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z ORDINANCE NO./1;~, -4L AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNE~IING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF SOUTH- LAKE, TEXAS: PROVIDING THAT SUCH AREA SHALL BECOME A PART OF SAID CITY AND THAT THE OWNERS, AND INHABITANTS THEREOF SHALL BE ENTITLED TO ALL THE PRIVILEGES OF THE, OTHER CITIZENS OF SAID CITY, AND BE BOUND BY THE.ACTS AND ORDINANCES NOW IN EFFECT AND TO BE H 1=AFT ,2 ADOPTED FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AICfiMDING AND CORK,CTING THE OFFICIAL BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY AS HERETO- FOR ADOPTED AS AMENDED, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFF:~CTIVE DATE. WHE E , pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 19539, 53rd Legislature, Page 357, Chapter 93, Codified as Article 974-G Revised Civil Statutes of Texas', A. L. Cate and wife, Glenda R. Cate, owners of the real property hereinafter described having made application as by law provided to the Mayor and (City Council of the ity of Southlake, Texas-, for annexation of a tract of land out of the John Childress and L. Lincoln, Surveys in Tarrant County, Texan, Volume 4173, Page 9, Deed Records,. Tarrant County, Texas. Being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: TRACT 1 Being 0.37 acres of land out of the JOHN CHILDRSS and L. LINCOLN SURVEYS, Northwest of Grapevine, Tarrant County, Texas and described by metes and bounds as follows:• BEGINNING: at the Southeast corner of the J. Childress Survey; THENCE South 00 degrees 06 minutes West 79.5 feet; THENCE North 89 degrees 54 minutes West at 441.4 feet passing the Southeast corner of tract deeded from A. B. Cate to Elmer Wheeler- by deed recorded August 28, 1961, in Volume 3595, Page 14C, Deed Records Tarrant County Texas in all 610.4,feet to an iron for be- ginnings of tract to be described, said point being in the North line ofLake Lane; THENCE North 89 degrees $4 Minutes West along the North line of Lake Lane 169.0 feet to an iron pin for corner in the East line of County Road #3061; THENCE North 00 degrees 16 minutes East 95.0 feet along the East line of said County Road to an iron pin for corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 54 minutes East 169.0 feet to an rion pin for corner; THENCE' South 00 degrees 16 minutes nest 95.0 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.37 acres of land. A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the ClAy of Southlake, Texas is attached hereto marked EXHIBIT "e, TRACT 1; and VIIi-,~REAS, it appearing to the City Council of The City of South- lake, Texas, that all statutory requirements in connection with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the above described area is not more than 1/2 mile in width, that not more than three qualified voters reside thereon, and that the same is adjacent to the present City Limits of the City of Southlake, Texas; VOL4671 PACE 621 vo; 4671 PAGE622 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITT COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTIMAKE, TEXAS: I THAT, the property hereinabove described being adjacent, and contiguous to the City Limits of Southlake, Texas, be and is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits of said City and is hereby made an integral part thereof. II THAT, the owners and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and property owners of said City and be bound by all of the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto, now in full force and effect and that which may be hereafter adopted. IIr THAT, the official map and boundaries of the City of Southlake, Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the City of Southlake, Texas. IV THAT, this ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the City Secretary. ADOPTED this, 46ay of 1968. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTFZ T'- CITY SECR_1jTARr OrA . ~A • EX HI BIT "A" X 6~i XL c ^r , L 1 ! + >f ,Q. r I 1 /~-:)J of land out of tha T,~H1... L.`-rT 1'~,^:~n t• .-a TIA.~.I 'h'Cn,T T Y:,VC /.^d'• .'.t of 0.3)~ I'(y ac , ~.J all.1..L1.lJJ..~ +~i 1{l1 ♦ l~a+61 JV~ .~)~•.I. Y:~.~•.1r 'vino, Tarry :t Co,- aT.Y , Taxaa aa-` Jescrib3d by matas aa-` bounds F,{3 follo, i . a{t, 1*1 y a dacrcoz Co' Southeas': covr~1naar e~of ;he~J Q. Gh4l cost Curv,;y; g '~h ~2•9 de..U.3 W.71 et, , aV 1 40 ,..~cn~ ~c'a, :1;oata.as}~ co.a.lr o* •7act Jabdsd frc.: A. B. C,3ta J,J Elmoy "1;hoalor by dn...'~d racor{AN'd iiµ~U Jt 2ei 1Al) `n •J 1..._© 359• 3a,8 1,,,c , D:i:s,, ?c„_ , 1 •1 nnt- vv_l nty aL...3 9 n a..1 ..lU.u, Gig 4-1 LG ai: ,°Jr beEinni7,.E of tact to be 3eacri,ad,~':i3 point b31:.~ in th: 1orth line of :with 9" de,^reas Winutoo ':Io3t alo:~_ t.:a _.o-.,h __ws of L;.ne 169.0 fact; to iron pin for Corner in tl:a Eaoy li n-a Of Count., d r .',0'J1; =girth 6&._rea3 I6 Minute* alon h ' ~ ,5",n ~'3.,t , the _1s.s n lino of said County . to an iron ?in for ca: n5r ; South 39 daizroas 54 >~inute3 cast ~ "'9-0 i oet to an i roz, pica for Corner; 1 L',,,c> aouht 00 de7raas 10 minut=Fz `lest 95.0 fact to ''he p' late of 3-ina:an~;! and cJn-sininp 0.37 acres of land. 2 h ?Ci: :'d T,- ~ •r • .i t~. F t C t ~3rt'3 of 19nd out of Y::- lo h 7 n C 1 ~vs Jk L. . t•. aU i'1 i0. L..W s rt.;.., a. -..J at an L_on. J,. .a ( I•.l iVJY aouth 00 dd ^~rea.., 00" .4,ia, ut-VS •~v J•Y n~ t'! 1.;- feet "4Y ^t L 'r SO, d0oiea9 5. riin<Utas '-Jest from. the Southoast cor:".r of tha John ChiI jzce, Ju2,"' c2~. point bel'J` th9 COi~!:E'~J~ COT^aor of 1.-:,act dot. J6uJ f1-cm A.B. Ca to er ywo~'1er • C''~ ~e4Or'.i Yt.,l %`V.J V 23, 15.a1 in To.L u,LP 3393, 140• D3o A- .7r.~.7 Tarrant Goazty, 3 ~J --,oi ^_t Ploo n , i n ta--? ut'\rtti l j i ~e :Ortil r@ -r. J4 .ai,ut3$ St 0u? 'h@ i ii ir.8 vi i` 3 ne 109.0 fat iron pin for corner,; . J..+ Nrt- CO des eV,, 1" M- r. -155 ..NV 93.0 Iva . tG ran ar as 7i as for corn-3r; South 89 degrees 5 ; ~iautec '67.' f cet to :.n ,yc.z pin for Corr.3r . South 00 ,o minutes ...3t 95.0 feel. to lho ;oi:iv of C3`inninL end nt:lining 0.37 acreZ of land. This Is TO Ce(t,fv t;)c' w=• ri Ca-;cd the corners as ~ho'.vn move. -the loc a` oT ;n,,Prov::-,,,ents cre ra5 ~hcwr, the a a~cn n'S arid-4 buticitr;g ![no- Cre as tht , C:^.PCCI' ot, SGIC ^C ~ Oi ruCJrG Cf G t7 ert~ ,re D II,ICIC isr.'OCi`:1R!~~i1`5 CXC:JGf CIS i--Y/n. j;-~--- Jat_`/-/vim" 132ri k.y TE 4-024-3 S'' {Ah-.. ~I -j14-4 D EAST JECKi ih,'- CSTP-H rCl -i-C ` FORT WORTH, TEXAS 7+3";' - ..:,.s..1ri..w-.+. _ ...r _rLti,f.. _ war. -.J4w'3_:.~+.:.::F:t... 15`:.» _ -.......w.Y`d.. _ ...2s.A"_':aC.IY+;+.. _ _ ."w. - . . t vo[-4671 PAGE6 • t SVX31 'A1NnO3 1NV88V1 318313 A1Nn03 A v tia~ 6961 N d r~°a~► ao 'ew Aq uoajay paowgs se 'sexal '+Uuno3 luejiel 10 S080338 0330 944 10 s5ed pue ownloA 841 u! 03080338 61np seM pue ew Aq uoejeq podwws awi; syl Ie pug a;ep wp Uu 0311 seM 3uewnj4sul S141 teal Xiiuao Agway I 1NV88V-L 3o uNnOO s.V= a0 31ya C C!1 d3a3 11N~1~a Wli 00 GI ~2~~ •SvX314UNI0 0 G3~ IJ CO iI ii STATE OF TEXAS X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT X PETITION REQUESTING ANNEXATION OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS I I TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: i We, the undersigned, F. L. Cate, et ux, Glenda, of Tarrant County, i Texas, hereinafter called petitioners, represent as follows: 1. That they are the owners of the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the land described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is less than one-half mile in width; that less than three qualified voters reside thereon and is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Soutlake, Texas. 3. Your petitioners agree that if this request for annexation be granted, said land shall become a part of the City of Southlake, Texas, and the said land and any future inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of Southlake, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said I city, now in effect and as hereafter enacted. WHEREFORE, your petitioners respectfully request that this petition for annexation to the City of Southlake of the land described in the attached Exhibit be granted. WITNESS the signature of petitioners duly acknowledged as required for deeds. -C`'t , . L. CAT dt 4 e 4 e e A- /P- G LENDA R. CA TE Af,