2020-01-05 SPDC PacketCity of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork M E M O R A N D U M December 21, 2020 TO: Southlake Parks Development Corporation FROM: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments for the Southlake Parks Development Corporation Meeting – Tuesday, January 5, 2021 ________________________________________________________________ Please note: The regular meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 1. Agenda Item No. 2A. Consent: Approval of the minutes from the August 4, 2020 SPDC and Parks and Recreation Board joint meeting – Please make any corrections to the minutes part of the motion for consideration. 2. Agenda Item No. 3. Public Forum: Public Forum is the public's opportunity to address SPDC about non-agenda items. During Public Forum, SPDC will not discuss or take action on any item brought up at this time. 3. Agenda Item No. 4A. Consider: Approve a contract with O’Donnell’s Landscape Services, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $339,000 for contract landscape services-- The purpose of this item is for SPDC to consider the approval of a contract for landscape services for parks funded by the SPDC. • The City contracts landscape services for many areas owned and maintained by the City such as Southlake Town Square, parks, medians, rights-of-way, DPS Headquarters, DPS North, DPS West, Public Works service center, Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve, as well as various other municipal sites and properties owned by the City. • The SPDC will consider this item only for the contract services related to SPDC funded parks in the amount of $339,000. The City Council will consider the overall contract in its entirety. • The scope of services includes mowing; edging; trimming; fertilization; trash pick-up; maintenance of trees, turf, shrubs, and ground cover; landscape bed enhancements; seasonal color; pruning; mulch; rye grass; chemical application; and irrigation audits and repairs. Southlake Parks Development Corporation Meeting Date – January 5, 2021 Page 2 of 2 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork • In November 2020, staff issued a Request for Proposal for City landscape services. Seven (7) responses were received and evaluated by the review committee utilizing the required proposal criteria of price, vendor ability, experience, and history with the City. • O'Donnell's Landscape Services, LLC., was ranked the highest, and determined as the best value vendor in all categories. • The contract is an annual contract that includes a provision for up to four (4) one-year renewal options. The SPDC and City Council will authorize the renewals annually. 4. Agenda Item No. 5A. Sales Tax Report – The Sales Tax report is included in the packet. Chief Financial Officer Jackson is available if you have any questions. 5. Agenda Item No. 5B. Discussion: SPDC Attendance Report – Please let staff know if you have any questions regarding the attendance record. As always, we appreciate your commitment and service to the City. If you have any questions regarding the agenda or materials, please feel free to contact me at (817) 748-8021. CST STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services (817) 748-8021 Sharen Jackson, Chief Financial Officer, (817) 748-8042 SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND PARKS & RECREATION BOARD JOINT MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 4, 2020 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall, 3RD Floor Training Rooms, 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas SPDC MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice President Shawn McCaskill, and members Tamara McMillan, Lori Palmer, Francis Scharli, and Ronell Smith. SPDC MEMBERS ABSENT: President John Huffman, and member Chad Patton PARKS BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Frances Scharli, and members Magdalena Battles, Chad Bedwell, Kevin Craddock, and Jeffry Ng. PARKS BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman Paul Venesky, and member Stacy Driscoll. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Chief Financial Officer Sharen Jackson, and City Secretary Amy Shelley REGULAR AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice President Shawn McCaskill called the meeting to order at 4:31pm. 2. CONSENT 2A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE MARCH 3, 2020, SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING (SPDC ACTION ONLY). Vice President Shawn McCaskill presented Item 2A, and there were no questions from the board. APPROVED BY SPDC A motion was made to approve the minutes from the March 3, 2020, Southlake Parks Development Corporation meeting. Motion: McMillan Second: Scharli Ayes: McCaskill, McMillan, Scharli, Smith Abstain: Palmer Approved: 4-0-1 2A-1 Absent: Huffman, Patton 3. PUBLIC FORUM Vice President Shawn McCaskill opened the public forum at 4:35pm. There being no one wishing to speak, Vice President Shawn McCaskill closed the public forum at 4:35pm. 4. CONSIDER 4A. ELECTION OF SPDC OFFICERS (SPDC ACTION ONLY). Director of Community Services Chris Tribble presented Item 4A and answered questions from the Board. APPROVED BY SPDC A motion was made to appoint John Huffman as President, Ronell Smith as Vice President, and Frances Scharli as Secretary. Motion: McMillan Second: Palmer Ayes: McCaskill, McMillan, Palmer, Scharli, and Smith Approved: 5-0 Absent: Huffman, Patton 4B. RECOMMENDATION ON THE PROPOSED FY 2021 SPDC OPERATING BUDGET. PUBLIC HEARING (SPDC ACTION ONLY). Director of Community Services Chris Tribble presented Item 4B and answered questions from the Board. Vice President Shawn McCaskill opened the public hearing at 4:39pm. There being no one wishing to speak, Vice President Shawn McCaskill closed the public hearing at 4:39pm. APPROVED BY SPDC A motion was made to approve Item 4B, recommendation on the proposed FY 2021 Operating Budget, as presented. Motion: McMillan Second: Smith Ayes: McCaskill, McMillan, Palmer, Scharli, and Smith Approved: 5-0 Absent: Huffman, Patton 4C. RECOMMENDATION ON THE PROPOSED FY 2021 SPDC CIP AND CAPITAL BUDGET (SPDC AND PARKS BOARD ACTION). 2A-2 Director of Community Services Chris Tribble presented Item 4C and answered questions from the Boards. APPROVED BY SPDC AND PARKS BOARD A motion was made to approve Item 4C, recommendation on the proposed FY 2021 SPDC CIP and Capital Budget, as presented. SPDC VOTE: Motion: McMillan Second: Palmer Ayes: McCaskill, McMillan, Palmer, Scharli, and Smith Approved: 5-0 Absent: Huffman, Patton PARKS BOARD VOTE: Motion: Bedwell Second: Craddock Ayes: Battles, Bedwell, Craddock, Ng, Scharli, Approved: 5-0 Absent: Driscoll, Venesky 5. DISCUSSION 5A. SALES TAX REPORT Chief Financial Officer Sharen Jackson provided an overview of the sales tax report, and no action was required. 6. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned by Vice President Shawn McCaskill at 4:52pm. MINUTES APPROVED BY SPDC ON THIS, THE ____ DAY OF _______, 2020. _____________________________________ Shawn McCaskill, Vice President Southlake Parks Development Corporation MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS BOARD ON THIS, THE ____ DAY OF _______, 2020. _____________________________________ Frances Scharli, Chair Parks and Recreation Board ATTEST: 2A-3 ___________________________________________ Amy Shelley, City Secretary Southlake Parks Development Corporation Liaison 2A-4 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork M E M O R A N D U M December 21, 2020 TO: Southlake Parks Development Corporation FROM: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Approve a contract with O’Donnell’s Landscape Services, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $339,000 for contract landscape services ______________________________________________________________________ Action Requested: SPDC approval of a contract with O’Donnell’s Landscape Services, Inc. for contract landscape services related to parks funded by SPDC. Background Information: The purpose of this item is to award a contract for landscape services related to parks funded by SDPC. The City contracts landscape services for many areas owned and maintained by the City such as Southlake Town Square, parks, medians, rights-of-way, DPS Headquarters, DPS North, DPS West, Public Works service center, Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve, as well as various other municipal sites and properties owned by the City. The scope of services includes mowing; edging; trimming; fertilization; trash pick-up; maintenance of trees, turf, shrubs, and ground cover; landscape bed enhancements; seasonal color; pruning; mulch; rye grass; chemical application; and irrigation audits and repairs. In November 2020, staff issued a Request for Proposal for City landscape services. Seven (7) responses were received and evaluated by the review committee utilizing the required proposal criteria of price, vendor ability, experience, and history with the City. O'Donnell's Landscape Services, LLC., was ranked the highest, and determined as the best value vendor in all categories. 4A-1 Southlake Parks Development Corporation Meeting Date – January 5, 2021 Page 2 of 2 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork The contract is an annual contract that includes a provision for up to four (4) one-year renewal options. The SPDC and City Council will authorize the renewals annually. SPDC’s consideration of this contract on January 5, 2021. City Council will consider the entire contract for city-wide landscape services on January 19, 2021. Financial Considerations: Funding for landscape services is included annually within the City Council adopted SPDC Operating Budget. For FY 2021 expenditures for contract landscape services will not exceed the $339,000 allocated within the adopted FY 2021 SPDC Operating Budget. Strategic Link: Approval of the contract renewal is linked to the City’s Strategy Map related to the focus area of Performance Management and Service Delivery and meets the corporate objectives to Provide attractive and unique spaces for enjoyment of personal interests, Collaborate with select partners to implement service solutions and Invest to provide and maintain high quality public assets. Citizen Input/ Board Review: SPDC review January 5, 2021 City Council review January 19, 2021 Legal Review The contract for landscape services has been reviewed and recommended by the City Attorney. Alternatives: Alternatives may include: • Approve as presented • Approve with changes • Decision not to approve Attachments: Proposed contract with O’Donnell’s Landscape Services, Inc. Recommendation: SPDC approval of a contract with O’Donnell’s Landscape Services, Inc. for landscape services related to SPDC funded City parks. 4A-2 December 8, 2020 O’Donnell’s Landscape Services, LLC 240 Timberline Lane Southlake, Texas 76092 Attn: Mr. Scott O’Donnell Subject: Award Notification of Contract for Landscape Services for City of Southlake RFP2010B540JC200011 Dear Mr. O’Donnell: The City of Southlake is pleased to inform you that O’Donnell’s Landscape Services, LLC of Southlake, Texas is the awarded vendor for Landscape Services for City of Southlake RFP2010B540JC200011” The award and this agreement are based on your proposal to the City, copy enclosed. This is a single vendor award contract. Your company’s award is attached. This award was approved by the City of Southlake City Council on _________. The terms and conditions proposed and accepted in this agreement are as follows: Payment Terms: Net 30 days (Unless otherwise noted – such as pre- and/or partial payment) Estimated Quantities: The City does not guarantee to purchase any minimum or maximum quantity but does contemplate purchasing the awarded items exclusively during the term of the contract from the successful vendors. Method of Payment: Shall be made by City procurement card or purchase order Delivery Terms: FOB Destination Delivery Locations: Vendor Delivery or City employee pick-up. Term of Contract: The term of awarded contract shall remain in effect for twelve months from date of award and is eligible for up to four (4) one (1) year annual renewals City Contact: Junior Camacho 817-748-8357 Send all billing to: City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 420, Accounts Payable Southlake, TX 76092 or via email to accountspayable@ci.southlake.tx.us Other Charges: The City of Southlake is a tax-exempt municipal corporation and is exempt from all federal, state, and local sales taxes. All other specifications, terms and conditions shall be as provided in the original procurement documents. No other attachments to or in response to this agreement will be accepted unless approved in writing by the Purchasing Manager or an authorized representative of the City of Southlake. Thank you for participating in our procurement process. Please call 817-748-8312 with any questions. Sincerely, Tim Slifka, CPPO, CPPB Purchasing Manager City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 420 Southlake, Texas 76092 tslifka@ci.southlake.tx.us Attest: ________________________ Amy Shelley, TRMC Contract and Award Accepted: City Secretary Signed: ____________________ Date: ______________ Approved as to Form and Legality: Mayor Laura Hill _____________________ City of Southlake City Attorney 4A-3 4A-4 Primary Responses Success: All data is valid! Numeric Status Bid/No Bid Decision #Item Map #Quantity Required Unit of Measure Unit Price Total Cost Group 1 - Finish Mowing and Landscape Services Success: All values provided Bid #1-1 Town Hall Building - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 1 52 Per Each Service $ 21.00 $ 1,092.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-2 Town Hall Building - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 1 52 Per Each Service $ 8.00 $ 416.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-3 Rustin Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 2 52 Per Each Service $ 75.00 $ 3,900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-4 Rustin Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 2 52 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 1,560.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-5 Family Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 3 52 Per Each Service $ 80.00 $ 4,160.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-6 Family Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 3 52 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 1,560.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-7 Central Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 4 52 Per Each Service $ 45.00 $ 2,340.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-8 Central Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 4 52 Per Each Service $ 25.00 $ 1,300.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-9 Summit Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 5 52 Per Each Service $ 112.00 $ 5,824.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-10 Summit Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 5 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-11 Frank Cornish Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 6 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-12 McPherson Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 7 52 Per Each Service $ 90.00 $ 4,680.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-13 McPherson Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 7 52 Per Each Service $ 20.00 $ 1,040.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-14 DPS Headquarters - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 8 52 Per Each Service $ 75.00 $ 3,900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-15 DPS Headquarters - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 8 52 Per Each Service $ 25.00 $ 1,300.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-16 Garden District - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 9 52 Per Each Service $ 75.00 $ 3,900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-17 Garden District - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 9 52 Per Each Service $ 25.00 $ 1,300.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-18 Garden District Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 9 Park 52 Per Each Service $ 90.00 $ 4,680.00 4A-5 Success: All values provided Bid #1-19 Garden District Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 9 Park 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-20 Tree Wells on Any Named Street - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 10 52 Per Each Service $ 20.00 $ 1,040.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-21 Town Square Beds on Any Named Street - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 11 52 Per Each Service $ 84.00 $ 4,368.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-22 Town Square FM 1709 Right-of-Way - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 12 52 Per Each Service $ 120.00 $ 6,240.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-23 North Carroll Avenue Medians and Right-of-Way - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 13 52 Per Each Service $ 42.00 $ 2,184.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-24 North Carroll Avenue Medians and Right -of-Way - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 13 52 Per Each Service $ 25.00 $ 1,300.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-25 State Street Right-of-Way - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 14 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-26 Bicentennial Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 15 52 Per Each Service $ 1,425.00 $ 74,100.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-27 Bicentennial Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 15 52 Per Each Service $ 80.00 $ 4,160.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-28 The Marq - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 16 52 Per Each Service $ 315.00 $ 16,380.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-29 The Marq - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 16 52 Per Each Service $ 60.00 $ 3,120.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-30 Southlake Tennis Center - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 17 52 Per Each Service $ 175.00 $ 9,100.00 Success: All values provided Bid #1-31 Southlake Tennis Center - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 17 52 Per Each Service $ 35.00 $ 1,820.00 Group 2 - Semi Rough Mowing and Landscape Services Success: All values provided Bid #2-1 DPS West - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 18 48 Per Each Service $ 155.00 $ 7,440.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-2 DPS West - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 18 48 Per Each Service $ 20.00 $ 960.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-3 Royal & Smith Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 19 48 Per Each Service $ 220.00 $ 10,560.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-4 Royal & Smith Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 19 48 Per Each Service $ 10.00 $ 480.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-5 Southlake Sports Complex - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 20 48 Per Each Service $ 415.00 $ 19,920.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-6 Southlake Sports Complex - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 20 48 Per Each Service $ 10.00 $ 480.00 4A-6 Success: All values provided Bid #2-7 Southlake Sports Complex Fields Only - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 20 Fields 48 Per Each Service $ 175.00 $ 8,400.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-8 DPS North - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 21 48 Per Each Service $ 310.00 $ 14,880.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-9 DPS North - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 21 48 Per Each Service $ 20.00 $ 960.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-10 Public Works Operations - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 22 30 Per Each Service $ 210.00 $ 6,300.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-11 Public Works Operations - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 22 30 Per Each Service $ 10.00 $ 300.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-12 Southlake Activity Center - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 23 48 Per Each Service $ 235.00 $ 11,280.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-13 Southlake Activity Center - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 23 48 Per Each Service $ 10.00 $ 480.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-14 Stone Lakes Walkway - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 24 48 Per Each Service $ 17.00 $ 816.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-15 Stone Lakes Walkway - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 24 48 Per Each Service $ 8.00 $ 384.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-16 Pump Station # 1 - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 25 48 Per Each Service $ 215.00 $ 10,320.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-17 Pump Station # 1 - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 25 48 Per Each Service $ 10.00 $ 480.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-18 Pump Station # 2 - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 26 48 Per Each Service $ 190.00 $ 9,120.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-19 Pump Station # 2 - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 26 48 Per Each Service $ 10.00 $ 480.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-20 East Haven Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 27 48 Per Each Service $ 38.00 $ 1,824.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-21 East Haven Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 27 48 Per Each Service $ 2.00 $ 96.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-22 Koality Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 28 48 Per Each Service $ 120.00 $ 5,760.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-23 Koality Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 28 48 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 720.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-24 Liberty Park at Sheltonwood - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 29 48 Per Each Service $ 200.00 $ 9,600.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-25 Liberty Park at Sheltonwood - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 29 48 Per Each Service $ 20.00 $ 960.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-26 Lonesome Dove Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 30 48 Per Each Service $ 155.00 $ 7,440.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-27 Lonesome Dove Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 30 48 Per Each Service $ 10.00 $ 480.00 4A-7 Success: All values provided Bid #2-28 Noble Oaks Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 31 48 Per Each Service $ 185.00 $ 8,880.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-29 Noble Oaks Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 31 48 Per Each Service $ 5.00 $ 240.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-30 Bob Jones Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 32 48 Per Each Service $ 1,000.00 $ 48,000.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-31 Bob Jones Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 32 48 Per Each Service $ 20.00 $ 960.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-32 Chesapeake Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 33 48 Per Each Service $ 250.00 $ 12,000.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-33 Chesapeake Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 33 48 Per Each Service $ 10.00 $ 480.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-34 North Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 34 48 Per Each Service $ 700.00 $ 33,600.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-35 North Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 34 48 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 1,440.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-36 Gateway Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 35 30 Per Each Service $ 56.00 $ 1,680.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-37 Gateway Park - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 35 30 Per Each Service $ 5.00 $ 150.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-38 Oak Pointe Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 36 4 Per Each Service $ 100.00 $ 400.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-39 McPherson Branch Channel - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 37 48 Per Each Service $ 20.00 $ 960.00 Success: All values provided Bid #2-40 McPherson Branch Channel - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 37 48 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 720.00 Group 3 - Rough Cut Mowing / Right-of-Way Mowing Success: All values provided Bid #3-1 North Kimball Lot - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 38 30 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 450.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-2 Shady Lane Lift Station - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 39 30 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-3 Torian Lift Station - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 40 48 Per Each Service $ 20.00 $ 960.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-4 Torian Lift Station - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 40 48 Per Each Service $ 5.00 $ 240.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-5 Shumaker Lot - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 41 30 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-6 Lonesome Dove Lots - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 42 30 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-7 Lonesome Dove Lift Station - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 43 30 Per Each Service $ 35.00 $ 1,050.00 4A-8 Success: All values provided Bid #3-8 Dove Estates Lift Station (Peninsula Drive) - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 44 30 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-9 Harbor Court Trailhead - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 45 30 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-10 Quail Run Lift Station - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 46 30 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 450.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-11 Quail Run Lift Station - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 46 30 Per Each Service $ 5.00 $ 150.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-12 North Carroll Lot - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 47 30 Per Each Service $ 25.00 $ 750.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-13 Loch Meadow Lift Station - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 48 30 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-14 Dove Tower Lots - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 49 30 Per Each Service $ 100.00 $ 3,000.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-15 Lot Across from Bob Jones Park - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 50 30 Per Each Service $ 28.00 $ 840.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-16 North White Chapel Lift Station - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 51 30 Per Each Service $ 28.00 $ 840.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-17 Homestead Lot - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 52 30 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-18 Bob Jones Nature Center & Trails - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 53 30 Per Each Service $ 210.00 $ 6,300.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-19 Bob Jones Nature Center & Trails - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 53 30 Per Each Service $ 25.00 $ 750.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-20 West Bob Jones Lift Station - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 54 30 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 450.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-21 Sutton Place Lot - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 55 30 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-22 Florence Tower - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 56 30 Per Each Service $ 60.00 $ 1,800.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-23 Pine Lot - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 57 30 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-24 Miron Tower - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 58 30 Per Each Service $ 65.00 $ 1,950.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-25 Gateway Lift Station - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 59 30 Per Each Service $ 25.00 $ 750.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-26 Gateway Lift Station - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 59 30 Per Each Service $ 5.00 $ 150.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-27 Bank Street Lift Station - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 60 30 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-28 Westlake Lift Station - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 61 30 Per Each Service $ 20.00 $ 600.00 4A-9 Success: All values provided Bid #3-29 Westlake Lift Station - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 61 30 Per Each Service $ 5.00 $ 150.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-30 Shady Oaks Lift Stations (2) - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 62 30 Per Each Service $ 10.00 $ 300.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-31 Shady Oaks Lift Stations (2) - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 62 30 Per Each Service $ 5.00 $ 150.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-32 Highway 114 Right-of-Ways & Bridges - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 63 30 Per Each Service $ 500.00 $ 15,000.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-33 Highway 114 Center Areas - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 64 4 Per Each Service $ 3,000.00 $ 12,000.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-34 Right-of-Ways North of 114 - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services ROW North 30 Per Each Service $ 1,300.00 $ 39,000.00 Success: All values provided Bid #3-35 Right-of-Ways South of 114 - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services ROW South 30 Per Each Service $ 1,500.00 $ 45,000.00 Group 4 - Brush Hog Mowing Success: All values provided Bid #4-1 Foxfire Lot - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 65 12 Per Each Service $ 50.00 $ 600.00 Success: All values provided Bid #4-2 East Highland Lot - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 66 12 Per Each Service $ 150.00 $ 1,800.00 Group 5 - Roundabouts and Portals Mowing and Landscape Services Success: All values provided Bid #5-1 Roundabout Carroll - Continental - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 67 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Success: All values provided Bid #5-2 Roundabout White Chapel - Continental - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 68 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Success: All values provided Bid #5-3 Roundabout White Chapel - Dove - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 69 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Success: All values provided Bid #5-4 Roundabout Carroll - Dove - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 70 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Success: All values provided Bid #5-5 Roundabout Sam School Road - Dove - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 71 52 Per Each Service $ 25.00 $ 1,300.00 Success: All values provided Bid #5-6 Roundabout Sam School Road - Dove - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 71 52 Per Each Service $ 10.00 $ 520.00 Success: All values provided Bid #5-7 White Chapel - Highland - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 72 52 Per Each Service $ 20.00 $ 1,040.00 Success: All values provided Bid #5-8 White Chapel - Highland - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 72 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Success: All values provided Bid #5-9 Zena Rucker - Tower Blvd - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 73 52 Per Each Service $ 75.00 $ 3,900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #5-10 Zena Rucker - Tower Blvd - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 73 52 Per Each Service $ 10.00 $ 520.00 4A-10 Success: All values provided Bid #5-11 Hwy 114 Monument Sign - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 74 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Success: All values provided Bid #5-12 Peytonville Portal at 1709 - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 75 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Success: All values provided Bid #5-13 White Chapel Portal at 1709 - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 76 52 Per Each Service $ 15.00 $ 780.00 Group 6 - Medians Mowing and Landscape Services Success: All values provided Bid #6-1 Hwy 114 Corridor at 1709 - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 77 48 Per Each Service $ 60.00 $ 2,880.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-2 Hwy 114 Corridor at 1709 - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 77 52 Per Each Service $ 30.00 $ 1,560.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-3 FM 1709 Medians - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 78 52 Per Each Service $ 850.00 $ 44,200.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-4 Carroll Avenue Medians - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 79 48 Per Each Service $ 60.00 $ 2,880.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-5 Carroll Avenue Medians - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 79 52 Per Each Service $ 20.00 $ 1,040.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-6 Kimball Avenue Medians - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 80 48 Per Each Service $ 60.00 $ 2,880.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-7 Kimball Avenue Medians - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 80 52 Per Each Service $ 50.00 $ 2,600.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-8 West Kirkwood Blvd Medians and Dove Medians - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 81 48 Per Each Service $ 400.00 $ 19,200.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-9 West Kirkwood Blvd Medians and Dove Medians - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 81 52 Per Each Service $ 50.00 $ 2,600.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-10 East Kirkwood Blvd Medians - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 82 48 Per Each Service $ 40.00 $ 1,920.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-11 East Kirkwood Blvd Medians - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 82 52 Per Each Service $ 50.00 $ 2,600.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-12 FM 1938 Medians and Right-of-Ways - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 83 48 Per Each Service $ 400.00 $ 19,200.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-13 FM 1938 Medians and Right-of-Ways - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 83 52 Per Each Service $ 75.00 $ 3,900.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-14 Nolan Street Medians - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 84 48 Per Each Service $ 25.00 $ 1,200.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-15 White Chapel Medians - Mowing Services Per Scope of Services 85 48 Per Each Service $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Success: All values provided Bid #6-16 White Chapel Medians - Landscape Services Per Scope of Services 85 52 Per Each Service $ 35.00 $ 1,820.00 4A-11 Group 7 - Miscellaneous Services or Products - To Be Part of Every Group Success: All values provided Bid #7-1 Hourly Labor Rate for “As Requested” Services N/A 1 Per Hour $ 30.00 $ 30.00 Success: All values provided Bid #7-2 Code Enforcement Abatement Mowing Per Scope of Services N/A 1 Per Hour $ 30.00 $ 30.00 Success: All values provided Bid #7-3 Hand Watering Services N/A 1 Per Hour $ 35.00 $ 35.00 Success: All values provided Bid #7-4 Park Hardscape Mason Lead N/A 1 Per Hour $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Success: All values provided Bid #7-5 Park Hardscape Mason N/A 1 Per Hour $ 55.00 $ 55.00 Success: All values provided Bid #7-6 Soil Preparation Services Per Scope of Services – Per Individual for Hydro-Mulching Services N/A 1 Per Hour $ 30.00 $ 30.00 Success: All values provided Bid #7-7 Light Grading Soil Preparation Services Per Scope of Services for Sod and Hydro Mulching Services – Per Individual N/A 1 Per Hour $ 30.00 $ 30.00 Success: All values provided Bid #7-8 Line Trimming and/or Edging Services for Additional Sidewalk and Fence Lines Added Throughout City per Scope of Services. N/A 1 Per Linear Foot $ 0.01 $ 0.01 Success: All values provided Bid #7-9 Core Aeration of Turf per Scope of Services N/A 1 Per Square Foot $ 0.03 $ 0.03 Success: All values provided Bid #7-10 Removal and Disposal of Core Aeration Plugs per Scope of Services N/A 1 Per Square Foot $ 0.05 $ 0.05 Success: All values provided Bid #7-11 Machine Verticutting of Turf per Scope of Services N/A 1 Per Square Foot $ 0.01 $ 0.01 Success: All values provided Bid #7-12 Top Dressing Services Including Labor Per Sq. Ft.N/A 1 Per Square Foot $ 0.01 $ 0.01 Success: All values provided Bid #7-13 Vendor Material Cost. Vendor Discount off of List Price.N/A 1 Percentage Off Mfg. List Price $ 0.02 $ 0.02 Success: All values provided Bid #7-14 Provide and Apply Hardwood No-Float Mulch as Required/Requested per Scope of Services.N/A 1 Per Cubic Foot $ 3.00 $ 3.00 Success: All values provided Bid #7-15 Provide and Apply Cedar No-Float Mulch as Required/Requested per Scope of Services.N/A 1 Per Cubic Foot $ 2.50 $ 2.50 Success: All values provided Bid #7-16 Color Change Out of Flower Beds Per Provided Flat Price Based on a 4” Pot Plant Size Quantity of 18 Plants Per Flat Per Scope of Services. N/A 1 Per Installed Flat of 18 Plants $ 35.00 $ 35.00 Success: All values provided Bid #7-17 Rye Grass Over-Seeding. Price to Include Labor Related Charges Only per Scope of Services.N/A 1 Per Square Foot $ 0.07 $ 0.07 Success: All values provided Bid #7-18 Landscape Services for Additional Tree Wells as Requested.N/A 1 Per Additional Tree Well $ 2.00 $ 2.00 Success: All values provided Bid #7-19 Acorn or Leaf Removal Services N/A 1 Per Square Foot $ 0.05 $ 0.05 Success: All values provided Bid #7-20 Delivery of Plant Materials, Mulch, Landscape Materials N/A 1 Per Trip Cost $ 150.00 $ 150.00 4A-12 Success: All values provided Bid #7-21 Hydro-Mulching Services (Does not include seed cost or prep services cost but does include mulch, fertilizer, water and installation services.) N/A 1 Per Square Foot $ 0.21 $ 0.21 Group 8 - Irrigation Services - To Be Part of Every Group Success: All values provided Bid #8-1 Licensed Irrigator N/A 1 Per Hour $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Success: All values provided Bid #8-2 Irrigation Tech N/A 1 Per Hour $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Success: All values provided Bid #8-3 Irrigation Helper N/A 1 Per Hour $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Success: All values provided Bid #8-4 Irrigation Audit Per Controller and Required Repairs. All Locations.N/A 1 Per Hour $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Success: All values provided Bid #8-5 Parts Cost. Vendor discount from List Price % for Irrigation New or Repair Parts N/A 1 Percentage Off Mfg. List Price $ 0.02 $ 0.02 Group 9 - Fertilization and Weed Control Services - To Be Part of Every Group Success: All values provided Bid #9-1 Fertilizer Application Per Sq. Ft. of Chemical Applied. (Labor Cost)N/A 1 Per Square Foot $ 0.01 $ 0.01 Success: All values provided Bid #9-2 Fertilizer Application Per Sq. Ft. of Granular Applied. (Labor Cost)N/A 1 Per Square Foot $ 0.01 $ 0.01 Success: All values provided Bid #9-3 Vendor Discount off of Mfg. List Price of Chemical Fertilizer Product Applied N/A 1 Percentage Off Mfg. List Price $ 0.05 $ 0.05 Success: All values provided Bid #9-4 Vendor Discount off of Mfg. List Price of Granular Fertilizer Product Applied N/A 1 Percentage Off Mfg. List Price $ 0.05 $ 0.05 Success: All values provided Bid #9-5 Pesticide or Herbicide Application Per Unit of Measure of Chemical Applied (Labor Cost)N/A 1 Per Square Foot $ 0.01 $ 0.01 Success: All values provided Bid #9-6 Pesticide or Herbicide Application Per Sq. Ft. of Granular Applied. (Labor Cost)N/A 1 Per Square Foot $ 0.01 $ 0.01 Success: All values provided Bid #9-7 Vendor Discount off of Mfg. List Price of Chemical Pesticide or Herbicide Product Applied.N/A 1 Percentage Off Mfg. List Price $ 0.05 $ 0.05 Success: All values provided Bid #9-8 Vendor Discount off of Mfg. List Price of Granular Pesticide or Herbicide Product Applied.N/A 1 Percentage Off Mfg. List Price $ 0.05 $ 0.05 4A-13 4A-14 4A-15 4A-16 4A-17 4A-18 4A-19 4A-20 4A-21 4A-22 4A-23 4A-24 4A-25 4A-26 4A-27 4A-28 4A-29 4A-30 4A-31 4A-32 4A-33 4A-34 4A-35 4A-36 4A-37 City of Southlake REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Proposal Reference Number: RFP2010B540JC200011 Project Title: Landscape Services for the City of Southlake Proposal Closing Date: 3:00 P.M.(CST), Friday, November 20, 2020 4A-38 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................ Page 1 Request for Proposals (1) Introduction .............................................................................................................................. Page 2 (2) Definitions ................................................................................................................................ Page 3 (3) General Information ................................................................................................................. Page 3 (4) RFP Withdrawals and/or Amendments .................................................................................... Page 3 (5) Estimated Quantities ................................................................................................................ Page 3 (6) Proposal Submittal Requirements ............................................................................................ Page 3 (7) Proposal Evaluation and Contract Award ................................................................................ Page 4 Appendix A – Scope of Services (1) Project Title .............................................................................................................................. Page 6 (2) Scope of Services Contact ........................................................................................................ Page 6 (3) Special Conditions .................................................................................................................... Page 6 (4) Proposal Evaluation Factors ..................................................................................................... Page 6 (5) Brand Manufacture Reference .................................................................................................. Page 6 (6) Key Events Schedule ................................................................................................................ Page 6 (7) Scope of Services ..................................................................................................................... Page 6 Appendix B – Proposal (-) Label Format for Submittal Packet’s Sealed Envelope ........................................................... Page 16 I Required Proposal Information (1) Proposed Product ................................................................................................................... Page 17 (2) Cost of Proposed Product ....................................................................................................... Page 17 (3) Term of Contract and Option to Extend ................................................................................. Page 17 (4) Proposer’s Experience / Staff ................................................................................................. Page 18 (5) References .............................................................................................................................. Page 19 (6) Trade Secrets and/or Confidential Information ...................................................................... Page 20 (7) Federal, State and/or Local Identification Information ......................................................... Page 20 (8) Emergency Business Services Contact Notice ....................................................................... Page 20 (9) Cooperative Governmental Purchasing Notice ...................................................................... Page 21 II Contract Terms and Conditions (1) Delivery of Products and/or Services .................................................................................... Page 21 (2) Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................ Page 21 (3) Financial Responsibility Provisions ...................................................................................... Page 22 Appendix C – Form CIQ ................................................................................................................ Page 24 Appendix D – No Intent to Submit Form ...................................................................................... Page 26 Attachment A – Aerial Maps and Photos .................................................................................................... 4A-39 Southlake, Texas Request for Proposals 1. Introduction A. Project Overview: The City of Southlake is requesting Proposals with the intent of awarding a contract for the purchase of goods and services contained in Appendix A – Scope of Services. B. Questions: Following are contacts for questions as identified. i. RFP Clarifications: All questions related to requirements or processes of this RFP should be submitted in writing to the Purchasing Manager identified in section 2 below. ii. Scope of Service Questions: All questions related to the scope of services should be submitted in writing to the contact person(s) noted in Appendix A – Scope of Services. iii. Replies: Responses to inquiries which directly affect an interpretation or effect a change to this RFP will be issued in writing by addendum posted to City website. All such addenda issued by City prior to the submittal deadline shall be considered part of the RFP. The City shall not be bound by any reply to an inquiry unless such reply is made by such formal written addendum. iv. Acknowledgement of Addenda: The Proposer must acknowledge all addenda by signing and returning such document(s) or by initialing appropriate area of the Proposal. C. Notification of Errors or Omissions: Proposers shall promptly notify the City of any omissions, ambiguity, inconsistency or error that they may discover upon examination of this RFP. The City shall not be responsible or liable for any errors and/or misrepresentation that result from the solicitations which are inadvertently incomplete, ambiguous, inconsistent or obviously erroneous. D. Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (Form CIQ): A person or business, and their agents, who seek to contract or enter into an agreement with the City, are required by Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 176, to file a conflict of interest questionnaire (FORM CIQ) which is found in Appendix C. The form must be filed with the City Secretary no later than seven (7) days after the date the person or business begins contract discussions or negotiations with the City, or submits an application, response to a request for proposals or bids, correspondence, or other writing related to any potential agreement with the City. E. Form 1295 Certificate of Interested Parties: In 2015, the Texas Legislature adopted House Bill 1295, which added section 2252.908 of the Government Code. The law states that a governmental entity or state agency may not enter into certain contracts with a business entity unless the business entity submits a disclosure of interested parties to the governmental entity or state agency at the time the business entity submits the signed contract to the governmental entity or state agency. The law applies only to a contract of a governmental entity or state agency that either (1) requires an action or vote by the governing body of the entity or agency before the contract may be signed or (2) has a value of at least $1 million. The disclosure requirement applies to a contract entered into on or after January 1, 2016. Please go to the Texas Ethics Commission webpage (www.ethics.state.tx.us) for full instructions and to complete the required steps for creation of Form 1295. Once the form is completed online, printed and signed please return the form with your proposal submission. 4A-40 2. Definitions Proposal: The signed and executed submittal of the entirety of Appendix B – Proposal. Proposer: The Proposer and the Proposer’s designated contact signing the first page of the Proposal. City of Southlake (“City”): The City of Southlake, Texas. City Secretary’s Office: The office of the City Secretary of the City, located at 1400 Main Street, Suite #270, Southlake, Texas 76092. PH: (817) 748-8016; Fax: (817) 748-8270. Project: The name of this Request for Proposals as identified on the cover sheet and first page of Appendix A – Scope of Services. Purchasing Manager: The City of Southlake Purchasing Manager is Timothy Slifka CPPO, CPPB, Phone: (817) 748-8312, E-Mail: tslifka@ci.southlake.tx.us; Fax (817) 748-8010. Request for Proposals (RFP): The entirety of this document, including all Appendices and Addenda. Scope of Services: The entirety of Appendix A – Scope of Services. 3. General Information A. Tax Exempt Status: City purchases are exempt from State Sales Tax and Federal Excise Tax. Do not include tax in the Proposal. City will furnish Excise Tax Exemption Certificate upon request. B. Public Inspection of Proposals: The City strictly adheres to the Texas Public Information Act (Texas Government Code Chapter 552.001, et seq.) and all other governing statutes, regulations, and laws regarding the disclosure of RFP information. Proposals are not available for public inspection until after the contract award. If the Proposer has notified the City, in writing, that the Proposal contains trade secrets or confidential information, the City will generally take reasonable steps to prevent disclosure of such information, in accordance with the Public Information Act. This is a statement of general policy only, and in no event shall the City be liable for disclosure of such information by the City in response to a request, regardless of the City’s failure to take any such reasonable steps, even if the City is negligent in failing to do so. 4. RFP Withdrawals and/or Amendments A. RFP Withdrawal: The City reserves the right to withdraw this RFP for any reason. B. RFP Amendments: The City reserves the right to amend any aspect of this RFP by formal written Addendum prior to the Proposal submittal deadline and will endeavor to notify all potential Proposers that have registered with the City, but failure to notify shall impose no obligation or liability on the City. 5. Estimated Quantities The City does not guarantee to purchase any minimum or maximum quantity but does contemplate purchasing exclusively during the term of the contract from the successful vendor. 6. Proposal Submittal Requirements A. Submittal Packet – Required Content: All proposals must be submitted electronically. The Proposer must visit https://southlake.bonfirehub.com/login and register. Once registered for this 4A-41 complimentary service, the Proposer may submit Proposal Documents electronically by selecting the appropriate Proposal Identification. B. Submittal Deadline: The deadline for submittal of Proposals shall be as identified on page _17_ (seventeen) of Appendix B-Proposal. It is the Proposer’s responsibility to have the Proposal Documents correctly electronically submitted by the submittal deadline. No extensions will be granted and no late submissions will be accepted. C. Proposals Received Late: Proposers are encouraged to submit their proposals as soon as possible. The time and date of receipt as recorded within the Bonfire electronic system shall be the official time of receipt. The City is not responsible for late submission regardless of the reason. Late Proposals will not be considered under any circumstances. D. Alterations or Withdrawals of Proposal Document: Any submitted Proposal may be withdrawn or a revised proposal substituted prior to the submittal deadline. Proposal Documents cannot be altered, amended or withdrawn by the Proposer after the submittal deadline, unless such alteration, amendment or withdrawal notice is approved in writing by the Purchasing Manager. E. Proposal Document Format: All Proposal Documents must be prepared in single-space type, on standard 8-1/2” x 11” vertically oriented pages, numbered at the bottom. The City only accepts electronic submissions via https://southlake.bonfirehub.com/login. Any other format (via telephone, fax, email, etc.) may be rejected by the City at its discretion. F. Validity Period: Once the submittal deadline has passed, any Proposal Document shall constitute an irrevocable bid to provide the commodities and/or services set forth in the Scope of Services at the price(s) shown in the Proposal Document. Such proposal shall be irrevocable until the earlier of the expiration of ninety (90) days from the submittal deadline, or until a contract has been awarded by the City. 7. Proposal Evaluation and Contract Award A. Proposal Evaluation and Contract Award Process: An award of a contract to provide the goods or services specified herein will be made using competitive sealed proposals, in accordance with Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code and with the City’s purchasing policy. The City will evaluate all proposals to determine which proposers are reasonably qualified for the award of the contract, applying the anticipated evaluation factors and emphasis to be placed on each factor as identified in the Scope of Services. The City may, at its option, conduct discussions with or accept proposal revisions from any reasonably qualified proposer. The City reserves the right to determine which proposal will be most advantageous to the City. B. Completeness: If the Proposal is incomplete or otherwise fails to conform to the requirements of the RFP, City alone will determine whether the variance is so significant as to render the Proposal non- responsive, or whether the variance may be cured by the Proposer or waived by the City, such that the Proposal may be considered for award. C. Ambiguity: Any ambiguity in the Proposal as a result of omission, error, lack of clarity or non - compliance by the Proposer with specifications, instructions and all conditions shall be construed in the favor of the City. In the event of a conflict between these standard RFP requirements and details provided in Appendix A – Scope of Services or Appendix B – Proposal, the Appendices shall prevail. D. Unit Prices and Extensions: If unit prices and their extensions do not coincide, the City may accept the price most beneficial to the City, and the Proposer will be bound thereby. 4A-42 E. Additional Information: City may request any other information necessary to determine Proposer’s ability to meet the minimum standards required by this RFP. F. Partial Contract Award: City reserves the right to award one contract for some or all the requirements proposed or award multiple contracts for various portions of the requirements to different Proposers based on the unit prices proposed in response to this request, or to reject any and all Proposals and re-solicit for Proposals, as deemed to be in the best interest of City. G. Terminate for Cause: The occurrence of any one or more of the following events will justify termination of the contract by the City of Southlake for cause: i) The successful proposer fails to perform in accordance with the provisions of these specifications; or ii) The successful proposer violates any of the provisions of these specifications; or iii) The successful proposer disregards laws or regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; or iv) The successful proposer transfers, assigns, or conveys any or all of its obligations or duties under the contract to another without written consent of the City. v) If one or more of the events identified in Subparagraphs G i) through iv) occurs, the City of Southlake may, terminate the contract by giving the successful proposer seven (7) days written notice. In such case, the successful proposer shall only be entitled to receive payment for goods and services provided before the effective date of termination. The successful proposer shall not receive any payment on account of loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss resulting from such termination. vi) When the contract has been so terminated by the City of Southlake, such termination shall not affect any rights or remedies of the City then existing or which may thereafter accrue. H. Terminate for Convenience: This contract may be cancelled or terminated at any time by giving vendor thirty (30) days written notice. Vendor may be entitled to payment for services actually performed; to the extent said services are satisfactory. 4A-43 Appendix A – Scope of Services 1. Project Title: Landscape Services for City of Southlake 2. Scope of Services Contact Questions about the technical nature of the Scope of Services, etc. may be directed to TIM SLIFKA, Phone. 817.748.8312, e-mail: tslifka@ci.southlake.tx.us. 3. Special Conditions The following special conditions shall prevail over areas of conflict in previous pages: Vendor will be paid on an “As Performed/As Requested” basis 4. Proposal Evaluation Factors Emphasis Factor 30% Vendor Overall Price for Services 30% Vendor Experience Providing All Required Services 35% Vendor Ability to Provide All Required Services 5% Vendor Past Experience with City 5. Brand Manufacture Reference The City has determined that any manufacturer’s brand defined in the Scope of Services meets the City’s product and support need. The manufacturer’s reference is not intended to be restrictive and is only descriptive of the type and quality the City desires to purchase. Quotes for similar manufactured products of like quality will be considered if the Proposal is fully noted with the manufacturer’s brand name and model. The City reserves the right to determine products and support of equal value, and whether other brands or models meet the City’s product and support needs. 6. Key Events Schedule Proposal Release Date October 16, 2020 Deadline for Submittal of Written Questions November 5, 2020 Sealed Proposals Due to and Opened by City Shown on First Page of this RFP Anticipated Committee Evaluation Review Date November-December 2020 Anticipated Award Date January 2021 7. Scope of Services The City of Southlake is seeking vendor(s) to provide landscape services for various City locations. These services shall consist of, but not be limited too; finish cut mowing, semi-rough cut mowing, rough cut mowing, Right-of-Way mowing, Brush Hog mowing, landscaping services, irrigation services, fertilizer, weed control and pesticide applications. Definitions of these types of mowing and other required services are provided within the Scope of Services. Vendor shall provide all materials, equipment and labor required to perform all requested work identified within the Scope of Services. Vendor pricing for individual items shall include all associated costs. 4A-44 Vendor shall maintain current licenses and certifications, as required, to perform all requested services during the contract period and period of any renewals. Vendor must submit copies of all valid, currently held licenses required to perform requested services with their proposal submittal. These include, but are not limited to, Landscape Irrigation license and Commercial Applicators license. Proposals submitted without current valid licenses may be deemed non-responsive at the discretion of the City. Vendor shall submit yearly updates of license renewals as required. The City shall perform random vendor required license checks as it deems necessary. Vendor shall provide copies of current license status as requested by the City throughout the term of this contract. Vendor shall adhere to all Federal, State and local laws governing requested services. The City reserves the right to award this contract individually or by group. Service frequencies shown are estimated only and in no way are a guaranteed amount of services to be performed. Vendor may indicate ‘no-bid’ in the Bid Table for areas they do not wish to bid on. The City shall provide vendor with a contact person who shall oversee the landscape related services with the City. This person shall be the point of contact for the vendor for all landscape service-related questions or issues. Vendor will be paid on an “As Performed / As Requested” basis. City shall determine when services are to be performed. Vendor will supply City with anticipated weekly mowing schedule once services are awarded. City may modify schedule to fit City needs. City will coordinate any mow ing or service schedule changes with vendor. Vendor must provide to City contact a weekly mowing list of all areas serviced to be confirmed by City to allow for payment approval. Vendor shall provide the following services: A. Mowing Services Finish Cut Mowing: This style of mowing service shall consist of the following: • All visible debris picked up prior to mowing • Vendor shall not mow when area is too wet to prevent turf damage or create ruts. • Straight Level Cut • All grass clippings should be mulched utilizing proper equipment. Designated areas in certain groups require clippings to be bagged. At this time this includes Family Park, Rustin Park, Town Hall, and The Marq. Additional areas may be added as required and will be coordinated with vendor. • No visible thatch or clippings left behind. All visible thatch or clippings shall be collected and disposed of by vendor. Clippings will not be blown into drain inlets. If services cannot be performed due to rain or other circumstances, multiple passes may be made at the City’s discretion and additional cost. • All sidewalks, edges, borders, fences, and tree areas shall be line trimmed or stick edged as required. • Mowing and trimming around trees must be done with caution as to avoid any damage to tree trunk. • All areas serviced shall be free of any related debris following services. • Replacement of dead or dying landscape materials and/or turf will be at City expense unless caused by vendor negligence. • Grass height shall be as determined by City based on City requirements. 4A-45 Semi-Rough-Cut Mowing: This style of mowing service shall consist of the following: • All visible debris picked up prior to mowing • Vendor shall not mow when area is too wet to prevent turf damage or create ruts. • Straight Level Cut • No visible piles of thatch or clippings left behind. All visible piles of thatch or clippings shall be collected and disposed of by vendor. If services cannot be performed due to rain or other circumstances, multiple passes may be made at the City’s discretion and additional cost. • All sidewalks, edges, boarders, fences, and tree areas shall be line trimmed or stick edged as required. • Mowing and trimming around trees must be done with caution as to avoid any damage to tree trunk. • All areas serviced shall be free of any related debris following services. • Replacement of dead or dying landscape materials and/or turf will be at City expense unless caused by vendor negligence. • Grass height shall be as determined by City based on City requirements Rough-Cut/Right-of-Way Mowing: This style of mowing service shall consist of the following: • All visible debris picked up prior to mowing • Vendor shall not mow when area is too wet to prevent turf damage or create ruts • If services cannot be performed due to rain or other circumstances, multiple passes may be made at the City’s discretion and additional cost. • All areas shall not exceed a maximum vegetation height of five (5) inches. This will include open area, fence line, trees, hydrants, utility easement, etc…… Please refer to individual maps included in Attachment A. • All sidewalks, edges, boarders, fences, ditch lines and tree areas shall be line trimmed or stick edged as required to maintain maximum allowable vegetation height. In select areas vendor will be required to maintain a minimum sixty inch (60”) mowed strip on either side of sidewalk. These mowed strips shall be maintained at a five (5) inch height. City contact shall coordinate with vendor as to mowing schedule. • Mowing and trimming around trees must be done with caution as to avoid any damage to tree trunk. • Vendor must immediately notify City contact of any debris removal issues identified during mowing services which obstruct vendor’s ability to perform required right of way mowing services. • All areas serviced shall be free of any related debris following services • Replacement of dead or dying landscape materials and/or turf will be at City expense unless caused by vendor negligence. • Not all identified Right of Way areas are maintained by the City. Some areas may be maintained by HOA, homeowner or business owner. City will coordinate with vendor on required services for these areas. • Undeveloped properties that are on the ROW streets and roads should also be included in your costs. Most businesses or companies that manage business properties maintain their property and should not be included in ROW costs. These areas are subject to change. Once property is developed, landowner is then required to maintain property. These areas will then be removed from the contract and pricing adjusted accordingly. 4A-46 • School property, parks, and city facilities should not be included in your ROW costs. These costs are already incorporated into the individual area costs except for school property which is not included in this proposal. Home owners are required to maintain their own right of way except when they are prevented because of ditch or public easement such as Dove Road between White Chapel and Carroll Avenue. In this case vendor shall be responsible for these areas. These areas are subject to change and shall be coordinated with awarded vendor for increase or reduction in contract pricing as required. Code Enforcement Abatements: These mowing services shall consist of the following: • Vendor must be able to perform Code Compliance mowing for the city and be available to service an area within 48hrs (2 business days) of notice from the city. This type of Rough-Cut mowing will include mowing, line trimming and edging of any areas as needed which exceed a height of 12 inches or is overgrown onto a public sidewalk, walking path or street. When services are completed, all public sidewalk, walking path, or street must be clear of thatch and debris. Visible thatch left on grass areas is not required to be bagged or removed. Determination of area to be serviced will be at the Code Officers discretion. All listed services are to be included in hourly rate. Brush Hog Mowing: These mowing services shall consist of the following: • All visible debris picked up prior to mowing • Vendor shall not mow when area is too wet to prevent turf damage or create ruts • If services cannot be performed due to rain or other circumstances, multiple passes may be made at the City’s discretion and additional cost. • Thatch and clippings may be left behind • All areas shall not exceed a maximum vegetation height of twelve (12”) inches. This will include open areas, fence lines, trees, hydrants, etc… Areas to be identified by City. • Vendor must immediately notify City contact of any debris removal issues identified during brush hog mowing services which obstruct vendor’s ability to perform required services. • All areas services shall be free of any related debris following mowing services • Vendor shall immediately notify City contact of any mowing related issues they encounter during mowing services. B. Landscaping Services Vendor shall provide all services which include, but are not limited to, materials, equipment and labor required to perform: • Flower and Landscape Beds maintained and free of weeds. Any damages caused by vendor to drip irrigation lines while vendor is performing services within the beds is to be repaired immediately by vendor and at no additional charge. • Provide weed control in all expansion joints and cracks of walkways, pavers, parking lots, buildings, curbs, fence lines, around walls, manhole structures and drain inlets as required within mowing areas. • Color change out of flower beds as requested. Standard flower types, depending on season or time of requested change shall be used. Spacing and type of plant 4A-47 material as directed by City. Flat of plants shall be considered eighteen (18) 4” pots. Price should include all required services including, but not limited to, removal, disposal, tilling, installation, and fertilization of new color. Additional bed prep materials and labor required to raise or recondition beds as required, to be included in overall per plant flat cost. • Over Seeding with perennial Double Eagle or equivalent Ryegrass in requested areas. Areas may change from year to year due to water restrictions and at City discretion. Includes scalping. • Replacing dead areas of grass by seeding or sod per City direction • Hydro-Seeding/Mulching Services Anticipated minimum requested service area is one thousand (1,000) square feet. (Does not include seed cost or prep services cost but does include mulch, fertilizer, water, and installation services). • Replacing dead landscaping with City approval. Vendor shall inform City contact immediately of identified dead or dying landscaping. • Replacement of dead or dying landscape materials and/or turf will be at City expense unless caused by vendor negligence. • Tree, shrub, and other planting services as requested. • Shrub, ornamental grasses, ground covers, and hedge trimming services as required to maintain desired appearance. May require weekly trimming in high profile areas. • Tree maintenance is provided by another contracted vendor. Vendor shall perform safety related pruning to remove small branches overhanging walkways or pedestrian areas which may cause injury (8’ clearance). This cost will be included in landscape or mowing costs. A separate charge may not be listed for this incidental pruning. • Mulch should be no-float shredded hardwood or cedar mulch. Small area mulching will be at the discretion of the contractor, while larger area mulching will need approval from the City’s contact. Special care needs to be given around plant material and a 4” gap around the tree trunk will need to be maintained within the tree wells. City contact will specify depth of the mulch. • Vendor shall immediately notify City contact of any landscape or tree related issues identified while performing landscape services. Whether it be plant related or insect/disease related, recommendations or a plan of action needs to be submitted to City contact. • Pond Maintenance is not required at any location. Vendor shall be responsible for grounds maintenance and litter removal, up to and including, debris washed up to the shoreline edge (not to exceed 6” into water) of a pond located within awarded area. Disposal of debris is the vendor’s responsibility. • Bicentennial Park Playground and other high traffic areas require special time restrictions when services can be performed. See Vendor Work Hours Section G. • Tree Wells services within Town Square are identified as any tree well on a named street within the Town Square perimeter which has been included within other designated areas. See Map _10_. Estimated amount is four hundred fifty (450). • Landscape beds serviced within Town Square are identified as any bed on a named street within the Town Square perimeter which has not been included within other designated areas. See Map _11_. Estimated amount is one hundred thirty (130). • Vendor is responsible to keep work area clean and allow safe and unobstructed passage in public areas including, but not limited to, sidewalks, streets and pathways. Vendor shall leave area of any project or location where services have been performed in a clean and safe condition. 4A-48 Soil Preparation Services for Hydro-Seeding/Mulching or Sod Services: These services shall include, but not be limited to: • Removal of existing sod to requested depth, normally 1-2 inches in depth • Adding compost or fresh topsoil as required • Leveling soil which will vary with slope or contour of ground. Vendor shall provide additional topsoil or compost materials required and be responsible for the addition and the combining of these materials with existing surface. • The City may also request “Light Grading” services. These services shall be defined as light hand raking to remove small rocks, break up dirt clumps etc… These light grading services shall be on an as requested basis. C. Irrigation Services All irrigators shall comply with Texas Administrative Code subsection G, Chapter 344.71., Contracts. Any questions related to this Administrative Code should be addressed to Mr. Paul Ward, Chief Building Official, City of Southlake at pward@ci.southlake.tx.us or 817-748-8278. Vendor should perform weekly spot check of irrigation systems during mowing or other services and notify City contact of any irrigation related issues found (i.e., brown spots, dying plant material, washout, or overwatering condition, etc.….). Vendor shall be required to operate area irrigation systems as assigned by the City to confirm system performance to maintain landscape and/or turf areas. This includes scheduling within mandatory water restrictions. The frequency of these checks is at the discretion of the vendor. The vendor is responsible to maintain the various assigned irrigation systems in proper working order. Failure to confirm irrigation system operations in vendor assigned areas shall be considered vendor negligence. Assigned areas shall be coordinated with awarded vendor and currently include select areas of Group 1 and Group 6. Other areas may be as assigned at City discretion and coordinated with awarded vendor. • Detailed irrigation audit list must be submitted, by email, to the City contact within 24 hours identifying irrigation areas needing repair or areas of concern. • Detailed list of performed irrigation repairs shall submitted to City contact within 48 hours of completion to include, type of repair, hours spent, and supplies used. • Monitor rain and freeze sensor operation. Vendor shall be responsible for monitoring these sensor operations in assigned areas to ensure correct performance. • Vendor shall provide City with irrigation schedule in assigned areas and shall notify City of any changes to irrigation schedule. • The City manages many of their controllers through a central control system. Notification of any changes at the controller is critical to avoid any changes that contradict each other. It is up to the vendor to inform the City contact of any changes in vendor assigned areas immediately. The City shall inform vendor of any City initiated changes as required. • City shall coordinate with vendor any changes to schedule of irrigation for Special Events as required. This may require systems to be turned off at the controllers and double checks, and then bleed system prior to the event. City contact shall coordinate with vendor to turn the system back on and check for any issues after event(s). • Replacement of dead or dying landscape materials and/or turf will be at City expense unless caused by vendor negligence. 4A-49 • Vendor will need to provide “Irrigation Audit in Progress” signs while preforming any work outside of the watering restrictions. • Irrigation audits shall not be performed on Mondays or during peak times in high profile areas. City contact shall coordinate these services with vendor. • City may provide vendor with audit form or use vendor supplied irrigation system audit form, as approved by City, for the vendor to complete and submit to City contact. • Replacement parts, i.e. brand, specifications, types shall be pre-approved by City. This includes, but is not limited to, valves, controllers, and heads. • Irrigation Repairs or New Installations consisting of, but not limited to: • Spray nozzle replacement • Leaking supply pipe repair • Controller repairs or replacements as required • Raising or lowing sprinkler heads as required or requested • New installation or expansion of service in existing areas • Service call for repair of system • System controller programming • Vendor shall immediately notify City contact via email of any identified irrigation repairs detailing repair required and location information. • In vendor assigned irrigation areas: • Prior approval of all minor irrigation repairs is not required. Vendor shall inform City contact via email as soon as possible of required repairs. • Major irrigation repairs (exceeding one thousand dollars $1,000) shall be coordinated with City contact immediately. Email or phone contact is required. City contact will respond within 24 hours or less with approval or denial of major irrigation repair request. • Emergency irrigation repairs shall be coordinated through City contact. Emergency irrigation repairs are defined to include, but not limited to, main water line break, stuck valve, watering during a snow or ice event, creation of any public hazard situation, etc.… Vendor shall immediately notify City contact via email and phone of any required emergency irrigation repairs and shut down water supply, as required, until repairs are authorized through City contact. • Replacement parts, i.e. brand, specifications, type shall be pre-approved by City. This includes, but is not limited to, valves, controllers, and heads. D. Fertilizer, Pesticide, and Herbicide Application Services Vendor shall: • No product(s) containing Glyphosate to be used on any city property or work being performed for the city. • All fertilizer, pesticide, and herbicide control applications must comply with Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) rules and regulations. • Single or small fertilizer, pesticide, or herbicide application services may be charged at “As Requested” hourly labor rate. This is at the discretion of the City. Applied product cost is not included in this rate. • Provide written or email notice to City contact, for non-emergency applications, 48 hours prior to any application. If emergency application services are required, vendor must coordinate with City contact prior to application. 4A-50 • Failure to provide prior application information prior to services may result in vendor non-payment for any work performed. • Vendor shall provide application services in progress signage, minimum size 18”Hx24”W (sample picture included in Attachment A), indicating area is being treated. Signage shall be posted prior to start of application process and should be left in place until services are completed. Vendor is responsible for all costs associated with providing this signage. Signage shall be posted at all entrances or areas as determined by the City and coordinated with vendor. • Pre-emergent, Post-emergent, and fertilizer mixes applied as required or requested by the city. • Provide MSDS sheets for any products utilized while providing these services. • Chemical application logs per application/location may be requested by the city. E. Other Vendor Provided Services • Core Aeration. Vendor shall perform core aeration on select areas as requested. Plugs may require removal and disposal, as determined by the City. • Machine Verticutting/De-Thatching. Vendor shall perform machine verticutting on select areas as requested. All thatch/clippings shall be removed and disposed of. F. Vendor Responsibility • Vendor shall report to City contact within 24 hours, by email, any areas which cannot be serviced during a regularly scheduled service and the reason for the inability of vendor to service area. City will review issue and advise vendor within 24 hours of notification as to required vendor or City course of action. • Trash, Litter and Debris Removal: Litter shall be collected on each site prior to vendor employees conducting mowing or landscape services. Litter includes, but is not limited to, paper, glass, cans, etc. (generally items 2” or larger). All litter collected must be disposed of by the vendor and is included in all provided services. An extra fee may not be charged for disposal. Debris such as organic plant material, grass clippings, sticks, fallen limbs, etc. must be removed from the grounds, parking lots, sidewalks and drain inlets the same day of services and disposed of by the vendor as required by individual service type scope of services. All plant beds shall be maintained 100% free of litter and debris (items larger than grass clippings and mulch). • Vendor shall provide supervisory level contact person who can successfully communicate with City contact, to perform weekly or monthly walk through of all service areas with City contact as requested, to identify any issues or potential issues and confirm contract compliance. This is an included cost of awarded contract. An additional fee may not be charged for this required walkthrough. • Weekly checklist provided to City contact detailing all work performed by vendor during the previous week. This checklist is to be submitted to City contact by Tuesday of the week following service. Checklist shall be provided to vendor by City. • Vendor shall be responsible for any vendor caused damage to property or landscape. This vendor responsibility may include replacement or repair of damaged property or landscape to before damaged condition. • All vendor employees while working on City property will wear uniforms to serve as a means of identifying the vendor’s employees. Uniforms are to be clean and in good condition. 4A-51 • Vendor shall be considerate of surroundings/people in public areas during any vendor services. If people are present or traveling through an area being maintained, treated, or otherwise serviced, vendor shall stop services and allow them to pass or leave area, before resuming services, as necessary or appropriate. Vendor shall report any issues or concerns to this requirement to City contact as needed. G. Vendor Work Hours Vendor work hours shall not begin earlier than 7:00 AM and must complete services by 8:00 PM unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the City. Some locations shall have more restrictive mowing and service times (Group 1 See Below). These locations shall be identified individually and hours for service shall be coordinated with vendor. No work shall be performed on weekends without prior written approval of City. Vendor shall coordinate schedule of all services with City contact. Group 1 area mowing schedule: Town Hall - Map 1 - Completed by 9am Rustin Park - Map 2 - Completed by 9am Family Park - Map 3 - Completed by 9am BIC Park Playground Area - Map 15 - Inside Fence in Playground to be completed by 8am The Marq Front Entrances - Map 16 Front Entrances ONLY at Legends Hall and Champion Club to be completed by 9am. Tennis Center - Map 17 - Completed by 8:30am H. Invoicing and Billing Vendor must submit detailed invoicing to Accounts Payable. Invoice should list in detail the location(s), services performed, and date services performed. The City shall provide vendor with a monthly checklist for services to be performed and to reconcile for billing purposes. All original invoices must be submitted to: City of Southlake Attn: Accounts Payable 1400 Main Street, Suite 420 Southlake, Texas 76092 Or via e-mail to accountspayable@ci.southlake.tx.us A copy of the invoice should be additionally submitted to City contact to allow department to verify and approve invoicing. Vendor percentage off manufacturer list price for product. This bid table item is defined as manufacturers list price minus any discount the vendor is passing along to the City. No discount = 0%. 4A-52 I. Vendor Equipment Vendor’s equipment shall be clean and maintained in proper operating condition at all times. All guards and safety devices shall be in place and in proper working order. Vendor must submit with their Proposal a list of all available equipment. This list, at a minimum, should include equipment description, model number, age, and number of available units. Vendor shall identify on this list the equipment they anticipate using during the performance of this contract. Vendor shall be required to drop off equipment and move transport vehicles to another location in certain service areas. These areas will be as identified by City. Transport vehicles are not to be left in retail areas except for drop off and pick up of required equipment. Vehicles are to park towards the back of a parking lot away from the front spaces at any location. Vendor may coordinate with City contact special parking accommodations for equipment and materials drop off. Blocking of handicap spaces is prohibited. J. Miscellaneous Medians The City has multiple medians located throughout the City. Vendor shall be responsible for the mowing (as required), landscaping and irrigation systems of these medians. These areas may require various methods of mowing services. Vendor shall provide all required advance notice, equipment, and manpower to comply with all TxDOT rules regarding lane closures and safety equipment, signage, and lights. K. Additional Areas or Services as Required The City, as part of normal growth, adds additional and may remove areas to be serviced on an annual basis. Additional areas shall be added to the contract using a contract amendment and shall be based on established current contract pricing. If no current equivalent contract price is available or appropriate, City and vendor shall work to establish pricing of additional areas. L. Aerial Views and Photos The City has provided aerial views and photos, as available, of all areas to be serviced and is attached as ‘Attachment A’. Maps may have additional details regarding service areas. Vendor is responsible to confirm areas to receive mowing and landscape services prior to submitting their Proposal. Most of the areas to be serviced are accessible by the public and do not require vendor to be accompanied to review. Secure areas, such as DPS Headquarters, DPS West and DPS North will require City staff to accompany proposer to view sections. The City has included detailed photos for each of these areas and does not anticipate providing a special viewing. If an in-person viewing is requested, please email Tim Slifka at tslifka@ci.southlake.tx.us. The City may schedule a day and time when interested vendors may review these locations. This date and time may be scheduled at the discretion of the City. 4A-53 'ZKhWϭ-&/E/^,hd 4A-54 72:1+$//- &203/(7('%<$0 75$6+'(%5,63,&.('83 75((6/,0%('8372)((7 9(*(7$7,213581('%$&.2)):$/.,1*3$7+6675((76$//&5$&.6,1&21&5(7( %5,&.63$9(56$1'75((:(//6$1'%('6 :,7+,16(59,&($5($72%(:((')5(( '85,1*02:,1* 25/$1'6&$3,1*  5()(572&2175$&7)25)8//'(6&5,37,21 67$7(675((7 *5$1'$9( 0$,1675((7 &,9,&3/$&( 0$3 5(' 02:$5($ *5((1 /$1'6&$3,1*$5($ 386+02:,1*5(48,5(' 4A-55 5867,13$5.- &203/(7('%<$0 75$6+'(%5,63,&.('83 75((6/,0%('8372)((7 9(*(7$7,213581('%$&.2)):$/.,1*3$7+6675((76$//&5$&.6,1&21&5(7( %5,&.63$9(56$1'75((:(//6$1'%('6 :,7+,16(59,&($5($72%(:((')5(( '85,1*02:,1* 25/$1'6&$3,1*  5()(572&2175$&7)25)8//'(6&5,37,21 )0 67$7(675((7 *5$1'$9( 6+25(/,1(72%(&/($5('2)75$6+ '(%5,6 )227)520:$7(56('*( 0$3 5(' 02:$5($ *5((1 /$1'6&$3,1*$5($ 386+02:,1*5(48,5(' 4A-56 )$0,/<3$5.- &203/(7('%<$0 75$6+'(%5,63,&.('83 75((6/,0%('8372)((7 9(*(7$7,213581('%$&.2)):$/.,1*3$7+6675((76$//&5$&.6,1&21&5(7( 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LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIM- MING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** 4A-127 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 1 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA BLESSED WAY - NORTH ROW’s FROM KIRKWOOD TO HWY 114 TO FENCE LINE TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** KIRKWOOD 20FT EAST OF SIDEWALK & OR UP TO TREE LINE GATEWAY CHURCH CARROLL MIDLE SCHOOL 4A-128 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 2 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA TW KING 1 OF 2 - NORTH ROW’s FROM END STREET TO W BOB JONES RD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** W BOB JONES RD DITCH MAY REQUIRE LINE TRIMMING N WESTPARK CIR TO FENCE LINE TO GUARD RAIL S WESTPARK CIR TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE 4A-129 SILVER SPUR DR *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 3 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA TW KING 2 OF 2 - NORTH ROW’s FROM W BOB JONES RD TO KIRKWOOD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** COYOTE RD PLAZA DR TO FENCE LINE PASS DITCH RANCHO LAREDO TR 20 FT FROM PAYEMENT OR UTILITY BOXES TO TREE LINE W BOB JONES RD 4A-130 S FORK RD *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 4 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA W BOB JONES RD - NORTH ROW’s FROM TW KING RD TO WHITE CHAPEL TO TREE / FENCE LINE SADDLEBACK LN TO THE POLES TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO TREE / FENCE LINE 4A-131 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 5 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA E BOB JONES RD - NORTH ROW’s FROM N WHITE CHAPEL TO END OF E BOB JONES RD TO FENCE LINE TO OTHER SIDE OF DITCH OR TREE & FENCE LINE TO OTHER SIDE OF DITCH TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** BOB JONES PARK 4A-132 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 6 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA WALNUT DR - NORTH ROW’s FROM E BOB JONES RD TO BROOKS CT TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO FENCE LINE 4A-133 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 7 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA BURNEY LANE - NORTH ROW’s FROM LAKE DR TO MIDWAY DR TO FENCE LINE LONESOME DOVE RD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** 4A-134 TO TREEFENCE LINE WHISPERING LN *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) DEL MAR DR MAP NROW 8 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA CARROLL AVE - NORTH ROW’s FROM TAYLOR ST TO WHISPERING LN TO THE SIDEWALK TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO POLES BOTH SIDES OF DITCH CISD ADMIN BUILDING TAYLOR ST 4A-135 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 9 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA W DOVE RD - NORTH ROW’s FROM 114 TO WHITE CHAPEL TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** VERIZON 4A-136 CISD ADMIN BUILDING *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 10 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA E DOVE RD 1 OF 3- NORTH ROW’s FROM WHITE CHAPEL TO CARROLL TO THE FENCE LINE TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** NORTH PARK LIBERTY SHELTONWOOD PARK 4A-137 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 11 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA E DOVE RD 2 OF 3- NORTH ROW’s FROM CARROLL TO LONESOME DOVE RD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO POLES TO POLES 4A-138 TO POLES *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 12 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA E DOVE RD 3 OF 3- NORTH ROW’s FROM LONESOME DOVE RD TO KIMBALL TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** CREEKSIDE DR ROYAL OAKS CT 4A-139 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 13 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA LONESOME DOVE AVE - NORTH ROW’s FROM BURNEY TO DOVE RD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** FOXFIRE LN DITCH TO FENCE LINE EMERALD CIR TO FENCE LINE IN FRONT OF CEMETARY TO TREE LINE 4A-140 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 14 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA W KIRKWOOD - NORTH ROW’s FROM 114 TO DOVE RD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TD AMERITRADE DOVE RD STOCKTON DR TO TREE / FENCE LINE TO TREE LINE TO TREE LINE VERIZON SABRE 4A-141 15 FT FROM STREET KIMBALL *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 15 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA E HIGHLAND ST & E KIRKWOOD - NORTH ROW’s FROM 114 TO KIMBALL TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO FENCE LINE ST EMILIAN CT SUNSHINE TO FENCE LINE E HIGHLAND E KIRKWOOD E HIGHLAND CARROLL MIDDLE SCHOOL 4A-142 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 16 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA N KIMBALL AVE - NORTH ROW’s FROM DOVE RD TO 114 TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS KIRKWOOD HWY 114 TO FENCE LINE 10FT PASSED SIDEWALK HIGHLAND SHADY LN 4A-143 TO GUARD RAILS *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 17 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA SHADY LANE - NORTH ROW’s FROM KIMBALL TO 114 TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** YEARGAIN CT TO FENCELINE TO GUARD RAILS 4A-144 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 18 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA RIDGECREST DR - NORTH ROW’s FROM WOODLAND DR TO DOVE RD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** 15 FT IN FROM PAVEMENT - OAK POINTE PARK LOCH MEADOW CT TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE 4A-145 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 19 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA N WHITE CHAPEL 1 OF 3 - NORTH ROW’s FROM END OF ROAD TO W BOB JONES RD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** W BOB JONES RD TO FENCE LINE UP TO 4440 E BOB JONES RD TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE 4A-146 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 20 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA N WHITE CHAPEL 2 OF 3 - NORTH ROW’s FROM CLARIDEN RANCH TO DOVE RD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO FENCE LINE TO TREE LINE SWEET ST TO FENCE LINE 5 FT PAST SIDEEWALK 4A-147 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP NROW 21 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA N WHITE CHAPEL 3 OF 3 - NORTH ROW’s FROM DOVE TO 114 TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** BRENTWOOD CIR TO FENCE LINE E KIRKWOOD BLVD TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE 4A-148 GROUP 3 - ROUGH CUT RIGHT OF WAYS - SOUTH OF 114 TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIM- MING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** 4A-149 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 1 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA PEARSON LN 1 OF 3 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM FLORENCE RD TO JOHNSON RD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** JOHNSON RD TO FENCE LINE IN FRONT OF CEMETARY FLORENCE RD UNDEVELOPED AREA BETWEEN 1625 AND 1629 TO FENCE LINE 4A-150 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 2 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA PEARSON LN 2 OF 3 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM JOHNSON RD TO FM 1709 TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** FM 1709 BOTH SIDES OF DITCH TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE *UNDER DEVELOP- JOHNSON RD BOTH SIDES OF DITCH TO FENCE LINE BOTH SIDES OF DITCH TO FENCE LINE JORDAN DR GRAY LN PEARSON CROSSING 4A-151 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 3 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA PEARSON LN 3 OF 3 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM CHESAPEAKE LN TO UNION CHURCH RD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** UNION CHURCH RD BOTH SIDES OF DITCH / TO FENCE LINE CHESAPEAKE LN ST MARTINS CHURCH 4A-152 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 4 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA UNION CHURCH RD - SOUTH ROW’s FROM WATERMERE DRTO DAVIS BLVD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** BOTH SIDE OF DITCH AT 2477 - 2515 NURSERY TO EDGE OF DITCH VENICE AVE SIENNA DR EDGEBROOK AVE 4A-153 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 5 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA CONTINENTIAL BLVD 1 OF 3 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM DAVIS BLVD TO PEYTONVILLE AVE TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO FENCE LINE AT TEX-ART STONE PAST SIDEWALK KOALITY PARK CARROLL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4A-154 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 6 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA CONTINENTIAL BLVD 2 OF 3 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM PEYTONVILLE TO INDEPENDENCE CT TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** INDEPENDENCE CT TO FENCE LINE DITCH MAY REQUIRE LINE TRIMMING START AT SCENIC DR PROPERTY TO 1197 TO SIDEWALK TO SIDEWALK RIDGEWOOD CIR TO FENCE LINE TO TREE LINE 4A-155 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 7 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA CONTINENTIAL BLVD 3 OF 3 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM SOUTH HOLLOW TO KIMBALL TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE TIMBERLINE CT CROOKED LN PUBLIC WORKS 4A-156 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 8 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA BRUMLOW AVE - SOUTH ROW’s FROM CONTINENTIAL TO HWY 26 TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE HART ST ALPINE MATERIALS 4A-157 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 9 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA CROOKED LANE - SOUTH ROW’s FROM KIMBALL TO NOLAN DR TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO FENCE LINE KIMBALL AVE 4A-158 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 10 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA BREWER RD - SOUTH ROW’s FROM FLORENCE TO END OF STREET TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** SUTTON PL TO FENCE LINE FLORENCE RD TO FENCE LINE / TOP OF DITCH FLORENCE WATER TOWNER 4A-159 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 11 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA SOUTHLAKE BLVD (FM 1709) 1 OF 5 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM PEYTONVILLE TO JELLICO E TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO POLES VERMILLION CT 4A-160 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 12 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA SOUTHLAKE BLVD (FM 1709) 2 OF 5 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM E JELLICO TO DAVIS BLVD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** E JELLICO CIR BROOK DR 4A-161 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 13 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA SOUTHLAKE BLVD (FM 1709) 3 OF 5 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM 801 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD TO WHITE CHAPEL TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO FENCE LINE AT 801 W SOUTLAKE BLVD SHADY OAKS BICENTENNIAL PARK 4A-162 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 14 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA SOUTHLAKE BLVD (FM 1709) 4 OF 5 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM WHITE CHAPEL TO BYRON NELSON TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO FENCE LINE WHITES CHAPEL CHURCH CALLOWAYS NURSERY 4A-163 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 15 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA SOUTHLAKE BLVD (FM 1709) 5 OF 5 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM BYRON NELSON TO CARROLL AVE TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** 4A-164 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 16 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA DAVIS BLVD / FM 1938 1 OF 2 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM FM 1709 TO MICHAEL DR TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** MICHAEL DR TO FENCE LINE SONIC DRIVE IN TO FENCE LINE 4A-165 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 17 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA DAVIS BLVD / FM 1938 2 OF 2 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM UNION CHURCH RD / CONTINENTIAL TO CITY LIMIT TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO TREE LINE UNION CHURCH RD CONTINENTAL BLVD 4A-166 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 18 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA JOHNSON RD - SOUTH ROW’s FROM HARRELL DR TO DAVIS BLVD / FM 1938 TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO TREE LINES AT CREEK BEDS TO FENCE LINE AT 2655 ROYAL LN TO WALL INCLUDING WALL WARRINGTON LN TRAILHEAD DR TO TREE LINES AT CREEK BEDS ROYAL & ANNIE SMITH PARK 4A-167 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 19 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA E HIGHLAND - SOUTH ROW’s FROM WHITE CHAPELTO HWY 114 TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO TREE / FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE FORREST PARK MEDICAL CENTER MIKES GARDEN CENER 4A-168 DAWSON MIDDLE SCHOOL *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 20 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA S KIMBALL AVE - SOUTH ROW’s FROM FM 1709 TO KIMBALL HILL CT TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO FENCE LINE KIMBALL HILL CT CHICK-FIL-A 4A-169 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 21 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA NOLAN DR - SOUTH ROW’s FROM FM 1709 TO CROOKED LN TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO DITCH TO POLES TO TREE LINE *UNDER DEVELOPMENT 4A-170 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 22 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA PEYTONVILLE AVE 1 OF 4 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM POST OAK TRL TO WOODBROOK LN TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** COVENTRY LN CREEK POST OAK TRL TO FENCE LINE OR BEDS AT 1201 POST OAK WOODBROOK 4A-171 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 23 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA PEYTONVILLE AVE 2 OF 4 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM WOODBROOK TO TEN BAR TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIM- MING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** TO FENCE LINE BETWEEN 741-585 TO FENCE LINE AT 925 UNDEVELOPED TO FENCE LINE FROM WOODBROOK TO 940 WOODBROOK LN 4A-172 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 24 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** DITCH TO FENCE LINE. MAY REQUIRE LINE TRIMMING TO FENCE LINE PEYTONVILLE AVE 3 OF 4 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM TEN BAR TO FM 1709 TO FENCE LINE REDWING CORPORATE CIR SEVEN –11 4A-173 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 25 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA PEYTONVILLE AVE 4 OF 4 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM ELKS LN TO CONTINENTIAL BLVD TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** BOTH SIDES OF DITCH TO FENCE FROM 771 - 825 TO TREE LINE CHIMNEY WORKS DR 4A-174 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 26 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA RANDOL MILL 1 OF 2 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM DOVE RD TO PHEASANT LN TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIM- MING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** ENCLAVE CT TO FENCE LINE TO TREE LINE DOVE RD MOCKINGBIRD LN PHEASANT LN 4A-175 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 27 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA RANDOL MILL 2 OF 2 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM RANDOL MILL TO BILTMORE DR TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** BROWN LN TO FENCE LINE TO FENCE LINE TO POLES 4A-176 TO FENCE / TREE LINE TO FENCE LINE *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 28 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE W DOVE RD - SOUTH ROW’s FROM SHADOW CREEK CT TO 114 TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS TO CREEK BARRIER TO FENCE LINE 4A-177 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 29 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA SHADY OAKS 1 OF 2 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM DOVE RD TO FOX GLENN TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** GARDEN CT TO FENCE LINE TO TREE LINE AND OR CREEK BED DOVE RD FOX GLENN 4A-178 *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 30 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA SHADY OAKS 2 OF 2 - SOUTH ROW’s FROM DURHAM INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL TO BICENTENNIAL PARK TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** LOVE HENRY CT TO FENCE LINE BICENTENNIAL PARK TO FENCE LINE AT LOTS ON LLANO CT DURHAM INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL LLANO CT LOVE HENRY CT 4A-179 BICENTENNIAL PARK *TRASH/DEBRIS PICKED UP. *TREES LIMBED UP TO 8 FEET & VEGETATION PRUNED BACK OFF STREETS & SIDEWALKS ALLCRACKS IN CONCRETE & BRICKS/PAVERS TO BE WEED FREE. (DURING MOWING & OR LANDSCAPING) MAP SROW 31 YELLOW DOTTED = SERVICE AREA S WHITE CHAPEL - SOUTH ROW’s FROM 114 TO FM 1709 FM 1709 TO TREE LINE TO FENCE LINE FROM NEW DAY CHURCH TO MIS- SION DR BOTH SIDES OF DITCH TO INCLUDE EDGING SIDEWALKS. LINE TRIMMING AROUND TREES, FENCE LINES, FIRE HYDRANTS & POLES. LINE TRIMMING MAYBE REQUIRED IN DITCHES WHERE MOWERS MAY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS ***SOME AREAS MAY BECOME DEVELOPED AND NO LONGER NEED ROW MOWING*** CARROLL H.S NEW DAY CHRUCH HIGHLAND ST MISSION DR SAN SABA DR EMERALD BLVD CHAPEL DOWNS RD 4A-180 'ZKhWϰ-Zh^,,K' 4A-181 '2(6127 ,1&/8'( 02:,1*2) )2;),5(/27 *$7(&2'(5(48,5(' 75$6+'(%5,63,&.('83 75((6/,0%('8372)((7 9(*(7$7,21 3581('%$&.2)):$/.,1*3$7+6 675((76 $//&5$&.6,1&21&5(7(  %5,&.63$9(5672%(:((')5(( '85,1*02:,1* 25/$1'6&$3,1* )2;),5(/27-%586++2* /27$5281')2;),5(/27 75$6+'(%5,63,&.('83 75((6/,0%('8372)((7 9(*(7$7,213581('%$&.2)):$/.,1*3$7+6675((76$//&5$&.6,1&21&5(7( %5,&.63$9(56$1'75((:(//6$1'%('6:,7+,16(59,&($5($72%(:((')5(( '85,1*02:,1* 25/$1'6&$3,1*  5()(572&2175$&7)25)8//'(6&5,37,21 0$3 25$1*( %586++2*$5($ )2;),5( 4A-182 75$6+'(%5,63,&.('83 75((6/,0%('8372)((7 9(*(7$7,21 3581('%$&.2)):$/.,1*3$7+6 675((76 $//&5$&.6,1&21&5(7(  %5,&.63$9(5672%(:((')5(( '85,1*02:,1* 25/$1'6&$3,1* (+,*+/$1'/27-%586++2* (+,*+/$1' 75$6+'(%5,63,&.('83 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$5($%(7:((1$63+$/7 727+(&85%72%(75$6+ :((')5(( 4A-204 MAP #LOCATION EST. QTY 1 TOWH HALL BUILDING MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 2 RUSTIN PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 3 FAMILY PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 4 CENTRAL PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 5 SUMMIT PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 6 FRANK CORNISH PARK LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 7 McPHERSON PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 8 DPS HEADQUARTERS MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 9 GARDEN DISTRICT MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 9 PARK GARDEN DISTRICT - PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 10 TREE WELLS ON ANY NAMED STREET LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 11 TOWN SQUARE BEDS ON ANY NAME STREET LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 12 TOWN SQUARE FM 1709 ROWs MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 13 N. CARROLL AVE MEDIANS AND ROWs MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 14 STATE STREET ROWs MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 15 BICENTENNIAL PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 16 THE MARQ MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 GROUP 1 - FINISH CUT 4A-205 17 SOUTHLAKE TENNIS CENTER MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 MAP #LOCATION EST. QTY 18 DPS WEST MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 19 ROYAL & SMITH PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 20 SOUTHLAKE SPORTS COMPLEX MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 20 FIELDS SOUTHLAKE SPORTS COMPLEX - FIELDS ONLY MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 21 DPS NORTH MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 22 PUBLIC WORKS OPS MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 23 SOUTHLAKE ACTIVITY CENTER MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 24 STONE LAKES WALKWAY MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 25 PUMP STATION #1 MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 26 PUMP STATION #2 MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 27 EAST HAVEN PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 28 KOALITY PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 29 LIBERTY PARK AT SHELTONWOOD MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 30 LONESOME DOVE PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 31 NOBLE OAKS PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 GROUP 2 - SEMI-ROUGH CUT 4A-206 32 BOB JONES PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 33 CHESAPEAKE PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 34 NORTH PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 35 GATEWAY PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 36 OAK POINTE PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 4 37 McPHERSON BRANCH CHANNEL MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 MAP #LOCATION EST. QTY North of Hwy 114 38 N KIMBALL LOT MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 39 SHADY LANE LIFT STATION MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 40 TORIAN LIFT STATION MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 41 SHUMAKER LOT MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 42 LONESOME DOVE LOTS MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 43 LONESOME DOVE LIFT STATION MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 44 DOVE ESTATES LIFT STATION (PENINSULA DR) MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 45 HARBOR COURT TRAILHEAD MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 46 QUAL RUN LIFT STATION MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 47 N. CARROLL LOT MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 48 LOCH MEADOW LIFT STATION MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 49 DOVE TOWER LOTS MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 50 LOT ACROSS FROM BOB JONES PARK MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 GROUP 3 - ROUGH CUT 4A-207 51 N WHITE CHAPEL LIFT STATION MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 52 HOMESTEAD LOT MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 53 BOB JONES NATURE CENTER & TRAILS MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 54 W BOB JONES LIFT STATION MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 South of HWY 114 55 SUTTON PLACE LOT MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 56 FLORENCE TOWER MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 57 PINE LOT MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 58 MIRON TOWER MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 59 GATEWAY LIFT STATION MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 60 BANK STREET LIFT STATION MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 61 WESTLAKE LIFT STATION MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 62 SHADY OAKS LIFT STATIONS (2) MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 63 HWY 114 ROWs MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 64 HWY 114 CENTER AREAS MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 4 ROW NORTH ROW's NORTH OF 114 MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 ROW SOUTH ROW's SOUTH OF 114 MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 30 MAP #LOCATION EST. QTY 65 FOXFIRE LOT MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 12 66 E HIGHLAND LOT MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 12 GROUP 4 - BRUSH HOG 4A-208 MAP #LOCATION EST. QTY 67 ROUNDABOUT CARROLL / CONTINENTAL LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 68 ROUNDABOUT WHITE CHAPEL / CONTINENTAL LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 69 ROUNDABOUT WHITE CHAPEL / DOVE LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 70 ROUNDABOUT CAROLL / DOVE LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 71 ROUNDABOUT SAM SCHOOL RD / DOVE MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 72 WHITE CHAPEL / HIGHLAND MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 73 ZENA RUCKER / TOWER BLVD MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 74 114 MONUMENT SIGN LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 75 PEYTONVILLE PORTAL AT 1709 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 76 WHITE CHAPEL PORTAL AT 1709 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 MAP #LOCATION EST. QTY 77 114 CORRIDOR AT 1709 MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 78 FM 1709 MEDIANS LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 79 CARROLL AVE MEDIANS MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 80 KIMBALL AVE MEDIANS MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 81 WEST KIRKWOOD BLVD MEDIANS & DOVE MEDIANS MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 82 EAST KIRKWOOD BLVD MEDIANS MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 83 FM 1938 MEDIANS & ROW'S MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 GROUP 6 - MEDIANS GROUP 5 - ROUNDABOUTS & PORTALS 4A-209 84 NOLAN ST MEDIAN MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 85 WHITE CHAPEL MEDIANS MOWING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 48 LANDSCAPING SERVICES PER SCOPE OF SERVICES 52 MAP ID STREET EST. QTY NROW 1 BLESSED WAY 30 NROW2 TW KING 1 OF 2 30 NROW3 TW KING 2 OF 2 30 NROW4 W BOB JONES RD 30 NROW5 E BOB JONES RD 30 NROW6 WALNUT DR 30 NROW7 BURNEY LN 30 NROW8 CARROLL AVE 30 NROW9 W DOVE RD 2 OF 2 30 NROW10 E DOVE RD 1 OF 3 30 NROW11 E DOVE RD 2 OF 3 30 NROW12 E DOVE RD 3 OF 3 30 NROW13 LONESOME DOVE AVE 30 NROW14 W KIRKWOOD BLVD 30 NROW15 E HIGHLAND & E KIRKWOOD 30 NROW16 N KIMBALL AVE 30 NROW17 SHADY LN 30 NROW18 RIDGECREST DR 30 NROW19 N WHITE CHAPEL 1 OF 3 30 NROW20 N WHITE CHAPEL 2 OF 3 30 NROW21 N WHITE CHAPEL 3 OF 3 30 MAP ID STREET EST. QTY SROW 1 PEARSON 1 OF 3 30 SROW 2 PEARSON 2 OF 3 30 SROW 3 PEARSON 3 OF 3 30 SROW 4 UNION CHURCH RD 30 SROW 5 CONTINENTIAL BLVD 1 OF 3 30 SROW 6 CONTINENTIAL BLVD 2 OF 3 30 SROW 7 CONTINENTIAL BLVD 3 OF 3 30 SROW 8 BRUMLOW AVE 30 SROW 9 CROOKED LANE 30 SROW 10 BREWER RD 30 SROW 11 FM 1709 1 OF 5 30 SROW 12 FM 1709 2 OF 5 30 SROW 13 FM 1709 3 OF 5 30 SROW 14 FM 1709 4 OF 5 30 SROW 15 FM 1709 5 OF 5 30 SROW 16 DAVIS BLVD / FM 1938 1 OF 2 30 SROW 17 DAVIS BLVD / FM 1938 2 OF 2 30 ROW'S NORTH OF 114 ROW'S SOUTH OF 114 4A-210 SROW 18 JOHNSON RD 30 SROW 19 E HIGHLAND 30 SROW 20 S KIMBALL AVE 30 SROW 21 NOLAN DR 30 SROW 22 PEYTONVILLE AVE 1 OF 4 30 SROW 23 PEYTONVILLE AVE 2 OF 4 30 SROW 24 PEYTONVILLE AVE 3 OF 4 30 SROW 25 PEYTONVILLE AVE 4 OF 4 30 SROW 26 RANDOL MILL 1 OF 2 30 SROW 27 RANDOL MILL 2 OF 2 30 SROW 28 W DOVE RD 30 SROW 29 SHADY OAKS 1 OF 2 30 SROW 30 SHADY OAKS 2 OF 2 30 SROW 31 S WHITE CHAPEL 30 4A-211 4A-212 2021 Collected Budget Balance Budget to Date Balance Percent 7,120,000$ 662,048$ ($6,457,952)-90.70% FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc MONTH 2019 -Dec 2020 -Dec 2021 -Dec October $638,533 8.37%$651,380 2.01%$662,048 1.64% November $580,979 -0.55%$667,147 14.83%$0 -100.00% December $821,889 1.73%$1,015,651 23.58%$0 -100.00% January $524,740 5.72%$693,275 32.12%$0 -100.00% February $557,501 9.41%$515,256 -7.58%$0 -100.00% March $673,314 -0.12%$592,439 -12.01%$0 -100.00% April $659,219 19.71%$528,939 -19.76%$0 -100.00% May $659,880 10.29%$587,511 -10.97%$0 -100.00% June $649,191 -6.02%$700,796 7.95%$0 -100.00% July $600,697 7.50%$606,259 0.93%$0 -100.00% August $685,121 17.44%$628,475 -8.27%$0 -100.00% September $689,940 2.20%$721,474 4.57%$0 -100.00% TOTAL $7,741,005 $7,908,601 $662,048 Actual Budget Actual Estimated (budget-est.)% 2020 2021 2021 2021 Difference Change MONTH October $651,380 588,400$ $662,048 662,048$ 73,648$ 11.60% November $667,147 534,500$ $0 534,500$ -$ 0.00% December $1,015,651 756,000$ $0 756,000$ -$ 0.00% January $693,275 515,000$ $0 515,000$ -$ 0.00% February $515,256 492,000$ $0 492,000$ -$ 0.00% March $592,439 612,300$ $0 612,300$ -$ 0.00% April $528,939 606,000$ $0 606,000$ -$ 0.00% May $587,511 607,000$ $0 607,000$ -$ 0.00% June $700,796 597,000$ $0 597,000$ -$ 0.00% July $606,259 552,000$ $0 552,000$ -$ 0.00% August $628,475 625,000$ $0 625,000$ -$ 0.00% September $721,474 634,800$ $0 634,800$ -$ 0.00% TOTAL 7,908,601$ 7,120,000$ 662,048$ 7,193,648$ 73,648$ 0.96% SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1/2% SALES TAX REPORT $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 Three Year Revenue Comparison by Month FISCAL YEAR 2019 FISCAL YEAR 2020 FISCAL YEAR 2021 5A-1 Lori Palmer 0 a a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 100%0.5 Ronell Smith 0 r a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 100%0.5 John Huffman 0 a a 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 67%0.5 a In attendance Shawn McCaskill 0 a a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 100%1 r Not in attendance, no substitute Tamara McMillan 0 a a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 100%1 m Substitute in attendance Chad Patton 0 a a 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 67%0.5 n Vacant position Frances Scharli 0 a a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 100%1 0 Meeting Canceled *Meeting Canceled due to no quorum 0 86%100%0 0 0 0 71%0 0 0 Change in Representative Total Hrs Per Month 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 1 2020 86% Average Monthly Attendance Rate Individual Attendance Rate Hrs To Date8/4/20 9/1/20 10/6/20 11/3/20 12/1/20 Meeting Attendance Rate (includes substitutions) 4/7/20 5/5/20 6/2/20 7/7/20PlaceName1/7/20 2/4/20 3/3/20 5B-1