Mary Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 533 (Lot 2, Block 3), 1998 - Quitclaim Deed tS""" 15 4-iI11}f~ ~ ,~;; Lf h) ~ ~ QUITCLAIM DEED STATE OF TEXAS PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT That the City Council ofthe City of South lake, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, after careful study and consideration, has determined that certain utility easement located in Lot 2, Block 3 in Hills of Monticello, Phase 2, hereinafter specifically described, is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without a corresponding public benefit, and the public would be better served and benefitted by its vacation and abandonment. For and in consideration ofthe above findings and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the City of Southlake ("Grantor") does hereby bargain, sell, release, vacate, abandon and forever quitclaim unto: MONTE E. AND INGRID D. FORD, HUSBAND AND WIFE ("Grantee") and any and all of its heirs, legal representatives of assigns, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real property situated in Tarrant County, Texas, to wit: See Exhibit 'A': Legal Description See Exhibit 'B': Graphic Description TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of its right, title and interest in and to the above described utility easement unto the said Grantee, its heirs and assigns forever, so that neither Grantor nor its heirs, legal representatives of assigns shall have, claim of demand any right or title to the aforesaid utility easement premises or appurtenances or any part thereof. Executed this the ,,.jj day of '7Jit1~i ,1998. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BY:~ MAYOR "___~, ""_~. '_'''~' ".=__~...._. 'b"__'___".~__'_"_>'__"_'____""""'_'_"'_'__'_""'~"" STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared M ~ , Mayor of the City of South lake, known to me to be the person wh se name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the ~-3 .1998. day of 'l!Zd.t~ !M1d~ ~ it~LV J Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My commission expires: SANDRA L LI~GRAND ~Joti1rY Pullilt: STAn OJ:' i5X~ My Gmni': bp (j;'/(J4/~/;jQf '" J-- J +- / JAJO I . " Return to: Grantee: City St:cretary City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 Monte E. and Ingrid D. Ford 805 Potomac Drive Southlake, Texas 76092 M: \ WP-FILES\QUIT -CL \98-23 _ WPD 2 EXHIBIT A SURVEY PLAT EASEMENT ABANDONMENT Oe:ing a 20.00 fe:et utility ease:mt:nt situate:d in the: City of SOllthlakt:, Tarrant CoulIty, Texas and being a portion of Lot 2, Block 3 of Montice:llo Phase II an addition to the: City of Southlake: as n:corde:d in Cabine:t A, Slide 1280 of the: Plat Rt:cords of Tarrant County, Te:xas and being more: particularly de:scribed as follows: Comme:ncing at a 1/2" irun pin at the northwest corne:r of said Lot 2, the:nce: N HH . 27' 02" E along the: north line: of said Lot 2 a distance: of 3.17 fe::e:t to the: Point of Be::ginning of he:re:in de:scribed e:aseme:nt; Thence N H8 . 27' 02" E continuing along said ';mrth hne:: -tK31 fc:e:l; The::m;t: S 67 . OS' 35" E, llO.62 fc::c::t; Thenct: S 02 . 54' 46" E, 74.23 fc:e:t to the south line: of said Lot 2; Thence: S 88 . 27' 02" W along said south lint: 20.00 fc:t:t; The:nce: N 02 . 54' 46" W, 61.21 b:t; Thence:: N 67 . OS' 35" W, 142.05 fe:t:t to the:: Point of Be::ginning. --f &2,6.~ aR~;d P;~t~s~~~1 L;nd'Survey~ 'I" BURKS LAN'O'SIJRVEYING . -.----r- u - LEGEND' .. --~ - SuI.: 1'. I 600 NW HWY II.P.F. .. Iron Pin Found Dale: 6/9'94 !I SUITE 0 I.P.S. .. Iron Pan Set Job No. ~055 1\ GRAPEVINE TEXAS 76051 F.C. .. Fe~ce Corner GF No. II' uu.E. .. Utility Easement InVOICe No. '1:,\' METRO 817/481.9699 D.E. - Drainage Easement Updalad P. P. - Power Pole R....1Hcl _ ~ _.._ .._. d -- - ------ - ~-~II J 3 rhu plcU ~no....." nuriton IS a r..presentatlon 01 the prupeny as ddls,mined from ,an actuat on the ground >ur'I~Y. \II~ hn~5 and \I1ln"n.1On1 01 laid prlljl6'ty belt1~ a. ,ndlcal.,s oy III.. pial. TII.. unde"ign..d I'... 110 knowlllllC).. 01 01 nas belln adVised 01 any known 01 appllent llllcroechments, conltielS. ed.~em&nts or p'utru~I(jIl:i excepl as shown EXHIBIT B SURVEY PLAT EASEMENT AB~T CONTINENTAL BLvuD. I LOT 1 "tl o -I o ~ > () "tl .- > () m BLOCK 3 ~ -N- ~ P.O.a N.... U 02" 2O,Jl> ~483f ~ S 61- ............ ,""OS' .is- '\- Iy 6r~ ""'-. c, ~ s.,....' Os 3S.'~ ......... "~ "" '" ~'o;---'" ';l ---i\ ~ LOT 2 ~ ~, ~ ~ ,~ ~ \20.~ ~ S.....U02.W .".~2' LOT 3 , \ \ \ \ , , MONTICELLO PHASE II CAB. A. SLIDE 1280 \ LEGEND I.P.F. - Iron Pin Found I.P.S. - Iron Pin Set F.C. - Fence Corner U.E. - Utility Easemenl D.E. - Dr.lnage Easement P.P. - Power Pole SO' 6/9/94 94055 4 The plat ShOwn hereon IS a repr_ntellon of the ptoperty as deltKmined Irom an eClual on the ground SUNey. the lines and I3lmensions of said properly being as indICated by !he plat. The undllraigned has no knowledge 01 or has been adviM<l 01 any known or apparenl encroachmenls. conflicls. easemenla or ptolruSlOns ..cepl as shown. ~ ~.d~ RegiS~ed Professional Land Surveyor BURKS lAND SURVEYING 600 W. NW HWY SUITE D GRAPEVINE. TEXAS 76051 METRO 817/481.9699 Sc.: '". Dale: Job No. OF No. Irwolce No. lJpdaJed Rftiaed - D198061773 CITY OF SOUTH LAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T TO: AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY RECEIPT NO 198157498 REGISTER DR92 RECD-BY T004891 PRINTED DATE TIME 03/27/98 07:49 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D198061773 WD INDEXED TIME 980327 07:49 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 15.00 B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ~__. ....-..- ......._~_._.".~._~_....__.____"...._"'~,..~.".. ,,,_~,_,,_,_,__,,,+,,,,,,,,~~_~,,~_',,,_~'n_"_~'~~" "",'-,_._,_,_, ~._~--,., ~ '\ \ OFFICIAL RECORD RESOLUTION NO. 98-23 A RESOLUTION VACATING AND ABANDONING UTILITY EASEMENT IN LOT 2, BLOCK 3, HILLS OF MONTICELLO, PHASE 2, IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; DECLARING THAT SUCH PROPERTY IS UNNECESSARY FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED RELEASING PUBLIC OWNERSHIP, INTEREST OR CONTROL OF SAID UTILITY EASEMENT AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant of Article XI, Section 5 ofthe Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 ofthe Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, utility easement has been previously dedicated to the City of Southlake by the owner of Lot 2, Block 3 in Hills of Monticello, Phase 2 to the City of South lake, Tarrant County, Texas. WHEREAS, the City Council ofthe City of South lake, after careful study and consideration, has determined that the utility easement located in Lot 2, Block 3 in Hills of Monticello, Phase 2 (the "Utility Easement") is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without a corresponding benefit, and the public would be better served and benefitted by its vacation and abandonment. Said Utility Easement is more specifically described on the attached exhibits: EXHIBIT A: Legal Description EXHIBIT B: Graphic Depiction "....~....~.._.,~____._ .___-_.' ,~.____..___.__........","""",",_,_""",~_'~_4__ ,___,_. ~~_~ .-__~_........___ WHEREAS, in order to remove any question as to the continued interest or ownership of the public in said Utility Easement, the City desires to execute a Quitclaim Deed releasing all title, ownership and control in said easement to the owner or owners of Lot 2, Block 3 in Hills of Monticello, Phase 2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 The Utility Easement, as described herein, is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in generaL It constitutes a public charge without a corresponding benefit, and the public would be better served and benefitted by its vacation and abandonment. Accordingly the above described utility easement, located on Lot 2, Block 3 in Hills of Monticello, Phase 2 to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, is hereby vacated and abandoned as public property and such area shall revert in fee simple to the owner of Lot 2, Block 3 in Hills of Monticello, Phase 2. SECTION 2 The Mayor of the City of South lake, Texas, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute a quitclaim deed releasing all claims to title, ownership, or control of the utility easement on the behalf of the City of Southlake, Texas. A copy of said quitclaim deed shall be presented for filing with the County Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas by the office ofthe City Secretary. SECTION 3 This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage as provided by law. 2 >w___.. .._ .