2022-12-07 Library Minutes aCITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING: December 7, 2022 LOCATION: 307 Parkwood Dr, Southlake, Texas Southlake Training Center TIME: 6:30 p.m. SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD PRESENT: Lori Burr, William Doby, Virginia Hinkle, Guy Midkiff, Christina Taggart, Natan Ton-That, and Tracy Patton SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Cynthia Pfledderer, Deputy Director of Library Services, and Jennifer Tucker, Library Manager OTHERS PRESENT: Tiffany Khoury, Trevor Khoury, and Colleen Golestan 1. CALL TO ORDER Will Doby called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. A motion was made to open the meeting. Motion: Hinkle Second: Ton-That Ayes: Patton, Ton-That, Taggart, Hinkle, Doby, Burr Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6-0 Motion Carried. 2. CONSENT A. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING HELD OCTOBER 26, 2022 APPROVED City of Southlake Values: Integrity♦ Innovation •Accountability♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the December 7, 2022, Southlake Library Board Meeting Page 2 of 3 A motion was made to approve the minutes from the October 26, 2022, Southlake Library Board meeting. Motion: Burr Second: Patton Ayes: Patton, Ton-That, Taggart, Hinkle, Doby, Burr Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6-0 Motion Carried. 3. DISCUSSION A. Corporate Structure & Strategy City Librarian Pfledderer gave a brief overview of her role as the City Librarian and Jennifer Tucker's role as the Library Manager. She further explained how the library fits into the City of Southlake's corporate structure. Library Manager Tucker outlined the Southlake Public Library Strategy Map, which includes the City Corporate Objectives. She also explained the many ways the library serves its customers, manages the library's business, provides financial stewardship, and promotes learning and growth. B. Library Strategy Implementation Library Manager Tucker detailed collection management, emphasizing the Southlake community saved over $7 million dollars in FY22 by checking out materials through the library. She highlighted specific genres of the library (fiction, non-fiction, bestsellers, movies, eBooks, and eAudio), their circulation and turnover statistics as well as prioritization strategies for each category. Additional topics discussed were the systems management improvements, increased adult programming, library training, and management for each staff member. 4. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT City Librarian Pfledderer gave a performance update for October 2022. There was a 19% increase in total circulation from October 2021, including a 4% increase in programming, a 15% increase in library traffic, and a 34% increase in digital services. City of Southlake Values: Integrity♦ Innovation ♦Accountability♦ Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork Minutes of the December 7, 2022, Southlake Library Board Meeting Page 3 of 3 5. CARILLON PARC STEERING COMMITTEE UPDATE The November 2022 Steering Committee meeting was canceled, and no new meetings have been scheduled to date. 6. NEW BUSINESS City Librarian Pfledderer invited the Board to introduce new business to be considered for future topics of Board meetings. No new items were presented. 7. PUBLIC FORUM The public forum opened at 7:15 p.m. asking anyone wishing to speak to come forward. There being no comments, the forum was closed at 7:16 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting will be scheduled for January 25, 2023. The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m. Motion: Hinkle Second: Midkiff Ayes: Patton, Ton-That, Taggart, Hinkle, Doby, Midkiff, Burr Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 7-0 Motion Carried. r 0424 ) ) ill Dob , C air Cy hia Pfledderer, City Librarian City of Southlake Values: Integrity♦ Innovation ♦Accountability♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork