ZA22-0013-PR PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ZA22-0013 • ZA22-0013, Plat Revision, Lot 1R, Block 1 Solana Addition, being a revision of Lot 1, Block 1 Solana Addition, an Addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and including property described as Tracts 1C1A, 1C1B, 1C2 and 1F, James B. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1134, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, being approximately 49.15 acres located at 500 W Dove Rd. and 747 W. S.H. 114, Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: “NR-PUD”, Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District. SPIN Neighborhood #1. • Current Zoning: “NR-PUD”, Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District. • The purpose of this request is to receive plat revision approval for the Verizon property on 49.15 acres. Dear Property Owner, Your property has been identified as being within the prescribed 200-foot notification area of the above referenced property that is proposed for Plat Revision. Because your property meets the above criterion, state and local laws may grant you special privileges when the city considers such requests. Please note that this letter and its attachments constitute written notice about the proposed replat. If you wish to register your opposition or support to this case, you may complete the enclosed Notification Response Form and either mail to the Planning & Development Services Department (address listed at the top of notice), email a copy to the project case planner (email listed at the bottom of the notice) or fax a copy to the department (fax number listed at the top of the notice). You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. Please contact the Planning and Development Services Department if you have any questions: Project Contact: Patty Moos, Email: pmoos@ci.southlake.tx.us, Phone: (817) 748-8269 | Dept. Phone: (817) 748-8621 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1400 Main St.; Suite 310 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817)748-8621 Fax: (817)748-8077 www.cityofsouthlake.com Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, April 21, 2022 6:30 PM Town Hall Council Chambers 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas Notification Response Form ZA22-0013: Plat Revision for Lot 1R, Block 1 Solana Addition Meeting Date: April 21, 2022 at 6:30 PM Fill out: Owner: _____________________________ Address: ____________________________ City, State, Zip Code: __________________ PLEASE PROVIDE COMPLETED FORMS VIA MAIL, FAX OR HAND DELIVERY BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING. Being the owner(s) of the property so noted above, are hereby in favor of opposed to undecided about (circle or underline one) the proposed Plat Revision referenced above. Space for comments regarding your position: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ______ Additional Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______ Printed Name(s): _____________________________________________ Must be property owner(s). Otherwise contact the Planning Department. One form per property. Phone Number (optional): ______________________________________ Direct questions and mail responses to: City of Southlake Planning & Development Services Notification Response 1400 Main St; Ste 310 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817) 748-8621 Fax: (817) 748-8077 STATE HWY 1 1 4 TYLERSTIDLEWILD CTSTOCKTON D RCOPPERFIELDST O R C H A R D H I LLDR STOCKTONSHADYO A KS D R N W HIT E C H A P E L B L V D E DOVE RDN WHITE CHAPEL BLVDS H 1 1 4 W DOVE RD B R E N TWOODCIR SWEET ST SWEETMARSHALLRD L I NDE NL NM A R S H ALL R D STROUNDHOLLOWLN KEYST O N E DRKEYSTONE DR CT BRENTWOOD CIR LILLY MAGNOLIA W DOVE RD WK I R K WO O D B L V D W KIRKWOOD BLVDTDAMERITRAD E LN AMELIAISLANDWKI R K WO O D B L V DM U R P H Y D R METAI RI EL N CLEARY CTWHEELER DRSAVAN NAH TRL CHARLESTON DR PATHJAMESTOWN LN Vicinity Map ® 0 18036090Feet 500 W. Dove Rd. and 747 W. SH 114 ZA22-0013Plat Revision N25.48' N44°50'15"E STATE HIGHWAY NO. 114 (VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W.) ABSTRACT NO. 1134JAMES B. MARTIN SURVEY N24°24'52"W 570.46' N32°30'15"W 741.43' 262.10'S89°47'31"W 250.00'N89°57'05"W 254.95'N78°38'29"W ZONE X ZONE X ZONE AE SOUTH FORK KIRKWOOD BRANCH APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF 200150100500 SCALE: 1"=100' NOT TO SCALE LOCATION MAP SITE KI RKWOODBLVD.BLVD.N. WHI T E C HAP E L W. DOVE ROAD HWY. 114NORTH 153.00'N89°57'07"WP.R.T.C.T.(CABINET A, SLIDE 4537)(VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W.)S65°38'13"W 1046.37' 105.93'N24°20'45"W 1/2" FIR CAP" W/"HALFF 1/2" FIR P.R.T.C.T. DOC. NO. D218087500 SABRE GROUP CAMPUS LOT 1R1R1R, BLOCK 1 APPROXI M ATE LOCATI ON OF SURVEY LI NE SLIDE 8032) (CAB. A, EASEMENT 10' WATER D.R.T.C.T. (VOL. 12954, PG.233) 15' WATER EASEMENT (CAB. A, SLIDE 8032) SETBACK 30' BUILDING 30'(VOL. 13218, PG.346) UTILITY EASEMENT 15' SANITARY SEWER (CAB. A, SLIDE 8032) 30' BUILDING SETBACK D.R.T.C.T. (VOL. 14028, PG. 0263) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE (CAB. A, SLIDE 8032) SETBACK 50' BUILDING (CAB. A, SLIDE 8032) 10' WATER EASEMENT (CAB. A, SLIDE 8032) 20' UTILITY EASEMENT (CAB. A, SLIDE 8032) 20' UTILITY EASEMENT (CAB. A, SLIDE 8032) UTILITY EASEMENT P.R.T.C.T.SLI DE 4537) (CABI NET A, EASEM ENT20' SI DEW ALKD.R.T.C.T. INST. NO. D213036552 DALLAS MTA, L.P. (CAB. A, SLIDE 8032) SETBACK 30' BUILDING 12.00' N67°59'40"E 12.00' N61°49'13"E N37°04'47"W 208.43' (D.R.T.C.T.) (VOL. 13914, PG. 0088) ACCESS EASEMENT PEDESTRIAN 10' UTILITY/ FND. "X" OWNERS ADDISON, TX 75001-2549 P.O. BOX 2549 DALLAS MTA LP ADDISION, TX 75001 P.O. BOX 2549 VERIZON WIRELESS TEXAS LLC 100.43' N55°51'19"E CB=N32°18'22"W CL=695.23' L=695.83' R=4831.00' |=08°15'09" 72.88' N29°50'19"E 99.78' N52°40'42"E 87.11' N61°34'06"E N57°56'50"E 51.51' L1 L4 L5 L6L7L8L9 L11 D.R.T.C.T. (VOL. 12954, PG.233) 15' WATER EASEMENT L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L22L23L24 L25 38.09' N39°52'52"E L26 L 2 7L28L29 L30 L31 L33 L34 72.0' APPROXIMATE LIMIT OF AREA AFFECTED BY 65 LDN D.R.T.C.T. INST. NO. D218076054 R.O.W. DEDICATION 0.076 ACRE D.R.T.C.T. INST. NO. D218076053 R.O.W. DEDICATION 0.766 ACRE D.R.T.C.T. VOL. 16245, PG. 349 EASEMENT 15' SANITARY SEWER P.R.T.C.T. CAB. A, SLIDE 7474 KIRKWOOD HOLLOW PHASE III D.R.T.C.T. VOL. 13247, PG. 316 SOUTHLAKE-KW III, LTD. ABSTRACT NO. 1207R.D. PRICE SURVEY P.R.T.C.T. CAB. A, SLIDE 4537 KIRKWOOD HOLLOW PHASE I D.R.T.C.T. VOL. 13247, PG. 316 SOUTHLAKE-KW III, LTD. LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 8 LOT 7 CB=S29°59'37"E CL=206.15' L=206.33' R=1424.00' |=08°18'07" LOT 29 PHASE II KIRKWOOD HOLLOW TYLER STREETT Y L E R S T R E E T ORCHARD HILL DRLOT 32 COMMON AREA CB=S29°58'37"E CL=302.93' L=303.19' R=2101.00' |=08°16'06" AREA COMMON BLOCK 3 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 22 STOCKTON DRIVELOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 D.R.T.C.T. VOL. 13914, PG. 89 20'x20' UTILITY EASEMENT P.R.T.C.T.CAB. A, SLIDE 4537ACCESS EASEMENT50' PEDESTRIAN S25°50'34"E 200.00'45.0' (PROPOSED) 30' BUILDING SETBACK (PROPOSED) 50' BUILDING SETBACK D.R.T.C.T. VOL. 14028, PG. 0265 DRAINAGE EASEMENT (PROPOSED) 10' UTILITY EASEMENT (VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W.)110.0'CAP" W/"HALFF 1/2" FIR 203.06'S00°07'00"E98.0' MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONED: R-PUD MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONED: R-PUD MIXED USE ZONED: NR-PUD MIXED USE ZONED: NR-PUD MIXED USE ZONED: NR-PUD DOVE STREET7.31'N00°02'56"EFND "X" KIRKWOOD BOULEVARD (ABANDONED PER THIS PLAT) EXISTING LOT LINE L 1 8L17 L19L20NOT TO SCALE DETAIL L21L32 LEGEND 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "HALFF" 1/2-INCH FOUND IRON ROD RIGHT-OF-WAY DISK STAMPED "CROW CHALK HILL ADDITION-HALFF" FOUND 1/2-INCH IRON ROD WITH A 3/4-INCH ALUMINUM CONTROLLING MONUMENT MON. FND. (C.M.) R.O.W. P.R.T.C.T. D.R.T.C.T. 1/2" FIR W/CAP 1/2" SIR DEED RECORD TARRANT COUNTY TEXAS PLAT RECORD TARRANT COUNTY TEXAS D.R.T.C.T. (VOL. 12954, PG.233) 15' WATER EASEMENT City Secretary: _________________________ Mayor: _______________________________ Date: __________________________ APPROVED BY THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: 5. The owners of all corner lots shall maintain sight triangles in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance. minimum finish floor criteria. plat is files and may be subject to change. Additional lots other than those shown may also be subject to this addition. The minimum elevations shown are based on the most current information available at the time the 4. The City of Southlake reserves the right to require minimum finish floor elevations on any lot contained within ordinance and is subject to fines and withholdings of utilities and building permits. 3. Selling a portion of any lot within this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of State law and City published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or some other source. this determination and the Surveyor does not certify that revised flood plain information has or has not been flood.”“Base Flood Elevations Determined”. The Surveyor utilized the above referenced flood plain information for Zone “AE”is defined as “Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) subject to inundation by the 1% annual chance Agency. Zone "X" (unshaded) is defined as "Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. Number 48439C0085 K, dated September 25, 2009, as published by the Federal Emergency Management “AE”as delineated on the FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map Tarrant County, Texas and Incorporated Areas, Map 2. By graphical plotting the parcel described hereon lies within Zone "X”(unshaded), and partially within Zone 1.000155478. American Datum of 1983. All distances shown hereon are surface adjusted using a combined scale factor of 1. The Basis of Bearing of this Survey is the State of Texas Coordinate System, North Central Zone 4202, North NOTES: CB=N21°48'44"W CL=32.62' L=32.62' R=4,831.00' |=00°23'13" CB=N25°05'34"W CL=521.62' L=521.87' R=4,843.00' |=06°10'27" (CAB. A, SLIDE 8032) UTILITY EASEMENT CAP "HUITT ZOLLARS" 5/8" FIR W/ (D.R.T.C.T.) (VOL. 13914, PG. 0088) ACCESS EASEMENT 10' UTILITY/ PEDESTRIAN S34°06'40"E 481.34' DATED SEPTEMBER 2, 2009 NUMBER 48439C0085K AS PER FEMA MAP 100 YEAR FLOOD LIMITS APPROXIMATE LOCATION L10L2 L353.55' S85°40'33"E BEGINNING POINT OF (D.R.T.C.T.) (VOL. 9379, PG. 1771) 20' UTILITY EASEMENT BEARS S69°48'00W, 2.4' FND. TxDOT MON. CAP "GORRODONA" 5/8" FIR W/ CB=S17°06'50"E CL=1,039.51' L=1,054.91' R=1,778.00' |=33°59'40" CAP" W/"HALFF 1/2" FIR CAP" W/"HALFF 1/2" FIR (PROPOSED) 10' WATER EASEMENT (PROPOSED) 10' WATER EASEMENT (PROPOSED) 10' WATER EASEMENT LINE BEARING DISTANCE S67°45'36"E 1.44' N76°41'19"E 12.58'L2 L1 L3 40.45'L4 36.92'L5 17.42'L6 31.90'L7 44.67'L8 23.43'L9 N20°12'40"E 41.55' N77°27'39"E 8.82' L10 L11 N45°42'26"E 30.91' N65°54'11"E 18.54' S52°37'22"E 26.66' S32°11'30"E 25.63' S50°49'35"E 20.42' S08°51'29"W 25.48' S37°26'30"W 16.71' S69°28'44"E 38.04' S80°58'18"E 16.87' S39°56'37"E 28.52' N75°45'57"E 54.62' S65°56'07"E 50.64' N59°07'14"E 33.26' N18°56'15"E 14.92' N01°25'56"W 31.56' N07°34'08"W 29.93' N24°33'53"E 37.90' N52°42'58"E 22.56' N84°03'36"E 26.95' N69°14'49"E 22.44' N01°28'17"E 29.72' N26°25'56"E 25.77' N16°55'57"E 13.61' L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 SOUTH FORK KIRKWOOD BRANCH CALLS ALONG APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF L34 N75°30'12"E 26.73' S42°53'48"W S62°15'23"W S03°48'38"E S48°06'33"E S58°00'50"E S77°26'12"E 49.15 ACRES 2,140,990 S.F. OR SOLANA ADDITION LOT 1R, BLOCK 1 D.R.T.C.T. INST. NO. D203474809 TEXAS, LLC VERIZON WIRELESS SOLANA ADDITION LOT 1, BLOCK 1 ENGINEER EMAIL: KFLYNN@HALFF.COM TBPE FIRM # F-312 FAX: 214-724-7253 TEL: 214-36-6213 CONTACT: KAYLIE FLYNN, P.E. RICHARDSON, TX. 75081 1201 N. BOWSER RD. HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 2 TBPELS FIRM NO. 10029600 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75081 (214) 346-6200 SCALE: 1"=100' AVO 42036 MARCH, 2022 CITY CASE No. ______ SITUATED IN THE PREPARED BY 49.15 ACRE TRACT J.B. MARTIN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 1134 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY TEXAS OF PLAT REVISION BEING A LOT 1R, BLOCK 1 SOLANA ADDITION SURVEYOR EMAIL: ASHAFER@HALFF.COM TBPELS FIRM NO. 10029600 FAX: 214-724-7253 TEL: 214-346-6200 CONTACT: ANDREW J. SHAFER RICHARDSON, TX. 75081 1201 N. BOWSER RD. HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC.