2022-12-12 SYAC MinutesCITY OF © SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE YOUTH ACTION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES: MONDAY, DECEMBER 12,202 LOCATION: THE MARQ SOUTHLAKE Champions Club- Hall of Fame Rooms 285 Shady Oaks Drive Southlake, Texas 76092 TIME: 4:15 p.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Srishthi Das, Secretary Allison Bedwell, Ryan Brown, Sanvi Kishinchandani, and Anthony Thomas BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Eesha Sun and Sarah Ali ALTERNATES PRESENT: Maya Perera, Anya Reddy, Sophia Wilwayco, and William Zhang ALTERNATES ABSENT: Diya Sunil, Annika Rao, Maya Kalra, Kanha Jain, Arya Kalra, and Sara Jamal CITY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant to the Director of Community Services, Milenka Lopez and Community Relations Manager, Vicky Schiber AGENDA: 1. Call to Order — Meeting was called to order at 4:18 PM by Vice Chair Srishthi Das. 2. Consent A. Approve the minutes from the November 14, 2022- Motion to approve the minutes with no corrections was made by Allison Bedwell and seconded by Sanvi Kishinchandani. Motion carried (7-0). 3. Consider A. Recommendation to reschedule the January 9, 2023, SYAC regular meeting to January 24, 2023, SYAC and Southlake Arts Council joint meeting - Vice Chair Srishthi Das presented item 3A for consideration. A motion was made by Ryan Brown to approve rescheduling the January 9, 2023, SYAC regular meeting to January 24, 2023 for a SYAC and SLAC joint meeting and seconded by Anthony Thomas. Motion carried (7-0). 4. Discussion A. Adopt -A -Street Recap and Pick New Date - City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Item 3B-1 Southlake Youth Action Commission Meeting Date —December 12, 2022 Page 2 of 2 Vice Chair Srishthi Das presented Item 4A for discussion and was available to answer questions. The next clean-up date is scheduled for Monday, February 6 at 4:15 PM at Champions Club. B. 2023 YAC Summit - Assistant to the Director, Milenka Lopez presented an overview of the 2023 youth convention and was available to answer questions. C. Marketing and Communication for Local Government with Vicky Schiber- Preparation for Joint Meeting with Southlake Arts Council in January Community Relations Manager, Vicky Schiber introduced the Southlake Presents project, SYAC's contribution to the project and was available to answer questions. SYAC members worked on their plans and committed to submitting a typed version of their plans before the January 24 meeting. 5. Adjournment — Vice Chair Srishthi Das adjourned the meeting at 5:38 p.m. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Item 36-2