A-295 (Monticello) )1/ QUITCLAIM DEED STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT That the City Council of the City of Southlake, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, after careful study and consideration, has determined that a certain 10' access easement located in the Monticello Addition, hereinafter specifically described, is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without a corresponding public benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by its vacation and abandonment. For and in consideration of the above findings and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the City of Southlake does hereby bargain, sell, release, vacate, abandon and forever quitclaim unto: Hills of Monticello, Inc. and any and all of its heirs, legal representatives or assigns, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real N r- C) C) property situated in Tarrant County, Texas, to wit: See Exhibit A: See Exhibit B: Legal description Graphic depiction .,) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of its right, title and interest in and to If) c:::> the above described 10' access easement unto the said Grantee, its heirs and assigns forever, so that neither Grantor nor its __A"~' ,,_ ~.h.~,,_ __..."...-,_.._.."_.~..~,_....,"_'=' ,.,.....'~..""..,~_..'~". ..,_..~"'..,r~..~..____,._ heirs, legal representatives or assigns shall have, claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid 10' access easement, premises or appurtenances or any part thereof. EXECUTED this /7 day of 19 1/ '\ By: STATE OF TEXAS ~~~11~ ~~~;A ~;:m~~;~B~t1J COUNTY OF TARRANT My acknowledged before me on the / 7 , 1991, by Gary Fickes, Mayor of Texa~{ a municipality, on behalf of tl. i"'1 ..;~ .\ n LA""" .... ~~ ....... Irf' ~ ,/<:''''' ....., ~ !~.....*......~~\ = ;. ~"": :>-: - ::pt= it-": ~cn! -...... . - 1;v'-- .: i ~ .... .... ~ ~.. .. ~ "'" .. ... ..... -$" """ ..... .... ~... l'l/ ~.... '!to"'" Commission Expires: IIII"",m"'\\\\ ,;~/11 q !J r I . This instrument was lfuZUNJulj day the said of City of Southlake, municipality. ilL'{ ~ >1 ~~/J otary Public in and State of Texas .7lfjdj(4. ~ I u; G-Yani ) Type or Pr1nt Notary's Name the Il. r: ! ........IV --. n -" L; u , J 0'.''''''''_''_'_"''_''_ .._..'>>...........__--.._" '\ ) ) . .. .~ ~. .... .. , . " SSJH1' .&-4 U/27/1J ZXBIB1'1' · A · HBIDC, JK:. 10' 1ICX:ESS DSEMEN'l' BEDG . ~ of laDS out of the W.B. CCok8 SUEwy, ~tnct 295, aibated in the City of Scluth1aJc8, T'arnM County, 28ru aDS being . port1cn of that: tract. of laDS cc.NW"ed to MeJccn, Inc:. md ~ in VOlume 8341, Page 1243, D.R.'1'.C.'f., and being the c:.nt:El_ of . 10 fcot: wide accea eueaent: and being II)A put:k:ularly de8c:rlbed by JDetu cd bcunlSa .. follows: , BmDImG at a paint being in the narth 1_ of aid MeIa:ln, Inc. ~, Aid point be1ng S 8&-56'59- 11 and . ~ of 64.67 feet: frca . 1/2- iran pin found being the nartbeut carner of aa1d Me1ccn, Inc. tract, aa1d point also being in the 8CUt:b r19ht-of-way line of CDnt.1nentallloulevard, 1'H9CE S 0&-02'16~ E for a d1at:ance of 141.49 feet to a 5/8- ircn pin set for a centerline deflect1cn point, 'ImK:B S 0725'34- 11 for a d1st:anc:a of 173.01 feet to a 5/8- ircn pin Nt: far a centerline deflect1cn paint, . 'l'BEH:Z S 1J'I45 '08- B for a dist:anoe of 130.75 feet to a 5/8- ircn pin set for a centerline deflect1cn point, 'rHEN:B S 0734 '31- W for . d18tance of 204.15 feet to . 5/8- ircn pin set for . ~terline deflect:icn point, 'rHEN:B S 3CP27'OO- W for . dist:anoe of 126.54 feet to . 5/8- ircn pin set for a centerline deflecticn point, '11fEN:E S U-I0'29- W for a d1atance of 88.63 feet to a 5/8- 1rcn pin set for . centerline deflect:icn point, 1mK:E S Ose55'21- E for . distance of 207.83 feet to. 5/8- J.rcn pin set for . centerline deflect:icn point, . THm:E S 1~19'09. W for a diat:anoe of 103.82 feet to a 5/1- 1rcn . pin set for . centerline deflect:icn point, '11fEN:E S 03-16'38- B for . d1at:ance of Ul.21 feet to. point: being the I:leg1nn1ng of . curw to the r19ht having . central an;le of 6r03'21- and a rad1u8 '0 20.00 feet, '1'HEtCB. diatancie of 21.66 feet along Aid curve to a point, '1'mN:Z S 51-46'50- W for . diat:anc::e ~ 22.U feet to . point bein; the 1nter.ect:icn of Aid centerline ldth the 8ClUtb line of aid Me1ccn, Inc. ~. " , -. ,- Uj ..."') 'v , , r U (1 n 7 '. levi'," ... '. ./ .... .........1' ,..- I ~ I I IMIIED WIRE FIlICE MEKON. 1He. V.S34I. P.1243 D.R'tc.T. / SO~.I6'38.E- 111.21' ......... QJRYE DATA 6 a .-05'28- R a zo.od . LalLA' T al2.O!' c.H. YOUNG V. 2595.P.340 D.R.'tC.T. Rft I"WIt- ADDED CUIIVIS . BY' DJ&1It. LEGENDI . . TR~ES TO BE ~EMOVED o TREES TO REMAIN I. 12".... a. 12"_- J. 4'" .. 4. r_ So w_ .. .... ,. 1.. IU .. tr IU ,. r IU 10. r IUI 11. 12"'" sa. 2&- IUI sa. 12"" 14. tr IU ISo 12" IU 14. 12" IUI 17. r IU II. r__ II. tr.. 1 certify that this is . t::rua 81d -=urate repneentatian of th1a .rvey _ ad_ on the pu'ld d that: there. ... no vi...t ena:o.ctm!nta exr:ept as lIhawn. ArIngton SurvIyinQ a MappInv Public SurYeJOf'S MEKON, INC. 10' ACCESS EASEMENT EXHIBIT D l1:li1 IAIf ......... IIITI 1Ql). 410:"1111 AJILMIaII, TIXAI 1IOGI IItTao ",-n.l. ,-,.., --.-.,. -_.- ._. --~'~--"''''----''''~'~''-'-'''' ._.~...,",-~"'" ,,_,.'''''''' ,._~..."..--,-_.,........ .....~~-~._Q .'-'~--'''''.' . .~ . . ~ r.4d .) II: d== . D. r IUL D. r IUI M. r .. a. ..~ .. .. IU 21. I('" IUI 21. W IU II. .. IUI .. trlllllllll'lll n. W.. D. WIU D. r ... J4. 12"_ .. r~ II. W. . D. ... ,........ r- , UJl0 (; n -l ::- :~, .;.; J ...J ..., .--.::. . . '. CONTINENTAL EO.B. BOULEVARD SOS-34'31"W- 204.1!S' S 88-S6'sg"w-64.67, ~ ,. ... 1-.200' SI3-4S'OS"E - . 130.7S' MEKON.INe. 'i 8339, P.109~ D.R.T.CJ: PROR 10' ACCESS EASEMENT I/I-'N ))) S~27'OO"W-,V : 128.&4. 'I ~ ...... SB-IO'29"W-88.63' ) MEICON.INC. Y.S34I. P. 1243 nRT.c. T. Sos-es'21"E-20lBt ....... \. c.H. YOuNG Yo 29~, P. 340 OR.'tCr. SEE EXHIBIT D FOR ENLARGEMENT OF DESIGNATED AREA It" II/UIII-ADOED CUIlYI-IYeD.l&.ll ArinlJtarI . SwwJfnt a MappIncJ PutlIic Surveyors I cm:tify that tb1a 15 . true cld ac:c:ur:ate npresentat1an of this ..rvey _ ad. on the ~ InlI that ttwr. ... no vilUd. encroac:tm!ne. eccept .. Ihawn. ) MEKON ,INC. 10' ACCESS EASEMENT EXHIBIT B .. IAI1' ....... IUITI 100 CIO-ZIII ~. TnAI '7I0OI lII11IO 1"-"'4' DATI:: (1 :: dv (' L n, 0, -7 ,-", :'>J i I:":: "\1 ,\ L_ r-', ','"', , " 11 iE } r. Ie ), ':_~. (l r. , ( U"')I'-i ., n -1 7 U u i