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2000-08-15 CC Packet
City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 4, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Billy Campbell, City Manager SUBJECT: City Manager Notes and Consent Items for August 15, City Council Meeting Note that your packet includes the agenda and proposed budget for the budget work session scheduled for Tuesday, August 8 from 6:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. Discussions will focus on revenue projections, new requests, Library Services, Community Services, Parks and Recreation, Public Works Administration, Streets and Drainage, and Water/Wastewat;T. A second budget work session has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 22 to discuss the remaining department budgets. • Consent Items. The consent items scheduled for consideration at the August 15 City Council meeting are summarized below. (A draft agenda and packet information for the consent items for the August 15 meeting are attached for your review). ➢ Agenda Item No. 5B. Resolution No. 00-82, Supporting SH 170 expansion. (There were no changes to this item from your August 1 packet.) Metroport Cities has supported a resolution requesting TxDOT to extend SH 170 from Interstate 35W to US 287. The need for the extension is to provide a more direct roadway connection to tho west to facilitate truck traffic to and from Alliance. Metroport has asked all of its member communities to adopt a similar resolution in support of the highway extension. For more information, please contact Planning Director Bruce Payne. ➢ Agenda Item No. 5C. Resolution No. 00-74, Requesting participation by TxDOT for improvements to FM 1938 interchanges at SH 114, and FM 1938 improvements from SH 114 to FM 1709. (There were no changes to this item from your August 1 packet. However, note that included with my memo is a copy of a Memorandum of Cooperation signed by City of Keller Mayor David Phillips and City of Southlake Mayor Rick Stacy.) City staff including Greg Last, Bruce Payne, Ron Harper, Charlie Thomas, Chris Carpenter and myself have participated in three public information meetings over the past week to explain the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council CM Notes and Other Items of Interest August 4, 2000 Page 2 of 4 nature of the project and to obtain public input. The first meeting was with the SPIN standing committee, the second meeting was with identified citizens who own property immediately adjacent to the proposed project, and the third meeting was with all citizens who are interested in the project. All three meetings were sponsored by SPIN, were well attended and generated a number of comments, suggestions and concerns. Staff has recorded all relevant comments and intends to mail copies of the comments to the participants of all of the meetings to date. Staff is also working to develop answers to the questions that could not be answered at the above mentioned meetings. Any future meetings wii' be coordinated by staff with all interested persons. Staff will be prepared to give Council a detailed presentation of the proposed project at the August 15 meeting. For more information please contact Planning Director Bruce Payne. ➢ Agenda Item No. 5D. Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with City of Grapevine for intersection improvements at Mustang Drive and SH 26. The City of Grapevine was not able to provide the information we needed prior to packet preparation this week; therefore, the packet information for this item will not be ready to distribute until Friday, August 11. If you have any questions, please contact Shawn Poe. ➢ Agenda Item No. 5E. Resolution No. 00-83, Appointments to Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board. The memo from Sandra LeGrand describes the need for the appointment of three members whose terms will expire September 1. Contact Sandy with any questions on this item. Other Items of Interest • Charter Review Committee. Staff has been working on the development of a work plan to review the City Charter, with a possible charter amendment election in November. You will recall that we have some housekeeping issues to deal with in the Charter and there may be other issues you will want to address at this time. For committee review purposes, you may appoint Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council CM Notes and Other Items of Interest August 4, 2000 Page 3 of 4 yourself or choose to appoint a separate committee consisting of some councilmembers and other interested persons. Once we have completed our research, it is our intent to bring this item to you for discussion at an upcoming meeting. In the meantime, please let Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen know if you have any comments or questions. • Public Works Director. As you know, today is Ron Harper's last day, and I feel that the Public Works Department is an extremely vital area of services for the City; therefore, I have made an offer to Pedram Farahnak, pending Council approval, and he has accepted. Ai ached to my memo is his resume, which I believe speaks well for the gentleman's credibility and expertise. Pedram is expected to begin work mid-September. • Also attached to my memo: AMS ❖ Calendar of meetings / events ••• Kudos (2 C.__ BC Staff Extension Numbers: Campbell, Billy, City Manager, ext. 701 Eaglen, John, Assistant to the City Manager, ext. 806 Elam, Sharen, Finance Director, ext. 716 Gandy, Karen, Zoning Administrator, ext. 743 Hugman, Kevin, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 Jackson, Malcolm, Administrative Operations Coordinator, ext. 726 Killough, Dennis, Senior Planner, ext. 787 Last, Greg, Director of Economic Development, ext. 750 LeGrand, Sandra, City Secretary, ext. 704 Martinson, Lynn, Assistant Finance Director, ext. 833 Polasek, Steve, Deputy Director Community Services, ext. 772 Payne, Bruce, Planning Director, ext. 767 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council CM Notes and Other Items of Interest August 4, 2000 Page 4 of 4 Safranek, Lauren, Director of Human Resources, ext. 836 Thomas, Charlie, City Engineer, ext. 814 Wilson, Garland, Director of Public Safety, ext. 735 Yelverton, Shana, Assistant City Manager, ext. 705 _ August 3, 2000 MEMORANDUM OF COOPERATION Re: Extension of FM 1938/Randol Mill Road Improvements Duezto the combined efforts of the cities of Keller, Southlake, Trophy Club and • the Town of Westlake in coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation to extend FM 1938 from FM 1709 to SH 114 utilizing a substantial portion of the existing Randol Mill Road right-of-way, citizens within the communities of Southlake and Keller have voiced concerns about the new roadway relating to its alignment, function, aesthetics, as well as the financial impact on individual property owners. Although the extension of the Farm-to-Market designation along the proposed corridor would qualify this project for state funding of construction improvements, exact right-of-way widths and final alignment and design features of this project have yet to be determined. As the elected Mayors of Keller and Southlake, we share these. expressed concerns and intend to work cooperatively with all interested parties, the other affected cities, and the Texas Department of Transportation to ensure that every effort will be made to minimize any negative impacts to individual property owners and members of each community by using varying right-of-way widths and roadway alignments, implementation of high quality aesthetic improvements, and establishment of appropriate connections to existing road systems. It is our goal to ensure minimum financial impact to all affected property owners while we help coordinate the design and construction of a first class roadway at a minimum cost to our communities that all citizens can be proud of. //Air; , • C. Phi '•s, May Ric Stacy, ayor City of Keller City of Southlake Resume Pedram Farahnak #3 Wildwood Court Longview, TX 75604 Education Pre-engineering in Civil Science - Fort Hays Kansas State University Bachelor Science in Civil Engineering - Lamar University Master of Science in Environmental Engineering -Lamar University Major Courses of Training Total Quality Management Interaction Management Developing Natural Teams Achievements Dean's List Registered Environmental Professional - Texas Reg. #254 Registered Professional Engineer- Texas Reg. #46664 Registered Professional Engineer- Arizona Reg. #24917 Active Membership American Water Works Association American Public Works Association Texas Municipal League Work History June 1990 - Present (City of Longview- population 75,000) Director of Utilities • planned, organized and managed up to 210 full time employee department • annual operations budget$18,000,000 • 5 year Capital Improvement Program $160,000,000 • 3 major water treatment plants with capacity of 52,000,000 gallons per day • 1 major wastewater treatment plant with capacity of 21,000,000 gallons per day • Industrial Waste Program -serving major industries • over 1,000 miles of collection and distribution system over 6" in diameter • full service engineering division • storm drainage management using a master drainage plan • continuous interface with the EPA, TDH, TNRCC, TWDB, TxDot and FEMA August 1986 to June 1990 (City of Rosenberg - population 26,000) Director of Public Works • planned, organized and managed a 70 full time employee department • annual operations budget $3,500,000 • managed planning, engineering and construction of$30,000,000 CEP in 15 months • 2 wastewater treatment plants, 6 major water wells and system of collection/distribution • streets and storm, fleet, solidwaste collection, landfill operation and code enforcement • full service engineering division • continuous interface with federal, state and local regulating agencies March 1977 to August 1986 (City K;f Houston Public Works) Engr. I, II, III, IV and Chief Engr. • planned, designed and managed construction of major civil projects • supervised engineers, architects, construction and code inspectors • supervised construction of water, wastewater and storm drainage facilities • supervised engineering and construction of fire stations, libraries, health and parks facilities • participated in planning, engineering and construction of over 200 major CEP projects August 1975 to March 1977 (J.M. Foster Corp.) Assistant Project Manager • civil foundation take off • construction field surveys • quality control, field inspections and project billing preparation Fall 1972 - Spring 1975 (Lamar University) Research Assistant/Lab Instructor • Major studies related to subsidence in Gulf Coast and Houston Area • Conducted classes and laboratory sessions on soil science courses AGENDA MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE- Draft Date: 8/4/00 4:35 PM City Council Meeting—August 15, 2000 City Council Meeting— September 5, 2000 Forum: Forum: Consent: Consent: . Minutes 1. Minutes from 8-15-00 CC Mtg. '. Res.#00-82,Supporting SH 170 expansion-BP 2. Authorize IA w/CISD for natatorium-KH 3. Res.#00-74,participation by TxDOT in FM1938-BP 3. Approval of License Agr w/Dallas Area Rapid Transit(DART)covering 4. Amend. IA w/City of Grapevine for intersection improvements at the Mustang Court extension at the intersection of SH 26-SP Mustang Dr.and SH 26-SP 5. Res.No.00-83,Appoint to CCPD Board 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items 1. Ord.#778,Noise Ordinance-MJ/ 1. Ord.783,Municipal Court of Record 2. Ord.No.480-KK Noise Regs-KPG 2. Ord. No.787,Abandonment of utility easement on Lot 12B,Blockl, 4. ZA 99-139,RZ/SP 114 Kimball Sq. Cedar Oaks. 5. Res.No 00-79,(ZA 00-78),Specific Use Permit for a shade structure Ord.480-349. RZ&CP for High Point-(ZA 00-056) for Mirage Car Wash located at 955 N. Davis Blvd. 6. ZA 00-086,Site Plan,Bob Jones Park(PH) 7. ZA 00-087,Prel Plat,Bob Jones Park 8. ZA 00-023,SP,Lot 4,Block 1,Kimball/1709 Addn 9. Res.#00-84,SUP,ZA 00-082,outside storage,Lot 5,Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addn 10. ZA 00-083,RSP,for Rockenbaugh Elmen. **Pending P&Z action **Pending P&Z action • 1st Reading&Related Items: 1st Reading&Related Items: 1. Ord. ,Revisions to Ord.480,pertaining to outside storage. 1. Ordinance No.787, 1st Reading,Abandonment of a utility easement on 2. Ord. ,waiver of P&R fees. Lot 12B,Block 1 in the Cedar Oaks Estates subdivision.-SP 3. Ord._First PH,Annual Budget for FY 2000-01 and revisions to FY 2. Ord.#783,Amending Art II,Ch 8 of the Code of Ord.Relating to 1999-00-SE Municipal Court of Record-SL 4. Ord._,Tax Levy Ord. 3. Ord.480-349.RZ&CP for High Point-(ZA 00-056) **Pending P&Z action **Pending P&Z action Resolutions: Resolutions: Consider: Consider: 1. Registration/fee policy for Parks&Rec programs-KH 2. TMB trail width-KH&CT 3. Interlocal Agreement with Grapevine for Library Services-KH 4. Interlocal agreement w/CISD re:disposition of pond at Noble Oaks Park -CT 5. Developers Agreement,Crown Ridge-CT 6. Sign Variance for Loch Meadow-MI 7. Sign Variance for Tom Thumb, 100 W.Southlake Blvd,Suite 200-MJ 8. Trinity Waste Inc.,request for rate increase-VB 9. Appointment of Pedram Farahnak as Director of PW-BC )iscuss: Discussion: 1. Revisions to Ord.480 pertaining to outside storage. 1. Consideration of a Charter Amendment-Election on Nov.7,appt.of 2. False Alarm Ordinance CC members as Charter Review Committee-JE Executive Session: AGENDA MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE - Draft Date: 8/4/00 4:35 PM City Council Meeting—September 19, 2000 City Council Meeting—October 3, 2000 Forum: Forum: ;onsent: Consent: .Minutes from 9-5-00 CC Mtg. 1. Minutes from 9-19-00 CC Mtg. 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: 1. Ord. ,Revisions to Ord.480,regarding outside storage. 2. Ord. • ',waiver of P&R fees. 3. ZA 00-068,RSP Christian Men's(PH) 4. ZA 00-073,SP Consultants in Radiology 5. Ord._,First PH,Annual Budget for FY 2000-01 and revisions to FY 1999-00-SE 6. Ord. ,Tax Levy Ord. **Pending P&:Z action **Pending P&Z action 1st Reading&Related Items: 1st Reading&Related Items: **Pending P&Z action **Pending P&Z action Resolutions: Resolutions: Consider: Consider: Discussion: Discussion: AGENDA MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE - Draft Date: 8/4/00 4:35 PM Future City Council Meeting Forum: Consent: . Fort Worth Water Contract-RH Award bid on handrails Town Hall-RH 3. Auth Mayor to execute letter authorizing TxDOT to change speed limits in construction zone on SH 114-SP 4. Award of Bid to for the purchase of furniture for Town Hall"to the AMS under consider items for September 5,2000? 5. Abndmnt of 15'utility easement on property owned by Fina(S-7)-SP 6. Abndmnt of 15'utility easement on property owned by Explorer(S-7)-SP 7. Permission to advertise for bids for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Davis Blvd.and Continental-SP 8. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a prof servs agr w/JD Wilson and Assoc for development of a strategic plan-SKY 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: 1st Reading&Related Items: 1. Ord.#760,ROW Use Management Ordinance-RH/SKY 2. Ord.483-I,Amendments to Sub Ord No.483,-Park and Recreation Dedication Requirements-CC/KH 3. Ord.No.774,Amendment to Trail System Master Plan-CC/KH Resolutions: 1. Res.99-16,relating to limiting#of zoning applications-from 3/23 CC mtg Consider: 1. Sidewalk/Trail Implementation Plan 1. Prof Services Agreement-Michael Drive(PW-5/4/99) i. Interlocal Agreement with Grapevine re:North Kimball-RH 4. Auth Mayor to enter into an IA w/NE Tarrant County Regional Water System(NETCRWS)-RH Discuss: 1. Land Conservatory District . 2. Utility Policies&Standards Ordinance 3. Street Standard Ordinance 4. Ord.771,Nuisance Ordinance-MJ 5. **Amendment to Master Thoroughfare Plan-CC 6. Ord. No. ,Right of Way Management(City attorney letter date 6/19/2000) 7. Emergency Preparedness Notification Program-GW 8. False Alarm Reduction Program-GW 9. 1997 Uniform Fire Code-GW 10. Revise Landscaped Ordinance to include bufferyards etc. -GW 11. Sign Ordinance Revisions-GW 12. Ordinance Establishing Regulations on Corps' Property-GW 13. Parade and Street Closure Ordinance-GW 14. Substandard Bldg.Ordinance-GW 15. High Grass/Weeds Ordinance revision-GW 16. Residential lighting standards review-GW 17. Mass Gathering Ordinance-GW 18. Elevator Ordinance-GW 19. Tree and Landscape Ordinances-GW 20. E-Court 21. Change Order#1 w/Mid State utilities for 18 in sewer force main along N.Kimball Executive Session: August 7 - August 2000 September 2000 —S M T W T F 5 _.S-__M_ T W T F S 31 1 2 3 4 5 35 1 2 32 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 36 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 33 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 37 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 August 35 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 39 .17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Monday,August 7 Thursday,August 10 6:30pm 8:00pm Mayor's Council Meeting (Fort Worth Botanical Gardens) 1:30pm 3:00pm Regional Transportation Council (NCTCOG) 6:00pm 6:30pm Joint Chamber Mixer @ Speedway Club,Tx Motor Speedway"Harley Night" 7:00pm 9:00pm SPIN Standing Committee Meeting(Senior Activity Center) Tuesday,_Aug_ust 8 _ Friday,August 11 1:15pm Sr.Advisory Committee(Sr.Activity Center) 6:00pm Budget Work Session (Council Chamber) Wednesday,August 9 Saturday,August 12 . m n0. . e .e'. ._ Sunday,August 13 Meetings Events 1 8/4/00 August 14 August 2000 �z�o W T F S S M T W F S 3t S M T 1 2 3 4 5 35 I 1 2 32 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 36 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 August 20 33 23 14 15 16 17 18 19 31 10 18 19 20 14 15 16 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 38 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 35 27 28 29 30 31 39 i 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Monday,August 14, Thursday,August 17 7:00pm Park Board(City Hall) 6:30pm P&Z Meeting (City Hall) i Tuesday,Au•ust 15 Friday,August 18 7:00pm City Council Meeting(City Hall) 7:30am Kohl's Grand Opening • Wednesday,August 16 Saturday,August 19 Sunday,August 20 Meetings Events 2 8/4/00 I jvft aor,•t know how • to fay •,thank you." k-\1\ r ,- i' \ IA - 441 , " . 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(al - t K C j�-rS IL' 1 �(, ,;: 4�i cT►,t ,Ius/1 aid IP �0 ckt ex_ 07,u✓— i+54-e i u.S .fD �J2 i7�gS rno, u,ra . sl-rcil . ��.rvv veGt c9�,p 14.caf-i- �, q,lre'') 1111111 069 I151111 Canada 546 R., c SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSIONS TO DISCUSS FY00-01 ANNUAL BUDGET: LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers in City Hall DATE AND TIME: Tuesday,August 8, 2000 6:00— 10:00 p.m. Tuesday,August 22, 2000 6:00— 10:00 p.m. AGENDA: 1. Call to order. 2. Discussion: Proposed FY 2000—2001 Annual Operating Budget 3. Recess and continue meeting to 6:00 p.m., August 22, 2000 4. Reconvene and continue discussion on the Proposed FY 00-01 Annual Operating Budget. 5. Consider placing a proposal to adopt the tax rate and hold a public hearing on the tax rate, on the agenda of the September 5, 2000 Regular City Council meeting. 6. Adjourn. CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, and the Anistrative Offices, 1725 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday ppA !l"i2,000 at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texa Government Code, C apter 551`����?.••'"°" °•. 01. sty CA Sandra L. LeGrand ` 0 City Secretary �/ °°y°.w••••'••••° If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. L:\City Secretary\L Drive Agenda's\cc080800agn.doc CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSESSION Tuesday, August 8, 2000 6:00 p.m. Welcome and Introductory Remarks BC 6:15 p.m. Overview of Budget BC Revenue Projections Status of Divisions excluding New Requests New Requests by Division 6:45 p.m. Library Services KH/SP Community Services KH/SP Parks and Recreation KH/SP 8:45 p.m. Public Works Administration CT Streets and Drainage MP Water and Wastewater MP 10:00 p.m. Adjourn CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSESSION Tuesday, August 22, 2000 6:00 p.m. Welcome and Introductory Remarks BC 6:15 p.m. Division Budget Reviews BC Fire Services GW Police Services DPS Support Services Building Inspections Finance LM Municipal Court LM/SL Teen Court LM/MB Utility Billing LM/SI BREAK Planning KG Economic Development GL City Secretary SL Human Resources LS City Manager BC Support Services SKY/GG 10:00 p.m. Adjourn r REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: August 15,2000 LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers in City Hall WORK SESSION: 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. 1. Call to order. 2. Discussion of all items on tonight's meeting agenda. No action will be taken and each item will be considered during the Regular Session. REGULAR SESSION: 6:00 P.M. or Immediately Following the Work Session DRAFT #1 8/4/00 3:22 PM AGENDA 1. Call to order. 2. A. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076 and 551.086. Refer to posted list attached hereto and incorporated herein. Executive Session may be held, under these exceptions, at the end of the Regular Session or at any time during the meeting that a need arises for the City Council to seek advice from the City Attorney as to the posted subject matter of this City Council meeting. B. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in Executive Session. 3. INVOCATION: Chaplain of the Month Betsy Godbold,White Chapel United Methodist Church 4. REPORTS: A. Mayor's Report B. City Manager's Report C. SPIN Report D. Parks and Recreation Report CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. w • Regular City Council Meeting Agenda DRAFT #1 August 15,2000 Page 2 5. Consent: A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held August 1, 2000. B. Resolution No. 00-82, Supporting SH 170 expansion. (tabled @ 8/1 CC mtg.) C. Resolution No.00-74, Requesting participation by TxDOT for improvements to FM 1938 interchanges at SH 114, and FM 1938 improvements from SH 114 to FM 1709. (tabled @ 8/1 CC mtg) - n A>>tborize the Mayor to enter inter an amended interlocal agreernert with _ the City of Grapevine for intersec ion improvements at Mustang Drive and SH 26. (SP) E. Resolution No. 00-83, Appointments to Crime Control and Prevention District. REGULAR AGENDA 6. Public Forum 7. Ordinances, second readings,public hearings, and related items: A. Resolution 00-79, (ZA 00-078), Specific Use Permit for a shade structure for Mirage Car Wash located at 955 North Davis Boulevard, being approximately 2.00 acres. A site plan will be considered with this request. Current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING. (TABLED AT 7/18 cc mtg.) B. Ordinance No. 480-KK, 2nd Reading, Amendments to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, regarding noise regulations in Ordinance No. 480 to remove any conflict with the provisions of Ordinance No. 778. (KPG) PUBLIC HEARING. C. Ordinance No. 778, 2"d Reading, Amending Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake by adding Article III to define certain noises to be a nuisance and prohibit them. PUBLIC HEARING. D. Ordinance No. 480-332, 2"d Reading, (ZA 99-139), Rezoning and Site Plan for 114 Kimball Square, on property legally described as Tract 1B3 situated in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, and being r Regular City Council Meeting Agenda DRAFT #1 August 15,2000 Page 3 approximately 1.4677 acres. Location: Northwest corner of the intersection of State Highway 114 and Shady Lane. Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. Requested Zoning: "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses. Owner and Applicant: 114 Kimball Square, Ltd. SPIN Neighborhood #6. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING. (tabled at 7/18 and 8/1 CC mtgs) E. ZA 00-023, Site Plan for Lot 4, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, involving 0.8917 acres. Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. Location: Northeast corner of Kimball Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard. SPIN Neighborhood#7. :::..- PUBLIC HEARING. RIING. .. • F. Resolution No. 00-084, (ZA 00-082), Specific Use Permit for outside storage for Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, involving 14.7181 acres. A Site Plan for Lowe's will be considered with this request. Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. Location: 201 N. Kimball Avenue. SPIN Neighborhood #7. PUBLIC HEARING. G. ZA00-083, Revised Site Plan for Rockenbaugh Elementary School on Lot 1, Block 60, Timarron Addition, Phase 5, involving 15.357 acres. Current Zoning: "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development District (P.U.D. No. 1, Timarron). Location: East side of Byron Nelson Parkway across from Parkwood Drive. SPIN Neighborhood #9e. PUBLIC HEARING. H. ZA 00-086, Site Plan for Bob Jones Park, on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. Current Zoning: "AG" Agricultural District. Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and Bob Jones Road. SPIN Neighborhood #1. PUBLIC HEARING. I. ZA 00-087, Preliminary Plat for Bob Jones Park, on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. Location: On the southeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and Bob Jones Road. SPIN Neighborhood#1. Regular City Council Meeting Agenda DRAFT #1 August 15,2000 Page 4 8. Ordinances, first readings, and related items: A. Ordinance No. 783, 1st Reading, Providing for the amendment of Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances relating to Municipal Court of Record. Public Hearing set for September 5,2000. B. Ordinance No. 787, 1st Reading, Abandonment of a utility easement on Lot 12B, Block 1, in the Cedar Oaks Estates subdivision. Public Hearing set for September 5, 2000. (SP) C. Ordinance No. 480-349, 1st Reading, (ZA 00-056), Rezoning and Concept Plan for High Point on Tracts 3A, 3A1B, 3A2, 3E, 3E1, and a portion of Tract 2"1C, Litticbe ry G. -Mall Sur'ey, Abstract 68(, involving 14.651 acres, from "SF-IA" Single Family Residential D:,,trict to "SF-20A" Single Family Residential District. Location: West s'.de of Shady Oaks across from Love Henry Court. SPIN Neighborhood #13. Public Hearing set for September 5, 2000. (tabled @ 8/1 cc mtg.) 9. Resolutions: 10. Other items for consideration: A. Authorize the Mayor to execute a developer agreement for Crqwn Ridge Addition, Phase 1A and 1B. (tabled @ 8/1 CC mtg.) B. Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Loch Meadow Estates located at 939 North Carroll Avenue. (tabled @ 8/1 CC mtg.) C. Registration/Fee Waiver Policy for parks and recreation pr)grams. (KH) D. TMB trail width(KH& CT) E. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an interlocal agreement with the City of Grapevine for library services. (KH) F. Interlocal Agreement with CISD regarding disposition of pond in Noble Oaks Park. G. Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Tom Thumb, 100 West Southlake Boulevard, Suite 200. (MJ) H. Consider request for rate increase from Trinity Waste, Inc. 11. Other items for discussion: A. Revisions to Ordinance 480, as amended, pertaining to outside storage. Regular City Council Meeting Agenda DRAFT#1 August 15, 2000 Page 5 B. False Alarm Ordinance(RB) 12. Meeting Adjourned. CERTIFICATE I_he,rehy certify that the aho„P a.2Pnrla was:pogte&nn. the official bulletin board9 at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, and the Administrative Offices, 1725 East '. .uthlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, August 11, 2000 at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Regular City Council Meeting Agenda DRAFT#1 August 15,2000 Page 6 EXECUTIVE SESSION SECTION 551.071 CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY The City Council may conduct a private consultation with its attorney when the City Council seeks the advise of its attorney concerning any item on this agenda, about pending and contemplated litigations, or a settlement offer, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Board of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551. This includes the following pending and/or contemplated litigation subjects: 1. Carroll/1709 LTD. vs. The Board of Adjustments of the City of Southlake. QrtobPr 1999. SECTION 551.072 DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY The City Council may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. SECTION 551.073 DELIBERATION REGARDING PROSPECTIVE GIFT The City Council may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City. SECTION 551.074 DELIBERATION REGARDING PERSONNEL MATTERS The City Council may deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers, including the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and city boards and commission members. A complete list of the city boards and commissions is on file in the City Secretary's Office. SECTION 551.076 DELIBERATION REGARDING SECURITY DEVICES The City Council may deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. SECTION 551.086 DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS The City Council may deliberate regarding economic development negotiations. A FINAL ACTION, DECISION, OR VOTE ON A MATTER DELIBERATED IN A CLOSED MEETING MAY ONLY BE MADE IN OPEN SESSION. City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 15, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Resolution No. 00-83, Appointments to the Crime Control and Prevention District Action Requested: City Council appointment of three members to fill expiring two-year terms on the Crime Control and Prevention District Board. Background Information: The Crime Control District is governed by a board of seven directors who are appointed by the City Council to serve staggered two-year terms that expire September 1. Currently, positions occupied by Directors Pam McCain, Andy Wambsganss and Bob Mundlin expire September 1, 2000. All three directors have been contacted; Bob Mundlin has submitted an application for another term; Pam McCain has asked not to be reappointed and I have not had a response from Andy Wambsganss at this writing. The City Secretary's Office has also received applications from Dr. Steven Sanders, Richard Sandow, Stuart Spencer and Mike Utley, which are attached for your consideration. Financial Considerations: None Citizen Input/ Board Review: Not Applicable Legal Review: Not Applicable Alternatives: None Supporting Documents: Resolution No. 00-83 Staff Recommendation: Please place this item on the August 15, 2000 City Council agenda. Attachments: Resolution No.00-83 Applications Current Member List 5E-1 RESOLUTION NO. 00-83 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS APPOINTING PERSONS TO SERVE AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 363.051 (The "Act") authorizes a municipality that is partially or wholly located in a county with a population of more than one million to create a crime control district within its jurisdiction; and, WHEREAS, on November 4, 1997, Southlake voters approved a proposition to create the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District, dedicated to formulating crime reduction programs and the a ministration of the one-half cent sales and use tax collected for the support of crime reduction programs authorized by the city. WHEREAS, Section 363.101(a)(b) of the Local Government Code states that the District is governed by a board of seven directors who serve staggered two-year terms that expire September 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS, THAT: • Section 1. The findings in the preamble of this resolution are found to be true and correct and the City Council does hereby incorporate said findings into the body of this resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the two-year term for three directors (Pam McCain, Andy Wambsganss and Bob Mundlin) will expire September 1, 2000 and the following persons are hereby appointed to serve as Director for the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District for a two-year term to expire September 1, 2002. 1. 2. 3. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 15th DAY OF AUGUST,2000. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Mayor Rick Stacy 5E-2 { Resolution No. 00-83 August 15, 2000 Page 2 of 2 ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney d:\wp-files\citjsec\resolu\00-83.doc 5E-3 CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD Established by Resolution No.97-72 12/2/97 Board of Directors Term to Expire Pam McCain Home: 488-0989 9/1/2000 250 Highland Oaks Circle Southlake, Texas 76092 Peter Gaal Home: 424-1471 9/1/2001 223 Timber Lake Way Southlake, Texas 76092 Frank Pittman Home: 424-1631 9/1/2001 1460 Bent Creek.Drive Southlake, Texas 76092 Lou Ann Heath Home: 481-7787 9/1/2001 1351 Lakeview Drive Southlake, Texas 76092 Andy Wambsganss, *President Home: 481-4141 or 481-4428 9/1/2000 2915 Burney Lane Southlake, Texas 76092 Martin Schelling, *Vice President Home: 581-1551 9/1/2001 2665 N. White Chapel Rd. Southlake, Texas 76092 Bob Mundlin Home: 481-6955 9/1/2000 1658 Royal Oaks Court Southlake, Texas 76092 Sharen Elam, *Treasurer Work: 481-5581, ext. 716 Finance Director, City of Southlake Shana Yelverton, *Secretary Work: 481-5581, ext. 705 Assistant City Manager City of Southlake Garland Wilson Work: 481-5581, ext. 725 Director of Department of Public Safety * Terms for officers expire in December. 9/99 L:\City Secretary\Committees,etc\CRIME99PB.doc City of Southla D R C Submittals August 1, 2000 TO: David Barnes, Fire Marshal Ben Henry, Park Planning&Construction Superintendent Dennis Killough, Senior Current Planner Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Charlie Thomas, City Engineer Angela Turner, Staff Engineer Paul Ward, Building Official FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Pre-Submittal and Re-submittals Cases RESUBMITTALS _ CASE DESCRIPTION DRC ISSUES/ACTION ZA00-067 Request: Lot 3R, T.M. Hood No. 706 Addition Issues Plat Revision Location: On the westside of Shady Oaks, approximately 200' PL: north of Turnbenry Lane BLDG: Current Zoning: "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential CS: Applicant: James H. Dowdy Land Surveyor LA: Purpose: PS: History: PW: Action N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\MEMO\DRC\2000\08-10-00NEW.DOC RE-SUBM1 IS • CASE DESCRIPTION DRC ISSUES/ACTION ZA00-074 Request: The Children's Courtyard Day Care Issues Site Plan Location: On the Northeast and southeast corners of the PL: intersection of North Peytonville Avenue and Corporate Circle BLDG: Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District CS: Applicant: Wood-Stovall Architects LA: Purpose: PS: History: PW: Action ZA00-079 Request: Lot 5R2,Thomas Easter No. 474 Addition Issues Site Plan Location: On the south side of East Southlake Boulevard (FM PL: 1709), approximately 450' east of Crooked Lane BLDG: Current Zoning: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with CS: "C-2"Local Retail Commercial and limited"I-1"Light Industrial LA: District Uses PS: Applicant: Lakewood, Inc. PW: Purpose: Action History: ZA00-085 Request: Dove Road Estates Issues Preliminary Location: On the north side of Dove Road, approximately 150' PL: Plat east of North Carroll Avenue BLDG: Current Zoning: "AG"Agricultural CS: Applicant: Allegheny Land Co. LA: Purpose: PS: History: PW: Action N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WP-EILES\MEMO\DRC\2000\08.10-00NEW.DOC PRE-SUBMITTALS CASE DESCRIPTION DRC ISSUES/ACTION ZA00-089 Request: Timarron Addition, Clubhouse Estates Issues Final Plat Location: On the south side of Byron Nelson Parkway, PL: approximately 1,000' east of Fairwood Court BLDG: Current Zoning: "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit CS: Development LA: Applicant: Carter& Burgess PS: Purpose: PW: History: Action ZA00-090 Request: Lot 3R1R and 3R2R, Block 1, Timarron Golf Course Issues Plat Revision Location: On the south side of Byron Nelson Parkway, PL: approximately 400' east of Fairwood Court BLDG: Current Zoning: "R-PUD" Residential Planned Unit CS: Development LA: Applicant: Carter&Burgess PS: Purpose: PW: History: Action ZA00-09 1 This item was not sufficient for submittal. Issues Plat Showing PL: BLDG: CS: LA: PS: PW: Action N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\MEMO\DRC\2000\08-10-00NEW.DOC _ PRE-SUI 'TALS CASE DESCRIPTION DRC ISSUES/ACTION ZA00-092 Request: Panorama Place, Phase 2 Issues Site Plan Location: On the west side of Carroll Avenue, approximately PL: 300' north of Ownby Lane BLDG: Current Zoning: "0-1"Office District CS: Applicant: Panorama Place, Phase 2 LA: Purpose: PS: History: PW: Action ZA00-093 Request: St. Laurence Episcopal Church Issues Site Plan Location: 519 North Kimball Avenue PL: Current Zoning: "CS"Community Service District BLDG: Applicant: Arthur Weinman, Architects CS: Purpose: LA: History: PS: PW: Action ZA00-094 Request: Tract A&C, Gateway Plaza, Ph. II Issues Site Plan Location: On the south side of Sh 114 approximately 1200' east PL: of Kimball Avenue BLDG: Current Zoning: "S-P-2" with "C-3" General Commercial CS: District uses, including a gasoline service station and tires, LA: batteries and automobile accessories PS: Applicant: Lincoln Property Co. PW: Purpose: Action History: N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT W P-FILES\ME MO\DRC\2000\08-I 0-00NEW.DOC _ PRE-SU. TALS CAar. DESCRIPTION DRC ISSUES/ACTION ZA00-095 Request: Walmart Issues Specific Use Location: On the northwest corner of North Kimball Avenue and PL: Permit East Southlake Boulevard(FM 1709) BLDG: (outside Current Zoning: "C-3"General Commercial CS: storage) Applicant: Aaron Carter LA: Purpose: PS: History: PW: Action ZA00-096 This item was not sufficient for submittal. Issues PL: BLDG: CS: LA: PS: PW: Action ZA00-097 Request: Kimball Park Addition Issues Zoning/Site Location: On the southwest corner of East Highland Street and PL: Plan North Kimball Avenue BLDG: Current Zoning: "AG"Agricultural CS: Applicant: "SF-20A" Single Family Residential LA: Purpose: PS: History: PW: Action N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\MEMO\DRC\2000\08-I0-00NEW.DOC PRE-SUI i'TALS CASE DESCRIPTION DRC ISSUES/ACTION ZA00-098 Request: Kimball Park Addition Issues Zoning/ Location: On the southwest corner of East Highland Street and PL: Concept North Kimball Avenue BLDG: Plan Current Zoning: "AG"Agricultural CS: Applicant: "SF-20A"Single Family Residential LA: Purpose: PS: History: PW: Action ZA00-099 Request: Kimball Park Addition Issues Preliminary Location: On the southwest corner of East Highland Street and PL: Plat North Kimball Avenue BLDG: Current Zoning: "AG"Agricultural CS: Applicant: Four Peaks Development LA: Purpose: PS: History: PW: Action ZA00-100 Request: White Chapel Methodist Church Issues Final Plat Location: On the southeast corner of the intersection of East PL: Southlake Boulevard and South White Chapel Boulevard BLDG: Current Zoning: "CS"Community Service District CS: Applicant: Area Surveying, Inc. LA: Purpose: PS: History: PW: Action N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENIIWP-FILES\MEMO\DRC\2000\08-I0-00NEW.DOC cc: Ken Baker, Comprehensive Planner Charles Bloomberg, Plans Examiner Mark Johnson, Current Planner Greg Last, Economic Development Director Shawn Poe,Assistant City Engineer Lisa Sudbury,Current Planner N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\W P-FILES MEMO\DRC\2000\O8-I0-00NEW.DOC City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Billy Campbell, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Note that the agenda items pertaining to SH 170 and SH 1938 have been removed as consent items from your off-week packet and moved to resolution items 9A and 9B respectively. Agenda Item No. 4B. City Manager's Report. Note that included in your packet are the financial statements for the General Fund and Utility Fund for the period ended June 30, 2000. Also included is the quarterly investment report for the quarter ended June 30, 2000. Contact Sharen Elam with questions on this matter. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held August 1, 2000. If you have any changes to the minutes, please discuss these at the work session or notify Sandy LeGrand prior to the meeting. She will bring the amended minutes to the meeting for your consideration. Agenda Item No. 5B. Approval of additional funding for intersection improvements at Mustang Drive and State Highway 26. Currently along SH 26, there are four at-grade, unprotected railroad crossings serving as access for the four petroleum companies along SH 26. Recognizing the safety concerns of the unprotected railroad crossings, the cities of Southlake and Grapevine, TxDOT, the petroleum companies, and the abutting property owners are working together to eliminate the unprotected crossings. The improvements required to eliminate the unprotected crossings include construction of a deceleration lane along SH 26 and a fully signalized public roadway that crosses the DART railroad tracks. The work is to be completed by TxDOT and reimbursed by both cities. Following construction of these improvements, the petroleum companies will construct private ingress/egress roadways from the public roadway to each property. Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 2 of 17 The City Councils of Southlake and Grapevine approved an interlocal agreement to facilitate the reimbursement to TxDOT. Under the agreement, Southlake would be responsible for the costs associated with the public roadway located within the city limits of Southlake (north of the railroad tracks), and Grapevine would be responsible for the costs associated for the improvements located within its city limits, which include the deceleration lane along SH 26 and the public roadway located south of the railroad tracks. TxDOT agreed to pay for the signalized railroad crossing. At the time of the execution of the interlocal agreement, Southlake's contribution '/as estimated to be $148,698.26. The City submitted the payment to the City of Grapevine, which submitted Southlake's payment along with its own contribution to TxDOT through an .dvanced Funding Agreement. The project was originally scheduled to be bid in February 2000, but the project was delayed while TxDOT reviewed the construction plans. The project now is scheduled to be bid in September 2000. TxDOT prepared a more up-to-date construction estimate using current construction prices, resulting in a cost increase for the project. Consequently, Southlake's contribution increased by $33,413.31 for a total contribution of$182,111.57. The CIP appropriated $265,000 for this project. Staff seeks Council approval for the $33,413.31 in additional funding for the proposed intersection improvements at Mustang Drive at SH 26. If you have any questions, please call Shawn Poe. Agenda Item No. 5C. Resolution No. 00-83, Appointments to Crime Control and Prevention District. (There were no changes to this item from your off-week packet.) The memo from Sandra LeGrand describes the need for the appointment of three members whose terms will expire September 1. Contact Sandy with any questions on this item. Agenda Item No. 5D. Resolution No. 00-86 Abandonment of a utility easement on Lot 12B, Block 1, in the Cedar Oaks Estates subdivision. This item is required to abandon an easement on property owned by George Stewart in Cedar Oaks Estates. The easement to be abandoned was acquired at the time by the City as part of the Cross Timber Hills sewer project. Following the acquisition of the Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 3 of 17 easement, the alignment of the sewer line was revised to accommodate the property owner who lived south of Mr. Stewart in Cross Timber Hills. Consequently, the alignment of the easement required on'Mr. Stewart's property changed as well. Mr. Stewart agreed to dedicate another easement for the revised sewer line alignment with the understanding that the first easement he dedicated would be abandoned. This will be accomplished with the approval of this resolution by the City Council. If you have any questions, please call Shawn Poe. Agenda Item No. 5E. This item left intentionally blank. Agenda Item No. 5F. Award of bid to Select Trees for purchase of trees for Town Hall. The tree pld.;ntings around the new Town Hall will consist of Althena Elm Trees like those planted in ;he rest of Town Square. In order to have a good selection to chose from, the decision was made to purchase the trees now and have the trees available to plant this Fall. The trees will be planted through a contract for irrigation and landscaping this Fall. This will be part of the site work for Town Hall. Contact Charlie Thomas with questions on this item. Agenda Item No. 7A. Resolution No. 00-79, (ZA 00-078), Specific Use Permit for a shade structure for Mirage Car Wash. The Mirage Car Wash is located on the east side of N. Davis Boulevard approximately 450' north of W. Continental Boulevard. The only change proposed to the site is the addition of the shade structure. The "Future Personal Services Shop" shown on the plan was part of the original approval but has never been constructed. The property is subject to Corridor Overlay Regulations. The original site plan and specific use permit for Mirage Car Wash were recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, 6-0 on June 8, 1995, and by City Council, 6-0 on June 20, 1995. It should be noted that the approvals preceded the adoption of the Corridor Overlay Regulations. The current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. The land use category is Industrial. Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 4 of 17 On July 6, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (4-3) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated June 24, 2000, and to delete Item #1 (masonry support columns) and to approve the S.U.P. for a period of one year. Commissioners Jones, Stansell, and Boutte dissented. On July 18, 2000, the City Council approved (6-1) to table. The Rockenbaugh Elementary School is also requesting a shade structure. The shade structure proposed at Mirage Carwash differs from the shade structure proposed at Rockenbaugh Elementary in the followng ways: - The Rockenbaugh structure is an accessory use while the mirage structure is a primary use of the carwash. - The Rockenbaugh structure is not in the Corridor Overlay Zone and does not require masonry columns. - The Rockenbaugh structure is located behind the primary building where the Mirage structure is in front. Please note that where the use is accessory, it must be located at the side or rear of the principal structure. - The Rockenbaugh structure has a metal roof while the Mirage structure has a membrane roof. If you have any questions regarding this item, please contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough Agenda Item No. 7B. Ordinance No. 480-KK, 2' Reading, Amendments to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance regarding noise regulations. As discussed in the previous meeting, this ordinance accompanies Ordinance No. 778, (the next agenda item) to amend noise standards. Ordinance 480-KK eliminates any potential conflicting standards and refers the reader to the most current noise ordinance. The only change recommended by the Commission was that the language found in Section 1 be added to Section 25 of the zoning ordinance, "B-2, Commercial Manufacturing District." This has been Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 5 of 17 accomplished in the draft before you with the addition of a new Section 2 and the renumbering of the remaining sections. Contact Karen Gandy with questions on this item. Agenda Item No. 7C. Ordinance No. 778, 2"d Reading, Amending Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances by adding,.Article III to define certain noises to be a nuisance and prohibit them. Ordinance 778 was originally adopted in June 1988 as a "nuisance" ordinance to address noise- related complaints. Because of difficulty in enforcement, DPS began research into the development of a comprehensive ordinance to allow the City to establish specific guidelines to achieve a balance between the desires of the residents and the needs of the commercial establishments. Following extensive research conducted over one and a-half years, a draft ordinance was presented to all of the SPIN committees, the 'enior citizen group, various citizens, the Council on July 18, 2000, and the P&Z on July 20, 2000. Based upon input received, a final draft was presented to City Council for first reading on August 1, 2000. During that meeting, Council approved a reduction of the decibel limits by 5 dB for residential and commercial daytime and a reduction to 47dB for nighttime residential. In addition, Council directed that "boom-boxes" be specifically regulated. Those items have been included in this draft and are highlighted for easy reference. At the request of Council, additional ordinances also, were researched and a matrix comparison developed to show the decibel levels and the hours of day for noise limits. Staff also is undertaking several local readings of decibel levels for comparison purposes; those will be made available when complete. Contact Malcolm Jackson with questions on this item. Agenda Item No. 7D. Ordinance No. 480-332, 2"d Reading, (ZA 99-139), Rezoning and Site Plan for 114 Kimball Square. This property is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of State Highway 114 and Shady Lane and is the site of the "Gun Barrel" retail strip center. The plan proposes cosmetic changes to the exterior of the existing 11,000 square foot building with an addition of approximately 6,000 square feet of floor area on the north side of the existing structure. Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 6 of 17 The applicant is requesting a variance to all required bufferyards, a reduction in the required interior landscape area, an increase in permitted impervious coverage, a variance for driveway spacing and driveway stacking. Another issue surrounding the site is the removal of trees along the north property line without a tree removal permit. Issues related to the tree removal are noted in the Tree Preservation Review in your packet. According to the Building Division, mitigation of the trees has been resolved. Malcolm Jackson can address_questions regarding this issue. _ _. On March 9, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial (5-0). Due to the Commission's recommendation for denial, an affirmative super majority vote by the City Council is needed to approve this request. On March 21, 2000, the City Council approved (5-0) to table at the applicant's request to the April 4, 2000, meeting. On April 4, 2000, the City Council approved (6-0) on consent to table at the applicant's request to the June 6, 2000, meeting. On June 6, 2000, the City Council approved (6-0) on consent to table at the applicant's request to the July 18, 2000, meeting. July 18, 2000: Approved (6-1) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated 7/14/00 with all requested variances, but with the understanding that the applicant will provide by second reading better defined elevations, take efforts to further reduce the parking, determine the percentage of landscaped area within the S. H. 114 right-of-way, provide a landscaping plan for the site, adding landscape in the northeast corner adjacent to Shady Lane. Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 7 of 17 The plans included in your packet appear to address the conditions of the first reading approval. If you have any questions regarding this item,please contact Karen Gandy or Dennis Killough. Agenda Item No. 7E. ZA 00-023, Site Plan for Lot 4, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, involving 0.8917 acres. This lot is less than one acre, located on the northeast corner of Kimball Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard. It is at the southwest corner of the larger Lowe's development, currently under construction. The primary issue regarding this request is she "pitched roof" required for buildings 6,000 sq. ft. or less in size. The applicant has proposed a "mansard" type roof giving the appearance of a pitched roof. This allows deck space for ventilation equipment for the kitchen and for mechanical units. This type system was also used on the Chic-fil-a and Taco Bueno. Building code does require kitchen ventilation to extend through the roof. Malcolm Jackson can answer any questions regarding building code issues. On August 3, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated July 28, 2000, accepting the requested variances for Items #1 (relocate bufferyards from the perimeter of the site to internal islands); #2 (reduce the number of required parking spaces); #3 (reduce the minimum driveway stacking depth); and #4 (provide a mansard roof rather than the fully enclosed pitch roof). If you have any questions regarding this item, please contact Dennis Killough. Agenda Item No. 7F. Resolution No. 00-084, (ZA 00-082), Specific Use Permit for outside storage for Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition. The Lowe's property is bounded to the south by Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and to the west by North Kimball Avenue. It is located approximately 300' south of State Highway 114. Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 8 of 17 The purpose of the request is for a Specific Use Permit to provide for a garden center, outside staging area, and outside storage for shopping carts. All improvements shown on the site plan are currently under construction based on approval of the original site plan and SUP in 1998. The outside staging area is located at the northeast portion of the building. It is intended for the "staging" of stock that is to be moved to the sales floor. The original plan called for this area to be roofed, the proposed plan shows this area to be fully enclosed by walls with no roof. Due to a delay in the commencement of construction and the City's adoption of new outside storage regulations on February 15, 2000, the approved SUP is no longer va? d. The main issue discussed during the commission hearing was related to "bagged goods" such has fertilizers, etc.which were planned to be kept in the ,aden center. The outside storage regulations require that these materials be kept behind a 4' wall and allows no variance provisions under City Council authority. The plant materials can be screened by walls, wrought iron or other variation approved by the City Council. Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition was created with the approval of a Plat Revision by City Council on June 18, 1998. On September 1, 1998, by a vote of 4-3, Council granted Site Plan approval for Lowe's and SUP approval for outside storage in the garden center. On August 3, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (4-2) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 28, 2000, and to grant the variances on Item #1 (storage of shopping carts outside) and on Item #2 (screen outside storage) for outside staging area only but in regards to the garden center, voted to require it to come into compliance with the ordinance and stating that the plant materials behind the wrought iron is permissible but any bagged or hard goods must be behind a solid screen wall with no goods stacked above the level of the wall; and allow the vestibule as proposed. Commissioners Horne and Boutte dissented. If you have any questions regarding this item, please contact Karen Gandy. Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 9 of 17 Agenda Item No. 7G. ZA 00-083, Revised Site Plan for Rockenbaugh Elementary School on Lot 1, Block 60, Timarron Addition, Phase 5, 15.357 acres. The PTO, proposes a 400 square foot shade structure shade structure behind Rockenbaugh Elementary School. The standing seam metal roof structure is supported by metal columns. A cut sheet of the type structure being built is included in your packet. Due to being located in a residential P.U.D. and having residential adjacency, site plan approval is required prior to issuance of a building permit. There are no unresolved issues regarding this request. On August 3, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recc amended approval (6-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 28, 2000. If you have any questions regarding this item, please contact Dennis Killough. Agenda Item No. 7H. ZA 00-086, Site Plan for Bob Jones Park. This plan proposes to add multi- use trails, nature trails, pavilions, concession and restroom facilities, baseball/softball fields, an amphitheater, ponds, and parking to Bob Jones Park. The majority of the improvements are located on the southern half of the park with the exception of a concession/restroom building which is located within 400 feet of residentially designated property to the north and subject to articulation requirements. Areas within 400' of the northern and western boundaries are subject to residential adjacency standards. On August 3, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 28, 2000, and to allow the variance to Item #1 (Type `C' bufferyard) and Item #2 (8' screening device) but limiting to the areas of improvement on this Site Plan and deferring the required bufferyards and screening along the northeast portion of the park until future site plan approval. The Commission did not grant the requested variances on the articulation of the concession building feeling that compliance could be achieved and would improve the appearance. A memo from the Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 10 of 17 Community Services Department included in your packet explains their Park's position on the requested variance. If you have any questions regarding this item, please contact Dennis Killough or Kevin Hugman. Agenda Item No. 7I. ZA 00-087, Preliminary Plat for Bob Jones Park. This is the plat associated with the Bob Jones Park. There are no issues regarding this request. On August 3, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated July 28, 2000. If the Council or other interested parties have no issue regarding this item, it could be considered on the consent agenda. If you have any questions regarding this item, please contact Dennis Killough. Agenda Item No. 8A. Ordinance No. 783, 151 Reading, Municipal Court of Record. During the 76th Texas legislative session, House Bill #731 was passed amending Chapter 30 of the Government Code to standardize and make applicable a uniform set of policies and procedures for all municipal courts of record. Therefore, Ordinance No. #783 sets forth the procedure by which the City of Southlake shall appoint the Municipal Court Clerk, appoint a Court Reporter, acquire an official court seal as well as establish a twenty-five ($25) transcript preparation fee. It also provides for the appointment of a Presiding Judge and Alternate Judge(s) who must meet the following minimum standards: 1) be a resident of this state, 2) be a U.S. citizen, 3) be a licensed attorney in good standing and 4) have two or more years experience in the practicing law in the State of Texas. Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 11 of 17 Currently under Chapter V (sec. 5.02) of the City of Southlake Home Rule Charter, the Primary Judge is elected by popular vote, must be an attorney in good standing, be licensed topractice in the State of Texas, and must meet all of the qualifications established in Section 2.04(a)(1-4). These qualifications include being at least twenty-one years of age, be a U.S. citizen, a qualified voter of the City of Southlake, and have resided for at least twelve months preceding the election. Other provisions include setting either a two or four year term limit for the presiding Judge(s) and setting a salary for the Judges) that may not be based directly or indirectly on any fines, fees or court costs collected on behalf of the City. For clarification purposes only, please note that Presiding Judge Brad Bradley's elected term of office will expire on May 5, 2001. The current salary for the Presiding Judge is $39,000.00 per year with the alternate Judge(s) receiving $65.00 per arraignment period and $250.00 per trail period. Contact Sean Leonard with questions on this item. Agenda Item No. 8B. Ordinance No. 480-349, 1" Reading, (ZA 00-056), Rezoning and Concept Plan for High Point. This is a proposed 14.654-acre residential development located on the west side of Shady Oaks across from Love Henry Court. It is bounded on the north and west by Southridge Lakes, a "SF-20A" residential development. The property owner is retaining approximately three acres to the south with an existing residence that will remain zoned "SF-lA". The plan proposes 24 lots and three common areas along Shady Oaks, with a density of 1.64 dwelling units per acre. All of the property is zoned "SF-1A." The north half is designated as "medium density residential" and the south half is designated as "low density residential" according to the City's Land Use Plan. Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 12 of 17 The applicant is requesting a variance to the "30,000 sq. ft. buffer lots" required along the south, adjacent to the "SF-1A" property. On July 20, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial (6-0). The general feeling of the Commission was that medium density development would have a negative impact on traffic on Shady Oaks and on Durham Elementary and that low density development would be more appropriate, serving as a buffer for low density properties to the south and east. Due o a denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission, this item will require an affirmative s.iper- majority vote for by the City Council in order to be approved. If you have any questions regarding this item, please contact Dennis Killough. Agenda Item No. 9A. Resolution No. 00-82, Supporting SH 170 expansion. (This item has been included in your packet, however, my comments and the information provided previously have not changed.) Metroport Cities has supported a resolution requesting TxDOT to extend SH 170 from Interstate 35W to US 287. The need for the extension is to provide a more direct roadway connection to the west to facilitate truck traffic to and from Alliance. Metroport has asked all of its member communities to adopt a similar resolution in support of the highway extension. For more information, please contact Planning Director Bruce Payne. Agenda Item No. 9B. Resolution No. 00-74, Requesting participation by TxDOT for improvements to FM 1938 interchanges at SH 114, and FM 1938 improvements from SH 114 to FM 1709. (This item has been included in your packet, however, my comments and the information provided previously have not changed.) City staff including Greg Last, Bruce Payne, Ron Harper, Charlie Thomas, Chris Carpenter and myself have participated in three public information meetings over the past week to explain the nature of the project and to obtain public input. The first meeting was with the SPIN standing committee, the second meeting was with identified citizens who own property immediately adjacent to the proposed project, and the third meeting was with all citizens who are Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 13 of 17 interested in the project. All three meetings were sponsored by SPIN, were well attended and generated a number of comments, suggestions and concerns. Staff has recorded all relevant comments and intends to mail copies of the comments to the participants of all of the meetings to date. Staff is also working to develop answers to the questions that could not be answered at the above mentioned meetings. Any future meetings will be coordinated by staff with all interested persons. Staff will be prepared to give Council a detailed presentation of the proposed project at the August 15 meeting. For more information please contact Planning Director Bruce Payne. Agenda Item Ni). 10A. Authorize the Mayor to execute a developer agreement for Crown Ridge Addition, Phase 1A and 1B. The final plat for Crown Ridge Addition 1A & 1B, located between White Chapel B..hulevard and T.W. King Road and south of Bob Jones Road, was approved on June 8, 2000. The Crown Ridge Addition is being platted in three phases. Phase 1B covers the subdivision between White Chapel Boulevard and T.W. King Road but not including the lots along the long east/west street. Phase 1B covers T.W. King Road and the area west of T.W. King Road Phase 2 will be platted later and will cover the lots along the long east/west street. This developer's agreement covers the construction of all public infrastructure within the subdivision as well as the offsite sanitary sewer line along the west side of White Chapel Boulevard and water line improvements along T.W. King Road. There also is a sanitary sewer lift station with force mains being constructed. The developer is requesting credits for sewer impact fees, roadway impact fees and water impact fees, as well as some waivers of administrative fees and inspection fees, for the following reasons: - the offsite sanitary sewer and lift station will serve properties other than Crown Ridge Addition, - the City required the relocation and reconstruction of T.W. King Road, which is a collector on the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan, and - the City required the construction of additional water lines in T.W. King Road than what was required to serve Crown Ridge Addition. Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 14 of 17 This request is similar to what has been done on other developments in the City. The credits and waivers would cover only^a portion of the developer's actual cost. You will note that the developer is requesting those credits be extended to the lots along the long east/west street that will be platted as Phase 2. If you have any questions, please contact Charlie Thomas. Agenda Item No. 10B. Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Loch Meadow Estates located at 939 North Carroll Avenue. Loch Meadow Estates is a 23-lot subdivision being developed off Ridgecrest Drive in the northernmost part of the city. Because this development is not located in a well-traveled' area, the developer is requesting a variance to permit a development marketing sign to be located off-site near the intersection of Carroll Avenue and SH 114. Unlike the June 6, 2000, variance grr..ited to Perry Homes off Johnson Road for the placement of a sign at the nearest intersection of a collector with an arterial roadway, this request seeks to have a sign on SH 114. The nearest collector and arterial roadway would be Carroll Avenue at Dove. Andy Jones of Loch Development will be present to speak on this issue. The applicant was not available at the previous Council meeting and staff requested that the item be tabled to allow the applicant an opportunity to present this case. Contact Malcolm Jackson with questions on this item. Agenda Item No. 10C. Adoption of Community Services Department Registration Policy - waiving of fees. If adopted, this policy would waive registration fees for the children of volunteer coaches in City-sponsored athletics. This would apply to basketball, in-line hockey, swimming, track, and flag football. The intent of the policy is to recognize the contribution of volunteer coaches, and perhaps encourage more parents to volunteer their time in this manner. Staff estimates the waiver of fees would result in a reduction of 5-10% of revenues from these sports, or approximately $5,000 to $10,000. Please contact Kevin Hugman if you have any questions on this item. Agenda Item No. 10D. Consider revising planned trail width for Traffic Management Bond hike and bike trail improvements. There have been some questions raised recently regarding the width of trails proposed as part of the Traffic Management Bond, and whether trails should be six feet or eight feet in width. Since design work has been predicated on the eight-foot width and bid packages Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 15 of 17 are planned to be released soon, staff needs direction on the Council's preference. The packet item cover memo outlines some of the issues that have been raised, and includes a copy of the presentation that will be made by Richard Ridings of HNTB, the City's consultant for the Traffic Management Bond program. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Hugman or Charlie Thomas. Agenda Item No. 10E. Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Tom Thumb located at 100.West_Southlake Boulevard, Suite. 200. Tom Thumb recently opened its remodeled store at - White Chapel Boulevard and Southlake Boulevard (FM1709). Tom Thumb installed a sign that is in compliance with the ordinance and now is seeking a variance for both letter height and sign area to install a new sign on the building. 'De proposed sign would be located on the south elevation (front) of the store, which is set back approximately 445' from Southlake Boulevard and is limited to 42- inch letter heights. The proposed sign has a 72-inch high letter "T" for the words "Tom Thumb," with lower case letters at 36 inches (excluding the upward arm of the "h" and the "b"). The sign also contains 407 square feet in area compared to the 217 square feet permitted by ordinance. The sign area for the words "Tom Thumb" is 208 square feet, but the addition of the "Food and Pharmacy" places the total area over the allowable limits. The applicant will be present to address the City Council. Contact Malcolm Jackson with questions on this item. Agenda Item No. 10F. Consider request for rate increase from Trinity Waste, Inc. The City of Southlake currently has a contract with Trinity Waste Service, Inc. for the residential and commercial collection of solid waste and recycling. On July 1, 2000, Trinity Waste Services, Inc. submitted a proposal for a rate adjustment. The proposal calls for a 3.25% increase in both residential and commercial collection rates. The residential rates become $8.75 (compared to $8.45 currently) before tax for each customer. The commercial rates are outlined on page 10E-6 of your packet. Upon execution of the current contract, Trinity agreed to freeze its rates for a minimum of 18 months. Trinity met this obligation and kept the rates frozen for 30 months. In fact, the contractor has not asked Council for a residential rate increase since 1992, even though the agreement allows such requests annually. Contact Valerie Bradley with questions on this item. Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 16 of 17 Agenda Item No. 11A. Ordinance No. 787, False Alarm Ordinance. One of the greatest concerns of the Department of Public Safety is repeated responses to false police (burglar, fire, and EMS alarms. A study of the Southiake Department of Public Safety records for calendar year 1999 indicates that false alarms accounted for 26 percent of all calls for police service and 24 percent of all calls for fire service. The result is an approximate loss of 3,795 hours of productivity, as each alarm response requires two officers and/or three firefighters to respond and approximately 30 .minutes.to .co.mglete. The alarm ordinance is presented for your consideration and proposes a strategy of education, remediation and enforcei'nent to decrease the number and frequency of false alarms. If you have any questions, contact Chief Ricky Black. Other Items of Interest Noble Oaks Pond. On August 1, 2000, the Council requested the City Staff to bring the subject of the disposition of the pond in Noble Oaks Park back to the Council for official action at the next Council meeting. After discussions with several staff members, City Council members and TPM (CISD's program management consultant), the decision was made to postpone bringing this back to Council for official action until several issues regarding the pond could be worked out between those involved, including Park Board, Parks Staff, CISD, TPM, Public Works Staff, Council, School Board, etc. I anticipate that the approval of the Developer's Agreement will be a good vehicle for the Council to use for approving the disposition of the pond. I estimate that this can take place within the next month. Contact Charlie Thomas with questions on this issue. Interlocal Agreement with City of Grapevine for Library Services. The current Interlocal Agreement, entered into on October 7, 1999 by Southlake and Grapevine, allows for automatic renewal of the agreement for an additional full year without any action required by Council. Termination of the agreement requires that Grapevine be notified within 30 days of the end of the current term. At this time, staff is assuming that the agreement will need to be renewed for another full year, and therefore, has not scheduled this item to come before you. Should this not be the case, • Honorable Mayor and Member of City Council Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 15, 2000 Page 17 of 17 or if Council desires to modify the agreement (i.e., a partial year agreement), we can bring this item to you at your first meeting in September and still be within the 30-day requirement. We will discuss our library operations plan with you at the next budget work session. Please contact Kevin Hugman with any questions you may have. Also included with my memo: ➢ Chamber of Commerce Report prepared by the Economic Development Department. _ ., ➢. _Miscellaneous.Economic Development Topics from Greg.Last and Stefanie Wagoner_ ➢ AMS • BC Staff Extension Numbers: Campbell, Billy, City Manager, ext. 701 Black, Ricky, Chief of Fire Services, ext. 735 Bradley, Valerie, Assistant to the Director of Public Works, ext. 773 Eaglen, John, Assistant to the City Manager, ext. 806 Elam, Sharen, Finance Director, ext. 716 Gandy, Karen, Zoning Administrator, ext. 743 Hugman, Kevin, Director of Community Services, ext. 757 Jackson, Malcolm, Administrative Operations Coordinator, ext. 726 Killough, Dennis, Senior Planner, ext. 787 Last, Greg, Director of Economic Development, ext. 750 LeGrand, Sandra, City Secretary, ext. 704 Martinson, Lynn, Assistant Finance Director, ext. 833 Payne, Bruce, Planning Director, ext. 767 Polasek, Steve, Deputy Director Community Services, ext. 772 Safranek, Lauren, Director of Human Resources, ext. 836 Thomas, Charlie, City Engineer, ext. 814 Wilson, Garland, Director of Public Safety, ext. 735 Yelverton, Shana, Assistant City Manager, ext. 705 City of Southlake — Chamber of Commerce Report Southlake Date: August 9, 2000 Presented to: Chamber of Commerce Board Prepared b : Department ofEconomic Development Department of P Y P P Economic Development Following are selected items of interest related to economic development in the City of Southlake. RECENT DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS • July 18, 2000: Council approved a Site Plan for Southlake Chamber of Commerce on Lot 7, Block 6, Southridge Lakes, Phase C-1, being approximately 0.458 acres. Current zoning: "C- 3" General Commercial District. • July 18, 2000: Council approved on Consent an amendment to the current tax abatement agreement among the City of Southlake, First Security Bank, National Association as owner trustee of the TSG Trust 1999-1, and Sabre, Inc. • July 18, 2000: Council approved the Second Reading of a Rezoning of approximately 1.340 acres located on the west side of S. Peytonville Ave., approximately 300' south of W. Southlake Blvd. Current zoning: "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Requested zoning: "0-1" Office District. • July 18, 2000: Council approved the Second Reading of a Rezoning and Site Plan for Georgetown Park, Phase III, being approximately 1.554 acres located at 2485 E. Southlake Blvd., approximately 700' south of E. Southlake Blvd. Current zoning: "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Requested zoning: "0-1" Office District. • July 18, 2000: Council approved a Specific Use Permit for a carport for non-residential property for Georgetown Park, Phase III, being approximately 1.554 acres located at 2485 E. Southlake Blvd., approximately 700' south of E. Southlake Blvd. Current zoning: "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. • July 18, 2000: Council approved the Second Reading of a Rezoning and Concept Plan for proposed Lot 2R, Block 1, Corner Addition, being approximately 0.822 acres on the north side of W. Southlake Blvd. approximately 300' east of Randol Mill. Current zoning: "AG" Agricultural District and "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Requested zoning "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. • July 18, 2000: Council approved the Second Reading of a Rezoning and Concept Plan for proposed Lot 3, Block 1, Corner Addition, being approximately 4.054 acres on the north side of W. Southlake Blvd. approximately 400' east of Randol Mill. Current zoning: "AG" Agricultural District and "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Requested zoning "SP-1" Detailed Site Plan District with "CS" Community Service District uses limited to a public safety facility and to include any associated outside storage. • July 18, 2000: Council approved the Second Reading of a Rezoning and Site Plan for Bicentennial Park, being approximately 61.61 acres located on the north side of W. Southlake Blvd., between Shady Oaks Dr. and N. White Chapel Blvd. Current zoning: "AG" Agricultural District, "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District; "CS" Community Service District; and "SP-2" Generalized Site Plan District with limited "C-3" General Commercial I. District uses. Requested zoning: "SP-1" Detailed Site Plan District with "CS" Community Service District uses to include limited outside storage. • July 18, 2000: Council approved a Site Plan for a portion of proposed Lot 4, Block 1, Sabre Campus, being approximately 25.6 acres. Current zoning: "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District with "0-2" Office District uses and certain other permitted and accessory uses. • July 18, 2000: Council approved a Specific Use Permit for a gasoline service station with a convenience store and a car wash on Lot 1, Block 1, Emery Addition, being approximately 0.918 acres located on the northeast corner of N. Kimball Ave. and SH 114. Current zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. • July 18, 2000: Council approved a Specific Use Permit for the sale of packaged beer for off- premise consumption on Lot 1, Block 1, Emery Addition, being approximately 0.918 acres located on the northeast corner of N. Kimball Ave. and SH 114. Current zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. • July 18, 2000: Council approved a Specific Use Permit for a outside storage on Lot 1, Block 1, Emery Addition, being approximately 0.918 acres located on the northeast corner of N. Kimball Ave. and SH 114. Current zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. • July 18, 2000: Council approved a Specific Use Permit for a church (Lighthouse Community Church) on Lot 4, Block A, North Davis Business Park, being approximately 1.085 acres. Current zoning: "I-1" Light Industrial District. • July 18, 2000: Council approved a Specific Use Permit for a shade structure for Mirage Car Wash located at 955 N. Davis Blvd., being approximately 2.0 acres. Current zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. • July 18, 2000: Council approved the First Reading of a Rezoning and Site Plan for 114 Kimball Square, being approximately 1.4677 acres located on the northwest corner of the intersection of SH 114 and Shady Lane. Current zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. Requested zoning: "SP-1" Detailed Site Plan District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses. Public Hearing set for August 1, 2000. • August 1, 2000: Council approved a Site Plan for J.I.L. Custom Cabinets, being approximately 1.38 acres located on Greenwood Drive in the northwest corner of North Davis Business Park. Current zoning: "I-1" Light Industrial District. • August 1, 2000: Council approved the First Reading of Ordinance No. 778, amending Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances to the City of Southlake by adding Article III to define certain noises to be a nuisance and prohibit them. Public Hearing set for August 15, 2000. • August 1, 2000: Council approved on Consent the First Reading of Ordinance No. 480-KK, amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, regarding noise regulations in Ordinance No. 480 and to remove any conflict with the provisions of Ordinance No. 778. Public Hearing set for August 15, 2000. REGULATORY ISSUES • Zoning Ordinance Revision: The Planning Department is beginning the process of drafting a new Unified Development Code, which will replace all existing development ordinances. This revision promises to be an extensive process, with the first draft to be presented to City Council in January, 2001. With questions or comments, please feel free to contact Bruce Payne, Planning Director, at (817)481-5581 ext. 744. STAFF PROJECT UPDATES • City of Southlake Street Map: The 2000 City of Southlake Street Map has been printed and is available through the Chamber of Commerce, Department of Economic Development, and CISD Administrative Offices. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Stefanie Wagoner at (817) 481-5581 ext. 776. • Site Specific Research: With recent additions to the City's mapping data, Economic Development staff is able to compile site specific research for brokers and developers considering developing in Southlake. Summaries and scaled maps are generated showing: adjacent property owners, aerial views, existing zoning districts, adopted Land Use Plan designations, platted properties, existing waterlines and sanitary sewer, conceptual water and sewer plans, Master Thoroughfare Plan roadway designations, and topography. Feel free to contact Stefanie Wagoner at(817)481-5581 ext. 776 if you have any questions. • Fast Facts Brochure: The City of Southlake Summer 2000 Fast Facts brochure was recently distributed to over 250 area developers, brokers, agencies and media representatives. To obtain additional copies, please feel free to contact Stefanie Wagoner at (817) 481-5581 ext. 776. • Community Profile: Economic Development staff is in the process of updating the Southlake Community Profile. This publication is the expanded and detailed version of the Fast Facts brochure, including information on City administration, demographics, economic policies, education, housing, labor, land and buildings, quality of life, transportation, and utilities. With questions or suggestions, please contact Stefanie Wagoner at (817) 481-5581 ext. 776. • Restaurant Survey: The Restaurant Survey has been distributed to all Southlake residents via the August edition of the "Southlake in Review". The response rate has been outstanding! A report on the results will soon be generated and used for attracting restaurants to the City. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Stefanie Wagoner at (817) 481-5581 ext. 776. BUSINESS ARTICLES OF INTEREST • Business Press - 6/23/00: "GGF plans three facilities at Cornerstone Business Park" • Colleyville News and Times - 6/23/00: "Costco finally set to build" • D Magazine - July 2000: "How to Find Your Place" • Dallas Business Journal - 7/14/00: "Moonlighting marketer co-authors book" - 7/21/00: "How Circle T development will affect Westlake area" f • Fort Worth Star Telegram—www.star-telegram.com - 6/18/00: "What's new" (IHOP) - 6/22/00: "$15 million, 150,000 square foot complex planned in Grapevine" - 6/22/00: "DPS station site plan is approved" - 6/24/00: "Northeast Tarrant's Talk About Town" - 6/25/00: "What's New" (Lowes) - 6/27/00: "Pet Peeve II" - 6/29/00: "Some homeowners oppose road project" - 7/2/00: "Southlake considers revisions to zoning" - 7/7/00: "New Supermarket(Tom Thumb)" - 7/8/00: "Color this architecture complex" • Fort Worth Business Press - 7/14/00: "Tarrant County's largest environmental contractors" (D&G Specialties#7) • Grapevine Sun - 6/29/00: "Four Peaks plans office complex" - 6/29/00: "Restaurant collection really cooks" - 6/29/00: "Town Square expands" - 6/29/00: "Kohl's ready for debut" - 6/29/00: "Gateway expands opportunities" • The Keller Citizen - 6/20/00: "Realignment of Randol Mill Road would serve Fidelity, Sabre campuses" For further information contact: Department of Economic Development -Phone: (817)481-5581 /Fax: (817) 251-9051 Greg Last, Economic Development Director, ext. 750, glast@ci.southlake.tx.us Stefanie E. Wagoner, Econ. Dev. Specialist, ext. 776, swagoner@cityofsouthlake.com Elyse Wampler, Econ. Dev. Intern, ext. 801 Website: www.cityofsouthlake.com Copies To: City Council Planning and Zoning Commission Carroll ISD Board of Trustees Billy Campbell, City Manager SPIN Representatives N:\ECONDE V\AGENCIES\COC\REPORTS\2000\08-09-00.DOC t City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Planning & Zoning Commission SPIN Standing Committee Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Director of Economic Development(ext. 750) Stefanie Wagoner, Economic Development Specialist(ext. 776) SUBJECT: Miscellaneous Economic Development Topics Following are some topics or projects that may be of interest to you. Feel free to contact either of us should you have any questions, comments or suggestions. Chamber of Commerce Presentation Greg Last was the guest speaker at the Chamber of Commerce monthly lunch a week ago. A copy of the PowerPoint slide presentation is attached for your use and reference. Gateway Plaza- Grand Openings Schedule Per Lincoln Property Company, developer of Gateway Plaza, a Grand Opening for the development is scheduled for October. Tenants will hold individual Grand Openings. To date, we have the following schedule of"tentative" openings: • Kohl's -August 14 • Office Max -Mid-August • TJ Maxx -August 20 • Old Navy - August 21 Please contact Stefanie Wagoner, Economic Development Specialist, at 817-481-5581 ext. 776 for confirmation of the above dates. Sabre News Releases Attached are four news releases from Sabre: • "Sabre Reports Second Quarter 2000 Financial Results" • "Applause Theater Tickets Now Available via Sabre AgentExplorer" • "Sabre Teams with Ariba to Deliver Leading e-Business Offering for Corporate Travel" • "Sabre BTS First Corporate Booking Tool to Provide Access to AAirpass Program" The Baker Relay Baker Commercial Realty produces a quarterly newsletter "The Baker Relay". We are attaching an article published in the Summer 2000 Edition "114 Corridor is among fastest-growing regions in DFW". Project Profiles Attached are newly-produced Project Profiles for Gateway Plaza Phase II and Village Center, as well as an updated Profile for Southlake Town Square. Fast Facts Update The Southlake Fast Facts brochure was just recently updated and sent out to over 250 entities maintaining or using information on the City of Southlake. You have probably already received this update. If not, feel free to contact us and we will make sure you receive a copy of the current Fast Facts. Restaurant Survey The Restaurant Survey has been distributed to Southlake residents and businesses. Approximately 500 have already been received. A report summarizing the findings will hopefully be prepared by late September. City of Southlake - Street Map The 2000 City of Southlake Street Map, sponsored by the City, Southlake Chamber of Commerce, Carroll Independent School District and Fort Worth Star Telegram, has returned from press! This year's map was produced completely in-house by the Departments of Planning, GIS, and Economic Development. A map is attached for your convenience. Should you need additional copies, please contact Stefanie Wagoner in the Department of Economic Development at 817-481-5581 ext. 776. Enc: Chamber of Commerce Presentation Sabre news releases: "Sabre Reports Second Quarter 2000 Financial Results" "Applause Theater Tickets Now Available via Sabre AgentExplorer" "Sabre Teams with Ariba to Deliver Leading e-Business Offering for Corporate Travel" "Sabre BTS First Corporate Booking Tool to Provide Access to AAirpass Program" Baker Commercial article: "114 Corridor is among fastest-growing regions in DFW" Project Profiles: Gateway Plaza, Phase II Village Center Updated Southlake Town Square 2000 City of Southlake Street Map cc: City Attorney Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager Sandra LeGrand, City Secretary Department Directors Planning Staff /V Z 1411) IIIII:12 /011110404 f s arm ,* . E gm:4 tr*-441k''' 4.,,,f4- ..- ' s el° ` � O I 1114:1:1111;/ Z .*-- t,_-.- ; -: ,-. -__,i-,‘,----,-- -A... .__ ‘,.. _-_ trt ,.. Clin 41.111)11111) ili ko. 0 F i-....A " ,qF 4,4710),.. illial 41. 441114 t . . Af _, .. . . xr Iii ii.e - ar—al Basic Data - SoUthlä e Department of Economic Development 10, -n*-100 Ll 22 Square Miles • 4th largest city in Tarrant County Lai January 2000 population : 22 , 500 1990-2000 growth of 217 . 71 % 16 . 09% compound annual growth Historical � Projected L-I Southia e Population . iMMIMIE ..... . .... • Department ofEconomic Development . s 40000 ( _ .__ Year 2010=33,210 35000 ;i e 30000 Year 2000=22,500 O 25000 � ` Effective 20000 Build-out a 15000 = 35580 0. 10000 ` 5000 0 0) CDg1 O§ § A o 0 1-- .-- r- '1— 1— r— \— N N N Year (as of January 1 ) I yG' -r , • S i -" � rd:�C.:wroN'7, .:h:. r1` t ,r ,Zn�..`?. '�..":` .a ..� .+'ers.. ��: :nt• ., �„ 3'5�6.;:.,r »�' '� ,a.. ., ,. �.�4-.... -n'` row MI IMMO MI UM -&tHô 4r- Land Use Pl an Summary e _. ___. ,k Department of y Fcono nic Development • ,.: Mixed Use Industrial Floodplain Parks 3% 6% 2% . Retail Comm. ROW COE 47% 53:o 3% ° 5% CI,:,: Undeveloped Mixed Use 'x `" Public/Semi-Public Total Acres: 1770 III Developed 12% 30/0 Retail/Commercial 'n Yi X't� r. ,wy� sF - ,/, Office Comm. , "; � '° Ill)47°`n f 1. 53% 3% , 5 O Undeveloped Total Acres:463 II Developed >; Office/Commercial u 17% ter: Low Density ,,, ; w 35% Medium Density 26% 83° 0 Undeveloped •Total Acres: 392 ❑°evek'ped i amm.==. .. 4=III. VENN , NNW .1.1 No „.10.: -,,-.„ ' 4,„k,.,,,,,,,,:,,,,-,,,k,,,,,k,k ,,,.,,,,- ,•y.:,,:,.,,,-1,„gitt. ',A.<:,,;,,„,.,k:,,,-',k---- „,,,o,04 , ',k,,„,, ,, , ,,,,,,„,:: .,,,,is,g,...,, -, . , ,..,47,,.‘, , ,,,,„- .. ...ir A ., ......._... • ,, _ _. , „4:..100,:iirito . Major ,,2 '. Recent „,„... . . , . 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[7.-.1. 156 acres /kg,.• -• l _ :' 44,4,11 ,,.•..• ' , . . .,., , ...,_, ./..., ... .• ,....., 2+ million square feet • l 11E . , ,I • Existing building acquisition , , ft , 7. ... , . [-,..-.1 ear building program Y / ,'0 7 I 8 - -,7r- v. ,/‹.4, '.1 1 i 1 . ri 10,000 employees ,-. . . .. 1 /... , . . _ . _ "' -'t ), ....; i • 1 . ! i rl Phase I open Fourth Quarter 1 —,... r 10 4 , • { 2001 • ,-•- • ,,,, • --- .,,, lir 2,,,,e4-0' 1. ,.,... - . - -4,.-. - -•..,-...:.:7 ,'''*10i: ''':,'r '' ,.9117;,4•145-kl!''''..•.,°','.:A;,,k41.,..:', -. -• 4.#11or,'- .4v,„,,, .t....49,,,,,,,t4.4,„, ,,+f,.,,,ey,,,,..„i,,Z",. . ,.,,,4 , .J'.',V7,. ,,,,a4ig,-:', . .vi .00.-.- , -1,,. I '; . . . . .. . ,.....,.. . . ...-- - . minir , . 40101.4"44,' je..,'2",'': '' . ,.>, ..'.'' ,,':".."`, Ijr;',.;:f r„.14,-- , -=1,i,i.- ..,,o'' , . , ,, ..:.,....,,, .,11? , :' -*.:. ,.1.1i,,,.. 't. ' '-.:,-.{,...r :'7'7•«.: ”'''.1". ... ..., pv-V-4-4-77a574 , . -- -.4.,-."'-,";'-. 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''. .^ • County Sub-Courthousex I. r 1 �.M :*�,./ L Library r,t.%a] •.{r.. d V•;: _�;: . ^: :a s ;» L1 Phase II: (8 acres - 37,000 s.f•) }• , �,.. �� 4,, , r.. , < Post Office lii ,,,. 5,E11r,4Er At,[, ,,y;71�, ® Phase III: (3.5 acres - 31,000 s.f.) Ot40.w. --ro. 1 .,- -Ad W..,,s ix v'v J b t y31 r r ^ram • • err at •yr!�, a I , r..c. t.� ! . e , ` •VNIllit ham. (,. �i � . t.. >.wt 4 -. »., . qq _r _ 4 r t t="'414240, ..;iq'r V....1',4$' g� ,py -r,->: ",...tier �q, =.fie.T'',a_ a '- kA.♦r --.�1 G ,AV • y�✓ d ip fil ' ''v;',7`e tr..4.,,i,i,......r. . .., , . .,....--4.. 4 - 'pito St"ii 4 ' "" • •rriiir•••••:..-morr---... 4,.. . — . ,^. '01$1. ::. ! l , '►''e, - luawdoia'aa 3 IwOuo03 y ,,, § 4 5t.. -S;, }o luowlJedaa x, m � " ; - '; his/1 . ut‘ avnbguao a n no____________ onos �1 �' �� g66 mum ow gni South l ake Town Square __ P.IL= Southia Current Tenants Department of Economic Development • Retail Office ➢Animal Crackers ➢Lovers Eggroll ➢Armas Business Solutions ➢Johnson Rooney Welch ➢BeautyFirst Just for Kids :A 'I Ann Taylor >Magic Moon ..Beck Group, The >Kasden, Scott Dr. > BA Framer ➢Mi Cocina ➢Becton Dickenson ➢Keller Williams Reality VI ‘`-Banana Republic >Milwaukee Joe's ➢Benefit Architects, Inc. Logan & DuFrane Realtors Ak., Bath & Body >Noodle Kidoodle Berins & Co. >Lyons, Butler & Pesserillo, L.L.P. >Beauty First >Out of the Garden >Black & Decker ➢Mary Wyant ➢Bombay Renditions >Bowers, Angela Dr. Mortgage Specialist Group ➢Bradley, Luce, Bradley >P&D Consultants, Inc. "Ph- ➢Chicos >Rockfish ➢Call a Ride (CARS) >Palmer, Mark Dr. . ' ➢Cho's Tailor >Sprint PCS ',Century 21 ➢Pennwell Publishing '. Corner Bakery >St. John's >Charles Schwab & Co. ➢Prizm Development Arly >Eddie Bauer YStarbucks ➢Cooper & Stebbins ➢Pure Packet >Fitness in Motion >Talbots >Countrywide Home Loans ➢Rattikin Title ➢Gap ➢Terrace Retreat Salon ➢Dallas Morning News >Siemens Electronic Assembly " Edward D Jones Equipment >Gap Kids Terrace Retreat Spa ➢ELPAS >Swedish Match ➢GNC Livewell >Thai Chili Farmers Insurance >Sylvan Learning Center _+t.. ➢Gymboree The Market First State Bank of Texas >Terrace Retreat Spa -100 >Harold's >Victoria's Secret ➢Fuqua, Steve Dr. Thomas Stephen & Co. ' >Jamba Juice >Village Jewelers ➢Harken Energy >Universal Lending ' k ➢Heinen & Associates Vicki Truitt k ➢Kids Footlocker >Williams-Sonoma ➢Johnson & Collins (Ortho >Viking Office Products Alliance) White Todd Dr. y9 . r � Y , . ., ,,,,, 1 ,,, „, , ,,, :,..,40 - ,.., - 1 4 p=ler),,,,a' ' ,r 4/P . , /:-'' .,,,ji;o' 4. ' ,:, 4,41t-,•*„.0" ..ii, tr. wilim gm In 401.t.; -+- ismi "109Southiake Town S uare J. Southia -Nei ! 11tl1J' ? Tenants Department of w e ► r ,A i" of` M Economic Development Y e 3q � Retail Pfrli° aX , Town Hall (January 2001) >Crate & Barrel - Nov 2000 > Public Library > City Offices ' I ➢Origins - Nov 2000 City Manager's Office w� ➢ Pottery Barn - Nov 2000 > County Offices City Secretary >Sandella Café - Nov 2000 ➢Constable >**Economic Development** rTalbots Petites Talbots >County Clerk ➢Finance :Yw Kids - Nov 2000 >County Commissioner ''GIS > Rabbit Hole - Dec 2000 >Justice of the Peace Human Resources ' rTax Collector Municipal Court 4 ➢Southlake Dance Planning *. 4 Academy - Dec 2000 ➢Public Safety Sub-Station if Storehouse - Dec 2000 >Public Works >Stride-Rite - Dec 2000 :Water Utilities '..y >Container Store - June0. „ I 2001 linw MI MEM N.L± 1 GatewayPla a P _., ______. hase I _______ , ShIäke a' , __________ Department of w�a e „1,10 ,C Economic Development F % (16 • • •.. x Terry Wilkinson * 0v d s & Lincoln �cj �j i ca :v ....0iv J 39.1Y4(f5n l 47,4i 8t P9 ? i1,. W:, ; } t a „°y= , Properties crx ^r ,.. , , 1., - �� y:�_ _ - .t Qa 1 Northwest Highway Extension /„,,ti , _ eVus Commercial 11 1 11 MO riOCO 00� '�y t ;11. 1 1 ",r i .".2s. tl MO au p(-h 4` f 1I 1 �— •.: .....`1 h<lt v r f I"4 a I .�.... .. , • r Zoning ( nw j • W.. , t-. �� 1171 ;! I _.. _ {'' 8 s 111 ' eui/i' 1 +�rl 1 1 •:tJ .'t� /i * f�; re 000 nnx rs Op1 qq�� 1 /,t„0 ' N I wy V t Nn 51 t 1 '(11 (]4 i,}-- ,�' Y��" -� J ( -I u I U �`�11w - _ - 0 H Iw. l ? �_l-:T 1 ., 38 Acres } 1 r M�aq el IN AI �1 Z d 6- -� : > . � d _ .® fft — , �� ip.e � , 357,000 s.f. -.,30—' Pr' it M A'. ,,tr '''w fl- a _ ,Q Q e r 4s `• 1} chi t7 ,_j i Q. vw �i,pdp0 d x7 pp �iS esU Kam, i tiA f3�. 1ClCiF. r ,r ` SovthIlakv 43 ✓ �.... • r,; t f r' {` a t " �': :V?4 " ,, ,, `'' J .h aji � g , < s'& •ie i1 4 e4 f ,Y a �" ` 'a v a� ' s'• ' } ' r as k ' >frl .�, y a .94 �r�' _ 4" fi� '. < HIr. 1 i - � 1a-4 , A,, a�,< , , A �' Y 31w M' �;11 y M 3 ¢ .,* ....,.. , , i ' "q " d$; .fi, w +id .% elr �' rya , F: - ..... .... _ .... ... gr, ..,_ _.,, Gateway Plaza, 7 . :4 Phase I Tenants Southla e Department of • - Economic Development • 3 Aaron's Arts & Crafts ■ Krause's Furniture Baker Brothers Deli r Leather Direct ' :; ': q, ■ Bank of America Mattress Firm ,1 =■ Bed Bath & Beyond r! Michael's . s '` ■ Carpet Mills of AmericaEft Office Max : a Center Cleaners r3 Old Navy a Chipoltes Pizza King i.: . �_ Chu Ar rchill's Fireside & Patio • Rackroom Shoes 1 ■ Cool Cuts Red Hot & Blue BBQ V ' ■ Fitness Headquarters ® Thomasville Furniture Galleries ■ Home Theater Ili TJ Maxx ® �r Kohl's UltaIII a h ,.,-A, e1,-, - _ • .. .�4. .. i+e a 'M 4� Ns. oA _,+iW. .f.".... OW MOM i ,..,..A GatewayP P II la a hale Southla e illk 4,� ! - r'' "; Department of � ��� Economic Development _ FEATURE' 3 ENTRY j Q - -.r:,. FFATURF 2 r p : , .:. Q-, It V °.o4 K o Terry Wilkinson `Si'• r�,, .�. .S, q_. T7iik, ,e ` i`� goo & Lincoln ° np� ,; �. , l;\ Properties 4 q t ,QoQ 'd . "f� A° A a °. ..o ,. ;. ,� . ,Q, ,v ", , it • -ti 0 „0 �,- A 1 {1!7 19155 j ® SP-2 Commercial FI a 000 �: i "'': ..two°:.. Q i �' t Zoning . o. ' 0j39.5 Acres 4 0 e , - 2:e ® , e / 349,000 s.f. (max) 1 w, C L. / 7 7 ------ ,c,:. >> ' ' �� .=�Qy oa _ Sales tax "Itivo fl 4,97`,. •7 "0 �e.s' 0 !F 0 `' ' revenues - O !' l Qr 6 , /„.� . �Ls. :,:a _�,, 4 .• ,/ AQ[a;- estimated over "a F 4 ENTRY ° t� ir m ►. t , FEATURE 1 �, $2.5 million "Vic,Q. �. r. *ter_,. e., _ cc eo r "der : 2, 3 '`�,, 1„ n • . : r J "!� �> sr �. �d� T N d" Y'�' o} .err �* .. e�, 4 � Y ,�r r I MIMI MI UM Lh,==••• Retail / Office Projects ...______ , _. ......_ 0___...... ,i, ,, 0 Department of • Economic Development) I 3 T..pn _ f `; i���f� r r * +..:p. r4t,1a'4 + M1 ,ai.• _.sue:•..•, 4 .4 /11 • ., 0 .I4' .1.225. i ,P�\'1 '.t . Al .._ !,J. --,.,.„ 4, 1. 117.10 lip , ., ::..;,‘'---'-'.Vt.- I,'T4' -r 14 ;, .... . ' .v.., . , .,. ,•,. ., .. ,, • , t.,,•:p4....i , - i ., T....., . ._,.. ... ,......:......„.. ,,,, , , .44 .... AZ. ..,. ; it iiIiiffii -4 b S..,..•A!;• •A , 7:716:1/4.-:1:1-1":11117-.._F.---1. . - 7. '----'-'''":''.."'--. .---6.-"':':'----' ' '''''' .,,, . 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Department of , , „, : Economic Development $7 . --t-- I 6 03 -O 0 Half-Percent Crime District 4.25 , v $6 0 Half-Percent Park Development . ' 0 0 One Percent Sales Tax • 1.43 I F , , U N 2.89 E . = 4..,4 > $2 R ).5? 2.52 - Z $1 _ _ --.,,/ 1.48 1.93 EilL .88 1.00 U N- 00 0) O N cY) in CO IL c0 00 00 07 0) o) o) 07 O) O) a) o) a) t � t � r . � � t t CO f` 00 6 O . N C7 tf) as t� 00 00 00 CO 00 0) O) o) o) o) o) o) o) a) ., Fiscal Year r . .11 , w4 , 5,. r ,,, -. ,, %III Y W t T. r , I. '''' , . ,.,' 1: „. `.`4:4 ,.,. r rem 1 ' .:•.;. v '41410' . 4,' !4,4S d 'i , ... , . I : y'' S E 1 .. -' ' ..'' . .,, .. ., ' . ' . t` 4 .., . . ` irt, i: , • 1711 HS uo sa.zay 9 � c. -7 �.�za�uan� ': . ■ ' E TuudopAuas - xt �u� o1;%,,,,,, .. , . , .„. „. . .„ . ._, . ,.. . it• ■11 p I S luawdoIanaa oiwouoo3 {o ivawlJedaa a oynoS Sd//lu1 1O66Q din n, 4./ ,., ,... — _ � : s $s ** . : fin ,, 1414 o - M �. C3 '1 'Nikki :111:11 + z• ? r •t : t > 0 I'll. ii ' -"---,'- ,• .pif #� i 4 � : �f. A .� t iplik w _ ., ' , t ^..,,_ PP P Cilign rit 111%; •.P.' -", 41/44341vy,•\ ' I t. /-i..k,......,:,....;:it,"::-.,,,.' • taftiNg a .�• % 11111 �� -•''''t.:...:, ( c ..-- \ t ' '. ICI.° ..,.:,'••.` C % \>' r . G 4 d ¢T 1/4, _,,,•-i—lltrio:!. �.° s. if r ; -fir a .. r- q L.'1' t VI........:,_ o ,,,,.� ! $` m O Crt'I I � i o I - :', „,..,.,2.,::'- 1 . 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' • '7'7. 4.' �' t`-;;IA., Lz.'ikort /+fin m Haill rill'If n o 0 0 3 11ii _ kir; __ MINN .., Department Economic Development =44,. , of .. ........... . . , ,, Programs & Initiatives Southia P 1.'444- - A d vertisi _______ n a4 g ____._._. _..... Department of - Economic Development � . ! '' z CITY — I S(Id/t1iIi�it' 'I ' Site Selection Magazine - `� Top10 Best Deals of 1999 `Fa '' i ' t'�°'°` ``"' Fort 2000 s. .n.. - Chamber DEPART't11 ENT OF 1*� t t ;i..,r Worth 4' ECONOMIC DE\'ELOCMEtYT �S 1III •�a�ce� e�as 4 •brihr.uethe 1" ten' c, -.c , Business Directory � : . > DEMOCItAP1I1CS 1 " �„r �', "� C d a Y.PRCLEF CT PROFILES c h''ti - aar., Press - X. SITE AVAl1.n11U.1111'S �' k -s > CURRENT DE t7:L0PVIENTS c, p n�i n .np;n, i _�_._� ,nr�Lftnkl _ ,• 2000 D FW 6. e > fEMNESSOATARS5F. I Oaeetraylima-Opening .5..,_ _:.,✓. ,y > INCFPtTIVEPOLICY �`- �, Magazine i, xF r`, > TtIAFFICCQ(CQTS j i/ ,•,` rl ., } t j •. •}a '" `. FtIRINt'tatMAT10Pi C'01tTAC7 USATtit,1,0,40., 1 ��•• - 1 '_ 1��� [4 i � �L, ar ' 'i,•" 817-481 5581 EXT.776 1] .-..• -'1 ....... ..- : -.- w��w t E MAIL:aatdtvittirsethlake.tcte a --\., Ka aurp.w.eantm [ enon*D•..+m.�.+■nn•or•�t ♦ r 667 N.CARROLL AVE.41400 11L�Rt St.(AS OE Mal;IOU I « t _ , `'' — H �'p`raaSchnnthu xm"ar E41[rc aoa wyc..wtwaw ••:7*AigilltOk 'Z *4 SY/UI1I.AX E.TN 7609. s. T . �� F' -Y� eadquarters Economic Development Department — t, " -- �/* lit a• `- i _ "• .-Available Phone.1111E)181 5501 Ext.1/6 /: -- br• e The Yi •'t 1 16 i :. Fort , -1, + of Districts Wets Me: dpw.cLsouthlake.tx.us ! I••yw •> ' / ` ion Underway E Mal: econdev5.cisouthlaka.tees t,�, e - 1 �, FJrtbrate 77tr 1'srwn. „1t .St - ICI I''g Worth N • Business C_p ... _. A , r '-' ge ":,: r` Press - - - ~� _I y „lib, - .r. i `. .1,ait... bpi ...al•.,R r.Tr,� .7 c4T '.t.t..I libli Spring _ 1" 1 -'� Congratulations to Coops&Slobbrns on aq p _ I Southlaki To.'n Squares first bvth alabrohon Alliance p . >� srir �a ,,..:.. i� ° j''`�ir T' EmmmrlawebprrrntIkpatnvnt OCoryonde Shea Avail.bb Magazine . or. "'U i% ' -fr Phone:817481 W11 F.1.776 0 S m arpor ate Campus .s.nlact■D.■rec-.o.. [cat11/1ctln.Ao,...Att.9.nnna a thiak.1 Ewl:ec'a-ndea...cuouthlala+teur 0 State lfi3aver114Eapan:len bderw .U■W■■� ..S .tw ,n a rt.a.0 ttl -m ,Ja„ A ere .rra r W.hsil:uw at ittouthWte,, ut •E1ooeLenchool t S llt trkts t _:.,t■,.m.+.r arse � sve o, J.r■ n •..1.■ an a.u. 1. � ..,.. - '. .Sn H ■,r J F■DaaUriaaf..r r Mot R . 1 1..aarr mr..1. - Dallas Business Journal ' ,'?1 .k.'.': � 'S "+ ' ",�P•. 8`1� 1 ..'-! { J ..A saikwa:r MEW INS Department Economic Development =of Programs & Initiatives Southla Broke/ —1 1 et Department of Economic Development City of Southlake Posting Request Broker-Net • Please fill out the following information and return to the Department of Economic Development to III E-mail based allow us to distribute information via our Broker-Net program. The Broker-het program is intended o facilitate communication via the Internet between the City,Broken and Developers active in the Southlake market.The purpose is to make the development community aware of users who have expressed interest in Southlake.Brokers will be asked to contact you at numbers you provide below network USER INTERESTED IN SOUTH FLAK Type of User(e.g.restaurant,office,etc): I.case Sq.Ft.Needed: ,Acres of Land Needed: Parking Reqd: ommcnr. ■ IN/latch existing • brokers with potential users CONTACT Nan,c. Company: • Address: Phone: 1 Fax: F:-Mail: ry • } Web Site: t.. ems. Upon Comoletfon,return via E-mail or fax to: • 3 Cto of Southlake,Dept of Economic Development kt 667 N.Carroll A,rnue,Southlake,Texas 76092 "'( Phone;(R17)481-5581(Greg last.x750,Stefanie Ragonerx7761 ar ; Far (R17)231-9051 econdex px 4 4 .txus Arai* , F AIaJ; {a)ct southlake icrir "'� '...M....:-...- • . MEOW ••• .=•• Department of Economic Development WI W + iMIN Wi •,,AL........ Programs & Initiatives Southlake .. - Revenue Estimation , _____ Department of . . . • Economic Development r---- ' , 444, .' .4-fe11..4. .6..-..«......,4 4.44...- III Input Sheet . Aktit.liitAt„..4a:::,,kurL4..,:e.tr....Lfr.Latc.iitt ittati'''. -. City of Southlake 1 Page6 IN Bui l lding • , -ii . Dept. of Economic Dewlopment • , April 11, 2000 2:10 p.m Project: GATEWAY PLAZA PHASE 2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TAX REVENUE-GRAND TOTALS • A B C Al AJ AK AL AM INPUT INPUT INPUT (.0) (.W) (=AC) (=AH) (Al:AL) ize ir r Real Real Real Identification ---- Property Property Property Phase Blk-Lot Description Land Building Personal Sales Total 2 B1-L1 Bldg 1 -Pad Restaurant $ 31,418 $ 3,123 $ 937 $ 50,000 $ 85,478 I Personal __.. _ . 2 B1-L1 Bldg 2-Pad $ - $ 2,532 $ 760 $ 40,000 $ 43,291 ,, 2 B1-L1 Bldg 3-Retail $ - $ 1,858 $ 2,097 $ 35,500 I- 39.455 2 B1-1.1 Bldg 4-Retail Sub-Anchor $ ----7:1- 2,125 $ 3,284 $ 45,775 $ 51,184 2 B1-Li Bldg 5-Retail Sub-Anchor $ - $ 8,124 $ 13,293 $ 280,000 $ 301,417 Property 2 B1-L1 Bldg 6-Retail Anchor $ - $ 18,652 $ -16,142 $ 336,002 $ 370.796 2 I31-L1 Bldg 7-Retail S ----I 3,286 t-3.180 $ -62,800 $ - 69,266 2 E11-1..1 Bldg 8-Pad $ ....._, - $ 1,730 $ 511-$ 30,000 $ 32:249 2 B2-L1 Bldg 9-Retail---- $ 7,639 $ 6,960 $ 8.419. $ 159,600 S 182,618 2 B2-L1 Bldg 10-Iiiiid --- $ - $ 3,049 $ 915 $ 59,999 $ 63,963 IN Sales Tax - 2 B2-L2 Bldg 11 -Costco $ 30,061 $ 32,477 $ 43,719 $ 1,450,009 $ 1,556.267 . Totals $ 69.119 $ 83,915 $ 93,264 $ 2,549,686 $ 2,795,984 • 1 , . , . . 404'1' .. . , MIMI Department Economic Development =of ____, Programs & Initiatives SoUthlä e ___............._. Restaurant Survey Department of . • Economic Development • aM4r v p55 �,_ .. .__._. _ ..fin r, ....._ City of Southlake Fn information orcommentr. Depe onent ofEco nmrc Development k " P1216Department of Economic Development PH(8I7)4R1-558I est 776 i al •UthlaKe Restaurant Survey EM?mondev@cisouthlake is us WEB:7-u•natmoo..m. EB:w•w•w.eisnuthlaketx_us III Current dining Please respond thoroughly. This information will he used to attract restaurants to Southlake. I.FREQUENCY I Frrynrncy m a.rr.Re daya/wk On average,a what frequency does your family Avg.a of Avg.cost of pattern s .� tc.,�ir•^..eat participate in the following? People bill 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 Brakfast at a full service restaurant S -040147)ti 7 6 S 4 3 2 I 0 Breakfast at■fast food resumant S 'r 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 Lunch at full service restaurant S 4e __ 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 Lunch at a fast food restaurant S • 7 6 S 4 3 2 1 0 Evening dinner at a full service restaurant S � ... Desired restaurants pi, •* 7 6 S 4 3 2 1 0 Evening dinner at a fist food restaurant S ,_ 2. BUSINESS OR GROUP USES � If adequate food and meeting services were available in Southlake,how many times/year would you hold the following? • it rr , Frequency in time per year team'). Estimated Attendees lean Demographics 0 I•S 6-10 11•IS IS+ Type of event I•S 6.10 II-IS 16.20 21+ III .., Business breakfast i „'' _� Business lunch �_ ,_, Bustncss dinner . -" ) Personal meal gatherings F If- i -r ■ Results b)' J.DINING DESIRES _ If all types of food service were available in Southlake,at what frequency would your family visit the following? Frequency(cheek) Frequency Irked) Often Seldom Food Type Often.........Seldom Food Type September 2000 _ ..._ -� Barbecue Seafood ____ ____ 6 — _„_ Chinese Steakhouse _ Deli Thai Indian — _ Specialty:(bagel,ice cream) Italian/Pizza Other. _ _ Japanese — _ Other. I 4. CURRENT AREAS OF ATTRACTION '''••' - What areas of the D/FW Metroplex currently offer you the best choice of restaurants?tenses on that appy) _ Sundance Square McKinney Ave Grapevine . West End y Greenville Knox Henderson Addison a"=. �", V�w+`7.r..R.-ti'^-." .'ra rb'n•:,r'7m'• .rMl €-M. t-MBa*+.`j .^�,,, - 8 • .._ ..... .. .... Department ofEconomic Developmentp ., '4 Programs & Initiatives Southia e . I • •- ____ Shopping Restaurant Guide __......, Department of ...,., «.,g :._. _..._..._.-._...._...et,.x.,.»ter._...:....+ ::..,...,....._.._._.____--,.t ..,..--_-c ___ Economic Development F 14i. c.__..„,„ ,....... a 71 shopping & 36 4 ,x . . , N p - dining opportunities • „ .,,dI-.l F o , ie Businesses by t'* Air ''" , ..�� . .�.� category h . „ sy7 74 20 K FSg"and Rd Address, phone, j- i fn ___� 16 I e 13 cost zg s 1,. -- Zg ,,9 5 0 2 . 1 14 in 19,Eua. ,7�, ° e Distribution area 4 o 10 21 a m a �i la V " 15 er Continental Blvd ._ hotels 10 _ ... ... r. 4 1" w -ir-ill ,4 __... ...7 la e „, .........,, . .,,,„„ 49.?.. , mica Development outh ' m&' .. , •'1,0to f Economic, irkoluever o -W.fk Depar tment • • 'Initiatives Economic Development . „.., . , .. '' Programs & • prog- 1 Election , e Rights • / Option F Voter' s Local g ..4,1 . i ‘., IssuesDepartment of ti'l A, : ..- " ,,,-. ,' .'.'.,;'' '' • --- -8-1-1 1 -I+ _ I T- 2- Multiple i . ; . ...„..„. . 4". . -1,.'• •''' -71--- E 51-7 ,-..._ / I I , 1111 , 0 1-1 Cities , - ,. "•-'`A*, 7,* 7 4 t,,1 '''' L r.,' '' i- -1-- 1 VIII ,.,..- , IA;. . i County , .., ., L Egparil ,. II-- lellir4 .. in Sales -- - , . dir a5,9; 4-' ., ) '-'''. Iii#004,' , •,,,'., . .. Wine .1 II INLIIIIIFLN, Olt I., 40111 '.& - 4 , _ 4M mg 4 ' Alse to.- Stores . ,.. , ......... 19. 11 _ ma . Grocery _....- , .....„ , -5 a . 0. • •,1 4 - f t,,F ,:-,-.1.• r , ‘t'. , 1 ,,,,,, \ 1 _ t •44 I It" Liti,,, 1 414,'',' I ,..* II .. 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Business Development Guide ,,L k", • ' - L'':--. vii] Site Research Packets -eM . ,. fin 1— .1r,ii:.t* ; r- .... . • Web Site ,.. ,,..,„, ,,,, ,,,,.,, , ,. .„ _n,,„, _..... . .,,. , ,,.,,.. . ,,, . ,.,,,.fr, ., , ,,. ..., , ,.... , , ., ,, , . .,...,..:,,.. , . , A* .--.,.,-;,-- -'',.'•-s,i... :4-e ',*t.,. , ..,,;:liS...-1'.'. * !,... '4' 4,-, .1' '„, ,..4,,,' ' ' ,' ' ::' ,. 'Lr.'-,'" .4, ,..: .: . - e -• .r 1 ' err w ..". . ilMir . _MEP MIN= Department of Econom ic Development - _ - A- _ Available Resources Sou-thlalce aNI111, ..., ,,, ...,=......• - Project Profiles • , Department of , . Economic Development ----- A4, 7.7. ISIS Papyrus ' !i" PROJI CT PROF NU A IE F L 12,2000 .1 soutigak --- ,.- E'11.7411 — ., 1;:i Crossroads Square ,. 1 iihr, -,4 e ............„.„- ,...........„............—. _ . , ........ ....,,, , _ ,i Zg • Etononie Dovebonst• 110• ,' Aillir•••••°`"'"'''''. . Gateway Plaza QUICK-GLANCE SUMMARY: ,^ ' 0 k, '1 .• 4 89 acres ffi OM :-." • ' • 50,000 square feet ofoce space. • Zoning: "C-3',General Commercial District • Scheduled completion in early 2001. i 414:11 44 121 Georgetown Park CONCEPT: The campus-style development will have six structures—a 25,000 square t,';• foot central building and live other buildings ranging from 4,000 to 5.000 square feet The campus will be built around a large landscaped courtyard and a small lake. ISIS !NOS'S Papyrus '''.....7 ' '470, Papyrus plans to employ about 150 people with their new campus. r- 41 111Lowe's Home Improvement . ,• • ,*1);',.( ' ...$.1 ! r%. i ,. /4,.. •44%,, • ,' , ;,1 , 4.. ' ''' ' 1 ' Sabre Corporate Campus i,, '-'1;•,;.. - _, . : . :, : *I ...1 , - ..;,_,-, . ..--,.- • -4.:, 1 IliSouthlake Town Square i-.., •„- - ,:- . - i ! '--4.:-,,- ' :1 . ! , i * , • ':, t ; 6 ' ,!--- f, $ • I ‘, " . ' v•,,z," , 1.'5',,p' , .,,. ,,,,•?., The Remington Retirement . ' - '• 4\'i ',,,, I r''''.:I,','„,' - , 1 , " . , !:'.' * • , , t • i 1 .!,,,. , t , . !. 0.) Community .,,....-,,,,,1 ,.ti,. ;I i - ...;•Y; vl :J.! ,,,. ..,,,,, ,.,„•,„„,.,:,4.: , .. , ,.-,- ,,,,•,. :k ' ,_.. 1 The Village at Timarron ,,,,,„4. • ,• , , .,,,,,,,,..;.,;,--..„:„...:-•;,...,y c.,„.,,,,,--„,;,..,,,4,,,,,. .4,,,,„,,,,,„--54„,.,,,,4,,..,L. ..,;,:,..„,,,,,,,,,„,,,„.•,c,,..,•,,,, „ , 1 :_,•-•,-, . • - ,, , •.4 c.' .. jt _i . - ,...it. .'..itA.,,,,',, „ ;,,,,..k.„,i06.1r4owt,ro, ,...4.e_ .".1.—,.. -:. ..,.. ,.,.:.,;:,' -=4 ..-._.__ _.. ... , .... .... Department Economic Development =of Available Resources Southla e Site Inventory Guide _________ , __________, Department of Economic Development • SITE GUIDE LOCATOR MAP - SECTION D ■Site Address ( Plat Name ' ,,, Z\ N ■Tract/Lot Reference III .=:,d ��„ t ..-.. ut t994099 %\�t999tl47 [ g 11 ���� �w��1 • tB99091 :..ltiel Acreage 1899-085 = �� � •1994087 �.. e.I���. r�.Ij t. . ""f,999D91 I 1f,jM*w ' le,"•�94019 01._•4 y'. i".. 9 41:•; .'s•; Existing Zoning .. 1994088.r 199 Ir"�� • 91� AV ��A• 1► 10�59�� am -����rmilenm e,r�.',�zell -� Land Use Designation :� Lm�� Piioi r �. :*INF � MI iiiiir,i Adjacent Sites 1 inn .�•,�,■ iii iv L.OVI' �P111::' :InCumulative Acres I.r ! _ ��, a i�%.��eooi,II:r; .9.,SB 'a0 �'�`"i AM'O"'� faBroker/Contact and Owner 1999-57sin ,99944 ■I0611 moult t 994055 ��•� X. •I 1990.0971•.` `'`• 1994127}.,1,9 i ;'t, om��ij0 _ Price/Utilities/Build To Suit r,k. Department ofEconomic Development •= IN ....... A vallable .Resources Southla P. ,„.0. 1 „It - Traffic Count Report Department of Economic Development It L 4_ City of Southlake P '. 1 =164 roadway segments &.:, ter 2-directional counts i S(.iit „ 24 hour totals • III AM and PM peak hour 2000 totals Traffic Report "'Trafficraffic count trends forCount a SH 114 and FM 1709 June 23, 2000 .. : -\ ? (1995, 1998, 1999, 2000) Prepared Jointly by: fi Planning Public Works W err" M'` 1^+7 • •/ , � g 0. u .0( rk * w v , Itfek* • 1 R'I Y1i„ ',:r. .. , ., .. s. r .. 1t'.: . �-, , 4�[ ,V.v�..JV N� ,yf .i. ., cYi Td',;.� ,�., ek�.ku7�.. ..., � .�,. .,. . t�V .ti•wi'11talli .'W�4. :u� vx,.p.,tYy".,� Department Economic Development = 7-7 of a A vallable Resources Southia �. - Fast Facts ,, . , m*s Department of Economic Development • 1...` ,.�u, '�i1t•...,rw`".-.: ., ARM..,-.................._._...-.._ru.y,.di.Y.«_.w.,:. ,,'rcdHlt.. r. M.n ..,,,.....�i6: iDemographics PIQuality of Life City of Southlake ■Recreation l- Transportation Fast Facts rt: * Labor Force & *Utilities Summer 2000 Economic Base kSchools " . _ Top Non-Residential --- ,_ .. - , , ' School District - - •� Tax Payers * Southlcal<e Administrations *Top Employers - van Education ' ' Department of Ad ced ' Economic Development „ *Financial Status and Training ,, 667 North Carroll Avenue �� Southlake.Texas 76092 ■Recent Major klCity and Chamber pr (817)481-5581 ext.776 .. Developments Contacts www.ci.southlake.tx.us econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us t - t ,. • maw mem Mlle Department ofEconomic Development = -.�. _p ih.....,_ Available Resources Southla e - Site Research Summaries Department of Economic Development re' _ = Weterr,nes r Location Data ' City of Southlake , 2" N...14.. Sv 3" x....there '� �js �.• d11a a Existing Water %!/ Al' Existing Uses ___- qv 6" Epee.... .; o'1 /,y 10" c rr ow,.kn..- t2' Current Zoning a. <, , te / ; .. ' 200 0 200 Feet A/30 PR Land Use Plan Designation t t r a. o Plat Status o'-��. cb �.� �;t,, 'il Utilities 1 r `� �. ° Existing Water & Sanitary i ' ' •1. ,=° ° , ° Sewer ., ,, i — - 8 0II as Conceptual Water & Sewer to. ,ry I ,gt. ,A., , I� � '_ii7- 1 l. , Streets rfyir .'„, „�• U8.0 r Current Status Master Thoroughfare Plan 11 WEST SOUTHLAKE BLVD ,�, �.�. requirements R ,i - Traffic Counts t f . " o - E Drainage , ie � ,e. , Department of Economic Development = ,� `--- Available Resources Southla City Website Department of • • Economic Development City Hall Economic Development www. cityofsouthlake . com Available Resources Business listing, Fast Facts, Community Profile, Tax Abatement Documents Policy, Trend Charts MBusiness Development Guide, Broker/Developer Guide, Site Development Guides Availability Guide ImProject Profiles, Residential Development Summary, Development Summaries Commercial Development Summary f rmMonthly Chamber Reports, State Highway 114 Status Report, Reports Traffic Count Reports •Broker-Net listings, information request form, feedback form Correspondence ` M'" LL " '"'• Coming Soon -- Local Option Election status, entry portal status Initiatives 10Businesses, Churches, Civic Groups, Education, Government, Outside Web Links Homeowners Associations, Local News Media, Recreation, Sports tUN L......_._. Contact Information $OUth�4 Department of Economic Development For further information, please contact: Department of t. Economic / \ Development Yy r' 44 { 667 N. Carroll Ave. i, _ '' � � � TX 76092 Greg Last Southlake, Stefanie Wagoner Director Phone: (817) 481 -55 81 Specialist , , ext. 750 , Fax: (817) 251 -9051 ext. 750 r ,, . , Fig .: w 0 a;,., � it. � ; ,; . Webslte: www.cltyofsouthlake.com E-mail: econdev�ci.southlake.tx.us o. . News Release Contact: Theda W.Page Whitehead Sabre (817)967-1859 theda.whitehead@sabre.com Sabre Editors note:Reporters interested in participating in a 2:30 p.m. CDT conference call should call Sabre Corporate Communications at 817-967-1859 for registration/access information. Sabre Reports Second Quarter 2000 Financial Results Results Highlight Record Revenue Growth of More Than 17% in Travel Marketing and Distribution FORT WORTH,TX—July 19,2000- Sabre Holdings Corporation(NYSE: TSG)today reported that its revenues for the second quarter were $662 million, an increase of 3.6 percent above revenues for the second quarter of 1999. Revenues from the travel marketing and distribution business(previously known as the electronic travel distribution business)grew 17.3 percent over second quarter 1999, driven by strong growth in travel bookings and continued market share gains. Revenues from the outsourcing and software solutions business(previously known as the information technology solutions business)declined 17.7 percent year-over-year principally due to the conclusion in 1999 of conversion and migration work on two full IT outsourcing contracts, the divestiture of the company's logistics business,reduction in applications development work for Canadian Airlines and the completion of some of the company's large regional software development contracts in 1999. Net earnings for the second quarter,excluding special items described below, decreased 1.2 percent over second quarter 1999 to$76 million,or$0.59 per share on a diluted basis. Earnings in the same period in 1999 were$77 million,or$0.59 per share on a diluted basis, excluding special items. Operating income for the quarter,excluding the special items, grew 1.4 percent to $119 million for the quarter, as compared to $118 million for the same period in 1999. Operating income and earnings growth slowed primarily due to the increased investments in promotion and advertising at Travelocity.com,which merged with Preview Travel, Inc. in March of this year and the interest impact associated with the special dividend of$675 million paid to shareholders on February 18, 2000 in connection with the company's spin-off from AMR Corporation. "We experienced record revenue growth in our travel marketing and distribution business with increasing market share in North America, and exceptional growth in the online travel sites that we own and support,"said William J. Hannigan,chairman and chief executive officer. "We expect revenue trends to improve in the outsourcing and software solutions business in the latter half of the year as we continue to focus on building consistent revenue growth through our suite of software products,consulting services and outsourcing. Within our emerging businesses unit, we continue to cultivate and expand our Web hosting and Sabre Marketplace operations." Special items in the quarter include a credit to earnings of$4 million, $2 million net of tax, related to the amortization expense associated with six million options issued to US Airways,Inc. as part of the long-term technology agreement signed in 1997. In addition,the company -more- Sabre Reports Second Quarter Earnings Results July 19,2000 Page 2 recognized amortization expense of$21 million relating to goodwill and other intangibles arising from the merger of Travelocity.com and Preview Travel. Including the impact of these and other special items in both years, described in the accompanying schedules,net earnings for the second quarter 2000 were$63 million,or$0.46 per share on a diluted basis, a less than 0.1 percent decrease compared to net earnings of$63 million, or$0.48 per share on a diluted basis, in the second quarter 1999. Operating income was $101 million for the quarter, an increase of 4.8 percent compared to $96 million for the same period in 1999. Year-to-Date Results Year-to-date, Sabre revenues were$1.3 billion, an increase of 2.3 percent over 1999. Net earnings for this same period,excluding special items as described in the accompanying schedules, rose 0.7 percent to $151 million, or$1.17 per share on a diluted basis,compared to net earnings of$150 million,or$1.15 per share on a diluted basis, in 1999. Operating income, before special items, grew 2.1 percent to $238 million over 1999 year to date. Including the impact of special items in both years,net earnings for the six months ended June 30,2000 were$129 million, or$0.94 per share on a diluted basis, a decrease of 17.4 percent compared to net earnings of$156 million, or$1.19 per share on a diluted basis, for the same period in 1999. Operating income was $203 million for the six month period, a decrease of 2.3 percent compared to$208 million for the same period in 1999. These year-to-date results include non-recurring costs associated with the spin-off from AMR Corporation and goodwill amortization related to the merger of Travelocity.com and Preview Travel, Inc. "We are excited about our growth in market share and revenue in our travel marketing and distribution business,"said Hannigan. "Notwithstanding the year over year comparisons in our outsourcing and software solutions business thus far,we do anticipate improvement in revenue for this business in the second half of the year. As we continue to aggressively grow each of our businesses,we will also work to achieve greater operating efficiencies,which will allow us to grow revenues and earnings in the 10 to 15%range long term." Travel Bookings Total worldwide travel bookings processed through the Sabre computer reservations system, which includes direct bookings and joint venture bookings,were 122 million for the quarter,an increase of 5.8 percent over the same period last year. For the six-month period ended June 30, bookings were 247 million, a 6.8 percent increase over the same period in 1999. Bookings within the United States grew 6.4 percent for the quarter. International travel bookings were 50 million during the second quarter, an increase of 4.9 percent over the same period in 1999. Overall bookings growth was fueled by market share gains, growth in online travel bookings, and generally strong traffic in the travel industry. -more- Sabre Reports Second Quarter Earnings Results July 19,2000 Page 3 Travelocity.com Gross travel bookings during the second quarter through Travelocity.com(Nasdaq: TVLY),the leading online travel marketing company,reached$610 million, an increase of 253 percent as compared to$173 million in the second quarter of 1999. Total revenues were $47 million for the quarter,an increase of 257 percent as compared to$13 million in the second quarter 1999. Sabre maintains a 70%ownership interest in Travelocity.com. Year-to-date June 2000,travel bookings reached$1 billion, an increase of 234 percent as compared to$302 million year to date 1999. Year-to-date revenues were$74 million an increase of 210 percent as compared to $24 million year to date 1999. Sabre Business Travel Solutions Bookings through Sabre Business Travel Solutions, Sabre's corporate travel management and purchasing system,were more than 332,000 for the quarter, an increase of almost 260 percent as compared to its bookings in the second quarter of 1999. Sabre BTS also added 60 new customers during the quarter,which increases its total customer base to more than 500. Sabre VirtuallyThere Sabre VirtuallyThere,www.virtuallythere.com,a Web site that provides individualized trip itinerary and destination information, launched in November, 1999 has made traveling easier for more than five million travelers. Unique visits to this site reached more than 640,000 in June, which represents a growth rate of approximately 17%per month. Second Quarter Hi2hliahts • The company announced key changes in its organizational structure with the creation of three strategic business units: travel marketing and distribution; outsourcing and software solutions; and emerging businesses, in order to provide a framework for improved efficiency, cultivation of new businesses and the reduction of costs for the purposes of reinvestment. • Travel Marketing and Distribution • Sabre unveiled Sabre eVoya, the next generation of e-products and e-services that assist Sabre Connected travel agencies to compete and win in the e-commerce world. • Sabre entered into an agreement to acquire a 51% stake in Dillon Communication Systems(DCS) located in Hamburg, Germany. Together,DCS and Sabre will have a combined market share of 30%of all German travel agency locations. • Sabre VirtuallyThere recently announced that Sabre Connected travelers can receive an e-mail with a direct link to their personalized travel itinerary immediately after booking their trip. • Outsourcing and Software Solutions • Sabre announced a 10-year, $15.4 million dollar agreement with Bahamasair for strategic consulting and information technology services. • Gulf Air renewed its agreement for Sabre Passenger Reservation System for an additional five years. -more- Sabre Reports Second Quarter Earnings Results July 19,2000 Page 4 About Sabre Sabre is the global leader in applying information technology to meet the needs of the travel and transportation industries with advanced and innovative technology skills to deliver progressive solutions. Headquartered in Dallas/Fort Worth,Texas,the company has more than 10,000 employees worldwide who span 45 countries. Sabre reported 1999 revenues of$2.4 billion,up 5.6 percent from 1998. Net earnings, excluding special items,were $264 million,up 15.2 percent from the prior year. More information on Sabre is available on the World Wide Web at http://www.sabre.com. Sabre and the Sabre logo are registered trademarks of an affiliate of Sabre Inc. Statements in this news release that are not purely historical facts,including statements about anticipated or expected future revenue and earnings growth,are forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,as amended. All forward-looking statements in this release are based upon information available to Sabre on the date of this release. Any forward looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from the events or results described in the forward looking statements,including risks related to: Sabre's relationships with American and US Airways and their affiliates;competition and technological innovation by competitors;risks related to Sabre's technology;seasonality of the travel industry and booking revenues; sensitivity to general economic conditions and events that affect airline travel;risks associated with Sabre's international operations;and legal and regulatory issues. Further information regarding factors that could affect Sabre's financial and other results is included in Sabre's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Sabre undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information,future events or otherwise. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. News Release Karen E.Springs Vollmer (972)488.4790 Karen@vollmerpr.com Alex Nieves Sabre (817)963.6536 alex.nieves@sabre.com ca For Release: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 Applause Theater Tickets Now Available via Sabre AgentExplorer Sabre Connected travel agents in North America and Canada can book value added travel products and receive a commission FORT WORTH, Texas — Sabre Holdings Corporation (NYSE: TSG) today announced that Sabre Connected travel agencies can now book Applause theater tickets through AgentExplorer SM, a comprehensive Web site exclusively for travel professionals that provides quick and easy access to valuable travel-related content on the Internet. The new specialty bookings feature of AgentExplorer allows Sabre subscribers to book tickets to hundreds of blockbuster hits such as The Lion King, Aida and Chicago with just a few clicks of a button. The site also includes tools such as destination information, maps, travel advisories, weather and currency exchange, thus eliminating time- consuming research and increasing travel agents' productivity. "This partnership with Sabre offers our customers access to Applause's product line of tickets for shows and events in New York, London, Toronto and Las Vegas, " said Bill Stolting, president of Applause. "We never thought the day would come when a travel agent would be able to book Broadway shows without having to go through the laborious process that is currently in place. Travel agents, our core business customer, can now access tickets to a variety of performances on the Internet through Sabre AgentExplorer, while earning higher commissions and providing their customers the level of service they have come to expect through computer reservations systems." New revenue streams for Travel Agents Provided by Sabre at no extra cost, the ability to book this type of content is a new revenue source for travel agents. By accessing the specialty bookings feature of AgentExplorer Web site, Sabre Connected travel agents can book value-added travel products for their customers, receive a commission and have the ability to track each booking. In addition, it can easily interface with back office accounting operations. Each booking processed through the Internet is integrated back into the CRS and transferred to the traveler's itinerary. "Applause and Sabre can now give travel agents the best of both worlds, with the convenience of Internet booking and the reliability of a CRS," said Scott Alvis, senior vice president travel supplier distribution solutions for Sabre. "Sabre is committed to its strategy of providing innovative tools and solutions that will allow travel agents to offer their clients better service." In order to facilitate the booking process, travel agents are provided detailed descriptions of a theater's list of events, amenities and seating charts. Additional information, such as facilities for the disabled, is also included. With over $2 million in inventory, Applause can satisfy the needs of theatergoers with ease through the Sabre system. Sabre Connected"travel consultants can now provide comprehensive travel itineraries for their customers beyond traditional air, car and hotel reservations. Through AgentExplorer, travel agents have the power to access over 100 theatre events in New York, Las Vegas, London and Toronto;more than 2,000 sightseeing tours and niche accommodations in Europe, Australia/New Zealand, and North America; and over 500 golf tee times across North America. Sabre is the global leader in applying information technology to meet the needs of the travel and transportation industries with advanced and innovative technology to deliver progressive solutions. Headquartered in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, the company has more than 10,000 employees worldwide who span 45 countries. Sabre reported 1999 revenues of$2.4 billion, up 5.6 percent from 1998. Net earnings excluding special items were $264 million, up 15.2 percent from the prior year. Sabre and the Sabre logo are registered trademarks of an affiliate of Sabre Inc. # # # News Release Karen E.Springs Vollmer (972)488-4790 ksprings@vollmerpr.com Taylor L. Cole Sabre (817)963-6537 taylor.cole@sabre.com Sabre For Release: Monday, August 7, 2000 Sabre Teams with Ariba to Deliver Leading e-Business Offering for Corporate Travel Companies to Provide Integrated Travel Services to Ariba B2B eCommerce Solution Users FORT WORTH, Texas — Sabre Holdings Corporation (NYSE: TSG) today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Ariba, Inc., (Nasdaq: ARBA), to integrate the Sabre BTS°Web- based corporate travel management system with the Ariba® business to business (B2B) Commerce Platform. This combined solution will offer businesses greater control over travel expenses and give travelers new efficiencies in booking corporate travel and reporting expenses. "Corporations continue to look for solutions that improve the efficiency of the purchasing process and provide employees with the tools they need to make better purchasing decisions. The integration of Sabre and Ariba brings new innovations to the B2B travel landscape and achieves both of these goals," said Scott W. Smith, senior vice president and general manager for Sabre BTS. Entering into an agreement with Ariba, the leading B2B eCommerce platform provider, speaks volumes about where the travel industry is taking its tools in the future." Integrated solutions Under the agreement, the companies will integrate the Sabre BTS system with the Travel and Expense module of the Ariba Buyer application and Ariba Commerce Services Network. The integrated solution will provide Ariba users with access to data from the Sabre BTS system to provide an end-to-end travel management process — saving business travelers and their companies significant time in the creation, submission and approval of travel plans and expense reports. Expense reports will be integrated with the Sabre BTS system with the ability to transfer travel data directly from the Sabre system into Ariba Buyer, thereby eliminating the need for the traveler to enter in the air, car and hotel reservation information. Travelers using Ariba eCommerce solutions will also be able to "punchout" to the Sabre online travel site, plan their trip, bring back the trip information and route for internal approval. "As a travel industry pioneer, Sabre has shown tremendous vision in embracing the Internet for B2B eCommerce efficiencies," said Dave Rome, vice president for alliances and business -more- Sabre Teams with Ariba to Deliver Leading e-Business Offering for Corporate Travel August 7, 2000 Page 2 development with Ariba. "The integration of Sabre's travel solutions with Ariba B2B eCommerce solutions will further enable businesses to streamline travel costs, and provide business travelers additional convenience and flexibility when booking travel and reporting expenses." Sabre BTS is the industry's leading online corporate travel management and purchasing system, giving business travelers a quick and easy way to make their own travel arrangements at their desktops while complying with corporate policies. The award-winning Sabre BTS system enables businesses to track every travel dollar from pre-planning and purchasing to expense reporting and reimbursement— offering users the potential to save as much as 30 to 50 percent in total travel management costs. It is in use today by more than 500 organizations — more than any other corporate travel management system. The Ariba B2B Commerce Platform, including Ariba Buyer, Ariba Marketplace, Ariba Dynamic Trade, and the Ariba Commerce Services Network, helps companies realize greater economies of scale and commerce process efficiencies, resulting in competitive advantage and lower costs. Sabre is the global leader in applying information technology to meet the needs of the travel and transportation industries with advanced and innovative technology skills to deliver progressive solutions. Headquartered in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, the company has more than 10,000 employees worldwide who span 45 countries. Sabre reported 1999 revenues of$2.4 billion, up 5.6 percent from 1998. Net earnings excluding special items were $264 million, up 15.2 percent from the prior year. More information on Sabre is available on the World Wide Web at http://www.sabre.com. Sabre, Sabre BTS and the Sabre logo are registered trademarks of an affiliate of Sabre Inc. ## # Ariba and the Ariba logo are registered trademarks of Ariba, Inc. Ariba Buyer,Ariba Marketplace,Ariba Dynamic Trade and Ariba Commerce Services Network are trademarks of Ariba, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Media Brief Taylor L. Cole Sabre (817)963-6537 taylor.cole@sabre.com ca.i�"e For Release: Monday, August 07, 2000 Sabre BTS First Corporate Booking Tool to Provide Access to AAirpass Program AAirpass Members Can Now Book and View AAirpass Flights in Sabre BTS FORT WORTH, Texas — Sabre Holdings Corporation (NYSE: TSG) today announced that Sabre BTS° customers who are also American Airlines AAirpass members can now view and book AAirpass flights in the Sabre BTS travel management system. Sabre BTS is the first corporate travel management system to offer this capability. The American Airlines AAirpass product allows travelers to purchase 25,000 flight miles a year for two or five-year terms. As AAirpass members fly throughout the year, the miles are deducted from their accounts. Sabre BTS has now provided added convenience to Sabre BTS customers by providing AAirpass members a tool to view and book their pre- paid flights anytime, anywhere in the world. AAirpass customers logging into the Sabre BTS travel management system will view their AAirpass fare along with the regular American Airlines fare for the requested flight. With this information customers can determine whether to use pre-paid miles or traditional methods to pay for their flight. Sabre BTS arranged this exclusive agreement in response to customer requests for increased access to their pre-paid flights. Sabre BTS is the industry's leading e-commerce corporate travel management and purchasing system, giving business travelers a quick and easy way to make their own travel arrangements at their desktops while complying with corporate policies. The award- winning Sabre BTS system enables businesses to track every travel dollar from pre- planning and purchasing to expense reporting and reimbursement— offering users the potential to save as much as 30 to 50 percent in total travel management costs. More than 500 organizations have selected Sabre BTS— more than any other corporate travel management system. -more- - more - Sabre BTS First Corporate Booking Tool to Provide Access to AAirpass Program August 7,2000 Page 2 Sabre is the global leader in applying information technology to meet the needs of the travel and transportation industries with advanced and innovative technology skills to deliver progressive solutions. Headquartered in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, the company has more than 10,000 employees worldwide who span 45 countries. Sabre reported 1999 revenues of$2.4 billion, up 5.6 percent from 1998. Net earnings excluding special items were $264 million, up 15.2 percent from the prior year. More information on Sabre is available on the World Wide Web at http://www.sabre.com. Sabre and the Sabre logo are registered trademarks of an affiliate of Sabre Inc. ## # 0 THE BAKER RELAY 114 Corridor is among fastest-growing regions in DFW For decades,the Dallas-Fort Worth area In the 1990 Census, Southlake registered been one of the fastest-growing metropolitan only 7,082 residents.In nine years,population ""' regions in the nation.With a population of 5.4 has grown nearly 200 percent to more than million today,Dallas-Fort Worth is estimated to 21,000.That's an annual growth rate of 22.5 ;. grow to exceed 6.4 million in 20 years. percent,second in the region only to Flower `y. _' Many believe that the hottest development Mound,growing at a rate of more than 23 percent ' area in the Metroplex right now is the region during the same period. northwest of DFW Interna- McClure said there are tional Airport.Called « many reasons for the population ... a year ago, we Metroport,the cities located growth in the area,including: in northeast Tarrant and were kind of the •quality public schools, Stan McClure southern Denton counties are •land topography that includes Senior Vice President Lewis and Clark of rapidly expanding due to rolling hills and mature trees, New Offices many factors.The biggest the 114 corridor... and On The Horizon perhaps is its proximity to now there's just •well-planned home develop- Office construction has both DFW and Alliance ments that include golf courses, picked up in the past year. Airport,which handles a large a tidal wave of large lots and other amenities. Just northwest of Southlake is volume of cargo.Linking the activity in that "Most of the people who the development of Solana, a two airports is SH 114,which live in Southlake and in the 114 mixed-use office/retail serves as a catalyst of growth direction." corridor work in Las Colinas or development that is currently that impacts the entire region. even Dallas,"McClure said. about 95 percent occupied. "For the most part, Stan McClure "These people are the corporate Sabre has begun con- developers have always been decision makers and they're structing phase one of a new interested in the area east of DFW Airport,"said sitting there, stuck in traffic,thinking to them- 500,000-SF office. Within Stan McClure,senior vice president of BCR: selves, `If I had my office closer to my house, seven years, Sabre's total "T ast year,when you started talking to them I'm five minutes away from little Johnny's soccer space will include more than )ut that corridor west of the airport,they game,that would be an ideal situation.' one million square feet. ..,.led their eyes and said, `Yeah,right."' "You've got a tremendous employee base In Westlake, Fidelity "It's just foreign territory to most develop- in Solana right now,"McClure said."There's a Investments has begun a ers.But when you get into a car and drive lack of services.If you drew a radius around corporate campus and the around,and see the retail,residential and office Solana and Westlake,there are only a few 600,000-SF first phase is development,they say, `I see what you mean."' restaurants and not many retail locations in that scheduled to be completed in 2001. area. So with a large employee base,and a large If you are interested in Population Drives Development residential area in Southlake and Trophy Club, What is attractingdevelopers to Southlake learning more about opportunities P retailers are beginning to get excited over the that exist in Northeast Tarrant and other Metroport cities are new residential opportunities." County,contact Stan McClure neighborhoods and plenty of land for new retail at 972 5eo 8t o0 or and office projects.Also,the Texas Department smcclure@bakercommercial.com. of Transportation is widening SH 114 in an effort to keep up with heavy traffic flow associated with the population explosion. Employment Growth By City Metroport cities are expected to see a Annual Total 45 percent gain in population by the year 2020, 1990 1998 Absolute Growth Growth compared to a projected 29 percent increase for City Employment Employment Growth Rate Rate the entire Metroplex.Employment growth in Colleyville 1,850 2,900 1,050 6.5% 56.8% Metroport is projected at 82 percent in the next Coppell 6,350 10,250 3,900 7.0% 61.4% 20 years,compared to 37 percent for the entire Flower Mound 1,550 3,600 2,050 15.1% 132.3% Dallas-Fort Worth region. Grapevine 27,100 39,100 12,000 5.1% 44.3% At the heart of this growth is the city of Irving 106,600 149,450 42,850 4.6% 40.2% Southlake,located just northwest of DFW Keller 950 2,850 1,900 22.9% 200.0% Airport.With SH 114 running through the Lewisville 15,650 22,800 7,150 5.2% 45.7% Southlake 3,450 4,300 850 2.8% 24.6% iddle of the city,and with another main artery, Total Metroport 163,500 235,250 71,750 5% 43.9% iuthlake Blvd.(FM 1709)splitting from 114 DFW 2,082,844 2,707,621 624,777 3.4% 30.0% heading west to Keller,Southlake is poised to Source: North Texas Council of Governments, U.S. Department of Commerce continue growing. GATEWAY PLAZA PHASE II WWI m PROJECT PROFILE JULY 27, 2000 �. ....,e •—i . /rama �� . .441 r SoutF oIl e - - s ,t ,-, - ,.yto l' ;.,m. - I�4' Department of -_->� �!��--. - ,.:>�• Economic Development �' ---� "' QUICK GLANCE SUMMARY: • 38 acres • 341,000 s.f of retail and restaurant uses • Zoning: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District • Anticipated Grand Opening- March with"C-3" General Commercial District uses. 2001 CONCEPT: Gateway Plaza Phase II is a comprehensively planned development incorporating over 341,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space. The project includes seven buildings and four pad sites within the central development. _31:4-7F-1v7671 Y Fa-i s----------- ------- -_'-_-- -_ ENTRY FEATURE.3 _ _ — _ _ - --, ' -,z— — �, — --- FEATURE 2 - i- - r Q is k Q Sv,j. -� ., '-, 13 I .1.: e,.1' , . ` - Ct. '66 . '.—. .gip C `� ' - a e P. IIL.',, ,r 9 00 0 - •_° °�''�r/, Ma" t - n " �v �jo0.' 71 r. �` zf(- 'a .off._._ i ui 1 \ 1. ,.per nip, s ( ! C': (f re,Iw ft T _ s for , r f I tr, A s �` ri , r, a :': i �, 1 I G� 1 1 �f! ' 9 i o �� `0 4 co 0 c {� �j /• ',., 1 _:� i 6, .V Y?e 11,:_-II 1 `{ 4 (7 _-I E-' 19,155 I IMF _ Q -� ih ( -{ ' r anchor rNNI M rN. lit_ 1_ V? sT _ g �- w to rr ry ,,�. . `� h u' 85,000 SF �.ty y - .a,........ - I-- .a ,'�I/V Y moor r:,.� i 0 0i /ti, n - e r„t1-SIOD' _ L ,4+_', ig /. ''' irk " i Po 1144. vr~ 1 u. -`-- t. 00 0 I ! i Q Q v ` 7225 1@ ldrY J .r. / _s x t�L7 „mow ? �j �_ ( Gi ,saktQ�., -.-�1` a,,. `6s AM . ,t -�, ENTRY __'- y i; to , a9 FEATURE 1 w i r Z---J LOCATION: The Gateway Plaza Phase II project is located on approximately 38 acres south of State Highway 114 and north of East Southlake Boulevard •' R (F.M. 1709), approximately 1000' east of North Kimball Avenue. The construction of the Nolen p Drive extension, connecting State Highway 114 to .., F.M. 1709, is proposed with this development. ♦ /�\1 imihk Dove Ra ZONING: "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with"C-3" General Commercial District uses. , s. . Hohrtl St PROJECT SCHEDULE: if ivip - The Rezoning and Concept Plan were approved on July 7, 2000. .. - Construction is anticipated to begin in August 2000, r' and Costco's grand opening is scheduled for March r 2001 with the remainder of the development scheduled to have a grand opening 1 quarter 2002. TENANTS: (Confirmed as of July 2000) • Costco DEVELOPER PROFILE: Lincoln Property Company was formed in 1965 as a development company, for the purpose of building and operating high quality residential communities. In the early 1970's, Lincoln began to expand its product mix to include the full spectrum of commercial properties -- suburban low rise and urban high-rise offices; industrial facilities; neighborhood shopping and specialty retail centers; major mixed-use developments with hotels; and build-to-suit properties. Lincoln developments have been widely recognized as landmarks in their communities for their design, quality, and superior locations. By the end of the 1980's, these projects valued in excess of$12 billion. The successful completion of these diverse, nation-wide development projects required that Lincoln also develop the capabilities, systems, and organization to manage one of the largest portfolios in the country. Lincoln began to gain national recognition for effective management of our own commercial real estate properties and was asked to provide real estate services for other investors and owners around the country. As the 1980's ended, Lincoln responded to the fundamental restructuring of the real estate industry by placing even greater emphasis on our service capabilities, systems development, and overall ability to serve its growing list of clients. Today, Lincoln Property Company is one of the largest, most respected diversified real estate services firms in the United States, employing over 4,000 people. Lincoln has established a presence in over 100 markets in 19 states and manages over 120 million square feet of commercial property nationwide, valued at over $6.4 billion. (Source: http://www.lincolnproperty.com/eastern/index.html) Wyndham Properties, Ltd. and affiliates, formed in 1993 by Terry Wilkinson, is an owner developer specializing in real estate developments in the Southlake-Grapevine-Colleyville area. The companies have diversified real estate interests including high quality Master Planned single-family subdivisions, office buildings, and retail shopping centers. The company's developments include the following projects: • Master-planned, single-family subdivisions: The Hills of Monticello, a Master Planned subdivision containing 350 homes with 60 acres of common open areas with 6 lakes and several miles of jogging paths; Monticello Estates, a guard entry subdivision located in Southlake. The development contains 117 homes and 10 acres of open areas with jogging paths, tennis courts, and sports courts; Eagle Bend Estates, a 66 home development located within "Timarron" which is a master planned golf course community. • Retail Shopping Centers: Gateway Plaza (phase I) is a 370,000 sq.ft. retail center located at the intersection of Highway 114 and FM 1709. This was an assemblage of 24 individually owned tracts into a 43-acre retail center currently under development with Lincoln Property Co. • Office Projects: Wyndham Properties specializes in high visibility office buildings located on major roadways within Northeast Tarrant County. The company currently owns six such properties, with two additional buildings being designed. CONTACTS: Following are contacts familiar with the Gateway Plaza Phase 2 project: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Department of Economic Development, (817) 481-5581 Greg Last, Director, ext. 750 Stefanie Wagoner, Specialist, ext. 776 Website: www.ci.southlake.tx.us E-mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us WYNDHAM PROPERTIES, LTD. Terry Wilkinson, President (817) 329-4599 Village Center j — PROJECT PROFILE JULY 27, 2000 4,7.E f . Southlake Department of nii. • Economic Development `Q `;•' , QUICK-GLANCE SUMMARY: • Phase I — 20.25 acres & 121,897 s.f of retail & • Zoning: "C-3" General Retail grocery • Phase II —24.02 acres with 164,184 s.f of retail CONCEPT: To provide a variety of shopping opportunities for all consumer needs, from groceries, home improvement and enhancement to banking, pets, beauty, and personal services. LOCATION: The Village Center project is located on over 40 acres centered between State Highway 114 and Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709) on both sides of Village Center Drive, and approximately 500 feet west of Kimball Avenue. ZONING: "C-3" General Retail. PROJECT SCHEDULE: Village Center was completed in spring of 1998. TENANT SUMMARY: • Anne Wayne Salon& Spa • Home Depot • Papa John's Pizza • Art and Frame Warehouse • Just 4 Nails • Pet Smart • Back-in-a-Flash • Kroger • Play It Again Sports • Bank United • Kumon Math&Reading • Radio Shack • Blockbuster Video Center • Renaissance Designs • Chase Bank • Lakeside Cleaners • Smoothie King • Chevron • Learning Express • Southlake Jewelers • Delta Airlines Ticket • Madison's Avenues • Steel Gallery Interiors Office • Me-N-Ed's Pizza • The Roomstore • Eagle Postal Center • Miss Mamie's Gifts • Wendy's Restaurant • Fantastic Sam's CONTACTS: The following contacts are familiar with the Village Center project: i City of Southlake r> Leasing Agent Economic Development Department, Regency Realty (817)481-5581 (214)696-9500 Greg Last, Director, ext. 750 8140 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 400 Stefanie E. Wagoner, Specialist, ext. 776 Dallas, Texas 75231 Website: www.ci.southlake.tx.us www.regencyrealty.com E-mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us SoUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE -, PROJECT PROFILE JULY 27, 2000 SouthNake - -},_ ry _ - _ 1 l II I! IgII lPI 1' 7Ieii� � 1. . Lill. , JLI.�. Department of• e ra '' tin 1 y,, 4 1 ► 1 j' .ai AU ill Economic Development 4 II I Oq t,. -11 r i • 14 r{ QUICK GLANCE SUMMARY: • Total acreage: 130 acres • Overall master plan: over 2 million s.f.; • Zoning: 109 acres "NR-PUD" with "C-3" Phase I: 380,000 + s.f.; Phase II: 37,000 General Commercial District uses; 8 acres s.f. +Post Office; Phase III: 31,000 s.f. "SP-2" with "C-3" uses; 13 acres "C-3" • Phase I Opened - March 1999; Town Hall and Phase II Grand Opening - October 2000; Phase III Grand Opening - Fourth Quarter 2000 CONCEPT: A downtown for Southlake; a 130-acre master planned development with a mixture of retail, office, restaurant, and entertainment uses. Town Square will be the home of the new Town Hall, comprising Southlake's City Hall, a public library, and regional offices and courts for Tarrant County. A new Post Office will also be included and approximately 13 acres of dedicated city parks. \,-="SOUTSLAXE TOWN SQUARE MASTER PLAN ;; + � Ai fa c4 1 I i IiI„ii Post =` Office 4 �'� ' . ►• ,.. " .' '., I Square >42' , ; {� ,2;f ; 1: .• .; ' tvii #* •- 9 .:-..:;:t..": e• .;,...,...... , --7P-iitp*"-7'4'4 Imi -'it 2o: 7 1)• Wit. • a., r." �- ,,.EMI tCY quo a u nn .. _ - �,. _ n, .._®� ,... ..•...,.r.-, uy.w w....,,...:-._.. ...::cm... ...ram®aw•u,--w� -` -- SOUTHLARE TOWN SQUARE - PROJECT PROFILE - JULY 27,2000 - PAGE 1 OF 4 LOCATION: Bordered by State Highway 114 to the north, Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) to the south, and North Carroll Avenue to the west. v ZONING: 109 acres zoned "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Ali Do Rd A Planned Unit Development District to include "C-3" General /111:. Commercial District uses; approximately 13 acres zoned "C-3"; \49 „i.land SL and approximately 8 acres zoned "SP-1" Generalized Site Plan District with "C-3" uses I• ratirivitspi PROJECT SCHEDULE: •vipri L Phase I, being approximately 42 acres located at the northeast corner of East Southlake Boulevard and North �� 5�26 Carroll Avenue, began construction in early 1998, with a grand opening on March 20, 1999. Phase I currently consists of over 260,000 square feet of retail and office space. Phase I development will continue in 2000 and will add up to four additional buildings, comprising approximately 90,000 square feet of retail and an additional 30,000 square feet of office space. Tenants for Phase I: • Angela G. Bowers, MD • First State Bank of Texas • P&D Consultants, Inc • Animal Crackers • Fitness in Motion • Pennwell Publishing • Ann Taylor • Gap • Prizm Development • Armas Business Solutions, Inc • Gap Kids • Pure Packet • BA Framers • GNC Live Well • Rattikin Title • Banana Republic • Gymboree • Renditions • Bath & Body Works • Harken Energy • Rockfish Grill • Beautyfirst • Harold's • Scott Kasden, MD FACS • Beck Group, The • Heinen & Associates • Southlake Town Square • Becton Dickenson • Illuminations • Sprint PCS • Benefit Architects, Inc • Jamba Juice • St. John's • Berins & Co. LLC • Johnson Rooney Welch • Starbucks • Black and Decker • Just for Kids • Steven Fuqua, DDS, MC • Bombay • Keller Williams Realty • Sylvan Learning Center • Bradley Luce Bradley • Kids Foot Locker • Talbots • Call a Ride Southlake (CARS) • Lady Foot Locker • Terrace Salon and Day Spa • Century 21 • Logan&DuFrane Realtors • The Market • Charles Schwab & Co • Lovers Eggroll • Todd White, DDS • Chico's • Lyons, Bulter& Pesserillo, • Tom Stephens & Co • Cho's Tailor L.L.P. • Universal Lending Group, • Cooper& Stebbins • Magic Moon Inc. • Corner Bakery • Mark Palmer, MD • Vicki Truitt • Dallas Morning News • Mi Cocina • Victoria's Secret • Eddie Bauer • Milwaukee Joe's • Viking Office Products • Edward D. Jones & Co • Noodle Kidoodle • Village Jewelers • Farmers Insurance - Brad Cavnar • Out of the Garden • Williams-Sonoma SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE - PROJECT PROFILE - JULY 27,2000 - PAGE 2 OF 4 Phase II, approximately 8 acres, is scheduled for completion in October 2000. This phase will include the new Southlake Post Office, and approximately 37,000 square feet of retail, office and restaurant uses. i. Phase III, approximately 3.5 acres is scheduled for completion in the Fourth Quarter of 2000, and comprises approximately 31,000 square feet of retail and office uses. FUTURE TENANTS: • Communicate Now (Nov. 00) • Pottery Barn(Nov. 00) • Storehouse (Dec. 00) • Container Store (June 01) • Rabbit Hole (Dec. 00) • Stride-Rite (Dec. 00) • Crate & Barrel (Nov. 00) • Sandella Café (Nov. 00) • Talbots Petites (Nov. 00) • Gingiss Formal Wear (Nov. 00) • Southlake Dance Academy • Talbots Kids (Nov. 00) • Origins (Nov. 00) (Dec. 00) Southlake Town Hall tenants (Jan. 01): 0 City of Southlake offices • City Manager • GIS • Planning • City Secretary • Human Resources • Public Safety Substation • Economic Development • Library • Public Works • Finance • Municipal Court • Water Utilities 0 Tarrant County offices • Constable • County Commissioner • Tax Collector • County Clerk • Justice of the Peace FINANCIAL ISSUES: Town Square lies within the boundaries of the recently established 408-acre Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1. Planned projects to be financed by the tax increment financing dollars within the reinvestment zone plan include a Town Hall, which will house many of the City and County offices and the first Southlake Public Library, public infrastructure improvements,public parks, and educational facilities. DEVELOPER PROFILE: Cooper & Stebbins L.P. is a private real estate investment and development company based in Southlake, Texas. The Company has been involved in a range of commercial projects in Texas, California and the State of Washington since 1989. The Company's involvement with retail and mixed-use real estate development derives from the experience of its founders, Peter Cooper and Brian Stebbins, who each completed a number of retail, hotel, and office developments in Australia and New Zealand during the 1980s. The Company's strategic plan calls for the development of long term ownership of master-planned developments, generally referred to as "open-air mixed-use lifestyle centers." Southlake Town Square, the first phase of which was opened by the Company in March, 1999, is an example of this type of development, and the Company's current focus is centered upon the project's ongoing development. SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE - PROJECT PROFILE - JULY 27,2000 - PAGE 3 OF 4 CONTACTS: The following contacts familiar with the Southlake Town Square project: City of Southlake Economic Development Department (817) 481-5581 Greg Last, Director, ext. 750 Stefanie E. Wagoner, Specialist, ext. 776 Website: www.cityofsouthlake.com E-mail: econdev@ci.southlake.tx.us r> Cooper & Stebbins L.P. Developer and Office Leasing Frank Bliss, Executive Vice President (817) 329-8400 Website: www.southlaketownsquare.com i Southlake Town Square Nancy Hormann, Vice President- Operations (817) 329-5566 Website: www.southlaketownsquare.com r> United Commercial Realty Retail Leasing Jack Breard III and Robert Luleff (214) 526-6262 Website: www.ucrrealty.com SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE - PROJECT PROFILE - JULY 27,2000 - PAGE 4 OF 4 AGENDA MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE - Draft Date: 8/11/00 4:52 PM City Council Meeting—September 5, 2000 City Council Meeting— September 19, 2000 Forum: Forum: Consent: Consent: Minutes 1. Minutes Appointment of Pedram F.rahnak as Director of PW-BC 2. Award of bid to for the construction of the S-7 sewer line-SP 3. Approval of License Agr v'/Dallas Area Rapid Transit(DART)covering 3. Authorize IA w/CISD for natatorium-KH the Mustang Court extension at the intersection of SH 26-SP 4. Award of bid to for c':annel improvements in Chapel Downs and Mission Hills subdivisions -SP 5. Approval and concurrence-w/CDBG,25th year-Oak Lane Sewer-SP 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items 1. Ord. 783,Municipal Court of Record 1. Ord. , Revisions to Ord.480,regarding outside storage. 2. Ord. No.787,Abandonment of utility easement on Lot 12B,Blockl, 2. Ord. ,waiver of P&R fees. Cedar Oaks. 3. ZA 00-068,RSP Christian Men's(PH) 3. Ord.480-349.RZ&CP for High Point-(ZA 00-056) 4. ZA 00-073,SP Consultants in Radiology 5. Ord: First PH,Annual Budget for FY 2000-01 and revisions to FY 1999-00-SE 6. Ord. ,Tax Levy Ord. **Pending P&Z action **Pending P&Z action • 1st Reading&Related Items: 1st Reading&Related Items: 1. Ord. ,Revisions to Ord.460,pertaining to outside storage. 2. Ord. ,waiver of P&R feci. 3. Ord._ First PH,Annual Budget for FY 2000-01 and revisions to FY 1999-00-SE 4. Ord. ,Tax Levy Ord. **Pending P&Z action **Panrline-PR.7 artinn Resolutions: Resolutions: Consider: Consider: 1. Interlocal agreement w/CISD re:disposition of pond at Noble Oaks Park 1. Appt. of Charter Review Committee-JE -CT scuss: Discussion: Executive Session: AGENDtt MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE - Draft Date: 8/11/00 4:52 PM City Council Meeting— October 3, 2000 City Council Meeting— October 17, 2000 Forum: Forum: .nsent: Consent: Minutes 1. Minutes 2. Award of bid to_for Bob Jones Park mprovements-KH 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Iten s: 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: **Pending P&Z action **Pending P&Z action et Reading&Related Items: 1st Reading&Related Items: **Pending P&Z action **Pending P&Z action — Resolutions: Resolutions: Consider: Consider: Discussion: Discussion: AGENDA MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE - Draft Date: 8/11/00 4:52 PM Future City Council Meeting Forum: • "-sent: Fort Worth Water Contract-RH 2. Award bid on handrails Town Hall-RH 3. Auth Mayor to execute letter authorizing TxDOT to change speed limits in construction zone on SH 114-SP 4. Award of Bid to for the purchase of furniture for Town Hall"to the AMS under consider items for September 5,2000? 5. Abndmnt of 15'utility easement on property owned by Fira(S-7)-SP 6. Abndmnt of 15'utility easement on property owned by Explorer(S-7)-SP 7. Permission to advertise for bids for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Davis Blvd.and Continental-SP 8. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a prof servs agr w/JD ilson and Assoc for development of a strategic plan-SKY 2nd Reading/Pub Hearing&Related Items: 1st Reading&Related Items: 1. Ord.#760,ROW Use Management Ordinance-RH/SKY 0:d-fir3 483 .-Park Recreation Dedicatien P q r..i::C::4t•CC/i,a::,.. .- .. -- .. 3. Ord.No.774,Amendment to Trail System Master Plan CC/KH Resolutions: 1. Res.99-16,relating to limiting#of zoning applications-from 3/23 CC mtg Consider: Sidewalk/Trail Implementation Plan Prof Services Agreement-Michael Drive(PW-5/4/99) Interlocal Agreement with Grapevine re:North Kimball-RH 4. Auth Mayor to enter into an IA w/NE Tarrant County Regional Water System(NETCRWS)-RH Discuss: 1. Land Conservatory District➢^•''tiros to PUD Ord. 2. Utility Policies&Standards Ordinance 3. Street Standard Ordinance 4. Ord.771,Nuisance Ordinance-MJ 5. **Amendment to Master Thoroughfare Plan-CC 6. Ord.No._,Right of Way Management(City attorney letter date 6/19/2000) 7. Emergency Preparedness Notification Program-GW 8. False Alarm Reduction Program-GW 9. 1997 Uniform Fire Code-GW 10. Revise Landscaped Ordinance to include bufferyards etc.-GW 11. Sign Ordinance Revisions-GW 12. Ordinance Establishing Regulations on Corps'Property-GW 13. Parade and Street Closure Ordinance-GW 14. Substandard Bldg. Ordinance-GW 15. High Grass/Weeds Ordinance revision-GW 16. Residential lighting standards review-GW 17. Mass Gathering Ordinance-GW 18. Elevator Ordinance-GW 19. Tree and Landscape Ordinances-GW 20. E-Court 21. Change Order#1 w/Mid State utilities for 18 in sewer force main along N.Kimball "-:ecutive Session: 1 , L REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: August 15,2000 • LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake Tem.': City Council Chambers in City Hall WORK SESSION: 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. 1. Call to order. 2. Discussion of all items on tonight's meeting agenda.No acion will be taken and each item will be considered during the Regular Session. REGULAR SESSION: 6:00 P.M. or Immediately Following the Work Session AGENDA 1. Call to order. 2. A. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.3)72, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076 and 551.086. Refer to posted list attached hereto and incorporated herein. Executive Session may be held, under these S exceptions, at the end of the Regular Session or at any time during the meeting that a need arises for the City Council to seek advice from the City Attorney as to the posted subject matter of this City Council meeting. B. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in"Executive Session. 3. INVOCATION: Chaplain of the Month Betsy Godbold,White Chapel United Methodist Church 4. REPORTS: A. Mayor's Report B. City Manager's Report C. SPIN Report D. Parks and Recreation Report CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the 0 general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. Regular City Council Meeting Agenda August 15,2000 Page 2 5. Consent: A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held August 1, 2000. B. Approval of additional funding for intersection improvement-' at Mustang Drive and State Highway 26. C. Resolution No. 00-83, Appointments to Crime Control and Prevention District. D. Resolution No. 00-86 Abandonment of a utility easement on Lot 12B, Block 1, in the Cedar Oaks Estates subdivision. E. This item is intentionally left blank F. Award of bid to Select Trees for purchase of trees for Town Hall. REGULAR AGENDA 6. Public Forum 7. Ordinances, second readings,public hearings, and related items: A. Resolution 00-79, (ZA 00-078), Specific Use Permit for a shaae structure for Mirage Car Wash located at 955 North Davis Boulevard, being approximately 2.00 acres. A site plan will be considered with this request. • Current zoning is"C-3" General Commercial District. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING. B. Ordinance No. 480-KK, 2"d Reading, Amendments to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, regarding noise regulations in Ordinance No. 480 to remove any conflict with the provisions of Ordinance No. 778. PUBLIC HEARING. C. Ordinance No. 778, 2"d Reading, Amending Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake by adding Article III to define certain noises to be a nuisance and prohibit them. PUBLIC HEARING. • D. Ordinance No. 480-332, 2"d Reading, (ZA 99-139), Rezoning and Site Plan for 114 Kimball Square, on property legally described as Tract 1 B3 situated in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, and being approximately 1.4677 acres. Location: Northwest corner of the Regular City Council Meeting Agenda August 15,2000 40 Page 3 intersection of State Highway 114 and Shady Lane. Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. Requested Zoning: "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses. Owner a-id Applicant: 114 Kimball Square, Ltd. SPIN Neighborhood#6. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING. • E. ZA 00-023, Site Plan for Lot 4, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, involving 0.8917 acres. Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. Location: Northeast corner of Kimball Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard. SPIN Neighborhood#7. PUBLIC HEARING. F. Resolution No. 00-084, (ZA 00-082), Specific Use Permit for outside storage for Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, involving 14.71 31 acres. A Site Plan for Lowe's will be considered with this request. Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. Location: 201 N. Kimt all Avenue. SPIN Neighborhood#7. PUBLIC HEARING. G. ZA 00-083, Revised Site Plan for Rockenbaugh Elementary School on Lot Si, Block 60, Timarron Addition, Phase 5, involving 15.357 acres. Current Zoning: "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development District (P.U.D. No. 1, Timarron). Location: East side of Byron Nelson Parkway across from Parkwood Drive. SPIN Neighborhood#9e. PUBLIC HEARING. H. ZA 00-086, Site Plan for Bob Jones Park, on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. Current Zoning: "AG" Agricultural District. Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and Bob Jones Road. SPIN Neighborhood#1. PUBLIC HEARING. I. ZA 00-087, Preliminary Plat for Bob Jones Park, on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and Bob Jones Road. SPIN Neighborhood#1. • Regular City Council Meeting Agenda August 15,2000 Page 4 8. Ordinances, first readings, and related items: A. Ordinance No. 783, 1st Reading, Providing for the amendment of Article • II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances relating to Municipal Court of Record.Public Hearing set for September 5, 2000. B. Ordinance No. 480-349, 1st Reading, (ZA 00-056), Rezoning and Concept Plan for High Point on Tracts 3A, 3A1B, 3A2, 3E, 3E1, and a portion of Tract 3A1C, Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686, involving 14.654 acres, from "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District to "SF-20A" Single Family Residential District. Location: West side of Shady Oaks across from Love Henry Court. SPIN Neighborhood #13. Public Hearing set for September 5, 2000. 9. Resolutions: • A. Resolution No. 00-82, Supporting SH 170 expansion. B. Resolution No.00-74, Requesting participation by TxDOT for improvements to FM 1938 interchanges at SH 114, and FM 1938 • improvements from SH 114 to FM 1709. 10. Other items for consideration: A. Authorize the Mayor to execute a developer agreement for Crown Ridge Addition,Phase 1 A and 1 B. 13. Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Loch Meadow Estates located at 939 North Carroll Avenue. C. Adoption of Community Services Department Registration Policy — waiving of fees. D. Consider revising planned trail width for Traffic Management Bond hike and bike trail improvements. E. Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Tom Thumb located at 100 West Southlake Boulevard, Suite 200. F. Consider request for rate increase from Trinity Waste, Inc. 11. Other items for discussion: • A. Ordinance No. 787, False Alarm Ordinance • t Regular City Council Meeting Agenda August 15,2000 0 Page 5 12. Meeting Adjourned. CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 Nortvi Carroll Avenue, and the Administrative Offices, 1725 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, August 11, 2000 at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. ��v‘a.11► iurrui��� ,... (��;....«;,,:4( �'/ice ,d-140.4„,A, 4 kisizi,,,,t„ `I Sandra L. LeGr end =o,...= -1 _= City Secretary - •% ° If you plan to attend this public meeting'/ Maveoftsability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours u c�2Ivance at 481-5581, extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. S • Regular City Council Meeting Agenda August 15,2000 Page 6 EXECUTIVE SESSION SECTION 551.071 CO1'E`SULTATION WITH ATTORNEY The City Council may conduct a private consultation with its attorney when the City Council seeks the advise of its attorney concerning any item on this agenda, about pending and contemplated litigations, or a settlement offer, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Board of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551. This includes the following pending and/or contemplated litigation subjects: 1. Carroll/1709 LTD. vs. The Board of Adjustments of the City of Southlake. October 1999. SECTION 551.072 DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY The City Council may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real prop rty. SECTION 551.073 DELIBERATION REGARDING PROSPECTIVE GIFT • The City Council may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City. SECTION 551.074 DELMERATION REGARDING PERSONNEL MATTERS The City Council may deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers, including the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and city boards and commission members. A complete list of the city boaras and commissions is on file in the City Secretary's Office. SECTION 551.076 DELIBERATION REGARDING SECURITY DEVICES The City Council may deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. SECTION 551.086 DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS The City Council may deliberate regarding economic development negotiations. A FINAL ACTION, DECISION, OR VOTE ON A MATTER DELIBERATED IN A CLOSED MEETING MAY ONLY BE MADE IN OPEN SESSION. • PLANNING & ZONING COM1VIISSION ORIENTATION AUGUST 17, 2000 • LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers of City Hall TLME: 6:00 P.M. AGENDA: 1. Call to Order. 2. Administrative Comments. 3. Discussion: Planning & Zoning Commission Orientation. 4. Consider: Meeting Adjournment. CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, August 11, 2000, at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. . 41) �O•,...... •7,y / •••• •. . AJV izatcaitiCA $ .� Sandra L. LeGrand •y • ni . City Secretary •�'�// . ...........•s.., '//811111tltl0�' If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 704,and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. III UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P&Z COMMISSION 1 REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING 2 COMMISSION MEETING 3 August 3, 2000 4 5 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Michael Boutte; Commissioners Kenneth Horne,James 6 Jones, Pamela Muller, Vernon Stansell, and John Terrell. 7 8 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Dennis King. 9 10 CITY STAFF PRESENT: Debra Drayovitch, City Attorney; Bruce Payne, Director of Planning; 11 Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction 12 Superintendent; Dennis Killough, Senior Current Planner; Mark Johnson, Current Planner; Angela 13 Turner, Graduate Engineer; and Lori Farwell, Planning Secretary. 14 15 Chairman Boutte called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. 16 17 There was no Work Session held. 18 19 AGENDA ITEM #2, APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 20 Chairman Boutte opened discussion of the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting 21 held on July 20, 2000. 1,2 !3 Motion was made to approve the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held 24 on July 20, 2000, as presented. 25 26 Motion: Muller 27 Second: Terrell 28 Ayes: Horne, Stansell, Terrell, Muller, Jones, Boutte 29 Nays: None 30 Approved: 6-0 31 Motion carried. 32 33 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 1, section #0028) 34 35 AGENDA ITEM#3, ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS: 36 Director of Planning Bruce Payne reminded the Commission of the P&Z Orientation that will be 37 held on August 17, 2000, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 38 39 AGENDA ITEM #4, ZA00-088, FINAL PLAT OF LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 23, SOUTHLAKE 40 TOWN SQUARE: 41 Motion was made to table ZA00-088 at the applicant's request. 42 43 Motion: Stansell •4 Second: Terrell Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on August 3, 2000 1 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP&Z COMMISSION 1 Ayes: Stansell, Terrell, Muller, Jones, Horne, Boutte 2 Nays: None 3 Approved: 6-0 4 Motion carried. 5 6 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 1, section#0104) 7 8 AGENDA ITEM #5, ZA00-024, REZONING: 9 This item was withdrawn by the applicant. 10 11 AGENDA ITEM #6, ZA00-068, REVISED SITE PLAN FOR CHRISTIAN MEN'S NETWORK: 12 This item was tabled to the September 7, 2000, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. 13 14 AGENDA ITEM #7, ZA00-073, SITE PLAN FOR CONSULTANTS IN RADIOLOGY, PA: 15 This item was tabled to the September 7, 2000, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting under 16 provisions of Ordinance No. 480, Section 40.2. 17 18 AGENDA ITEM #8, ZA00-023, SITE PLAN FOR LOT 4, BLOCK 1, KIMBALL/1709 19 ADDITION: 20 Current Planner Mark Johnson presented this item to the Commission for a Site Plan for a Lot 4, 21 Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, being 0.8917 acres. This property is located on the northeast "2 corner of Kimball Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard. The Current Zoning is "C-3" General 3 Commercial District. The Land Use Category is Retail Commercial. The Owner of the property is 24 Tricon, and the Applicant is Glenn Engineering. Seven notices were sent to property owners within 25 the 200' notification area, and no responses were received. 26 27 Rick Howman (Glenn Engineering) 100 Decker Court, Suite 250, Irving, Texas, presented this item 28 to the Commission and reviewed the requested variances with them. 29 30 Bill Beckler(WKB Architecture) 15 Brookhaven Drive, Lucas, Texas, said they have a considerable 31 amount of equipment on the roof: three HVAC units with two of the units being 12 ton and one 32 being 15 ton, five exhaust fans, one make up air fan for the kitchen hood equipment, five rooftop 33 condensers for refrigeration and cooler-type equipment, plumbing stacks, and a roof access hatch. 34 He said it would cause an extreme hardship on them to try to fully enclose the roof. 35 36 Commissioner Stansell asked if Mr. Beckler could estimate the approximate square footage of all 37 of the equipment. Mr. Beckler estimated that is is approximately 10% to15%. 38 39 Commissioner Muller asked if they could reduce the area of the open roof and still get the needed 40 ventilation. Mr. Beckler said no. 41 42 Chairman Boutte opened the Public Hearing. No one in the audience stepped forward to speak. 43 Chairman Boutte closed the Public Hearing. 14 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on August 3, 2000 2 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P&Z COMMISSION 1 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 1, section #1013) 2 3 Commissioner Muller asked that in the future the Commission be provided more information on 4 restaurants and the need for venting. 5 6 Commissioner Horne asked to see full colored illustrations of projects in the future. 7 8 Motion was made to approve ZA00-023 subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated July 9 28, 2000, and to accept the requested variances for Items#1 (relocate bufferyards from the perimeter 10 of the site to internal islands); #2 (reduce the number of required parking spaces); #3 (reduce the 11 minimum driveway stacking depth); and#4 (provide a mansard roof rather than the fully enclosed 12 pitch roof). 13 14 Motion: Jones 15 Second: Terrell 16 Ayes: Terrell, Muller, Jones, Horne, Stansell, Boutte 17 Nays: None 18 Approved: 6-0 19 Motion carried. 20 21 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 1, section #1613) "2 3 Chairman Boutte said pursuant to Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, the Commission will 24 meet in Executive Session to consult with the City Attorney regarding matters authorized by Section 25 551.071, including matters posted on this agenda. The Executive Session began at 7:33 p.m. and 26 ended at 7:46 p.m. Chairman Boutte called the meeting back to order and asked the City Attorney 27 if any action was necessary as a result of the Executive Session, and Ms. Drayovitch said no. 28 29 AGENDA ITEM #9, ZA00-082, SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR OUTSIDE STORAGE: 30 Current Planner Mark Johnson presented this item to the Commission for a Specific Use Permit for 31 Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, being 14.7181 acres. The property is bounded to the south 32 by Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and to the west by North Kimball Avenue. It is located 33 approximately 300' south of State Highway 114. The Current Zoning is "C-3" General Commercial 34 District. The Land Use Category is Retail Commercial. The Owner of the property is Lowe's 35 Companies, Inc., and the Applicant is Marc Millis. Thirteen notices were sent to property owners 36 within the 200' notification area, and one response was received in favor 37 38 Marc Millis (Lowe's Companies, Inc.) 10504 Yucca Drive,Austin, Texas, presented this case to the 39 Commission and reviewed the requested variances with them. 40 41 Commissioner Stansell asked how high the masonry screening will be for the shopping carts. Jack 42 Swanson (KDRA Architecture & Engineering) 7400 E. McDonald, Scottsdale, Arizona, said it will 43 be an 8' high wall. ,4 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on August 3, 2000 3 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP&Z COMMISSION 1 Commissioner Stansell asked what the overall square footage will be. Mr. Millis said the overall 2 square footage is 165,000 s.f. which includes sales floor, garden center, office, and receiving. 3 4 Commissioner Stansell asked if any other alternatives were explored for storage of the carts. Mr. 5 Millis said there really was not; every square inch of the store is designed and placed for the sale of 6 merchandise and/or meeting codes and fire safety. 7 8 Chairman Boutte asked the applicant to describe the wrought iron masonry screening. Mr. Swanson 9 said the walls are masonry and the wrought iron will be the open fenced areas. He said the tube steel 10 is 6" on center. 11 12 Commissioner Horne asked how they are going to landscape the north side of the building. Mr. 13 Millis said the site is heavily landscaped through their previous approval process. He said they saved 14 a number of trees above the ordinance requirements. 15 16 Mr. Swanson said the landscaping has already been pre-approved, and they are not asking for any 17 changes above what has already been approved. 18 19 Commissioner Muller asked if the planting material will go up by the wrought iron or will they also 20 have bagged goods in that area. Mr. Millis said there will be some racking of fertilizer towards the 21 front area. 22 !3 Chairman Boutte opened the Public Hearing. No one in the audience stepped forward to speak. 24 Chairman Boutte closed the Public Hearing. 25 26 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 1, section #2533) 27 28 Regarding the garden center, Commissioner Terrell asked if the prior plan was basically the same 29 thing only walled in where there is now wrought iron. Senior Planner Dennis Killough said this is 30 identical to the approved plan. He said the approved plan had the short walled sections with the 31 spaced wrought iron sections; it was open through those wrought iron sections. He said there is no 32 difference from plan to plan in that area. 33 34 Commissioner Muller said she does not have trouble with the wrought iron as long as they put 35 planting materials by it,but if they are going to be stacking fertilized bags then she would prefer that 36 there not be wrought iron. She understands that the planting materials need to be located by the 37 wrought iron for air circulation, but she wants the bagged materials to be behind solid masonry. 38 39 Commissioner Horne said the other materials such as fertilizers and grass seeds have a lot of dust 40 and cannot be located in an enclosed space where the air cannot move. 41 42 Chairman Boutte called for a break at 8:28 p.m. 43 Chairman Boutte called the meeting back to order at 8:42 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on August 3, 2000 4 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP&Z COMMISSION 1 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 1, section#3024) 2 3 Chairman Boutte said pursuant to Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, the Commission will 4 meet in Executive Session to consult with the City Attorney regarding matters authorized by Section 5 551.071, including matters posted on this agenda. The Executive Session began at 8:42 p.m. and 6 ended at 8:59 p.m. Chairman Boutte called the meeting back to order at 9:02 p.m. and asked the 7 City Attorney if any action was necessary as a result of the Executive Session, and Ms. Drayovitch 8 said no. 9 10 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 1, section #3166) 11 12 Commissioner Muller asked staff to clarify the language in the ordinance regarding outside storage 13 screening. Mr. Killough said the bagged goods and other hard merchandise must be behind a solid 14 screen wall per the ordinance; it is not an item that is discretionary. 15 16 Commissioner Muller asked if staff made the applicant aware of that language. Mr. Killough said 17 yes; he made them aware of that issue. 18 19 Commissioner Muller asked what has changed to cause the applicant to ask for no roofing in the 20 staging area. Mr. Killough said it is his understanding there was a recommendation from the building 21 department that the generation system would be better operated in that location without a roof ?3 Commissioner Horne asked if trucks or trailers will be parked overnight in the staging area. Mr. 24 Millis said no. 25 26 Chairman Boutte asked if the applicant has any changes in his proposal in light of what he has 27 learned the Commission can and cannot do in the way of variances. In place of the wrought iron, 28 Mr. Millis proposed a plantation blind-effect metal that would be painted to match the wall and the 29 brick. He said the slats would be placed horizontally and would provide the solid appearance but 30 also allow for airflow. 31 32 Chairman Boutte asked if staff feels like that would meet the ordinance. Director Payne said the 33 guiding language is"a solid screening wall."He said if that constitutes a solid screening wall in the 34 Commission's minds then it does. 35 36 Chairman Boutte asked if the Commission would be setting a precedent, and Ms. Drayovitch said 37 yes. 38 39 Mr. Millis said the second option would be to brick it, making a solid wall but leaving breaks one 40 brick wide placed randomly to allow for the airflow. 41 42 Commissioner Muller asked why they couldn't place the bagged goods behind the solid wall and 43 place the plants behind the wrought iron. Mr. Swanson said that is what they are thinking of doing .4 with the brick wall with the openings in the brick. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on August 3, 2000 5 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP&Z COMMISSION 1 2 Commissioner Jones said he thinks the words"solid screening"are the key and not the word"solid". 3 He thinks the Commission needs to work within the parameters of what the ordinance says instead 4 of breaking new ground. 5 6 Chairman Boutte agreed; he is very hesitant to set the precedent that applicants should come in with 7 the blind or shutter approach. He said the Commission is being asked to make that decision rather 8 quickly without really looking at it and understanding what it means. 9 10 Commissioner Jones agreed and said it is incumbent upon the applicant to understand exactly what 11 it says and come back with something that is in compliance with that definition instead of the 12 Commission trying to come up with it for them. He thinks it would be wise for them to table. 13 14 Mr. Millis asked if it would be possible for the Commission to approve the vestibule tonight; it has 15 a construction timing issue. 16 17 Chairman Boutte said he does not know how the Commission can table a portion and consider a 18 portion. 19 20 Mr. Killough said this was accepted as one application; it is a case approving all or part of what they 21 have proposed. In order for them to come back before the Commission,they would have to resubmit '2 another application addressing what was taken out of this application; it would have to be 3 readvertised before it would come back before the Commission. 24 25 Director Payne said unless the ordinance is changed, the conditions are not going to change for the 26 Commission to deal with. He said the Council wants to look at this ordinance, but he does not have 27 any sort of time frame for that and what the Commission is left with are the words "solid screening 28 wall". At a minimum, he said that means some wall in a solid state that screens. He said it doesn't 29 say"opaque"or"continuous"; it just says "solid screening wall". He said there is no more guidance 30 than that. 31 32 Mr. Millis said they would be comfortable with a recommendation from the Commission which 33 approves certain items and disproves other items with a contingency that the specific denial was due 34 to a lack of information regarding what a louver or slat would look like; that would allow them to 35 proceed to City Council and maintain their construction schedule. They would bring that material 36 and that information to City Council and present it to them. 37 38 Mr. Swanson said they would also work with staff and make sure that what they are presenting has 39 approval from staff before they take it to City Council. 40 41 Ms. Drayovitch said the Commission does not even have to deny that portion; they could approve 42 it subject to meeting the ordinance requirements which in effect denies it. 43 4 Motion was made to approve ZA00-082 subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on August 3, 2000 6 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P&Z COMMISSION 1 28, 2000, and to grant the variances on Item#1 (storage of shopping carts outside) and on Item#2 2 (screen outside storage) for outside staging area only but in regards to the garden center, require it 3 to come into compliance with the ordinance and stating that the plant materials behind the wrought 4 iron is permissible but any bagged or hard goods must be behind a solid screen wall with no goods 5 stacked above the level of the wall; and allow the vestibule as proposed. 6 7 Motion: Muller 8 Second: Stansell 9 Ayes: Muller, Jones, Stansell, Terrell 10 Nays: Horne, Boutte 11 Approved: 4-2 12 Motion carried. 13 14 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 1, section #4417) 15 16 AGENDA ITEM #10, ZA00-083, REVISED SITE PLAN FOR ROCKENBAUGH 17 ELEMENTARY: 18 Current Planner Mark Johnson presented this item to the Commission for a Revised Site Plan for 19 Rockenbaugh Elementary School on Lot 1, Block 60, Timarron Addition,Phase 5, involving 15.357 20 acres. The school is located on the east side of Byron Nelson Parkway across from Parkwood Drive. 21 The Current Zoning is "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development District (P.U.D. No. 1, '2 Timarron). The Land Use Category is Public/Semi-Public and 100-Year Flood Plain. The Owner 3 of the property is Carroll I.S.D. The Applicant is Rockenbaugh Elementary School. Twenty-six 24 notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area, and no responses were 25 received. 26 27 Jill Dickey (PTO President for Rockenbaugh Elementary School) 1000 Highland Oaks Drive, 28 Southlake, Texas, presented this case to the Commission. 29 30 Chairman Boutte opened the Public Hearing. He read response cards from Lisa Hassien, 725 31 Greymoor Place, Southlake, Texas, and Dianne Low, 729 Greymoor Place, Southlake, Texas, who 32 are both in support but do not wish to speak tonight. 33 34 Chip Reid, 715 Greymoor Place, Southlake, Texas, said everyone on Greymoor Place is very much 35 in favor of this structure. They wish it was a little larger but realize the cost is prohibitive. He said 36 if they want to put in something similar next year, it would not bother them. 37 38 Chairman Boutte closed the Public Hearing. 39 40 (Planning andfZoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 1, section #4704) 41 42 Motion was made to approve ZA00-083 subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 43 28, 2000. 4 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on August 3, 2000 7 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP&Z COMMISSION 1 Motion: Muller 2 Second: Home 3 Ayes: Jones, Horne, Stansell, Terrell, Muller, Boutte 4 Nays: None 5 Approved: 6-0 6 Motion carried. 7 8 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 1, section#4726) 9 10 AGENDA ITEM #11, ZA00-086, SITE PLAN FOR BOB JONES PARK: 11 Current Planner Mark Johnson presented this item to the Commission for a Site Plan for Bob Jones 12 Park on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R. 13 D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; and all 14 of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. The property is located 15 on the southeast corner of Bob Jones Road and North White Chapel Boulevard. The Current Zoning 16 is "AG" Agricultural District. The Land Use Category is Public/Semi-Public and 100-Year Flood 17 Plain. The Owner and Applicant is the City of Southlake. Forty-six notices were sent to property 18 owners within the 200'notification area, and seven responses were received with two being in favor, 19 three opposed, and two undecided. 20 21 Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, presented this case to the Commission. He said 22 they were going for a natural look; the whole idea of Bob Jones Park and its development is to keep l3 it more natural. He said they have some intensive uses by North White Chapel Boulevard and as you 24 get past those uses the rest of the park will be a passive, natural park. He said the buildings within 25 the park are designed to keep that idea in mind which is why they stayed with the simple lines on 26 the restroom/concession building. They looked at articulating the building to meet the ordinance 27 requirements, and it would have added costs to it and they felt like it would defeat the purpose of 28 what they are trying to do. 29 30 Commissioner Muller asked why the pavilion was moved. 31 32 Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent, said it was moved partly because of 33 the drainage way and also by bringing it around and having it overlooking the pond they can create 34 a focal point. 35 36 Commissioner Muller asked what SPDC and the Park Board thought of the requested variances. 37 Director Hugman said at the time they discussed the plan with these groups, they were not aware 38 of the variances. 39 40 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 1, section#5798) 41 42 Chairman Boutte opened the Public Hearing. 43 14 Cara White (Park Board representative) 4475 Homestead Drive, Southlake, Texas, said the Park Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on August 3, 2000 8 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP&Z COMMISSION 1 Board wholeheartedly supported this plan. She said this is a good plan, and staff worked extremely 2 hard to move the intense uses away from the backside of the houses. They have had two or three 3 meetings with the neighbors, and they have supported the plan. 4 5 Marylyn Miles, 1024 E. Betsy, Fort Worth, Texas, asked that the City of Southlake continue to send 6 her mail to her work address at 1801 N. Hampton, Suite 260, DeSoto, Texas. She said she is locked 7 out of her property by no doings of her own but by the actions of the City of Southlake. Her property 8 address is 3939 Mud Hen Road. She said she was told by a staff member that she would never gain 9 access to her property. She said she has no qualms about children playing soccer,but she would like 10 to be able to build a home on her property. She is totally surrounded by City property since the City 11 has also leased the Corps property to the east of her. 12 13 Julie Landesberg, 305 E. Bob Jones Road, Southlake, Texas, said she is speaking in favor of the 14 City's request for variances. She said the last thing she would want up there is an 8' wall. She thinks 15 the request for variances is very reasonable. She is in full support. 16 17 Boyd Dollar, 525 Brooks Court, Southlake, Texas, said two things have been discussed tonight that 18 he was not aware of: variances and low level lighting. He congratulated the staff and the Park Board 19 for doing a lot of work on this park. He said he is concerned about giving a variance to the screening 20 and the bufferyard behind his property because he does not know what they are going to do there 21 yet. He would like the Commission to consider whether or not they really want to do that right now. 22 He said he is concerned about any lighting at all in the park and said he has consistently been l3 opposed to any lighting or sound in the park. He is also opposed to the location of the concession 24 stand and restrooms. He said he supports this item with reservations. 25 26 Marylyn Miles said she, too, has reservations about the number of trees planted in the park; she 27 would like to see more trees planted. She has concerns about the low level lights especially since 28 they will be turned east and west and her property is to the east. She has concerns about flooding 29 from the pond to the east. 30 31 Commissioner Muller asked the City Attorney about Ms. Miles' statement regarding access to her 32 property. Ms. Drayovitch said the City's position is that the City has not denied Ms. Miles access 33 to her property. She recommended that this issue is not necessary for the Commission to address in 34 connection with the Site Plan tonight; it is an issue the Commission cannot resolve. 35 36 Commissioner Muller asked what screening is being provided for future Coke machines. Director 37 Hugman stated they have no plans at this point in time for Coke machines. He said there is an alcove 38 area in the building design, though. 39 40 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, end of tape 1, section #7142) 41 42 Chairman Boutte closed the Public Hearing. 43 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 2, section #0177) Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on August 3, 2000 9 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP&Z COMMISSION 1 2 Commissioner Jones said he was under the impression that the Commission does not like to give 3 variances to articulation and in this case, the City is the one asking for the variance. He said the City 4 should not have to vary so much; it is a little inconsistent. He said he does not think that having the 5 proper articulation on this building would cause anyone to wonder why the building isn't flat on 6 both ends. 7 8 Commissioner Terrell agreed and said that later on when he is considering granting an articulation 9 variance for someone else, he cannot in good conscience deny that variance when there is not a real 10 good reason to grant this variance. 11 12 Commissioner Horne agreed and said it looks to him like it is just a budget concession. He said he 13 thinks that because this is in Southlake and Bob Jones Park is so important to Southlake, it should 14 be built right. 15 16 Chairman Boutte agreed and said he is not going to feel good about granting a variance for the City 17 based on cost; every developer that comes in would like to cheapen his product and get variances 18 based on costs. 19 20 Motion was made to approve ZA00-086 subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 21 28, 2000, and to allow the variance to Item #1 (Type 'C' bufferyard) and Item #2 (8' screening -!2 device) but limiting to the areas of improvement on this Site Plan and deferring the required !3 bufferyards and screening along the northeast portion of the park until future Site Plans for 24 development. 25 26 Motion: Muller 27 Second: Jones 28 Ayes: Horne, Stansell, Terrell, Muller, Jones, Boutte 29 Nays: None 30 Approved: 6-0 31 Motion carried. 32 33 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 2, section#0847) 34 35 AGENDA ITEM #12, ZA00-087, PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR BOB JONES PARK: 36 Current Planner Mark Johnson presented this item to the Commission for a Preliminary Plat for Bob 37 Jones Park on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey,Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3,4, 5, and 5A, 38 R. D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; and 39 all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. The property is located 40 on the southeast corner of Bob Jones Road and North White Chapel Boulevard. The Current Zoning 41 is "AG" Agricultural District. The Land Use Category is Public/Semi-Public and 100-Year Flood 42 Plain. The Owner and Applicant is the City of Southlake. Forty-six notices were sent to property 43 owners within the 200'notification area, and six responses were received with five in favor and one .4 undecided. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on August 3, 2000 10 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P&Z COMMISSION 1 2 Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services, presented this case to the Commission. 3 4 Chairman Boutte opened the Public Hearing. No one in the audience stepped forward to speak. 5 Chairman Boutte closed the Public Hearing. 6 7 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 2, section #0908) 8 9 Motion was made to approve ZA00-087 subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated July 28, 10 2000. 11 12 Motion: Muller 13 Second: Jones 14 Ayes: Stansell, Terrell, Muller, Jones, Horne, Boutte 15 Nays: None 16 Approved: 6-0 17 Motion carried. 18 19 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-01-00, tape 2, section#0922) 20 21 AGENDA ITEM #13, MEETING ADJOURNMENT: "2 Chairman Boutte adjourned the meeting at 10:58 p.m. on August 3, 2000. 3 24 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 08-03-00, tape 2, section#0928) 25 26 27 30 Michael Boutte 31 Chairman 32 33 34 ATTEST: 35 36 Jg 39 Lori A. Farwell 40 Planning Secretary 41 1, 42 N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MTG\IMIIN\2000\08-03-00.DOC Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on August 3, 2000 11 GENERAL FUND Statement of Revenues,Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended June 30,2000 with comparative actual amounts for the period ended June 30, 1999 • (fiscal month 9-75.00%) Amended Percen i Actual Percent Year to Date 1999/2000 Collecte. Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES 1999/2000 Budget Expende. 6/30/99 9/30/99 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes $6,098,673 $6,562,798 92.9% $5,840,424 $5,970,271 97.8% Sales Tax 2,709,204 3,569,839 75.9% 1,984,375 3,070,097 64.6% Franchise Fees 1,121,972 1,180,943 95.0% 906,099 1,099,960 82.4% Fines 642,596 835,798 76.9% 518,328 737,531 70.3% Charges for Services 375,792 624,632 60.2% 398,841 609,327 65.5% Permits/Fees 1,511,133 1,937,565 78.0% 1,682,974 2,116,102 79.5% Miscellaneous 199,695 182,954 109.2% 586,052 299,090 195.9% Interest Income 191,813 190,000 101.0% 166,986 237,437 70.3% Total Revenues $12,850,878 $15,084,529 85.2°/ $12,084,079 $14,139,815 85.5% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $206,204 $353,806 58.3°/ $184,404 $253,911 72.6% Human Resources 170,654 260,434 65.5% 166,910 226,467 73.7% City Manager 275,898 380,188 72.6% 354,225 442,912 80.0% Support Services 1,943,326 2,736,305 71.0% 1,088,229 2,185,891 49.3% General Government Total 2,596,082 3,730,733 69.6°/ 1,793,768 3,109,181 57.7% Finance 374,112 491,988 76.0% 346,530 425,712 81.4% Municipal Court 245,881 348,740 70.5°/ 221,079 296,012 74.7% Municipal Court-Teen Court 56,314 76,490 73.6% 66,445 86,763 76.6% Finance Total 676,307 917,218 73.7°/ 634,054 808,487 78.4% Fire 1,398,761 1,836,137 76.2°/ 1,246,056 1,891,944 65.9% Police 2,877,900 3,575,128 80.5°/ 2,215,916 3,222,632 68.8% is Safety Support 749,094 920,430 81.4°% 804,509 1,046,085 76.9% ing 636,377 847,619 75.1% 494,122 682,373 72.4% c Safety Total 5,662,132 7,179,314 78.9°/ 4,760,603 6,843,034 69.6% Streets/Drainage 740,878 985,303 75.2°% 497,300 770,495 64.5% Public Works Administration 463,430 785,446 59.0% 565,539 865,353 65.4% Public Works Total 1,204,308 1,770,749 68.0°/ 1,062,839 1,635,848 65.0% Planning 357,630 545,420 65.6% 377,045 478,532 78.8% Planning Total 357,630 545,420 65.6% 377,045 478,532 78.8% Economic Development 163,022 233,815 69.7% 89,964 149,805 60.1% Community Development Total 163,022 233,815 69.7% 89,964 149,805 60.1% Community Services 336,588 532,346 63.2% 258,562 363,339 71.2% Parks and Recreation 1,067,174 1,714,013 62.3% 876,388 1,282,459 68.3% Library Services 75,522 144,410 52.3°/ 53,925 96,775 0.0% Community Services Total 1,479,284 2,390,769 61.9°/ 1,188,875 1,742,573 68.2% Total Expenditures $12,138,765 $16,768,018 72.4°/ $9,907,148 $14,767,460 67.1% Excess(deficiency)of Revenue over Expenditures $712,113 ($1,683,489) $2,176,931 ($627,645) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND(USES) Proceeds from lease/CO(net) $0 $0 $707,903 $707,903 Transfer In-Other Funds 1,039,145 785,527 589,145 939,200 Transfer To-Other Funds 0 (133,697) (108,750) (272,408) Total Other Sources/(Uses) $1,039,145 $651,830 $1,188,298 $1,374,695 Excess(deficiency)of Revenues/other sources over Exp. $1,751,258 ($1,031,659) $3,365,229 $747,050 FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $3,584,949 $2,837,899 Change in reserved fund balance $0 $0 ENDING FUND BALANCE $2,553,290 $3,584,949 balance percentage 15.2% 24.3% WATER AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended June 30,2000 and June 30, 1999 • (fiscal month 9-75.00%) Adopted Percen Actual Percent Year to Date 1999/2000 Collecte Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES 1999/2000 Budget Expende 6/30/99 9/30/99 Expended Water Sales-residential • $4,227,152 $6,358,000 66.5°/ $3,936,377 $6,883,533 57.2% Water Sales-commercial 645,845 990,000 65.2°/ 603,899 1,054,767 57.3% Sewer Sales 944,218 1,572,352 60.1°/ 945,223 1,287,473 73.4% Sanitation Sales 535,467 913,000 58.6°/ 547,499 720,693 76.0% Other utility charges 422,649 378,775 111.6°/ 308,112 386,465 79.7% Miscellaneous 48,227 83,400 57.8°/ 13,422 15,115 88.8% Interest Income 126,570 100,000 126.6°/ 94,949 143,333 66.2% Total Revenues $6,950,128 $10,395,527 66.9°/ $6,449,481 $10,491,379 61.5% EXPENSES Water $3,419,324 $5,385,229 63.5°/ $2,099,460 $4,457,825 47.1% Utility Billing 211,866 269,977 78.5°/ 194,303 224,257 0.0% Sewer 686,269 1,044,588 65.7°/ 485,930 852,115 57.0% Sanitation 429,659 624,000 68.9°/ 358,961 549,937 65.3% Debt Service- Revenue Bonds 1,568,297 2,120,443 74.0°/ 1,547,702 1,922,429 80.5% Total Expenses $6,315,415 $9,444,237 66.9°/ $4,686,356 $8,006,563 58.5% Excess(deficiency)of Revenue over Expenses $634,713 $951,290 $1,763,125 $2,484,816 TER FINANCING URCES AND(USES) er In-Other Funds $0 $0 $0 $834,145 Transfer Out-Other Funds (589,145) (785,527) (589,145) (700,000) Total Other Sources/(Uses) ($589,145) ($785,527) ($589,145) $134,145 Execs!. (deficiency)of Revenues and other sources over Expenses $45,568 $165,763 $1,173,980 $2,618,961 • III t 1 A ~� 0 • City of Southlake • Quarterly Investment Report For the Month Ended June 30, 2000 Prepared by IIIFIRST SOUTHWEST ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. • City of Stake Quarterly Investment Report Investment Officers' Certification For the Quarter Ended June 30, 2000 This report is prepared for the City of Southlake (the "City") in accordance with Chapter 2256 of the Public Funds Investment Act ("PFIA"). Section 2256.023(a) of the PFIA states that "Not less than quarterly, the investment officer shall prepare and submit to the governing body of the entity a written report of the investment transactions for all funds covered by this chapter for the preceding reporting period." This report, which covers the quarter ended June 30, 2000, is signed by the City's investment officers and includes the disclosures required in the PFIA. Market prices were obtained from independent pricing sources, including Interactive Data Corporation and/or Bloomberg. The investment portfolio complied with the PFIA and the City's approved Investment Policy and Strategy throughout the quarter. All investment transactions made in the City's portfolio during this quarter were made on behalf of the City and were made in full compliance with the PFIA and the City's approved Investment Policy. piAcuttiAAA-Ly--_ • • • City of Southlake DETAIL OF SECURITY HOLDINGS As of June 30, 2000 Yield Security Security Settlement Maturity Current Purchase Purchase Book Market Accrued Market Days to to Description CUSIP Coupon Date Date Par Price Cost Value Price Interest Value Maturity Maturity General Operating GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP CP 36959hgt8 0.000 02-25-00 07-27-00 2,000,000 97.446 1,948,915.00 1,991,318.89 99.506 0 1,990,116.00 27 6.17 GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP CP 36959hk48 0.000 02-25-00 10-04-00 2,000,000 96.244 1,924,890.00 1,967,858.33 98.243 0 1,964,854.00 96 6.39 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN MTN 31364kht0 6.570 02-23-00 02-22-01 3,000,000 99.995 2,999,850.00 2,999,903.01 99.844 70,080 2,995,312.50 237 6.57 TEXPOOL texpool 6.437 60,428,315.65 60,428,315.65 60,428,315.65 6.44 67,301,970.65 67,387,395.89 70,080 67,378,598.15 Parks Development Corporation TEXPOOL texpool 6.437 2,827,018.15 2,827,018.15 2,827,018.15 6.44 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 70,128,988.80 70,214,414.04 70,080 70,205,616.30 W 1 • S • PORTFOLIO SUMMARY City of Southlake June 30, 2000 4% 6% ■Agency Securities 2,995,312 ■Commercial Paper 3,954,970 ■Money Markets & Pools 63,255,334 90% Ilk . 0 Maturity summary City of Southlake June 30, 2000 Maturity Schedule by Percentage Maturity Schedule by Amount 1i, $70,000,000 181 to 365 Days $60,000,000 91 to 180 Days 4�° 3% $90,900,000 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 30 Days or Less rrr\-.... 93% $20,000,000 v $10,000,000 - $0 30 Days or Less 31 to 90 Days 91 to 180 Days 181 to 365 Days 1 year or More lb" YIELD likARY III City of Southlake June 30, 2000 Weighted Security Security Par Percent of Purchase Maturity Days to Average Yield to Weighted CUSIP Description Value Market Value Assets Date Date Maturity Maturity Maturity YTM Agency Securities 31364kht0 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN MTN 3,000,000 2,995,312 4.3 02-23-00 02-22-01 237 10 6.57 0.28 Commercial Paper 36959hgt8 GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP CP 2,000,000 1,990,116 2.8 02-25-00 07-27-00 27 1 6.17 0.17 36959hk48 GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP CP 2,000,000 1,964,854 2.8 02-25-00 10-04-00 96 3 6.39 0.18 3,954,970 5.6 3 0.35 Money Markets&Pools texpool TEXPOOL 63,255,334 90.1 6.44 5.80 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 70,205,616 100.0 14 6.43 .! p� y First Southwest Asset Management, Inc. ark ... S QUARTERLY MARKET VALUE ASSET RECONCILIATION City of Southlake From 03-31-00 To 06-30-00 0331-00 Additions Withdrawals Realized Unrealized Interest 0630-00 Security Market Value Purchases Sales Gains Gains Dividends Market Value AGENCY COUPON SECURITIES FEDERAL HOME LN BKS 1,005,000 0 -1,030,477 0 0 25,477 0 5.070%Due 04-07-00 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN MTN 999,375 0 -1,028,200 625 0 28,200 0 5.640%Due 04-20-00 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN MTN 2,996,250 0 0 0 -937 0 2,995,312 6.570%Due 02-22-01 5,000,625 0 -2,058,677 625 -937 53,677 2,995,312 Average Capital 3,224,571 Total Gain 53,364 IRR for 0.25 Years 1.65% AGENCY DISCOUNT NOTES FEDL HOME LLN MTG CORP DISC 1,982,600 0 -2,000,000 0 0 17,400 0 NT A 0.000%Due 05-25-00 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN DISC 3,089,424 0 -3,120,000 0 0 30,576 0 (! NT w 0.000%Due 06-01-00 5,072,024 0 -5,120,000 0 0 47,976 0 Average Capital 3,230,266 Total Gain 47,976 IRR for 0.25 Years 1.49% COMMERCIAL PAPER GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP 1,959,224 0 0 0 30,892 0 1,990,116 CP 0.000%Due 07-27-00 GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP 1,934,654 0 0 0 30,200 0 1,964,854 CP 0.000%Due 10-04-00 3,893,878 0 0 0 61,092 0 3,954,970 Average Capital 3,893,878 Total Gain 61,092 IRR for 0.25 Years 1.57% First Southwest Asset Management, Inc. 1 411119 S QUARTERLY MARKET VALUE ASSET RECONCILIATION City of Southlake From 03-31-00 To 06-30-00 03-31-00 Additions Withdrawals Realized Unrealized Interest 06-30-00 Security Market Value Purchases Sales Gains Gains Dividends Market Value TEXPOOL [Fees] TEXPOOL 16,119,105 48,254,864 -1,996,004 0 877,368 63,255,334 16,119,105 48,254,864 -1,996,004 0 877,368 63,255,334 Average Capital 45,976,944 Total Gain before Fees 877,368 IRR for 0.25 Years 1.91% TOTAL PORTFOLIO 30,085,633 48,254,864 -9,174,680 625 60,154 979,021 70,205,616 External Additions 48,254,864 External Withdrawals -9,174,680 Average Capital 56,325,659 Total Gain before Fees 1,039,800 IRR for 0.25 Years 1.85% First Southwest Asset Management, Inc. 2 S PURCHASE AND SALE/MATURITY City of SouthLake General Operating From 04-01-00 To 06-30-00 Trade Settle Unit Date Date Quantity Security Price Amount SALES/MATURITIES 04-07-00 04-07-00 1,005,000 FEDERAL HOME LN BKS 100.00 1,005,000 5.070%Due 04-07-00 06-01-00 06-01-00 3,120,000 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN DISC NT 100.00 3,120,000 0.000%Due 06-01-00 04-20-00 04-20-00 1,000,000 FEDERAL NAIL MTG ASSN MTN 100.00 1,000,000 5.640%Due 04-20-00 05-25-00 05-25-00 2,000,000 FEDL HOME LLN MTG CORP DISC 100.00 2,000,000 NT 0.000%Due 05-25-00 7,125,000 First Southwest Asset Management, Inc. Or 0 AMORTIZATION AND ACCRETION City of Southlake June 30, 2000 Purchase Information Amortization/Accretion Information Purchase Month Year Total Adjusted Quantity Lot Date Price Total Cost To Date To Date To Date Balance Cost AGENCY COUPON SECURITIES(Straight Line) FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN MTN 6.570%Due 02-22-01 (31364kht0) 3,000,000 1 02-23-00 99.995 2,999,850 12 53 53 97 2,999,903 COMMERCIAL PAPER(Straight Line) GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP CP 0.000%Due 07-27-00(36959hgt8) 2,000,000 1 02-25-00 97.446 1,948,915 10,017 42,404 42,404 8,681 1,991,319 GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP CP 0.000%Due 10-04-00(36959hk48) 2,000,000 1 02-25-00 96.244 1,924,890 10,150 42,968 42,968 32,142 1,967,858 Total 3,873,805 20,167 85,372 85,372 40,823 3,959,177 GRAND TOTAL 6,873,655 20,179 85,425 85,425 40,920 6,959,080 N First Southwest Asset Management,Inc , 41 OP 411" City of Southiake DETAIL OF SECURITY HOLDINGS As of March 31, 2000 Yield Security Security Settlement Maturity Current Purchase Purchase Book Market Accrued Market Days to to Description CUSIP Coupon Date Date Par Price Cost Value Price Interest Value Maturity Maturity General Operating FEDERAL HOME LN BKS 3133m8fa7 5.070 04-07-99 04-07-00 1,005,000 100.048 1,005,484.19 1,005,007.94 100.000 24,628 1,005,000.00 7 5.02 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN MTN 31364419 5.640 01-13-99 04-20-00 1,000,000 100.759 1,007,590.00 1,000,311.76 99.937 25,223 999,375.00 20 5.01 FEDL HOME LLN MTG CORP DISC NT 313396xg3 0.000 02-25-00 05-25-00 2,000,000 98.542 1,970,850.00 1,982,510.00 99.130 0 1,982,600.10 55 5.98 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN DISC NT 313588xp5 0.000 03-08-00 06-01-00 3,120,000 98.612 3,076,684.00 3,088,914.40 99.020 0 3,089,424.13 62 6.06 GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP CP 36959hgt8 0.000 02-25-00 07-27-00 2,000,000 97.446 1,948,915.00 1,960,935.00 97.961 0 1,959,224.00 118 6.17 GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP CP 36959hk48 0.000 02-25-00 10-04-00 2,000,000 96.244 1,924,890.00 1,937,070.00 96.733 0 1,934,654.00 187 6.39 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN MTN 31364kht0 6.570 02-23-00 02-22-01 3,000,000 99.995 2,999,850.00 2,999,865.62 99.875 21,352 2,996,250.00 328 6.57 TEXPOOL texpool 5.914 16,118,747.23 16,118,747.23 16,118,747.23 5.91 30,053,010.42 30,093,361.95 71,203 30,085,274.46 Parks Development Corporation TEXPOOL texpool 5.914 358.14 358.14 358.14 5.91 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 30,053,368.56 30,093,720.09 71,203 30,085,632.60 W W UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 111, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS AUGUST 1,2000 MINUTES CITY COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Ronnie Kendall. Members: Keith Shankland and Rex Potter. CITY COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem Gary I awks. Members: Patsy DuPre and Greg Standerfer. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen; Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Director of Human Resources Lauren Safranek; Deputy Director of Community Services Steve Polase! Director of Economic Development Greg Last; Director of Planning Bruce Payne; Zon.. ag Administrator Karen Gandy; Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter; Interim Director of Public Works and City Engineer Charlie Thomas; Assistant City Engineer Shawn Poe; Assistant to the Director of Public Works Valerie Bradley; Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson; Chief of Building Services Malcolm Jackson; Fire Chief Ricky Black; City Attorney E. Allen Taylor Jr.; and, City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand. WORK SESSION: Mayor Rick Stacy called the work session to order at 5:50 p.m. Councilmembers and staff discussed items on the agenda. The work session was audio and video tape-recorded for future reference. Copies are available by request from the City Secretary. ✓ Agenda Items #8-A, #8-D, #8-E and#10-B were added to the consent agenda by the City Councilmembers. The work session ended at 6:05 p.m. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Agenda Item#1-A, Call to Order Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. City Council meetings are video and audio tape-recorded for future reference and copies are available upon request from the City Secretary. Agenda Item#2-A,Executive Session Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.086 to seek legal advise from our City Attorney; to deliberate Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 1 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL regarding real property matters; to deliberate regarding a prospective gift; to deliberate regarding personnel matters; to deliberate regarding security devices; and/or to deliberate regarding economic development negotiations. Council adjourned into executive session at 6:07 p.m. Council returned to open session at 6:40 p.m. Agenda Item#2-B,Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was taken as the result of the executive session. Agenda Item#3, Invocation Betsy Godbold, pastor of White Chapel United Methodist Church, gave the invocation. Pastor Godbold is serving as Chaplain of the Month for August. Agenda Item#4-A, Mayor's Report Mayor Rick Stacy made the following announcements: ✓ Applications would be taken for the Crime Control and Prevention Board. until August 4, 2000. Appointments are expected to be made during the August 15, 2000 City Council meeting. For more information contact the City Secretary. ✓ Texas' Sales Tax Holiday is August 4-6. The tax holiday gives parents a price break on school clothes and school shoes for their children. For questions regarding the tax holiday contact the Comptrollers web site at http://www.window.state.tx.us. ✓ The Regional Transportation Council of COG welcomes public comments and participation at a meeting to be held Thursday, August 17 at the COG offices in Arlington. Topics include "Cleaner Vehicle Technology," "Open House, Visit NCTCOG Offices," and "Proposed Elderly and Disabled Transit Program." For more information, contact the City Secretary. ✓ The new Southlake Kohl's Department Store will open in August, with a grand opening ceremony held Friday,August 18 at 7:30 a.m. The public is invited and Mayor Stacy will give the opening remarks. Agenda Item#4-B, City Manager's Report City Manager Billy Campbell reported that Director of Public Works Ron Harper had tendered his resignation. He stated that Ron served as the City Engineer and most recently as the Director of Public Works. Mr. Campbell said, "Mr. Harper plans to go to Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 2 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL work for Freese and Nichols and we wish him well. He has done a very good job for the City of Southlake and we wish him well. We have made an offer to an individual to fill this position and will have something to council in their next packet on this matter." Mr. Campbell stated that today he filed the Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Proposed Budget with the City Secretary as required by the Home Rule Charter. The Council will have their first budget work session on Tuesday, August 8, 2000 [date moved to August 10, 2000]. Agenda Item #4-C, SPIN Report No SPIN Report was given during this meeting. Agenda Item#5, Consent Agenda Mayor Rick Stacy informed the audience that "Consent" agenda items, which consist of several items, are considered by one vote. He said if anyone had a request for an item not to be considered dur ig the consent agenda segment,that item would be deleted from that portion of the agenda and considered separately. The consent agenda items were as follows: 5-A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held July 18, 2000. 5-B. Approval of a professional service agreement with Cheatham & Associates, Inc. for the engineering and design of sanitary sewer improvements to serve the Oak Lane Addition as part of the 25th Program Year (1999) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). 5-C Approval of a professional service agreement with Wiss, Janny, Elstner Associates, Inc. for the engineering and design of pavement rehabilitation in the Timberlake and Southview subdivisions. 5-D Resolution No. 00-81, Amending the Personnel Policies Handbook to include the Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy for employees driving commercial vehicles. 5-E Approval of the contract with Tarrant County for assessment and collection services for ad valorem taxes levied by the City of Southlake. 5-F Award of bid to Gra-Tex Utilities, Inc. for the construction of sanitary sewer improvements along North Carroll Avenue. 5-G Award of bid to Saber Development Corporation for the construction of sanitary sewer improvements along North Carroll Avenue for the abandonment of the Dove Creek lift station. 5-H ZA 00-070, Plat Revision for proposed Block 2R, Southlake Town Square, on Block 2, Southlake Town Square, Phase 1, involving 5.624 acres. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 3 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES-NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 5-I ZA00-071, Plat Revision for proposed Block 3R, Southlake Town Square, on Block 3 and Reserve Street, Southlake Town Square, Phase 1, and a portion of Tract 3, Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, involving 5.640 acres. 5-J ZA00-072, Revised Preliminary Plat for proposed Lots 1 & 2, Block 23, Southlake Town Square, on a portion of Tract 2A, Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, involving 3.518 acres. Applicant requested tabling item to 8/15/00 council meeting. 5-K Authorize the Mayor to execute a commercial developer agreement for Southlake Boulevard Presbyterian Church. 5-L Ordinance No. 480-332, 2nd Reading, (ZA 99-139), Rezoning and Site Plan for 114 Kimball Square, on property legally described as Tract 1B3 situated in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract Nc 525, and being approximately 1 "677\+ 1.TV/ / acres. Location: Northwest corner of t?: intersection of State Highway 114 and Shady Lane. Current Zoning: "C-3" General Commercial District. Requested Zoning: "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses. Item tabled to the August 15, 2000 and continue the Public Hearing. 5-M Resolution No. 00-82, Supporting SH 170 expansion. Item tabled to the August 15, 2000 City Council meeting. 5-N Resolution No. 00-74, Requesting participation by TxDOT for improvements to FM 1938 interchanges at SH 114, and FM 1938 improvements from*SH 114 to FM 1709. Item tabled to the August 15, 2000 City Council meeting. 8-A. Ordinance No. 480-KK, 1st Reading, Amendments to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, regarding noise regulations in Ordinance No. 480 to remove any conflict with the provisions of Ordinance No. 778. 8-D. ZA 00-057, Preliminary Plat of Worthing Addition on Tract 2C 1, J.W. Hale Survey,Abstract No. 803, involving 6.5043 acres. 8-E. Ordinance No. 480-349, 1st Reading. (ZA 00-056), Rezoning and Concept Plan for High Point on Tracts 3A, 3A1B, 3A2, 3E, 3E1, and a portion of Tract 3A1C, Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, involving 14.654 acres. 10-B. Authorize the Mayor to execute a developer agreement for Crown Ridge Addition, Phase 1A and 1B. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as follows: Items#5-A, #5-B, #5-C, #5- D, #5-E, #5-F, #5-G, #5-H, subject to the Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated July 14, 2000; #5-I, subject to the Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated July 14, 2000; #5-J, subject to the Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated July 14, 2000; #5-K, #5-L, tabling to the City Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 4 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Council meeting of August 15, 2000 and continuing the public hearing at that time; #5- M, tabling to the City Council meeting of August 15, 2000, continuing the public hearing to that time; #5-M, tabling to the City Council meeting of August 15, 2000; #5-N, tabling to the City Council meeting of August 15, 2000; #8-A, #8-D, #8-E, tabling to the City Council meeting of August 15, 2000; and #10-B, tabling to the City Council meeting of August 15, 2000. Motion: Potter Second: Kendall Ayes: Potter, Kendall, Shankland, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING CONSENT ITEMS _.5-A Approval of minnta.c of the Remilnr City Cniindl meeting held ')n Judy 18, 2000 The minutes were approved as presented. 5-B Approval of a professional service agreement with Cheatham & Associates, Inc. for the engineering and design off sanitary sewer improvements to serve the Oak Lane Addition as part of the 25` Program Year (1999) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). For the 25th Program Year (1999) CDBG, infrastructure improvements will be made to the Oak Lane Addition. The water, drainage, and paving improvements will be installed in the next three subsequent CDBG program years. This professional service agreement is for the design and engineering of the sanitary sewer. The estimated cost to design and construct the sewer is $383,870. The estimated CDBG for this year is $93,000. Therefore, the City will be required to contribute the remainder of the project cost that exceed the CDBG portion, which is estimated to be $290,870. The professional service agreement totals $32,075, which is part of the project cost, which will exceed the CDBG portion. The CIP budget has appropriated $300,000 for the City's contribution to the sewer project. 5-C Approval of a professional service agreement with Wiss, .fanny, Elstner Associates, Inc.for the engineering and design of pavement rehabilitation in the Timberlake and Southview subdivisions. This agreement is for the engineering and design of construction plans to rehabilitate the distressed pavement in Timberlake and Southview. Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. completed the investigative report and subsequent construction plans to rehabilitate the distressed pavement in the Timarron Bent Creek subdivision, which were completed June 1999. Several areas in the City experience the same type of distressed pavement caused by the same trench soil migration phenomenon identified in the Timarron Bent Creek subdivision. The City plans to budget funds each year in the CIP budget to rehabilitate, in phases,the numerous affected areas. This professional service agreement for the engineering and design of construction plans to rehabilitate the distressed pavement in Timberlake and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 5 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Southview totals $22,700. The FY 99-00 CIP budget allocated $600,000 for the engineering and rehabilitation of the pavement in the Timberlake and Southview subdivisions. 5-D Resolution No. 00-81, Amending the Personnel Policies Handbook to include the Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy for employees driving commercial vehicles. The City is required to comply with the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 as amended, and the regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The Act requires employers to test employees who drive commercial vehicles (CDL licenses drivers) as part of their job duties, for the use of alcohol and drugs. The Act requires that CDL licensed drivers be randomly tested for drugs and alcohol, tested for reasonable suspicion, tested after an accident, and tested before occupying a position that requires driving a commercial vehicle. The adoption and implementation of the Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy complies with the federal requirements. 5 Approval of the contract with Tarrant County for assessment and collection services for ad valorem taxes levied by the City of Southlake. Tarrant County has assessed and collected taxes for the city since 1982. The county's fee remains the same as last year at $0.40 per transaction. The anticipated annual cost for the service is $5,000. The cost for the City to assess and collect on its own would greatly exceed the cost to contract with the county. 5-F Award of bid to Gra-Tex Utilities, Inc. for the construction of sanitary sewer improvements along North Carroll Avenue. This project was for the conversion of an existing abandoned force main, which served the Carroll Middle School along North Carroll, into a gravity sewer line. This project was originally included as part of the abandonment of the Dove Creek lift station project. However, the project was bid out separately to facilitate a more rapid completion. This sewer line must be placed in service prior to the homes being completed under construction in the Carroll Meadows subdivision. Funding is dependent upon using money from two projects in the CIP plan not yet constructed, because the money originally set aside to construct this project has been spent on the cost overruns for other projects for the Dove Street pressure system. The estimate to construct this project along with the Dove Creek lift station abandonment project was $600,000. The total cost to construct both projects was $462,620. The only bid to construct this project was $97,200 received from Gra-Tex Utilities, Inc. Construction is anticipated to be complete by the end of October. 5-G Award of bid to Saber Development Corporation for the construction of sanitary sewer improvements along North Carroll Avenue for the abandonment of the Dove Creek lift station. This project is the last project to be constructed as part of the Dove Street pressure system to satisfy the TR.A Diversionary Agreement, which states that the City will eliminate the diversion of sewer from the north drainage basin to the south drainage basin by November 2000. This project is for the construction of an 18-inch gravity sewer line along Carroll to the existing N-3 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 6 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL gravity line. Once this line is constructed and placed in service, the Dove Creek lift station will be abandoned. Funding for this project will have to use existing money for two projects not yet constructed, because the money originally set aside to construct this project has been spent on cost overruns for other projects associated with the Dove Street pressure system. The estimate to construct this project along with the North Carroll force main conversion project was $600,000. The total to construct both projects is $463,620. The low bid to construct this project is $365,420 from Saber Development Corporation. Construction is anticipated to be complete by the end of November. 5-H ZA 00-070, Plat Revision for proposed Block 2R, Southlake Town Square, on Block 2, Southlake Town Square, Phase 1, involving 5.624 acres. This property is located on the northeast corner of North Carroll Avenue and Main Street. The purpose of this plat is to abandon an easement for municipal utilities. There are no utilities within the easement. This block contains the Container Store building. T e Planning and Z.,ning Commission recommended appre wi (6 0) cn July 20, - 2000. Owner: Soul lake Venture West, L.P. Applicant: Cooper & Stebbins. Current zoning: "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development. This item was approved subject to the Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated July 14, 2000. 5-I ZA 00-071, Plat Revision for proposed Block 3R, Southlake Town Square, on Block 3 and Reserve Street, Southlake Town Square, Phase 1, and a portion of Tract 3, Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, involving 5.640 acres. This property is located on the north side of Civic Place across from Town Hall. The purpose of this plat revision was to abandon an easement and right-t)f--way for Reserve Street, which will be rededicated in a different alignment. The new alignment shown for Reserve Street was in compliance with conditions of approval for revised preliminary plat, which included the post office site (Block 10).No city infrastructure has been constructed within the Reserve Street right-of- way proposed for abandonment. This block contains the Pottery Barn and Crate& Barrel stores. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) on July 20, 2000.Owner: Southlake Venture West, L.P. Applicant: Cooper & Stebbins. Current zoning: "NR-PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development. This item was approved subject to the Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated July 14, 2000. 5-J ZA 00-072, Revised Preliminary Plat for proposed Lots 1 & 2, Block 23, Southlake Town Square, on a portion of Tract 2A, Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, involving 3.518 acres. Applicant requested to table item to 8/15/00 council meeting. This property is located in the southeast corner of the Town Square planned unit development, directly west of the Room Store retail site. The purpose of this request was to further subdivide Block 23 of the previously approved revised preliminary plat. This block contains the future Bank One. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approve (6-0) on July 20, 2000. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2000 Page 7 of 19 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Owner: Carol Jean Peterka: Applicant: Cooper & Stebbins. Current zoning: "NR- PUD"Non-Residential Planned Unit Development. 5-K Authorize the Mayor to execute a commercial developer agreement for Southlake Boulevard Presbyterian Church. The site plan for Southlake Presbyterian Church, located on the north side of FM 1709 between Peytonville Avenue and Southridge Lakes Parkway, was approved by City Council on September 21, 1999. Construction of the church includes the installation of a public water line and appurtenances. On July 10, 2000, the Park Board recommended acceptance of credit for the construction of a 425 linear feet of public trail along its frontage of FM 1709 to satisfy the park dedication requirements. There were no other issues in this developer agreement. 5-L Ordinance No. 480-332, 2"d Reading, (ZA 99-139), Rezoning and Site Plan for 114 Kimball Square, on property legally described as Tract 1B3 situated in the --Samuel Freeman Survey, -Abstract No. 52 , and being approximately 1.4677 acres. Current Zoning: "C-3" General Cora nercial District. Requested Zoning: "S-P-1"Detailed Site Plan District with "C-3"General Commercial District uses. Item tabled to August 15, 2000 City Council meeting to continue Public Hearing. 5-M Resolution No. 00-82, Supporting SH 170 expansion. Metroport Cities has supported a resolution requesting TxDOT to extend SH 170 from Interstate 35W to US 287. The need for the extension is to provide a more direct roadway connection to the west to facilitate truck traffic to and from Alliance. Metroport asked all its member communities to adopt a similar resolution in support of the highway extension. This item was tabled to the August 15, 2000 City Council meeting. 5-N Resolution No. 00-74, Requesting participation by TxDOT for improvements to FM 1938 interchanges at SH 114, and FM 1938 improvements from SH 114 to FM 1709. Item tabled to 8/15/00 council meeting. 8-A. Ordinance No. 480-KK, 1 s` Reading, Amendments to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, regarding noise regulations in Ordinance No. 480 to remove any conflict with the provisions of Ordinance No. 778. The Building Department proposed Noise Ordinance No. 778 to replace the current noise/nuisance ordinance. The purpose of the new ordinance is to establish measurable and enforceable criteria with respect to noise to provide for the protection of the residents and the enjoyment of their property from auditory nuisances. As the result of these changes, an amendment of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is necessary to remove the general noise regulations from the zoning ordinance and replace them with appropriate references to Ordinance No. 778. 8-D. ZA 00-057, Preliminary Plat for Worthing Addition on Tract 2C1, J W. Hale Survey, Abstract No. 803, involving 6.5043 acres. This 6.5-acre tract is situated Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 8 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL between other SH-20 properties with Cambridge Place to the north and east and South Hollow to the south and west. There is a scattering of trees in the northwest corner of the property. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved this action(6-0)vote subject to the Plat Review Summary No. 3,dated July 14, 2000. 8-E. Ordinance No. 480-349, Isr Reading (ZA 00-056), Rezoning and Concept Plan for High Point on Tracts 3A, 3AIB, 3A2, 3E, 3E1, and a portion of Tract 3A1C, Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686. including 14.654 acres of land. This item was tabled at the request of the applicant, Mr. Ross Owen, to the City Council meeting of August 15,2000. 10-B. Authorize the Mayor to execute a developer agreement for Crown Ridge Addition, Phase lA and 1B. This item was tabled at the request of staff to the August 15, 2000 City Council meeting. The applicant was not present for the meeting. Agenda Item #6, Pnblir Fnrnm • No comments were made during the public hearing. Agenda Item#7-A, Ordinance No. 480-348,2"d Reading, (ZA 00-053) Ordinance No. 480-348, 2"d Reading, (ZA 00-053), Rezoning of Tract 3H, Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, being approximately 2.86 acres. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Owner/Applicant: James E. Glover. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter presented this case, noting nine (9) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses were received. One (1) person spoke at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, opposing this request. This is a 2.86-acre tract set approximately 450' east of the North Peytonville Avenue right-of-way. There is an existing 50' road easement serving this lot, and developed residential lots to the south and west of this tract. The Coventry Manor subdivision (PUD #7) is located along the eastern boundary of this tract. The property to the north and west of this tract are zoned "SF-1A." The property to the south is zoned "AG." On July 6, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (7-0). City Council approved (7-0) first reading on consent on July 18, 2000. During that meeting, the City Council approved a variance regarding"street frontage"on the associated plat. James E. Glover, applicant was present for the meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-348, 2"d Reading, (ZA 00-053), as presented. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 9 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Motion: Kendall Second: Potter Ayes: Kendall, Potter, Shankland, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote Agenda Item #7-B, ZA 00-043, Site Plan for J.I.L. Custom Cabinets on Lot 2, Block A,North Davis Business Park ZA 00-043, Site Plan for J.I.L. Custom Cabinets on Lot 2, Block A, North Davis Business Park, involving 1.38 acres. Current Zoning: "I-1" Light Industrial District. Location: Northwest corner of North Davis Business Park on Greenwood Drive. Owner/Applicant: J.I.L. Custom Cabinets, Inc. Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter presented this site plan nothing that eleven (1 1) notices were sent to property owners within the 7nn' nnti_fi_ratinn area anrl.no response vas received. This property is located at the northwest corner of North Davis Business Park on Greenwood Drive. The site currently has a 6,000-square foot building and proposes another of equal size with this plan. The site is subject to residential adjacency standards due to its proximity to property having medium density residential land use designation. The property is approximately 30 feet from residentially designated property, and the proposed building is approximately 215 feet from residentially designated property. The existing structures on the property were built prior to residential adjacency standards. The following variances were requested: • Allow existing parking spaces to encroach approximately five feet into the north bufferyard. • Allow a separation of 53' from the adjacent driveway to the east where 100' of separation is required. • Allow a trash receptacle with no screening device. • Allow no articulation on the proposed building where all four sides are required to be articulated due to residential adjacency. On July 20, 2000, Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval (6-0) subject to the site plan review summary and allowing the variances as requested, but requiring the dumpster be screened as required in the industrial district, with a six-foot tall screening device. Roger Miller, Owner, 8635 Clara Lane, Keller. Mr. Miller was present to answer questions for Council regarding the dumpster. He commented that the new building would not have articulation. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 10 of 19 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 00-043, Site Plan for J.I.L. Custom Cabinets on Lot 2, Block A, North Davis Business Park, subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated July 28, 2000, encompassing the recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion: Potter Second: Kendall Ayes: Potter, Kendall, Shankland, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote Agenda Item #8-B, Ordinance No. 778, 1st Reading, Amending Chapter 11 of the . _ end,. of_nrO..,ances of the Citr-.of Southlake by adding.Article PT te aeflrc ^ertaln noises to be a nuisance Ordinance No. 778, 1st Reading, Amending Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake by adding Article III to define certain noises to be a nuisance and prohibit them. 4 Chief of Building Services Malcolm Jackson presented Ordinance No. 778, noting Ordinance No. 778 was originally adopted in 1988 as a "nuisance" ordinance to address noise related complaints and "relied heavily on subjective judgment that mandates a much greater degree of evidentiary support than can typically be achieved for successful prosecution." This amendment incorporates three minor changes to the ordinance for clarification purposes. 1) The definition of a governmental entity was inserted to reflect whether or not homeowner associates would be included in the exemptions, and homeowner associates are not included as a recognized governmental entity. 2) There was clarification in the exemptions to permit indoor construction on Sundays if no outside noise is emitted. 3) For purposes of seeking a special permit, the distance for notification was extended to all property owners within 200' of the property from which the noise will be emitted. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Debbie Engler-Key, 105 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Ms. Engler-Key requested modifications be made to this proposed ordinance and thanked the City Council for considering modifications. She stated, "If we are going to have a city that looks good, it needs to sound good too." She stated, "I did become interested in the noise issue last year when Myers Meadows had the problem from the excessive noise coming from an adjacent business. At that time I began researching noise ordinances and learning about noise. Once I got into it and started studying more about it, it is my belief that noises should not be allowed to interrupt the peace, quiet and solitude that citizens are entitled to. When I received a copy of the proposed ordinance two weeks ago, I wanted to be sure Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 11 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that it would be enforceable and effective, therefore, I contacted Erik Sworling, Director of the Noise Institute at Ruckhurst University. He is a nationally recognized noise expert and was very kind to review our proposed Ordinance. He made the following suggestions: 1) to reduce the levels on the chart by 5 and that we should absolutely not allow 55 decibels at night; and 2) we should set definite times; and, 3) we should include a clause for repetitive noise in which tone be reduced by 5 in either residential or commercial." She asked that the three items be considered for modification to the ordinance. Stan Key, 105 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Mr. Key did not wish to speak but asked that the City Council modify the proposed plan as noted above. James Hoglund, 108 Killdeer Court, Southlake. Mr. Hoglund stated he preferred that Council drop the numbers around residential and that the time established be 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Jim Mouger, 1902 Hay Meadow Court, Southlake. Mr. N. Auger stated he did not wish to speak but was in support of a strong noise ordinance. Motion was made to approve first reading of Ordinance No. 778, amending Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, by adding Article 3 to define certain noises to be a nuisance and prohibit them; incorporate and lowering the decibel level by 5 to 55 in day time to 47 in night time, and 65 for commercial all the way. Between now and second reading Kendall would like for the Chief of Building Services to look at how boom-boxes and car stereos can be put into the ordinance and more discussion be given to the times as it was not resolved tonight and that construction is a factor. Councilmember Potter asked Mr. Jackson to look into different approaches to the times that can be manageable. Mayor Stacy asked Jackson to look into the decibels and see how it compares to other cities. Motion: Kendall Second: Potter Ayes: Kendall,Potter, Shanidand, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 4-0 votes Agenda Item #8-C, ZA 00-036, Preliminary Plat for Simmons Addition on Lots 1 and 2, Simmons Addition ZA 00-036, Preliminary Plat for Simmons Addition on Lots 1 and 2, Simmons Addition, involving 20.713 acres. Current Zoning: "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Located: South side of Brookwood Lane approximately 180' east of Raintree Drive. Owners: John Simmons and Chris and Nanette Lockhart. Applicant: Mary Meyer's Enterprises, Inc. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 12 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter presented ZA 00-036, Preliminary Plat for Simmons Addition on Lots 1 and 2, Simmons Addition, noting twenty (20) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and seven (7) letters were received from inside the notification area and four additional letters were received from outside the notification area. This is a 20.7-acre, 13 lot residential development located on the north side of Rainforest Court. Jones Branch Creek and the City of Grapevine bound the property on the east. Rainforest residential neighborhood is on the west and southwest side of the property and unplatted residential properties are located to the north. All adjacent properties within Southlake are zoned "SF-1A." The property is heavily wooded. There are two residences on the two existing platted lots. These residences will remain. On June 8, 2000, P&Z tabled this item. The issues discussed included drainage concerns, location of street access, water pressure in the area, and existing narrow streets. On July 20, 2000, P&Z approved_ (6-0) plat subject to Summary PeviPW No. 3, dated T711_y.14, 2000, granting relief on the number of access points into the neighborhood, the 1, igth of the cul-de-sac and allowing the easements to be located in a manner as to preserve trees. The applicant requested the following variances: • Only one planned point of access. • Increased cul-de-sac length • At staff's recommendation, the applicant is offering to relocate any city utilities along the street right-of-way, where possible, to protect trees. This is in conflict with the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, requiring a variance. Fred Joyce, Mary Myer's Enterprises, Inc. Mr. Joyce stated they were going to buy eleven of the 13 lots and that each lot was over one acre. He noted they would work with staff on the required easements. Regarding the 100' flood plane questions, they have the plans and will be building on all lots outside the flood plane area. Mr. Joyce stated he was happy with the recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 20, 2000. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Burton Patterson, in support but did not wish to speak Stephen Apple, 2819 Rainforest Court, Southlake. Mr. Apple commented on the good job done by Mr. Joyce, however,had the following comments to make: o The radius on the corner of Raintree Lane and Rainforest needed to be improved. o Raintree is an access for one thousand feet and is a legal non-conforming street. Rainforest has ten homes and is over one thousand feet; the new Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 13 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL addition will have eleven homes and will be over one thousand feet long. This will be the third layer of non-conforming street length. o With this new addition there will be sixty homes on a dead end street. o He does not have a problem with water pressure but wants to be sure that we will not have a problem when the additional eleven homes are built o Drainage is an issue. He has seen area under water with the 100-year floods. Martin Peryea, 2820 Rainforest Court, Southake. Mr. Peryea stated they were happy with the plan Mr. Joyce presented. He presented a petition and asked that Mayor Stacy read the following letter into the record: "Mayor and City Councilmembers: We respectfully ask the City Council to address our concerns regarding the traffic and water resource impact that the Simmons Addition will have on our community. Access to our community and the proposed dey±ioprnent is presently limited to Raintree and Shady Lane, narrow roads in dire need of improvement. These roads were constructed when Southlake was a quiet little community and they cannot handle the homes and commercial traffic that is required to service the current homes, let alone additional homes. School buses, sanitation trucks and service vehicles have a difficult time negotiating these roads. The water supply for the entire neighborhood is currently being fed from a single line at Shady Lane. The proposed development will put a further demand on an already marginal supply. A line break on Raintree will render the entire neighborhood without water for a fire emergency. We should request that the City consider looping our water supply to another source (Grapevine or Southlake). We are asking the city to provide infrastructure improvements to our main thoroughfares (Raintree and Shady Lane) and our water supply. If the City cannot improve the infrastructure to the proposed development then the city should consider purchasing the proposed development, which is a heavily wooded natural habitat and create a community park and nature trail. Sincerely, The residents of Raintree, Rainforest, Brookwood, Shady Lane, Rolling Lane, Greenbough, Raintree and Hillcastle." The record reflects that the petition had thirty-five(35)names presented. Interim Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas responded on the water pressure and right-of-way radium as noted above. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 14 of 19 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Councilmmber Rex Potter stated Council approved this item tonight; the City needs to make the repairs as discussed tonight. Burton Patterson. Mr. Patterson stated he is the last house on Raintree. If this is approved, he asked Council to make the motion contingent upon including looping his water line with the city water line. Tim Miller, SPIN #6. Mr. Miller stated he has lived in this neighborhood since he was ten years old. As far as he knows these has never been a SPIN meeting regarding the road. As far as the neighbors saying they do not want the road widened, he feels it is because the neighborhood wants to keep the neighborhood the same as it has always been. The road has always been patched but never fully repaired. He commented on the road condition left by the contractor when the neighborhood sewer project was put in and fears that the time limit will expire before the work is done on the road. Interim Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas stated the bonding company has }wen notified; therefore,timing is not an iss; ,. Motion was made to approve ZA 00-036, Preliminary Plat for Simmons Addition on Lots 1 and 2, Simmons Addition, incorporating the recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission; recognizing Mr. Joyce will get with staff to resolve the issues discussed tonight and work toward looping the water line, the turning radius and talking with the [City of] Grapevine for an emergency connection for water. Motion: Potter Second: Shankland Ayes: Potter, Shankland, Kendall, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote Council adjourned for recess at 8:20 p.m. Council returned to open session at 8:25 p.m Agenda Item #10-A, Authorize the Mayor to execute a commercial developer's agreement for CISD No. 6 Addition (stadium/transportation facility) Interim Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas presented the developer agreement for the new stadium and transportation facility on South Kimball Avenue. The developer's agreement covers the construction of public water, sanitary sewer, drainage (including detention pond) and streets (Silicon Drive and a portion of South Kimball Avenue, from Silicon Drive to Heritage Business Park). In addition to necessary on-site sanitary sewer improvements, the developer will construct a portion of the City's planned S-7 Sewer line from South Kimball Avenue north along the east side of Silicon Drive to the north property line of the CISD No. 6 Addition. The S-7 Sewer line construction is anticipated to begin later this year. The developer will also construct a portion of the City's planned 12-inch water line along the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 15 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL north side of the future South Kimball Avenue and the south side of the new Transportation Facility. The construction of South Kimball Avenue from Crooked Lane to Heritage Business Park, along with a proposed 12-inch water line is anticipated to begin in the winter of 2000/2001. The developer is requesting reimbursement for the construction of the sewer line along Silicon Drive and water line along South Kimball Avenue, both of which have been budgeted for in the City's CIP. CISD is also requesting to waive the following fees: 3% Inspection Fees, 2% Administrative Processing Fees, Roadway Impact Fees, Water Impact Fees, Wastewater Impact Fees and Park Dedication Fees. The total amount of the credit of fees is approximately $100,000. The cost of the reimbursement for the 8-inch sewer line along the east side of Silicon Drive is $112,270. Cost of the reimbursement of the 12-inch water line along South Kimball Avenue is $41,710. Mark Daniels, Total Program Management, 860 West Airport Freeway, Ste. 103, Bedford. Mr. Daniels stated he was present representing Carroll Independent School District.He commented that this was his first developer agreemfnt. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated, "I know that TPM builds school sites in other cities, in other school districts. Can you tell me what other cities do not charge you for impact fees?"Mr. Daniels stated he did not know the answer. Councilmember Rex Potter stated one of his concerns was that the City forgave impact fees at the middle school and the intermediate schools. Councilmember Kendall noted that those two schools are in the TIF. The City is putting $6 million dollars of roadway in there to accommodate them, and he is having trouble giving $400,000 for this road when the City is desperately hurting for money to put these roads in. He commented that this was only one reason why the City should be asking for the impact fees on this project. City Attorney E. Allen Taylor Jr., stated, "Rex is raising a very legitimate concern from the city's perspective. It is relatively rare for cities not to impose impact fees on school districts. Impact Fees are not a punishment; they are a cost allocation applied to the party, the business, or the entity creating a load on the public works system. Impact Fees are a charge that the cities are authorized to access to new development to just cover the cost of servicing the new development. When a school district comes into a community and builds a facility (a school, a stadium, an administrative office building) and that facility is going to generate a load requirement (water, sewer, special roadway improvements), those improvements are being built to service that facility and that activity. That entity has the ability to raise taxes, to charge fees, to recover the costs of doing that. If the school district doesn't do that, it falls back on the taxpayers in the city to pay taxes to install the improvements. If they do not do that, it creates a constitutional and statutory dilemma. [In] Article 3, Section 52 of the Texas Constitution, we are prohibited from spending money for the benefit of another individual or business or to lend credit to another individual or business unless we are legally obligated to do it. The Constitution creates a school district with its fund raising funding authority or ability and its responsibilities to install improvements. The city has its responsibilities to raise funds and to install the improvements that it provides. The Impact Statute, Chapter 395, simply Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 16 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL says, whoever creates the service or need bears the burden of servicing the need. If the school district doesn't provide the services it needs to and the City does it, then the city is carrying the load and the city taxpayers provide it rather than the city taxpayers. The reason most cites do not consider crediting that away, is most frequently, the city's boundary and the school district do not match, therefore, the city would be underwriting costs that were benefiting people who live in a different geographical district." Ivir. Taylor stated, "Mr. Potter, we did not forgive fees -- we allow credit for the fees. We did it because they lay in the TIF district." Mayor Stacy commented on the route that the buses would be going to the bus barn and the timing of the bus facility. Mr. Daniels stated the stadium is planned to be in use in August 2001. Councilmember Kendall stated that while the City is doing CISD projects, we couldn't do other needed projects for the city. • Motion was made to approve authorizing the Mayor to execute a commercial develop, 's agreement for CISD No. 6 Addition (stadium/transportation facility), as submitted with the exception of credit for roadway impact fees in the amount of$415,200; giving credit for other fees (water and wastewater, impact fees); but not credit for the roadway impact fees. Motion: Kendall Second: Shanldand Ayes: Kendall, Shanldand, Potter, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote Agenda Item#10-C,Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Loch Meadow Estates located at 939 North Carroll Avenue Loch Meadow Estates is a 23-lot subdivision located on the east side of Ridgecrest Drive, approximately 3,000 fees north of East Dove Street. This request is to allow an off-site development sign at the northeast corner of SH 114 and North Carroll Avenue. This site is in the right-of-way purchased for the expansion of the highway, but the contract allows the owner to continue to use the property until it is actually needed for expansion of the roadway. The proposed sign structure would comply with the ordinance criteria for a Ground Sign, as specified in Section 16-C. Chief of Building Services Malcolm Jackson requested this item be table to August 15, 2000 City Council meeting. Motion was made to table the request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Loch Meadow Estates located at 939 North Carroll Avenue, until August 15, 2000 City Council meeting. Motion: Potter Second: Shanldand Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 17 of 19 UNOFFICI<AL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Ayes: Potter, Shankland, Kendall, and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 4-0 ote to table Agenda Item 11-A, Disposition of pond at Noble Oaks Park Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas presented this item to council. The pond is located in the southwest corner of Noble Oaks Park. Adjacent to the west side of the park is CISD property being developed as an elementary school (CISD No. 5). A small portion of the pond is on the school property. The pond is fed by storm water runoff from the area north of South Carroll Avenue and dries up to a mud hole during the dry summer months. Mr. Thomas explained the background history of the pond and why the matter was brought to the City Council for their re-consideration. Because of the close proximity of _the pond to the school.ground, CISD officials requested that they he allowed to fit the entire pond durint the construction of the school. The city staff, Park Board, Joint Use Committee, Planning and Zoning Commission and finally the City Council, reviewed plans. The consensus of opinion was that the pond should be eliminated for public safety. The site plan was approved by Council on June 20, 2000 with the entire pond to be filled. The plan to fill the pond was questioned by citizens. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Rosemary Hutchins, 1412 Whispering Dell Court, Southlake. Ms. Hutchins stated this was a beautiful site and should be kept. She noted, "Under no conditions should the pond be filled in --please leave it like it is." Scott Martin, 591 East Dove Road, Southlake. Mr. Martin presented a map of the topography of the park and the pond in question. He stated the city has the opportunity to gather a good water supply and maintain water level from the runoff from the area. The pond has scum on it now because there is no circulation. "We can get rid of that," Martin stated. He asked the City Council to not fill in the pond. After discussion by the City Council, it was decided that this item should be placed on the next City Council agenda for consideration to save the pond. Agenda Item#12,Adjournment Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Mayor Rick Stacy Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 18 of 19 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES—NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ATTEST: • Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 1,2000 Page 19 of 19 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Assistant City Engineer. extension 846 SUBJECT: Approval of additional funding for intersection improvements at Mustang Drive at State Highway 26 Action Requested: Approve additional funding to construct intersection improvements at Mustang Drive at SH 26. Background Information: Currently on SH 26 there are four at-grade intersections, unprotected, driveway railroad crossings, which provide access to the individual petroleum facilities located between Mustang Drive and S. Kimball. The cities of Grapevine and Southlake, working in concert with the petroleum facilities and abutting property owners, have come to an agreement to eliminate the railroad crossings by the construction of a new roadway • connection to Mustang Drive at the SH 26 intersection. The new connection from Mustang Drive to Southlake will be a public street crossing the DART railroad with a fully signalized crossing that will be interconnected with Mustang Drive traffic signals for improved safety (see attached project map). The petroleum companies will construct private driveways at the end of the proposed connection to access the terminals. The work is to be completed by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and reimbursed by both cities. The City Council approved an interlocal agreement with the City of Grapevine on April 20, 1999 for the construction of these improvements (see attached agreement). Financial Considerations: At the time of the execution of the interlocal agreement, the estimate by TxDOT for Southlake's contribution was $148,698.26, which is 21% of the total cost of the project. The City submitted the payment to the City of Grapevine following execution of the interlocal agreement. The City of Grapevine submitted our payment with their contribution to TxDOT via an Advanced Funding Agreement. • SB-1 City of Southlake, Texas This project was originally scheduled for bidding in February 2000. The project was delayed while TxDOT was reviewing the construction plans. The project is now scheduled for bidding in September 2000. TxDOT prepared a new estimate using the current estimated construction prices. The end result was a $33,413.31 increase in the estimated construction cost for the portion of the improvements Southlake is responsible for paying per the interlocal agreement. Therefore, Southlake's contribution totals $182,111.57. The CIP budget includes $265,000 for this project. Citizen Input / Board Review: Two adjacent property owners have agreed to support the project. Legal Review: The City attorney has reviewed the original interlocal agreement and determined that an amended interlocal agreement is not necessary for Council to approve the additional funding. In paragraph 8 of the interlocal agreement, it states that in the event the total construction cost is greater than that called for in Exhibit "B", Grapevine and Southlake will contribute additional funds in proportion to their respective funding. Therefore under the terms of the agreement, the increase of $33,413.31 is interpreted as additional funding to be paid by Southlake for these improvements. Alternatives: Approve or Deny. Supporting Documents: Project map Interlocal Agreement Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve the additional funding for intersection improvements at Mustang Drive at State Highway 26 in the amount of $33,413.31. Please place this item on the August 15, 2000 City Council Agenda for approval. S62— SP/sep • 5B-2 MUSTANG COURT El PROJECT MAP j cAcTICdNTINCwii 1 i I I I I I /2------------- \ ', I7I 1 I 1 GOMERy1({ rl� Q�� t 1 \ rI 0'N _ I PROPOSED s i""Y __ 1 PRIVATE DRIVEWAY F�*P,c\O� s r_ ARCH WAY < I '� I �� -7 (N e ♦ el s\', 1 ♦♦ PROPOSED --1MUSTANG CT. ) - 1 o�sli`\P` 7/ 5 6R 1 i i IP i 1 5B-3 I •TATE OF TEXAS § OFFICIAL RECORD COUNTY OF TARRANT § INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT MUSTANG DRIVE AT STATE HIGHWAY 26 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS COST PARTICIPATION This Interlocal Agreement for Cost Participation (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the City of Grapevine, Texas, a municipal corporation located in Tarrant County, Texas, ("Grapevine") and the City of Southlake, Texas, a municipal corporation located in Tarrant County, Texas ("Southlake"). WHEREAS, Grapevine and Southlake desire to remove the at-grade, unprotected driveway railroad crossings providing access from the individual petroleum facilities in Southlake to State Highway 26 in Grapevine between Mustang Drive and Continental Boulevard, and WHEREAS, Grapevine and Southlake, working in combination with the owners of individual petroleum facilities and the abutting property owners in Southlake, have reached . n agreement to eliminate the driveways in-lieu of a new roadway connection to State ighway 26 at the Mustang Drive intersection (the Project), and WHEREAS, The new connection from Mustang Drive to Southlake will be a public street crossing the DART railroad with a fully signalized crossing that will be interconnected with the Mustang Drive Traffic Signals for improved safety, and WHEREAS, The Project will be constructed by and principally funded through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) with additional funding provided by Grapevine and Southlake, and WHEREAS, to streamline the coordination between the three public entities, Grapevine and Southlake have agreed that Grapevine will execute the Advanced Funding Agreement with TxDOT for both cities and will forward both Southlake's and Grapevine's funding participation to TxDOT under the terms of this agreement, and WHEREAS, Grapevine and Southlake desire to enter into an Interlocal agreement to establish the funding participation for each City in this Project, and WHEREAS, TEX. GOVT. CODE ANN. § 791.001 et seq., as amended (the "Act") provides authorization for municipalities to contract with one another for the performance • of governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act; and 0:\agenda\04-20-99\slakagmtrl 1 5B-4 • WHEREAS, parties toenter into this it is mutually advantageous to both pa eAgreement. WITNESSETH NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms and conditions set forth herein, and the mutual benefits to each party, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grapevine and Southlake hereby contract, covenant, warrant and agree as follows: 1. All of the matters stated in the preamble of this Agreement are true and correct and are hereby incorporated into the body of this Agreement as though fully set forth in their entirety herein. 2. Grapevine and Southlake agree to the Terms of the Advanced Funding Agreement with TxDOT and authorize Grapevine to execute the Advanced Funding Agreement as representative of both Cities. The form of the Advanced Funding Agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". 3. The respective funding participation of each City and the State of Texas is stablished in Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. outhlake's participation is limited solely to those costs incurred in constructing the roadway within the City Limits of Southlake. 4. Detailed construction plans of the Project shall be reviewed and approved by both Southlake and Grapevine prior to letting of the contract by TxDOT for construction. Any amendments to the detailed construction plans by TxDOT shall be submitted for review by both Cities. 5. Southlake will forward full payment called for in Exhibit "B" to Grapevine upon both cities' approval of this agreement. 6. Grapevine shall forward the total payment requested by the State in the Advanced Funding Agreement upon receipt of Southlake's share of the funding. 7. Grapevine will maintain a complete accounting of the funds provided by Southlake and Grapevine and forwarded to TxDOT for participation in this Project. S0:lagenda104-20-991slakagmtrl 2 5B-5 410 8. Upon completion of the Project, Grapevine will promptly refund to Southlake its proportionate share of any funds refunded to Grapevine by TxDOT. In the event the total construction cost for the Project is greater than that called for in Exhibit "B". Grapevine and Southlake will contribute additional funds in proportion to their original respective funding, with Southlake's obligation limited solely to the cost of constructing the roadway within the City Limits of Southlake. 9. Any notice required to be given under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been adequately given if deposited in the United States mail in an envelope with sufficient postage and properly addressed to the other party as follows: TO GRAPEVINE: City of Grapevine P.O. Box 95104 Grapevine, TX 76099 Attn: City Manager TO SOUTHLAKE: City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, TX 76092 SAttn: City Manager A change of address may be made by either party upon the giving of ten (10) days prior written notice. 10. This Agreement and the Grapevine and TxDOT Agreement constitute the only agreements of the parties hereto and supersede any prior understandings or written or oral agreements between the parties respecting the subject Project hereof. 11. No amendment, modification or alteration of the terms hereof shall be binding unless the same be in writing, approved by the Cities respective City Councils, dated subsequent to the date hereof and duly executed by the parties. 12. This Agreement may be executed concurrently in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 13. In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been •contained herein. O:\agenda\04-20-99\slakagmtrl 3 5B-6 • ofparties Agreement are to this 14. The obligations and undertakings of each the and shall be performable in Tarrant County, Texas and enforceable in the State District Courts of Tarrant County, Texas. 15. All parties paying for the performance of governmental services under this Agreement shall make those payments from current revenues available. 16. This Agreement shall terminate upon completion or termination of the Advanced Funding Agreement with TxDOT or upon completion and acceptance of the project. Either party may terminate the Agreement or enforce the terms of the Agreement in the event a breach occurs that is not rectified within thirty (30) days of written notice of the breach. Mayor, City of Grapevine ayo , City of So Datec0,19T 1 I/� °1 Date so \\\�����\IUOFH Uuooiii,� :ti ' „cr • 7 • m = • ii 741( City ecretary %,�`�:''•..........d-t� ��ity Secretary City of Grapevine '%8,11/1l10s00 City of Southlake 1 /fty j144At 20, ���� D Date APPROVED BY GRAPEVINE CITY COUNCIL: 4/20/99 APPROVED BY SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL: 4/20/99 • 0:\agenda\04-20-99\sla'.cagmtrl 4 5B-7 SAPProved as to Form W6-60412 City Attorney Grapevine City Attorney Southlake • 0:\agenda\04-20-99\slakagmtrl 5 5B-8 EXHIBIT A • Agreement No. 02-363-1-112 S County: Tarrant CSJ: 0363-01-112 Project Number: ADVANCE FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR STANDARD HIGHWAY PROJECTS (ON-SYSTEM) THE STATE OF TEXAS § THE COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE BY AND BETWEEN the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the State, and the City of Grapevine, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter called the Outside Entity. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Transportation Code §201 et.seq. and Transportation Code §221.001 authorize the State to lay out, construct, maintain, and operate a system of streets, roads, and highways that comprise the State Highway System; and, IEREAS, Commission Minute Order Number 101588 authorizes the State to undertake and complete a highway improvement generally described as the State Highway 26 at Mustang Drive Intersection Improvements; and, WHEREAS, the Outside Entity has requested that the State allow the Outside Entity to participate in said improvement by funding that portion of the improvement described as the State Highway 26 at Mustang Drive Intersection Improvements herein after called the "Project"; and, WHEREAS, the State has determined that such participation is in the best interest of the citizens of the State; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto, to be by them respectively kept and performed as hereinafter set forth, the State and the Outside Entity do agree as follows: i Pagc 1 of 4 5B-9 AGREEMENT •rticle 1. Time Period Covered This agreement becomes effective when signed by the last party whose signing makes the agreement fully executed, and the State and the Outside Entity will consider it to be in full force and effect until the Project described herein has been completed and accepted by all parties or unless terminated, as hereinafter provided. Article 2. Project Funding The State will authorize performance of only those Project items of work which the Outside Entity has requested and has agreed to pay for as described in Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities, Attachment A, which is attached to and made a part of this contract. In addition to identifying those items of work paid for by payments to the State, Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities, also specifies those Project items of work that are the responsibility of the Outside Entity and will be carried out and completed by the Outside Entity, at no cost to the State. Texas Government Code Chapter 2106 requires the State to recover indirect costs associated with this agreement. The indirect cost will be calculated based on prevailing rates as determined through the State's Indirect Cost Recovery Program. Article 3. Termination ,this agreement may be terminated in the following manner: ♦ mutual written agreement and consent of both parties. ♦ by either party upon the failure of the other party to fulfill the obligations set forth herein. ♦ by the State if it determines that performance of the Project is not in the best interests of the State. If the contract is terminated in accordance with the above provisions, the Outside Entity will be responsible for the payment of Project costs incurred by the State on behalf of the Outside Entity.up to the time of termination. Article 4. Right of Access If the Outside Entity is the owner of any part of the Project site, the Outside Entity shall permit the State or its authorized representative access to the site to perform any activities required to execute the work. The Outside Entity will provide for all necessary right-of-way and utility adjustments needed for performance of the work on sites not owned or to be acquired by the State. Article 5. Responsibilities of the Parties The Outside Entity acknowledges that while it is not an agent, servant, nor employee of the State, it is responsible for its own acts and deeds and for those of its agents or employees during the performance of •he work on the Project. Pagc 2 of 5B-10 Article 6. Sole Agreement 0he event the terms of the agreement are in conflict with theprovisions of anyother existingagreements g g between the local Outside Entity and the State, the latest agreement shall take precedence over the other agreements in matters related to the Project. Article 7. Successors and Assigns The State and the Outside Entity each binds itself, its successors, executors, assigns, and administrators to the other party to this agreement and to the successors, executors, assigns, and administrators of such other party in respect to all covenants of this agreement. Article 8. Amendments By mutual written consent of the parties, this contract may be amended prior to the expiration of this contract. Article 9. Interest The State will not pay interest on funds provided by the.Outside Entity. Funds provided by the Outside Entity will be deposited into, and retained in, the State Treasury. . Onicle 10. Inspection and Conduct of Work less otherwise specifically stated in Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities, to this contract, the State will supervise and inspect all work performed hereunder and provide such engineering inspection and testing services as may be required to ensure that the construction is accomplished in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All correspondence and instructions to the contractor performing the work will be sole responsibility of the State. Unless otherwise specifically stated in Attachment A to this contract, all work will be performed in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges" adopted by the State and incorporated herein by reference, or special specifications approved by the State. Article 11. Increased Costs In the event it is determined that the funding provided by the Outside Entity will be insufficient to cover the State's cost for performance of the Outside Entity's requested work, the Outside Entity will pay to the State the additional funding necessary to cover the anticipated additional cost. The State shall send the Outside Entity a written notification stating the amount of additional funding needed and stating the reasons for the needed additional funds. The Outside Entity shall pay the funds to the State within 30 days of the written notification, unless otherwise agreed to by all parties to this agreement. If the Outside Entity cannot pay the additional funds, this contract shall be mutually terminated in accord with Article 3 - Termination. If this is a fixed price agreement as specified in Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities, this provision shall only apply in the event changed site conditions are discovered or as •uallY agreed upon by the State and the Outside Entity. Pagc 3 of 4 5B-11 Sicle 12. Signatory Warranty The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the entity they represent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE STATE AND THE OUTSIDE ENTITY have executed duplicate counterparts to effectuate this agreement. THE STATE OF TEXAS Certified as being executed for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies, or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission under the authority of Minute Order 100002. By Date District Engineer . • THE OUTSIDE ENTITY Name of the Outside Entity: City of Grapevine • 0y Date ped or Printed Name and Title For the purpose of this agreement, the addresses of record for each party shall be: For the Outside Entity: For the Texas Department of Transportation: Mr. Roger Nelson, City Manager Mr. Steven E. Simmons,P.E.,District Engineer City of Grapevine Texas Department of Transportation . P.O. Box 95104 P.O. Box 6868 Grapevine, Texas 76099 Fort Worth, Texas 76108 a s • Page 4 of 4 58-12 EXHIBIT B • SH 26 / MUSTANG DRIVE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION FUNDING UPDATE COST ITEM SOUTHLAKE GRAPEVINE TOTAL BASE COST $118,014.49 $442,265.19 $560,279.68 CONTINGENCIES $17,702.17 $66,339.78 $84,041.95 TxDOT E&C (11%) $12,981.59 $48,649.17 $61 ,630.76 TOTAL COSTS $148,698.26 $557,254.14 $705,952.40 FUNDING SOUTHLAKE GRAPEVINE TOTAL SOUTHLAKE AUTHORIZED $148,698.26 $0.00 $148,698.26 D FUNDS (CMAQ) $0.00 $400,000.00 $400,000.00 TXDOT 20%.MATCH $0.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 GRAPEVINE GO BONDS $0.00 $57,254.14 $57,254.14 TOTAL FUNDING $148,698.26 $557,254.14 $705,952.40 S 5B-13 o:\stan\miscdocs\26mstg$3 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 15, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary SUBJECT: Resolution No. 00-83, Appointments to the Crime Control and Prevention District Action Requested: City Council appointment of three members to fill expiring two-year terms on the Crime Control and Prevention District Board. Background Information: The Crime Control District is governed by a board of seven directors who are appointed by the City Council to serve staggered two-year terms that expire September 1. Currently, positions occupied by Directors Pam McCain, Andy Wambsganss and Bob Mundlin expire September 1, 2000. All three directors have been contacted; Bob Mundlin has submitted an application for another term; Pam McCain has asked not to be reappointed and I have not had a response from Andy Wambsganss at this writing. The City Secretary's Office has also received applications from Dr. Steven Sanders, Richard Sandow, Stuart Spencer and Mike Utley, which are attached for your consideration. Financial ' ----—--—- Considerations: None ! 8/10/00 Three additional applications j were submitted to us from Charlotte Citizen Input/ i Lemieux, Craig Sturtevant and Mary Board Review: Not Applicable : Ann Ginnard since this item was Legal Review: Not Applicable delivered to you last week. We've ! inserted their applications in this Alternatives: None j packet item along with the others. Su ortin Also, Andy Wamsganss called to say PP g Documents: Resolution No. 00-83 : he would not be available for re- appointment. Staff Recommendation: Please place this item on the August 15, 2000 City Council agenda. Attachments: Resolution No. 00-83 Applications Current Member List 5E 1 5C-1 RESOLUTION NO. 00-83 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS APPOINTING PERSONS TO SERVE AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 363.051 (The "Act") authorizes a municipality that is partially or wholly located in a county with a population of more than one million to create a crime control district within its jurisdiction; and, WHEREAS, on November 4, 1997, Southlake voters approved a proposition to create the Southlake Crime Control_and Prevention District, dedicated to formulating crime reduction programs and the administration of the one-half cent sales and us: Fax collected for the support of crime reduction programs authorized by the city. WHEREAS, Section 363.101(a)(b) of the Local Government Code states that the District is governed by a board of seven directors who serve staggered two-year terms that expire September 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS,THAT: Section 1. The findings in the preamble of this resolution are found to be true and correct and the City Council does hereby incorporate said findings into the body of this resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the two-year term for three directors (Pam McCain, Andy Wambsganss and Bob Mundlin) will expire September 1, 2000 and the following persons are hereby appointed to serve as Director for the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District for a two-year term to expire September 1, 2002. 1. 2. 3. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 15th DAY OF AUGUST,2000. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Mayor Rick Stacy 5E-2 5C-2 Resolution No. 00-83 August 15, 2000 Page 2 of 2 ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney d:\wp-files\citysec\resolu\00-83.doc T STD 5C-3 s City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Assistant City Engineer, extension 846 SUBJECT: Resolution No. 00-86, Abandonment of a utility easement on Lot 12B, Block 1, in the Cedar Oaks Estates Action Requested: Approve Resolution 00-86, abandoning a utility easement on Lot 12B, Block 1, in the Cedar Oaks Estates. Background Information: Staff obtained a utility easement for the construction of the sanitary sewer line to serve the Cross Timber Hills subdivision. The sanitary sewer line crosses Lot 12B, Block 1 in the Cedar Oaks Estates subdivision (see attached project map). Mr. George Stewart owns Lot 12B. Following acquisition of the utility easement from Mr. Stewart, the sanitary sewer line alignment was revised. The revision was a result of negotiations with the property owner to the south of Mr. Stewart for an easement. Once the alignment was finalized, Mr. Stewart kindly dedicated another easement for the sewer line with the understanding that the previously dedicated easement would be abandoned. Financial Considerations: None. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: The resolution has been reviewed and approved by the City attorneys. • Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: Project map Resolution 00-86 S 5D-1 City of Southlake, Texas • Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve Resolution 00-86 abandoning a utility easement on Lot 12B, Block 1, in the Cedar Oaks Estates subdivision. Please place this item on the August 15, 2000 City Council Agenda for approval. MAR. SP/sep S • 5D-2 - . EASEMENT ABANDONMENT III CEDAR OAKS ESTATES LOT 12B, BLOCK 1 , I i / [ • O�S IR LINE :' i O P� 5 SEWE • i ES I- co • lli • • 1 SLEEPY HOLLOW .-- O • • lL • • • • H- : U • t 2 itt • Q (a / U OQ S ... .... /' Stewart ee ORIGINAL _ % ALIGNMENT 1 s Ellermeye� s I �� �O I �2. FOREST LN I IREVISED I `P ALIGNMENT G R ° • I , I. ,, to I t 7"----A ) ill 5D-3 • RESOLUTION NO. 00-86 A RESOLUTION VACATING AND ABANDONING A UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, DECLARING THAT SUCH PROPERTY IS UNNECESSARY FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND RECORD A RELEASE OF EASEMENT RELEASING PUBLIC OWNERSHIP, INTEREST AND CONTROL OF THIS EASEMENT AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the city council of the City of Southlake, after careful study and consideration, has determined that a utility easement in the City of Southlake, depicted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, and as more •particularly described by metes and bounds as set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (the "Parcel"), is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without a corresponding public benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by its vacation and abandonment; and WHEREAS, in order to remove any question as to the continued interest or ownership of the public in said easement, the city desires to release all title, ownership and control of said easement to the owner or owners of the abutting property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: S 5D-4 • SECTION 1. The following easement depicted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, and as more particularly described by metes and bounds as set forth in Exhibit 'B" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (the '`Parcel") is hereby vacated and abandoned as public property. The easement is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general. It constitutes a public charge without a corresponding benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by its vacation and abandonment. The easement so vacated and abandoned shall revert in fee simple to the owners of the abutting properties. SECTION 2. The Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, is hereby authorized and empowered 0to execute a release of easement releasing all claims to title, ownership, or control of the easement, on behalf of the City of Southlake, Texas. SECTION 3. A copy of said Release of Easement shall be presented for filing with the County Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas by the office of the city secretary. SECTION 4. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. APPROVED this day of , 2000. Mayor • 5 D-5 • Attest: City Secretary • • 5D-6 i • • EXHIBIT "A" VOL. 12727,P 103 P.L. \ F OM R00 // //N 89'02'W 15' \PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT 9.34' 35' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT P.O.C. VOL.p 58-174, /&KT 77 N 89.02'W P.O.D. 16.76' GEORGE R. STEWART i," r \ CEDAR OAKS ESTATES / VOL. T 388-127,P. 9 BLK 1, LOT 128 / P.L. \ \\VOL. sP1E1 / h 388-127, P. 9 11.P0 6 0 / w x / BLK 1, LOT 8 \ 14$ CN -��� /., / JO / 3 Cr \ 35'TEMPORARY G / \ CONSTRUCTION N t P.L. / v P.L. EASEMENT <-,/ -:' /2 /v —15'PERMIMENT / / // UTUTY EASEMENT \ AREA•6,341 SO.FT. / / voL. 388127, 9 2A S 47'54'06'V s.:^ S 76.19'46•E \ \,\ \ . .\ S•' l; \ .2\- \ _._ N 00'59'00"E \� \ \ \ `\\\ \ \ \ \\ 5.04' 18.14'.c F TA, 0 20 40 ao y r� `* to+yN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION • _35,TEMPORARY L....11 I,Edde L.Cheatham of CHEATHAM N ASSOCIATES,a Registered Professional Land CONSTRUCTION EDDE L.CHEATHAM Surveyor of the State of Texas,do hereby declare that that the calculations,graphic EASEMENT ( IN FEET ) 4 2346 depiction and legal descriptions of this survey were properly prepared under my personal 1 inch - 40 ft. �� supervision from an actual survey mode on the ground. ('14, '£s s10,40� NOTE: ALL BEARINGS BASED ON THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE CHEATRAM AND ASSoCIATSm SURD y incycn 2 _ OF LOT 12B,BLOCK I OF THE CEDAR OAKS ESTATES 1601 E. L4MAR BLVD SUITE 200 ��' �'• it � % ADDITION,AS RECORDED IV VOL.388 127,P. 9 ARUNGToN. TEXAS 76011 Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.2346 (P.R.T.C.T.),SAID BEARING BEING N 89'02'W. (617) 648-0696 Metro (817)285-8838 E444-006 • EXHIBIT'B' 15' PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT 35' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Field Notes Being a 0.146 acre tract of land in John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 253, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being a strip of land, over, through. and across Block 1, Lot 12B of the Cedar Oaks Estates Addition (Volume 388-127, P.9, (P.R.T.C.T.))and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron rod found at the northeast corner of Lot 77 of the Cross Timber Hills Addition, Phase IV,Block 4, said point being in the south property line of said Lot 12B; THENCE N 82° 02' W, a distance of 9.34 feet to a point for a corner, said point being in the south property line of said Lot 12B,and being the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 89°02'W,a distance of 16.76 feet along said property line to a point for a corner; THENCE N 25° 47' 33" W, a distance of 142.57 feet to a point for a corner, said • point being in the west property line of said Lot 12B and in the east property line of Block 1, Lot 12A of the Cedar Oaks Estates Addition in Volume 388-127,P.9(P.R.T.C.T.); THENCE N 00° 59'00"E,a distance of 5.04 feet along said property line to a point for a corner; THENCE N 47° 54' 06" E, a distance of 276.66 feet to a point for a corner, said point being in the east property line of said Lot 12B and in the east property line of Block 1, Lot 8 of the Cedar Oaks Estates Addition in Volume 388-127,P.9(P.R.T.C.T.); THENCE S 76° 19'46"E,a distance of 18.14 feet along said property line to a point for a corner; THENCE S 47°54' 06"W,a distance of 277.99 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE S 25°47' 33"E,a distance of 142.64 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing within these metes and bounds 0.146 acres or 6,341 square feet, more or less. G:\OOI-444\444-IgI08.doc S 5D-8 City of Southlake, Texas • MEMORANDUM August 11. 2000 To: Billy Campbell, City Manager From: Charlie Thomas, City Engineer, extension 814 Subject: Award of Bids for Town Hall Trees Action Requested: Approve the award of bid for the purchase of Trees for Town Hall. Background Information: In June 2000, the City advertised for bid the selection of Athena Elm for Town Hall trees. Athena Elms are currently the street trees along all retail frontage in Town Square. It was necessary for the City to move forward with the procurement of the trees to assure availability and selection. Installation of plant material is not anticipated until November 2000. • On July 13, 2000, two bids were received and opened. Select Trees, Inc. was the low bid at $15,948. Upon notification, each bidder was requested to submit photographs of the specified trees. The photographs submitted by Select Trees, Inc. were determined to meet the specifications desired for Town Hall. A contract for the installation of all plant material and irrigation is anticipated for City Council approval in early September 2000. Financial Considerations: The tree purchase amount bid for Town Hall is $15,948. The supplier has requested a 20% deposit ($3,189.60) to reserve the trees in the name of Southlake Town Hall until scheduled for delivery. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: The alternative is to bid the trees later, with the bid for the installation • of the irrigation system and the other plant material and risk availability and selection. 5F-1 I • Supporting Documents: Bid tabulation Staff Recommendation: Please place on the Council agenda for August 15, 2000. Staff recommends that the bid for trees for Town Hall be awarded to the low bidder, Select Trees, Inc. in the amount of$15,948. Charlie Tho , P.E. City Engineer S 5F-2 111/ City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 10, 2000 TO: Charlie Thomas, City Engineer FROM: Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent SUBJECT: Town Hall Trees Tabulation of bids as received on Thursday,July 13, 2000 from two(2) qualified contractors. Order of Bid is from lowest to highest. Order of Bid Bidder&Location Bid Amount 1. Select Trees, Inc. $ 15,948.00 Athens,Georgia 2. Randall and Blake, Inc. $ 18,960.00 Southlake,Texas S r _ 11 City of Southlake Southlake Department of Planning STAFF REPORT August 11, 2000 CASE NO: ZA00-078 PROJECT: Mirage Car Wash REQUEST: On behalf of Mirage Car Wash,Ltd., Dr. Gene E. White is requesting a Specific Use Permit for a carwash with a shade structure at Mirage Car Wash and a waiver to allow metal columns where masonry is required. ACTION NEEDED: 1. Conduct public hearing 2. Consider Specific Use Permit and Site Plan ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information (D) Site Plan Review Summary (E) Developer Comments (F) Resolution No.00-79 (G) Surrounding Property Owner Map (H) Letters from Neighboring Property Owners (I) Blue Line Copies of Plans (for Council Members Only) STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy (Ext. 743) Dennis Killough (Ext. 787) Case No. Agenda Item ZA00-078 7A BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Mirage Car Wash, Ltd. APPLICANT: Dr. Gene E. White PROPERTY SITUATION: The Mirage Car Wash is located on the east side of N. Davis Boulevard approximately 450' north of W. Continental Boulevard. The only change proposed to the site is the addition of the shade structure. The "Future Personal Services Shop" shown on the plan was part of the original approval but has never been constructed. The property is subject to Corridor Overlay Regulations. HISTORY: The original site plan and specific use permit for Mirage Car Wash were recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, 6-0 on June 8, 1995, and by City Council, 6-0 on June 20, 1995. The approvals preceded the adoption of the Corridor Overlay Regulations. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, T. J. Thompson No. 1502 Addition, involving 2.00 acres LAND USE CATEGORY: Industrial CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District NOTICES: Fifteen (15) notices were sent In Favor Opposed Undecided Letters with Comments Within 200'Notification Area 1 1 2 Outside 200'Notification area P&Z SPEAKERS: None P&Z ACTION: July 6, 2000; Approved (4-3) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated June 24, 2000, and to delete Item #1 (masonry support columns) and to approve the S.U.P. for a period of one year. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 11, 2000. The following variance is requested: • Allow metal support columns where masonry is required (RE: Section 43.9.c.1.e). A variance from this requirement may be granted by Council as set forth in Section 43.9.b.2. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-078SUP.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA00-078 7A Page 1 Vicinity Map Mirage Car Wash p. � .i to I IiI � logo $ IIsit , s. iimmiel- til .!-' 1 ffr- 1601-2 -teno....m.iimar c,oss Els�wii! i Wu __ I_ 0. ••l ■• I� �(A- �\. u ` �N.N• .E.b •"III!!/Ph \ ■ . !M 1 . II IIiiIIIIIIKr .:►:> -..4�._..MVO, �, -��- 0 ha ,40 slog wIS*��p V graowe, ft r ,�' moo► •`�il���1st.4 .\��►��� mu glooditisaav ::gave �r ill �� �/1■iced.ttifri. iiik ■�� ■ Vr "11 ��►u. .. 04 i iIiio5 1 ►�•�i I�11��� .�i�I/. #4 N.■o►.fit I mail . i -e.1/III• Nuoir';iii.imit� �i *411i.� ` ■ 0 REIM ■Bur 1111 j I 1 — 1 m Pli .M ifiria-1 -----t d -ImmiimiNimmul:Tair,hnibl!trili ,41# ..0.44** ,0-0 ;I Lvill - E. 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' : u: �{. {>x 3 .1•{ 2.4' rY.s �.""�" I i `+i,s F c a .,7Y.wtr tb .1 ' ti k s fF ✓r� e,�? ,.; r•n PD "'w.;t:'d"rtprffi- R�•+�'yo- T,47 w 4y� •y • • •ou a •efi a n leverflip sun Ports international , Inc . n REGD JUN 12 2000 w vs/w. s u p ca r_ nn -ZD0 - 0—) 8 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 00-078 Review No: Two Date of Review: 7/11/00 Project Name: Site Plan - Mirage Car Wash APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Mirage Car Wash Frank L. Meier Associates, Inc. 1369 Knox Road 6510 Abrams Road, Suite 670 Roanoke, TX 76262 Dallas, TX 75231 Phone: (817) 488-1497 Phone:(817) 647-0832 Fax: Attn: Dr. Gene White Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 06/12/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS KILLOUGH AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 787. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations Y See Comment No. 1 Residential Adjacency Y See Comment No. 1 Building Articulation N Not affected Masonry Standards Y See Comment No. 1 Impervious Coverage N Not affected Bufferyards N Not affected Interior Landscape N Not affected Driveways N Not affected Lighting N Not affected 1. Corridor Overlay Regulations require support columns to be clad in masonry materials which match the primary building. (Variance Requested) (P&Z Action, 7/6/00: Allow as shown) 2. Change the "Case No. ZA 95-55" in the lower right hand corner to Case No. 00-078. 3. Update the revision date. P&Z Action: Approved (4-3) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated June 24, 2000, with the following condition and as noted above • Approve the S.U.P.for a period of one year. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA00-078 7A Page 1 * With the exception of the shade structure, this site plan remains unchanged from the date of original approval by City Council on June 20, 1995. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\REV\#CPLAN-1.WPD Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA00-078 7A Page 2 FRANK L. MEIER ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIOR DESIGN June 12, 2000 Planning&Zoning Department City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Revision of SUP Case No. Z195-55 Gentlemen: The proposed revisions for the addition of a sun canopy as shown on site plan drawing A-1 preserves original SUP conditions. Respectfully Jim T. Phillips Architect JTP/pp RECD U N 12 2000 Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA 00-078 6510 Abrams Road•Suite 670•Dallas,Texas 7521 1-7224•214/221-8855•FAX 214/221-4242 Page 1 1A Resolution No.00-79 Page 1 RESOLUTION NO. 00-79 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A FULL SERVICE CAR WASH SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED IN RESOLUTION NO. 95-20 WITH THE ADDITION OF A SHADE STRUCTURE ON PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 2, T. J. THOMPSON NO. 1502 ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN CABINET A, SLIDE 2657, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING APPROXIMATELY 2.00 ACRES, MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", AND AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Specific Use Permit for the operation of a full service car wash subject to the conditions established in Resolution No. 95-20 with the addition of a shade structure has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the property zoned as "C-3" General Commercial District; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Section 45.1 (37) of the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA00-078 7A Page 1 Resolution No.00-79 Page 2 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. A Specific Use Permit is hereby granted for Specific Use Permit per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (37) for the operation of a full service car wash subject to the conditions established in Resolution No. 95-20 with the addition of a shade structure on the property being legally described as Lot 2,T. J. Thompson No. 1502 Addition,an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2657, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, being approximately 2.00 acres, more fully and completely described in Exhibit"A", and as depicted on the approved Site Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" and providing an effective date, subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions shall be applicable to the granting of this Specific Use Permit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA00-078 7A Page 2 Resolution No.00-79 Page 3 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2000. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Southlake, Texas Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA00-078 7A Page 3 Resolution No.00-79 Page 4 EXHIBIT "A" Lot 2, T. J. Thompson No. 1502 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2657,Plat Records,Tarrant County,Texas, being approximately 2.00 acres Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA00-078 -7A Page 4 wkre E . 1.Z i aver,r VICO U. ("'Q a ... ,, . •- • � �q C.�r IL1 1 S4' f71i7Y>♦ rr_ n..r4.a rti ....; l••1111 •*Ai• ""7:' .....' aeon wart ...-.... Dr,* Ia. *a* Vi 1 NV Id ILLS +-L.w i ro.w+ +n..,.a.. /6N7TY1 , MorN aE•oM 'AS10 1M0iv,Le -N7. r�.N.r. ...poem .aeu_.rw M.II*LW'.. C s'u V)1N#+a.IJ'UMW id £' ela1�rvu4t.9 a5N alsa a.r•I W W,.Itp..11*Md 1.7ir .,.p o+ei4 sbwr. .a'. s ue»rwo isms lr "ram s�'a'avN I ,�.' a t R ir vurwr lip. "vRr> +aM; ',Am,wm.a�n�^c - q w .,.x \ IL .I OS o..".."e ) an n y[au9rl ally 4" s1Vt!ws 'F3 I my '' _.� a.�ln� ,mu, .._" cn — _ �! 1 Ili+/ f r~tM .rn xaw ltY "Iola ` \ �I �" \ / wa. i t . r r 777 .mei •ter .¢ \ hrY+-r�aol.•1,ayw ♦ • 1,� • ...V�'rA w' __� rw us.1a1 f Y .. RI u'I f \ ' /.. ` ill; 1.4) f r 1 �, `1V V-1.Nc 'W- ! ,t"�, a �4 =Q v.'�r. e a_ \ • pi- .' I / VVV4 .n. a. '*: AT�,+9'�� ,- `4� �' '''' , i r. 2' .ay. J 1,�+ .l ( i. \ \ • �,{- /+ �� � ' •. S •• N,d��l�� �d.Ytf!._. 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I z —T •� riFr _ I .r 0 WI O N CO pp Ocis 4 n O c4 Q+ O Cl cil O CCIQ UN Resolution No.00-79 Page 6 EXHIBIT"C" This page reserved for the approved City Council motion. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA00-078 -1/1 Page 6 Surrounding Property Owners Mirage Car Wash v - I 7 I I ir 16 - 4 5 ereREFWINAR- 8 1' r 15 1 14 `1 12 11 10 9 1 12 ( TIAlFKITPJ IIII 11V-Iggil . IPSOWWI Property Owner Zoning Land Use Designation Acreage 1. M.Hall 1. "AG" 1. Mixed Use 1. 1.03 acres 2. C. Hill 2. "I-1" 2. Industrial 2. 1.09 acres 3. Davis Industrial Partners 3. "S-P-1" 3. Industrial 3. 0.76 acres 4. GWWC Investments 4. "I-1" 4. Industrial 4. 0.62 acres 5. E. Hughes 5. "I-1" 5. Industrial 5. 0.58 acres 6. R. Stoltz 6. "I-1" 6. Industrial 6. 0.58 acres 7. R.Van Horne 7. "I-1" 7. Industrial 7. 0.84 acres 8. Administrator-US Small 8. "I-1" 8. Industrial 8. 2.84 acres Bus Adm 9. L. Kane 9. "S-P-1" 9. Office Commercial 9. 3.00 acres 10. L.Overby 10."SF-30" 10.Office Commercial 10.0.94 acres 11. K.Harlan 11."AG" 11. Office Commercial 11.2.70 acres 12. R.Woods 12. "C-2" 12. Retail Commercial 12.0.55 acres 13.R. Woods 13."C-3" 13. Retail Commercial 13. 1.23 acres 14.1R.Woods 14."S-P-1" 14. Retail Commercial 14. 3.28 acres 15.Northeast Baptist Church 15."AG" 15.Mixed Use 15. 2.00 acres 16. H.White 16. "AG" 16. Mixed Use 16. 3.87 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00-078.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment G ZA00-078 7A Page 1 REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-078 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Specific Use Permit per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (37) for Mirage Car Wash for the operation of a full service car wash subject to the conditions established in Resolution No. 95-20 with the addition of a shade structure on property legally described as Lot 2, T. J. Thompson No. 1502 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas,according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2657, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas,being approximately 2.00 acres. A Site Plan will be considered with this request. The property is located at 955 North Davis Boulevard being located on the east side of Davis Boulevard (F. M. 1938) approximately 200' south of Greenbriar Drive. The request is being submitted by the Applicant, Dr. Gene E. White. The Owner of the property is Mirage Car Wash, Ltd. The Current Zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, July 6, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-078 I am Sin favor of) (opposed to)( ndecided abo e request for the following reasons: 6 1,Y .( //f„. z-e��i f G GCrG' T2•?:'f Gtf �v� v , ��c ti t v r�2c?G 4-0,7 �� ^/ � y. .✓ ✓ciC;t-;iJ'vC GL SIGNATURE: , ' �� '` ' (Please Print Name) ADDRESS: � �C� � ��G=� .= REu JUN 91 0 2000 PHONE: -i/ >�� y!�'�C= /T'c 76.o .s7 CW s ' US NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VAMAIGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIAMMhment H ZA 00-07$ 7A Page 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE • NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-078 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed for a Specific Use Permit per Zoning Ordinance No.480, Section 45.1 (37) for Lot 2, T.J. Thompson No. 1502 Addition, for the operation of a full service car wash subject to the conditions established in Resolution No. 95-20 with the addition of a shade structure. A Site Plan for Mirage Car Wash will be considered with this request. The property is located at 955 North Davis Boulevard. The Current Zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake City Council on Tuesday, August 15, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFE CE"N@::�ZA 00-078 (#2) I am -(in favor of) _Opposed to) (undecided about) the request for the following reasons: / - 4/ fr o4e' , *45 tr SIGNATURE: l" �-:.n (Please Print Name) 1{-)a,%/1 �` x---- 0 V`elr'/ / ADDRESS: u✓a. -h- c . PHONE: 1-4:2.,4 117--. 3 CD ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA 00-01 b 7A Page 2- t 1 thlake City of South lake Department of Planning STAFF REPORT August 11, 2000 PROJECT: Noise Ordinance Amendment ORDINANCE NO: 480-KK REQUEST: Consider an amendment to Ordinance No. 480, intended to remove the general noise regulations from the zoning ordinance and replace them with appropriate references to Ordinance No. 778. ACTION NEEDED: Consideration of Second Reading, Ordinance No. 480-KK. ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Ordinance No. 480-KK STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy (Ext. 743). Ordinance No. Agenda Item 480-KK 7B City of Southlake, Texas I MEMORANDUM August 7, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, ext. 743 Art Wright, Zoning Assistant, ext. 828 SUBJECT: Second Reading, Ordinance No. 480-KK, regarding noise provisions in the Zoning Ordinance Action Requested: Consideration of proposed Ordinance No. 480-KK regarding noise regulations in the zoning ordinance. Background Information: The Building Department proposes Noise Ordinance No. 778 to replace the current noise/nuisance ordinance. The purpose of the new ordinance is to establish measurable and enforceable criteria with respect to noise to provide for the protection of the residents and the enjoyment of their property from auditory nuisances. As a result of these changes, an amendment of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is necessary to remove the general noise regulations from the zoning ordinance and replace them with appropriate references to Ordinance No. 778. Legal Reviews: The City Attorney's office has reviewed the current draft. Financial Considerations: Not applicable. Alternatives: May recommend such changes or conditions to the ordinance as deemed appropriate. Supporting Documents: Draft 2 of proposed Ordinance No. 480-KK which reflects the change recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, creating a new Section 2 of this amendment. Staff Recommendation: Present to the City Council on August 15, 2000 for consideration. Ordinance No. Agenda Item Attachment A 480-KK 7B Page 1 City of Southlake, Texas P&Z Action: July 20, 2000; Recommended approval (6-0) subject to amending Section 25.5 "Development Regulations for the B-2, Commercial Manufacturing adding in the noise provision found in Section 1 of this amendment. Council Action: August 1, 2000; Approved (4-0), Pt Reading on consent. Ordinance No. Agenda Item Attachment A 480-KK 7B Page 2 • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-KK AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.480,AS AMENDED,THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; REVISING CERTAIN PROVISIONS REGARDING NOISE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code, and, WHEREAS, the City has adopted Ordinance No. 480, as amended, as the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is appropriate and in the best interest of the City to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of its residents by amending Ordinance No. 480 as provided herein; and WHEREAS, the City Council has given published notice and held public hearings with respect to the amendment of the zoning ordinance as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Sectiofs 24.10, 26.8, and 27.8 of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, are hereby amended by revising paragraph(a) thereof, respectively, to read as follows: "a. Noise. All uses or activities conducted within this zoning classification shall conform to the maximum noise levels and requirements of the current noise Ordinance No. Agenda Item Attachment B 480-KK 7B Page 1 • ordinance, as amended." SECTION 2. Section 25.5 of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is hereby amended by adding paragraph (j) thereof to read as follows: "j. Noise. All uses or activities conducted within this zoning classification shall conform to the maximum noise levels and requirements of the current noise ordinance, as amended." SECTION 3. Section 40.4c of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is hereby amended by revising paragraph 4 thereof to read as follows: "4. The impact of noise, glare from vehicular or stationary lights, or any other applicable performance standards on adjacent properties, as determined by any reports or studies which may be reasonably required to determine compliance with these applicable performance standards." • SECTION 4. Section 43.13 of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is hereby amended by revising paragraph (j), to read as follows: "j. Noise: Noise levels shall comply with the requirements of the current noise ordinance, as amended." SECTION 5. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is hereby amended by deleting the definition of decibel. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. Ordinance No. Agenda Item Attachment B 480-KK 7B Page 2 SECTION 7. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 8. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 9. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning yard regulations which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 10. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this Ordinance No. Agenda Item Attachment B 480-KK 7B Page 3 ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. SECTION 11. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance or its caption and penalty in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after final passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 12. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its date of passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY Ordinance No. Agenda Item Attachment B 480-KK 7B Page 4 PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: Ordinance No. Agenda Item Attachment B 480-KK 7B Page 5 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 • TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Garland Wilson, Director of Public Safety(Ext. 730) SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 778, 2"d Reading, Amending Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake by adding Article III to define certain noises to be a nuisance and prohibit them. Action Requested: City Council consideration on second reading of proposed Ordinance No. 778. Background Information: This ordinance was originally adopted in June 1988 as a"nuisance" ordinance. During the past several years, the city responded to several noise complaint situations and both the police services and code enforcement experienced some difficulty in resolving the complaints for several reasons under the existing ordinance. The Southlake Department of Public Safety conducted extensive research, including contacting the Rutgers Noise Technical Assistance Center, • located in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University. In the development of this ordinance, we incorporated both objective standards and subjective provisions within the ordinance to maximize the application and enforcement capabilities. The ordinance was presented to all of the SPIN representatives, senior citizens group, P&Z and other citizens for their input. At the August 1, 2000 meeting of the City Council, one citizen spoke and requested a lowering of the decibel levels and inclusion of limits on "boom- boxes." Council directed that the decibel levels be lowered by 5 decibels for daytime residential and commercial and dropped to 47 for nighttime residential. Those changes are reflected in this version. Council also requested a matrix to reflect the provisions of a variety of other jurisdictions' ordinances on decibel levels and times of day. That matrix is attached. Staff indicated that additional measurements throughout the City would be taken and that information provided to Council, and we are currently undertaking those readings. Financial Considerations: Not Applicable • 7C-1 Billy Campbell August 11, 2000 Page 2 Citizen Input/ Board Review: We submitted a draft copy to all of the SPIN groups, with SPIN #13 returning commentary in support of the draft as originally written. We also received input from the Seniors group indicating support of the draft as originally written. We have discussed the general issues with several persons in Myers Meadows as a result of the recent Tetco noise complaint. Some residents adjacent to the Tetco property have submitted a letter requesting a lowering of the allowable decibel levels and to establish hours of noise levels. A copy has also been forwarded to DFW Airport at their request. This item was also presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at the July 20, 2000 meeting with a request for three changes that were incorporated in the first draft submitted to Council on August 1, 2000. No other group input has been received. Not subject to any other Board review. Legal Review: This ordinance was reviewed by City Attorney D'Ann Drennan, who has approved the ordinance under consideration by City Council. Alternatives: Not Applicable Supporting Documents: Ordinance 778 Staff Recommendation: Place Ordinance No. 778 on the August 15, 2000 City Council meeting agenda for second reading. GW/mwj 7C-2 ORDINANCE NO. 778 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BY ADDING ARTICLE III TO DEFINE CERTAIN NOISES TO BE A NUISANCE AND PROHIBITING THEM; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; REPEALING ORDINANCE NOS. 306, 424, AND 435; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the city council recognizes that some noises are of such volume, intensity or duration as to constitute a danger to the physical health of persons or a breach of the peace, quiet, and solitude to which citizens are entitled; and WHEREAS, the city council declares such noises to be a nuisance and desires to prohibit such nuisances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION (a) That Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by adding Article III, which shall read as follows: "III. NOISE NUISANCES. Sec. 11-60. Definitions. All terms not defined in this Article shall be in conformance with the applicable publications of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or its successor body. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. (1) A-weighted Sound Level means the sound pressure level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter using the A-weighted network. The sound pressure level so read is designated in dB(A) or dBA. (2) Clearly Audible means sound that can be heard without the assistance of any device. M\DOCUMENT\ORDINANCE\NOISE ORDINANCE 08-07-00 DRAFT Page 1 7C-3 (3) Commercial means property used for purposes other than residential or agricultural regardless of whether the property has a commercial zoning designation. (4) Construction means any phase of the on-site erection or removal, including, but not limited to, excavation, demolition, alteration or repair of any building or structure conducted on that site. (5) Daytime means the daylight hours from one-half hour before sunrise to one- half hour after sunset with exact times of sunrise and sunset as designated by the U.S. Naval Observatory for this regional time zone. (6) Decibel (dB) means a unit of sound pressure level on a logarithmic scale measured relative to the threshold of audible sound by the human ear, in compliance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard S 1.1-1960, or the successor thereto. (7) Director means the Director of the Southlake Department of Public Safety or the Director's authorized representative. (8) Governmental entity means any department, board, committee, or unit of the school districts within the City of Southlake, the Southlake municipal government, or the State of Texas or the federal government, including but not limited to the school board, joint-use committee, city council, planning & zoning commission, park board, SPIN committees, and city departments. (9) Immediate Vicinity means any distance within 100 feet of the noise source, or any area within the property line of the parcel or lot upon which the source of noise is emanating, whichever is the greater distance from the noise source (10) Nighttime means the dark hours from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise with exact times of sunrise and sunset as designated by the U.S. Naval Observatory for this regional time zone. (11) Noise means any sound which annoys or disturbs humans or which causes or tends to cause an adverse psychological or physiological effect on humans. (12) Person means any individual, corporation, business or other entity. (13) Repetitive incident of noise means a recurrence of any sound from the same source which repeats itself three or more times per day, whether at routine cyclical periods or random periods. (14) Residential means any property used for temporary or permanent dwelling purposes. (15) Sound means the weighted sound pressure level obtained by the use of a sound level meter and frequency weighting network as specified in ANSI M\DOCUMENT\ORDINANCE\NOISE ORDINANCE 08-07-00 DRAFT Page 2 7C-4 specifications for sound level meters. When the frequency weighting employed is not indicated, the A-weighting shall apply. (16) Sound pressure means the instantaneous difference between the actual pressure and the average or barometric pressure at a given point in space, as produced by sound energy. (17) Sound pressure level means 20 times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of the RMS sound pressure to the reference pressure of twenty (20) micropascals. This Sound Pressure Level is expressed in Decibels. Sec. 11-61. Offenses. (a) Tampering with Sound Instrument. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or render inaccurate or inoperative any sound level meter or any similar monitoring instrument or device positioned for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Article. It shall be unlawful for any person to provide false readings of any sound instrument. (b) Noise Nuisance. A person shall not create, assist in creating, permit or continue any excessive or unnecessary noise of a volume, intensity, or duration that is clearly audible and disturbs, annoys, or endangers the calm, comfort, quiet, repose, health, peace or safety of persons of ordinary sensibilities beyond the immediate vicinity of the noise. Such noise shall be a violation of this Article. (c) Prima Facie Violation. The following acts of noise are prima facie evidence of a violation of this Article: (1) Permitting an unreasonably loud, harsh, or prolonged sounding of any horn, alarm, or other signal device on any vehicle, unless: (i) necessary to ensure safe operation as authorized by state law, or (ii) caused by mechanical failure beyond the operator's control and the operator takes all reasonable measures to stop the noise made by the horn, alarm, or other device. (2) Playing or use of any sound producing or amplifying device, speaker, or instrument, including a musical instrument, in such a manner or in such loud volume or intensity, at any time or place, so as to disturb, destroy, or endanger the peace, comfort, repose, or rest of persons of ordinary sensibilities beyond the immediate vicinity of the noise or disturbance or when such noise exceeds the dBA levels shown in Table 1. (3) Creating a loud noise or disturbance in or with a motor vehicle or any appurtenance to such vehicle, including without limitation, a bed, trailer, or other equipment connected in any manner to the vehicle, so as to disturb, destroy, endanger the peace, comfort, repose or rest of persons of ordinary sensibilities beyond the immediate vicinity of the source of the noise. (4) Operating a motor vehicle that is not equipped with a muffler in good working order and in use at all times. M\DOCUMENT\ORDINANCE\NOISE ORDINANCE 08-07-00 DRAFT Page 3 7C-5 (5) Using any mechanical device operated by compressed air, unless the noise is effectively muffled and reduced to the dBA levels shown in Table 1. (6) Permitting any loud, harsh, or prolonged sounding of any burglar or fire alarm or other distress signal on any dwelling, commercial building, or other premises, unless: (a) authorized by law, or (b) caused by mechanical failure beyond the operator's control and the operator takes all reasonable measures to stop the noise made by the alarm or other device. (7) Operating any heavy equipment, machinery or apparatus used in any exterior or outdoor construction, repair, remodeling, demolition, drilling, excavation, grading, earth moving, paving, cement laying or pouring, or other work of any nature during the nighttime or anytime on Sunday within 1,000 feet of any residential property, unless otherwise indicated in 11-62 exceptions. (8) Creating any loud or raucous noise within 1,000 lineal feet of any school building or court that is in session or adjacent to any hospital building or similar care facility, provided that conspicuous signs located on the premises identify the premises. (9) Operating, as a part of any business, any equipment or machinery, including, but not limited to, combustion engines, fans, blowers, grinders, welders, loaders, washers, winches, lifts, and hoists, whether independent or attached to a motor vehicle, during the nighttime within 1,000 lineal feet of any residential dwelling which equipment or machinery is clearly audible and disturbs, annoys, or endangers the calm, comfort, quiet, repose, health, peace or safety of persons of a reasonable and prudent person of ordinary sensibilities. (10) Discharging into the open air the exhaust of any steam engine, stationary internal combustion engine, or motor vehicle engine or boat engine, except through a muffler or other device which will effectively prevent loud or explosive noises therefrom. (11) Conducting any commercial or industrial trash or waste pickup within 1,000 lineal feet of any residential dwelling during the nighttime. (12) Playing or permitting the playing of any sound amplification system, including, but not limited to , any radio, tape player, compact disc player, loud speaker, or any other electrical device including "boom-boxes" in a motor vehicle on any public or private property in such a manner that the sound is clearly audible or which generates perceptible base tone vibrations more than fifty feet (50') from the vehicle. (1312)Conducting or permitting any activity that produces a dBA level beyond the immediate vicinity that exceeds the dBA levels specified in Table 1. M\DOCUMENT\ORDINANCE\NOISE ORDINANCE 08-07-00 DRAFT Page 4 7C-6 TABLE 1 PRIMA FACIE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NOISE LEVELS Property receiving sound Daytime Nighttime Sundays Residential 5560 dBA 4755 dBA 55 dBA Commercial 6570 dBA 6065 dBA 65 dBA Sec. 11-62. Exceptions. The following activities are exempt from the provisions of this Article: (1) Emergency work immediately necessary to restore property to a safe condition following a fire, accident or natural disaster, to restore public utilities, or to protect persons or property from imminent danger; (2) Sounds made to alert persons to the existence of an emergency, an imminent danger, or an attempted crime; (3) Parades, concerts, festivals, fairs or similar activities specifically approved by the City Council or sponsored by or on behalf of a governmental body; (4) Athletic, musical, or cultural activities or events, including practices and rehearsals, conducted by or under the auspices of public or private schools; (5) Sound created by animals or livestock kept or maintained by persons on agriculturally zoned parcels where such animal or livestock is a part of an bonafide agricultural operation; (6) Sounds created while conducting yard work or lawn maintenance during the daytime, including, but not limited to, lawn mowing, leaf blowing, brush clearing, and use of chain saws; (7) Sounds created as a part of new construction, remodeling or maintenance activities on a building or structure during the daytime, excluding Sundays; or new construction, remodeling or maintenance activities indoors on Sunday during the daytime and which do not produce any clearly audible noise outside of the immediate vicinity. (8) Sounds authorized under a temporary noise exemption permit as provided in this Article; (9) Sounds created during construction, maintenance, or repairs conducted by or on behalf of a governmental entity providing basic utility services or roadway projects approved by the City Council; M\DOCUMENT\ORDINANCE\NOISE ORDINANCE 08-07-00 DRAFT Page 5 7C-7 (10) Sounds created by agricultural operations when such operations are related to activities directly associated with agricultural business, including raking, baling, plowing, planting, harvesting, milking, feeding, and mowing; and (11) Sounds created by typical roadway noises from traffic flow.Sec. 11-63. Temporary Noise Exemption Permits (a) Permit generally. A person may apply for a permit to engage in any activity that creates a noise that would otherwise constitute a nuisance or be a violation of this Article. A person must apply in writing to the Director at least ten calendar days prior to the requested issuance date and time, unless the Director determines that unforeseeable circumstances justify a shorter amount of time. (b) Application for permit. The application for a permit shall be on a form prescribed by the Director and must include the following: (1) the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant for both daytime and nighttime contact; (2) a description of the type, duration, and location of the noise, specifically including the date and time the noise will occur; (3) the reason the noise level is expected to exceed the provisions of this Article; (4) the name, if different from the applicant, of the owner of the property on which the noise will occur and a written letter of permission from the owner and any tenants or other persons occupying the property from which the noise will occur; (5) a statement from the applicant that all property owners within 200" lineal feet to the property upon which the noise originates will be provided written notification within 24 hours of making the application of their right to respond directly to the Director to voice support or opposition to the application; and (6) a copy of the notification(s) sent to any such property owners. (c) Filing fee. A filing fee must be submitted with the application for a permit, in an amount prescribed in a fee schedule adopted by the City Council, or $25 in the absence of such fee schedule. No such fees shall be assessed to any governmental entity or any person conducting activities on behalf of the governmental entity. (d) Duration of permit. The duration of such permit shall not exceed two (2) calendar days. (e) Grounds for granting or denying permit. In determining whether to grant or deny the permit, the Director may consider the following factors, among others: (1) the safety of the persons that will be subjected to the noise, whether voluntarily or involuntarily; (2) the number of persons that will be involuntarily subjected to the noise; (3) the reasonableness of the time, place, and manner of the noise and the duration of the noise; and (4) any other factors necessary to determine the impact on the public health or M\DOCUMENT\ORDINANCE\NOISE ORDINANCE 08-07-00 DRAFT Page 6 7C-8 safety and the disruption of the peace that the noise may cause. (f) Notice of Director's decision. The Director shall, within five calendar days following the date of the application, notify the applicant of the Director's decision either to grant or deny the permit. If the Director denies the permit, the Director shall state the reasons for the denial in a written notice provided to the applicant. If the Director grants the permit, the Director may place reasonable time, place, and other restrictions on the activity authorized by the permit. (g) Appeal. Upon receiving such notice from the Director, the applicant may appeal the Director's decision, including restrictions placed on the activity authorized by the permit, to the city manager. Within one working day of receiving the appeal, the city manager shall consider the application, the basis of denial, or any restrictions placed on issuance of the permit. Based on standards stated in subsection (e) of this section, the city manager may: (1) uphold the decision of the Director; (2) approve or deny the issuance of the permit as applied for; or (3) modify or delete restrictions placed on the permit. (h) Permit. The permit shall be in a form prescribed by the Director and shall be displayed in the immediate vicinity of the source of the noise at all times during the commission of the noise. The permit shall include the following: (1) the date and time that the permit shall begin and end; (2) the name of the permit holder and who will be generating the noise; (3) a description of the basic nature of the noise; (4) the specific location of the noise; and (5) any special limitations or restrictions placed on the permit. Sec. 11-64. Variances. The City Council may authorize a variance to any restriction set forth in this Article or any other aspect involved in the permitting process. Before granting a variance, the City Council must determine that a literal enforcement of this Article would create an unnecessary hardship or a practical difficulty on the applicant, that the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed, that the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties, and that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this Article. A person may request a variance from this Article by filing the request with the City Secretary. Any request for variance shall be accompanied by a completed application and a non-refundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by City Council, or $100 in the absence of such fee schedule. M\DOCUMENT\ORDINANCE\NOISE ORDINANCE 08-07-00 DRAFT Page 7 7C-9 SECTION 2 REPEAL Ordinance Nos. 306, 424 and 435 are hereby repealed in their entirety. SECTION 3 CUMULATIVE This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinance, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 4 SEVERABLE It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and section of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 5 PENALTY Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense related to public health and sanitation, and Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for any other offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6 SAVINGS All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provision of any other ordinances affecting nuisances caused by noise that have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 7 PUBLICATION The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice sitting out the time and M\DOCUMENT\ORDINANCE\NOISE ORDINANCE 08-07-00 DRAFT Page 8 7C-10 place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance or its caption and penalty in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 8 EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. M\DOCUMENT\ORDINANCE\NOISE ORDINANCE 08-07-00 DRAFT Page 9 7C-11 PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 2000 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney M\DOCUMENT\ORDINANCE\NOISE ORDINANCE 08-07-00 DRAFT Page 10 7C-12 Noise Ordinance Comparison Matrix — August 2000 City Day/Night Hrs Residential dB Commercial dB Special Notations/Comments Day/Night Business/Industry ston, Tx lam— l Opm 65 / 58 68/68 ocui Antonio,Tx 6am— l 1pm 63 /63 70/72 Non-disturbance phrase El Paso, Tx 7am— 10pm 55 / 50 (note) 65 / 70 Based on 30 minute average time. Add+5dB for impulse noise If ambient greater, dB increases St. Paul, Minn 7am— l0pm 65 /55 70/ 80 Albuquerque,NM lam— 10pm 60/50 (note) 60/ 50 (note) Measured inside structure If ambient greater, dB increases New York,NY 7am— 10pm 60/50 low dens 70/70 Average measurement over 1 hr. 65 /55 high dens (note) Anchorage, Alk * 7am— 10pm 60/50 70/ 80 Madison, Wis. 7am—7pm 75 /70 80/ 80 Non-disturbance phrase Max 75dB commercial if residential adjacency Phoenix 7am— 11pm N/A N/A Non-disturbance phrase Los Angeles, Ca 7am— 10pm 50/40 (note) 60/65 (note) Numbers represent anticipated ambient noise. Actual allowable is ambient plus 5 dB. Boston, Mass 7am— l 1pm 70/ 50 70/70 Non-disturbance phrase Malibu, Ca 7am— 10pm N/A N/A Non-disturbance phrase c^„ Diego, Ca 7am— 10pm 50/45 low dens 65 /75 (note) Average measurement over 1 hr. 60/50 high dens (note) Denver, Co * 7am— 10pm 55 /50 65 / 80 Public property 75 day 70 night Buffalo,NY 7am—9pm (note) (note) Ambient+5dB is violation Miami, Fl 7am— 10pm 60/55 (note) 70/75 Average measured over 24 hours Martin Co. Fl * 7am—9pm 60/55 70/80 Atlanta, Ga 7am— 10pm N/A N/A Non-disturbance phrase Indianapolis, Ind 7am— 1 1pm N/A N/A Non-disturbance phrase Charlott,N.C. * 9am-9pm(note) 55 /50 (note) N/A Decibel level for radio only Ogunqult, Maine* 7am— 10pm 55 /45 (note) 60/60 (note) Scale allowed to increase 10dB if noise doesn't exceed 15 min daily Grand Haven,Mi* 7am— 10pm 65 / 55 70/ 70 • Indicates ordinances considered in initial review The term"non-disturbance phrase"indicates ordinance has statement generally making it a violation for any unreasonable noise that disturbs a person. Of the 19 listed with decibel levels, 11 are at 60 or greater for residential property. The following cities were also reviewed but had no specific time element,no decibel level standards,and consisted primarily of a non- disturbance phrase or other issues not suitable for comparison:Long Beach,NY;Farmers Branch,Tx*; St.Augustine,Fl;Detroit,Mich; Minneapolis,Minn; Jacksonville,Fl;San Jose,Ca;Tucson,Az*;Charlotte,NC*;Cinncinnati,Oh;Cleveland,Oh;Nashville,Tn;Austin,Tx; Tx.* 7C-13 _ �- Cityof Southlake - OutN• e Department of Planning STAFF REPORT August 11, 2000 CASE NO: ZA99-139 PROJECT: 114 Hillside Square REQUEST: 114 Kimball Square, Ltd., is requesting approval of a site plan for a retail/restaurant redevelopment project and S-P-1 zoning ACTION NEEDED: 1. Conduct public hearing 2. Consider second reading of rezoning request and site plan ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information (D) Site Plan Review Summary (E) Public Works Memorandum (F) Articulation Review Summary (G) Tree Preservation Analysis (H) Ordinance No. 480-332 (I) Surrounding Property Owner Map (J) Letters from Neighboring Property Owners (K) Blue line plan copies (for Council Members Only) STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy (Ext. 743) Dennis Killough (Ext. 787) Case No. Agenda Item ZA99-139 7D BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER/APPLICANT: 114 Kimball Square, Ltd. PROPERTY SITUATION: This is an existing retail strip center west of Shady Lane at S.H. 114. The property is currently zoned C-3, and bounded by C-3 properties to the east and west. The property to the north is developed with single family residences, zoned SF-1 A. The owner is proposing to give the center a "face-lift" while adding approximately 4,000 square feet. The southern most driveway on Shady Lane and the driveway on S. H. 114 are existing. HISTORY: This site has been in existence for several years. The following is a brief history: • SUP (ZA84-029)renewal of permit for the sale of off premises packaged beer was denied in June, 1984 (records indicate the zoning was Light Commercial) • SUP (ZA86-050) for the sale of off premises packaged beer was approved in September, 1986, under new ownership (records indicate the zoning was Heavy Commercial) • C-3 zoning placed on the property in September of 1989 • Plat showing was filed in May, 2000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 1B3, Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, involving 1.4677 acres LAND USE CATEGORY: Retail Commercial CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District REQUESTED ZONING: "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses NOTICES: Seven (7) notices were sent In Favor Opposed Undecided Attached Letters with Comments Within 200 Notification Area 1 1 Outside 200 Notification area P&Z SPEAKERS In Favor Qualified In Favor Opposed Other 5 Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA99-139 7D Page 1 P&Z ACTION: March 9, 2000; Denied (5-0). COUNCIL ACTION: July 18, 2000: Approved(6-1) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated 7/14/00 with all requested variances, but with the understanding that the applicant will provide by 2nd Reading better defined elevations, take efforts to further reduce the parking, determine the percentage of landscaped area within the S. H. 114 right-of-way, provide a landscaping plan for the site, adding additional landscape in the northeast corner adjacent to Shady Lane. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 6, dated August 11, 2000. The following is a summary of the variances the applicant is seeking: • Provide bufferyards as required by Section 42 (RE: 42.3 Location, 42.42.4 Determination of Buffervard Requirements, 42.10 Use of Bufferyards). A variance may be granted to this requirement as set forth in Section 42.15a. • Provide interior landscape areas and plantings as required by Landscape Ordinance 544-A, Section 3.3. A variance may be granted to this requirement as set forth in Section 12.2 of the Landscape Ordinance. • Provide driveways as required by the Driveway Ordinance No. 634 (RE: Section 5.1 Design Standards, Section 5.2.d Required Internal Storage, Section 5.2.c Driveways Prohibited). The Council may grant variances to the Driveway Ordinance as set forth in Section 8.2. • Provide the minimum building setback on Shady Lane (RE: Section 22.5.b Front Yard and Section 43.9c2a Building Setbacks). The Council may grant variances with a change of zoning to an S-P-1 Site Plan District as set forth in Section 31.3. • Maximum impervious coverage shall not exceed 75% (RE: Section 22.5.k). The Council may grant variances with a change of zoning to an S-P-1 Site Plan District as set forth in Section 31.3. • Provide articulation as required in Section 43.13.d. A variance may be granted to this requirement as set forth in Section 43.9b. • Relocate the dumpster away from the residential property (Section 43.13.g). A variance may be granted to this requirement as set forth in Section 43.9.b. • Provide minimum parking spaces (RE: Section 35.5 & 6). Council may grant variances to the parking regulations up to 10% as set forth in Section 43.9.b. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA99-139 7D Page 2 The issues raised at P&Z included drainage concerns from neighboring property owners, multiple variances, and tree issues, noted in the Landscape Administrator's review. Following the P&Z meeting, the applicant obtained a Professional Engineer to evaluate the drainage and grading of the site, please see memorandum from Charlie Thomas, City Engineer. This plan was revised from that submitted to the Commission by reducing the amount of square feet, increasing the bufferyards and reducing the parking. The applicant is seeking S-P-1 zoning due to the unique conditions of the property. The applicant also provided a list of uses which may be eliminated from the allowed "C-3" uses. Please see the list provided with your blue line copies. Due to the recommendation for denial by P&Z, a super majority vote of approval is needed. The applicant has provided additional exhibits, as requested by Council at 1st Reading. These include line of site drawings showing the view looking from the residential property to the north toward the building, details of the fence along the north property line, landscape plan, and information regarding right-of-way areas. The applicant increased the amount of interior landscape area from 5,560 s.f. to 5,931 by eliminating two parking spaces in the northeast corner of the lot. The plan illustrates there is 8,497 s.f. of landscaping (open area) within the S.H. 114 and Shady Lane rights-of-way. See the Landscape Administrator's comments for the landscape plan. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\99CASES\99-139ZSnew.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA99-139 7D Page 3 Vicinity Map 114 Hillside Square inac eilin ..rolwsoN .. E __1 - Km 1 pi . MN MAR 1 II■ I 1 ■ H 1111/111 1111111/1 1111 PLMIRJIMI In* MIME A r ......4644 —2— • isillit.,., .a, _0•11,...P ,„,,,,.... „.„., Rof ..a...... ,2"14; ,...,..., womilIIII mill la IM■::::11= 1 ZAA ' !'IE�,Ialii CITY OF GRAPEVINE '-;II MI I mumwerailla l nuiniva,asr____\, s Wilip ft.s.,(_______:- E4STO in it ...„ 1,911v______1. _ _,_ flF-1-1 OM ow* ii op lb '.1 ""%Nam I . ............. .,, ......;... ..,„,.. '4%::, °ISA.7,7.MMIr W\ No 00*- wig liklik 1 . 0-11"\. • N Pk let LL 11 (r.,,,,,dmiii E r1y�`{1111, ii. • -�� " I 1 Ilan1,1..: irgA.rr�rr.rrl(I�\1.�. ..r rr rr r r�� up _ / iillik �0► r - L.Ir 1r04t, zirriiiir 2000 0 2000 Feet u.. . 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RN., m i." cniAviisipj/�'�/4lfi�9A. �If� f h%i � R --- - '' J,,, ,3`�,t t. asp �`�i° � 'r-- \��+C.� ,c.�,, I M ,„, . k•A �E 3 Ira PO5 Sr? Ca .......E. STATE __. •, 114 ""101i�wv' f. .tell Trinhmn .0 eD 1/00 v"r xattE Sir- ,p` N uNmr °� MATISEP.O.REALTY COMPANY Mr.John 204.ha.l.Cann«r "• PZ IJGM PoNL BMCAAY ,.Mannar Erp.amoa. W.BWuNwheerl n IT NORM PBUPPNrT'/L g P.O.BOX 122CB .,ln In.Nights-of r.r,hare horn confirmed __ DA(214)TEX 75225 that �m.0 rRfaNr InMxgcn 363-8504 N.No n 4 referenced property is the..lne•ine CA.S6 NO. '— z•AT_:n t.nen pet rtn 'rioo,E.°.a•,ov. AUGj� 99TAYY-19D m, v..w 2 Ile aeg ryN,l-a-..r e ��!'1�U V G��o SHEET (� 1 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA 99-139 Review No: Six Date of Review: 08/11/00 Project Name: Site Plan— 114 Hillside Square APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: 114 Kimball Square,Ltd. D.E. Ritter Architects P.O. Box 12248 14465 Webb Chapel, Suite 219 Dallas,TX 75225 Dallas, TX 75234 Phone: (214)363-8504 Phone: (972)243-8500 Fax: (214)351-5257 Attn: Dan Matise Fax: (972)243-2326 Attn.D.Ritter CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 8/04/2000 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 862. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations Y See Comment No. 5 Residential Adjacency Y See Comment No.6 Building Articulation Y See Comments No. 5 Masonry Standards Y Complies Impervious Coverage Y See Comment No.4 Bufferyards Y See Comment No. 1 Interior Landscape Y See Comment No. 1 Driveways Y See Comments No.2 Lighting Y Note on plan indicates compliance. 1. The following changes are needed regarding landscaping and bufferyards: a. Bufferyards shall be located within and along the outer perimeter of a lot or boundary line (RE: Section 42.3). This plan proposes no bufferyard along the east property line and variable width bufferyard along the south property line. (Variance Requested) b. Relocate parking spaces outside of the bufferyards (RE.• Section 42.10). In no event shall the following uses be permitted in a bufferyard: parking facilities, or trash dumpsters. There are existing parking spaces located in the south bufferyard along S.H. 114.(Variance Requested) c. Provide the minimum 7,350 square feet of interior landscaping (RE: Section 42.42.4). This plan proposes 5,931 square feet of interior landscaping, a deficiency of 1,419 square feet. (Variance Requested) Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA 99-139 7D Page 1 d. At Council's request the applicant has reduced the number of parking spaces by two and increased the interior landscape area by 371 s.f., correct the numbers in the chart to reflect this change. e. Provide the minimum number of plantings in the required bufferyards (RE: Section 42.10). This plan proposes some reductions as noted in the charts. (Variance Requested) 2. The following changes are needed regarding driveways ingressing and egressing the site according to the Driveway Ordinance No. 634: a. Section 5.2.c of Driveway Ordinance No. 634 prohibits commercial, multi-family and service driveways on collector or local streets unless the tract or lot has no other public access (RE: Section 5.2.c). This plan shows a driveway on S.H. 114 and two additional commercial driveways on Shady Lane, which is a local street. (Variance Requested) b. Provide the minimum 100' distance between the southernmost driveway on Shady Lane and S.H. 114 (RE: Section 5.1). This plan shows a distance of approximately 57 feet. (Variance Requested) c. Provide the minimum 100' distance between driveways on Shady Lane (RE: Section 5.1). This plan proposes a driveway that is 61 feet from an existing driveway, north of this site. (Variance Requested) d. Provide the minimum stacking depth of 50' for all drives within this development(RE:Section 5.2.d). This plan shows approximately 24', 8', and 2' of stacking. (Variance Requested) 3. Provide a minimum 30' building setback adjacent to Shady Lane (RE: Section 22.5.b & 43.9.c.2.a). This plan proposes a 5' building line. (Variance Requested) 4. Provide a maximum of 75% of impervious coverage (RE: Section 22.5.k). The proposed site appears to exceed the maximum permitted impervious coverage area percentage of 75% for the"C-3" Zoning District. The impervious coverage area percentage of this is approximately 80%. (Variance Requested) 5. Provide horizontal and vertical articulation meeting the requirements of Ordinance 480, Section 43.9.c.1.c. on all facades visible from a Corridor R.O.W. and/or any portion of the building within 400' of a property zoned or designated residential. Compliance is as shown on the attached charts. (Variance Requested) 6. No dumpster shall be located within 50' of residential property (RE: Section 43.13.g). This dumpster is approximately 42' from the residential property to the north. Relocate the dumpster. (Variance Requested; Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA 99-139 7D Page 2 7. The following changes are needed regarding parking: a. Provide the required number of parking spaces(91)(RE:Section 35.5& 6). This plan proposes a reduction of 9 spaces to 82. This reduction is within the 10% reduction allowed by Ordinance 480, Section 43.9 b. (Variance Requested) b. Correct the number of parking spaces provided on the north side of the building from 11 to 10 and from 25 to 24. P&Z Action: Denied(5-0) on March 9, 2000 CC Ft Reading: Approved (7-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated 7/14/00 with all requested variances, but with the understanding that the applicant will provide by 2nd Reading better defined elevations, take efforts to further reduce the parking, determine the percentage of landscaped area within the S. H. 114 right-of-way, provide a landscaping plan for the site, adding additional landscape in the northeast corner adjacent to Shady Lane. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * It appears that this property lies within the 65 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone and will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * Denotes Informational Comment att: Articulation Evaluation Chart cc: Dan Matise, 114 Kimball Square, Ltd. VIA FAX: ABOVE N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\REV\99\99139SP4.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA 99-139 7D Page 3 Case No. 99-139 Review No. One Dated: 8 — 10 - 00 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: 114 Hillside Square (Landscape Plan) Contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481-5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421-2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 8 - 10 - 00 . Comments designated with a (#) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: Karen Gandy dropped off a Landscape Plan that Dan Matise submitted for City Council review and consideration for the development of 114 Hilltop Square. I compared the landscape plan to the City's current landscape requirements. Past and present development hinders the site in that it cannot meet the required landscape areas required by the Landscape Ordinance and Bufferyard Section of the Zoning Ordinance. I compared the Total Required plant material for the entire site to the Total Provided by the applicant, taking into account the requested variance for the South and East bufferyards due to right-of-way dedication. I have the following conclusions: Canopy Accent Shrubs Required: 41 60 271 Provided: 34 84 295 1.) The applicant is deficient by seven (7) canopy trees. 2.) The number of provided accent trees exceeds the required, due to 46 Wax Myrtle's proposed along the west property line. Wax Myrtle's are acceptable accent trees, as long as they are not Dwarf Wax Myrtle's which are considered a shrub. Twenty-four (24) of the accent trees provided on the site could be deleted and the Canopy trees spread out to provide sufficient growing room. 3.) The provided shrubs, ground cover and seasonal color all exceed the minimum required amounts required by ordinance. 4.) The provided amount of plant material does not count as mitigation trees as required for the removal of the trees in the North portion of the development. They will need to be planted somewhere else. There is space remaining to plant several trees in the front of the development. These areas are within the two landscape median§ in the front parking lot and in the South Bufferyard area adjacent to HWY. 114. Approximately four (4) additional canopy trees can be planted. All parking lot landscape islands are required to have a minimum of one canopy planted in them in addition to shrubs, ground cover or grass. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA 99-139 7D Page 4 Because I cannot define what are interior landscape plants and what are bufferyard plants, it is more practical to count the plant material as a whole in order to achieve meeting the required amounts. The plan also shows an Iron Fence with 125 Cross Vine planted on it along the North property line where a 6' stockade fence is required. For a long-term solution, this is a good idea. Although you can see through the fence it will last longer than a stockade fence and the cross vine will densely cover the fence without any trouble. The Cross Vine is deciduous/evergreen, like a Live Oak and blooms prolifically in the spring and sometimes in the fall. • Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA 99-139 7D Page 5 MEMORANDUM Jul 12, 2000 To: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner From: Charlie Thomas, City Engineer, extension 814 Subject: Hillside Square, ZA 99-139 I have received a drainage study from Paul Lipscomb, PE regarding the 114 Kimball Square(Hillside Square). The study shows that the roadside ditch along the west side of Shady Lane is of sufficient size to handle the stormwater run off from the proposed reconstruction of the site at the northwest corner of SH 114 and Shady Lane. The existing roadside ditch is capable of handling the runn off from this site because Tx DOT is collecting the stormwater from SH 114, that used to flow down Shady Lane, in the roadway improvements that are being done to SH 114 at this time. If you have questions, call me at extension 814. Charlie J. Thomas City Engineer Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA99-139 1 D Page 1 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 99-139 Review No. Six Date of Review: 08/11/00 Project Name: Site Plan— 114 Hillside Square Received: 8/04/2000 North Elevation Wall ht. = 17 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay'? Max. wall length 51 201 294% No 51 50 -2% Yes Min. artic. Offset 3 0 -100% No 3 2 -33% No Min. artic. Length 13 206 1485% Yes 13 25 92% 1'c South Elevation Wall ht. = I 7 _ Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max. wall length 51 201 294° No 51 51 0% Yes Min. artic. Offset 3 0 -100% No 3 6 100% Yes Min. artic. Length 13 206 14 5 ° Yes 13 26 100% Yes East Elevation Wall ht. = 1 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay'? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max. wall length 51 56 10% No 51 37 -27% Yes Min. artic. Offset 3 4 33% Yes 3 3 0% Yes Min. artic. Length 13 23 77°/, Yes 9 16 78% Yes West Elevation Wall ht. = 17 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay'? Max. wall length 51 56 10% No 51 37 -27% Yes Min. artic. offset 3 4 33% Yes 3 3 0% Yes Min. artic. length 13 23 77% Yes 9 16 78% Yes * Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA 99-139 7 D Page 1 TREE PRESERVATION ANALYSIS (Non-Residential Development) Case: 99-139 Date of Review: 2—22 - 00 Number of Pages: 3 Project Name: 114 Kimball Square Retail Center(Site Plan) OWNER: PREPARED BY: Dan Matise Paul A. Lipscomb P.O. Box 12248 2407 North Graham Drive Dallas, TX 75225 Arlington, TX 76013-1360 Phone: (214) 362-8504 Phone: (817) 543-0268 Fax: Fax: THIS ANALYSIS IS PREPARED AT THE TIME OF REVIEW OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT AND IS TO PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PLAN OR SURVEY AND THE IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ANY PROTECTED TREES ON THE SITE. FOR ANY QUESTIONS OR CLARIFICATION CONTACT KEITH MARTIN, LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR AT (817)481-5581 EXT. 848. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: 1. Within the existing area of the North boundary line and bufferyard of the property there were thirty-six (36) trees removed. The total diameter inches of the trees removed equals to 456" diameter inches. Three hundred seventy (370) inches of the trees removed were of Quality and Protected trees as designated in the Tree Preservation Ordinance. They were primarily made up of American Elm, Hackberry, Pecan and Post Oak. All that is existing at this time are stumps at ground level. The trees were removed without a Tree Removal Permit. 2. A large majority of the trees removed would have been in the area of the required North 10'- F1 bufferyard and the applicant would have been able to take existing tree credits for required landscaping within the bufferyard. The trees also provided an effective screen between the applicant's property, Highway 114 and the existing resident's homes. 3. The regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-A, prohibits the clear cutting of land. Furthermore, non-residential developments are restricted from the removal of trees not within public R.O.W., public utility or drainage easements as shown on a Final Plat, Fire Lanes, required parking areas and within six feet (6') of the building foundation as shown on an approved Site Plan; without a Tree Removal Permit. 1 4. There are still existing trees along the West property line and West bufferyard area. If the trees are preserved in accordance with the regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance, and are in healthy and desirable condition; they may be used for existing tree credits in the required West bufferyard. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment G ZA99-139 70 Page 1 5. Any person, firm, corporation, agent or employee thereof who violates the provisions of Article Three (Tree Removal Permit Required) of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-A shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction hereof shall be fined One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per diameter inch of the tree(s) removed or damaged. 6. TREE REPLACEMENT: If a person removes a protected tree, the person shall be required to replace the protected tree being removed with a quality tree or canopy tree as recommended in the Landscape Ordinance and approved by the Landscape Administrator. A sufficient number of trees shall be planted to equal or exceed, in caliper, the diameter (at 4.5' above ground level) of each tree removed. This mitigative measure is not meant to supplant good site planning. Tree replacement will be considered only after all design alternatives which could save more existing trees have been evaluated and reasonably rejected. Replacement trees shall be a minimum of 3" caliper(at I' above ground) and seven feet (7') in height when planted. REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES: At the time of review, the agent responsible for replacement, the time of replacement and the location of the new trees will be determined by the Landscape Administrator. The replacement trees shall be located on the subject site whenever possible. If this is not feasible, the Landscape Administrator has the authority to allow the planting to take place on another property, including public property. REFORESTATION FUND: If required by the Landscape Administrator, the applicant, instead of compliance with Section 9.2 hereof, shall make a payment into the Reforestation Fund or other specifically dedicated fund. The funds shall be used only for purchasing and planting trees on public property or acquiring wooded property which shall remain in a naturalistic state in perpetuity. BUILDING INSPECTIONS Case No. Agenda Item Attachment G ZA99-139 7 D Page 2 # Species Diameter Comments 1 American Elm* 15" 2 American Elm* 30" 3 Hackberry 10" 4 American E1m* 8" 5 American E1m* 7" 6 American Elm* 7" 7 American Elm* 13" 8 American Elm* 16" 9 Post Oak* 8" 10 Hackberry 9" 11 American Elm* 11" 12 American E1m* 50" 13 American Elm* 8" 14 Post Oak* 8" 15 Hackberry 10" Clump 16 American Elm* 9" 17 American Elm* 12" 18 American Elm* 14" 19 Post Oak* 9" 20 Post Oak* 11" 21 Hackberry 7" 22 American Elm* 10" 23 American Elm* 16" 24 American Elm* 15" 25 American Elm* 7" 26 American Elm* 7" 27 American Elm* 18" 28 Pecan* 8" 29 American Elm* 20" 30 American Elm* 10" 31 Hackberry 20" 32 Hackberry 17" 33 American Elm* 10" 34 Hackberry 6" 35 Hackberry 7" 36 Hackberry 13" Total: 456" *Indicates Quality or Marginal Trees:370" Case No. Agenda Item Attachment G ZA99-139 "10 Page 3 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-332 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS TRACT 1B3 SITUATED IN THE SAMUEL FREEMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 525, AND BEING APPROXIMATELY 1.4677 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "C- 3" GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT TO "S-P-1" DETAILED SITE PLAN DISTRICT WITH "C-3" GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT USES AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA99-139 7D Page 1 WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "C-3" General Commercial District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA99-139 7D Page 2 public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That grdinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA99-139 7D Page 3 Being Tract 1B3 situated in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, and being approximately 1.4677 acres, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" from "C-3" General Commercial District to "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District with "C-3" General Commercial District uses as depicted on the approved Site Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B", and subject to the specific conditions established in the motion of the City Council and attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"C." SECTION 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. SECTION 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA99-139 7D Page 4 particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA99-139 7D Page 5 until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA99-139 7D Page 6 PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA99-139 7D Page 7 EXHIBIT "A" S ATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT WHEREAS, Corban Capital, L.L.C., acting by and through the undersigned, Dan Matise, its duly authorized agent is the sole owner of a tract of land situated in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, being the same tract of land conveyed to Corban Capital, L.L.C., by deed recorded in Volume 13382, Page 253, Deed Records Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at the intersection of the North line of E. State Highway No. 114, (a variable width R.O.W.), with the West line of Shady Lane, (a 35' R.O.W.), a power pole on corner; THENCE: Westerly. with the said North line of E. State Highway No. 114, same being with a curve to the left, having a central angle of 02 deg. 21 min. 18 sec., a radius of 5839.58 feet, a chord bearing of North 85 deg. 55 min. 34 sec. West, an arc distance of 240.01 feet to the end of said curve, an"x"cut in concrete for corner; THENCE: North 87 deg. 06 min. 13 sec. West, with the said North line of E. State Highway No 114, a distance of 34.00 feet, a brass highway monument found for corner; THENCE: North 02 deg. 15 min. 28 sec. East, with the East line of a tract of land conveyed to Leonard D. Emery, et al, by deed recorded in Volume 11585, Page 2031, Deed Records Tarrant County, Texas, a distance of 226.76 feet, a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; THENCE. North 87 deg. 19 min. 27 sec. East, with the South line of a tract of land conveyed to Raymond C. and Mary Louise Dunn, by deed recorded in Volume 2775, Page 54, Deed Records Tarrant County, Texas. a distance of 257.65 feet to a point in the said West line of Shady Lane, a % iron rod found for corner; THENCE: South 01 deg. 34 min. 01 sec. East, with the said West line of Shady Trail, a distance of 257.47 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 63,933 square feet or 1.4677 acres of land. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA99-139 7D Page 8 y 13 VZ u, o Vo """''"'Sa e 1412, arts 2.1 I I �_ • „_' !. - IliiI T i., lir yo.r Ol xc s.s..u.'.e' 4 8TIi8'/�.r It ' [ t i Y fway fy�..e > �� T t. r ,.t ;;. z ._. by M....e.�uur..fe F nW ha ..Y...mt.zumuN.rya 9v COM /, ., !j�'f/� y'j.��.C/��y�yt{�`Myi M 4j�• rYi yyiy:ie yyy � \ F�.•e oe.^ - - - ...-..,., ...". Y eig; I I i 't."i I I 1 ! I 1 1 I -1-�.4l� •�..-•-�e3arl�r f' ........, f M�.�, I I I I s-sls _L L.L. =T'Li —— il �..,°..C'.ram.-"�'°9'.i.....:�2".�3"+y: VI o R 1 1 i i 1 1 1 iv I I ... ..e Z Iledt. til CM _ , __— — --� _a _—'— 104.�.` 1 1 � l X tlt nrussmaxers am AV- ' ‘, 2 CZ 9VIUYMi'No 'I n y'y�t '� ! ! 1�'C "}•.! ! '"���.'. I �oY_1�! 1 !h �'y I Cllll/[Lfl ro....�. x :Ili, I I i I 1 I 1 ?-c: �'L IL Tom_ T I., • so op tear straw .o. aN. >r/� I '_ T 1—� �rT T apt t—I—rT-�-I-rr ��I ; 1 a ------,'-'"""4-i'--' -.....;---;:-.!!,...'‘'-4 ,-,--,5,------.4:cr--4E- ticit,t- 4:711e'f(d77.0i.-ifffroalsi :fir,, _> „"" 1. �m y+ I gipp� ffi 1:4 .`•!cam -9.=' e/ l -�M yIE 14 $ surf NORWAY„NO. 114 .�;�. / ' �� NOISE COMPANY '�"p.�n'...... - �� AECD AUG 0 4 2 I. =PO DOE 80.E 12245 'u S:'g.wT i,.t...we. -- t' WALES.RYA9 E5225 P.fb.w N M -✓-T• „q.z1en•+'1j s u''v. EASE«0. —_ f21.)30-850a mx v.v.+ua on n..ow. ,•vy SI88-1 • SMUT M. n w, v rr x EXHIBIT "C" This page reserved for the approved City Council motion. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA99-139 7D Page 10 Surrounding Property Owners 114 Hillside Square 1 implill...,______Iaa11 T--7 �unl I I P ,mA ' 1 III 1 9 2 4 ii � � 8 nis 5 �� biblir" Elm] 1 ) las, WIIIM1.1.1 MI Property Owner Zoning Land Use Description Acreage 1. G. Markwood 1. "SF-1A" 1. Low Density Residential 1. 1.970 acres 2. R.Clary 2."SF-1A" 2. Low Density Residential 2. 1.500 acres 3. R. Dunn 3. "SF-1A" 3. Low Density Residential 3. 1.910 acres 4. M. Stephan 4. "SF-1A" 4. Low Density Residential 4. 1.980 acres 5. DFW Highway 114 Ltd. 5. "C-3" 5. Office Commercial 5. 5.560 acres 6. L. Emery 6."C-3" 6. Retail Commercial 6. 0.808 acres 7. L. Emery 7."C-3" 7. Retail Commercial 7. 0.386 acres 8. L.Emery 8. "C-3" 8. Retail Commercial 8. 1.880 acres 9. L. Emery 9. "C-3" 9. Retail Commercial 9. 1.600 acres 1 N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\99Exhibits\99139.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment I ZA99-139 7D Page 1 Dan &Kay Absher 410 Shady Lane Southiake, Texas 76092 Planning and Zoning Commission 1721 E. Southiake Blvd. Suite 100 Southlake, Texas 76092 REFERENCE NO: ZA 99-139 114 KIMBALL SQUARE, LTD In regards to the above mentioned property I am not clear at this present time exactly all the variances the new owners are asking for. I do know of one I have some concerns about, along with some of my neighbors. That being the request of no Buffer Yard to the North side. It is my understanding that a BUFFER YARD is required next to residential property in the City of • Southiake. I do not feel this should be allowed to be changed for this piece of property. The impact on my property along with my neighbors would be greatly affected by noise,water runoff and a unsightly view. There were some trees which the new owner has cut down "I believe unnecessarily)which if they had been left would have made a nice Buffer Yard. Instead we now have a very unsightly view of a wood fence and the noise from 114 is much more noticeable. There is no reference exactly what will be in this Shopping Center that was once named Southalake Plaza,which I assume the address was Shady Lane or 114 since it sits on the corner of Shady Lane and 114 not Kimball. The new owner for some unknown reason now calls it Kimball Square, address 114 Kimball Square, Ltd. I was unaware I was living on the corner of Kimball. So my final COMMENTS are listed below. 1. It appears to me that the owner is trying to do more with the Southlake Plaza property than its allows. The former size, if fully occupied, is large enough to be a noise,trash and traffic problem to the nearby Residents. I have lived near it for 17 years and I know what kind of noise and mess it can cause. 2. I object to the requested elimination of all buffer zones. Buffer zones are in the plans and codes to: Separate commercial from residential property. I see no valid reason for the City to grant a waiver in this case. 3. I feel that buffer zone elimination creates a precedent which is undesirable for the city as a whole. If Buffer zones are routinely eliminated, I can expect to have commercial/industrial developments on my other sides and back property lines. 4. My first suggestion to the current owner is to keep the property the current size. 5. My second suggestion to the owner, if he feel that expansion is in his plans, is to request a waiver on the number of parking spaces and retain the required buffer zone. 6. The storm water drainage from this property has been a problem since it was constructed. It was not butt in conformance with the original plans. Storm water, and earlier, surface water from the septic tanks, ran on to the yards of the three lots north of the property. The expansion plans call for an increase of approximately 28,000 square feet of additional roof and pavement. There is no mention of any drainage improvements. /d4211-4-' •Case No. Agenda Item Attachment I ZA99-139 7 D Page 1 -T City of Southlake outNal(e Department of Planning STAFF REPORT August 11, 2000 CASE NO: ZA00-023 PROJECT: Lot 4, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition REQUEST: On behalf of Tricon, Glenn Engineering is requesting site plan approval for a restaurant ACTION NEEDED: 1. Conduct public hearing 2. Consider Site Plan ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information (D) Site Plan Review Summary (E) Developer Comments (F) Surrounding Property Owner Map (G) Neighboring Property Owner Letters (H) Blue line copies of plans (for Council Members Only) STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough (Ext. 787) • Case No. Agenda Item ZA00-023 7E BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Tricon APPLICANT: Glenn Engineering PROPERTY SITUATION: This lot is less than one acre, located on the northeast corner of Kimball Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard. It is at the southwest corner of the larger Lowe's development, currently under construction. There are some trees located on this site. F.M. 1709 is elevated above the property. Wal-Mart is located east of this site. The new Chic-fil-a restaurant is located south of this site. HISTORY: Activity on this lot includes: • Rezoning (ZA83-026) from AG to HC in August, 1983 • Rezoning from HC to C3 in September, 1989 • Plat (ZA97-142) filed in October, 1998 • Site Plan (ZA98-087) for Lowe's and surrounding property improvements approved in September, 1998 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, being 0.8917 acres LAND USE CATEGORY: Retail Commercial CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District NOTICES: Seven (7) notices were sent In Favor Opposed Undecided Attached letters Within 200 Notification Area Outside 200 Notification area 1 1 P&Z SPEAKERS: None P&Z ACTION: August 3, 2000; Approved (6-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated July 28, 2000, and to accept the requested variances for Items #1 (relocate bufferyards from the perimeter of the site to internal islands); #2 (reduce the number of required parking spaces); #3 (reduce the minimum driveway stacking depth); and #4 (provide a mansard roof rather than the fully enclosed pitch roof). STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 5,dated August 11,2000. The applicant is requesting the following variances: • Bufferyards shall be located within and along the outer perimeter of a lot or a boundary line (RE: Section 42.3). A variance may be granted to this requirement as set forth in Section 42.15.a. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA00-023 7E Page 1 • Thirty-two parking spaces are required for the development(RE: Section 335.6.b.8). Council may grant variances to the development regulations set forth in Section 35.6 as set forth in Section 43.9.b. • Provide the minimum 100' stacking depth (RE: Driveway Ordinance Section 5.2.d). The Council may grant variances to the Driveway Ordinance as set forth in Section 8.2. • Provide a pitched roof(RE: Section 43.9.c.1.b). The Council may grant variances to this regulation as set forth in Section 43.9.b. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-023SP.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA00-023 1E Page 2 Vicinity Map Lot 4, Block 1 Kimball/ 1709 Addition L 11.61J. 17 V vii4.. or PIP 4 gam wit r I e•lr Jp li lb rnat'°r ., twill ■■■■� it Q�t, '-�41�„`,. Ile "LIMEromrairrm� ill iiivietia _MIKAN!;Oill:WIVE "'" NV elemillii 111, IIIi+ rO;f'fl:I�11.. 114' ftwEv._t♦ Itim- EL Iril ■ Fes'" it %Slam `irP Milli � s41111 '`41 jty373� ■ t + �, rrr �• 1.1m rJpjii _,apa 5" iirilk ' le:Alai III' titi7111111 s •\ a.0111A.‘ en y 1.741"44 4 m fin= le44...V.4 ifmor.fyfr' l/:��\,.m.'utile All,4 k IL i6v.6..... 0 oil t,1#11IL lie slirtr'...-Aii ..t4,0464/Ba In iiitINI Ill'AlliallealbiliM 1111 op Mithi. •;,. -: mirk .4.eniniii �►ikApkir `s .•y�'7i EST i�7•ner •001%ITjI!tllti TiP u^f!13.a•r - ' 1 I.' AM 'r t fa a♦I♦1/. sniewouni t NA lYr.i1�I���rt�IAI A •it'4r I,ly f ♦ fig/\ y ymi I6M 1 ■ 1111111� Al NM 4.4 0 t, :•-.4.111,hrri al Fromm mw in=NE min vinasem�t• slim ;; ■wH�$7,tre-ern . `'-- --7:7" 2000 0 2000 Feet N t )W /r E S Case No. Agenda Item Attachment B ZA00-023 7E Page 1 Nym • o_ y _ _ /r /�bti 1 CONSTRUCTION NOTES N qua.REL4IC .#. t04LI it // //p Z 3 .�.+1..-...n...emu Mama PIM fu LOONS-ZONED G9 ( iW/ / .v.4, ...•.........ms ! LOT A NOCK K a/ /.. ,�.11 Pal :r.'r`°MOM aaa Z KMIULL/D09 ADDITION CAl 1 SIDE 4551/4552 ✓k [sPl - A m./ / 10 00 o ava AELOLOSO 0 01 WOOS.i'.Wi u> �` 1� A. / : StM '>TO' a -IrL. 1F.MOOR.s PLO Ta CC it .B. .!-f/ f�rol / / "\ a.at-PM..ou MOO a SF �� LOOP noun eV MOP.COPPACRO. al°PALL Warn complynnt In 5 SO ' S. e ��t `. ����101i %�•;)' / j �. °C l• won. WO .a�Iu"' - C7 W 11 ,v, 1 Or� O . o ,� L. :l ,• / a....s is--..1. - - ..... 1 4.,5ES5 ® /0Z 0 l:•f.'-1 / I/ /` '.... .. 1 - '\ 1 a' Pit 3NT a /PO. = ,,.�a.:,0- .'.� ImNnc \ 1.m on....aa,.- I :; ® . o; /�a ;a--°m" f>r t 11110.1.0 SO. 1 ' �':i� :�1m 9 m $ 3 / .ate_...... 1 os 3,1 %• � o Or t c Ql O / 0. CM 1 >w` - a /� 4 mII; /.,,,,1 IL Ca14146 Vn1 1 r I(1} / �, a,� / ..-.. G��NERAL NOTES O JryP v ZONED G3 1 1 s I It®l7 o m V / {'gym J tetoa 1 aW €111 A R * / iuLz.REruca,4n4Dtau� n DO CamtKPLAR w.ALL RAPS .roma ,.,0114.0 .. .L r `'`C. .NM 4SSV4552 7511 n 1. $ / A Y/? / * * / S01/IIRAKE KIMM L VULMIRE MI Ara Mal IMAM.APPRO., 4 0~ 1 p N / LDT.eLoa I 4 x 11. 1 ^I -c t _ �( �0' I e� • / / ►BLKY-ALLEN ADOLRON Lao onancAnom ra pa.ar.rno..c MIAOW a�nn,.n,.rm.rc... $„4 1 © vw / 9 /. -1 1.9 /. #4 K • 0 1 Coe A,SIDE 5409 Wet ■MHG 11 z1 n' L' a., •w pA y°.e 0ps 30 / s i k .,MOW. t..I....'v":."9:.,:'` �" { a. d 0 � / .. D=04'24'26" \ season no owns;1 1 . /. s R=1986.86' N. 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CO Pose _ i� IF if I� -- I_iUD.=RETAIL COMIB[2ALI \ \\ / _ - _ `,���—�....m .. i a.M.w WV.. • y Ei WAOMART \ / 9 U �V �yyy ZONED OS \\� \v ----- -• _...__ .___ SITE PLAN SINN C-1 • cm F., a cr.,F•I--'LIP "._.......... i-: .4 / eD rr 1."k l 1 Page 1 of 2 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA 00-023 Revised Review No: Five Date of Review: 08/11/00 Project Name: Site Plan—Kimball, Lot 4, Block 1, Kimball/ 1709 Addition APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Glenn Engineering Tricon 100 Decker Court 14841 Dallas Parkway Irving,TX. 75062 Dallas,TX. 75240 Phone: (972)719-5151 Phone: (972) 338-7385 Fax: (972)719-4229 Attn: Rick Howman Fax: (972)338-6869 Attn: Dave Dwyer CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 07/17/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT ART WRIGHT AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 828. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations Y See Comment No.4 Residential Adjacency N NA Building Articulation Y Complies Masonry Standards Y Complies Impervious Coverage Y Complies Bufferyards Y See Comment No. 1 Interior Landscape Y Complies Driveways Y See Comment No.3 1. Locate bufferyards within and along the outer perimeter of a lot or boundary line. Due to the common driveways centered on the property line, the north and east bufferyards relocated to interior islands (RE: Section 42.3). (Variance Requested) 2. Provide the required 32 parking spaces. The applicant is requesting to reduce the number of spaces to 30 (less than 10%). Section 43.9.b. allows Council to grant a variance of no more than 10%of the required number of parking spaces. (Variance Requested) 3. Provide the minimum 100' stacking depth on the driveway at Kimball. This plan shows 91 feet, a deficiency of nine feet. (RE: Ordinance No. 634, Section 5.2.d) (Variance Requested) t 4. Provide an enclosed pitched roof on the building. This plan shows a mansard-type screening system on the main building that provides the appearance of a pitched roof and screens all rooftop equipment (RE: Section 43.9.c.1(b)). (Variance requested) 5. Graphically show the deceleration lane at F.M. 1709 and Kimball. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA 00-023 7E Page 1 Page 2 of 2 6. Correct the title block to F.M. 1709, not State Highway. 7. Correct the Site Data Summary Chart on the site plan regarding Open Space. This plan shows "None", which is incorrect. 8. Realign the 8' trail required along Southlake Boulevard as required by Park Dept. The current location would appear to conflict with future deceleration lane location. Contact Ben Henry at (817) 481-5581, ext. 824. P&Z ACTION: August 3, 2000;Approved(6-0)subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 5, dated July 28, 2000, and to accept the requested variances for Items #1 (relocate bufferyards from the perimeter of the site to internal islands); #2 (reduce the number of required parking spaces); #3 (reduce the minimum driveway stacking depth); and#4 (provide a mansard roof rather than the fully enclosed pitch roof). * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * It appears that this property lies within the 75 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone and will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. * A developer agreement is required for any construction of public infrastructure. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Rick Howman, Glen Engineering N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\REV\2000\00-023SP5.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA 00-023 7E Page 2 WKB Architecture William K. Beckler 15 Brookhaven Dr. Lucas, TX 75002 July 17, 2000 Mr. Art Wright, Zoning Assistant City of Southlake Planning & Zoning 1721 e. Southlake Blvd Southlake, TX 76092 RE: ZA#00-023 Proposed KFC/Taco Bell/ Pizza Hut Express Restaurant Southlake Blvd & Kimball Southlake, TX Dear Art: Attached are the revised floor plan and exterior elevations for the Planning & Zoning review and comment. We believe that we have addressed your comments stated in the July 11, 2000 letter, and our meeting held on July 6, 2000. Enclosed are 27 sets of the building floor plan and exterior elevations, printed at 1/4" scale. Also, a 1/2 size set of reductions for the floor plan and elevations is included. Rick Howman, of Glenn Engineering, is submitting the revised site plan under separate cover. Additionally, we would like to respond to the July 11th D.R.C. review comments as follows: 1.a. We would like to request a Variance to locate the landscape buffer yards to areas inside of the North and East property lines, since the property lines are located in the centerline of such common drives. 1.b. The buffer yards have been shown the required width on the revised site plan. 2. The landscaping calculations have been corrected on the revised site plan. 3. The Site Data Summary Chart has been corrected and updated. 4. In accordance with the provisions of the Corridor Overlay, we would like to request a Variance for 10% of the required parking. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA00-02.3 � ,_3;~ I.. I . 201Age 1 ZA#00-23 City of Southlake Planning & Zoning July 17, 2000 Page 2 5. We would like to request a Variance to locate the site entrance at 75 feet from the Right of Way, in lieu of the stated 100 foot distance. The 75 foot distance will allow the curb cut entrance to be aligned with the main drive aisle within the site. 6. The Site Plan has been revised to indicate the 2 foot projection of the pediment over the rear service door. 7. We would like to request a Variance to have an "open" flat roof area, within a sloped shingle roof feature, in order to accommodate the extensive HVAC and mechanical equipment necessary for the restaurant's operation. In addition, although not a formal part of the July 11th D.R.C. review, we would like to request a Variance for the height and design of the building and site signage. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 972-442-3332, or (fax) 972-442- 4088. Thanks Bill Beckler CC: Dave Dwyer - TRICON Brian Thomas - TRICON Rick Howman - Glenn Engineering Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA00-0 23 1 ac Page 2 Surrounding Property Owners Lot 4, Block 1, Kimball\1709 Addition j:11 jii ___[ i rmilliMill OMB ‘Il 14umillill MI ii iiiiii 1111011111111111111111 / 4 67.09 ilimmir 5 3 1 \,... ...„,,,-.-----------• L .st,,,, Property Owner Zoning Land Use Description Acreage 1. Bluebonnet Road Partners 1. "C-3" 1. Retail Commercial 1. 1.11 acres 2. Lowe's Home Centers Inc. 2. "C-3" 2. Retail Commercial 2. 14.72 acres 3. Southlake Kimball Venture 3. "C-3" 3. Retail Commercial 3. 0.80 acres 4. Southlake Kimball Venture 4. "C-3" 4. Retail Commercial 4. 1.14 acres 5. Church of Christ Our King 5. "CS" 5. Public/Semi-Public 5. 3.22 acres 6. Walmart Real Est Bs Tract 6. "C-3" 6. Retail Commercial 6. 23.00 acres 7. V. Stagliano 7. "C-3" 7. Retail Commercial 7. 0.41 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00-023.doc t Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA00-023 7E Page 1 • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE I) �-� ').._ ? ,��1 III , NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNER fi f L i JUL 2 4 2it00 REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-023 Dear Property Owner: NOISE GO .;F, iuli ily I An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Site Plan for Lot 4, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, involving 0.8917 acres. The property is located on the northeast corner of Kimball Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard. The current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, August 3, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-023 I am (in favor of) (opposed to) (undecided about) the request for the following reasons: Land use is compatibile with DFW Airport operations. SIGN ATURE IGNATURE -^ (Please Print Name) Sandra J. Lancaster ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer 619428, DFW Airport, TX 75261-9428 PHONE977-574-R]lft ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** Case No. Agenda Item Attachment G ZA 00-023 7E Page 1 City of Southlake - - Department of •uthlake p Planning STAFF REPORT August 11, 2000 CASE NO: ZA00-082 PROJECT: Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition REQUEST: On behalf of Lowe's Companies, Inc., Marc Millis is requesting a Specific Use Permit for two outside storage areas, a waiver from the solid screening requirement for living plant material, a waiver allowing outside storage of shopping carts, and amendment to the site plan allowing the addition of a vestibule at the northwest corner of the building. ACTION NEEDED: 1. Conduct public hearing 2. Consider Specific Use Permit and Site Plan ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information , (D) Site Plan Review Summary (E) Developer Comments (F) Resolution No. 00-84 (G) Surrounding Property Owner Map (H) Letters from Neighboring Property Owners (I) Blue Line copies (for P&Z& Council members only) STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy (Ext. 743) Dennis Killough (Ext. 787) a Case No. Agenda Item ZA00-082 7F BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Lowe's Companies, Inc. APPLICANT: Marc Millis PROPERTY SITUATION: The property is bounded to the south by Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) and to the west by North Kimball Avenue. It is located approximately 300' south of State Highway 114. On September 1, 1998, Council granted SUP approval for outside storage in the garden center. Due to a delay in the commencement of construction and the City's adoption of new outside storage regulations on February 15, 2000, the approved SUP is no longer valid. The purpose of the request is for a Specific Use Permit to provide for a Garden Center, outside staging area, and outside storage for shopping carts. All improvements shown on the site plan are currently under construction based on approval of the original site plan and SUP in 1998. The outside staging area is located at the northeast portion of the building. It is intended for the "staging" of stock that is to be moved to the sales floor. The original plan called for this area to be roofed, the proposed plan shows this area to be fully enclosed by walls with no roof. HISTORY: • This site was made up of several parcels, some of which were zoned from Agriculture to Heavy Commercial in the early 1980's. Most of the property was zoned to C3 General Commercial with the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance No. 480 on September 19, 1989, and a small portion of the property was zoned "C3" in February, 1995. Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition was created with the approval of a Plat Revision by City Council on June 18, 1998. On September 1, 1998, by a vote of 4-3, Council granted Site Plan approval for Lowe's and SUP approval for outside storage in the Garden Center. The SUP has since expired. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, being 14.7181 acres LAND USE CATEGORY: Retail Commercial CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA00-082 7F Page 1 NOTICES: 13 notices were sent In Favor Opposed Undecided Attached letters Within 200 Notification Area 1 1 Outside 200 Notification area 1 1 P&Z SPEAKERS: None P&Z ACTION Approved by a vote of 4-2 subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2,dated July 28, 2000 granting variances on Item #1 (storage of shopping carts outside) and on Item#2 (solid screening of outside storage) allow a mix of solid screening and wrought iron for living plant material and require solid screening for all other goods, with no goods stacked above the level of the wall; and allow the vestibule as proposed. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Revised Site Plan Review No. 2 dated August 11, 2000. The following waivers are being requested with this application: • Allow the storage of shopping carts outdoors. A waiver may be granted by Council as set forth in Section 34.1.cc. • Where a solid screening wall is required, allow the garden center outside storage of living plant material to be screened by a combination of masonry and wrought iron. A waiver may be granted by Council as set forth in Section 45.11.a.8. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA00-082 7F Page 2 Vicinity Map Lot 5, Block 1 , Kimball/1709 Addition i ,U'CARROLL WTE'•W IE■ ■■ �� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIIIIIII lilt x•. i 1� ' Li • !to I ■11., 1 IN—■ 10 1■ ati . :-1 aiia,A*111111111111111 4-J .1. :INF ¶1111 : ii I-- i CITY OF amuni!l I �a 4 ., ' _ GRAPEVINE 1 inli , .,-0•G___ __:C,,,,,„ fr•^- III 1.411... kr' r'0-f:iff ''''' 4 - ,,,‘.3. 1 MIL- lib 4"". --'1414•dmiliNt trAle-..--, w 111 . lirrANUIIIIiiviElly Itir".- ��''��1"��'1wstlii_aL_itsu lli r 111 1111 111 ,�� �IIrauu�r/gIlI� 'o■, l_?N . ' UI llti�ISE1111 M Via. = ?#2II1IJ1bYPAkI �illir � -Inc,Ii1ii I i !I nl �•�i pKliiii �i r��■ : s. =;I vote .004�L !,mug I Buss :-".: �� *wall Alt E� �•)0�\+,.�- off! 2000 0 2000 Feet N 1g \ W /r E S Case No. Agenda Item Attachment B ZA 00-082 7F Page 1 __—_. --— - __:___ --- " wsm_l_•_wouot wr 12.7 t i -'.-- '; l '1 :—i .. __-- -- --__ r- 9 s _- tIw tu- t � `— .,, --------- t�rr[nei; - r� -. • STATE 114 i)1 r 11!eI -��- r-r:_�-_.—. a.ra. n jir-+.r+r - ONP...R 0.011E �'r. - • - - . wr -. I .o�pArt w .-.._. ,em.er • ....-r.-rr.. .--.-..- ..ice.-. ., —. x 11= \ 1 ..u.m s V." __ [vYio avexe.eEe.Cw w Lr n ol F� '�— T. .�Irwwrr.r. �L.N.,i �t"—r... AI 4 il� .-- . ..rI01111.111..1 W-.. ....N-rr..0 cos Arrrorsoe In. 1 -- ,'rife® - —' <' _ 1 '=t� ' :i= .. �...�.::L... , .- I N � it ~..�.�c..`'�...�.�:�r..c-a....,c. 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Ea% \'': 1;1'C."r". \\to • , :;�r.�. ........�. -� p� _)j i 1"i• �'f! ;��aem,�neE • y4t ~`4'!!� i - --�;¢ V'"'�tom-""•• f i '"' 2. J I 1 7� \�'t s.nwra r►'•__ • I trg"Y"."=I. !' I 1rem -- -y M..O.uc9.Y e.wsti � �.� 1 •♦.-.w 1 a . t 1 l • REM)t/J U�_ 1 7 (11 � •l ___ (�� -tom„€5 I 1/ Mont s. � - R o�,��.1 �� ""y..:� \: �,11 _'�- Y N"nn w„u�rs LOWS w.•...e...c F - wL as rnMR 1..exr Ewer oo- mo. y. ..n nr ro cowrwi row ...........----Jr--�-_ � `` - --._.-� nor..au w-.um a.,- s. _r7 's:e.= .i im s rmam 1.spow A..• u.'mm°I . if - ` •+`.� a•! �, a.�:�. -o. I..a n SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA00-82 Revised Review No.: Two Date of Review: 08/11/00 Project Name: Site Plan—Lowe's Specific Use Permit Request for Outside Storage APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Marc Mills Kurt D. Reed Associates, Inc. 10504 Yucca Drive 7400 East McDonald Drive, Suite 101 Austin, TX 78759 Scottsdale, AZ 85250 Phone: 512-401-9015 Phone: 480-941-1440 Fax: 512-401-9014 Fax: 480-948-1055 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 07/17/00 WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT MARK A.JOHNSON AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 880. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations Y As Previously Approved Residential Adjacency N Building Articulation Y Complies Masonry Standards Y Complies Impervious Coverage Y Not Affected by Request Bufferyards Y Not Affected by Request Interior Landscape Y Not Affected by Request Driveways Y Not Affected by Request Lighting Y Not Affected by Request SUP—outside storage criteria Y See Items 1 and 2;waivers requested as provided in ordinance. 1. As set forth in Section 34.1.cc, shopping cart storage areas are permitted outdoors only when City Council grants a waiver of this requirement and where outdoor cart storage was existing on February 22, 2000. On June 18, 1998, the Lowe's site plan was approved by Council with regulations at the time allowing outdoor cart storage. Council may grant such waiver upon a showing by the business that compliance would create an undue hardship or that the business cannot reasonably comply with the requirement. (Waiver Requested) 2. The garden center as proposed uses a combination of solid screening wall and wrought iron. Section 45.11.a.8 allows Council to grant a waiver allowing this type of screening only for the storage of living plant materials (Waiver Requested). Bagged goods including fertilizer, mulch, Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA00-082 7F Page 1 soil, etc. are required to be screened behind a four-foot solid screening wall and shall be stacked 111 no higher than three feet behind such wall (RE: Section 45.11.a.3). P&Z ACTION Approved by a vote of 4-2 subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 28, 2000 granting variances on Item#1 (storage of shopping carts outside) and on Item#2 (solid screening of outside storage) allow a mix of solid screening and wrought iron for living plant material and require solid screening for all other goods, with no goods stacked above the level of the wall; and allow the vestibule as proposed. * Please note the applicant has requested the addition of a glass and metal vestibule under the lumber canopy in the northwest corner of the building. There are no compliance issues with regard to this structure. This proposal may be approved by Council as a part of this revised site plan. * The purpose of this site plan is to consider a Specific Use Permit for the garden center, outside cart storage, and an open air screened staging area and to consider the addition of a vestibule at the northwest corner of the building. This site is subject to all conditions of the previously approved Site Plan, Case ZA98-087. * Denotes Informational Comment Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA00-082 7F Page 2 Case No. ZA 00082Review No. One Dated: July 6, 2000 Number of Pages: 1 I Project Name: Specific Use Permit, Outside Storage at Lowe's, 201 N. Kimball Ave. Contact: Chuck Bloomberg, Plans Examiner Phone: (817)481-5581, x 747 Fax: (817)488-5097 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on June 25, 2000. Comments designated with a(#) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. GENERAL COMMENTS: * Building Department supports allowing the staging area to remain as a courtyard rather than try to roof the area for the following reasons: (1.) This is a part of the means of egress from the building and it is safer to be outdoors than in an intervening room. (2.) The emergency generator is designed to be located outdoors and additional accommodations would need to be made for air. #=Denotes comment that may be included in formal review by P&Z and City Council * =Denotes informational comment. „, 111 BUILDING INSPECTIONS REVIEW L:\CITY MANAGER OFFICE\CITY SHARED\D R C\BUILD INSP\00082-ISUPLOEWSOUTSIDESTORAGE.DOC Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA 00-082 7F Page 3 KURT D.REED Corporate Office Telephone: E-mail. ASSOCIATES,INC. 7400 East McDonald Drive 480.941.1440 kdra@kdra.com Suite 101 Fax: Website: Scottsdale,Arizona 85250 USA 480.9 48.1055 www.kdra.com Architecture&Engineering June 21,2000 Ms.Karen P.Gandy,Zoning Administrator CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1721 East Southlake Blvd., Suite 100 Southlake,Texas 76092 Telephone: (817)481-5581 Attention: Ms.Karen Gandy Re: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORDINANCE NO.480-HH LOWE'S of SOUTHLAKE Home Improvement Warehouse KDRA Job No. 991295 11/ Karen: In addition to our June 19,2000, letter(attached),and in response to your letter dated February 29,2000,the subject ordinance,and the referenced project the following is proposed: 1. OUTSIDE STAGING AND TEMPORARY STORAGE: As set forth in Section 5 (amending Section 45 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (CZO) 480) paragraph a., subparagraph 3., "No outside storage areas (in this case staging and temporary storage) shall be located forward of the principal building on the lot or tract of land, nor between the principal building and any adjacent public street, . . . ". Lowe's has provided solid screening on all sides of the Staging Area as directed during the original variance/planning review process and was approved by the City of Southlake through City Council (Case No. ZA 98-087). However, per this original approval a roof over this entire Staging Area was required. Lowe's is requesting that this roof be eliminated per the new ordinance (480-I-IH). Lowe's will continue to provide the full height perimeter screening as originally approved and will meet the requirements for stacking behind the screen wall as defined in the new ordinance. 2. SCREENING: Screening of the staging area (courtyard)has been provided by a 30'-0"high masonry wall with brick veneer and painted steel access gates. The screen wall has been designed to mirror the height, materials and character of the main building walls,and"ensure that the outdoor storage . . . is totally compatible with the specific site and all surrounding land uses"(CZO 480,45.1,#29). 3. PROPOSED SOJ,UTION: Lowe's is requesting that the roof deck and membrane be eliminated in the Staging Area(courtyard)and that all other previously approved requirements remain as approved. Lowe's will provide steel joists over the staging area, which will be set at 25'-0" A.F.F. (top of the joists) at 6'-0" O.C. over the entire staging area(courtyard). This is approximately 5'-0"below the top of the perimeter screen wall and no storage will extend above the top of the joists. The joists are a structural element required to stabilize the IIscreen wall. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA00-082 1 F Page 1 I<D4 4. SPECIFIC USE PERMIT: Lowe's will make application for the Specific Use Permit and request a waiver of the solid screening device requirement, as previously approved by Council, Case No.: ZA 98-087, Project: Site Plan/Kimball Crossing. It is proposed,therefore,that the outside Staging Area(Courtyard),be designated"an accessory use to the principal use established"on the site(CZO 480-HH,45.11, a., 1.). If there are any questions concerning the above please call me at(480)941-1440 extension 104. Sincerely, Kurt D.Reed Associates,Inc. Jack Swanson Senior Project Manager Cc: Joseph,Higgins File JH/jh Case� No. Agenda Agendra Item Attachment E Lwrojecu\LOWEJ\91295•Southlake,TX1LETTERS\Southlake-007.doc it Page 2 KURT D.REED Corporate Office Telephone: E-mail: ASSOCIATES,INC. 7400 East McDonald Drive 480.941.1440 kdra@kdra.com Suite 101 Fax: Website: Scottsdale,Arizona 85250 USA 480.948.1055 www.kdra.corn Architecture&Engineering June 21,2000 Ms.Karen P. Gandy,Zoning Administrator CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1721 East Southlake Blvd., Suite 100 Southlake,Texas 76092 (817)481-5581 Attention: Ms. Karen Gandy Re: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORDINANCE NO.480-HH LOWE'S of SOUTHLAKE Home Improvement Warehouse KDRA Job No. 991295 Karen: In response to your letter dated February 29,2000,the subject ordinance,and the referenced project: 1. SHOPPING CARTS COLLECTION AREAS: Section 1,amending Section 34.1 of Ordinance 480,the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance(CZO), indicates that shopping cart collection areas are allowed in the parking lot, and that collection areas shall not be placed in any required parking space. The parking provided on site meets the parking requirement for the site. The cart collection areas use only excess parking spaces, and will not reduce the required parking. 2. SHOPPING CART STORAGE AREAS: Section 1 (amending Section 34.1 of the CZO)also states"Cart storage areas shall not be permitted outdoors...". Lowe's,due to the interior floor layout, function and fire exiting requirements,requires that carts be stored outside the building,under the front canopy and not inside the building. The space between the check out stands and the exit doors,and entry doors, is in no way adequate to store the carts. There is not enough room for even one cart. Every square foot of floor space is accounted for and utilized in the most efficient way possible. Lowe's would propose the use of a screen wall meeting the city's requirements as stated in Section 5 (amending Section 45.11 of the CZO),paragraph b., subparagraph 1.,which requires a minimum eight-foot high masonry screen wall. The wall proposed would match the building materials and colors so as not to detract from the building design. Lowe's will make application for the Specific Use Permit. 3. BAGGED GOODS AND BUNDLED FIREWOOD: Section 5(amending Section 45 of the CZO)paragraph a., subparagraph 3.,states"No outside storage areas shall be located forward of the principal building on the lot or tract of land,nor between the principal building and any adjacent public street, except for the following uses: a. Newspapers; L:&ase ,S\991295-Southlake,TX\LE1 IERS\Southlake-005.doc Agenda Item Attachment E Z�i00-082 iF Page 3 04(1D140 b. Christmas trees(stored outside for sale beginning one week before Thanksgiving through December 31); c. Charitable sales events sponsored by non-profit organizations provided that the events not exceed five (5)consecutive days at any one location; d. Bundled firewood; e. Bagged grass seed; f. Bagged fertilizer; g. Bagged mulch(to include bark chips as noted in your letter); h. Bagged play sand; i. Bagged potting soil. Except for items 3a, 3b, and 3c noted above which require no screening, all other noted items shall be screened with a four(4)foot(non-articulated)solid wall. Stored items shall not be stacked higher than three (3) feet behind such wall." Lowe's would comply with this requirement for items 3a, 3b, and 3c. Lowe's would propose to store items 3d, 3e, 3f,3g, 3h,and 3i outside in the Garden Center and make application for the Specific Use Permit and request a waiver of the solid screening device requirement. 4. DISPLAY AND SALE LIVING PLANT MATERIAL: Section 5 (amending Section 45 of the CZO)paragraph 1111 a.,subparagraph 8.,states"When reviewing applications ... Council may waive the solid screening wall and allow a combination of wrought iron fence panels and masonry materials(similar to the principal building)." Lowe's would propose that all living plant material be displayed and sold within the outdoor Garden Center. Lowe's will make application for the Specific Use Permit and request a waiver of the solid screening device requirement,as previously approved by Council, Case No.: ZA 98-087,Project: Site Plan/Kimball Crossing. 5. OUTDOOR HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT: Section 5 (amending Section 45 of the CZO)paragraph a., subparagraph 8., also states"Lawn equipment, play equipment,swimming pools, barbecue grills, ... exchange-type propane bottles ... and similar items shall be stored behind a solid screening wall and shall not be visible from outside the screened area." Lowe's would propose storing these materials inside the principal building or in the Garden Center, and include this item in the application for the Specific Use Permit and request a waiver of the solid screening device requirement. 6. PREPACKAGED ICE MACHINES AND VENDING MACHINES: Section 5 (amending Section 45 of the CZO)paragraph a., subparagraph 9., states"Prepackaged ice machines and vending machines shall be wholly contained within the principal building and shall not be permitted outdoors." Lowe's will comply with this requirement to locate these types of machines inside the primary building. 7. TRASH/RECYCLING RECEPTACLES: Section 9(amending Section 39.4 of the CZO)paragraph c., states "Outside storage of trash/recycling receptacles or any garbage,refuse and trash/recycling collection and storage areas ... shall have a metal door which shall remain closed at all times." Lowe's will comply with this requirement. 8. OUTSIDE STORAGE: All outside storage/display noted above will"comply with all district setbacks,buffer yards,and screening regulations",will be placed on an all-weather surface,will be stacked no higher than one foot below the height of the required screening device,shall be exclusive of any required parking spaces, and WILL BE INSIDE THE GARDEN CENTER. L Case\No 51991295-Southlake,TX\LETTERS\Southlake-OOS.doc Agenda Item Attachment E ZAOO-0 1 F Page 4 9. SCREENING: All screening in the outdoor Garden Center will be"articulated per Section 43.13d,"which will be enclosed by a 26'-6"high screening assembly of brick veneer over a steel frame on CMU piers with painted steel fencing at regular openings. The fenced openings are typically 20'-0"wide by 11'-4"high. The pickets,rails,and posts are steel tube sections. Inside of the steel fence is black vinyl coated chain link fence fabric covering the entire opening. The entire assembly is designed to mirror the height,materials and character of the main building walls. 10. RESIDENTIAL ZONING: There are no adjacent residential districts. If there are any questions concerning the above please call me at(480)941-1440,extension 104. Sincerely, Kurt D.Reed Associates,Inc. Jack Swanson Senior Project Manager Cc: Joseph Higgins File JH/jh Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E LZroje�t 1LQV S\991295-Southlake,TX\LETTERS\Southlake-005.doc U ((JJjjjj�l 7 F Page 5 • Resolution No. 00-84 Page 1 RESOLUTION NO. 00-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR OUTSIDE STORAGE ON PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 5, BLOCK 1, KIMBALL/1709 ADDITION,AND BEING 14.7181 ACRES,MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", AND AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Specific Use Permit for outside storage has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the property zoned as "C-3" General Commercial District; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Sections 45.1 (27) and 45.11 of the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. t A Specific Use Permit is hereby granted for outside storage on the property being legally described as Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, and being 14.7181 acres, more fully and completely described in Exhibit"A", and as depicted on the approved Site Plan attached hereto and Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA00-082 7F Page 1 Resolution No. 00-84 Page 2 incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" and providing an effective date, subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions shall be applicable to the granting of this Specific Use Permit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2000. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Southlake, Texas Case No. Agenda Item Attachment r ZA00-082 7F Page 2 Resolution No. 00-84 Page 3 EXHIBIT "A" Lot 5,Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake,Tarrant County,Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 4551 and 4552, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being 14.7181 acres. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment 5 ZA00-082 7F Page 3 • , S S se . n s ;,,- Az . o ec, o co it•D CM til i ay CD ar-- CD 0 00 © ,;-• -1-1,••• 0 1,4 • • 1E1E11111H 4,1. a-•• COMITIVCIMI 111111M / - x I i : .: 11 I II ---.........-. --..... 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Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA00-082 7F Page 5 Surrounding Property Owners Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition ■.111 mu .;mom I ..... , il all MUM _ dig IIP.....11111111111111 ‘4 paiim .r ,i 4 a Li m Ts111 irri ,„9 go15 14 13 12 11 1 p ANNA , ,,,,,,.. Property Owner Zoning Land Use Description Acreage 1. State of Texas 2. State of Texas 3. State of Texas 4. State of Texas 5. J.Mertz 5. "C3" 5. Retail Commercial 5. 2.84 acres 6. Wetzel Family Prtnshp Ltd 6. "S-P-2" 6. Retail Commercial 6. 12.14 acres 7. C. Hong 7. "S-P-2" 7. Retail Commercial 7. 2.99 acres 8. Southlake Office Partners JV 8. "AG" 8. Retail Commercial 8. 1.05 acres 9. Liberty Bank 9. "C-2" 9. Retail Commercial 9. 0.89 acres 10. International MBC 10."C-2" 10.Retail Commercial 10.0.89 acres 11. SterlingProperties 11."C-2" 11. Retail Commercial 11. 1.74 acres 12. Coz,LLC 12."C-3" 12. Retail Commercial 12. 0.77 acres 13. Southlake Kimball Venture 13"C-3" 13.Retail Commercial 13. 1.71 acres 14. Southlake Kimball Venture 14. "C-3" 14. Retail Commercial 14. 0.80 acres 15. Southlake Kimball Venture 15."C-3' 15. Retail Commercial 15. 1.14 acres 16. Bluebonnet Road Partners 16."C-3" 16.Retail Commercial 16.0.89 acres 17. Bluebonnet Road Partners 17."C-3" 17.Retail Commercial 17. 1.11 acres II 18. Bluebonnet Road Partners 18. "C-3" 18. Retail Commercial 18.0.66 acres 19. McDonald's Corporation 19."C-3" 19. Retail Commercial 19. 1.03 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00-082.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment 6 ZA00-082 7F Page 1 — CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1 [l `Vj i j • NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS ---"-"" " $ REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-082 JUL 2 `'t 0 Dear Property Owner: NOISE COW , ;DI ; . An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a, Specific Use Permit for outside storage per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Sections 45.1(27) and 45.11 on Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, involving 14.7181 acres. A Site Plan for Lowe's will be considered with this request. The property is located at 201 N. Kimball Avenue. The current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, August 3, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, 111 Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following`form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-082 I am (in favor of) (opposed to) (undecided about) the request for the following reasons: Land use is Compatible with DFW Airport operations. S-.; 1 �,t SIGNATURE:-y.�`-`�e..,.,, 1 4�:.:... �. -� ,,_.,,,.. "°'��'��, y, (Please Print Name) Sandra J - Lancaster ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer 619428, DFW Airport, TX 75261-9428 PHONE: 972 574-8138 ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** I Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA 00-082 7F Page 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS 11 REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-082 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Specific Use Permit for outside storage per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Sections 45.1(27) and 45.11 on Lot 5, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, involving 14.7181 acres. A Site Plan for Lowe's will be considered with this request. The property is located at 201 N. Kimball Avenue. The current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, August 3, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southiake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southiake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southiake Blvd., Suite 100, Southiake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-082 I am On favor oft"(opposed to) (undecided about) the rerquest figthe following reasons: Provided thay have some kind of landscape hutteritna nwill keep debris from blowing accross Southiake Blvd. when the wind is out nf_.±.L�_nort_h_ T + brapevine Highway looks like it is next to a land fill when the wind is out of the north. SIGNATURE: x ( f / .' t4 ? ft— '1 , '--` —` af�_.-?(_ /11../r' (Please Print Name) C6, L. L.Gi' ADDRESS: 2325 E. Southiake Blvd. PHONE: 11817 481 8631 ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** I Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA 00-082 7F Page 2 City of Southlake Southlalke Department of Planning STAFF REPORT August 11, 2000 CASE NO: ZA00-083 PROJECT: Rockenbaugh Elementary School REQUEST: On behalf of Carroll I.S.D., Rockenbaugh Elementary School is requesting approval of revised site plan to add a 400 square foot shade structure near the football field. ACTION NEEDED: 1. Conduct public hearing 2. Consider site plan request ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information (D) Site Plan Review Summary (E) Surrounding Property Owner Map (F) 11"X 17" Plans (for P&Z and Council Members Only) STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough (Ext. 787) Case No. Agenda Item ZA00-083 7G BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Carroll I.S.D. APPLICANT: Rockenbaugh Elementary School PROPERTY SITUATION: The school is located on the east side of Byron Nelson Parkway across from Parkwood Drive. Due to being located in a residential P.U.D. and having residential adjacency, site plan approval is required prior to issuance of a building permit. HISTORY: The Site Plan for Rockenbaugh Elementary School was approved by the City on September 3, 1996. A Revised Site Plan adding square footage to the building was approved on June 1, 1999. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block 60, Timarron Addition, Phase 5, involving 15.357 acres. LAND USE CATEGORY: Public/Semi-Public and 100-Year Flood Plain CURRENT ZONING: "R-P.U.D." Residential Planned Unit Development District ( P.U.D. No. 1, Timarron). NOTICES: Twenty-six (26) notices were sent. In Favor Opposed Undecided Letters with Comments Within 200 Notification Area Outside 200 Notification area P&Z SPEAKERS: In Favor Qualified In Favor Opposed Other P&Z ACTION: August 3, 2000; Approved (6-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 28, 2000. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated July 28, 2000. No variances are requested. N:\Community DevelopmeAt\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-083SP.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA00-083 7G Page 1 Vicinity Map Rockenbaugh Elementary i rime��:� .�apoPliir �.N ill■F■�• Ft moms• aw► Full:1::�ni N up.�u111�� ■�2��11= um imams Ali / , mo VA►ti•a1l 11111\�nlE".il1=1l Ir�11�� 1� ��ntl�■.■:i is �' _i mill �_. EIcI,uNI mI iTui,A..1 N NEi 1NO /err■ �,�� �� �■�■��� �r■ .11112. = initiii:.eirillin E• 1i i otTMf • ■ 'TA ■■►L: 1r1r RIMI1 'e dalka mill,lid imiq . w.P I7 or■ ■ . # IMO" emir' AO,�'I!Or♦* III ' IIP'�Ar i/nut►4rRl�, It;itii'.ILIi le■NI 44 ' milk win m■■i■�. la►�\1 4� -_ �� �Milll rt.�i ti f Ii11111 Mi S rcavANUIPI � fi�b� ♦ �� � �� ♦.t►♦�trig' ■�I1�I■■■■��■�w���`�%j%t�r��111 c•tfl;Ili . ♦ Ilt ._w■IIA . ter•�� ■.rf♦ .,�1 afifl■�■■■r ■111►r.44.l a �� . 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IM_ 2000 0 2000 Feet ...mi■ N W / � E S Agenda Item Case No. 7G Attachment B ZA00-083 Page 1 N rt IISTINC SITE DATA SUMMARY ADDITION SUMMARY IMPERVIOUS AREA 5 1 r1.9•0 • 177 •_n.L _ wLUSTING SYMBOL LEGEND -_ C111SlTNC-SUMMARY 'm°s' Linf MOE ne sv.R.TNA. .Kw u"`-i.A�a++S°a�.. ,:ir"OF'.m�,.•: N ®[x®INTERIOR LANDSCAPE >R m 3 M.crura Mom[ �I R,r/w.�.OATS/.cml ' - u.�u�n ,I•i'w�i{,y,n•c"�i'w'ic.i"•r:r NOMA,[OASYMMS>O BE RACED Dx 9,E aRroR TO ma I 9 e 10PR.EIT. Ma RAO,RP Pt ��-.• ...PERVIOUSA AREA ....•x4 rof�'+c wnr'[[rt.r COxSrMICMN ARE WCCrFD O 9E MYO.[D FALL IOW �I� ®�®�© o rt. _Mnw, » » O met/Ors note. ..I pw�,�� ,L�• . w.n_.a nJ P•.. lw� J r.« 6...~uw.l"..ti N.rr�"" �rWat.ynI I.n. 601.0._.n mnem ORLY4 m./Iv:m A.AA S '..xr a for�. -_-"_ , IN nx.n]1. ROM 9YARRON.4001110S ..P W M�•IM n4x♦'ilr�l..�M>x"I'.rYlwyx•rt) run: ro.+.io_ - 1311 BLDCK 60.LOT 2F - In..Wr RN.. ,l��MwLr9, -R=ae,�ae 1'+v„n •ems_ / CABINET'r.SLIDE 4J95 GRAPHIC SCALE _ .__. _.- L=w un" L'i4 L .- I ' I MESTER.A OYARRO. L.U.D.---RRETTALPCWYEROAL I o'� u I I SUMMARY CHART-BUPPERTARDS I h� .u~•RA ^r / •p o' r R 8 iixLT Cc.:rtry o xSK u:iaxl a O r I " _• •x.rm.. i*L A4 89'45'29" £ - 477.96 I a �\�O1maxim. „ ,� _ .x MOM POOR/N><n.e OP • tR S01B A 5028. BSLO 9r AWt.1229,P41050 41. Y c.-%////y : ii%ii O\ - •••o .r it-e ,.- ..' ••• ./a TR 503,ABST.699 -0 /i/�//�j: %%% - ,�-., PO Q "'>' ./A TR 1Al a 506.ABsr.e99-VOL.1229�P4,079 / '(,e>/\ .1.0.1......... 7 ;y0+%�...25!! <r'" F� O. o i ..• ..fir• .07-0 . y. zoNEO CS /j/�_ 7 �. �+'w•,.V�i J.i toe• 0:4 o 4C./• . O.. a»+ n so 0 '- L.u.O,-%BUT-SEUPUBUc � ' �`� _- '.w r .v% A� \, DQ •'^'- ..�. w' Mr. •» » y, ore i 4r, 0•%/• ° / . - i!,$ [ °'~ '%,' b �,G / BLOCK I.LOT 2C .x.il- renege. car' r. .r .PP v g_/$ X� P •' / 4` , 7• .•4 N O\•Il�� JAYES».a LORE iiA BAKER w� 1r-. T < I /� ` �� ',` FlJ - / •1 NI E.SOUTNLAKE BOULEVARD OW- , T=181.97 1 I�. � I r:; ••' • °j v� I SQ TN AXE,rEaAS ]6092-6Nt P•'AR, ^` r MONO I•»n 11.nn»IOW P - L=360.32,1 sill% °�' ...rhr ���T `/7`•. �i� % 3 zaNEos-1Aw. .....» A� \ LC=�358 54• s errt+ �j ♦t �t �) ♦ C�f.1• \q I' U.O.+MEDIUM DENSITY RESW NOW ..w pa., "`•m.r ` wo s�`m'r'.«""'. . .»Y, e�< C8=N32'S6 08 a£/ � `\rt` / t�, ♦,� Ael e .»" N»«Y»��.G""" -- I ` Y�� ,/ / �+�j�I '�._ /' ♦� ' ri% N BLOCK,. ..."P `»�"W"�.i...""«'n..«i««"""',.+,.vw��«i.i«....i...i..l I`II LOT 2A ///4 �^ :.Ih I II I• �� , ^'rt ,%i. JOE NEAL BAKER \` ' I / ♦ I '' I,I I `♦�� O 711 E.SOu TNLAKE �. � L�..............Ww«�ww.w»x. nYA.moN ADDITION ° , ° _,��.� / ��/ ,:IIIIII III:I dill "L. ..�:� -��� BOULEVARD i.-i - w i...".w J II 11i'I'^'",. O SOUTILAKE,TEXAS 76092-6N1 \/ /1� V• +I7/ •'"•'+rT...l..�...N.. ...Orr CA TiNARLON a SLIM lfi). • •* `r • -/., \ / I/ .� v�' 0 ZONED SE-1A IWiW.Jw.««ar»«IN",W. .M. •+P•• �L pqmL.U.O.+YEOIU4 DENS,TY RESIOENTAL I A-e99,IRO 2p •'� j •< I,.-IIIIII III I II I � / [/1 11 I V0..,12]9.PC.554 LOr.b-II.H ♦I 1 I II�II�I��� I [iRTIK�»RI Rx GMRx1 TAEEK910E OFFICE JV. zoNED RPuO d III�;I II. •:IIt; / w cii t. I it.N. jc• I 751 E.SOUIN ADE BIRO L.U.D. �IEduY OENy Ir RCS10E AL� ♦ 1 II' II /' •ani [� IIII I' �!a:`..... /,�I rz+a Y rY»�"' `r I� I�I��I, (/ % rz i`S' B9'S1 20" f - <96.<f2 :....7.7.7 TONED Sr-1A /i' `' N' I' �// LU.O. YE01UY DEN4TY pESDFNRAI 0= '<2 57 b' •R� l /1:-4 •///i'%/////////////////////////////////////�' ///{iii: -�1R- 930 /¢ •r<Ja5 �'l� ./= NEW BUILDING ADDITION `,i, / '' "'` � _ , ,�. , "•1 LESIER BRISCOE E=ti�li�0$�19" � / �q'//) °''�•.����r� • �� , « \� 4 1naAPEw/E.4 ]6o.°Ert. SO)C OALLAS ROAD 1"` 2 9 F, /�/� / �,� �� rO.r..w.»,m ; it I J ZONED AC (/ O L.U.O. -YEdUY ,� /' �� /� i ���'',� EX157/NG ONE STORY BUILDING j PBBxlwrc L rs b \ I O DENSITY RESIDER HAL 1.�. '. .a.12»z.Pu22s0.0R1Cr X {I 1 �.• '/� / �' ♦.I, cARROu LSO. • �^ `/ 70N[x' ... I D...1 �^--.T ♦ •,uYcc:'a:A,.T,� .. pi ., LA - I. Ill,/ 7„.. ,,, ,,..,. �•, 'o PT I szre ° • ' •`•� �`�' `� J►.6 i. Oct �` t,// ;.0k...,..... ...i....4...2 �. 1011 Ivy I. �;�r� 3�`-�•'"�i_��i, ..A. ` # lug..T.0,,4 .1i1 / /�/ / -r`• l' ORO Nani IT NAP .-,....... __...,. .._---.. ..4...4......=td*g;IZ'-.1111filataihiL741).- iiiilft'""14.,..._11114111....._4". SAIF fri / �� � ` tiiii i-,��.�!.'1 . / 'ski / -e99.IRO] /d - '_ `��`�I/�]/ _.- / /�100 YEARRR/// In V0..12591.PG225I D=lO'13 •" / m �y'•��/ 4:77....- / FLOODPLAI0RUCKER rAYILY UY11E0 PMTNERSIw �,-�•,.1; <� At /(UNSTUDIED REA)--, O SourTMAK[Aerxo 7609z6iu/f \ R=560.00 �q ` D LA w.o. -YEow 0'� \�---E;99.93`--- __4.4,,` .. �cf' ii �r��.1��.I. rr;� ..0 / / e • ni zoNEa AG T=SO.lO Or/1 ��X/'r7 / / g • DENSITY RESIDENTIAL \V CB=N7752'00"W l / to L _- T-__ g \- AI -• - /_�/O /.//�/v[w.,•R,-L"mcN„.rL / / REVISED SITE Pun N. / - 20 6L .2.:-------.. C e,40 \ - •;H A. /»,Yf4'/ m BLOCK /80 3 I I 1 \ \ oq P4c \-1 �_ •�O � �/ I Iv TIMARRON ADDITION 2 I \7 B'JO" -7'",,,,..... �� J T me0 IN CAwxn•i,SUN UN.PmLT '� 4 5 / d4 F1 _-_--_-___- ro rxe rxE nrY or sourxure R- �-�"_ `�� %�` O TARGNr COUNTY,TEXAS TIMARRON ADDITICiN 5 I 1 I- '\ L=116.28 --- =15 7 Um ism,Kul r ` T=58-48 D 5 89'73�7'!5' W 261.30 Wor o IN 0Jr.MIGHT U M=48-5 'u+ _ PO CABINET A SLIDE 3674 7 I' r � 94 C=129. �_ \ i` »RLU�V�i 2ooma C7o +", '�.j'�,-,MI...--7. BLOCK SS I l �' T-64.95 u i) CARROLL I.S.D. "' .d��. I Q Q/I - ��128•I5, be<Ba�,T \ Zs_.:30-, ,' ' ROCKENBAUCH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ' i o ...'" .•^_ '_Z 1 IT1 ./ O�110� CB=Nd(O�Ab06"'W •.i? x�A.R cnuTx.KA Assocurao.xa,,:cAaYOu�son.xOcxr ttxonl uis7xin �7j�•{'�J v_ad BLOCK 59 -1 NJ CTM. ... 1 i00 aR1 L wK.l RWC RURI t00I R0 tlRRC ,>[xu[20NE RPUO _A1� 2 AnoTGIVN,Tel'•9 KNIT ll_n. eR •.V. .i.�.»10•0..+..w.+.. LU.O YEOKKY NSTY RES.OENf 1 >).aT-TNR i,... 1 ull�>,> xz -VN'�Y.-a Pr•► � I, I 1 3z E)RPUD ( ZOBC l) \ :Asl w-Nw �I ��u j a aaNt 1`JIJw l-U.O. YEgU UEN91Y REi10ENnAt I 7 `�xK R:fle>L xAP[x' L,„„m„, Ly,RACT:CoppON rowel + APRIL 19. 199�w, >.�� Rockenbaugh Elementary School Proposed Shade Structure The Rockenbaugh Elementary P.T.O. proposes to install a 20' x 20" shade structure to the east of the school and adjacent to the playground. The structure is manufactured by American Building Products and consists of a powder coated tubular style steel frame with Galvalume® steel interlocking roof panels. The structure will be installed on a 4"reinforced concrete slab. Installation to be provided by Jim Lea& Associates, Richardson, Texas. The proposed colors are a neutral ivory frame with a light green roof 7 Case No. Agenda Item RED J , Mtaahml1J ZA00-083 ?G Page 2 Q E SY r, J (. 'ise Y •:�.- - ,...� . ..."aR F y w ' '`••',�t'lq3 J"L��As' Ns,- lk 4.,,,V-, r , - ' -'-1 , „ < > � atS,,F. 3S- i 'M)f z.yr fS S,1ti r J �A.4 ' 1 om - - . :1: is 2:'im i ,_,, ... Americana �£ t%� y.,_,,,,_Y 4.% ,. Building Produ cts { . - : s '. .'ra9 +5[ ; A4. T. V_ $`"tk,� x i-Cs "4t . : '1 » 6 " rW#i ,ee iV2+. ..f -aY b trT f', r- _ 'Ak, • .,-3.7. ''''''.''''‘.,-ftzNif--;`4F• !".1 • 6 ,,-. . , p,,, -; . , . ,, .. sr,. , , , ,.. 4 . , ..„,,;.11 n -1 • Y/ +I �. / ,,I I � I 'i a ' wK/i'> ! tf • - - ct,,7,.7:v r.ig`•�,•..a .e �:�n—.— t .- 4$ t I . s'iF x T "'A y 4,,, •'-.i .s... CS`, !,, -g F.�y# • r - - Y r % • • fi - xa + = •.r \ i�:K` e i w �r` a��y�.ao:r , �Mc F : -ot-• *7F +r •=-7VAT,ii f-tikc,-...t.3..4-p7. v..,,A) I,I 11 . . , _,,,, ice� . ! ! • i 11..... ;� 4aa--.' - "`% - i } t _. may, _ - ia �._` • s 1♦�1y r A 1. ky�_,7,+ . ,' __' •. •. _,� '"t-�. ,T r 1� s, +. -_+ 2. Yh TT;Ngtl Th "' '� �; lijsw A• �!C't'�e+.w s!~'=- A Great Variety of Other-Models to Choose 'corn �:' rn Contact us at 1-800-851-0865 or www.americana:corn for more information about t `- ..1. sz y. r �• F tT y k s-1,4.', . .am-- - :C 1,,.. }..'.G 4. - _ ..._.._ w _ '1.' 14 -g:t„.q. ' .�' `f7.' - bi l.ls(i iltz 1i III n ii In .+?,,..,, tr'� .., ca,,t. s[ a...iele- z }s� -e.+ \`. . . e r = .. ,.. r, .' leer; •o-.r,:?' �mc"r+Y, �= r I " pt s1 , �, 'al 'v� a z- Z .�.l.T. 7 , - `-0C- - - e-' '37f" tit itr fs ,fig' •': „g» .,,, ,,,tar.. 1• .,,:7,E,? l f•C B �' 4j -.^ -7*£ . `r s ';us\Om Color wr'- "w • .=t.', ...,- ,. en - . . .,,,,,, ,,-,...,v-,,,. , )'-,... .....,I,",L.,": , - v•_„..A..,-4.,_1.4,4-,9 .,,,,4',..1 45 9�f' ':V `4,. y1'_, „ s �' ..o. wa. ��i s . -.. '-''"a.--+�wa 4 yr1, t" ;7,t.*a ; '�'-F 7. .�.'w '.? s.Z vi a,•,.i :.i Y.1 ST' . q� y.,.yam. may, y .<�" 'a -y ..lu y.. ,-... - GF s' 3 .+N. _ a 9FJ1 -:Fi ^J � .w,Y.'S�, '- ..'*-.!,,.._`- `�"- hli.— .H'_ ..i . -....-:31.W ;-•. SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA00-083 Review No.: Two Date of Review: 07/28/00 Project Name: Site Plan—Rockenbaugh Elementary School APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: Rockenbaugh Elementary VLK Architects 301 Byron Nelson Pkwy. 1161 Corporate Drive W, Suite 300 Southlake, TX 76092 Arlington, TX 76008 Phone: 817-329-8313 Phone: 817-833-9600 Fax: 817-421-1118 Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 06/26/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT MARK A.JOHNSON AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 880. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations N Residential Adjacency Y Not Affected by Request Building Articulation N Masonry Standards N Impervious Coverage Y Complies Bufferyards Y Not Affected by Request Interior Landscape Y Not Affected by Request Driveways Y Not Affected by Request Lighting Y Not Affected by Request P&Z ACTION: August 3, 2000;Approved(6-0)subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 28, 2000. * Standing seam metal roofs must be constructed of a factory treated, non-metallic, matte finish as required by Residential Adjacency Standards. * Denotes Informational Comment L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\REV\#S PLAN-1.WPD Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA00-083 7G Page 1 Surrounding Property Owners Rockenbaugh Elementary —LL _ I I I till IL I ' i ,„,,,„Eli En 2 v MW:SP L-----.1111 MO V.,, SOP Ake 11104 anintitiatil Ird*p$4,. 14 ,i, irterawaid 1 1- 7=-- LF.RGsu ■ g1:7:21 _ i Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA00-083 7G Page 1 Property Owner Zoning Land Use Desi ination Acreage 1. City of Southlake 1. "CS" 1. Public/Semi-Public 1. 12.83 acres 2. Venus(Drews)Partners 2. "R-PUD" 2. Retail Commercial 2. 3.92 acres 3. Westerra Timarron,LP 3. "R-PUD" 3. Retail Commercial 3. 2.69 acres 4. J.Baker 4. "SF-1A" 4. Medium Density Residential 4. 4.72 acres 5. J. Baker 5. "SF-1A" 5. Medium Density Residential 5. 2.62 acres 6. Creekside Office JV 6. "S-P-I" 6. Medium Density Residential 6. 1.96 acres 7. L. Briscoe 7. "AG" 7. Medium Density Residential 7. 4.20 acres 8. W.Rucker 8. "AG" 8. Medium Density Residential 8. 49.16 acres 9. Westerra Timarron LP 9. "R-PUD" 9. Medium Density Residential 9. 5.74 acres 10.Weekley Homes,Inc. 10."R-PUD" 10.Medium Density Residential 10.0.30 acres 11.C.James 11."R-PUD" 11.Medium Density Residential 11.0.24 acres 12.M.Hassien 12."R-PUD" 12. Medium Density Residential 12.0.27 acres 13.P.Wolfe 13."R-PUD" 13. Medium Density Residential 13. 0.28 acres 14.K. Holtz 14. "R-PUD" 14. Medium Density Residential 14.0.26 acres 15.J. Mok 15."R-PUD" 15. Medium Density Residential 15.0.24 acres 16.Weekley Homes LP 16. "R-PUD" 16.Medium Density Residential 16. 0.24 acres 17. C.Reid 17. "R-PUD" 17. Medium Density Residential 17.0.25 acres 18.D.Brinkmann 18."R-PUD" 18. Medium Density Residential 18.0.27 acres 19.R. Sims 19."R-PUD" 19. Medium Density Residential 19.0.27 acres 20.J.Petersen 20."R-PUD" 20.Medium Density Residential 20.0.28 acres 21.E. Valdes 21."R-PUD" 21. Medium Density Residential 21.0.29 acres 22.E.Alvarez 22."R-PUD" 22. Medium Density Residential 22.0.28 acres 23.J. Piggott 23. "R-PUD" 23.Medium Density Residential 23. 0.27 acres 24.M. Stacy 24."R-PUD" 24. Medium Density Residential 24.0.34 acres 25. S. Asher 25."R-PUD" 25. Medium Density Residential 25.0.64 acres 26.D. Stanczak 26."R-PUD" 26.Medium Density Residential 26. 0.29 acres 27.J. Ochu 27."R-PUD" 27. Medium Density Residential 27. 0.35 acres 28.Drees Custom Homes LP 28."R-PUD" 28. Medium Density Residential 28.0.24 acres 29.T. Obregon 29. "R-PUD" 29.Medium Density Residential 29.0.30 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00-083.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA00-083 7G Page 2 'FT:* City of Southlake 'outhl • e Department of Planning • STAFF REPORT August 11, 2000 CASE NO: ZA00-086 PROJECT: Bob Jones Park REQUEST: The City of Southlake is requesting approval of site plan to expand Bob Jones Park. ACTION NEEDED: 1. Conduct public hearing 2. Consider site plan request ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information (D) Site Plan Review Summary (E) Developer Comments (F) Surrounding Property Owner Map (G) Surrounding Property Owner Letters • (H) Blue line copies of plans (for Council Members Only) STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough(Ext. 787) Case No. Agenda Item ZA00-086 7H BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: City of Southlake APPLICANT: City of Southlake PROPERTY SITUATION: Located on the southeast corner of Bob Jones Road and North White Chapel Boulevard, the property contains 190.4 acres and is bounded to the south by Corps of Engineers property. To the north the park is adjacent to residentially designated and residentially zoned properties, making a portion of the park subject to residential adjacency regulations, including articulation, screening, and buffering. The proposal is to add multi-use trails, nature trails, pavilions, concession and restroom facilities, baseball/softball fields, an amphitheater, ponds, and parking. The majority of the improvements are located on the southern half of the park with the exception of a concession/restroom building which is located within 400 feet of residentially designated property to the north and subject to articulation requirements. Areas within 400' of the northern and western boundaries of the park are subject to residential adjacency standards. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R. D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. • Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; and all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. LAND USE CATEGORY: Public/Semi-Public and 100-Year Flood Plain CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District NOTICES: 46 notices were sent In Favor Opposed Undecided Letters Attached Within 200 Notification Area 2 3 2 7 Outside 200 Notification area P&Z SPEAKERS: In Favor Qualified In Favor Opposed Other 2 1 1 P&Z ACTION: August 3, 2000; Approved (6-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 28, 2000, and to allow the variance to Item #1 (Type 'C' bufferyard) and Item #2 (8' screening device) but limiting to the areas of improvement on this Site Plan and deferring the required bufferyards and Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA00-086 7H Page 1 screening along the northeast portion of the park until future Site Plans for development. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 28, 2000. Waivers are requested for the following: • A Type "C" bufferyard is required where the park is adjacent to properties with residential land use designation (RE: Section 42.4.e). A variance may be granted to this requirement as set forth in Section 42.15.a. • An 8' screening device is required where the park is adjacent to residentially zoned property or property occupied by a residential structure (RE: Section 39.4.b). A variance may be granted to this requirement as set forth in Section 39.4.b. • Due to residential adjacency, the proposed Concession Stand is required to be articulated both horizontally and vertically on all four elevations (RE: Section 43.13.d). A variance may be granted to this requirement as set forth in Section 43.13.k. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-086SP.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA00-086 7H Page 2 Vicinity Map Bob Jones Park / 041 1 e—e .• : I [LI 1 1 1 1 R* y .fr4 i Al■ ■Eliiw _ iv Ina* 17. CO(. lii esi VI E.slum jig 2000 0 2000 Feet N t W / � E S Case No. Agenda Item Attachment B ZA00-086 7H Page 1 . N n et .,',• , .... -----iiisTmc stifE DATA SUMMARY ... •r:Prin_. _____[00.t..[- "i t00901,N___- „.._ ..,, •, = ,•••,''' ?•• consnwurium STAFY_[..1.01 MT.mx i X#P.M.PM - i;E•a‘• • PROJECT ..4,4.111,0.•Y PO., . 100 40 irxxx I 1-,4 CD\ I 1.-' VA'll \ I qMi_r/Mmt 0.0._ MOOR aXT,..,X Y.1.11..11_ -1A1--telT.....Lite.M. ,.....,.....•.....- IS.M.FT. 1.111, 111111 744711,1 , : .• . .• • • I. . • --Cororr,smi.num ....rt. • •• ••• ..• 1:-. waots"'".7•io%-?••••-o-amet lit• 1: . / Il ' .,---1 I I PAU of...Pc liraCti X trft CIMME 7,11411.•••.,,..... ... „,-..........,,s_4..,,.7 TT... NCI.SS/SAS TIM. 114‘11 .r1 L11111111(PrI!i41,.11:1,,,l'rr. '..... z T. 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AS S III OP vs Pt. 16 es IL ;. . . . . .. I ' • 'A . ..._ .‘ ' ' I I.2I-E ..... .,,,--xXxXx,,,. _,..-7••••x---.&-7'.. ' 111••••• NU es.X. ..... . . MD NS..11. IA... ; 14. ......,.........,............. _ „ __,,_ ' ____J; ...,..... , ; 1 . .._ ...... _.._... ,To Wu..•••.••. ......••••..........••••••...., CPO -- - --- CD "e.'-',-; '. I -- ' 1 ''''' ./!, ....*...E.m ......,.......Ite..••••••.1, ZI ,40.,"‘ '• -...;..i Fly.3 p , ....TM.•C-11.•0. ....3 06 : tII•°0 1 ht.------ - . ..) i " ' g . . _ <...•....•Ana..Yea ISUMMARYCHART RUFFERYARDS ,N.;,:fi '' • ij ::- Cm., /MIXT=RIM Mg/1.111171711C S.41. ti. 1'. ', A X I 4....._ i .. 177.-`74,3,, .4.#100. MOM MI.-MI. TM. 11111G1 MN.7.17.1711.47. .... e ; F.-71 li ••d- ....1,_ .: .1 ....... .,..- ;-; us an 6141 r maw• , El .....,•,"t• / :; .• 1 .' "SI." ••• .,/ e' •••••• Eidalla a ,....igs.r. MISTS PRIM. 71111. PM NM 177.1 MP. NUN I --•• •• .11••••• PM PIM OM NM NEM M. -.72.- , •• --., .f i i-F-- - , - I . I. ,, PROMO M. 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T4`..1T3!;IMA . H.T141100. . = n* 1-. rir,-PRE mt...akar a am.ma•t.••s•••07.1.11•111.S.,• \ • 11.••• -AS. I ATES P".• .... CITY Or SIXTILAIIE STRICW-2'?3" 1.1: 1601 E.SWAP KV°.STU TE 200 AO N.CARROLL AVENUE NIL 111E111,TEXAS 16011 SOLITHLAXE•TEXAS 1E0E2 VACATED PL AT Or . FAX 101 1 I 2.-11SEZ ISM.1-.111 XX,IRS FAX 1111 7 I•121-211S KW REACH l00,117111 , rio = CONTACT.=NOON.1011. CONTACT:1101 HOMY CA.So.ZA 00-005 SMELT I IT I cD ,-, - n SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA00-086 Review No: Two Date of Review: 07/28/00 Project Name: Site Plan—Bob Jones Park APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: City of Southlake Cheatham& Associates 667 N. Carroll Avenue 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. Suite 200 Southlake, TX 76092 Arlington, TX 76011 Contact: Ben Henry Contact: Gordon Johns Phone : (817) 481-5581 x756 Phone : (817) 548-0696 Fax : (817) 421-2175 Fax : (817) 265-8532 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 07/27/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT MARK A.JOHNSON AT(817)481-5581, EXT. 880. General Development Standards Applies Comments Corridor Overlay Regulations N Residential Adjacency Y Variance Requested (see comments no. 1 — 3) Building Articulation Y Variance Requested (see comment no. 3) Masonry Standards Y Complies Impervious Coverage Y Complies Bufferyards Y Variance Requested(see comment no. 1) Interior Landscape Y Complies Driveways Y Complies 1. A Type "C" bufferyard is required where the park is adjacent to properties with residential land use designation (RE: Section 42.4.e). (Variance Requested) 2. An 8' screening device is required where the park is adjacent to residentially zoned property or property occupied by a residential structure (RE: Section 39.4.b). (Variance Requested) 3. Due to residential adjacency, the proposed Concession Stand is required to be articulated both horizontally and vertically on all four elevations (RE: Section 43.13.d). (Variance Requested) Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA00-086 7H Page 1 P&Z ACTION: August 3, 2000;Approved(6-0)subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 28, 2000, and to allow the variance to Item #1 (Type 'C'bufferyard) but limited to the areas of improvement on this Site Plan and deferring future Site Plans and to allow the variance to Item #2(8'screening device) but limited to the areas of improvement on this Site Plan and deferring future Site Plans. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water& Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * Protected trees cannot be removed outside of 12' from the proposed building without processing a Tree Removal Permit or without approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Cuts or fills greater than 4 inches within the limits of the critical root zone of protected trees are not permitted unless adequate construction methods are approved by the Landscape Administrator. * Denotes Informational Comment L:\COMDEV\WP-FILES\REV\#SPLAN-1.WPD Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA00-086 7H Page 2 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 10, 2000 TO: Bruce Payne, Director of Planning FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: ZA 00-086, Site Plan for Bob Jones Park—Relief from Articulation Requirements of Section 43, Overlay Zones As noted in staff review summary letter number 2, dated 07/28/00, due to residential adjacency standards, the proposed concession/restroom facility is subject to building articulation requirements. The residential adjacency standards are applicable because the building is within 400 feet of single family residential property. The building is approximately 250' from the northernmost property, which currently has no residential dwelling. Section 43.9(b) of the zoning ordinance allows a variance if an applicant can demonstrate it meets any one of four criteria. Staff and the architect on this project believe the design of the restroom/concession building meet all four criteria in justifying relief from the articulation requirements. A discussion of each follows: (a) A variance will reduce the impact of the project on surrounding residential properties. The objective of the design for facilities at Bob Jones Park was to retain as much of the natural, rural appeal of the park as possible. In trying to achieve this goal, those facilities needed for the park were designed to be unobtrusive, yet pleasing. Simple lines and architectural materials were used to promote a building that blends with its surroundings. It is our opinion that if the building were designed similar to the architectural style of office and retail on Southlake Boulevard, this would serve to be a negative "visual impact" on the surrounding residential properties and those driving by Bob Jones Park. Instead, as park patrons enter the park area, the facility emerges visually as part of the natural surroundings, rather than standing out as something amiss. (b) Compliance with this ordinance would impair the architectural design or creativity of the project. The objective of the design of the proposed concession/restroom building at Bob Jones Park is to provide a functional facility that would meet the needs of park patrons while helping to set the architectural character of the Park. Bob Jones consists of over 400 acres of undeveloped U.S. Corps of Engineers and City park land. In addition to the developed soccer field areas, the Park contains numerous stands of native trees, open prairie land, intermittent creeks, a small pond, and lake shore. Surrounding property owners have Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA00-086 7H Page 1 • Bruce Payne, Director of Planning August 10, 2000 Page 2 houses and barns situated on large tracts of underdeveloped land. Horses and various other forms of livestock are frequent. The common aspect that most residents in this northern section of Southiake agree upon is the desire to preserve the open and natural feel of the area. With this in mind, the architects developed a structure that would blend in with the park by reflecting the rugged, natural feel of the landscape. Roof lines were kept long and the building shapes symmetrical in an effort to capture the architectural style of the Texas countryside. Through the addition of a milsap stone exterior, cedar beams, and a standing seam metal roof, the concession/restroom building, along with the adjacent pavilion, will set the natural style and tone for future park development, including other structures that will not be subject to residential adjacency standards. The use of natural materials and earth tone colors, as well as the buildings' symmetrical architectural style, provide it with a sense of relationship to the native feel of the park. By taking advantage of the simple lines and natural aspects of the land, the design allows the facility to blend, rather than detract from the landscape. Meeting the articulation requirements would result in a less desirable structure that would have difficulty fitting in with the park surroundings. (c) A variance is necessary to assure compatibility with surrounding developed properties. Although the nearest occupied residential dwelling is nearly a quarter mile away from the building, there will be other facilities built in the park. The most significant of these is the planned pavilion on the western edge of the pond, approximately 150 feet from the restroom/concession building. The pavilion is designed to serve as the focal point for park visitors upon entering Bob Jones. The intent of the design of the restroom building is to complement, rather than diminish, the architectural emphasis of the pavilion. (d) The proposed construction is an addition to an existing project that does not meet the requirements of this ordinance. Although as stated before, there are no existing structures on the park at this time, there will be other facilities, smaller in nature or not subject to the residential adjacency requirements, that will also be part of this project. Another restroom building, pump house, smaller pavilions, and other structures are planned or may be built in the future. The design of the subject building will set the standard for the other facilities. As such, if this building were required to be articulated, it will serve to set a design theme counter to that which is being proposed for this park. Alan Magee of Schutts Magee Associates, architect for this project, will be at the meeting on Tuesday to answer any questions. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have also. Cas. S o. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA i i-186 7H Page 2 Surrounding Property Owners Bob Jones Park rirmil \::---\----------\- „, ',r_ 411 _ ' ` r E�IJ4 _ 38 o3 57 7 8 9 5G AO •1 - 12 13 14 55 1i11 A2I 46 54 47 53 a2 r---------------"\ 48 51 Cnunty 1 ina 49 I zit 4iii. al ir Property Owner Zoning Land Use Description Acreage 1. E. Hurst 1. "SF-1A" 1. Low Density Residential 1. 1.52 acres 2. G.Persinger 2. "SF-1A" 2. Low Density Residential 2. 1.60 acres 3. J. Moore 3. "SF-1A" 3. Low Density Residential 3. 1.50 acres 4. C. Smith 4. "SF-1A" 4. Low Density Residential 4. 1.41 acres 5. D.Osley 5. "SF-1A" 5. Low Density Residential 5. 1.51 acres 6. D. Osley 6. "SF-1A" 6. Low Density Residential 6. 1.40 acres 7. S.Brackett 7. "AG" 7. Low Density Residential 7. 6.08 acres 8. T.Gable 8. "AG" 8. Low Density Residential 8. 6.00 acres 9. T.Gable 9. "AG" 9. Low Density Residential 9. 2.50 acres 10. M.Lamon 10. "AG" 10. Low Density Residential 10. 1.30 acres 11. M. Lamon 11. "AG" 11. Low Density Residential 11. 2.20 acres 12. M. Lamon 12. "AG" 12. Low Density Residential 12. 7.00 acres 13. P.Landesberg 13. "AG" 13. Low Density Residential 13. 5.77 acres 14. D.Moore 14. "AG" 14. Low Density Residential 14. 4.83 acres 15. J. Doty 7 15. "SF-1A" 15. Low Density Residential 15. 1.00 acres 16. J. Sibilisky 16. "SF-1A" 16. Low Density Residential 16. 1.00 acres 17. B.Emerson 17. "SF-1A" 17. Low Density Residential 17. 1.00 acres 18. O.Jansen 18. "SF-1A" 18. Low Density Residential 18. 1.03 acres 19. D.Gurczewski 19. "SF-1A" 19. Low Density Residential 19. 1.10 acres 20. Askew&Askew Inc. 20. "SF-1A" 20. Low Density Residential 20. 1.04 acres 21. R.Tierney 21. "SF-1A" 21. Low Density Residential 21. 1.00 acres Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA00-086 7H Page 1 Property Owner Zoning Land Use Description Acreage, 22. L. Smith 22. "SF-1A" 22. Low Density Residential 22. 1.12 acres 23. VLMC,Inc. 23. "SF-1A" 23. Low Density Residential 23. 1.02 acres 24. C. Walker 24. "SF-1 A" 24. Low Density Residential 24. 1.05 acres 25. J.Miller 25. "SF-1A" 25. Low Density Residential 25. 1.05 acres 26. J. Clark 26. "SF-1 A" 26. Low Density Residential 26. 1.08 acres 27. H.Howell 27. "SF-1 A" 27. Low Density Residential 27. 1.19 acres 28. C. Reese 28. "SF-1A" 28. Low Density Residential 28. 1.13 acres 29. R. Spencer 29. "SF-1A" 29. Low Density Residential 29. 1.03 acres 30. T.Clark 30. "SF-1A" 30. Low Density Residential 30. 1.00 acres 31. B.Monts 31. "SF-1 A" 31. Low Density Residential 31. 1.04 acres 32. R.Jenner 32. "SF-IA" 32. Low Density Residential 32. 2.03 acres 33. B. Dollar 33. "SF-1A" 33. Low Density Residential 33. 1.11 acres 34. A.Barrett 34. "SF-1A" 34. Low Density Residential 34. 1.25 acres 35. R. Hogan 35. "SF-1A" 35. Low Density Residential 35. 1.50 acres 36. R.Rice 36. "SF-1A" 36. Low Density Residential 36. 1.03 acres 37. A.Brooks 37. "AG" 37. Low Density Residential 37. 1.00 acres 38. M.Nolan 38. "AG" 38. Low Density Residential 38. 1.00 acres 39. A.Willoughby 39. "AG" 39. Low Density Residential 39. 1.00 acres 40. T. Edwards 40. "AG" 40. Low Density Residential 40. 1.00 acres 41. R.Hughes 41. "AG" 41. Low Density Residential 41. 1.07 acres 42. M. Cummins 42. "AG" 42. Low Density Residential 42. 1.00 acres 43. M.Cummins 43. "AG" 43. Low Density Residential 43. 0.70 acres 44. C. Fretwell 44. "AG" 44. Low Density Residential 44. 1.48 acres 45. C. Fretwell 45. "AG" 45. Low Density Residential 45. 0.69 acres 46. C. Fretwell 46. "AG" 46. Low Density Residential 46. 4.38 acres 47. M. Miles 47. "AG" 47. Low Density Residential 47. 11.2 acres 48. USA 49. MCI Tele-Communications 49. "CS" 49. Public/Semi-Public 49. 1.08 acres 50. A. Oien 50. "AG" 50. Low Density Residential 50. 0.51 acres 51. USA 52. A.Oien 52. "AG" 52. Low Density Residential 52. 38.56 acres 53. R.Galvin 53. "AG" 53. Low Density Residential 53. 31.12 acres 54. Southlake-Solana Ltd. 54. "SF-1A" 54. Low Density Residential 54. 38.65 acres 55. J.Boyles 55. "RE" 55. Low Density Residential 55. 5.50 acres 56. J.Evans 56. "AG" 56. Low Density Residential 56. 5.50 acres 57. M.Grigsby 57. "AG" 57. Low Density Residential 57. 1.00 acres 58. M.Grigsby 58. "RE" 58. Low Density Residential 58. 9.80 acres Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA00-086 7H Page 2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-086 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Site Plan for Bob Jones Park on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; and all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. The property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and Bob Jones Road. The current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, August 3, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-086 I am (in favor of) (opposed to) undecided about) e request for the following reasons: ACOP CC.) 7s:YC4/- ,561/beif/9.9yeezzA66/tel Y. 7 C) 10-20,40 PA 2k%,trio 41414 CI 12-7ZQa/, :SWA:A.7 / L.O71 /7/4Ti11 /276a -- . a/ 'Le i:J 44. SIGNATURE://1,1'T) �!fe=f I ' ,71t114i�. (../3h1P (Please Print Na70 ,L-� ,Z3LOY/) d ADDRESS: . Z 13 /< c COulZ?.Et t1O : 7/20Z. PHONE: 19 / —; .5 .2. 63 ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** Case No. Agenda Item Attachment & ZA 00-086 7H Page 1 RECDJUL 312000 DATE- AUGUST 1, 2000 TOTAL PAGES I TO: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FAX: 817-488-9370 FROM: MARYLYN E. MILES FAX: 972-293-6514 SUBJECT: SITE PLAN FOR BOB JONES PARK,ZA 00-086 I oppose the site plan because you are taking away my right to enter my property located at 3939 Mudhen Road, Southlake, TX. I have repeatedly attended zoning and city council meetings and asked you to observe city and state ordinances and or laws which protect me from being land locked by the city. I have presented you with written documentation and in person requests pertaining to my desire not to be land-locked by the city of Southlake. Again, I ask you to give and restore to me a road so that I can reach my property. You have closed Goose Neck Road,Mudhen Road and purchased all the property around me so that I can not enter my property. Please give to a street to reach my property. REC'D AUG 012000 C se No. Agenda Item Attachment C< Z 00-086 7H Page 2 Tara Brooks From: b.terrazas@att.net ent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 2:15 PM o: tbrooks@cityofsouthlake.com Subject: Park Development Ms. Brooks, My name is Beatriz Terrazas. I live in Indian Creek estates and I spoke briefly to you this afternoon when I came to your office for some information on the Bob Jones Park development. I did speak to Ben Henry, and he was very helpful. As I won't be able to attend tonight's meeting, I want to share some of my concerns about the park development. 1) Our biggest concern is lighting at the park. Mr. Henry assured us there are currently no plans for stadium type lights at the soccer fields. At least for now. He said the lights that will be placed at the maintenance facility, and those at the concession stands will be low level. We just want to reiterate that this is very important to us. We moved out here couple of years ago because it's lightly populated and we can still enjoy something as simple as seeing the stars and the moon at night. Also, we're worried that the more lighting available at night, the greater the attraction or people to loiter after hours, and the greater the ianger of crime. 2)We also have a question about the corner of Bob Jones and White Chapel roads. How close to the roads is that going to be? Will those of us with homes along Bob Jones have a buffer between that area and our homes? We see that there is some activity going on there, and we know there were trees planted there as a buffer a while back. 3) Bob Jones road is constantly in a state of ruts and potholes. With increased traffic, it seems that there will need to be improvements to that road, and perhaps increased maintenance to White Chapel between Highway 114 and Bob Jones. It's bumpy enough as it is now. 4)What efforts are being made to keep the wildlife in this area as the park develops? We see skunks, raccoons, opossums, armadillos, and occasionally a fox or two. That's another reason we moved to Indian Creek Estates. I'd hate to see much of the existing vegetation -- fDV �L trees, undercover and shrubs -- cleared to make way for t{�' the park. t1 2UC Speak to anyone familiar with the difference between organic and chemical landscaping, and the difference is huge. We don't use any chemicals on our lawn, because i they may not kill that skunk or raccoon the first time, )ut in time they will. Is there any thought being given a this issue as soccer and baseball fields go in and as trailClie(d loped? (We realize that City Council hAgenda Item Attachment Ct triedAkkg pie green spaces alive as the developmerrgg Page 3 on Highway 114 goes on, but strips of grass by Chemlawn are really not green spaces.) 5)Our last question is about security. We'd like to now how the city is addressing this issue as more leople begin frequenting this area. Thank you for the opportunity to express our concerns. Sincerely, Beatriz Terrazas and John Doty (817)430-5137 > �( 2cJ'2 Case No. Agenda Item J Attachment 6- ZA 00-086 7H Page 4 2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-086 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Site Plan for Bob Jones Park on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; and all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. The property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and Bob Jones Road. The current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, August 3, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-086 I am (in favor of) opposed t (undecided about) the request for the following reasons: — - _e '�,;, ?z ') �r i rr l 6'0C--' 12o SIGNATURE: � /Z4z - (Please Print Name) ( . a i/4)//e'j/I ADDRESS: /r `'4�a '5 PHONE: 1fo -Y eS 4 ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** ( /� o/a614 U 67-A- - zA aI m l z� "- / '�t' a me z4'1 /C0m a cL e 5 q// e'Ltc, Z/2es _ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-086 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Site Plan for Bob Jones Park on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; and all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. The property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and Bob Jones Road. The current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, August 3, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-086 I am (in favor of) posed to (undecided about) the request for the following reasons: zt jj'ytilic:ci, gx d z/Te (kii_441/5/-e?eilecf-x: ,e/A, ge-i-LY-6c_ . SIGNATURE: i �Z2r��J � 4 ) (Please Print Name) /I/)/9 /J t)//�,6 z ADDRESS: 1n0 tZ,c0 ki- PHONE: 'V�t? - 4/‘5/‘ ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** ase 4 x.� LGcz C�CGe A in `T m(&C'e'4- '�1 't . . Att ent(� •i‘I I Qt6 «� . .C�:(iA. ' ad ,./72e etes L--, ��age 6 0 Ce p ,d tnej `e - te_ . c/�sG.,ta jez_ NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-086 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Site Plan for Bob Jones Park on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; and all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. The property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and Bob Jones Road. The current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, August 3, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. }� REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-086 RED A U G 0 3 2000 I am (in favor of) (opposed t (undecided about) the request for the following reasons: -4.0-71,6,5 zt,, Mes ee.(64-.1 41,z,e.'es 47/11.4,512.- ref_rve ¶f2 6' c SIGNATURE: �j• (Please Print Name) ( /7. / , ///' ,- ADDRESS: //re (7t�"�s (1 PHONE: d/le 4 J` 4 ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** cam, (14 G z Lrr zc, ( e.e b , cef- 4caa, 6,7_ x-a„. ,..424.6-&-(/) . o, Agenda Item Attachment(r 6n JO- ik; . 7H Page 7 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-086 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Site Plan for Bob Jones Park on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; and all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. The property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and Bob Jones Road. The current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, August 3, 2000. at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-086 . RECD AUG 0 a 2000 I am (in favor of) ,(p ed to (undecided about) the request for the following reasons: yi1 0 _ 15 6 et,,tt) ix el vrize iii.fr7a/Zecii. ,to. ;,,,,,t, qz-ci C i '1 ' 11 SIGNATURE: Ntike.J L a ,,,J (Please Print Name) /9/4 /,( i//i-.E ADDRESS: 1/(9(2 /2420/6 61, PHONE: jC: — `1 /4 574 ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL***�� . _ (emu t zieG .t aL//4...)- y JQrt ,,, e p,., az- ' 4.4,e<s19-sP19. Ac.4,- int..) 01_ fteAv te, , c.77-2/su„aez4Aqicknent& < Page 8 ati _f g ,.„ 6..66c yrzet5 �11? City of Southlake outhialce Department of Planning STAFF REPORT August 11, 2000 CASE NO: ZA00-087 PROJECT: Bob Jones Park REQUEST: The City of Southlake is requesting approval of a preliminary plat containing approximately 190.4 acres. ACTION NEEDED: Consider preliminary plat request ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information (D) Plat Review Summary • (E) Surrounding Property Owner Map (F) Surrounding Property Owner Letters (G) Blue Line Copies of Plan(for P&Z and Council Members Only) STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough(Ext. 787) Case No. Agenda Item ZA00-087 7I f BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: City of Southlake APPLICANT: City of Southlake PROPERTY SITUATION: Located on the southeast corner of Bob Jones Road and North White Chapel Boulevard, the property contains 190.4 acres and is bounded to the south by Army Corps of Engineers property. To the north the park is adjacent to residentially designated and residentially zoned properties, making a portion of the park subject to residential adjacency regulations, including articulation, screening, and buffering. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R. D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; and all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 190.4 acres. LAND USE CATEGORY: Public/Semi-Public and 100-Year Flood Plain CURRENT ZONING: "AG" Agricultural District NOTICES: 46 notices were sent In Favor Opposed Undecided Attached letters Within 200 Notification Area 5 1 1 Outside 200 Notification area 1 1 P&Z SPEAKERS: None P&Z ACTION: August 3, 2000; Approved (6-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated July 28, 2000. STAFF COMMENTS: The submitted plat will conform to ordinance requirements once the three comments on the attached Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated July 28, 2000, are addressed. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-087PP.doc 7 Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA00-087 7I Page 1 4 Vicinity Map Bob Jones Park II I 00 !Ir I, _ . laileiroli ,.:, N Ira,. III , i ,, ,,,p.,.. „0, p..0_ rffitio ��,,,...- , :, •iii �!... , . �C Ili. s.sor'' \ oT ki ri-ms . 2000 0 2000 Feet N s \ / W / � E S Case No. Agenda Item Attachment B ZA00-087 71 Page 1 ;,,,- Az ...------ - ----• - , •••.Z.,--.„0.; . I --,-..•. --• .' 0 ..:-‘w. .!, , -.,...1).".,. .--- .1"...4.?;• i ! .1 .._ ''''''•'.......:.:', I Fe r‘ ..-N*34.'7.. . .. --.7.,„?'.• ot: it% 1„ iit'..,;' ',. . •:.- -.,..• , .. 111, . :: . • 1 _,-,, -, ..-..--- -- - '.7-?..4.-•:".-:.:'-' ' . 00 ''.•'' l'',',.>.-Ti:13•‘, 1.4' ,7 Lill ' ' 5'it.li,t• '''.'•' 1 41. .411.4, i.4/vit i.iikiit 1-16,71 .•4:-.-,.. .; r-\-_,,, •,--- .--,A-s-I g T' ii: ":... 3 % t 4*-..' . N. 'N -1% I S- ' ' 1 dt-s.'714 i, 44 - Its. • .-.:7r.— -'.A, .-.,-----„:1'f.4 i 1,--.- ; — 16 k., tre0C7- .: . ...-- r. . ------- 1 I t--- i---1 .....f ,i 1' NI- ,...,- .1* b*i__,„,,---„-, - ---A __ •. _ . ib. Am••••••1001 • : i - '=.. --'-:istitite•- mak,- ' 1.-, '4„ 1444, : • );%&_ • ?Oil )4' 1.64r 1--.• .__:— I o T4_ 1------- .' . . IN.3 4s. 1 ''N*1% * . A .. .f-NzF 17 1 AIL NI gag 1111 IMO. . / : I Pt ,- k $ " . • ,, --,,-i % 1 pg 1 IF..E,“1,c,E11,:;-k. 1 1— --itTrrari, . .F. I. I , 1 • , , 3,A,..,E...-,3•.-ift; tkci. i 1 i 1 "k4i., ... nr I I t 1 i 1 : i --!4' . i 1— ____ _ __Zie : ni= --\ i i , i 1 VIVIIE"... ic-111.4 i mow. k, , , ,II ___i_ —I— _ LOT 1 , il _. 1 I ..._ .L._ _ I N -- L C , ._ , ,1 ,, - -isior- •---, mr•Viegi ma., ,... ..e: W I= .. ‘i k4• At E -4-Tr..::"iar ., "War' \ UPF.'•-ti 4.-1114 1 Itig ! ;2- . • I: S crz &,.44'--7N• -1...- GRAPHIC SCALE . es .. .. --- 611N1 ....1 = e• : •S. 5 1...i IF:1 !•-•' .., , %,1.41 N. 1.......no n. Inn ..1- v....mm..8am mom. = 1 . --.41L7.'. .., S ("--•--' IliZir.IL' thIP:Vri :-f 7 '•k.'; .... 1 1 •'..... . - N. twar 116. ..• .......• 1p ......... ..-- .......••• ......••• .• ..---' / ._ r,:•11:7A7 -,. '.' / ztet._._ 4t.ry; ..._...._. _.. . LE1474:11 z:RAITI „ . T.knikf...CIT ;-.1•Urtiti- / -11.0r 1._ ••• .k „..._ ,,,, . RECD JUI.. 2 0 2000 tur.71-i. 1-1!at -.11., rr'.1-C --'-'41-11171-X1117 ,'•,:. ----(—% -7-.MELOJElq -ivv,.E... ;.-.-'4?I \ P°B 1 .19A....":2-; „,...ii.,31 rennamity PLAT —1 BOB LOT I. BLOCK 1 JONES PARK ADDITION 'Ne TO NE NE CITY OF SOUITIL AXE DENTON AM)TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS = . If.. ../... 1 = I \ 1. .,..- MIEGFIEDIERMINP2i KeTe.efeJV 1411...IFEe.VI WIN *CI A ._.__ ._..._ eitmisw_ II:er„.m.T...„,,..alstttIR lk -,. ..-' . SURYETOR-ENGINFFN MEATH.A ASSOC I AMY M.N.-MYR mce CITY OF MT.. .... ..ea pit4 gr,Whi....r.Mel TOO / I 744 *K i \ ....,,, ?KITE, 1.1 C.LAMM WYO.SUITE ZOO .T IC CARROLL MENNE ept et! ICA..11.35 CM IIIT NOR.IDE OF MST IICACII/MOM AFL 1/1.1.1.TEM 1.11 3011.1l...MC. HOU WAG II wormy, ,•1 7/.11-04. .....101-55..0 T. ONE LOT COOT.,COMM ACTOIS TAX.....411.411$ 00ITTACTI ICU MOOT JIA,I IP.A000 CAST Ma 14 00-0. 91TT1 I J PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA00-087 Review No.: One Date of Review: 07/28/00 Project Name: Preliminary Plat— Bob Jones Park Addition,being 190.4 acres APPLICANT: Surveyor: City of Southlake Cheatham&Associates 667 N. Carroll Avenue 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. Suite 200 Southlake, TX 76092 Arlington, TX 76011 Phone: 817-481-5581 Phone: 817-548-0696 Fax: 817-421-2175 Fax: 817-265-8532 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 07/19/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT MARK A.JOHNSON AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 880. 1. Show and dimension the R.O.W. dedication in accordance with the current Master Thoroughfare Plan. The Master Thoroughfare Plan designates East Bob Jones Road a C2U Collector with a right-of-way of 70'. 2. The 18th and 19th calls terminate at found iron pins that are not shown on the graphic. 3. Show and label easements for the water and sanitary sewer lines. P&Z ACTION: August 3, 2000;Approved(6-0)subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated July 28, 2000. * Place the City case number"ZA 00-087" in the lower right-hand corner of the plat. * Denotes an informational comment. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA00-087 7I Page 1 Surrounding Property Owners Bob Jones Park _1 r*41A-11 IrA s \:„......„..______:Th-,....„ abigiNgir- inint- Or. "wain - 7 _ 57/ kck4P":12Mniiiioffia 32 '. ( 56 7 8 8 40 I'1 - 12 13 14 1011 42 1 as I 54 46 47 53 48 ir----------------------\W m nminty 1 in.:, 51 49• i 1 1 r---s, .Aim 1 'Tic Property Owner Zoning Land Use Description Acreage 1. E.Hurst 1. "SF-1A" 1. Low Density Residential 1. 1.52 acres 2. G.Persinger 2. "SF-1A" 2. Low Density Residential 2. 1.60 acres 3. J.Moore 3. "SF-1A" 3. Low Density Residential 3. 1.50 acres 4. C. Smith 4. "SF-1A" 4. Low Density Residential 4. 1.41 acres 5. D.Osley 5. "SF-1 A" 5. Low Density Residential 5. 1.51 acres 6. D.Osley 6. "SF-1A" 6. Low Density Residential 6. 1.40 acres 7. S. Brackett 7. "AG" 7. Low Density Residential 7. 6.08 acres 8. T.Gable 8. "AG" 8. Low Density Residential 8. 6.00 acres 9. T. Gable 9. "AG" 9. Low Density Residential 9. 2.50 acres 10. M. Lamon 10. "AG" 10. Low Density Residential 10. 1.30 acres 11. M.Lamon 11. "AG" 11. Low Density Residential 11. 2.20 acres 12. M.Lamon 12. "AG" 12. Low Density Residential 12. 7.00 acres 13. P.Landesberg 13. "AG" 13. Low Density Residential 13. 5.77 acres 14. D.Moore 14. "AG" 14. Low Density Residential 14. 4.83 acres 15. J.Doty 115. "SF-1A" 15. Low Density Residential 15. 1.00 acres 16. J. Sibilisky 16. "SF-1A" 16. Low Density Residential 16. 1.00 acres 17. B. Emerson 17. "SF-1 A" 17. Low Density Residential 17. 1.00 acres 18. O.Jansen 18. "SF-lA" 18. Low Density Residential 18. 1.03 acres 19. D. Gurczewski 19. "SF-1A" 19. Low Density Residential 19. 1.10 acres 20. Askew&Askew Inc. 20. "SF-1A" 20. Low Density Residential 20. 1.04 acres 21. R.Tierney 21. "SF-IA" 21. Low Density Residential 21. 1.00 acres Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA00-087 7I Page 1 r Property Owner Zoning Land Use Description Acreage 22. L.Smith 22. "SF-1A" 22. Low Density Residential 22. 1.12 acres 23. VLMC, Inc. 23. "SF-1A" 23. Low Density Residential 23. 1.02 acres 24. C.Walker 24. "SF-1A" 24. Low Density Residential 24. 1.05 acres 25. J. Miller 25. "SF-1A" 25. Low Density Residential 25. 1.05 acres 26. J.Clark 26. "SF-1A" 26. Low Density Residential 26. 1.08 acres 27. H.Howell 27. "SF-1A" 27. Low Density Residential 27. 1.19 acres 28. C. Reese 28. "SF-1A" 28. Low Density Residential 28. 1.13 acres 29. R.Spencer 29. "SF-1A" 29. Low Density Residential 29. 1.03 acres 30. T.Clark 30. "SF-1A" 30. Low Density Residential 30. 1.00 acres 31. B. Monts 31. "SF-1A" 31. Low Density Residential 31. 1.04 acres 32. R.Jenner 32. "SF-1A" 32. Low Density Residential 32. 2.03 acres 33. B.Dollar 33. "SF-1A" 33. Low Density Residential 33. 1.11 acres 34. A.Barrett 34. "SF-1A" 34. Low Density Residential 34. 1.25 acres 35. R.Hogan 35. "SF-1A" 35. Low Density Residential 35. 1.50 acres 36. R.Rice 36. "SF-1A" 36. Low Density Residential 36. 1.03 acres 37. A. Brooks 37. "AG" 37. Low Density Residential 37. 1.00 acres 38. M.Nolan 38. "AG" 38. Low Density Residential 38. 1.00 acres 39. A.Willoughby 39. "AG" 39. Low Density Residential 39. 1.00 acres 40. T.Edwards 40. "AG" 40. Low Density Residential 40. 1.00 acres 41. R.Hughes 41. "AG" 41. Low Density Residential 41. 1.07 acres 42. M.Cummins 42. "AG" 42. Low Density Residential 42. 1.00 acres 43. M.Cummins 43. "AG" 43. Low Density Residential 43. 0.70 acres 44. C.Fretwell 44. "AG" 44. Low Density Residential 44. 1.48 acres 45. C.Fretwell 45. "AG" 45. Low Density Residential 45. 0.69 acres 46. C. Fretwell 46. "AG" 46. Low Density Residential 46. 4.38 acres 47. M. Miles 47. "AG" 47. Low Density Residential 47. 11.2 acres 48. USA 49. MCI Tele-Communications 49. "CS" 49. Public/Semi-Public 49. 1.08 acres 50. A.Oien 50. "AG" 50. Low Density Residential 50. 0.51 acres 51. USA 52. A.Oien 52. "AG" 52. Low Density Residential 52. 38.56 acres 53. R.Galvin 53. "AG" 53. Low Density Residential 53. 31.12 acres 54. Southlake- Solana Ltd. 54. "SF-1A" 54. Low Density Residential 54. 38.65 acres 55. J.Boyles 55. "RE" 55. Low Density Residential 55. 5.50 acres 56. J.Evans 56. "AG" 56. Low Density Residential 56. 5.50 acres 57. M.Grigsby 57. "AG" 57. Low Density Residential 57. 1.00 acres 58. M.Grigsby 58. "RE" 58. Low Density Residential 58. 9.80 acres 1 Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA00-087 7I Page 2 - ; CITY OF SOUTHLAKE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-087 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Preliminary Plat for Bob Jones Park on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H.Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; and all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being Approximately 200 acres. The property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and Bob Jones Road. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday. Auzust 3, 2000. at 6:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-087 RECT1 ` i 0 3 2000 I am (in favor of) (opposed to) (undecided about) the request for the following reasons: .t/�flTi t,�l-, S6 ce:vr7 l'uti'C;f'fTiU.J T.t' 'r�lc �4�'l'C°If T%�1!-e 7-0 l 674(2e C_c r i S T/,ix0 'c,C'A-tiurj, SoC'(-et, - eaNc 'J "—) .Z.L, SIGNATURE: (Please Print Name) A—A),t,i (;) /72 4,e 15 � ADDRESS: 4�. 'v ��✓�G.Ge'7 /icy/�,z" PHONE: 6V a C7-0- 93.SS ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA 00-087 7I Page 1 TO 39t�d 2JV11OG a oa b068-T617-LT8 ST:e0 0007./Z0/0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE I NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-087 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Preliminary Plat for Bob Jones Park on Tracts 1, 2, 10, and 11, M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No. 916; Tracts 3, 4, 5, and 5A, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1003; Tracts 2 and 3, H.Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1273; and all of the vacated West Beach Addition; and being approximately 200 acres. The property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of North White Chapel Boulevard and Bob Jones Road. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, August 3, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas • The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-087 REC O AC G 0 3 2000 I am (in favor of) (opposed to) (undecided about) the request for the following reasons: .' (7;i_ ' SIGNATURE: (Please Print Name) - C - Reps-e l ADDRESS: ` I0 PHONE: ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA 00-087 7I Page 2 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM 8/11/00 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Sean Leonard, Court Administrator SUBJECT: Ordinance No. #783, First Reading, Providing for the Amendment of Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances Relating to Municipal Court of Record Action Requested: Approval and Adoption of Ordinance No. #783. Background Information: During the 76th Texas legislative session, House Bill #731 was passed amending Chapter 30 of the Government Code to standardize and make applicable a uniform set of policies and procedures for all municipal courts of record. Because prior law permitted courts of record to be established through state law, the Government Code contained a separate set of policies, rules, and procedures for each municipal court of record created by the statute. As a result, the rules and procedures were not uniform. This legislative mandate streamlined the qualifications, duties, salaries, powers, terms, selection, and removal of judges of municipal courts of record and their clerks which in turn must be codified by the City of Southlake. Highlights of the ordinance include appointments, compensation and term limits of the judges. Appointments of the Court Clerk, court personnel and court reporter and establishment of a court seal and transcript preparation fee. Financial Considerations: Not Applicable. Citizen Input/ Board Review: No citizen input has been received. Not subject to any board review. Legal Review: The City Attorney Rob Allibon has reviewed the mandated state requirements and created the attached document for City Council approval. Alternatives: The City Council has the discretion to set the term limits of the judge(s) to either a two-(2) or four-(4) year term. Supporting Documents: Ordinance No. #783 Staff Recommendation: Place Ordinance No. #783, on the 15th day of August, 2000 City Council agenda for first reading. A-- I ORDINANCE NO. 783 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 8 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, RELATING TO MUNICIPAL COURTS OF RECORD; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the 1999 Texas Legislature adopted changes to various provisions of Chapter 30 of the Government Code relating to municipal courts of recc d, making it appropriate to revise Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances, in order to comply with the changes adopted by the 1999 Texas Legislature. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by the addition of Section 8-32A, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-32A. Municipal court designation. The municipal court of record shall be the "Municipal Court of Record in the City of Southlake, Texas". SECTION 2. That Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by the addition of Section 8-32B, which shall read as follows: MunicipalCourtOrdinance.doc Sec. 8-32B. Municipal court jurisdiction. The municipal court of record in the City of Southlake has the jurisdict: )n provided by Section 30.00005 of the Government Code. SECTION 3. That Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlale, Texas is hereby amended by amending Section 8-33, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-33. Judges—appointment. The judges of the municipal court of record in the City of Southlake shall be )pointed by the city council. A judge who was elected or appointed before Septerr°.er 1, 1999 continues in office until the end of the current term. SECTION 4. That Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by amending Section 8-35, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-35. Same—qualifications. A municipal judge of the municipal court of record in the City of Southlake must: 1. be a resident of this state; 2. be a citizen of the United States; 3. be a licensed attorney in good standing; and 4. have two or more years of experience in the practice of law in this state. A person may not serve as a municipal judge if the person is employed by the City of Southlake. A municipal judge who accepts employment with the city vacates the judicial office. MUNICIPAL COURT ORDINANCE.doc PAGE 2 gA -3 SECTION 5. Tha. Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by the addition of Section 8-35A, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-35A. Same—compensation. The city council shall set the salary of the municipal judge of the municipal court of record in the City of Southlake. The amount of the judge's salary may not be diminished during the judge's term of office. The salary may not be based directly or indirectly on fines, fees, or costs collected by the Court. SECTION 6. That Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is h ;reby amended by the addition of Section 8-35B, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-35B. Same—supervision and control of the court. The municipal judge shall supervise and control the operation and clerical functions of the administrative department of the municipal court, including the court's personnel, during the proceedings or docket of the court. At all other times, the operation and clerical functions of the administrative department of the municipal court shall be under the supervision and direction of the court clerk. SECTION 7. That Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by the addition of Section 8-35C, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-35C. Same—term. The term of an appointed municipal judge for the municipal court of record in the City of Southlake is years from the date of appointment. MUNICIPAL COURT ORDINANCE.doc PAGE 3 SECTION 8. That Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by the addition of Section 8-35D, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-35D. Same—vacancies. If a vacancy o:;curs in the office of a municipal judge of a court of record, the city council shall by ordinance appoint a qualified person to fill the office for the remainder of the unexpired term. The city council may appoint one or more qualified persons to be available to serve for a municipal judge who is temporarily absent due to illness, family death, continuing I, jai or judicial education programs, or any other reason. The municipal judge sha[ select one of the qualified persons appointed by the city council to serve during the abs::nce of the municipal judge. The substitute judge, while serving as a municipal judge, has all the powers and shall discharge all the duties of a municipal judge. A substitute judge must meet the qualifications prescribed for the municipal judge. The city council shall set the compensation for the substitute judge. SECTION 9. That Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by amending Section 8-36, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-36. Appointment of court clerk and court personnel. The city manager shall appoint a clerk of the municipal court of record, who shall be known as the municipal court clerk. The municipal court clerk shall keep the records of the municipal court of record, issue process, and generally perform the duties of a clerk of a county court at law exercising criminal jurisdiction. In the annual budget, the city council may provide deputy clerks, warrant officers, and other personnel as needed MUNICIPAL COURT ORDINANCE.doc PAGE 4 g A-- s for the proper operation of the municipal court of record. During proceedings of the court, the clerk and court personnel shall serve at the direction of the municipal court judge. At all other times they shall serve at the direction and supervision of the court clerk who shall have the authrity to remove the court personnel according to rules set forth in the city's personnel po' cies. SECTION 10. That Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by amending Section 8-37, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-37. Court reps ter. The municipal court clerk shall appoint a court reporter who must meet the qualifications provided by lay) for official court reporters. The court reporter or court staff may use written notes, transcribing equipment, video or audio recording equipment, or a combination of those methods to record the proceedings of the court. The court reporter or court staff are not required to record testimony in any case unless the judge or one of the parties requests a record in writing, and files the request with the court before trial. If a record is made, it shall be kept for the 20 day period beginning the day after the last day of the court proceeding, trial or denial of motion for new trial, whichever occurs last. The court reporter is not required to be present during proceedings of the municipal court of record, provided that proceedings that are required to be recorded are recorded by a good quality electronic recording device. If a case is appealed, the proceedings shall be transcribed from the recording by an official court reporter. MUNICIPAL COURT ORDINANCE.doc PAGE 5 SECTION 11. That Article II of Chapter 8 of th,: Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by the addition of Section 8-41, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-41. Seal. The court clerk is directed to acquire a seal in conformance with State law for the municipal court of record in the City of Southlake, Texas. SECTION 12. That Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by the additi.-1 of Section 8-42, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-42. Jury. The court clerk shall supervise 'he selection of persons for jury service in the municipal court of record. SECTION 13. That Article II of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas is hereby amended by the addition of Section 8-43, which shall read as follows: Sec. 8-43. Transcript preparation fee. In the event of an appeal, the appellant shall pay a transcript preparation fee in the amount of $25. The transcript preparation fee does not include the fee for an actual transcript of the proceedings. The clerk shall note the payment of the fee on the docket of the court. If the case is reversed on appeal, the fee shall be refunded to the appellant. In addition to the transcript preparation fee, the fee for the actual transcript of the proceedings and statement of facts must be paid by the appellant. MUNICIPAL COURT ORDINANCE.doc PAGE 6 gA -7 SECTION 14. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which Event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 15. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordim;nce, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 16. This ordinance shall be in full force and e ifect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS DAY OF , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY MUNICIPAL COURT OROINANCE.doc PAGE 7 PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS DAY OF , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney MUNICIPAL COURT ORDINANCE.doc PAGE 8 Y ' I City of Southlake •uthl• e Department of Planning STAFF REPORT August 11, 2000 CASE NO: ZA00-056 PROJECT: High Point REQUEST: Ross Owen is requesting a zoning change to SF-20A and concept plan approval. ACTION NEEDED: Consider first reading of the rezoning request and concept plan ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information (D) Concept Plan Review Summary (E) Tree Preservation Analysis (F) Developer Comments (G) Ordinance No. 480-349 (H) Surrounding Property Owner Map (I) Letters from Neighboring Property Owners (J) SPIN Report (K) Blue Line Copies (for Council Members Only) STAFF CONTACT: Karen Gandy (Ext. 743) Dennis Killough (Ext. 787) Case No. Agenda Item ZA00-056 8B BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER/APPLICANT: Ross Owen PROPERTY SITUATION: This is a 14.6 acre tract surrounded on the north, west and southwest corner by Southridge Lakes, zoned SF-20. One developed residential lot, zoned SF-1, which is part of the same ownership of this proposed plat is located at the southeast corner. There are developed residential lots across Shady Oaks Drive zoned SF-1 and AG. There are a scattering of trees to the west portion of the site. HISTORY: Other activity on this site includes the following: • Zoning (ZA86-065) AG to SF3, minimum one acre, was approved in January, 1987 • Preliminary Plat (ZA86-068) was approved in January, 1987 • SF-1 A zoning was placed on the property in September, 1989 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tracts 3A, 3A1B, 3A2, 3E, 3E1, and a portion of Tract 3A1C, Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686, involving 14.654 acres LAND USE CATEGORY: Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential CURRENT ZONING: "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District REQUESTED ZONING: "SF-20A" Single Family Residential District NOTICES: Twenty-eight (28) notices In Favor Opposed Undecided Attached letters Within 200 Notification Area 1 3 3 6 Outside 200 Notification area 1 P&Z SPEAKERS: In Favor Qualified In Favor Opposed Other 2 2 P&Z ACTION: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial (6-0) at their regularly scheduled meeting on July 20, 2000. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA00-056 8B Page 1 STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Revised Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated August 14, 2000. The applicant is requesting the following variances: • Minimum 125' lot width at the rear lot line on particular lots (RE: Ord. 483, Sect. 8.01E &F); • Minimum lot area of 30,000 square feet on particular lots (RE: Ord. 483, Sect. 8.01G); A variance may be granted to these requirements as set forth in Ordinance 480, Section 9.01 A. The Planning and Zoning Commission had the following concerns: • The land use designation being both low density and medium density; • Applicant did not hold a SPIN meeting; • SF1 zoning would provide a better buffer between the existing SF-20 zoning properties to the north and west and the low density properties to the south and east. • The higher density development would negatively impact the school and traffic on Shady Oaks Drive. Since the Commissions action on this item, the applicant held a SPIN meeting. Please see the SPIN report included in your packet. Due to the recommendation for denial, by P&Z, a super majority vote of approval is needed. N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\MEMO\2000cases\00-056ZC.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment A ZA00-056 8B Page 2 Vicinity Map High Point Addition �i,11 _ _ ' � i =, AS, r"! !iki — mi alm impv�. ■ al....,1111 6. se‘411101-11111 ill ill pr-•Min /MI En r —11.44//11��11111,��m ■ .11111... E ■.��II �1111111;;AO 4 I ■■rk.►4 .`L L„�`r '►� ELEMENTARYSCNOOL 11111�.� e.tiii Of NO Poi's MINIM M i/• �E•. r slimunlirr1■■�� i.■■■■■1111 .v: ii �� ii r tto 0..1.--'aAmm ie.-��V4,,II ■olrlarP IiiraiNl lia11�rMM MI"i Py..' ri 111Ii iI1 11.1��11u 1 . [V1t1J51t%' A or.VA a 4,04 comvon. liki ' -.. RAO tik•4te,40%64 =aft butte,,...altloo 74- . a miridigL .... ........,,v2,0).0" zialve40......iag 2 =per 11 TX'.�mo .0 s.► fsne �.► e -ro ,. ail ' TI,'u`i. ! ial►IP■iu. r.'alo- c J� / sv ►ry� �e11/ ■Nio br i► I111 14 � . ♦ . . nA4�. L t.i■� ■■■■I miNg ` T l .l glI i ■i , i . I .21% 411MIN 2000 0 2000 Feet N % /� W �r E S Case No. Agenda Item Attachment B ZA00-056 8B Page 1 � A s c Az fr.411\ _. _.I _. +.__ / ._ m ,< = - - z � • 1 *a.ewe••I 1. -�R.•fl- BM. Val a�bsY.0.. w 1w1 Ir1t.r w L a"v. � a all MINA�Y.wnlr at Ss�l Cana Iw r M w e.n \/ a1.1 e.9a..I Wm.of.1.In.19A a.S.aw ` ✓• ( r +- rr cu 9w.wad .r 9.eaa..Ha.Cray'.Has(O.IICI) Lae a men a w • 1 - ,1. -= mniM r Nall,Mt A.tle(0214C2.W,w \\\ ; N AY'1]'S as ml' wCwvF e.,rM m be.. g •r. cm.oa.c a a me e.bra..,a neat.s err 4Srte I..: HDOfO abi w..M.r an_a W tley am.wi.......<nm Mi.5/'P LA SI.BM.1.a SP..O02 od M5t.*. a....r.. _ yy )/sea' x..4 4.m0m...'i,r a 9r•ee ma W.s w AO ear. • , Nu.... , .w. M .. .•'-n S.P..'St'I I.n.e mM.,..4 N II4Icik N...a / tir 6 l S /! _. L - T1I. II. ... j Q CONLON MG >aM'se a.v m ow**Sim ...q w a =IMO..uas-RIMIr is MOM.c r w_- - (I -.: 1,MI) I. a I �• L O '�i.a"sumlo¢IMO-p...lv�4 situ ea r a.no.I...t. `$� ,I _.R MDR 72AWI our wa era no.e.r.1 VW=.C'.a.w_r.mow a W S4 ` : ' ��I .a - - rr �! rr �Anna m KCsaw�n.r.r RIn9 Mfr.1/1-.m \\\\` w era _t a '-rr• ' M A a.,.a w~ J• n.mY./w•i�n�.e1N,b m.r.a Moe gam*�Y MI Y. _ xirtT x a a.�I!ewer SI Neale E Y@ 144414.a 1/Y w, a.grA me Yews.a w*m1 Amy a W II.A0 p..l.w. , r .�..2, T _-.-N - L.Q.alu a a N..w Pa I aims AREA Z. --•wr- - moat s o bane 10 m..a S.meal E.MIS.4.I \ Is. ADO ` me, a , .w,w lea game.w.m _ • raW ,. [4'.- - ..art• WA".5 m6 vw.:2,mur9 vw C lC/S bw a a m.9 • • M„ a an 'u... /. _ �mC � w� 0 R0/.DEDICATION ,$*FCC A a as a.Ni A..l2 nes.e R MM.W b InNMI - •..I6ux r. I,SS —I--' ►YCL�]�— -e sle dar wG w sao.•n,..esl users el We/MOAN Mm•IrA f9 -• s Insri F I Rs ',:°:.'..M"._`�..':.:da.°r"...'!va .uo.`c,. _ RqCOMM 4V 15............1 WAN. a� m. ,.- l m S . a. 3 Neer I (OF 1,NZ liy.aw Ns..I.a w weal a...�.b.ra �. 10F,9 ea.M.w.aw.i.l.wd re.r;am..M 91. .r 'A L r • id.ws au.mb Ye w W.S..ww,Are!a SR C.MeM NV I u ow a ee M.rbase!ra Oman aAs Sae --- I)w i..a ww.n..a.*as as w.Sr al,.Pva ISM. �� _.__....,17.Y! •: � attar, n.Nara m w..NNtI ura. 1104 J.LC I. 3.aHC0 L.GYE � .__.._( .,. ..a . +o•Iw= ...A a.re ' m 9- Y/Ii1NID.0 wits I! 6))Al a. S.043.E .a,..tts t An arm..G....ee ' 4 ano a.ra.i.as m..1 Av....m.. �� =-� CONCEPT PLAN W ... . Fall �i. `-- '-- '.'.7,:', I SF-20—A ZONING REQUEST ----.:--..------1 ,� '` \ _-P PON ` D•�"�� _ HIGH POINT ` • t.5:'lVy ve.s.c I '.L'11 14.654 ACRE TRACT OF LAND i� ...o r:Q a�,M wan 1 �w IN THE �.�.� 1 L. G. HALL SURVEY, A-686 x CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 'moI w . "`:v.-` R.�a r TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS ,ram �. "^° _ ..a • w,.. _„':-ate )� m.1.C./4n.1APAL �t .,--` 67e'� A AG I I O p a: OVEN Leo m.4.OAS uqn Is.;' -,1 I 9oUlIDwlu.iEu9>eMz a iP ! ,'LIF. WTI 9rzl JCS Y� IT21.9_.m90 ir .. ;- C9. EWING ZONING -57-1-6 k AG slc4..1. 1 _ --•7p� ..... PROPOSED ZONING -SP-20-4 .swnceoM I,.SOCIAIas 1 11..7 •V '•�q�� lir iii PROPOSED U.SF -57NGlE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - ...N...-PLANAR. i ay ., ma►�1 .R PR AREA -14.654 AC. �[ ! (� _ .. ya' i •�f.Am :3 .. . TOT6L LOTS -24 RESIDEN1TAL 2 OIBN SPAR �E.C'� v �OOI'F"•4'S'.rme xn.Svir.S!s h""b•,"•',' r` ) i.i'+1+es wo v.r4o Noe-amn i Via• 7 DENSRS -/.61 LOTS/ACRE l7 !►1 a ��al N'�• '1�+ r I IARC32ST LOT -36.492 S.F .Ae:.e.11 aeC-.Noe I .T p"u avy�i �13........ Z r4 SNALLES7 LOT -20.000'LPJOB -1102 'I•t..w .�� q� P. AVF.R,IGF.LOT -20,656 5.F Al.v65I.:Nc ne AE.J.61 mmamuou.r, ,; 77 6a A Sy: 6 00-1 I a1 c sx et, CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 00-056 Revised Review No: Three Date of Review: 08/11/00 Project Name: Concept Plan — High Point Addition APPLICANT: ENGINEER: Ross Owen Washington &Associates, Inc. 480 Shady Oaks 500 Grapevine Hwy, Suite 375 Southlake, TX 76092 Hurst,TX 76054 Phone: (972) 365-0265 Phone:(817)485-0707 Fax: () Fax: (817)485-4106 Attn: Jackey Fluitt CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 06/30/00 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION,PLEASE CONTACT LISA SUDBURY AT(817)481-5581,EXT. 880. 1. Provide a minimum lot width of 125' along the southern line of Lots 1 — 6, Block 2, adjacent to the Robert Owen tract. In accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, § 8.01E, A row or tier of lots having a minimum lot width of 125 feet at the rear property line shall be provided adjacent to any property that is currently zoned or platted residential and contains lots of one acre or larger. (Variance Requested) 2. Provide a minimum square foot of 30,000 on Lots 1 —6, Block 2, adjacent to platted property zoned "SF-1" or"RE", in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, § 8.01G. The zoning of the Owen tract is "SF-1 A", note this on the plan. Additionally, the Owen tract shall be included in any plat of this property. (Variance Requested) 3. Provide the minimum 100' lot width at the minimum front building lines. It appears that Lots 7 & 8, Block 1 do not comply with this requirement. P&Z ACTION: July 20, 2000, denied(6— 0). * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit, a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a developer's agreement approved and all infrastructure improvements accepted by the City and all required fees paid. Required fees may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Impact Fees, Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * It appears that this site includes a portion of the tract to the south. All of that tract must be included in future plats submitted for this development. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA00-056 8B Page 1 * This review is based on the "SF-20-A" Zoning District Regulations. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Ross Owen Jackey Fluitt VIA FAX: ABOVE N:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT\WP-FILES\REV\2000\00-056CP2.DOC 1 Case No. Agenda Item Attachment D ZA00-056 8B Page 2 TREE PRESERVATION ANALYSIS (Residential Subdivision Development) Case: 00-056 Date of Review: 6—22 - 00 Number of Pages: 2 Project Name: High Points Estates (Rezoning/Concept Plan)Resubmittal #2 OWNER: PREPARED BY: Ross Owen Washington& Associates, Inc. 480 Shady Oaks 500 Grapevine Hwy. Suite 375 Southlake, TX 76092 Hurst, TX 76054 Phone: (972) 365-0265 Phone: (817)485-0707 Fax: Fax: THIS ANALYSIS IS PREPARED AT THE TIME OF REVIEW OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT AND IS TO PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PLAN OR SURVEY AND THE IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ANY PROTECTED TREES ON THE SITE. FOR ANY QUESTIONS OR CLARIFICATION CONTACT KEITH MARTIN, LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR AT (817)481- 5581 EXT. 848. TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: 1. The applicant submitted a Tree Survey with the submittal of the Concept. The Tree Survey can be used in place of the require aerial photograph to determine the amount of existing tree cover being removed and the location of quality trees. 2. The construction of the two cul-d-sacs will remove approximately twelve (12) trees. The largest of the trees is a Hackberry. Most of all of the remaining trees are located on the innermost portions of the home lots and not in Drainage & Utility easements. Additional trees will need to be removed when homes are built on the lots. 3. If possible, install all water and sewer lines in the R.O.W. and in easements that are clear of trees in and around them. Particularly referencing the line between Lots 9 &10, and Lot 21. Please check with the City Engineering Staff for an alternative route for the line. 4. Residential Subdivision: In a residential subdivision, all protected trees that the Landscape Administrator determines must be altered in order to install utility lines within public R.O.W. or utility easements or drainage easements as shown on an approved Final Plat, or to achieve the cut/fill dra znage as designated on the master drainage construction plan, shall be exempt from the tree replacement and tree protection requirements listed in Sections 7 and 8 of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. Any protected trees within these areas that the Landscape Administrator determines do not have to be altered shall be subject to the tree protection requirements listed in Section 8 of the Ordinance, but not to the tree replacement requirements listed in Section 7 of the Ordinance. All other areas of the subdivision shall be subject to both the tree replacement and the tree protection requirements, and all other provisions of the Ordinance. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA00-056 gg Page 1 * All requirements and regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B, apply to the entirety of this site. Please be aware of the penalties of not applying the tree preservation protection methods required by the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-B. 1 Case No. Agenda Item Attachment E ZA00-056 $g Page 2 W WASHINGTON & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS • PLANNERS June 30, 2000 Lisa Sudbury, Planner City of Southlake 667 N. Carrol Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Reference: ZA00-56, High Point Addition City of Southlake Dear Ms. Sudbury: We have addressed the comments regarding the above referenced addition. The property owner is requesting a variance to subdivision ordinance number 483 and 8.01G to allow 20,000 square foot lots adjacent to the SF-1A zoned property to the south and owned by Mr. Robert Owens. The property owner has discussed the lot sizes with Mr. Robert Owen and he has no objection to the 20,000 square foot lots. We also request a waiver in the 100-foot requirements on Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 1, they are cul-de-sac lots and are generally in the 21,000 square foot to 22,000 square foot range. Also the frontage distances.range from 75-feet to 85-feet. As a point of clarification, Lots 1 and 15, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 have been designated as lots and are considered common areas to be owned and maintained by the homeowner's association. We have relocated the waterline as requested by Public Works to between Lots 10 and 11 and 19 and 20 Block 1 and have reflected as 15-foot utility easement. If you have any questions regarding these issues please contact our office. Sincerely, i W SHINGTON& ASSOCIA ES 4? ackey Fluift Cc: Mr. Ross Owen RECD J UN 3 0 Z000 Case No. Agenda Item Attachment F ZA00-056 66 Page 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480-349 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS TRACTS 3A, 3A1B, 3A2, 3E, 3E1, AND A PORTION OF TRACT 3A1C, LITTLEBERRY G. HALL SURVEY, ABSTRACT 686, BEING APPROXIMATELY 14.654 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "SF-1A" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO "SF-20A" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals Case No. Agenda Item Attachment Cr ZA00-056 8B Page 1 and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned as "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise producing elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over-crowding of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, Case No. Agenda Item Attachment Cr ZA00-056 8B Page 2 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over-crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and Case No. Agenda Item Attachment Cr ZA00-056 8B Page 3 amended as shown and described below: Being Tracts 3A, 3A1B, 3A2, 3E, 3E1, and a portion of Tract 3A1C, Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686, being approximately 14.654 acres, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" from "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District to "SF-20A" Single Family Residential District as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". SECTION 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. SECTION 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over-crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the Case No. Agenda Item Attachment & ZA00-056 8B Page 4 particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted Case No. Agenda Item Attachment & ZA00-056 8B Page 5 until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY Case No. Agenda Item Attachment Cs ZA00-056 8B Page 6 PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: Case No. Agenda Item Attachment is ZA00-056 8B Page 7 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DE SCR1PTt0N BEING a portion of that certain trrict, parcel, or lot of fond located in the L, G. {+ALE SURVEY, Abstract No. 686, Tarrant County, Texas, and being the tract of land described as a 17.953 acre tract in VdlUme 9563, Page 548, of the Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas (D.R.TC.T.), and behlga portion of the tract of land described in Volume 7528, Page 6O D.R T.C.T., and more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at on iron rod found, with a plastic cap stamped a EMPCO iNC", for the southwest corner of said 17.953 acres trod and the southeast corner of Lot 54, Block 1, of SOUrHRIDGE LAKES - PHASE N according tc the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 466 and 467, of the Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas (P.R.T.C.T.): THENCE N 03 degrees 40 minutes 31 seconds 1$', 249.28 feet along the east line of said SOUTHRIDGE LAKES - PHASE ii to the PONT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing N 03 degree, 40 minutes 31 seconds W along the east line of said SOUTNRIL:IGE LAKES Pik it, 151.03 feet to an iron rod found, with a plastic cap stomped "SEW CO INC, for the northeast corner of Lot 56, of said Block 1; THENCE S 89 degrees 37 minutes 02 seconds W, 173.59 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found in the north line of said Block 1; THENCE N 04 degrees 22 minutes ;3 seconds W, 681.16 feet generally along a line one foot west of a wire fence to a 1/2" iron rod for the northwest corner of the aforesaid 17.953 acres tract; THENCE N 88 degrees 17 minutes 51 seconds E. 806.02 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found, for the northeast corner of said 17.953 acres tract, at the base of a fence corner post: THENCE S 00 degrees 10 minutes 54 seconds E, 115.04 feet generally along a wood fence to a 1/2" iron rod found; THENCE S 89 degrees 49 minutes 33 seconds E, 13.85 feet to a 1/2' iron rod found; THENCE S 00 degrees 22 minutes 58 seconds E, 740.61 feet to a point; THENCE N 89 degrees 42 minutes 32 seconds W, 589,60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 14.654 acres of land (638,324 square feet), more or less. Case No. Agenda Item Attachment& ZA00-056 8B Page 8 • • Nr oco .cp z N • is • -- - ._ �,j-� see r..>t..or....4a,..., I� .. 1 � s ers a•s bawl Coact (”, ,,'rue am' r. 1( , -MA Apr `re.t:•54=O ,a.r NIX a VW s`Ys'...IS...W it - '!" • // C` • 6a}' weir' -- lOrf @R ttWR_ r . .lame c'ws err s..w u1 M.r• e N.t_ -''. 1:--a5- - '"fir ""`• .. we roc ,waw a...,YE ,.. 4I /• t 4. --{��•a Tom' 1 MCC q a...a*a 3wa,.E,np M a.. dm • I'I'I To -�1 9D0(Q .-. a ;df 3 YI s +va•a.wr.cars-WS ors.+/I.. `_! ma vat' �.�ya nor.:a aa*_arra%war c rawa r w...•t x �r,� 1•.e - R0.1..'UDP.AttM .0.S 1,,...�^w w it VIM wt.>OOf W ¢ wawa waw ,..a•a. ( e rr4ll �) '':IMP _ _ tli \� a "'ice �r .• II FBI `•'s r 'a •-•• 'a•••• •qo �i.'C.wrr ma Isn.rc �a r...0 u�u` • c - Ira'a r%7.Ta I �`,.,r..ar`.,..w 4.41.1".•. .,� - - Watt %A..»cans ,- ::.�+.••.,.w•1`•s .. +r....r.w. —'—� ', ROT a m•Dorwc r d wawa..:r.i.• • " i"' �:; + CONCEPT PLAN rw �' V i ft. G L•_}-- _---_1 ' _---,- �•-- SF-220-A ZONING REQUEST r ! pt r-I‘ '{ _.a • =�1 .1erei `w,u+or r�Yaua F i ,�, HIGH POINT JJ11 �.> Ai ""r a" "R 14.654 ACRE TRACT OF LAND 'y r i - 11. � �r m TICE !' F ,�-.- - r ,�„ „•,.w L. G. HALL SURVEY, A-688 _ • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE r .,. :� ..� TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS ros• _ _ } wawa . WC 2,11a '-#� AF!', '1 !cis I MO 111.41N aaCB DMA e- `o " u, G,. r r, .,a:a wart s.,Om Ir.,.a,.%.o. twTa.. .�mt.ii�: - p• YOSrmmc MMHG -SF-1-n k Af, _..-- •Ir au.'♦. PROPOSED ZONING, -,P 20-r J 3 - L1 ' .RIMO=CSF -iLWLE FAMILY RUIDLYTGL �[ [ I ..' b - 7 w- 0.1 mru AND s asI nc !1f v U N I�U�Q�4 )! _ pa^aya f s ••� TOTAL LOTS -zi xFb70PN71U..a VP."v➢Aa• fT I VTar]Ta'a,2 ea s Z DOWN -l.br rars;'ecRR r..-,..,r,.c rule 11'.w.� hex ..-d UMW rot -:Ain 250 S.F.gE1A .!6-J. r;_.;w�•.�,.,1;`� 3 v..•, .,>wus-r LOT zo.,Dn F .n - ... A�.•� _, ) '�.✓� AYlQICE WT 20,556 S.F I..t it •—arm in0I !- _.4' ,r ..,. —. ,A .,._.w 112 ev Surrounding Property Owners High Point _ ll i __,,i 4.„.„,,,,,,r '-.���.„, ,,.. _ 9 10 iiik 3 4 6 6 7 g 11 litter 0004*, 103%106 12 Ite � ,. ti 14 1 :111Wardi IMIUM ____r 4 18 17 15 - 21 16 1 L 1 . ____,..... _______ __1 ... ------i Property Owner Zoning Land Use Description Acreage 1. G. Stengem 1. "SF-20A" 1. Medium Density Residential 1. 0.49 acres 2. S.Weatherspoon 2. "SF-20A" 2. Medium Density Residential 2. 0.46 acres 3. R. Howard 3. "SF-20A" 3. Medium Density Residential 3. 0.46 acres 4. D. Stropes 4. "SF-20A" 4. Medium Density Residential 4. 0.46 acres 5. M.Varnell 5. "SF-20A" 5. Medium Density Residential 5. 0.46 acres 6. J.Vitali 6. "SF-20A" 6. Medium Density Residential 6. 0.46 acres 7. D.Fink 7. "SF-20A" 7. Medium Density Residential 7. 0.47 acres 8. D. Sellari 8. "SF-20A" 8. Medium Density Residential 8. 0.64 acres 9. M. Skaggs 9. "SF-20A" 9. Medium Density Residential 9. 0.64 acres 10. P.Bruton 10. "AG" 10. Low Density Residential 10. 1.00 acres 11.R.Mooney 11."SF-1 A" 11. Low Density Residential 11. 0.97 acres 12.M. Prestjohn 12."SF-IA" 12.Low Density Residential 12. 1.83 acres 13.M.Benton 13."SF-1A" 13.Low Density Residential 13. 1.79 acres 14.M.Wayland 14. "AG" 14. Low Density Residential 14. 5.00 acres 15.W. Evans 15. "AG" 15. Medium Density Residential 15. 2.83 acres 16.W.Evans 16."AG" 16.Medium Density Residential 16. 1.00 acres 17. R.Owen 17."SF-1A" 17.Low Density Residential 17. 1.00 acres 18. R.Owen 18."SF-1A" 18. Low Density Residential 18. 1.13 acres 19. R.Owen 19. "SF-1A" 19. Low Density Residential 19. 1.63 acres 20.B. Barrington 20. "SF-20A" 20.Medium Density Residential 20.0.50 acres 21.N.Conner 21."SF-20A" 21.Medium Density Residential 21. 0.59 acres 22. J.Huggins 22. "SF-20A" 22.Medium Density Residential 22.0.59 acres 23.T.Thach 23. "SF-20A" 23. Medium Density Residential 23.0.46 acres 24.G.Woods 24. "SF-20A" 24.Medium Density Residential 24.0.46 acres Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA00-056 8B Page 1 25. R.Dunkel 25."SF-20A" 25.Medium Density Residential 25.0.59 acres 26. W.Hickey 26."SF-20A" 26.Medium Density Residential 26.0.68 acres 27. S.Laux 27."SF-20A" 27.Medium Density Residential 27.0.46 acres 28.R.West 28."SF-20A" 28.Medium Density Residential 28.0.46 acres 29.A.Humphrey 29."SF-20A" 29.Medium Density Residential 29.0.55 acres 30. R.Bair 30."SF-20A" 30. Medium Density Residential 30.0.55 acres N:\Community Development\WP-FILES\NOTICE\2000 Exhibits\00-056.doc Case No. Agenda Item Attachment H ZA00-056 8B Page 2 Chris Carpenter 'om: Bill Stone [wmstone@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 1:23 PM To: ccarpenter@cityofsouthlake.corn Subject: ZA 00-0056 Dear Mr. Carpenter: I am the representative for SPIN 13, and it is my understanding that a public hearing on this topic(ZA 00-056, "A Concept Plan for High Point")will be held tomorrow night at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Unfortunately, I can not attend. I would ask, however, that it be entered into the record that I have never been contacted by the owner/developer/engineers of this property and, therefore, I am opposed to the requested change in zoning from SF-1A to SF-20A. Thank you. Bill Stone, 1508 Pecos Drive, Southlake, TX 76092 Do You Yahoo!? Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere! http://mail.yahoo.comr Case No. Agenda Item Attachment' ZA00-056 8B Page CITY OF SOUTHLAKE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-056 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Zoning Change on property described as Tracts 3A, 3A1B, 3A2, 3E, 3E1,_and a portion of Tract 3A1C, Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686, being approximately 14.654 acres. A Concept Plan for High Point will be considered with this request. The Current Zoning is "SF-1 A" Single Family Residential District. The Requested Zoning is "SF- 20A" Single Family Residential District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, July 20, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-056 I am (in favor of) (opposed to) (undecided about) the request for the following reasons: Ci On,Ore I kS e \ s-, ‘-‘:,,,..tJ o Stikail Ch., s IA) i; -b be, s;,,bie, iv) e u C;r u•S c e-r i.Jl,LA s Q S a k-S SIGNATURE: DOnirtZ,_ (Please Print Name) TA.,reG,, L.. ADDRESS: 5 ? a..J1 Ca Ic s PHONE: 8 �1) 14 I - 1 k a ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** :3 cur G1-,. 16lren. CLf:e' w�G= \v.- +0 .Sc1,0\ i Case No. Jean e Agenda Item Attachment= ' 8B Page Z July 10, 2000 Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake 1721 E. Southlake Boulevard Suite 100 Southlake, TX 76092 Pursuant to the attached notice, I respectfully submit the following questions on project ZA 00- 056. (1) Please describe the minimum and maximum lot sizes in "acres." (2) Please define what type of permanent fencing or partitions will be erected on the north side of the development, separating the new development from the current homes on Llano Court in the Southridge Lakes development. (3) Please define the grading and drainage plans for this development. (4) Please define the deed restrictions that will be actively enforced in this development, including minimum landscape requirements, fencing limitations, and other restrictions. Please provide a draft copy of these restrictions for review. (5) Please define the facing of the homes and garages in this development. Will garages be side, rear or front entry (from street) ? (6) Please define whether this development is considered high density or medium density housing. (7) If the project is approved, please define what requirements the developer has to control noise, appearance and issues such as rodents (from the existing fields) during the improvement and construction phases of the project. What role does the City play in monitoring compliance to such requirements? To whom do existing residents express concerns about violations of such requirements during the project development? (8) Please define any elements of this development that, although they may meet Southlake standards and codes, might be considered uncharacteristic of residential development commonly observed in Southlake. (9) Please define the minimum number of feet from any home in this development to the "back" of that same ho'me's property line (lot). In other words, what is the minimum depth of a home's "back yard" in this development. (10) Please define what plans the developer has for developing the common areas. (11) Please define what plans the developer has for addressing the current mature pine tree cove locat d on the property. Case lNfo. Agenda Item Attachment r ZA00-056 8B Page 3 (12) Please define the anticipated completion date of this project and the projected MINIMUM price of a single home in this development. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, \ ) D hiel L. Fink v cc: Mr. Ross Owen, Owner/Developer Washington & Associates, Engineers/Planners Case No. Agenda Item Attachment= ZA00-056 8B Page N CITY OF SOUTHLAKE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-056 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Zoning Change on property described as Tracts 3A, 3A1B, 3A2, 3E, 3E1, and a portion of Tract 3A 1 C, Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686, being approximately 14.654 acres. A Concept Plan for High Point will be considered with this request. The Current Zoning is "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. The Requested Zoning is "SF- 20A" Single Family Residential District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, July 20, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: Z-A_D9-056- I am (in favor of) (opposed to )(undecided about) the request for thefollowing resons: _ 1(4 - ' - ,;. :�,� :�1"wL t c.) c6z t,j-ht )111 a .L s �-tv� '+-a-r•.c.1 d SIGNATURE: L ' L ( �- •- 4cu . A te-;Ai (Please Print Name) W• L tLt.., L ADDRESS: 7-C },uria�c: -t� L. z rlLt PHONE: r a6 3 2— �`_ �—� �C/ ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** Case No. Agenda Item Attachment3 ZA00-056 8B Paged, • 07/13/2000 02:40 9729334611 SIERRA SPRINGS PAGE 01 i liC i :; j:.„6,teeer.,("771 ..4,,z,,, 6z, __.4,e... ei...4/ elve-ce.ew _4;t440-4.-e-p;1 ,--rofe._ -tie: - a et,' ----te •-t:;;;- a7c7)4e.,1-7 1 ;74 (214Len----/--Z-77-€ --/--li —24, 21 Jh‹ c-' aal ✓ 5F- /A- . S F-2oiq I 6,1 _,i,e :a. .. -, . �..1 a . ��. e e -/te, 4.4 iFi. 3-�20A m ' 0,e- izt A.ecei- ' Xec./ . a. 4/IrG,,:L a rer s-e. A.-c ic-..I&2Pt e --/•te, a-' , .e-r. 7or,e. 3, j ri - f -(,-.,i _7`,(4. yam- Get f.c.71 „ €4074- i /71{7f /mac vn, * : 1t4/) I - 4,4 ,Ae, Ade4-.‘e:074tvete::,,„ c--teetze.z, ,667i ,--zece.A.,te, G -7p . zi, ...„-rt,".e. .,-"k , ) (..iee_ety fr-0-4_, - de , 7 ::77,,t-44.../jivipek ... ,,,,,- (-?.. .„,e..(, er)--zeteee.444-yeep---, ..e.,- ...e.e._.;- 4,4v-pi ftoi ,0EFeT Mo 6A/ y S 8 I 6HAW OAFS SOUTNLAKE,?x Case No. Agenda Item Attachment x ZA00-056 8B Page(' I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-056 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Zoning Change on property described as Tracts 3A, 3A1B, 3A2, 3E, 3ELand a portion of Tract 3A1C, Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686, being approximately 14.654 acres. A Concept Plan for High Point will be considered with this request. The Current Zoning is "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. The Requested Zoning is "SF- 20A" Single Family Residential District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, July 20, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-056 I am (in favor of) (opposed to) (undecided about the request for the following reasons: ConCerne Aocd r-44n0C w.i/ 6e ctet in; j - 't ner,J /o- S We/iJ Ur44n//i� to;4D /o l S 72- 74. ©/rakle durn/,5^1~ �rtiS /7J/ S1}eG r-1 i SIGNATURE: (Please Print Name) s' 6 pN - ) cJ t-.4 1 S 1 AJ ADDRESS: a/s L LA A/ C 7 PHONE: 8' 7— y68 -G (.V ei ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** "(Intl Case No. Agenda Item Attachments ZA00-056 8B Page7 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NO.: ZA 00-056 Dear Property Owner: An application has been filed with the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission for a Zoning Change on property described as Tracts 3A, 3A1Bs 3A2, 3E,3E1, and a portion of Tract 3A1C, Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract 686, being approximately 14.654 acres. A Concept Plan for High Point will be considered with this request. The Current Zoning is "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. The Requested Zoning is "SF- 20A" Single Family Residential District. A public hearing will be held by the City of Southlake Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, July 20, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas. At this time, you may submit your views on the matter in person, by writing, or by representative. You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this letter, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of this hearing. Very truly yours, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, Texas The following form may be filled out and mailed to the City of Southlake, Planning and Zoning Commission, 1721 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas, 76092. REFE .: ZA 00-056 I a (in favor of) opposed to) (undecided about) the request for the following reasons: � 06A5 L//r Xc -LL& t /9•4A"v ,- /17f L.,7R615 L off'.f 7"NA? w/� L-. A-�� �c' "—, z� YA L z✓6 c Pc. T'Nif ,a €,d SIGNATURE: (Please Print Name) T. ?3A ADDRESS: ' o © c a 7?4 7-0 5- v l 114 S -,4 s ;-)! 75'3'9?- PHONE: 'ir/7' 3 Z 9 --9'O f / ***THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT VIA REGULAR MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL*** Case No. Agenda Item Attachment J ZA00-056 8B Page 0 c7>'Gin&`i l-rv<e 7' / a� Z. %). 2000 SPIN Meeting €SPIN3 Report spiN Form Meeting Date: August 3, 2000 Meeting Topic and Description: Alto ?&NT ,4 ,-770�/� zo/0474 c ,ga,/OE 747 7120%.5� r4-07- 4-4A/ ,4W Zdev/.VE c1-44- REgv&5Y tv4 5 b'E5 3)1 ,'05 S owG,i/5 Su AL -4'Wr,vre- 23/ ✓/ 0 11/4W/4N97vA( 7746 541,t c.L E7,e014?1 nb0 57-L/ .eE s, DC--i✓r's ON , OV r nV1ey C cA T kvEg CO,v C c R o/f= 1 j,'rrf 7A0 7--4/Ti,4 t_ b lz.F, n/R-c, E 77203 LC,ot 5 COntrg, /3[rTJ�✓` 70 77-k!/Z ONE d,A, g ,cLOo Con( cri pn/. 0-7- ,Z 7-1174r/ -17474-T 1riiy Pt/ceC ✓G-Ry R r/ G o G 77 I E -14,e0. CT c/-T', '4 4 B&L,C-P Op- A. 2 e i 7,/zol g."Ty ✓,tL41E5 . o,vty 0A/0 E4 ex/e L' FCoAl 1.4.4-NO C T/ artiea - +-,v yoco 7 ILy, 1161i '/1 ;75n/ 4-rt/Ce• 777 ' WEie E 1N o S ,7, // /5L�4 we,C 4 r Q � T/� y-,�rlC'" OF 7E-77 T 4,e Cr17�f S C: O P T/—L /R Tei?O lerIZTy, 7 y L-r4 'y o k/ J e piPorz'ert& 77116 Pcr�-,✓5 r�, a,�t-.ery, w 4c/7t 4sao,Ns 77t-i e5, KM-5- Zoit/E O E-02 / cRe- LOT S ,4"1" Til&Y RE-re,4-/A✓ T T cud y. C&4/CLRN S GL/cZE �;,01,e S S C D . Featured Speakers::Co55 o viav5 - ✓re Wi11-51/1,/y` 7bN --9A-cK FLU, TT Number of neighbors attending: 8 Location of meeting: ettrilifelo0e. blouse S,y v5 70,2&-Attgcr> 4sT?--t. Notification Process: PL e-c5 41 57-Q,n u—/� 7D A ..✓.¢ lizoilegnCS 51°n/ `,r9-/soy✓ - r3/LL 141 LE Follow-Up Information: Bill Kyle, S IN 13 Liaison Case No. Agenda Item Attachment J ZA00-056 8B Page 1 CC l�/LL S7D ✓6 MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Billy Campbell, City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution No. 00-82,Requesting Participation by the State of Texas Department of Transportation for the Extension of State Highway 170 from Interstate 35 West to US 287. Action Requested: Approval of Resolution No. 00-82, Requesting Participation by the State of Texas Department of Transportation for the extension of State Highway 170 from Interstate 35 West to US 287. Background Information: Fort Worth Alliance Airport is emerging as one of the leading International Trade Centers and inland ports in the United States. The facility has become a center for manufacturing, assembly, corporate headquarters, and regional distribution centers for several Fortune 500 firms and other enterprises. Alliance's location along the Interstate 35 Trade Corridor and supporting reliever routes like SH 170 allow manufacturers and distributors to reach 92%of the U.S. market within two days by truck. The extension of SH 170 will provide a reliever route from US 287 to Interstate 35 which will facilitate the flow of international trade truck traffic to the west. The extension of SH 170 not only maximizes existing transportation infrastructure but also targets new investment in a coordinated manner, combining modern manufacturing and distribution facilities with multi-modal transportation, advanced telecommunications and materials handling systems, and state of the art logistical support services. Enhancing the operations of emerging International Trade Centers such as Alliance facilitates the seamless flow of international goods, helps reduce congestion along U.S. borders, and strengthens the Texas and U.S. edge in the global, competitive marketplace. At their meeting on June 15th, 2000, Metroport Cities Transportation Committee passed a resolution supporting the extension of State Highway 170 from Interstate 35 W to US 287. Financial Considerations: None. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: None. 9A- 1 Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: Resolution No. 00-82; State Highway 170 Information Sheet; Map and Project Data. Staff Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 00-82. 9A - 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, REQUESTING PARTICIPATION BY THE STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE EXTENSION TO STATE HIGHWAY 170 FROM INTERSTATE 35 WEST TO US 287 WHEREAS, the implementation of Phase One of the State Highway 170 program was one of the fastest projects ever developed in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation and is a component of the infrastructure network responsible for attracting between $4 and 5 billion in private sector investments to the region and creating over 17,000 new jobs; and, WHEREAS, the proposed extension of State Highway 170 from its current terminus at Interstate 35 West to US 287 will continue to attract and support growth in the region and support the City of Southlake's economic development programs; and, WHEREAS, the proposed extension of State Highway 170 provides a reliever route to Interstate 35, facilitating the flow of international trade truck traffic, alleviating congestion and improving regional air quality; and, WHEREAS, the proposed extension of State Highway 170 will better serve the needs of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Intermodal Hub Center, FedEx Southwest Regional Sort Hub and other Alliance region businesses by providing direct access to US 287 and removing truck traffic from local and county roadways; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE that the City of Southlake urges the Texas Transportation Commission to designate the extension of State Highway 170 from Interstate 35 West to US 287 and to direct staff to initiate the process as quickly as possible to ensure the accelerated development of this strategic, critical improvement. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the day of , 2000, by the City of Southlake. APPROVED: Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary 9A - 3 State Highway 170 Gateway to the Alliance International Trade Center Located along the Interstate 35 Trade Corridor, Fort Worth Alliance Airport is emerging as one of the leading International Trade Centers and inland ports in the United States. Fortune 100 and 500 manufacturing,assembly,corporate headquarter,and regional distribution centers continue to be drawn to this inland port's most powerful incentives:direct intermodal air,rail,and roadway access. FedEx,American Airlines,Hewlett Packard,JCPenney,Valeo Electronics,Galaxy Aerospace,NOKIA, Kraft Foods,and Nestle all have chosen Alliance for its superb intermodal —and increasingly international— connections. A critical link in the connection is State Highway 170 which has become a catalyst for growth and expansion and one of the key reasons why Alliance is becoming one of the leading International Trade Centers in the country. SH 170 is a key component of the intermodal/multimodal corridor connecting the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport with Fort Worth Alliance Airport. DFW and Alliance now form a unique "global transportation complex" that is unmatched by any other state or nation.The Fort Worth/Dallas Metroplex—served by approximately 150 regular-route common carriers — is the largest trucking center in the Southwest and together with Alliance forms the transportation hub of North America. Alliance's strategic location along the Interstate 35 Trade Corridor and supporting reliever routes like SH 170 allow manufacturers and distributors to reach 92% of the U.S.market within two days by truck. Two of the busiest rail freight operations in the United States— Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe — operate main north-south rail lines through Fort Worth Alliance Airport and give Alliance users connections to markets in every corner of the U.S.,Mexico,and Canada. Burlington Northern Santa Fe's $1 15 million,735-acre Intermodal Hub Center and Automotive Facility is the fifth largest in North America and is one of the finest examples of efficient,intermodal goods transfer in the nation. The Intermodal Hub Center,located just north of the proposed extension of SH 170,currently handles over 425,000 trailers and specialized containers per year on BNSF's 48 miles of track at Alliance. Sixty-five percent of the Intermodal Center's freight originates in the Pacific Rim and enters the U.S.through the Ports of Los Angeles and Seattle. Expansion of Alliance's regional,national,and increasingly international distribution and manufacturing facilities also is due in part to SH 170. NOKIA,with prime access to SH 170,is doubling its manufacturing and assembly capabilities. The new FedEx Southwest Regional Sort Hub at Alliance— only one of three in the nation — recently added a day shift, increasing the number of packages handled daily and nightly to 175,000. The facility currently is being expanded to better facilitate FedEx's increasing global operations. BNSF also is constructing a new 60-acre maintenance and storage facility on the west side of the Intermodal Hub Center. These and many other facilities at Alliance would benefit immeasurably from the direct Interstate access and improved regional circulation that the extension of SH 170 would provide. The extension of SH 170 not only maximizes existing transportation infrastructure but also targets new investment in a coordinated manner,combining modern manufacturing and distribution facilities with multimodal transportation,advanced telecommunications and materials handling systems,and state of the art logistical support services. Enhancing the operations of emerging International Trade Centers such as Alliance facilitates the seamless flow of international goods,helps reduce congestion along U.S.borders,and strengthens the Texas and U.S.edge in the global,competitive marketplace. The State Highway 170 Extension Program F() WESTPORT PKWY. AL• Cf S.N. 170 EXTENSION 4 AI"DRT AVONDALE HASLET RD. / a a BOAZ RD. � w • TRAVIS CT. Q y 4r 0Z2 h Z h ?�j 3 w „\ w q ? BLUE MOUND RD. State Highway 170 Extension Project Significance • Supports the specific goals of Sections 1 1 18 and 1 1 19 of TEA-21 by facilitating vehicle and cargo movements related to international trade, reducing travel time through a major international facility, leveraging Federal funds with the use of innovative financing,and facilitating the flow of international truck-borne commodities through each state. • Provides direct access to Fort Worth Alliance Airport, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Intermodal Hub Center, FedEx Southwest Regional Sort Hub,and new International Trade Center and Air Cargo facilities at Alliance. • orts the recommended Trade Focus Strategy identified in the 1-35 Trade Corridor Study prepared by the six Interstate „.ade Corridor State DOT's by providing a reliever route and additional capacity to support the Alliance multimodal transportation hub and'respond to increased NAFTA-related truck and rail traffic along the Interstate 35 Trade Corridor. • Continues development of strategic Metroplex intermodal/multimodal roadway to enhance integration and connectivity of the different transportation modes for moving freight and people. • Supports the general goals of national surface transportation policies by encouraging economic development,enhancing land uses,connecting critical trade and defense ports, improving air quality,and developing transportation facilities that are intermodal and multimodal. Project Description and Cost • Included in City of Fort Worth Thoroughfare Plan and North Central Texas Council of Governments 2025 Long Range Plan. • Proposed as a divided,four lane "superstreet' on A200' of right-of-way. • Designed for future expansion to six lanes,as traffic warrants. • Planned as an at-grade facility,with railroad bridges and grade-separations at US 287, FM 156 and Intermodal Way,with connection to existing Interstate 35 West interchange. Project Costs Environmental Impact Statement/Schematics $.5 million Plans,Specifications & Estimates (PS&E) $2.5 million Right-of-Way Maps Right-of-Way Acquisition $4.0 million Construction $46.0 million TOTAL $53.0 million MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Billy Campbell, City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution No. 00-74, Requesting Participation by the State of Texas Department of Transportation for improvements to FM 1938 Interchange at SH 114, and FM 1938 Roadway Improvements from SH 114 to SH 1709. Action Requested: Approval of Resolution No. 00-74, Requesting Participation by the State of Texas Department of Transportation for improvement to FM 1938 Interchange at SH 114, and FM 1938 Roadway Improvements from SH 114 to SH 1709. Background Information: Over a period of several months, city staff met with Trophy Club representatives to develop a solution to the closing of Kirkwood Blvd. However, no alternative presented itself that would be acceptable to all parties involved, which included Fidelity, Sabre, Maguire Partners, TxDOT, and the cities of Southlake, Trophy Club, and Westlake. Through the efforts of the Metroport Cities Partnership (MCP) a recommendation to request the State's assistance in participating in an interchange at FM 1938 and SH 114 appears to be a viable solution agreed to by all neighboring cities and corporate businesses (Fidelity, Sabre and Maguire Partners). The issue of constructing an extension of FM 1938 from SH 114 to FM 1709 was discussed by the Metroport Transportation Committee on July 5, 2000. The committee agreed that given the pending completion of both the Fidelity and Sabre complexes, the issue of constructing FM 1938 should be put forward. A proposed resolution was distributed to the participating communities for their endorsement. The primary concern is that the existing road system simply cannot accommodate the anticipated traffic demand that will be created by these two developments as well as future development that is likely to occur along the SH 114 corridor. Financial Considerations: None at this time. Participation in the project will be a collection of municipal and corporate funding. Southlake's financial contribution is expected to be limited to it's fair share of the design and engineering costs. Citizen Input Board Review: City staff including Greg Last, Bruce Payne, Ron Harper, Charlie Thomas, Chris Carpenter and myself have participated in three public information meetings over the past week to explain the nature of the project and to obtain public input. The first meeting was with the SPIN standing committee, the second meeting was with identified citizens who own property immediately adjacent to the proposed 9B- 1 project, and the third meeting was with all citizens who are interested in the project. All three meetings were sponsored by SPIN, were well attended and generated a number of comments, suggestions and concerns. Staff has recorded all relevant comments and intends to mail copies of the comments to the participants of all of the meetings to date. Staff is also working to develop answers to the questions that could not be answered at the above mentioned meetings. Any future meetings will be coordinated by staff with all interested persons. Staff will be prepared to give council a detailed presentation of the proposed project at the Council meeting of August 15`h Legal Review: None. Alternatives: None. Supporting Documents: Resolution No. 00-74; FM 1938 Q&A Summary dated 7/26/00. Staff Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 00-74. 9B - 2 RESOLUTION NO. 00-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, REQUESTING PARTICIPATION BY THE STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO FM 1938 INTERCHANGE AT STATE HIGHWAY 114 AND FM 1938 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS FROM SH 114 TO FM 1709; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE WHEREAS, State Highway 114 and FM 1709 represent primary east-west means of access for all cities in northeast Tarrant and southern Denton County; and WHEREAS, State Highway 114 and FM 1709 do not have an adequate north- south connection to serve increasing commercial and residential development demands; and WHEREAS, the State of Texas Department of Transportation has long recognized the need for a north-south connector for SH 114 and FM 1709 by designating FM 1938, known locally as Precinct Line Road in Keller, a section of Randol Mill Road in Southlake and Precinct Line Road in Westlake as the preferred north-south connector route; and WHEREAS, the commencement of construction on the Fidelity Investments Regional Headquarters in Westlake, initially employing 1,800 people and ultimately employing at least 2,500 people, and the commencement of construction of Sabre, Inc. Headquarters in Southlake initially employing 2,000 people and ultimately employing as many as many as 10,000 people, require immediate additional north-south access to prevent dangerous traffic loads on existing north-south residential streets in Westlake, Southlake and Keller; and WHEREAS, private support from Fidelity Investments, Sabre, Inc., Hillwood Development Corporation, Maguire Partners and many others have committed support for the completion of FM 1938 Interchange and FM 1938 roadway by performing design work, dedicating right-of-way or committing funds to support the project; and WHEREAS, public support of the project has already been received in the form of dedicated right of way necessary to construct the project and the necessary adjacent right-of-way dedication for the NETCRWS water line to provide necessary water supply to Southlake, Keller, and Westlake. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: 9B - 3 SECTION 1: That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the City of Southlake fully supports and encourages the construction of the FM 1938 interchange and FM 1938 roadway. SECTION 3: That the City of Southlake fully supports the installation of unimpeded "Texas U-turns" to facilitate east and westbound traffic at the FM 1938/State Highway 114 interchange. SECTION 4: That the City of Southlake formally requests the timely dedication of discretionary funds by the Texas Department of Transportation to complete the design, engineering and construction of FM 1938 Interchange and FM 1938 roadway from State Highway 114 to FM 1709. SECTION 5: If any provision of this Resolution shall be held invalid or unconstitutional, then the remainder of such resolution shall remain in full force and effect as if separately enacted. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the day of . 2000 by the City of Southlake. APPROVED: Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: Sandy LeGrand, City Secretary 9B - 4 FM 1938 EXTENSION SUMMARY OF QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Following is a summary of questions that have been raised regarding the potential extension of FM 1938 as it impacts Southlake, Keller and Westlake. The questions are generally organized by groups of similar topics. It is anticipated that this list will be updated frequently as new questions arise. Additional questions and/or answers can be added to this list by faxing them to 488-9370. MISCELLANEOUS ACRONYMS /DEFINITIONS: 1. TxDOT: Texas Department of Transportation 2. Right-of-Way: Abbreviated (R.O.W.), an area set aside for the construction of road driving lanes and installation of utilities. It is wider than the street width and includes areas called "parkways" between the edge of street pavement and the R.O.W. line. The R.O.W. line is also the property line for the adjacent property owners. 3. NCTCOG: Abbreviation for North Central Texas Council of Governments, the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) charged by federal law to administer regional transportation planning. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: 1. How is the potential F.M. 1938 extension mentioned in historical local planning studies? Answer: The City of Southlake designated the extension of F.M. 1938 on its plans as follows: 1969—Major Thoroughfare ending at city limits; 1975—Principal Collector with realignment near Dove intersection; 1984 - State Highway Extension to S.H. 114; 1991 —Major Arterial to S.H. 114; 1997 — Major Arterial to city limits. (Plan was revised to eliminate areas not within the jurisdiction of Southlake) The City of Keller designated Randol Mill Avenue,from F.M. 1709 to S.H. 114, as a six-lane undivided boulevard on its 1988 Thoroughfare Plan. The current Thoroughfare Plan shows a six-lane arterial to S.H. 114. Westlake shows Randol Mill Avenue from F.M. 1709 to S.H. 114 as a Major Boulevard section which will accommodate a six-lane divided section. 2. How is the potential F.M. 1938 extension mentioned in historical regional planning studies, as in perhaps those done by NCTCOG? Answer: The F.M. 1938 extension has been included in the NCTCOG Regional Thoroughfare Plan as a principal arterial since 1977. In 1994, the extension received a regional arterial designation as part of the NCTCOG Regional Thoroughfare Plan. The extension is duly noted as a regional arterial in the Mobility 2010 Plan Update, Mobility 2020: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan, and Mobility 2025. For more information see the following documents: • Thoroughfare Plan for North Central Texas, NCTCOG, 1977 • Regional Thoroughfare Plan, NCTCOG, 1994 • Mobility 2010 Plan Update, NCTCOG, 1995 • Mobility 2020: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan, NCTCOG, 1997 • Mobility 2025, 2000 9B - 5 ENTITIES INVOLVED: 1. Who or what is Metroport? Answer: Metroport Cities Partnership is a non-profit corporation, which is comprised of eight (8) area cities, Tarrant County, four school districts, area chambers of commerce, public utilities, large and small business enterprises, and other related organizations. The purpose of the partnership is to work collectively on public and private initiatives affecting the Northeast Tarrant County (Metroport) region. It has been the practice of Metroport Cities Partnership to participate together whenever possible in providing public services such as radio communication, public safety, water and sewer service, and highway construction. The Metroport Cities Partnership has been incorporated for twelve years. 2. What cities are involved in the extension of FM 1938? Answer: The following cities are involved in the process. The principal contact person for each city is also provided. City of Southlake City of Keller City of Westlake Attn. Billy Campbell Attn. Lyle H. Dresher Attn. Trent Petty City Manager City Manager Town Manager 1725 E. Southlake Blvd. P.O. Box 770 3 Village Circle, Suite 207 Southlake, TX 76092 Keller, TX 76244 Westlake, TX 76262 PH: 481-5581, ext. 702 PH: 431-1517 PH: 430-0941 FX: 329-1747 FX: 431-5867 ldresher@home.com 3. What other entities are involved in the extension of FM 1938? Answer: Following are additional entities involved and their contact people. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Burton Clifton, P.E. Fort Worth District P.O. Box 6868 Fort Worth, TX 76115 PH: 817-370-6542 FX: 817-370-6759 Tarrant County Glenn Whitley, County Commissioner, Precinct 3 Jeanne Green, ROW Agent 100 E. Weatherford, #401 Fort Worth, TX 76196 PH: 884-1 177 9B - 6 North Central Texas Council of Governments Dan Kessler Assistant Director of Transportation 616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 200 Centerpoint Two Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 PH: 817-695-9248 Parsons Transportation Group Rod Kelley, P.E. 5485 Belt Line Road, Suite 199 Dallas, Texas 75240 PH: 972-991-1900 FX: 972-490-9261 Town of Trophy Club Attn: Donna Welsh City Manager 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 817-430-1911, Ext. 107 4. Who can I contact for updated information? Answer: The City Managers of Keller, Southlake and Westlake. PROCEDURAL QUESTIONS: 1. What would the development schedule be for eventual construction? Answer: The preliminary anticipated development schedule at this time is as follows: • January 2001: Texas Transportation Commission Delegation Appearance • 2nd Qtr. 2001: Texas Transportation Commission Project Authorization • 4th Qtr. 2001: Environmental approval/public involvement process. • 2nd Qtr. 2002: Design/Right-of-Way Plans. • 4th Qtr. 2002: Right-of-Way Acquisition. • 4th Qtr. 2003: Construction complete. 2. Why is this roadway being scheduled for widening now? Answer: • To improve north/south traffic flow in the area by developing transportation links between the population and employment activity located in the F.M. 1938 Davis Corridor with activity centers south of F.M. 1709, east and west along the F.M. 1709 Corridor, and north to the S.H. 114 Corridor, including major new employment centers of Fidelity, Sabre and Maguire Partners; • To secure the needed right-of-way in advance of development and to improve the roadway in conjunction with anticipated development, thereby better serving both existing and future traffic; • To improve the roadway now at a much lower cost than it would be to construct the improvements in the future after anticipated development has occurred; 9B - 7 • To take advantage of funds from the Texas Department of Transportation. 3. How much traffic is anticipated to use the improved F.M. 1938 extension? Answer: Traffic forecasts prepared by NCTCOG for the year 2020 estimate that 25,000 to 30,000 cars per day are anticipated in this project area. NCTCOG traffic forecasts are based on demographic forecasts prepared by NCTCOG in 1996, and may not take into account both recent announced and proposed developments in the corridor. This traffic volume warrants a four-lane roadway with the capability of expanding to a six-lane roadway in the future. 4. Where are we now in the process and what are the next steps? Answer: • Affected cities receiving input from citizens and considering Resolutions of Support • Metroport Cities Partnership supports project • TxDOT delegation appearance in Austin is anticipated in December 2000 5. How does a person who supports or is opposed to this project voice their opinion? Answer: Concerns can be raised through multiple means. • Participation in local neighborhood and city-wide public meetings. • Written correspondence to each City Representative. • Written correspondence to Councilmembers of each city. • If the Transportation Commission approves the project, there will be several formal Public Hearings held by TxDOT. TOWN OF WESTLAKE'S PLANS: 1. What about the construction of the new roadway's intersection with S.H. 114 in Westlake? Answer: A project to construct a new interchange and transitional area at S.H. 114 near Precinct Line (F.M. 1938) is currently under design and will probably be let for bid before the end 2000. It will be constructed as a part of a separate intersection improvement in the Town of Westlake's development regardless of the outcome of the joint effort by Westlake, Tarrant County, Southlake, and Keller on behalf of the entire F.M. 1938 project. The remainder of F.M. 1938 will be considered as a separate project or divided into several projects, with the Town of Westlake being committed to building a road to the Southlake city limits regardless of the outcome of state approval of funding. The additional vehicular traffic using this improved section will most likely add to the traffic congestion and hazards along the unimproved sections as they disperse to F.M. 1709, etc. RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION: 1. From which side of the existing road will the most right-of-way be taken from? Answer:7 • Varies in attempt to reduce the number of properties affected, and the exact alignment will be determined in the Design and ROW Phase (8-12 months), but preliminary plans call for a majority to come from the west (Keller) side in the Southlake/Keller area nearer F.M. 1709 due to less impact on existing structures. 2. Is there a map or drawing available showing where the proposed right-of-way will be? Answer: A map is available at city halls in Southlake, Westlake and Keller. 9B - 8 3. What happens if certain homeowners do not agree to selling portions of their property as right- of-way? Answer: Following the completion of the ROW acquisition process conducted by Tarrant County, if an agreement is not reached one may file suit in the District Court. Contact Tarrant County's R.O.W. Dept., who will explain the procedures in more detail. 4. Who is responsible for negotiating the acquisition of right-of-way? Answer: The R.O.W. acquisition would be the responsibility of Jeanne Green who is a long-term R.O.W. agent for Tarrant County. 5. Explain what happens to properties that have homes on or very near the expected new right-of- way line. Answer: See No. 3 above. 6. Will the ROW needed for the extension be purchased from the landowner? Answer: If the FM 1938 extension project continues to go forwarded and is funded by TxDOT, all necessary ROW will be purchased for the fair market value of the property. If the project does not go forward at this time the ROW will not be purchased at this time. Note, however, that should any building permit be requested or development occur on properties adjacent to Randol Mill, each city will require the dedication of ROW from the adjacent property without compensation as a part of the development process. This acquisition will, however, be limited to the ROW required by the respective city's Master Thoroughfare Plan. 7. How are land values determined when property is acquired? Answer: The most recent comparable land/like property sales are evaluated through an extensive appraisal process. 8. How are relocations handled? Answer: Relocations are handled by TxDOT and not by Tarrant County. Agents use the closest approximate property values as well as consider factors specific to the situation. 9. How close does a residence or building have to be to the R.O.W. before relocation will be used? Answer: The residence or building must intersect or be inside of the acquisition area. 10. Is there compensation for the devaluation of property as a result of roadway improvement? Answer: No. 11. If some of my property is taken and the value decreases, will my taxes go down? Answer: If the appraised value of a property decreases, there will most likely be a decrease in taxes, assuming the tax rate itself has not increased. 12. If R.O.W. acquisition takes all or a portion of the property's septic system, does the County reimburse the expense? Answer: Yes. The cost of a new system, if necessary, will be provided. 9B - 9 ENGINEERING & DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: 1. What is the intended roadway design? Answer: Initially, a four-lane, concrete roadway with a landscaped median is planned with the purpose of creating a parkway having ample greenspace and trees. Turn lanes and traffic signals will be installed to ensure protected vehicle turning movements. The roadway will be designed and constructed to accommodate two additional lanes, if warranted, in the future. 2. If the new R.O.W. line appears to be very close to a residence, will sound barriers be used or constructed? Answer: As part of the environmental studies performed for this project, traffic noise impacts will be considered, and if warranted, sound barriers will be constructed. If the project is approved, there will be opportunities for public hearings during the preliminary geometric design phase to address this item more specifically. 3. When are specific items such as lane configurations, roadway materials, landscaping, traffic signals, drainage, etc., finalized? Answer: Beginning with the preliminary geometric design, public hearings will be conducted by TxDOT to determine the roadway design most acceptable to all affected parties. Prior to TxDOT's plan submission for construction bidding, the respective cities will also coordinate public meetings to present proposed construction plans. 4. When will the final roadway alignment be approved or known? Answer: Approximately two years. 5. How long will it take to complete the R.O.W. acquisition and determine compensation? Answer: Approximately three years. 6. Who will enforce the speed limit on the new F.M. 1938 extension? Answer: The city having jurisdiction in any particular area of the road will enforce the speed limit. The roadway will be constructed through the city limits of Southlake, Keller and Westlake. FINANCIAL & COST CONSIDERATIONS: 1. How much is it expected to cost? Answer: The construction cost estimate is approximately $14,800,000. The R.O.W. acquisition estimate is $5,000,000-$10,000,000 2. Who will payfor the widening? Answer: TxDOT pays for the construction. Tarrant County purchases the R.O.W. 3. Will there be an adjacent landowner paving assessment by the cities if the project is done with city funds? Answer: No 9B - 10 Notes From All F.M. 1938 Meetings Notes from 7-19-00 Standing Committee Meeting: Questions/ Concerns Noted: 1. When would project begin, if approved, and what is the approval process? 2. Has the city discussed this project on a one-to-one basis with the impacted residents? 3. Is there a planned trail, and if so is there trail planned on the Southlake side or would it be outside the city limits? 4. Where is the drainage going to go? 5. Concerns raised over the utilization of an expanded 1938 by construction vehicles. Can the city regulate truck routes on state roads within the city limits. 6. How will turning lanes be handled on the proposed roadway? 7. What will happen to existing trees? 8. How will noise be addressed and abated if necessary? 9. What will happen at the street intersections with Davis? 10. Out of multiple road projects, why was this one identified to move forward with the history regarding this project? 11. Specific issues regarding the impact of the project have not been covered in the presentation. Will these issues be addressed—will there be more detail? 12. What is the impact of the road on property values, as there are case studies that show a positive impact when access is increased. 13. Are there plans for a portal location similar to the ones under consideration at other locations throughout the city? 14. Is there a regular analysis of traffic counts in the city—and has city estimated the impact of expanding this road regarding east-west traffic? 15. Will other cities develop east-west thoroughfares (Glade Road, Cheek Sparger, etc.), as a lot of traffic on 1709 comes from other cities. 16. What is the status of Cheek Sparger and Mid-Cities road improvements? 17. What would the road expansion have in regards to westbound 114 traffic? 18. Who would be coordinating/managing the actual construction in this project? 19. Concerns raised over lack of detail regarding the project. 9B - 11 lovi‘Pil 2000 Neighborhood Meeting 4EC SPIN 2► Report Form 141°M SPIN Neighborhood # 15 & 16 Meeting Date 07/25/2000 Meeting Topic: Randol Mill Reconstruction Description: Opportunity for property owners adjacent to Randol Mill Road to receive information from the City Planning Department (Bruce Payne) on the proposed reconstruction of Randol Mill Road from FM 1709 to Hwy 114. Featured Speakers: Billy Campbell, city Manager, Bruce Payne Director of Planning and Greg Last, Director of Economic Development. Number of neighbors attending: 38 Location of meeting: Southlake Sr. Activity Center Notification Process: Letters were sent via first class mail to each adjacent Southlake property owner by city staff on Friday, July 21, 2000. Follow-Up Information: Please see the attached recap of the issues raised by the adjacent property owners attending the meeting. Personal comment: Many residents were frustrated by the "rush" of this project. I suggest tabling this upcoming city Council consideration item until mid August. Please contact me with any further questions you may have at (817) 329-3063 or mobile at(817)917-7120. Michael C. Conrads SPIN Chairperson 9B - 12 Notes from 7-25-00 Adjacent Property Owners Meeting: Questions / Concerns Noted: 1. What are the environmental impacts (animals, wildflowers) 2. What will happen to property values along Davis, particularly those that front on the future roadway? 3. How can the speed limit remain low and how can it be enforced? 4. What facilities, if any, would slow down traffic on FM 1938 (e.g. signs, lights) 5. What types of traffic signs or lights will be utilized along 1938? 6. Will the zoning and land uses on South Davis be the same on N. Davis? 7. Can you do 2 lanes in some critical areas and widen to the north? 8. Comment: Owner at the corner of Johnson and Davis is losing ROW on both sides of his lot. 9. How will existing side streets access the "new" Randol Mill? 10. How will intersections be handled in the design? 11. Will there be turn lanes? 12. Will there be an opportunity for additional road changes in conjunction with this project? (Lovegrass and Kingwood mentioned specifically.) 13. With little communication to the residents, what is driving the urgency of this issue at this time? 14. Comment: Please keep the community informed earlier in the process and provide more information. 15. Going forward, what will be the process to keep the community informed and those most impacted involved along the way? 16. Will the most impacted property owners meet with the design consultant? 17. What is the process for involving owners in engineering design? 18. Are there other alternatives that should be considered before this one (i.e. 377, 121, SH 114)? 19. What flexibility do landowners have to get the state/County to acquire their entire property for fair market value? 20. What are the expected noise levels and how can they be minimized? 21. Comment: Engineering considerations are vague in the summary, need more detail. 22. What considerations are there for lighting? [Look at directional lighting, lower height against residential, less spill-over] 23. What is the funding allocation of this project (State, City, others?) 24. What impact will the city have over the final design? Can the city influence the final layout? 25. Does the city have any budget planned for landscape enhancements, irrigation in the median, etc.? 26. How will the "look and feel" of Southlake be maintained? 27. While the roads are all torn up, is the city going to put in sewer and water lines? 28. How wilt drainage be addressed? 29. Timing issue, a lady anticipates having her house taken, what is the process and how long before the ROW will be acquired? 30. When they start ROW acquisition, how long will it take for the construction to be completed? 31. Impacts on Johnson road? Currently resurfacing for 3 lanes? 32. Any ability to limit truck routes on 1938? 33. Any ability to lower speed limits? Who has final say, city or state? 9B - 13 34. Can the trees on the west ROW be incorporated into future median? 35. Who represents the community in Austin to TxDOT? 36. Design Consideration: Safety of children in backyards and a concern over trucks/vehicles penetrating wood fences. 37. What is the distance between the fence at Myers Meadow and the future back of curb? 38. What would it take to privatize Myers Meadow? 39. Can the portion in Southlake be widened (like Westlake) and actually help the values of adjacent properties, particularly if most ROW is coming off the west side? 40. What is the distance relationship between the centerline of existing roadway and the proposed roadway? 41. How would the vertical elevation of the roadway change? • Bruce Payne committed to mail-out notifications for all meeting notices or plan changes based on the address list sign-up sheets, etc. • Notes taken by Greg Last with additions/modifications by Mike Conrads. 9B - 14 Pip 2000 Neighborhood Meeting 1�SPI N �► Report Form b159 SPIN Neighborhood # 13 & 15 Meeting Date 07/26/2000 Meeting Topic: Randol Mill Reconstruction Description: Opportunity for all city residents to receive information from the city Planning Department (Bruce Payne) on the proposed reconstruction of Randol Mill Road from FM 1709 to Hwy 114. Featured Speakers: Bruce Payne Director of Planning and Greg Last, Director of Economic Development. Number of neighbors attending: 95 Location of meeting: Carroll High School Auditorium Notification Process: Mail/Signs Follow-Up Information: Detailed notes from Bill Stone, and city Staff Members John Eaglen and Chris Carpenter attached. Bill Stone SPIN #13 Representative 9B - 15 Notes from citywide SPIN Meeting 7-26-00 Questions/Concerns Noted: 1. Why is the R.O.W. projected to expand into Keller? 2. Are there other alternatives other than this plan? There were several options presented several years ago. 3. How does an average citizen get involved in this process, as it seems that the city and other communities have moved forward, and there is no ability to shape the debate. 4. What is Metroport? Where does the funding for this organization come from? 5. What are the plans for the 1709/ 1938 intersection? 6. Would either the Texaco or Fina(or both) have to be removed to accommodate this project? 7. What is the benefit to Southlake regarding this project? It seems as if Trophy Club, Westlake, and Keller alleviate their traffic issues by impacting Southlake. 8. Concern raised over the "if you build it they will come." Opinions expressed that the road is not user friendly, then the traffic will not build up on 1938—a reference was made to the visits to North Hills Mall in NRH due to unfriendly accessibility. 9. If this becomes a state road (through funding by the state)then traffic will be opened up to trucks and construction vehicles, and will the city lose the ability to regulate truck routes along this thoroughfare. 10. Concerns raised over the perceived lack of enforcement of truck routes in the city at this time —feeling that there should be more enforcement by DPS of trucks using Randol Mill. 11. In regards to the parkway model discussed, most people would like a useful road versus an aesthetic facility—can the project be scaled back by eliminating the amenitities (medians)? 12. How did this get to a point where Keller is voting on the Resolution of support and the city of Southlake is scheduled to vote on a resolution at their next meeting without more input from the public? Why can't the resolution be delayed by Southlake? When would this presentation by Metroport be given in Austin? 13. Concern expressed over the perception that the "train has already left the station"and there is no ability for the public to shape the debate/process at this stage. 14. There is a lot of master planning going on at this time. How does the citizenry get information on the planning for the feeder roads, in other words, what happens to the feeders along an extended 1938 (Johnson, Florence, etc)—will expansion of these facilities be in play also? 15. If the project funding relies upon a number of cities passing resolutions of support, what is the impact of one city not passing or delaying a resolution? 16. Can the city provide an example of a similar road in existence around the city? 17. Because of the thoroughfare, many property values along 1938 are in limbo—can a decision be made for the road one way or another, so that property owners in the area can proceed to sell their vroperty should they desire to? 18. Who will petition the State for funds, as they will be funding the project? 19. What is the impact of opposition to this project affecting other projects that Metroport has identified for state funding. 20. With traffic along 1709 nightmarish, expanding Davis to a similar capacity would result in gridlock on that side of town. 21. This project is twice the size of the current road, a significant impact on Southlake. 9B - 16 22. 1938 expanded in Westlake—if Keller and Southlake don't participate,what is the impact for Westlake? 23. Will development change from residential to commercial along 1938 in Southlake? What about a zoning change from low density residential to high density residential in Southlake? What about zoning or developmental changes of direction in the other cities once the Road is extended? 24. Is the pressure for this project coming from Westlake? If not, who is behind this pressure? 25. Do all Cities in Metroport fund costs for the project equally? 26.Need to address cut-through traffic in surrounding neighborhoods—especially in Myers Meadow if this road is expanded. 27. There was concern expressed over expanding the road will lead to increased cut-through traffic. 28. When school starts, the city will be able to get a clear picture of the current traffic situation at FM 1709 and Randol Mill—heavily utilized. 29. This discussion brings back the issue of Continental Blvd. Expansion several years ago— Randol Mill area is similarly a low-density area, and can the city seek an alternative, scaled back version similar to the results of Continental Blvd? 30. Has impact of traffic from Texas Motor Speedway been included in the analysis to date? 31. Sound issues—other than medians what is considered as viable to mitigating the impact? 32. Comment made that since we cannot stop development in the surrounding areas—the question should be now how can we deal with the additional development? 33. If the need arises to expand 1938 from 4 to 6 lanes, is the median planned for removal or would additional ROW be required? 34. Would a trail be installed along 1938? If so what length would this be from the road? 35. Moving west from Davis, what is another potential alternative N-S road to help with the traffic issues from the additional development? 36. What are the plans for U.S. 377? 37. How did the Resolution get put back before Southlake when it was tabled previously? 38. How come the city staff is always butting heads with the desires of the residents? It doesn't look like the elected representation is reflective of homeowner concerns. 39. Are there plans to widen Carroll from 1709 to 114? Why is Carroll not being seen as a viable alternative to 1938 expansion, with the area encompassing Town Square? 9B - 17 • In the year �1 Population f r t 2025o ecasPopulation estimates for selected Metroplex communities 1995 2500 Arlington 279,100 438,500 calls for more growth Bedford 45,700 55,400 Colleyville 16,200 37,550 Euless ower 29,550 62,550 4.9 million today., and some of the biggest Flower Mound 29,550 sssso. Study sees big gains for Keller, y� gg Fort Worth 458,150 675,600 gains would be in Northeast Tarrant and Grapevine 32,850 43,650 Flower Mound and Southlake southern Demon counties,according to a pop- Haltom City 33,350 38,250 . ulation forecast issued yesterday by the North Hurst 35,450 39,300 BY BRYON OKADA Central Texas Council of Governments. Keller 18,100 58,750 Star-Telegram Staff Writer "The trend is continued abundance and all N.Richland Hills 50,300 82,750 Keller will have a population of 58,750. the good and bad that comes with that," said Richland Hills 7,800 11,650 Southlake will have 32,550 residents. And Bob O'Neal,director of research and informa- Southlake 13,350 32,550 Flower Mound, which has 51,300 residents, tion services for the council of governments. Trophy Club 4,400 8,900 will build out at a whopping 88,650. "Challenges for local governments will be to Watauga 21,000 28,550 pp g g By 2025, the Metroplex and surrounding find the resources to build the infrastructure SOURCE North Central Texas of Governments counties will swell to 7 million residents from (More on GROWTH on Page 25A) GROWTH figures are used by.municipalities after which residential growth Keller wants now may not to plan for future roads, water- will be nominal.The city has vast always be the case. lines and sewer lines. Forecasts amounts of undeveloped acreage, "Let's face it,I'm not going to From Page IA also are used as justification for but most of it is pegged for com- be around forever,"McGrail said. funding. U.S. Census population mercial and industrial develop- `Someone could come in and for the 2 million people that are estimates are taken once every 10 ment. change our land use plan." years. Council of governments Southlake officials projected According to the council of coming North Texas the ominxt tor estimates, which are updated' that their city will grow a little governments report, Colleyville nCities such as North Richland each year, give planners a status faster and a little bigger than the will grow to 37,550 residents by report on where they stand. council of governments esti- 2025 from 17,750 today. "Ells will have more than 80,000 "We don't have a perfect crys- mates. Southlake was the fastest- But Colleyville officials said esidents,up from 56,250 today. tal ball,"O'Neal said. "We don't growing community in Tarrant that number might be based on Fort Worth,which has 516,150 t residents, will have a population know how wide-ranging changes County for most of the 1990s. old data. The city updated its re 6 residents, according to plationjec- in technology will affect the way The city grew by more than 10 master plan in 1998 and changed ofpeople work, where developers 'percent a year during most of the some land use areas from hous- [ions. will have a large-scale develop- decade, to about 22,500 today ing to commercial development. Some forecasts, such as those ment.What we do know is here's from 7,200 in 1990. Many of those areas are in north for Colleyville and Keller, made how people have lived and City officials estimate that east Colleyville. city officials cringe. „ worked in the past, where the Southlake's population will be Beforethe change in the'mas- They may be using old vacant land is, and the policies 35,580 in 2018. Council of gov- ter plan, the population was assumptions, before the changes and plans local cities have in ernments estimates a population expected to be 35,000 or more, . were made to the master plan," place." of 32,550 in 2025. By the city's city officials said. But with the said Clayton Husband, Col- For municipalities such as estimate, Southlake will surpass changes, Colleyville is planning leyville development coordinator. Flower Mound, the population the council's projection in 2010. fewer houses and expects popula- "Now,the city will put a lot more projection fits nicely with town "It looks like they're underes- tion to max out at 25,500. land into the commercial catego- ry.„ sentiments. timating it. Of course, all that's The council of governments' "It sounds.like COG's figures subject to change from one year estimates reflect what municipal • The council of governments' are in line with our projections," to the next,"said Greg Last, eco- plans show on the ground at the bursting-at-the-seams growth Mayor Lori DeLuca said. "The nomic development director. time of the study, O'Neal said. projection, a study that covers land use portion of the town's Officials from other cities said Policies change, which is why a 1995-2025, takes into account master plan was adopted in 1999. that some of their policy changes new long-range forecast should the "remarkable recovery and At that time, the town projected have not been taken into account. be expected in about three years. reinvention of the regional econ- that future population would be For example, in Keller. new "A city may in its own wis- omy in the late 1990s." Also accounted for is that pop- between 87,000 and 92,000." . land use and zoning policies pro- dom change its policy on density ulation forecasts in recent years In Grapevine, the projections ject a build-out population in the and change the outcome," he have not matched inre rey. are in line with what city officials low 40,000s.The council of gov- said. "We've had that in other They not even close. have been saying for several ernments' projections show a cities, like Southlakeand Flower Withe wereall growth the years. Grapevine's current popu- 2025 population of 58.750. Mound, who said unrestrained drive. to that Dallas ande e lation is estimated at 39,300 and Keller has a current population of growth is not good." 2012 makeOlympics,the site by 2025 it is expected to be 26,300. Staff writers Gordon Dickson,Mon- "le as much fair planners g eras 43,650. "No way, not as long as I'm ica Mendoza,Mike Lee and Mitch City officials said that involved," said Pat McGrail, Mitchell contributed to this report. pssible. Grapevine will reach residential Keller mayor pro tern. The council of governments "built-out" in about five years, McGrail did say,that what BryonOkada,(817)685-3853 ukad a Co star-tc I cgram.co m City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 To: Billy Campbell. City Manager From: Charlie Thomas, City Engineer, extension 814 Subject: Authorize the Mayor to execute a residential developer's agreement for Crown Ridge Addition Phase lA and 1B Action Requested: Authorize the Mayor to execute a residential agreement for Crown Ridge Phase 1A and 1B. Background Information: The final plat for Crown Ridge Addition, Phase lA and 1B was approved on June 8, 2000. The public improvements in this addition include rural section (roadway ditches with no curb and gutter) streets, drainage improvements including detention ponds, water lines and sanitary sewer lines. The public improvements also include a sanitary sewer lift station with force mains and off-site sanitary sewer line extending from the TRA lift station to 3500 feet north along the west side of White's Chapel Boulevard to the Crown Ridge Addition. The improvements also include water line improvements in TW King, along the frontage of the Johnson property and extending north of Bob Jones Road to take some Southlake residents off the Trophy Club water system. The developer is requesting the following credits and waivers: 1. SANITARY SEWER—OFFSITE—Sewer Impact Fee credit for the 54 lots in Phase lA & 1B, and Phase 2, and waiver of 2% Administrative Processing Fee and 3% Inspection Fee in consideration for the Construction of the offsite sanitary sewer line and the lift station and force mains. 2. ROADWAY—Roadway Impact Fee credit for 54 lots in Phase lA & 1B, and Phase 2, and waiver of 2% Administrative Processing Fee and 3% Inspection Fee in consideration for the reconstruction of TW King Road, which is a collector street on the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan. inA__I 3. WATER MAINS—Water Impact Fee credit for 54 lots in Phase 1A & 1B, and Phase 2, and waiver of 2% Administrative Processing Fee and =r Inspection Fee, in consideration of the oversize of the 12- inch water mains and for the total cost of the 12-inch water main in TW King Road along the frontage of Mrs. Johnson's property. Financial Considerations: 1. The developer's construction cost is $156,310 and the estimated Sewer Impact Fee is $48,600, and 5% Fees is $7,815. 2. The developer's construction cost is $85,600 and the estimated Roadway Impact Fee is $64,800, and 5% Fees is $4,280. 3. The cost of the oversize of the 12-inch water line is $15,350 and the developer's construction cost for the 12-inch water line in TW King Road along the frontage of Mrs. Johnson's Property is $4,515, and the estimated Water Impact Fee is $78,300 and 5% Fee is $225. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Park Board recommended the following proposal and credits as meeting the park land dedication requirement: • 4.67 acres of private open space to be maintained by the Homeowners Association. • Park land dedication to the City of natural and unmaintained open space totaling 1.68 acres. This land is adjacent to the southeast corner of T.W. King and Bob Jones Road and runs along the south end of Bob Jones Road. The Parks Board accepted this donation with the developer's proposal that the Homeowners Association would be responsible for maintaining areas adjacent to Block F, Lots 2, 9 and 10 on Cobblestone Drive. • Construction of an equestrian trail totaling 1,300 feet inside the proposed park land dedication along the southern edge of Bob Jones Road. The proposal calls for this to be dedicated as public trail. • Concrete pedestrian trail along T.W. King totaling 1,150 feet, maintained by the Homeowners Association. Legal Review: This is the City's standard residential developer's agreement, originally drafted by the City Attorney. Alternatives: Approve it, deny it or modify it. 1[)A-2 Supporting Documents: Agreement Plat Exhibit Staff Recommendation: Please place on August 15, 2000 City Council agenda for Council consideration and approval. geeat,a Charlie J. Tho •s City Engineer 1 0A-3 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPER AGREEMENT An Agreement between the City of Southlake, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and the undersigned Developer, hereinafter referred to as the s �t _ .. 1�Yx '� ;� �,3 � � �� hereinafter referred to "Developer",, of �� r ' � - , as the "Addition" to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, for the installation of certain community facilities located therein, and to provide city services thereto. It is understood by and between the parties that this Agreement is applicable to the ai lots contained within the Addition, Ld d the Ih tt and to the off-site improvements necessary to support the Addition. I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. It is agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the Developer shall employ a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas for the design and preparation of the plans and specifications for the construction of all facilities covered by this Agreement. B. Since the Developer is prepared to develop the Addition as rapidly as possible and is desirous of selling lots to builders and having residential building activity begin as quickly as possible and the City is desirous of having the Addition completed as rapidly as possible, the City agrees to release of the lots, after installation of the water and sewer mains. Framing shall not commence until water quality is approved by the City and all appropriate Fire Code requirements are satisfied, and street signs with street names are in place. Temporary all-weather metal signs securely fastened in the ground are acceptable until permanent street signs are installed. The Developer recognizes that the remaining building permits or Certificates of Occupancy for residential dwellings will not be issued until the supporting public works infrastructure including permanent street signs with block numbers and regulatory signs within the Addition have been accepted by the City. This will serve as an incentive to the Developer to see that all remaining items are completed. Residential Developer Agreement 1 10A-4 C. The Developer will present to the City either a cash escrow, Letters of Credit, performance bond or payment bond acceptable to the City guaranteeing and agreeing to pay an amount equal to 100% of the value of the construction cost of all of the facilities to be constructed by the Developer, and providing for payment to the City of such amounts, up to the total remaining amounts required for the completion of the Addition if the Developer fails to complete the work within two (2) years of the signing of this Agreement between the City and Developer. All bonds shall be issued by a Best-rated bonding company. All Letters of Credit must meet the Requirements for Irrevocable Letter of Credit attached hereto and incorporated herein. The value of the performance bond, Letters of Credit or cash escrow will reduce at a rate consistent with the amount of work that has been completed by the Developer and accepted by the City. Each request for reduction or payment of escrow funds must be accompanied by lien release(s) executed by all subcontractors and/or suppliers prior to the release of escrow funds or reduction in value of the account. Performance and payment bond, Letters of Credit or cash escrow from the prime contractor(s) or other entity reasonably acceptable to the City, hereinafter referred to as Contractor, will be acceptable in lieu of Developer's obligations specified above. D. The Developer agrees to furnish to the City maintenance bonds, Letters of Credit or cash escrow amounting to 20% of the cost of construction of underground utilities and 50% of the construction cost for paving. These maintenance bonds, Letters of credit or cash escrow will be for a period of two (2) years and will be issued prior to the final City acceptance of the Addition. The maintenance bonds, Letters of credit or cash escrow will be supplied to the City by the contractors performing the work, and the City will be named as the beneficiary if the contractors fail to perform any required maintenance. If the Developer chooses to construct bar ditches in lieu of curb and gutter, and the City approved the design and grade of bar ditches, Developer understands and agrees to provide maintenance on the bar ditches for a period of two years from the date of acceptance of the Addition. Maintenance includes trash and debris cleanup, mowing, and erosion control. Residential Developer Agreement 2 • 10A-5 E. Until the performance and payment bonds, Letters of Credit or cash escrow required in Paragraph C have been furnished as required, no approval of work on or in the Addition shall be given by City and no work shall be initiated on or in said Addition by Developer, save and except as provided above. F. It is further agreed and understood by the parties hereto that upon acceptance by the City, title to all facilities and improvements mentioned hereinabove shall be vested in the City and Developer hereby relinquishes any right, title or interest in and to said facilities or any part thereof. It is further understood and agreed that until the City accepts such improvements, the City shall have no liability or responsibility in connection with any such facilities. Acceptance of the facilities shall occur at such time that the City, through its City Manager or his duly authorized representative, provides Developer with a written acknowledgement that all facilities are complete, have been inspected and approved and are being accepted by the City. G. On all public facilities included in this Agreement for which Developer awards his own construction contract, Developer agrees to the following procedure: 1. Developer agrees to pay the following: a. Inspection fees equal to three percent (3%) of the cost of the water, street, drainage and sanitary sewer facilities, on all facilities included in this Agreement for which Developer awards his or her own construction contract x , . .- , to be paid prior to construction of each phase and based on actual bid construction cost; b. Administrative Processing fee equal to two percent (2%) of the cost of water, street, drainage and sanitary sewer facilities, on all facilities included in this Agreement for which Developer awards his or her own construction contract ,«, 19 . �k.x:;i,, to be paid prior to construction of each phase and based on actual bid construction cost; c. Trench testing (95% Standard); d. The additional charge for inspections during Saturday, Sunday, holidays, and after normal working hours; Residential Developer Agreement 3 1 0A-6 e. Any charges for re-testing as a result of failed tests; f. All gradation tests required to insure proper cement and/or lime stabilization. 2. The City agrees to bear the expense of: a. All nuclear density tests on the roadway subgrade (95% Standard); b. Technicians time for preparing concrete cylinders; and c. Concrete cylinder tests and concrete coring samples. The City can delay connection of buildings to service lines or water mains constructed under this Agreement until said water mains and service lines have been completed to the satisfaction of and acceptance by the City. H. The Developer and any third party, independent entity engaged in the construction of houses, hereinafter referred to as "Builder" will be responsible for mowing all grass and weeds and otherwise reasonably maintaining the aesthetics of all land and lots in said Addition which have not been sold to third parties. After fifteen (15) days written notice, should the Developer or Builder fail in this responsibility, the City may contract for this service and bill the Developer or Builder for reasonable costs. Should such cost remain unpaid for 120 days after notice, the City can file a lien on such property so maintained. Any guarantee of payment instrument (Performance Bond, Letter of Credit, etc.) submitted by the Developer or Contractor on a form other than the one which has been previously approved by the City as "acceptable" shall be submitted to the City Attorney and this Agreement shall not be considered in effect until such City Attorney has approved the instrument. Approval by the City shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. J. Any surety company through which a bond is written shall be a surety company duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, provided that the City, through the City Manager, shall retain the right to reject any surety company as a surety for any work under this or any other Developer's Agreement within the City regardless of such company's authorization to do business in Residential Developer Agreement 4 1 0A-7 Texas. Approval by the City shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. II. FACILITIES A. ON SITE WATER • The Developer hereby agrees to install water facilities to service lots as shown on the final plat of the Addition. Water facilities will be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and released by the City. Further, the Developer agrees to complete this installation in accordance with Ordinance No. 170 and shall be responsible for all construction costs, materials and engineering. In the event that certain water lines are to be oversized because of City requirements, the City will reimburse the Developer for the oversize cost greater than the cost of an 8" line. CreTirha''` OT a lot P as t u• Q7 • AI Additionally, the City agrees to provide temporary water service at Developer's request and expense, for construction, testing and irrigation purposes only, to individual lots during the construction of homes, even though sanitary sewer service may not be available to the homes. B. DRAINAGE Developer hereby agrees to construct the necessary drainage facilities within the Addition. These facilities shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by Developer's engineers, released by the Director of Public Works, and made part of the final plat as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Developer hereby agrees to fully comply with all EPA requirements relating to the planning, permitting and management of storm water which may be in force at the time that development proposals are being presented for approval by the City. The Developer hereby agrees to comply with all provisions of the Texas Water Code. C. LAW COMPLIANCE Developer hereby agrees to comply with all federal, state, and local laws that are applicable to development of this Addition. Residential Developer Agreement 5 10A-8 D. STREETS 1. The street construction in the Addition shall conform to the requirements in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and released by the Director of Public Works. Streets will be installed in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and released by the Director of Public Works. 2. The Developer will be responsible for: a. Installation and two year operation cost of street lights, which is payable to the City prior to final acceptance of the Addition; or an agreement with utility provider stating that no charge will be made for street lights for the two-year duration. b. Installation of all street signs designating the names of the streets inside the Addition, said signs to be of a type, size, color and design standard generally employed by the Developer and approved by the City in accordance with City ordinances. c. Installation of all regulatory signs recommended based upon the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices as prepared by the Developer's engineer by an engineering study or direction by the Director of Public Works. It is understood that Developer may put in signage having unique architectural features, however, should the signs be moved or destroyed by any means the City is only responsible for replacement of standard signage. 3. All street improvements will be subject to inspection and approval by the City. No work will begin on any street included herein prior to complying with the requirements contained elsewhere in this Agreement. All water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage utilities which are anticipated to be installed within the street or within the street right-of-way will be completed prior to the commencement of street construction on the specific section of street in which the utility improvements have been placed or for which they are programmed. It is understood by and between the Developer and the City that this requirement is aimed at Residential Developer Agreement 6 10A-9 substantial compliance with the majority of the pre-planned facilities. It is understood that in every construction project a decision later may be made to realign a line or service which may occur after construction has commenced. The Developer hereby agrees to advise the City Director of Public Works as quickly as possible when such a need has been identified and to work cooperatively with the City to make such utility change in a manner that will be least disruptive to street construction or stability. City has required Developer to pave T.W. King as shown on the plans. City will credit roadway • impact fees for the full cost of the improvements to TAl. King up to the limit of the roadway impact fee total of $64,800 for all the lots in Crown Ridge Phase. 1A, 18, and Phase II, nrid Administrative and Inspection Fees of $4,280.. E. ON SITE SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES The Developer hereby agrees to install sanitary sewerage collection facilities to service lots as shown on the final plat of the Addition. Sanitary sewer facilities will be installed in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by the Developer's engineer and released by the City. Further, the Developer agrees to complete this installation in compliance with all applicable city ordinances, regulations and codes and shall be responsible for all construction costs, materials and engineering. In the event that certain sewer lines are to be oversized because of City requirements, the City will reimburse the Developer for the oversize cost greater than the cost of an 8" line. F. EROSION CONTROL During construction of the Addition and after the streets have been installed, the Developer agrees to keep the streets free from soil build-up. The Developer agrees to use soil control measures such as hay bales, silt screening, hydromulch, etc., to prevent soil erosion. It will be the Developer's responsibility to present to the Director of Public Works a soil control development plan that will be implemented for this Addition. When in the opinion of the Director of Public Works there is sufficient soil build-up on the streets or other drainage areas and notification has been given to the Developer, the Developer will have seventy-two (72) hours to clear the soil from the streets or affected areas. If the Developer does not remove the soil from the street within 72 hours, the City may Residential Developer Agreement 7 10A-10 cause the soil to be removed either by contract or City forces and place the soil within the Addition at the Developer's expense. All expenses must by paid to the City prior to acceptance of the Addition. G. AMENITIES It is understood by and between the City and Developer that the Addition may incorporate a number of unique amenities and aesthetic improvements such as ponds, aesthetic lakes, unique landscaping, walls and may incorporate specialty signage and accessory facilities. The Developer agrees to accept responsibility for the construction and maintenance of all such aesthetic or specialty item such as walls, vegetation, signage, landscaping, street furniture, pond and lake improvements until such responsibility is turned over to a homeowners association. H. USE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY It is understood by and between the City and Developer that the Developer may provide unique amenities within public right-of-way, such as landscaping, irrigation, lighting, etc., for the enhancement of the Addition. The Developer agrees to maintain these amenities until such responsibility is turned over to a homeowners association. The Developer and his successors and assigns understand that the City shall not be responsible for the replacement of these amenities under any circumstances and further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all damages, loss or liability of any kind whatsoever by reason of injury to property or third person occasioned by its use of the public right-of-way with regard to these improvements and the Developer shall, at his own cost and expense, defend and protect the City against all such claims and demands. I. START OF CONSTRUCTION Before the construction of the streets, and the water, sewer, or drainage facilities can begin, the following must take place: 1 . Approved payment and performance bonds must be submitted to the City in the name of the City prior to the commencement of any work. 2. At least six (6) sets of construction plans to be stamped "Released for Construction" by the Director of Public Works must be submitted. Residential Developer Agreement 8 10A-11 3. All fees required to be paid to the City. 4. Developer Agreement must be executed. 5. The Developer, or Contractor, shall furnish to the City a policy of general liability insurance, naming the City as co- insured, prior to commencement of any work. 6. A pre-construction meeting between Developer and City is required. Developer or contractor shall furnish to the City a list of all subcontractors and suppliers, which will be providing greater than a $1 ,000 value to the Addition. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. INDEMNIFICATION DEVELOPER COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND DOES HEREBY INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE FEES AND EXPENSES OF ATTORNEYS, EXPERT WITNESSES AND OTHER CONSULTANTS), ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, OCCUPANCY, USE, EXISTENCE OR LOCATION OF SAID IMPROVEMENT OR IMPROVEMENTS, AND SHALL FURTHER BE LIABLE FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY AND ALL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF DEVELOPER, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, OR INVITEES, SAID INDEMNIFICATION TO REMAIN IN EFFECT UNTIL THE CITY ACCEPTS THE ADDITION. DEVELOPER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR ANY DAMAGES, CLAIMS OR LIABILITIES ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION, OR OF THE CONCURRENT NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION, OF THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. Residential Developer Agreement 9 10A-12 B. Venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. C. Approval by the Director of Public Works or other City employee of any plans, designs or specifications submitted by the Developer pursuant to this Agreement shall not constitute or be deemed to be a release of the responsibility and liability of the Developer, his engineer, employees, officers or agents for the accuracy and competency of their design and specifications. Such approval shall not be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibility and liability by the City for any defect in the design and specifications prepared by the consulting engineer, his officers, agents, servants or employees, it being the intent of the parties that approval by the Director of Public Works signifies the City's approval on only the general design concept of the improvements to be constructed. In this connection, the Developer shall for a period of two (2) years after the acceptance by the City of the completed construction project, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, servants and employees, from any loss, damage, liability or expense on account of damage to property and injuries, including death, to any and all persons which may arise out of any defect, deficiency or negligence of the engineer's designs and specifications incorporated into any improvements constructed in accordance therewith, and the Developer shall defend at his own expense any suits or other proceedings brought against the City, its officers, agents, servants or employees, or any of them, on account thereof, to pay all expenses and satisfy all judgement which may be incurred by or rendered against them or any of them in connection herewith. D. This Agreement or any part herein, or any interest herein, shall not be assigned by the Developer without the express written consent of the City Manager, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. E. On all facilities included in this Agreement for which the Developer awards his own construction contract, the Developer agrees to employ a construction contractor who is approved by the City, and whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, said contractor to meet City and statutory requirements for being insured, licensed and bonded to do work in public streets and to be qualified in all respects to bid on public streets and to be qualified in all respects to bid on public projects of a similar nature. Residential Developer Agreement 10 10A-13 F. Work performed under the Agreement shall be completed within two (2) years from the date thereof. In the event the work is not completed within the two (2) year period, the City may, at its election, draw on the performance bond, Letter of Credit, or other security provided by Developer and complete such work at Developer's expense, provided however, that if the construction under this Agreement shall have started within the two (2) year period, the City may agree to renew the Agreement with such renewed Agreement to be in compliance with the City policies in effect at that time. G. The City is an exempt organization under Section 151.309, Tax Code, and the facilities constructed under this Agreement will be dedicated to public use and accepted by the City upon acknowledgement by the City of completion under Paragraph 1.F. 1. The purchase of tangible personal property, other than machinery or equipment and its accessories, repair, and replacement parts, for use in the performance of this Agreement is, therefore, exempt from taxation under Chapter 151, Tax Code, if the tangible property is: a. necessary and essential for the performance of the Agreement; and b. completely consumed at the job site. 2. The purchase of a taxable service for use in the performance of this Agreement is exempt if the service is performed at the job site and if: a. this Agreement expressly requires the specific service to be provided or purchased by the person performing the Agreement; or b. the service is integral to the performance of the Agreement. H. Prior to final acceptance of the Addition, the Developer shall provide to the City three (3) copies of Record Drawings of the Addition, showing the facilities as actually constructed. Residential Developer Agreement 11 10A-14 Such drawings will be stamped and signed by a registered professional civil engineer. In addition, the Developer shall provide electronic files showing the plan and profile of the sanitary sewer, storm drain. roadway and waterline: all lot lines. and tie in to the state Plane Coordinate System. IV. OTHER ISSUES OFF-SITE SEWER, LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN The sanitary sewer to serve this addition will also serve others in the area. This agreement shall specify the responsibility of both the City and the Developer in building this sewer project. 1. Developer's Responsibility a. In order to provide sanitary sewer to the Addition, the Developer agrees to pay for the cost of building.,a gravity line in White Chapel from the existing hie north to the entrance of Crown Ridge. The Developer shall also pay for the lift station at Bob Jones and the force main required. The Developer shall secure the contractor and pay monthly progress payments City's Responsibility a. The City will waive the Administrative Processing Fee (2%) of$3,126. b. The City shall provide construction inspection with no cost (3%) or $4,689, to the Developer for these improvements. c: The City-will give the Developer impact fee credit of $48,600 for all the costs of the off-site sanitary sewer force main and lift station for Phases 1 A and '1 B and II B. OFF-SITE WATER The City will give credit to water impact fees for the entire 12-inch water line on T.W. King fronting Mrs. Johnson's property in the amount of $4,512 and 5% Administrative and Inspection Fees in the amount of $225. Residential Developer Agreement 12 10A-15 C. DARK FEES Tho Dovelopor agrees to'ParifirP . of $1,500 lot7rn bring the total cost of Park Fee to $ The required park land dedication for this development i; 2.1 acres $127,500 in tees in lieu of land dedication in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance' No, 483-F, Section 7.0. The proposal approved by the Parks and Recreation Board ins; ied credit for the following items: • 4.67 acres of private open space to be c s ritai ed-may Homeowners Association. • Park land dedication, to the R'� y ofmn tur l and unm irttaines open space totaling 1.68 acres. ;This land is ad1 , + 9 '° southeastcomer',of TM. King'andBob'Jones Ra a,, Ha 4 along the south end of Bob.Jones};Road.', The Par s Bran accepted this donation with the.developer's proposal that tn : Homeowners Association would be responsible for nnaintainils areas adjacent to Block F, Lots 2, 9 and 10 on Cobbles Drive:. • Construction of an equestrian trail totaling 1,300 feet in id-1 proposed park land dedication along the southern edge f :` Jones Road. The proposal calls for this to be dedica .,,._ public trail. • Concrete pedestrian trail along T.VV,7Wi ig t :taiing 1 ! maintained by the Homeowners Association. D. TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE All construction activities shall meet the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585-A. Residential Developer Agreement 13 10A-16 SIGNED AND EFFECTIVE on the date last set forth below. DEVELOPER: Terra Land Development By: Title: President Address: 2740 Fuller Wiser Euless, Texas 76039 STATE OF COUNTY OF On , before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (SEAL) Notary Public My commission expires: Residential Developer Agreement 14 10A-17 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS By: Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: Sandra LeGrand, City Secretary Date: Residential Developer Agreement 15 10A-18 REQUIREMENTS FOR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 1 . The Letter of Credit must have a duration of at least one year. 2. The Letter of Credit may be substituted for utility security deposits exceeding $10,000.00. The City reserves the right to specify the face amount of the Letter of Credit. 3. The Letter of Credit must be issued by a FDIC insured bank in a form acceptable to the City of Southlake. The City reserves the right to approve/disapprove the bank issuing the Letter of Credit. 4. The Letter of Credit must be issued by a bank that has a minimum capital ratio of six percent (6%), and has been profitable for each of the last two consecutive years. 5. The customer must provide the City with supporting financial information on the bank to allow the City to ascertain requirements are met. Suitable financial information would be the previous two (2) years December 31 Call Reports submitted to the FDIC and audited financial statements. 6. Partial drawings against Letter of Credit must be permitted. 7. The City must be able to draft on sight with proof of amount owed. 8. The customer pays any and all fees associated with obtaining Letter of Credit. 9. Expiring Letter of Credit must be replaced by substitute Letters of Credit at least 30 days prior to the expiration date on the Letter of Credit held by the City. Residential Developer Agreement 16 10A-19 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 13, 1999 TO: Charlie Thomas. Deputy Director of Engineering Services FROM: Kevin Hultman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Park Dedication Requirements—Crown Ridge Addition At its August 9, 1999 meeting, the Parks and Recreation Board considered the park dedication requirements and requests for credits for the Crown Ridge Addition, an eighty-five lot residential development. The required park land dedication for this development is 2.1 acres or $127,500 in fees in lieu of land dedication. The proposal approved by the Parks and Recreation Board included credit for the following items: • 4.67 acres of private open space to be maintained by the Homeowners Association. • Park land dedication to the City of natural and unmaintained open space totaling 1.68 acres. This land is adjacent to the southeast corner of T.W. King and Bob Jones Road and runs along the south end of Bob Jones Road. The Parks Board accepted this donation with the developer's proposal that the Homeowners Association would be responsible for maintaining areas adjacent to Block F, Lots 2, 9 and 10 on Cobblestone Drive. • Construction of an equestrian trail totaling 1,300 feet inside the proposed park land dedication along the southern edge of Bob Jones Road. The proposal calls for this to be dedicated as public trail. ■ Concrete pedestrian trail along T.W. King totaling 1,150 feet, maintained by the Homeowners Association. The Park and Recreation Board voted 7-1 to accept this proposal of dedications and credits as meeting the park dedication requirement. Please contact me if you have further questions. v"C_ KH/j e 10A-20 tf i Llll `+•- {§� rrYMrM �. ,1 p„µ,w IA'Alpw I' I kt I E ;Rf ii Y..,r 'w AN/Ial441.1 !CI aymar AKt""17'N" .991 11 Ywr r i '' II 1 1.: I ,K,w,af +1 p« Ra gr „I �1 'II�eLE 1 1'i U �1 .40 W �' E A 1t I iI ^fV"'..' 1 . u irli' jY fill', r.tV9_ OI Al.. "" Y N IrJ�,`.'.lb 1•JIA(7i -•a� N 09'25'10_` wEs1101 JO1R'BMpAD 97al.D0�- NN 1.n..r u, reA'ry 1�i•.•.n�a. ..1/-_• • _ - lJ_A717T 1PY:.JAA: n�., -- .. ... Ti - ..... .�.. .o ` , „ I �1 1 I 1u ( •Ir at. 1N'P.N 1 I I _a.u.lu'plr I .ice ^', e:i` ,I I I' YI .0o• I I RI ourrr/.xlrr. A v ..T 1 ow4r 1 Velt,w'r rl�.. w.., �j 1 Ii I I 1 L'� •fllYl TTT I..Y��.ii�Y' .YrrY I .w I s� I", „1 ,7N r.,, �!_..'r._ . ,_ Y flr�lo3.L Ilb I I 7' N '": iY�"•w�;:hM.".:o�.::� .r ..) w uil. wY. XT It . 1• I u'e100••."•11110r•u.'i u.1 0:a:.w'I�1:'i. 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M .x.t..Vwt�.I.r. 1n.•Nr wI.N.•11 N 1'JNI l�� `` • 1 Y pl ::JO0111 p I Nils• aor N'Mu,.1111 x W w r. w•N �r:Larisi'[ tome _-M�CaN iy OD , a•»ytN •M_l Irwsul rN . is Instl.L•s•s 1.•wy r•.u1N N• IY Ills Nis.•.. --... I.. \ _��a I • w Iles' r I fives*Os 1 I.n.I«Y seal•t.Ills•h.In. I. bw__.•.11.•1.11• mpg i \,, L.i•A'=�_.�,r�BF__• 4. i•Yl�It AO' f•ur. +m.�'afslir.-nsir:i-mw du". S BY'76'25'Ifl ,13.92r• -.. f A3' _ ���:�Iw 1uN°u...rt�„Y�I ••I.Iw��N;�'r 1�1 I�N,a.r la.a II _-I FONT OF H•II i.i.m�' �'�. • 00 l00'19-M .I[Ir<.rftJG ' (isle f `1 A3' i t 1 :r,.ii..II"'I.',1'w° r.in 1w'.iw..a �I 'taus al..w• / ). 1•I�'•I e1«.t am I w M. ,11i • bL.,W y« L lnt•'sllx..I1 II.LN'o.I INC: 00 ,.L wt..ln x:l.n.•;t14' le r'I/ N(I I.'.104..•.::.•.r 1101.0.In .a Intl y ix.,.,.. l ._ � 11 1 r , t(Ni(�I`,I,+1»`.�,M,.n.'11rj�.Yxtt II.NI, SS' x r141 ,r.111Y(Y. i` n0l Ml.K.ffl • NIn I Iwn I M.zr yyr. A O.x UC / R 1 I LYx tplflp P.l Y'K•IY«Vl ntl rtrx .•rrN Mlv IIU.I..rw ilxl_.lI..IWt.YI.(PI• f .r �.V J Ir.w 0.i.'ritl%...u.17: LMIx...I• 'u"...'.O 1• / \ \ 16- ..•(V/lN{l'+r►01.111 w w.r u.wn ' ;,� 3' NM 7":.•.*:?W :: w.Iw.rW• u ' Mytl!4.:wtyl lN•r In'. r,11n111Nu1'}'•''''''rt'+:wl 1„,� xlYri r:.... I.W.r.l. u .1 YII.PI«.•1^ I Y.• M NP aIs Was, ,G,,brulli'1U I IN!.. I x.n•u Ulls..•uli y. Mq•rj j.$�.�'y(�,7iN i{�..y.Yi ITJ n, U..nnUIl:l,=�ins'w:'.ylut!i.s .Iw IIyN1 unnwt u.l.._ Ltr• •�. ! I f JVW•I1,M IwN• I a.t1 J.D.'"i r 'iw N a y r~l.owwl•ly rw saw N I�I.w le w IONS•r Om.,s.Irw.M - I- I , r y��N M 11.1 At••Idr It1. MLA r•YM rY .. -a 'I mil I tr•.I•sn.•Y.Yr 1r.W rr f11��11...1 NNw M..llr rl•�MN M Y.Y•xfl f.•�ask I� 1� / Simi WOW w IVY M pl W WOW:WY w..._. M xl PI ANNINU ANll ZONING COMMISSION • 5.1 I � of_... _ ,� .. AMCYRACT AY All 17y .4 Iiiiii 14.1k.l1Mi N-l' •x.�.1'.,_ .... . . 1RLI INNCP,.YMPTY iryk w1:�.•.•.w.e. .._.--. _.._.____._._._ 1 AnfYRACT No LfSI �.. FINAL PLAT OF CROWN RIDGE ADDITION ;;I 11111 I ()1"I •Ile......•a. Inw. xn,.«. r u•.• PHASE III ;:�:: Its.•iy:. "•ww. OwtlrLreY: BEING .�.....,....,,1. .N,.,n1...1...... ...... ..ry.. ..,.,..,..,... .,..,:. 3OUIHI.AINSOIANA,Liu. P1UPAREDay. 6.435ACRES F fWtlO ! GOODWIN! SITUATED IN 711E /� 2 .• •rf........1rt•.•..n.....„. ....-•.. .. -..• �fw nwwr I �! R.D.PRICE SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.792 � MAYb�QQO S•.%w '_::II! ' eY; ���_^��r CITY OF SOUTFiI_AKE,DENTON COUNTY,TEXA. 1 .1t..1.t,. :;.':v'.". SWIRWRI • TERRA ANDDHVELOt,,WN1'CO. NWSw4.l••Re6.1411 IVRAT.lMlflll fRE11U@lnALtINGNMJ:SIDFIInA1i1tT� f groom 4wYl APR14 2000 n WM Rua Nis. ., \ _.___.___-__...__.__-_. __-_� -' -• ow.miasma INe PLAT FLED NCAUMkI_____YOE._._.UATtO.-_-___- elxxr City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Garland Wilson, Director of Public Safety(Ext. 730) SUBJECT: Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Loch Meadow Estates located at 939 North Carroll Avenue. Action Requested: City Council consideration of a variance to Sign Ordinance 704-A. Background Information: Loch Meadow Estates is a 23 lot subdivision located on the east side of Ridgecrest Drive, approximately 3000 feet north of East Dove Street. Loch Development Limited has developed the property and is marketing the lots to builders. They have sold three lots with one house under construction and they have contracts pending on four other lots at this time. This request is to allow an off site development sign at the northeast corner of State Highway 114 and North Carroll Avenue. This site is in the right-of-way purchased for the expansion of the highway, but the contract allows the owner to continue to use the property until it is actually needed for expansion of the roadway. The proposed sign structure would comply with the ordinance criteria for a Ground Sign, as specified in Section 16-C. Staff has noted this is a similar hardship to the situation for Perry Homes on Johnson Road. On June 6, 2000 a variance was granted in that case for two signs to be placed at the nearest intersecting arterial roadways. By comparison, the nearest intersecting arterial roadways in this request would be North Carroll at Dove or North White Chapel at Dove. The 1995 Sign Ordinance No. 506-A permitted one such sign for subdivisions up to 200 lots, and two such signs for larger subdivisions. The new Sign Ordinance No. 704 adopted in September of 1998, and the revision Ordinance 704-A adopted in December of 1998,removed all off site signs. This item was presented to Council at the August 1, 2000 meeting. Because the applicant was not present and there were issues needing clarification from the applicant, staff requested the item be tabled until the August 15, 2000 meeting to give the applicant an opportunity to respond. Andy Jones of Loch Development will be present to speak on behalf of this request. 10B-1 Billy Campbell August 11, 2000 Page 2 Financial Considerations: Not Applicable Citizen Input/ Board Review: No citizen input has been received. Not subject to any Board review. Legal Review: None Alternatives: The Council may approve the request, deny the request, or approve it subject to whatever conditions they deem appropriate. Supporting Documents: Variance Application Form Sign Drawings and Location Map Ordinance No.704-A, Sections 14, 16-C and 17 Staff Recommendation: Place the request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A for Loch Meadow Estates located at 939 North Carroll Avenue on the August 15, 2000 City Council meeting agenda for approval. GW/bls 10B-2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION APPLICANT OWNER (if different) NAME: Loch Development, Ltd. May ADDRESS: Q.O. Box 2246 Coppell, Texas 75019 PHONE: ( 817 ) 41 0-1 888 $A',ty FAX: ( 817 ) 41 0-1 8 8 7 _Snot t. The following information pertains to the location for which the variance is being requested: NAME OF BUSINESS OR OPERATION: Loch Meadow Estates PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 7 c y ct--1-1-- 104-) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 14 Block Subdivision Oaks Addn. second Filing I hereby certify that this application is complete as per the requirements of Sign Ordinance No. 704 as summarized below. I further understand that it is necessary to have a representative at the City Council meeting who is authorized to discuss this request. Applicant's signature: Date: July 12, 2000 The following checklist is a summary of requirements for sign variance requests as required by the City of Southlake. The applicant should further refer to the Sign Ordinance No. 704 and amendments, and other ordinances maps, and codes available at the City Hall that may pertain to this sign variance request. Completed sign variance request application. • Completed demonstration of conditions applicable to the requested variance (see attached.). Site plan showing the location of the sign variance request and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. The site plan shall also indicate the building, landscaped areas, parking &approaches and adjoining street R. O. W. Scaled and dimensioned elevations of the signs for which the variance is requested. For attached signs, the elevations shall show the building, the sign for which the variance is requested, and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. 10B-3 Demonstration Please demonstrate that the following conditions are applicable to the requested sign variance: 1. That a literal enforcement of the sign regulation will crate an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant. Currently the sign ordinance allows for development signage but only on the subject property. The location of the development does not allow for the proper exposure of the development sign to attract traffic to the site. 2. That the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self imposed. The development is located on the North side of hwy 114 on Ridgecrest Dr. , a street that is hidden from traffic except for residents beyond the development. 3. That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties. The variance is requested for a property that is commercial in it use. The property will ultimately be within the new Hwy 114 corridor. 4. That the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the sign ordinance. The Variance will be similar to a variance already approved by the city for a developer in a similar situation regarding street access and location off of the normal path of development. M:\wpfiles\building\variance.app 10B-4 JUL-111—ZUldld 1 :bti CENCUR RERLTY 2149530860 P.02/02 Slate Depart:meat of Highways and Public Tramporta lion ‘ Poem D45-2 Revised 8-85 Sketch of Whole Property With Dimensions Show Orientation, ROW Line, and Part Taken ?\-kq,' ' c CURv E. DAT A IA. OA T Fit. , \,.....\ Pi•/659.96.25 ).39.8 •••9„„rj. F IRS p•04`44*J5' (\e or 18 v26. T -1.279,r 7\ I. • 2.4061-2'1- .iesz., . . , 01 . / LOT 105ECON L'n tpT 19 V V t'r ••• /'x, ''.V li III LI4 G 'lerc,te cfl itiPAI 1, t. / ZI ci, • t:-- / L. ti '04* LOT 15 ' '-',.. S.'k % '' %% •:, . • 4, -x. 1 •.''''I .% •1J,'c. '' .1.‘ *1 tc5') Ncl Z V R-5.7 49.58' t‘ e 1. C:iv R-5 74- ; - -a 162.09' .,.., , . 55r0i"PrE \%.:',........... .941;W:0- ialraill . .. • ...... Ak \ .Are - ." ........... ,, lb& ": 5_ 0r3655' ..7, . Ar- - .44.......%,,, 1 „.....•*„ S.,•%, ... „Ii a . . A .......... 1 1655-75.58•/,'" . ... 1 •7••':';0 i"44020=100"Mili ..''.....:AMMO"Di• " :".: II °: k.!':::'. 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LOCH MEADOW ESTATES : ; • Choice Subdivision '• i ■ Large Wooded Lots ZftS �; TAKE CARROLL TO DOVE, to,:.', . of' Li- __ RIGHT TO RIDGECREST :ee. i ow Li ice E SEA " qkF C w.liAll ,'1���� 6/��/�et,fop. kr 0 • � . - e�� To Ra u To 4 4Ecti4totvIt. t cfu p�c 88 ,Ifie'' 4FT.X4FT.FACE0. - (817) 410-1888, , • ON 4"P05TS 1 f , .. 4. INSTALLED V-SHAPED(APPROX.75°ANGLE) I - PROJECT: LOCH MEADOW ESTATES IDENTITEC SIGN TYPE CUSTOM 4FT. X 4 FT D/F MDO "°` JUNE 20, 2000 ...erdmtd 4c au etectosa 4/1.49, 2875 EXCHANGE BLVD. SOUTI-LAKE, TEXAS76092 (817)329-04/1 FAX(em 488-44-84 City of Southlake Page 1 of 1 i ` I � { Zako Grsp�wrte j „z jj '' GS7ATES Sys tra ' B r it. Nuf,,,::;-4- '''','-4%;::!,-44:, .'''!,tikalAbl144 7----- Z Cam— �'^ �w8 " ,r"� ° �'$ � ' , .. < "'�`'„`.,,` 4 R' � • Icy a i �g: `" kgr vrF. w °":9' '' - r ' VE 3' ^r.___ am i % ,, 4 r 'ski RITTANY � I\ �i { ( � c ^s � ' ra 4 CARD N ��r.� PRIp1ROSE (y 5t.: _ Iria �� ? LAUREL �v`�{� 1 rtak , t rn ti r' x, .:rrr ,y .4n1 _ Xt3LElYfi;`� I `�it A �" � T ; r G) ?y. �/ `it;?..1,,;.'1,:":..-.. '1;ya Aveem..- N''''''''''-k.-. ...• .4- I,' 2 :.,,o...,,.,..,,,,,,4, vit. : 1:;.:': o URAIBERFYIRi.H1GNLAND =i E. HIGHL � 7►��+07 HIGHLAND 1p� s sJ� APiI i --1yt- m— —.n—_____ -`^�. :,::, �:�.%§. ._' ei. 44c 3 p . 1:Y w._._., Qiv •rn 'IVEk 0,. p r'I ` ,\• H 51 C�PS ~ x 'ARS 0 WILDYrOOD t•o CAT lob • r BRA20St0YMie CHAPEL:13 LAKE o �. _ d._R E E N B�Uryi $ 0 a ,� ALA + \, -- ROLLING J I. . LOVE HENRY :le l8 Y "`,,.. �-�" sA= � rc I B ANCI] ALTON =ls .� _ •- rn D IAIN N D Y ` =�-LfZ= S _ a ` .-NEMERALu R03$ — 1�- CS( { 4 - 2. •� SOUTHLAKE - tl = f]a cg w y dir 1Itg) �r � rr � V 5TMONT V- 4 rn R'-'it�00R RE�,HILLS it`s ki `�� LILAC 17— .1G G O I O �, F INE A5 1 SS,, �G1 125yLA PAL YQ�Y` ,t4SclutbialticHKfl -I u` To►+ i i1 16R0�" R cale:7'=30A0 , �� http://maps.ci.southlake.tx.us DISCLAIMER N y— This data has been compiled for The City of City of Southlake Southlake.Various official and unofficial sources ri'1, 667 North Carroll Avenue City of Southlake were used to gather this information.Every effort _firs Texas 76092 was made to ensure the accuracy of this data, (817)481-5581 however,no guarantee is given or implied as to the accuracy of said data. 10B-7 /cnnthlakpman acn911r1=12rT.eft=') 76546 4596(17.5Rr.1Anttnm=7(1966(11 (16199649R/12ioht=71964 7/17/OO The following sections have been excerpted from the Sign Ordinance No. 704-A SEC. 14 VARIANCES The City Council may authorize variances to any restriction set forth in this ordinance, including but not limited to the number, type, area, height, or setback of signs, or any other aspect involved in the sign permitting process. In granting any variance, the City Council shall determine that a literal enforcement of the sign regulations will create an unnecessary hardship or a practical difficulty on the applicant, that the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed, that the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties, and that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this sign ordinance. A person may request a variance from the Sign Ordinance by filing the request with the Building Official. Any request for variance shall be accompanied by a completed application and a non-refundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by City Council. C. 16 PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURES AND GENERAL REGULATIONS C. GROUND SIGN 1. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specifically provided, the regulations set forth in this subsection shall be applicable to all ground signs. 2. MINIMUM SETBACK: Fifteen(15) feet from any property line. 3. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Three feet(3') 4. MAXIMUM AREA: Eight(8)square feet with a maximum of four(4) square feet per sign face. 5. NUMBER OF SIGNS: One(1)sign per site. SEC. 17 PROHIBITED SIGNS A. GENERAL Any sign which is not specifically permitted in Articles V and VI of this ordinance shall be prohibited. 10B-8 • City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Adoption of Registration Policy-Waiving of Fees Action Requested: City Council consideration of adopting a registration policy that waives the required fees for the children of coaches in youth sports leagues sponsored by the City. Background Information: Currently the City does not have a policy in place that will waive the fee(s) for the children of individuals who volunteer their time to coach a team in the City's youth sports leagues. The proposal waives the required fees in full for a coach's first two (2) children on the team, and for each additional child the coach has on the team, the proposal waives fifty percent (50%) of the required fee. To be eligible for the waiver of fees, children must be on the team that the parent or legal guardian is coaching. The adoption of this policy will offer an incentive to those individuals who may otherwise not coach a team. The proposed policy also incorporates a provision that allows the assistant coach to be eligible for the waiver of fees. The assistant coach would be eligible at a pro-rated basis should the head coach be unable to fulfill their commitment and the assistant coach takes over the head coaching responsibilities of the team. Financial Consideration: Waiving of registration fees will affect approximately 5-10% of revenue generated by each sport (basketball, in-line hockey, flag football, swimming, and track). This amount will depend on enrollment in each activity but is estimated at between $5,000 and $10,000 per year. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Parks and Recreation Board reviewed and recommended the adoption of this policy at their July 10, 2000 meeting. Legal Review: Not Applicable Ioci Billy Campbell, City Manager August 11, 2000 Page 2 Alternatives: Input towards the proposed policy as desired. Supporting Documents: Copy of proposed Registration Fee Policy regarding the waiving of fees. Staff Recommendation: Place as an item on August 15, 2000 City Council agenda to consider the proposed Registration Policy regarding the waiver of fees. Ioc - 2 f Department of Community Services Policies and Procedures Manual Policy: Registration-Waiving of Fees Source: Parks and Recreation Board Category: Administrative Adopted Date: August 15, 2000 Effective Date: September 4, 2000 Revised Date: Statement of Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide consistent guidance for the consideration of waiving registration fees for the child(ren) of individuals who volunteer to coach a team participating in youth sports sponsored by the Southlake Department of Community Services. Procedure I. Anyone interested in coaching a Parks and Recreation Division sponsored team must submit a coach's registration form to Recreation Supervisor for each sport. This policy will apply to all team and individual sports (i.e. swimming, track, etc.) II. The individual must complete a criminal background check, to be processed by the City. III. 100% of registration fee will be waived for first two (2) children on each team that the individual volunteers to coach. 50% of the registration fee will be waived for each additional child. IV. Fees will only be waived for the child(ren) of one head coach per team. V. The individual must commit to coach the activity for the duration of the season. Failure to comply with this requirement will subject the coach to payment of waived fees in the full amount. If for any reason a head coach cannot fulfil his or her commitment the assistant coach will be permitted to take over the team and will be eligible to have the fees of their child(ren) waived at a prorated amount. n:\parks&recreation\boards\cc\2000\gtr3\feewaiving.doc V.f., Waiving of Fee Policy,Page 1 of 1 bc 3 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services (ext. 757) SUBJECT: Consider revising planned trail width for Traffic Management Bond hike and bike trail improvements. Action Requested: City Council provide direction to staff on width of planned hike and bike trail improvements for Traffic Management Bond. Background Information: In May 1999, voters approved three propositions related to traffic management in a special bond election. Proposition No. 3 was for "the issuance of $4,730,000 general obligation bonds for park improvements (hike and bike trails)." The initial cost estimates for this proposal were based on a trail width of eight feet in keeping with general design guidelines and the desire to qualify for state trail grant funding. (The current Trail System Master Plan calls for six foot widths except on White Chapel, which is to be eight feet in width.) Bond election informational materials distributed to the public 00' referenced the trails as being eight feet in width. HNTB Architects Engineers Planners has been contracted as the City's consultant to manage the design and construction of the improvements in the TMB, including the design and construction of the hike and bike trails. Design Work has been progressing and construction bid packages are nearly ready to be released on the first segment of trails to be constructed.(SouthRidge Lakes Parkway to Bicentennial Park, north side of FM 1709). • Recently, discussions have arisen concerning the width of the trails and whether six foot trails should be constructed instead of eight foot trails. Issues have centered on: • expanse of concrete and resulting aesthetics or visual impact of eight foot versus six foot trails, • construction cost differential of eight foot versus six foot trails, • ability to construct eight foot trails within existing or required right of way, and • any restrictions on ability to meander trails within this right of way. Mr. Richard Ridings of HNTB has prepared a presentation he will make to City Council regarding these issues. A copy of his presentation is attached. Financial Considerations: Will be discussed as part of presentation. Examples of estimated costs for six foot trail and eight foot trail are included with this item. 10D - 1 Billy Campbell, City Manager August 11, 2000 Page 2 Citizen Input/ Board Review: Not Applicable. Legal Review: Not Applicable. Alternatives: Alternatives include the following: • Change design of trails to six foot width. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: • Copy of presentation to be given by Traffic Management Bond consultant. • Copy of Traffic Management Bond election informational piece. • Trail System Characteristics of Area Cities. Staff Recommendation: City Council consideration of this item at its August 15 meeting. Staff recommends that minimum trail width for Traffic Management Bond hike and bike trail improvements remain at eight feet in order to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists. • • • 10D - 2 G • 11111111111111Mr WNW/ /NM INN ei NM iii ik. `�� , . Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Planning and Duthlak , „Design Guidelines it a) E Benefits CO . Bicycling doesn't pollute 0 � .,t. 4 p„ Bicycling reduces traffic congestion . Bicycling-to work one day each week reduces an employee's m a. automobile commute emissions by 20% Imo► _J CD4-, Q C N cc i . Enjoy cycling for sport and pleasure w 0 E z Q) z . Interested in saving time by combining exercise time with commute �'1 o time (13 v "' Interested in improving or maintaining physical condition n� 2 cc W .9 z (tI j .,....1 ...mow, d HNTB URBAN DESIGN+PLANNING North Central Texas Council of Governments 011111111111EAVIIIIIIIINI Will . 1995 Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Report ✓u th lak ' The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) has developed a long-range transportation plan,Mobility 2010, which addresses bicycle and W E pedestrian issues. s • "To provide for effective, cost efficient,safe intermodal access for bicyclists and CO 0 CO Z pedestrians" n' 1.11 . Pedestrian safety is a concern for all the residents of North Central Texas simply D 13 0 because as a National Highway Traffic Safety program reminds us, `everyone is a pedestrian sormietimes.' m oD I . Children, people in wheelchairs, seniors, bicyclists, motorists and bureaucrats all A CD utilize the public right-of-way as a pedestrian at some time. 'p 0 E 0 z . Children are a special risk group for pedestrian fatalities. They are smaller, zharder to identify, more erratic, and less knowledgeable about traffic than CO adults are. .... C 0 CD Ili Education efforts for pedestrians and bicyclists must begin at home. Even the w youngest children utilize the public right-of-way for walking and bicycling. No U z— school lesson on intersection rules, right side bicycle riding and left-side walking, or bicycle helmet use is meaningful unless parents provide a positive role model. I .�. it,. HNTB URBAN DESIGN.PLANNING North Central Texas Council of Governments IIIIMINW. 1111111•111 Unit Ilan an 111111 , .... ., 11111.111111:4111 7t1 ' ,- '''•, Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities DUthlak ' ti -* Ct3 cl co "Under certain conditions it may be necessary or desirable to increase 0 z L. iu the width of a bicycle path to 12 feet; for example, because of w substantial [bicycle voliluae,] number of all-terrain bicycles in the 73 > bicycle flow, probable shared use with joggers and other pedestrians, use 0 ID C c by large maintenance vehicles, steep grades, and where bicyclists will be 0 0 ek. likely to ride two abreast." o—L 00 .. - 0 _, 12 . The paved width for a two-way bike path should be eight feet minimum. 13.) -.- c.1 eJ1 • E z . . a) < . If the bicycle traffic is equal to or greater than.60 bicycles per,, peak !.1 , z minimum width of 10 feet should be used. -,t--i-'4 ',...:..t:4.-P.,;- i..-,el.4 : ' '.,s, C 0 Also, if maintenance vehicles are expected to use the bike path, a 12- foot minimum paved width is recommended. . , a) 4-..L) }— ... , MIC ..".a, -,-, -4‘•,4'7,', 7,, '.4,,,t,f'''''Ak:i,,,,,,,'"'43?;',:,,,44 '''' I— H • „ `I''''. I ' :7 .,".„.,„-, AASHTO URBAN DESIGN+PLANNING , ' • MIN gila • L-`�� Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities Duthiak / ,k. t .,. , ... , ., ,,. , A a) E -a �,r3 Rl �. �..� a U .; z � ' s - • 4' Minimum Width (5'+ preferred) for > ;I. One-way Bicycle Operation Only. C • r,,,,,,.., ...,, . 0 a_ 2 I .t . tt Mo4E1 ce. p J c • Adult users tend to be less confident o, • E a. v .f and need more space to operate z o. C33 z 1 C o 1 t 03 C 1 2 w ' t,OOm n Q Z �aa�n� M •C (13 F- FL.-- ' ,, ,..,..,,, - ,,,, ,_, HNTB ,_ URUAN DESIGN.PLANNING American Association of State Highway and..Transportation Officials MN! .� M .r. NM Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities Duthlak ' . Recommended width for 2 directional shared use paths: 10' • . It may be desirable to increase width to 12' or 14' . 8' can be adequate in rare instances where following condition prevail: W E . Bike traffic is expected to be low, even at peak usage times (1 . Pedestrians usage is only occasional . Horizontal and Vertical alignments allow for safe and frequent passing z opportunities O w . During normal maintenance operations pavement edges re NEVER damaged t1J 1. 'II o . 6' minimum is only for 1 WAY TRAFFIC III! . 1 way paths will often be used as 2 way, unless measures are taken to assure 1 dCOway usage a) II E?:7„I ti mn, -.. • F OY m(3 to rno ... E z 18mlB hi max •8m(B h)n,t�.. / Q E E3U pus sty 3 C3 comow... W i i!( }. ..r H -i �2 III +f--"'- wKi:n o�stwraJ use path. �„ 0 h�l �gra6edi dOn+iO :""7,1Xea-� W 1 area i aroa II HNTB ��.., t1Th ., URBAN DESIGN.PLANNING • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials r•r......-Mi•••• _ , um im. arr� 111..............111 Section 3.1.1 Policy Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Planning and D U t h I a k ' Design Guidelines • Design all multi-use off-street facilities in urban areas to a minimum width of 3.8 m (12.5 ft.) • Section 3.1.2 Comment a) ( . The minimum width for a moving pedestrian is 2.5 ft). The minimum width for . one bicyclist traveling at a normal speed (19-mph) is 3.3 ft. • (1. w However, the minimum width for two bicyclists traveling a normal speed in an MI -0 0 enclosed area (i.e. the room to maneuver is restricted by other objects, like a C a pedestrian) is 9.8 ft. Thus, the minimum width required for two opposing bicyclists C � I 2 to pass and share the path with a pedestrian is 12.5 ft. J O Q F TwMc lw..JOw Teals L..LIMN v, ! O ! _ t •i CO 1,. a,w...w.w s M G � � ........_..., .T tar _, r fie' HNTB URBAN DESIGN+PLANNINGNorth Central Texas Council of Governments_ . • • • . f. 4 -- Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Planning and Section 3.1.3 Design Standards Design Guidelines uthlo e % ▪ The paved width and the operating width required for shard bicycle and pedestrian . . ,. use are the primary design considerations for multi-use trails. . A width of 12.5 ft. provides room for substantial bicycle volumes, shared use with (1) E joggers and other pedestrian's, large maintenance vehicles, and by emergency .... a, vehicles. ., ,-,- al Cr) u) 1 \ 1 0 Z i S.- w 3' or more is desirable to provide Clearance from trees,poles, walls, knees, guardrails, or ft. 2 iii their lateral obstructions. ' ri > 0 ! r 16 c • o a. o—k CO — ti -, C "<rt x . I (I) }— o :.... 'c' • E z . < ,. . .. i> / \..z 0 N lee" • .4.• • , P. •N•b..-r. . C 0 CO Lu (i) if14 ei 4 trll It i 4,,,, , 4 Z(1) 0....- le X tr -.it__ z%,„mln i 'Cr INC (13 iar la& 3 fini pawed widiti 'i ___ .. on,min.(muted 8m min.graded 11-1111•111-E3 -, URLIAN DESIGN.PLANNING North Central Texas Council of Governments • • . ON. ilin MO ��_ Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Planning and D U t h I k ' D,,,,, esign Guidelines f vE CO Section 3.1.4 Implementation ► Cc) CO \ 0 w Widths less than 12.5' may be acceptable given the following circumstances: 0„ 2ILI . Bicycle traffic is expected to be°'how, even on peak days or during peak hours C r . Pedestrian use of the..facility is not expected to be more than occasional__x . There will be good horizontal and vertical alignment providing safe and frequent II -► , passing opportunities O a) F-- o . The path will not be subjected to maintenance vehicle loading conditions that would cause pavement edge damage N z p g � p CO v . Access by maintenance or'emergency vehicles is not needed. t6 w wA multi-use pathway should never be less than 8 ft. n) U z ., .0 t6 -,__„,-�....,-....,,h fir, ; t i HNTB North Central Texas Council of Governments., URBAN DESIGN+PLANNING p,. 111111111MIrgi WIN imo t• L....A Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Planning and D U t L n i a k f Design Guidelines it. BID BID UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY MEASURE UNIT COST AMOUNT BID Engineer's Estimate W/�♦ E 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM 1 LS 2,016 $1,700.00 $1,700.00 2 6'WIDE,5'THICK CONCRETE HIKE AND BIKE TRAILSF $4.20 $8,467.0.0 >NE Ca 3 FEATHERLITE MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL 189 LF $23.00 $4,347.00 4 HANDRAIL SET IN MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL 62 LF $68.00 $4,216.00 f 5 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 1 LS $2,360.00 $2,360.00 �V 6 REMOVE ASPHALT DRIVEWAY 1,212 SF $2.00 $2,424.00 mom 7 4"TOPSOIL TO INCLUDE ST AUGUSTINE OR BERMUDA B 475 SY $6.00 $2,850.00 8 6"MONOLITHIC CONCRETE CURB` 20 LF $2.65 $53.00 ill 9 BARRICADES,SIGNS DETOURS.TRAFFIC HANDLING 1 LS $756.00 $756.00 10 MINIMUM 5"CONCRETE DRIVEWAY AND APRON 1,212 SF $3.30 $4,000.00 0 11 6'HIGH CHAIN LINK TREE PROTECTION FENCE 27 LF $8.00 $216.00 IX 12 ATRIUM DRAINS WITH 10"SQUARE GRATES 3 EA $50.00 $150.00 . W 13 PVC PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE 160 LF $15.00 $2,400.00 ��.y+ Sub-Total Base Bid(Items 1 Thru 13) $33,939.00 V -4-+ Q C Cf 14 MISCELLANEOUS ALLOWANCE(approx.10%) 1 LS $3,394.00 W F-^ F, + 0 CI Total Base Bid for 6'Trail $37,333.00 � I--, N Q 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM 1 LS $1,700.00 $1,700.00 0 2 8'WIDE,5"THICK CONCRETE HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL 2,688 SF $4.20 $11,290.00 3 FEATHERLITE MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL 189 LF $23.00 $4,347.00 EMS C 0 ;--- -- - 4. HANDRAIL SET IN MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL 62 LF $68.00 $4,216.00 IR (j., 5 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 1 LS $2,360.00 $2,360.00 CO 6 REMOVE ASPHALT DRIVEWAY 1,212 SF $2.00 $2,424.00 7 4"TOPSOIL TO INCLUDE ST.AUGUSTINE OR BERMUDA B 400 SY $6.00 $2,400.00 8 6"MONOLITHIC CONCRETE CURB 20 LF $2.65 $53.00 n, U z 9 BARRICADES,SIGNS DETOURS,TRAFFIC HANDLING 1 LS $756.00 $756.00 W ( - 10 MINIMUM 5"CONCRETE DRIVEWAY AND APRON 1,212 SF $3.30 $4,000.00 Ci tCmZ 11 6'HIGH CHAIN LINK TREE PROTECTION FENCE WITH27 LF $8.00 $216.00 12 ATRIUM DRAINS 10"SQUARE GRATES 3 EA $50.00 $150.00 Few L 13 PVC PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE 160 LF $15.00 $2,400.00 Sub-Total Base Bid(Items 1 Thru 13) $38,312.00 14 MISCELLANEOUS ALLOWANCE(approx.10%) 1 LS $3,631.00 Total Base Bid for 8'Trail $39,943.00 HNTB � URBAN DESIGN+PLANNING North Central Texas Council of Governments. . Ote . - ., . .. . . .: il.: The City Council has authorized a traffic management bond (TMB) election set for May 1, 1999. The election will allow voters to decide whether to approve a $24.12 million bond issue to (1) provide safer intersections along SH 114 and E. Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709), (2) fund construction enhancements for SH 114 and (3) build hike/bike trails along major north-south and east-west roadways. = . AY� � The electorate will consider the following three propositions: Sf. r � c F 5�.:.}}j_f � Asa YyCx :3.. `�'� Would provide $17.3 million for improvement Would provide $2.15 million to work with to major intersections along Southlake TxDOT as they construct SH 114 Boulevard (FM1709) and SH 114. These improvements. The funds would be used to �.fi improvements will provide for safer enhance their standards to a level more intersections by providing appropriate turning indicative of Southlake. The State has radii at the corners, additional turning lanes, committed $51.2 million for SH 114 and deceleration lanes where needed. On improvements, which will include six main _' SH 114, the Texas Department of lanes, access roads and over/under passes Transportation (TxDOT) will construct the for the four major streets of North Kimball 4 ° street cross-sections recommended by the Avenue, North Carroll Avenue, North White City's thoroughfare plan within the state's Chapel Boulevard, and West Dove Road. To right-of-way. Proposition One would include upgrade the design standard, Southlake will. funds to continue the same cross section for have to contribute the increased funding. • x various lengths on either side of SH 114, as These enhancements could possibly include • 4 well as at the signalized intersections on staining or patterning of the concrete and the .. '• Southlake Boulevard and at the intersection installation of upgraded guardrails, signage of Brumlow Avenue with SH 26. The and enhanced pavement patterns at the city signalized street intersections along FM street intersections. 1709 are as follows: Pearson Lane, Randol Mill Avenue, Peytonville Avenue, Southridge Lakes Parkway, White Chapel Boulevard, '.Ft 7; Byron Nelson Parkway/Diamond Boulevard, Shady Oaks Drive, Carroll Avenue, Central Avenue, Village Center Drive, Kimball ' Avenue and Commerce Street. This proposition also includes construction of deceleration lanes at several non-signalized Would provide $4.73 million for hike/bike * - intersections on FM 1709. These streets are: trails to be constructed along FM 1709 from :_ Bank Street, Westwood Drive, Miron Drive, Pearson Lane (border with Keller) to SH 114 Foxborough Lane, Lake Crest Drive, Timber (border with Grapevine) and from SH 26 to 4 1. Lake Place, Stone Lakes Place, Meadowlark Bob Jones Park. A trail is also proposed to Lane, Ginger Court, Brock Drive, East and connect Bicentennial Park to Southridge West Jellico Circle, and future Nolan Drive. Lakes Parkway. These trails would be eight -. (8) feet in width to accommodate both 10D - 12 pedestrians and bicyclists. x CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TMB ELECTION Will take place in the Office of the City Secretary at v 1725 E. Southlake Blvd. during the following times: k - k April 14-27 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. April 24 (Sat.) 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. L.,3 t ti Will take place at Johnson Elementary School on: Saturday, May 1 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m, ;. ., Two Town Hall meetings hosted by SPIN. -- Monday, March 29, 7:00p.m. Johnson Elem. School Tuesday, April 13, 7:00p.m. Senior Activity Center Available from the following: Public Works Department: 481-5581 ext. 741 City's web site: www.ci.southlake.tx.us This flyer prepared &distributed for informational purposes ably. ���aamss.-urrm .., a =: . _....1 F ,3 ;#,C, VOTE YOUR CHOICE MAY 13 1999 10D — 13 Trail System Characteristics of Area Cities City/ Contact Minimum Width - Any Constructed? Example Multi-Use Off-Road Locations Trail Grapevine/ 10' (will grant Yes Cottonbelt Trail @ S.H. Joe Moore exceptions but no lower 26— 10' than 8' other than inside (410-3120) parks) Bedford/ 8' Yes(entire system just Martin Street @ Cheek- Kevin Fralicks completed) Sparger— 8' (952-2301) Colleyville/ 10' Yes Bear Valley Church on Clayton Husband Precinct Line— 10' (577-7587) Hurst/ Varies Yes South side— 10' Gerry Bradley (10'— 12' for multi-use Interior to Chisholm • (788-7221) facilities) Park—6' N. Richland Hills/ Varies Yes Thombird Drive—8' Dalan Walker (10'- 12'—mutli-use, (427-6620) off-road,8'—within y parks) Keller/ 10' Yes Bear Creek(8'—under Dona Roth Kinney older standards) (431-6044) •- Flower Mound/ - 8' Yes 3925 Churchill Road @ Andy Czimskey (10'preferred) Cross Timbers (972-539-6006) Coppell/ 12' Yes Andrew Brown Park Dennis Slayton West— 12' (972-304-3561) Lewisville/ 8' Yes Central Park, 1829 S. Fred Herring Edmonds—8' (972-219-3550) • C:A TEMP ATRAIL SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA CITIES .DOC 1 OD - 14 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Garland Wilson, Director of Public Safety(Ext. 730) SUBJECT: Request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A, for Tom Thumb located at 100 West Southlake Boulevard, Suite 200. Action Requested: City Council consideration of a variance to Sign Ordinance 704-A. Background Information: Tom Thumb has built a new store at the subject address. Section 16-A of the sign ordinance limits the letter height of attached signs to various heights corresponding to the distance from the property line along the appropriate street frontage. The proposed sign on the South elevation is set back approximately 445 feet from Southlake Boulevard and is, therefore, limited to 42 inch letter heights. The requested sign has 72 inch high T's on "Tom" and"Thumb." The lower case letters are approximately 36 inches high and the "Food and Pharmacy" line is 30 inches high. The sign contains 407 square feet in area, compared to the 217 square feet permitted by ordinance. The Council has recently granted variances for letter height for stores set back off the road such as this when the sign fit within the allowable area. The words "Tom Thumb" by themselves, as proposed, would take up 208 square feet if the applicant chose to drop the"Food and Pharmacy" line. Other proposed signs on the property comply with the sign ordinance and are not a part of this request. Financial Considerations: Not Applicable Citizen Input/ Board Review: No citizen input has been received. Not subject to any Board review. Legal Review: None Alternatives: The Council may approve the request, deny the request, or approve it subject to whatever changes or conditions they deem appropriate. 10E-1 Billy Campbell August 11, 2000 Page 2 Supporting Documents: Variance Application Sign Drawing/Elevation Site Plan Sections 14 and 16 of Sign Ordinance 704-A Staff Recommendation: Place the request for variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-A for Tom Thumb, located at 100 West Southlake Boulevard, Suite 200, on the August 15, 2000 City Council meeting agenda for approval. GW/bls 10E-2 JUN-08-2000 16:07 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 19728701598 P.01 0 t 1- �2` CITY OF SOUTHLAKES SiGN VARIANCE APPLICATION APPLICANT ` OWNER(if fdifferreent) NAME: (icynoIds 5i Sr) IVOr4-" ` T 1i 1 1 i�� QcoeA tC-S ADDRESES: l 3'�& 5 1r�, (J 14e h f-s Or.l 149go K e+(vd. Irv; T • .�Q y _ 30 r .�rs� /�, gip, I /coo n� � _Q_ _ p_ asp i� �-o PHONE `� 7 di- a 7O -I `t' "1.-�1 's-c�L0,- _156 FAX: "1 1 a 3 -to IS'7 `-M - gc,�P - l 8 b E The fNloting Information pertains to the location for which rthe variance is being requested: NAME OF BUSINESS OR OPERATION: Tom 1 hurnb PHYSICAL! ?eRE5 So r. -h la bl Vd ) Sri-e 1po LEGAL P1ESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision I hereby I ify that this application is complete as per the requirements of Sign Ordinance No. 704 as 8! mmartzed below. I further understand that It is necessary to have a representative at the City f uncil meeting who is authorized to discuss this APplic anif s signature: C..7k)tti).-1 Y 4 -& ate: 1 - d //J ~ C)0 The folly ing checklist is a summary of requirements for sign variance requests as required by the City 1 Southlake. The applicant should further refer to the Sign Ordinance No. 704 and .amendm nts, and other ordinances maps, and codes available at the City Hall that may pertain to this sign dance request. Completed sign variance request application. - ,,,,,,,, Completed demonstration of conditions appIcable to the requested variance(see attached). ______L__ Site plan showing tho location of the sign variance request and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. The site plan shall also Indicate the building, landscaped areas, parking&approaches and adjoining �f street R.O.W. ___� Scaled and dimensioned elevations of the signs for which the variance is requested. For attached signs, the elevations shall show the building,the sign for which the variance is requested, and any other signs that conform to or are exempt from the sign ordinance. 10E-3 JUN- 08-2000 16:07 FROM CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO 19728701598 P.02 Demonstration Please •nstrate • •t the followln• condttfons area• •fjeable to tho •misted s •rt variant 1. ; at a literal enforcement of the sign regulation will crate an unnecessary hardship or t ectical difficulty on the applicant. --11e\e COLAAld t.n0 iS •Se b0. -Cr om 44ne) S-lrec OuNd v'tS;bt \AN morn Sv,,4- taXL $\v'd. tS 1104. ade,c\"wO - • 2. ,; iat the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the -cted property and is not self imposed. 1 e o►-i rn-t-ak\or oc -Nnt b ld:Lpic\ w aS needed Av k tit• �n SikG loc o.- vc‘,. 1 ac\ao. rd Torn 090 " Toni" 1 $ tr in he i t14-- curd S cdonsydu-06b►y k p r c ' k► r\ 4-he, o khe r t e- c r s. k1n e, '1' is re4�.c.e4 ok- khe- Word ` is nok- vex., legible;. 3. That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted cA3vetopment of adjacent properties. '1-onv\ '1-1C\ scNb k1r\c, a.Jo O.nckvor to -Vne, t3.cd -tree, St CyTh t,tj,t l ,r\D eA-kc.\' l-k'\.t'' Smckmer �5 4, '`had the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the sign ordinance. 4\e. ?LA-rip 0$ O 5;. t)rd t r�a.t��e� \5 c)ld S t e; b lrA1D o(NSk de ra VA tm he., S'c2e) c�� khe. tow td't nc� C c\o.l.- 0. lQ' 5 cA, t)fr \e-k-4cx S l�out d M:bvplites\buik ngtvarfance.epp 10E-4 I 157-6" XI 1-I v 0 0 0 • �^'4 r"'.°�AVY5.1F4-1 4'i1•4, # sirr W'9V r MYEIa'.R94,41•WiftW`. . - ,_ - • =I oI )I SOUTH ELEVATION 1nV 6"= O1 0 tr1 cn I 1a0-0' I =I iYI -In <I cJ� �Cb�C4>� Lr UUG g L LILIEL 1 [0S000 immrnrniI[UUUUU 40 r .. .1-+'I i;a4tllioux 10*Cl�1�4reitt } ,40:!N-xa 4,.'i;i''tz st . t` C 4.'v 1.. '9 v_� fi. ;It+ ' l }_ �'�+.�.�r :£lF 1,;r$ ;..,t 5I I SOUTH ELEVATION (CONTINUED) 1/16"=1.-0" STORE # 580 HIs IS AN ORIGINAL vnPupuxHCO APPROVAL DESIGN # 000191 r5 I WORK ORDER N REYNOLDS-------- DRAWING,LF JNIr00 FOR YOUR � i. � PERSONAL uBE IN PLANNED FOR WITH U CLIENT ADDRESS 100 W. SOUTHLAKE BLVD. STE 200 y A PROJECT BEING PLANNED fUR YOU BY REMOLDS INDOOR INC- AHD. v SALES v CITY - STATE SOUTHLAKEr TX REYNOLDS SIGN. n IS NOT To BE DATE 5-17-2000 ,...—,....-- REPRODOEED, COPIED, OR EXHIBITED y COORDINATOR `� SALES PERSON T. REYNOLDS -�-- 17365.Inng Heghts Of Phone(972)870-1594 cn AOC FASHION NI THOUI THE WRIT IEN�' iTT n IM /1E ER ngTexas75060 Fax (972)870-1598 I� PMISStop. YH or RE mot SI.B. ART DEPT. DESIGNER T. SCHULTZ ' SHEET 1 TOFT 2 - • • • 1 34'_8" 1 32'-0" I 1 Aluminum fabricated relums&backs• 5" \ I `>. ••--�- -- -- 1"jewelite Mm for ltre%'x 1"fab. "' ,..• Alum.for bar•• \\ Glass tube supports• OPlex face',•• • Neon illumination' -..___,,9 • Elecirobits electrode insulator co_ (flame retardant pymlene) / b ..,.. Electrobits GTC-3858 p rolene GTO y cover i'mnto flexible conduit — GTO cable thm GTC-3858&flexibleo— Lito 0L ) D {AAAW transformer in gale.box behind wall Connecinside high voltage Junctions behveen ion boxes ters to be made • Y_v7 59' ULrated LETTER ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-O• Electrobit Ltr.Section nts 1-4 TOM THUMB: FOOD&PHARMACY: CD FABRICATED 8"DEEP ALUMINUM FABRICATED 5"DEEP ALUMINUM lit RETURNS PAINT BRONZE RETURNS PAINT BRONZE 1 COPY#7328 WHITE PLEXIGLAS COPY#7328 WHITE PLEXIGLAS FACES(1"BRONZE JEWLITE RETAINERS) FACES(1"BRONZE JEWLITE RETAINERS) ILLUMINATED WITH 15 MM 6500 WHITE NEON ILLUMINATED WITH 15 MM 6500 WHITE NEON "BAR"#2793 RED PLEXIGLAS FACES WITH BRONZE FABRICATED ALUMINUM RETAINERS ILLUMINATED WITH 15 MM 04 RED NEON STORE # 580 �. ,.. ^�� � { THIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPOBLISHEO APPROVAL DESIGN # 000191r5 (WORK ORDER # REYNOLDS ESDHDIDRAWIN6, SUBMITTED FORCTI YUllp PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WI "CLIENT `� ADDRESS 100 W. SOUTHLAKE BLVD. STE 200 .,--"."--,---, 71"Ovitio�^ V - � n F'ko JE.cr BEINGPLANNED roN YOU �., v CITY — STATE SOUTHLAKE, TX BY REYNOLDS INDOOR INC. dNa. SALES REYNOLDS SIGN. IT IS NOT TO BE ea V DATE 5-17-2000 13365.Wog Heights Dr. Phcee(972)870.1594 INEnxrO FASHIONturn ED OIIX THENBR ISIrrEN w R C00 DINATOR " R SALES PERSON T. REYNOLDS zi.� I�.. Wng100'75059, 870-Fax .(972) 1598 iT PERM!SS ION ofREYNOLDS S IGN. ART DEPT. " DESIGNER T. SCHULTZ/scISHEET 2 OF 2 L-aca ___ 0,0•,,,•ro,,Goe, 3',011%MVIN -....•-....- _,... .....-• ,•-•- 1.::::' •-..., -.--•..-.' ;:x......, (606.Lv4,43,11)/N V acilulve01),‘.0:s; _i.. noG g)kr,cf-11.4.4 IfIr):S___ r A...4.7.t.b-v A -. -!•o .,(,,...1..7.,:,e,,.. .ef ,-14.-• ._. • I/ .4L...,,C”: - V .%)....4.;.1.1„_... .e..4':::,,S1 : !31\V. .% nt..ii,f. •••._......-•:.:-... _ •••11:....,., '''''...7,,',...1,4',..`, • ' .41 rot ...al! _, ____,..\----.rt.I - ---.c.....-.-.-•;"1:FWI-1 ti ( .., _Dr.:v.v.*s , _•••\:-V‘ • I , ..L-t--!- ../ ..:.cia • ••• 'On '' .1- -' C •-- - - - - - -___,..,.--.--_,7' ,_,_.... "7- ,„:Jr7C--.1 's j_LL t. -, '' 1--- .-- •'•I -\'e\' .---- ---3•`''''' ''';4-- r"'.‘".....7- 1 1 • ---'.....-• I ; ,..i. --- -. -..4.:Z.r. 1 , \ ... i.i--1 li I I, -. :" • I , draIron \ a •1 1 • maro•IDW raw!4•;:l ' 1 . •i. ...") &.. z ; . , Z.vatzl ..* ,'''r . •.r.MC *,, .1•OrSrira 5: 1 I - ail I . . ZS 1 . 1 igi •"..e.-ii' • I. 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(( 1 L L . *N- rf•••• -.15.......-..... e,-.1 ...1..1.14.2.-' • a...._.‘,., ., i... I ...,\ 1_._.._.._.. .._..,__. 4.fiti.z- g'• t4.1- -•• :13 CIS 3-CS.91.01i N _ *.-....Apr%r• 1 As lal 0 N \ ..O..iC+.0 l: .D0 OZ :7.31C"..1.0 S SHONA WO :311 18114 .1.1113Sr a a''18_1' 11 ON 3014.0-.0Z 3 ' d ESSO 665 biZ " uI ' LLe41.mi " J Leetcoi.w VZO:OT 66-TZ-deS ZOOZ SHINVd1100 OS 6Z0Z Ot' 1/TZ YVA 4Z:90 00/ET/60 l SEC. 14 VARIANCES The City Council may authorize variances to any restriction set forth in this ordinance, including but not limited to the number, type, area, height, or setback of signs, or any other aspect involved in the sign permitting process. In granting any variance,the City Council shall determine that a literal enforcement of the sign regulations will create an unnecessary hardship or a practical difficulty on the applicant, that the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self- imposed, that the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties,and that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this sign ordinance. A person may request a variance from the Sign Ordinance by filing the request with the Building Official. Any request for variance shall be accompanied by a completed application and a non-refundable filing fee in the amount specified in the current fee schedule adopted by City Council. SEC. 16 PERMITTED SIGN STRUCTURES AND GENERAL REGULATIONS A. ATTACHED SIGN 1. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specifically provided, the regulations set forth in this subsection shall be applicable to all attached signs which are allowed under this ordinance. Signs may not be attached to light fixtures,poles,curbs, sidewalks, gutters, streets,utility poles,public buildings, fences,railings, public telephone poles, or trees. The direct painting of signs on buildings shall be prohibited except for signs less than a three(3) square foot area used for building identification. 2. MINIMUM /MAXIMUM LETTER/LOGO HEIGHT: The minimum height allowed for letters or logos shall be six (6) inches. The maximum height allowed for letters or logos shall be based on the following criteria: Distance From R.O.W. * Maximum Letter/Logo Height Less than 100 ft. 12 inches 101 - 150 ft. 18 inches 151 -200 ft. 24 inches 201 -250 ft. 30 inches 251 -300 ft. 36 inches 301 and greater 42 inches * -For any lease space which does not front on a street,the maximum letter/logo height shall be based on the distance from the vehicular driveway access(see Appendix `B' for further clarification). 3. MAXIMUM AREA: 0.75 square feet for every one foot of width of building or lease space not to exceed 400 square feet(see Appendix'A'for further clarification). 4. NUMBER OF SIGNS: Only one attached sign per lease space shall be allowed along each street frontage on any site, unless otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance. A secondary sign may be permitted at a public entrance,provided the entrance is on another side of the building, but shall be limited to twenty-five percent (25%) of the primary or permitted sign size, whichever is more restrictive. The six (6) inch minimum letter/logo height will not apply to these secondary signs. No more than two (2) attached signs shall be allowed per lease space. Attached signs shall be located within the first story of the main exterior entrance for a building or lease space (see Appendix `B' for further clarification). 5. SIGN WIDTH: Attached signs shall be limited in width to the middle seventy five percent (75%) of the width of any building or lease space. In the event the lease space facade is horizontally articulated, the 75%rule shall apply to the allowed sign to be located on any single plane facade (see Appendix 'B'for further clarification). • 10E-8 6. ROOF LINE LIMITATIONS: In no case shall an attached sign project above the roof line of any building, except those attached to parapet walls and the sign may not extend above the parapet wall. Signs shall be no closer vertically to the eave of the roofline or overhang than the predominant letter height (see Appendix `B' for further clarification). Signs may be attached to a continuous plane fascia, if the sign does not extend above or below the projection of the fascia. Signs attached to fascia are only allowed when attached to structural canopy supported to the ground by columns constructed of similar masonry material as the primary structure(See Appendix`B' for further clarification). 7. ILLUMINATION: Attached signs may only be illuminated utilizing internal lighting. Exterior letters with exposed neon lighting are not allowed. 8. PROTRUSIONS: Attached signs may not protrude farther than eighteen inches (18") from the building, excluding signs attached to canopies. 9. RESIDENTIAL ADJACENCY: Attached signs shall not be allowed on any facade(other than the main front of the building)which faces property zoned for single-family residential uses if the sign is within one hundred fifty feet(150')of the property line of said residential property. 10E-9 City of Southlake, Texas • MEMORANDUM August 8, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Valerie Bradley, Assistant to the Public Works Director, x773 SUBJECT: Request for Rate Increase for Residential and Commercial Service from Trinity Waste Services, Inc. Action Requested: Consider a rate increase for residential and commercial service from Trinity Waste Services, Inc. Background Information: The City of Southlake currently has a contract with Trinity Waste Service, Inc. for the residential and commercial collection of solid waste and recycling. This contract was originally signed on May 1, 1992 for a period of five years. The contract was extended for a second five-year term, which puts the current termination date at April 30, 2002. S On July 1, 2000, Trinity Waste Services, Inc. submitted a proposal for a rate adjustment. The proposal calls for a 3.25% increase in both residential and commercial collection rates. The proposal does meet all the stipulations required by the current contract and, if approved, will be the first rate adjustment since 1992. Financial Considerations: Residential Garbage Collection Current Rate Proposed Rate Base Rate $ 5.81 $ 6.00 City Franchise Fee $ .64 $ .67 Gross Base Rate $ 6.45 $ 6.67 Residential Recycling Collection Current Rate Proposed Rate Base Rate $ 1.80 $ 1.87 City Franchise Fee $ .20 $ .21 Gross Base Rate $ 2.00 $ 2.08 • TOTAL NEW RESIDENTIAL RATE (pre-tax) $8.75 10E-1 Billy Campbell, City Manager August 8, 2000 Page 2 of 2 • Commercial Garbage Collection The chart on page 10E-6 reflects a 3.25% increase of all commercial rates. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: Approve or Deny. Supporting Documents: Rate Adjustment Proposal (pages 10E-3 through 10E-15) Current Garbage Contract (pages 10E-16 through 10E-38) Residential Rate Study (page 10E-39) Commercial Rate Study (pages 10E-40 & 10E-41) Staff Recommendation: Place the aforementioned proposal on the August 15, 2000 City Council • Agenda for Council review and consideration. • 10E-2 L,i �i ry ri 7 r or IONOTY - I� . ,, ,, ,i WASTE SERVICES JUL - ' . I' , July 1, 2000 Shang Yelverton Assistant City Manager City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Ms. Yelverton: SUnder our current collection agreement, Trinity Waste Services must submit in writing the rate adjustment calculations with supporting CPI and Landfill data on or before July 1 for an October 1, 2000 effective date. The combined CPI and Landfill expenses this year over last amounts to a 3.45% increase. As you are aware the Southlake residential rate has not be adjusted since 1992. Once you have had an opportunity to review this material, I will be happy to meet with you to go over the contents in greater detail. If you need any additional information, or have any questions prior to our meeting, please let me know. Sincerely, -bD(A (---, -0&)-1`i2--:c-- \ Doug Rivers General Manager I TRINITY WASTE SERVICES,6100 Elliott Reeder Road, Fort Worth,Texas 76117 Tel: (817)332-7301 Fax: (817)831-2020 Customer Service Fax(817)831-7489 " t W Printed on recycl':d: 1OF-3 City of Southlake T#MTV' E SERVICES Proposed Rates - Oct. 1, 2000 RATE ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION Current Residential Net Base Rate $5.81 CPI Adjustment% 70% Disposal Adjustment% 30% CPI % Change 4.00% Disposal % Change 1.49% Operations Disposal Total Old Rate Net Base Rate $4.07 $1.74 $5.81 Adjustment% 4.00% 1.49% 0Adjustment$ $0.16 $0.03 $0.19 New Net Base Rate $4.23 $1.77 _ $6.00 City Franchise Fee $0.67 New Gross Base Rate $6.67 Operations Disposal Total Old Rate Net Recycling Base Rate $1.80 Adjustment %/$ 4.00% 0.00% $0.07 City Franchise Fee $0.21 Gross Rate $2.08 Disposal Rates for Selected Landfills Compacted Gate Rates 1-Oct-98 1-Oct-99 % Change Waste Management DFW $7.25 $7.25 Waste Management Westside $7.00 $7.00 Camelot Landfill $6.75 $6.75 Mill Creek $6.75 $7.00 Turkey Creek $5.75 $6.00 • Total $33.50 $34.00 1.49% 10E-4 City of Southlake `Warta PERCENTAGE INCREASE CALCULATION APPLIED TO THE COMMERICAL MATRIX OPERATIONAL PORTION (70%) DFW CPI 4.00% x 70% = 2.80% LANDFILL PORTION (30%) LANDFILL AVERAGE 1.49%x 30% = 3.13% 3.25% I 10E-5 TRINITY WASTE SERVICES • FRANCHISED CITY RATES CITY OF SOUTHLAKE COMMERCIAL FRONT-LOAD RATES PICKUPS PER WEEK SIZE 1x 2X 3X 4x Sx 6X EXTRA 2 YD 41.31 65.39 89.48 113.58 136.51 160.61 20.65 3 YD 51.61 86.04 121.60 156.02 191.59 226.00 25.23 4 YD 63.10 104.40 147.36 188.15 230.60 271.90 29.83 6 YD 96.36 139.96 195.00 251.24 307.46 362.52 34.41 8 YD 108.98 178.96 248.95 317.78 387.76 457.74 40.15 COMMERCIAL ROLLOFF RATES SIZE TYPE DELIVERY RENTAL HAUL DISPOSAL TOTAL DEPOSIT PER DAY PER ID PER LD PER LD PER CoN. ' 20 YD OPEN 72.80 3.12 123.25 116.60 239.85 200.00 25 YD OPEN 72.80 3.12 123.25 145.75 269.00 200.00 • 30 YD OPEN 72.80 3.12 123.25 174.90 298.15 200.00 35 YD OPEN 72.80 3.12 123.25 204.05 327.30 200.00 40 YD OPEN 72.80 3.12 123.25 233.20 356.45 200.00 28 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 123.25 217.84 341.09 NEGO 30 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 123.25 233.40 356.65 NEGO 35 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 123.25 272.30 395.55 NEGO 40 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 123.25 311.20 434.45 NEGO 42 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 123.25 326.76 450.01 NEGO FRANCHISE FEE PERCENTAGE 10.00% 10.00% LOOSE COMP DISPOSAL RATE PER YARD $5.25 $7.00 FRANCHISE FEE MARKUP $0.58 $0.78 TOTAL COST PER YARD $5.83 $7.78 COMMERCIAL HANDLOAD 2 TIMES PER WEEK @$16.75 PER MONTH (Limit 4 bags) CASTERS $10.00 /MONTH LOCKS $1.00 /PER LIFT RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE W/O RECYCLING $6.67 /MONTH RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE W/RECYCLING $8.75 /MONTH EFFECTIVE DATE 10/1/00 CITY HALL PHONE# 817/481-5581 1OF--6 Region 6 Bureau of Labor Southwest Statistical Summary Statistics March 2000 Dallas,Tx 75202 Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), U.S. City Average, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (1982-84=100, not seasonally adjusted) March 2000 U.S. City Average: Dallas-Fort Worth: Houston-Galveston: Percent change: Percent change: Percent change: INDEX ITEMS Index 12-Month I 1-Month Index 12-Month 12-Month Index 12-Month I1-Month All Items 171.1 3.7 0.8 163.1 4.3 1.7 Food and beverages 167.1 2.1 0.2 166.5 0.7 -1.0 Food 166.5 2.0 0.1 164.4 0.8 -0.7 Food at home 166.4 1.8 0.1 154.5 0.8 -1.1 159.3 2.3 0.1 Food away from home 167.9 2.3 0.2 180.7 0.8 -0.2 Alcoholic beverages 173.5 3.0 0.3 189.4 -0.8 -4.1 Housing 167.6 2.9 0.4 149.5 3.0 0.9 Shelter 191.8 3.0 0.6 162.1 3.5 1.2 157.8 4.2 1.5 Rent of primary residence 1/ 181.7 3.2 0.3 160.6 3.9 0.8 148.5 2.4 0.2 Owners' equivalent rent 1/2/ 196.4 2.6 0.2 170.6 3.5 0.9 142.4 2.7 0.2 Fuels and utilities 131.8 4.7 -0.8 123.9 1.8 -0.3 Gas (piped) and electricity 1/ 120.7 2.4 0.1 111.2 0.6 -1.0 89.4 -0.1 0.9 ectricity 1/ 124.2 0.6 0.2 109.7 -1.7 0.0 89.8 -1.3 0.0 lity natural gas service 1/ 117.6 7.0 -0.1 108.5 12.9 -5.2 88.5 6.4 5.9 hold fumishings/operation 127.9 0.9 0.6 137.2 2.0 0.9 Apparel 132.5 -0.2 2.6 146.4 -1.7 13.8 Transportation 153.4 9.1 2.5 151.9 10.2 3.8 Private transportation 149.2 9.4 2.5 151.1 10.5 3.6 Motor Fuel 131.7 52.6 11.5 132.2 56.8 16.8 131.3 57.2 11.4 Gasoline 130.9 52.6 11.6 131.5 56.9 16.8 131.1 57.6 11.5 Medical care 258.1 3.9 0.4 240.8 4.0 1.2 Recreation 3/ 102.9 1.1 0.4 105.5 4.6 2.8 Education and communication 3/ 102.0 1.2 -0.2 106.2 4.0 -0.8 Other goods and services 268.0 5.8 0.5 251.8 9.4 -0.2 Special Indexes: Energy 122.2 24.2 4.7 121.1 24.8 7.9 108.5 23.7 6.1 All items less shelter 164.8 4.0 0.9 164.2 4.5 1.9 All items less food and energy. 