Southlake Manor (Lot 8, Block 1) - Easement Joint Use Agreement PUBLIC WORKS SIGNATURE FORM This form must accompany any document sent to the for signature. The document must be reviewed and initialed by the Department Director. Document Title: 804 Jamestown Encroachment Agreement Project Name: 804 Jamestown Encroachment Agreement Project Manager: Sandy Endy City Council Date: N/A Type of Document: Encroachment Agreement Approval Requirements: Mayor Internal Preferred Method of Return: Signed digital copy to requester Project Folder Path:O:\00-Neyv-N Drive\Easements\Encroachments\804 Jamestown Ln Director Approval: Rob Cohen Please return signed hard copy to PWA if needed to be filed by SCO we request a digital copy be sent to PWA Admin Questions: Denise Hernandez @ ext. 8098 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT CITY OF SOUTIILAKE Council Action: Y' 1 Ord./Res. No.Date Approved APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT AND JOINT USE AGREEMENT OF A PUBLIC DRAINAGE AND / OR UTILITY EASEMENT 1/11/2023 Date of Submittal To the City of Southlake: The undersigned hereby makes application to allow an encroachment and joint use of a portion of the public drainage and / or utility easement situated on or abutting property located at 804 Jamestown Ln, Southlake, 76092 , and described by metes and bounds in Exhibit No. 1 of the attached agreement. The reason for the encroachment and use of the easement is as follows: For building 8 foot wood fence and 6 foot iron fence MOHAN R PAMERLA 9175626111 Printede Name of Property Owner Telephone Signature of Prope Owner Fax Number 804 Jamestown In Address Southlake TX 76092 City State Zip s Easement Joint Use Agreement THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF 'CLAAci,L - § Be it known, that the City of Southlake, herein after referred to as "City," and its franchised Utility Companies, herein ferred to a,s "Utilities," do consent and agree to permit the following 4,.,c% TtAA) @ t\c' , herein after referr d to Applicant," to use an easement, situated on or abutting LOT , BLOCK i , OF 5�t, NI\n ocAr IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, as described on the attached Exhibit No. 1, depicted graphically on the attached EXHIBIT No. 2 and consented to by the public utility companies as listed on the attached EXHIBIT No. 3, to be used for the purposes of and being subject to the following conditions: That the Applicant, his successors or assigns shall maintain in good condition all of the easement area and the improvements situated thereon; and, that City and Utilities shall not become responsible for such maintenance at any time in the future. II. That the Applicant shall and does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City and the Utilities from any and all damages, loss or liability of any kind whatsoever by reason of injury to property or third person occasioned by its use of the easement or act of omission, neglect or wrong doing of Applicant, his officers, agents, employees, invitees or other persons, with regard to the improvements and maintenance of such improvements: and the Applicant shall, at his own cost and expense, defend and protect City and Utilities against any and all such claims and demands. III. That the Applicant shall arrange for all activities and improvements in the easements to be discontinued and / or removed within thirty(30) days of written notification, at the discretion of City, for: (1) Lack of maintenance to the easement; (2) Failure to provide access to the City or its designees; or (3) Compliance with a City Council directive that use of the easement by the Applicant be discontinued and the cost associated with the discontinuing of such activities, and the removal of such improvements, as well as property adjacent to the easement necessitated by such discontinuation of the easement, shall be borne by the Applicant. IV. That the Applicant, his successors or assigns shall not seek compensation from City or Utilities for loss of the value of the improvements made hereunder when such improvements are required to be removed by Applicant. O:\00-New N Drive\.ADMINISTRATION-PW DEPT\Forms\Agreements\Joint Use and Encroachment Agreement-Public Easement-2022 Update.docx V. This agreement shall be filed of record in the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and shall bind all future owners of this lot and shall for all purposes be considered a covenant running with the land. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,Applicant executes this Easement Agreement on this t 0-V-V-1 ,day of lEnuary , 20,2'1 CirtfNL'€) 1 ` re 2- %. .) City of Southlake ted -V -7 By: By: Applicant's Signature yo V ,,too H�� i,//,/ NOTE: Complete the attached acknowledgements. A :O �: s AMY S`I-L F s �. Y,- CITY SECRETARt I.....•• ��� ,o,<<411111110 ON HAMILTON DUFFY,P.0 Civil& Environmental Engineers •Planners •Construction Managers Texas Reg.No. F-5260 January 19,2023 Sandy Endy,P.E. City of Southlake 1400 Main Street Suite 320 Southlake, TX 76092 RE: Drainage Verification in support of Encroachment Agreement for 804 Jamestown Lane Lot 8,Block 1—Sonthlake Manor Phase 3 Southlake,Texas - Dear Sandy: We write this letter per the request of Mr.Chris Gruensfelder. He is the contractor for the owner of the property listed above. The owner wishes to build a combination 8' wood and 6' iron fence along the rear perimeter of the lot. The proposed fence must cross an existing 40' drainage easement along the rear of the lot. Owner has filled out an application for encroachment into this easement with the proposed fence. We understand that this agreement will go before City Council for its approval. We have prepared the following statement in support of the agreement as follows: 1) Engineering Record Drawings show that the general intent of this easement is for stormwater to run along the rear property lines in a west to east manner of the lots west of this property. It appears that the water then drains slightly north and then enters a drop inlet at the north of this property. The need for the water to move within the 40'easement along the rear of this lot is really not needed as the water from the upstream lots never enters this property. The proposed fences can be constructed and will not impede the flow of water within this easement as there will be no offsite water traveling in said easement. It is our conclusion that the proposed fences will have no bearing on the function of the existing 40' drainage easement as the easement itself is really not needed for this lot. The construction of the proposed fences will have no impact on the function of the existing 40'drainage easement and should be allowed in our opinion. As a consulting engineer with many years experience in residential development, we verify that this property and surrounding properties should riot be imp: ted in an adverse way in regard to drainage due to the construction of the proposed fences. If •u • - : ! questions or require further information,please contact my office. fi. • .:: * Sincerely, t 0; ;* •NW•*UY • ••••• •y.i'' HAMILTON DUFFY,P.C. KEITH M. HAMILTON , 87384 .400 Keith Hamilton,P.E. '' xc: Chris Gruensfelder,Lambert's Ornamental Iron 8241 Mid-Cities Blvd., #100 North Richland Hills, TX 76182 (817) 268-0408 www.hamiftondufb.com N emir w 110.00• N SPD2.16•w 110.00' _ , -v el \ 40EASEMEN EASEDRAINAGE TE+ 1 EASEMENT • +0's 10's 4aa \ f i . \ t \` Y. 11 l _ g; BE- .1* r RETAINING ROLL FO 61 II 1m ; . ¢ FOua.66 Tel LOT 7 11 1 09 307O703eSF top t Re _ b $ I--— TS LOT 6 it- BE w 1Bl LOT B 30.71071 S.F. 3• , 26.77WI0 SF I NI----1 PROW §4, :J1 s 4,4 F f�N FW.2 ismKA F13 6a6.1 [� 9 tee x t 25'SO 06's td s N ♦'WAUt PC�m al I _ _ 86. o uE RI __ ..-— —^7.7zrrri_4 210104.10•W 110.00• F0620,16 _ __ 1 \ = JAMESTOWN LANE (50' D. R.O.W.) SLAB AREA = 5.009 S.F. 1 LOT AREA = 30,703 SF. - j WALK AREA = 291 S.F. SLAB AREA = 5.009 SF.PARKWAY AREA = 1.135 S.F. SLAB COVERAGE = 16.3x APPROACHAREA = 120 SF FRONT YARD AREA = 3,654 SF.CITY WALK AREA = 440 SF. CONCRETE AREA = 1,426 S.F.SOD AREA = 24,268 S.F. CONCRETE COVERAGE = 39.0X Know riots below. Call k1066 you dig. 17 FIRE HYDRANT Tx LIGHT POLE Da WATER VALVE II ® „TER MEYERTER ® GAS ME 0 GAS VALVE A RISER ® IRRIGATION CONTROL/VALVE PLOT PLAN CONCRETE 804 JAMESTOWN LANE ',,,, IRON FENCE LOT 6,BLOCK 1,SOU111LAIR MANOR.PHASE 3 BOND A RERSON OF LOT 7 R.P.ESTES !•F ;� NtTLID FENCE St1UOFNSICN N THE T.MANN SURVEY.ABSTRACT NO.1107 dB.MARTIN SURVEY. 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