22-021 RESOLUTION NO. 22-021 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AMENDING RESOLUTIONS NO. 99-57; PROVIDING THAT THIS RESOLUTION SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 97-59;94-46, NO. 94-61, NO. 95-05, NO. 95-34, NO. 95-50, NO. 96-57, NO. 97-50, NO. 97-59, NO. 99-07; NO. 01-149; NO. 06-016; NO. 08-013, NO. 09-058, NO. 10-052; NO. 11-046; NO. 11-050; 12-044; 13-035; 14-014; 14-042; 15-029; 15-047; 16-026; 17-037; 18-035; 18-040; 19-037; 20-035 AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 592 providing for the adoption of fees and revisions thereto from time to time by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council with Resolution No. 22-021 , set a schedule of fees for certain services; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the Fee Schedule and has determined that certain fees should be amended in the fee schedule. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Schedule of Fees be amended per the attached City of Southlake Fee Schedule. Section 2. That this resolution shall be cumulative of all provisions of Resolution No. 22-021 of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this resolution are in direct conflict with provisions of such resolution, in which event the conflicting provisions of such resolution are hereby repealed. Section 3. That the fees established herein shall be effective upon passage of this Resolution and shall take precedence over any fees previously adopted which are in conflict herewith. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 18th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2022. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Jhn Huff(' . ', Mayor ``\`�rc1 LA,,, A EST: co `„. c) . , KF �'' . v - Amy S I , f13.IIC City Secre ary,v: CITY OF SOUTH LAKE • -- ••• . ' ..,. • 0" 1, • -- _ 4.- .. ji_k_s i._._._ 1__111_..... 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(b) The permit or license fee shall be due and payable on or before January 1 of each year. (c) No person shall engage in the business of selling or serving alcoholic beverages within the City without first having paid the applicable fees established by the City. Ambulance local transport 855.00 per mile 15.00 local transport plus itemized billing for medical supplies used during transport and mileage Building Reservations, Community Use Town Hall (3td floor training rooms &foyer), DPS HQ (Community Room), deposit, no food or drinks deposit, refundable 150.00 deposit,with food or drinks deposit, refundable 300.00 Town Hall foyer area only per meeting, per event 750.00 Town Hall (3'd floor training rooms), DPS HQ resident 50.00 (community room) non-resident 100.00 Bob Jones Nature Center and Preserve per hour, resident 75.00 per hour, non-resident 100.00 Reservations for meetings/events are subject to the Facility Use Policy. Deposit will be returned to the applicant upon staff review and determination of no further clean-up required or that damage to the facility exists. Per the Facility Use Policy, the City reserves the right to assess additional charges for damages beyond normal wear and tear as warranted. Condition of Premises 250.00 1 0 Administrative Services Copies-Body Worn Camera Recording In accordance with Texas Administrative Code,Title 1, Part 3, Chapter 70, Rule§ 70.13 Copies- Public Information In accordance with Texas Administrative Code,Title 1, Part 3, Chapter 70 False Alarm unpermitted false alarm 250.00 false alarm, #1 - 3 written notice false alarm, #4 - 5 50.00 false alarm, #6 - 7 75.00 false alarm, #8 100.00 false alarm, #9 100.00& permit suspension House Moving Permit flat rate 30.00 plus surety bond 1,000.00 plus 1.5 x hourly rate of two police officers utilized in the move NSF or Return Charge all forms of payment 35.00 Seasonal Permit 30.00 Solicitation/Vendor Permit company license 40.00 plus per agent 15.00 plus surety bond 1,000.00 Wrecker Permit each wrecker vehicle per year(waived for contract agency) 24.00 each authorized driver per year (waived for contract agency) 12.00 2 Building Inspection Services Q 2023 Fee Building Permit (1) New Residential: For one and two family dwellings: new, additions or conditioned areas within accessory buildings, a new residential permit including Building Permit, Electrical Permit, Plumbing Permit, Mechanical Permit, Drainage Inspection Fee and Plan Review Fees,the permit fee shall be$50.00 plus$0.80/sf of living area not including garages, carports, porches and similar spaces.The new residential permit does not include impact fees, as assessed by ordinance. (2) Residential Remodel &AccessoryBuilding: For other accessory buildings or remodeling space inside previously permitted space inside a dwelling unit, the permit fee shall be$50.00 plus$0.25/sf,with a minimum of$100.00. For purposes of this schedule, manufactured homes shall be figured at the accessory building rate. Where there is no specific area associated with the remodel, the fee shall be$100.00 (3) Commercial: For each commercial or non-residential building the permit fee shall be based on the valuation as specified in the table below.The permit includes Building Permit, Electrical Permit, Plumbing Permit, Mechanical Permit, Drainage Inspection Fee and Plan Review Fees.The permit does not include Impact Fees, as assessed by ordinance. Minimum fee shall be $100.00. Commercial Permit Total Valuation Fee $1.00 to$500.00 $100.00 minimum fee $501.00 to $2,000.00 $50.00 for the first$500.00 plus$6.60 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof $2,001.00 to$25,000.00 $150.00 for the first$2,000.00 plus$30.00 for each additional$1,000.00 or fraction thereof $25,001.00 to$50,000.00 $840.00 for the first$25,000.00 plus $21.60 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof $50,001.00 to$100,000.00 $1,380.00 for the first$50,000.00 plus $15.00 for each additional$1,000.00 or fraction thereof $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $2,130.00 for the first$100,000 plus $12.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof $500,001.00 to$1,000,000.00 $6,930.00 for the first$500,000.00 plus$10.20 for each additional$1,000.00 or fraction thereof $1,000,001.00 and up $12,030.00 for the first$1,000,000 plus $6.60 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof 3 O Building Inspection Services Additional Plan Review (required by revisions) per hour, one hour minimum 50.00 Certificate of Occupancy-Temporary per 30 days 250.00 refundable deposit 3,000.00 Construction or Sales Office-Temporary includes plumbing &electrical permits per trailer 100.00 Contractor Registration 105.00 Culvert and/or Approach Permit if no active building permit on the site 50.00 Demolition Permit 100.00 Electrical Permit 75.00 Fence or Retaining Wall Permit 50.00 Food Program-Tarrant County For the most current information on Tarrant County fees, please contact Tarrant County, visit their or search for Tarrant County Department of Public Health. Fees are paid to Tarrant County. Game Court-includes the court, nets,fencing &lighting per site, per application 100.00 4 Building Inspection Services 0 Gas Drilling Specific Use Permit per pad site 19,500.00 Grading or Earth Disturbance Permit 200.00 Inspections Outside Normal Business Hours per hour,two hour minimum 50.00 Mechanical Permit 75.00 Noise Exemptions Permit-Temporary 25.00 Oil &Gas Insurance Requirement Review 1,000.00 Oil & Gas Permit per well 8,500.00 Oil & Gas Permit-Amended 5,000.00 Outside Consultants for Plan Review or inspections not otherwise included actual cost Pipeline Permit- Regulated Pipeline 2,500.00 5 0 Building Inspection Services Pipeline Permit- Unregulated Permit 1,500.00 Plumbing Permit 75.00 Portable on Demand (POD) Storage Unit per Zoning Ordinance, Section 34.1, ff 25.00 per Zoning Ordinance, Section 34.1, gg 50.00 Reinspection first inspection 100.00 each additional 200.00 Assessed under provisions of International Building Code (IBC) section 109.7, as amended, and charged as a result of re-inspection for"stop-work orders." Reroofing 50.00 Revolving Account- Per Gas Drilling Pad Site minimum balance 50,000.00 Revolving Account- Per Regulated Pipeline Permit minimum balance 15,000.00 Road Damage per lane mile 2-course surface treatment 6"-7"flex base 166,000.00 7"flexible pavement structure (total ACP +flex base) 173,000.00 7.5"flexible pavement structure (total ACP +flex base) 188,000.00 8"flexible pavement structure (total ACP +flex base) 115,000.00 8.5"flexible pavement structure (total ACP +flex base) 100,000.00 9"flexible pavement structure (total ACP +flex base) 85,000.00 9.5"flexible pavement structure (total ACP +flex base) 70,000.00 concrete pavement 73,000.00 6 Building Inspection Services Q Seismic Survey Permit 500.00 Sign Permit permanent type, 1-50 sf, minimum 100.00 permanent type, >50 sf, per additional sf 1.00 temporary/banner 30.00 existing commercial building for sale/lease 100.00 multiple temporary/existing commercial building for sale/lease 200.00 illuminated sign/electrical permit is included with sign permit no charge Sign Recovery 1-50 sf 30.00 >50 sf 55.00 plus any outside services required, at actual cost, plus 10% processing fee Spa, Hot Tub or Fountain Permit 200.00 Swimming Pool Permit 300.00 Swimming Pool, Spa and Interactive Water Feature-Tarrant County For the most current information on Tarrant County fees, please contact Tarrant County, visit their or search for Tarrant County Department of Public Health. Fees are paid to Tarrant County. Tent or Temporary Membrane Structure Permit 55.00 Tree Removal Permit 50.00 7 Q Building Inspection Services Variance Request-Lighting Ordinance 300.00 Variance Request- Masonry Ordinance 100.00 Variance Request-Noise Ordinance 100.00 Variance Request-Sign Ordinance per application set 300.00 per Master Sign plan 500.00 Work Covered Prior to Required Inspection 350.00 8 Planning & Development Services 0 2023 Fee Aerial Photo per print 20.00 Board of Adjustment Request per request 305.00 Comprehensive Plan Amendment map and/or text application 305.00 Concept Plan Only 205.00 plus per acre 10.00 Filing of Certificates of Paid Taxes per page 5.00 Mapping color (1.1000). per map 25.00 color (1:2000), per map 15.00 digital tape format, per tape 145.00 plat reduction copies, 11"x 17", per map 5.00 Park Land Dedication raw acreage cost, per acre, residential 260,000.00 Raw acreage cost, per acre, non-residential 435,000.00 fee calculation in lieu of Park Land Dedication one acre/40 dwelling units (40 lots), per lot, residential 6,500.00 one acre/50 gross acres, per gross acre, non- 8,700.00 residential 9 Q Planning & Development Services Platting -Amended residential 305.00 plus per lot 20.00 non-residential 305.00 plus per acre 20.00 Platting—Extension 105.00 Platting—Extra Plat Page Filing 25.00 Platting - Final residential 405.00 plus per lot 30.00 non-residential 405.00 plus per acre 30.00 Platting - Preliminary residential 305.00 plus per lot 20.00 non-residential 305.00 plus per acre 20.00 Platting—Plat Showing (one lot) 255.00 10 Planning & Development Services O Platting- Plat Showing (multiple lots) residential 405.00 plus per lot 30.00 non-residential 405.00 plus per acre 30.00 Platting - Revision residential 405.00 plus per lot 30.00 non-residential 405.00 plus per acre 30.00 Platting -Rush Plat Filing 305.00 Platting -Vacation 205.00 Site Plan 305.00 plus per acre 10.00 Specific Use Permit 305.00 Specific Use Permit for Residential Solar Energy System 55.00 Street Name Change per street 105.00 11 Q Planning & Development Services Tree Mitigation Fee per diameter inch 149.50 Two-County Filing 65.00 Zoning-Administrator Opinion/Interpretation per letter 105.00 Zoning-Amendment to Ordinance per request 305.00 Zoning-Only 205.00 plus per acre 10.00 Zoning & Concept Plan 405.00 plus per acre 20.00 Zoning &Site Plan 405.00 plus per acre 20.00 Zoning Verification Letter first letter within two months of approval no charge all subsequent letters, each 30.00 12 Fire Services Q 2023 Fee After Hours Fire Inspection per hour. two hour minimum 75.00 Asbestos Removal 50.00 Battery System 50.00 Combustible Storage—High-Piled 50.00 Dry Cleaning Operations—Flammable/Combustible Liquids 50.00 Dry Cleaning Operations—Non-Flammable Liquids 25.00 Explosives or Blasting Agents, Use Of 50.00 Fireworks—Certified Events Only per day 75.00 Fuel Dispensing Stations—Motor Vehicle 50.00 Hazardous Materials—Storage, Dispense, Use of 50.00 13 Q Fire Services Malls-Covered 75.00 Pesticides- Highly Toxic, Storage, Use of 50.00 Private Agency License Inspection/Certification 50.00 Pyrotechnic Material 75.00 Spraying & Dipping Operations 50.00 Storage Tanks aboveground (AGST) 100.00 underground (UST) 100.00 Tire Storage 25.00 UST-Changing Contents 50.00 AGST& UST Removal or Temporary Out of Service 50.00 14 Library Services Q 2023 Fee Copies/Computer Printout internet downloads, graphics and personal work per page .15 per grayscale page .15 per color page .50 Library Card per year non-resident, per card 25.00 Proctoring- Exam per exam non-residents only 25.00 15 0 The Marq 2023 Fee Audio/Visual & Meeting Support Packages conference phone package 50.00 flipchart adhesive package 45.00 flipchart standard package 35.00 presentation package 250.00 additional microphones, each 50.00 laser pointer, each 20.00 whiteboard and markers 35.00 Copies/Computer Printout internet downloads, graphics and personal work per page .15 per grayscale page .15 per color page .50 Food & Beverage bar set-up, per bar 350.00 champaign toast package 75.00 catering kitchen rental* 500.00 chaffing dish rental, each 50.00 drink &snack package, per person 1.00-5.00 *The catering kitchen will be provided complimentary when a preferred caterer is booked. Lighting Packages room perimeter wash package 300.00 16 The Marq Q Miscellaneous 24-hour hold Legacy meeting rooms or Traditions Ballroom overnight 500.00 Club Lounge or Studio overnight 250.00 cancellation rates within 30 days of the event 100% 31-60 70% 61-120 50% 121-180 40% 181 days and beyond 30% service charge (applied to all items except room rental) 20% centerpiece rental (per centerpiece) 20.00 cloth napkins(per 50 count) 35.00 delivery/storage fee (per vendor, per event) 100.00 based upon availability, not to exceed five (5) days prior to event with staff approval golf cart rental (per hour) 20.00 holiday rate(includes MLK Jr., Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Friday after Thanksgiving) per hour, in addition to hourly rate 200.00 Aria Amphitheater ceremony rental 1,500.00 Traditions Ballroom ceremonial set-up 600.00 extended rental penalty 300.00 17 0 The Marq Aria Amphitheater refundable deposit 600.00 hourly rate basic resident employee Aria Amphitheater 360.00 288.00 288.00 Aria Amphitheater with inclement weather alternative 600.00 480.00 480.00 Club Lounge refundable deposit 200.00 hourly rate basic resident employee 150.00 120.00 120.00 Traditions Ballroom refundable deposit, per room 300.00 hourly rate basic resident employee one room 180.00 144.00 144.00 two rooms 270.00 216.00 216.00 all rooms 360.00 288.00 288.00 premium hourly rate (after 5 p.m. any day of the week, on weekends premium resident employee premium one room 300.00 240.00 240.00 two rooms 450.00 360.00 360.00 all rooms 600.00 480.00 480.00 Legacy Meeting Rooms refundable deposit, per room 100.00 hourly rate basic resident employee one room 80.00 64.00 64.00 two rooms 110.00 88.00 88.00 all rooms 160.00 128.00 128.00 Lounge and Parlor refundable deposit, per room 300.00 hourly rate basic resident employee 300.00 260.00 260.00 18 The Marq 0 Other Rooms refundable deposit, per room 100.00 hourly rate basic resident employee Executive Boardroom 200.00 160.00 160.00 lobby (flat rental fee) 500.00 500.00 500.00 studio 60.00 48.00 48.00 Resident Senior Activity Center Membership 0.00 Non-Resident Senior Activity Center Membership military *annual 75.00 67.50 *monthly 6.25 5.63 *military discount—10% on above eligible fee 19 The Marq 0 Legends Hall Rental Packages Gold Ceremony Package *Saturday or Sunday six hour rental 7,395.00 nine hour rental 8,050.00 twelve hour rental 9,450.00 *Monday-Friday six hour rental 5,175.00 nine hour rental 5,650.00 twelve hour rental 6,750.00 Silver Reception Package *Saturday or Sunday six hour rental 6,650.00 nine hour rental 7,350.00 twelve hour rental 8,750.00 *Monday-Friday six hour rental 4,655.00 nine hour rental 5,150.00 twelve hour rental 6,250.00 Diamond Social Package *Saturday or Sunday four hour rental 4,500.00 six hour rental 5,250.00 nine hour rental 6,250.00 twelve hour rental 7,250.00 *Monday-Friday four hour rental 2,950.00 six hour rental 3,250.00 nine hour rental 3,950.00 twelve hour rental 5,050.00 Opal Elopement Package *Saturday or Sunday six hour rental 2,950.00 eight hour rental 3,750.00 eleven hour rental 4,950.00 fourteen hour rental 5,950.00 *Monday-Friday six hour rental 2,550.00 eight hour rental 2,950.00 eleven hour rental 3,750.00 fourteen hour rental 4,950.00 20 Chrome Corporate Package Monday- Friday four hour rental 550.00** eight hour rental 1,150.00* Emerald School Package Monday-Thursday(evenings) four hour rental 1,500.00* Platinum Premier Package nine hour rental 10,000.00* twelve hour rental 12,000.00* *plus a refundable deposit of$1,000 ** plus a refundable deposit of$500 21 The Marq O Champions Club Daily Admission* T Resident Base Rate Corporate Groups ' City Employee Youth (3-15 years old) 7.00 9.00 N/A 7.00 7.00 ._ Adult(16-64 years old) 10.00 12.00 N/A 7.00 10.00 Senior(65+years old) 7.00 9.00 N/A 7.00 7.00 Family N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A *military discount-10%on above eligible fee Monthly Membership* Resident Base Rate Corporate ' Groups City Employee Youth (3-15 years old) 36.00 45.00 N/A N/A 36.00 Adult(16-64 years 45.00 56.00 50.00 N/A 45.00 old)** Senior(65+years 36.00 45.00 41.00 N/A 36.00 old)** Family(no child watch) 89.00 N/A N/A N/A 89.00 Family 99.00 124.00 112.00 N/A 99.00 *military discount-10%on above eligible fee **adults 55+with a full membership to Champions Club receive a complimentary membership to the Senior Activity Center Other Fees Member Non-Member drop-in child watch r fee per visit-two hour limit and caregiver 5.00* 5.00 must remain in the facility 1 membership per card 5.00 N/A replacement card *child watch is included in most memberships; however, a family that has opted out of child watch can utilize drop-in services 22 0 The Marc' Champions Club Miscellaneous Rental Non- Room Member* Member* 1/2 basketball court 35.00 44.00 entire gymnasium exclusive use-two hour minimum 200.00 250.00 The Fieldhouse 90.00 113.00 outdoor turf 75.00 94.00 outdoor turf lights per hour fee in addition to outdoor turf rental 15.00 19.00 personal fitness studio price per 1/2 hour with paid admission 12.00 15.00 small group fitness studio price per 1 hour with paid admission 26.00 32.00 Elite fitness studio 100.00 125.00 Premier fitness studio 150.00 188.00 leisure pool exclusive use-two hour minimum 250.00 312.00 lap lane in leisure pool price per 1/2 hour with paid admission &agreement 12.00 15.00 outdoor cabana two hour flat rate with paid admission 40.00 50.00 outdoor patio exclusive use-two hour minimum 120.00 150.00 party room with paid admission for aquatic party rooms 50.00 62.00 Hall of Fame classroom 50.00 62.00 Champions Club rental two hour minimum-exclusive use (leisure pool addt'l) 1,500.00 1,875.00 flat rate 8pm-8am, exclusive use with two hours leisure Champions Club lock-in pool 5,000.00 6,250.00 Lit Champs indoor play 300.00 375.00 full locker monthly locker rental 15.00 19.00 1/2 locker monthly locker rental 10.00 12.00 two hour room rental,daiy admission for designated 200.00- 250.00- party packages number of attendees, and additional services as 600.00 750.00 negotiated rental deposit locker rentals 25.00 25.00 rental deposit room deposit(excludes ultimate&platinum party pkgs) 50.00 50.00 rental deposit leisure pool or entire gymnasium 300.00 300.00 rental deposit Champions Club rental or Champions Club lock-in 500.00 500.00 equipment equipment replacement or damage 25.00 25.00 *Rates are per hour,unless otherwise noted.Taxes included in all fees.Rentals that are designated as exclusive use of a public space are limited to after the hours of the designated space or with approval from the Director of Community Services or their designee. 23 Parks & Recreation Services Q 2023 Fee Reservations. Fields & Courts *not including tournaments ball fields no lights 15.00 per hour/field, resident 20.00 per hour/field, non-resident with lights 20.00 per hour/field, resident 25.00 per hour/field, non-resident rectangular sports fields no lights 15.00 per hour/field, resident 20.00 per hour/field, non-resident with lights 20.00 per hour/field, resident 25.00 per hour/field, non-resident sports courts no lights 15.00 per hour/field, resident 20.00 per hour/field, non-resident with lights 20.00 per hour/field, resident 25.00 per hour/field, non-resident Reservations, Fields & Courts *not including tournaments field preparation 50.00 flat rate, resident 60.00 flat rate, non-resident 24 Q Parks & Recreation Services Reservations, Park Pavilions security&clean-up refundable deposit 100.00 (required only if group of 40 or more) Bicentennial Playground Park Pavilion 35.00 per hour, resident 45.00 per hour, non-resident Liberty Park at Sheltonwood 200.00 refundable security deposit (4 hour minimum rental) 35.00 per hour, resident 45.00 per hour, non-resident Bob Jones Fishing Pavilion 25.00 per hour, resident Rustin Park Pavilion 30.00 per hour, non-resident Liberty Garden Pavilion North Park Reservations, Park Pavilions Noble Oaks Pavilion, Royal &Annie Smith Pergola, 15.00 per hour, resident Lonesome Dove Pavilion 20.00 per hour, non-resident Bob Jones Nature Center and Preserve Pavilions (2) Reservations are subject to certain restrictions as per the Park Use Policy. Rentals are subject to current park operating hours. Southlake Tennis Center annual memberships: no charge, resident & non-resident junior(18 & under) adult individual family court usage,for up to 2 hours 4.00 per person, resident 5.00 per person, non-resident enclosed court add-on fee 24.00 per hour, resident (must pay court usage in addition) 28.00 per hour, non-resident league 4.00 per person, per session (with drilling) (teams comprised of a minimum of 50% residents) 5.00 per person, per session (without drilling) Organized Athletic Programs 1,000,000 General Liability Insurance Policy Field Maintenance Per Facilities Utilization Agreement 25 Parks & Recreation Services Q Community Events community events 300.00 resident/business 360.00 non-resident/non-resident business event monitor 30.00 per hour event monitor(75+ people) 40.00 per hour food vendor permit (events less than 5,000 attendees) 100.00 food vendor permit (events greater than 5,000 150.00 attendees) vendor permit (community events, athletic activities) 50.00 Athletic Tournaments/Camps/Clinics Per Tournament Agreement Stage first six hours, including delivery, setup &teardown 1,000.00 each additional hour 50.00 decorative skirting, per day 15.00 portable stage sections, each per day 25.00 User agrees to provide liability insurance indemnifying the cities of Southlake and Keller, and containing products/completed operations coverage where applicable in the following amounts: Bodily injury: $50,000 per person, $100,000 per occurrence. Property Damage: $10,000 per occurrence. The cities of Southlake and Keller shall be named as additional insured/or an insured as their interest may appear. Prior to the execution of the stage reservation,the user shall provide the Director of Community Services with either the user's original certificate of insurance or the user's insurance policy evidencing the above requirements. 26 Q Police Services 2023 Fee Fingerprinting residents, max (10 cards) no charge non-residents, max (2 cards) 10.00 each additional card (max 10 cards) 5.00 Firing Range (Law Enforcement Agency Use Only) per hour 100.00 per day 600.00 27 Public Works 0 2023 Fee Administrative Processing actual construction cost 3% Construction and Demolition Debris License per vehicle, per year 100.00 Construction Inspection actual construction cost 3% Construction Inspection Overtime per hour 50.00 minimum four hours on weekends and holidays Easement Abandonment 255.00 Easement Encroachment 155.00 Electric Vehicle Charging Station flat fee 2.00 Flood Plain Development Permit 155.00 Network Node-Application up to five nodes 500.00 each additional node (greater than five) 250.00 Network Node-Annual per network node site with CPI 250.00 adjustment 28 0 Public Works Network Node-Support Pole, Application each 1,000.00 Network Node-Support Pole,Annual per network node site with CPI adjustment 250.00 Network Node-Transfer Facility,Application up to five nodes 500.00 each additional node (greater than five) 250.00 Network Node-Transfer Facility, Monthly per network node site 28.00 Regulatory Sign Fabrication with installation 380.00 no installation- per developer 170.00 agreement ROW Application 500.00 ROW Abandonment 255.00 ROW Construction Permit per permit 105.00 ROW Encroachment 255.00 Street Lights developer pays installation plus two year operation cost 29 Water & Wastewater Utility Services Q 2023 Fee Backflow Prevention Device Registration per device, per year 20.00 Damaged Meter &Transponder Replacement 3/4" meter 300.00 1" meter 300.00 2" meter-turbine 850.00 2" meter-compound 2,000.00 3" meter-turbine 1,500.00 3" meter-compound 2,500.00 4" meter-turbine 2,200.00 4" meter-compound 3,500.00 6" meter-turbine 3,800.00 6" meter-compound 4,500.00 8" meter-turbine 5,000.00 8" meter-compound 8,000.00 3/4"transmitter 200.00 1" transmitter 200.00 2" or larger turbine transmitter 250.00 2"or larger compound low flow transmitter 200.00 2"or larger compound high flow transmitter 300.00 meter box for 1" &smaller meters (no labor) 40.00 meter box for 1" &smaller meters installed 100.00 meter box, lid only,for 1" &smaller meters 20.00 meter box for 2" meters (no labor) 175.00 meter box for 2" meters installed 250.00 meter box, lid only,for 2" meters 75.00 vaults for larger than 2" meters actual cost 30 Q Water & Wastewater Utility Services Fire Hydrant (City meter) missing or broken parts actual cost security deposit 2,500.00 violation of inspection 250.00 late payment of outstanding balance 10% Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit 300.00 Late Utility Payment 10% of outstanding balance 5.00 minimum charge Liquid Waste Hauler Registration per vehicle, per year 100.00 Manhole Adjustment 24" manhole 550.00 32" manhole 780.00 Other Charges (forms provided by the City) trip ticket books for liquid waste hauling 30.00 backflow assembly test forms 15.00 Service Charge damaged or broken lock, meter or transponder 105.00 31 Water & Wastewater Utility Services Q Sewer Participation per lot 1,300.00 Sewer Tap Inspection 80.00 Sewer Service,Tap 4" 1,700.00 Water Service,Tap 1" 1,400.00 2" 2,000.00 Wastewater Sample 50.00 plus pass-through cost of analysis Water Administrative Service Charge 15.00 Water Deposits residential 75.00 non-residential 250.00-500.00 Water Meter (including transponder) 1' 555.00 2" (turbo) sprinkler/irrigation only 955.00 2" (compound) 2.205.00 4" 3,505.00 6" 4.505.00 8" 8,005.00 32 Q Water & Wastewater Utility Services Water Meter Re-installation 55.00 Water Meter Relocation 500.00 Water Meter Reread 10.00 Water Meter Testing Fee City initiated no charge field testing-customer initiated 3/4" meter 80.00 1" meter 80.00 2" meter 200.00 3" or larger meter 350.00 shop testing-customer initiated 3/4" meter 100.00 1" meter 100.00 2" meter 250.00 3" or larger meter 250.00 Water Reconnect for Non-Payment 45.00 Cellular Opt-Out monthly reoccurring fee 35.00 33 City of Southlake 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas 76092 This document contains the schedule of fees associated with licensing, permitting and various City services, as adopted by City Council on 10/18/2022.