' / 579 `, r/n r � l:45'/3 V/P l:45'/3 WP 1:�l'5'/3 WP n f"! 4 „ l:IX; �� W G v R.� ��`- V1N ,,./ W07 ,:79s Luc m- V-, "/x:4.5',5 Wr 3882-1:24 114/0 AAC ` ``�,b466 2117466 -365B66Q —I�'- B7B�,.4"J -687B mN I,775 A1C S 388276 _ m� I,tro MC ; PI n '-'-i g -36586� m„, _.t) nm 'Vr Mr19, Si rn 11 I I / �o �5 N W WJ Ill \ coo nn �r�, � mN p 1.4573 WP l;45'/3 WP 1 :i95'/3 WP 1.DG !:(ki 47 MVA rt i,UG l;DG 24.9 KV ZIN O �A- la549 KIMBALL AVENUE ' - q a 1:50'/3 WP `J -O O v _ ____ __" 3663p59 a mm inw 3658403 tp V N 1 N V tgl .so o°' - I)1 1,R70o 7___ - III g 1:35'/5 WP _ JJ1 33A����5 s !:35'/5 WP I,DX Ct1 I t t--- gggg33rr��� 1 4 o� 365i321t3 3883106 Nm onm ' --1 -3658316 IOW min qu D n leli 3683� '... -36583/4 '• /� 211 I � :47 6 a 21-74M• 0 .41IC : A 15 .-_1 t,:• . N l� �p A Cr :PT n 1 ,,,_ 529 's A City of Southlake „,_ , uthla , Administrative Offices June 25, 1997 Mayor: Rick Stacy Barbara Reder Mayor Pro Tern: W. Ralph Evans P.O. Box 92726 Southlake, Texas 76092 Deputy Mayor Pro Tern: David A. Harris Dear Ms. Reder: Councilmembers: Wayne Moffat Pamela A. Muller As you requested, enclosed you will find copies of the audio and video tapes Gary Fawks made duringyour arrest, the audio tapeof your interview with Administrative Scott F. Martin Coordinator Malcolm Jackson, and a list of DPS employees with hire dates, as City Manager you requested. Also, enclosed is a guideline approved by the State for charging Curtis E. Hawk for public information. I understand from your phone conversation with secretary Assistant City Manager: Kim Bush on Monday, June 23, that you will get back with us once you have had Shan Yelverton a chance to decide what type or types of lawsuits you would like to have copied. City ry: Sandr .LeGrand I apologize for the delay in responding to your request, but the nature of your requests has made it difficult to respond quickly. Your first request for information, dated March 11, 1997, was an open-ended "...all information (records) pertaining to..." request for information from our employee's personnel files. We referred your request to the Attorney General of Texas, Dan Morales, to ascertain whether or not some of the information you requested was exempted from public disclosure. It is our duty to comply with the provisions of the Public Information Act that prevent the disclosure of certain types of information in personnel records. (These provisions were added to the statute by the legislature in order to balance the employees' rights to privacy with the public's right to know.) Assistant Attorney General Karen E. Hattaway in her letter dated May 22, 1997. a copy of which was mailed to you, did indeed except from disclosure certain information in the files. We received our copy of the letter from Ms. Hattaway on the afternoon of Thursday, June 5, 1997. We made the exceptions as noted by the assistant attorney general, then mailed the information along with a cover letter from me to you on Tuesday, June 10, 1997. The information was "turned around" in two working days, which I believe indicates that we responded as IIIquickly as possible. 1725 East Southlake Blvd. • Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 481-5581 • FAX (817) 488-6796 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER' Ms. Barbara Reder June 25,1996 1111 Page 2 I will attempt now to respond to the other points you raised in your letter of Tuesday, June 10, 1997, which apparently was left in our office sometime that afternoon. I received it Wednesday evening, June 11. (We were out of the office Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday evening, June 10-11, at the City Council Retreat.) Attached to your letter was another request for information, also dated June 10. In your June 10 request for information you requested the following: Copy of all original audio and video tapes made during your arrest; copy of all complaints and/or lawsuits filed against the City of Southlake or its employees in the past ten (10) years; seniority list with dates of hire of all police officers, firefighters, and paramedics; copy of the audio tape made by Malcolm Jackson during the viewing of your tapes. (I presume by this you mean the interview you had with Malcolm Jackson, at your request, where you were shown the tapes of your arrest.) You indicated in your June 10 request that it marked the second time you requested the copy of the tapes and the complaints and/or lawsuits. Your S reference to a "2nd request" is apparently to your telephone request to Linda Carpenter, secretary to the City Secretary, on March 12, 1997, when you specifically asked for a copy of the audio and video recordings "...as well as complaints against the City of Southlake itself, in harassment discrimination type cases." The above quotes are as taken by Linda over the telephone in her conversation with you. As you can see, the information you requested on March 12. 1997 pertaining to complaints/lawsuits is substantially different from the latest request you made on June 10. 1997. where you asked for a copy of ...all complaints and/or lawsuits filed against the City of Southlake or its employees in the past 10 years." When you and I spoke on the telephone several months ago regarding the complaints, I asked you specifically what you wanted, and you reiterated the request was for copies of complaints/lawsuits involving any type of harassment or discrimination made by citizens against the police. I told you, correctly. that there were none. You told me you found this to be inconceivable, but you seemed to accept my response and I thought the book was closed on the subject. Your subsequent June 10 request for all complaints and/or lawsuits is vastly different. People sue the City often and file complaints of some kind almost every day. What you have asked for is very broad. Although we keep records of complaints, once resolved they are filed away. After several years, they are stored in a remote facility. It will require some time, and perhaps. considerable research to retrieve. Lawsuits, while not so frequent as complaints, are often filed against the City. Records of lawsuits for the past two years are stored in our facility, but again, it will take some staff time to retrieve those stored elsewhere. It would be most helpful if you could let me know exactly what it is i . 1. Ms. Barbara Reder June 25,1996 111 Page 3 you are hoping to find. Otherwise, please refer to the enclosed guideline for charges and let me know what you would like to do. In response to other comments in your letter of June 10, 1997, I provide the following: 1. The video we had in the jail, with which your arrest was documented, was furnished as a donation by IBM Solana. The video, while adequate, does have a two second delay between frames that results in the "chopping" video which you found disconcerting; also, this video has no audio so we relied on the audio on the officers' vehicle radio (which as you know works via the body microphone when the officer is out of the vehicle). The video system is similar to the surveillance video found in banks and convenience stores. Since your complaints, we have upgraded to a VCR-type system which produces a more normal video frame and has built in audio which is turned on by the communicators (dispatchers). This is being used as a stop-gap until we can budget for a more sophisticated system that will be voice activated. 2. My offer to play the tapes at a City Council meeting came only after you III alleged improprieties in our video records (suggesting that we had somehow altered the tapes). I was not attempting to intimidate, but only letting you know that I stand by the action of the individual officers involved in the incident, as well as the integrity of our Department of Public Safety, to the point that we have nothing to "cover-up" (as I took your comments to allege) or otherwise hide from public scrutiny. I truly regret the incident; that you were stopped by our police for a traffic violation; that you had an arrest warrant outstanding. Unfortunately, you were, you did, and our officers were carrying out their sworn duty. I regret that you believe you were somehow treated unjustly. Believe me, we are most willing to give you whatever information you need in order to put this matter behind us. I hope this will adequately address your concerns. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to write or call me. Sin- ely, ,-2 c___7( Curtis E. Hawk City Manager IIIC EH/kb attachments: copies of the March 11 request, March 12 telephone request, and June 10 request 4.- !s .)C_ ¶ -i L_L- ►�A c r R c_.c-iN€► }-'c--.--6 I; c. i--mil c . ' e �..ea(4 . e_,L_ U_ t-.F__,0 3I (\ )Srj _ , 612_0 .0 ----o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS H Z Z. 9 • REQUEST FOR ITIFOR:MATION FROM THE CUSTODIA:ti OF PUBLIC RECORDS _- I hereby request the following information from the Custodian of Public Recorpf ‘ , , , _,- ---- : - Southlake, Texas. I understand that the information will be provided under City r inance No. 360 and that a fee may be charged for the information. I': - IN I 1 1991 '._ " s_D r 9 k Q MANAC,ER Request made by (Please print.) Date of Request -7.0 . 6 9272.10 SCILLNiC.t. etL ( SI ) 4`6, - c‘ 111 Address, City, State, Zip Telephone Information Requested: 0 Cc 1 0 t A-L-L_ 9 2;G i t-1 A-(_. A-`era--o c- \./i 0 E-C) -f t A-0 --2 -1 o 4_.: r.A C` A-{L2 t_S-i ____,- er_,C E. PS - 2_,,_- ..„s 4 © c 1 Q__1: A-L_L< C -,-,-,-mot t_- ., A (DI l_('e-L.,-)5.c.� t-r� L. P u_s ►-, -t-�-I-1.._ k k o f_s. - `' �'�° 2��,� Signature of Applicant ************************************************************************** City Use I hereby certify that the information requested has been provided as outlined in Ordinance 360. Sandra L. LeGrand Custodian of Public Records Date Delivered Fee: . -�1--11 c P--,TI L.__,' L i vJ/ -fk-c-- -S Q-F t- %fL—Q__.. Q P °"C-G— cr:C-Asr - S ‘1- Le-'t- c`J--1-e-- i ?4iiCA ri,_C c_S + Nam- i Cw g C 4 , � o C,. aA ---- L'sc c s,,,,,___, C f QCoC� , �- f.4._t o 7r-6-e�, r n A-L L o w, P�1 - - Q ►14 Vct,,I4 az.F rr,y k PAS. i "'i OF SOUTF{L.AKE . _ !VEST FOR i:NFOPM.aTI0t: FROM THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS I hereby request the following information from the Custodian of Public Records of the City of Southlake , Texas . I understand that the information will be provided under City Ordinance No . 360 and that a fee may be charged for the information . y .r\r\ a_Qast:r_ - \\ •c\'"1 Request Made By (lease Print) Date of Request Zcott\e, ---\3.Q. �C1/4 • QC\ Address Telephone INFORMATION REQUESTED : aUL L.) (2\-k\I \•>•- •Q-t- ��Csi�� ��- . �(�,1 -SAC_ O.N` ETC `�`� - C� CS:,� PC1 . � m CV\ C Y\ . Q` U - ik-Q Lam_ `�' C��CC� �cn \Q‘ \.0 ,c\f\ Sigh ture or Applicant City Use I hereby certify that the information requested has been provided as outlined in Ordinance No . 360 . Sandra L . LeGrar.d Custodian of Public Records Date Delivered TY OF SOUTNLAKE ,.`QUEST FOR INFORMMMATION FROM THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS I hereby request the following information from the Custodian of Public Records of the City of Southlake , Texas . I understand that the information will be provided under City Ordinance No . 360 and that a fee may be charged for the information . Request Made By ( lease Print) Date of Request Address Telephone INFORMATION REQUESTED : ll 11 C c> �� �c\t� 4 0 C � ot.urA'D -k\(•1__ Signature of Applicant City Use I hereby certify that the information requested has been provided as outlined in Ordinance No . 360 . Sandra L . LeGrar.d Custodian of Public Records Date Delivered Qe : cs � C Upcoming Mee ' s and Events • June 30 - WO, 1997 • . MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDRY June 30 July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 ... 8:30am Director's 1 1:30am CEH lunch 9:00am Crime Control 7:30am CEH w/ n Mtg @ Admin w/Mayor Mtg-SKY Carolyn Sims r v ' 10:00am Justin 5:00pm City Council ' 11:30am County Mtg NETCAC Johnson/Ralph Wk Session begins; w/CEH re: TIF 12:00pm Learning to Anderson & Assoc. regular mtg @ 7:00 Love Your Computer 11:30am CC briefing w/Dlmm from Staff 6:00pm P&Z Mtg; wk July 4th Holiday CITY session 6:00; regular HALL CLOSED 5:30pm News&Times/ mtg @ 7:00 'f imarnm Parade 9ani, Dls Morning News Tonber Lake Parade Merger Mixer @ IOam. Delaney July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13 9:00am Director's 7:00pm JUC Mtg @ Tree Preservation 5:00pm Reception for PACKETS Mtg Admin Workgroup mtg. Yukiko @ CCrm 10:00am Staff Agenda 11:30am Employee Mt 8:00am Employee lunch w/CM Breakfast w/CM 11:30am 1:30pm CC 10:00am CMO Staff briefin, from Staff Mtg @ Admin 7:00pm KSB Mtg- 7:00pm Sister Cities CANCELLED @ Admin July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 9:00am Director's I I:30am CEH lunch 7:30am Metroport ' PACKETS for 3rd reg � Coming Up: TIF Mtg @ Admin w/Mayor Mtg @ Keller Public mtg if necessary City Wide 11:30am CC briefing 5:00pm CC Council Library Mtgs-July 28 from Staff Mtg-5:00 work 6:00pm CEH w/ Lg y 5:30pm SPDC Mtg ` session; 7:00 reg NETAC and 30 session 7:00pm P&Z Mtg- work session begins at 6:00 Calendar subject to change call for more details 6/26/1997 v. City of Southlake,Texas lil/ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: JULY 1, 1997 LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers of City Hall WORK SESSION: 5:00 P.M. TO 6:00 P.M. 1. Discussion of all items on tonight's meeting agenda. REGULAR SESSION: 6:00 P.M. AGENDA 1. Call to order. Invocation. 2. A. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076. Refer to posted list attached hereto and incorporated herein. Executive session will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. B. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session. 1110 3. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council meetings held on June 17, 1997 and June 24, 1997. 4. Reports: A. Mayor's Report. B. City Manager's Report. C. SPIN Report. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. 5. Consent: 7 A. Award of bid for traffic signal at Byron Nelson Parkway and F.M. 1709. w I City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda July 1, 1997 page 2 5. B. Resolution No. 97-45, extending the service station moratorium for ninety days. C. Authorize the Mayor to execute Change Order No. 1 to the Engineering and Land Acquisition Services Agreement between Espey, Huston and Associates, Inc., and the City of Southlake. D. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County and the City of Grapevine for the reclaiming of Lonesome Dove Avenue, from Dove Street to Meadowmere Park. REGULAR AGENDA 6. Public Forum. 7. Ordinances, second readings, public hearings, and related items: A. Ordinance No. 480-Y, 2nd reading, Establishing regulations for personal care facilities. CONTINUATION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. B. Ordinance No. 483-F, 2nd reading, Amending Ordinance No. 483, the Subdivision Ordinance, revising the entirety of Article VII, Park and Recreation Dedication Requirements. CONTINUATION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. C. Ordinance No. 679, 2nd reading, Street name change from Crooked Lane Boulevard to Crooked Lane, and from South Kimball Avenue to Crooked Lane for the portion of South Kimball Avenue from the intersection of South Kimball Avenue and Crooked Lane Boulevard to East Continental Boulevard and a street name change for East Continental Boulevard to South Kimball Avenue in Heritage Industrial Park. PUBLIC HEARING. D. ZA 97-061, Site Plan of Southlake Church of Christ Education Building, being the proposed Lot 3R-1, J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition on property legally described as Lot 3R, J.G. Allen No. 18 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2174, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2, Brock Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-44, Page 40, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas save and except the portion awarded to the State of Texas by Agreed Judgement entered r City of South lake,Texas 111 Regular City Council Meeting Agenda July 1, 1997 page 3 in Cause No. 153-127796-90, a certified copy of which is recorded in Volume 11284, Page 1121, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Location: Southwest corner of the intersection of Brock Drive and West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). Current zoning is "CS" Community Service District. Applicant: Larry D. Stone. Owner: Southlake Church of Christ. SPIN Neighborhood #15. PUBLIC HEARING. 8. Ordinances, first readings, and related items: A. Ordinance No. 480-246, 1st reading (ZA 97-055), Rezoning of approximately 5.63 acres situated in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, being a portion of Tract 5. Location: Approximately 200' east of the 2400 block of Crooked Lane. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District, with a requested zoning of "0-1" Office District. Owner/Applicant: Ken Smith. SPIN Neighborhood #7. B. ZA 97-067, Preliminary Plat for Stonecrest Business Park, being legally described as approximately 43.69 acres situated in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. • 474, and being Tracts 5, 5A, 11A, and 11B. This plat proposed twenty-four (24) lots. Location: East side of Crooked Lane and approximately 560' south of the intersection of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and Crooked Lane. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. Owner/Applicants: Ken and Darla Smith. SPIN Neighborhood #7. 9. Resolution (no items this agenda) 10. Other item for consideration: A. Requested variance to the Sign Ordinance No. 506-B., Section 17-A, for Don T. Durham Elementary and Intermediate School located at 801 North Shady Oaks Drive. 11. Other items for discussion: A. Commercial/Construction Waste Ordinance. B. Visioning and Strategic Planning process. C. After school program procedure. l! 12. Adjournment. s City of Southlake,Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda July 1, 1997 page 4 CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, and the Administrative Offices, 1725 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, June 27, 1997, at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. Sandra L. LeGrand i‘ City Secretary v cb a If you plan to attend this public meeting ] { ts isability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581 extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. EXECUTIVE SESSION PENDING LITIGATION-SECTION 551.071 The City Council may consider and/or discuss the following pending and/or contemplated litigation subjects: 1. Vicci Winchester vs. Dan McKee Water Service Company, and the City of Southlake. 1995. 2. D/FW-White Chapel Ltd. vs. State of Texas and the City of Southlake. 1996. 3. Town of Westlake, Texas et al vs. City of Southlake, Texas. 1997. 4. City of Southlake vs. Kathy A. Brown, William J. Justus, Trustee, William James Elder and James M. Elder, Inc., Employee Profit Sharing Trust. 1997. 5. Town of Westlake, Texas, vs. City of Southlake, Carroll Huntress, et al. 1997. 6. Legal action against Scott Bradley, Charla Bradshaw, Abe Bush, and Fred Held. 1997. 7. Marriam Baloch Claim. 1997. LAND ACQUISITION-SECTION 551.072 The City Council may consider the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property. After discussion of land acquisition in executive session, any final action or vote taken will be in open session. • City of Southlake,Texas • Regular City Council Meeting Agenda July 1, 1997 page 5 PERSONNEL-SECTION 551.074 The City Council may consider the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers or employees, including the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and City Boards and Commission members. A complete list of the City Boards and Commissions is on file in the City Secretary's office. DEPLOYMENT OF SECURITY PERSONNEL-SECTION 551.076 Regarding the deployment on specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. After discussion of any or all of the above, in executive session, any final action or vote taken will be in open session by the City Council. If personnel issues or litigation arise or a need to seek the advice from the City Attorney as to the posted subject matter of this City Council meeting, the issues or matters will be • discussed in executive session. 6/24/97 d:\wp-files\agenda\cc\7\1\97\wpd\s1 l! , City of Southlake, Texas REGULAR PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 3 1997 LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers of City Hall EXECUTIVE SESSION: 6:00 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. 1. Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to seek t advice of the City Attorney. he 2. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session. WORK SESSION: 6:30 P.M. TO 7:00 P.M. 1. Discussion of all items on tonight's meeting agenda. REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting of June 19, 1997. 3. Administrative Comments. REGULAR AGENDA: 4. Consider: ZA 97-074, REZONING on property described as approximately 485 acres, known as Solana and situated in the U. P. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1015; T.W. Mann Survey, Abstract No. 1107; the J.B. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1134; the C.M. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1510; the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1958, Tarrant County, Texas; William Pea Survey, Abstract No. 2025, Tarrant County, Texas, the same being Abstract No. 1045, Denton County, Texas; and the J. Henry Survey,Abstract No. 724, Tarrant County, Texas, the same being Abstract No. 528, Denton County, Texas. Location: South and West of State Highway No. 114, East of Precinct Line Road , and North of the Town of Westlake. Current Zoning: "AG" Agricultural District. Requested Zoning: "NR-PUD"Non-Residential Planned Unit Development for a Mixed Use Business Complex, known as Solana, to include the following uses: "0-2" Office District, "C-3" General Commercial District, "B-1" Business Service Park District, "CS" Community Service District and "HC" Hotel District. Owners: International Business Machines Corporation ("IBM"), Maguire/Thomas Partners-Westlake/Southlake Partnership, Maguire Partners- Westlake Partnership, and MTP-IBM Phases II & III Joint Venture. • Public Hearing. City of Southlake, Texas REGULAR PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA 410 JULY 3, 1997 PAGE 2 5. Consider: ZA 97-075, SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREMISE CONSUMPTION AT SOLANA MARRIOTT HOTEL, on the property described as Lot 2R, Block 2, of a final plat of Lots 1R and 2R, Block 2, Westlake/Southlake Park Addition No. 1, filed in Cabinet A, Slide 283, dated November 16, 1989, in the Tarrant County Map and Plat Records, being approximately 6.286 acres. Location: 5 Village Circle. Current Zoning: "AG" Agricultural District. Requested Zoning: "NR-PUD"Non-residential Planned Unit Development with"0-2" Office District, "C-3"General Commercial District, "B-1" Business Service Park District, "CS" Community Service District and "HC" Hotel District. Applicant: Hospitality International, Inc. Owner: Maguire/Thomas Partners-Westlake/Southlake Partnership. Public Hearing. 6. Consider: ZA 97-076, SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREMISE CONSUMPTION AT CHILI'S RESTAURANT AT SOLANA, on the property described as Lot 1R, Block 2, of a final plat of Lots 1R and 2R, Block 2, Westlake/Southlake Park Addition No. 1, filed in Cabinet A, Slide 283, dated November 16, 1989, in the Tarrant County Map and Plat Records. Location: 3 Village Circle, Suite 108. Current Zoning: "AG" Agricultural District. • Requested Zoning: "NR-PUD"Non-Residential Planned Unit Development with the following uses: "0-2" Office District, "C-3" General Commercial District, "B-1" Business Service Park District, "CS" Community Service District and "HC" Hotel District. Applicant: Chili's Beverage Company. Owner: Maguire/Thomas Partners- Westlake/Southlake Partnership. Public Hearing. 7. Consider: ZA 97-077, SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREMISE CONSUMPTION AT RAKIP (JIM) LUSHA D/B/A LA SCALA RESTAURANT, on the property described as Lot 1R, Block 2, of a final plat of Lots 1R and 2R, Block 2, Westlake/Southlake Park Addition No. 1, filed in Cabinet A, Slide 283, dated November 16, 1989, in the Tarrant County Map and Plat Records. Location: 3 Village Circle, Suite 115. Current Zoning: "AG" Agricultural District. Requested Zoning: "NR-PUD"Non-Residential Planned Unit Development with the following uses: "0-2" Office District, "C-3" General Commercial District, "B-1" Business Service Park District, "CS" Community Service District and "HC" Hotel District. Applicant: La Scala Ristorante Italiano, Inc. Owner: Maguire/Thomas Partners-Westlake/Southlake Partnership. Public Hearing. 410 a s City of Southlake,Texas 4; REGULAR PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA JULY 3, 1997 PAGE 3 8. Consider: ZA 97-064, SITE PLAN FOR SOUTHRIDGE CENTER, on property legally described as being Lot 4, Block 6, Southridge Lakes, Phase C-1, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County,Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2199, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Location: Northeast corner of North Peytonville Avenue and West Southlake Boulevard (F. M. 1709). Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. Owner and Applicant: Southridge Center, L. P. SPIN Neighborhood #13. Public Hearing. 9. Consider: ZA 97-065,DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR TIMARRON ADDITION-WYNDSOR CREEK, PHASE II, on property legally described as being approximately 15.925 acres situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey,Abstract No. 899, and being Tracts 6, 6B, 6B1, 6B2, 6B3, 6E, and 6F1. Location: Northwest corner of the intersection of Old Carroll Road and East Continental Boulevard. Current Zoning: "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District. Owner and Applicant: Westerra- Timarron, L.P. SPIN Neighborhood #9. Public Hearing. 10. Consider: ZA 97-066, PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR TIMARRON ADDITION - WYNDSOR S CREEK, PHASE II, on property legally described as being approximately 15.925 acres situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and being Tracts 6, 6B, 6B1, 6B2, 6B3, 6E, and 6F1. This plat proposes twenty-six (26) residential lots and three (3) common greens. Location: Northwest corner of the intersection of Old Carroll Road and East Continental Boulevard. Current Zoning: "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District. Owner and Applicant: Westerra- Timarron, L.P. SPIN Neighborhood #9. Public Hearing. 11. Consider: ZA 97-068, SITE PLAN FOR AN EMERGENCY ANIMAL HOSPITAL, on the proposed Lot 2, Block 1, Stonebridge Park, on property legally described as being approximately 0.65 acres situated in the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, and a portion of Tract 2D. Location: North side of West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) approximately 550' west of the intersection of West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709)and Randol Mill Drive. Current Zoning: "S-P-2"Generalized Site Plan District with "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District uses. Owner: N.T.V.M.G. Applicant: William E. Hickey. SPIN Neighborhood #16. Public Hearing. 0 • City of Southlake, Texas illo REGULAR PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA JULY 3, 1997 PAGE 4 12. Consider: ZA 97-079, PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR HARRELL PLACE, being legally described as approximately 5.8438 acres situated in the J. G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18 and being Tract 1C. This plat proposes six (6) residential lots. Location: Southwest corner of the intersection of Johnson Road and Harrell Drive. Current Zoning: "SF-1A" and "SF-30" Single Family Residential District. Owner and Applicant: DDFW Properties. SPIN Neighborhood #16. Public Hearing. 13. Consider: ZA 97-023, SITE PLAN OF CHEVRON, LOT 1, BLOCK 1, VILLAGE CENTER, being approximately 0.934 acres situated in the Thomas Mahan Survey, Abstract No. 1049. Location: Northeast corner of the intersection of Village Center Drive and Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. Owner: T & M Southlake Development. Applicant: Chevron Products Company. SPIN Neighborhood #4. Public Hearing. 14. Consider: ZA 97-024, SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (FOR THE SALE OF PACKAGED BEER FOR OFF-PREMISE CONSUMPTION), LOT 1, BLOCK 1, VILLAGE CENTER, being approximately 0.934 acres situated in the Thomas Mahan Survey,Abstract No. • 1049. Location: Northeast corner of the intersection of Village Center Drive and Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. Owner: T & M Southlake Development. Applicant: Chevron Products Company. SPIN Neighborhood#4. Public Hearing. 15. Consider: ZONING ORDINANCE 480-Z,establishing regulations for gasoline service stations (with or without convenience stores, car washes and other related ancillary uses). Public Hearing. 16. Consider: ZA 97-069, SITE PLAN FOR RETAIL EYECARE AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES FOR DR. WALLACE RYNE, D.O., on the proposed Lots 12R1 and 12R2, Block 2, Diamond Circle Estates, on property legally described as being Lot 12, Block 2, Diamond Circle Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-177, Page 7, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Location: Northeast corner of the intersection of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and Diamond Boulevard. Current Zoning: "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Applicant: FDB Architects. Owner: Diamond I Ltd. SPIN Neighborhood #10. Public Hearing. S • City of Southlake,Texas REGULAR PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ii• JULY 3, 1997 PAGE 5 17. Consider: ZA 97-070, PLAT REVISION FOR THE PROPOSED LOTS 12R1 AND 12R2, BLOCK 2, DIAMOND CIRCLE ESTATES, being a revision of Lot 12, Block 2, Diamond Circle Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-177, Page 7, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas,being approximately 0.919 acres situated in the W. W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 687. Location: Northeast corner of the intersection of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and Diamond Boulevard. Current Zoning: "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Applicant: FDB Architects. Owner: Diamond I Ltd. SPIN Neighborhood #10. Public Hearing. 18. Consider: ZA 97-080, REZONING OF A PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BAKER ESTATES, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1575, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 1.2983 acres. Location: West side of South Peytonville Avenue at the intersection of Boardwalk Avenue and South Peytonville Avenue. Current Zoning: "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Requested Zoning: "RE" Residential Estate District. Owners and Applicants: Brandon and Charlotte Baker. SPIN Neighborhood#14. III Public Hearing. 19. Consider: ZA 97-071,PLAT REVISION FOR THE PROPOSED LOTS 1R AND 2R,BLOCK 1, BAKER ESTATES, being a revision of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1, Baker Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1575, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Location: West side of South Pevtonville Avenue at the intersection of Boardwalk Avenue and South Peytonville Avenue. Current Zoning: "RE" Residential Estate District and "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Owners and Applicants: Brandon and Charlotte Baker. SPIN Neighborhood #14. Public Hearing. 20. Consider: MEETING ADJOURNMENT. S City of Southlake,Texas REGULAR PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA JULY 3, 1997 PAGE 6 CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on k , June 27, 1997 at 5:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551` �WVTHE.1 sO 1� Sandra L. LeGrand ,N ¢o City Secretary /'' ***\,``' ```' ►minute If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs,please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581,extension 704,and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. EXECUTIVE SESSION If a need to seek the advice from the City Attorney as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the issues or matters will be discussed in executive session. III L:\WP-FILES\MTG\AGN\I 997\07-03-97.WPD III • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 17, 1997 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tern W. Ralph Evans; Deputy Mayor Pro Tern David Harris. Members: Scott Martin, Gary Fawks, Wayne Moffat. COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Pamela Muller. STAFF PRESENT: Curtis Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Darcey Imm, Assistant to the City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager; Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator; Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance; Ron Harper, City Engineer; Shawn Poe, Engineer; Greg Last, Director of Community Services; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Kim Lenior, Director of Parks and Recreation; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; Paul Ward, Chief Building Official; Wayne K. Olson, City Attorney; 0 and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. WORK SESSION: The work session was held to discuss agenda items by Council and staff. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph Evans. The Regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Rick Stacy at 6:12 p.m. Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the City Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials, and regarding the deployment on specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Council adjourned into executive session at 6:15 p.m. Council returned to open session at 7:25 p.m. Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session S REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 1 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Motion was made to instruct the City Attorney to explore the possibility of pursing a cause of action against Scott Bradley, Charla Bradshaw, Abe Bush, and Fred Held. Motion: Harris Second: Evans Ayes: Harris, Evans, Martin, Moffat, Fawks, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #3, Approval of the Minutes of the June 3, 1997 Regular City Council Meeting Motion was made to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on June 3, 1997. Motion: Martin Second: Harris Ayes: Martin, Harris, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #4-A, Mayor's Report • During the Mayor's Report, Mayor Rick Stacy presented a proclamation to Jim Goggin, recognizing him as a true leader in the City of Southlake by providing invaluable ideas, insight and direction through his involvement in SPIN, the Senior Advisory Commission and Keep Southlake Beautiful. Mr. Goggin is moving from the City and Mayor Stacy stated we will miss him and his family. Jim Goggin thanked the City, stating it isn't hard working with Southlake as they have the finest employees who are hard working and generally great people. Other items noted during the Mayor's Report include: ♦ Report on the June Retreat, which was held June 10 and 11 at Solana Education Center. Councilmembers Martin and Fawks thanked staff for the preparation on the retreat information; it was most helpful and appreciated by Council. ♦ Regular City Council meeting to be held on June 24, 1997 as the third meeting in the month. ♦ Final 40th Birthday Celebration will be held on September 27, 1997. More information • to come. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 2 of 18 , • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL • The Eagle Scout Ceremony for Junior Park Board member, Matt Bickford, will be held on June 28, 1997 at 7:00 p.m., at Camp Wisdom in Dallas. • Independence Day Parades are being scheduled in Timarron and Timber Lake Additions. Mayor Stacy and members of the Council have been asked to participate as well as fire trucks, etc. More information coming. • Report on the Carroll Education Foundation Roast which was held on June 6 at Solana. Purpose of the event was to raise funds for the Teachers Education Fund. Mayor Stacy noted that $53,000 was raised. • Southlake Chamber of Commerce luncheon will be held on June 23, 1997 at 11:30 a.m. • Budget Work Sessions will be held on August 12-14 at Solana. More information will be coming. Agenda Item #4-B, City Manger's Report • No report at this time. Agenda Item #4-C, SPIN Report Al Morin, SPIN #10 Representative, 1012 Diamond Boulevard, Southlake. Mr. Morin noted on June 16, a joint SPIN meeting for SPIN #9 and #10 was held with regard to White Chapel Boulevard-Continental Boulevard, and the proposed subdivision on the northwest corner. He stated those who were present were in favor of the property being developed as residential. Morin noted this fall this SPIN group will start on the list of neighborhood projects for 1998-1999. He noted a goal in SPIN is to have a City-wide event, with a city-wide summit meeting for area leaders from different organizations including Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Lions Club, etc. He feels there should be something we can all get behind on, whether it be educational, environmental, recreational or other. Mr. Morin mentioned that the community in general feels SPIN is a good program. They want to continue with the quarterly meetings with Council, supplementing the meetings by asking the Planning and Zoning Commission and Park and Recreation Board to attend. Agenda Item #4-D, Park and Recreation Board Report No report was given during this meeting. • Agenda Item #4-E, Southlake Youth Action Commission Report REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 3 of 18 , • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Erin Anderson, incoming chair of the Southlake Youth Action Commission for 1997-98. Miss Anderson outlined the activities the group has participated in during this last school year, including the Youth in Government Day in Southlake and the annual trip to Austin which is attended by the City Manager. She thanked Mr. Hawk for his involvements in the youth of Southlake. Councilmember Wayne Moffat congratulated Erin and Curtis Hawk for their involvement in the youth of Southlake. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda Mayor Stacy listed the items to be considered tonight on the consent agenda, including: 5-A. Request to advertise for bids for the five million gallon ground storage tank located 2,700 feet north of Kirkwood Boulevard on the east side of T.W. King Road. 5-B. Authorize the Mayor to enter into Change Order No. One with Wright Construction Company for the installation of the 20-inch water main along East Southlake Boulevard, from South White Chapel Boulevard east to Miron Drive. • 5-C. Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract with Mesa Group for professional services for Bicentennial Park expansion, Phase II. 5-D. Addendum to Cheatham and Associates' contract for professional services to include Phase II design of Bob Jones Park to include parking lots, drives, irrigation, landscaping and other park improvements. 5-E. Request to advertise for bids for the grading of Bob Jones Park, Phase I. 5-F. Excuse the absences of Councilmember Pamela Muller from two consecutive Council meetings. 8-B. Ordinance No. 679, 1st reading, Street name change from South Kimball Avenue to Crooked Lane Boulevard, for the portion of South Kimball Avenue from the intersection of South Kimball Avenue and Crooked Lane Boulevard to east Continental Boulevard and a street name change for East Continental Boulevard to South Kimball Avenue in Heritag e Industrial Park. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion: Harris • Second: Martin REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 4 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Mayor Stacy read the caption of Ordinance No. 679, per City Charter. Ayes: Harris, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Martin, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Councilmember Scott Martin asked staff to provide him a site plan of the ground storage tank. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS 5-A. Request to advertise for bids for the five million gallon ground storage tank located 2,700 feet north of Kirkwood Boulevard on the east side of T.W. King Road. Bids for the pump station will be sought at a later date. We budgeted approximately $2.7 million in our CI P budget for this project, which will be funded by certificates of obligation issued later this year. 5-B. Authorize the Mayor to enter into Change Order No. 1 with Wright Construction for the installation of the 20-inch water main along East Southlake Boulevard from South White Chapel Boulevard east to Miron Drive. This project has been somewhat delayed due to S problems with easement acquisition. There has been activity on the proj ect. This change order, which increased the project cost by $21,185, has been necessitated by the requirement to install casing under Byron Nelson Parkway, as well as additional appurtenances. 5-C. Authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with Mesa Group for professional services for Bicentennial Park expansion, Phase II. This item was approved by the Southlake Park Development Corporation (SPDC) at their June 9, 1997 meeting. Mesa was selected as the design team by a selection committee consisting of Councilmember Scott Martin, SPDC member Ronnie Kendall, Kim Lenior, and Shawn Poe of the engineering staff. Th e Mesa Group will be designing the next phase of Bicentennial Park, which will include tennis courts and other park improvements. 5-D. Addendum to Cheatham and Associates' contract for professional services to include Phase II design of Bob Jones Park to include parking lots, drives, irrigation, landscaping and other park improvements. The original contract with Cheatham and Associates was for the preparation of a grading plan, contour map and preliminary site report for the first portion of Bob Jones Park. The Southlake Park Development Corporation approved the addendum at their June 9 meeting. 5-E. Bids for grading of Bob Jones Park, Phase I. The grading plan for Bob Jones Park has • been completed. The SPDC approved this plan and the budget for this initial portion of REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 5 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL the Bob Jones Park. These plans show the development of the pond, grading for the berm, soccer fields and parking area. The master plan called for eleven soccer fields, but in reviewing the plans with the Grapevine Southiake Soccer Association, they requested smaller fields, thus these plans now show a total of fourteen fields. The fields are scheduled for use in the fall of 1998 season. 5-F. Excusing the absences of Councilmember Pamela Muller from two consecutive Council meetings, is a City Charter requirement in Section 2.08(b) which requires an elected official to forfeit office for failure "...to attend two consecutive regular meetings of the Council without being excused by the Council." 8-B. Ordinance No. 679, 1st reading, Street name change from south Kimball Avenue to Crooked Lane Boulevard, for the portion of South Kimball Avenue from the portion of South Kimball Avenue from the intersection of South Kimball Avenue and Crooked Lane Boulevard to east Continental Boulevard and a street name change for east Continental Boulevard to south Kimball Avenue, in Heritage Industrial Park. Agenda Item #6, Public Forum • No comments were received during the public forum. Agenda Item #7-A, Ordinance No. 480-245, 2nd reading (ZA 97-035) Ordinance No. 480-245, 2nd reading (ZA 97-035), Rezoning of a portion of Lot 2, Block 1, Miron Addition, according to the plat records in Cabinet A, Slide 1252, P.R.T.C.T. and being approximately 0.346 acres. Current Zoning is "B-1" Business Service Park District, with a requested zoning of "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District. Owner/Applicant: Martin W. Schelling, Trustee. SPIN Neighborhood #8. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that five (5) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and one (1) written response has been received from Smock& Husseini JV, N.M. Smock, 1529 Lambert Boulevard, Oakland, California, stating, "we do not know what the ramifications would be to our adjacent property with this zoning." Ms. Gandy noted the purpose for the rezoning of this strip of land is to avoid a split lot zoning classification within the property Lot 4R, Block 1, Miron Addition. This strip of land is the remainder of Lot 3 (Zoned "B-1") located between the land purchased by the City and the R.O.W. quit claimed to the owner of Lot 4 (Zoning "S-P-2"). The rezoning of this strip will result in all of the proposed Lot 4R being zoned "S-P-2". The City Zoning Administrator has waived the Concept Plan requirement for this strip and has informed the owner that a revised Concept Plan for the entirety of Lot 4R will be required prior to issuance of any building permit. • REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 6 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were received during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-245, 2nd reading (ZA 97-035). Motion: Martin Second: Fawks Mayor Rick Stacy read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Martin, Fawks, Moffat, Harris, Evans, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-B, Ordinance No. 480-Y, 2nd reading Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted it was staffs intention to table the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 480-Y, and continue time certain June 24, 1997 Regular City Council meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: Wanda Buschman, 1201 Post Oak Trail, Southlake. Ms. Buschman noted she has been a registered nurse for fifty (50) years. She has served as a hospice volunteer since 1989 and has • been a primary care giver. She noted she has lived in Southlake for the past twenty (20) years. Ms. Buschman referenced a booklet on all the assisted living centers in Tarrant County, and noted the booklet has a section of definitions which would be helpful in preparing the ordinance for passage. She stated the senior group of Southlake feels the ordinance is too vague. She stated they feel the twelve (12) units per acre is confusing. If the ordinance allows for more than a one story structure, they feel there should be more units per acre allowed in the ordinance. Councilmember Harris asked Ms. Buschman if the senior group would like to come up with suggestions for the ordinance, as the City Council would welcome input from the Senior Advisory Commission. Motion was made to continue the public hearing and table Ordinance No. 480-Y, time certain July 1, 1997. Motion: Harris Second: Moffat Ayes: Harris, Moffat, Evans, Martin, Fawks, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item #7-C, Ordinance No. 483-G, 2nd reading • Ordinance No. 483-G, 2nd reading, Subdivision Ordinance (miscellaneous items). Greg Last, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 7 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Director of Community Development, presented Ordinance No. 483-G, for second reading, noting the changes from the first reading. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were received during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 483-G, 2nd reading, as submitted. Motion: Harris Second: Martin Mayor Rick Stacy read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Harris, Martin, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-D, Ordinance No. 483-F, 2nd reading, amending the Subdivision Ordinance with regard to Park and Recreation Dedication Requirements. Ordinance No. 483-F, 2nd reading, amending Ordinance No. 483, The Subdivision Ordinance, revising the entirety of Article VII, Park and Recreation Dedication Requirements, was presented by Greg Last, Director of Community Development. • PUBLIC HEARING: Martin Schelling, 2665 North White Chapel Boulevard, Southlake. Mr. Schelling clarified the motion from the first reading, stating he feels this ordinance amendment is an impact fee, and is getting more complicated. He stated all the kids impact the park use. He noted the land is valuable and should be the same. Martin asked Council to come up with something that works and is fair. Councilmember Harris suggested the Council needs help from the development community to come up with something that works. He asked Mr. Schelling if he would be willing to help with this ordinance. Mr. Schelling stated he would agre e to help. Motion was made to table Ordinance No. 483-F, 2nd reading, and continue the public hearing, time certain July 1, 1997 City Council meeting. Motion: Martin Second: Harris Ayes: Martin, Harris, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote (to table). • REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 8 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Harris asked Mr. Steve Yetts if he too would be willing to work on the Park Dedication Fee ordinance. Mr. Yetts stated he would be willing to help. Agenda Item #7-E, Ordinance No. 480-222, 2nd reading Timarron Commercial, Phase III Ordinance No. 480-222, 2nd reading, ZA 96-132, Rezoning and Concept Plan for Timarron Commercial, Tract III, being approximately 200.82 acres situated in the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, being Tracts 1, 1A1, 1E, 2, 2A, 2B, 2B 1 A, and 2C1 and in the Thomas Mahan Survey, Abstract No. 1049, being Tracts 2A 2B, 2B1, 3, 3A, 3C, 5, 5C, and 5D. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District and "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Requested zoning is "NR-P-U-D" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development for a Mixed Use Business Park to include the following uses: "CS" Community Service District, "0-1" Office District, "0- 2" Office District, "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial District, "B-1" Business Service Park District, "B-2" Commercial Manufacturing District, "HC" Hotel District and ancillary residential uses (not exceeding 20.08 acres) from the "RE" Residential Estate District, `SF-1" Single Family Residential District. Owner and Applicant: Timarron Land Corporation. SPIN Neighborhoods #4 and #6. S Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, did not make a full presentation during this meeting, however, outlined the amended request, noting it is the same, but deleting "C-4" Arterial Mall Commercial District, "I-1" Light Industrial District, and "I-2" Heavy Commrcial District and amending the residential zoning category to exclude MF-2 and adding "SF-20" Single Family Residential. A copy of the memorandum dated June 13, 1997, from staff is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Dennis Jerkey, Carter and Burgess, Inc., 3880 Hulen Street, Fort Worth. Mr. Jerkey outlined the changes in the Development Regulations dated June 9, 1997. Councilmember Gary Fawks questioned the pad-sites on State Highway 114. Steve Yetts, Timarron Development Company. Mr. Yetts commented that they do not have a desire to tell the City Council there will not be pad sites on SH 114; they may need pad-sites on the service road. He also noted that pad-sites may be tied to the lake. Dennis Jerkey stated the lake is the focal point on the property and they want to have quality development around the lake. He stated it doesn't seem to lend itself to have pad-sites on SH 114. Mayor Stacy commented that the expansion of the roadway on SH III114 is a major taking, and it will make the lake closer to the road. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 9 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Scott Martin stated he has less fear with the development along SH 114 because of all their presentations. He stated he hopes this concept is "today". Councilmember Wayne Moffat expressed concerns about the residential density. Greg Last, Director of Community Development stated he is comfortable it would be one unit per acre. PUBLIC HEARING: Charles Kennard, 1235 Stanhope, Southlake. Dr. Kennard stated he has respect and appreciation for the City Council, City staff, and the Timarron staff. He came to Southlake for the specific way of life. He noted three areas of concern: 1) set back on Tract 3A, he is not satisfied, the people are not satisfied. He stated he feels the City should set a buffer in that area. He asked the City Council to put a limit on this set-back, more concrete prohibition on the area directly south of Highland; 2) height of the buildings (the developer allowed it to be addressed in site plan sta ge on bubble "C"); 3) a concrete commitment to restrict the development of things the City Council does not want along SH 114, restricting the development of pad sites along SH 114. He asked the City Council to consider the campus style that was presented in the beginning during SPIN • meetings. Dr. Robert Bledsoe, 1600 Sunshine Lane, Southlake. Dr. Bledsoe thanked Dr. Kennard who echoed his thoughts. If the City Council represents the citizens, why doesn't the City Council put the restrictions on the plat that the residents want? He noted, we don't owe the developers anything. Why are we not restricting them? Councilmember Wayne Moffat stated his family moved to Southlake in 1959. Every development hurts him a little bit. Their is a fairness issue. We cant' say no just because we want to. Mayor Stacy stated as a City Council we feel we have listened. City Council has listened to both sides, the net of it is it is mixed use. Dale Crane, 1469 Sunshine Lane, Southlake. Mr. Crane stated he feels the City Councilmembers truly are public servants. He expressed concerns with the pad-sites on SH 114, adding, there ma y come a time when Mr. Yetts could change his mind about the sites. He also stated he would like to see manufacturing taken out of the permitted uses. As he understands it, with a SUP if the basic conditions are the same, they cannot be refused. Mr. Crane stated the residents in the area do not want a football stadium in that location. • REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 10 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Jerry Lawrence, 1901 East Highland, Southlake. Mr. Lawrence asked to have "HC" inccuded in the 300' set-back requirement. He stated he wants to see "0-2" included in the 300' set-back (6 story building) on Tract 3C. He asked to have the ordinance changed to allow only four (4) story buildings with a limit of 45' height. Kenneth Horne, 1215 Ashmore Court, Southlake. Mr. Horne asked if they do not build in the 300' set-back, can a parking lot be built in that area? He asked for restrictions allowing parking lots on the interior of the property only and not on Highland. Dona Schroetke, 211 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Ms. Schroetke stated her suggestion for pad- sites is just say "no", also "no" to fast food restaurants and gas stations. She noted she feels fast foods and gas stations go on corners according to the corridor overlay zone. Timarron stated the wanted the development to look like Los Colinas, so we should require them to not have those uses on the frontage road. Public hearing closed. Councilmember Scott Martin stated there will be no commercial corridor on Highland and Carroll Avenue. We are not developing S a commercial corridor through this area. Martin noted unless we want our tax rate to go up, we need to develop our commercial on SH 114. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-222, 2nd reading (ZA 96-132), pursuant to the Staff Concept Plan Summary Review Letter No. 3 dated June 13, 1997, incorporating all the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation that we have not altered; add the note as shown on DR-17 to page DR-3 in regard to housing density; correct the typographical errors as brought forward tonight on page DR-13, DR-17; and clarify the intent of the note on the bufferyard section sheet, the open space plan, the concept plan, to reflect that the property noted shall be either zoned or used as residential; and subject to the Development Regulations dated June 9, 1997. Motion: Martin Second: Evans Mayor Rick Stacy read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Martin, Evans, Moffat, Harris, Stacy Nays: Fawks Approved: 5-1 vote Agenda Item #7-F, ZA 97-056, Development Plan for Timarron Addition, Village J. • ZA 97-056, Development Plan of Timarron Addition, Village J, being legally described as REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 11 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL approximately 56.814 acres situated in the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1037, and being a portion of Tract 3C7, a portion of Tract 3C2, a portion of Tract 3C2A, Tract 3C4, Tract 2, Tract 3A3A1, a portion of Tract 3A3A, and Tract 3A3B. Current zoning is "R-P-U-D" Residential Planned Unit Development District. Owner/Applicant: Westerra/Timarron L.P. SPIN Neighborhood #9. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated six (6) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received. Todd Jensen, Carter & Burgess, Inc. Mr. Jensen stated they have reviewed the changes in the Development Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated June 13, 1997, and agree with all the comments. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were received during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 97-056, Development Plan of Timarron Addition, Village J, as revised and presented tonight. Motion: Martin Second: Moffat SAyes: Martin, Moffat, Harris, Evans, Fawks, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-G, ZA 97-057, Preliminary Plat of Timarron Addition, Village J. ZA 97-057, Preliminary Plat of Timarron Addition, Village J, being legally described as approximately 56.814 acres situated in the Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1037, and being a portion of Tract 3C7, a portion of Tract 3C2, a portion of Tract 3C2A, Tract 3C4, Tract 2, Tract 3A3A1, a portion of Tract 3A3A, and Tract 3A3B. Current zoning is "R-P-U-D" Residential Planned Unit Development District. Owner/Applicant: Westerra-Timmaron L. P. SPIN Neighborhood #9. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that six (6) notices were sent to property owner s within the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received. The applicant has met all requirements in Plat Review Summary No. 1 dated May 30, 1997, with the exception of those requirements addressed in the attached Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated June 13, 1997. Todd Jensen, Carter & Burgess, Inc. Mr. Jensen stated he read the comments in the Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated June 13, 1997 and the only objection is the length of the cul-de-sac. Jense n stated he would be glad to meet with the Fire Marshal with regard to the cul-de-sac. The length • of the cul-de-sac as proposed is 60' from the centerline of Eagle Bend to the end of the cul-de-sac. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 12 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Greg Last, Director of Community Development, stated the length of the cul-de-sac is not a problem for them. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No public comments were received. Motion was made to approve ZA 97-057, pursuant to Staff Preliminary Plat Summary No. 2 (revised) dated June 13, 1997, deleting item #5-C, providing the Public Safety officials have no issues regarding this item; and, Motion: Martin Second: Fawks Ayes: Martin, Fawks, Evans, Harris, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-H, ZA 97-063, Plat Revision for the Proposed Lots 14R through 21R, and Lot 22, Block 55, Timarron Addition ZA 97-063, Plat Revision for the proposed Lots 14R through 21R, and Lot 22 (Common Green 58), Block 55, Timarron Addition, Bryson Square, Phase One, being a revision of Lots 14 S through 21, Block 55, Timarron Addition. Bryson Square, Phase One, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3444 & 3445, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, being approximately 2.880 acres situated in the Obediah W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899. Current zoning is "R-P-U-D" Residential Planned Unit Development. Owner/Applicant: Westerra-Timarron L.P. SPIN Neighborhood #13. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that thirteen (13) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and one (1) written response has been received from Steven Lallier, 720 Ashleigh Lane, Southlake, in favor. Todd Jensen, Carter & Burgess, Inc. Mr. Jensen stated in reference to the area behind the lots on the northern portion of Brenwyck, that there will never be a wooden fence; the residents have a right to wrought iron fencing. Timarron will provide access by the gate or and easement to the back of the area in question. Steve Yetts stated the area in question, has a small tributary in a private area. He does not see the City ever going in there. Motion was made to approve ZA 97-063, subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated June 13, 1997; also requiring the applicant to provide the City with access to the drainage easement. Motion: Harris • Second: Fawks REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 13 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Ayes: Harris, Fawks, Moffat, Martin, Evans, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-I, ZA 97-053, Revised Site Plan for Christian Men's Network ZA 97-053, Revised Site Plan for Christian Men's Network, being legally described as Lot 2R1, Block B, Ravenaux Village, an addition to the City of Southlake, Texas, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2120, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 3.97 acres situated in the Thomas Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706. Current zoning is "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District. Owner/Applicant: Christian Men's Network. SPIN Neighborhood #11. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated the purpose of this site plan is to request a variance to the six foot (6') fence along the south property line and the 315' portion of the east property line. She asked Council to be aware that the "FI" (six-foot) fence is not required by ordinance but was volunteered by the applicant during a previous site plan approval. Dr. Edwin Cole, 1213 Sabine Court, Southlake. Dr. Cole noted they moved the building 20' so S that the trees would be there. On one side of the building is a group of trees and on the other side of the building they own another nine acres. He stated they do not want to build the fence as the fence serves no purpose. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were received during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 97-053, Revised Site Plan for Christian Men's Network, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated June 13, 1997; deleting item#1; and, waiving any requirement for eight foot screening device or fence on the south and east side of the building. Motion: Harris Second: Moffat Ayes: Harris, Moffat, Evans, Martin, Fawks, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-J, ZA 97-054, Site Plan for Georgetown Park, Phase II ZA 97-054, Site Plan for Georgetown Park, Phase II, being legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Georgetown Park, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3434, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 3.058 acres situated in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474. Current • zoning is "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Owner: Georgetown Monticello Partners, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 14 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Ltd. Applicant: Realty Capital Corporation. SPIN Neighborhood #7. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that the property is designated as mixed use on the Land Use Plan and that fourteen (14) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and three (3) written responses have been received from: G.M. Nettleton, 2611 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, in favor; Roy Lee, 2620 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, in favor; and Howard Carr, 311 South Kimball Avenue, Southlake, in favor, "provided the building installs a wooden fence along the west property line similar to the one already built on the (north) west property line." Tom Waters, Capital Realty Corporation, 2425 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake. Mr. Water s was present to answer questions of Council. Mayor Stacy and Councilmember Scott Martin stated the building looks good; it does not meet the City requirements. Council proceeded to discuss with Mr. Waters the location of the building and other issues not meeting the City requirements. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were received during the public hearing. IllMotion was made to table ZA 97-054, at the request of the applicant, time certain July 15, 1997 City Council meeting. Motion: Moffat Second: Harris Ayes: Moffat, Harris, Evans, Martin, Fawks, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item #7-K, ZA 97-058, Site Plan of Southlake Oaks, Phase II ZA 97-058, Site Plan of Southlake Oaks, Phase II, being legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, 1709 Southlake Oaks Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3231 Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 1.8685 acres situated in the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686. Current zoning is "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Owner/Applicant: 1709 Southlake Oaks, Ltd. SPIN Neighborhood #13. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented seven (7) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received. She noted the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Site Plan on June 5, 1997, subject to the • requirements in the May 30, 1997 Site Plan Review Summary No. 1. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 15 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The applicant was not present for this meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were received during the public hearing. Motion was made to table ZA 97-058, due to the absence of the applicant, time certain July 15, 1997, continuing the public hearing at that time. Motion: Harris Second: Martin Ayes: Harris, Martin, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item #8-A, Ordinance No. 678, 1st reading, Annexation of Solana Property Ordinance No. 679, 1st reading, an ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, annexing the hereinafter more particularly described territory generally described as an area comprising approximately 480 acres abutting State Highway 114, known as "Solana", and an area comprising approximately 27 acres abutting that property to the City of Southlake, Texas, and extending the boundary limits of said City so as to include said territory within said City limits. 110 On the recommendation of the City Attorney, motion was made to table Ordinance No. 678, 1st reading, time certain June 24, 1997 Regular City Council meeting. Motion: Harris Second: Evans Ayes: Harris, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Martin, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item #10-A, Selection of a site for new joint City of Southlake/CISD Administration Building. The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated staff is bringing forward the selection of a site for a ne w joint City of Southlake /Carroll Independent School District Administration Building in order to make it clearly known to all the citizen which site has been selected for the new City Hall. Councilmember Gary Fawks stated the last time this item was discussed, the City Council directed staff to move forward with negotiations for Town Center location as the possible site for a new City Hall, CISD Administration Building. • Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated if the City Council goes forward REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 16 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL with Town Center site and it cannot be worked out, we have the Timarron/Richards property to fall back on. Councilmember David Harris stated he thinks the City Council should tell staff Town Center site is Plan "A", and if the City is not able to make the numbers work, we always have Timarron property to fall back on as Plan "B". Councilmember Scott Martin stated he had asked to put this item to rest and come to closure on the site before Council votes on TIF. He stated he has a good feeling that the Town Center site should be selected. Councilmembers Harris, Martin, Moffat, and Evans all indicated they are for the Town Center site. Councilmember Fawks stated if it is a better deal, he would be for the Town Center site. Motion was made to go forward, pursuant to the many months of investigation, and approve the Town Center location as the new joint City Council and Carroll Independent School District Administration Building site. Motion: Martin • Second: Harris Ayes: Martin, Harris, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #11-A, Discussion: Joint resolution establishing a joint committee to develop initiatives for drug and alcohol awareness. Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator, presented a draft resolution establishing a joint committee of the City Council and Carroll Independent School District Board of Trustees to develop initiatives for drug and alcohol awareness. Some of the changes to the original documents include: changing the committee from two to three City Council and School Board members each to allow more input from the City Council and School Board members; removing the Municipal Court Judge as a voting member of the committee, allowing the judge to be a neutral participant in the committee; adding one staff member from the CISD superintendent's office to the support section of the resolution; adding the Municipal Court Administrator to the staff support section of the record; and adding representation from various civic groups. Ms. Siemer stated this item will be brought back for consideration during the June 24, 1997 City Council meeting. • REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 17 of 18 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item #12, Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. by Mayor Rick Stacy. Mayor Rick Stacy ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary d:\wp-files\minutes\cc\6-17-97\sl • • REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1997 PAGE 18 of 18 -- vRy JVUU IIQnC, I cAQJ AGENDA ITEM 7-E STAFF REPORT June 13. 1997 CASE NO: ZA 96-132 PROJECT: Second Reading / Ordinance No. 480-222 Rezoning & Concept Plan Timarron Commercial, Tract III STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy. Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough. Planner 1, 481-5581. ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Zoning, Change and Concept Plan on property described as approximately 200.822 acres situated in the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, being Tracts 1, 1A1, 1 E, 2, 2A, 2B, 2B 1 A. and 2C 1, and in the Thomas Mahan Survey, Abstract No. 1049, being Tracts 2A. 2B. 2B 1, 3, 3 A. 3 C, 5, 5 C, and 5 D. LOCATION: North of State Highway No. 1 14, east of North Carroll Ave.. south of East Highland St., and west of North Kimball Ave. OWNER/APPLICANT: Timarron Land Corporation • CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District and "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District REQUESTED ZONING: (ORIGINAL REQUEST): "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development for a Mixed Use Business Park to include the following uses: "CS" Community Service District, "0-1 " Office District, "0-2" Office District. "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial District, "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District, "C-3" General Commercial District. "C-4" Arterial Mall Commercial District, "B-1" Business Service Park District. "B-2" Commercial Manufacturing District. "I-I "Light Industrial District. "I2" Heavy Industrial District. "HC" Hotel District and ancillary residential uses (not exceeding 20.08 acres) from the "RE" Residential Estate District. "SF-IA" Single Family District. "SF-30" Single Family District, and "\1F-2" Multiple Family Residential District. AMENDED REQUEST: Same as above. but deleting "C-4" Arterial Mall Commercial District. "I- I" Light Industrial District. and "I-2" Heavy Industrial District and amending the residential zoning category to exclude MF-2 and adding "SF-20" Single Family Residential (see attached letter). • • LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use (may include residential. office buildings. hotels. and commercial and retail centers that serve local and regional needs) CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Office Commercial (Same as in CS,0-1. 0-2, B-1. HC. MF-1, and MF-2 districts) NO. NOTICES SENT: Forty-one (41) • RESPONSES: (ORIGINAL REQUEST) Ten (10) vsTitten responses were received from within the 200' notification area: • Michael A. Quinn, P.O. Box 92575, Southlake, opposed. • John T. Knight, 650 Cherry Ct., Southlake, Texas 76092, undecided. "This being such a broad request. I am not sure how it will affect the value of my property or the quality of life in my neighborhood." • Steven E. and Katherine J. Cook 1981 E Highland. Southlake, Texas 76092, opposed. See attached letter received Oct. 8. 1996, addressing protecting residential areas in Southlake, residential property values, increased traffic. resident • protection, and keeping East Highland residential. • Robert P. Steele, 959 N. Carroll Ave., Southlake, Texas 76092, in favor. • Ha_el JMiller. 5213 llcOuade St.. Fort Worth. Texas 76117, in favor. • Jerry and Jacky Last rence, 1901 E Highland. Southlake. Texas 76092, opposed. See attached letter dated Oct. 10. 1996, addressing noise, water and air pollution. traffic on Highland, and problems associated with a possible sports stadium on Highway II 4. • D/FW-Carroll Road Ltd, etal, PO Box 700876. San Antonio, Texas 78270-0876. in favor. "It's been a long, long wait for Southlake region investors!" • Maria P. Cameron. 17-6 E Highland St., Southlake. Texas 76092, opposed. See attached letter dated Oct. 11, 1996. addressing the right-of-way on Highland Street and Carroll ISD. • Martin Rester. 600 Cherry Lane. Southlake, Texas. opposed. "I do not want to give permission for unlimited zoning next to a residential area." • Harold Knight. I -49 E. Highland St. Southlake. in favor. "I am in favor of the request 'with the attached changes.' With these changes. I support their request." (Please note that Mr. • Knight has included a marked-up copy of a Zoning District Summary sheet immediately following. his hand-written letter.) Three (3) responses were received outside the 200' notification area: • James and Cecile Gardner, 1213 Ashmoore Ct., Southlake. opposed. " ... we want to present to you. our desire for this tract to maintain it's current zoning. until, which time. Timarron is prepared to come to the city with a legitimate and specific Development Plan." See attached letter. • David Edelen. 1203 Ashmore Ct., Southlake, opposed. "With the broad range of categories and the limitless number of"permitted uses" under the categories, and with also a possibility of a land sale to a third party with no partnering with Timarron,the residents have no protection under the PUD that a satisfactory development will take place." See attached letter. • Margaret C. Burnette, 1002 Quail Run Road. Southlake. in favor. `'Quality commercial development with well landscaped open space is what Southlake should strive • for.' See attached letter. Two (2) identical responses were received at Planning. and Zoning work session on December 12. 1996. ". . the application as it presently stands is unacceptable to us in many respects. and it must be modified to make it more compatible with residential living in order to obtain our acquiescence." See attached letter. • Debbie and Roy Gutherie, 2412 Emerald Circle, Southlake. • Don and Janet Rose, 1209 Ashmore Court. Southlake. See letter for additional comments. RESPONSES: (AMENDED REQUEST) Nine (9) responses were received within the 200' notification area: • Ha_el Miller. 5213 McQuade St., Fort iForth, Texas 76117. undecided. • Michael A. Quinn. P.O. Box 92575, Southlake. opposed. • Ann Hardin, 1991 E. Highland St.. Southlake. opposed. • Robert Steele, 959 N. Carroll Ave., Southlake. in favor. • Marie Eubanks. 1371 E. Highland St.. Southlake. opposed. "The property is too close to my house where we live. Too much noise. I would object to the traffic on Highland." • • Harold Knight, 1 7.19 E. Highland St, Southlake, opposed. • "Because it includes manufacturing. repair, services. taverns, clubs, and used merchandise sales and other uses that I do not want located next to my property; however I would be in favor of the request if it was modified to eliminate those uses that I have marked through on the attached Summary of Zoning District Symbol and Permitted Uses." See attached list. • Steven E. and Katherine J. Cook 1981 E Highland. Southlake, Texas 76092, opposed. Residents states CS. 0-1, and 0-2 uses that they would like omitted. See attached letter. • Boyd and Susan Herndon, 1201 Ashmore Court. Southlake, opposed. Residents state concerns with safety on E. Highland Street, building heights and setbacks. See attached letter. • Dale Crane, 3625 N. Hall St., Suite 620, Dallas, Texas. Dale Crane and Debbie Gutherie on behalf of E. Highland. Sunshine Lane, and Stanhope residents, offers suggestions regarding the enlargement of parcel A. increasing setbacks in parcel A to 300', and eliminating all manufacturing uses. See attached letter. • Seven (7) responses were received outside the 200' notification area: • Dan and Carla Hemyari, 550 Cherry Lane, P.O. Box 92605, Southlake.opposed. Resident states concerns with property values, traffic. uses in section C. drainage, and an increase in crime. See attached letter. • B. Dennis King, 205 Manor Place, Southlake. opposed. Resident states that. ". . . PUD's were never intended to be a substitute for good land use planning." Resident also states that ". . . Westwood should speak specifically to its plans for the property . . ." See attached letter. • Gerald Hodges, 1210 Ashmore Court, Southlake. opposed. One petition was received from Grapevine residents with sixteen (16) signatures. all opposed. See attached copy of petition. Gerald and Karen Hodges, 1210 Ashmore Court. Southlake. opposed. Resident asks that they be advised on the following issues: street access and egress,the DFW Airport noise cone and height restrictions, the comprehensive Park and Greenspace Plan. as well as the tree ordinance. See attached letter. • • Chris White, 1216 Whispering Lane, Southlake, opposed. "No "blanket" zoning without specific purchase or user. no entrance on Carroll /Highland." • Christopher McGuire, 2089 North Carroll Avenue. Southlake, opposed. Resident states concerns with the "timing" of meetings and notification of impending meetings. See attached letter. • Letter received from North Carroll Avenue Homeowners. Letter states concerns with safety, diminished quality of life. loss of property values, negative environmental impact. waste water disposal, groundwater runoff, and flash floods. See attached letter. • Michael Howe, 2612 Parker Court, Southlake, opposed. Resident states concerns with safety and traffic. See attached letter. Two (2) identical responses were received. Letter states concerns with quality of life, location, image, flood control, drainage. police and fire protection. See attached letter. • Gary S. Kroll. 204 Sheffield Court, Southlake, Texas. • Paul Hendricks, 200 Sheffield Court, Southlake, Texas. • P & Z ACTION: October 17, 1996; Approved (5-0) applicant's request to table until the November 7,1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting and to continue the public hearing. November 7. 1996: Approved (5-0) applicant's request to table until the January 9. 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting and to continue the public hearing. January 9. 1997; Approved (5-0-1) to continue public hearing until the January 16, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. January 16. 1997: Approved (5-0-1) to table until the January 23. 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting and to continue public hearing. January 23. 1997: Approved (5-0-1) to continue public hearing until the January 30, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. January 30. 1997: .Approved (5-0) to table until the February 6. • 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting and to continue public hearing. } February 6. 1997; Approved (6-0-1) to continue public hearing • until the February 13. 1997 Planning & Zoning meeting. Commission February 13, 1997; Approved (5-1) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated October 11, 1996, with the following amendments: • no impervious coverage in the flood plain with the exception of trails; • 50' bufferyard on the north property line of Tract IIID; • 4:1 slope from Timarron's property line versus the residential property line: • any "HC" Hotel District uses in Tract IIIC will be located at least 400' from the north property line; • Applicant will comply with the Landscape Ordinance, and for every story from two (2) to four (4), they will add 1% of the lot area to the required landscaped area, and for every story from five (5) to six (6). they will add 2% of the lot area to the required landscaped area; • "CS" Community Service uses will be added to "B-1" Business Service Park and "0-1" Office uses in the additional notes for "crash-gate" access to Tract IIIA; • the following "C-2" Local Retail Commercial uses would be permitted by Specific Use Permit only: duplicating service. printing, lithographing, mimeographing, multi-graphing and offset printing; • "C-3" General Commercial uses would be limited to 20% of the gross acreage in Tract IIIB; • "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial and "C-2" al Retail Commercial uses would be limited to 50% of the gross acreage in Tract IIIB and in Tract IIIC COUNCIL ACTION: June 3, 1997; Approved (6-0) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated May 30, 1997 and subject to the submittal dated June 3. 1997. with the following amendments: 1) create a 300' setback along the north boundary of Tract IIIA (along E. Highland) and the northern portion of Tract IIID for any use other than residential; 2) extend the 300' cross-hatched area to the northwest for the balance of Tract IIIC to exclude any "0-2" or "HC" use unless approved by City Council at the Site Plan stage. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all items in Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated October 11. 1996 and oncept Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated May 30. 1997. with exception of those items addressed in the attached Concept Plan Review 1111 Summary No. 3 dated June 13, 1997. Please find the attached submittal dated June 9, 1997. The paces numbered "DR" will be incorporated into the final ordinance. L:'WP-FILES\MEMO\96CASES196-132ZC.WPD • • Proposed Street Name Changes 0 ,.vti 1 'flair 1 r F ef 4 1 4 >'i / / I Sler$Ce6-ts• —-I I I"I I I 3-i I 3 S'►`p,1Q.5 r Old NOS \ ‘__ N -7/---------- sr mow,- ; ,10,c ! -r F 1 ,._ . ,1. .. orics ieff4.7 NA. 1 �' ...„ Ail . ..: 11111 'r=:._ -_ . 1. W1 I \--- Pam' I e 1 I i _.111!,i i i l w f OpyC i )111 1. I V I I !!! � i t i i !/ 1 i.i.4rir l !--• i ..... ._ , , , _ ___ - , , , , , , , 7! Ilk/ • i MI 1111y I ,4 Gf lEE c I City of Grapevine ,,:::p 1 I , ass1 ' ,00,44 . Igg J' P :.• a 1 1 g \ bail pve — — — •lT P la 1 11 _ Exhibit "A" Ink , ars� ,� rug,' i a ' 11H M ` ' UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P& Z COMMISSION • REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING June 19, 1997 1 COMMISSION PRESENT: Chairman Joe Wright; Vice-Chairman James Murphy; Commissioners 2 Ann Creighton, Debra Edmondson, Rob Jones, F. C. LeVrier, and Lanny Tate 3 4 COMMISSION ABSENT: None 5 6 CITY STAFF PRESENT: Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy, City Engineer Ron Harper, Planner 7 Chris Carpenter, and Community Development Secretary Lori Farwell 8 9 The meeting was called to order Chairman Wright at 7:05 p.m. 10 11 AGENDA ITEM #2, APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 12 Chairman Wright opened discussion of the minutes of the June 5, 1997, Regular Planning and 13 Zoning Commission meeting. 14 15 Motion was made to approve the June 5, 1997, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes, 16 as amended in work session. 17 0 Motion: Creighton Second: Murphy 20 Ayes: Jones, Tate, Wright, Murphy, Creighton 21 Nays: None 22 Abstain: LeVrier, Edmondson 23 Approved: 5-0-2 24 Motion carried. 25 26 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06-19-97, tape 1, section #23) 27 28 AGENDA ITEM #3, ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS: 29 There were no comments from the City staff or the Commission. 30 31 AGENDA ITEM #8, ZA 97-074, REZONING: 32 AGENDA ITEM #9, ZA 97-075, SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC 33 BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREMISE CONSUMPTION AT SOLANA MARRIOTT HOTEL: 34 AGENDA ITEM #10, ZA 97-076, SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC 35 BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREMISE CONSUMPTION AT CHILI'S RESTAURANT AT SOLANA: 36 AGENDA ITEM #11, ZA 97-077, SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC 37 BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREMISE CONSUMPTION AT RAKIP (JIM) LUSHA D/B/A LA 38 SCALA RESTAURANT: Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 19, 1997 Page 1 of 9 1 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P & Z COMMISSION • Motion was made to table ZA 97-074, ZA 97-075, ZA97-076, and ZA97-077, and to continue the _ Public Hearing on these items to the July 3, 1997, Regular Planning and Zoning Commission 3 meeting. 4 5 Motion: Murphy 6 Second: Tate 7 Ayes: Jones, Tate, Wright, LeVrier, Edmondson, Murphy, Creighton 8 Nays: None 9 Approved: 7-0 10 Motion carried. 11 12 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06-19-97, tape 1, section #56) 13 14 AGENDA ITEM #12, ZA 97-021, REZONING AND CONCEPT PLAN OF TIMBER LAKE 15 ESTATES: 16 Commissioner Edmondson stated she will vote to table this item this time, but due to the applicant 17 previously tabling four(4) times and simply not appearing at one (1) meeting, she will not support 18 another request to table. Commissioner Edmondson also reminded City staff that the City Attorney 19 indicated the property owners within 200' of this property should be notified again. 20 21 Motion was made to table ZA 97-021 to continue the Public Hearing to the July 17, 1997, Regular 0 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. 24 Motion: Tate 25 Second: Murphy 26 Ayes: Jones, Tate, Wright, LeVrier, Edmondson, Murphy, Creighton 27 Nays: None 28 Approved: 7-0 29 Motion carried. 30 31 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06-19-97, tape 1, section#135) 32 33 AGENDA ITEM #14, ZA 97-062, PLAT REVISION FOR THE PROPOSED LOT 3R-1. J.G. 34 ALLEN NO. 18 ADDITION: 35 Motion was made to table ZA97-062 and to continue the Public Hearing to the July 17, 1997, 36 Regular Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. 37 38 Motion: Murphy 39 Second: Tate 40 Ayes: Jones, Tate, Wright, LeVrier, Edmondson, Murphy, Creighton 41 Nays: None 42 Approved: 7-0 4 Motion carried. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 19, 1997 Page 2 of 9 , UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P & Z COMMISSION 0 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06-19-97, tape 1, section#156) 3 AGENDA ITEM #4, ZA 97-072, FINAL PLAT FOR KIRKWOOD HOLLOW, PHASE I, AND 4 AGENDA ITEM #5, ZA 97-073, FINAL PLAT FOR SOUTH HOLLOW, PHASE II: 5 These items were on consent agenda and were approved with one motion. 6 7 Motion was made to approve ZA 97-072 subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated June 13, 8 1997, and ZA97-073 subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated June 13, 1997. 9 10 Motion: Murphy 11 Second: Tate 12 Ayes: Jones, Tate, Wright, LeVrier, Edmondson, Murphy, Creighton 13 Nays: None 14 Approved: 7-0 15 Motion carried. 16 17 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06-19-97, tape 1, section#196) 18 19 AGENDA ITEM #6, 97-055, REZONING: 20 Planner Chris Carpenter informed the Commission that this request is for a Zoning Change on 21 property legally described as approximately 5.63 acres situated in the Thomas Easter Survey, 0 Abstract No. 474, being a portion of Tract 5. The property is located approximately 200' east of the 2400 Block of Crooked Lane. The current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. The requested 24 zoning is "0-1" Office District. The Land Use Category is Industrial. The owner and applicant is 25 Ken Smith. Nine(9)notices were sent to the incorrect property owners and resulted in no responses 26 being received. A second notification occurred in which six(6)notices were sent to property owners 27 within the 200' notification area, and three (3) responses have been received in which all were 28 opposed.. 29 30 John Levitt, J. E. Levitt Engineers, 726 Commerce Street, Southlake, Texas, presented this item to 31 the Commission. Mr. Levitt stated that he agrees to the 20' bufferyard and the 6' wood fence as 32 agreed to in the previous meeting. 33 34 Commissioner Jones asked Mr. Levitt what he intends to do to meet the 8' screening requirement, 35 and Mr. Levitt stated that he will commit to planting evergreen trees, such as pines and cedars. 36 37 Commissioner Creighton asked Mr. Levitt if he would be willing to build a masonry fence instead 38 of a wood fence, and he stated that due to the time it has taken to rezone this property and the money 39 involved, he cannot commit to a masonry fence at this time. Mr. Levitt stated that they are 40 considering the possibility of rezoning this property to "S-P-2" (which was their previous request) 41 and will work with the neighbors regarding the type of fencing sometime in the future. 42 ' Chairman Wright opened the public hearing. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 19, 1997 Page 3 of 9 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P& Z COMMISSION 41111 Lowell Morrison, 710 Whispering Woods Circle, Southlake, Texas, stated that he preferred the previous "S-P-2" zoning application due to the building setback requirements and the fencing 3 requirements. He stated that he would offer to pay for a portion of a masonry fence if Mr. Smith 4 would be willing to build a masonry fence. 5 6 Bobby Struempler, 700 Whispering Woods Circle, Southlake, Texas, asked if the applicant will be 7 responsible for the maintenance of the wood fence, and Chairman Wright confirmed that to be true. 8 Mr. Struempler stated that he would like to see a larger bufferyard required. Mr. Struempler stated 9 that he would rather see the "0-1" zoning on this property than the "S-P-2" with "I-1" uses. 10 11 Commissioner Edmondson asked if there would be some compromise that would appeal to both the 12 applicant and the residents. such as a masonry/wood combination. Mr. Levitt stated that they cannot 13 do that at this time. 14 15 Ken Schaffer stated that he prefers the "0-1" zoning in lieu of the "S-P-2" zoning. He asked the 16 Commission to clarify the bufferyard requirements along the back of his property. 17 18 Chairman Wright closed the public hearing. 19 20 Vice-Chairman Murphy stated that on the Preliminary Plat, it shows a 20' bufferyard along the entire 21 west boundary up to Crooked Lane, and Mr. Levitt stated that he agrees to a 20' bufferyard. 0 Commissioner Creighton stated,that, in the City Council meeting on the office property to the north, 24 Mr. Levitt agreed to build residential-style office buildings with pitched roofs which she feels will 25 be more conducive to maintaining the property values for the residents along Whispering Woods. 26 She is also glad that the applicant agreed to place a 20' bufferyard with evergreen trees all the way 27 up to Crooked Lane. 28 29 Motion was made to approve ZA97-055, requiring a 20' bufferyard on the west property line with 30 a 6' wood fence with a mixture of pines and cedars for an 8' screening device. 31 32 Motion: Tate 33 Second: Murphy 34 Ayes: Jones, Tate. Wright, LeVrier, Edmondson, Murphy, Creighton 35 Nays: None 36 Approved: 7-0 37 Motion carried. 38 39 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06-19-97, tape 1, section #1188) 40 41 Chairman Wright stated to Mr. Levitt that since there are some neighbors who would like to see a 42 masonry fence and are willing to help pay for it, he would like to see him accommodate the ODneighbors if at all possible. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 19, 1997 Page 4 of 9 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP& Z COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM#7,ZA 97-067, PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR STONECREST BUSINESS PARK: - Planner Chris Carpenter informed the Commission that this request is for a Preliminary Plat for 3 Stonecrest Business Park, being legally described as approximately 43.69 acres situated in the 4 Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, and being Tracts 5, 5A, 1 1A, and 11B. This plat proposes 5 twenty-four(24) lots. The property is located on the east side of Crooked Lane and approximately 6 560' south of the intersection East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and Crooked Lane. The 7 current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District, "I-1" Light Industrial District, and "0-1" Office 8 District. The Land Use Category is Industrial. The owners and applicants are Ken and Darla 9 Smith. Fourteen (14) written notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification 10 area, and three (3) responses were received which were opposed and four (4) responses have been 11 received of which one (1) was in favor and three (3) were opposed. 12 13 John Levitt, J. E. Levitt Engineers, 726 Commerce Street, Southlake, Texas, presented this item to 14 the Commission. 15 16 Vice-Chairman Murphy asked if the City of Grapevine has agreed to the allow the southern road 17 connection into Grapevine. Mr. Levitt stated that neither the City of Grapevine nor Trammell Crow 18 Company have yet agreed to allow the street as shown on this plat. Mr. Levitt asked that the 19 Commission approve a south exit from this property, either as shown or further to the west into the 20 City of Southlake. 21 0 Commissioner Edmondson stated her concern about industrial truck traffic having access to Crooked Lane. Mr. Levitt stated that he would prohibit any truck traffic to Crooked Lane via Graphics Drive 24 by possibly creating an ordinance. 25 26 Commissioner Edmondson stated that she noticed in the City Council meeting minutes that Mr. 27 Levitt acknowledged that the office buildings would be residential-style with pitched roofs, and Mr. 28 Levitt agreed to that requirement 29 30 Chairman Wright opened the public hearing. 31 32 Pam Morrison, 710 Whispering Woods, Southlake, Texas, stated that she does not have a problem 33 with the south connection as shown, but she would be very concerned about the connection being 34 moved further west which would be closer to her home. 35 36 Chairman Wright closed the public hearing. 37 38 Commissioner Creighton stated her extreme concern regarding the increased volume of traffic 39 generated by this property. She stated that it is already very difficult to commute in the morning and 40 in the evening by way of Southlake Boulevard. 41 42 Chairman Wright stated that the opening of this property to Commerce Business Park, which opens 0 to Commerce Street and will open to Highway 26, will provide some relief. He stated that he believes the truck traffic will use Highway 26 instead of Southlake Boulevard. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 19, 1997 Page 5 of 9 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P & Z COMMISSION 0 Motion was made to approve ZA97-067, subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated June 13, 1997, stating that the Commission's preference is for the southern connection to go through the 3 Trammell Crow property into the City of Grapevine and clarifying that there will only be one (1) 4 southern exit. 5 6 Motion: Murphy 7 Second: Jones 8 Ayes: Jones, Tate, Wright, LeVrier, Murphy 9 Nays: Edmondson, Creighton 10 Approved: 5-2 11 Motion carried. 12 13 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06-19-97, tape 1, section#2284) 14 15 AGENDA ITEM #13, ZA97-061, SITE PLAN OF SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST 16 EDUCATION BUILDING: 17 Planner Chris Carpenter informed the Commission that this request is for a Site Plan of the proposed 18 Lot 3R-1,J. G. Allen No. 18 Addition on property legally described as Lot 3R, J. G. Allen No. 18 19 Addition,an addition to the City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas,according to the plat recorded 20 in Cabinet A, Slide 2174, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2, 21 Brock Addition, an Addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat isrecorded in Volume 388-44, Page 40, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, save and except the portion awarded to the State of Texas by Agreed Judgement entered in Cause No. 153-127796-90, 24 a certified copy of which is recorded in Volume 11284, Page 1121, Deed Records, Tarrant County, 25 Texas. The property is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Brock Drive and West 26 Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). The current zoning is "CS" Community Service District. The 27 Land Use Category is Low Density Residential and Public/Semi-Public. The Corridor 28 Recommendation is Residential. The owner is Southlake Church of Christ. The applicant is Larry 29 D. Stone. Eleven(11)written notices were sent to property owners within the 200'notification area, 30 and no responses have been received. 31 32 Larry Foxworth (Cone-Foxworth Architects) 6112 McCart Avenue, Suite 104, Fort Worth, Texas, 33 presented this item to the Commission. He stated that he has no problems with any of the Staff 34 Comments. 35 36 Chairman Wright asked Mr. Foxworth if he intends to meet the articulation requirements, and Mr. 37 Foxworth stated that he will meet the requirements. 38 39 Commissioner Edmondson stated that she is very hesitant to sign off on the articulation without 40 seeing it first. 41 42 Commissioner LeVrier asked the applicant if he intends to submit more detailed articulation exhibits • to City Council. Mr. Foxworth stated that he has never worked with the City of Southlake before Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 19, 1997 Page 6 of 9 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP& Z COMMISSION 0 and that he tried to address the requirements as best he could. Mr. Foxworth stated that he will definitely meet the requirements, though. 3 4 Commissioner Tate stated that the Commission frequently approves cases without seeing all of the 5 requirements met in the Staff Comments,and that if the applicant says he will meet the requirements, 6 then the Commission expects him (the applicant) to meet the requirements. Commissioner Tate 7 stated that he does not have a problem with this scenario. 8 9 Commissioner LeVrier suggested that the applicant provide more detailed elevations to present to 10 City Council, and Mr. Foxworth stated that he will do that. 11 12 Commissioner Edmondson stated that she feels that the applicant should return to the Commission 13 in two (2) weeks with more detailed elevations. 14 15 Commissioner Jones thanked the applicant for the detail on all of the other items he provided to the 16 Commission. Commissioner Jones stated that he understands that the applicant has not worked with 17 the City of Southlake before and did not know which bases to cover, but he wanted to let the 18 applicant know how much he appreciated the work. 19 20 Chairman Wright opened the public hearing. 21 0 Wayne Haney (SPIN#15 Representative) 400 Brock, Southlake, Texas, stated that he sees this as a continuation of the plan that all of the neighbors have watched develop all along; it is just one more 24 step. He said that he has spoken to several of the neighbors and no one seems to have any problems 25 with the plan. 26 27 Vice-Chairman Murphy asked Mr. Haney if he and the neighbors feel that the initial drainage 28 problems have been addressed, and Mr. Haney stated that the general consensus is that they have 29 been addressed. 30 31 Chairman Wright closed the public hearing. 32 33 Vice-Chairman Murphy stated that this plan shows about 100 parking spaces too many and asked 34 City staff how many are needed. Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy stated that it is based on the 35 amount of seating in the sanctuary on a 1:3 ratio. 36 37 Larry Stone (Staff Minister with Southlake Church of Christ) stated that they will continue to 38 function in the existing sanctuary which has a seating capacity of 500. He stated that the church has 39 two (2) services with a class period between the two (2) services. Mr. Stone stated that there is an 40 overlap in the parking. 41 42 Commissioner Creighton asked Mr. Haney if the neighbors are satisfied with the lighting on the tochurch property, and Mr. Haney stated that there are no concerns with lighting. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 19, 1997 Page 7 of 9 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P& Z COMMISSION 9 Vice-Chairman Murphy stated that he would also like to see more detail in the elevations, but he understands that the applicant has agreed to meet all of the requirements. 3 4 Motion was made to approve ZA97-061, subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated June 5 13, 1997. 6 7 Motion: Murphy 8 Second: Tate 9 Ayes: Jones, Tate, Wright, LeVrier, Edmondson, Murphy, Creighton 10 Nays: None 11 Approved: 7-0 12 Motion carried. 13 14 Ms. Gandy put the applicant on notice that he would need to have resubmittals to the city by 15 Monday, June 23, at 5:00 p.m., in order to get in the City Council packet. 16 17 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06-19-97, tape 1, section#3039) 18 19 AGENDA ITEM#15, ZA 97-064, SITE PLAN OF SOUTHRIDGE CENTER, LOT 4, BLOCK 6, 20 SOUTHRIDGE LAKES; 21 ZA 97-065. DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF TIMARRON ADDITION-WYNDSOR CREEK, PHASE 0 II; AND ZA 97-066.PRELIMINARY PLAT OF TIMARRON ADDITION-WYNDSOR CREEK, PHASE 24 II: 25 Motion was made to table ZA97-064,ZA97-065,and ZA97-066,and to continue the Public Hearing 26 on these items to the July 3, 1997, Regular Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. 27 28 Motion: Murphy 29 Second: Tate 30 Ayes: Jones, Tate, Wright, LeVrier, Edmondson, Murphy, Creighton 31 Nays: None 32 Approved: 7-0 33 Motion carried. 34 35 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06-19-97, tape 1, section#3087) 36 37 AGENDA ITEM #16, MEETING ADJOURNMENT: 38 Motion was made to approve the adjournment of the meeting at 8:40 p.m. on June 19, 1997. 39 40 Motion: Murphy 41 Second: Edmondson 42 Ayes: Jones, Tate, Wright, LeVrier, Edmondson, Murphy, Creighton 4r) Nays: None Approved: 7-0 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 19, 1997 Page 8 of 9 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P& Z COMMISSION • Motion carried. 2 3 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06-19-97, tape 1, section#3100) 4 5 6 7 10 Joe Wright 11 Chairman 12 13 14 ATTEST: 15 16 19 Lori A. Farwell 20 Community Development Secretary • Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 19, 1997 Page 9 of 9 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 24, 1997 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tern W. Ralph Evans; Deputy Mayor Pro Tern David Harris. Members: Scott Martin, Gary Fawks, and Wayne Moffat. COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Pamela Muller STAFF PRESENT: Curtis Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Darcey Imm, Assistant to the City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager; Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator; Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance; Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Chris Carpenter, Planner; Deborah Drayovitch, City Attorney; • and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. WORK SESSION: The work session was held to discuss agenda items by Council and staff. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tern W. Ralph Evans. The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Rick Stacy. Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the City Attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials and regarding the deployment on specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devises. Council adjourned into executive session at 6:02 p.m. Council returned to open session at 7:05 p.m. Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session • Motion was made to authorize staff to proceed with condemnation of the following property within REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 PAGE 1 OF 8 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL West Beach Addition, for Bob Jones Park Development Phase I: Block 9, Lots 6 and 18; Block 10, Lots 2, and 19; Block 15, Lots 6, 8, 12, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 35, 44, and 50; Block 16, Lots 7, 8, 25, and 26; Block 17, Lot 3, Bock 20, Lots 1, 3, 8, 18, 21, and 26; Block 21, Lot 19; Block 22, Lots 4, 5, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 39. In West Beach Addition for Bob Jones Park Development, Phase 2, Part 1: Block 1, Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8; Block 3, Lots 3, 34, and 35; Block 4, Lots 2, 9, 18, 19, and 20. Motion: Harris Second: Martin Ayes: Harris, Martin, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #3, Consent Agenda Mayor Stacy read the items on the consent agenda, including: 3-A. Sexual Harassment Policy. 3-B. Agreement between the State of Texas and the City of Southlake for the installation of a • traffic signal at the intersection of Byron Nelson Parkway and F.M. 1709 within the right- of-way of F.M. 1709. 3-C. Resolution No. 97-42, a joint resolution of the City Council and the Carroll Independent School District Board of Trustees establishing a joint committee to develop initiatives for drug and alcohol awareness. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda items #3-A, #3-B, and #3-C, to reflect the resolution as adopted at the CISD Board meeting. Motion: Harris Second: Martin Ayes: Harris, Martin, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS 3-A. Adoption of the Sexual Harassment Policy developed for the City of Southlake. This is one of several policies that will be developed over the next several months to revise and update the Personnel Policies Manual and provide clarification and guidance in areas the policies do not currently address. Prevention is the best tool for the elimination of sexual • harassment. As a result, the EEOC has advised all employers to have and distribute REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 PAGE 2 OF 8 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL sexual harassment policies. This policy covers and protects all City employees (regular and temporary), elected officials and volunteers. The policy defines and prohibits sexual harassment and prohibits the condoning or perpetuating of such conduct. Additionally, this policy provides a process for reporting and resolving complaints of sexual harassment and complaints of condoning sexual harassment. Direct reprisal or retaliation, or the encouragement of retaliation is disallowed. 3-B. Agreement between the State of Texas and the City of Southlake for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Byron Nelson Parkway and F.M. 1709 within the right- of-way of F.M. 1709. In the Developer Agreement, Timarron agreed to pay the cost of engineering for the referenced traffic signal. In addition, an amended Developer Agreement provides for the City to share in 50% of the installation cost, up to a maximum of $40,000. Timarron agreed to pay the difference in cost. Carter & Burgess, Inc. performed the traffic warrant studies and prepared the engineering plans for this project. The State of Texas approved the studies and plans. Bids have been requested and are scheduled to be opened on June 25, 1997. 3-C. Resolution No. 97-42, A joint resolution of the City Council and Carroll Independent School District Board of Trustees establishing a joint committee to develop initiatives for 410 drug and alcohol awareness. The committee shall be composed of: three (3) members of the City Council, appointed by the City Council; three (3) members of the School Board, appointed by the School Board; Two (2) members of the community at large, appointed by the City Council; two (2) members of the community at large, appointed by the Carroll ISD Board of Trustees; two (2) youth members appointed by the Southlake Youth Action Commission. The committee shall serve for the period necessary to develop its recommendations, but not longer than twelve (12) months without further action by the City Council and Carroll ISD Board of Trustees. Agenda Item #4, Public Forum Sue McKean, 3007 Lake Drive, Southlake. Ms. McKean came before Council and read into the record a letter written and submitted to Council of June 24, 1997. The letter is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Ms. McKean asked the City Council to place in the city's budget funds for the reconstruction of Lake Drive and Burney Lane (east of Carroll Avenue to Lonesome Dove Road). Ms. McKean stated she has been a resident of Southlake for over sixteen (16) years and has talked with City officials on numerous occasions about the problems in her area with regard to lack of street maintenance and water runoff problems. She asked the Mayor and Councilmembers for a letter from the City outlining the proposed completion dates for the Lake Drive project, including pavement, stable base material, storm drainage, increased street width and street lights. • REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 PAGE 3 OF 8 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Curtis Hawk, City Manager responded to Ms. McKean by stating for the record that he has only been here for eight and one-half years and cannot speak regarding what happened prior to that. He added, during his tenure, neither Lake Drive or Burney Lane have been in the budget. In our current budget this year, the City Council did approve the projects for funding in next year's budget. Those two streets are on the approved budget list, but until this past year, when we were developing the budget for the current operating year, those two projects have never been high enough on the priority list of neighborhood streets to warrant the funding. The City has only been building neighborhood streets for about four (4) years now. The first neighborhood street was Post Oak Trail (in 1992), next was Jellico Circle (in 1994) and we have added one neighborhood street each year. The budget we are working on now, is the first time we have had a very aggressive program on trying to go out and identify the neighborhood streets and try to do those. As a matter of record, in our Capitol Improvement Plan for major streets, we have a ten (10) year plan that has identified $30 million dollars in streets the city needs to do. The reason we had that delay on this street section is because the sewer line will be coming down Lake Drive. We did not feel we should re surface the street this year, and then next year, when the sewer was available, tear the street up and install the sewer. The street has a 50' right-of-way; it is not the IIIwidest street in town but it is adequate width. The letter we are sending to the McKean's will explain to them the budget document and what we think our time table is. They need to realize that it will be the latter part of next year before actual construction starts, and by August 1998 the sewer line and pavement will be done. We need to ask the neighborhood for easements for this line. Once that gets done, the neighborhood will have the opportunity to have sewer if they want it. We will be getting letters out to the neighborhoods explaining this process. Mr. Hawk told Ms. McKean that she will have the letter the latter part of this week, or the first part of next week. Mayor Stacy stated anytime someone spits out an answer to you, you need to question it. The City has good intentions, but there is always unforseen delays. When this happens, it holds up the entire community. He stated when she gets the letter from the City, hold on to it and hold us to it! • Curtis Hawk, City Manager, introduced Yukiko Yamazaki, from our Sister City, Toyoma, Japan, stating she will be visiting the City for about ninety days and will be doing some things for the City to enhance our Sister City relationship. Now, she is putting together a home page in Japanese. Mayor Stacy informed the Council and audience of the ground-breaking of the Timarron Village • Center which will be held on Thursday, June 26, 1997 at 10:30 a.m. on Byron Nelson Parkway REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 PAGE 4 OF 8 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL at F.M. 1709. The public is invited to attend. Agenda Item #5-A, ZA 96-162, Concept Plan for Telesupport East Campus ZA 96-162, Concept Plan for Telesupport East Campus, being legally described as Lot 25R1, Block 1, Woodland Heights Addition, as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1681, P.R.T.C.T. and being approximately 2.070 acres. Current zoning is "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial District. Owner: Roy C. Lee. Applicant: G. Phillip Morley. SPIN Neighborhood #8. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted this item was tabled at the request of the applicant until this date. The applicant has met all requirements in the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated January 3, 1997, Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated May 16, 1997, and Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3 dated May 30, 1997, with the exception of those requirements in the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4 dated June 20, 1997. Ms. Gandy noted, for the audience, that the property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of F.M. 1709 at Westwood Drive. Jim Munday, applicant, 805 Patricia, Sherman. Mr. Munday stated they have done an S engineering study to add the additional lane, as suggested by the City Council. Councilmember David Harris asked Mr. Munday if they will share the money they had planned to spend on the curb-cut ($18,000) and the City will pay for anything above the amount needed for the third lane on Westwood. Greg Last, Director of Community Development, stated there will be a site plan and a developer agreement at a later date on this development. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were received during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 96-162, pursuant to the Staff Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4 dated June 20, 1997; deleting item#1 and accepting the revised configuration of Westwood Drive; adding the restrictive island limiting the left-in onto the northern most service access drive to the Telesupport site; recognizing the applicant has agreed to verify the cost in the range of $17,000-$18,000 and expend the funds to widen and make the modification to Westwood Drive, and the City's additional commitment to absorb any other costs above that amount. Motion: Martin Second: Harris Ayes: Martin, Harris, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None • Approved: 6-0 vote REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 PAGE 5 OF 8 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item #6-A, Ordinance No. 678, 1st reading Annexation of Solana Ordinance No. 678, 1st reading, An ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, annexing the hereinafter more particularly described territory generally described as an area comprising approximately 480 acres abutting State Highway 114, known as "Solana", and an area comprising approximately 27 acres abutting that property to the City of Southlake, Texas, and extending the boundary limits of said City so as to include said territory within said City limits and granting to all owners of property all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and binding said owners and other persons within the annexed area by all the Acts, Ordinances, and regulations of said City; approving a service plan for such territory; providing a severability clause; and providing for an effective date. Curtis Hawk stated this is a continuation item from June 17, 1997. On May 8, Council initiated the process to annex Solana and on May 27, 1997 Council passed the second reading of Ordinance No. 676. With that action the City accomplished the annexation of Solana into the jurisdictional boundaries of Southlake. This action tonight with the passing of Ordinance No. 678, 1st reading, will be taking a step that is procedural for the City of Southlake because we have already annexed Solana. SThe applicants, MaguireThomas/IBM, were present tonight to answer questions for Council, however, no comments were made. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 678, 1st reading. Motion: Harris Second: Martin Mayor Rick Stacy read the caption of the ordinance. Ayes: Harris, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Martin, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-A, Resolution No. 97-43, Setting a Public Hearing on the Creation of Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated Resolution No. 97-43 is presented to Council for consideration to place in motion the steps necessary to create a Reinvestment Zone or Tax Increment Financing District. Chapter 311 of the Tax Code required that a city give 60 days notice to the overlapping entities before approval of a Reinvestment Zone by ordinance. June 24, 1997 is the date to consider the resolution that would set the August 26 public hearing date. Upon approval of Resolution No. 97-43, by the Council, the City will distribute copies of the resolutio n along with the Preliminary Financing and Project Plan to the overlapping taxing entities: Carroll S Independent School District, Tarrant County, Tarrant County Junior College District and Tarrant 'REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 PAGE 6 OF 8 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL County Hospital District. These entities then would designate a representative within 15 days to meet with the City. During the following 45 day period, the City would meet with entities to make a formal presentation about the Reinvestment Zone. Jim Sabonis, First Southwest Corporation, the City's financial advisor was present to make a presentation and answer questions of Council with regard to the creation of the Reinvestment Zone. According to Mr. Sabonis, the City of Southlake proposes to establish a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone for the purpose of dedicating the tax revenue generated within the zone to a comprehensive infrastructure and facility development plan. The TIRZ is specifically defined by metes and bounds, which consists of approximately 646 acres in an area bounded by East Highland Street, North Kimball Avenue, East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and North Carroll Avenue. The City is creating this zone to encourage quality commercial development along the Highway 114 corridor. The area is primarily undeveloped and the City intends to capture the anticipated incremental tax revenue increase to apply to targeted public improvement projects that benefit all the overlapping taxing jurisdictions. With the creation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone, property tax revenues in excess of the current appraised taxable value will be used to finance S public improvements within the TIRZ Zone. The TIRZ will exist for the next twenty years or the date when all project costs are paid and the debt is retired, whichever comes first. A copy of the Proposed Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Preliminary Proj ect and Financing Plan dated June 24, 1997 is available for inspection in the Office of the City Secretary. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 97-43, as presented. Motion: Martin Second: Harris Ayes: Martin, Harris, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #9-A Discussion: Placing Boards and Commission lists on the web site. It was noted this item was discussed during the work session tonight, therefore, no discussion was held during the Regular City Council meeting. S REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 PAGE 7 OF 8 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES---NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item #10, Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. by Mayor Rick Stacy Mayor Rick Stacy ATTEST: • Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary d:\wp-files\cc\6-24-97\min\sl • REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUKE 24, 1997 PAGE 8 OF 8 3007 Lake Drive ,� • Southlake,Texas 76092-2956 June 23, 1997 1 J U N 2 4V 159;7 � Southlake City Council , By ‘ V.V3 Ares-e Southlake,Texas 76092 Gentlemen: I come before the council as a resident of this city since March, 1981. I am requesting that you place in the city budget and fund reconstruction of Lake Drive and Burney Lane (East of Carroll Avenue to Lonesome Dove Road). I have made numerous inquiries during these sixteen years about the plans for this reconstruction. The initial response was 1986 then delayed to 1990, when city sewer was to be extended to our neighborhood. To this date,the city sewer has not been extended, nor is it planned. Most residents on the east side of Lake Drive have provided their own increased capacity to private septic systems. With the addition of Lonesome Dove Estates, the watershed has increased causing Burney Lane to hold large pools of runoff, to become flooded, and cover the entire road surface. These conditions are caused due to a lack of proper drainage or storm sewers as required for the southern part of Lonesome Dove Estates. As a result of inattention and lack of street maintenance allowing water to penetrate the surface of Lake Drive,the base material has deteriorated and is no longer stable. This street is unable to bear the weight of by—weekly trash service, construction and delivery vehicles, or our district's school buses. The road width is unable to accommodate oncoming traffic. One vehicle always has to retreat to the right—of—way in order to pass. The presence of brick Smailbox standards increases the hazardous condition, not to mention the deteriorated road surface. Our health conscious society has generated neighborhood walking,jogging,and cycling for both adults and children during all hours ranging from early morning to late evening. Presently,there are seventeen children that play within our neighborhood. Currently, we do not have any street lights to assist increased visibility and safety for pedestrians during hours of darkness. I was told by previous councilman, Michael Richarme that the Lake Drive project was approved for the budget in 1994, and then reapproved and funded in 1995. Since 1995, I have had numerous conversations with City Manager Curtis Hawks and Public Works Director Bob Whitehead. While both appear to listen with empathy, neither are willing to commit energy or plans to this project. During April, 1997, Mr. Hawks explained that Burney Lane and Lake Drive would be included in the construction bid for Ridgecrest which was scheduled for completion by October, 1997. Our SPIN leader, Joe Mast, advised that this information was incorrect. Mr. Whitehead stated that there must be an engineering study and a high pressure relief from the Dove Estates sewer station that is to be routed down Lake Drive. On May 3, 1997, Mayor Rick Stacy advised me that he had requested Mr. Hawks and Mr. Whitehead to provide me a letter outlining the plans to include proposed completion dates for he Lake Drive project.To date, I have not received their response or their acknowledgement that this street needs to be replaced and commitment to its completion. Gentlemen, please approve and fund reconstruction of Burney Lane and Lake Drive that will include pavement, stable base material, storm drainage, increased street width and street lights. Once action has been taken on this issue,please direct the city secretary to inform me of your action by letter. Thank you for your consideration. •Sincerely, " - )14 i ettA-e-01/1 Ci 24_2_, ,/ ,--,24 S. Michael McKean Sue E. McKean I GENERAL FUND Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended May 31, 1997 • with Comparative Actual amounts for the period ended May 31, 1996 (fiscal month 8 -66.67%) Revised Percen Actual Percent Mont Year to Date 1996/97 Collected Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES 1996/97 Budget .•- +-• 5/31/96 9/30/96 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes $35,446 $3,270,020 $3,357,212 97.4% $2,768,692 $2,939,869 94.2% Sales Tax 182,384 1,024,005 1,846,000 55.5% 820,405 1,476,709 55.6% Franchise Fees 106,153 795,524 763,397 104.2% 420,322 509,630 82.5% Fines 39,365 295,811 353,600 83.7% 285,778 435,537 65.6% Charges for Services 82,064 210,251 279,850 75.1% 106,778 222,052 48.1% Permits/Fees 193,603 1,516,374 2,249,310 67.4% 1,827,268 2,642,353 69.2% Miscellaneous 24,989 104,881 105,179 99.7% 53,201 115,859 45.9% Interest Income 32.165 124.973 143.000 87.4% 87.047 159.851 54.5% Total Revenues $696,169 $7,341,840 $9,097,548 80.7% $6,369,491 $8,501,860 74.9% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $22,101 $156,506 $263,253 59.5% $140,452 $255,958 54.9% Human Resources 20,432 91,831 128,505 71.5% 0 0 0.0% City Manager 35,098 301,074 480,565 62.7% 262,209 432,524 60.6% Economic Development 7,366 54,921 114,882 47.8% 70,441 110,511 63.7% Support Services 77,606 761.559 1.045.160 72.9% 683,875 981.311 69.7% subtotal-General Govt. Dept. 162,603 1,365,891 ')037,365 67.2% J,156,977 1,780304 65.0% Finance 24,141 283,424 381,591 74.3% 192,475 390,664 49.3% Municipal Court 20,184 150,870 249,514 60.5% 120,847 206,602 58.5% Municipal Court-Teen Court 2.092 26.594 52.206 50.9% 25.475 38.212 66.7% subtotal-Finance Dept. 46,417 460,888 683311 67.4% 338,797 635,478 53.3% Fire 104,590 718,386 1,452,264 49.5% 533,401 901,925 59.1% Police 183,206 1,424,990 2,188,966 65.1% 787,383 1,389,060 56.7% Public Safety Support 74,160 621,607 935.952 66.4% 518,919 835.717 62.1% subtotal-Public Safety Dept. 361,956 ? 764.983 4,577.187 60.4% 1,839,703 3_1 76.701 58.8% Building 29,680 297,595 511,928 58.1% 225,398 351,228 64.2% Streets/Drainage 65,053 466,127 896,918 52.0% 469,288 871,038 53.9% Public Works Administration 79.312 422,639 754,678 56.0% 240.356 360.338 66.7% subtotal-Public Works Dept. J74,045 1,186.361 2,163_524 54.8% 935 047 1_582,604 59.1% Parks and Recreation Dept. 54 098 571,414 995,861 52.4% 283,087 623974 45.4% Community Development Dept. 37 216 301,109 537,157 56.1% 271,666 417,495 53.1% Total Expenditures S831 335 $6 600 646 $10 989 40Q 60.1% $4 775 77? $8 166.557 58.5% Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures ($135,166 $741,194 ($1,891,852) $1,594,219 $335,303 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND (USES) Proceeds from C.O. Sale(net) $5,019 $838,504 $920,000 $0 $88,107 Transfer In-Other Funds 0 0 633,000 594,607 594,607 Transfer to Infrastructure 0 0 0 (377.288) (377.287) Total Other Sources/(Uses) $5,019 $838,504 $1,553,000 $217,319 $305,427 • Excess (deficiency) of Revenues/other sources over Exp. I $1 579 698 iS338.8521 $1 811.538 $640 730 FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $2,326,534 $2,326,534 $1,689,294 $1,689,294 Change in reserved fund balance $0 $0 ($3,490) ($3,490) ENDING FUND BALANCE $3 906 73? $1 987 68? $3 497 34? $?. 32JS 534 fund balance percentage 18 1% 2,13-12. I y-i 06/27/97 page 1 FS597.WK4 w a WATER AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended April 30, 1997 and April 30, 1996 • (fiscal month 7-58.33%) Revised Percen Actual Percent Mon Year to Date 1996-97 Collected Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES • . • 1996-97 Budget .•• +• _ 4/30/96 9/30/96 Expended Water Sales-residential $132,598 $1,953,038 $4,250,000 46.0% $2,292,377 $4,379,575 52.3% Water Sales-commercial 17,467 330,709 475,000 69.6% 311,163 576,519 54.0% Sewer Sales 45,713 483,418 590,000 81.9% 422,673 680,936 62.1% Sanitation Sales 25,227 326,340 508,000 64.2% 294,337 448,336 65.7% Other utility charges 32,241 252,241 359,000 70.3% 304,449 439,275 69.3% Miscellaneous 2,028 43,493 85,900 50.6% 93,767 168,453 55.7% Interest Income 9..01.1 54.548 68.750 79.3% 67.912 102.729 66.1% Total Revenues $264,287 $3,443,787 $6,336,650 54.3% $3,786,678 $6,795,823 55.7% EXPENSES Water $252,335 $1,958,861 $3,922,642 49.9% $1,638,105 $3,539,021 46.3% Sewer 112,693 592,999 744,873 79.6% 1,066,388 533,178 200.0% Sanitation 37,159 253,975 483,000 52.6% 224,422 393,855 57.0% Debt Service- Revenue Bonds 69.809 1.024.620 1.448,048 70.8% 115,361 1.835.341 6.3% Total Expenses $471,996 $3,830,455 $6,598,563 58.0% $3,044,276 $6,301,395 48.3% Excess (deficiency)of Revenue over Expenses _.-4 a' ($386,668) ($261 913) $742,402 $494.42R OTHER FINANCING • SOURCES AND (USES) Transfer In-Other Funds $58,181 $465,447 $698,170 $245,253 $367,879 Transfer Out-Other Funds 4 4 (633,000) (751.180) (1.555.556) Total Other Sources/(Uses) $58,181 $465,447 $65,170 ($505,927) ($1,187,677) Excess (deficiency) of Revenues and other sources over Expenses ' •' .: $78 779 L$196 7431 $736 475 J$693./49) S 1- 06/27/97 page 2 FS597.WK4 w f CITYOF SOUTHLAKE SALES TAX REVENUES 1996-97 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $1.846.000 $1.176 582 $669.418 36.26% FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc i YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc 4110NTH i 92/93 -Dec 93/94 -Dec 1 94/95 -Dec 95/96 -Dec 96-97 -Dec October $50,956 9.0% $99,408 95.1% $89,951 -9.5% $128,689 43.1% $161,892 25.8% November1 42,126 50.8% $50,623 20.2% $52,099 2.9% $111,917 114.8% $135,367 21.0% )December 33,850 1.7% $70,155 107.3%j $67,243 -4.2% $103,975 54.6% $115,084 10.7% , January 67,713 69.2% $106,541 57.3%1 $95,687 -10.2% $140,362 46.7% $198,873 41.7% February 39,351 -1.9% $57,839 47.0% $68,015 17.6% $95,269 40.1% $125,671 31.9% March 44,176 17.8% $59,378 34.4%1 $56,600 -4.7% $103,163 82.3% $104,733 1.5% April 68,664 19.3% $87,438 27.3% r $88,212 0.9% $137,030 55.3% $182,384 33.1% May 54,623 33.2% $58,291 6.7% $81,109 39.1% $109,371 34.8% $152,577 39.5% 'first month of 1'2 cent sales tax June 52,027 20.7% $59,577 14.5% $83,253 39.7% $112,317 34.9% $0 July 80,567 56.9% $94,157 16.9% ! $135,187 43.6% $179,803 33.0% $0 i August 48,290 0.9% $58,980 22.1% j $109,584 85.8% $132,367 20.8% $0 i Septembe i 54.395 27.3% $75.228 38.3% $106.563 41.7% $122.445 14.9% $Q TOTAL $636,738 24.8% $877,615 37.8% ' $1,033,502 17.8% $1,476,708 42.9% $1,176,582 26.5% III SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1996-97 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $923.000 $588 291 $334.709 36 26% 1 FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc MONTH ' 92/93 -Dec 93/94 -Dec 94/95 -Dec 95/96 -Dec 96-97 -Dec October $0 0.0% $0 n/a $44,975 n/a $64,344 43.1% $80,946 25.8% November 0 0.0% 0 n/a I 26,049 n/a 55,958 114.8% 67,684 21.0% December 0 0.0% 0 n/a 33,622 n/a 51,987 54.6% 57,542 10.7% 1 January 0 0.0% 0 n/a 47,843 n/a 70,181 46.7% 99,437 41.7% February 0 0.0% 0 n/a 1 34,007 n/a 47,635 40.1% 62,836 31.9% March 0 0.0% 0 n/a 28,300 n/a 51,581 82.3% 52,366 1.5% April 0 0.0% 0 n/a 44,106 n/a 68,515 55.3% 91,192 33.1% May 0 0.0% 29,145 n/a 40,554 39.1% 54,686 34.8% 76,289 39.5% June 0 0.0% 29,788 n/a 41,627 39.7% 56,159 34.9% July 0 0.0% 47,079 n/a I 67,593 43.6% 89,901 33.0% st 0 0.0% 29,490 n/a 54,792 85.8% 66,184 20.8% Ilk embe Q 0.0% 37.614 n/a 53.282 41.7% 61.223 14.9% TOTAL $0 0.0% $173,116 n/a $516,751 198.5% $738,354 42.9% $588,291 26.5% y-3 06/27/97 SLTX97-2.WK4 a CITYOF SOUTHLAKE Sales Tax Analysis FY1996-97 • Actual Budget Actual Estimated (est-budg) % Month 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 Difference Change October $128,689 $151,853 $161,892 $161,892 $10,039 6.61% November $111,917 $132,062 $135,367 $135,367 $3,305 2.50% December $103,975 $122,691 $115,084 $115,084 ($7,606) -6.20% January $140,362 $165,627 $198,873 $198,873 $33,246 20.07% February $95,269 $112,417 $125,671 $125,671 $13,254 11.79% March $103,163 $121,732 $104,733 $104,733 ($16,999) -13.96% April $137,030 $161,695 $182,384 $182,384 $20,689 12.79% May $109,371 $129,058 $152,577 $152,577 $23,519 18.22% June $112,317 $132,534 $0 $132,534 $0 0.00% July $179,803 $212,168 $0 $212,168 $0 0.00% August $132,367 $206,193 $0 $206,193 $0 0.00% September $122.445 $197.970 $ $197.970 $ 0.00% Total $1,476,708 $1,846,000 $1,176,582 $1,925,446 $79,445 4.30% % Increase 25.01% 30.39% Southlake Parks Development Corporation 1/2 cent sales tax Actual Budget Actual Estimated (est-budg) Month 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 Difference Change October $64,345 $75,927 $80,946 $80,946 $5,019 6.61% • November $55,959 $66,031 $67,684 $67,684 $1,652 2.50% December $51,988 $61,345 $57,542 $57,542 ($3,803) -6.20% January $70,181 $82,814 $99,437 $99,437 $16,623 20.07% February $47,635 $56,209 $62,836 $62,836 $6,627 11.79% March $51,582 $60,866 $52,366 $52,366 ($8,500) -13.96% April $68,515 $80,848 $91,192 $91,192 $10,344 12.79% May $54,686 $64,529 $76,289 $76,289 $11,760 18.22% June $56,159 $66,267 $0 $66,267 $0 0.00% July $89,902 $106,084 $0 $106,084 $0 0.00% August $66,184 $103,097 $0 $103,097 $0 0.00% September $61.223 $98.985 $ $98.985 $ 0.00% Total $738,354 $923,000 $588,291 $962,723 $39,723 4.30% % Increase 25.01% 30.39% budget for FY1996-97 assumes an 18%increase over actual estimated FY1995-96 collections plus$150,000 for August and September for Home Depot(1-1/2 cent total). • 06/27/97 SLTX97-2.WK4 p City of Southlake,Texas 4111 REGULAR PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 3. 1997 LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers of City Hall EXECUTIVE SESSION: 6:00 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. 1. Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to seek the advice of the City Attorney. 2. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session. WORK SESSION: 6:30 P.M. TO 7:00 P.M. 1. Discussion of all items on tonight's meeting agenda. REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting of June 19, 1997. S3. Administrative Comments. REGULAR AGENDA: 4. Consider: ZA 97-074, REZONING on property described as approximately 485 acres, known as Solana and situated in the U. P. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1015; T.W. Mann Survey, Abstract No. 1107; the J.B. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1134; the C.M. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1510; the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1958, Tarrant County, Texas; William Pea Survey, Abstract No. 2025, Tarrant County, Texas, the same being Abstract No. 1045, Denton County, Texas; and the J. Henry Survey, Abstract No. 724, Tarrant County,Texas,the same being Abstract No. 528, Denton County, Texas. Location: South and West of State Highway No. 114, East of Precinct Line Road , and North of the Town of Westlake. Current Zoning: "AG" Agricultural District. Requested Zoning: "NR-PUD"Non-Residential Planned Unit Development for a Mixed Use Business Complex, known as Solana, to include the following uses: "0-2" Office District, "C-3" General Commercial District, "B-1" Business Service Park District, "CS" Community Service District and"HC" Hotel District. Owners: International Business Machines Corporation ("IBM"), Maguire/Thomas Partners-Westlake/Southlake Partnership, Maguire Partners- Westlake Partnership, and MTP-IBM Phases II & III Joint Venture. • Public Hearing. 4 - City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM • June 27, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Ron Harper, City Engineer SUBJECT: Award of bid for traffic signal at Byron Nelson Parkway and F.M. 1709 BACKGROUND The Developer Agreement for Timarron Village Phase "I" made provisions for the cost sharing of a traffic signal at Byron Nelson Parkway and F.M. 1709. Timarron agreed to pay the cost of engineering for the traffic signal and the City agreed to share 50% of the installation cost, up to a maximum of $40,000.00. Timarron agrees to pay the difference in cost. Traffic warrant studies and engineering plans have been prepared for this project, S which have been approved by the State of Texas. Council approved an agreement between the State and the City during the June 24, 1997, Regular City Council Meeting, for the installation of the traffic signal. Advertisement was published on June 8 and June 15, 1997. Bids were publicly opened and read aloud on June 25, 1997. BID TABULATION Below are the bids that were received for this project: CONTRACTOR BASE BID Sharrock Electrical $68,957.09 Traffic Signals, Inc. (Sig-Op) $69,269.40 FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT Funds were appropriated in the FY96-97 Budget for the installation of a traffic signal at Byron Nelson Parkway and F.M. 1709. As stated above, Timarron will share 50% of this cost. This will place the City's cost at $34,478.55. 0 5A-1 Curtis E. Hawk Bid Award • June 27, 1997 0 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council award the bid for the installation of a traffic signal at Byron Nelson and F.M. 1709 to low bidder Sharrock Electrical in the amount of $68,957.09. Please place this on the July 1, 1997, Regular City Council Agenda for Coun it view and consideration. i CRE/ D:\Word Files\Streets\Trafficsignals\bnelsonsignalmem.doc S S 5 A-2 Agenda Item #5-B Resolution No. 97-45, Extending the Service Station Moratorium This item will be disseminated during the Council Work Session on Tuesday. City of Southlake, Texas • MEMORANDUM June 27, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to Execute Change Order No. 1 to the Engineering and Land Acquisition Services Agreement between Espey, Huston and Associates, Inc. and the City of Southlake BACKGROUND In November of 1994, the City of Southlake entered into an agreement with Espey, Huston and Associates (EHA), Inc. for engineering and land acquisition services pertaining to the construction of the Denton Creek Pressure System (DCPS)— the sanitary sewer interceptor-force main which serves the north side of Southlake. EHA agreed to provide professional services for the acquisition of easement right-of-ways for twelve (12) parcels, for the acquisition of one fee simple pump station site, and preparation of documents to obtain licenses and permits for up to ten (10) utility crossings, among other services. DISCUSSION EHA has requested a change order in the amount of $32,000.00 to cover the cost of the following acquisitions: 1. Eighteen (18) additional easements 2. One (1) additional fee simple parcel 3. Twenty-two (22) additional permits and licenses for utility crossings The EHA project manager, Keith Jackson, P.E., states in a letter that these additional acquisitions have taken more time than originally expected. He further states: "Over the design period of this project several things changed which significantly impacted the scope of work outlined in the contract. The project was broken into four phases: the pump station, and Sections I, II and III of the pressure system, which required separate permitting and licensing from the various municipalities and franchise utilities involved. The contract anticipated permits and licenses for ten (10) crossings; to • date EH&A has acquired thirty-two (32) permits and licenses. The 5C-I Curtis E. Hawk Change Order No. I June 27, 1997 • Page 2 contract also anticipated acquisition of twelve (12) easements and one (1) fee simple parcel; to date EH&A has acquired thirty (30) easements and two (2) fee simple parcels. Acquiring these permits and easements has taken significantly more time and effort." The original agreement sets the cost of basic service at $61,000.00. This additional amount will raise the total to $93,000.00. Public Works staff concurs that this work was completed and the scope of the project was changed over time as various phases were built. FUNDING IMPACT Southlake has an agreement with EHA for the engineering and land acquisition. We entered this contract because the Trinity River Authority's land office was overloaded with projects and could not prioritize our project. At the same time the City entered into an agreement with TRA to fund the engineering and land acquisition through the TRA bonds sold for the City. This change order is eligible to be reimbursed to Southlake from TRA with funds that are available in the bond account. RECOMMENDATION • Staff recommends that Change Order No. 1 to the Engineering and Land Acquisition Services Agreement between Espy, Huston and Associates, Inc. and the City of Southlake be approved and placed on the July 1, 1997, Regular City Council Meeting for City Council consideration. BW/cre Attachments: Letter from Keith Jackson, P.E., dated December 26, 1996 Letter from Keith Jackson, P.E., dated January 27, 1997 EHA invoice no. 701911 Engineering and Land Acquisition Services Agreement D:\Word Files\Projects\Changeorders\espychorder#1.doc 110 5C-2 fittritit-h . Huston & Associates, Inc. 'a Engineering & Environmental Consultants Ur Pu_. December 26, 1996 Mr. Bob Whitehead Director of Public Works City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Subject: Change Order to the Engineering and Land Acquisition Services Agreement between Espey, Huston& Associates, Inc. and the City of Southlake Dear Bob, On November 15, 1994 Espey, Huston &Associates, Inc. (EH&A) entered into a contract with the City of Southlake for engineering and land acquisition services for the Denton Creek Pressure System Phase III. According to the contract EH&A was responsible for providing, among other services, professional services for the acquisition of easement right-of-way for twelve(12) parcels and one (1) fee simple acquisition for the pump station. In addition to acquiring the easements EH&A was to prepare the documents required for the acquisition of permits and licenses for up to ten (10) utility crossings along the sewer alignment. S Due to changes in the scope of the project EH&A has incurred costs significantly above those projected at the beginning of the project. EH&A is requesting a change order in the amount of$32,000 for the acquisition of eighteen (18) additional easements and one(1) additional fee simple parcel; and the acquisition of twenty-two (22) additional permits and licenses. Over the design period of this project several things changed which significantly impacted the scope of work outlined in the contract. The project was broken into four phases: the pump station, and Sections I, II and III of the pressure system, which required separate permitting and licensing from the various municipalities and franchise utilities involved. The contract anticipated permits and licenses for ten (10) crossings; to date EH&A has acquired thirty-two (32) permits and licenses. The contract also anticipated acquisition of twelve (12) easements and one(1) fee simple parcel; to date EH&A has acquired thirty (30) easements and two (2) fee simple parcels. Acquiring these permits and easements has taken significantly more time and effort. Bob, I am hard pressed to explain why the contract only anticipated acquisition of twelve (12) easements, when in fact the alignment has required acquisition of thirty (30) parcels. I can only suggest two possible reasons: that over the design period the alignment in certain areas changed, which may have increased the number of parcels involved; and that the original number may have been assumed rather than researched in the deed records. In contracts with TRA it is fairly typical to assume twelve parcels at the contract stage and adjust the contract if additional easements are required. Since this was a TRA project I would assume that this is how the number was derived. Please call me if you have any questions or if you need to discuss this further. Sincerely, S _ _ _ - -- Keith Jackson, P.E. Project Manager 5C-3 13800 Montfort Drive. Suite 230 • Dallas, Texas 75240-4347 (214) 387-0771 TEL • (2141 387-9714 FAX Iiiiii.-Shill% r-- — -.- - - .---1 y, Huston & Associates, Inc. JAN ) 8 Ise? Engineering & Environmental Consultants OF_„ ^ ^ DEPT. I-U.,t_,C i,c,,,✓.,s January 27, 1997 Mr. Bob Whitehead Director of Public Works City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Subject: Change Order to the Engineering and Land Acquisition Services Agreement between Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc. and the City of Southlake- Subconsultant Fees Paid to Date Dear Bob, In response to your request to provide supporting documentation for the proposed change order to the contract between Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc. (EH&A) and the City of Southlake for engineering and land acquisition services for the Denton Creek Pressure System Phase III, enclosed are copies of the invoices from our subconsultants; Cheatham & Associates (Cheatham) and Right of Way Acquisition Consultants (ROWAC). The agreements with our subconsultants mirrored our agreement with the City of Southlake, i.e. provide, among other services, professional services for the acquisition of easement right-of-way for twelve (12) parcels and one (1) fee simple acquisition for the pump station. In addition to acquiring the easements EH&A was to prepare the S documents required for the acquisition of permits and licenses for up to ten (10) utility crossings along the sewer alignment. As we have previously discussed, this scope changed significantly over the course of the project. The project was broken into four phases: the pump station, and Sections I, II and III of the pressure system, which required separate permitting and licensing from the various municipalities and franchise utilities involved. The contract anticipated permits and licenses for ten (10) crossings; to date EH&A has acquired thirty-two (32) permits and licenses. The contract also anticipated acquisition of twelve (12)easements and one (1) fee simple parcel: to date EH&A has acquired thirty (30) easements and two (2) fee simple parcels. Acquiring these permits and easements has taken significantly more time and effort. The following is a summary of the invoices EH&A has received from Cheatham and ROWAC: Cheatham May 31, 1995 95-1756 S4,486.85 September 30, 1995 95-1834 2,556.14 February 29, 1996 96-1956 15,055.25 March 31, 1996 96-1971 S2,815.47 April 30, 1996 96-1997 822.28 June 30, 1996 96-2043 759.73 July 31, 1996 96-2048 2,323.79 October 31,1996 96-3051 429.00 November 30, 1996 96-3085 393.25 January 3, 1997 97-3112 1,016.27 S30,658.03 S 5C-4 13800 Montfort Drive. Suite 230 ■ Dallas, Texas 75240-4347 ._: PA.J:r:C Cc}.!?-` (214) 387-0771 TEL ■ (214) 387-9714 FAX EIk E , Huston & Associates, Inc. January 27, 1997 Mr. Bob Whitehead Proposed Change Order Page 2 ROWAC July 5, 1995 5,265.00 August 30, 1995 276.25 January 24, 1996 7,046.25 february 21, 1996 4,580.00 April 16, 1996 1,317.50 April 24, 1996 9,473.75 May 28, 1996 7,702.50 July 12, 1996 8,706.25 August 27, 1996 2,681.25 S47,048.75 TOTAL $77,706.78 In addition to the extra work by our subconsultants, EH&A staff expended additional time acquiring a number of easements across the Maquire-Thomas property and working with Cheatham and ROWAC. I have enclosed our invoice which details EH&A's time and expenses. Please call me if you have any questions or if you need to discuss this further. • Sincerely, Keith Jackson,-P.E. Project Manager attachments S 5C-5 ESPEY, HUSTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineering & Environmental Consultants °RDP .O . BOX 519 (512) 327-6840 Austin, Texas 78767 FAX (512) 327-2453 �4 • JANUARY 24 , 1997 Invoice No . 701911 Job No. 16235 Terms NET 30 Days CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATTN: ROBERT R. WHITEHEAD 667 NORTH CARROLL AVE. SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 DCPS PHASE III LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES REMITTANCE PAGE TOTAL - Current Invoice : $ 32 , 000 . 00 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ S Remittance Address : Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc . P .O. Box 840275 Dallas TX 75284-0275 ************************************************************************* 410 ** Please return this page with payment ** to ensure prompt and accurate credit ** ** ** ************************************************************************* 5C-6 ESPEY, HUSTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineering & Environmental Consultants III1 *************************************** P .O . BOX 519 Austin, Texas 78767 (512) 327-6840 FAX (512) 327-2453 JANUARY 24 , 1997 Page 1 Invoice No. 701911 Job No. 16235 Terms NET 30 Days CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATTN: ROBERT R. WHITEHEAD 667 NORTH CARROLL AVE . SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 DCPS PHASE III LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES INVOICE SUMMARY (From 05/19/96 to 01/18/97) 01 BASIC SERVICES-LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES $ 32 , 000 . C: TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 32 , 000 . C: TOTAL - Previous Invoices 61 , 000 . 0 TOTAL - Billed to Date $ 93 , 000 . 0 SLess Payments/Credits as of 06/10/96 61, 000 . 0: NEW BALANCE DUE : $ 32 , 000 . C: 110 ********************************************************************** ** Please retain this page for your records ** ** ** ************************************************************************* 5C-7 ESPEY, HUSTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Invoice No . 701911 .ect 16235 - Mgr . KEITH B . JACKSON JANUARY 24 , 1997 PHASE III LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES Page 2 01 BASIC SERVICES-LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES LABOR Costs ASSOCIATE 3892 JACKSON, KEITH B . 2 . 00 105 . 60 ASSOCIATE - TOTAL 2 . 00 105 . 60 CLERICAL SUPPORT 3852 WILLIAMS, TAMMY 1 . 50 25 . 74 3907 HUGHES, CINDY A. 1 . 00 15 . 18 CLERICAL SUPPORT - TOTAL 2 . 50 40 . 92 PROJECT STAFF II 3875 HUGHES, RANDY 8 . 00 208 . 00 PROJECT STAFF II - TOTAL 8 . 00 208 . 00 SENIOR STAFF III 3892 JACKSON, KEITH B . 4 . 00 204 . 60 SENIOR STAFF III - TOTAL 4 . 00 204 . 60 • Total Salary Costs $ 559 . 12 X Contract Multiplier 2 .4000 Labor Costs - Total $ 1, 341 . 89 N ON - LABOR Costs SUBCONTRACTS 04/30/96 SUBCONTRACTS CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 822 . 28 05/28/96 SUBCONTRACTS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION CONS . 7, 702 . 50 06/30/96 SUBCONTRACTS CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 759 . 73 07/12/96 SUBCONTRACTS ROWAC 8 , 706 . 25 07/31/96 SUBCONTRACTS CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 2 , 323 . 79 09/27/96 SUBCONTRACTS ROWAC 2 , 681 . 25 10/31 /96 SUBCONTRACTS CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 429 . 00 11/30/96 SUBCONTRACTS CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 393 . 25 01/03/97 SUBCONTRACTS CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 1 , 016 . 27 Total SUBCONTRACTS 24 , 834 . 32 Total SUBCONTRACTS 24 , 834 . 32 TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE 0_,/31/96 TRANSPORTATION MICHAELSON, KENNETH A. 41 . 23 Total TRANSPORTATION 41 . 23 S 5C-8 ESPEY, HUSTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Invoice No . 701911 Project 16235 - Mgr. KEITH B . JACKSON JANUARY 24 , 1997 DCPS PHASE III LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES Page 3 4111 Sub-Total TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE 41 . 23 Plus Handling Charge 10 . 00% 4 . 12 Total TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE Total Non-Labor Costs $ 24 , 879 . €7 SUB-TOTAL $ 26 , 221 . E INVOICE # 605737 WENT OVER THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT BY $ 8, 781 . 49 . THIS AMOUNT REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM CHARGES WE CAN BILL UNDER THE CURRENT CHANGE ORDER LIMIT OF $ 93 , 000 . 5 , 778 .44 >>> TOTAL DUE $ 32 , 000 . 00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $ 32 , 000 . 0: S • S 5C-9 • OFFICIAL RECORD ENGINEERING AND LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE • • Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc. Engineering & Environmental Consultants 5C-10 • ENGINEERING AND LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OFTARRANT I THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the ,.s-' day of ruv., - , 199 4-, by and between the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, with its principal office at 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas 76092, (hereinafter called "CITY") and the firm of ESPEY, HUSTON &ASSOCIATES, INC., with its principal office at 1 3800 Montfort Drive, Suite 230, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas 75240 (hereinafter called "ENGINEER"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS (hereinafter called "AUTHORITY") owns and operates the Denton Creek Regional Wastewater System (hereinafter called "DCRWS"); and • WHEREAS, the CITY's wastewater flows wiii be conveyed to the DCRWS treatment plant through the Denton Creek Pressure System; and WHEREAS, the AUTHORITY intends to construct an interceptor of the Denton Creek Pressure System, referred to as the Denton Creek Pressure System Phase III (hereinafter called "DCPS Phase III"), to provide service for the CITY; and j WHEREAS, the CITY has entered into an Agreement with the AUTHORITY to acquire I the right-of-way (ROW) required for the DCPS Phase III, (said ROW acquisition hereinafter called "PROJECT"); and i WHEREAS, the CITY desires to obtain services in connection with the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the ENGINEER represents that it is qualified and capable of performing the services proposed herein, is acceptable to the CITY, and is willing to enter into an AGREEMENT with the CITY to perform such services. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants contained 411) herein, the CITY and the ENGINEER agree as follows: EH&A 94-0893 Pape 1 November 1994 5C-11 • ARTICLE I RETAINER The CITY agrees to retain the ENGINEER and the ENGINEER agrees to perform services in connection with the PROJECT. The CITY agrees to pay and the ENGINEER agrees to accept fees as specified hereinafter as full and final compensation for the services authorized and accomplished. ARTICLE II PROFESSIONAL QUALITY ENGINEER shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and coordination of all material (all items collectively hereinafter called "PROJECT DOCUMENTS") and services furnished by the ENGINEER under this AGREEMENT. Approval by the CITY of PROJECT DOCUMENTS, services, and incidental services shall not in any way relieve the ENGINEER of responsibility for the technical accuracy of the services performed. • ARTICLE III PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY The CITY'S review, approval or acceptance of, or payment for any of the services shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this AGREEMENT or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this AGREEMENT, and the ENGINEER shall be and remain liable in accordance with applicable law for all damages to the CITY caused by ENGINEER'S omissions or negligent performance of any of the services furnished under this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE IV BASIC SERVICES ENGINEER agrees to perform BASIC SERVICES in connection with the PROJECT as hereinafter stated, in accordance with the stipulations within this AGREEMENT. The ENGINEER shall perform BASIC SERVICES necessary for the development of the PROJECT as follows: • EH&A 94-0893 Page 2 November 1994 5C-12 • (1 ) Attend up to two (2) meetings for the purpose of planning and discussing land rights acquisition. (2) Contact property owners and tenants of twelve (12) parcels along the sewer line alignment and provide them with information regarding the DCRWS and the PROJECT. (3) Provide professional services for the acquisition of easement right-of-way for twelve (1 2) parcels, including taking part in up to five (5) meetings with each property owner and tenant of the twelve (12) parcels for the purpose of negotiating right-of- way acquisition. (4) Provide professional services for the acquisition of one fee simple pump station site. (5) Prepare land rights documents for review by the CITY prior to acquisition. Standard AUTHORITY land rights documents shall be utilized in each acquisition. Any special conditions to be incorporated into the standard documents shall be subject to prior approval of the CITY. • (6) Provide services including preparation of the documents required for the acquisition of permits and licenses for up to ten (10) utility crossings along the sewer line alignment. (7) Provide services required for acquiring permits and licenses for crossing highways at two (2) separate locations. (8) Provide state-certified appraisal services for twelve (1 2) parcels along the sewer line alignment and one (1 ) pump station site. (9) Provide technical assistance required for the land rights acquisition process excluding expert testimony in any eminent domain litigation. (10) Prepare a list of utilities and property lines crossed by the proposed sewer line and provide sewer line stationing at each crossing for the purpose of site certificate preparation. • EH&A 94-0893 Page 3 November 1994 5C-13 • ARTICLE V SPECIAL SERVICES Various SPECIAL SERVICES incidental to the PROJECT, but not within the scope of the BASIC SERVICES covered by ARTICLE IV preceding, which may be performed or arranged for separately by the CITY, or may be added to the ENGINEER'S responsibilities by mutual agreement and written authorization include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: (1) Coordinate with the law firm engaged by the CITY to handle any necessary eminent domain litigation. (2) Prepare to serve or serve as an expert witness on behalf of the CITY in connection with any public hearings or legal proceedings, including eminent domain litigation. (3) Obtain a title insurance policy for each easement and pump station site insuring good and indefeasible title without exceptions. In the case of a condemned property, obtain a Writ of Possession from a court of law. 410 (4) Prepare documents and/or provide services in excess of those provided for in ARTICLE IV. (5) Provide any other services otherwise excluded in this AGREEMENT but requested by the CITY. ARTICLE VI SERVICES BY THE CITY The CITY and its representatives will render services inclusive of the following: (1 ) Provide available criteria and full information as to the CITY'S requirements for the PROJECT; (2) Assist the ENGINEER by placing at his disposal all available written data pertinent to the PROJECT; • EH&A 94-0893 Page 4 November 1994 5C-14 • (3) Examine documents submitted by the ENGINEER and render a decision pertaining thereto promptly, to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of the ENGINEER'S services; (4) Furnish information required as expeditiously as possible for the orderly progress of the work; (5) The City Manager shall appoint, in writing, a representative that the ENGINEER shall be entitled to rely upon regarding decisions made by the CITY. All subsequent communication to the CITY shall be deemed made when conveyed in writing to the representative at the location specified in ARTICLE XVI, NOTICES; and (6) The services, information, and reports required by this ARTICLE, inclusive, shall be furnished at the CITY'S expense, and the CITY will use its best efforts to apprise the ENGINEER of any inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the information provided. ARTICLE VII COMPENSATION • A. BASIC SERVICES For and in consideration of the BASIC SERVICES set forth in ARTICLE IV, herein, the CITY shall pay and the ENGINEER shall receive compensation for personnel time plus expenses in an amount not to exceed Sixty-One Thousand Dollars ($61 ,000) to be paid as follows: For all the ENGINEER'S personnel time applied to the BASIC SERVICES, compensation shall be based on "Salary Cost" times a multiplier of 2.40, in accordance with Attachment A. "Salary Cost" used herein is defined as the cost of salaries of engineers, draftpersons, stenographers, surveyors, clerks, laborers, etc., for time directly chargeable to the PROJECT plus social security contributions, unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, employment compensation insurance, retirement benefits, medical and insurance benefits, sick leave, vacation, and holiday pay applicable thereto. All direct non-labor expenses, including mileage, travel and lodging expenses, but excluding subcontract expenses, applied to the BASIC SERVICES, shall be paid at invoice or internal office cost plus a ten percent (10%) service charge. Subcontract expenses shall be paid at direct cost. EH&A 94-0893 Page 5 November 1994 5C-15 • B. SPECIAL SERVICES • For and in consideration of the SPECIAL SERVICES set forth in ARTICLE V, herein, the CITY shall pay and the ENGINEER shall receive compensation for personnel time plus expenses in an amount not to exceed Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) to be paid as follows: For all the ENGINEER'S personnel time applied to the SPECIAL SERVICES, compensation shall be based on "Salary Cost" times a multiplier of 2.40, in accordance with Attachment A. "Salary Cost" used herein is defined as the cost of salaries of engineers, draftpersons, stenographers, surveyors, clerks, laborers, etc., for time directly chargeable to the PROJECT plus social security contributions, unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, employment compensation insurance,retirement benefits,medical and insurance benefits,sick leave, vacation, and holiday pay applicable thereto. All direct non-labor expenses, including mileage, travel and lodging expenses, but excluding subcontract expenses, applied to the SPECIAL SERVICES, shall be paid at invoice or internal office cost plus a ten percent (10°A) service charge. Subcontract expenses shall be paid at direct cost. • C. METHOD OF BILLING For services performed by ENGINEER for CITY under the terms of this AGREEMENT, ENGINEER shall submit statements monthly or less frequently reflecting ENGINEER'S requested compensation for that portion of the BASIC SERVICES or SPECIAL SERVICES completed by ENGINEER. Final payment for services authorized shall be due upon completion of these services. Along with each separate request for payment of these services, ENGINEER shall submit to the CITY documentation substantiating all of the actual costs for which ENGINEER has requested compensation, including but not limited to the following: (1 ) The name of each individual performing services and the number of hours associated with each individual's performance or services for the period of time identified with any billing invoice; and (2) A copy of any invoices paid directly by the ENGINEER for any outside services or product which relate to the PROJECT, and which are requested by ENGINEER to be reimbursed by CITY. • EH&A 94-0893 893 Page 6 November 1994 5C-16 • • All records pertaining to services for which payment has been made based upon ENGINEER'S actual costs times a multiplier shall be subject to audit by the CITY in accordance with ARTICLE VIII. ENGINEER may be required to furnish additional records and/or data in addition to the above, as a response to CITY'S auditing process specified in ARTICLE VIII. D. TIME QF PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION Should the CITY fail to make payment to the ENGINEER, the sum named in any partial or final statement, and when payment is past due for more than thirty (30) days, then the CITY shall pay to the ENGINEER, in addition to the sum shown as due by such statement, interest thereon at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum from the date due, as provided herein until fully paid, which shall fully compensate ENGINEER for any injury arising from such delay in payment. However, in the event that the sum shown as due to the ENGINEER by such statement shall be disputed, questioned, or objected to by the CITY, then said rate of eight percent (8%) per annum from the date due shall only apply to that portion or amount of payment which is finally and mutually agreed upon by CITY and ENGINEER to be rightfully due and owing to the ENGINEER. 0 ARTICLE VIII AUDIT OF RECORDS All records of the ENGINEER of a financial or timekeeping basis which have been used to determine the fees earned by the ENGINEER and billed to CITY on the basis of "Salary Cost" times a multiplier shall be open to inspection and subject to audit and/or reproduction by CITY'S agent or its authorized representative to the extent necessary to adequately permit evaluation and verification of cost of the services at the conclusion of the scope of all services i to be performed under this AGREEMENT. The relationship between Direct Salary and Salary Cost has been identified on Attachment A and is not subject to an audit or a redetermination of any kind. In addition, this ARTICLE shall apply to Subcontractors and Direct Purchases only to the extent of invoices received by ENGINEER and evidence of payment for such invoices in the possession of ENGINEER. In its audits, the CITY may require inspection and copying from time to time and at reasonable times and places of any and all information, materials and 111 4_ o EH&A 9 08„3 Page 7 November 1994 5C-17 • Oata of every kind and character that may in CITY'S judgment have any bearing on or pertain o the payments subject to this audit. The CITY or its designee shall be afforded access to all of the ENGINEER'S records pursuant to the provisions of this ARTICLE at the conclusion of the term of the AGREEMENT and for a period of three (3) years after final payment. ARTICLE IX WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION It is understood and agreed that no professional services of any nature shall be undertaken under this AGREEMENT by the ENGINEER until ENGINEER is instructed in writing by the CITY's City Manager or his designated representative to commence with the work. ARTICLE X INSURANCE During the term of this AGREEMENT, ENGINEER shall maintain, and shall require its subcontractors to maintain: (1 ) Adequate pubiic liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage in amounts IIIIIand with carriers satisfactory to CITY; on (2) Workers' compensation coverage all of ENGINEER'S or its subcontractors' employees working on the PROJECT; and (3) Adequate professional liability insurance. ENGINEER also agrees to furnish to CITY, within seven (7) days of CITY'S written request, certificates reflecting ENGINEER'S and its subcontractors' workers' compensation coverage, public liability insurance coverage for bodily injury and property damage, and professional liability insurance coverage. ENGINEER agrees to indemnify and hold CITY harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, or causes of action of whatever nature resulting from or arising out of ENGINEER'S failure to maintain adequate public liability insurance, workers' compensation coverage, or professional liability insurance coverage as required by this AGREEMENT or by law. •EH&A 94-0893 Page 8 November 1994 5C-18 • ARTICLE XI ASSIGNMENT This AGREEMENT shall not be assigned in whole or in part without the written consent of the CITY. The CITY and the ENGINEER each binds itself and its successors and assigns to the other party with respect to all covenants of this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE XII TERMINATION In connection with all the services outlined or contemplated above, it is agreed that the CITY or the ENGINEER may cancel or terminate this AGREEMENT upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other, with the provision and understanding that, unless otherwise set forth in the Notice of Cancellation or Termination, all work and labor being performed under this AGREEMENT shall immediately cease, upon receipt of Notice of Cancellation or Termination from either party to the other, pending final cancellation at the end of such thirty (30) day period, and further provided that the ENGINEER shall be compensated in accordance with the terms of this AGREEMENT for all work accomplished prior to the receipt of notice of such termination. All completed or partially completed PROJECT DOCUMENTS prepared S under this AGREEMENT shall then be delivered to the CITY which it may use without restraint. Ali rights, duties, liabilities, and obligations accrued prior to such termination shall survive termination. ENGINEER shall be liable for any damages suffered by the CITY as a result of ENGINEER'S termination of this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE XIII DOCUMENTS j All PROJECT DOCUMENTS are and shall become the property of the CITY which it may use without restraint. The CITY shall indemnify and hold the ENGINEER harmless for use of the documents for any purpose other than for this PROJECT. The ENGINEER may retain a set of reproducible record copies of documents; however, ENGINEER shall not provide to, or use this work product on behalf of, any person or entity without the express written consent of the CITY. IIIEH&A4-9 0893 Page 9 November 1994 5c-19 • ARTICLE XIV • PRIVATE LAND ENTRY ENGINEER shall not enter any property owned by others on the CITY'S behalf for reasons related to the performance of services under this AGREEMENT until the ENGINEER has secured the landowner's permission to so enter and perform such activities. The ENGINEER agrees to indemnify and hold the CITY harmless from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action of whatever nature resulting from activities on land owned by others. ARTICLE XV INDEMNIFICATION ENGINEER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the CITY and its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all damages, injuries (including death), claims, property damage (including loss of use), losses, demands, suits, judgments, and costs (including reasonable attorneys fees and expenses) which directly arise out of ENGINEER's breech of any of the terms or provisions of this AGREEMENT, or by any negligent act, error or omission of ENGINEER, its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors or subcontractors in the performance of any of the services to be furnished under this AGREEMENT. . • ARTICLE XVI EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES ENGINEER agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, or national origin. ENGINEER agrees to comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and ENGINEER will indemnify and hold the CITY harmless for any failure to so comply and any discrimination for which ENGINEER may be charged. The CITY encourages ENGINEER to provide equal opportunity to disadvantaged business enterprises including minority-owned and female-owned businesses to participate in the performance of this AGREEMENT. • EH&A 94-0893 Page 10 November 1994 5C-20 • ARTICLE XVII • NOTICES All notices and communications under this AGREEMENT to be delivered to the CITY shall be sent to the address of the CITY as follows, unless and until the ENGINEER is otherwise notified: City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Attention: Mr. Robert R. Whitehead Director of Public Works All notices and communications under this AGREEMENT to be delivered to the ENGINEER shall be sent to the address of the ENGINEER as follows, unless and until the CITY is otherwise notified: Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc. 13800 Montfort Drive, Suite 230 Dallas, Texas 75240 • Attention: Mr. Michael R. Burge Project Manager ARTICLE XVIII INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The services performed hereunder by the ENGINEER shall be subject to CITY'S inspection and approval, but the detailed manner and method of doing same shall be under the control of the ENGINEER. In the performance of services hereunder, ENGINEER shall be deemed an independent contractor, and any of its employees performing services required hereunder shall be deemed solely employees of ENGINEER or its subcontractor, and not employees of the CITY. The ENGINEER shall be solely responsible for all acts and omissions of its officers, agents, servants, and employees and the Doctrine of Respondent Superior shall not apply between CITY and the ENGINEER, its officers, agents, servants, and employees. 111 EH&A 94-0893 Page 11 9 November 1994 5C-27 ARTICLE XIX • SUBCONTRACTORS In fulfilling its duties pursuant to this AGREEMENT, it is anticipated that the ENGINEER may subcontract to individuals, corporations, organizations, governments or governmental subdivisions or agencies, partnerships, associations, or other legal entities. Such subcontracts may be entered into only with written approval from the CITY. ARTICLE XX PRIOR AGREEMENTS SUPERSEDED This AGREEMENT constitutes the sole and only Agreement of the parties hereto and supersedes any prior understanding or oral or written Agreements between the parties regarding the subject matter of this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE XXI LEGAL CONSTRUCTION In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this AGREEMENT shall be for • any reason held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof and this AGREEMENT shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. ARTICLE XXII GOVERNING LAW The validity of this AGREEMENT and of any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties hereunder, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. S EH&A 94-0893 Page 12 November 1994 5C-22 • • ARTICLE XXIII PLACE OF PERFORMANCE All amounts due under this AGREEMENT, including damages for its breach, shall be paid in Tarrant County, Texas, said Tarrant County, Texas being the place of performance as agreed to by the parties to this AGREEMENT. In the event that any legal proceeding is brought to enforce this AGREEMENT or any provision hereof, the same shall be brought in Tarrant County, Texas. ARTICLE XXIV 3 REPRESENTATION 1 '• ENGINEER represents that no CITY officer, employee, or agent has been compensated in any way with respect to this AGREEMENT and its consideration by the CITY. In no event will ENGINEER pay a fee to, or in any other manner compensate any CITY officers, employees, or agents in connection with the approval or performance of this AGREEMENT. A breach under this ARTICLE shall result in automatic termination under this AGREEMENT. Upon such termination, the CITY may use all PROJECT DOCUMENTS prepared under this AGREEMENT as provided in ARTICLE XII, TERMINATION, and ENGINEER shall be liable for all damages to •• the CITY occasioned by a termination under this ARTICLE. ARTICLE XXV TERM OF AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT shall be effective upon the date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect until December, 1995, but upon CITY'S determination, may be extended by written agreement. All payments and liabilities accrued prior to termination shall survive the termination. ARTICLE XXVI TIME OF PERFORMANCE ENGINEER shall complete BASIC SERVICES within eight (8) months after receipt of written authorization to proceed. SEH&A 94-0893 Page 13 November 1994 5C-23 ARTICLE XXVII • LAWS AND ORDINANCES ENGINEER shall at all times observe and comply with all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders of any public authority, which in any manner affect this AGREEMENT or the PROJECT. In witness whereof, the parties acting under authority of their respective governing bodies have caused this AGREEMENT to be executed in several counterparts, each of which is deemed to be an original and as of the day and date first written above. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ATTEST: k�� °vI H Lq,�' - I /\ r .ity Secretary * * * (SEAL) ESPEY, HUSTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ram' , --'- j William B. Moriarty, P . Executive Vice President ATTEST: likH&A 94-0893 Page14 November 1994 5C-24 • ATTACHMENT A ESPEY, HUSTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. HOURLY BILLING RATES November, 1994 CATEGORY BILLING RATE RANGES' Principal $120 - $1 50 Project Manager $ 80 - $120 Project Engineer $ 55 - $ 90 Senior Technician $ 40 - $ 65 Technician $ 20 - $ 40 III Clerical $ 20 - $ 55 `The above billing rates are based upon "Salary Cost" times a multiplier of 2.40. As used herein, the term "Salary Cost" shall be established at 1 .32 times "Direct Salary." SEH&A 94-0893 Page 15 November 1994 5C-25 City of Southlake,Texas • MEMORANDUM June 27, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to Enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County and the City of Grapevine for the Reclaiming of Lonesome Dove Avenue, from Dove Street to Meadowmere Park BACKGROUND The City of Southlake recently requested assistance from Tarrant County for reconstruction of streets, with the county agreeing to provide assistance on N. White Chapel Blvd. and Brumlow Ave. Likewise, the City of Grapevine requested county assistance on several streets and the county has agreed to assist them in the reconstruction of Lovesome Dove Ave. As Lonesome Dove Ave. has portions in both jurisdictions, the County is requesting both the City of Southlake and the City of • Grapevine to enter into an interlocal agreement for this street construction. The proposed interlocal agreement will allow the county to reclaim Lonesome Dove Ave., from Dove St. to Meadowmere Park. The City of Grapevine agrees to perform resurfacing of the roadway, including traffic control and all costs of materials. Therefore, there will be no cost to the City of Southlake for improvements to Lonesome Dove Ave. A copy of the agreement has been forwarded to the City Attorney for review. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Mayor be authorized to enter into this interlocal agreement with Tarrant County and the City of Grapevine for the reclaiming of Lonesome Dove Ave., from Dove St. to Meadowmere Park, and this item be placed on the July 1, 1997, Regular City Council Meeting for City Council consideration. CRE/cre Attachments: Interlocal agreement with Tarrant Co. and City of Grapevine 1111 Letter from County Commissioner B. Glen Whitley 5D-1 JiJl'1 J U' IIIU U.YL UV11111 JOLVIIL1-. U. nit_ ILLl l [1,l II'J. Ul JU1 JUVJ l . V 4110 THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS CCUNTY OF TARRANT CONTRACT This Agreement made and entered into this the day of , 1997, by and between the County of Tarrant, acting herein by and through its governing body the Commissioners Court, hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY, and the City of Grapevine and the City of Southlake acting herein by and through its governing body, hereinafter referred to as the CITY of GRAPEVINE AND CITY OP SOUTHLAKE, both of Tarrant County, State of • Texas , witr_esseth: WHEREAS, this Agreement is made under the authority granted by and pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code; and WHEREAS, the party or parties paying for the performance cf governmental functions or services shall make payments therefore from current revenues available to the paying party; and, WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the three parties find that the project or undertaking is necessary for the benefit of the public and that each party has the legal authority to build or maintain the project or to provide such service, and the construction and improvement thereof is in the commcn interest of the parties hereto; and that the division of costs provided for - constitutes adequate consideration to each party; set project being more particularly described as : S 5D-2 J VJY J—J' l 1-1!' U.4C l,UI Il I 1 00 t'JIYLI: li. YJn_ ILL' r rte' rIL'. O l 'JO l JOUJ r. UJ IIIo Reclaim Lonesome Ecve Road from Dove Road to Meadowmere Park_ WF_EREAS, the parties hereto, in order to facilitate the financing and construction of the needed facility, and in order to share the coszs of having said work to be done have agreed to share in the financing of said construction as hereinafter stated in detail . The CITY of GRAPEVINE hereby agrees that the CITY of GRAPEVINE alone is responsible for the engineering, drainage and maintenance of this project . The CITY of GRAPEVINE and the CITY of SOUTHLAKE must notify the COUNTY within thirty days of the completion of this project of any complaint that either CITY has with the project . The CITY of GRAPEVINE recognizes that the COUNTY will rely cn the CITY OF GRAPEVINE to prepare all plans and specifications for the 4111 project. By signature of the CITIES' officials hereto, the CITY of GRAPEVINE and the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE represent to the COUNTY that the project, if properly constructed, will not adversely impact any other person. For and in consideration of the mutual undertaking hereinafter set forth and for adequate consideration given, the parties agree as follows: 1 . The COUNTY agrees to reclaim Lonesome Dove Road from Ecve Road to Meadowmere. Park 2 . The CITY of GRAPEVINE and the CITY of SOUTHLAKE both agree that they desire that the COUNTY reclaim Lonesome Dove Road, from Dove Rd. to Meadowmere Park, portions of which lie in the corporate city limits of each jurisdiction. 4111 5D-3 V VII J V II IV V TJ VVlll if UUl\'IILI• `J. MI. ILL I I I ICI I IV, L'L JIJ I J'J VJ I . V'7 • 3 . The COUNTY agrees to provide all labor and equipment necessary for the reclamation of the roadway. 4 . The CITY of GRAPEVINE agrees to perform all other work necessary for the reconstruction and resurfacing of the roadway. 5 . The CITY of GRAPEVINE agrees to pay for the actual cost of the materials used to reconstruct the roadway. 6 . The CITY of GRAPEVINE agrees to provide water necessary for the reclamation of the roadway. 7 . The CITY of GRAPEVINE agrees it will be responsible for traffic control on this project. This responsibility includes all construction signage, barricades and flagmen necessary to control traffic in and around the 4110 construction site. By enuring into this Agreement the parties do not create any obligations expressed or implied other than those set forth herein and this Contract shall not create any rights in parties not signatories hereto. The parties tc this Agreement do not intend by this Agreement that any specific third party may obtain a right by virtue of the execution or performance of :his Agreement . The CITY of GRAPEVINE and the CITY of SCUTHLA E agree that the COUNTY is relying on both CITIES for notice of when to proceed with this project , but this Agreement does not require the County to do this project within any particular time frame . This Agreement shall terminate automatically upon happening of • 5D-4 • IIIany of the following events : 1 . The completion_ of the improvement provided for herein or; 2 . At the end of one (1) year from date herein, unless renewed by both parties in writing. CITY OF GRAPEVINE Authorized City Official ATTEST: CITY of GRAPEVINE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Authorized City Official 4110 ATTEST: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TAF.RANT COUNTY: TOM VANDERGRI:F County Judge ATTEST: TARRANT COUNTY • GLEN WRIT= County Commissioner Precinct Three APPROVAL: District Attorneys Office • 50-5 iLL� MAY _ cI99i €( I ; SEC?ETART TARRANT COUNTY „.1 , 1;ORT11EAST !JB-COURTHOUSE , 11 6-15 GRAPEV1 NE H101fWAV,SUITE 6 i HURST.TEXAS 76054 t iS17,531-36<X) .6A41 12; FAX i8171 5S1-360'1 B. GLEN WHITLEY COUNTY CO: ?tSSTO ER - — PREONCT NO.3 - got.). Post-Pr Fax Nate 671 To Mint I from iltAAMP May 20, 1997 rrcam,(/{ (�/�.J Pnooer Far" `c� J?V'1 1 Fax • Honorable Mayor Rick Stacy City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Mayor Stacy: • I received Southiake's letter of request for county assistance on street work and have completed a schedule of work for fiscal year '98 . Precinct 3's schedule is very full in light of needed county road maintenance and numerous requests for assistance from our precinct three cities. As you can imagine, the requests for assistance exceeds the amount we will be able to provide. We have determined that we will be able to assist in the reconstruction of the follow ing, : O Bruatlow Ave. from Continental Blvd. to S.H. 26, and o N. White Chapel Blvd. from E. Dove Street to County Line Work for the City of Southlake has been tentatively scheduled to begin in February; adjustments in the schedule to an earlier date may need to be made if other county projects are delayed. Under the County's cooperative purchasing program, materials may be purchased by the city directly from the vendor at the county's contract prices, if desired. My staff will be in contact with the city's staff regarding the estimated cost for the materials for the project, before the preparation of the interlocal agreement. S 5D-6 We appreciate the opportunity to work with you in this cooperative • effort and look forward to a productive year. Yours truly, B. Glen Whitley County Commissioner Precinct 3 cc: Curtis Hawk, City Manager • • 5a7 TJTAL F'.EL City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 27, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Second Reading, Ordinance No. 480-Y, Personal Care Facilities Attached is the latest draft of Ordinance No. 480-Y which attempts to address some of the concerns raised by Councilpersons during the last meeting. Section 1 No changes were made to this section of the ordinance. Section 2 This section was changed significantly to provide the Council three(3)approval options: 1)"personal care facilities" only, 2) "personal care facilities with ancillary housing units (such as, zero-lot-line-type or clustered development)"and 3) "personal care facilities with ancillary housing units(such as, independent suites)." You will note that each of these options encourage adjacency to certain categories of uses. Also, based on the general consensus of the Council,this specific use permit will now be permitted in all zoning districts, except"AG," to provide the greatest flexibility in siting. Section 3 This section was changed to enhance the General Criteria when reviewing these specific use permit applications. You will note that reference to certain major thoroughfares and arterials has been deleted to again allow the Council flexibility when approving these locations. At the Mayor's request,the specificity was removed from the ancillary uses; such as, the square footage of snack bars, beauty and barber shops, etc. The exhibits now required for approval mirror the Corridor Overlay Zone requirements (whether the request in actually on the corridors or not). On the issue of lot area and maximum density, you will note the change to read as follows: "...shall be determined after an analysis of the location, the site design, and the impact and compatibility with adjacent land uses." Should you have questions regarding any of the proposed changes, please contact me at(817) 481-5581, extension 743. /U"- KPG A.\480Y-MEM.7 • ORDINANCE NO. 480-Y AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.480,AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; AMENDING CERTAIN DEFINITIONS; AMENDING THE SPECIFIC USE PERMITS SECTION BY ADDING PERSONAL CARE FACILITIES;ADDING CERTAIN REGULATIONS FOR PERSONAL CARE FACILITIES; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City of Southlake,Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and • WHEREAS, the city has adopted Ordinance No. 480, as amended, as the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the city; and WHEREAS, the city council has determined that it is appropriate and in the best interests of the city to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of its residents by amending Ordinance No. 480 as provided herein; and WHEREAS, the city council has determined that for the protection of residents living in personal care facilities, the minimum standards shall be those standards set forth in the Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247 and administered by the Texas Department of Human Services; and WHEREAS, the city council has given published notice and held public hearings with respect to the amendment of the zoning ordinance as required by law. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY • OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: A.\480Y-7 ORD 1 A - aZ i 1 1 1 , 'I I i 1 I � . L i ,, ,, L 1 1 ri I ' ' k ' it' . ' ''‘, Lk o 111\4 4\1%q' 1 Illi iiks wr 4"141111" \''1 \4\\k-- ktlii, Athttikild Otdtntnce No,4$0,as amended,is hereby added to read as follows: • A.`480Y-7 ORD 2 . f • SECTION 1. Section 4, "Definitions," of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is hereby amended by adding definitions for"Housing Unit," "Impervious Coverage," and "Personal Care Facility," by deleting the current definition of "Open Space" and by adding the new definition of"Open Space" thereto: Housing Unit- A room or group of rooms used by one or more individuals living separately from others in the structure, with direct access to the outside or to a public hall and shall contain separate bathroom facilities and may contain separate kitchen facilities. Impervious Coverage -the combined area occupied by all principal and accessory buildings, structures, and paved parking, sidewalks, and driveway areas. Open Space - an area of a lot either left in a natural state or receiving permeable vegetative landscape treatment (e.g., ponds and lakes, either natural or manmade, and water features, grass, shrubs, flowers, trees, ground cover, etc.). Personal Care Facility - an establishment that furnishes, in one or more facilities, food and shelter to four or more persons who are unrelated to the proprietor of the • establishment; and provides personal care services; and in addition, provides minor treatment under the direction and supervision of the resident's attending physician licensed by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners, or services which meet some need beyond basic provision of food, shelter, and laundry. Incidental uses and/or services may include protective supervision, personal care, social and recreational services, transportation services, private or common kitchen/dining facilities, so long as such services are provided to residents only." SECTION 2. Section 45.1 (38),"Specific Use Permits"of Ordinance No.480,as amended, is hereby added to read as follows: • A.`480Y•7 ORD 2 • "39. Personal care facilities, are encouraged to be C 1,C 2 ALL,excluding AG located within walking distance of shopping areas, medical offices, civic centers, public parks, religious facilities, and other related facilities or may be located in transitional areas adjacent to low and medium density residential developments when compatible and shall be subject to the requirements set forth in Section 45.9 of this ordinance. Personal care facilities with ancillary housing units (such as, zero-lot-line-type or clustered development) for senior adult independent living purposes [up to, but not exceeding forty percent (40%) of the total permitted housing units], are encouraged to be located within walking distance of shopping areas, medical offices,civic centers, public parks,religious facilities,and other related facilities or may be located in transitional areas adjacent to medium density residential developments when compatible and shall be subject to the requirements set forth in Section 45.9 of this ordinance. Personal care facilities with ancillary housing • units(such as, independent suites)for senior adult independent living purposes [up to, but not exceeding forty percent (40%) of the total permitted housing units], are encouraged to be located within walking distance of shopping areas, medical offices, civic centers, public parks, religious facilities,and other related facilities and shall be subject to the requirements set forth in Section 45.9 of this ordinance. The City Council may only permit the construction of these housing units for senior adults (age 62 and over) for independent living purposes when offered in conjunction with on-site personal care facilities or when personal care services are contracted through home health care agencies licensed by the State of Texas. In the case of double occupancy of a unit, only one resident is required to be at least 62 years of age. • A.`430Y-7 ORD 3 II/ SECTION 3. Section 45.9, "SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONAL CARE FACILITIES," of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is hereby added to read as follows: General Criteria • Approval of personal care facilities and any ancillary housing units shall be city's Master Thoroughfare Plan: freeway, principal arterial, arterial or collector. This requirement is based upon an analysis of the location, the site layout and design features, the adequacy of water, sewer, and other public improvements necessary to support the site, the assurance that the adjoining streets can handle higher volumes of traffic during peak hours of traffic loading without a requirement to divert traffic onto traditional residential streets and the compatibility of the construction with adjacent land uses. • Personal care facilities shall meet all applicable city codes. • Personal care facilities shall meet the licensing requirements of the Texas Department of Human Services. Required Amenities • In an effort to maintain a comfortable lifestyle for the residents and for the convenience of the employees and the residents' guests,the following amenities shall be required: Cafeteria and/or dining room,housekeeping service; furnish or provide transportation to local facilities that provide a library, game room, and exercise room. Permitted Amenities In an effort to enhance the residents' quality of life, certain other special facilities and services for residents, employees and guests are encouraged(e.g., chapel, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, home theater, arts and crafts facilities, greenhouse, and related uses). Permitted Ancillary Uses The following ancillary uses shall be permitted by right to provide on-site goods and services for residents and their guests, but are not intended for use by the general public: • Snack bar " • Beauty or barber shop or a maximum of 450 square fee ems; • Convenience retail shop • tttnit3 to provide for the sale of food items, non-prescription drugs, small household items, and gifts. • Pharmacy for resident use only. A:\480Y•7 ORD 4 `A-S • • • Medical treatment services for resident use only (e.g., medical clinic, physical therapy services, inhalation therapy, and other related uses). Concept Plan and Site Plan Required Any applicant seeking this permit without zoning already in place, must submit with their zoning application a Concept Plan which meets the requirements of Section 41 or a Site Plan which meets the requirements of Section 40 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 480 as amended. Properties which are already zoned at the effective date of this ordinance shall submit a Concept Plan or Site Plan meeting the above requirements prior to the submittal of a building permit request. A Site Plan must be approved by Council prior to the issuance of a building permit. All Concept Plans and Site Plans may only be approved by the City Council after a recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with the same notice and hearing requirements for zoning changes as set forth in Section 46 of Ordinance 480, as amended. In addition to the requirements set forth i•- S etio ^' of`hi3 ord nancc above, the applicant shall also provide: • A letter describing the facility's services,amenities,and ancillary uses(e.g., level of daily patient care, housekeeping, recreational, and support services available, and the percentage of housing units by type and the site's gross density),the type of proposed building(s). including the type of facade and the number of stories, • and the proposed number of occupants and service personnel; • A floor plan and list of intended uses and the percentage of total floor area that each use will occupy. Development Regulations The following standards and regulations shall apply unless a more stringent standard is required by the underlying zoning district or the Corridor Overlay Zone (in which case, the more stringent regulation shall apply): • Height: When located within one hundred (100) feet of property zoned as single family residential or designated as low or medium density residential on the citv's land use plan: No building or structure shall exceed one (1) story, nor shall it exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height if located When located more than 100' from property zoned as single family residential or designated as low or medium density residential on the city's land use plan: Buildings and structures shall be governed by the height regulations of the underlying zoning district. • Front Yard: There shall be a minimum front yard setback of not less than • thirty (30) feet, except where the lot abuts property zoned as single-family residential or designated as low or medium density A.\480Y-7 ORD 5 • • residential on the city's land use plan, there shall be a minimum front yard setback of not less than forty (40) feet. • Side Yard: There shall be a minimum side yard setback of not less than thirty (30) feet, except where the lot abuts property zoned as single- family residential or designated as low or medium density residential on the city's land use plan, there shall be a minimum side yard setback of not less than one hundred (100) feet. • Rear Yard: There shall be a minimum rear yard setback of not less than forty (40) feet, except where the lot abuts property zoned as single- family residential or designated as low or medium density residential on the city's land use plan, there shall be a minimum rear yard setback of not less than one hundred (100) feet. • Maximum All buildings or structures shall have a maximum lot coverage not Lot Coverage: exceeding fifty (50) percent of the lot area. • Lot Area: The minimum lot area shall be t- hund-ca thousa_d eight hundred (217,800) square fcct, being five acres. determined after an analysis of the location, the site design, and • the impact and compatibility with adjacent land uses. • Floor Area: Each housing unit shall have a minimum floor area based on the unit type: • 350 s.f. for efficiency unit • 450 s.f. for one-bedroom unit • 550 s.f. for two-bedroom unit • Maximum The maximum number of housing units per acre shall be twelve (12) Density: provided at least twenty (20) percent of the lot area is devoted to open space. determined after an analysis of the location,the site design, and the impact and compatibility with adjacent land uses. • Impervious The maximum impervious coverage shall not exceed seventy(70)percent Coverage: of the total lot area. • Bufferyards: Bufferyards shall be required in accordance with the underlying zoning district and corridor overlay zone bufferyard requirements. • Interior Interior landscaping shall be required in accordance with the current Landscaping landscaping ordinance and corridor overlay zone requirements. • Area: • Parking: Ten (10) spaces plus 1.5 spaces per each 3 beds. aw80Y-7 ORD 6 P1' • Licensing • Every Personal Care Facility shall be licensed by the Texas Department of Human Services as required by the Personal Care Facility Licensing Act, Section 247.021, Tex. Health and Safety Code, V.T.C.A. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas,except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, • sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 6. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys,omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. S SECTION 7. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all A.'A80Y-7.ORD 7 • violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning yard regulations which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 8. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. SECTION 9. SThe City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance or its caption and penalty in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after final passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. S A:ASOY-7.oRD 8 a • PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1997. MAYOR • ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY • A!A80Y-7 ORD ts, 9 •J • MEMORANDUM June 26, 1997 TO: Mayor Stacy and City Council Members Curtis Hawk, City Manager FROM: Senior Advisory Commission SUBJECT: Recommendations Regarding Personal Care Facilities Ordinance No. 480-Y At the City Council meeting on June 17, 1997, your Senior Advisory Commission was requested to give input and recommendations to guide your decision on accepting or rejecting proposed Ordinance 480-Y which provides that Personal Care Facilities may be constructed within the City of Southlake under very restrictive circumstances. Members of our Commission, met on two occasions including a special meeting on June 26, 1997 with a quorum present, and offer the following regarding Ordinance 480-Y: 1. Assisted Care/Independent Living: The Senior Advisory Commission recommends the ordinance include both Assisted Care and Independent Living. One failure of Ordinance • 480-Y is that it is too restrictive. It should have included provisions for independent living housing units in the facility as well as personal care "assisted living" units. Many of the newer facilities are referred to as "Assisted Living" centers, but include a broader interpretation of "Assisted" than used on "Personal Care." Most facilities being constructed today include both independent living units and assisted care units. Very few facilities are limited only to assisted care living. It is important for the city to allow for independent living to give senior citizens who cannot maintain their home and property a place to live. Many couples come to the point in their lives where they need assistance for only one member. Facilities restricted to "Assisted Care" only may not allow the healthy spouse to live with the spouse in need of assistance. The combination of an Assisted Care/Independent Living facility is necessary to allow the healthy spouse to live in the facility in order to remain a family. Many couples which to move from a single family residence, while both are still physically and mentally able, know that the day that the need for assistance is in the near future, if not imminent. A central dining room in a facility offers quality meal preparation and menus that an elderly independent living couple or single person might not otherwise provide themselves due to required effort of preparation. Housekeeping and cleanliness are also some of the housing unit services that an elderly couple or single person might otherwise not give sufficient attention to due to the required effort necessary. • Senior Advisory Commission Recommendations to City Council • Page 2 2. Zoning: The zoning for an Assisted Care/Independent Living Facility should fit easily into the category for hospitals, churches, schools, country clubs, community centers, etc. 3. Density & Lot Area Requirement: The Senior Advisory Commission believes very strongly that the Development and Regulation requirement of five (5) acres with a minimum of twelve (12) units per acre is too restrictive in Ordinance 480-Y. We recommend not defining minimum acreage and units per acre in the ordinance. This will allow the city officials to determine the appropriateness of a facility on a case-by-case basis. The five acre minimum requirement is not necessary. A nice facility in the right location may be appropriate on a lot of three (3) or four (4) acres. If there is a need to have a minimum acre requirement, the City Council should consider allowing the facility to build more than 12 units per acre particularly with multi-story facilities. The cost per living unit for residents is materially affected. A 120 living unit facility will have considerably lower rental costs per living unit than a 60 unit facility on the same lot. Developers will pass on the costs to the residents, resulting in fixed income seniors being unable to live in facilities with less units per acre. 4. Floor Area Requirements: As defined in Ordinance 480-Y, the Senior Advisory S Commission agrees with the floor area requirements. The size of the housing units is appropriate for both independent living and assisted care living. 5. Open Space: The open space requirement identified in Ordinance 480-Y can be modified based on the location of the facility. City officials should review this on a case-by-case basis for open space requirements to be determined by the adjacent property. If the facility is located next to a park, open flood-plain property, on a large tract like the Solana Complex, the requirements for the open space on the facility's lot should be less stringent. We do support a 20% open space requirement if the facility is not located next to a large "open space" area. 6. Height Regulations: The Senior Advisory Commission recommends changing the height limitations of Ordinance 480-Y to a three (3) story facility if located beyond 100 feet from property zoned as residential. An Assisted Care/Independent Living Facility is also a residential living facility. Many current residences in the City of Southlake are equal to three (3) stories in height with the tall steep pitch roofing. Ordinance 480-Y's buffer yard and open space requirements are sufficient for the separation from residences to allow for increasing the height requirements. 7. Location: Some members of the Senior Advisory Commission have visited other area Assisted Care/Independent Living Facilities and some have worked at such facilities. IIIThese facilities are typically located off major thoroughfares including the following: the Retirement Inn and Oak Park facilities in Fort Worth, the new Sherwood Gardens in Senior Advisory Commission Recommendations to City Council Page 3 • Bedford and the new facility under consideration in Grapevine on highway 121. Allowing the facility to locate in the city limits of Southlake is more important to the Senior Advisory Commission than the actual location of the facility in relationship to residential and commercial properties and major thoroughfares. We would not recommend locating in an industrial zoned area. 8. Use of Amenities: The Senior Advisory Commission recommends not limiting the use of amenities in the facility to resident's only. Ordinance 480-Y (in Section 1) defines the Personal Care Facility's "incidental uses and/or services, may include protective supervision, personal care, social and recreational services, transportation services, private or common kitchen/dining facilities, 'so long as such services are provided to residents only." We recommend omitting the last phrase 'so long as such services are provided to residents only' to allow for seniors in the facility to have visitors and guests. As written, this conflicts with Section 3 "Required and Permitted Amenities." We feel residents should be allowed to have guests in the dining room or their housing units and if space allows, guests or other area senior citizens should be allowed to participate in recreation programs (i.e.: swimming, games, health, exercise, etc.) offered by the facility, perhaps for a fee, if the facility owners are agreeable. Communication and interaction with other area seniors not living in the facility is a healthy rewarding activity. • We trust our input, rationale, and recommendations will be helpful to the City Council. The Senior Advisory Commission is unanimous in its opinion that Southlake needs Independent/Assisted Living Facilities for senior citizens. Seniors need an opportunity to stay close to families and friends, doctors and dentists, remain somewhat independent, and not be a burden on living arrangements and schedules of children and grandchildren when the aging of their mind and body demands supervision of others. Independent/Assisted living facilities will provide this opportunity and provide an earned quality of life for Southlake Senior Citizens. Thank you for requesting our input and considering our recommendations. Respectfully Submitted, The Senior Advisory Commission Chai n, Dick Johnston • cc: Senior Advisory Commission Members ompany plans assisted*ing in center in Grapevineg BY ANDREW BACKOVER Cl units, is scheduled to open in Sep- and 25 more that are under devel- £ Star-Telegram Staff Writer GRAPEVINE tember adjacent to a recently opment,Cambron said. GRAPEVINE — A growing a opened senior health care center The Atria development in need for senior citizen housing in k'esej,oe®F operated by Baylor Health Care Grapevine would feature studio, Tarrant County has prompted a i 0 System. one-bedroom and two-bedroom Atria Communities to plan a 90- i� The local market for assisted- units with kitchens. The center unit assisted-living facility at the ` Assisted-living living facilities is driven by the would have a social room, a corn- northeast corner of Texas 121 and , center planned e9.9. large population of aging resi- mon dining area for residents who Hall-Johnson Road. �' .eaa�. dents, an increasing number of, are unable or choose not to cook, "There's a need for it, and the Hall-Johnson � io` H senior citizens who are moving to and off-site transportation. The , community would support it," -- the area to be closer to their chil- facility would have walking areas, said Barbara Cambron, vice presi- 'w ` Hall-Johnson dren,and seniors who want to live and nutrition and exercise ro- dent of marketing for Louisville, �%`�o-"' independently yet need occasional grams. P Ky.-based Atria, which has pro- 6- i..-e>; Hughes ,j_-(_t_: help with everyday living, said The proposed Atria site is posed the construction of four P P P Y, i Q I Lisa Groothuis, assistant vice south of the intersection of Texas facilities in the Fort Worth-Dallas - Star-71.legram president for the Baylor Senior 360 and Texas 121. Jim Fuller of area. Health Network in Dallas. "What we're finding is this pants with bathing, grooming, Dallas, who has owned the land "It's sort of that cross between for 15 years, said yesterday that senior population has grown up housekeeping, meals and independence and the security of Atria is expected to close on the being really independent," Cam- reminders to take medication.The bron said. "They've taken care of facilities often provide social and knowing someone is there," site within 30 days of zoning themselves for a really long time exercise activities. Groothuis said. approval. — and they want to, as much as they The cost of the Atria apart- The number of new local pro- can,remain independent." ments would probably range jects seems in line with a recent If the developers' zoning from about $1,500 to more than Baylor marketing survey that pre- request to operate an assisted-liv- $2,500 per month,Cambron said. dicts increases in the number of ing facility on the 6.8-acre site is In Northeast Tarrant County, residents 65 and older. In Bed- approved by the Grapevine City developers have opened or begun ford, Colleyville, Euless, Council tonight,the project would construction on eight assisted-liv- Grapevine, Southlake and Hurst become the first of its kind in the ing facilities since March 1995. that population is expected to city and Atria's first Tarrant Assisted-living centers have grow to 12,006, an estimated 11 County venture. The project is opened elsewhere countywide. percent increase, by 1999, the valued at up to $8 million, Cam- "It gives a person assistance on study says. bron said. an unscheduled but daily basis," Atria has a 64-unit assisted-liv- Billed as a transition between said Gary Fisher, whose Dun- ing complex under construction in independent living and nursing canville company, Wind River Dallas and 90-unit projects home care, assisted-living facili- Management Corp., is to manage planned for Carrollton and ties are set up like apartment com- the Sherwood Gardens assisted- Richardson, Cambron said. Atria plexes, with staff members avail- living facility in Bedford. owns 40 assisted-living and retire- able 24 hours a day to help occu- Sherwood Gardens, with 126 ment communities nationwide c MOIZ (;STAR c)1•fi_•I:s (3tIl r OI')(rati1 • tllr(_•(_• IlR)r plans tc) TORCI-I/Morn >Star I ;� c Ot11IOI-t:ll' ly : ccc)IlllllOLlatl' cc)1111111I1litics: t I uL• :i lll<'ilitit. s y011 SCCIi. • Grace Care Wichita Falk, I C\:I, Center ORNING 411AR '®$ • TenO:11:; I.:L\\ t(>Il, OI.I:II1()111:1 A I(1:"I•IILIiAtEN"1" RI•:sII)1?N(:I•: -� RL•tirellICnt . (:c)1111111111it y EFFICIENCY II • The Memphis. Tennessee FLOOR PLAN I):11•I:vic \v • •I% • t\IOrnin titan IIO1111S. New tlexlc•O N ll • •1'OR(:I I I IOn1e \\'ic'hita falls. TexasI ILaltll Caw AP a A I . I IOnx•sc't•il)t \\"ic.h it:1 Rills. 'I',_'\:lti I)11:1r111:1('," SHINING ONE BEDROOM FLOOR PLAN Sij ccESS L Ix RETIREMENT d io LIVING TWO BEDROOM FLOOR PLAN 1 Itl 1 :\ ItiI'I (1N1 ?NI (1K11)INt:I b -� ORNING AR A.I. (8 17) 767.-5O 39 LAKE WELLIN(:"t'ON /� I Wichita Falls, 'I'cxas 76302 WICI-ITI'A FALLS, TEXAS DISebVER AWONRFUL WE'RE TAI G ELEGANT CHOICE FOR THE LEAD IN RETIREMENT GRACIOUS REFINED LIVING WITH `INDEPENDENT RETIREMENT US LIVING' OR LIVING MorningStar is a retirement `ASSISTED LIVING MorningStar's specialty is the residence designed to enhance resident. You can be assured your personal style of living. We that if you need assistance with provide a host of outstanding daily living you will receive the services and amenities to increase best care without leaving the your standard of comfort and warmth of you're community. elegance. MorningStar oilers three levels • Excellent cuisine of care. Independent Living, • Weekly housekeeping Assisted Living and Special Care & flat linen service are designed to help residents • Local Transportation maintain a comfortable lifestyle • Kitchenettes while receiving assistance with (ORNINc• Physical fitness areagi4AR A xI:rn(►:nu:nr RESIDENCE daily needs such as ambulation, • 24 hour staff on duty BRIGHTENING bathing, dressing, toileting, • hull recreational,• eating, transferring and cultural and social YOUR FUTURE program medication administration. • All utilities paid (expect phone and cable) ,„‘:,. -, Ai.„. , `C1• 7.1 •�. .a Ill a®' 71 ift�a Aai:• ... L. .,;,. i 1 3,'bg• `�,yl.� .Ff t aim; • •� o411-off r I! mi, _ p „r ':r,j) li „yF ..k}.1.. „te. 4:. A }.. __ ` w+I.. ., City of Southlake,Texas • MEMORANDUM June 27, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Chris Carpenter, Planner SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 483-F - Revisions to Subdivision Ordinance - Park Dedication Section: SECOND READING Attached you will find a proposed ordinance revising the entirety of Section 7 of Subdivision Ordinance No. 483. This draft reflects a combination of recommendations by both the Park Board (during their March meeting) and the Planning and Zoning Commission(during hearings on May 1 and May 8), language suggested by the City Attorney, and the motion made to approve during the first reading at City Council on May 27. Please note that the text depicting the approval of the first reading as stated in the motion by Councilmember Harris is in redline text, and any language it replaced is in strikcout tcxt. Any 0 modifications made by staff to clarify language subsequent to the first reading is in italic redline and text, and is subject to Council discussion, of course. Also attached are research graphics, as requested by the mayor, depicting alternative dedication amounts which would have been attributed to several existing subdivisions had they been submitted under this proposed park dedication ordinance. Martin Schelling, who was asked by the Council to research certain aspects of this proposed amendment,is attempting to produce some suggestions for the Council's review. He has advised me that those revisions will be ready prior to the meeting on Tuesday. Please place this item on the next available City Council agenda for their consideration. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call 481-5581, Ext. 866. CLC\cic cc: Debra Drayovitch, Fielding, Barrett and Taylor Kim Lenoir, Parks and Recreation Director Sherry Berman, Park Board Greg Last, Community Development Director S 7-1 • 1 ORDINANCE NO. 483-F AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.483,THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE; REVISING THE ENTIRETY OF ARTICLE VII, PARK AND RECREATION DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE IS CUMULATIVE OF ALL OTHER ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City of Southlake,Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted Ordinance No. 483, as the Subdivision Ordinance for the • City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that in order to provide for adequate land for parks, recreation and open space, it is appropriate and in the best interest of the City to amend Ordinance No. 483,to authorize the appropriate park land dedication requirements, or facilities, or improvements, or fees in lieu of said dedication requirements; and WHEREAS, the City Council has given published notice and held public hearings with respect to the amendment of the Subdivision Ordinance as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: SECTION 1. Article VII of Ordinance No. 483 of the City of Southlake, the Subdivision Ordinance, as amended, is amended in its entirety and replaced by the following text: • 7Lo • 2 ARTICLE VII PARK AND RECREATION DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 1 7.01 PURPOSE AND INTENT: The requirements for open space,park and recreational areas 2 contained in this section are intended to ensure that there will be sufficient land dedicated 3 or otherwise set aside to meet the demand and need of the future residents for open space and 4 parks. In determining the size, shape and quality of open space and parks areas that should 5 be set aside and reserved in the manner set out in this section, the City has considered the 6 projected growth in population and development within the municipality and the amount of 7 open space and park and recreational facilities needed to accommodate such growth as stated 8 in the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan. 9 10 7.02 APPLICABILITY: 11• A. Unplatted Property: This section, as amended, applies to all property for which a 12 final plat has not been formally submitted to the City for approval, unless otherwise 13 noted herein. 14 B. Exempt Property: Any tract or lot occupied by an existing residential dwelling unit 15 at the time of adoption of this ordinance shall be exempt from the dedication 16 requirements of this section herein if the residential dwelling remains on the lot. This 17 exemption pertains only to the tract or lot with the existing residential dwelling. Any 18 additional lots created by further subdivision of the property shall be subject to the 19 requirements herein. 20 C. Date of Assessment: All requirements contained in this section shall be assessed at 21 the time of approval of the final plat of any applicable property. 22 23 • L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\PARK DED\CC 2ND 2.WPD • 3 1 7.03 LAND DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS: 2 A. General: Land dedication requirements herein are based on the City's adopted Land 3 Use Plan and the Parks Recreation & Open Space Master Plan. It is within the sole 4 discretion of the City to require a developer to provide the land dedication 5 requirements herein with the development plan, concept plan,preliminary plat, final 6 plat or other appropriate development submittal. 7 1. Residential Developments: Based on the population projected to reside in 8 the City of Southlake and the stated desire in the Parks,Recreation,and Open 9 Space Master Plan adopted by the City Council to provide 21 acres of park 10 land for every 1,000 residents in an ultimate condition,park land meeting the 11 requirements contained within this section shall be dedicated to the City at 12 a ratio of one (1) acre of park land for every twenty-five (25)residential 13 dwelling units or prorated portion thereof. 14• 2. Non-Residential Developments: Although non-residential development 15 does not generate residential occupancies per se, it does create environmental 16 impacts which may negatively affect the living environment of the 17 community. These impacts may be ameliorated or eliminated by providing 18 park or open space areas which buffer adjoining land uses, prevent undue 19 concentration of paved areas, allow for the reasonable dissipation of 20 automotive exhaust fumes, provide natural buffers to the spread of fire or 21 explosion, and provide separation of lighting, waste disposal, and noise by- 22 products of non-residential operations and activities from adjacent residential 23 areas. The City has therefore determined that non-residential developments 24 must provide dedicated parks and/or reserved open space at a ratio of one(1) 25 acre of park land for every fifty (50) non-residential gross acres of 26 development or prorated portion thereof. 27 3. Off-site Dedications: A developer may dedicate the required park land for 280 a development at another location owned by the same developer within the L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\PARK DED\CC 2ND 2.WPD 0 4 1 City with the consent of the City, provided that the off-site land dedication 2 is in accordance with this section. 3 B. Transfers and Credits for Prior Dedications, Fees and Gifts: In considering the 4 amount of land dedication required of a proposed development, the City may, at its 5 discretion, apply former dedications which were in excess of the requirement at that 6 time to current or future dedication requirements of the same owner/applicant. A 7 dedication or cash payment in lieu of dedication made prior to the passage of this 8 Ordinance shall be controlled by the provisions of the ordinance in effect at the time 9 such obligation arose, provided the final plat has been submitted to the City for 10 approval prior to the passage of this Ordinance. At the discretion of the City, any 11 former gift of land to the municipality may be credited under the terms of the current 12 Ordinance toward eventual land dedication requirements imposed on the donor of 13 such lands. 14• 15 7.04 CHARACTERISTICS OF PARKLAND: 16 A. General: The Park Board shall annually recommend to the City Council a summary 17 of the character of dedicated park land most desirable in meeting the objectives of the 18 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan. These characteristics shall be 19 provided in an abbreviated written report to all elected and appointed officials, city 20 staff, and the development community, and shall be placed in Appendix 11 of this 21 ordinance. In determining whether to accept or refuse the dedication of park lands, 22 fees, facilities or a combination thereof as outlined in section 7.05 below, the Park 23 Board and City Council shall consider this written report as a guideline for such 24 decisions. 25 26 S L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\PARK DED\CC 2ND 2.WPD • 5 1 7.05 ALTERNATIVES TO LAND DEDICATION: In any case where a dedication is required, 2 the City shall have the right to accept the dedication as submitted for approval, or in the 3 alternative, to refuse dedication of the same, and in lieu thereof to require payment of cash 4 under the formula contained in this Section or to allow the developer to construct recreation 5 or park improvements. The City may permit a combination of dedication, improvements and 6 fees to be used to fulfill this requirement. 7 A. Fee Payment Alternative: 8 1. Approval of Fee Payment Alternative: The City Council shall, upon 9 recommendation of the Park Board, determine the acceptability of a 10 developer's payment of fees in lieu of the land dedication requirement of this 11 section. 12 2. Calculation of Fees: The City Council shall annually establish an acreage 13 land value cost figure to be used in calculating park fees. This determination 1� shall be based on a reasonable study and investigation performed annually, 15 and may be performed by an independent registered land appraisal firm as to 16 the average fair market value, as opposed to tax value, of acreage in the City. 17 This figure shall be the acreage cost under which all park fees are calculated 18 for the fiscal year. 19 a. Residential Dwelling Unit Fees: Park land dedication is required of 20 all residential developments. Upon determination that a hardship to 21 the dedication of park land exists, the City Council may consider a 22 variance or waiver to the land dedication requirements herein, 23 allowing the developer to acquire land of an equal value in other areas 24 designated by the City, or, in the alternative, allowing the developer 25 to pay the equivalent of the cost of land in their subdivision based on 26 27 calculated by dividing the determined cost of one (1) acre of land 2� divided by twenty-five(25), for a resulting fee per residential dwelling L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT PARK DED\CC 2ND 2.WPD S 6 1 unit. 2 b. Non-Residential Development Fees:The fee payment alternative for 3 non-residential development shall be calculated by dividing the 4 determined cost of one (1) acre of land by fifty(50), for a resulting 5 fee per non-residential acre cost, or prorated portion thereof. In the 6 event the non-residential development is less than fifty(50) acres,the 7 total acreage, net of perimeter right-of-way dedications, shall be 8 divided by 50 to determine the prorated fee payment. 9 3. Collection of Fees: No building permit shall be issued nor shall any 10 construction be allowed to begin until payment of any fees required by this 11 section has been made. 12 B. Physical or Equipment Improvements to Parks 13 1. Compatibility with Park Master Plan: A developer may have the option 141110 of improving existing facilities within municipal parks or improving 15 dedicated park land in lieu of park land dedication or payment of cash, based 16 on recommendations made in the Parks,Recreation, and Open Space Master 17 Plan. Should any of these options be exercised, the municipality and the 18 developer shall,prior to initiation of work on such improvements, enter into 19 an agreement for credit of expenses for authorized park improvements. In no 20 case shall the municipality be required to reimburse the developer if he 21 chooses to improve parklands at an amount greater than required. Such a 22 proposed agreement to provide facility improvements in lieu of dedication 23 shall be submitted in writing with the application for any required Concept 24 Plan or Site Plan. In the event that no Concept Plan or Site Plan is required, 25 the agreement shall be submitted with the application for the preliminary plat. 26 27 7.06 PRIVATE PARKS: If a developer desires to incorporate private park, recreation or open 280 space areas or amenities within his development, he may request limited credit for these L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\PARK DED\CC 2ND 2.WPD -7b-7 • 7 1 facilities against his public open space dedication requirements. A developer may request 2 credit for any private park, recreation or open space area, but such private park,recreation 3 or open space amenities may never satisfy more than 25%50% of the total park and open 4 space dedication requirement. Semi-public park areas acceptable to the City may be given 5 credit toward required park dedication requirements not to exceed 50%o of the total dedication 6 requirement. 7 8 7.07 APPROVAL PROCESS: 9 A. Land Dedications : 10 1. Park Board Recommendation: The Director of Parks and Recreation or 11 their designee shall may report to the Park Board regarding any park land 12 dedication issues arising from development applications submitted to the City 13 for approval.The Park Board may then make a formal recommendation to the 14• Planning and Zoning Commission to accept or refuse any proposed dedicated 15 park land prior to the Commission's action on the development. 16 2. Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation: The Planning and 17 Zoning Commission shall consider the recommendation of the Park Board in 18 determining the acceptability of any land dedications proposed on any 19 development. The Commission recommendation shall then be forwarded to 20 the City Council for final approval where applicable. 21 3. Final Plat Dedications: Where review of development applications has 22 resulted in the City's desire for land dedication, such land dedication shall be 23 shown on a final plat and shall contain a clear fee simple dedication of that 24 land to the City. 25 B. Fee Payments in Lieu of Dedication and/or Facilities Improvements: 26 1. Park Board Recommendation: The Park Board shall make a formal 27 recommendation to the City Council as to the acceptability of any proposed 280 alternatives to park land dedication. L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\PARK DED\CC 2ND 2.WPD • 8 1 2. City Council Consideration: Upon receiving a formal recommendation 2 from the Park Board, the City Council shall enter into an agreement with the 3 developer for the provision of dedicated park land, fees in lieu of dedication, 4 facilities construction or improvement, or a combination thereof as outlined 5 below. 6 a. Developer's Agreements: Developer's Agreements between the City 7 and the developer shall include the following requirements as 8 applicable: 9 (1) Boundary Corners Established: Each corner of the park 10 land to be dedicated shall be permanently monumented with 11 3/4" iron pins set in concrete. These shall be located and 12 identified on a recordable plat or land survey completed by a 13 land surveyor registered in the State of Texas and provided to 14• the City by the Owner and/or Developer. 15 (2) Utility Extensions to Park: A minimum size of 6" water 16 main and sanitary sewer, where available, shall be extended 17 to the park, in location(s) specified by the Director of Public 18 Works. 19 (3) Short-term Maintenance: The Owner and/or Developer 20 agree that no construction materials shall be disposed of or 21 deposited within the park by its contractor, subcontractors, 22 employees or agents at any time while the subdivision is 23 being built. If materials are deposited or disposed of within 24 the park, the Owner and/or Developer shall be required to 25 remove these materials within 72 hours of written notice by 26 the City. Before the City accepts this land, the Developer 27 shall remove all trash and dead trees. 28• L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\PARK DED\CC 2ND 2.WPD • 9 1 7.08 USE OF FUNDS: 2 A. Fund Established: Funds received by the City pursuant to this Section will be 3 deposited in a special fund dedicated to the accumulation of monies required by this 4 section. 5 B. Permitted Expenditures: Monies placed in this fund may be expended only for the 6 purchase, lease, or other acquisition of park and open space areas by the City of 7 Southlake, the improvement and site preparation of such areas and sites, the 8 extension of utilities to or within such sites, the installation of landscaping, play 9 equipment or recreation improvements on such sites, and/or attendant engineering 10 and planning costs associated with such park development. 11 C. Inappropriate Expenditures: Monies placed in this fund may not be utilized for 12 any other general business activity of the City or for maintenance of park facilities. 13 D. Authorization for Use of Funds: All expenditures from this fund shall be made in 1� accordance with the City's Parks,Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan and shall 15 be approved by the City Council after a formal recommendation of the Park Board. L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\PARK DED\CC 2ND 2.WPD • 10 1 These appendices are not considered a part of this ordinance and may be revised or updated as necessary by the City Staff. 2 3 APPENDIX 11 4 Guidelines for Park Land Dedication 5 (Approved by Park Board 5/12/97) 6 7 A. Land dedication or otherwise set aside for open space and park and recreational areas shall be of 8 such size,dimensions,topography and general character as is reasonably required for the type of use 9 necessary to meet the demand and need of future residents, e.g., open space, linear space, trails, 10 active recreation for team or individual sports,playground, etc. 11 12 B. Natural areas or flood plains which provide unique opportunities may be included in areas dedicated 13 or otherwise set aside or reserved for open space or linear greenbelts. In considering any area for 14 dedication which does not meet the standards of this ordinance and where the ordinance allows the 15 municipality to employ its discretion, the following may be considered: 16 17 1. Preserve area of unique natural beauty, area possessing unique natural features, or other 18 ecologically valuable areas. 19 20 2. Facilities may be developed in partial fulfillment of required parkland dedication. 21 22410 3. Whether the area is proposed to be contiguous to an existing or proposed school site. 23 24 4. A combination of land dedication and fees paid in lieu of a portion of the land dedication. 25 26 5. Where developments are contiguous, two or more required dedications may be combined 27 to form a single, viable park area. 28 29 6. Acreage dedication which would expand existing parks or recreation facilities. 30 31 7. An applicant may transfer the required parkland in a subdivision to another location owned 32 by the same applicant within the City of Southlake with the consent of the City Council. • L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\PARK DED\CC 2ND 2.WPD 7 ! k • 11 1 2 SECTION 2 Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or 3 refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall 4 be fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation 5 is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. 6 7 SECTION 3 This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City 8 of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the 9 provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are 10 hereby repealed. 11 12 SECTION 4 It is the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, 13 paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, 14 paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or 15 decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the 16 remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same 17 would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such 18 unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. 19 20• SECTION 5 The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is directed to publish the proposed 21 ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public 22 hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this 23 ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of 24 its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City 25 newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of 26 the Charter of the City of Southlake. 27 28 SECTION 6 The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is authorized to publish this 29 ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative 30 provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without 31 further proof than the production thereof. 32 33 SECTION 7 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and 34 publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. 35 36 37 38 39 40 440 L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\PARK DED\CC 2ND 2.WPD • 12 1 PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF 2 , 1997. 3 4 5 6 MAYOR 7 8 ATTEST: 9 10 11 CITY SECRETARY 12 13 14 15 PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF 16 , 1997. l781i1 19 20 MAYOR 21 22 ATTEST: 23 24 25 CITY SECRETARY 26 27 28 29 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 30 31 32 City Attorney 33 34 Date: 35 36 ADOPTED: 37 3 EFFECTIVE: L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\PARK DED\CC 2ND 2.WPD Park Land Dedication Graphic Exhibit The chart below and attached graphic mark-ups of selected plats are illustrations of what park land areas would be required under the proposed Ordinance 483-F, as compared to the currently adopted ordinance. The required dedication amounts are indicated as follows: land required under the current ordinance is solid black, and the additional land required by the proposed ordinance is shown in diagonal line hatching. Please be aware that these plats were copied from reductions, and their graphic scales may differ. Since the residential park land dedication is a function of number of dwelling units and not gross acreage (as is the non-residential requirement), it can be deduced that the greater the density (or number of dwelling units per acre), the greater the park land dedication requirement would be regardless of the gross acreage. The following chart and exhibit reveal this circumstance. Project Dwelling Zoning Acres Required Park Land (acres) Units 0 1 ac./50 cc, 1 ac./25 d.u. d.u. • Timarron Village I 35 PUD 14.807 .70 1.40 The Woods 8 SF-lA 17.082 .16 .32 Myers Meadow III 96 PUD 44.184 1.90 3.80 Harrell Place* 6 SF-1A/ 5.844 .12 .24 SF-30 Meadow Ridge 58 SF-20 37.416 1.15 2.30 * Not a plat, but a project which was mentioned by the Council as relevant to the discussion. • L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\DRAFT\PARK DED\EXHIBIT.WPD �f =____m5,a,- -rur.-'j=ny------r=-Ire=1-==law-- j---'-ub.---1--;ur—NSr- — - Iy I II I Pill VA7E OPEN SPACE/5 °I A/ I a+(r.r. �y 1�1 r i P 51 ansr 41?I `�• e BQ ® ; X unitir. $8R tcm:7t.r. ;"*; .>_n7Bl.r. it'll3R79s.r. P� / BJ '15y y a'� .A S '; q 4. ASI,� gie REDWING— - U sr DRY - --� ) �i17' —ES'-r�� �m -Ado- -' r-RA' /,lrot•r. ^O I,+F,1 e , t 1 71 /T es, I °�I l I Ya7� p} 0 50 100 z00 ,a,o s.r. ,� /—i a-u. 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Tj54�71'-...- .:1 v Q, �— S 0�. d2 4 \' / \ e: �,tom_'@ -i— 98 33 t, / �,°� et' ''(`-.• S'Yf, mpo slag: 1 Sall-h w 12/0.00• r • ,,po -�•49W t�rjll \ S1'pgCO , Q,�ajO �-\ �.�,wrrr 5„l' ,�' . -r._ 9.32z�III eef �3.�.�1 r, I;1 r ,tom-. 86.�. s75.5 .,.• .'\� l'.-4., 11 I _ . , .�.67' z✓b s` t•.1ns.r. spa/i- L";L." '��" JJ , Project Dwelling Zoning Acres Required Park Land(acres) P \ i ,'C' < el , rn, is\Y/" Units @ 1 ac./50 @ 1 ac./25 T.'\."'' /71( d.u. .d.u. Myers My III 96 PUD 44.184 1.90 •3.80 • 53. O.X. S 89•00'41'C 390.IS' 134r m 1/T MOO 3 89 41'Je•E I28.00' .•.•rtm 1CO N•RIMS IY.w .. II I.N• W.11 61.N' r11.0r' f11.01' • 1/1.01' A 7 f6/0' M 1DJ. t 'if. -----• �. AJ ® // t Ol. tQ / �671 L © Ir 11,347 i/� m,,.irk ( - ro m3ea 1J. 1 �. O. (J. / I. 26.060 ir, 21.„..tr. I ,'9.,•1 I w•u'u'r/ �' 1 :I' 1 + IwK6.f // I GI r1Af ' 0. / ••II'1Di , �W'®' ''� 11,/ 1►ODAJ. �t O v.o 60• , © , i • `� mo10 4r. :, d m101 S.F. i ® © me10.0 v. Q ,�_y-....was- I a3.170 ir. ? Kiwi V. f 21.aro!V. a.�tWru. f I �• [ •1d I w•aY n•► .-� Y weal.o+•t ® f6 16•�---13t1 ✓ ., 6r6"w $ I11'f M.ar M_ "mow �p U•DOZ. • ,D tar.ra' 1 I� -� O 1 b "•PRt. I p�1 N•q•.i. ( .,-` N ® N. It Ir NN N m.00x v. $ moot u. ' lu.a 1 m.002 S.F. {W. moot t.r. 1 'P l4elo cr. '1 I N•u•a•► U 1� a M Hear /w.ar p 9 rK.00 ':.x J*R .p L � y U 1y I ... Z 9 I w•w'.r•t •' . Iw.-- !,� q t iG Iq.00 G CI Y Y 6 • 13 ® ,, © 4 A •• 5 u m o02 v. d • ?� G moot ir. 1j pi iiir Parc. o0 ➢ t1 5 _ B g M ©tr Aaf.4 Z c * • ri • , ....._ moot v. 9 l i�t m.00x s.r. 1 i Y N•K•a,•r a3,r06 s.r. 1! 2e,667 i/. , YY.�LL-� I� Y M•K'01•f I+I IMOD' G IK.DO'TJ'DDf11 ` 1 q R.3' W lr/DDl. M 1, , /w.ar1A1. 1 1 11 it L I ® i2 f Cdwdl lDf MUAR NN ® 1a it $ m001 SI. r HOW on+iw nl2ac. J ?. r /w.la' 1� m.002 t1. m• Lf. I9 tf mool Si. a w ar o.► I {ctlj b1 = Y*NW w•r I wear ol•r /K.ov i 31f •1 IM.ar I , Y w•Ko. I. Iw.�' �.l,l -i �V II aDf. L.8........2.....n.2ba fJ. /N.DO' It' - I R1{{[Y[Y[y11/p1,q0 . Vi/d © t Z 0 ® 6$ 20.001 LT. fW 1001Q 6 0l. U 1 the : m.l if. I m71i0 LI. M' 1.L _ r N'w'N' • ly ata6a V. k$ , -_��aRST DRr9d •••••u•a•r t(.Y 7/".ar 'I �a1 • r Iis-ar �ODCRST MTh' r i r.of r____...- as r/.:i' - �-����]]�!ll1ppp... i II IK.ar RI ..tl I U.t l' «.K' w 2a S.1. n f{ 2e,237 V. 20.001 Si. III m.635 II. �•i�-` Q IY {�p.7. Yw•K•a•r I W Rol. - f0 ..i M q•u'w•t - �-r-� J! rr IK.0.7 �. Av , 8 TJ a.0.1 1. l0<1.II' t►D.Ol. .Dl •I ti © �' it'/I ti h . i.r.• 1 . , t ao•Lair. . .APPI y(iN\ 11 trete 04.1 0 '/ C rW.re U •f 0 .0 1411J. 20,002 ir. , $ 8 m.002 If. • 20.002 I.I. - • 20,001 ir. ,,BLOCK I. .,,. I a w•K•01'r I Y w•ar ol•t el f�•'Dr'�L'L o.rm wo uurtllm ,. i TA-iP t6 IN,ar {?T-racov- "* a to wi. lr wrc owo�luroc '•• ti•� 'R /w.ar Wwal. v 1D1. i 2e.622 Lr. k N. R k k 0 T, vs•,av 1 C,' 1 r w•K•a•r t0,a / m111 Il. g.' =Oil 6r. !� 20,714 S.F. • �C .!�T '}Dll,` C K• IM.Or' m.702 S7. �{q 1.21. N.T.S.R 2 43.r0e V. i "r ® �'IO DDI. \ Q 4. ( O lAl. R Y }py0p 1V. \ d (It)l y L 441 711.112.311J.r , ma10 L. 1 •I lY{"J. M1O SS. . . _ oIf 1A1. 16'DAJ. 21.070 IF. ` s W 1DJ -TIT''7' 1.MTti r.b // I L_- IN.��� t/I.�IT- -fn.�T'- --�II.aT��� �- Mrria S 89 13't 1.I' 1 S 19.a' ��k�c" ..... saw 11 ,,. Project Dwelling Zoning Acres Required Park Land (acres) 1! FINAL PLAT SHOWING Units @ 1 ac./50 @ 1 ac./25 LOTS 1 THRU 25, BLOCK 1, d.u. d.u. AND LOTS 1 THRU 35, BLOCK 2, MEADOW RIDGE ESTATES • 1110w Ridge 58 SF-20 37.416 0 1.15 2.30 0 P 'Tn^- ! I • $W pt �FInj 10.0•WIC ESIAT. I / n'" / u I I I / / / / 2. / ZONING // I , LOT I.LEAS 2 / / / ' / / / 1 /PLORENCE ELELEWTARY SC7K)el _ - -11 9ai ii VISTA TRAwi AOOIIION I I KILLER 60 - • - VOL J0E-e3.PG,x - / I / ( \ 1 ' -:6.1.PG 30,/ O.P.T.C.T. COMM OF _,�. A-7—A ..��..� .,_._�.--.--:-- ...... -__— — COMMENCING r ,q � 't� � -2 .� H, —Q y ., y t S t \ FW�2REELL,DR VE,{VOh,. 10957, kG. 1767 0. T.C.T y T-)o-•cf ; -- 13 SOD 00 00t8 1 CIMNKROo-�R� ��!� xq 2e �`xmsr n' 93.17L_ I -^s3� 0_ jv�.xo`�� i E. LOCATION MAP 1 r�' ,— \ xbe'R_ � 03 "G.t>t[ / ' ,.,,I w— I nnan a any O mum x : d / 32.T`e w.n. \ v 8 \ Lco[\no. I / 7 Kill +j` ..\Lm..BLOCK 1 I I m r w...a � 12,..L10.1). .7•x«. f , f -- + Y • ,�. 100•uc\ 1 \ ,,, \ I +, 8 8 R 6SU 23 \ 7. ` 4 $ S / I a � . I I a c' C`�.s.x1 .�.n �.s.xe«ah. g`r • sas n. $ :c Ill«.n. 8 r� �ioa�a11 ft.. v.R.T. ROPERTY 'i Q_ \ ^i'c 0U). 0).5 349.97'� I T ,\ q 1.000�°, 0 oao 1 u. PLi F \ / \� I� o00 o ' tZ / BEGINNING AG g S . a )9 / II I1917r,-..- izai NAG ,,,- ::01111.13-7.4":00T00.31rE 00`185M ` 529.16 �'`r °1"" O' (- j 79•,mL MIT. N�02'25'WM00 0�58 100.01' 131i.63' ' / I — — - '$���� 8 �T 7 80.16' 99.9�' i I I / I �F ZONING PEARSON WOE MOTOR V.eM-170•P.22 P.R.T.C.I. 11 I J l t 1 II • I IV t a___/ 1 / I I ' I I I I / / / / 5 R / it 2.:- 1 / wl. R3OT *R02 s I 11701 PN1360 LOT I / an s 1ru..,rt r21 Z PEARSON LAW MENTION ��, � I o o Re/ '2 K �i g V.]ee-170.P.27 P.R.T C.1. y�w CC 7'U• LOT s 'S/Fy11A ^ 'i 'io .too ,M ' foo ;do 1iTo . E PNG V,E bO-f A.P.7 T.C.T. ZON I qg Al 1 I // I I 1 e LOT 2,MOCK 1 i "' I - I/ / I CYWRROT MRES LOT. I 'AG' I " _I I - 8 V. See-170.P.22 P.R.T,C.T. _ ''"y o ZONING I I • I LOT I.e.0Cu 1 VLRR0N ACRES LOT 3 I ! VOLPORT]G.TO-10,.PO.e 'AG' PEARSON 7Md.oaT1ON I ZONING V.b0-170.P 22 PR.TG.I. I I I I I I \\ I ZONING I I \ I PEARSON LANE PVBLZ R-0-r —_ _CITY OF SOUTH - _— -- CITY OF KELLER CONCEPT PLAN Project Dwelling Zoning Acres Required Park Land (acres) LOTS 1 42BLOCK 1, Units @ 1 ac./50 @ 1 ac./25 HARRELL PLACE d.u. d.u. BEING 5.8438 ACRES OF LAND IN THE J.G. ALLEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 18.1 CV OF SOU1j4LAKE J COUNTY, TEXAS Harrell Place* 6 SF-lA/ 5.844 .12 .24 {�� LOTS PREPARED FEBRUARY 20, 1997 SF-30 0 LandCon Inc. * No at, but a project which was mentioned by the Council as relevant to the discussion. Viers•surveyors.Planners • 2501 P.rtVl.r Cr,eln.e10, WarnTwo,TR,701:2-51CO P.O.6oE co2o, ..a)Iles ou7 OW)535- a►s ooa7 BLOCKI E WINDSOR FOREST ESTATES CL O I- �i" PHASE II 03 �--• • I OW PHASE'1 00Y•.0II 1'.•Is BLOCK 5 VISTA TRAIL COUNTRY ESTATES < ZCE Vol.3Be•17o,•PG.7♦ vO L.388-204,P0.42 BLOCK) Q vY•„s, .+ vOL.388-98, P0.16 [ Cn IT 3<L el: ^" CITY Of K[LIER 0'^ -� CITY OF SOUTHL AKE • • P.m.TOr..c;i1DI(NG - - I�-' •2—7 G.I S --- ur' —ro e •cr-0rz - F—LO199REoNC E — ROAD- �5 ^eN693ioo ______1...._54 ao fORO[:CR1PT101 � '/ —' -0585 ACK[5 ofm [o I . ^' r Vf ."—I. . ES Y.K1 0.. N_B9_3 4'2_4"E le 7.5o - _ 12 5.32 _ 259 12' _ -_ _ _ '84.50'- — —230.15— I I 40 BUILDING LINE �' -31: 1 113 N , �20 _ • • I 50110M•Y.Y•111 I I 33 a Z 1,, '0 W I rH»sa,ra no F el n i .- I N V y r J +31.500 AC. v m . 0 u O 01 IW A V f W A o0 A 4 W W > --- N B9•)424 E 279.68 WW Lot 7 10 Lot 8 1. car[* YOOAE f Lot 3 ;+ Lot 4 '� LotS M Lo'b 'm n �r W r•1.a3o.r4sla W 01 f I BLOCK 3 CC r CC o I/ 2.000 AC. H 2.500 AC. +- O -- '_� 2.150 AC. y~5 2.024 AC. H 2.022 AC. ;v 2.801`1C. •H Q t'� r' N O I O m l I ARABIAN HORSE COUNTRY ADDITION w I I/ N O O N u1 N I n O A VOL.380-124,VG P7 ,,, t I JO'IY r•Ntie d 14 '� Lot 2 N V N v o I •I.IOaa1,61 404 ty II 1 500 AC. OI 1 SU ' s 293.IS IB8.00 •4.47 IB3.04 _— 259.'j: IB4.S1- 229.94 1 r. eoa[et C•ene I __ _ — SB9.53 L— • �11/i r.•. le {}- 399.47'OI•W 690.50 — I/i 1.e•� Io ur0.rt. 1'Y'r ~ 'p.W— B56.S01-- /��1 I ^ `l0'De.IM1•GEtluN.11• 3 . ,,1I IS 20 2' 22 II 1,�••0 I e USSf lI 0I 30 I //��a I vel »aa,••asa LOT 1 J.J.FRESHOUR S NO.521 ADDITION BLUL_s) VISTA TRAIL ADDITION / ' •' I I I Y•RIA 8032 KE2 ' CAB. A, SLIDE IB23 I 0 I v VOL 508-95,PG.3 ���p�' •I.u33,r•ust I - I i I[ _ ' !3 I I I 4, II I — -__. ...______ ' I I I CUME�RLAND TRAIL ro'unu11 tl vol unto.r•.233 a . F.-' i a•IN.f•E ESYT. -ifi I(�YI II II ,,IG • W t �' Y' 4 THE WOODS 1VVV�����"" Y N > VI I 't.> O r . W'Vl AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE IN `-u 1-v c> % TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS,BEING A TRACT IN THE .'1 J.J.FRESHOUR SURVEY ABSTRACT NO.521 ' N a 8 LOTS 17.082 AC. 0 54, CDo �_' I August 22, 1996 G a.r...: 1 •. •r•I 5.. a ....a Project Dwelling Zoning Acres Required Park Land(acres) Units @ 1 ac./50 @ 1 ac./25 . d.u• d.u. IIIThe Woods 8 S F-1 A •82 .16 i .32 \ W ham _\ .S 6922e121- E- I97.oa lo:etr 11ie.371--STREET-''q` 43 2 I 1?6°'o 1 •s.O a 75 . /A 12 v 24 R .0. n 1- ,2114 5 R P.O.w. �\ „IS vV32:34-C - Clr 1 I 123.'r3 EI 21 4 rad."4 .".ar •/ ' / t 2S 0▪1 123.06 u 6 . • 100 30 0 lop z l0iBu 8 oc8 y --maiNE ' � e y uE r SE.ALE IN FEET I • I 1 1 t27 r l'�100' 18 27 ` ,93x4 gm„j.; 20 W 1 s'U.Lo , % rriCr5f t 4�33•Si' �. / s3 N t34•�'�" 121.37t1 tt ..�.�.1. S 69'S3.16' E • \'g } 228.68 S 129'35154' E \1,,V. ,y F_�. 170.59 n 11 7 1r t °� U.70/ • N OV24'06• E I - 120.54 ..4 21 x5 ,p �\ .' I 5•U.E. 110.64 10933 V J -al,''` s.f{'�.jo / -'- 1�to•UE tS U.L I 4 14 y 8 A•Q L6 • 1 / = a 13 �s 5\ ;II .,4..4 1 1- 0..0.w. I s•U' It a..1 Wes'`tr•v UL 29 / / w 30030 9� , 9E.L5151ri j 4 8 I 10 p i s 29019 sr $^ i I s Eli OLocK isz STREET -D h 8 1109u0 v F g' t �, 6'u.L 9 ,4 S 69.3s'64•C-211.16 k1 -18 3pV1x0.00 CI gq y3,9 Ob.,�%a, o SJO �e // q . t 612'..24� 1-1 66iaa� '" IN 18 4 .f - '►`� 9 �t.- J... �^t. A4' / `y' / P $ 9 /' Zi i /) �. r I I 3ao12 Si-'" -r 11 d 8 , 8 7-'ow v P8 S 6735's( C •�3 R"`Y '�� a h rr "6 34u Sr te'ee 3r (�1j II 120.00 I 147.00 gx� .,e v a/ T. n / 0vo F N'ui b S 693574•C al 56'133Y1•F ....• i t i�%'J1V 2 J1` • 2 th 1 1.li . >.-avi i..n P IS0.00 �I .� ION-_�.GQ. -80L9_ 4 a :. _ 8 ' ; �' P S, R� -6- " o BEecK 153 W$ 79>0 Sr 50..3 .c9.,^ 6 t > o/ PROJECT LOVRT - 8_ 1 F 8 rt _< 1 0 6'r39.0.• iY�, r J f,\N 1r11\\ l �' ✓w LOCATIO' r s ,'- •_ .54.E FC 1+Q a g 3 7 I la 6 $P �I u z� 3 Its 11991 Sr / a -1 a. ;,it ., I 00 B ICAI l.am v •a»9 9r i I lwe fr a 5 1 C �i' a!r 9 44 Z 3f t1 Sr. 30606 $xs zs'F as.°LPL-- 15tb v�i61 s ?1Jty'�' l 1' i . g• . s ur 9 90.00 61.00 1 I w00 L4'��us.00 t2 tl>u9169 xs'2 / �L 1c.......... 1.4 ✓_ .. .•.. • �a STR 1 'B. 4exm _ _ t • ^VCt now S. 1 N 3ss4 w e00ee TT--9��.. ca ' \, . S.,:C. �`.3 86.21 2VB.L 1 m00 �664° 6s.00 6e.e,`�6 4 1 • - �.�. -tb.1 v t4 L 1 1 o 3,... t'e26 4 LOCATION NAP �e� t �y l n 7 fl 6 ' T'.I 5 " 3 4 . 51 3 ' R 2 :« t C L.G. (N.T.s•) 1110.4 Dr ..110p1 SF 1109e Sr ^1,R1 4 ¢ 'p'11531 F"1 1104Q 11970 4 g 8•ILL L7 '''Ai..,,,,,,:...,...":: g ((1``�� eL�oc�m52 _ sn $ savo �G 4 . =: 2 Ll� m.00 N 6ysy0a' w „t4407 N a9'3t'bn' w - 477.97 iv U.E vrN 36A-202.Pc.74 I P.\J.B. A FINAL PLAT TOMAR RO 3 ADDITION Project Dwelling Zoning Acres Required Park Land (acres) VILLAGE 11t. WEST Units OM ;A THE @ 1 ac./50 @ 1 ac./25 O.W. KNIGHT SIIITYCY, ABS'RFCT NO. t199 IN THE CITY OF 1-.011THLAKE, TLFRANT COUNTY. TESAS d.u. d.u. 14.807 ACRES / 35 LOTS Timarr Village I 35 PUD 14.807 .70 1.40 OWNER/DEVELOPER.ELOV ER: Timis RE,EGN LAND E CORPORATION SGO E. CARPENTER FREEWAY SUITE 1425 1113/11 Al. 1 ttS r City of Southlake,Texas • MEMORANDUM June 27, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 679, 2nd Reading, Street Name Change from South Kimball Ave. to Crooked Lane Blvd. for the portion of South Kimball Ave. from the Intersection of South Kimball Ave. and Crooked Lane Blvd. to East Continental Blvd. and a Street Name Change for East Continental Blvd. to South Kimball Ave. in Heritage Industrial Park BACKGROUND The updated Thoroughfare Plan adopted by the City Council on March 4, 1997, proposes new construction of S. Kimball Ave. through Green Meadow to S.H. 26. This requires that the current portion of S. Kimball Ave. fronting Greenlee Business • Park be renamed in anticipation of possible development in Green Meadow and construction of a new section of S. Kimball Ave. A portion of E. Continental has been constructed within Heritage Industrial Park. This section will eventually become part of S. Kimball Ave., according to the Thoroughfare Plan. It is important that this portion be renamed prior to Certificates of Occupancy being issued to property owners. There are three businesses that will be affected by the name change of S. Kimball Ave. All of these businesses have been notified of the name change, via certified letter and personal contact, and there are no objections, except for the official name of Crooked Lane Blvd. Mrs. Edna Beech, of Beech's Overhead Door, Inc., has requested that the designation of Boulevard be removed from the name and that the street simply be called Crooked Lane. City Council has the authority to make such a motion, although it is not included in this particular ordinance. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the portion of S. Kimball Ave. west of Crooked Lane and north of E. Continental Blvd. be renamed to Crooked Lane Blvd. and the portion of E. • Continental located in the Heritage Industrial Park be renamed to S. Kimball Ave (Exhibit •'A"). Staff also recommends the second reading of the ordinance officially 7C-1 Curtis E. Hawk Ordinance No.679 June 27, 1997 • Page 2 changing these names be placed on the July 1, 1997, Regular City Council Agenda for City Council consideration. 51/7 -ee,;/(--- BW/cre Attachments: Memo from Paul Ward, Chief Building Inspector Letter from Edna Beech, Beech's Overhead Door, Inc. Ordinance No. 679 Exhibit "A" D:\Word Files\Ordinances\Ord679\stname2.doc • 7C-2 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 2, 1997 TO: Robert Whitehead, Public Works Director FROM: Paul Ward, Chief Building Official • SUBJECT: Street Name Change The Thoroughfare Plan adopted March 4, 1997 by The City Council proposes to extend South Kimball Avenue and East Continental as shown on the attached map. A piece of East Continental has been constructed in the Heritage Industrial Park. This needs to be renamed soon because the building is under construction and the Certificate of Occupancy should be issued at a South Kimball address. Also the portion of South Kimball adjacent to Greenlee Business Park and Cambridge Place East 110 needs to be re-named in order to avoid address conflicts. It seems that it is and extension of Crooked Lane Blvd. And that would be the logical name choice. The known occupied properties affected are: 768 S. Kimball Ave. Pumpco 900 S. Kimball Ave. Texas School of Baseball 1000 S. Kimball Ave. Beech Overhead Door Co. �J r\ \ PW/jb RECEIVED j L 1 .. DEFT of PUBLIC WORKS 7C-3 t • • June 17 1997 Mr. Chuck Ewings Administrative Assistant CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Fax: 817/488-5097 RE: Street Name Change Dear Mr. Ewings: We are in receipt of your letter dated June 13, 1997, in reference to changing our address from 1000 South Kimball Avenue to Crooked Lane Blvd. We could not attend the meeting, which is being held tonight, but we did want our views considered by those who will make this decision. We are very much in favor of changing the name to Crooked Lane; however, we suggest that "Blvd" be left out of the name. According to the RANDOM HOUSE DICTIONARY, "Blvd" (abbreviation of "Boulevard") is: a broad avenue, often lined with trees. Also according to the some dictionary, "Avenue" is: 1. a wide street or main thoroughfare. 2. means of access or attainment. The current portion of "Crooked Lane • Blvd" is definitely lined with trees and is a very busy means of access; however, it is certainly not a wide street. The word "Lane", in the same dictionary, states: 1. a narrow way or passage, as between hedges. 2. any narrow or well-defined track, route, or course. This definitely describes "Crooked Lane". Our current address of 1000 South Kimball Avenue has always been confusing to people who were trying to locate us. Attached is a copy of a letter that we wrote to City Manager Curtis Hawk on 07-24-94 asking that the City consider a street name change for our portion of South Kimball Avenue. We never received any acknowledgement at all about this letter. • Very truly yours, 2L1 c_ o 7hnny eech Edna Beech BEECH'S OVERHEAD DOOR, INC. 1000 South Kimball Avenue Southlake, TX 76092-9007 eb Enciosure 7c-4 • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 679 • AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAMES OF PORTIONS OF STREETS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY PRESENTLY KNOWN AS "CROOKED LANE BLVD" EAST OF SOUTH KIMBALL AVENUE AND SOUTH OF EAST SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD, AND AS "SOUTH KIMBALL AVENUE" WEST OF CROOKED LANE BLVD. AND NORTH OF EAST CONTINENTAL AVENUE TO "CROOKED LANE BED", FURTHER DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A"; AND THE STREET PRESENTLY KNOWN AS "EAST CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD", LOCATED IN THE HERITAGE INDUSTRIAL PARK, TO "SOUTH KIMBALL AVENUE", FURTHER DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. WHEREAS, a change in the name of the street located within the City of Southlake, Texas (the "City"), presently known as "South Kimball Avenue", located West of Crooked Lane Blvd. and North of E. Continental Blvd., to "Crooked Lane Blvd." has been requested by the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, a change in the name of the street located within the City presently known as "E. Continental Blvd.", located in the area known as Heritage Industrial Park, to "S. Kimball Ave." • has been requested by the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council to hereby officially change the name of such streets as requested. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: Section 1. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the name of the portion of the street located within the City presently known as Crooked Lane Boulevard, east of South Kimball Avenue and south of East Southlake Boulevard, and the name of the portion of the street presently known as "S. Kimball Ave." west of Crooked Lane Blvd. and north of E. Continental Blvd. as described in Exhibit "A", are is hereby officially changed to "Crooked Lane 'Myth". Section 3. That the name of the portion of the street located with the City presently known as "E. Continental Blvd." in the Heritage Industrial Park as described in Exhibit "A", is hereby officially changed to "S. Kimball Avenue". Section 4. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this • ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such • remaining portions of the ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby expressly repealed to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: • CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: • APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: r , „ Proposed Street Name Changes iiiW— t , I _ ;= • _____ Jeocc- . ._ _ _ ____, 7\ 7-\ -- IL-.1E A 5 1 G� .- 1 \itNA ktsoft 4 114111111111111111 I Cam''_ F A,11111111111111117ANTE1011b AN 11 ► ltori ram* • ,. 0111111/"i, re-4 'milli," 174 MI 1.. 9 NM ill ti_i,,t ., .._ Al ■ � 1 I irn,,,u , ..„... . .....p. p. 1111111,•1.- Il- 1111 Irlianilliii MIN upptt4 Bison .,. ii moiur4 si it I L. Miliiiiiilb rep;. ,401 .' -1.2i 1 1" weirj.-111 .21 0.0.4,1 041.4. I" _ .. .nr-mounu : Nilswi- --routoi .. 441���1�� !.W1ii . II City of Grapevine 1g > ,. F. do ger* 1,00A voc-,r, III i�■ � lipg v(h) b . N Aye 4, _ I 1!Rik. ,,, . „, ," 1 @i '� = _..0 II I/ to. Exhibit A mg c'i1iU KEE El I v, 0, , Scale = 1":1,000' City of Southlake,Texas • STAFF REPORT June 27, 1997 CASE NO: ZA97-061 PROJECT: Site Plan - Southlake Church of Christ STAFF CONTACT: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Site Plan of the proposed Lot 3R-1, J. G. Allen No. 18 Addition on property legally described as Lot 3R, J. G. Allen No. 18 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2174, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2, Brock Addition, an Addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-44,Page 40,Plat Records,Tarrant County, Texas, save and except the portion awarded to the State of Texas by Agreed Judgement entered in Cause No. 153-127796-90, a certified copy of which is recorded in Volume 11284, Page 1121, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. IIILOCATION: Southwest corner of the intersection of Brock Drive and West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). OWNER: Southlake Church of Christ APPLICANT: Larry D. Stone CURRENT ZONING: "CS" Community Service District LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential and Public/Semi-Public CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATION: Residential NO. NOTICES SENT: Eleven (11) RESPONSES: None P&Z ACTION: June 19, 1997; Approved(7-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated June 13, 1997. • City of Southlake,Texas 0 STAFF COMMENTS: The Applicant has met all requirements in Site Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated June 13, 1997, with the exception of those requirements addressed in the attached Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated June 27, 1997. L:\WP-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-061 SP.WPD • S - D-2, 5912 -_-_-:r•T-1-7.--t--i--7, aem 1 6Bik ael / C .-. _. a . i , •A•A IAIA 1A1A IAIA 1A1A 1A1A2A III --V4itlil .-\ ' 4,e6 682 , 25 2C 2 _._._. n, - .--ii Es l' ''' ----4-1-4-t-.4-- 65 663 4 , , „ , , ,•_•- ----• . . . i . .1 ._(._. . ---. .--r.-....i i ::::Jj-4-1-4.-4-1.._.. I •AtA2C -F .7- -1 it4s. i i \ ! -___I i i i ! ! \ t t ) i t 1....-- 684 i •“_crXrs.N.Err 1A1A3--- j\C"-•-•-1-1.--T.-- r . --....fip._ 68, 0 , •-• , --I---. KELLER CITY LIMIT . iri•-- ! \,., ,.,. I - - -- - - - - - - ----- - - -- - .- --- -_ --- -- ----- --- R -1. ..._.._ _ T I 3F3 YID------30: 3D 3 p .E 2,14 3F8:3F1C y5 YIK Y9 Y Y113 DM .-._.-3C-A :4•E, aefif . R, 2-3.......- m -2. 9 0 -6 i 1 IA. i in g ) 9A2 9A1A i "'" 0 0 2 3 . 9A 9AI09.0 fl :::. 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M . , .-.)• ,- 6C2 16CIA .P; 9.65 Ac, 4A18 985 Ac 9.9511'k•'-' 6A1 A , 4A 6C ' 13 ' ,M51 4A9 11 Ac 36.17 At , - ii 6C3 1 192 .,I i i 1 2A3 ; - 4A19 EA2 6E1 „..::.:661 -6r..1 - --, 6E2 NIA? 181A . - . 181 IBIB 7.86 Ac ----; '[71 3.6 Ac 6.1 Ac , 6F 2 Ac ET . , _ . Br -to r TRACT MAP 5A . , -7, .110, .-. .....::,.• ,NALK : 4410 i PO CARROLL •Lin- 1 ELEMENTA.RY 1- . . . . . 4c -- SCHOOL. •. 3C . • ! i .\ " L.A. CLAY _.E3Ar O i . . . --- -/".•• EMI c1-10RG t iliElill 171 - -11 .1. / -- '.• •Ir.- -- •..-...7.• ' ,,r(g(?,c, -ID- 3 • „ „ „ , „ .. 35 , TR.2F TR 2D1 0 oft Z u;r'T 0410 R2 --% TR.2F1� 2.03TR.2C15 p /:* 1 72CAc 1.78 Ac 1455 36 Z3 ' �R 2F1A -(R 10B - .002 5R1 TR.2A1 10A 2.64 Ac `__ 1A 1.0681 O N1/2 Tc t *t S1/2 TR 5A ALL DD 1`� 4 .94AC G . A 2C, , ( (=t OE R � 8A PA N g,R R �, 0 8� OR G 6.80O m 1�1� S ., — 3 �� 3 8 A ID. 7 T g0 . -56 • 6B 4 TR.5A2 " In 2 13.482 Ac RA T R.SC 1" 09-Jun-97 9.56 Ac # Owner Name Zoninq SPIN#15 WAYNE AND JUNE HANE 01 WHITE,HERBERT R SF-1A 02 WHITE,HERBERT R SF-1A TR.5B 03 WHITE,HERBERT SF-1A 3.10 Ac 04 MILLER,NELSON 8 RHETA MAE AG 05 MILLER,RHETA MAE AG • 06 FORESTER,H C ETUX MAXINE $D 07 TEXAS,STATE OF AG ADJACENTOWNERS 06 TEXAS,STATE OF AG 1110 AND ZONING 09 TEXAS,STATE OF AG 10 SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST CS 11 SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST CS 12 WIESMAN,E I SF-1A 13 HORTON,J DOYLE ETUX MARTHA SF-1A �� 14 WIESMAN,E I AG 7 l 15 WIESMAN,E 1 AG 16 WIESMAN,E I AG SP 10_ 17 WIESMAN,E I AG 3'10 wo-cavz .moo 1SI1:1H:7 dO H01:1f1H0 JId11f1 H0S 1:10d NYl 1d d DON0O a d SIA� •, rum,'um or sow Wild k.•...co br a.m.®r,.t,O.anru...,,�.rw r .COM H.�.. a.,...,...... .r Aran r ��r.+'' I W. i�i.LY Y W,v -1„ �•..ru.p ava. W w�wrui �` n' y 4111 a ----.4 ..ti -.,1 i gig.1� + V,,,s�I wr WY MAY fsnr l' ___.__ —�— r /- ilab *Qr+ca®v ron ''ter t � / y�LG �.�br.�.wY. , _ _, _�� ,;�� ��I I I I I I I I . r. Z �.::. r: Alirlril 111 WV MOW Iii , `�es di ♦ NG?. r an� �� r _. , �..� . r i (i) atorr prat arum., ,.., oar CY sumo Wow, . U- 1 'I.r,ar ar,e.r ' m . . ►r - , ` °rZMlIt7177CW III 1107 AOOfCA fW1V � , � 'v'• no.. Amnon Anton.. 0 ►� s - ,a„oO..�, w..mv" a �Tiiiiiiito gipo frIn litlf tit.,,,,__f;j\i, _ o : 111'Alp Qago �� ti g— — _toi _ am og _ -------• -' 01110 1- 1141k VII a_ iiii . .0...9Z • 1 C)0 X QJ ___--- IPZ•j, I- — war, 111 0-460104 r *IF tili 4 .` �.�r i re^""°✓+ w i.sr.� ...,r..�.,.,� Cl)oa,. �r.v.,r ' V J arrourar raver,so- ird • ra.o.. Oas`„..su ob' Wow, iIlla - 1-7„,,,,_,-1- >C) r Ir.r Nwo�.o.. moor :w.e _ ------------ .uv /} ,y A sa•so .a✓em•raor r r,n 1 IP r.Y..u.ser • Yr• y.nam..n.,ruuar \NOY w w r.aw .rrrr roar Lr.awn VI gram rrm IlL - .a aa.K.,.a.rr ..rr., r.rr.,.,amer.'air. ,..,/ ia,..D,..,i \oo 1 I I • • 0 City of Southlake, Texas III SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA 97-061 Review No: Two Date of Review: 6/27/97 Project Name: Site Plan - Education Addition for Southlake Church of Christ being 9.04 acs. situated in the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18 OWNER/APPLICANT: ENGINEER/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: Southlake Church of Christ Cone - Foxworth Architects 2501 W Southlake Blvd. 6112 McCart Avenue, Suite 104 Southlake. Texas 76092 Ft. Worth, Texas PHONE: (817) 379-5298 PHONE: (817) 263-5260 FAX: (817) 379-9249 FAX: (817) 263-5361 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/24/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 787. 1. The following changes are needed with regard to bufferyards: a. The 47' 6" wide driveway intersecting F.M. 1709 and the drive lane directly east of the • driveway was not approved by the preceding Concept Plan and should not be deducted from the required bufferyard. b. Show a 20' bufferyard on the graphic for the south bufferyard adjacent to Wiesman lot. c. Correct the East Bufferyard Part 2 to correctly reflect the length of this lot line. 2. Add the following note to the bufferyard and landscape charts: "A minimum of 50%of all canopy trees planted on the site must be 2" in caliper and 50%must be 4" in caliper for all bufferyards and interior landscape areas per the Corridor Overlay requirements." 3. Provide additional landscape parking islands as indicated on the attached exhibit. 4. Delete "Average Building Height" and provide the "Maximum Building Height" measured by UBC standard in the Project Data. 5. Provide final grading in accordance with the drainage plans approved by Public Works. 6. Provide building facade articulation according to the requirements of Ord. 480, Sect. 43.9c1c. Compliance with requirements are as shown on the attached Articulation Evaluation Chart. . Clearly indicate proposed and existing lighting. Shading of landscape islands has covered labels. 97 -10- 4 City of Southlake,Texas 111 The following changes are needed with regard to driveways: a. Remove the 47' 6" existing driveway intersection F.M. 1709 and remove the portion of drive lane directly east which encroaches the bufferyard and R.O.W. of F.M. 1709. The driveway does not meet spacing or depth requirements and was not approved by the preceding Concept Plan. b. The minimum driveway width is 24'. The existing driveway labeled"Exit Only" has a width of 20'. This driveway is also labeled as fire lane and does not meet the minimum 24' fire lane width. c. Curb return radii must be a minimum of 20'. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * All fire lanes must meet fire department requirements. * All mechanical units must be screened of view from adjacent R.O.W.'s and residential properties. S The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * A permit from TxDOT processed through the city must be obtained prior to any curb cut along F.M. 1709. * Denotes Informational Comment att: Articulation Chart, Landscape Parking Island Exhibit cc: Southlake Church of Christ Cone - Foxworth Architects L:\WP-FILES\REV\97\9706I SP2.WPD 10 ri Articulation Evaluation No.1 4C se No. ZA 97-061 Date of Evaluation: 6/27/97 tions for Southlake Church of Christ ived 6/24/97 Front- facing: North Wall ht. = 29 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max. wall length 87 24 -72% Yes 87 24 -72% Yes Min. artic. offset 4 5 25% Yes' a ` , � `.'<' .-4,4 artic. length 6 13 117% Yes 6 13 117% Yes Rear- facing South Wall ht. = 30 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max. wall length 90 60 -33% Yes 90 60 -33% Yes Min. artic. offset 5 0 -100% NA 5 0 -100% NA Min. artic. length 0 0 0% NA 0 0 0% NA Wall length does not exceed 3 times the wall height Right- facing: West Wall ht. = 26 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max. wall length 78 60 -23% Yes 78 60 -23% Yes Min. artic. offset 4 0 -100% NA 4 0 -100% NA ariartic. length 0 0 0% NA 0 0 0% NA Wall length does not exceed 3 times the wall height t- facing: East Wall ht. = 29 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max. wall length 87 46 -47% Yes 87 46 -47% Yes Min. artic. offset 4 4 0% Yes r 4' ° Min. artic. length 12 12 0% Yes 12 12 0% Yes S `l 0- E \ jp4IN.'•AC,ACAKu„AQAc � _ 1 nvzn,J.C.AftLH ADORER L P,xwtxYraw+rx Nnvi[xr wra,6tux tow rxNs,Y e(zaeNnv1 ! ROmAnc A AORCr.[tURR �� ®pUIE V1Pncrcxnannr r nnr nvx,a `�t lA4CE ,�•tlLwwG'AC.AC,a,C',R,I2 _ f' ,1p9 �jpS���p�ppMl.a.'YrY' MXIAN HOLE , H b/ ? I 1 �p _ - fO. �49__4��. I i A___ " R RAILROAD PI 1�, me :•" 6 4 __ _ RAILFOOAD SPIKE M TREE 7'OFF GF FENCE. C1•m7'oD'O). vr•f e� �rrRYAtp ELEVATION-b169e R•IllAe♦' µV'''. 1 A n,.1-- - .iCJ ib._m. .-m 20.4).EXIST. 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I ! ! l PR0.ECi LOCAigN. a.PARKING AREA LANGXA a• 9 .II ,� `c } SOUTNLAQ.um Pn•Ci.AIEb ARE e.wEr `� - >+ ` E i.RRANT GDM+ AND LALC:lA'ED JE.AS ' _ ' I SOrtNLAKE t..MCN OP DNEST TI IPA x a S..SJS.IE U` I I 4 1 Mal.EFT aNTKANE SOAtvap PRpvIDED�Ts!Y • AP Ller ,w�nauRR �_ 'a Y - 1 : III [ eoET.�AKe.Tumr.os i O,3A.' �\ ip I L L _ L .-s--_ "1 v. .r-M nr",• N•a• i: t 4 3.:wSGcC.1.1.666.0010.1.E rr ce 3 1 I- _..gig ' s z - :°:.. 92 P•� kT S O M . un.',MCP SET..e nK F (� • _, n _ "ir-.va ,Z S.!NISTA.LAND WC v I i Yi.le_�-_�- e _ - -- rr.wA- q I N N E `-� a T- - O O' '" _ .11111111111111M NEW ewcK vEwER r----1 !• as ACRES .{. Y q _ O a `_ cM1RC CLOG- NYC, IIP IExler I • I ,.N➢'pER Os PARC.SPACES PR VIPEO TV <.ipMY.RA:m Y �� RrnER O PANKNO SPACES HmIED. al �' f• r _ - (.•x Di !eEILD..D co.ERArc.Q�tYIS. __a' __ r ...... W,e � ..:,. y 3m.umxin.rsu I • 0Oell* • VAIIlpir ,600•orrCA.IE T. m t 1 ,s, �. ONE!TORT mS SO _� •� ',.._•,..'4•: ♦ 'S ,E��. I.:, I I P0'JnOaED.TWO STOW A)io SO FT.r.ANERAGE NE10.11.SOS Ft. i r j s . EXIST. STORAGE IEIA I C- pp g gCg D.PROPOSED Gf}..iXGTIOI arA,EOLE: 1�l(//, �' rY� d 5•i. y ONE arOMr•a»OF �'�-. d&Z.g E.G.c LETE�Au0 AUGUST. TI ISSI 0 o f. 1 \ ; e'er• s.S.. - V'.P i{- • ,�}" a•waewc soar,tat k t 4 mo 'I " !�6. e / ..- 0 �� i r. p l.-__%�uarc�.MAGIPIPAO=c_-_-_ SOUTHLAK RaATn.I•. Sow 1 J . , .I 4 To fi'e06 RvzxnE LI.1•A. ,"--"- `- '--- .. •w. t 00 Pro/4 a.Dc.Am a.w ii...... 1; "W'I i eR sax ; W - -- _\ i • RC.«a. y �..�� - ="R• °zft SITE PLAN __.- am..�. toms. • Lea EJR DEaCRIPT VICINITY M. '"_-, C .•RA~,SOWN LOT M-I_J4 ALLENN..a ADDITION i0 T.E CITi 6 ,..�.. RECD J U N 2 5 � .mr rKAGRlN.R SO/TNL4[E.TAXMAN,CO ,.TExm APOPPNry 0.9.xEx.Ew.R I ! raA.G.c AGwru nRu nE oaTRa.O.a.oar•xx.wR AAa.RCR,OP •• !w ,. E,r"""„ SOUTI-SLAKE CASE NO. :A Sl-Co' • 0 0 , . .NN..„......,„ 'CY ---, ..7,,:,• -.r.--::..-•'. , - - .. I i 1., rEf] [1] FT3f9 -2"-'---4.= 111 2 ' ill ',;, nI...Ira.—--- ....._ IIIIIIIIIIIIII i 0 . 1—.. ................... C=. '501.471.4 EL:E VAIION = . 0 2. . . 1 1 Q 2 • ,.. s = WALL PLAN 0 ! ' 0 ! X 8 0 3 .....--.1 ;7..'•,t,*:.r.'='. _ ID ____.... •-] k fti :.,=7-E-- It , I-Ai— - ..._._.. ... ,.. i . _......„ 'a 4 1 ftii En fti ,,/7it'aZ4'.. 1 . 0: ' .• (0, .• t . . •...-.—A--, _. NU, I•,01.4 DE L't.-------•—• NOW. ELEVATICN E.,•5T ELE vAT,CN g o ; — 5-- ---1 --- 4 ' ---- .. ---77--71 o• L) L J < Lt..J. WALL PLA Z N go,‘,......., 0 WALL PLAN < ,0 V• O < W •-•: BUILDING ARTICULATION 3 - ¢ § E-E'/ATION 4 E =', NORTU. E.A6" 1. 6OUT,, tiJE6T 1Y-.. 5 n r./..TFT- 1(...'F-: EL:.- ./LTi(L.: 5 I SCALE WI,'•,-0 14 I syseeigat, 31'-6' 32' 2E3_ .36. 63' WOK,NO. ,1001 , ra-ct P.SCId 0 0 0 ..- Pro VIC10e. 1-1....4.Far.R.rec. " •-• .' -^ RED JUN 2 5 1997 A6 , co....64.6.•••coa....can•AleCWW11:CO • City of Southlake,Texas STAFF REPORT June 27, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-055 PROJECT: First Reading/ Ordinance No. 480-246 Rezoning/Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474. being a portion of Tract 5 STAFF CONTACT: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481-5581, ext. 743 REQUESTED ACTION: Zoning Change on property legally described as approximately 5.63 acres situated in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, being a portion of Tract 5. LOCATION: Approximately 200' east of the 2400 Block of Crooked Lane. OWNER/APPLICANT: Ken Smith CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District REQUESTED ZONING: "0-1" Office District • LAND USE CATEGORY: Industrial NO. NOTICES SENT: Nine (9) (1ST NOTIFICATION) RESPONSES: None NO. NOTICES SENT: Six (6) (2ND NOTIFICATION) RESPONSES: Three (3) responses were received within the 200' notification area: • Iva Lee Johnson,720 Whispering Wood Circle, Southlake, opposed. • Bobby Struempler,700 Whispering Wood Circle, Southlake, opposed. • Pamela Morrison, 710 Whispering Wood Circle, Southlake, opposed. "0-1 bufferyard - I would like to see the additional 10' or 15' as discussed in last meeting. 0-1 screening - I would prefer to see a masonry fence rather wood for both the look of it masonry and would • be in better shape over time." City of Southlake,Texas P&Z ACTION: June 5, 1997; Approved (5-0) motion to reconsider case; Approved (5-0) motion to rescind case; Approved (5-0) to table and to continue public hearing until June 19, 1997. June 19, 1997; Approved (7-0) with the following amendments: 1) 20' bufferyard adjacent to the west with a 6' wood fence and a mixture of pines and cedars for the 8' screening device. STAFF COMMENTS: Please note that a change of zoning to the "O-I" Office District does not require a Concept Plan Review by Staff Due to approximately 25% opposition of property owners within the 200' notification area, a super-majority vote (6 of 7)of the City Council will be required to approve this request. L:\W P-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-055Z.WPD • • r - 0 .- •---1.___i_l 1.1...1-+-:.....f- ' Li SA3 - 5C18 7 SH SP 1... 38'I ?4 - ... • .. • . _,- . ."Y! 1 .. -11----w"--***-40 ._._• • . _•._ 0 771';•--Irl -T-: 1-- • • ..._ ._ _. 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Xvoco t....t 2E5 11141111111111111.11 , Om 3 i ifeArt.t II i a a . 4 HIGHWAY 29 iti2A lea le i --.4111111111 ' ........4_ __. .________.4 ..4'. 4. , all Ilriao 2C •----I i i ! I i"44 ViC,j --- - ANL 15 Ac '---- 50 rA . 28 ofz.. 4•••,,,,_%.... 1A i • , i JC 3E1 88 .,:,2, ,,,, •••.....„.. „is, :01....:L-- 2,441 '11111.0., ' • irl (..)13...), 2,4 • :!1 j :1‘ ,':, 1 e8i i 6A1A \S - 111111! . LA3 2A2A 2AIA ...- 1 A6 3 A.'‘‘ 2A18 miti‘ 3B.... •----- -__. (-.-- ----;72r------- 1C 416117•• ! -i ( i S7 2A3A 2A1 - ___II lel 5) 12_09 At i LAIC. )' IL. 11A 11: _.------ ID ' "•-•-r------ - ..,- HE G ....•1 ..04_ _ r_______ t f. M 1 OW 7 HO mAZ---t-IA3T. 13-0'4 __ill 3Al2...,J___,:._ * • : ,......, ........ A-474 ....116 At X A+71-Os-- 574.---r-L---,--__. : 05 / e: ...< ..-- .--......, • tyrilL ...- 3 3B ...--. C .." ---1-1-r"' (ilit • i INI9 i 7 CA- 66 rAg ._.__ , 6H i . :: i • 4A4 . II I .• I : 6K 641 prrfiC ! i ! i ui GO ; • •. i gat- , r--c — . now „o4 ! I i i f----, 38-3 3 ------ ! 1 1 . L. 1 i,i ______3 Ac 6.15 k GRAPEvwE CITY UM/r , I''; 1‘ .4).isatAL- ..t_vc• •'' I .-ro5 - X., , -----. 681 I, 11 GOO I \ p flq -FARK UsiHrl : 60 6E i3 -------TA mt -i : \ %, ,A pv''• 61 A,. „,,,e-riziAL :,. 114,1-. ------,--if .:17.:r-z7z---;---- 4A .. CD VIA 4 4 7.1:010-SKE ma+ 06a \\ , AllAk - vo,_z_s_44'tux lescz 15.6 At \\ • -- - I 'a, AZEIIIVW ' - -• cl? .1 UFO 10K , . , :.,-• RL, tel TRACT MAP _ _ e*LI MD ..,um. ,len :861 NA- ri rocol . ,.......1._ ...__...di*Ail AOC' " 132E1*933 _____________......_ ---• We? ii-c a ,...7 .1 r. li„,. - 4A TA "[ I • ..1, ' 9/2- -- r) ; „:„... , , ;I ,8.510,,, ,,, ,....., ieto • • ------7;T------ I 3. yi,..4t"APOOD.1 _5129, , iL , ,--- 7,-, ; 4.9 ..,-4 .-_->-- _ - -,. I ' TR 2ATj...8 TR 2ASC .237 @ TR 2A1A 1.525 AC 3.225 0 TR.3A E 766 @ — TR 2A2A TR 2A1 f. 6.79 AC 2.493 @ COX �O 99 2AJA Q TR 2 19 AC TR 2A1 �' .744 AC 2.493 0 TR 2C .361 AC TR 11 5.93 AC • / TR.3A 7.229 @ . sell & • . TR 11A 1. E.1 RvE� TR 11A S A,47 7 AC 7 5 g TR11E -------'--------........._x--.-_._.____........__ -.- 16.96AC • • SF-1 A111 a 0 K. SCHAFFER o • I. 0 '1'R w k .. CC \ / TR SA U T 21AC3 ��� 36.46 AC 9 C'MMRJ i O ��e TR 5 li o �J Y 1 .503 AC 5� < � U) 10 o Z 0 O 1 w N TR CC1 2.5 O 11 Cn 2 _ ._ EX: I I.JOHNSON 5 4 22 22 4_____ ���_.�,.i 11_ �� fi — — G4i1lTH+-1{� L s GRAPEVINE C AG .11 ggi TRH GE L NOUS�ASA �," dirlDUPAgi STAGEPARK 3 1 n NER TR , ii. . „...,,5 I ,��� CITY OF GRAPEVINE N..,-- C B R. WALLACE 61 Ac w I 3 r 1n I p�, 1 I' ....:-..----":-.--- _ • Y ADJACENT OWNERS _ . AND ZONING ,/�_ r 7 n E- SPIN #7 DARRELL FAGLIE mod-LI . • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-246 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING APPROXIMATELY 5.63 ACRES SITUATED IN THE THOMAS EASTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 474, BEING A PORTION OF TRACT 5 AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "0-1" OFFICE DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; • PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. REQUESTED ZONING: WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "AG" Agricultural District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person • or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-246.WPD Page 1 a- 5 S changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings,and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas,does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those Swho bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over- crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake. Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City Sof Southlake,Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: L:ACTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-246.WPD Page 2 S Being a 5.63 acre tract of land situated in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, being a portion of Tract 5 and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, from "AG" Agricultural District to "0- 1" Office District. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population;and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development Sof the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480. as amended. or any other ordinances Saffecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted L:'v.CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-246.WPD Page 3 63Q 7 ) • until final disposition by the courts. Section 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions,then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: S CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1997. MAYOR S L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-246.WPD Page 4 • ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY • i L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-246.WPD Page 5 \ • EXHIBIT "A" BEGINNING at a fence corner being the Southwest corner of said tract and being by deed call 1,095.6 feet East of the most westerly Southwest coiner of said survey and from which said point a 5/8 inch iron pin by a set stone bears West 4.0 feet. 'I`IIENCE North 00 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds West along the West line of said tract and the East line of a tract described in deeds in Volume 10335, Page 1036, and Volume 9499, Page 760, 923.70 feet to the Northwest corner of the herein described tract; THENCE South 70 degrees 58 minutes 06 seconds East, departing said West line 305.51 feet to the'Northeast corner of the herein.described tract; THENCE South 09 degrees 23 minutes 57 seconds West 50,20 feet to a point; • TIIENCP, South 00 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds East 774,65 feet to the Southeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 58 minutes 48 seconds West 280i00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 5.63 acres. L:\CTYDOCS\ORD\CASES\480-246.WPD Page 6 • City of Southlake,Texas • STAFF REPORT June 27, 1997 CASE NO: ZA 97-067 PROJECT: Preliminary Plat/Stonecrest Business Park STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough, Planner I, 481-5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Preliminary Plat for Stonecrest Business Park,being legally described as approximately 43.69 acres situated in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, and being Tracts 5, 5A, 11 A, and 11B. This plat proposes twenty-four (24) lots. LOCATION: East side of Crooked Lane and approximately 560' south of the intersection East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and Crooked Lane. OWNERS/APPLICANTS: Ken and Darla Smith CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District, "I-1" Light Industrial District, and "0-1" Office District • LAND USE CATEGORY: Industrial NO. NOTICES SENT: Fourteen (14) RESPONSES: Four (4) responses were received within the 200' notification area: • Pamela Morrison, 710 Whispering Wood Circle, Southlake, opposed. "Silicon Drive is too close to residential on the south end of the plat. Silicon Drive should terminate at Exchange Boulevard to discourage through traffic - near residential." • Karen Beasley, P.O. Box 487, Grapevine, TX 76099, in favor. • Iva Lee Johnson, 720 Whispering Wood Circle, Southlake, opposed. • Bobby Struempler, 700 Whispering Wood Circle, Southlake, opposed. P&Z ACTION: June 5, 1997; Approved (5-0) to table and to continue public hearing until the June 19, 1997, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. • June 19, 1997; Approved (5-2) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated June 13, 1997, with the following amendment: City of South lake,Texas 1) prefer Option B, street stub-out to southeast, and Option A to southwest if B cannot be worked out with Grapevine; The following additional preferences were made as discussed with the applicant: a) no truck traffic on Crooked Lane; b) parking on sides of lots not adjacent to Crooked Lane; c) residential-style offices with pitched roofs. STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant has met all items in Plat Review Summary No. 1 dated May 30, 1997 and Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated June 13, 1997, with the exception of those items addressed in the attached Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated June 27, 1997. L:\W P-FILES\MEMO\97CASES\97-067PP.W PD S • ea-�. Al 2CI/15� • xl ",�_S(IL -.-- .v / 3A2 SA1 , �a3C - _. - _. -. _ _ _ \ 1 ' -• �'1-1-1-I- * .' ',. ..' • A IZE_W- t / 0 / x1 A� J •ST oP s`.ea En�'Y ms iill oD 1(5 231 i . ili .._._• • -- _ _ - �B2 'SBm- GR R'' �N� D pP BKN -,i I.l A 'GD-._ k• 242 . DZ 2AtA E5 , 5B2B 582A I p,8 �IB2 1A, ' tal T'~,v,nnW5 [ Wo77TlSR 2At8 SA • Si/V1EY A-458 NORTHWEST PKWY mENNOPI©® IA 2E4c ST 'I 2E3 2E14 2E13 2A; R 2E �EB l 1 RA E fpR ,• o12 2E7 `V r _ .J. "._.___J`�1 f1 2E3 -� 6 2E8 _IZ A P5 D pN DD��ON ' i �j�Y!I LL l \ .usnM PLACE 2EIr •��� (j(v .. - AA L.-_ .E L___._.__.y._._._:__: _. Ilt a o0o LANE 2E5 �ASi SOUTILAXE BIND s, ® -. ' e. I I j a...pe:_. _ j x 2 2B 167A 182 18 i 1E2 ---,r --+-------, i . i j i i , I. I._. 4 r-a I i 1 j ! I i i 1 1 i ; ►/. •.Ir 1628 �1 2C l ram. _.- 15 Ac SO Pp 28 .R� FA i j 3 3E 3C 38 68 1:- i ,oN - _ JfJ <I 2E ;PRLr 2A3AI �-44%,T :,, ;jr g �-i�y �� 181 2 2A3881 2A2A 2AIA _' LG ice—� � .-. �"! _ in. i� -i l -o IC ..... : i j Ti_` I LY ,- ter-)^ II0r• - _ I�. P� ,.,A i I- E:�,�ArIM- --------- SA ,lA ._.am.. ._. A-4n i i ._._.-_. i i > --------- 0pK- i ; ` -- GRpP �NF 13.6 Ac i i I :, `- J 3B ---'�•- .__ �a GSM -..1 ; .�R� 1 C68 �ND 1 fi}1- r 1 I i i .0 _._P R T._._. Ii il 5P1 L ID Ac E I IIL • I 1 • • — 4 1 1' 11D5A1 itOA C-` • �—' 383 3 GRAPEVINE CITY OMIT r I 480W Sr. • 6A11 II IiI 3 Ac 6.15 Ac I I'1 2C1 ' r+hl� 01,,`7 I 1 e 6f�i.lAc L Y 683 68 I 6B! �" ---� zc 50 Q G 9 `� pp, t 6B2 __. 6C 60 6E V�✓IN� .._.--._.�' �"`. ._._. .. . D 1 13.4 Ac PpRK'" ` `� MOP D�j 1` Y v �N 1 �A I • • .141rni 4A .„.' \,\,SURVEY A-701J �R(f AY 2E11 IA 1 • _,I A3 1Bta O _ IBIA --' v`\` INC I84AI IBICE y t �� 6.3 Ac I iBltf ,B•�OA�'B6CI ``` 1_ _ __ J IB4 Bw2A IBIO ..,Bw2 eta\-lela.,Bcr 15.6 Ac ,-' . R .E1,rylU IBW ,B4' B12 tens re I >•• ` ,1 1 Iq1 tent IiBSB fig,. re .k32 _ -- • ,.... ,1:::.:'�' Mil �'BN IBS 1817 186A I81 ,BIS IBL6 IBIA -186, — • 2 ,BIA HMI �I Q 1 IBIS 1443 ,6114 .. +,B6G (I�L�'ON IB!II tB/11 IBt, IbB ,868 r 1 rs IBIU] tBKBA I89A .I866I pD , IBWI I8416 189E ,BBC -.18683 a — 2E1 ,8.2 IBIA Ie9 "-`18682 31.61 Ac 1640 ,Bq7 ,B9C 1818, -1'.. ® to 6.31 Ac �H7S- ,Bw IB7C 184 ,56AI IBC AA , ,91n ( 'Bu ,B7A rrv—=m61 �� I83 A. GAO A P5OH �. MM/`� �pr� @@ MM DEC (� TRACT MAP t H A11NRI3OH ECK KER 15 A �' • 2E SlRA(Y A-438 -1532 zc I 30 Ac r�(pVl"' AH U �pNG P.R. 4 f 1 ABt "{//H I - IA . I 1 I ilb�3 �= -- -.• ...•... . aWULl. Li,S1 VE, rf/ - . AND ZONING DARRELL FAGLIE TR 2A1A 1.<•.c •r . E S OUT HU 3.225 0 AG TR.3A2 .766 Q TR 2A2A AG 18 .598 Q • 6.79 AC B. Gordon `�°99 q AG IA GI GO .744 AC _ 1.558 AC J. Demlow E. Jurgensen 2 AG R. Williams S. Pritchett 2 TR 11A TR 110ki /"^'\ 7 AC 3.857 AC / \1 E. White J'�Ac STER SURE TR 11A A-�7 AG 7 AC _ R. Pack B 4 TR IIE • 16.96 AC . . 6 5 I 1111 110C . a_ • o H A F F E R -_ J outhiake w " S 3 31 7/ /' \ Q 9 9 SF-1A A , Market Loop � j9 \ . _ : TR 5A B. Struempler 16.46 AC R. Pack C MMEP ic352 TR 5 18.503 AC ,L p / S F-1 A 10 — z Za a P. Morrison C. Verburg 1 • EXCHANGE BL Johnson R. Pack , 3 D 2 r 22 — — GRAPEVINE CITY UMI W. Wallace a,l ,RIT A� Grapevine U5-�aIA ((,N T 0 { �, V; ND PARK AGE IRK y AG o : 5,5 ERIT PA B h+(''''vEY� TR 1 - I I N 115315 1 C u 61 AC s� _ 5 1Ct � I. 3 - j7_J: P P r i`:OUSTR:AI .S 2)-y City of Southlake,Texas PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY ase No: ZA 97-067 Review No: Three Date of Review: 6/27/97 Project Name: Preliminary Plat - Stonecrest Business Park being 43.69 acres situated in the T. Easter Survey. Abstract No. 474 APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Ken Smith J.E. Levitt Engineers, Inc. 2364 Crooked Lane 726 Commerce Street, Suite 104 Southlake, Texas 76092 Southlake, Texas 76092 Phone: Phone: (817) 488-3313 Fax: Fax: (817) 488-3315 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 6/23/97 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 787. 1. Show both tracts to the north of the site and label the owner's name and deed record(vol. &page)for each tract. Also provide the deed record volume and page for the Ray Wallace tract to the southwest of the site and the owner's name and deed record for the tract to the northwest of the site. 1111. Label the apparent existingcenterline andprovide dimensions for the existingR.O.W. of Crooked pp Lane. 3. The following changes are needed with regard to street geometry and proposed R.O.W.: A. Dimension the 30' R.O.W. dedication from the apparent existing centerline of Crooked Lane to the R.O.W. dedication line. B. Provide minimum curve radii and tangents between reverse curves (5.03-F) as approved by City Engineer between Block 1 and Block 2. 4. All proposed lot lines must follow approved zoning boundaries. 5. Provide a minimum 10' U.E. for the proposed 4" sanitary sewer force main located along the west lot line of Lot 7, Block 2. 6. Label the alternate stub of street as follows: "Proposed alternate street stub extension. " * Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial, they appear to meet the intent • of this requirement. 56-5 City of Southlake, Texas * The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider perimeter street and drainage, park dedication requirements, off-site sewer extensions, and off-site grade-to-drain permission and/or off- site drainage easements. * This property lies within the 75 `LDN' D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone which will require that new construction meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479 and will require that the "Avigation Easement and Release" shown in Appendix 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 be executed on the subsequent final plat(s). * Denotes Informational Comment cc: J.E. Levitt Engineers, Inc. Ward Surveying Co. (817) 838-7088, P.O. Box 820253, Ft. Worth, Texas 76182-0253 L: WP-FILES\REV\97\97067PP3.WPD • • Sbru r 0 0 • uu°`r06▪0 PNOPLNfa UP..NVDON y '\\ 1 LhIJAj"Ilia I T .�®� I —r -- ,••1 -• --`n,� _ ▪ am --. �, r r _ :..- :MIT-....... 1 It L!11.4 ,� I ai 1-i uO 1a•Mr ••If f I..�.r u ..,. -.w.- .� �.� ....•r.r r......rim __.._..l OC1TM)M Y�I• • vfe'6\\ "r ';ice �8 _ __•._---=. .. .. ........ uu .u..w« •f;d.::.'A,.1�•A}, ,...........7- • .......r , • .......•=•r•:rt. .i.... . ..r.•:..`•....r r.�.-..... .• C'''''•.2:„.•'\. P' 1 I° • • 15 ((��yy - - ) 'z„ .. ! r _ _IAhD USE DiTA \Y r "= - o e o;` • - v`ais and ai[•itte s. r- '., . [ '_ - _PII[5[M IO•WG�1_UD -__ n j' 1 .2..4,• .....• = : \ 1:v....l�.r.050,,-.1U.I[iWilKJ Ia1 a v • • ,PROPOS[D 20NWG ow .` .• • a '....n- m a o ton•• Cr I -MIO Or..OR l.OA i- ‘, Y. ♦ • , V•—p=— N1o?OR7 NOS[IONE- ?I ION' ! I 4 «• , I •/ I 142' 10 %� r . . • ir..�� '.. 1 Vkv!LUI'YYM SC IEDL LF • :- •I nano (/ iM `..I• rn. .• e.DN ur L [ ui' .r uo .� • :.. .v .rwne • Go fe I 1 GENERAL NOTES • R 1010101.0 ..4. G I ti • f 12 `n° 2.sAS RYi , k +. 00, P.0,0 Io _" _ L_ 2 3 1997 • ZONING CRAP IUI. « F� «..... II 1Ce 14 0N•61• 1'RIi1INARY PLAT • _ . STONECI I Sri' •* ; :- 13US1NF-'- I' 1R K• • ,7yy... .. - • - J Rl L. 1TT A.�ADDITION 70 L ' `1 * R [ R R•[-' N.RR st'R.'ninr.CO TflE CITY OF' SIICFIILIKE [ • 1. • •\S R R R I, . _-T L. TARN.1NT CO(TT1', 1F:\AS :Y- :vl' ...... • .\, A ` • ' ..... IN IIII' ......... un.,.. .�:: - � ,;, ....... ;ua;:`"', •- '1'p1/V V- l:.ib'fClt ?'11a 1'1 1 L • R II F Y-R !^d F1.. '1 _ •Cw .r .rA-, • .[ AIIS(RACI NO is I ... __ -_ 'NW -'77-77-77777 ~ - ...' • LA..VYM.0 NA- 7.;C•.. f•- ...RAf_ .�-1 LOTS i- A. 43.46 ACRES ... ...r«. i . zD JIINE Ins: [ : 1 R S I I 1••�ont ! L E R E ! _" -__-__-_ .1r.ZS'Tn7-Rn . ,.,. F...i:a 4 ,»i.a. City of Southlake,Texas • MEMORANDUM June 27, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Requested Variance to the Sign Ordinance No. 506-B, Section 17-A, for Don T. Durham Elementary and Intermediate School Located at 801 Shady Oaks Drive BACKGROUND Mr. Mark Terry, Principal of Don T. Durham Elementary and Intermediate School, has applied for a variance to the Sign Ordinance, Section 17-A, which prohibits signs not specifically allowed. He is requesting a variance to allow a reader board to be incorporated into a monument sign to be located in front of the school. The sign would comply as far as setback, material, and size requirements. • Charles Bloomberg, Plans Examiner, has recommended that a lockable covering be required if Council chooses to approve this variance. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that Mr. Mark Terry's request for variance to the City's Sign Ordinance, Section 17-A, be placed on the July 1, 1997, Regular City Council Agenda for City Council review and consideration. ". c J CRE/cre Attachments: Memo from Charles Bloomberg, Plans Examiner Sign variance application Sign drawings Sight plan D:\Word Files\variances\durhamsignvar.doc • I OA-I , City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM • June 25, 1997 TO: Bob Whitehead, P. E., Director of Public Works FROM: Charles Bloomberg, C. B. O., Plans Examiner SUBJECT: Sign Variance Appeal at Durham School 801 Shady Oaks Dr. Mr. Mark Terry, Principal of the school, has applied for a variance to allow a reader board sign to be incorporated into a monument sign in front of the school. The sign complies with the setback, material, and size requirements of the sign ordinance. Section 17-A of the sign ordinance prohibits signs not specifically allowed. Therefore reader board signs are prohibited. If the Council chooses to allow the reader board sign, I would recommend they require a lockable covering to prevent easy access by vandals. Mr. Terry has said they intend to have such a cover, but for purposes of aintaining I would prefer it to be required. ease schedule this item for the July 1, 1997 City Council meeting. Mr. Terry as well as a representative of the Parent Teacher Organization will be at the meeting. S 10A-2 , CITY OF SOUT U.MC2 February 6, 1995 SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION 111/1 APPLICANT OWNER _Cif different/ NAME Mark Terry, Principal • Carroll Independent School District ADDRESS: 801 Shady Oaks Dr. Southlake, TX 76092 PHONE: 481-8068 FAX 329-5107 The fo1 owing.�afozmatioa per mains to the location for wh ch the variance ies being requested; VANE OF BUSINESS OR OP/RATION: Don T. Durham Elementary & Intermediate School PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 801 Shady Oaks Dr. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot Block Subdivision • I hereby certify that this application is complete as per the requirements of Sign • Ordinance No. 5oe as aummsrized below. 1 further understand that it is necessary to have a • representative at the City Council meeting who is authorized to discuss this request, • • • address any unresolved isa A • d changes, if any. icant's Signature: { • Date: 6/1/97 ******************************* ** *t **********ttt*********************************t**** • • For City Use Only: • I hereby acknowledge receipt of the sign variance application and the appliction fee, in the amount of $ on this the day of , 199 . Signed: Title: **t****t**********4****ttt*****t********t**t***************t****************************** The Iulluwthy checklist is a summary of requirements for sign variance requests u required by the City'of Southlake. The applicant should further refer to the Sign' Ordinance No. 506 and amendments, and other ordinances maps, and codes available at the. City Hall that may pertain to this sign variance request. X Completed sign variance request application. . . . • X Completed demonstration of conditions applicable to the req uested pp variance (see attached.) Site plan showingthe location of the signvariance request and any other . signs that conform to Cr are exempt from the sign ordinance. The site plan shall also indicate the building, landscaped areas, parking & approaches and • adjoining street R.O.W. X Scaled and dimensioned elevations of the signs tor which the variance is • requested. For attached signs, the elevation; shall show the building, the • sign for which the variance is requested, and any otheraigna-that conform to • or are exempt trom the sign ordinance. 10A-3 -. JLN-16-1997 15:53 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO see107 P.03 Demonstration Oltse demonstrate tha_t_the_followina conditions are applicable _tQ ha eyed sign variance: 1. . That a literal enforcement of the sign regulations will create an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant. The Parent-Teacher Organization of Durham Elementary and Intermediate School has worked for two years in order to gain the funds for a reader board that would assist our parents regarding school and city information. Communication is an area that our parent community often suggest as an area of improvement and we are asked, "Where is our sign?" Every other school in our community has a sign. 2. That the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to. the affected property and is not self imposed. This reader board will serve two purposes since we are a school and we are a central location for joint-use activities. As it is now, we are sending home volumes of paper announcing city-sponsored events. Our last parent survey indicated that there is so much paper sent home from the school and city both that parents are overwhelmed and do not read the information. S • . 3 . That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties. The design of our reader board will have a brick base that will match the existing brick on our building. Also, our landscape committee plans accent plants around the base of the brick sign base. 4. That the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of . the sign ordinance. Our reader board serves the parents of our students, as well as the community at large. G:\WPFNFORMSNAPPS\SIGN VAR.WPD S 10A-4 TOTAL P.03 S—VO1 S r r- ce awJf ,.,/,-.,/, ,21,4:7-1- E .. • • -- -._. — , 4,..m...t r rrr 3211 3:11 r" tj 0 .-c-) 32. C 320 ..... n . m n z 23 z m % • , 0 0 Po 2 s> • * = ii = 0-3. rmiZ i rn n rn cla z Q om win C•) , tj m . a/3 C = riri )21 zcm, co � ciP) o0 � . p:::, pal, o 3. 'L7 ...i co --� — m s: rTI '� �' -, v, Z c4 po m mc rn rnC c) 1.1.111" o cn , co„ 1....1 • Sr 0 .. . __ ._ --- - 0 , _Note 3 NOTES Note 6 Nate 1 Note 4 Note t - 4 '3 Bars continuous the length of the grade beam. Note 7 Note wrapped with •3 bars at 2'-0" o.c. as Brawn. Note'5 Note 2 - 4 ' 3 bars equally spaced running the length of the Note 8 --`` /— pier. extending a minimum of i'0' into the gee beam. illProvide '3 bars for spiral ties. ? Note 3 - 6' cmu with a 2 3/4' hip starter block. Apply mastic `\ • " dampproofing. and merrcrahe flashing (flashing at carers) •before installing brick. r,oo0 `II ._ , Note 4 - Face brick, aria molar to match that of the existing building. — r = -__•- Provide full head pint weep holes at 24' o.c. 5/8" — E. 1 v.„ - 4 Note 5 - Re-grade are to provide positive drainage. Newly placed sod �' _ �" is not extend above the top of ire grade beam or 4' below i� 's*o the top of the grade beam. • Note 6 - Provide continuous sealant. I r- 5,6' Note 7 - 6' wide x 16' tall bond beam with 2 '3 bars continuous. Note 8 Face brick sins. p oxide S011d units at uric end Of the run. SILL DETAIL GRADE BEAM DETAIL 11/2' • 1.-0 , „2- • 1'-0- SHADY OAKS / 8'8" i_ _— \Supports as provided Don T. Dvnem Elementarymade b and Intenroa,Ie school_ Message Area Ancho by to grgrade Deemier. \ c in accordance w/ manufactu ens \ requirements. I w �N — l Brick z'a hJtar to m2tCh that 01 �! \ ""iiiiiitiiiiiiii qUi.iiiiiiiiiU 9 o Provide solid bricks exisurlg Dul!oing. q _ at the end of ==--?- u, R _= ', sous. =_— — = z 1A1 ��—�"---�' Provide 1- conduit and power tit cn —\ aS req,IDed by the J ¢ . I Exposed Cone. to — _ fR'' ar c_ ,.o recieve a hand rubbed �. ¢ z o ` brush U IPJ 36'6 vERIFY Line OI existing w SIDE ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION Bade. Add rill t as sruwn at v2 r 0' v2 r•0" no steeper Iran i 1f4 I • 6A7Brick SiI1S below. — F g ii? iiiii _� ,i ,' � j '011111ITI1TTIfTI11IITt llI. �. �11I11111111111lll1tt1tJII11111I111II� . CENTEkur OF Tr{ FRONT ENTRANCE OF SCHOOL BUILDING lJei* 11/ t 8,8- if' 3A1 Um 7 PARTIAL SITE PLAN SECTION 1 PLAN VIEW E— V8- • 1-0' II "1 Al • • • _, ., ., .. ., .., ..„ SHRDY OAKS DRIVE r 1 i i Proposed Sig-: _ ' I l e e e HTF1 JHL f. . „ ► 1I • i � D v v I I p¢ V 5 1 te H -. / 1 �y z w . ' r- I 1 1 1 f [ J1-7 N. 1 1 1 1 f a ? I:, SITE__PLAN 3 i 20o I :if.!! . I ELEMENTARY AND INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL i I City of Southlake,Texas 0 MEMORA NI_D___LM June 26, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Commercial/Construction Waste Ordinance Darcey Imm, Assistant to the City Manager, has prepared this draft commercial/construction waste ordinance. The purpose of the ordinance is two-fold. First, it requires commercial entities to have commercial garbage containers, rather than placing waste at the curbside. Second, the ordinance requires construction sites to have adequate commercial containers to prevent trash from blowing from the construction site to other areas of the city. We have not yet had an opportunity to discuss this with the Council members who worked with us on the garbage contract, but anticipate doing so once we have some input from the full Council as to the direction the ordinance should take. IIIPlease place this item on the July 1, 1997 City Council agenda as a discussion item. Please let me or Darcey know if you have comments or questions. S • / / / A s DRAFT • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 337; ESTABLISHING OBLIGATIONS, DUTIES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR COMMERCIAL AND CONSTRUCTION GARBAGE COLLECTION; AMENDING THE COLLECTION CONTAINER REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS; ESTABLISHING COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR WASTES FROM BUILDING OPERATIONS OR PROPERTY CLEAN-UP; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI. Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code: and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City that an ordinance be passed regulating the collection of commercial and construction waste. NOW, THEREFORE LET IT BE ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. Definitions. Whenever used in this Ordinance, the following words and terms shall have the definitions and meanings provided in this Section: • 1.1.BRUSH: Limbs, branches and other trimmings which can not be placed in disposable containers and/or exceeds four (4) feet in length and six (6) inches in diameter. 1.2.CITY: The City of Southlake. 1.3.COLLECTOR: A person or entity designated to collect refuse and debris from the commercial or construction sites. This could be. but is not limited to. the CONTRACTOR providing basic collection services to the City. 1.4.COMMERCIAL CONTAINERS: Metal containers with adequate capacity to service commercial customers. These containers, supplied by COLLECTOR, shall be (i) equipped with suitable covers to prevent blowing or scattering of refuse while being transported for disposal of their contents. (ii) maintained in good repair, appearance, and in a sanitary condition, and (iii) clearly marked with the COLLECTOR's name and telephone number in letters not less than two (2) inches in height. 1.5.CITY CONTRACTOR: The person. partnership. or corporation performing refuse collection under contract with the city. • 1.6.COMMERCIAL UNIT: Any commercial, institutional, or industrial enterprise located within the corporate limits of the city. including any residential dwellings occupied by persons or groups of persons comprising more than four families. 1.7.DISPOSABLE CONTAINERS: Any plastic bag, cardboard, metal or wooden box, having no outside dimension of more than four feet and capable of containing garbage or rubbish, without leaking or emitting odors and which weighs, when loaded, less than fifty (50) pounds and which is placed at streetside for removal. 1.8.DEBRIS: Dirt, concrete, rocks, bricks or other waste building materials. 1.9.GARBAGE: Animal and vegetable waste matter resulting from the handling. preparation, cooking and consumption of food, including waste materials from markets, storage facilities, handling and sale of produce and other food products. 1.10.REFUSE: Every accumulation of waste (vegetable and/or other material) that results from the preparation, processing, consumption. dealing in. handling, packing, canning, storage, transportation, decay or decomposition of meats, fish, fowl, birds. fruits, grains, or other animal or vegetable matter which is likely to attract flies or rodents: and all rubbish or waste material generated at a residential, commercial, industrial, institutional location, or construction site which must be • disposed of to prevent the attraction of flies, rodents, scavengers, unnecessary odor or to prohibit unsightly accumulation of refuse or fire hazards. Section 2.0 Duties Of The Commercial, Institutional And Industrial Customers. (a) It shall be the duty of the owner or person otherwise in control of a commercial unit within the City which uses the City' of Southiake's disposal service, to cause all garbage and refuse accumulated on said premises to be placed at a location on the premises which is readily accessible to the Collector. (b) It is required that such customers collect their wastes in a commercial containers of sufficient size to accommodate the waste produced. The containers should be designed and tended so as to mitigate blowing debris. These containers shall be placed at a location on the premises arranged by the customer and Collector subject to the approval of the City. It the commercial container is enclosed by fencing or any material, the customer shall provide an opening of adequate size for container access. If gates are used, the customer will ensure that they are tied open for easy access by the Collector on the dates collection is scheduled and closed once the waste has been collected. Commercial type containers shall be provided by the Collector and paid for by the customer. //A - s • (c) The collection and removal of garbage and rubbish from the commercial unit shall be made as often as necessary in order to maintain such premises free of accumulations of garbage and rubbish and/or such material being transported off the site by wind, rain. animal, etc. (d) Cans and disposable containers shall not be permissible for commercial refuse unless by special permission of Council. Section 2.1 Exceptions for Commercial, Institutional And Industrial Customers. (a) If a commercial, institutional, or industrial site does not generate refuse. then it is not required to have a refuse container. (b) If a business owner contracts with a private janitorial service who removes refuse from the commercial site, then a refuse container is not required. Section 3. Wastes From Building Construction/Reconstruction Or Property Clean- Up. (a) Debris, refuse or brush resulting from construction. major clean-up or major remodeling and repair, resulting from a general cleanup of vacant or improved property just prior to its occupancy, or resulting from sizable amounts of trees, refuse, brush and debris cleared from property in preparation for construction will not be removed as a regular service performed by the designated City Collector. (b) Debris, refuse or brush must be collected in a commercial container which is located on the job site at all times. The container must be of sufficient size and design to control materials being blown out of the containers. The owner will have debris and rubbish removed, at his expense. by either the City Contractor or his own Collector. The collection and removal of such refuse shall be made as often as necessary in order to maintain such premises free of accumulation of debris. SECTION 4. Private Collection and Disposal. Section 4.1. Collection. Commercial and Construction businesses are permitted to employ the services of the City Contractor or arrange to use an independent Collector. This Collector must use equipment which meets or exceeds the following: (a) Protection from scattering. Vehicles shall be equipped with a cover which • may he net with mesh not greater than one and one-half(1 1'2) inches. or tarpaulin, or fully enclosed metal top to prevent leakage. blowing or scattering • of refuse onto public or private property. Such cover shall be kept in good order and used to cover the load going to and from the disposal site and when parked if contents are likely to be scattered. Vehicles shall not be overloaded so as to scatter refuse: however, if refuse is scattered from the Collector's vehicle for any reason, it shall be picked up immediately. (b) Equipment. Equipment, including vehicles, is to be maintained in good repair. appearance. and in sanitary conditions at all times. (c) Traffic Interference. The Collector's vehicles are not to interfere unduly with vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Section 4.2. Disposal. It shall be the responsibility of the Collector to dispose of the waste he collects according to City, County, State, and Federal regulation at his own expense. Materials shall be disposed of in a licensed landfill or recycling facility. The owner shall be responsible to maintain copies of landfill receipts for each job and shall show them to City Officials upon request. Failure to maintain receipts shall constitute a violation of this ordinance. SECTION 5. Penalties. Any person. firm or corporation who violates, disobeys. omits, neglects. or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars (S500.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. Severability Clause. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable. and if any phrase. clauses, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance. since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase. clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. • � ( 14 - 5 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 26, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Visioning and Strategic Planning Process As you know, the idea of preparing a strategic plan has been discussed for the last several years. Funds have been included in this year's budget to hire a consultant to design a strategic planning process, facilitate planning sessions, analyze information gathered during planning sessions, and prepare a final report. I have attached a copy of a proposal submitted by Glass and Associates for this project, which clearly articulates the proposed approach and purpose of this planning process. Note that the cost of the project will be $12,000. Glass and Associates recently completed the city's second citizen satisfaction survey and a second business survey for the Office of Economic Development. The experience and knowledge they have gained through these projects, as well as the information contained in the survey final reports will be useful during the strategic planning process. We are at a point where we need to discuss this project with the City Council. Specifically, we need to determine if the Council is comfortable with the approach presented by Glass and Associates, and what schedule should be followed. We need to determine how the focus groups will be structured. Placing this item on the next Council agenda will provide me with the direction I will need to staff this project. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this project. LA) /S-1( • 1 / al PROPOSAL • CITY OF SOUTHI.A>Ea VISIONLNG AND STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS SECTION I. INTRODUCTION A. SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED APPROACH The City of Southlake is interested in developing a comprehensive strategic plan to ensure that the community, elected officials, and city staff are heading into the future with a shared vision. Glass and Associates (consultants) propose to provide the city with a strategic planning process and facilitate the implementation of the process. The consultants also proposes to perform all tasks related to the input and analysis of the strategic planning process and develop a summary report for city staff. B. PURPOSE This project will serve a variety of purposes for Southlake. First, the project will obtain information from a broad cross-section of participants related to the city's future directions. Documenting and understanding individual visions will result in the • creation of a shared vision for the city. The process for creating this shared vision is important in fostering ownership among all participants in the planning process. Second, the strategic planning process will allow city leaders and city staff to make more informed decisions when setting budgetary priorities and deciding among program alternatives. Third, by learning how to think strategically, the entire community learns to act more proactively in the complex and fluid environment. Finally, the process will result in more effective management of city departments. Participants from each department will be empowered to develop their own missions and objective criteria for evaluation of their programs. C. OBJECTIVES To satisfy the purposes of this project, the following major objectives will be accomplished: 1. Design a strategic planning process that includes the community, elected leaders, top level management staff, and all department staff. 2. Implement the planning process through a series of planning sessions facilitated by the project team. 3. Analyze the information gathered during the planning sessions. 4. Prepare and submit a final report based in input from city. • 1 I8-z • SECTION II. ADMINISTRATIVE WORK PLAN Task is Work session with city management team. This task will involve a one-day work session with key city staff. The work session will include • the identification of organization values and belief systems, review of city mission statement, performing an organizational SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), analysis of the organizations stkeholders and their expectations, and the development of broad organizational goals. Task 2: Work session with City Council. This task will involve a work session with the City Council. The work session will include the identification of organization values and belief systems, review of city mission statement, performing an organizational SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), analysis of the organizations stakeholders and their expectations, and the development of broad organizational goals. Task 3: Planning with individual city departments. This task will involve a series of individual planning sessions with each city department. These groups constitute the internal customers that must develop a sense of ownership in the shared vision. Each planning session will include the identification of department values and belief systems, development of an agency mission, identification of key result areas, and creation of • success measures and success titneframes, as well as perceived impedi- ments to department success. Task 4: Meeting with the community representatives. This task will involve two tbcus group meeting with a cross-section of community representatives. This group constitutes the external customers of the city organization. Existing structures within the city, such as the SPIN program can be used to compose the focus groups. Identification of future issues and directions for the city will be discussed, as well as perceived barriers to city goals and objectives. Task 5: Reconciliation with city management team. This task will involve a work session with key city staff. The purpose of this follow-up work session is to evaluate and adjust broad organizational goals and objec- tives created during Task 1 based on the input of both the internal and external customers (Tasks 2-4). The integrated top-down and bottom-up planning approach will serve to foster the shared vision of the future and encourage all levels of the organization and community to appreciate their ownership in the process. • Task 6: Data Analysis and Reporting. This task will involve analysis of audio • tapes and meeting notes and drafting a summary report for the city staff. The report will summarize the planning information gathered during the first five phases of the process. The report can then be used by the staff and council in the development of a strategic plan. SECTION III. CREDENTIALS James J. Glass, Ph.D.: Dr. Glass, a principal in Glass and Associates, has been involved in municipal management consulting in Texas for more than 20 years. He has conducted numerous internal and external customer surveys designed to provide a framework for planning and decision making. He also has developed training programs for the International City/County Management Association, Texas City Management • Association, Texas Association of Counties, and numerous local governments. He recently completed a monograph for the International City/County Management Association on community visioning and strategic planning. Victor S. DeSantis, Ph.D.: Dr. DeSantis, a principal in Glass and Associates, has been involved in public and nonprofit sector consulting for more than 10 years. He has consulted with numerous local governments on strategic planning, performance measurement, citizen surveys, and economic development issues. He has also designed and implemented training programs for the International City/County Management • Association, Texas City Management Association, Texas Association of Counties, and numerous local governments. Melanie A. DeSantis: Ms. DeSantis, an associate in Glass and Associates, currently serves as the Training Officer for the U.S. General Services Administration in Boston. She was previously the Director of Quality Management for the Federal Supply Service of the U.S. General Services Administration in Fort Worth, Texas. She is a Certified Master Trainer in Quality Management and has conducted over 100 training sessions for government managers and employees on quality management, leadership skills • development, team building, and other areas of organizational improvement. Ms. DeSantis holds a Master's of Public Administration degree from the American University. • ) J .. L) • SECTION IV. TIMETABLE • Tasks 1 - 3: The conduct meetings with the management team, city council, and depaitlucnts over a three-day period that would include a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. • Tasks 4 - 5: Approximately one month,after the completion of tasks 1 - 3, the consultantss conduct the focus groups and have the reconciliation meeting with the management team. The focus groups will be administered on a Thursday and the reconciliation meeting on Saturday. Task 6: Approximately one month after the reconciliation meting the summary report will be provided to the city. SECTION V. PROJECT COSTS The firm-fixed fee for this project is S12,000. • • lla-5 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM June 24, 1997 TO: Curtis Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kathy Schaeffer, Recreation Supervisor SUBJECT: After School Program Procedure Enclosed is the After School Program Procedure that was reviewed by the City Attorneys and approved by the Parks & Recreation Board on June 9, 1997. Please add this procedure to the upcoming City Council agenda as a consider item. Please feel free to call me at ext. 772 if you have any questions. KS //(?/ • Parks and Recreation Department Vh1111111 Policies and Procedures Manual k Q Procedure: After School Program Procedure Standards of Care Source: City Council Category: Administrative Effective Date: Draft Revised Date: Statement of Purpose The following Standards of Care have been adopted by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas in order to comply with Senate Bill 212 as approved by the 74th Legislature. The Standards of Care are intended to be the minimum standards by which the City of Southlake Parks and Recreation Department will operate the City's After School Programs. The programs operated by the City are recreation in nature and are not day care programs. General Administration di 1. Organization A. The governing body of the City of Southlake's After School Program is the City. B. Implementation of After School Program Standards of Care is the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Director and departmental employees. C. These Standards of Care will apply to the After School Program. D. Each After School Program site will have available for public and staff review a current copy of the Standards of Care. E. Parents and participants will be provided a current copy of the Standards of Care during the registration process. F. Criminal background checks will be conducted on all prospective Youth Program employees. The criminal background check will be completed by Southlake Department of Public Safety. If results of that criminal check indicate that an applicant has been convicted of any of the following offenses, he or she will not be considered for employment: lipPolicy and Procedure Manual Page 1 of 12 Parks and Recreation /e— 4. (1) a felony or misdemeanor classified as an offense against a person or family; (2) a felony or misdemeanor classified as public indecency; (3) a felony or misdemeanor violation of any law intended to control the possession or distribution of any controlled substance; (4) any offense involving moral turpitude; (5) any offense that would potentially put youth participants or the City of Southlake at risk. 2. Definition A. City: City of Southlake B. City Council: City Council of the City of Southlake C. Department: Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Southlake 11. D. After school program: City of Southlake's After school programs at various school locations. E. Program Manual: Notebook of policies, procedures, required forms, and organizational and programming information relevant to Southlake's After School Programs. F. Director: City of Southlake's Parks and Recreation Department Director or his or her designee. G. Recreation Supervisor: City of Southlake's Parks and Recreation Supervisor or his or her designee. H. Recreation Specialist: City of Southlake's Parks and Recreation Department part- time specialist. I. Recreation Leader: City of Southlake's Parks and Recreation Department part-time employee who has been assigned responsibility to implement the City's After School Program. J. Program Site: Areas and facilities where the City of Southlake's After School Programs are held consisting of Durham Elementary. 40 Policy and Procedure Manual Page 2 of 12 Parks and Recreation // 6 - K. Participant: A youth whose parent(s) have completed all required registration procedures and determined to be eligible for the After School Program. L. Parent(s): This term will be used to represent one or both Parent(s) or adults who have legal custody and authority to enroll their child(ren) in City of Southlake's After School Programs. M. Employees: Term used to describe people who have been hired to work for the City of Southlake and have been assigned responsibility for managing, administering, or implementing some portion of the City of Southlake 's After School Programs. 3. Inspections/Monitoring/Enforcement A. A monthly inspection report will be initiated by the Recreation Specialist of each Program to confirm the Standards of Care are being adhered to. The inspection report will be modeled after the State of Texas Drop-in Care Evaluation forms. (1) Inspection reports will be sent to the Recreation Supervisor for review and will be kept on record for at least two (2) years. (2) The Recreation Supervisor will review the report and establish deadlines and criteria for compliance with the Standards of Care. B. The Recreation Supervisor will make visual inspections of the Program based on the following schedule: (1) Each After School Program site will be inspected bimonthly. C. Complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care will be directed to the Recreation Specialist. The Recreation Specialist will be responsible to take necessary steps to resolve problems. Complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care and their resolution will be recorded by the Recreation Specialist. Serious complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care will be addressed by the Recreation Supervisor and the complaint and resolution will be noted. D. The Director will make an annual report to the City Council on the overall status of the After School Programs and their operation relative to compliance with the adopted Standards of Care. goPolicy and Procedure Manual Page 3 of 12 Parks and Recreation i1C - d 411, 4. Enrollment A. Before a child can be enrolled, a parent must sign registration forms that contain the child's: (1) name, address, home telephone numbers; (2) name and address of parents and telephone numbers during Program hours; (3) the names and telephone numbers of people to whom the child can be released; (4) a statement of the child's special problems or needs; (5) emergency medical authorization; (6) proof of residency when appropriate; (7) a liability waiver (8) two emergency contacts di B. In the event the enrollment of a child will require nursing care, or other individualized care, the city shall determine whether these needs can be reasonably accommodated into the program. If the city determines that it cannot reasonably accommodate the child's needs in the program, it shall communicate the determination to the parents. 5. Suspected Abuse Program employees will report suspected child abuse or neglect in accordance with the Texas Family Code. STAFFING- RESPONSIBILITIES AND TRAINING 6. After School Program Recreation Specialist Qualifications A. Recreation Specialist will be part-time temporary employees of the City of Southlake's Parks and Recreation Department and will be required to have all Program Leader qualifications as outlined in Section 7 of this document. B. Recreation Specialist must be at least 21 years old. goPolicy and Procedure Manual Page 4 of 12 Parks and Recreation j1 c -J • C. Recreation Specialist must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university or three (3) years of related experience in a supervisory capacity. Acceptable degrees include: (1) Recreation Administration or General Recreation (2) Early Childhood Education (3) Any other comparable degree plan that would lend itself to working in a public recreation environment. D. Recreation Specialist must have two (2) years experience planning and implementing recreational activities. E. Recreation Specialist must pass a background investigation including testing for illegal substances. F. Recreation Specialist must have successfully completed a course and hold a current card in first aid and Basic Cardiac Life Support (CPR) based on either American Heart Association or American Red Cross standards. 40 G. Recreation Specialist must be able to furnish proof of a clear tuberculosis test within twelve (12) months prior to their employee date. 7. Recreation Specialist Responsibilities A. Recreation Specialist are responsible to administer the Programs' daily operations in compliance with the adopted Standards of Care. B. Recreation Specialist are responsible to recommend for hire, supervise, and evaluate Recreation Leaders. C. Recreation Specialist are responsible to plan, implement, and evaluate programs. 8. After School Program Recreation Leader Qualifications A. Leaders will be part-time or temporary employees of the Parks and Recreation Department. B. Leaders working with children must be 16 or older; however, each site will have at least one (1) employee 18 years or older at all times. Policy and Procedure Manual Page 5 of 12 AO Parks and Recreation lIC - Lc C. Leaders should be able to consistently exhibit competency, good judgment, and self control when working with children. D. Leaders must relate to children with courtesy, respect, tolerance, and patience. E. Leaders must have successfully completed a course in first aid and CPR within four(4) weeks of beginning work based on either American Heart Association or American Red Cross standards. An exception can be made for no more than one (1) staff person at each site, and that person shall successfully complete a first aid and CPR course within four weeks of starting work. F. Each leader applicant must be able to furnish proof of a clear tuberculosis test within the twelve (12) months prior to their employment date. G. Leaders must pass a background investigation including testing for illegal substances. 9. Leader Responsibilities A. Leaders will be responsible to provide participants with an environment in which they can feel safe, can enjoy wholesome recreation activities, and can participate in appropriate social activities with their peers. B. Leaders will be responsible to know and follow all City, Department, and Program standards, policies, and procedures that apply to the City of Southlake's After School Programs. C. Leaders must ensure that participants are released only to a parent or an adult designated by the parent. All program sites will have a copy of the Department approved plan to verify the identity of a person authorized to pick up a participant if that person is not known to the Leader. 10. Training/Orientation A. The Department is responsible for providing training and orientation to Program employees in working with children and for specific job responsibilities. Recreation Specialist will provide each Leader with a Program Manual specific to the After School Program. B. Program employees must be familiar with the Standards of care for the After School Program operation as adopted by the City Council. C. Program employees must be familiar with the Program's policies including discipline, guidance, and release of participants as outlined in the Program Manual. • Policy and Procedure Manual Page 6 of 12 Parks and Recreation iIC - 1 • • D. Program employees will be trained in appropriate procedures to handle emergencies. E. Program employees will be trained in areas including City, Departmental, and Program policies and procedures, provision of recreation activities, safety issues, child psychology, and organization. F. Program employees will be required to sign and acknowledgment that they have received the required testing. OPERATIONS 11. Staff-Participant Ratio A. In a City of Southlake After School Program, the standard maximum ratio of participants to Leaders will be 10 to 1. In the event a Leader is unable to report to the Program site, a replacement will be assigned. B. Each participant will have a Program employee who is responsible for him or her and who is aware of the participant's habits, interests, and any special problems as identified by the participant's parent(s) during the registration process. di12. Discipline A. Program employees will implement discipline and guidance in a consistent manner based on the best interests of the Program participants. B. There must be no cruel or harsh punishment or treatment. C. Program employees may use brief, supervised separation from the group if necessary. D. As necessary, Program employees will initiate discipline reports to the parent(s) of participants. Parents will be asked to sign the discipline reports to indicate they have been advised about specific problems or incidents. E. A sufficient number and/or severe nature of discipline reports as detailed in the Program Manual may result in the participant being suspended from the Program. F. In instances where there is a danger to participants or staff, offending participants will be removed from the Program as soon as possible. 4) Policy and Procedure Manual Page 7 of 12 Parks and Recreation 13. Programming A. Program employees will attempt to provide activities for each group according to the participants' ages, interests, and abilities. The activities must be appropriate to participants' health, safety, and well-being. The activities also must be flexible and promote the participants' emotional, social, and mental growth. B. Program employees will attempt to provide that indoor and outdoor time periods include: (1) alternating active and passive activities; (2) opportunity for individual and group activities, and (3) outdoor time each day if weather permits. C. Program employees will be attentive and considerate of the participants' safety on field trips and during any transportation provided by the Program: (1) During trips, Program employees supervising participants must have immediate access to emergency medical forms and emergency contact information for each participant. (2) Program employees must have a written list of the participants in the group and must check the roll frequently. (3) Program employees must have first aid supplies and a guide to first aid and emergency care available on field trips. 14. Communication A. Each Program site will have a pager to allow the site to be contacted by Recreation Center personnel, and each site will have access to a telephone for use in contacting the Parks and Recreation Department or making emergency calls. B. The Recreation Specialist will post the following telephone numbers adjacent to a telephone accessible to all Program employees at each site: (1) City of Southlake ambulance or emergency medical services. Policy and Procedure Manual Page 8 of 12 Parks and Recreation • (2) City of Southlake Police Department. (3) City of Southlake Fire Department. (4) Bicentennial Park Community Center. (5) Numbers at which parents can be reached. (6) The telephone number for the site itself. 15. Transportation A. Before a participant may be transported to and from city sponsored activities, a transportation form, completed by the parent of the participant, must be filed with the Recreation Specialist. B. First aid supplies and a first aid and emergency care guide will be available in all Program vehicles that transport children. C. All Program vehicles used for transporting participants must have available a 6-BC portable fire extinguisher which will be installed in the passenger compartment of the vehicle and must be accessible to the adult occupants. FACILITY STANDARDS 16. Safety A. Program employees will inspect Program sites daily to detect sanitation and safety concerns that might affect the health and safety of the participants. A daily inspection report will be completed by the Program employees and kept on file by the Recreation Specialist. B. Buildings, grounds, and equipment on the Program site will be inspected, cleaned, repaired, and maintained to protect the health of the participants. C. Program equipment and supplies must be safe for the participants' use. D. Program employees must have first aid supplies readily available at each site, during transportation to an off-site activity, and for the duration of any off-site activity. E. Program air conditioners, electric fans, and heaters must be mounted out of participants' reach or have safeguards that keep participants from being injured. 1/11 Policy and Procedure Manual Page 9 of 12 Parks and Recreation 1iC — ID • F. Program porches and platforms more than 30 inches above the ground must be equipped with railings participants can reach. G. All swing seats at Program sites must be constructed of durable, lightweight, relatively pliable material. H. Program employees must have first aid supplies readily available to staff in a designated location. Program employees must have an immediately accessible guide to first aid and emergency care. 17. Fire A. In case of fire, danger of fire, explosion, or other emergency, Program employees' first priority is to evacuate the participants to a designated safe area. B. The Program will have an annual fire inspection by the local Fire Marshall, and the resulting report will detail any safety concerns observed. The report will be forwarded to the Recreation Specialist who will review and establish deadlines and criteria for compliance. Information from this report will be included in the Director's annual report to council. 4111 C. Each Program site must have at least one (1) fire extinguisher approved by the Fire Marshall readily available to all program employees. The fire extinguisher is to be inspected monthly by the Recreation Supervisor who will keep the report on file for a minimum of two (2) years. All Program employees will be trained in the proper use of fire extinguishers. D. Fire drills will be initiated at Program sites based on the following schedule: (1) A fire drill every three (3) months (Program employees will confer with school staff to ensure that city and school procedures do not conflict. 18. Health A. Illness or Injury (1) A participant who is considered to be a health or safety concern to other participants will not be admitted to the program. (2) Illnesses and injuries will be handled in a manner to protect the health of all participants and employees. • Policy and Procedure Manual Page 10 of 12 Parks and Recreation • (3) Program employees will follow plans to provide emergency care for injured participants with symptoms of an acute illness as specified in the Program Manual. (4) Program employees will follow the recommendation of the Texas Department of Health concerning the admission or readmission of any participant after a communicable disease. B. Program employees will administer medication only if: (1) Parent(s) complete and sign a medication form that provides authorization for staff to dispense medication with details as to time and dosages. The form will include a hold harmless clause to protect the city. (2) Prescription medications are in the original containers labeled with the child's name, a date, directions, and the physician's name. Program will administer the medication only as stated on the label. Program employees will not administer medication after the expiration date. (3) Nonprescription medications are labeled with the child's name and the date the medication was brought to the Program. Nonprescription medication must be in the original container. Program employees will administer it only according to label direction. (4) Medication dispensed will be limited to routine oral ingestion not requiring special knowledge or skills on the part of Program employees. No injections will be administered by the Program employees. (5) Program employees must ensure medications are inaccessible to participants or, if it is necessary to medications in the refrigerator (when available), medications will be kept separate from food. C. Toilet Facilities (1) The Program site will have inside toilets located and equipped so children can use them independently and Program staff can supervise as needed. (2) There must be one flush toilet for every 30 children. Urinals may be counted in the ratio of toilets to children, but they must not exceed 50% of the total number of toilets. (3) An appropriate and adequate number of lavatories will be provided. Policy and Procedure Manual Page 11 of 12 Parks and Recreation I I C 2- • D. Sanitation (1) The Program facilities must have adequate light, ventilation, and heat. (2) The Program must have an adequate supply of water meeting the standards of the Texas Department of Health for drinking water and ensure that it will be supplied to the participants in a safe and sanitary manner. (3) Program employees must see that garbage is removed from the buildings daily. Approved by: Parks & Recreation Board 6/9/97 a IPPolicy and Procedure Manual Page 12 of 12 Parks and Recreation PROPERTY OWNER.• HERBERT WHITE LUD: LOW DENSITY RES/DEN774L ZONING: AG; AGRICULTURAL TR2C14 NEW, ONE WAY 1 1 PROPERTY OWNER, HERBERT WHITE LUD: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING: AG; AGRICULTURAL TR2C 15 PROPERTY OWNER- NELSON MILLER IUD.- LOW DENSITY RES/DENR41L 1 ZONING: AG- AGRICULTURAL 7R2F1, J.G ALLEN ADD/TION _ PROPERTY OWNER- RHETA MILLER LUD.- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING: AG; AGRICULTURAL TRF, ✓. G. ALLEN ADD177ON PROPERTY OWNER- H.C. FORESTER LUD.- MIXED USE ! J ZONING: AG; AGRICULTURAL - TR20, J. G. ALLEN ADDITION i I � 2 D U L J 2 ~ 0 1 ti O SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST - DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUMMARY CHART - BUFFERYARDS IAX;aUon I,enttth Width Tune Canopv Trees Accent "frees Shrubs Fened- Serectun North Required 777' 20' O 31 23 109 (1) None Provided 590' (a)(b) 20' O 24 18 245 (1) None West Required 490' 10, C 15 20 59 None Provided 490' 10, C 15 20 59 None South Required 534' 10, C 16 21 64 None Pail I Provided 534' 10, C 16 21 64 None Bast Required 134' 10, C 4 5 16 None Patt I Provided 134' 10' C 4 5 16 None Soab Required 110 10, C 6 8 23 None D5 2 Provided 190' 20' C 6 8 23 None East Required Now --- -- -- --- None Part 2 Provided 520' 10, C 16 21 62 None Credits Used: (a) Re thice length by 11 T for drive approaches. (b) Reduce length by 64' fcx equivalent area of existing paved driveway to be removed for landscaping in future phase of development. Other Comments: (1) Where parking is provided between the building setback line and public R.O.W., shrubs shall be provided in accordance with "Note" on Exhibit 43-B, Summary of BuHeryards, of the Zoning Ordinance. SUMMARY CHART - INTERIOR LANDSCAPE Landscaped % of Area in Canopy Trees Aceent "Frees Shrubs Ground Cover _ Area (Sq. Ft.) Front or side (Sq. Ft.) kcgwied 9039 % 75% 15 30 I51 904 SF Pwi uk:d 195,715 IF l(X^ is 30 151 9(A SF KEYNOTES, LOCATION OF LANDSCAPED PARKING ISLANDS (SHADED) LOCATION OF LANDSCAPED INTERIOR AREAS 03 LOCATION OF CONCRETE WALKS ma EXIST. PARKING LOT LIGHTING STANDARDS NEW PARKING LOT LIGHTING STANDARDS TO MATCH EXISTING- 20' POLES W/ 400 WATT METAL HALIDE FIXTURES PROJECT DATA, 1. PROJECT LOCATION: SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS TARRANT COUNTY 2. OUNER: SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST 2501 WEST SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 16OW 3. ZONING CLASSIFICATION: CS, COMMUNITY SERVICE 4. LUD: PUBLIC/ SEMI-PUBLIC 5. EXISTING LAND USE: CHURCH 6. GROSS ACREAGE: W4 ACRES OEXIST. LIGHTED POLE MOUNTED SIGN TRASH CONTAINER W/ MASONRY mt3 EXISTING 4" SANITARY SEWER 0 EXISTING 1-1/2" WATER 5ERvICEt INSTALL NEW 4" SERVICE <� BUILDING ENTRANCE I. NUM5ER OF PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 291 NUM5ER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED. 181 8. BUILDING COVERAGE: 30,13C SQ. FT. (1b%) S. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE: 136,031 SQ. FT. (345%) 10. OPEN SPACE 2 2 i,615 SQ. FT. (58% ) 5UFFERYARD 31,9CC SQ. FT. (8%) INT. LANDSCAPE 19W,115 SQ. FT. (50%) I1. BUILDING SUMMARY EXISTING: ONE STORY 3100 SQ. FT. TWO STORY 100tasa SQ. FT. ONE STORY 4485 SQ. FT. ONE STORY 1920 SQ. FT. ONE STORY 1235 SQ. FT. ONE STORY 2356 SQ. FT. PROPOSED: TWO STORY I'll SQ. FT. AVERAGE HEIGHT: 305 FT. 12 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: 5EGIN: OCT05ER, 1991 COMPLETE: AUGUST, 1998 PROPERTY OWNER.• JACK WIESMAN v --j � r LUD.- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL --- - ---------------------------- ----------- ZONING SF1A �------------ �2-------------- �+ x ADD/TION I--}---- ---------�-- / NG S - C NE i i § LOT /,, BROCK i I i ---------- — — — — — — — —------- _--- ti ----- - ------ - - - �_-iL ---------'�i� — I �_--------- - -V __ -.��4 -9 AR9--E=---- -- ---- � _� -� S 1 TE FL AN j+ ----- y --R— _ —� S 88'35'1C"W 534.40' W a W LEGAL DESCRIPTION: r 8' PLANT SCREEN �� .c.K.� - � WITH EVERGREEN M/X LOT 3R-1, Jja ALLEN No. 18 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS PROPERTY OWNER.• JACK WIESU4N LUD.- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING.• AG; AGRICULTURAL 77?5C1, ✓. G ALLEN AD017ION SITE SOUTH. A< VICINITI' 1"14F NO SCALE 13. PARKING AREA LANDSCA- PING: AREAS ARE SHADED AND CALCULATED AREAS SHOWN. REQUIRED: 291 SPA X 18 SF = 5238 5F PROVIDED: 1145 5F 1,6,36 DALLAS COPYRIGHT ©1991, CONE - FOXWORTH ARCMWTS ���EGT ix Sb +> a? E t, O Lill O A� jK S� P x 1 Q rriv 0 O F- O 0 0c V O 110 W CO) X W v U 0 O O 1i � � O C > � v W bd J ® � Q r=— � 0 3 a ON FWJWT NO., 97= DATE 4/26M REVNMONSe 6/24/97 OOCWJ)WG SHEET NUMBER C _j OF X C SHM 50UT�4L A<E C45E NO. ZA e-1- 061 RECD .SUN 2 31997 EAST ELEVATION 36' UJ,4L L PLAN EXISTING I NEW IUALL PLAN SOUTH ELEVATION EXISTING I NEW LUALL PLAN NEW � EXISTING NORT+� ELEVATION � D 12' 12, z L- 23'-6 ----J 46' L-- =T J 36 9 cq LINE OF X ROOF OVERHANG WALL PLAN EXTE���OF�� ELEVAT�ONG SCALE: 1/16"= P-O" 23 -6" E3L�ILE�' INS 4�TICL� 4-FION ELEVATION NORTH EAST SOUTI4 WEST 1" 14FL 6m' 142' 6m' r'IHVL 23'-(o" 4(o' 60, H (average) 32' 28' 3N (53' 95 9(0 ' 84' MNOL Required m 4'-9" O O Provided -1'-2" '14VL Required O m O O COPYRIGHT ( )1996, CONE - FOXWORTH, ARCHITECTS � Sb CTLA- Q � a a W O d 5/03 6 S� P R� lr� 0 cm cm th d Q � N LM I- lk 3 VLl og 0 RAD 7 0 a� LU RjLl O z a ug C� 0 f� cm cm PROJECT NO., 97002 DATE, 6/24/97 REvis11owS: - RCC`D J6A6� 2 3199 SHEET I MAW ( 0 5 OF X A SHEETS CENTERLINE CURVE DATA CURVE NO. DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH 1 52' 43' 44" 150.00' 74.34' 138.04' 2 37' 1 1' 17" 150.00' 50.46' 97.36' 3 89' 46' 00" 100.00' 99.59' 156.67' 4 32' 55' 58" 150.00' 44 34' 86 22' 3 33' 15' 15" 150.00' 44.79' 87.06' APPROXIMATE TREE LINE (TYP.).................. CATHERINE A. JURGENSEN VOL. XXXXX, PG. XXXX XXXXXX D.R.,T.Co.,TX. VOL. XXX, PG. XXX ZONED AG D.R.,T.Co.,TX. LUD - MIXED USE ZONED AG LUD - MIXED USE N 87-05'25" E RR. RAI 413.00' 4. 2„ I.R. io' U:E. ROGER WILLIAMS •.� " VOL. 7937, PG. 190 !„ oh _S 457.6 . D.R.,T.Co.,TX. ^y / q� O oa•�6.45, ZONED AG 4� !iy tp DRC S f LUD - LOW DEN. RES O!� o Z 122,635 S.F. '� w E.C. WHITE tx VOL. 7525, PG. 2266 !`O j ! \ 0 p n1 NOTES: D.R.,T.Co.,TX. ,rl,�jn� F, I'•.• �\ \�L _ o� ZONED AG ro %K W ' 0 ` ��' � MI 1. The owners of all corner lots shall maintain sight triangles �1 /1 � �...•• �h 3 t in accordance with the City Subdivision Ordinance. LUD - LOW. DEN. RES. �h0O 67,757 S.F. �I / Tx:�•OK 65,644 S.F. / o 2. All corners shall be marked with 5/8" iron rods unless noted 0 ev otherwise. 1 "/ �in y `� S 35 *G •1,, O rn o b 42 53, w O a / 4 O 0 230 _ 5oi�/1 �`p0 `c J j��� \ S ,4 O6 pP tea` 1�,a'D 0 O � 5� ro , oo, O �6 00 ��6 � d� / ao• / `� rO / APPROXIMATE TREE LINE (TYP.) � i/ �� / s �� 68, 420 S.F. � 4 72532 SF SRP-PPG nwn THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REOUIRE MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS ON ANY LOT CONTAINED WITHIN THIS ADDITION. THE MINIMUM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON THE MOST CURRENT INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT THE TIME THE PLAT IS FILED AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. ADDITIONAL LOTS. OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN. MAY ALSO BE SUBJECT TO MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR CRITERIA. STEVE D. PRITCHETT VOL. 6774, PG. 752 D.R.,T.Co.,TX. ZONED SP2 WAI USES LUD - MIXED USE 15' D. i U.E. 00 5 APPROXIMATE :`TREE LINE (TYP.) PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BEING a tract in the THOMAS EASTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 424, situated in Tarrant County, Texas, and being the the tracts described in deeds of record in Volume 10433, Page 2287, Volume 6282, Page 671 and Volume 9755, Page 1297, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (D.R.,T.Co.,TX.), said tracts being contiguous are considered for the purposes herein as one tract and is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a fence corner being the Southwest corner of the tract described in Volume 6282, Page 671, above referenced and being by deed call 1095.6 feet East of the most Westerly Southwest corner of said Survey and from which said point a 5/8" iron by a set stone bears West 4.0 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds West along the West line of the last referenced tract and the East line of a tract described in deeds in Volume 10335, Page 1036, and Volume 6826, Page 565, D.R.,T.Co.,TX., 1239.10 feet to a 1 /2" iron set in the Southerly line of Crooked Lane; THENCE North 48 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds East 63.70 feet to on iron pin set at the most Northerly Northwest corner of a tract described in Volume 6282, Page 671, above referenced, said point being in the South line of a tract described in Volume 9755, Page 1297, above referenced; THENCE South 89 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West 10.00 feet along the South line of the last referenced tract to a 1 /2" iron set at the most Westerly corner of same; THENCE North along the Westerly line of the lost referenced tract and the approximate Easterly line of Crooked Lane the following courses and distances: North 42 degrees 24 minutes 28 seconds East 39.33 feet; North 53 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds East 292.00 feet; North 55 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds East 120.00 feet; North 48 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds East 75.00 feet; North 42 degrees 28 minutes 04 seconds East 76.33 feet; North 30 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East 250.00 feet; and North 39 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds East 102.00 feet to a 1 /2" iron set for the Northwest corner of the last referenced tract; THENCE North 87 degrees 05 minutes 25 seconds East 413.00 feet with the Northerly line of the last referenced tract and the general courses of an old fence line to a railroad rail found at a fence corner for the Northeast corner of the last referenced tract and of the herein described tract; THENCE South 00 degrees 39 minutes 35 seconds East 487.09 feet with an Easterly line of the last referenced tract and the West line of a tract described in deed of record in Volume 6774• Page 752, D.R.,T.Co.,TX., to a 1" pipe found at the Southwest corner of the lost referenced tract, said point being the Northwest corner of Commerce Business Park Addition to the City of Southlake, as shown on a plat of record in Volume 388-214, Page 60, Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East 1484.45 feet along the West line of said Commerce Business Park and along the East line of the tract described in Volme 9755, Page 1297 and Volume 10433, Page 2287 above referenced to a 1 /2" iron found at fence corner at the Southeast corner of the lost referenced tract in the North line of Heritage Industrial Park Addition; THENCE West (Base bearing -record Volume 6282, Page 671) 1119.70 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 43.69 acres of land, more or less. 1 o �3 S 89'50'00„ W10.000 lb 1 / L ' \\�'• �� ` "' s z- \ Sd — O 2 \ �s� `ass O 69,408 S.F. / /01 > F 70,414 S.F. CS) O�h�O / 90 o0 63,726 S.F. 6 261.10. // ��� S 772T'07•• l �\ N 12�1 I COMMERCE BUSINESS PARK VOL. 388-214, PG. 60 a ( I E I V o' \ r'S� �� -' P.R.,T.Co.,TX. ZONED n o I Q / z �.... � .r s�\ s 'L`' �lk 00 I LUD - N�DU5TRIAl. Uj Lj o l0 3 I V 5 d MI I X I 68,454 S.F. I 6 / o M Z I I M I 70,176 S.F. ® I W a I o 0 72,192 S.F. I I 62,813 S.F. i ;.� I I z„ 3 16 Q N M CO � o J 7R / I 1 N I I w COMMERCE BUSINESS PARK o ( I Q T.EASTER NO. 474 ADDN. iv v' w0111 CABINET A, SLIDE 3536 O I t; o: CABINET A, SLIDE 2569 P.R.,T.Co.,TX. `OI I W ~ P.R.,T.Co.,TX. ZONED SF1A w 250.00' I m1 > 250.D0' I ZONED n LUD - LOW. DEN. RES. S 89'58'42" E I I 1 J N 89'41'01" E I \ LUD - I�DUSTAIAL o 248.97' M C7 0 0 r' N 90'00'00" E I I 249.74' I W rr 00 O a m I( 0) I I O Oa o rn r`7 I� 4 I o0 ra I ( N a 7 N n H BOBBY G. STRUEMPLER I. 68,453 S.F. r Z 70,091$ S.F. 00 VOL. 6826, PG. 549 Imo' O I `� Q Q1 I 6 °'I I 3 0) N NI x I n D.R.,T.Co.,TX. U 66,024 S.F. 4 `1- 66,176 S.F. ZONED SF1A / NI I N I LUD - LOW. DEN. F ES, o o_ to *0^ I rn ® I ; I V COMMERCE BUSINESS PARK 10 N I of VOL. 388-214, PG. 60 T I 250.00' -I P.R.,T.Co.,TX. APPROXIMATE BEARING 0 250.00' :zg 249.36' �I IPA I I N 89'41'01 E ZONED n ZI N 90'00'00" E 249.74' I LUD - �j jjLAL m O PAMELA MORRIS VOL. 10335, PG. 1036 D.R.,T.Co.,TX. ZONED SF1A LUD - LOW. DEN. RES. . w z J w w It F- w H X 0 Ir D_ w Q APPROXIMATE BEARING ' C oy FC. COR. a nl I I I d I I 10 I I N 60' 1R/I I 1 60. R�W I I I ZONING GRAPHIC 06 N 5 N � w U wZOf :2- o0 a U a) LAND USE DATA GROSS AREA = 43.69 ACRES PRESENT ZONING/LUD PRESENT ZONING 11 /AG LUD LOW DEN. RESIDENT., MIXED USE, INDUSTRIAL EXISTING USE AG PROPOSED ZONING 01 15.46 AC. NUMBER OF 01 LOTS 8 11 28.00 AC. NUMBER OF 11 LOTS 16 AIRPORT NOISE ZONE - 75 'LDN' DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE START: AUGUST, 1997 COMPLETION: JANUARY, 1998 GENERAL NOTES 1 . ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE UNDERGROUND. 2. ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED 3. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 48439CO215 REVISED 8-2-95 SHOWS NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED BY 100-YEAR FLOOD. LOCATION MAP Original Scale : 1 " = 100' 0 1 50 100 200 Graphic Scale in Feet 68,511 S.F. GO I I 5 a) .I 4 Q' 1 0 70,27' S.F. 1 65,083 S.F. 4 CO I 66,175 S.F. 4 CON N 8 1 N I I I Owner/Developer: �000 9 ti ZI I I B;b KEN SMITH PRELIMINARY PLAT RECD JUN 19 �1`1 11, , �C N 69 25 I I I I 11 R5s W 2364 CROOKED LANE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 30' B.L. 30' B.L. ---229.985'u.E— < I 96> -- - -- -- -- -- 180.03' 249.74' w S 89'S8'42" E 5' U.E. 1 (�(- - - I 250.00' L D 31:T aEXCHANGE BLVD.— _ 459.93' N 90�00'DO' E �: (v o, 280.00' BUSINESS PARK O n m EXIST. CONC. PVMT. r I 0 . Engineers/Planners. ' Doti • i � ...:... — — — ' • _L 1_9U3T—_ — lo' u.E. �39-78'— ; �.:� o u.E.- _25CM' — .J. E. LEVITY AN ADDITION TO ENGINEERS, INC. Surveyors: N I o 30' B.L. o o \ �0 30' B.L. I ENGINEERS - PLANNERS r� , 5a.. 0 m WARD SURVEYING CO. THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 6 I 3 3 8 \ ® L 0 @ K I6i COMMERCE O VOL. 88B21 BUSINESS 60 K �7 P.O. 80X 820253 83,762 S.F. 1 1 = s �, © Q I , TARRANT COUNTY TEXAS ro 0 Q z 0o Ad P.R.,T.Co.,TX. FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76182-0253 O 0 8 \ .''1 O I� $ ZONED n 4 726 COMMERCE STREET SUITE 104 817-338-7088 PROPOSED / 52,108 S.F. g o 53,000 S.F. o 1 0 o LUD _ SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 IN THE ALTERNATE-1: . . •.IA ..........oo ��, 0 1� 0 44,517.•-S.F. `' (" (817) 488-3313 s' V. ' I Z \�°� Z 5 UE. a, "o �, I L o @ a o THOMAS EASTER SURVEY d �' l e 0 Z OD ABSTRACT NO. 4'74 i \�s d 0 [� a 4 0 �i . u-i THOi�9AS EASTER SUR. ABST. 474 - - CITY OF SAKE 310.00' / — _ — 258.97' — — ——288.95 - N cy :201.94' — — — — — — — — — 5' U.E_ 15 D. de U.E. �— -- — — -- —,/2' LR.®FC---- .�.�.� 24 LOTS WEST ,1—o u.E. Io' U.E. W. RAY WALLACE C.B. iV9CDONALD SUR. ABST.1013 - - MY OF GRAPEVINE P.O.B. VOL. 5487, PG. 293 IW HERITAGE INDUSTRIAL /Ji 4 3.4 6 ACRES D.R.,T.Co.,TX. PARK ADDITION I I I . Io VOL. 388-217, PG. 13 I I ZONED AG 1 P.R.,T.Co.,TX. / I I .� APPROXIMATE TREE LINE (TYP.) 2 20 J U N E 1997 LUD - IADUS'TFIAL I ZONED n L 0@ I *� I PROPOSED L 0@ E .I...... % CASE NO. ZA97-067