180.4 2.4 0.6 172.1 3.4 1.7 All Items (1967=100) 512.5 511.6 Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) All Items 167.8 4.0 0.8 162.9 4.6 1.6 All Items (1967=100) 499.7 502.3 1/This index series was calculated using a Laspeyres estimator. All other item stratum index series converted to a geometric means estimator in January, 1999. 2/ ries title is "owners' equivalent rent of primary residence"; index base is December 1982=100. 3/ s on a December 1997= 100 base. Note 1: Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria CPIs are for the Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Note 2: The food at home, energy, and shelter sub-component indexes are compiled monthly for Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston. Full surveys, which produce the All Items Indexes and major components, are conducted every two months. These full surveys are published for the odd-numbered months for Dallas and for the even-numbered months for Houston. 1 nF_7 Region Bureau 6 of Labor Southwest Statistical Summary *+ Statistics March 1999 �� Da - , x 75202 Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), U.S. City Average, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Houston-Galveston-8razoria (1982-84=100, not seasonally adjusted) March 1999 U.S. City Average: Dallas-Fort Worth: Houston-Galveston: INDEX ITEMS Percent change: Percent change: Percent than e: Index 12-Month 1-Month Index 12-Month 2-Month Index I 12-Month1-Month All Items 561 0 1.7 0.3 156.4 2.2 0.9 Food and beverages 163.7 2.2 -0.1 165.4 4.0 1.5 Food 163.3 2.3 0.0 163.1 4.2 1.6 Food at home 163.4 2.0 -0.2 153.3 4.1 2.1 155.7 -1.3 0.8 Food away from home 164.2 2.7 0.2 179.2 4.4 0.8 Alcoholic beverages 168.4 2.0 -0.1 191.0 1.4 -0.3 Housing 162.8 2.3 0.3 145.1 2.8 0.3 Shelter 186.3 3.0 0.4 156.6 4.0 0.6 151.5 4.8 1.8 Rent of primary residence 1/ 176.0 3.3 0.2 154.5 4.5 0.7 145.0 5.0 0.6 Owners' equivalent rent 1/21 191.5 3.0 0.1 164.8 3.8 0.2 138.6 4.1 0.2 Fuels and utilities 125.9 -0.9 -0.1 121.7 -1.1 -1.8 Gas (piped) and electricity 1/ 117.9 -1.3 -0.1 110.5 -2.1 -2.9 89.5 -1.0 -1.1 Electricity 1/ 123.5 -0.6 0.5 111.6 -0.3 0.4 91.0 1.3 0.2 Utility natural gas service 1/ 109.9 -2.9 -1.7 96.1 -10.9 -16.9 83.2 -11.7 -7.6 Hou fumishings/operation 126.7 0.3 0.0 134.5 0.7 0.9 Appa 132.7 -1.6 2.3 148.9 1.4 11.5 Trans Lion 140.6 -0.6 0.6 137.8 -1.0 0.7 Private transportation 136.4 -0.8 0.4 136.7 -2.2 0.4 Motor Fuel 86.3 -5.1 3.2 84.3 -8.0 -0.4 83.5 -8.8 -0.9 Gasoline 85.8 -5.0 3.2 83.8 -8.0 -0.5 83.2 -8.9 -1.0 Medical care 248.3 3.5 0.2 231.5 1.7 0.9 Recreation 3/ 101.8 0.8 0.0 100.9 1.2 -0.4 Education and communication 3/ 100.8 0.9 -0.1 102.1 3.0 0.3 Other goods and services 253.3 9.0 -0.7 230.2 6.5 -2.9 Special Indexes: Energy 98.4 -3.1 1.1 97.0 -4.7 -1.8 87.7 -4.4 -1.0 All items less shelter 158.5 1.3 0.3 157.1 1.7 1.0 All items less food and energy 176.2 2.1 0.3 166.4 2.4 1.0 All Items (1967=100) 494.4 490.7 • Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) All Items 161.4 1.7 0.2 155.8 2.0 0.8 All Items (1967=100) 480.9 480.5 1/This index series was calculated using a Laspeyres estimator. All other item stratum index series converted to a geometric means estimator in January, 1999. 2/ Full series title is "owners' equivalent rent of primary residence': index base is December 1982=100. 3/ Index on a December 1997 = 100 base. Note 1 as-Fort Worth and Houston-Galveston-8razoria CPIs are for the Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Note 2: a fccd at home, energy, and shelter sub-component indexes are compiled monthly for Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston. Full surveys. which produce the All Items Indexes and major components, are conducted every two months. These full surveys are published for the odd-numbered months for Dallas and for the even-numbered months for Houston. 1OF-8 .99--2I -98 I8 : 05 DF J1 RDF t D' P .01 . ,r W Recycling & Disposal Facility • Kates effective October 1, 1998 Loose- Rciuse exclu.ivc of stone,rocks, concrete or roofing in any open type container. S 5.75 per cubic yard Greater than 12 yds $ 5.0o per cubic yard $20.00 Minimum Compacted Material - Refuse that has been compacted by a commercial compactor. $ 7.25 per cubic yard $20.00 Minimum • Non-Compactable Material - Bulk refuse such as stone,rocks,concrete,or trees and stumps over 6"in diameter that will not compact to 1/3 its size. $16.75 per cubic yard $20.00 Minimum Roofing Material - Any type of roofing material. S 7.00 per cubic yard $20.00 Minimum •Iinimum Charges: Cars S 10.00 Pickup trucks (up to bed level) S 20.00 . Pickup trucks (cab level) S 30.00 Vans (up to 3/4 ton) S 30.00 Trailer S 20.00 Notes: 1. AlI pickup trucks loaded above cab level will be measured and charged at S 5.75 per cubic yard. 2. All non-compactible items will be measured and charged at $16.75 per cubic yard. 3 All trailers will be measured and charged the greater of S20.00 or S5.75 per cubic yard. Refrigerant containing equipment will be accepted only after being properly evacuated and accompanied by certification. S20.00 Minimum • Customers requiring loads Loads must be properly S15.00 minimum pulled off by compactor. prepared for this service. 11P0 - Tarp Charge State taw requires that.!cads $3.00 minimum be covered or be charged a fcc. S1.00 per cubic yard over 3 yds. • • 1OF-.4 ' e9/21/1992 i2: 3:756a2S?U WESTSIDE L..NC+=ILL F;GE 83 • Westside Recycling & Disposal •Facility New Gate Rates as of Oct, • 1 , 1998 • • Bill Code Description $/CYD MINIMUM 610 . Loose 5.00 30.00 • 620 Compacted . 7.00 N/A • 824 C&D Debris - • 5.00 30.00 670 N.on Compactabie • 14.25 42.75 • • 611 . -Roofing 7.00 21 .00 • • Other Charges: • Minimum Charges for Pick-up and Cars — Cars and Pickup Trucks (up to bed. level) $20.00 Minimum . Pickup Trucks (cab level) and Vans $30.00 Minimum . ORefrigerant equipment — • containing if refrigerant has been removed (with certification) • $20.00 Minimum if refrigerant has not been removed $25.00 Minimum Customers requiring Ioads pulled off by the compactor (loads must be properly prepared for this service). $15.00 Minimum No-Tarp Charge — State Law requires that .all loads :be- covered or be charged a fee. $3.00 Minimum; $1.00/per cubic yard over 3 yds. • Notes: 1) Loose Material is: refuse exclusive of stone, rocks, concrete, dirt, carpet, railroad ties,'roofing•material, etc.. in any open type container. 2) C&D Debris is Construction and Demolition type materials. 3) Compacted Material is refuse that has been compacted by a commercial compactor. 4) Non-Compactable Material is bulk refuse such as stone, rocks, concrete, • carpet, railroad ties, trees and stumps over 6 in size, or any similar • material that will not compact to 1/3 its size. • ) Roofing Material is any type. of roofing Material. W) There is a minimum charge (as shown above) on Loose and C&D Debris 7) There Is a 3 cyd minimum charge on Roofing and Non-Compactabie • 8) Discounts may be available for guaranteed large volumes • 10E-10 CL©T • LA tV Gs F. I t_t_ • luebonnet Waste Control Inc. December 29, 1998 Mr. Sonny Rivera P.O. Box 225745 Dallas.Texas 75222 Re: Disposal Fees by Ton at City of Farmers Brunch Camelot Landfill Dear Mr. Rivera: We evaluated our price structure presented to you via a letter dated September 30, 1998, and believe a revision is appropriate given numerous requests for a disposal rate based upon tons rather than truck cubic yards. Effective January I, 1999, Camelot Landfill customers have the ability to choose between disposal fees based upon truck cubic yards or tons. Optional disposal rates will be as follows: Tons S 18.75 per ton Minimum Charge S25.00 per load All rates include TNRCC fees. Weight discounts are available upon request. -OR- Loose MSW S 4.50 per truck cubic yard Compacted MSW S 6.75 per truck cubic yard Hard to Handle Wastes S 12.50 per truck cubic yard S Minimum Charge $25.00 per load All rates include TIVRCC fees. Volume discounts are available upon request. All waste delivered to our facility will be invoiced on a truck cubic yard basis unless prior contractual arrangements have been made. If a contract is desired, please contact either Mr. John Dion at(972)225-4207 or myself at(972)492-3883. The employees at Camelot Landfill strive to ensure you receive the best disposal service in the DFW area, and would welcome your decision to use our disposal facility. If you have any questions or comments regarding the optional price structure, please do not hesitate to contact either me or John Dion. Very truly yours, CAMELOT LANDr(iFILL A 1 II 0 . .. Jeffrey D. Mayfield, P. . Landfill Manager c: John Dior. • h CAMELOT LANDFILL, 580 Hutfines 9culevarri. Lewisville,TX 75056 I.= • Tel: (972) 492-3888 Fax: (972) 492-4943 Ponied on recyCed pacer 10E-11 Mill Creek Landfill Ow d by CROW LANDFILL TX, L.P. September 1, 1999 An d Waste Industries, Inc. Company Re: New Rates at Mill Creek Landfill Dear Valued Customer: On October 1, 1999, the rate charged for disposal of certain wastes at our facility will change. Although most categories will remain the same, several categories will increase. Effective October 1, 1999, disposal rates will be as follows: Loose Waste S5.25 per cubic yard Compacted Waste $7.00 per cubic yard Hard to Handle Wastes $12.50 per cubic yard Special Waste $9.50 per cubic yard Minimum Charge S25.00 per Ioad Pull-Off S20.00 (non-refundable) All rates include state fees. Volume discounts are available upon request. Load charges are based upon the full measured/rated capacity of the delivering vehicle or container. Hard to handle wastes are defined as materials that cannot be reduced to 1/3 of its original size. Examples include asphalt, concrete,tree stumps, roofing shingles, railroad ties, and baled materials. Non-hazardous special wastes as defined by the TNRCC and allowed by our permit may be accepted at this landfill, however, prior approval is required. Contact Ms. Debra Whitehead at(972) 816-5932 for acceptable wastes and pricing. 1111 It is our policy to accept waste for disposal from all customers as long as the customer maintains their account in a current status and complies with the Safety and Environmental Rules for the site. Copies of the rules are available at the scale house. The employees at Mill Creek Landfill appreciate your decision to use our disposal facility. In return,we strive to ensure than you receive the best disposal service in the DFW area. If you have any questions or comments regarding these rules or landfill operation, please do not hesitate to contact me at(817) 237-4178, extension 11. 1 Very truly yours, MILL LANDF EELL. John Peterson Site Manager III 1OF-12 _ _ _ _. _ • Mill Creek Landfill Owned by CROW LANDFILL TX, L.P. An Alraste Industries, Inc. Company August 12, 1998 Dear Customer, On September 1, 1998,the gate rates charged for disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) at the Mill Creek Landfill, operated by Crow Landfill TX, L.P. will change. Effective September 1, 1998, gate rates will be: Loose MSW S 5.25 per cubic yard Compacted MSW $ 6.75 per cubic yard Special Waste please contact our office for rate quote Hard to Handle Wastes $12.50 per cubic yard Minimum Charge $25.00 per load All rates include state fees. Compacted wastes are mechanically compacted waste or hauled in trucks that compact waste. Hard to handle materials are defined as materials that cannot be reduced to 1/3 of its original size 0 such as concrete, dirt, tree stumps, baled materials, etc. Special Waste acceptance must be prearranged with site management to ensure compliance with Federal and State regulations. In addition, please call our office prior to delivery of any special waste to ensure that the materials are approved for acceptance. Load charges are based upon the full measured/rated capacity of the delivering vehicle or container in accordance with our policy. It is also Mill Creek policy to accept waste for disposal from all customers as long as the customer maintains their account in a current status and complies with the Safety and Environmental Rules for the site. Copies of those rules are available for your review at the site office. We would like to thank you for your valued business and the confidence that you have placed in Mill Creek Landfill for your disposal needs. We will continue to provide you with dependable and environmentally sound services. Sin . ,, 2_____ / '7'. Kim A. Mote District Landfill General Manager Dallas/Fort Worth III . . 10E-13 - t • - - - 471.11q(EY C7EEK LAN lc" F'IL. L_ — September 20, 1999 Re: New Rates at Turkey Creek Landfill Dear Valued Customer: • On October 1, 1999,the rate charged for disposal of certain wastes at our facility will change. Although some categories will remain the same, several categories will increase. Effective October 1, 1999, disposal rates will be as follows: . Loose Waste S5.25 per cubic yard Compacted Waste S6.00 per cubic yard Hard to Handle Wastes S 15.00 per cubic yard Special Waste S 10.00 per cubic yard Minimum Charge (MSW) S25.00 per load Pull-Off S20.00(non-refundable) All rates include state fees. Volume discounts are available upon request. 4111 Load charges are based upon the full measured/rated capacity of the delivering vehicle or container. Hard handle wastes are defined as materials that cannot be reduced to 1/3 of its original size. Examples include asphalt,concrete,tree stumps, railroad ties, and baled materials. Non-hazardous special wastes as defined by the TNRCC and allowed by our permit may be accepted at this landfill,however,prior approval is required. Contact Ms. Debra Whitehead at(972) 816-5932 for acceptable wastes and pricing. It is our policy to accept waste for disposal from all customers as long as the customer maintains their account in a current status and complies with the Safety and Environmental Rules for the site.,copies of the rules are available at the scale house. The employees at Turkey Creek Landfill appreciate your decision to use our disposal facility. In return,we strive to ensure that you receive the best disposal service in the DFW area. If you have any questions or comments regarding these rules or landfill operation, please do not hesitate to contact me at(817)790-2912. Very truly yours, TURKEY CREEK LANDFILL ' Larry Bressman Site Manager III 1 OF-14 TURKEY CREEK LANDFILL. 9100 S Interstate 35 VV..alvarado.Texas 76009 Tel: .817 790-2912 ^ax: ;817) 79C-2923 . ntea or.:?c4cec o.c<' LAIV1=iFILIL_ August 12, 1998 Dear Turkey Creek Landfill Customer, Turkey Creek Landfill's mission is to manage your waste in the most efficient, environmentally sound means possible. As we strive to maintain this standard,the costs of operating Turkey Creek have dictated that we adjust the gate rates at the landfill. Effective September 1, 1998, the gate rates will be: Loose MSW S 5.25 per cubic yard Compacted MSW S 5.75 per cubic yard Hard to Handle Wastes S12.00 per cubic yard Special Waste please contact our office for rate quote Minimum Charge S25.00 per load All rates include state fees. Compacted wastes are mechanically compacted waste or hauled in trucks that compact waste. Hard to handle materials are defined as materials that cannot be reduced to 1/3 of its original size 41, such as concrete, dirt, tree stumps, baled materials, etc. Special Waste acceptance must be prearranged with site management to ensure compliance with Federal and State regulations. In addition,please call our office prior to delivery of any special waste to ensure that the materials are approved for acceptance. Load charges are based upon the full measured/rated capacity of the delivering vehicle or container in accordance with our policy. Discounts are available to customers disposing a monthly quantity of 5,000 cubic yards or more of solid waste. Discounts are deducted from the published gate rates. Landfill policy is to accept waste for disposal from all customers as long as the customer maintains their account in a current status and complies with the Safety and Environmental Rules for the site. Copies of those rules are available for your review at the site office. We appreciate your selecting Turkey Creek Landfill as your disposal facility of choice. We are committed to providing the best waste disposal options at competitive prices. • S� 7. :27'L J Kim A. Mote District Landfill General Manager Dallas/Fort Worth III . ,. T UPKE y CREEK LANCF!LL. 9100 S Interstate 25'N. aivaraco.'exas -5CC9 Tei: 517) 790-2912 sx: .a17 7'C-25Ca 2^ntea:n rec•ic:ea:aces A nr A r OFFICIAL RECORD CONTRACT FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL REFUSE • COLLECTION AND RECYCLABLE MATERIALS S COLLECTION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT THIS CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the City of Southlake, Texas, a home rule municipal corporation located in Tarrant County and Denton County, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager, Curtis Hawk (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Laidlaw Waste Systems, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, acting by and through its duly authorized market general manager, Joseph Noorlag (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"). • WHEREAS, City and Contractor have heretofore entered into a Franchise and Agreement whereby Contractor agreed to provide residential and commercial garbage and trash services to the City and its inhabitants for a five (5) year period beginning May 1, 1992 and ending April 30, 1997; and WHEREAS, City and Contractor now desire to renew said contract by giving Contractor a non-exclusive license to use the public streets, easements, and thoroughfares within the limits of the City for the purpose of collection and disposal of residential and commercial garbage and trash, including solid waste recycling, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That City and Contractor do hereby covenant and agree as follows: Approved 4-15-97 10 F-1 6 SECTION 1. • DEFINITIONS Wherever used herein, the hereinafter listed terms shall have the following meanings: 1. I Base_Rate. The total approved solid waste collection and disposal rates for residential and commercial/industrial front load customers, excluding sales taxes, franchise fees and recycling fees. 1.2 Brush_.(Special). Tree and shrub trimmings and limbs, etc., in bulk which exceed four (4) feet in length and cannot be loaded readily into regular refuse compaction equipment. 1.3 Bulky Waste. Stoves, refrigerators, water tanks, washing machines, furniture, and other waste materials other than Construction Debris, Hazardous Waste or Stable Matter. 1.4 Bundle or Boxed Bundle. Tree, shrub and brush trimmings or newspapers and • magazines securely tied together forming an easily handled package not exceeding four (4) feet in length or fifty (50) pounds in weight. 1.5 City. City of Southlake. 1.6 Commercial Unit. Any commercial or industrial enterprises operating within the 4orporate limits of the City, including any residential dwellings occupied by persons or group persons comprising more than four families. 1.7 Commodity. Material than can be sold in a spot or future market for processing and use or reuse. Each commodity shall retain its own identity and be kept separate. 1.8 Commodity Buyer. A buyer or processor, selected by Contractor pursuant to the Contract Documents, of recyclable materials delivered by Contractor. 1.9 Consumer Price Index (CPI-U-DFW). The revised Consumer Price Index for the Dallas/Fort Worth Metropolitan Area (CPI-U-DFW), 12 month average for all items as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Region 6. In the event the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics ceases to publish the CPI, the parties hereto agree to substitute another equally authoritative measure of change in the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar as may then be available so as to carry out the intent of this provision. 1.10 Contract Documents. This Contract and the most current Request for Proposals, Instructions to Bidders, and Contractor's Proposal, plus any addenda or changes to the foregoing documents agreed to by the City and the Contractor. 1.11 contractor. The person, or partnership performing refuse and recyclable materials collection under this contract. •12 C4.nsiruction Debris. Waste building materials resulting from construction, remodeling, Approved 4-15-97 10 F-1 7 • repair, or demolition operations. .13 Disaster. A sudden and grave occurrence causing destruction or ro damage to g property for which a state of emergency is declared by the City under its Emergency Management Plan. Disaster shall include both natural and manmade disasters, including but not limited to, indstorms, lightning strikes, tornados, hurricanes, flooding, hail, earthquakes, fires, plane crashes, riots and explosions. 1.14 Disposal Site. A refuse depository, physically located in the City or in close proximity thereto, including but not limited to the Landfill and other sanitary landfills, transfer stations, incinerators, and waste processing/separation centers licensed, permitted or approved to receive for processing or final disposal of refuse by all governmental bodies and agencies having jurisdiction and requiring such licenses, permits or approvals. 1.15 Garbage Containers. Portable cans or similar containers constructed of galvanized iron, tin or other substantial material, or plastic bags or cardboard boxes, designed to store refuse with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top. The maximum capacity of a garbage container shall not exceed thirty-three (33) gallons and the total weight of a garbage container and its contents shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds. 1.16 Hazardous Waste. Any chemical, compound, mixture, substance, or article which is designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or appropriate agency of the tate of Texas to be "hazardous" as that term is defined by or pursuant to Federal or State w. 1.17 household Ha7ardous Waste. Any chemical, compound, mixture, substance, or article which is designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or appropriate agency of the State of Texas to be "hazardous" as that term is defined by or pursuant to Federal or State Law, which is generated by households and similar generators. Types of household hazardous waste include household cleaning products, automotive products, paints and solvents, pesticides and other products such as pool chemicals, ammunition, dry cell and disc batteries, etc. 1.18 Landfill. The real property site for disposal as described in paragraph 1.11 above. 1.19 Produces. An occupant of a residential or commercial unit who generates refuse. 1.20 Rate Modification Date. The existing Base Rate will upon a timely request of the Contractor, be reviewed and if appropriate, revised effective upon a date defined as the Rate Modification Date. Contractor shall submit the request for rate modification in accordance with Section 10.7. The Rate Modification Date is established as October 1, 1998 and each October 1 thereafter for the contract period. In order for the City to consider a modification, the Contractor shall request a review of the current Base Rate by July 1 preceding the Rate Modification Date. .21 Recyclable Materials. Those commodities which are collected by Contractor pursuant Approved 4-15-97 10 F-18 to this contract. •.22 Refuse. Every accumulation of waste (vegetable and/or other matter) that results from the preparation, processing, consumption, dealing in, handling, packing, canning, storage, transportation, decay or decomposition of meats, fish, fowl, birds, fruits, grains, or other animal or vegetable matter including, but not by way of limitation, used tin cans and other food containers; and all easily decomposable animal waste or vegetable matter which is likely to attract flies or rodents; and all rubbish and waste material generated at a residential, commercial, industrial, institutional location, or construction site which must be disposed of to prevent the attraction of flies, rodents, scavengers, unnecessary odor or to prohibit unsightly accumulation of refuse or fire hazards. Refuse shall not include any waste materials included in the definition of hazardous waste. 1.23 Residential Unit. A dwelling within the corporate limits of the City occupied by a person or group of persons comprising not more than four (4) families. A residential unit shall be defined when either water or domestic light and power services are being supplied thereto. A condominium dwelling, whether of a single or multi level construction, consisting of four (4) or less continuous or separate single-family dwelling units, shall be treated as a residential unit, except that each single-family dwelling within any such residential unit shall be counted separately as a residential unit. 1.24 Rubbish. All waste wood, wood, wood products, tree trimmings, grass cuttings, dead lants, weeds, leaves, dead trees or branches, thereof, chips, shavings, sawdust, printed atter, paper, pasteboard, rags, straw, used and discarded mattresses, pulp and other products ch as are used for packing or wrapping, crockery, glass, ashes, cinders, floor sweepings, mineral or metallic substances, and any and all other waste materials not included in the definition of Bulky Waste, Construction Debris, Hazardous Waste, or Household Hazardous Waste. 1.25 Special Service. Garbage and trash for elderly and disabled residential customer • certified by the city will be picked up at or behind the building line as opposed to being picked up at the curbside. Pick up location will be agreed to by customer and Contractor. 1.2 Take All Service. Provides for the collection of all items placed on the curb as long as the items are containerized in a can, in a bag, or in a box. Construction materials from repairs and remodeling along with brush and limbs must be containerized or tied in bundles not to exceed fifty (50) lbs. in weight or 4 ft. in length. Bulky items including stoves, furniture, water heaters, dishwashers, etc., when placed on the curb will be picked up on normal collection days. Stockade type fence panels must be cut into 4x6 sections or smaller and loose pickets or slats must be tied and bundled. • Approved 4-15-97 10 F-19 SECTION 2 I SCOPE OF.REFUSE COLLECTION WORK 2. 1 Disposal of Refuse. The Contractor agrees to dispose of, outside the corporate limits of :he City, all brush, bulky waste, and other refuse collected. The Contractor agrees to provide "Take All" Service, providing for collection of all items placed on the curb as long as properly containerized. Note that bulky waste may be placed curbside as part of this service, and does notTneed to be containerized. All vehicles used by the Contractor for the collection and transportation of such brush, bulky waste, and other refuse shall be protected at all times while in transit to prevent leakage or the blowing or scattering of same onto the public streets of City or property adjacent thereto. 2.2 Erequency_o Residential Collection. The Contractor shall collect all residential refuse in bundles, boxed bundles or garbage containers not less that two (2) times.per.week, with collections at least three (3) days apart. No collections shall be made on Sunday. Any missed pick-ups will be picked up by the Contractor on the same day if they are called in before 2:00 p:m:' All refuse shall be placed at curbside for collection by 7:00 a.m. on the designated collection day. Curbside refers to that portion of right-of-way adjacent to paved or traveled City roadways. Containers shall be placed as close to the roadway as practicable without interfering with or endangering the movement of vehicles or pedestrian, unless the residential customer has been certified by the City for special service. Garbage and trash for residential special service customers shall be picked up at or behind the building line in a location agreed Don by customer and Contractor as opposed to being picked up at the curbside for the regular onthly fee. When construction work is being performed in the right-of-way, Containers shall be placed as practicable to an access point for the collection vehicle. Contractor may decline tacolrect any Container not so placed. 2.3 Quantity. The Contractor shall be required to pick up all refuse and bulky wastes generated from a residential unit, provided that same is properly prepared, bagged, and stored for-collection. Rubbish or bulky wastes not containerized (which can be lifted and loaded by two (2) employees in no more than five minutes),,and large items such as furniture, hot water heaters, refrigerators and other appliances, shall be collected by the Contractor within forty- eight`,(48) hours of receipt.of a call from a residence. 2.4 Residenti. Refuse - Where. Collections of refuse shall be made from the curb provided the containers are freely accessible, with the bottom at ground level or on a.platform not more than three (3) feet above ground. Containers stored below ground surface will not be picked up. Special service shall be provided to elderly and disabled customers who have been certified by the City. Garbage and trash for residential customers certified for special service will be picked up at or behind the building line as opposed to being picked up at the curbside for the regular monthly fee. 2.5_ _ResidentiaLRefuse -Bow. The Contractor shall make collections with a minimum of ais e and disturbance to the householder. This work shall be done in a sanitary manner. Any se or trash spilled by the Contractor shall be picked upimmediately by the Contractor's Approved 4-15-97 10E-20 • employees. 6 CommerciaLRefuse. Every owner, agent, employee, or person otherwise in charge of y commercial, institutional, or industrial premises within the City (commercial customer) n ) shall have a commercial container or containers of a size and frequency to insure the premises against flies, rodents, scavengers, unnecessary odor and to prohibit unsightly accumulation of refuse or fire hazards. Contractor agrees to make commercial containers of adequate size available upon request of any commercial premises within the corporate limits of City. The commercial containers provided by Contractor shall be equipped with suitable operable covers to prevent blowing or scattering of refuse, shall be maintained in good order, appearance, and in sanitary condition, shall be of a uniform color scheme, and shall be clearly marked with the Contractor's name and telephone number. 2.7 Read Animals. The City shall be responsible for the removal of all dead animals in the City. 2.8 Special Brush Collection. Special brush collection will be provided curbside, provided that these materials are containerized properly or tied in bundles. These items will not be collected if they exceed 4 ft. in length or fifty (50) lbs. in weight. 2.9 HQuseholdjlazardous_Waste. The Contractor shall not provide for collection of hi5141101c1 hazardous waste, but shall work with the City to identify suitable recycling sites for such materials and to provide for publicity of such sites to residential customers. The City III11 evaluate options for collection and disposal of household hazardous waste, and may ovide for this service under separate instrument. 2.10 Chris mas Trees. During the Christmas season each year, the City shall provide a specific site within the City for the deposit of Christmas trees by residential customers. The Contractor shall provide a chipper at such location at no cost for the purpose of chipping the Christmas trees. The Contractor shall be allowed one week to chip the trees. The chip shall be left on the site if so desired by the City. SECTION 3 SCOPE OF RECYCLING WORK 3.1 Residential Recycling. The Contractor agrees to furnish all personnel, labor, equipment, trucks, containers, and all other items necessary to provide recyclable materials collection and delivery services for all residences and public schools in the City as provided herein. These services shall be provided at least once per week. 3.2 Collection Equipment. The Contractor shall provide an adequate number of specially designed vehicles for recycling collection services. All vehicles and other equipment shall be kept in good repair, appearance, and in a sanitary condition at all times. After notice from the ty, the Contractor shall have thirty (30) days to correct any deficiencies in its collection oh icles. Each vehicle shall have clearly visible on each side the identity telephone tele hone Approved 4-15-97 10E-21 number of the Contractor and a slogan depicting the recycling theme. 110.3 Recycling_Containers. Contractor shall provide at its sole expense one (1) recycling ontainer for each residential unit within the City. The recycling container shall remain the property of the Contractor for a period of five (5) years from the initiation of the recycling service. At the end of the five (5) year period, the recycling containers will become the property of the residents. If Contractor's services in the recycling program are discontinued prior to five (5) years from the initiation of the recycling service, the recycling containers shall be returned to the Contractor. The Contractor will be responsible for the collection of these bins and identifying which homes do not return recycling bins upon request. For recycling containers which are not returned to the Contractor, a charge per bin will be calculated on a depreciated book value basis. The book value for each unreturned container shall be calculated by utilizing a $6.00 initial cost value and the straight line depreciation method over a sixty (60) month life with a twenty-five percent (25%) remaining salvage value. During the initial term of this contract , if a recycling container in lost, stolen or destroyed, residentsmap ,,cbase-: additional replacement containers from the Contractor for sivdollars ($6-:00)-per container. However, there will be no charge for replacement of containers due to normal wear and tear. Recycling containers will be constructed, at least in part, of recycled plastic and will be sixteen (16) to twenty (20) gallons in volume. Containers shall clearly state the name of the Contractor and a slogan depicting the recycling theme. 3.4 Recy_clable_Commodities. The Contractor shall collect and recycle the following commidities: • 1. Newspapers. Dry newspaper, magazines and cat alogs, along with slick and glossy inserts found in the newspaper. 2. Glass bottles,jars and containers. No mirrors, windows, or ceramics will be collected. 3. Cans for food, beverages, soft drinks, beer, etc. No scrap metal will be collected. 4. All plastic bottles with recycling symbols of#1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #7 can be recycled. 5. Junk mail, cardboard and mixed household paper. This includes junk mail, envelopes, cereal boxes, cardboard, chipboard and any other household paper products. 6. Telephone books will be collected annually during redistribution period. These items may be placed in recycle bins curbside or deposited in special collection bins in the city during the specified redistribution period. In the event that the market prices for any one or all of the above commodities drops to the point that such materials can no longer be sold or processed, the City and the Contractor 0 ay agree to remove that commodity from the list of items to be recycled and the Contractor 11 notify residents of same. Approved 4-15-97 10 F-2 2 The City reserves the right to include additional materials, as such markets become ilivailable. 3.5 Location of Containers for Collection. Each container shall be placed at curbside for collection by 7:00 a.m. on the designated collection day, with the exception of those containers used by special service customers. 3.6 Separated_Commodities. It is the intent under this Contract for the Contractor to collect certain source separated commodities to be recycled by a sub-contractor who has experience in the business of processing and sale of commodities. The Contractor will not be required to collect commodities which are mixed with garbage, trash and refuse normally collected by sanitation crews. The Contractor may notify the City of any such addresses where the residents are so commingling commodities and will notify the individual costumer that such commodities are unacceptable for collection. 3.7 Hauling. All commodities hauled by the Contractor shall be so contained, tied or enclosed that leaking, spilling or blowing is prevented. 3.8 Delivery. All commodities collected for delivery and sale by the Contractor shall be delivered to a commodity buyer selected from time to time at the sole discretion of the Contractor. The charge for delivery to the commodity buyer shall be included in the rate for each residential unit serviced by the Contractor. 9 Notification. The Contractor shall notify all new residences about complaint rocedures, sorting,preparing for collection, regulations, and day(s) for scheduled recyclable materialsacollection. The Contractor shall also inform the public of any condition and form required of materials to be collected. The Contractor shall provide information for inclusion in the City's newsletter, cable programming, homepage, etc. as requested by the City. 3.10 Recycling Proceeds . No later than the twenty-fifth (25th) of each month, the Contractor shall pay_,to,the.City $500.00 for use in.the promotion and educatioR,o€-recycling in the City as determined by the City Council. Such payment shall be accompanied by a detailed statement indicating the weights of recycled materials collected in the city. 3.11 _Repor In addition to the monthly reports required above, the Contractor shall be required to file quarterly and annual reports with the City. Monthly and quarterly reports shall include the following information: - Tonnage marketed, by materials Participation rates by neighborhood Discussion of problems and successful experiences in program operations Annual reports shall include the following information: • - Summary of participation rates and recovered material amounts. Summary of public awareness activities and their impact on participation and - Approved 4-15-97 1 OF-23 recovered tons 0 Summary of successes and problems and measures taken to resolve problems SECTION 4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 4.1 Nonexclusiie_Rights. The Contractor shall be free to engage in work as a private scavenger or hauler and to charge the public for services other than as provided in this contract. Such scavenging or hauling by individuals on a non fee basis shall be permitted. 4.2 .Spillage. The Contractor shall not be responsible for scattered refuse unless the same has been caused by his acts or those of any of its employees, in which case all scattered refuse shall be picked up immediately by the Contractor. A fork, push broom, and a scoop type shovel shall be maintained on each truck for clean up activity. Contractor will not be required to clean up or collect loose refuse or spillage not caused by the acts of its employees, but may report the location of such conditions to the City Manager so that proper notice can be given to the customer at the premises to properly contain such refuse. Commercial refuse spillage or excess refuse shall be picked up by Contractor after the costumer reloads the containers. In the case of commercial customers, Contractor shall then be entitled to an extra collection charge for each reloading of a commercial container requiring an extra collection. Should such commercial spillage continue to occur, City shall require the commercial customer and ittontractor to increase the frequency of collection of the commercial customer's refuse or wire the customer to utilize a commercial container with a larger capacity, and Contractor all be compensated for such additional services. 4.3 Vicious Animals. Employees of the Contractor shall not be required to expose themselves to the dangers of vicious animals in order to accomplish refuse or recyclable materials collection in any case where the owner or tenants have animals at large, but the Contractor shall immediately notify the City, in writing, of such condition and of his inability to make collection. 4.4 City Facilities. The Contractor shall make no extra charge for collection and disposal' ofwasfe"at city owned, operated or other city designated sites, including city parks, so long as the same can be collected on a regular collection route of the Contractor. 4.5 Hazardous Waste/Household azardo_us Waste. It is specifically understood and agreed that the collection and disposal of hazardous waste/household hazardous waste by the Contractor is not authorized or governed by this contract and that the disposal of hazardous waste/household hazardous waste by the Contractor shall be in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. 4.6 Disaster Assistance. In the event that a disaster occurs within the city limits, Contractor agrees to assist the City, other governmental entities, and other disaster relief anizations in the clean up of damaged or destroyed property. Contractor will provide uipment, personnel, and disposal at cost (time and materials) during normal operating hours Approved 4-15-97 1 OF-24 ttwisttin clean up operations, to the extent such equipment and personnel are available. ipe ntractor further agrees to make its equipment available for hire to persons or companies ding disaster clean up assistance, to the extent that doing so would not unreasonably interfere with Contractor's normal business operations. Additionally, Contractor agrees to provide equipment, personnel, and disposal at cost (time and materials) to assist the City or other governmental entities in the removal of damaged or destroyed property which is causing an eminent threat of personal injury or property damage. SECTION 5 CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS 5.1 Hours of Operation. Collection of residential refuse or recyclable materials shall not start before.7:00-a.m. or continue.after 6:00 p:m:=on the same day. Exceptions to collection hours shall be effected only with the approval, in writing, of the City Manager. 5.2 Routes of Collection. Residential collection routes shall be established according to current City Routes. The Contractor shall submit a manalesienatina the collection routes and proposed days of col • r its a rov . Contractor shall submit any changes in the rest ential routes to the City Manager for approval. The Contractor may propose to the City Manager changes in routes or days of collection. Upon the City Manager's approval of the proposed changes, the Contractor shall promptly give written or published notice to the iiected residential units. 5.3 Holidays. The following shall be holidays for purposes of this contract: Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Christmas Day Labor Day New Years Day Independence Day Contractor may decide to observe any or all of the above mentioned holidays by suspension of collection services for the holiday, but such decision in no manner relieves the Cotacctor of its obligation to provide refuse and recyclable materials collection service at residential units at least once per week. 5.4 Complaints__and Non-Performance. Service complaints shall be handled in the following order: 5.4.1 Service Complaints - Contractor. All service complaints shall initially be directed to the Contractor and shall be resolved by the end of the next business day. The Contractor shall supply copies of all complaints on a form approved by the City indicating the disposition of eeah complaint The form shall indicate the day and hour on which the complaint was received resolved. Approved 4-15-97 1 O F-2 5 5.4.2 Service Complaints _City. The City shall notify the Contractor of each complaint 41.1 orted to the City. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to take whatever steps necessary to edy the cause of the complaint and notify the City of its disposition by the end of the next usiness day. The City shall provide a list of complaints to the Contractor by phone not later than 1:30 p.m. each day. 5.4.3. Damage - Private Property. The Contractor shall provide the City with a full explanation of the disposition of any complaint involving a customer's claim of damage to private property resulting from action of Contractor's employees, agents, or sub-contractors. 6N .4.4 Complaint Procedures . The Contractor shall provide the City with information regarding complaint proce ores, rules and regulations, and day(s) of collection, etc. Information is to be in the form of printed material distributed by the Contractor. 5.5 Equipment. The Contractor shall provide equipment which meets or exceeds the following: 5.5.1 Type. The Contractor shall use only vehicles with bodies which are water tight to a depth of not less than eighteen (18) inches, with solid sides, using pneumatic tires. All equipment utilized by the Contractor shall be kept in good repair, appearance, and in a sanitary condition at all times. 4.5 Amount. The Contractor shall provide sufficient equipment in a proper operating dition so regular schedules and routes of collection can be maintained. 5.5.3 Condition. Equipment is to be maintained in a clean and safe working condition and shall be painted uniformly. No advertising shall be permitted on vehicles. Vehicles must have Contractors name in letters and numbers legible from 150 feet. The City shall have the right to inspect all equipment and may require the Contractor not to use a piece of equipment for good and reasonable cause. 5.5.4 Protection from Scattering. EAsk shall be equipped with a cover,which.may be net with mesh not greater than one and one-half(1 ' ) inches, or tarpaulin, or fully enclosed metal top to prevent leakage, blowing or scattering of refuse onto public or private property. Such cover shall be kept in good order and used to cover the load going to and from the landfill, and during loading operations or when parked if contents are likely to be scattered. Vehicles shall not be overloaded so as to scatter refuse; however, if refuse is scattered from Contractor's vehicle for any reason, it shall be picked up immediately. Each vehicle shall be equipped with a fork, broom and shovel for this purpose. 5.5.5 Miscellaneous. Vehicles are to be washed on the inside and sanitized with a suitable disinfectant and deodorant once a month. Also, they should be washed and painted or repainted as often as necessary to keep them in a neat and sanitary condition. • The Contractor's vehicles are not to interfere unduly with vehicular or pedestrian ffic, and vehicles are not to be left standing on streets unattended except as made necessary Approved 4-15-97 1 OF-26 by loading operations. 06 Office. Contractor agrees, at its own expense, to keep an office open in the mid-cities area and provide a telephone answering service from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays, for the purpose of handling complaints and other calls regarding refuse collection service. The Contractor shall keep competent personnel in the office during the time the office is required to be open to the public and the office personnel shall have the authority to represent the Contractor in its relations with the City and the public. The Contractor shall also provide the City a telephone number by which the Contractor can be contacted for after hours emergencies. The Contractor shall keep and maintain in the office a daily log of all the service calls which shall show the nature of the call, complaint or communication. The City shall have the right to inspect the daily log at any reasonable time. Throughout the term of this contract, Contractor shall establish and maintain an authorized Managing Agent and shall designate in writing to the City Manager the name, telephone number, and address of such agent to whom all notices may be served by the City or complaints received from citizens of the City. Service upon the Contractor's agent shall always constitute service upon the Contractor. Contractor agrees to secure an annual listing in the Fort Worth telephone directory under the name by which it conducts business in the community. 5.7 DisposaLofRefuse. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to dispose of the refuse he collects according to City, County, State, and Federal regulation at his own expense. 0uH azatdan _Weather eather. The City may cancel a portion of or all of a scheduled service day e to hazardous weather condition. 5.9 Records. The City shall have the right to review the books and records kept incident to the operation of Contractor's business within the City. All information so obtained shall be confidential and shall not be released by the City unless expressly authorized in writing by the Contractor, or as required by law. SECTION 6 CONTRACTOR'S RELATION TO CITY 6.1 Contractor as Independent Contractor. It is expressly agreed and understood that the Contractor is in all respects an independent Contractor as to the work, licenses, or privileges granted herein, notwithstanding the Contractor is bound to follow the direction of City officials, and that the Contractor is in no respect an officer, agent, servant, or employee of the City. This contract specifies the work to be done by the Contractor, but the method to be em�loved to accomplish this work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor unless otherwise provided in this contract. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the City has no control over or right to control the collection, transportation or disposal of solid waste by the • ow such solid waste is dis osed of. It is further understood d agreed that Contractor shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, ents, servants, employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, and invitees; that the Approved 4-15-97 1 OF-27 doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between the City and Contractor; and that •thing herein shall be construed s creating a partnership or joint enterprise between City and ntractor. 6.2 Subletting Contract. This contract, or any portion thereof, shall not be sublet or a signe. e;.:cpt with the prior written consent of the City Council, which consent will not unreasonably withheld. No such consent will be construed as making the City a party of or to such subcontract , or subjecting the City to liability of any kind to any subcontractor. No subletting or assignment shall, under any circumstances, relieve the Contractor of his liability and obligation under this contract, and despite any such subletting, the City shall deal through the Contractor. Subcontractors will be dealt with as workers and representatives of the Contractor, and as such shall be subject to the same requirements as to character and competence as are other employees of the Contractor. 6.3 City Manager to be Referee. To prevent misunderstanding and litigation, theCity Manager shall decide any'and all questions'which-may"arise concerning-the lity and" acceptability of the work and services performed, the sufficiency of performance, the interpretation of the contract provisions, and the acceptable fulfillment of the contract on the part of the Contractor; and the City Manager will determine whether or not the amount, quantity, character and quality of the work performed is satisfactory. The City Manager shall make such explanation as may be necessary to complete, explain, or make definite the provisions of this contract, and the findings and conclusions shall be final and binding on both arties. If at any time during the life of this contract, performance of the Contractor does not et the standards of the Contract, the Contractor, upon notification by the City, shall increase e forces, tools, or equipment as needed to properly perform the Contract. The failure of the City to give such notification shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligation to perform the work at the time and in the manner specified by this Contract. Contractor and City agree that the City Manager will be the final authority for the approval of charges for any service not contemplated by this Contract and for the disposition of any dispute regarding performance between the City, Contractor, and any customer. 6.4 Inspection of Work. The Contractor shall furnish the City Manager or his authorized representative with every reasonable opportunity for ascertaining whether or not the work as performed is in accordance with the requirements of this contract. The City Manager may appoint qualified persons to inspect the Contractor's operation and equipment at any reasonable time, and the Contractor shall allow authorized representative of the City to make such inspections. 6.5 Liaison. The Contractor shall designate, in writing, the person to serve as agent and liaison between his organization and the City. 6.6 Taxes. The Contractor shall pay all Federal, State and local taxes including sales tax, social security, worker's compensation. unemployment insurance, andvalorem, and other required taxes which may be chargeable against labor, material, equipment, real estate. and •er items necessary to and in performance of this contract. Approved 4-15-97 1 OF-28 6.7 City_not.Liable_for Delays. It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event shall 0 City be liable or responsible to the Contractor or to any other person for any stoppage or ay in the work herein provided for, by injunction or other legal or equitable proceedings brought against the Contractor, or from or on account of any delay from any cause over which the City has no control. 6.8 Licenses,_Permits_and Fees. Contractor agrees to obtain and pay for all licenses, permits, certificates, inspections, and other fees required by law or otherwise necessary to perform the services prescribed hereunder. Contractor shall also pay, at his own expense, all disposal fees associated with the collection, removal, and disposal of refuse. 6.9 Term_of_Contract. The term of this contract shall be for a period of five (5) years beginning May 1, 1997 and ending April 30, 2002. 6.10 Renewal. This contract may be renewed under the same terms and conditions for an additional five (5) year period as provided herein. No later than-one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the termination date, Contractor shall notify City of its election to terminate this Agreement or conversely, its election to renew this Agreement for another five (5) year period. Should Contractor elect to terminate, then this Agreement shall terminate and end on the termination date. In the event that Contractor fails to provide the City with any notice of renewal or termination no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from the end of the term, then in such instance, such failure of notice shall be construed and understood as an iliection by the Contractor to renew the_contract for an additional five-(5) year period. Should Contractor either elect or be deemed to have elected to renew this contract, the City shall etrnotify the Contractor no less than ninety (90) days from the end of the contract term of the City's election to terminate this contract. Should the City elect to terminate, then this contract shall terminate and end on the termination date. Should the City elect to renew the contract, then this contract shall be renewed for a period of five (5) years beginning on 2002. Should the City fail to notify Contractor of its intentions no less than said ninety (90) days from the end of the contract term, then this contract shall continue on a month to month basis under the same:terms and conditions until`renewed or terminated by formal action of the Council. All notices shall be in writing and sent by certified mail, return receipt requested -to the parties at the-addresses provided in Section 11.6 hereof. 6.11 Breach of Contract. It shall be the duty of the City manager and any officials of the City which he may designate to observe closely the refuse collection, disposal, recycling and salvage operations and if, in the opinion of the City Manager there has been a breach of contract, the City shall notify the Contractor, in writing, specifying the manner in which there has been a breach of contract. If within a period of seven (7) days, the Contractor has not eliminated the conditions considered to be a breach of contract, the City Manager shall notify the City Council and a hearing shall be set for a date within twenty (20) days of such notice. At that time, the City Council shall hear the Contractor and the city representatives and make a determination as to whether or not the city representatives and make a determination as to whether or not there has been a breach of contract, and direct what further action shall be *en by the City, or the Contractor, as hereinafter provided. Approved 4-15-97 10E-29 6.12 Cancellation or_Annulment.of_Contract. If the Contractor fails to begin work at the ' e specified, or fails to perform the work with sufficient number of workers and sufficient d adequate equipment to insure the proper and substantial performance of said refuse and recyclable materials collection work, or performs unsuitable work, or discontinues the prosecution of the work or any portion thereof, or for any other cause whatsoever, excepting only .Acts :f God, does not carry on the work as aforesaid or otherwise defaults under any other terms, conditions or obligations of this contract, or if the Contractor becomes insolvent or declares bankruptcy or commits any act of bankruptcy or insolvency, or allows any final judgement for the payment of money to stand against him unsatisfied, and if the City through its City Manager gives notice of such default, and the Contractor fails to rectify such default within seven (7) days after the giving of such notice by the City, then the City may thereupon by action of the City Council declare the contract canceled. Such cancellation of the contract shall not relieve the Contractor of liability for failure to faithfully perform this contract, and in case the expense incurred by services provided for in said contract shall exceed the sum which would have been payable under the contract, then Contractor shall be liable to the City in the amount of any such expense in excess of the per unit contract price. If the City should cancel or annul this contract under the foregoing provisions, then the City may, at its option, purchase all trucks, machinery, equipment, and tools used regularly by the Contractor in the performance of this contract and shall pay the Contractor the appraised value_thereof as of the time of such revocation and cancellation. Such appraised value shall be detned by a board of three (3) appraisers as follows: one appraiser shall be named by the Contractor, one appraiser shall be named by the City, and the two appraisers so named agether shall name a disinterested person as the third appraiser. Such:Board of Appraisers all within thirty (30) days after their appointment, appraise such property and make a sworn statement showing their findings as to its value, furnishing a copy of such statement to the City and another copy to the Contractor. 6.13 Nondiscrimination Clause. The Contractor shall not discriminate against any person because of race, sex, age, creed, color, religion or national origin. SECTION 7 QUALITY OF SERVICE 7.1 Character of Workers and Equipment. The direction and supervision of refuse collection and disposal, recyclable materials co11 a lisppsai�-.salvagmerariuns•;: xdaggeat uaii€t heGperSMI_ t and the Contractor shall devote.sufficient personnel, time and attention to the direction of the operation to assure performance satisfactory to the City. All subcontractors, superintendents, foreman and workers employed by the Contractor shall be careful and competent. Any employee of the Contractor who misconducts himself or is incompetent or negligent in the due and proper performance of his duty, or is disorderly, dishonest, drunk or grossly discourteous, shall be scheduled for a joint hearing upon receipt by the Contractor of a written request from the City Manager. The City shall specify reasons for the request. If warranted by the City Manager, such employee shall et be assigned by the Contractor to the City. Approved 4-15-97 1 OF-30 7.2 Cooperation_oL.Contractor Required. The Contractor "',-.7.`,.- •.- _, T':,1 in every reasonable way in order to facilitate the .gress of the work contemplated under this contract. Contractor shall have at all times a competent and reliable representative available authorized to receive orders and act on behalf of Contractor. 7.2.1 ContractoriEmplo_yees. The Contractor shall assure that Contractor's employees sejogabispublic-inra_com.rtcmv helpful and impartial manner. 7.2.2 Handling_of Private Property=Contractor's_Emp1oy.ees. Contractor's employees collecting refuse or recyclable materials will be required totNitlaisitiiPMEMMITIr =- -_ -..., st:,;.). ,= <It. -t .y.;_,z5 • Care shall be taken to prevent damage to property including shrubs, flowers, and other plants. SECTION 8 WORKING CONDITIONS 8.1 EmpliXee Protection. The Contractor ihaardagium,ighallapplicaktimitiatesand hours, and all other applicable laws relating to the employment or protection of employees, or hereafter in effect. 8.2 Employ_ees Salary_ ntractor. The Contractor is required and hereby agrees by ociof this contract to pay all employeeigaisimimadillil to to abide by other requirements as established by t1.00011111111111100111INEP, if plicable. 8.3 Compliance with Laws and Regulations. The Contractor hereby agrees to abide with all . . .. (''.... _ 4 ; _ _.._ .;,, .. ., ., t� - Le ._ i 4i. Li 1:� t.t _ : i ' JJc, the operations of Contractor under this contract. Any operations or activities of Contractor which are guidelines are outside the terms of this contract and shall be considered to be a breach of this contract. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City, all of its officers, representative, agents and employees against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such laws, regulations, ordinances, orders or decrees, whether by Contractor, its officers, agents, servants, employees, licensees, invitees, or subcontractors. SECTION 9 INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 9.1 Minimum Insurance Coverage. The Contractor at its own expense s,[purchase, i llltil trid'keep in force insurance as will protect him from claims, whether these claims arise as a result of the operations of Contractor, any subcontractor or by anyone for whose acts the Contractor may be liable. • Minimum coverage shall be established as of commencement date for this contract in Approved 4-15-97 10E-31 the following amounts: • Coverages Limits__oLLiability Worker's Compensation Statutory Employer's Liability $ 300,000 Bodily Injury Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence Except Automobile $2,000,000 aggregate Automobile Bodily Injury $1,000,000 each person Liability Automobile Property Damage $1,000,000 each occurrence Liability Property Damage Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence Except Automobile $2,000,000 aggregate Excess Liability Coverage $2,000,000 aggregate • Further, anyinsurance coverages which are required bystatute which are not expressly g � P Y stated herein shall be maintained in accordance with statutory requirements. 9.2 Insurance. Before commencing any of the work under this contract, Contractor shall file with th• _ _ R- _ _ ' .The insurance policies shall be issued by companies authorized to do business in the State of Texas. The City shall be shown as a named insured on all such insurance policies. Such insurance policies shall contain a provision that states coverages afforded under the policies tow _,.t:.,, '.'_ 1....._ The failure by Contractor to keep in full force and effect any insurance required by this contract shall be deemed a breach of this contract. Insurance coverage specified herein constitutes the minimum requirements and said requirements §ISMINIVIRVI9ZIESSretneathrditthWIN11111,140f Contractor under the terms of this Contract. Contractor shall procure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, any additional kinds and amounts of insurance that in its own judgement may be necessary for proper protection in the prosecution of its work. 9.3 Indemnification. CONTRACTOR ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND HEREBY COVENANTS AND AGREES TO FULLY irEMVINIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, VANTI'S, AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, Approved 4-15-97 1 O F-3 2 DEMANDS, SUITS, JUDGEMENTS, ASSESSMENTS, COSTS, AND EXPENSES ipttiCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE FEES AND EXPENSES OF TORNEYS, EXPERT WITNESSES AND OTHER CONSULTANTS ) FOR OPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, ARISING OCT OF OR IN CONFECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE, ATTEMPTED PERFORMANCE OR NON PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK AND SERVICES DESCRIBED HEREUNDER OR IN ANY WAY RESULTING FROM OR ARISING OUT OF THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE OR REFUSE UNDER THIS CONTRACT, INCLUDING THE WORK, SERVICES, OPERATIONS, AND LEGAL DUTIES OF CONTRACTOR, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, OR INtiTTEES, IF ANY. IN THE EVENT OF JOINT AND CONCURRING RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND THE CITY, RESPONSIBILITY AND INDEMi ITY, IF ANY, SHALL BE APPORTIONED COMPARATIVELY IN ACCORDANCE WITH TEXAS LAW, WITHOUT WAIVING ANY DEFENSE OF THE PARTIES UNDER TEXAS LAW. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH ARE SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PARTIES HERETO AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO CREATE OR GRANT ANY RIGHTS, CONTRACTUAL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY PERSON OR ENTITY. CONTRACTOR SHALL LIKEWISE ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR AND SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY FOR 'Y AND ALL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTION WITH ANY AND ALL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF CONTRACTOR, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, OR INVITEES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE FEES AND EXPENSES OF ATTORNEYS, EXPERT WITNESSES AND OTHER CONSULTANTS, EXPENDED BY THE CITY IN ANY SUIT OR CLAIM AGAINST THE CONTRACTOR FOR SAME. SECTION 10 FEES 10.1 Charges. All residential and commercial rates shall be established annually and included in the City's Schedule of Fees. 10.2 Percentage Fee. City shall retain tenpercent (.10%) of the gross billings from all residential refuse and recycling collection and Contractor shall pay to City ten percent(-10%) of-th gross billings from all commercial refuse collection performed within the City, including regular collections and collections from extra hauls. 10.3 Billing__&_Collections. The City will serve as billing and collection agent for • tde11Ilbillins. Commercial billings will be done by the contractor. Approved 4-15-97 10E-33 10.4 Payment_to the City . The Contractor will pay the commercial percentage fee to the iipity of hout:.-the 15tli each month. 0.5 Payment to_the_Contractor. The City will pay the Contractor his portion of the monies billed fer residential collection, less the retainage on or about the 1. th of:each month. 10.6 Reports_ofOperations. The City shall submit to the Contractor asweittewittpinv sht ipg_the;numbetrof.complaints received during thgegmaltag calendar month, a list of parties billed for collection, and the amounts billed byrawkitroffcgch month. 10.7 Modification_ofRates. Contractor shall maintain such residential and commercial rates (Base Rates) as shown in Exhibit A until October 1, 1998. On each anniversary date (Rate Modification Date) thereafter, base rates may be modified by a combination of the percentage increase in operating costs for the most recent twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the Rate Modification Date, and increases in disposal costs. Contractor shall submit to City in writing its. . . . . . . ... , _:,.. . . .. ... . , _ . The base rate shall be divided into operations and disposal. Opentioasteemislifo of the base rate. ItaxedgmetialM of the base rate. Operations will be adjusted by the CPI for the most recent 12 month period, or 4%, whichever is less. Disposal will be adjusted by the average increase in disposal cost as represented in Exhibit B. Alternative Base Rate Modification. City may, at its discretion and upon 411/°.8 commendation by the City Manager, itgOINIEWNINSIMMilldr the annual establishment of solid waste rate. Contractor agrees to provide all necessary information to prepare such reports, however, City shall give the Contractor a,, ___ ___ ,. - ;:i.1,_,, research. Any other cost increases including state, federal, and local fees, taxes or other additional disposal regulatory charges imposed on disposal since the last rate modification, and any expenditures required of Contractor solely because of federal, state or local law, rule regulation, ordinance order, permit or permit condition becoming effective since the last rate modification , . t:--.s. :.,,..L.;r, -. If Contractor makes a request for increases above the amount calculated above, Contractor must provide sufficient data, including, but not limited to, audited financial statements. The City Council shall be the final authority in grant any and all rate increases. At no time will rate increase requests be deemed automatic. SECTION 11 WORKING POLICIES 11.1 Commencem_ent_of_N3.1otk. The Contractor must commence operations on the date and year agreed by the City. •1.2 Assignment of_Contract_and Dis osaLof Property. The Contractor shall 1� X not assign this Approved 4-15-97 1 OF-34 contract without the consent of the City, nor dispose of equipment used in the refuse and 0 cycling collection and disposal operations without immediately substituting additional operty. 11.3 Operations_During_Dispute. In the event the City Council shall find that the Contractor has failed, or is failing to perform obligations under this contract, it shall be the duty of the City Council to enter into a formal finding of that fact upon the minutes and send a certified copy of such finding by registered or certified mail to the Contractor, or have the same delivered to the Contractor personally. In such event, the Contractorifttil'y 4aftitigzycWairtratrEntkrovetraliroperationrunderthircontract, and the Contractor shall cooperate to the extent necessary to enable the City to do so. The Contractor expressly recognizes the paramount right and duty of the City to provide adequate refuse and trash collections as necessary governmental functions, and further agrees, in consideration for the execution of this contract, that in the event the City shall invoke the provisions of the section the contractor will not seek injunctive relief in any court but will either negotiate with the City for an adjustment on the matters in dispute, or present the matter to a court of competent jurisdiction in an appropriate suit therefore instituted by the Contractor or by the City. 11.4 Ciry Ordinances. Nothing contained in any ordinance of the City now in effect or hereafter adopted pertaining to the collection of refuse may in any way be construed to affect, change, modify, or otherwise alter the duties, responsibilities, and operation of the Contractor the performance of the terms of this contract. It is the intention hereof that the Contractor e required to perform strictly the terms of this contract regardless of the effect or interpretation of any municipal ordinances which in any way relate to refuse. 11.5 Amendments. Amendments which are consistent with the purposes of this contract may be made with the mutual consent of the parties and in accordance with the City Charter and other applicable laws and ordinances. 11.6 Notices. All notices required or permitted to be sent pursuant to this contract shall be sufficient if personally delivered or sent by U. S. Mail, Certified Return Receipt Requested, to the following individuals at the address noted: If to the City: City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Attention: City Manager If to the Contractor: Laidlaw Waste Systems. Inc. 6100 Elliott Reeder Road S Fort Worth, Texas 76117 Attention: Doug Rivers Approved 4-15-97 10E-35 Notices shall be effective upon receipt at the address of the addressee. Either party may iinge its address for notice by giving prior written notice to the other party. 7 Venue. Should any action, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, arise out of the terms and conditions of this contract, venue for said action shall be in Tarrant County, Texas. 11.8 Governmental Powers. It is understood and agreed that by execution of this contract, City does not waive or surrender any of its governmental powers. EXECUTED this Z., day of xl , 19 97 f , in Tarrant County, Texas. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE t _ C O ‘' By: e 't Cu wk, City Manager O jr ATTEST: \fittstinna_,1i0Odid41&.__XIAP/44 _ City Secretary LAIDLAW WASTE SYSTEMS INC. Bye ,‘Dd Joseph Noorlag, Market Gene a1 Manager ATTEST: Corporate Secretary 0 Approved 4-15-97 1 OF-36 LAIDLAW WASTE SYSTEMS FRANCHISED CITY RATES • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE COMMERCIAL FRONT-LOAD RATES PICKUPS PER WEEK SIZE.--: -••",:. -:-:: ,--.-.LX:',::: :,:::- •:',...:.a,it..,..,.::-.:i..',,i:::o33ct4Ittiirii!:F,:..-::-,.::::: )tii;:]:::, 1,..-,:,::J:;:63C, ''.'-'.'',''','''EXTRA'....:: lEl;)-:::. 40.01 63.33 86.66 110.00 132.21 155.55 20.00 49.99 83.33 117.'77 151.11 185.56 218.89 24.44 V*7V11,-:i:;• 61.11 101.11 , 142.72 182.23 223.34 263.34 28.89 -51i:IP.*;i11:Vr 93.33 135.55 188.86 243.33 297.78 351.11 33.33 S::ii!YD-: ;': 105.55 173.33 241.11 307.78 375.55 443.33 38.89 COMMERCIAL ROLLOFF RATES To.g*Agigrotxy#Agi11 DELIVERY:15.wWalitl: :1,.tio iimMitfArks,ipwW1.):f.i.TR9n, giggg , :: ,.,,, ,: K:aili5 ;.--. . 20 YD OPEN , 70.00 3.00 118.51 102.20 220.71 200.00 25 YD OPEN 70.00 3.00 118.51 127.75 246.26 200.00 30 YD OPEN 70.00 3.00 118.51 153.30 271.81 200.00 35 YD OPEN 70.00 3.00 118.51 178.85 297.36 200.00 - • 40 YD OPEN 70.00 3.00 , 118.51 204.40 322.91 200.00 _ 28 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 118.51 164.92 283.43 NEGO 30 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 118.51 176.70 295.21 NEGO 35 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 118.51 206.15 324.66 NEGO 40 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 118.51 235.60 354.11 NEGO 42 YD COMP NEGO NEGO 118.51 247.38 365.89 NEGO FRANCHISE FEE PERCENTAGE 10.00% 10.00% LOOSE COMP DISPOSAL RATE PER YARD $4.60 $5.30 FRANCHISE FEE MARKUP $0.51 $0.59 TOTAL COST PER YARD $5.11 $5.89 COMMERCIAL HANDLOAD 2 TIMES PER WEEK @ 516.22 PER MONTH CASTERS $10.00 /MONTH LOCKS S1.00 /PER LIFT RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE W/O RECYCLING 56.45 /MONTH RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE W/RECYCLING 58.45 /MONTH RESIDENTIAL BACK DOOR SERVICE [MONTH EFFECTIVE DATE 5/1/97 CITY HALL PHONE# 817/481-5581 • 1 OF-37 • Exhibit B Selected Landfill List City of Southlake Contract 1-May-97 Landfills Compacted Rate Waste Management DFW $6.65 Sanifill Crow Landfill $4.85 Waste Management Westside $6.45 City of Farmers Branch $5.02 Laidlaw Turkey Creek $5.00 Average $5.59 110 southlake.xls/appendaBi4/10/9 7 1 OF-38 Residential Rate Study S City Garbage Rate Recycling Rate Total Contractor -4 Allen 7.68 2.85 10.53 Commercial Waste Disposal Bedford 6.98 1.59 8.57 Trinity Waste Management Carroilton 9.87 1.88 11.75 Camelot Landfill Coppell 10.85* 10.85 Texas Waste Management Denton 13.00 no service 13.00 City Euless 6.65 1.60 8.25 Trinity Waste Management Flower Mound 9.66* 9.66 BFI Grapevine 7.93 1.79 9.72 Trinity Waste Management Hurst 7.21 1.67 8.88 Trinity Waste Management Irving 16.25 1.00 17.25 City Keller 7.42 2.07 9.49 Trinity Waste Management • Lewisville 9.74* 9.74 Texas Waste Management Mesquite 9.50* 9.50 Trinity Waste Management North Richland Hills 6.75 1.69 8.44 Trinity Waste Management Plano 10.95* 10.95 City Richardson 12.28* .- 12.28 City *This price includes both garbage and recycling. City does not break down price. S 1 OF-39 Commercial Rate Study III Coppell Franchise Fee = 15.00% Container Size Frequency per week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Extra 2 YD N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 YD $ 70.95 $ 117.55 $ 156.70 $ 199.19 $ 243.49 $ 288.37 $ 23.51 4 YD $ 87.08 $ 169.82 $ 232.85 $ 300.15 $ 363.61 $ 436.36 $ 31.92 6 YD $ 105.87 $ 181.09 $ 260.91 $ 338.41 $ 407.81 $ 481.45 $ 33.96 8 YD $ 134.12 $ 228.73 $ 322.39 $ 409.08 $ 501.42 $ 593.99 $ 45.60 Denton Franchise Fee = N/A Container Size Frequency per week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Extra 2 YD $ 32.15 $ 64.20 $ 96.25 $ 128.40 $ 160.45 $ 192.55 N/A 3 YD $ 38.00 $ 76.00 $ 114.00 $ 152.00 $ 190.00 $ 228.00 N/A 4 YD $ 43.40 $ 86.80 $ 130.15 $ 173.50 $ 217.00 $ 260.30 N/A 6 YD $ 54.65 $ 109.30 $ 164.00 $ 218.65 $ 273.30 $ 328.00 N/A 8 YD $ 66.20 $ 132.40 $ 198.60 $ 264.75 $ 330.95 $ 397.15 N/A • Grapevine Franchise Fee = 12.00% Container Size Frequency per week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Extra 2 YD $ 52.42 $ 88.35 $ 118.34 $ 166.40 $ 216.04 $ 249.89 $ 17.92 3 YD $ 59.59 $ 98.39 $ 141.17 $ 187.80 $ 235.80 $ 267.54 $ 20.48 4 YD $ 75.63 $ 121.54 $ 170.09 $ 216.70 $ 264.44 $ 289.36 $ 23.05 6 YD $ 89.97 $ 151.75 $ 213.15 $ 274.12 $ 343.72 $ 397.97 $ 25.60 8 YD $ 112.11 $ 189.35 $ 271.00 $ 346.32 $ 422.95 $ 481.96 $ 28.16 Irving Franchise Fee = N/A Container Size Frequency per week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Extra 2 YD N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 YD N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 YD N/A $ 156.00 $ 234.00 $ 311.00 $ 389.00 N/A $ 18.00 6 YD N/A $ 176.00 $ 265.00 $ 353.00 $ 441.00 N/A $ 20.00 8 YD N/A $ 197.00 $ 295.00 $ 394.00 $ 492.00 N/A $ 23.00 III 1 OF-40 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Garland Wilson, Director of Public Safety(Ext. 730) SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 787, discussion of False Alarm Ordinance, requiring a permit to operate an alarm system and establishing a clause for denial, suspension, revocation of alarm permits, and providing for the term of the permit of one year. Action Requested: City Council discussion of Ordinance No. 787. Background Information: One of the greatest concerns of the Department of Public Safety is repeated responses to false police (burglar), fire, and EMS alarms. Law enforcement experts agree that security systems significantly reduce the probability of being robbed or burglarized and increase the probability of apprehension and conviction when offenses are attempted at protected locations. Unfortunately, police statistics gathered show the false alarm rate anywhere from 95 to 99 percent. A study of the Southlake Department of Public safety records from January 1999 until December 1999 indicate that false alarms accounted for 26 percent of all calls for police service and 24 percent of all calls for fire service. Since all of those calls were false alarms, the result is an approximate loss of 3795 hours of productivity. Each alarm response requires two officers and/or three firefighters to respond and requires approximately 30 minutes to complete. This is the equivalent of the workload of two full time police officers for almost one year. There is obviously an immediate need for improved ways to control the number of false alarms and responses. This ordinance proposes a strategy of education, remediation and enforcement to decrease the number and frequency of false alarms. Recommended implemented measures are: • Alarm user permit requirement($10 residential, $20 commercial) • A 10 to 15 minute timeout on outside audibles • An appeals process that provides for reinstatement of the alarm permit upon proof of effort to comply (subsequent false alarm will again revoke the permit) • A policy of refusing to respond after 5 false alarms or billing for the response should DPS elect to respond • An alarm tracking process • Meeting and educational classes with institutions and residences with chronic false alarms 11A-1 • Billy Campbell August 11,2000 Page 2 Financial Considerations: The fees generated from this ordinance are expected to generate sufficient revenue to compensate for the registration forms, printing, postage, follow up and administration by Support Services personnel. Of the estimated 6957 homes in Southlake, we conservatively estimate that 3,500 have working monitored alarms. The proposed fee would generate about $35,000 annually in addition to the fee proposed for businesses. We would also propose staggered registration/expiration during the first year in order to keep permits from all expiring at the same time. Citizen Input/ Board Review: No citizen input has been received. Not subject to any Board review. Legal Review: This ordinance was reviewed by City Attorney Debra Drayovitch, who has approved the ordinance under consideration by City Council. Alternatives: Continue responding to false alarm calls and increase police and fire personnel to meet the increased workload. Supporting Documents: Ordinance No. 787 Staff Recommendation: Place Ordinance No.787, False Alarm Ordinance, on the August 15, 2000 City Council meeting agenda for discussion. GW/rb 11A-2 ORDINANCE NO. 787 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15 OF THE SOUTHLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ADDING ARTICLE VI, "ALARM SYSTEMS," THERETO, REQUIRING A PERMIT TO OPERATE AN ALARM SYSTEM; ESTABLISHING CAUSE FOR DENIAL, SUSPENSION, REVOCATION OF ALARM PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE TERM OF A PERMIT OF ONE YEAR; PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF CITATIONS; PROVIDING FOR REGULATIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF ALARM SYSTEMS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the city staff has recommended the adoption of regulations requiring that each owner of a premises on which an alarm is located obtain a permit for the alarm in order to efficiently respond to emergencies and encourage the proper maintenance and operation of alarm systems. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: SECTION 1. Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, is hereby amended by adding a new Article VI which shall be and read as follows: ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 1 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-3 ARTICLE VI ALARM SYSTEMS Section 15-210. Purpose. (a) The purpose of this article is to encourage Alarm Users and Alarm Businesses to maintain operational reliability and properly use Alarm Systems and to reduce or eliminate False Alarm Dispatch Requests. (b) This ordinance governs alarm systems intended to summon police, fire and EMS responses, requires permits, establishes fees, provides for penalties for violations, establishes a system of administration, and sets conditions for suspension or revocation of permits. Section 15-211. Definitions. In this article: (a) Alarm Administrator means a Person or Persons designated by the Director of Public Safety to administer, control and review alarm applications, permits and Alarm Dispatch Requests. (b) Alarm Business means the business, by an individual, partnership, corporation or other entity of selling, leasing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving, installing or Monitoring an Alarm System in an Alarm Site. (c) Alarm Dispatch Request means a notification to the Southlake Department of Public Safety police, fire or EMS by the Alarm Business that an alarm, either manual or automatic has been activated at a particular Alarm Site. (d) Alarm Review Board shall consist of four members as follows: a communications specialist or other person appointed by the Director, and two (2) members of the public at large, appointed by the Director, and the Alarm Administrator, who shall serve as an ex officio member. The Director shall appoint members to the Board to conduct a hearing and render a decision pursuant to sections 15-224 and 15-226. ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 2 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-4 (e) Alarm Site means a single premises or location served by an Alarm System or systems. Each tenancy, if served by a separate Alarm System in a multitenant building or complex, shall be considered a separate Alarm Site. (f) Alarm System means a device or series of devices, including, but not limited to, systems interconnected with radio frequency signals, which are designed to discourage crime or cause a reaction or response by an official agency organized to deal with emergencies, by emitting or transmitting a remote or local audible, visual or electronic signal indicating an alarm condition. Alarm System does not include: (1) an alarm installed on a vehicle unless the vehicle is permanently located at a site; or (2) an alarm designed to alert only the inhabitants of a premises that does not have a sounding device which can be heard on the exterior of the Alarm Site. (g) Alarm User means any Person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity who (which) uses an Alarm System at its Alarm Site. (h) Director means the Director of Public Safety or his designated representative. (i) Conversion means the transaction or process by which one Alarm Business begins Monitoring of an Alarm System previously monitored by another Alarm Business. (j) Duress Alarm means a silent Alarm Signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a crisis situation requiring police response (k) EMS means Emergency Medical Services. (I) False Alarm Dispatch means an Alarm Dispatch Request to the police, fire or Emergency Medical Services when the responding officer arrives within thirty (30) minutes of the alarm notification and determines from an inspection of the interior or exterior of the premises that the alarm was false, or, if the Alarm Dispatch Request was a medical alarm, when the responding officer finds no evidence of a medical emergency. An Alarm Dispatch Request which is canceled by the Alarm Business or the Alarm User prior to the time the responding officer reaches the Alarm Site shall not be considered a False Alarm Dispatch. ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 3 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-5 (m) False Alarm User Awareness Class means a class operated by the City for the purpose of educating Alarm Users about the problems created by False Alarm Dispatches and in the responsible use of their Alarm Systems. (n) Holdup Alarm means a silent Alarm Signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a robbery in progress. (o) Keypad means a device that allows control of an Alarm System by the manual entering of a coded sequence of numbers or letters. (p) Monitoring means the process by which an Alarm Business receives signals from an Alarm System and relays an Alarm Dispatch Request to the city for the purpose of summoning police, fire or emergency medical response to the Alarm Site. (q) Person means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, organization or similar entity. (r) Takeover means the transaction or process by which an Alarm User takes over control of an existing Alarm System which was previously controlled by another Alarm User. (s) Verify means an attempt, by the Alarm Business, or its representative, to contact the Alarm Site by telephonic or other electronic means, whether or not actual contact with a Person is made, before requesting a police dispatch, in an attempt to avoid an unnecessary Alarm Dispatch Request. Section 15-212. Permit required; application; fee; transferability; false statements. (a) A person commits an offense if the person operates, or causes to be operated, an Alarm System without a valid alarm permit issued by the Alarm Administrator. A separate permit is required for each Alarm Site. (b) A special permit/classification shall be required for an Alarm System equipped for Duress Alarm. (c) Each permit application must be made on a form provided by the Alarm Administrator and must include the following information: ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 4 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-6 (1) the name, address, and telephone numbers of the Person who will be the permit holder and be responsible for the proper maintenance and operation of the Alarm System and payment of fees assessed under this article; (2) the classification of the Alarm Site as either residential, commercial or apartment; (3) for each Alarm System located at the Alarm Site, the purpose of the Alarm System, i.e., burglary, holdup, duress, fire, medical or other; (4) signed certification from the Alarm User and the Alarm Business stating: (i) the date of installation, Conversion or Takeover of the Alarm System, whichever is applicable; (ii) the name, address, and phone number of the Alarm Business performing the Alarm System installation, Conversion or Alarm System Takeover and responsible for providing repair service to the Alarm System; (iii) the name, address, and phone number of the Alarm Business Monitoring the Alarm System if different from the installing Alarm Business; (iv) that a set of written operating instructions for the Alarm System, including written guidelines on how to avoid false alarms, have been left with the applicant; and (v) that the Alarm Business has trained the applicant in proper use of the Alarm System, including instructions on how to avoid false alarms. (5) classification of the Alarm Site as being equipped or non-equipped for Duress Alarm. (d) Upon receipt of a completed application form and the permit fee, the Alarm Administrator shall issue an alarm permit to an applicant unless the applicant has: (1) failed to pay a fine assessed under Section 15-223; or ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 5 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-7 (2) had an alarm permit for the Alarm site suspended or revoked, and the violation causing the suspension or revocation has not been corrected; or (3) made a false statement of a material matter for the purpose of obtaining an alarm permit. (e) An applicant for an annual alarm permit shall pay a permit fee in the amount established by the City Council. (f) Any false statement of a material matter made by an applicant for the purpose of obtaining an alarm permit shall be sufficient cause for refusal to issue a permit. (g) An alarm permit cannot be transferred to another Person. An Alarm User shall inform the Alarm Administrator of any change that alters any information listed on the permit application within five business days. (h) All fees owed by an applicant must be paid before a permit may be issued or renewed. (i) To the extent permitted by law, all employees or representatives of the city with access to information contained in permit applications shall hold such information in confidence. Section 15-213. Alarm systems in apartment complexes - contracted for by individual tenant. (a) If an Alarm System installed by an individual tenant in an apartment complex unit is Monitored, the tenant must provide the name of a representative of the apartment owner or property manager who can grant access to the apartment to the Alarm Business which is providing the Monitoring service. (b) A tenant of an apartment complex shall obtain an alarm permit from the Alarm Administrator before operating or causing the operation of an Alarm System in the tenant's residential unit. The annual fee for this permit or the renewal of this permit shall be the same as the fee for a residential Alarm Site. (c) For purposes of enforcing this ordinance, the tenant is responsible for False Alarm Dispatches emitted from the Alarm System in the tenant's residential unit. ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 6 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-8 Section 15-214. Alarm systems in apartment complexes -furnished by the apartment complex as an amenity. (a) If the owner or property manager of an apartment complex provides Alarm Systems in each residential unit as an amenity, then the owner or property manager of the apartment complex shall obtain a master alarm permit from the Alarm Administrator. The annual fee for this permit and for each renewal for this permit shall be $10 per residential unit per year. All units, whether occupied or not, shall be included in calculating the required fee. (b) For purposes of assessing fines and enforcing this article, the master alarm permit holder is responsible for payment of fines for False Alarm Dispatches emitted from the Alarm Systems in residential units, whether or not occupied. (c) The owner or property manager of an apartment complex shall obtain a separate alarm permit for any Alarm System operated in a nonresidential area of the apartment complex, including, but not limited to, common tenant areas and office, storage and equipment areas. The fee for such a permit shall be the same as the fee for a residential Alarm System. Section 15-215. Permit duration; renewal. An alarm permit shall be valid from October 1 of the year issued through September 30 of the following year. A permit holder must renew an alarm permit annually by submitting an updated application and a permit renewal fee to the Alarm Administrator. The Alarm Administrator shall notify each Alarm User of the need to renew at least 30 days prior to the expiration of his permit. It is the responsibility of the Alarm User to submit an application prior to the permit expiration date. Failure to renew will be classified as use of a non-permitted Alarm System. Section 15-216. Alarm systems operation; maintenance. (a) An Alarm User shall: (1) maintain the premises and the Alarm System in a manner that will (i) minimize or eliminate False Alarm Dispatches; and ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 7 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-9 (ii) ensure proper operation of the Alarm System. (2) respond or cause a representative to respond to the Alarm System's location within 30 minutes when notified by the city to deactivate a malfunctioning Alarm System, to provide access to the premises, or to provide security for the premises; and (3) not manually activate an alarm for any reason other than an occurrence of an event that the Alarm System was intended to report. (b) An Alarm User shall adjust the mechanism or cause the mechanism to be adjusted so that an alarm signal audible on the exterior of an Alarm Site will sound for no longer than 10 minutes after being activated [or 15 minutes for systems operating under Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. standards 365 or 609]. (c) An Alarm User shall have an Alarm Business inspect his Alarm System after three False Alarm Dispatches in a preceding twelve month period. After three False Alarm Dispatches, the Alarm User must have an Alarm Business modify the Alarm System to be more false alarm resistant, or provide additional user training, whichever is appropriate. SECTION 15-217. Monitoring procedures. (a) An Alarm Business performing Monitoring services shall: (1) report alarm signals by using telephone numbers designated by the Alarm Administrator; (2) attempt to Verify every alarm signal, except a duress or hold up alarm activation, before requesting a police response to an alarm signal; (3) communicate Alarm Dispatch Requests to the city in a manner and form determined by the Alarm Administrator; (4) communicate verified cancellations of Alarm Dispatch Requests to the city in a manner and form determined by the Alarm Administrator; (5) ensure that all Alarm Users of Alarm Systems equipped with Duress Alarm are given adequate training as to the proper use of the Duress Alarm. ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 8 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-10 (b) The Alarm Administrator shall: (1) designate a manner, form and telephone numbers for the communication of Alarm Dispatch Requests; (2) develop a procedure to accept verified cancellation of Alarm Dispatch Requests; and (3) Determine the appropriateness and number of direct installed alarm panels at DPS facilities. SECTION 15-218. Duties of alarm business. A person commits an offense, if after October 1, 2000, the person installs a device for activating a hold-up alarm which is a single action non-recessed button. SECTION 15-219. Alarm system operating instructions. An Alarm User shall maintain at each Alarm Site a set of written operating instructions for each Alarm System. SECTION 15-220. Alarm dispatch request records. (a) The officer responding to an Alarm Dispatch Request shall insure that such information is recorded as necessary to permit the Alarm Administrator to maintain records, including, but not limited, to the following information: (1) identification of the permit number for the Alarm Site; (2) identification of the Alarm Site; (3) arrival time at the Alarm Site and dispatch received time; (4) date and time; (5) weather conditions; (6) area and/or sub-area of premise involved; ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 9 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-11 (7) name of Alarm User's representative on premises, if any; (8) identification of the responsible Alarm Business; and/or (9) inability to locate the address. (b) The responding officer shall indicate on the dispatch record whether the dispatch was caused by a criminal offense, an attempted criminal offense, fire, medical response, or was a False Alarm Dispatch. (c) In the case of an assumed False Alarm Dispatch, the responding officer shall leave notice at the Alarm Site that the department has responded to a False Alarm Dispatch. The notice shall include the following information: (1) the date and time of response to the False Alarm Dispatch; (2) the identification number of the responding officer; and (3) a statement that forced entry may be required if unable to determine nature of the alarm. (d) Each Alarm Businesses which perform Monitoring services must maintain for a period of at least one year following request for dispatch to an Alarm Site, records relating to the dispatch. The Alarm Business shall make the records available to the Alarm Administrator. Records must include: (1) the name, address and phone number of the Alarm User, (2) the Alarm System zone(s) or point(s) activated, (3) the time of request for police dispatch; and (4) evidence that an attempt to Verify was made to the Alarm Site prior to the request for police dispatch. SECTION 15-221. System performance reviews. If there is reason to believe that an Alarm System is not being used or maintained in a manner that ensures proper operation and suppresses false alarms, the Alarm Administrator may require a conference with an Alarm User and the Alarm Business ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 10 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-12 responsible for the repair of the Alarm System to review the circumstances of each False Alarm. SECTION 15-222. False alarm user awareness class. The Alarm Administrator shall oversee the creation and implementation of a False Alarm User Awareness Class. This program shall be a minimum of one hour in length and shall inform Alarm Users of the problems created by False Alarm Dispatches and teach Alarm Users how to operate their Alarm Systems without generating False Alarm Dispatches. SECTION 15-223. Fees. (a) An Alarm User or the master permit holder for an apartment complex shall be subject to warnings and suspension or revocation of permit, and payment of a fee, depending on the number of False Alarm Dispatches emitted from an Alarm System within the preceding 12-months based upon the following schedule: Number of False Alarm Dispatches Action Within 12 Months 1 On Site Written Notice 2 On Site Written Notice &Warning Letter#1 3 On Site Written Notice & Warning Letter#2 4 On Site Written Notice & Suspension Notice 5 On Site Written Notice & Revocation of Permit 6 + On Site Written Notice & Citation Issuance and/or$50 fee (b) An Alarm User shall, after the fourth False Alarm Dispatch, have the option of attending a False Alarm User Awareness Class in lieu of suspension. (c) An Alarm Dispatch Request caused by actual criminal offense or with evidence of a criminal attempt or with evidence of smoke or the need for EMS shall not be shall not be counted as a False Alarm Dispatch. (d) The Alarm Administrator may reinstate a suspended permit if the person submits evidence that the cause of the false alarm has been determined and corrected or that any defective part of the Alarm System has been repaired or replaced. ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 11 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-13 (e) The Alarm User shall pay a service fee of $50 for each false alarm notification in excess of five that is emitted from an Alarm Site within a 12 month period. (f) The Alarm Administrator shall notify the Alarm User of the fee: (1) personally to the Alarm User in writing; or (2) by letter addressed to the owner of the premises upon which the False alarms occurred, at the owner's address as recorded in the Tarrant Appraisal District records. (g) If the Alarm Administrator mails a notice to a person in accordance with Subsection (f), and the United States Postal Service returns the notice as "refused" or "unclaimed," the validity of the notice is not affected and the notice is considered as delivered as of the date of the return. SECTION 15-224. Appeal from fees. (a) An Alarm User may appeal assessment of a fee to the Alarm Review Board by filing a written request for hearing with the Alarm Administrator setting forth the reasons for the appeal. The appeal shall be filed within 10 days after receipt or delivery of the notice. The filing of a request for an appeal hearing with the Alarm Review Board stays the assessment of the fee until the Alarm Review Board makes a final decision. (b) The Alarm Review Board shall conduct a hearing and consider the evidence presented by any interested Person(s). The Board shall make its decision on the basis of the preponderance of evidence presented at the hearing, including, but not limited to, evidence that a False Alarm Dispatch was caused by a defective part that has been repaired or replaced or that an Alarm Dispatch Request was caused by a criminal offense. (c) The Board will render a decision within 30 days after the request for an appeal hearing is filed. The Board shall affirm, reverse or modify the assessment of the fee. The decision of the Board is final as to administrative remedies with the City. SECTION 15-225. Revocation or suspension of permit. (a) In addition to suspension or revocation pursuant to Section 15-223, the Alarm Administrator may suspend or revoke an alarm permit if it is determined that the permit holder: ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 12 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-14 (1) made a false statement of a material matter in the application for a permit; (2) failed to make timely payment of a fee assessed under Section 15-223; or (3) has committed a violation of Section 15-216. (b) A person commits an offense if he operates an Alarm System during the period in which his alarm permit is suspended or revoked. (c) If the alarm permit is reinstated upon appeal, the Alarm Administrator may revoke the alarm permit if it is determined that two subsequent False Alarm Dispatches occur within 60 days after the reinstatement date. (d) The Director may refuse police response to an Alarm Dispatch Request at an Alarm Site for which the alarm permit is revoked or there is no permit, unless the permit holder has paid all fees. SECTION 15-226. Appeal from denial, suspension or revocation of a permit. (a) If the Alarm Administrator denies the issuance or renewal of a permit, or suspends or revokes a permit, he or she shall send written notice of this action and a statement of the right to an appeal, by certified mail, return receipt requested, to both the applicant or Alarm User and the Alarm Business. (b) The Alarm Administrator shall give notice to the Alarm User of the suspension or revocation: (1) personally to the Alarm User in writing; or (2) by letter addressed to the Alarm User at the address listed on the application. (c) If the Alarm Administrator mails a notice to a person in accordance with Subsection (d), and the United States Postal Service returns the notice as "refused" or "unclaimed," the validity of the notice is not affected and the notice is considered as delivered as the date of the return. ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 13 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-15 (d) The applicant or Alarm User may appeal the decision of the Alarm Administrator to the Director by filing a written request for a review setting forth the reasons for the appeal within 10 days after receipt of the notice from the Alarm Administrator. An Alarm Business may submit the request for review on behalf of an Alarm User. If a request for appeal is not made within the 10 day period, the action of the Director is final. (e) Filing of a request for appeal shall stay the action by the Alarm Administrator suspending or revoking a permit until the Director has completed his/her review of the appeal. (f) If the Director sustains the denial or revocation of the permit, an Alarm User may appeal and request a hearing before the Alarm Review Board within 10 days of receipt of notice of the Director's decision. An Alarm Business may submit a request for hearing on behalf of an Alarm User. (g) The Alarm Review Board shall conduct a hearing and consider the evidence by any interested person(s). The Board shall make its decision on the basis of a preponderance of the evidence presented at the hearing, including, but not limited to, certification that the Alarm User has been retrained, that a defective part has been repaired or replaced, or that the cause of the false alarm has been otherwise determined and corrected. The Board must render a written decision within 10 days after the request for an appeal hearing is filed. The Board shall affirm, reverse, or modify the action of the Director. The decision of the Board is final as to administrative remedies with the City. SECTION 15-227. Reinstatement of permit. A Person whose alarm permit has been revoked may be issued a new permit if the Person: (a) Submits an updated application and pays the permit fee; (b) Pays, or otherwise resolves, all outstanding fees; and (c) Submits a certification from an Alarm Business stating that the Alarm System has been inspected and repaired, if necessary, by the Alarm Business. SECTION 15-228. Violations. ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 14 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-16 A person commits an offense if the person knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly violates by commission or omission any provision of this article that imposes upon him a duty or responsibility and is subject to a fine not more than $500 for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances and of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, as amended, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances and such Code, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances and such Code are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 15 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-17 SECTION 5. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, as amended, relating to false alarms and alarm systems or any other ordinances affecting alarm systems which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 6. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. SECTION 7. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance or its caption and penalty in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after final passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 8. ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 16 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-18 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the day of , 2000 and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING THIS DAY OF , 20 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING THIS DAY OF , 20 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 17 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-19 City Attorney ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE PAGE 18 Alarm Ordinance2.doc 11A-20 A, M �L Od l `\ F�2 I! G- CIO ; -------------- -- -7- taIIad} I EXISTING SITE DATA SUMMARY ZONING EXISTING PROPOSED AG AG LAND USE DESIGNATION PUBLIC SEMIPUBLIC CONSTRUCTION: START FINISH JULY 2000 DECEMBER 2000 NET ACREAGE OF PROJECT 190.40 ACRES BUILDING FOOTPRINT % SITE COVERAGE 9.138 S . FT. 0.11% ONE STORY BUILDING MAXIMUM HEIGHT = 20'-0" FLOOR AREA BY USAGE: MAINTENANCE STORAGE 1,298 SQ. FT. CONCESSION STAND 372 S . FT. RESTROOMS 788 S . FT. LOCKER ROOMS AND OFFICE N/A AREA OF OPEN SPACE % SITE COVERAGE 7,849.678 S.F. 94.7% TOTAL IMPERVIOUS % SITE COVERAGE 444,146 S.F. 5.3% AREA OF OUTSIDE STORAGE % COVERAGE NONE 0.0% PARKING: REQUIRED PROVIDED TOTAL 593 593 PARKING PROVIDED: STANDARD 559 559 VAN ACCESSABLE 11 11 HANDICAPED 17 17 BUS* 2 2 LOADING SPACES: REQUIRED PROVIDED NONE NONE SCALE 1" - 300' 0 160 300 Boo NOTE. i bus parking space = 3 standard spaces — COD //! Parking requirements were determined by the City. �JIn'I ------------ I (� 1 � I —J ' 1 I VICINITY MAP JULY 2000 I I � 31 SUMMARY CHART - INTERIOR LANDSCAPE I: I REQUIRED OR % OF AREA IN CANOPY ACCENT SEASONAL GROUND SEASONAL PROVIDED LANDSCAPE AREA FRONT OR SIDE TREES TREES SHRUBS COVER COVER o I i ❑ i I ; ;� REQUIRED 810 sq. tt. 100% <2 3 20 120 sq. ft. 16 sq. ft. \, O,, ' ' I ❑ -' PROVIDED >810 sq 2 it 100X 3 20 120 q ft a, ft 18 q l -- -- 73 j" � �1 *Note any credits used in calculations: a. Existing on site trees to be credited Qrz) �I G� % _ _ 1 Other Comments: --� I. To be installed near entry with signage (includes seasonal color) FUTURE I-U —--•--- / PROP. DAY CAMP ---T -- --- i • . o i,. EIQSPIIdG TREE CREDIT SUMMARY. (Applied to Interior Requirements) I - 1 � i• � ; •�� ,::::::::::.:• . •. > 100 Trees • 6 -12 DBH r::::::::::;: O..•..... t J < 100 Trees O Greater than 12" DBH FUTURE MULTI -USE TRAIL g tz ^ / r U, /� ,�'��. FUTURE MULTI USE � 4 --- - a- --- I � •, ;. ,- TRAIL , _,,�� SUMMARY CHART BUFF � � tl ti ; it FUTURE MULTI -USE TRAIL ,�' ��[1 - 1 I o — " PROP. ACCESS/MA(TENAHM R0 „ , I ERYARDS IiI �� / - ��� �► I �o oo== ii _ ^') BUFFERYARD CANOPY ACCENT SHRUBS FENCE SCREENING PROP. IIULThUSE TRAM "A") [ LOCATION LENGTH WIDTH -TYPE TREES TREES HEIGHT & MATERIAL _ N / , ♦ ♦- 1 1 ` I - 19 ° ,, a\ 1, `.,_.. - - - - •� € REQUIRED 8720 C 202 289 808 8' SCREEN Q PROP. 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GEYSER AERATION FEATURE I I - I i — D — — 17 ,✓ FELL i 1 ` I o : STRUCTURE l� SODA RIDGE ROA - f _ I FIELDS b , I PROPOSED MULTIUSE ® O i,� i, PROPOSED PUMP/WELL ACCESS a 1 — — — — — I �ARKNG�QT *PROVEMI`NTS I TRAIL "E" I F I ' 0 2 i ��`�--{{� / AND E UESTRIAN PARKNG 1 ' :-- FUTURE LANDSCAPED ENTRANCE AREA -- 125' SCREENING SHRUBS EXISTING PARKING LOTS ° _� ° PER ORDINANCE PROP. 56 PARKING SPACES (UNWPROVED ti 1 -( v I I i 125' EACH SIDE SCREENING �� I C� `1� ��✓/� `� SHRUBS PER ORDINANCE FUTURE 64 PARKING SPACES (03 I �`- �'Q� - PROP. 56 PARKING SPACES (ASPHALT PAVED) w C i vvv — i t j Q MW2 wMCM 200' l , PER e1 O CvL7 �•`� ti aD - - - - - - _ y u 1 u'-1 ❑ 0 3 - - - - v NQTE: Screening shrubs at parking lots to be 5 g Burford Holly, 3'-0" o.c. FUTU MULTIUSE TRAIL \ SCREENING SHRUBS ORDINANCE \ o \ I V � - PROP. PUMP HOUSE 1500"-JPROPOSED WATER W LL c0 O I� � Q 0L n n n gz; a Y -' OWNER 'EHEAf4A 7&77SSOd I ATE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD. SUITE 200 667 N. CARROLL AVENUE ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 ( 817 ) 548-0696 (817) 481-5581 ext 756 FAX (817) 265-8532 FAX (817) 421-2175 CONTACT: GORDON JOHNS CONTACT: BEN HENRY SITE PLAN BOB JONES PARK M. MAHAFFEY SURVEY A-916 TRACTS 1-2-10-11 P&M IdQL /joR-D- PRICE N UR EY A-1 03 TRACTS 3-4-5-5A H. THROOP SURVEY A-1273 TRACTS 2-3 VACATED PLAT OF WEST BEACH ADDITION CASE No. ZA 00-086 SHEET 1 OF 1 1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Being a tract of land situated in the M. Mahaffey Survey, Abstract No.916, the R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No.1003, and the H. Throop Survey, Abstract No.1273, and also including that tract of land formerly platted as West Beach Addition to the City of Southlake, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a CORPS OF ENGINEER (COE) concrete monument found for the southwest corner of West Beach Addition to the City of Southlake, as recorded in Volume 395, Page 587, Plat Records of Denton County, Texas, said point being in the east right-of-way of North White Chapel Boulevard; THENCE North 01011'53" West, along said east right-of-way line, a distance of 1,583.61 feet, to a 1/2' i ron p i n found; THENCE North 00024' 00" West, a distance of 1687.70 feet to a 1/2' iron p i n found for a corner; THENCE North 89038' 00" West, a distance of 13. 92 feet to a 112' iron p i n found for a corner; THENCE North 00002' 10" West, a distance of 1 , 024.15 feet to a 112' iron p i n found for a corner in the east right-of-way of White Chapel and being in the apporant right-of-way of Bob Jones Road; THENCE South 89029' 45" East, a distance of 726.10 feet to a 1/2' i ron p i n found for a corner; 'THENCE South 00003' 13" East, a distance of 1015.99 to a 1/2' iron p i n found for a corner; THENCE North 89051' 0" East, a distance of 1780.00 feet to a 1/2' iron p i n found for a corner; THENCE North 000 03' 13" West, a distance of 995.66 feet to a 1/2" iron p i n found for a corner; THENCE South 89029'45" East, a distance of 128.95 feet to a 1/2' iron pin found for a corner; THENCE South 000 03' 13" East, a distance of 335.18 feet to a1/2' i ron p i n found for a corner; THENCE South 880 51' 52" East, a distance of 1863.77 feet to a 1/2' iron p i n found for a corner; THENCE South 01 ° 31' 53" West, a distance of 418.95 feet to a 1/2' i ron p i n found a corner; THENCE South 89027' 29" East, a distance of 22.86 feet to a 1,2' i ron p i n found for a corner; THENCE South 01008'04" East, a distance of 872.68 feet to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE South 89017'17" West, a distance of 149.93 feet to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE North 26033'54" West, a distance of 922.38 feet to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE West, a distance of 160.22 feet to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE South, a distance of 685.08 feet to a 1/2' iron p i n found for a corner; THENCE North 89050'09" West, a distance of 817.34 feet to an1/2' iron pin found for a corner; THENCE South 01002'34" East, a distance of 1,255.90 feet to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE South 89057'50" West, a distance of 349.97 feet to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE North 01006'14" West, a distance of 674.08 feet to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE North 61026'48" West, a distance of 1168.83 feet to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE South 83020'00" West, a distance of 370.74 feet, to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE South 21038'00" East, a distance of 1078.87 feet, to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE South 00007'00" East, a distance of 652.40 feet, to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE North 89055'00" West, a distance of 1079.30 feet , to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE South 33036'00" East, a distance of 721.00 feet, to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE South 60016'00" West, a distance of 864.00 feet, to a COE monument found for a corner; THENCE North 89055'00" West, a distance of 228.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing, 190.40 acres of land, more or less. O O c O O V N O 000 N O TO M,0 p >. W O O O �o O o J Co dry PRELIMINARY PLAT LOT 1 , BLOCK 1 BOB JONES PARK ADDITION TO THE THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE DENTON AND TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 190.40 ACRES SITUATED IN DENTON AND TARRANT COUNTIES AND CONTAINED WITHIN THE M. MAHAFFEY SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 916 THE R.D. PRICE SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 1003 THE H. THROOP SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 1273 SURVEYOR -ENGINEER OWNER -DEVELOPER AND THE VACATED PLAT OF WEST BEACH ADDITON CHEATHAM $ ASSOCIATES CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD. SUITE 200 667 N. CARROLL AVENUE ARLINGTON. TEXAS 76011 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (817) 548-0696 (817) 481-5581 ext 756 ONE L o JUL 2 2�0� FAX (817) 265-8532 FAX (817) 421-2175 JULY 19. CONTACT: GORDON JOHNS CONTACT: BEN HENRY CASE No. ZA 00-xxx SHEET 2 OF 2 01 0 O CD :v Cu Ln in of 0 0 m Q, O m 0 0 0 t m a LJ LJ LL m Q Q 1 0 Cv 0 LOT 87 LOT 86 LOT 85 LOT 84 LOT 83R LOT 82R TRACT 1 t ROBERT MOONEY, etux VOL, 10320, PG. 806 _ D.R.T.C.T. ZONED: AG LU.D.=MEDIUM DENSITY / SOUT RIDGE LAKES RESIDENTIAL / - PHASE V, SECTION 2 CAB. SLIDE 1160 ✓/'/ r CAB. SLIDE 1401 � � LOT 75R LOT 76R LOT 77R T C T.C. T. R.LOT 79R Z ED: SF20A LOT 8oR LOT 81R t LOT 1 Lot 78R MARK OWEN PRESTJOHN j L.U.D.-UM D U.D.= DIDENSITY VOL. 7809, PG. 489 1. SJIJUM R. T. C. DT. LOT 74 1 w 64 . ' ZONED: SF1A N 88017'5 " E 8 6.02' — _ _.444.21' LU.D.=Low DENSITY 10.00' RESIDENTIAL iS BLOCK BROCK °t a 00010'54 " E NCOLUUMNN WROUGTSCREENING , 4 FENCE 1 , d: 4 r- 5 4 3 2 o S 89 49 33" E LOT 73 �g 1tt:a Y S.F. 21,474 SF 21,474 SY t 21,47,, S.F. ?$323 S F. , 13.85 ` COMMON AREA 8 r1 -' -' N 44 43'04' E --1.17 LOT 1 BLK I ��y LAK SOUTHRIDGE ES PHASE iV, SECVON 2 y 22,002 Sf., -- Ia9T' -- — ' CONCRETE SIDEWALK--. -- — 35' B.L. — ----- N 4l43'04• f 7.06' �rEx. FIT 7 CAB. A. SLIDE a 002 P. R. T. C. T. 1 "- ,�, i s. n' 1 ' i 1265' 111.34' r09.89' 1 LOT 72 ZONED: SF2 DEITY �{�, .4 -- S 89'37'02' w 414,48' — — LOVE HENRY COURT # x -- ZONING — L.U.D.=MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL „6 _AG SF-1_A ZONING HFB�-COU A 1 132.93 132.9J �i 112 78 112.28 I 46.25 4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 35' B.L. ; N 45'1656' w I LOT 71 `Z 9 `. _—� -- ----- + - -- -- - ----21.1dr— ... �g -- ( ° 7.5' auU_ iI A 22.001 s.F 14 LOT 10 u 4. 10 U q i i 12 13 i i MICHAEL N. & �j\ • ' 2L992 51.. 2078 IF. 2A678 S.F. 20,6Q9 SF. 20,000 S.F. � " � PHYLUS BENTON VOL. 7809, PG. 489 D.R.T.C.T. LOT 66 75, O.U.E. I �_ �i 15 CQ ZONED: SF1A LU.D.=LOW DENSITY LOT 70 —_J _ _-,-- —� 1 �-- W RESIDENTIAL _ f" vt — - — 11240L 5t 21,373 S.F. ►-' _ — �7z44 ——448.3a- ---- -- , COMMON AREA BLOCK U1 $ LOT 15, BLK I Z w ''--- • 2 SCR£ENiN6_ FE? C£ I , 20 \' i9 18 17 16 28442 S.F 2n 22,695;&F. 35i S.F 20,069 S.F. MOOD S.f. o .. 21 69 29,706 S.F - � / T5' O.U.Ej N 44'43'04_ E � - -- LOT 67 �� !AT ?1 r 4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK - ---- C 35' B.L. \ R. D. W. DEDICATION � O.l 9' 68 T1aAcr x \ N 00.12" -lv '� _ S �J7o2' w J77.oi' 1 // �26'`-- EDWAI _ CO — � AIARCUS WAYLAND `�-00 — 4852, PG. 393 7.5' D.U.E. .- a 111.93' 111. t 9' t03 s• 4' CONCRETE 94.02' N 45r6'S6' W eraac ca1An+ a� D.R.T.C. r. Nfl01A i4T YlON t9N£D: AG B.L� >�1C FENCE SCL.U.D.=MEDIUM DENSITY 110.62' - — N 451656' w rg \ RESIDENTIAL -- --- - — - c 14.12' Ex. GRAVEL ORNE — S 89°37\02 W� 1 W 173.5W 5' D.U.E. o COMMON AREA p 6 5 4 A 3 2 $ ---FLOT. I, BLK 2 L 5g LOT 57 c_n 21,605 .Ei► S.F. 21,605 SF 22,00o S.F 12,00o SF 21,s43 SF. N TRACT 26 \ � L07 56 BLOCK 2O W. NPH EVANS VOL. 454 K. 782 L •... laoo' 14.J D.R.:C.T. ZONED:`AG 9'42 .60 L.U.D.=MEDIUM DENSITY ROBERT R. OWEN RESIDENTI4 BLANCO CIRCLE !" METAL WN VOL. 11484, PG 1692 D.R.T.C.T. _\ \ ZONED: SFi—A LOT 55 POINT OF BEGiRIN1_NG LUD.=LOW DENSITY TRACT 2A SOUTHRIDGE LAKES — PHASE Ii ' SLIDES 466 & 467 01 HET4 tJ W wCRi.SH3Pj \ —� RESIDENTIAL. ;a ` \ { \ W. RALPH EVANS, ET UX LINDA CAB. A, O ccNc � + PG. 79 P.R.TC.T tV �j \ ^� \ / — I 7 pt VOL. 4EVANS D.R.T.C.T. ZONED: SF20A L.U.D.=MEDIUM DENSITY \ I PK—' sT �r -1ORR. ZONED: AG L.U.D.=MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LOT 54 RESIDENTIAL BLOCK 1 �� LOT 53 �� ! ; eau < WN3s - 15' D & U.E. 15' U-E. \ t:Rlvfl Paib( �✓ - Ex. POINT OF COMMENCING nWT 3Ci W. RALPH EVANS AND WIFE, FIRST NATIONAL BANK LINDA S. EVANS GRAPEVINE, TEXAS ROY J. STACY AND WIFE, VOL. 7176, PG. 785 Vt7L, 9571, PG. 2181 MERRILL D. STACY D.R.T.C.T. D.R.T.C.T. VOL. 4072, PG. 265 ZONED. AG ZONED: AG D. R. T C.T. L.U.D. =MEDIUM DENSITY L.U.D.=LOW DENSITY ZONED: AG RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL L.U.D.=LOW DENSITY RE'SDENTNL TRACT I t CL C" Q4TA •C-1' Ct iLarF OA7A 'C-2' 21'38.07' i - 21.38'08' R - 300.00' R - 300.00' T = 57,32' T - 57.32' L - i13 28' L - 113.28' CB = S 78'4758' W CS - S 78'4758' w Ch - t 12.6V Ch = 112.61' SITE DATA EXISTING ZONING - SF-1-A & AG PROPOSED ZONING - SF-20-A PROPOSED USE - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TOTAL AREA - 14.654 AC. TOTAL LOTS - 24 RESIDENTIAL, 3 OPEN SPACE DENSITY - 1.64 LOTS/ACRE LARGEST LOT - 36, 492 S. F. SMALLEST LOT - 20,000 S.F. AVERAGE LOT - 20,656 S.F. LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a portion of that certain tract, parcel, or lot of land located in the L. G. HALL SURVEY, Abstract No. 686, Tarrant County, Texas, and being the tract of land described as a 17.953 acre tract in Volume 9563, Page 548, of the Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas (D.R.T.C.T.), and being a portion of the tract of land described in Volume 7528, Page 603, D.R.T.C.T., and more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an iron rod found, with a plastic cap stamped "SEMPCO INC. for the southwest corner of said 17.953 acres tract and the southeast corner of Lot 54, Block 1, of SOUTHRiDGE LAKES — PHASE Il, according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 466 and 467, of the Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas (P.R.T.C,T.); THENCE N 03 degrees 40 minutes 31 seconds W, 249.28 feet along the east line of said SOUTHRIDGE LAKES — PHASE It to the POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE continuing N 03 degrees 40 minutes 31 seconds W along the east line of said SOUTHRiDGE LAKES — PHASE 11, 151.03 feet to an iron rod found, with a plastic cap stamped "SEMPCO INC. for the northeast comer of Lot 56, of said Block 1; THENCE S 89 degrees 37 minutes 02 seconds W, 173.59 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found in the north line of said Block 1; THENCE N 04 degrees 22 minutes 33 seconds W, 681.16 feet generally along a line one foot west of a wire fence to a 112" iron rod for the northwest comer of the aforesaid 17.953 acres tract, THENCE N 88 degrees 17 minutes 51 seconds E, 806.02 feet to a 1 /2" iron rod found, for the northeast comer of said 17.953 acres tract, at the base of a fence comer post; THENCE S 00 degrees 10 minutes 54 seconds E, 115.04 feet generally along a wood fence to a 112" iron rod found, THENCE S 89 degrees 49 minutes 33 seconds E, 13.85 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found; THENCE S 00 degrees 22 minutes 58 seconds E, 740.61 feet to a point; THENCE N 89 degrees 42 minutes 32 seconds W, 589.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 14.654 acres of land (638,324 square feet), more or less. NOTES: 1) Bearings are based on the deed call bearing of S 00'22'58" E, along the most southerly east line as referenced in Volume 7528, Page 603, D.R.T.C.T. 2) Underground utilities are not located. 3) By graphic scale, no part of the subject property appears to tie within a 100—year flood plain or in an identified 'flood prone area, according to the Flood Insurance Rate Map for the City of Southlake, Panel 5 of 20, Community Panel No. 480612 0005 B, dated July 5, 1982. 4) The ten foot water line easement described in Volume 4217, Page 157, D.R.T.C.T., is not located on the subject tract. 1106, D.R.T.C.T. 5) No bufferyards are required. 6) Lots 1 and 15, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 are designated Common Areas to be maintained by the Homeowner's Association, CONCEPT PLAN FOR SF-20-A ZONING REQUEST FOR HIGH POINT A 14.654 ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THE L. G. HALL SURVEY, A-686 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS OWNER/DEVELOPER: ROSS OWEN 480 SHADY OAKS DRIVE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (972) 365-0265 FAX: (972) 438-4090 ENGINEER: WASHINGTON & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS — PLANNERS 500 GRAPEVINE HWY. SUITE 375 HURST, TEXAS 76054 A (817) 485-0707 METRO 498-3077 - ut Not (817) 485-4106 11GV� JOB NUMBER 020-009 FILE NAME: CONCEPT3-020009.DWG JUNE 2000 CASE ZAOO-056 SITE DATA SUMMARY Existing Zoning... ......................................... C-3 Proposed Zoning..........................................SPI w/C3 Uses Land Use Designation.................................Retail Commercial Net Acreage..................................................1.394 Or 60,725 s. f. Number Of Proposed Lots.........................1 Percentage Of Site Coverage .....................24.21 % Area Of Open Space .................................... 12,070 S.F. Percentage Of Open Space .........................19.88% Area Of Outside Storage .............................0 Percentage Of Outside Storage..................0% Start Construction ........................................ Finish Construction ..................................... Proposed Building Area (Building Foot Print)...................................14,700 Number Of Stories.......................................1 Maximum Building Height.. ......................... 23'- 2 Proposed Floor Area....................................11,200 S.F. Retail, Required Parking..........................................91 Provided.................Standard......................... 79 Handicap ........................... 3 Total...............................82 Required Loading Spaces .............................1 Provided Loading Spaces .............................I 3,500 S.F. Restaurant Note: Building To Be Fully Fire Sprinkled Under City Of Southlake Standards And NFP Codesl SUMMARY CHART - BUFFER YARDS Location Length Width Canopy Trees Accent Trees Shrubs Screening Fence North Required_ 245 10'-Fl 7 15 20 245'x6' Height - Wood Stockade Provided 245 10'-F1 12 15 0 245'x6' Height West Required 227 5'-A 2 5 18 None Provided 227 5'-A 6 5 102 None _ South Re uired 235 25'-J 9 7 33 See Note 1 Provided 235 Varies-J 0 0 99 None _ East Required 206 10'-C 6 8 25 None Provided 206 10'-C 0 0 0 None _ Notes 1 Where parking is provided between the buildin setback line and public right-of-way, shrubs obtaining a mature height of three feet �3') or greater must be planted at a minimum spacing of thirty inches (30") on center continuous along all paved edges of the parking or drive areas SUMMARY CHART - INTERIOR LANDSCAPE Total Area .Z Of Area In Front Or Side Canopy Trees Accent Trees Shrubs Ground Cover (Sq. Ft.) Seasonal Color Required 7,350 S.F 75% 15 29 184 1,103 S F. 147 S F Provided 5,560 S F _ 447. 16 16 199 1,190 S.F. 353 S.F rovi ed In R.O.W. 8,497 S F. 1007. IMPERVIOUS AND LANDSCAPING AREAS TOTAL LOT AREA 60,725 S.F. 100% BUILDING IMPERVIOUS AREA 14,700 S.F. N SITE PAVING IMPERVIOUS AREA 33,955 S F. TOTAL ON SITE IMPERVIOUS AREA 48,655 S F 80 127. OFFER LANDSCAPING PERVIOUS AREA 6,510 S. F. 10.727. INTERIOR LANDSCAPING PERVIOUS AREA 5,560 S F. 9.16T OFF SITE PAVING IMPERVIOUS AREA 2,083 S.F R.OW LANDSCAPING PERVIOUS AREA 8,497 SF LEGEND BUFFER LANDSCAPING INTERIOR LANDSCAPING R.O.W. LANDSCAPING � 9 S \ 9� 44- � ?U LIGHT POLE DIAGRAM AT NORTH PROPERTY LINE NOTE: SITE LIGHTING TO MEET ALL CITY STANDARDS REQUEST METAL HALIDE (SOFT COLOR CORRECT) SIGN TO MEET ALL CITY' STANDARDS NOTE. BENCHMARK CITY OF SOUTLAKE G.P S. MON 40 - INT. OF W LINE OF N. h7MBALL AVE. W/ N LINE OF F M SOUTHEAST OF WAL-MART ELEV = 645.34 8' HIGH MASONRY SCREEN (TO MATCH BLDG MATERIALS) ON 3 SIDES W/METAL GARES LOT 2, BLOCK I EMERY ADDITION ADDITION CAB A. SLIDE 5712 L.U.D. = Retail Commercial Zoned C-3 NOTE: ALL PROPOSED PAVING TO BE CONCRETE. Stop Sign 482f To riu- RAYMOND C & NARY LOUISE DUNN VOL. 2775 PC 54 87°19'27" Asphalt (VAR1A13Li WIDTH R.0 W ) HIGHWA Y OWNER: MATISE REALTY COMPANY P.O. BOX 12248 DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 (214) 363-8504 "Low Density Residential" Zoned SFIA 0 20 40 SCALE : 1" = 20 7 81 ACRES D/FW I9GHWAY 114, LTD, VOL, 12801 PC 1974 Land Use Designation = L.U.D. "Office/Commercial" Zoned C-3 BE FURNISHED AND UP TO R. O. W BY TXDOT � ! or THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED BY *1..N.N....N• of PAUL A LIP' PAUL A. LIPSCOMB, TEXAS P.E. of..5....«...«.« N0. 32861 ON , 2000. 32861 CASE NO. ZA99-139 0 M N O ; � M U) v x in Q 0 r O 0 U 0 Z x a_ a J ■ W 00 N Q (n O L o , 0 a M C w � o 0 Z w n � 0 N 1114 to J1 g Cd Project No.. 2007 Scale: 1 = 20 Date: 5 7 00 REVISIONS 1. 6 7 00 REV. PARKING 2. 6112100 REV. PARKING 3. 7 12 00 REV. PER CITY COMMENTS 4. 7 24 00 ADDED IMPERVIOUS AREA CALL. 8 4 00 REVISED 2 PARK. SPACES TO LANDSCAPE SHEET 1 ir 1B + 1 C) � Prig Hill + I U Investment + D. Lincoln' .,AG„ Davis lndusti 6 ' „o A IF E. Flanders 1 _ E. Hughes: H. White - 0 41 ,-,AG„ 9 ; C6 Northeast 6 F2 1 U 3aptist Church j "AG"IBI 1 B I B K. Harlan 0 R. Woods > O� R. Woods „AG„ "AG" f� „AG„ „SF-30" ADJACENT OW14ERS AND ZONING 6C H. Whit+ "AG' mixed ust 6F2 Northeast Baptist Church c4 46 fe mixed use L.U-D aMc�> .o M s .NORTH DAVIS BUSINESS PARKk,� �1 ccI—Ii ' �-iustrial development L.U.D. 0 �-- E. Flanders E. Hughes «I_I„214 5207499 Block C Lot 3 k� BLOC C Lot Z �99 IPW 0� IC► 0A4`1= r. � e Z f TY REQUIRED BUFFERYA RDS - 14 L1 1G Camay Accent ------"..' 01 „. Ca3?A Required Provided Trees Trees Shrubs Note a r4 0-1' land-sc�Pl n ' . ,, w .Q � }North 1�� N ` V Davis Industrial -1 �38 y`'' _.N- 5� --North Nulk,. -t 2,00' Now — — — Block C Lot 1 a 8' _lt. B10 .. 50.. IL - ',. 'UCA-100, 10 - ,,, IV -L 1k2 ed'&- . %rc 64=o-ao S� j r� r+ f I ! 0,;�..: INTERIOR LANDSCAPING red Pro x �1 ,ter- 4� a -�.. s Jordan c + CA Landscape e Area 0 04XL I 2,0 6 sf 18,63 sf , -J 1. l 8� r e , ► 4 As a Lot Area ... 37° .. - .33% r — I t f C CanopyTrees 3 C , te r . ��. ,^ ,� : a9 c �o Accent Trees 7 Shrubs 00, 35 35 tr LU i ■ v,S v SITE SUMMARY zoning 1 Existing Agricultural, 1 a _ _ P"-ing provided Proposed CJ General Cosauw— vial District w/Si1P r . Us# Phase I Tunnel Car Nash Phase II Personal Service Shop Building Total Land (Gross) (87,142 sf) 2 acres (T.J. Thompson Survey, Ta:-rant County, "Texas) height - Tower (Ornamental) LAnd This Use (Net) Phase I (55,900 sf) 1.283 acres w/Phase 1I (56,396 sf) 1.294 acres Site Covera ITC 1 � oc- IB1 1BIB �'-o" Nl�l �I.�.�•121� W(44T11.4Gt R. Woods K. Harlan «AG)> 15H -"f wI Lt, DIY lz '2; F• 414-' t-44T; 4-No -THakg lnixed use mixed use WIl.t,. ft W,"L- PPG'-s L.U.D L.U.D. Phase 1 14 tandern 12 (+S) parking w/Phase II 14 tandem 15 parking 1 Story in Height 22' tall 35' tall Phase I Floor Area Ratio 4.152 sf 07 % Phase I Car W4sh 4,152 sf "Total Ground Area Coverage 39,024 sf .70% Public 1,696 sf Total of all Usable Open Space 16,876 sf .30% Tunne. 1.,772 sf Ph"e II Floor Area Ratio 5.752 sf 10% Equipment 684 sf Phase II Personal Service shop Parking Phase 1 (One parking space per 200 sf of total floor area of car wash building with (2/3) of the tyunimurn spaces being tandem spaces for cars awaiting washing or vacuuming) Phase 11 (One parking space per 200 sf of total shop floor area) TOTAL 1,61it► Sf 21 cars req (14 tandern req) (7 parking req) 8 parking req 29 parking req Total Ground Area Coverage 43,823 sf .79% Total of all usable open Space 12,563 sf .22 % Schedule: As Soon As Possible ow r: Ur. Gene E. White 1369 Knox Road Roanoke, Texas 76262 40WAS OF OWVINLO8:an AM To �;oo k roc nd Cover 411b Sf 2UZS st �0N� h� k . A Q RI E.j l � c P�J i`�°I f '[ems lc. 32). 4. 97 Tlof� 41 t" "7rp �oQL N e to N T L� 5v. C„4o . 41 iNORT11 SITS PLAN ' . arr aurr 0. 3-17 D J r Qp r ,k ' 1�;4F k.l 4 SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" LOCATION MAP D. Overby Lot 1, T.J. Thompson No.1502 Addition «SF30„ mixed use L.U.D. "Case No. ZA95--55" No SCAUD J U v 12 2000 :'DWN CKD 18JAN94 ,REVISIONS 1 28FEB95 2 15MAY95 3 12JUN95 94031 SITE. PLAN A I 1 2 FLOOR PLAN 3.158 NET SQUARE FEET 3,408 GROSS SQUARE FEET Scale: 1 /4" = 1'-0" Ld M Za p Co Q� O CM w U) It:j- > q*- L. _ ti Co = Q w z Co U O - � 0 z w z Q J J Q O m CIL � Y Q 0 in p x ' 0 Q Li w w w Y Y O O V) W V-) () REVISIONS NO DATE DESCRIPTION QJUNE 26, 2000 EXTERIOR DESIGN QJULY 17, 2000 TRICON REVISIONS Al Ll CONTRACT DATE XX/XX/XX BUILDING TYPE KTPx70BC WOOD U/I rr-> cv PROTOTYPE ISSUE DATE 0 0 0 FEB. 21, 2000 Q t� SITE NUMBER L� 5937 Q U SHEET NUMBER EL. +27'-11 TOP OF KFC -EL. +22'-6" TOP OF R00 FIELD BRICK RECESSED STL ACCENT PANEL ii�EL. +11'-7" TOP OF EAVE 0 4' EEL. +9'-0" BTM OF CAN( ELL. 7'-2" V BOT. OF AWIN ACCENT BRICK ROWLOCK COU ACCENT BRICK EEL. 0'-0" 4� TnLp nF SI Af WEST ELEVATION N 1 1'-9" 34'-9" 15'-9" ARTICULATION CRITERIA H = 1 1 '-7" MHFL (3H) = 34'-9" 25% MHFL = 8'-8 1 /4„ MVFL (31-1) = 34'-9" MHOL (15% H) = 1 '-9" MVOL (15%H) = 1'-9" WEST ARTICULATION PROFILE DEL._ 17 4' TOP 0 STUCC, W/ ME r1h EL. 11 V TOP 0 9, BOT. FIELD BRICK ACCENT BRICK - ROWLOCK COUF ACCENT BRICK 0 EL. C Tn P NORTH ELEVATION I, 1 /4"=1 1-0" I `n 1.2'-04 DEL. +27'-1 1. 12'-2" 3 1 12 EL. +11'— � TOP OF EAVE 1 ,TUCCO ASCIA )P OF SLAB EL. + 18'-5" OF PEDIMENI`� ) PEDIMENT TAIL TRIM CAP EL. +11'-7" TOP OF EAVE`� I OF CAN FASCIA NATED ."PANAFLEX" AWNINGS 11 _4•' 1o'-10" NORTH ARTICULATION PROFILE w L AM � p CM Q� O M �= W > U) 'cl- q;*- Q Y Fw— O U) W O U r-- � cl. z 0 �- o Q Z > LjJ LLJ I= LLJ J J 0 m � o Z LLJ Y x x QF- LLJ cn LLJil L ul LLJ LAJ o W L'i CD V) W L Vn REVISIONS NO. LUTE DESCRIPTION 26. 2000 ILJUNE EXTERIOR DESIGN 17, 2000 ILJULY TRICON REVISIONS CONTRACT DATE XX/XX/XX BUILDING TYPE KTPx70BC WOOD U/I PROTOTYPE ISSUE DATE 0 0 0 FEB. 21, 2000 Q SITE NUMBER N W 59 37 Q U SHEET NUMBER DEL_. +27 4' TOP OF ELL +20'-6" _ TOP OF ROOF E_L. +18'-6" I TOP OF ROOF ii�EL. +11'-7" TOP OF EAVE EL. +9'-0" BOT. OF CANOF E_L. 0'-0" _ 4' TOP OF SLAB EAST ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0" l l'-10" 4 3/8" 9'-7 1 /8" �,% ESL. +20'-1 �' TOP OF PE[ 41 EL. + 18'-6' TOP OF RO( STUCCO PEDIN W/ METAL TRI ,-i&EELL. +11'-7 V' TOP OF EAR SELL. +9 -0" BOT. OF CA STUCCO FASC FACE BRICK ACCENT BR0 ROWLOCK CO( ACCENT BRICM ,,� E_L. 0'=0" V' TOP OF SL, .� SOUTH ELEVATION 1 /4"= l'-O" 29'-10 3/4" 96'-7 1 /8" ! 1 1'-9' 32'-8 3/8" SOUTH ARTICULATION PROFILE STUCCO FASCIA FACE BRICK ACCENT BRICK- - ROWLOCK COURSING ACCENT BRICK 5" EL. +17'-4" TOP OF PEDIMENT STUCCO PEDIMENT W/ METAL TRIM CAP EL. +9'-0" _ BTM OF CANOPY EL. +0'-0" TOP OF SLAB cv O I 0 0 W a U � W O M Lo M CN = W It > �r Q Y LU � 0 coU Cn w Y 0 m J r` z 0 I= o LLJ w w J J O m N o Z w LLJ Y Lnn x w w LLJ LLJ w o �� cr w =D ~ 00 w cn REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 26, 2000 ILJUNE EXTERIOR DESIGN QJULY 17, 2000 TRICON REVISIONS CONTRACT DATE XX/XX/XX BUILDING TYPE KTPx70BC WOOD U/I PROTOTYPE ISSUE DATE FEB. 21, 2000 SITE NUMBER 5937 SHEET NUMBER A4* ' I-d Ir 0 0 0 (U (V CT') 0 Ln cp 3 O Ln m N O N O O m O 7 REPLACEMENT TREES QUANTITY SYMBOL GALLOU f COMMON NAME MATURE HT. SIZE 4 CONDITION 4" uallp�r, 12'-i4' HtJ b s CEDAR ELM u'' EM^ �' 4'-5' spread, D4D straight trunk RED OAK -Kxnard Red Oak 60, 4• caliper, I2'-14' F tJ 5 ♦ 4'-!5' spread, 545 straight trvnk 1�1 , 7 LAGEBARK ELM I-a��a k Ek" 40' 4'-3' spr mad, 545 stralght trvnlc TREE MITIGATION \\ 1 TRH R vpLAZCNR:NT R MIXENENTSAL CAL. _ ACE PROTECTED TREES, REAM REPLACE THROUGH REFORESTATION FUND 5 REPL MIN. 5" GAL. REPL. TREES, OR \ \I AREAS EXEMPT-R.O.W., PUB. UTILITY, EASEMENTS, FIRE LANES, REO. PARKING AREAB " z , AREAS WITHING b' OF BLDG. FOUNDATION, IF PKG. OVER MIN REQ. THEN �i TO BE REPL. 1\ \ 11 TREES REMOVED THAT ARE PROT. AND IN NON EXEMPT AREAS 11 3-7INC4ES 11 z 511, PO, b CH TREES PLANTED ON SITE (1-4", -I-3" _ ) 5 INCHES INCHES TREES REPL. W/ REFORESTATION FUND 11 \ 11 N \ 1 \ C 1 0 PHONE M.H. r II II 11 i \1 1\ \\ _ 11 \ �I e— S 1 + PROTECTED TREE `` 8, CE IN NON-EXEMPT AREA j UNPROTECTED TREE 8" HB OR TREE IN EXEMPT AREA HB HACKBERRY GB CHINABERRY AE AMERICAN ELM GE CEDAR ELM PO POST OAK CW COTTONWOOD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 0 -ri -- r Ic(10� = n Xz> D n 0 Z p :E cc� C-li (-1'-0 N 1 N Z 1� U w 36 11 Lu r cy 1 11IS) KO�D 1 \ 1 tL�wN <<OL CD -j , r ��1 1 11 G O O N ryl 1 z( 11 rri —� of rF O , MCHAEL W. RAIl�3EY --------- ----- ..... 1901 . .. , 1 ?.14,ov 8„' C , w ' FHB, \` _- 1-- 641 ^�� ) co ------------------- l CB ✓ `` c^ �- \ �,� �! 6" DEAD -� `\\IC\W \ w n�m AE 13 CW r Ln M MIM 11" MI, 14 AE �J 1 n 1 rm 0. 43) -� TJn -< 1 > un 6�6 g 48 48 ---------`� —�-- IRS \ '� m \ \. \ 3S Q \ ---- xzD - - - D� La xD� � �R, a \ -�V lcl4lAz \ �I 20 0 20 40 Scale 1 " = 20' Issue Dates Rft*W. Pon* 7.14.00 Co+xducftr scab r = 2WO prawn By al Project Na 9&574% 60 i :_ _ ' 7000 Sheer 2 i EC ZAOO--023 of - Im- N o� C 4. (6 Ex (6 N 1 � r I ' S10-01 goo d 1 i 1 r M�60 0 �f it • �`' �� 45 00 Tc% O i It It 45. _i � ,� ►'O � i� '� + ' 642`• 5 Tc 44.7 ;' S _� �� TE ' ���'� 6a2• � TC � , 644.00 W1,AE►`,�� '' C '� D r ca /' IS IT NO t ONCRE�'�.�'�� o 64 55' ` 2 �` `` g45. 1 T 1 tLo ; PAVEME 50 TC 2 70 TC '.�``, /I // i 42• `•�` �' '� - -- r` •, ` 2 STp�tY ,\ 643,00 TtcP �` `45` 5 TC `, ' , .^'ry'%' Ex n i - - 642.40 T TC 1 Q� �•�• '� 642.83 .s� ► i co, ��O�Or �' ;� // f , 00 - ��o T�2.o a2.a3 EXPRE ! `_ . g4.5 Tc ' �; r It 11 t• 71 0 i o ' 643• 1 421 a2.50 Clip- ' p•� i r l i %� n 5! 40 0 ► , 42S0 `�` to �O O o\ n al•74 1 i + / C614.70 TC, I A) i i r r 1 // v 0• r \ J / TC ` It co DAR I : ►� 41.80 ?P + , g43.50�TC 0.34 T V S d� Itg43.05 60T'`10 40'''' / 50 50 9. 0TC •ti OX It 17 / �I r , , r �oy It ``• % '` Ob M r 638.50 Tc' '�� r ; ' 43. 0 TIt c ' O It IQ • p) 0•g0 f OF r It WARNING it , �. D=04 24 26 EXSTIW OX FREER OPTICS TRIM LNE �`, �`, ,;� a1 �► 18 't i' �` ' / ,' 1 • CONTACT a7E (Tl0�3M- a377) w�IMtm a0, 72 , d' co ; ' h ' , ,' ® 6 50 R =19 8 6.8 6 7HS AREA. CONTRACTOR 94ALL BE PO "EAR 0 '\ ` � ' � `` ' ` � �' � � �, � 49 L=1 52. 83 IIIE�iIPHOURS PF � ` ► i , t t � f �4 -- , T= 76 45' FOR ALL COOIIONdM10N AND ANY OUOLME'�S/ REQIARf.NENTS `\ � , , , , �, , ,'"- , , / COMM" M7WRM OF FTTIER OPTIC CABLES`, � ap ; r , � ''n ', r •i � ; , , ' LC=176.45' IN CONslaucnON AWA '� : �• • ; '`. N 00'fs'3 ,'V1l -5. , ; co 1. 0. p0 TC rn CB=N 74'40 17 W 400It t t r � ► r 1 , i � t r , � • rY/ 40 TC , , s 37. co , ► , ' 63 It i 63950 Ex AV ► � �TC 63g.5 36 s3750 �-� Z 4 6 )) 6. , 1N• /� 34$•66 s 631.0° �x 0 1 A R.O Q -o� O s i l 0 o , o o a --� o �f�� N W co Y 2 _ \\a GENERAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE CERTAIN THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. NO CONSTRUCTION OR FABRICATION SHALL BEGIN UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR HAS RECEIVED AND THOROUGHLY REVIEWED ALL PLANS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS APPROVED BY ALL OF THE PERMITTING AUTHORITIES. 3. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. 4. IN THE EVENT AN REM IS NOT COVERED IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPECIFICATIONS, THE CITY ENGINEER'S DECISION SHALL APPLY. 5. BARRICADING, TRAFFIC CONTROL. AND PROJECT SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO "STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION BARRICADING AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS". 6. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUB -CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY THE SUITABILITY OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS INCLUDING GRADES AND DIMENSIONS BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICT AND PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ENGINEER. MINOR ADJUSTMENTS OF FINISH GRADE TO ACCOMPLISH SPOT DRAINAGE ARE ACCEPTABLE, IF NECESSARY, UPON PRIOR APPROVAL OF ENGINEER. PAVING INSTALLED SHALL 'FLUSH OUT' AT ANY JUNCTURE WITH EXISTING PAVING. 7. THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED ON FIELD SURVEYS AND LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY RECORDS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S FULL RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES TO LOCATE THEIR UTILITIES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING INVERTS AND RIM ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 9. ALL PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE APPROXIMATE. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS AND DESIGNATED GRADIENT ARE TO BE USED IN THE EVENT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 10, IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO LOCATE AND/OR ESTABLISH A TEMPORARY BENCHMARK (BASE UPON EXISTING CONDITION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN) PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO CITY OF SOUTHLAKE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CODE. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL STRAW BALE DIKE AS SHOWN AND AS REQUIRED BY OWNER'S ENGINEER OR CITY OF SOUTHLAKE IF ADDITIONAL EROSION PROTECTION IS NEEDED. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTROL MUD ACCUMULATION ON ALL STREETS SURROUNDING THE PROJECT. NO MUD ACCUMULATION WILL BE ALLOWED IN PUBLIC STREETS. `+ 4. MAINTAIN ALL FILTERS DURING CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT ANY BLOCKAGES FROM ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT. ADDITIONAL STRAW BALES MAY BE REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION AS SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER OR CITY INSPECTOR. 5. ALL PROPOSED PARKING AREAS TO BE PAVED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER SUBGRADE IS PREPARED. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS ONLY WHEN THERE IS A SUFFICIENT GROWTH OF GROUND COVER TO PREVENT FURTHER EROSION. LEGEND 2s.00 TC = PROP. TOP OF CURB ELEV. 2s.00 TP = PROP. TOP OF PAVEMENT sss = PROPOSED GRADE - - = DRAINAGE DIVIDE -�- = DIRECTION OF FLOW --�25-- = EXISTING GRADE z . x = EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION A = DRAINAGE AREA DESIGNATION 0•00 = DRAINAGE AREA IN ACRES m ■ m = DRAINAGE DIVIDE OF BENCH MARK CITY OF SOUTHLAKE GPS MONUMENT NO. 40 AT THE NORTHEAST INTERSECTION OF N. KIMBALL ROAD AND F.M. 1709 EL. - 645.34 RERFERENCE Y IN THE NORTH GUTTERLINE OF F.M. HIGHWAY 1709, OPPOSITE R.O.W. CURVE POINT MONUMENT, APPROXIMATELY 208 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOEW:S PROPERTY, ELEVATION 653.50 (TxDOT DATUM) W 3 0 10 20 40 Scale 1 " = 20' 00 • •W• �Y� i�l, b• • � • G'G 4. Ln 0o co M 1. CN 0 id to V cM N Issue Dater O 1 O Review. O Pemlit N Ca m dorc Scab r s 20' O Drawn By. R. HIOWMAN GRADING PLAN �, o..�� SCALE: V - 20' ftot No WS74.270 V >..I sheer C-4 - �' RECD j 0 L I ll 00 rr� DATE MAY 1, 2000 V Of / a / (/rn ^. v 40 / LU.D. = RETAIL COMMERCIAL LOEWrS - ZONED C-3 LOT 5, BLOCK K =�/ / tv KIMBALL11709 ADDITION CAB SLIDE 455114552 36 E`RE ACCESS ESMT � m . pMMpN 4551 /4552 + _ � + 3� 6• A. SLICE � j+ + / GA + + + S 9'07cS �� �/ ++ + + + +� $' ♦ ♦ V/ ,• + + + + Y�sc gp� �U i + + + tom-•+ + + + + P.POLE i S / AN45 / i TE / / � E 5 P 0 ON i�0 i / l Cp i PEE YPE / C � N G .. S T 0 .............................................. .................... ............................................ .................. EXIMENT RUFFER ' FA ' '� 8 / i i i* i / i / N F`USH � + + + IC / Y + + + + + + + . +++++++++A ors +++++�+++ / 4pg5.F• 3 / + + + + + + \ + + + + + + �� pRE53 / / CV hN / /SIGNALTRAFFIC i i \ ++++++ ++ 1 ... 3N1 E P.N• BOX ++++ +� /T.B.� h/ + + + v cJ� h / ............ rr............... ... \ ................................................ .............................. ..... ..............................4, Q + + + a Ih �.._... 1 .....----- ,, '4 J Q ch tc� _::.:.:::::.:::::::::::.::: Q� C� ry + + + ............. ......... .. .. ........ .: :.':.::::::.c� a o �v h A HOLE ....10 ........................................... 0 + + + .......................................................... a h • 4 / 2 a ct + + +:.':.:':.:::.::.': ::......:.:::........................:..................................................................; ............................. J + + .::.'...'..:...........................'...........'.:......:::..... :::.:::.':.:. :::.:::::.':::.::::: '::..':.'.:: w / , / //TRAFFIC :.::::::::::::..':..::.::...:.:::.:.::.:::::_:.:...:::.::.::.::..:...::....::.:.:............................... / SIGNAL �j� + + :::..:::::::.:::.::....:::::::. LU.D. RETAIL COMMERCIAL � � + +�.'::..•::::.•.•:::::.•:..•.•::::::::.�..•::::::.•.'.•:.•.'.'.•:::::....•.•:.•::::.•.::::::.•:::::.' :::.•::::. •.• • / l I /Box � o�..... / a VACANT - ZONED C-3 ` + + .:.......... ....... _.. v off' 1.t1 + + ::.:::.:::.::.'.'::.:::::.:::.: LOT 3 BLOCK K + +................................ �.............................. O fir . ... ......................... � ... ......... .....•.. ............:...... .... .........................................-•-- KIMBAUJ1709 ADDITION + + ::: ':::::::.::::.':.:.:::::::. ............................... U- 0 m ................................................. CAB A, SLIDE 4551/4552 O::....:::::.::::......:.:.:..'::::.'.:::::.' r-A+ + a0 / + + + .... + + + + + + + + 1+ :'''''........................................._'............................................. .....y....:. �Ov .. ... + 3/ / J WARNING + r :: :.:'::::..:::.. d'.-B. 1©E... :.:.:.......:':.:::::::::::::...............:............... — ,� EXSTING GTE FIBER OPTICS TRUNK UNE + + +� + 4 Z P 1....................... CONTACT GTE (OW-344-8377) MINIMUM OF 72 l + � + + � ::':. �::::':.::::::::.::::::':::'. ::':::::' :::......: � �� R =1116.869 9 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES NEAR + + + ® _ THIS AREA. CONTRACTOR SMALL BE RESPONSIBLE 0 + + + ::: 'i::::::: :: TRAFFIC L=152.83 ::1::::::::........ ----- —J SIGNAL , FOR ALL COORDINATION AND ANY GUIDUNES/ REQUIREMENTS CONCERNNc PROTECTION OF FIBER OPTIC CABLES M + + + +1 + + i ' ' H /Box T= 76.45 IN CONSTRUCTION AREA ,d°0- .. ` + + , + + + + + �AP� e�FF�R -N, WOT30; ; �llE- 75. 37� P. E � LC=152. 79" + + A + + �Q �P �.�PE � _a.53. F.H. CB=N 74'40'17" W + + + + + + * �� I / i + + + + +` +� ,ice GAS W. V. / r'1 z I + + + + + + -1 4 � � � 2 W / TRAFFIC LIGHT + + +\ + + + + + Vt GAS / �-� � MARKER I �� �/ POLE i + + + + +� + + + + ST. SIGN + + +. .+ i + + + + + + + + ,/� + + + + 4 + + + + + + + + + + +�+-� + ++ IL AV — ' t + + t t t IN Ntt� W ++++K, NjBA 0 1Z.O.W. 140 i o LUD. = RETAIL COMMERCIAL \ // WALL" T \ // ZONED C 3 Vj E Scale I" = 20' rn 24' LUBRICATED SMOOTH NO.6 DOWEL BAR VERTICAL SAW CUT SAWCUT FULL 1/8 TO 3/16• WIDE DEPTH (SPACE O 15 MAX) 9' - 15" �:T;OINT FILL W/ HOT -POURED RUBBER SEALING COMPOUND T = PAVEMENT THICKNESS cv c PROPOSED EXISTING 4 PAVEMENT c PAVEMENT 1'-3" MIN. DOWEL SPACED ON ONE (1) FOOT CENTER TO CENTER 6" INCHES OFF TIE BAR * HOT -POURED RUBBER JOINT SEALING COMPOUND PER S.D.H.P.T. ITEM 360. SECTION 360.2 (8)(C). CLASS2 (GREY) LONGITUDINAL BUTT DETAIL TO BE USED WHERE PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT MEETS EXISTNQ CONCRETE PAVEMENT NOTE& 1. W. 5 SMOOTH DOWEL BAR MAY BE USED N 5, 6' AND 7' PAVBAM TFNCKNE88. 2. LONQITUONAL BUTT CONSTRUCTION MAY BE UTI IZED IN PLACE OF LON(X UDNAL Ht,*M (KEYWAY) JONT AT cONTAACTOR'8 OPTION. a DOVU13- BARS SHALL BE DRILLED INTO PAVEMENT HORIZONTALLY BY USE OF A MIECHANCAL RKI< DRLLN13 BY HAND IS NOT APPLICABLE, PUSHWQ DOWEL. BARS INTO QREBd CONCRETE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE VERTICAL SAW CUT T = PAVEMENT THICKNESS 1/8" TO 3/16" WIDE (SPACE O 15' MAX) * FILL W/ HOT -POURED RUBBER FORM GROOVED EDGES T JOIN SEALING COMPOUND ROUNDED TO 1 /4" RADIUS \ FIRST PLACEMENT . SECOND PLACEMENT c 04 a. r v 4 #3 BARS O 24" EA WAY (TYP) LAP 30 BAR DIAMETERS do TIE * HOT -POURED RUBBER JOINT SEAUNG COMPOUND PER S.D.H.P.T. ITEM 360, SECTION 360.2 (8)(C). CLASS2 (GREY) CONSTRUCTION JO INT DETAIL 24" SMOOTH NO.6 DOWEL BAR 1 T 6 DOWEL LUBRICATED HOT POURED 0 OU ED RUBBER 2- 1/1N JOINT SEALING COMPOUND 3 8" T - PA 1 1/4" MIN. CLEARENCE PAVEMENT THI SS VEME N tr 2r a a EXPANSION JOINT FILLER DOWEL SLEEVE (CLOSED END) TO FIT DOWEL AND BE SECURED TO BE INSTALLED 24" O.C. * HOT -POURED RUBBER JOINT SEALING COMPOUND PER S.D.H.P.T. ITEM 360. SECTION 360.2 (8)(C), CLASS2 (GREY) TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINT W Z Y ASPHALT IMPREGNATED = FIBERBOARD W/ 1/2" ~ BITUMINOUS SEALANT z CONT. WHERE CURB W ABUTS SIDEWALK W 3"RADIUS TYP a � SIDEWALK 3 BAR CONT LAP BARS 12 �_ w:. • a� ~ 1 1/2"RADIUS u V — -I 3' 6" MONOLIHIC CONCRETE CURB DETAIL VERTICAL SAW CUT 1/8" TO 3/16" WADE (SPACE O 15' MAX) * FILL W/ HOT -POURED RUBBER JOINT SEALING COMPOUND a. a <A 0' o. 4 #3 BARS O 24" EA WAY (TYP) * HOT -POURED RUBBER JOINT SEALING COMPOUND PER S.D.H.P.T. ITEM 360, SECTION 360.2 (8XC). CLASS2 (GREY) SAWED DUMMY JOINT DETAIL PAVING NOTES THE INITIAL SOIL TEST AND REPORT by P.S.L. INC PROJECT NO. 11-5937 AND ANY AND ALL SUBSEQUENT REPORTS PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT BY P.S.I., OR BY OTHER FIRM, AGENCY OR ENTITY, EVEN THOUGH NO SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO ANY SUCH REPORTS ARE CONTAINED IN THE PLANS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT, ARE MADE A PART OF THIS SITE PLAN. A COPY CAN BE OBTAINED THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER. PAVEMENT SUB GRADE FOR A, B, do C BELOW THE CLAY SOILS ENCOUNTERED NEAR THE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE WILL PROBABLY CONSTITUTE THE SUB GRADE FOR MOST OF THE PARKING AND DRIVE AREAS. THEREFORE. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THESE SOILS BE IMPROVED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE PAVEMENTS. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE EXISTING CLAY SOILS IN DRIVE AND PARKING AREAS BE EXCAVATED TO ACHIEVE FINAL SUB GRADE ELEVATION. THE EXPOSED SURFACE OF THE CLAYS SHOULD BE SCARIFIED TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST 8 INCHES AND MIXED WITH AN ESTIMATED 6 PERCENT OF HYDRATED LIME (BY DRY UNIT WEIGHT) IN CONFORMANCE WITH TEXAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ITEM 260. ASSUMING AN IN -PLACE UNIT WEIGHT OF 100 PCF FOR THE PAVEMENT SUB GRADE SOILS. THIS PERCENTAGE OF LIME EQUATES TO ABOUT 27 LBS OF LIME PER SO. YARD OF SUB GRADE TREATED. THE ACTUAL AMOUNT OF LIME REQUIRED SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY ADDITIONAL LABORATORY TESTS. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE LIME STABILIZATION PROCEDURES EXTEND AT LEAST 4 FT. BEYOND THE EDGE OF THE PAVEMENT TO MINIMIZE THE EFFECTS OF SEASONAL SHRINKING UPON THE EXTREME EDGES OF PAVEMENT. THE SOIL-UME MIXTURE SHOULD THEN BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 97 PERCENT OF STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (ASTM D 698) AT/OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE THE OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. IN ALL AREAS WHERE HYDRATED LIME IS USED TO STABILIZE THE SUB GRADE SOILS, ROUTINE ATTERBERG-LIMIT TESTS SHOULD BE PERFORMED TO ASSURE THAT THE RESULTING PLASTICITY INDEX OF THE SOIL-UME MIXTURE IS AT/OR BELOW 15. THE CLIENT SHOULD BE AWARE THAT MECHANICAL LIME STABILIZATION OF THE PAVEMENT SUB GRADE SOILS WILL NOT PREVENT DEEP SEATED MOVEMENT OF THE UNDERLYING UNTREATED MATERIALS, FUTURE MAINTENANCE OF PAVEMENTS SHOULD BE EXPECTED OVER THE LIFE OF THE STRUCTURE. II. PAVING A. CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS SUB GRADE SHALL BE AS INDICATED IN SECTION I. CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACHES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 8" INCHES THICK. CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACHES SHALL HAVE A RISE OF NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES NOR MORE THAN 9 INCHES FROM THE FLOW UNE F 0 THE GUTTER T T E 0 A POINT 1 HI 0 FEET BEHIND THE FACE OF THE GUTTER. CONCRETE FOR DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3,500 PSI IN 28 DAYS CONCRETE. THE GRADE BELOW THE DRIVEWAY, INCLUDING 4 FOOT 00 OUTSIDE OF THE OUTER EDGE OF THE DRIVEWAY, SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY, AND AS INDICATED IN "PAVEMENT SUB GRADE NOTES". ALL DRIVEWAYS SHALL HAVE A BEDDING OF 2 INCHES COMPACTED. DRIVEWAYS SHALL HAVE CONTRACTION JOINTS NOT MORE THAN 15 FEET APART, BOTH TRANSVERSELY AND LONGITUDINALLY. ONE-HALF INCH EXPANSION JOINT SHALL BE PLACED ON THE PROPERTY LINES BETWEEN THE APPROACH AND THE DRIVEWAY. THE JOINTS SHALL BE FILLED WITH PRE MOLDED GRAY BITUMINOUS EXPANSION JOINT FILLER AND SHALL EXTEND THE ENTIRE DEPTH AND LENGTH OF THE CONCRETE SECTIONS. FINISHING SHALL BE AS INDICATED IN SECTION III. NOTE: N 0 0 CONCRETE SHALL BE PLACED FOR DRIVEWAYS UNTIL THE SUB GRADE, SAND CUSHION AND REINFORCEMENT PLACEMENT HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OR STATE (WHICHEVER 1S APPLICABLE). B. PARKIN T G LOTS PARKINGT LOT SUB GRADE SHALL BE AS INDICATED IN SECTION I. PAVING SHALL BE 6-1/2" REINFORCED CONCRETE (8" AT TRASH ENCLOSURE AND APPROACHES), 3,500 PSI IN 28 DAYS CONCRETE, REINFORCED WITH #3 BARS AT 18" OCEW SUPPORTED WITH PROPER SUPPORT CHAIRS. BEDDING SHALL BE MINIMUM 2" COMPACTED, CLEAN, CUSHION SAND. EXPANSION I JO NTS S HALL BE AT 48 MAXIMUM - CAN SAW -CUT D SA C UT CONTRACTION JOINTS AT MAXIMUM 12' OC. ALL JOINTS TO BE CLEANED AND FILLED WITH HOT POURED RUBBER (GRAY). FINISHING SHALL BE AS INDICATED IN SECTION C. ON -SITE SIDEWALKS SIDEWALK SUB GRADE SHALL BE AS INDICATED IN SECTION CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SHALL BE A WIDTH AS DESIGNATED ON SHEET SAA AND A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES THICK, CONSTRUCTED OF 3,000 PSI, IN 28 DAYS CONCRETE AND REINFORCED WITH #3 BARS AT 18" OCEW. TOOLED CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SHALL BE 5'-0" OC. ONE-HALF INCH EXPANSION JOINT SHALL BE PLACED EVERY 40 FEET AND WHERE NEW WORK IS CONSTRUCTED ADJACENT TO OTHER CONCRETE WORK (WALLS, FOUNDATION, CURB, ETC.). THE JOINTS SHALL BE FILLED WITH 1/2-INCH PRE MOLDED GRAY BITUMINOUS EXPANSION JOINT FILLER AND SHALL EXTEND THE ENTIRE DEPTH AND WIDTH OF THE CONCRETE SECTION. FINISH OF SIDEWALKS SHALL BE WITH A BROOM FINISH PER ENGINEER. WALKS SHALL HAVE TOOLED CURB EDGES. III. FINISHING FOR CONCRETE DRIVEWAY. PARKING LOT AND STREET CURBS THE EXPOSED SURFACES OF DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING LOT SHALL HAVE A MONOLITHIC FINISH BY FLOATING WITH A WOODEN FLAT UNTIL A SLIGHT EXCESS OF SAND APPEARS ON THE SURFACES. IN NO CASE SHALL THE SURFACE BE LEFT SLICK OR WITH A GLOSSY FINISH. EXPOSED SURFACES OF SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE A MONOLITHIC FINISH BY TRAWLING WITH A STEEL TROWEL AND BRUSHED LIGHTLY WITH AN APPROVED BROOM. THE EDGE OF ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE NEATLY ROUNDED TO THE REQUIRED RADII WITH AN EDGING TOOL. THE EXPOSED SURFACE OF CURBS AND CURBS WITH GUTTER SHALL BE SHAPED WITH A "MULE" AND BRUSHED WITH A WET BRUSH AT RIGHT ANGLE TO THE LINE OF THE CURB TO PRODUCE A UNIFORM TEXTURED SURFACE. THE EDGES SHALL BE NEATLY ROUNDED OFF TO THE REQUIRED RADII. USE OF GROUT OVER A ROUGH FINISHED TEXTURE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. LEGEND O i� v, t� CC R L W Z-- uj (3W w Z �4 0 ku g >- ul 00 co � M 3 o� M Ln fZ h X �a ~ r �O > chi Co 0 mot' e�S 0 V Revisions - PROPOSED 8" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT (5 SACK MINIMUM) WITH #3 BARS ON 24" CENTERS. PROPOSED 6 1 /2" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT N Issue Dares (5 SACK MINIMUM) WITH #3 BARS ON 24" CENTERS. PROPOSED 4" REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK 01 Review. WITH #3 BARS ON 24" CENTERS. O Permit PROPOSED 5" REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK Ca�truccon WITH #3 BARS ON 24" CENTERS. l�1 PROPOSED CONCRETE APPROACH 6" CONC. CURB PER CITY STANDARDS. PAVING PLAN SCALE 1" = 20' DATE MAY 1, 2000 Scale 1" = 20' O Drawn By. R HOWMAN Checked by. RAH ProjW Na 99-574.270 Sheet C -3 REM J U L 17 2000 of TRANFORMER PAD VERIFY 3'-8" WIDE x 7' HIGH GATE IJKUVIUL LUQ Z�� MMMUvvNRC-, -'^, N (SEE NOTE & DTLS. ON SHT- G16 USE HARDWARE SET "A" & LOC. PRIOR TO N �( L M f � Jd aE" ` e' "._a., - �'"v wf v' , '-"�r ti✓ POURING PROVIDE 4 6 i C F z G K B C D GUARDPOSTS AS 10S2 /x\ G '' A SHOWN, SEE 485`-4" I out to out reason '' 43'-3" 42'-0' �"`✓�+'"�`�`�' ' 42'-0' 44'-0' 44'-0' Q� 48'-0' 48'-0° � 42'-0" � 42 _p 74'-0' 3T-5" 6 48'-0' 28'-0' 48'-0" „NOTE: 94'-0° 142'-g' STANGING AREA FENCE 15 -8' 13'-4" 22'-0 -8" 14'-0" 3'-4" GUARDPOST22'-0" 3'-4" 11'-4" 12'-4" 31 -0 I PAIR 4' WIDE x 7' HIGH 12' 10" 22'-0" 14'-0" SEE Oo , 8" 5'x 5' ALUM. CANOPY 10' HIGH SCREEN ALL - TO BE HEAVY DUTY, 11GA. 8" 38'-8" 9'-4" 12'-8" 1 GATES; PROVIDE EGRESS ; I i m 15'-4" 6'-8" r BLACK VINYL COATED I HARDWARE (SEE NOTE & i g CONC. WALK TYP. 8 PLACES MO NIT AT 8'-0" A.F.F. SEE ELEVATION FROM TO 11'-4" 10'-0" 18'-8" i DETAILS ON SHT. G16) I O •I `' ------- E SPECS.) �_ M.O. ,, j & HARDWARE SET A I I ti 1 f ---- 2O+ t���.h � I 12" H. WHITE i"I'1 �. - -- " a 1 ® PAINTED LETTERS 4 I ".. 00 `O F.O. _ - "' - - i - - - - i _ 2" H. WHITE PR DE (4) 6" 0O _I a --- OFFICE `�' I- TRASH COMPACT R 0 40 24'-0" 6 PAINTED LETTERS GUA D-P STS ;� A I M 6G2 i L9Gt3 I (N I "2 SEEI G7 _ FORKLIFT DAMAGE R.T.M. 108 0 — M i 3 96" WIDE b t o PREVENTION BARS, I — o (2) 9' W. x 16' H. I ( max' ( UNOBSTRUCTED I a 19 I`' I — III j PATH (PAINT E a E 12 -0., L•; W/ BOT. ---aYl °° I r ALUM. SWING GATES I i I I , OSHA YELLOW) T _ AT 11'-6 A.F.F. I 3G3 PAIR 6'Wx10'H 0iil I AND HARDWARE SET I I I \\ ' I I , -- - � �-- -- ---- t� Ot t - q -- - - I o k ; I >-- ��•v- �._.,.�`-''°�- SEE Gs ��� � GATES WITH CENTER B, SEE G16 L I 14 ® , - I I 0 E DROP POST AND HARDWARE SET B F.O. . I 4 I (7) 6" GUARD- r' - in I I < < TR IN. I I O a 40' TRENCH - % c� 9' W. x 17' L. POST, SEE 1052 j GENERATOR PAD 3'-4" 1'-4' I M �R- g I I� x I I � 1 1 1 ® �' I _ DRAIN SEE TRUCK DOCK - W// ((4) 6" GUARD- I N CLASSROOM BREAK I o sl o LO tsA STAGING AREA I PbSTs As SHOWN, ; _I ELEC. 106 _L--- _ MSEE �osz Lam, 109 1 102 ._r_ •- —i - -I RECEIVING AREA 15 20,_ " -- - - - -- - \ - - - -- - - �- `= OF ICE c� ®I 31 -JAN. I _ 1 15 12'-7" 7'-5" 1 18 ® ® 117 °O 50'-0„ ! i ® I _ r��. Q 1G1 ® CORR •. UNISEX (0 APPLIANCE/ I I 48" WIDE d 16 I I I I I ,_ I` © 107 0 I ELECTRONIC UNOB. PATHz., o, STORAGE (PAINT OSHA > L) „ '_ " -4" /-3'-4" I I 1ILL EXP. J . -- -- --- I 18 122 E i I I I 9 �J ,--- N- I I 1 16 YELLOW) �3 � b � 25 4 1m o 5 M.O. � -J ��� i � © TE®, ZO® � 105 � ', 04 I I I I � � FILLER W/ S LA T � 5G2 c:) 12" H. WHITE I i PAINTED I SPRINKLER COM MNGR I I �-, �s � <MAX I _ - I - LETTERS 2" C.M.U. I x I 1 1 10 1 12 1 14 t - SLOPE 1 •20 co r cv----------- T 7 F. 0 — 1 ® --- -- -- - - Q - - - - - - - -` __T__-_-_ 1 I _ � GUARD POST E i 8" W. UNOOI PATH (PAINT OSHA YELLOW) SEE 1oS2 w 'ROOF LADDER W/ (4) 6" GUARDPOST, IHARDWARE SET B SEE 10S2 ' SEE 1G13 I '�=y4` FOR DETAILS 72'-8" �. � ,n°'>°�,.,.h.,.�"....✓"t..�A�...> ../`�ti4.r.��._.�•.� �_.�..-. ,d-�../�-�--� -0 25 -2" I I STEEL TUBE GUARDRAIL � s.. M.O. rp.o. o FORKLIFT DAMAGE I I - SEE STRUCTURAL � N PREVENTION BARS LONG, W/ BOTTOf AT I 13 -6" A.F.F. SEE 66 I I I tct2 L.4 I I I I I I AUTO DOORS WITH I ® I I I I I EMERGENCY BREAK AY DOORS AND SIDELIGHTS PROVIDE 4" GUARD OST 41'-4" " 00 SEE G7 - - F.O.M. MATCH '1 CD 6 11 • I LINE 5'-0" � E i I 28'-0" 8' -04" F.O. M . o I I J I I I FORKLIFT DAMAGE _ o PREVENTION BARS, o f I I I 7' 0 L. W/ BOT. o I o -- - d I - AT 9'-4' A.F.F. PR. OF IMPACT DOORS £ N N°�NSIDE & OUT , WITH ROLL- P DOOR I SEE Gs ABOVE SEE G14A 4- N c o I I 45x55" I.D. SKYLIGHT + I I , p I I I ABOVE (TYP.) SEE SPEC. G I I I I I I I I tctt , I B SALES FLOOR C 100 ' I TRENCH DRAIN, CONCRETE SIDEWALK SEE SHT. S-1 - SEE SITE PLAN I �/ I I SEE G6 FOR ELEVATIONS I I , I INTERIOR _ - - 3 � I o � I I I I I GARDEN CENTER SEASONAL actt o (SEE G2 FOR CONTINUATION) I I DISPLAY AREA Ln mow I I I I I t4A 120 Iwo C)�z I I LEVEL FLOOR 1 % SLOPED FLOOR I I FINISH SMOOTH BROOM FINISH I I I 1 �d INSIDE FOF 4"_LACE C.MU. 3G2 11 1G6a i - -- - -_ -- - - - - I - - - - I - - - I I 2 00'- - ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - I - I - AUTO DOORS WITH o I I t� EMERGENCY BREAKAWWAY N O i PROVIDE SOLID DOOR AND SIDELIGHT � I PROVI E 4" GUARD FORKLIFT DAMAGE F KEVETION AUTO. DOORS W/ EMERGENCY STEEL PLATFORM, BOTTOM 151-5 1/4" A.F.F. COVER PLATE AT � POST SEE 4G7 BARS 12'-0" LONG WITH BOTTOM BREAKAWAY SIDELIGHTS - I (SEE DTL. SS6), STEEL HAND AIL DOOR, 16'-0" LONG 1 I 11 SEE SHT. G -7 AROUND 3 SIDES. LEAVE 2'-." WIDE FIXED STEEL ' E _�' AT 9 -6 A.F.F. SEE G-6 a I I AUTO. DOORS W/ EMERGENCY I OPENING FOR LADDER WHERE INDICATED ACCESS LADDER I o {yp.I I I BREAKAWAY & SIDELIGHTS " 4G3 I (PAINT ALL STL. LT. GRAY) (SEE DTL.10G13) I "i i 3'-0"x7'-0" H.M. (4) 6" GUARDPOST PROVIDE 4" GUARDPOST, I 95 FOR SEE PROVIDE SHT. G-7 1'-4 ----- �" I 3'-4" d- DOOR AND FRAME v 66'-8a" 3'-4" 24'-0" 15'-0" � 15'-0 I 3'-4"I 1 1 /2 HOUR RATED SEE G-7 3 -4„ 2._74„ 16'-02" 20'-11a" 7'-6' 1 7 J6' 63'-10i I 16'-02 M. M.O. I I SEE DOOR # 84'-4"erify width I ;� E HARDWARE 38'-0" 14'-0 verify width M.O.mom.o. I ® I M.O. wi� Mfg th Actual `1 I I with actual -4" 24'-0" i� m < I I 1G74 I rn I I � doof �mfg. " r----„ I � i I - 3' N door3. i I 9QG11 LJ F.O.M. FUEL FILLER AT EXTERIOR WALL - VERIFY LOCATION 51 -- - — - - - - - - --------- ---- • WITH MANUFACTURER 2c2 n 0o i I ■ . o Z v a � q ~ < 3 Q o Ln UNo 00 0 L U_ W o 0 Ce 0 0 00% a ui Ce Go c Yf-a ■ 0 N 09 a W < S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Z LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. APRIL,1999 COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ■ ■ lu O J ■ awl a o E o � Z N y � w Q V ZCL 6 O � p V TED O r I - F- I ® I I — ✓ SLOPE 2" J i--------- ------ ® II r $ � a 0 00.' I I i iGtS t J I i 2G9 typ. I o Q o 00 pq �o r N I II I I Ny N I SLOPE 4" 6 _ ------ ---- - --- ---- ------- ----4G9 i II II .' a D I Y__ --- - - i- i- --- . _ ---- -- - — --- - - ------ s� tcs scs- /' \��-17'-0"/'// 4G9 I 5'-p" 5'-0„ i o J 1 32 -0" 26 -0" a I I TACTILE WARNING GROOVES POLE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURES SEE ELECTRICAL _ I I CLEAR VERIFY / MANUF. CLEAR I � o aL 3 1G10 IN CONCRETE, SEE S2 N I ' \ I) W Z a °' "' i CUSTOMER LOADING CANOPY I I I / � C. 1G10 I I ( .' 3oyo I I CONC. FILLED LINE OF CAN NOTE: ''' I I I GENERATOR BASE I b Q t ` ~ N ISLAND, SEE ABOVE i SEE SHEET G1A FOR ENLARGED I I AND FUEL TANK I i � � , ■ CIVIL DRAWINGS i FRONT CANOPY PLANS — — — — — Job No: 11G9 "I L------- — — — — — — — o -- -- — - - - 0.56 BUILDING FR O R PLAN 70 0" 8'-2 O � LINE -% FUTURE 2-HOUR ENCLOSURE FUTURE 1 E 2 WALL HOUR RATED DOOR SEE CIVIL 0 I opp. an FOR CONTINUATION SCALE 1 " = 20'-O41'-4" „ I 1 ''r11 A 3 -4 1 -4 Date, AUG 99 Date: sheet No: g a :w Scale: SEE PLAN " 476'-4' �IJ 1 G 1 G E N E RATO R ROOM Drown: K,V Cj ti I out to out masonry � L•41 G1 SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" Checked: is C.2 ■ LU.D. = RETAIL COMMERCIAL LOEW''S - ZONED C-3 LOT 5, BLOCK K =c)/ /ry KIMBALL11709 ADDITION Cl A, SLIDE 455114552 l o° C MAN ACC S/4552 �O / / o 37 CO A, SLIDE 4551 I S CAB- 9 ' S' 0 J T YpE ,."F` S8.6 0 P. POLE Goo -�� 15 9� E 17 �1 13 XyST►NC TON ,I\ RE�OCR�Ep PE P 4~ E EMEN �- BUFFE 19 V 0 1413 13 4 15 14 ot4E 5TCAY 21 16 •� 3 2 3,408 15 / 16 / N `� / TRAFFIC XpREs5 8 O / SIGNAL r, N� E p•N. / / BOX o 3 T.B• 17 1 �,1 / 1 17cl 16 17 V T AS V.o� 1 �� th C� h m ➢ ' O 12 Poi Q p ' 10 10 tit .016 c� 0 Q / h I A HOLE Q 17 � o/Q Q� -2 `r) 16 0 14 J 9 w � 00 p J % / 2 15 17 TRAFFIC SIGNAL aC LU.D. = RETAIL COMMERCIAL W U)r- 1 ' 17 I Box VACANT - ZONED C-3 Q L 1 0 17 6 v t' _ 'z` l l I I l / 11 LU.D. = RETAIL COMMERCIAL LOT 3, BLOCK K Q w 17 ,� Q) / K/MRAUJI709 ADDITION o m o z� � 100 / P 11 SOUTHLAKE K►MBALL VENTURE, LTD. CAB A. SLIDE 455114552 t- uM � � v r-1 15 a / LOT 4, BLOCK ? INST c 1 s PERRY-ALLEN ADDITION 1 - 12'x6 TAPPING SLEEVE li�' ND a'.''LVAL� 1 ➢ 10 / o / /� CAB A, SLIDE 5489 H T 16 / ",o H F ' 010G �yN�4552 15 WARNING 1 �' 30 g5q j455 s� / / / D=04.24'2 6" EXS71Nc GTE FIBER OPTICS TRUNK LINE 3 1 = z 18 A. CONTACT GTE (500-344-0377) MINIMUM OF 72=� t CP o 18' /� R=1986.8fi HOURS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUC7m ACTNTES NEAR - ➢ 1 16 ® TRAFFIC -152. 83 THIS AREA. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE WIPONSBI.F 1 '0 O - - - - - �� i-�� SIGNAL , FOR ALL cooROlw►naN AND a�nc�c el�s M 15 0 f _ _ - , - ` H Box T= 76.45 IN CONCONCEMING STRUCTION � °F FIBER .. i 1 P� e�FF�R N_08'03r 0' : aA� 5.37� P. E LC=152.79' SS 7 F.H. CB= N 74'4017"W 00 j Ina Z , /13�'' S GAS 2"W w TRAFFIC LIGHT \14 i , 5() g 7 MARKER / POLE i� • Q, 11 - ' 0 ST. SIGN . SOUTHLAKE STANDARD NOTES - WATER IMPROVEMENTS ' 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AND GOVERNED BY THE NORTH i CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT'S STANDARD FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION. � 2. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC APPROVAL MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION IN STATE HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY. 3. STREET CUT PERMIT (ISSUED BY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT) IS REQUIRED BEFORE CUTTING ANY CITY STREET. �- L 4, ALL WATER METERS SHALL BE SIZED AND INSTALLED BY CITY PERSONNEL. z , _ ` I , 60 FN yBALL i 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF SIDEWALK IF WALK INTENDED. I W / TNT i 6. THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS IS TAKEN FROM PUBLIC RECORDS. moumE i� �• i )) IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS MATH THE OWNER OF SUCH UNDERGROUND FACILITIES PRIOR TO WORKING r i i A 0� 1�•O• ' IN THE AREA TO CONFIRM THEIR EXACT LOCATION AND TO DETERMINE WHETHER ANY ADDITIONAL FACILITIES OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON o i 1 ` i i // THE PLANS MAY BE PRESENT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. UNDERGROUND FACILITY OWNER TELEPHONE NUMBER 817 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ( ) 481-5581 EXT. 831 0o i i ' ' ' GENERALL TELEPHONE CO. COMMUNICATIONS (CABLE) (972) 413-74 8 Lo i / TRI COUNTY ELECTRIC (817) 858-2595 TXU ELECTRIC & GAS DIGTESS (LINE LOCATES) 800) 344-8377 Z 7, WHERE EXISTING UTILITIES OR SERVICE LINES ARE CUT, BROKEN, OR DAMAGED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE OR REPAIR THE UTILITIES OR SERVICE LINES WITH THE SAME TYPE OF ORIGINAL MATERIAL CONSTRUCTION, OR BETTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OR NOTED ON THE PLANS, AT HIS OWN COST EXPENSE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AT ONCE OF ANY GRADES AND ALIGNMENT. J 8. ALL EXCAVATIONS, TRENCHING AND SHORING OPERATIONS SHALL COMPLY NTH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, D Z OSHA "CONST. SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS." SUBPART P. pg. 128-137. AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO. c/ a 9. ADEQUATE MEASURE SHALL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT EROSION. IN THE EVENT THAT SIGNIFICANT EROSION OCCURS AS A RESULT OF b / CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE THE ERODED AREA TO ORIGINAL CONDITION. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL AREAS DISTRURBED BY CONSTRUCTION TO ORIGINAL CONDITION OR BETTER, RESTORED AREAS Y O - INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO TRENCH BACK FILL, SIDE SLOPES, CULVERT PIPES, DRAINAGE DITCHES, DRIVEWAYS, PRIVATE YARDS AND ROADWAYS. i i \ \ 11. ALL WATER LINES SHALL BE PVC PIPE CONFORMING TO AWWA STANDARD C-900 SDR-18 MIN., WITH NSF SEAL, PRESSURE TEST AND i DISINFECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCTCOG STD. SPECS. WATER MAINS TO HAVE A MIN. OF 42" COVER TO TOP PIPE SERVICE LINES CONNECTORS 0 i SHALL BE COMPRESSION -TYPE WITH STAINLESS STEEL TUBE LINERS. w 12. ALL WATER LINES TO BE ENCASED IN SAND. BACK FILL SHALL BE SELECT MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY, 13. SERVICE LOCATION TO BE STAMPED ON CURB WITH 2" HIGH LETTER "W". 14. ALL SERVICE TO METER TO BE 1" SDR-9 CLASS 200 POLYETHYLENE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 15. UTILITY CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH AND INSTALL WATER METER BOXES AFTER THE PAVING CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. ALL METER w i i \ / BOXES SHALL BE TYPE D15AMR-21LL OR APPROVED EQUAL. o i 16. CURB STOPS SHOULD BE TESTED FOR LEAKAGE AND FULL FLOW WHEN SYSTEM IS PRESSURE TESTED. co 17. =RETAIL COMMERCIAL Il 17. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS ASSEMBLIES TO BE EQUIPPED WITH A 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX. ALL VALVES AND FIRE HYDRANTS TO BE PER CITY W \ SPECS. HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A FACTORY BASE PRIME COAT ONLY. HYDRANTS TO BE PAINTED BY THE CITY. Y WALLMMT 18. ANY WATER VALVES LOCATED WITHIN PAVEMENT AREAS SHALL ADJUSTED TO FINAL GRADE BY THE PAVING CONTRACTOR. THE PAVING CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT A TYPICAL CONCRETE BLOCK OUT PER DETAIL ON SHEET -----_ ZONED C 3 \ V 19. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH 4-1/2" x 5" STORZ ADAPTER CONNECTION WITH BUTTERFLY VANES. p 20. THE WATER UTILITY DEPARTMENT SHALL APPROVE ANY CHANGES FROM APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND A CHANGE ORDER MUST BE cn \ OBTAINED FORM THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SHALL APPROVE ANY DERIVATION FROM THE STATE REGULATIONS. ca UTILITY NOTES 1. SERVICE TO METER BY LONE STAR GAS COMPANY. CONTACT LONE STAR GAS 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND FOR LINE LOCATIONS CONTACT DIG TESS O 1-800-344-8377. 2. GAS METER - BY LONE STAR GAS COMPANY. CONTACT COMM. SALES FOR METER ® (972) 235-4690. 3. GAS SERVICE LINE FROM METER TO BUILDING BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 4. PROVIDE GRANULAR FILL FROM BOTTOM OF GREASE TRAP TO PIPE BED. 5. INSTALL 1,000 GALLON TWO COMPARTMENT GREASE TRAP PER THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE STANDARDS. 6. RUN UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SERVICE PER REQUIREMENTS OF T.X.U. ELECTRIC COMPANY. 7. PROPOSED 2" WATER METER FOR DOMESTIC, 1" WATER METER FOR IRRIGATION, (TESTABLE) PER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 8. ELECTRICAL PANELS AND METER. 9. NEW 2" DOM & 1" IRR. TAP INTO WATER LINE TO BE USED. 10. RUN 2" WATER SERVICE LINE FROM METER TO BUILDING. 11. EXISTING TRANSFORMER. CONTACT T.0 ELECTRIC PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION FOR LOCATION OF RISER. 12. RUN UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF SOUTHWESTERN BELL OR G.T.E. IN 1" SCH 40 CONDUIT. 13. DOUBLE CLEAN OUT WITH TRAFFIC LIDS LOCATED AS SHOWN. 14. INSTALL 4" PVC SANITARY SEWER LATERAL FROM EXIST. SEWER LINE TO GREASE TRAP AND FROM GREASE TRAP TO BUILDING. 15. DIRECT BURIAL LIGHT POLE WITH 2 1/2"x5" HANDHOLE AND 2 3/8" TENON. 3 #10 IN 1/2" PVC CONDUIT (TYP. ALL SITE LIGHT FIXTURES). 16. #12 IN 1/2" PVC CONDUIT AND ELECTRICAL TO SIGNS AND LIGHTS (TYPICAL) BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 17. 4" P.V.C. SLEEVES. BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 18. 3 #10 IN 1 /2" PVC CONDUIT AND ELECTRICAL TO MONUMENT SIGN (TYPICAL) BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 19. STEEL REINFORCEMENT TO HAVE 12' TO 18" CLEARANCE AROUND SOUND LOOP. SOUND LOOP IN 1/2" PVC CONDUIT BELOW SLAB TYP. BOTH SIDES. 20. #12 IN 1/2" PVC CONDUIT FOR POWER AND 3/4" CONDUIT FOR SPEAKER WIRE. (TYPICAL) BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. (FOR MENU BOARD) 21. INSTALL 4" SAMPLE TEE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. USE BASS AND HAYES PATTERN NO. 404 AND 350-4. SANITARY SEWER NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL UTILITY COMPANIES AND OTHERS WHO MAY HAVE BURIED EQUIPMENT OR PIPELINES IN THE VICINITY OF CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION AND DEPTH OF TIE-IN TO EXISTING SEWER SYSTEM PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF LINES. UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUIRED, ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE, MANHOLES, AND RELATED APPURTENANCES SHALL CONFORM TO THE MATERIAL AND CONSTPUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AS SET FORTH IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. PARTICULAR ATTENTION SHALL BE PAID TO THE INSTALLATION, EMBEDIIAENT, AND BACK FILL OF SEWER PIPE. SEWER PIPE SHALL BE 4" PVC SDR 35. CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET ALL O.S.H.A. REQUIREMENTS REGARDING TRENCH SAFETY IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS SEWER MAIN. WATER NOTES WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE STANDARDS. THERE SHALL BE A MINIMUM COVER OF 42" OVER THE WATER PIPE AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE PIPE TO THE EXISTING GROUND, OR THE PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXTEND SERVICE AS 'SHOWN, PROVIDE CURB STOPS AS REQUIRED AND METER BOX SET IN PLACE. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL UTILITY COMPANIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE REPAIRED AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. WI J L_ �r- 0 10 20 40 Scole 1 " = 20' g aX� e 2` 0 O N L L y Z Z o Lu ^ amh W C'3 Lu g Revisiofw M NO issue Dates: Review.0 O Pemk N c«Iaumoone Scale 1" = 20' O Drawn R. HOWMAN UTILITY PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 20' W Checked by. RAH Project No. 99.574.270 r� V >-I Sheet C-2 DATE MAY 1, 2000 00 �O / LU.D. = RETAIL COMMERCIAL. LOEWI'S - ZONED C-3 LOT 5, BLOCK K / K/MBALL/11709 ADDITION CAB Ay SLIDE 455114552 30 FAR ON ACCESS 52 COMM4551 45 h 37' SLIpE ° S. CO. A. 9001.. o pF „E 8 6 / - A�F o A o 9 + ,� O. �� 4Oo''...r P.POLE •' i� 192•mop.^• 15 1 46' .0� i E o o / 13 5 E ° /: OPT o o - � A�• o' o' s.i 'ESER� TING CON ill o . o. o / y ' w R30 1 0•.. 18 o ONE �� �i O N 0 c Ov 5. 15 20 �o. N 3,4 55 O 3 /o o c f'115 0Ey 3" �•V• 17 °NFC QA SIGNAL / / / \ c 17 K.F.G O / BOX pro' 2 ` / / n o O 96.6 0 1 o o :o' tD / • 10 S 9 / 6 . 11 3 trhj 10 1 11 o..:. /i G E / 12 0' ��p18 /(� o •44 / A HOLE 2.5' 12.5 21 3 w t 00 0 13 TRAFFIC ' cn�� ��` ' 0 13 10 ono'. o . 1. . o I / SIGNAL LU.D. = RETAIL COMMERCIAL t� �, 0 15 0 '. a �I M 1 0. o.. / / / // Box w r - 18 1 VACANT - ZONED C-3 ' o 1-o ro I 0 ,p 2 17 24 0. /r, . o - 17 LOT 3, BLOCK K �' �' 9 0 �' �, o . J , l 1 o r �� 15 11 0 00, �' KIMBALL/1j1709 ADDITION m o z� o 1 ^ �M 8 a' P.P / CAB A, SLIDE 455114552 r a o' ' l ° 27 •� l 11 � 1 S /N 13 >. o - o rn o o /.. / LO RK�NC, ° -0 .° 3 �� ° 0 CRETE PIE 2 O 17 1° �� CON I�pING 45 51 �Qj 12 WARNING $O TOE 10 s�� o ° �. •'° D= 0 4 2 4 2 6 EXSTING GTE FIBER OPTICS TRUNK LINE " Z P' 2 R-1986.86+ CONTACT GTE (e00-344-Q377) MIWIMUII OF 72 a °� .4 9 0� // HOURS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTMTES NEAR 1 a 15 0 ' " o o o THIS AREA. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE �' o - - - - o o .;r'. o' TRAFFIC L=� 52.83 FOR ALL COORDNATION AND ANY GUIDUNES/ REQUIREMENTS !'O 1 p - r.- ,%� 3 SIGNAL + d o o' o 0 0 0 0 o ate; a� -0 0 0 0 0�0"� b� Box T= 76. 45 CONCERNING PROTECTION OF FIBER OPTIC CABLES 00 N CONSTRUCTION AREA .. / , 15 © �-- W013 . . J 7 . ° P. E L C =1 5 2 , 7 9 • o o E .r o o °"� F_�"'`,:° N // CB=N 74*40'17" W 00 irk o' o 0 0 / ' Z I o p..o..o.. '- 12As / i J • 12"W W 1TRAFFIC LIGHT W ,- GAS - '465, 01 N ++ ' � MARKER POLE 0' •, � � i p ST. SIGN f M 2 (^O 1 AV - 60D L I ' `N NA�5 NN _ 4p 1R•O z LUD, = RETAIL COMMERCIAL \ I/ WALLMART ZONED G3 \JJ LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS LOCATION LENGTH BUFFERYARD WIDTH - TYPE CANOPY TREES ACCENT TREES SHRUBS FENCE/SCREENING HEIGHT ! MATERIAL REQUIRED 110, 5'-A 2 4 16 NOW NORTH PROVIDED Idol $'-A 2 4 16 NONE EAST REQUIRED 250' V-A 5 5 20 NONE PROVIDED 250' S'-A 5 5 20 NONE REQUIRED 204' 20'-0 o 6 2d NOW PROVIDED 204' 20'-0 6 6 24 NOW SOUTH REQUIRED ISO' 10'-E 2 5 12 NI NEST PROVIDED ISO' 10' 1! 2 5 12 HI INTERIOR LANDSCAPIN& LANDSCAPE AREA OF SITE EXCLUDING MPFERYARDS, % BY ZONING, C-5 - SO% OF THE OLD& FLOOR AREA, 'IS% OF INT. LAND TO BE IN FRONT OR SIDES BLDG S.F. 5,406 LANOBCAPIN& REQUIRED (BA06 SF X SOS► . 1,104 SF) 1,104 5F LANDSCAPING PROVIDED MOT IN W'FER5) 4,450 5F LANDSGAPINb PROVIDED IN FRONT YARD (NOT IN BUFFERS) 5,411 SF/ OVER 10096 CANOPY TREES REQUIRED (1104 / 500 - 5) 5 CAN, TREES LTIp£RSTORY TREES REQUIRED (1104 / 250 • 1) 1 I.M. TREES SHREDS REQUIRED 0104 / 40 - 45) 45 SH RLM 6ROUNDGOVER REQUIRED (1104 X Mj% - 256) 256 OF COLOR REQUIRED (1545 X 2% - 54) 54 OF PARKINS LOT LANDSCAPE IS OR 20 OR 50 SF PER STALL DEPENDING ON % OF PARKIN& IN FRONT YARD LESS THAN 2M - 15 SP, 25-15% - 20 SP, GREATER THAN 15% - 50 SF PERCENTAGE OF PARKIN& IN FROM OF BLDO 100 % MINCER OF PARK" STALLS (52 RTGIUIRED) 51 'SPACES LANDSGAPIN& REQUIRED 050 SF X 51 SPACES - 4150 Sr) 450 SF LANDSCAPINS, PROVIDED 1,156 5F TREE REPLkEM:NT RELWIREM- N REPLACE PROTECTED TREES REMOVED EQUAL OR EXCEEDIN& TOTAL CA.. INCHES MIN. 5' CA.. REPL. TREES, OR CAN REPLACE THROUGH REFORESTATION Pi AREAS EXEMPT -Ill Pi UTILRY, EASEMENTS, FIRE LANES, Ill PARKING AREAS AREAS WITHIN& 6' OF BED&. FOUNDATION, IF Pi OVER MIN Ill THEN % TO Be REPL, TREES REMOVED THAT ARE PROT. AND IN NON EXEMPT AREAS 51' PO, 6' CW 51 INCHES TREES PLANTED ON SITE (11-4', 1-5' ■ ) 65 INCHES TREES ill NV REFORESTATION PIJrID O INCHES NDTE91 ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS $HALL BE IRRIGATED BY AN AJTOMATIC UWERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM PES16MO BY A LISGENCED IRRIOATOK HAINTtNANCL' THE 0" ER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTINUED MAINTENANCE IN PERPETUITY OF ALL LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION, ALL REQUIRED LANDSCAPING $HALL Be MAINTAINED IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY MANNER AT ALL TIMES. THIS SHALL INCLUDE MOWING• EDGING, PRUNING, FERTILIZING, WATERING, NEEDING, KEEPING BEDS MULCHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD HORTICULTURAL PRACTICER OR AS RECOMMENDED BY THE LANDSCAPE ADMINISTRATOR AND OTHER SUCH ACTIVITIES COMMON TO THE MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING. LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF TRASH, LITTER, NEEDS AND OTHEIl MATERIAL OR PLANTS NOT A PART OF THE LANDSCAPING. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL Be MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY AND 6"N6 COWITION AS IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE SEASON OP THE YEAR ALL IRRIGATION HEADS OR LINES 1"NICH ARE DRIKEN AND FLOW WATER SHALL BE REPLACEDAZEPAIRED IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT THE NWSTE OF WATER. 1 0 10 20 40 Scale 1" = 20' W.D. = RETAIL COMMERCIAL '► ll SOUTHLAKE KIMBALL VENTURE, LTD. LOT 4, BLOCK 1 PERRYALLEN ADDITION I� CAB A,, SLIDE 5489 SITE SUMMARY LOT 4. BLOCK K. KIMBALL/1709 ADDITION CAB A. SLIDE 4551/4552 SITE DATA SUMMARY TOTAL EXISTING ZONING C-3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL PROPOSED ZONING N/A LAND USE DESIGNATION RETAIL COMMERCIAL GROSS ACREAGE 0.8917 (30.841 S.F.) NET ACREAGE 0.8917 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS 1 PERCENTAGE OF SITE COVERAGE 8.77X AREA OF OPEN SPACE NONE PERCENTAGE OF OPEN SPACE 29X AREA OF IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 27,703 S.F. PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 71X AREA OF OUTSIDE STORAGE NONE PERCENTAGE OF OUTSIDE STORAGE NONE START CONSTRUCTION AUGUST 2000 FINISH CONSTRUCTION NOVEMBER 2000 PROPOSED BUILDING AREA 3,408 S.F, NUMBER OF STORIES i MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 27'-11" PROPOSED FLOOR AREA 3,158 S.F. FLOOR AREA BY USE 3,158 S.F. - RESTAURANT REQUIRED PARKING 32 PROVIDED PARKING STANDARD 28 HANDICAP 2 REDUCTION 2 TOTAL 32* *ASKING FOR A IOX REDUCTION VARANCE FOR NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED LOADING SPACES NONE PROVIDED LOADING SPACES NONE CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. CONSTRUCT 6" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PER PAVING NOTES ON PAVING PLAN. 2. CONSTRUCT 6" CONCRETE CURB PER DETAIL. 3. CONSTRUCT REINFORCED CONCRETE RAMP WITH HIGHWAY RAKE CROSS SLOPE PER DETAIL. 4. CONSTRUCT 6" REINFORCED CONCRETE DUMPSTER PAD, 8' SCREENING WALL AND CORRUGATED METAL GATES (SEE DETAILS ON SHEET S3). 5. CONSTRUCT TRASH ENCLOSURE ON 6" CONCRETE PAD PER DETAIL. 6. KFC - PREVIEW MENU BOARD. (34.5 S.F.) 7. MENU BOARD AND FOUNDATION BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. ELECTRIC SERVICE BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. (34.5 S.F.) 8. SPEAKER POST AND FOUNDATION BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. MAGNETIC LOOP INSTALLED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SEE DETAILS. 9. INSTALL WALL MOUNTED LIGHT ABOVE DOOR. (LIGHT BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR) 10. INSTALL 6 METAL HALITE YARD LIGHTS PER DETAILS.(24' HEIGHT) (SEE PLAN FOR SPECIFIC FIXTURE AND POLE TYPE.) COORDINATE WITH LIGHT SURVEY. 11. INSTALL GUARD POST PER DETAIL. 12. INSTALL 6'-0" LONG PRE CAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOP. (IF REQUIRED BY OWNER ONE PER STALL EXCEPT iN HC STALLS) 13. PAINT 4" WIDE SOLID STRIPE --WHITE.. 14. PAINT HANDICAP SYMBOL --WHITE ON BLUE BACKGROUND. 15. LANDSCAPE AREA. SEE SHEET L1 •( LANDSCAPE PLAN ) 16. ROOF DRAIN LINE SEE DETAIL. 17. CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WALK PER PAVING NOTES ON PAVING PLAN. (BROOM FINISH) 18. PAINTED DIRECTION ARROW. SEE DETAIL. 19. WALL MOUNTED HANDICAPPED SIGN. 20. LOW CLEARANCE SIGN SUPPLIED BY TRICON, INSTALLED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 21. PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT GENERAL NOTES 1. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE CERTAIN THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. NO CONSTRUCTION OR FABRICATION SHALL BEGIN UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR HAS RECEIVED AND THOROUGHLY REVIEWED ALL PLANS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS APPROVED BY ALL OF THE PERMITTING AUTHORITIES. 2. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED !N ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. 3. THE INITIAL SOIL TEST AND REPORT BY P.S.I„ INC. PROJECT NO. 11-5937 AND ANY AND ALL SUBSEQUENT REPORTS PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT BY P.S.I., INC. OR BY OTHER FIRM, AGENCY OR ENTITY, EVEN THOUGH NO SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO ANY SUCH REPORTS ARE CONTAINED IN THE PLANS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT, ARE MADE A PART OF THIS SITE PLAN. A COPY CAN BE OBTAINED THROUGH THE OWNER OR ENGINEER. 4. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY THE SUITABILITY OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS INCLUDING GRADES AND DIMENSIONS BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICT AND PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION, IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY KFC CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR. MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO FINISH GRADE TO ACCOMPUSH SPOT DRAINAGE ARE ACCEPTABLE, IF NECESSARY, UPON PRIOR APPROVAL OF OWNER OR ENGINEER . PAVING INSTALLED SHALL 'FLUSH OUT' AT ANY JUNCTURE WITH EXISTING PAVING. 5. THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED ON FIELD SURVEYS AND LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY RECORDS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S FULL RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES TO LOCATE THEIR UTILITIES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 6. ELECTRICAL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS TO BE COORDINATED WITH UTILITY COMPANY. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH COMPACTION TESTS TO SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING UNDER SLAB AND NEW PAVING. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH 7 AND 28 DAY CYLINDER TESTS AS REQUIRED BY OWNER OR ENGINEER. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY SIGNS DESIGNATING HANDICAPPED SPACES WHICH SHALL BE SATISFACTORY TO OWNER AND CITY OF SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS. SITE PLAN SCALE: V = 20' DATE MAY 1, 2000 a r -. r-I L-A Z H a O W � �� E-•i O Z A NIssue Dater Review. O Permit N Comumtrm Scale 1" = 20' O Drawn By. R. HOWMAN Z W Checked by. RAH. Project Na 99-574.270 Sheet C-1 0:JW L u noo of 1 G2 G2 3 0 CV c� t rn 04 to rn N rn 0 zi J r Y Q N 00 Q t 0 0 0 N 0 Q rn 0 0 3 OUTSIDEAT 11 II I III I II I II III I I I III I III I PANEL TRIM o i I uI Il r=� I 1 1'-4" 4 Jj II lu� _ A.F.F. I I , I I I CENTERLINE OF 6" 4"x4" COLUMN I GUTTER MODIFIED LEXAN PANEL TRIM INSIDE POLYCARBONATE PANEL 4"x 4" STEEL TUBE COLUMN 2" SQUARE TUBE WALL GIRT 4" SCHED. 40 P.V.C. DOWNSPOUT BY G.C. (COLOR - WHITE) WALL SECTION AT SHADE STRUCTURE SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1 '-0" L - I 4G2 ----------------------- I I I I I I IL_—� r x:gl SCALE 1 /8" = 1'-0" cc I V' FACE BRICK CAULK AND BACKER ROD 8" CMU WALL CAULK AND BACKER ROD �4" SQUARE COLUMN BY SHADE STRUCTURE SUPPLIER 4" FACE BRIC FRONT WALL/SHADE STRUCTURE DETAIL SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 20' -0" I I � I 1 WALL OPENING IN TOWER — I 1 OCCURS ONLY AT GRIDLINE M7 I I I I I i o I I I 1 5132 TOWER PLAN G 1 G 2 SCALE: 1 /4" = 1'-0" see plan I I I I I I I I I I �I I I 1 I I I 1 WH EWC OCCURS 6G2 TOWER PLAN SEE G-1 G 1 SCALE: 1 /4" = 1 '-0" CAULK BOTH STEEL COLUMN - SEE SIDES STRUCTURAL 8" CMU 12" CMU I CAULK AND BACKER 4" VENEER BRICK ROD 4G2 MASONRY/BRICK TRANSITION SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" L M N R 43'-3' - -- 42'-0" 43'-5' I I I I I I 4'-8" CONC. RAMP (SEE SITE PLAN AND S2) V . F6!1kWPFjJ,!, . 5'-4" v 0" I � O I O - 1 00 �5I CENTERLINE OF 96" WIDE-/ 12" H. WHITE' �011 o PAINTED LETTERSOUNOBSTRUCTED PATH /4124_ -, N CD N2IJ (PAINT OSHA YELLOW) . ' W. CENTER POSTS W/ 4.09 N FENCE ON EXPOSED PROVIDE EGRESS EXTERIOR FACE AND BLACK VINYL _ - - _ HARDWARE & d HARDWARE ETA. - 4•� COATED CHAINLINK FENCING INSIDE d o 0 SEE cis cs GARDEN AREA WITH RAILS, POST AND I �; cli (D HARDWARE TO MATCH - PROVIDE OPEN AREA CONC. RAMP BLACK POLYPROPYLENE FABRIC BETWEEN (SEE SITE PLAN — AND S2 3 29 T TOWERS ALONG GRID '.25 & R/4.34 TYPICAL :H SIDE d- I L0 -TEEL COLUMN SEE STRUCTURAL 74'-0' I I I I I I , I - I I TRUCK I DOCK I I I I 20'-Q 6'-4" 20'-0" 4'-0" 20'-0" 4'-0" 20'-0' I I I IN I II I 9 _9 GATE #3 -- Qlz -� k- 12" H. WHITE PAINTED LETTERS 'R 4'W.x7' H. GATE. PROVIDE. EGRESS HARDWARE (SEE DET. SHT. # G-16 1 129'-4"I,F.O.M. TO FENCE) G5 USE HARDWARE SET � "L^ w (GARDEN CENTER WIDTH) 48 W UNOBSTRUCTED COVE -RED AREA - 1 PATH (PAINT OSHA I YELLOW)��: � L.4 1 L r CANOPY SHOWN DASHED 1 r I r— ------------ 14'Wx4'D. UNOB. PATH _ ' -r Slm. (PTD. OSHA YELLOW) 00 GATE #2 J- \IA-rflu o DOWNSPOUT (D.S.) _ DISCHARGE THRU U/G o PIPING, SEE s sci L0 I N O scz 3.04 N _ Sim. L-- SALES FLOOR I i I _ (SEE cjFOR CONTINUATION) I NOTE:_ �� i SEE SPECS AND I I 1 JG��'I"' CFOUNDATION DETAIL______SHADEFOR GARDEN CENTEINSTRU TURE - SPACE POSTS TO12' C.M.U.AVOID COLUMN FOOWHERE POSSIBLE � _ -- o ' NOTE: ss'-o" 5'-4" �- o GARDEN CENTER FENCE _ __� f.o.m. to f.o.m. -n o TO BE HEAVY DUTY, 11GA. I �7C������ I d N 1 �- BLACK VINYL COATED acz i DISCHAROE THRU U/GG 2,01 0 FROM FLOOR TO 11'-4" I PIPING, JEE sD-� I DOWNSPOUT (D.S.) o �2 I i i'OF'AUTO. DBL. i DISCHARGE THRU U/Gd y-, - PIPING, , SEE s� o _ MINET DOORS I � � I o N 1 8" C.M.U. WITH 4" FACE BRICK ,__ fRIDGE_1�__VALLEY _ E LINRIDGE ___ `V I - I I I �U�f'�ER---i--LINE I III i I I I I I b AUTO. DOORS W/ EMERGENCY I 1 11 OF 96" W. I SHI DE BREAKAWAY & SIDELIGHTS. 1 = -i--TUB-PATH-kFfMI`4FE�------_ ----- tc2 I � PROVIDE 4" GUARDPOST, WHERE 1 1 1 I OSHA YELLOW) I STRUCTURE UC- rTUREd EDGE OF o d co CONCRETE SHOWN, SEE c� G14A I I I I I I d I o 0 `li N I I II I I I 1 I _ I I I I J I PAINTED. L ER S I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - _ 00 (fl GATE 1 6.. � 41'-6" ` GAT 4 .� ` A41-,i 14'-0" 24'-0" 20'-0" 20'-0" 8'-6" FFpR CONTINUATION "THESE GATE MUST �� Pk. 6' W. x 1 1 ' 2"H. SEE CIVIL (1) PR. OF 4'W.x7'H. REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING SWINGING GATES IW/ I GATES W/ CENTER POST. STORE HOURS" SIGN AS CENTER DROP P ST PROVIDE EGRESS HARD- 1 SHOWN ON G16 & HARDWARE SE B WARE & HARDWARE SET "A", SEE cis cs M.12 .2 N.15 N.34 CV I TACTILE WARNING GROOVES o IN CONCRETE, SEE 101'-6" I GARDEN CENTER FLOOR PLAN ' SCALE 1 " = 20'-0" w ¢z IiJ L.41 ZtO O U e0 tV 'C Q ,L (A Lj LLJ J 3 U 3 Q o '^ In UN0 ao sIt V) QNV X pLu FE� W o0 z ' Q o � W � ai c Yea ■ 0 UJI a I? � 0 9 s 0 ui < 88 8 0 Z LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. APRIL,1999 COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED J X uj Q J tJ) LL. O Lu O ■ ■ Job No: 991295 Date: 12 AUG 99 Sheet No: Scale: SEE PLAN Drawn: KJV G 2 Checked: is C9 3 0 Q I 00 C9 I to rn N to rn N rn i V) I w Q N 0 00 0 I c� U N c? kn 0 O ` O an ■. .. .. / • • " Z.1��. ..=�iz'3 �r;CKt$Z,a ! s !� ,•gi '.'1 t "�5�., ;�;lQe ^ ■Mig: iml. e._. .....e...�� Im 32' -0" T.O.M. 26' -0' T.O.M. BRICK VENEER--,,. O BRICK ACCENT — COURSES D � E CJ " FI C.J. ICJ ' C.J. " C.J. ' (J�)C.J. C.J. C.J. K' " C.J. iL J. C.J. C.J. 12'-825-4" 2'8" 26'-8" -421--8M 0'-0" 43'-0" MAIN BLDG.29'-4" 44-420'-4" 24-810'-0" '" AGBA " 40'-0" 347'-0EXP. JOINT 304'-0" 274'-8" 230-4210'" 1'8-2-8" '" '" 21 T 29-8I 48-> PRE -FINIS PRFFIISHFD GALVALUME 41' n V OVER EIFS CORNIICEH-'8"" FR. Y —V MUL A —V 111V1I EGRESS GATES, PAINTEDO SCALE: 1 " = 20'-0" f rlt: T UU I T, I I l�H. CSLHI F� VIIV TL COATED FROM FLOOR T( 11'-4" Q f O N M L K J H T F E.26 E.12 E D C.34 C.10 C B C.J. C.J. C J. C.J. C. C.J. C.J. C J. C.J. M C.J. C.J. C.J. C.J. C.J. C.J- C.J. C.J. C.J. C.J. C.J. 20' 0" 30'-0" 22'-0" 21'-4" 38'-0" 22't0" 26'-8" 21'-4" 27'-4" 22'-0 �233' 5'-4" 24'-8" 25'-4" 22'-0" 25'-4" 24'-8" 25'-4 22'-0" 10'-8" 28'-0" ^ _ 434'-0" 412-0 390'-8" 35 -8" 330'-8" 304'-0" 282'-8' 1 255'-4" �^; _4" 1 208'-0" 183'-4"i 158'-0136'-0"1 110'-8" N 86'-Oi 60'-8" 1 38'-8"28'-0"Q484( 1 464 0 $ 1 ' ko 6 10 5 0 � , I � � 4- 4" � O � _ ..�- 5' 6" 51' 6" 2' 8 34 4 PREFINISHED GALVALUME 23 -0 TILE ROOF _g^ 47'-8" Cn c� O TILE ROOF V) 8"H x 16"W OVERFLOWLE ROOF,-3'- 4" 8'-0" SCUPPER OPENING TILE ROOF O5 METAL COPING OVER EIFS E.L.EIF.S. CORNICE O TIILLE ROOF WITH METAL yam~ CORNICE O CAP FLASHING % 5 5 N L) 32'-0" --- u cI I I I ---- ---- — ------------ -- -- — -a------ ---------- ---X- -L =---------- -----------�----------- -� ___�----------------- ----------- - __� ----- ---o---- - -- �___� --- - - 1 I - - A------ ------------ -----------'a------------------------------------�_-------- - � i BOTTOM OF 16"x8" � 8"H x 16 OPENING LOW I OPP2G7-1/2" ABOVE SCUHAND BRICK VENEER — f i METAL FASCIA OPENING TO BE BRICK VENEER O STEEL STEEL FENCE PAINT --I DOWNSPOUT PAINT-' N NOTE: 4 GARDEN CENTER FENCE TO BE HEAVY DUTY, 11 GA. C.J. TILE ROOF ,n BLACK VINYL COATED FROM FLOOR TO 11'-4" (2) Z; T A 0 c� 34'-8" G.I. T.O.M. ru 18'-8" - .0. NUM E S 10 B.O. LINTEL 11'-4" 5 B.O. SOFFIT ACCENT BRICK 0'-0COURSES 7 " ----------- ---- -- ----- ----------------------------------------- j ------- QBRICK VENEER STEEL GATE PAINT O FINISH FLOOR STREET ADDRESS NUMBERS AS APPROVED STEEL FENCE - BY THE FIRE MARSHALL, PAINT O NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH WALL COLOR PREFINISHED GALVALUME ��01 METAL COPING OVER EIFS CORNICE n n n All d �agr, 30'-s> T.O. M BRICK VENEER O S ACCENT BRICK COURSES o BRICK VENEER WAINSCOT O I 34 —8" T.O. MASONRY GARDEN CENTER WALL NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY 0' -0" FINISH FLOOR C FRAMEvvvO V C.J. C.J. ten'—n" C.J. 4' FI SIM. Q I 1OP LINE OF WAL BEYOND JO S OF STEEL 75'-4" 22'-0" 75'-4" 22'-0" REAR E LEVATI 0 N DG8A STEEL GATE PAINT a STEEL GATE PAINT PAINT DO AND PAINT GATE AND o SCALE: 1 " = 20'-0" FRAME 4 FRAME O OFFSET HINGES TO PAINT DOOR AND ALLOW 180` SWING NOTE: FRAME STAGING AREA FENCE TO BE HEAVY DUTY, 11GA. 5 f Q 6 g Q BLACK VINYL COATED 3 � FROM FLOOR TO 11'-4" Q PREFINISHED GALVALUME7 8 C.J. 1 co 1 METAL COPING OVER EIFS I AT EDGE 1 0'-0"�` CORNICE O OF TRUCK 0'-0" x 9 L I -WELL PAINT CANOPY 32'-0" T.O.M. 1 26'-p„ T.O.M. --- 20'-0" B.O. NUMBER 11'-4"' ... B.O. TUBE FINISH FLOOR STREET ADDRESS NUMBERS ;t AS APPROVED BY THE FIRE MARSHALL, NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH WALL COLOR Asu ,� 0'-0^ 0'-0" 34'-8" T.O.M. 30'-0" T.O.M. SCALE: 1" ----------- ---- -- ----- ----------------------------------------- j ------- QBRICK VENEER STEEL GATE PAINT O FINISH FLOOR STREET ADDRESS NUMBERS AS APPROVED STEEL FENCE - BY THE FIRE MARSHALL, PAINT O NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH WALL COLOR PREFINISHED GALVALUME ��01 METAL COPING OVER EIFS CORNICE n n n All d �agr, 30'-s> T.O. M BRICK VENEER O S ACCENT BRICK COURSES o BRICK VENEER WAINSCOT O I 34 —8" T.O. MASONRY GARDEN CENTER WALL NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY 0' -0" FINISH FLOOR C FRAMEvvvO V C.J. C.J. ten'—n" C.J. 4' FI SIM. Q I 1OP LINE OF WAL BEYOND JO S OF STEEL 75'-4" 22'-0" 75'-4" 22'-0" REAR E LEVATI 0 N DG8A STEEL GATE PAINT a STEEL GATE PAINT PAINT DO AND PAINT GATE AND o SCALE: 1 " = 20'-0" FRAME 4 FRAME O OFFSET HINGES TO PAINT DOOR AND ALLOW 180` SWING NOTE: FRAME STAGING AREA FENCE TO BE HEAVY DUTY, 11GA. 5 f Q 6 g Q BLACK VINYL COATED 3 � FROM FLOOR TO 11'-4" Q PREFINISHED GALVALUME7 8 C.J. 1 co 1 METAL COPING OVER EIFS I AT EDGE 1 0'-0"�` CORNICE O OF TRUCK 0'-0" x 9 L I -WELL PAINT CANOPY 32'-0" T.O.M. 1 26'-p„ T.O.M. --- 20'-0" B.O. NUMBER 11'-4"' ... B.O. TUBE FINISH FLOOR STREET ADDRESS NUMBERS ;t AS APPROVED BY THE FIRE MARSHALL, NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH WALL COLOR Asu ,� 0'-0^ 0'-0" 34'-8" T.O.M. 30'-0" T.O.M. SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" nnrMKIIC"rn rl AI \/A I IAAC- FRAME U SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" t KAMt / d\ C.J. C.J. C.J. C.J. C.J. C.J. 22'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 20'-0" A 138'-0" D 116-0 92'-0" C 68'-0" T T GATE r FRAME U E REAR ELEVATION A' SCALE: 1 " = 20'-0" 1 2 3 4 �`` ��`� 5 6 C. . C.J. C. . C.J. C. . C.J. C. . C.J. C. . C.J. C. . C.J. 18'-0" 26'-0' 22'-0" 22'-0" 22'-0" 22'-0" 16'-8" 27'-8" 22'-0" 22'-0" 22'-0" 22'-0" 265'-0 246'-0- 220'-0 198-0 176'-O" 154'-0" 132'-0" J 15' .8 9 88'-0" 66'-0" 44'-0" nnirw \irr.irro PREFINISHED COPING _ 2� 5 . 8 .. -BRICK VENEE n i 22'-8" B.O. BRICK B.O. BRICK U 9 l?J — CUNC:KE I L WALL MAIN I O PREFINISHED GALVALUME ^ BUILDING STRUCTURE -BRICK C.J. ONLY AND WALLS -BRICK VENEER WAINSCOT BEYOND o 7 C.J. INE OF ROOT EYOND (PAINT OSHAYELLOW) ASIDE ELEVATION :�ti SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" STRUCTURE WHITE 0 0 30`', " C J. 20'-4" t� '-8 T. 0 . M . -+28 T. 0. CMU SIM. 7A11 INSIDE BRICK ON CMU' SALES SCREEN WALL t IMPACT DOORS - FLOOR Or> SEE DETAIL 2A13 F.F.E. 0'-0" y � O TRASH COMPACTOR OPENING - SMOOTH FACE CMU (PAINTED LIGHT GRAY) PREFINISHED GALVALUME REAR OF SEASONAL D I S P LAY AREA METAL COPING OVER EIFS SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" CORNICE O I 34'-88"" CMU WALLS: T.O.M. v (SEE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS) I I .0. LINTEL E B.O. SOFFIT 0'-0" Jill FINISH FI00R UK CMU WALLS: (SEE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS) MASONRY (ACCENT COLORS): PAINT: DEVOE REGENCY INT/EXT ACRYLIC DESIGNER ACCENTS #19XX COLOR: (SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES) EXTERIOR METAL TO INCLUDE COPING GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS & COVERS DOORS & FRAMES. COLUMNS AT GARDEN CENTER HANDRAILS AND OTHER MISC. ITEMS: PAINT: DEVOE MIRROLAC ACRYLIC PRIMER AND FINISH #8502/83XX COLOR: (SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES) ALL METAL NEAR UNDERSIDE OF GARDEN CENTER ROOF TO INCLUDE DECKING JOISTS. CONDUIT, SPRINKLER LINES, ETC.: TO BE PAINTED WHITE FINISH FLOOR NOTE: SEE ROOF PLAN, DETAIL 5G13, COORDINATE DOWNSPOUT/GUTTER LOCATIONS WITH DETAIL 3G10A AND 3G11 BID ALTERNATE: ALL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS TO HAVE CLEAR ANTI -GRAFFITI COATING, PROVIDE (2) BASE AND (2) TOP COATS OF "GRAFFITI SOLUTION SYSTEM" BY AMERICAL POLYMER CORP. . o E Z 0 U kts a Y vj J 3 Lia N 3 QoLn m Vvv, o 0o 0�� <:300 01 j 1 0 u- W FE LLI o 0 v a , Q o ate+ W C O C Y n a O W ct �e W 8 E s s � Z LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. APRIL,1999 COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED A I MASONRY (ACCENT COLORS): PAINT: ENTERPRISE EXTERIOR LATEX SEMI -GLOSS COLOR: (SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES) EXTERIOR METAL TO INCLUDE COPING GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS & COVERS DOORS & FRAMES COLUMNS AT GARDEN CENTER, OR HANDRAILS, AND OTHER MISC. ITEMS: PAINT: ENTERPRISE EXTERIOR LATEX SEMI -GLOSS COLOR: (SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES) ALL METAL NEAR UNDERSIDE OF GARDEN CENTER ROOF TO INCLUDE DECKING JOISTS CONDUIT SPRINKLER LINES, ETC.: TO BE PAINTED WHITE OR OR CMU WALLS: (SEE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS) MASONRY (ACCENT COLORS): PAINT: PPG PITT TECH 90-474 SERIES ONE PACK INT./EXT. SATIN DTM INDUSTRIAL ENAMEL COLOR: (SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES) EXTERIOR METAL TO INCLUDE COPING GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS & COVERS DOORS & FRAMES COLUMNS AT GARDEN CENTER, HANDRAILS, AND OTHER MISC. ITEMS: PAINT: PPG PITT TECH 90-474 SERIES ONE PACK INT./EXT. SATIN DTM INDUSTRIAL ENAMEL COLOR: (SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES) ALL METAL NEAR UNDERSIDE OF GARDEN CENTER ROOF TO INCLUDE DECKING JOISTS, CONDUIT. SPRINKLER LINES, ETC.: TO BE PAINTED WHITE NOTES: 1— SIGN (LETTERS) SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY LOWE'S. SEE "E"- SHEETS FOR ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS. 2- ALL EXTERIOR MASONRY WHICH WILL BE HIDDEN BEHIND CANOPIES SHALL BE PAINTEDO 3- E.I.F.S. PREMIX COLORS SHALL BE: DRYVIT- SAND DOLLAR 357A - CAP FLASHING AT CORNICE TO MATCH EIFS COLOR NOTE: THERE SHALL BE NO CEMENT ADDED TO THE GROUND COAT OR ADHESIVE. 4- PAINTED COLORS: O A. SHERWIN WILLIAMS #SW1122 ECHELON ECRU 5- ROOF TILE: MCA CLAY BARREL TILE TO MATCH ADJACENT DEVELOPMENT, WITH CLEAR SEALER 6- BRICK VENEER: ACME: #(972) 241-1400 "CASCADE ROCK FACE", 4" MODULAR BRICK, WITH CLEAR SEALER 7- BRICK ACCENT: BORAL BRICK: GRAY #6000 FW VELOUR, 4" MODULAR BRICK, WITH CLEAR SEALER 8- BRICK COLUMN BASE AND WAINSCOT: BORAL BRICK: (912) 743-8621 BURNS #R-121 GEORGIAN, 4" MODULAR BRICK, WITH CLEAR SEALER 9- CERAMIC TILE: DALTILE "PEARL WHITE" - GROUT: HYDROMENT "SAND BEIGE" #325, DALTILE 6545 MATTE -DOE 10- MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT IS BELOW HEIGHT OF PARAPETS PER CITY REQUIREMENTS 1 1- PAINT ANY EXTERIOR CMU, EXPOSED TO VIEW, COLOR O NOTE: PAINT ALL SIDEWALL SPRINKLER DROPS AT EXTERIOR COLUMNS IN BUILDING & GARDEN CENTER FROM BOTTOM OF BAR JOIST TO SPRINKLER FITTING. SPRINKLERS SHALL BE PROPERLY COVERED SO THAT NO PAINT IS APPLIED TO SPRINKLER HEADS. COLOR SHALL BE "OSHA RED". ■ X I— W ■ o v- J 0 4 V) 0 c!i W 0 J V J Z 00 W Q x W W J W Job No: 991295 Date: 12 AUG 99 Sheet No: Sca1e: SEE PLAN Drawn: KJV G 8 Checked: JS ■ ■ `'—BRICK VENEER I8 ELEVATIO1 SCALE: 1 " = 2T-O" w E a U-1 co 0 0 I I'D 0i I f� 0 LJ Z O U 0 0 CD QL L� L� K4 K10 1 ° 30'-0" 1 ° 12'-loll 8'-4" 12'-1011 27-6 3 -411 6-811 3'-4" 15'-2" O N STRUCTURAL NOTES - - - -- - r - - - 1. REINFORCEMENT: VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT SHALL CONSIST OF #�5 BARS SPACED HORIZONTALLY - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- -.- _ -- - _ -- - - -- - _-- 1 AT 4'-0" O C. (EXTERIOR WALLS) VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 15" INTO I I CONCRETE FOUNDATION, HORIZONTAL JOINT REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE LADDERED OR TRUSS TYPE 1 WITH A MINIMUM OF TWO #9 WIRES. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE PLACED VERTICALLY AT lr O.C. 08 09 --' - -- I O REINFORCING STEEL AT SPLICES SHALL BE LAPPED 30 BAR DIAMETERS OR 24", WHICHEVER IS Y _ AR DIAMETER. ADDITIONALLY, A MINIMUM OF ONE / axis ,,PPA99� STORAGE/ SLOP BREEZE WAY f;'- GREATER, AND SHALL BE SEPARATED BY ONE B / THRUTAT ` BAR SHALL BE PLACED AT THE ENDS OF WALLS AND ALONG EACH SIDE OF OPENINGS eAcF{ JAN ® CONC ETE FROM WALL + �i�� VERTICAL # 5 t / 1 PACT ® '-4 3'-Ou 2�_8� , TO C LUMNS AT r LINTELS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON PLANS, CHAIN LINK O _� O $,ra a FOOT PENCE, PLOOR 2 ALL BOLTS, ANCHORS, ETC. INSERTED IN THE WALL SHALL BE GROUTED SOLID INTO PLACE. TO CEILING - 3 ALL HEAD AND BED JOINTS SHALL BE LAID WITH A FULL BED OF MORTAR, ALL RECOMMENDATIONS 1 �' °� BREEZE OF THE BRICK INSTITUTE OF AMERICA SHALL BE FOLLOWED IN REGARDS TO WORKMANSHIP, COLD 9 / - WEATHER PROCEDURES, FLASHING$, LEVEL AND PLUMB TOLERANCES, ETC. Fob �� ��o WAY i I - �� //''�' 03 °° , ® STORAGE VEND( o lAr-H IV '/� 2'-\4�� fkd w / Sn i u ---- q7 --- i 0 13 -10'_ 4 10 -� 8' 10'-011 1 ° - 32'-01, - - — 21'-4" 71_0�� i_gn 1 4 n O - t- , 0 01 2' WIDE GRADE BEAM OUT TO °O o o ^� - ^ I COLUMNS AT 8" BELOW F.F. I MEN / WOMEN �` �` Ala = ' i WIDE GRADE BEAM, TYPICAL s'' BELOW F.F. EMI CONCESS. o r---- ----------� OS i ( El DI I i t0 PLAN N I I 1 I I I I I 1- 11 +_ ' �_ n �,, 11 3'-4' 1_ 11 �_ I, �_ 1, 12'-011 11 2'-O" II 2f-o" ' "I 8 6 3 4 3 4 8 4 14 10 3 4 7 8 8 8 8 -8 8- 2 0 10'-loll 8'-4" 12'-loll I I I I ! I I 3 '-0" I 34'-0" 5" BUILDING SLAB, SET 4" FROM TFL111 EDGE OF FOUNDATION FOR BRICK I 12 '-O" _ SHELF, EXCEPT AT VENDING AND - CONCESSION COUNTER RECESSESS I `o - -- SLOPE BREEZE WAY AND DOORWAYS i °Q I CONCRETE FROM WALL PROVIDE 1811 SELECT FILL UNDER TO COLUMNS AT ALL SLABS, INCLUDING BREEZE I = I 1/8" PER FOOT WAY I � I " FOUNDATION PLAN & NOTES FLOOR PLAN � FOUND � G6 Z ._ G 1 SCALE: 1/8 = T-0 Z SCALE: 1/16' = T-0' ER D1 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8' = T-0' METAL ROOD CEDAR TRIM j 12" STONE SOLDIER \ COURSE METAL FACIA \ TIMBER BEAM \ T111 SOFFIT ' I ----- CUT STONE INTEL STONE C LU N I STONE WALL -' I I WROUGHT IR N DOOR - - ------ ALCOVE Al SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8' = T-0' IIII��II��� I 6) D6 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8• = r-o• EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8' = T-0' 16- METAL ROOF CEDAR TRIM METAL FACIA CUT STONE LINTEL 12" STONE SOLDIER COURSE STONE WALL METAL ROOF METAL FACIA CUT STONE LINTEL STONE WALL -- 1 I REGIoJUL COPYRIGHT © 200Q SCHUTTS MAGEE ASSOCIAT U Z U) LIJ U O LLj LILJ 0 Q (1)w FW- = o 3 U z F— U) n w Z � !!^^ VJ w � 0 z O Y � J = w3z m W D O O V (1) 0o Z 0 Q PROJECT NO. 1405-00 DATE: 07/25/00 DRAWN: JS REVISED �O •'• � x ExP ION DATE 02/28/01 SHEET CONTENT SHEET NUMBER c s A101 000 (W SHEETS ' — - - - \ 1 11 � � 1' ' I I' I 1 \ J I I \ 1' 1 1 � 1 1 I - - - 11 1 \ 1 11 11 1 \ \ \ _� - \ 1 1 \ 1 1 I ---� i `\ \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ------ - __---- � -_ ' �\\ ; \1 ' I I t 1 1 1 I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \1 \\ 1 \ 1 \ 1 1 11 II 1 1\ Is \ 1 1 —-------------� 1 1 t 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 I t 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 \\\\\\ \\\\ \ 1 1 -- \ t 1 t 1 11 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 \ 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ -o—''''_---- -- --\ \ 1 1 t 1 It 1 1 I I I I I I I I 11 1 1t \ \ \ \ -------- —_ __—' —` �— —' — — ---- It 1 \ -- 1 l II II 11//// / // /o / \\ \ `�-- _---'/ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \- '/ ' ! � � ' � ' ''- / ' ' i % % % % /% I Ij I I 1111 \ I ( ` / � f I; / / / / I � / / % / / / s+ti / / ' / / / / / / i I I I I \\ \\ \ ` t I I 1 `� ` ` i % \\ / . . / / / / / / I III \ \ \ 1 1 \ , /— / : `\ \\ \ \ \-- `-- `---__---- � ' 1 ' t j / j / j /' i '- 'i % , '� \\ 1 1 \\ \ atl\ ,1 \ \ \ \ \ - i t I 1 '� \\ -- - I I C-3 -- v - 4"611 __ ' _ ,; / 17'1% -1 I I y----J II �I /%' ! � 1 '� \ .' ---\•. -\\ su I _%� --\� � \� III C I Tom`\ I III I J i ifI I I 't I lOf --\ --- N,\ I IFI I I I I I I I 1 I I � r C O� � C = N X O- W N Q u. 00 O M rn a O 00 N ~ 0 W W ; 2 t O v 0 �O / X 6 m _O 00 M W/ OO T 0 0 O Q a M O W n 00 v0 O Do0-0 O MI M / p 0)/ _1 N O [,3:N r/ / 00 p. 0 -------------------- ---------------- 0 0 0 91011 \ \ \ I\I 1 �G im I I •G i ' 11`� - 1I-�-yl / = I i is�vY1 p. _- / AlOR- IA `-het— — — — _I 1 IN `p I / / I J 11 \I � �'' 1 - I III / I I III _ - 1 I I Y�/_-- ,34 — - 0 op jr�182�{ : � 0 — — — — — — — — — t--' 4' C►� I n �'J J'\\ �� i `\ �y"�% I II --------------- WHITE CHAPEL ROAD Aok 0 SCALE 1" - 200' ENEW \ 0 100 200 400 \ � I '1 / a L LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR LINES PROPOSED CONTOUR LINES w V 0 M OG w O )•,) w ON \O •KyJI N Z W n 5tR�Q5 o O `O w( Z� zrti 1--I Uu ¢� io L"e 3 m LW W Li: m H > p W 0 N O F- 3 z a, cr U >- O0 \ Q 1 � H F- ? Q Z � cn vA � � O O o o w a- N Z u cn D .—I W O O N (1 o W LL 0(r w w a O o W Q w F- n _ Z w w o Q pllp Lu lJ f � a m = W 8moo U z z Q —' UL N z ❑ w W 0 jr M a m a o 0 w ^Q I..L W z 0 LJJ m m c— °C w z T_ o w Q O z or cn w 0- _z LL W - 0 O o N cc L.Li 0— V) LLJ CL 0 0 co Cn OLn r O WV I O on 3 [n W L La W 0 W ti 3 Lou LAJ a o c o Q 0 } m 2 O N ti W "--------- SHEET 1 of ii ii ii 1 � 1� 1 � 1� 1' 1 SCALE 1" - 100' 1� I F0 50 100 200 t � f � I! I lA Npv"-- - ---- - - -- �pN _ :,::P:::'S- ° - p14 '' - 1-• v - -✓------------- - UU --� I tl a I T1�� \ , \ y r `♦ PROPOSED 5 x3I RCB FURNISH AND INSTALL / STORM DRAIN o 00 -o -=u ' I 2 STD. 4' DIA. S.S. MANHOLE _- _ �� ,Y FURNISH AND INSTALL N 4708.4627 ► I i 1 i' ,.>>-'' N 2765.8167 E 5630.3871 ' .- - - `yjJ-iy,y, E 5860.0536 1- 8" x 6" TEE -- "a ' a 1 - FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY PROPOSED 18" RCP WITH VALVE STORM DRAIN o �" '0 FURNISH AND INSTALL a w w 2" WATER LINE 1 _ a► 0 9 M� M� I { ------------- --- -- r�o j5 ; W� FURNISH 8" PVC WATER LINE INSTALL 0, b 00 I I I 11 I I I I I O , 1 `♦ 1 «� i °D'� etu"O OI # � L----I I IL--- L----I �i I o oI I -- E�# , 4� - - - - - - - I " I I -- I I 1, Lj,O� 9 E`y 'Q E�� �° ; '6°I� �� it 1 114 E'► I �' EXISTING 2 I I r-- PROPOSED 4 DIA. �' ar Q" DOMESTIC ; FURNISH AND INSTALL __ IRRIGATION LINE ---- ---- WATER LINE ---1 1" SCH 40 PVC WATER LINE j r-- -- ' ` FURNISH AND INSTALL: 1 CONNECT PROPOSED I TO DRINKING FOUNTAIN I �_- _ _ — N 2754.9902 ; 2 WATER LINE I� i #t `00 E 5360.7404 ' °� TO EXISTING 2 j WATER LINE I I EXISTING CONNECT 1" PVC WATER LINE " �I `�FURNISH �1 1 - FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY ATER METER LAND BOX I 1` 1 WATER METER TO EXISTING 2 WATER LINE , WITH VALVE 1 -DRINKING FOUNTAIN r (� (SEE DETAILS FOR CONNECTION) I � I I �-I► �'�p� I i 1 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - J I I I-----------------------TH I I z I it -------------- -- CONNECT PROPOSED ------- j EXISTING 2" " - ' 2" WATER LINE 00 ^ as o DOMESTIC ,�°o' J FURNISH AND INSTALL TO PROPOSED 8" I ---- --- -J L WATER LINE J L -I Q ----------- 2" WATER LINE - LINE --- � w w no I ' # # `♦ L ww moo I I ICJ i L_- __ " ~ CONNECT TO - I I o,o"3 rno� rnoaa II Z I I ---------I BUILDING SERVICE I REF.MECH. all o- w C_j - - - - - - - - - `" I E ISTING I I I ° FURNISH AND INSTALL J -1 l --------------------- SP INK ER 1 I I , , STD. 4' DIA. S.S. MANHOLE ICJ ---- --- ---- cL _ _ S ;� EM - ---- J - N 2761.9952 Z y�--------------- I �: cn I �__ __ _ ==a i i 9 6w" E 5222.5059 0 � 1 i o --- I �__ __ Q 00w o BEGIN 8" WATER LINE I ---------- �;°� �� oN E 2745.2203 {' 1 I I I I I I------- ------- ' v1 4910.1594 1 ; s a I I I I I I PROPOSED 4" DIA. o t o FURNISH AVD INSTALL I , I i10 �� IRRIGATION LINE 9 �`� O 1 w 1- 12" x E" TAPPING SLEEVE N AND VALVE WITH VALVE BOX co I I ; CONNECT TO EXISTING a Q `o CONNECT TO 8" STUB -OUT SANITARY SEWER LINE N PROPOSED 18" RCP V -_ __-- J I L- # # -- ----- - # -� `; % / I N 2754.1986 • I STORM DRAIN ; FURNISH AND INSTALL AT EXISTING S.S. MANHOLE ♦. \ w ^ .3 as STD. 4 DIA. S.S. MANHOLE N 4434.3607 W I ° - r o N 4697.8123 E 4838.2922 v—_v v U ' ,,1.. --' E FURNISH 357 _ a o . i c1 ' �1 1 a NINSTALL'-- E - �M xo m g -- -- - - _ STD. 4' DIAA.. S.S. MANHOLE m� vo E 4834.4281 -- ----�—------- -- ---- - - -- - _ Are Jw v r c o1I' Dl/. 1ulfR IK v0 II'DG /A. lfR LIAi II"Dh Ifk LIL Af Ilk L/AC -„v„— ,,`�, —_ .—.—------- -------------Q. _ _ - --. — O- . —. vvvvvv ur EXISTING 8" FIX. SANITARY SEWER LINE — — (l) (W(�, C� 1�1 U O w O ZN fV W � O � r--W HH¢z� H� W� zLr) m 3 W W m > 2!W 0 N W 3 0\` cr Z O 0 Z W U) t\ _j 1=— > z Lou uz) Lcuc U � M N 30 M a o Lv LL 0 = H w LL p W o o W ¢ w ►- _ Q� CA Z w W o Q poll W LJ 1:4 m = LL Of u ~o0 U d o z Z a J N z 0 w WLLJ a ur a- 0 O W (3 z w U) W z O 3 Li 00 mU) = W I— LL w � � O O O Q z cc: J (n W W LL W F- O Lu O N J Iz W QC- cl) G U � 0- Q W 0 LLI O co rn m d O o Z [0 U in O N J 0 o yVj Oj a o "13 [D W 0 3 W � 2 p Y W •-. w 3 Ix U _ 7 1- 0 0 c U W H a 0 r m z 0 V) W w ZI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 'JUG 192000 1 of 1 SED STORM DRAIN CULVERTS i'RCB BOX CULVERT TO POND No.1 i'RCB BOX CULVERT TO POND No-1 RCP CULVERT TO POND No.2 (UPPER) RCP CULVERT TO POND No.2 (LOWER) RCP CULVERT AT PARKING LOT "B" RCP CULVERT WITH SLOPING HEADWALLS LOOP ROAD ENTRANCE RCP CULVERT AT LOOP ROAD AND TRAIL OSSINGS L.-1B" RCP CULVERTS AT TRAIL CROSSINGS N � m m m o � n 7 „ r � N r n SON O m C � m In �r o _ r W dQ N ap N m N m 6 n In / n / I �I � r - o r / 4� _ 1A d / 49.4 drd / 00 H H/� d v M - iN �n m o o 10 10, 1 M %t " I r � -�•------------------ N n ,Zn_ LJ�r V v \ : as .r� e s ✓ / Oil v +� P. '" sate � ^s�.• ,� re j� `�• POND NO-11 ° I Wo 1� � /, 1 �sr- s ( 3y■ 'awl ° ., ��-011� - - -- -- - - -- - - CHAPEL ROAD! 20.3 a< / SCALE 1" - 200' o ,00 zoo _ .. ,..�,.400 .. n `gym m � m o m10 N N O 4 N N r O. �- 1 DIn o moo N M Q 1/1600 rol o '^ m � m ao IN Lj la42 N DRAINAGE COMPUTATIONS m LEGEND m(� I 5 r. I 25yr. I 100yr. Q 5yr. Q 25yr. Q 100yr. m q C Time y area Area Coeff. Concen. Intensity Intensity Intensity Intensity Intensity Intensity Ar (cfs) (Cfs) _ AREA DESIGNATION " No. (acres) Runoff (minutes) (in/hr) (in/hr) (in/hr) (cfsj 1A n 49.40 0.35 20 4.85 6.70 8.30 83.86 115.84 143.51 4 9 4 ACREAGE 1A N� C 0 1B 18.60 0.35 15 5.50 7.70 9.60 35.81 50.13 62.50 N fl m 10 6.60 9.30 11.6 9.47 13.35 16.65 35 e q �� oo� N • �� D ° i�1C 4.10 0. . 4.85 6.70 8.30 55.05 76.05 94.21 a FLOW ARROW r r 1D 22.70 0.50 20 m ° M��� °m a Q B 1 N m m r . 2.40 0.95 10 6.60 9.30 11.6 15.05 21.20 26.45 / "p M 1D1 54.40 OI �o r 1E 13.40 0.35 10 6.60 9.30 11.6 30.95 43.62 � r r A 20.30 0.35 15 5.50 7.70 9.60 39.08 54.71 68.21 N o 2 960 33.69 47.16 DRAINAGE AREA DIVIDE 15 550 .7.70 .58.80 2B 17.50 0.35 �� m 15 5.50 7.70 9.60 28.68 40.16 50.06 2C 14.90 0.35 - - -- • 2D 4.3lo 0 0.35 10 6.60 9.30 11.6 9.93 17.46 14.00 r N 2E 11.6 5.08 7.16 2.20 0.35 10 6.60 9.30 8.93 " ��__. a 3.50 0.35 10 6.60 9.30 11.6 8.09 11.39 14.21 2F Wu^ I� U O C/) C� `O V) M w o W NO N w��� ti w z� < 'o 0 WZwz� vo ��� 3 L►1 w m ►- Lij 2 it LL- N ¢ >oW0 \o W 3 Z cr cr U }, O \ Z O W I- J - F > " Q CS Z a S7O U owOL (V LL,CS �N= �a 0 o U)O w LL p M 0: LL"�awo W a w M 2 I-- W rr O Q Z W NO x~gym o o w a oZzIx p Z ¢ LA 0 LU Cl- a o ''' LU = m CL F- O W w 0 LIJ CO pip U) Q °C w Q O �-LL LJ Q I O O w Uj 0- Q L 2 LU ' LL O N CC LU z a_ Cf) �-- _ rr - CI_ 0 U � Uj U) 0 I� in p L0 O Z rfl U 2 O N 1 J O W O cn 3 W O L Cl W 0 3 W ti 3 V F- N Q W 0 Ix O U LLJ } m Z X O m V $ > ' w °D z w SHEET / 00 1 of f+ Q� v�y 9 o o � g Is S N Z Y Q❑QOC��[��0� , AI ... ... - - - T..- I �� O?� ... o D I Coy � i w'[PHLUIPS 1WHY151y a-017 -........... . . .......... - `� -j 00 �� -►� o� �� �� D�Q ! �oO o' ladG�O� II I o I I------------lol--- --------------- -- j j a I LU i I o I �oToo I ia toT�it �oTs j I— — - cc) _yi 1 " 9��i<<F W � DENTON 50' FUTURE R.O.W. s89•Z�'!45'E \ \ \ TARRANT O 2s' 50 B .` -' - -� L - - - _ - - -TfF 128• 50 \ 10 15 Jc�P O '---- . � --- a • - E�-st6 I H 13 \ E I / I I --------------- I C 16 O �s I 9 8 � _ L�r ; ; o ' ¢ 6 A , W. 9 �� -�//�/. •DSO !�•OJ/ ♦ I 5' UTILITY EASEMEN' I I I I 40' wILD11• TMCR 1 J • \ /• ,�Q>�-V' 1 •' ./� /_ / / i / _ - _`\ \ / I I 3 35' Z 11 10 ,g — �9 I �o I Q I I i _ 1, . I \ 18 -------� I 4 I i o z �o ' S88'S1'S2"E 1863.77 \ iI �` ; O ��s� i i i! • Iff - - - - W IMF \ r �, i f/p1 o�':�a^ i ns , i 0 i � ZI� ; 1 - p —, `�— L 65 i `4� I ` ��y ; $ l;� ? I`! i Ir az' m ,;, " N T ; i 41 i 8 I 1� j \ 17 I 18 --�---- I pJ` � 10• � 9�A`.t E` � G m� ` � mom' � ' I • �j, � L-----�--_--J------ _--- I 9 ,4i V� az _ ----- -T I I 15 I 16 M •�+•o •Y� O �l p < j ZZN =� cam o_ p ) �^ ,co - ------ I !o 'J'af c'?�fl ' w �n 1�� �•Bs.P mr-+O iI �'v`"1 ''+v• I I i w e tI Ll LJ ❑ LJ LI Q o o � t� 9 ) n • M ! .• Z .oar th , 0110 (� DD D (� 11❑ LJ 11 I I ¢' '�9•�T � i �'E 1���0� �� a �i� E� �./ ¢ - i I ❑ I � I I I Z I, ":� --- � j ' •� F ! I; 1 — — �� WEST - 2113 i Q g 90 i 7 A ¢<< i mrrsr I 160 22` I 6 .�1 55' ; I o i ii �n w Z 1 x ' "' �►' {j+) L .co � 81.7' ' ' � •� a�s r• rra�. !'' �r i'� 1 � I � I 1 + -- - — I I 1 1T80.00 -- - - I I �'� I E -- - - - - - 0��9� I� Ns9.51 00" 4 rmrAm " ; - o ° 0 0 �3ww � g I I I • �• I _ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5' UTILITY EASEMENT I V'� `, 1 \ I 1 c .� � 9188 38 00"� I - - - - --------------- • I -------------------- 118 119 i ` '4* CROWN RIAD _ _ DR/ —_ o,a�Z"�-1- 90 i 2 i 1 I j R.D. PRICE SURVEY -' — --'_�--" LLS SURVEY A• - I I I I I I -- L - - - - - ,SVW V E L".1- S TT N, I I I� I � N I ' O I I .. 70' FUTURE R.O.W. UST114 IS' UOERYIIOM .EBTII1cAL EASEIFJIT IECOIIOIIIs 1)i11"710M TO E PrAV100 MIIOt TO flLllq) IIs91 }••� ;W7yy,'•••yy.�......... H-1 F IF - 35' COE w-20s0001 3T0. C N/ T , Y O ` O , o) 40 Cie- IL /C) o / � o s )o _ r� o 0 I N 37' 6000 , �%M+ ,, W�� 228.04' H89. 55' 00'r N89.55'00"r 1079.30' cm A E1011[i16 DOIMOMY ss 7 j 1 I � `, I 'ss LOT 1 j I --- 1 G �, I '� � 8 I 1 • >! .` I N �r N89.50'09"r 817.34 I I sH E a mmumI is 8 ���'-s ; `¢;ter S89.17' 17 "V to :aN • �9� c ���y I 149.93' i I VICINITY MAP E S89.32'29"E ' i GRAPH IC SCALE ` / APPROX. 572 CONTOUR-,,,- 349.58 L 150 300 600 \ \ 10UTILITY EASIIIENT 1 10' UT11-111 EASEMENT ' IN FEET ) inch = 300 ft. - �� • V UR y— I ' O a-- V. MAH 'DAVID DOUTNIT SllftVEY '1-f 607 I , Q N \ � \ • O SITE INFORMATION d LAND USE SCHEDULES gCIE 1 ' S89.57' 50NV x1 \ �, 349.97 GROSS 19 0.40 p♦ I ROWDEDICATION: 2.98 o NET ACREAGE: 187.41 \ EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant and Public Park !/ PROPOSED LAND USE: Public Park N - Construction planned thru 2000 / APPROX. 572 CONTOUR 1 D❑DoU�G��� •`b- DCCOf�] C�OM�1�� ..-.----------- ----- --.... -- -... ID, [D (a U v "n � U / 10,00, G / s / ,000, /. m FLOWAGE EASEMENT NOTE: 572 IS THE BOUNDARY OF THE FLOWAGE EASEMENT AS OUTLINED BY THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. ANY ENCROACHMENTS INTO THIS EASEMENT MUST OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE RESERVOIR MANAGER AT THE I GRAPEVINE LAKE PROJECT OFFICE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS RT. 1. BOX 10 GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 16051 NOTE: BEARINGS BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF WEST BEACH ADDITION BEING N 89.51'00" E SURVEYOR -ENGINEER CHEATHAM 81 ASSOCIATES 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD. SUITE 200 ARLINGTON. TEXAS 76011 (817) 548-0696 FAX (817) 265-8532 CONTACT: GORDON JOHNS OWNER -DEVELOPER CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 (817) 481-5581 ext 756 FAX (817) 421-2175 CONTACT: BEN HENRY PRELIMINARY PLAT LOT 1, BLOCK 1 BOB JONES PARK ADDITION TO THE THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE DENTON AND TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 190.40 ACRES SITUATED IN DENTON AND TARRANT COUNTIES AND CONTAINED WITHIN THE M. MAHAFFEY SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 916 THE R.D. PRICE SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 1003 THE H. THROOP SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 1273 AND THE VACATED PLAT OF WEST BEACH ADDITON TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 0%0` j U p 2000 ONE L JULY 19, 2000 CASE No. ZA 00-xxx SHEET 1 OF 2