~,~ _~~',,""""" ___,..._"__".~_......_~~.._...,_~_"._.>_,.,",.......".".." PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 11-, DAY OF~, 1998. ~~ MA R ~\\\\'''''''''''''l A TTES T: ~~~OF8d~ 10' *~~ ~ - r-:::: '* E~ It~ ~* ~ is J ~-tt ..l~'Y# CITY SECRETARY ~l 6"4 ~ I!I.'~ 7111""1II'''\\\\~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ~ o-l/~fr~~/ Date: 7'YlaJ d /7 If( f{ t / AdoPted:~/7J ;'!1! Effective: /JuuA J~ /,,'?! 3 ,,,_~...""_ __~__ ..__ _..."._,. .~~_~_____...._.._.. ._"_._....~__L~"_'~'_._~._____~_,....._~..."."_~..,,~_ .,,,~~ ~,-_--.."_. - ._~ EXHIBIT A SURVEY PLAT EASEMENT ABANDONMENT Oeing a 20.00 feet utility easement situated in the CilY of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texus and hc:ing a portion of Lot 2, Block 3 of Monticello Phase II an addition to lhe Cily of Southlake as reconJeJ in Cabinet A, Slide 121m of the Plat Records of Tarnanl Cuunty, Texas and l:Jcing more particularly descril:Jcd as folluws: Commencing at a 1/2" iron pin at the nurthwest corner of said Lot 2, thence N MX . 27' 02" E along the north line of said Lot 2 a distance of 3.i7 feet 10 the Poilll.ol Beginning of herein lkscril:Jcd easement; Thence N 88 . 27' 02" E continuing along said ';lC1rth line 4Ho3l feet; Thence S 67 . 05' 35" E, 110.62 feet; Thence S 02 . 54' 46" E, 74.23 feel to the south line of saiJ Lot 2; Them:e S 88 . 27' 02" W along said south line 20.00 feet; Thence N 02 . 54' 46" W, 61.21 feet; Thence N 67' US' 35" W, 142.05 fc:et to the Point of Beginning. --I d 4 ,~ ~R~;;d P!~'~S~~;ll~-~d'SU.~~Y;;- i' BURKS LAN-O'SURVEYING - ----~ LEGEND sl;aIe: II 600 NW HWY I.P.F. - Iron Pin Found 0.1.; ill SUITE D I.P.S. - Iron Pin Set Job No. 'I GRAPEVINE TEXAS 76051 F.C. - Fe~ce Corner GF No. II' UU.E. - Utility Easement InVOICe No. il:\ METRO 817/481.9699 D.E. - Drainage Easement updated P.P. - Power Pole RavlMd - - n__ n___.__ -. -.+------- I" - 6/9/94 ~055 --~II I .~ 4 ~---- ~._-_._._. -- -------- flit! pldt ~rH,)\I"'l httrdOn l::t a htptesenlauon 01 the ptvperty as dtilermlned !rom an aclual on the ground :lur'I~~. m~ hll..s cllId lJlm"nSIOnS 01 said property being cI& Indlcaltd by tn~ plat. Tn.. undersign"a hellS 1\0 II.n\lwledgti o. or haS been advlsttd of any known or apparen~ anceoaehmenls, conthcts. ed~em&nI5 or prv((Uti1vflS ttxCepl as shown EXHIBIT B SURVEY PLAT EASEMENT ABAJII>ON.IENT CONTINENTAL BLV"D. l ""0 0 -l 0 ~ > 0 ""0 ,... > 0 m .. u .. :.-. "' .. ... '" .. '" ... I LOT 1 BLOCK 3 ~ -N- J, ~ P.O.B. " MM' U 02' 2bJ,. ~483r -"""""'S6?- """ "'-Os' 3S- ,., 6~~. ""-.. C. !.!!!..6~ "'$ OS........ .......... ~'.. ' JS" ..._~ """'-- .s~.' Is- "" .......... ........... ":~...~ . ~OS......... "-, ,~ LOT 2 ~I \~ ~ i, ~ ::{. ,,,. ~ ;;! :e\ ~ 2O.~1 - S tSdo zr 02. w b4~2" LOT 3 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ MONTICELLO PHASE II CAB.A,SLlDE1280 \ BURKS LAND SURVEYING 600 W, NW HWY SUITE 0 GRAPEVINE, TEXAS 76051 METRO 817/481-9699 ~ ~ /.f~ Regi~.~~d Professiol'lal Lan~ _~.u~eyor LEGEND Scale: 1". I.P.F. . Iron Pin Found Dale: I.P.S. . Iron Pin Set Joll No. F.C. . Fence Corner OF No. U.E. . Utility Easement Invoice No. D.E. . Drainage Easement lJjIdaIed P. P. - Power Pole RevtMd 50' 6/9/94 94055 5 The plal shown hereon It a repr_nlallon ollila property as datermlned Irom an aClual on tha grOUnd survey, the lines and dimensions 01 said prOPlny baing as indICated by th. pial. The und,"ligned has no knowledge 01 or has bean advised 01 any known or apparent encroachments, conflicts, easements Dr prolrusions e.capl u shown. D198086810 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 198189399 REGISTER DR92 RECD-BY T004891 PRINTED DATE TIME 04/24/98 11:12 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D198086810 WD INDEXED TIME 980424 11:12 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 17.00 B Y: C/ " :. :,..' ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW.