Item 6B - Staff ReportCase No. ZA22-0056 S T A F F R E P O R T December 27, 2022 CASE NO: ZA22-0056 PROJECT: Site Plan for 1460 Main Street – Postino Southlake EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Service First Permits, on behalf of Town Square Ventures, L.P., is requesting approval of a Site Plan for 1440 & 1460 Main Street on property described as Lot 2R, Block 4R1, Southlake Town Square Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and located at 1440 & 1460 Main Street, Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: “DT” Downtown District. SPIN Neighborhood # 8. DETAILS: The applicant is requesting approval of a site plan to revise the façade plan, add an outdoor patio, and adjusts parking for a future restaurant, to be known as Postino Southlake. The proposed patio will be approximately 540 square feet size and will encroach into the 85’ ROW along Main Street. The plan also proposes the removal of two parking spaces and a realignment of the sidewalk that will take in the planting area located adjacent to the building. An existing light pole and fire hydrant will move slightly to the west to allow for the patio and sufficient clearance for the pathway. An encroachment agreement will be considered by the City Council on January 3rd, 2023. The Downtown District Design Guidelines provide guidance as to administrative approval of changes to downtown facades. Staff considers the proposed change to be a significant deviation from the previous façade and therefore should be considered by the Commission and City Council. ACTION NEEDED: 1) Conduct a public hearing 2) Consider approval of a Site Plan ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated November 11, 2022 (D) Surrounding Property Owners Map & Responses Presentation Plans STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough (817) 748-8072 Reagan Rothenberger (817) 748-8602 Case No. Attachment A ZA22-0056 Page 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Town Square Ventures, L.P. APPLICANT: Service First Permits PROPERTY SITUATION: 1440 & 1460 Main Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2R, Block 4R1, Southlake Town Square Addition LAND USE CATEGORY: Town Center CURRENT ZONING: “DT” Downtown District HISTORY: March 14, 2003; The current zoning “DT” Downtown District and concept plan were adopted. (ZA02-104) October 5, 2004; Revised Concept Plan (ZA04-066), Site Plan (ZA04- 067) and Plat for Southlake Town Square Grand Avenue. March 22, 2006; The Plat Revision for the site (ZA06-004) was filed. June 17, 2014; City Council approved a site plan for a façade renovation for Altar’d State located at 1460 Main Street. (ZA14-068) March 19, 2019; City Council approved a Site Plan for Moxie’s Southlake (ZA19-0009). DOWNTOWN DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES: 3.II Building Massing & Scale: A building’s massing is its exterior volume and its scale is the relationship of its overall size and its component parts with its adjoining buildings, spaces, and people. • A building’s massing shall relate to its site, use, and to the massing of adjacent buildings. • A building’s massing shall serve to define entry points and help orient pedestrians. • The scale of individual building facade components shall relate to one another and the human scale, particularly at the street level. • Buildings and/or facades shall emphasize and frame or terminate important vistas. Building Rhythm: A building’s rhythm is the pattern created by the regular recurrence or alteration of its constituent architectural components. • Non-residential and mixed use buildings in Downtown, to the extent practicable, shall maintain a 25’ or multiples of 25’ building facade widths. • Variations in the rhythms within individual building facades shall be achieved within any block of building facades. • Breaks in the predominant rhythm may also be used to reinforce changes in massing and important elements such as building entrances or pedestrian pass-throughs. 3.III Architectural Elements: Architectural elements are the individual components of a building, including walls, doors, windows, cornices, parapets, roofs, pediments, and other features. Architectural composition is the relationship between the architectural Case No. Attachment A ZA22-0056 Page 2 elements in an individual building. Architectural elements shall be designed to the appropriate scale and proportions of the selected architectural style. For example, building designs based on an Art Deco style shall utilize architectural elements of a scale and proportion characteristic of that style. SOUTHLAKE 2035 PLAN: Consolidated Future Land Use Plan The 2035 future land use designation is Town Center. The Town Center land use designation is defined within Southlake 2035 as the following: “The Town Center land use designation is intended to enhance and promote the development of the community’s downtown. The goal is to create an attractive, pedestrian-oriented environment that becomes the center of community life in Southlake. It may include compatibly designed retail, office, cultural, civic, recreational, hotel and residential uses. All uses shall be developed with a great attention to design detail and will be integrated into one cohesive district or into distinct sub-districts, each with its own unique characteristics. A mix of different uses is encouraged to create a vibrant, lively, and unique environment.” Mobility & Master Thoroughfare Plan The development fronts Main Street which exists within an 85’ ROW. Pathways Master Plan & Sidewalk Plan An <8’ sidewalk exists along Main Street. The applicant proposes to alter the path of the sidewalk with the patio encroachment. TRANSPORTATION ASSESSMENT: Existing Area Road Network and Conditions The development is bound by Main Street and private drives. Traffic Impact A Traffic Impact Study was not required for this site plan. TREE PRESERVATION/ LANDSCAPING: An existing tree is to be preserved as part of the proposed patio area. UTILITIES: The Site is served by an 8” water line along Main Street. The Site is served by an 8” sewer line along Main Street. CITIZEN INPUT: This item has not participated in SPIN or been reviewed by the Corridor Planning Committee. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ACTION: November 17, 2022; TABLED (6-0), to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to be held Thursday, December 8, 2022, at approximately 6:00PM. (This item was tabled pending confirmation that proper notice of the Public Hearing was provided to surrounding property owners.) December 8, 2022; APPROVED (4-0), subject to Staff Report dated Case No. Attachment A ZA22-0056 Page 3 December 2, 2022, and Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated November 11, 2022, noting the Planning and Zoning Commission’s discussion relating to the restoration of the sidewalk if the restaurant were to cease to exist; falls to RPAI (current property owner, Kite), subject to review by City Council, and that any murals shall require approval by the Southlake Arts Council prior to review by the Planning and Zoning Commission. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated November 11, 2022. Case No. Attachment B ZA22-0056 Page 1 Case No. Attachment C ZA22-0056 Page 1 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA22-0056 Review No.: TWO Date of Review: 11/11/22 Project Name: Site Plan – Postino Southlake APPLICANT: OWNER: Service First Permits – Joe Keresey Town Square Ventures, LP c/o Kite Realty 414 14th Street STE 50, Denver Colorado David Ayer 285 Grand Ave., STE 210, Southlake, Texas Phone: 720-527-3515 Phone: 972-801-6019 Email: comments@s1permits.com Email: dayer@kiterealty.com CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 10/10/22 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT REAGAN ROTHENBERGER AT (817) 748-8602. The following are informational comments: * The Site Plan must conform to the underlying zoning district. * The proposed patio is subject to the approval of an Encroachment Agreement to be considered separately by City Council. * Any potential murals require approval from the Art Council and City Council. Reagan Rothenberger Principal Planner rrothenberger@ci.southlake.tx.us Phone: (817) 748-8602 Tree Conservation/Landscape Review No Comments E-mail: kmartin@ci.southlake.tx.us Keith Martin Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 748-8229 Case No. Attachment C ZA22-0056 Page 2 Public Works/Engineering Review GENERAL COMMENTS: • No comments ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT COMMENTS: 1. The encroachment agreement shall be notarized. 2. Provide the legal description and associated exhibit for the area of encroachment. 3. The existing fire hydrant is not shown in the correct location. Please revise the existing location and show where the hydrant is proposed to be relocated. 4. Label the existing water meter. 5. Does the existing light pole conflict with the proposed sidewalk? 6. The franchise utility company signatures are required, however, franchise utility approval won’t be required until after obtaining City Council approval. Sandra Endy, P.E. Development Engineer Phone: (817) 748-8033 E-mail: sendy@ci.southlake.tx.us Fire Department Review No comments based on submitted information. Kelly Clements Deputy Fire Chief/Fire Marshal Phone: (817) 748-8233 E-mail: kclements@ci.southlake.tx.us Case No. Attachment C ZA22-0056 Page 3 General Informational Comments * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * All mechanical equipment must be screened of view from right-of-ways and residential properties in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended. * All lighting must comply with the Lighting Ordinance No. 693, as amended. * Denotes Informational Comment Case No. Attachment D ZA22-0056 Page 1 SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS MAP & RESPONSES SPO # Owner Zoning Physical Address Acreage Response 2 SLTS GRAND AVENUE II LP DT 1401 FEDERAL WAY 1.751230111 NR 3 TEELE, STANLEY DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 KIM, JIN DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 GRAMMER FAMILY LIVING TRUST DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 LAIDLAW, TODD DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 CRUMP, CHRISTOPHER DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 BHYF HOLDINGS LLC DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 MAMODIA 2015 FAMILY TRUST DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 MCGUIRE, ED DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 ADAM PSARIANOS FAMILY TRUST DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 LAWREL DRAKE PROPERTIES LLC DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 MANSKEY, JAMES DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 CAMPANELLO, JOHN DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 RICHARDS, DANIEL DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 THE JOHN CURTIS FLOWERS TRUST DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 ELLIOTT AND BARBARA COHEN REVO DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 1712 HOLDINGS, SERIES LLC DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR Case No. Attachment D ZA22-0056 Page 2 3 SLJ II LLC DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 407 SL LLC DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 COOPER GD LLC DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 BATTLE, ROY DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 LAMB, CHARLES DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 HUFFMAN, JERRY M DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 2016 PARKVIEW CONDOMINIUMS DEV DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 STUBBLEFIELD, MICHAEL DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 PVILLE 78-2 LLC DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 CALI PARKVIEW LLC DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 LOVELACE, E DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 YOUNG, RONNY DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 2016 PARKVIEW CONDOMINIUMS DEV DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 MOORE, ROBERT DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 MELISSA J HUTTON SEPARATE PROP DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 3 DELLAMURA, ROBERT DT 350 CENTRAL AVE 0.247541107 NR 4 SLTS GRAND AVENUE II LP DT 251 GRAND AVE 0.000581386 NR 5 TOWN SQUARE VENTURES LP DT 1422 MAIN ST 0.35325508 NR 6 KIM, EUGENE DT 1501 MEETING ST 0.074382316 NR 7 BROWNSTONES AT TOWN SQUARE OWN DT 198 SUMMIT AVE 0.028541919 NR 8 DURANT, TOM DT 1500 MAIN ST 0.127734467 NR 9 CALVO, LEOPOLDO DT 1508 MAIN ST 0.033304615 NR 10 AKERY, DONALD R DT 1506 MAIN ST 0.062670364 NR 11 JULIA, THOMAS DT 1504 MAIN ST 0.061174094 NR 12 SOUTHLAKE, CITY OF DT 1501 MAIN ST 0.233666794 NR 13 TOWN SQUARE VENTURES LP DT 1429 MAIN ST 0.325370386 NR 14 TOWN SQUARE VENTURES LP DT 141 GRAND AVE 0.520211256 NR 15 TOWN SQUARE VENTURES LP DT 181 GRAND AVE 0.023031579 NR 16 SUNSHINE LIVING TRUST DT 1514 MAIN ST 0.061170735 NR 17 HISAMI RESOURCES LLC DT 1512 MAIN ST 0.062702743 NR 18 TUSA, ROBIN DT 1510 MAIN ST 0.06147555 NR 20 TOWN SQUARE VENTURES IV LP DT 125 CENTRAL AVE 0.396164894 NR 21 BAYS, KIMBERLY DT 1507 MEETING ST 0.085877136 NR 22 JBGB BROWN FAMILY LIMITED PART DT 1505 MEETING ST 0.08237348 NR 23 NELSON, KENNETH R DT 1516 MAIN ST 0.061752636 NR 24 LOGAN, MICHAEL DT 1503 MEETING ST 0.098917293 NR 1000 TOWN SQUARE VENTURES LP DT 1460 MAIN ST 0.484354526 U Responses: F: In Favor O: Opposed To U: Undecided NR: No Response Notices Sent within 300’: Forty-Eight (48) Responses Received: In Favor: 0 Opposed: 0 Undecided: 0 No Response: 48 Case No. Attachment D ZA22-0056 Page 1 Surrounding Property Owner Responses No Responses received to date