2023-02-07 TIRZ packetTIRZ Meeting Minutes, August 2, 2022 Page 1 TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 2, 2022 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall, City Council Chambers 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas 76092 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Randy Williamson, Vice Chair Amy Torres-Lepp, and members Ronell Smith, Shawn McCaskill, and David Johnson MEMBERS ABSENT: John Huffman, Kathy Talley, Randy Robbins and Cameron Bryan STAFF PRESENT: Chief Financial Officer Sharen Jackson and City Secretary Amy Shelley 1.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Randy Williamson at 5:07pm. 2.CONSIDERATION: APPPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE JANUARY 4, 2022, TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING. A motion was made to approve the minutes from the January 4, 2022, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors meeting. Motion: Torres-Lepp Second: Smith Ayes: McCaskill, Smith, Torres-Lepp, Williamson Absent: Bryan, Huffman, Robbins, Talley Abstain: Johnson Approved: 4-0-1 3.CONSIDERATION: APPPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 19, 2022, TA X INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING. A motion was made to approve the minutes from the April 19, 2022, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors meeting. Motion: Torres-Lepp Second: Smith Ayes: McCaskill, Smith, Torres-Lepp, Williamson Absent: Bryan, Huffman, Robbins, Talley Abstain: Johnson Approved: 4-0-1 4.DISCUSSION: PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2023 TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE BUDGET OVERVIEW AND REVISED BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022. Chief Financial Officer Sharen Jackson provided an overview of the proposed Fiscal Year 2023 Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One budget and revised budget figures for Fiscal Year 2022. No action was taken on this item. TIRZ Meeting Minutes, August 2, 2022 Page 2 5. DISCUSSION: TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE PROJECT STATUS UPDATE. Frank Bliss with Cooper and Company and David Ayer with Kite Reality provided an update on Town Square. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:21pm. MINUTES APPROVED ON THIS, THE _____DAY OF __________ 2022. ______________________________ Randy Williamson, Chairman ATTEST: ______________________________ Amy Shelley, TRMC City Secretary FY 2022 TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE ANNUAL REPORT WHAT IS TAX INCREMENT FINANCING? Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a tool to finance public improvements within a defined area. The improvements should enhance the environment and attract new investment. The statutes governing tax increment financing are in Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code. A municipality makes an area eligible for tax increment financing by designating a “reinvestment zone,” also called a “tax increment reinvestment zone (TIRZ)” or a “tax increment financing (TIF)” zone. The City of Southlake has one active zone. Costs of selected public improvements outlined in the zone’s project and financing plan may be paid by current or future tax revenue flowing from redeveloped or appreciated real property valued in the zone. The additional tax dollars generated by growth of real property value in the zone are called the tax increment. These dollars flow to a fund for a specified number of years. Money flowing into the fund each year is spent according to an approved plan and in accordance with agreements in place with participating governmental units. A Board of Directors appointed by the participating governmental units oversees the budget of the district. ANNUAL REPORT Texas law requires the governing body of the municipality that created the reinvestment zone to submit a report to the chief executive officer of each taxing entity that levies property taxes on real property in the reinvestment zone on or before the 150th day following the end of the fiscal FY 2022 City of Southlake TIRZ #1 Board of Directors John Huffman City of Southlake Kathy Talley City of Southlake Randy Robbins City of Southlake Shawn McCaskill City of Southlake Ronell Smith City of Southlake Amy Torres-Lepp City of Southlake Randy Williamson, Chair City of Southlake Cameron Bryan Carroll ISD FY 2022 TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE ANNUAL REPORT 2 year of the municipality. This report must include information about: • Fund revenues • Amount and purposes of expenses • Amount of debt • Tax increment base/captured appraised value • Captured appraised value shared by the municipality and other taxing units • Other information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the tax increment financing plan. The City of Southlake has entered into participation agreements with Tarrant County, Tarrant County College, Tarrant County Hospital District, and Carroll Independent School District (CISD). SOUTHLAKE TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE #1 The Southlake Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 was established to provide a financing mechanism to facilitate high quality development in the southeast area of the city. Created by Ordinance No. 682 in September 1997, TIRZ #1 was set to expire on December 31, 2018, or the date when all project costs were paid and all debt was retired, whichever came first. However, in August 2018, the TIRZ #1 Board and the City Council amended the Project and Financing Plan a second time to extend the life of the zone for 20 years and adjust the planned projects and associated costs. The participation of the overlapping taxing jurisdictions was also adjusted to reduce Tarrant County, Tarrant County Jr. College, and the Tarrant County Hospital District participation to zero percent. The City of Southlake’s and Carroll ISD’s participation amounts remained unchanged in the extension with participation at 100%. The TIRZ’s base year taxable value (1997) was $23,475,366. Taxable property value appreciation in the zone since that time is captured for investment in the zone. The Project & Financing Plan approved in August 1999 and amended in August 2018 outlines the strategies used to encourage development in the zone. The Plan also includes value projections for the zone as a benchmark to track performance. Since its implementation in 1998, the TIF has generated $142,222,432 in revenue for investment, and to further the economic development goals of the zone. TIRZ #1 REVENUES In FY 2022, $9,228,696 in ad valorem taxes was collected in the zone. Coupled with interest income, the fund realized over $9.33 million in revenue for the fiscal year, a 5.0% decrease below FY 2021. (See Attachment A for historical collections by entity) The captured incremental taxable value for TIRZ #1 for the 2021 tax year was $508,142,995 which was a decrease of $7,431,651 below the incremental value for 2020. (See Attachment A for incremental taxable value by entity) FY 2022 TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE ANNUAL REPORT 3 TIRZ #1 EXPENDITURES In January 1998, the City Council entered into the first commercial developer agreement with Southlake Venture West LP and Southlake Venture East LP for Southlake Town Square, Phase I. Since that time, the Council has entered into developer agreements for additional phases of Southlake Town Square. The developer completed both public and private improvements on the site and the agreements provide for 40% reimbursement of the cost for public infrastructure (roads, water, sewer, parking, etc.), and 100% reimbursement for the cost of public parks in Town Square. Through September 30, 2022, the developer has been reimbursed a total of $11,025,136 for eligible project costs. In addition to reimbursements made from the incremental property value in the zone, the City Council executed a 380 Agreement with the developer, providing for reimbursement of 80% of the sales taxes collected in the Grand Avenue portion of the project until December 31, 2018. Public buildings and facilities were also included in the project and financing plan. A joint City/County facility was built and opened in early 2000, parking facilities were purchased by the City in 2008, and the plan includes a number of school facilities and operating expenses as well, to be funded with CISD and City of Southlake contributions only. For FY 2022, $8,308,591 was spent on zone operations and infrastructure. These funds were used for debt service obligations of Carroll Independent School District facilities, infrastructure improvements and operational cost identified in the project and financing plan. TIRZ #1 FUND BALANCE At the conclusion of FY 2022, the fund balance was $6.7 million. At the conclusion of FY 2023, it is projected that the fund balance will be $8.9 million. These funds will be necessary for future projects and may also be used to reimburse the City of Southlake for the city funds used to supplement debt service payments in prior years. FY 2022 TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE ANNUAL REPORT ATTACHMENT A Chart 1: Comparison of revenues received by taxing entity per fiscal year Chart 2: 2022 Taxable Value Increment by participating taxing entity Chart 3: Comparison of revenue received to debt service obligations *- $1,995,000 (FY 17) and $1,445,000 (FY 18) infrastructure reimbursement reduced net revenues. Note – All debt obligations were paid as of February 2018 (2,000,000) - 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 FY 1999 FY 2001 FY 2003 FY 2005 FY 2007 FY 2009 FY 2011 FY 2013 FY 2015 FY 2017 FY 2019 FY 2021 City of Southlake Tarrant County Hospital District Tarrant County College Tarrant County Carroll ISD 508,142,995 519,847,535 - 100,000,000 200,000,000 300,000,000 400,000,000 500,000,000 600,000,000 City of Southlake Carroll ISD Base Year Taxable Value Increment Taxable Value - 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 FY 1999FY 2000FY 2001FY 2002FY 2003FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007FY 2008FY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017*FY 2018*FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022Net TIRZ Revenue TIRZ Annual Debt Service FY 2022 TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE ANNUAL REPORT 5 TAX INCREMENT FIXED BASE: $23,475,366 Incremental Taxable Value FY 2020 $554,555,120