A-525 (City) }).,,~E' (.) ( :.(' ... ~" 1~ ." /) { j f '""~ w '"' "\..b ,,<'I' \ c) tZJ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PERMANENT ELECTRIC EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ '! . """,' RECORD COUNTY OF TARRANT ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, City or Southlake, lar and in consideration or the sum or Ten ($10) Dollcu's and other good cul<l valuable consideration in hand paid by Gf<mtee herein, the receipt cmd suIliciency of which is hereby acknowledged and conressed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do gTCUlt, sell cmd convey to Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc., Grcultee herein, or Tarrant County, Texas a pennculent and perpetual easement far the purpose of installing, repairing, maintaining, altering, replacing, relocating, cuul operating utilities in, into, upon, over, across cuulunder that lcmd in Tarrant County, Texas described as fallows, to-wit: Being a 10' pennculent electric easement, described as rollows: See attached Exhibit 'A' far gTaphic depiction See attached Exhibit '13' tar metes and bounds description together with the right of ingTess and e/.,'Tess as necessary far such purposes. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenculces thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, its successors cmd assigns farever; cmd We do hereby certiry that Weare the owners of the property described herein cmd bind ourselves, our heirs cUld assi/.,'llS, to warranl and to rorever defend all and singulcu' the premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawrully claiming or to claim same or any thereoL EXECUTED Ihis tllC .AD day Of~, 2000. ~~~: BEFORE ME, the undersigl1ed authority, on this day personally appeared City or Southlake known to me to be the persons whose name are subscribed to the I<xegoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same ror the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN under my hand and seal of olliee on this the ?w day of ~/' A.D. 2000. /)11iU, XiJU1J . SANDR;L~~~7;;~;1 Notary PUbliC ~ STATE OF fEX4S ~ My.Comm. Exo 'J2/042001 ~ ,'+1t.."",,~, My commission expires: J-/ Y / LIJlJiJ I ",-J Accepted by 1'ri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. this the Z - day or PEg. A.D. ~WOO. Il~, ~~ RETURN DOCUMENTS TO: GRANTOR City or Southlake c/o ScUldra LeGrand City Secretary G67 N Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 GRANTEE Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. c/o Scott BaumBach /1.740 Keller Hicks Road Keller, Texas 76248 RETURN TO: C\TY OF SOUTHl~Kt w:~ C~~:~::ciULEVARO SOU1HlAKE. lEXAS 76092 EXHIBIT "A" 10' PERMANENT ELECTRIC EASEMENT 881 sq. ft. <0.0202 acres) .... . .. ...-- .. ...-- --- ...., ..-- ...-- .. . - - I '1.'!J9.6"1.. ...-- · O"~ ---- - · ..~~. ~ .. .. I .. ...-- .. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE VOL. 13310, PG. 132 D.R.T.C.T. I . . I . . I . . I '. ig 'UJ .= II) I~ ..,. .co Ul . ~ o (\I. iiog 10 . . 0 I co.... 10' PERMANENT sOO. 48'29"W ~ ELECTRIC EASEMENT ---...r23~Qo- . ~: I,J " ~ 1 1 ~ '" NOO. 48'29"E "I I~ 13.60' ~I lco . bl 1 · ~I I~ I 10 - 101 10 G31 I~ 101 110 (/), . . NOO.37'30"E 110 10.00' I I ~ J IRON PIN FOUND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Noo:-i7f30':[m2~- LONESOME DOVE ROAD P. D.B. LI-~ ." [ Note: ALL BEARINGS BASED ON THE GRANTOR'S DEED AS RECORDED IN VOL. 13310, PC. 132 DR. T. C. T. SCALE 1" . 40' I o 20 40 I 80 I. Eddie l. Ch.atham of ctEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES. a R.gi.tered Profe.lional Land Sw'veyor of the State of T exa., do hereby declare that the calculatione. graphic depiction and l.gaI d.scriptions of thiI ....v.y were properly prepar.d under ~ aupervl.io~,~ an actual.urvey made on the ground. e::....~ .L. A. .. - \ - __ -oa Regiltered Prof...lOnal land Surveyor No. 2346 CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 1801 B. L&IWt au 1200 ARLINGTON. DDS 78011 DDO (817) 28&-8838 (817) &48-0811 5H-4 EXHIBIT 'B' 10' PERMANENT ELECTRIC EASEMENT Field Notes Being a 0.0202 acre tract of land in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, Tarrant County, Texas and being a 10 loot wide strip orland, over, through, and across a tract conveyed to the City of Southlake in Volume 1:~:~1O, Pg. 1:~2, D.R.T.C.T., and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the west line of said City of Southlakc tract, being North 000:~7'30" East, a distance of 7!t.22 feet from an iron pin found at the southwest corner of said City of Southlake tract; Thence North 00037'30" East, along the west line of said City of Southlake tract, also being the east right-of.way line of Lonesome Dove Road, a distance of 10.00 feet; Thence South 88058'20" East, a distance of 7,tA9Ieet; Thence South O(t 48'29" West, a distance of 2:~.60 leet; Thence North 88058'20" West, a distance of 10.00 feet; Thence North O(t 48'29" East, a distance of 13.60 feet; Thence North 88058'20" West, a distance of 64.46 /Cet to the Point Of Beginning, containing 0.0202 acre or 881 square feet of land, more or less. C :\00 1-435I.'i\Elec Esmt\I:UL'i-elec_csml.doc 5H-5 D200039553 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1725 E SOUTHLAKE BLVD SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 200143287 REGISTER DR2A RECD-BY LW PRINTED DATE TIME 02/25/2000 16:06 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D200039553 WD INDEXED TIME 20000225 16:06 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 15.00 B Y: Sr~ ------ -_.- .------- ..._-- ---_._,.- --- ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW.